5779 - dbhbn ovrct
[email protected] 1 sxc HALACHIC AND HASHKAFIC ISSUES IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY 110 - IS THERE A ‘PSAK’ IN HASHKAFA? OU ISRAEL CENTER - FALL 2018 There are many issues of hashkafa in our contemporary world on which there is a mainstream consensus approach and on which there are minority opinions. Consider the following issues: - Whether Religious Zionism is prohibited, legitimate or obligatory. - Whether secular studies, values or culture can or should be incorporated in the purview of our Torah worldview - Whether Chazal have any authority on issues of science that arise in the Talmud eg the age of the universe. A] WHAT IS ‘PSAK’? r¬Jt oI ºe Nvkt ,h ºk gu Tneu Wh·r gJ C ,ch r h"rcS gdºb k &gdb ih"c( ih )sk ihSih"C o + sk o Sih"C y ) PJNk r + c s &W N n .t"k Ph h/01 1. 2y3 PJNv rcS , "t ºWk (sh4vu & TJr3 su o·"v v ohn 5C v hv3h rJt y º"p7 vktu oº5uk3v &ohbv3/vk t ) ,t c(0y 2I 3C Wh vk8t 9v r:1ch r°Jêt v ¶rITv h•Pkgçth :W !rIh r"Jêt k#$f&F ,I )Gêg!k °T&rn!J&u v r°,&ch r$Jêt t )vv oIe.vi ° n )W&k sh°0h r°Jêt 1rc2v h3Pkg ,h 4Gg&u0h 2kt#!n&G ih"nh $W&k sh"0hr Jêt r5c2vi n r 4x, t°#k v6Gêg!T $W&k "r&nt#!hr Jêt y5P&J.vkg&u W 4rIh th8,:9h ohrcs The Torah here vests authority in the Rabbis of the Sanhedrin.