Student Directors & DCSA

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Student Directors & DCSA Volume XXIV, Issue 13 February 18, 1997 Tuitio n g o e s up $ 1 2 7 . 5 0 next ye a r BY STEVE WHITE Chronicle "It's going to be hard for a lot of staff__________ students to come up with that extra Although the general feeling money, especially the ones that throughout Durham College is that don't get bursaries or student no one wants it, tuition will go up loans," Jackson said. next year by $127.50. The ministry also gave colleges The college's board of gover- and universities the option of nors accepted, during last increasing individual program Wednesday's meeting, the $67 costs by up to 20 per cent. But activity fee increase voted by stu- Durham decided to keep all pro- dents last month. Though $18 of gram fees the same. the athletic fee is spread over three "Some of the post-graduate pro- years, next year students will have grams or some of the special inter- to pay $1700.50, $181.50 more est programs...they could have than last year. gone up 20 per cent, but to stay The board decided to raise across the board at 10 per cent is tuition fees by 10 per cent during definitely a good thing," Jackson the meeting, one week after John said. Snobelen, minister of education Colleges are restricted as to and training, granted them the where the money can go. Thirty per power to do so. cent of the increase must go back to College -^jwsidcnt Gary students who need financial assis- Polonsky said he had considered. tance. Al Durham, this works out to waiting until the March board about $38 from each student. meeting to make a decision, but felt Had the school decided to that the students needed to know charge different amounts, Jackson what the school would be doing. says, some students may have been "It's not our style to fiddle," unable to take a program because Polonsky said. "What is there to of their income or financial status. gain by keeping students and appli- During the board meeting cants in the dark." Polonsky stressed the school's The increase did not come as a commitment to students. shock to Don Hargcst, vice-presi- "We're the only college in dent of finance and administration, Ontario that declares to the world and treasurer to the board. that no student shall be denied "If you go back to our forecast access to this college because of in our budgets a couple of years financial hardship," he said. ago, we had forecasted a 15 per The college will be putting forth cent increase." more than the 30 per cent to help College tuition fees rose 15 per students. Through the Creating cent last September and a total of Futures fundraising plan, $1 mil- 11 per cent over the previous two lion will be put into a student trust years, bringing the total increases fund. When the money is raised, to 36 per cent in four years. possibly as early as March 1 this In a memo sent to the board, year, the government will match it Polonsky and student association with an additional $1 million. president Clair Roxburgh say; "No In 12 months (March 1 1996 to one likes to raise tuition. If we did- March 1 1997) the student trust Ifs noiiiination tinie for n't deem it necessary to maintain fund is expected to increase from and. enhance quality and access, we $831,000 to over $3 million. wouldn't be recommending it to "We know that more and more you." students are under the gun finan- student directors & DCSA Shawn Jackson, a member of cially,". Polonsky said. "We are the student association and the going to be able to help way more BY ROB BURBIDGE ous years, students voted for. class presidents in board of governors, said he students with meaningful assis- Chronicle staff ^ -^ September.'^'T-';^,^''- ". -, '.' . believes students knew this was tance if they need it." If you want to represent the students in yourprogram Student directors will represent every college pro- coming. next year, get your campaign in gear student repre- gram at the'main campus, Durham University students' sentatives will be elected on the same day as the DCSA and students at the Whitby campus. : . :'i:' executive. '. ’ ’ . DCSA president Clau Roxburgh said that for one- And the nomination deadline, Feb.-21 at noon, is fast' year programs (such as dental assistant) and all programs approaching. at Whitby, by-elections will be held m September. As well as voting for eight DCSA executive positions While the current class presidents represent only stu- and a board of governors representative, students will dents in their class, each student director will represent Full Our Lady Peace Nominations for stu- vote for student directors; March 12. all the students in a program. coverage dent director and While tile entire student body votes for the executive Student directors will have more responsibility than DCSA positions end and board positions, students vote only for the director class presidents. While class presidents attend one meet- page 12 at noon representing their program. , . ing per month, student directors will attend one or two Friday Students are now represented by about 100 class pres- meetings per month and sit on committees. Student Lords V-ball team idents. Next year they will be represented by about 50 directors who perform their responsibilities will receive student directors. The Student Association proposed this a $100 honorarium each semester. clinches first place The next Chronicle change last month and the senate approved it last week. page 21 will be out March 11 The senate is made up of five faculty members. In previ- Please see DCSA page 2 2 The Chronicle, February 18, 1997 .UP FRONT. SA wants y ou to run Late st software in u se Continued from pg. 1 Students looking for an even bigger challenge next year can run for one of eight Whitby skills DCSA executive positions. As well, a student volunteer to centre gives DC sit on the board of governors is needed. students experience Students can run for pres- ident, vice-president of with latest finance, V.P. of social affairs, software V.P. of public relations and in interactive lab promotions, V.P. of intramu- rals, V.P. of athletics, V.P. of BY B.J. STURMAN student affairs and V.P. of __ __ __ administration. Chronicle staff __ This year the DCSA presi- You say there's no time to go dent made $5,500, while vice- back to school to learn computer presidents got $5,000. software? Well Durham The incoming executive Management Centre at the can vote on whether to Durham College Whitby campus increase their pay by up to has the solutioninteractive five per cent. The current computer training. executive did not accept an The Interactive Learning Lab increase. is open to everyone in the com- The campaign begins munity. The classes are self- March 3 and ends on election directed to allow students to day, March 12. Candidates work around their schedule and will give speeches at the to work at thair own pace. Simcoe building (March 4 at Bev Turner, vice-president of noon), at the Whitby campus Business Skills Development, (March 5 at 1 p.m.), the main said the Interactive Learning cafeteria (March 10 at noon) Lab is here to respond to the and at E.F. Taylor's (March needs of the community. 11 at noon). "The business world needs to Advance polls will be set be constantly upgrading their up, March 6, at the Simcoe skills in order to stay competi- building ( 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.), tive," Turner said. "So we are the Whitby campus (noon - 2 helping them meet that need." p.m.), and residence (4 p.m. Students can start at the 8 p.m.). The main poll will be basic level and move on to inter- set up in the cafeteria on mediate and advanced levels of election day, March 12 (10 computer programs. There are Photo by B.J. Sturman a.m. - 3 p.m.). choices from Windows 95 to Lcrle Cook, assistant at the Interactive Learning Lab, helps a student with computer If any student director Powerpoint 7.0 for Windows. skills In the lab. Software offered Includes Windows 3.2, Windows 95 and Powerpoint 7.0. positions remain empty after Students can sign up for one pro- Students can sign up for one program or a combination of programs. the election, the positions gram or a combination of pro- will be made available to grams. work. people who go over things and She said students will receive incoming first-year students Lorie Cook, administrative Each course has a set number can't quite grasp it, I'll be able to a certificate upon completion of in September. assistant at the Interactive of hours that have to be complet- come over and sit with them," their program. Nomination packages for Learning Lab, said students who ed to pass. she said. People can register for classes student director positions know they will continue on Cook said students book what People who are thinking now by phone, mail or in person. can be picked up in the pit, through basic level to intermedi- time they want to be there and about registering for courses There is also a direct line to the the DCSA office, the Durham ate level can buy the two pro- for how long. don't have to be computer computer lab to let people know University Centre office and grams as a package.
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