WM J i w I 16 THE N1BW YORK £ HERALD, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1922. Barber, Margaret Stone, Esther Stevens, dreda Wlnthrop Seabury. The \ Charles of London ERNEST HUTCHES Three Debutantes Edith Taylor and Maud Smith. The wan assisted In receiving bydebutaiueher \ f 1 ^« w=s 10Ny PIANIST, young men included Messrs. Lewis M. older nlster, Miss Ltspenard Seabury, Gbb, Henry Bohlen, Alfred Codman, also Misses Beatrice Pitney, Susan Collection of Art PLAYS SCHUM.ANN ADMIRABLY Entertained at John T. Pratt, Jr., Duncan Thayer, Kline Schrelber and Barbara Holt.Mellen, Brooks Harlow, John Kiv.galey, James A. At the tea table were Mrs. Seabury'n Dinner and Dance Burden, Jr., B. Brewster Jennings, A. mother, Mrs. Henry E. Hovey, Mrs. Jfme>. o>fn4efo Fetches $106,677 * Newbold Morris, Thontas Sargent, Austin Kautz of Washington, D. C., and Interpretations of Three of Great Master's Stout, Alexander T. Baldwin, LawrenceMrs. Wilson Lloyd of Short Hills, N. J. rrWM 67M* %U*cu Scott, Malcolm Greenough, Robert Renaissance Sells for tions Are Restful Luminous. Composiand3Ir. and Mrs. E. N. Potter Give Moslc, Benjamin ButterworthFrederickand SCHOLARSHIPS FOR YALE. Tapestry Henry Wainwright Howe, Jr. ANNOUNCES A CONTINUOUS SALE ALL WEEK the Trice of Party for Daughter and . In advance of tho dance Mrs. Sprciat Dispatch to Tub New York Herald. $5,300, Top By AV. J. IIENDEHSOX. fectionate search after of tone T. Baker gave a dinner at Sherry'sRaymondCamden, S. C., Dec. 9..The hunt meet beauty for tier Extreme Reductions aind of line. His Friends. ni^ce. Miss Cathleen Vanderbilt, of the Southern Yale Alumni closed Its the Session. Ernest Hutchoson. pianist, gave the clarity melodic afterward taking her guests to the Globe afternoon were two day stay in Camden With a dinner Entire Stock of and third of his recitals of music by the yesterday lnter>r*tatlons Theater to see "The Bunch and Judy." 1 Imported Original estful and luminous without once Mrs. Baker's other guests were Misses to-night at the Kirkwood. A telegram great masters of piano composition were In Fall and Winter Models At tha second and final session of assing Into a state of turgtdlty. Debutantes evidence again Rhoda Cameron, Adele Kelley, Cornelia from Chief Justice William Howard yesterday afternoon In Aeolian Hall. yesterday at several entertainments. 1 the sale of the Charles of London some listeners may have wishedPerlaps T. Livingston, Isubelle Kemp, Polly his to Afternoon and Gowns Mr. and Mrs. Nott Potter gave Taft, '78, regretting Inability Morning, Evening The composer Interpreted was or more excitement, but there was at Ellphalet Marie Brooke, Klise Schrelber, collection yesterday at tha American Art a dinner at Pierre's for their daughter. MeCall, was read by Edwin W. Robertson, who was represented by his east one who was to the Messrs. Reginald C. Vanderbilt, Jordan attend Lingerie and Novelties Association the receipts were $85,506. Schumann, grateful Miss Nancy Potter, and for Miss Rosalie James president of the convention. A the total for the sale "Klnderscenen" and for all the time thatarlst of Mr. P. Mott, Warren, Louis Gordon making grand "Krelslerlana," remembering Plllot, daughter .Stuyveeant Pooler, Leonard J. Cushlng, Marsden B. was adopted that each Southernresolution Prices from $106,677. "Etudes Symphonlques." These three Schumann was a creator of Plllot, and Miss Alice Dodge, daughter State establish a a $45 Up. A Renaissance of the Candler, Thaddeus Newell, Peter Street scholarship with tapestry worns servea to reveai tno raraous songs and reverently singinginstrunentalof Mr. and Mrs. Murray tVWherbee and A. minimum Income of $500 a year to sixteenth bearing the was Sydney Smith. Another dinner sup- century, Enghein hem with a good piano tone. Dodge. The dinner followed by a was a student at Yale. ;j title "A Royal Bear Hunt," sold to master in three of his happiest