Capital No One Who Has Compared Without NATIONAL L..U.D Tv.Ry Frlday I Buy Her Som'tbeeng Nice for Wea Prejudice the Qualifications of Messrs

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Capital No One Who Has Compared Without NATIONAL L..U.D Tv.Ry Frlday I Buy Her Som'tbeeng Nice for Wea Prejudice the Qualifications of Messrs , LY 1 WOL. 257. LONG BRANCH, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1910. 8 PAGES PRICE ONE CENT ' (MANY ATTENDED FUNERAL JUDGE EMU£ WWE0 D. of L. service! Over the Body of Forme. Long Branch Resilient Laid Mm. W. D. Brand at West ' WAGON WRECKED, MAN POLICE AND MILITIA tc Heat With i. O. O. P. Cm Long branch.' msnlw at I slinniW Funeral services for Mrs, Warren Funeral servkus lor >p«MH Jud«* I). Brand were held Monday afternoon Moses I Engle, wbo died at' Lake- aC'-FIlp MY E. Church, West Lonj wood on Saturday, weir* beld yester- AND HORSE HURT AT WILL NOT INTERFERE day from bis borne In OcetJi anna* Branch. The services were largely at tended by relatives anfl friends. Rev. at that place. Tbe services C: B. KlwlKjr paid a touching tribute largely attended, many Long rn the deceased. The choir sang relatives 'iaB IrieniJi being . •What Are They Doing In Heaven SEA BRIGHT CROSSING WITH BIG STRIKE at the services A (reat mark , |T<)day?' "Looking This Way," and teem vaa thovn tbe deceaaad by tb« "fii That City'" The pall-beirerB were Beautiful flowers which were «»n(. M V. Poole, councilman C. A. Revs Dr» T&Uiua its Power Poolo, J. D. Van Mote, (ieorge A. MM Vehicle Smashed to Kindling Wood And Driver, Gaynor Orders Police Off Express Wagons in Newconducted tbe services, emdb referring lick. C. K. Clayton and I-ouls Mine. to the exemplary Ule lad by tie da- The floral tribute* were numerous add Joseph Strohmenger, An Oceanic Bottler, Es- York And Fort Rafuses to Use Troops in Jer- ceased Judge Engle was u teacher handsome, being contributed by the Tbe revised registry 1M for in tbe Bible claw of the East Lake following: W. Q. Hrand. piltpw with Branch, completed by the registry wood MetliOdlat Church, of waits W word "Wife;" Mr.'and Mrs. Charles caped Instant Death By a Miracle In rds last nlgbt, shows :t.f.m; regtster- sey-- Tie Up Nearly Complete And Com- was a member at the Ume of ^1* Stlllwaggon, wreath with word "'Moth- d voters, against 3,6& tor 1909. The death. A auartat awe kit tanvit. er/' Mr, and Mrs. Many White, flat Crash This Homing (•Kiel11 board* yesterday added 20t pames at Mercy of Men hymns. bouquet of pinks; Mrs. Clara Fisher, oters and erased but 6. A delegaUon of Mason*, membcra flat bouquet of pinks; Mrs. Maria Tbe total registered x\>u- by wards •i m of Reliance Lodge, of Unennotot, March, white chrysanthemums; Pride Joseph Strohmenger. a wholesale f tbe votes registered, added, and New York, Nor. 2.—The express wan preaent to pay tbeir but trikais of Crescent Council, II. of I,., wreath beer bottler of Oceanic, narrowly es- rased as follows: strikers joyfully greeted tbe news that at reapMt to on* of tkair put aw- of pinks: Mrs. C; BtUlwaggon, hou- caped being killed this morning when QUEEN OF CARNIVAL Irst Ward—Previously registered, STOKES Hi FOWLER Governor port, of IWw ^ereey, had re- twa and cbarur nwnihim TMre i|U<*l of pinks; Mr. and Mis. Thomas Iiia delivery wagon-was struck on the »2, added, it: total, 451; erased, fused to call out troops la response were alw a Wg d«la«Mloo of <MU Hruwer, white chrysanthemums; II. O. north crossing at Sea Bright by the : Intnl. 451. to tbe demand of Frank Plart, general Fellows present mamban of Van Note, chrysanthemums and through train from New York due at Second Ward—Previously register counsel for tbe U. S. Express 43a. Burg Lodge. Tbe Cm FallowFa a wr Sea Bright at 10.11 o'clock. HALLOWE'EN HOSTESS OUT WTH_tiTTERS Plan's demand followed the Jersey palms; Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Brand d, 581; added. 47; total, 628; erased, vice was perforawd at tbe and family, white chrysanthemums; Strohmenger had previously deliv- ; total. 627. Ci«y- police order for tfce express «om- Mr. and'Mrs. J. I). Van Sole, pink ered an order to a cottage located on Miss Elsie Steinbach Entertains Thlrdi Ward—Previously registered, Former Defends Republican *1.1!-.. to keep their wagons oft tbe Mitiionary TM FrW«y. roses; Mayor and Mrs. Poole, lavendar the road leading to Highlands and 03; added, 18; total. 621; erased, 2; treets before in tbe mormn«- afid A niiesioBars- tea will tit Vm at chrysanthemums; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob was returning to Sea Bright. He fail- Merry Party at Her Third . otal, 818. Record And Later Putt after « at ntgst t&ad prohibiting tie tbe home of aln. Csarles U B¥w»r*i. Steinbaeh, pink.-.; Mrs." Albeit HooB, ed to notice the approach of the train Fourth Ward, ttrst district—Prev moving of t»o"wagons slmultaneousir. 