The Images of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom As Shown in the Publications in France, Germany, and Italy During the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century*
《中國文化研究所學報》 Journal of Chinese Studies No. 55 - July 2012 The Images of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom as Shown in the Publications in France, Germany, and Italy during the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century* Wong Ching Him Felix The Chinese University of Hong Kong Introduction Primary sources concerning the Taiping Tianguo 太平天囯 (Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace) were predominantly written in Chinese and English,1 while a small number of them * I am very much indebted to the three anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments. I also wish to extend my profound gratitude to Dr Chu Kwok Fan for editing this paper. 1 Primary Chinese sources discovered, collected, and edited by modern scholars, among others, include: Guangdong congshu bianyin weiyuanhui 廣東叢書編印委員會, ed., Taiping tianguo guanshu shizhong 太平天囯官書十種 (Shanghai: Shangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館 , 1948); Jin Yufu 金毓黻 and Tian Yuqing 田餘慶, eds., Taiping tianguo shiliao 太平天囯史料 (Bei- jing: Zhonghua shuju 中華書局, 1955, 1959); Taiping tianguo lishi bowuguan 太平天囯歷史 博物館, ed., Taiping tianguo shiliao congbian jianji 太平天囯史料叢編簡輯 (Shanghai: Zhonghua shuju, 1961–1963); idem, ed., Taiping tianguo wenshu huibian 太平天囯文書彙編 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1979); idem, ed., Taiping tianguo yinshu 太 平 天 囯 印 書 (Nan- jing: Jiangsu renmin chubanshe 江蘇人民出版社, 1979); Deng Zhicheng 鄧之誠 et al., eds., Taiping tianguo ziliao太平天囯資料 (Taibei: Wenhai chubanshe 文海出版社, 1976); Wang Qingcheng 王慶成, ed., Yingyin Taiping tianguo wenxian shierzhong 影印太平天囯文獻十二 種 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2004); For a comprehensive English translation of the Chinese sources, see Franz Michael, in collaboration with Chung-li Chang, translations by Margery Anneberg et al., The Taiping Rebellion: History and Documents (Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press, 1966–1971), vols.
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