moods. Mr. Frederick H. given by Countess Henri de port dance given hy Thbor at S23 Park avenue, the LaugierVillarsheme of Thomas Nelson for $5,300, the top price He appeared first as a musician Gerhardt In Song Recital. at his home, 4 East Ninety-eighth street, tier of the day; alno "A Royal Hawking of Mr. and Mrs. nephew. Mr. Geraldyn Livlngstor the spell of the capricious fanciesunder for the guests Potter Redmond, for her Miss 7 a of the same Miss Elena Gerhardt gave a song young relative. Party," second tapestry and others who came from dinners. Carola de |, for $4,000. A number of of E. T. A. Hofmann, second as one c In Aeolian Hall last evening. Shere:ltal of Mr. and Peyster Kip, debutante period, Among the guests Mrs. of Mr. (Hid Mrs. Garrett B. daughter seventeenth century tapestries, Brusselsdeal- touched deeply by the consideration 0iccupled herself entirely with Schubert's were Misses Phyllis Ivlp. Potter Baldwin, Mrs. William Marston gave On Sale in and ing principally with the adventures of of and as a amous song cycle, "Die Wlnlerreise," Batterman. Kate de Forest Seabury Brooklyn New York Stores children, finally composer Mueller Beatrice a reception yesterday at her new home, "Jason," found purchasers as follows: composed to poems by Wllhelm Prentice, Marion de Rham, Emily 1412 who found Joy in expanding and de- ,md regarded as one of the East Thirty-eighth street to imrn. "Jason Seeking1 the Golden Fleece," greatest Schniewtnd Barbara Kellogg, Louise Y. duce her second to J. Stanley for $4,400; "King veloping a simple melodic theme by vvorks of the musician. The cycle Is not daughter. Miss Etheltother His ciften It has been within -"Fetes Desiring Jason to Yoke reason of Its purely musical sugges- heard. sung Wild Oxen," to J. S. Chichester tlons. he past two years by Nelson for $2,200; "Jason Secured the Golden und Rudolf Jung, In neitherIlllngvorthIn- Fleece." to Marquise Somme for $2,300: Repeated hearings of these works, e;uuico wun great sausracuon 10 uie ie "Jason Pays Homage to the Imperial especially when the "Kreislerianna"; 8mdlence or honor to the composition. ijant Jove," to B. Seidlltz for $2,700, and and the "Kinderscenen" stand side by Nor can it be said that it was Remarkable "Medea Appealing for Her Dragon side, convince the hearer that delivered last evening by Missadeluately Chariot," to A. L. Lowenstetn for loved children than the Jerhardt, who managed to impart NEW YORK BROOKLYN better Schumann of poetry and sentiment to the SPECIAL I2.0UO. celebrated Herr Kreisler. At any rate somahlng 39th St..21 VVesit 38th St. Hanover James Alonio BTair, Jr., paid $1,100 >lano passages, but became a veritable S fromi the New Erlich Shop ! SI 26 West Place.Just Off Fulton St. for two needlework walnut state chairs the pieces created by thought about empest whenever force was needed. She >! /UNk FLAI]D BACK WOOL SWAGGER Entrance on 39th St. more ccmvenient Opposite the Montauk Theatre of the William and Mary period; H. F. Hofmann are much less subUe and s a singer of intelligence but not much tout that one for the raomett needlework chairs of the Queen Anne number, "Traumerel," leautlful melody Is shattered. $59.50 i « period. $1,700 for an Imported gold whole Hofmann collection. And when The singing of song cycles is not and one comes to the heart rracticed as much in this town as it lowns, Wraps, Millinery, !J No is so well ert'sthose ' ' discussion. I eighteenth playing vho are in these days living on J. Aron, two royal needlework arm$2,400;yesterday was admirable. He is not chairs of the for Nevertheless, if some one excitenent.would Regence period $2,400; wnat 18 usually descriDea as tempera- « as it be A. O. four needlework chairs ;ing the "WJnterretse" should McCarthy, mental. He his t an of the Louis XIII. period for $1,400; H. preserves equipoise iung there would probably be K. Dawson, six carved chairs of the always and devotes himself