86 Waablngtoa atMet, tram 3 a> S. bouquet of pinks: lAdles' Aid Society, land later said he heard no warning Avenue Home msl.v registered, :iyn; added. 15; to- Questions to Lewis A hundred USD twenty Westcott on IrViday, under eke auinmm of tb* lilnks and roses; First M. B. Church whistle or ringing of the bell. lie ll 405; erased, 0; total, 405. mica* servirce chauffeurs joined tbe society consacted «rttb at. Lake's M Sunday-school, white chrysanthemums. was part way over the crossing when One of the most delightful Hallow- Fourth Ward, second district—Prev- Trenton. N. J, Nov. 2—The cam •itrike Mrs to#av Plttt is reported E Clfurck. A very; HiHlimUt pn- the engine hit the rear of Ills wagon, e'en receptions held Monday night onsly registered, :".':. added, J; eras- was further enlivened today by to bave declared in bin conferenee graiB la being prepared. The services of the D, of U were knew nothing more until picked was. that giveu by Minn Klsic Stein d 0; total, j:ni. tbe giving out of an open letter by ex- witk Governor Fortr. Mayor Whtpenn, fresjhment* will be aarvM. pi-rforiucd at the grave. Burial was p lying alongside of tils horse at the bach at her Third avenue home. Tb? Fifth Ward—PrevIo'uSly registered., Oovernor Stokes to Woodrow Wilson of feraey City, and strike teaierattaat in charge of W. H. Morris, Jr. nse of one of the safely gates, where guests of honor were MIBS Stelnbach's 69; added. It; total, 681; erased, 1; defending the Republican the Unites Express Co will mm te had fallen. attendants at the August Carnival. • •Ml. 58u. record. Mr. Stokes writes: recognize the union.' The coered wagon prevented him There were a number of Invited Sixth Ward—Previously registered, A ••erles of questions recently ask Tbe order to remove policemen from om seeing the approach of the guests, who Joined in the festivities. r,»; added. I.1 . tutal, i)i>7, eraBed, 3; ed you by Oeorge L. Record contains all express wagons In Manhattan and RESIOENT aln, and the engineer, W. 10. Creve- The decorations included corn olal, MB, the following: Brooklyn today averted - a general y. did not see the vehicle until it stalks, leaves and foliage, while the Increase r.t Red Bank. referring lu tbe boaTd of trtke that would hare {led ap "every- as too tale to stop his engine. The proverbial raan-face pumpkin lighted In tbe borough of Bed Sank tbe to- guardians, do you mean such Repub thing on wheelfi" and involved 29,000 . DROWNS IN CANAL igine hit the wagon between the was strictly in evidence. The young al register I 2,162, divided into Ihree cans as Baird, Murphy, Kean and emptbvee rout and rear wheels. The Impact oiks played games until one o'clock, latrlcts as follows: * Stokes? The strikers are jubilant and cona One Son Who Has ttadv -Bisl- as terrific. Strohmenger. who was when all were Invited lo tbe dining First, or truck bouse district—Prev- 'Wherein do the special Interests dent that they will win their demand 19-Year-Old Jay Asay Meets one in the wagon, was thrown from room. The room was darkened, pre- OII.S registered, 729; added, 27; total. of such leaders differ from the rela- of slightly more pay and an eleven ness Reputation Cut Oft H wai. The horse was cut loose, at- senting a somewhat "spooky" scene, M. ' Total last year, 6T6. tions' to tbe same interests of sucb hour day. They bare now uade the Death In Raritan Ditch Near ched only to the front running or there were lighted Jack-o lanterns Second, or Town Hall district—Pre Democratic leaders as Smith, Nugent tie up practically complete, and axe In ears. n profusion., , i. ntair registered, ~2»: added. 19; to and Davis?' a position to keep it so until the ex- Trenton When the train stopped at the sta- Favors In Hallowe'en style were dis- lal, 748. Total last year. 688. In answer to this you say/ 'I refer press companies yield. Meanwhile Only ibe intimates of tke late Gen- on tbe cow catcher was strewn with tributed. These included cats, and Third, or West Red Bank district— to the men yon name. Tbey differ tbe latter are losing $lfr».«» or note eral Thomas T. RcfceU, loaf president Dredgers found the body of nine- a wreckage. Beer bottles and por- witches filled with candy. *revjously registered, 8S3; added. 25; from the others In this, that they are a day. ot tbe Western Union Telegraph Ctm teen-year-old Jay Asay, son of the late ns of boxes were scattered along There was a "Jack Homer Pie" dtal, 65S. Total last year. 614. ' In control of the government of the A VoinmTtfeF of the strikers, (none pany, realized yesterday, vka* tkey Walter Asay, in the Raritan canal, B tracks for a distance of several tim which orange and black ribbons n the borough of Rumson there are State, while the others are not and wHum were Ashtou and Hoffman, cull- read tbe report of tbe alia*- for pro- near Trenton, yesterday afternoon.
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