Mighty Poets: Hartley Coleridge and William Wordsworth Joanna E. Taylor, Lancaster University
[email protected] History Department, Bowland Main, Lancaster University, LA1 4YW. “[H]e is a man of inimitable Power,” William Wordsworth wrote to Edward Moxon in June 1839.1 A few months later, on February 21 1840, he explained: “I admire his Genius and talents far more than I could find words to express” (Hill V.1005). The subject of these letters was Hartley Coleridge and they portray a relationship with Wordsworth that has remained obscured behind more familiar accounts that characterise Hartley, in Wordsworth’s words, as “a bairn that needed managing to the end.”2 In fact, Hartley and Wordsworth were mutually admiring as well as critical of each other’s life and work: their relationship was both more complex and more significant than has previously been acknowledged. My most straightforward claim here is that to overlook the complexities of Hartley’s and Wordsworth’s personal and poetic relationships does both authors a significant disservice. Rejecting Hartley as little more than a drunken, tragic failure overcome by the burdens of his literary inheritance is to obscure someone considered by his contemporaries one of the finest poets of his generation. In turn, Hartley’s poems to Wordsworth offer a valuable record of the poetic authority Wordsworth enjoyed in his later years. For Hartley, this power seemed to retrospectively age Wordsworth, so that the famous poems from Wordsworth’s youth seemed to have been written by someone prematurely old; Hartley claimed to his mother that he could not 1 William Wordsworth, The Letters of William and Dorothy Wordsworth, vols V-VI, edited by Alan G.