to an af- « awakening. Charles II. period for $1,560, and J. Stanley, four needlework chairs of the '' IS JHEMPEL IS SOLOIST ^egUgees; Patjjrobeg iUougeg fetocaterss -Petticoat* eighteen century for $1,900 and an Garments of decided Blouses Newest models in all eighteenth century settee WITH THE SYMPHONY Hand embroidered Jap Captivating Rich colorings in new. mahogany English THE MATINEE Silk Robes and charm- comfort in Blanket and Overblouses in colors; of wool or est silks. Sizes to 70 for $2,000. Cloth and Ccirduroy. latest shades. silk. for ing Negligees. hip. Jeritza Again in the Leading Concert Young People Is 5.95 to 98.50 4.95 to 8.95 2.95 .t 29.00 5.95 to 49.50 6.95 to 15.75 INDIAN PICTUBES SHOWN. Rote. Given at Carnegie Hall. Museum Brooklyn Displays The matinee audience at the Mme. Frieda Hempel. , was Works. Exnlorer'aOpera House yesterday wasMetropolitanenter- the soloist at the New York f\0\ I Woe Indian and animal pictures and talned by "Die Tote Stadt," which was concert for young peopleSymphony's V. I>4, wrt bronzes by Edwin Willard Demlng, heard for the second time this season. 1 afternoon In Carnegie HalL artist, author and explorer, will be yesterday ^ Mme. as Mme. one of Weber's airs placed on exhibition to-day in the Maria Jeritza. usual In this Hempel sang at of ifrom "Der Frelschuetz." battl" A H Museum. There are 132 numbersBrooklynin opera the head the cast, was heard "Battl, "I /»«. r the collection and some of the best were by Miss Mary Garden of the Chicago 1from Mozart's "Don Giovanni," a Mr. on his recent obtained by Denting opera, who made one of the large audi- cradle song by Humperdinck, Verdi's visit to South America. He was one of "Saper Vorreste" from "The Masked as to W ence V present. The American prima Reductioi the first white men to visit the Motalone Ball," and as an encore an Interesting Indians, a tribe of pygmy cannibals. donna, stopping off In New York while Swedish folk song. She sang 1/2 &pats jfur &>tarte ®nbertoear Jfya&ievp Clipper* As a AS setting the museum has on a concert tour before rejoining her with exquisite shading, andbeautifully,her placed on view five specimens of the delicate coloratura passages were an HOCKS Medium, wide and ex- Of the choicest pelt*. Intimategarment*that A variety in silk or A blue suede Comfy Alaekian brown bear, largest of all own company In Chicago, heard this, excellent complement to the full, lyric tra wide top spats. All All the newe!it Furs appeal thni their very wool. and extra Boudoir in all giant the and Afternoon $ * r* Large Slipper Korngold work, as the opera so evident In sizes. Guaranteed. shades. sizes. , sizes. the carnivores. only legato Humperdlnck'a t.Crepi: dc Chine, cloth and I and daintiness. large she has attended in New York this sea- cradle song. to ^ to to Canton . Some formerly $65. Special 3.85 18.50 350.00 2.65 to 25.00 98c 4.95 Special 1.65 i WOMEN ARTISTS OPEN SHOW. son. Walter Damrosch. conducting tho Mme. Jerltra's associates of the after- jrchestra. offered Wagner's prelude in Frocks Cantons, $ ^ noon were again , "," the allegretto and flnalo 'wills, Satin Cantons. I . National Association Displays Sehuetzendorf, the latter from Brahms's Symphony No. 2, and ^ singingGustave it to $85 .... Work at Ferargll Galleries. his two roles of Pierrot and Frank, and a. Swedish rhapsody, "Mudsomm ^ FormcrlCanton Rafaelo Diaz, who, as Count Albert, re- ' by Alfven. The latter irralsa," Models .erin An exhibition of small pictures, placed Angelo Bada. 1 light In character, but possessingcomposition, Poiret Twill; and miniatures members of the , Kasha, $ ^ F* by sculptureIn the evening "Da Travlata" was in underlying note of melancholy, Flannel and Knit National Association of Women some charming dance t Fronch *** ^ given for tho second time this season. movements,conalns Some to $110. and Sculptors opened with a privatePaintersMiss Ducrezla Borl repeated her