William Wordsworth (7 A;뼈 1770 - 23 Ap벼 1850)
William Wordsworth (7 A;뼈 1770 - 23 Ap벼 1850) Judith W. Page Millsaps College BOOKS: AnEv’e1’↑따r Peter Bell, A Tale in Verse (London: Printed by dressed to a young Lady, [rom the Lakes o[ the Strahan & Spottiswoode for Longman, North o[ Englaηd (London: Printed for J. Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1819); johnson, 1793); The Waggoner, A Poem. To Which are added, Sonnets Descriptive Sketches. ln Verse. Take'ft 4t띠ng a Pedes (London: Printed by Strahan & Spot trian Tour in the ltalian, G:매:son, Swi:ss, and Sa tiswoode for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme voyard Aφ's (London: Printed for J. johnson, & Brown, 1819); 1793); M강cellaη eous Poems o[ William Word:sworth, 4 vol Lyrical Ballad:s, with a [ew other Poems (Bristol: umes (London: Printed for Longman, Printed by Biggs & Cottle for T. N. Long Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1820); man, London, 1798; London: Printed for J. The River Dμddoη, A se얘es o[ Sonnets: Vaudracmιr & A. Arch 1798; enlarged edition 2 vol , , q,nd Jμ lia: and Other Poems. To which 강 aη umes, London: Printed for T. N. Longman nexed, A Topographical Desc얘 tioη o[ the Coun & Rees by Biggs &. Co., Bristol, 1800; Phil o. tη, o[ the Lakes, in the North o[ Eη.glaηd (Lon adelphia: Printed & s이d by james Hum don: Printed for Longman, Hursì:, Rees, phreys, 1802); Orme & Brown, 1820); Poems, in two Volumes (London: Printed for Long ADαcπÖ:þ tioη o[ the Sceη ery o[ the Lakes in The N orth man, Hurst, Rees & Orm~ , 1807); o[ Eη.glaηd. Third Editioη, (Now [irst publi:shed Concerning the Convention o[ Cintra (London: separately) (London: Printed for Longman, Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme Hurst, Rees, Orme & Brown, 1822; revised 1809); and enlarged, 1823); revised and enlarged TheEχ:cursion, being a portion o[ The Recluse, a Poem again as A Gμide through the Di:strict o[ the (London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Lakes in The N orth o[ Eηgland (Kendal: Pub Rees, Orme & Brown, 1814; New York: C.
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