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Oh, Canada! Our Lady Peace storms back from the Great White North with a bucketful of Happiness ... Canadians, good eats, despite most good friends, Americans' per- good times, ceptions, are not that's a priori- America North. ty, and in other They have their places, there's own culture, their not the impor- Tulane University has been the home to many own movies and tance placed on a success story. Throughout the years, the hal- their own bands, it. It's not done lowed halls of our fine institution of higher some of whom in an empty learning have paved the way for quite a few achieve success way. Have a notables. This week, Weird Tulane takes a look in the Lower 48 quality life, at some ... (Rush, Barenakcd don't have lots Ladies), some of of stuff," he Emily Saliers, one of the members of the whom don't (The said. female folk group Indigo Girls, attended Tulane Tragically Hip, The empty for a brief stint in the early '80s and studied Great Big Sea). consumer English. Eventually though, she returned home And THE band lifestyle is one to Atlanta to finish her studies at Emory. in Canada right of the main now is Our Lady topics on I Iap- Of course, there are always the most well- Peace. You may pi11ess ... On the known Tulane graduates, such as former Speak- remember OLP, track "ls Any- er of the House Newt Gingrich, almost-Speak- who brought us body Home?" er of the House Robert Livingston and every- "Superman's lead singer one's favorite: Jerry Springer. Dead" and Raine Maida "Clumsy," both castigates those And the no-shows ... of which were all who have There are a few stories of "alumni" who sup- over rock radio a given up: posedly attended Tulane at various points in couple of years "Tonight, your their lives, but alas, they seem to be untrue. ago; you may FILE PHOTO faith has come even like the Our Lady Peace: 'cause all those Canadians can't be that wrong. down to Trent Reznor band. But few money and a This one has been floating around for a while, folks this far south can even com- time we're touring now to figure out TV ... I can't find meaning." Turner most likely because this leader of Nine Inch prehend the mania for the foursome how to make the arena tour more said the band has been concerned Nails currently resides in the Crescent City. from Toronto that goes on in Cana- special than before." for a long time with the "personal There is no evidence for this rumor, but the da. When their new album Happi- Happiness ... comes on the heels bankruptcy" manifesting itself in Arcade has heard it from multiple sources, ness ... is not a fish that you can catch of Clumsy, which went platinum in late '90s North America. especially following the release of his latest was released last month, it went the States and nine times platinum "We're focused on the immedi- album. straight in at No. 1, beating out Nine in their native land. But surprisingly ate and we've spent time listening Inch Nails, among others (it was No. enough, Turner said the band did- to the bigger picture, evprything Ellen Degeneres 69 here). We spoke with Mike Turn- n't feel any substantial pressure from the media to your own mor- Though she attended Grace King High School er, guitarist from Our Lady Peace, when making the new record. tality. It seems like spirituality's been and was raised in Metairie, the star of Ellen and by phone from his tour bus some- "We generate plenty of pressure reduced to something that's onc- popular stand-up comic did not graduate from where on the highways of New York, on our own; we don't need any help. stop shopping. Long-term commit- Newcomb, according to the alumni office. where the band was opening for We've always pressured ourselves ment is watching a three-minute Creed's fall arena tour. lo make the b<.'st possible record," video now," he said. "I think that -Andrew Wascom, Features Editor "The Creed tour's going great so he said. "I think this sounds as close thrill of the immediate is carried past far," Turner said. "They're a great lo us as we've ever sounded. When entertainment. It used to be you'd Have any good rumors for Weird Tulane? Sure live band, and that's really a fun you're a band of people that all have sec that Faces of Death video. Now you do. Send them to the Arcade at thing, but it's a little different for us. quite strong opinions and all arc as that's like Friday night on ABC, so [email protected] or drop by the base- Their crowd's a little more rock than driven to explore and evolve, when we don't have any outlet in terms ment and leave us a message. we're used to, so we have to go at it we get in the studio, we'd do t1 lot of something that can shock you a little bit more." of experimenting and end up some- immediately, because we've been So why do an opening slot for where else. This time, we imagined numbed for so long." another band right after the release first and went after that." Fans wishing to exorcise their of your new album when you could The band is laking advantage of numbness can check out Our Lady do arenas of your own in anada? a hiatus on the recd tour to play Peace when they takl' th1.• stage in "The tour was offered to us, and Endrest Saturday. Turner said the the early afternoon Saturday at End- Ellen DeGeneres: it's a lot of markets where we intend group was looking forward lo com- Fcst. funny. yes Gay. yes. But a former on developing our following," Turn- ing back lo New Orleans, where they Tulane student? er said. "When we do our Canadi- haven't played in almost two y •ar . Andrew Kirknatrjck, Nope an tour, because we're in bigger ven- "[N 'W Orleans! is a differ•nt kind Arcade editor ue , we've got a little more freedom of place. I don't know, I wish I had FILE PHOTO with staging and dire lion and we're better descriptive abililit•s, but it's working on that now. We need the a little mor' viscl'Tal: good food, · 4 october 22, 1999 arcade .