lovely 1suggestive of Swedish folk songs and formerly view yesterday at the Ferargll Galleries, Impersonation of Vtoletta and fairy tales. A large audience Afternoon, OF Fifth avenue. Valery, applauded both soloist and !t, Mr. Glgll was again the Alfredo. Mr. generously Poiret -* Landscapes predominate In the De Duca, In of Mr. ' orchestra. ;r, Kashas, $ ^ of 160 there are place Danise, sang Romaines. THE STOR Y OF pictures, though collectionthe Orrrmont. The ballet divertissement , Crepe J I / REVILLON FURS twenty-two figure canvases and twelve | tO . . . » » studies. by Miss GalU In the third act was a BRAZILIAN PIANIST PLATS. Formcrl:1 $12} flower feature of Many of the best women artists are charming tho performance. Gowns; The house was sold out. ling represented. The bronzes give , a Ifredo Oswald Gives Animal New is, Metal Brocades. j Interest. additional and m m* Yorlc Recital. Velvets, Beaded Robes MEITSrniK GIVES nECITAD. $ / *% Alfredo Oswald, Brazilian \ Velvets. Formerly Mme. Ann contralto, pianist, WOMEN AID CRIPPLES. Meltschlk, gave ?avc his annual New York recital to $300. ~ . a recital last evening in Carnegie Hall. afternoon at Town Hall. His Mme. at yesterday Sixteen Raise *10,170 for Institute Meltschlk, who sang tho varied program had some novelty. It Opera Hcuse during the sea- COATS $65 to for Metropolitanncluded Buesser's piano arrangements Furtrlrrimed.Duvetyn.Pan* Disabled. son of 19019-1910, has returned for a of "Deux Pieces Cesar series of concert Her Breves," by velalnt Marvclla.Veldyne. Sll Sixteen society women have raised engagements. Franck, the great Belgian composer, ' to . . . $19,170 in behalf of the Institute for program was Interesting. In addition who was born one hundred years ago Valuer $450 and Disabled Men, 245 East to Haendel's Dargo from "Xerxes,'' an an "Prelude and Crippled aria from "Semele" to-day; Interesting Twenty-third street, according to a the oratorio and Fugue," by the Italian writer Glrolamo HATS made yesterday at the institute. songs by Schumann, Moussorgsky and jFrescobaldt, a distinguished organist of -SUITS $ reportRubinstein she offered several novelties. | , 1^ | The individual returns were as tho seventeenth century; an "Etude" on Duvetvn, Foiret, Mar- ^ fg Duvetyn, Metal Cloths, Miss Florence S. Sullivan, vice-ifollows:two Hebrew prayers by Lewandowskl i popular Brazilian rhythm, and a vella Tweea, many fur Velvets and Felt. Mrs. and Dazare Saminsky, and compositions both the president of the institute, $5,085 ; 'Scherzo," by recttallst's father, trimmed. Values to to . > < J Mrs. Mortl- by Taneyeff. Tscherepnlne and II. of and In $7^J $25 $50 Volttes Jere.mlah Mllhank, $3,025; Oswald, Brazil, the S165 . i mcr L. Schiff, $2,925; Mrs. Artimus L sung for the first time.RlmskyKorsakoff,group, aftor the Italian pieceopeningand Gates, $2,560: Miss Ethel I.. McLean. Mme. Meltschlk made an agreeable two selections from Scarlatti, JVith SModel $2,145. and Miss Gertrude B. Pardee, Impression. Her voice was used with a "Appasslonata" sonata, a workBeethoven's The Tappt guarantee of Satisfaction Every $1,155. Other women who reported were good deal of skill. She was most effec- much attention here this seasonreceiving Mrs. August Belmont, Mrs. Rawson tlve in her Interpretation of the two isy a list of pianists, headed by Wood, Mrs. Ranald F. Mac Donald, Jr., Hebrew prayers, which called for depth Paderewekl. Mr. Oswald performed his Mrs. Walter Lambert, Mrs. Francis and fullness of tone. Her program program with musical insight and a Cabot, Mrs. Walter Hope. Miss Eleanor sometimes overtaxed her resources and dignified taste. His fine finger Lawrence, Miss Jane Tiffany, Mrs. J. ine uyyer jim-i i. 01 nor vuiutj nn ivru nuiui was often at variance withtechnichis / Nelson Borland and Mrs. B. Tappln and variety of tint. Vladimir Oraffman pedal work In loud passages, but his Falrchlld. was responsible for a violin rtbltR-ato and general work was that of a well trained Walter Ooldo did well at the piano. artist. MINTER FOR SPOKEN DRAMA. _(RERGDORF_ Oim <* Laslty Says Film Star May Enter Legitimate. | « OOODMAN Los ANOEt.ES. Cal., Dec. Tti» V*nr Vrtpv ITniiTn'a9..Confirm4nm the Walrus Hunt ment to-day Jesse L. Lasky said that Tailors . 'Dressmakers . Jurriers Mary Miles Mlnter will cease to be a Famous Players-Lasky rtar when she has finished her present picture. FLEE'r of kyaks is returning from a "I understand that Miss Mlnter has carcass has cut made her plans for an appearance in the A fill wal hunt. The beensuccessrusup said Mr. Lasky. v spoken drama," and is stored in the various boats. In addition to RATtRDATDA5CESSTART. about a ton of fresh fat meat, the walrus will yield At the Plaza last night the Saturday Semi-AInttual Sale evening supper dances were resumed. a fine skin 1to be made into dog harness and other were organized last season and They ' s are continued under the patronage j/ articles for which a heavy leather is required, and Mrs. T. J. Oakley RHnolander, Mrs. I GREAT REDUCTIONS Schuyler N. Warren, Mrs. Edward ivory for tltie sledge runners and domestic imple- ^ Coster, Mrs. Rene CarllloLivingston Trices now "rom to lower ' d'Albornoz. Mrs. J. Theus Munds and J 25% 50% j ments. Haiidling these cranky boats in the heavy W. Murray Black. surf requires a high degree of skill. RALES IV ART GALLERIES. Coats and ffo. 133.Ufa at a Partllon Pomt I The collection of etchings and ["Evening Wraps by order of Louis Ralston'&mezzotintsSon, Beautiftil hand' 4 Last Forty-sixth streot, who are materials, out this department, will be soldclosingat soraely fut'trimmed. H.lo's Fifth Avenue Art naileries on the / afternoons of Thursday, Friday and Furs for Gifts The collection will be on Saturday. to-morrow. Tuesday and Tailored !Suits & Trotteurs exhibition The fine Fox eind Marten skins taken these Eskimo together with a collection Wednesday,of by furniture of the French periods,modernalso Cloth 1Frocks, two and ters and collect at Revillon posts in the North make valuablehuned draperies and carpets. There are some seats and chairs In piece Suits. and Christmas afso desirable bronzes. love needle three' t acceptable gifts. Specimen skins, point and tapestry. in the moderate are for A collection of Oriental rugs will he qualities priced grades, offered sold uy order of various estates and an Afternoon Gowns tion. Men*8 fi coats and motor robes in various furs.selecLir lmpo« mit at the Plnza Art Auction ' ^Evening Roon on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 5 and Rfeturriay afternoons, and Is being Simpl< Dresses and exhibited Monday and Tuesday. This DOl Georgeous Creations. collection comprises masterpieces of 3BS Eastern looms in the finest weaves and : A smart Dobbs Taiilored Frock with \ assorted sizes. Ths art of Persia Is i c represented In unusual Keshans, j silk girdle of soft ontrasting tones Fijlt Coats Kermanshahs, Rokharas, AraksSarouks, and a Dobbs Felt Flat with unusual and Serapls, also a variety of Chinese ^ Long, D>rapy Wraps and mmllonIreres ruga In d.vnaaty designs. drape, for outdoors; or afternoon tea UT*«J«MID ITtJ Tho furnlshtnga of the mansion g Short Snappy Jackets. occupied by Mrs. ElizabethformerlyA. I A holiday gift from Dobbs is Fifth jAvenue at 53rd Street Vlau will be sold at auction at 12 West sure an £ I of appreciicitivc reception v\ % Seventy-sixth street to-morrow and \ Frenc:h Novelties / Tuesday at 11 o'clock, under the 620 and 244 Fifth Avenue of the Monarch Auction Company.supervision £ All those chic which make Furniture of Louis XV. and Louis XVI. y2 West Fiftic | things designs, rugs and carpeta, hangings, H PALM BEACH NEW YOBix southampton | such desirablie Christmas presents. dining, bedroom, drawing room and room suites, planus and portraits mra in tit* collection.

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