Excise Tax Increased As of Tuesday, This Week
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PAGO PAGO, AMERICAN SAMOA THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 2018 $1.00 Yesterday morning, the American Samoa branch of Argosy University Hawaii o cially opened the doors of its new o ce in Tafuna, on the rst oor of the Haleck Professional Building. According to the school, the new location provides a “modern, state of the art university setting to centralize the o ces and classes, and to better serve our students.” Pictured are Argosy’s local sta C M members. Y K See tomorrow’s Samoa News for details of the opening ceremony. [photo: Leua Aiono Frost] ONLINE @ SAMOANEWS.COM DAILY CIRCULATION 7,000 Excise tax increased as of Tuesday, this week 5% TO 8% ALSO LOOK TO THE PRICE OF BEER GOING UP AS WELL by Fili Sagapolutele Deputy Treasurer for Revenue, Keith Gebauer Samoa News Correspondent also provided to Samoa News, the Customs’ The new miscellaneous excise tax — increased agenda meeting on Mar. 29th with port users, from 5% to 8% — as well as changes to the way where the two measures and effective date, were import beer is taxed, became effective Tuesday discussed. this week, after the Fono approved the bill earlier MISCELLANEOUS TAX this year. When it proposed hiking from 5% to 8% the In a Feb. 27th memo to freight forwarders, miscellaneous excise tax, the Lolo Administra- importers, and shipping companies, the Treasury tion explained that the current rate has remained Kone Purcell and Chloe Leiato will be heading to Maryland Department’s Customs Division noted that the unchanged for many years and is in need of later this year in June to compete in the National History Day governor signed the bills that hike the miscella- updating and adjusting to address new economic showdown. neous tax and change the calculation of the beer realities. Leiato placed rst overall in the historical paper category, 3rd tax into law on Feb. 23, 2018. Additionally, the current 5% rate is insuf- overall in the junior division; while Purcell took home rst overall The effective date of both measures, in accor- fi cient to meet the growing costs of providing in the individual exhibit category, 2nd place overall for the high dance to the language of the bills, is 60 days from critical government services, including medical, school division during the local History Day competition held the date of the governor’s signature. The effec- public safety, and others. earlier this month. tive date, according to the letter, is Apr. 24th. Of the total revenues collected from the pro- Others who placed in the Top 3, locally, for both the junior and “The purpose of this memorandum is to pro- posed 8%, 75 percent goes to the general fund; HS divisions, will also accompany them to Maryland. vide adequate notifi cation for all stakeholders to $1 million is earmarked for the scholarship fund; Pictured are Purcell and Leiato holding up the #1 overall school plan and prepare for the impending changes,” and the remainder is earmarked for repairs, reno- trophy for the junior division this year, which went to Manumalo according to the Customs Division letter, which vations, and upgrading of all public school facili- Academy, where both Purcell and Leiato are students. Treasury Department provided yesterday in ties and equipment beginning in fi scal year 2018. [photo: Blue Chen-Fruean] response to a Samoa News request. The miscellaneous excise tax applies to all (Continued on page 6) C M Y K Gov. Lolo sets new gov’t policy: all federally funded programs are to use ASTCA CITES DANGER OF CYBER ATTACK BY “HOSTILE GOV’TS” USING FOREIGN OWNED CABLE SYSTEMS by Fili Sagapolutele Pacifi c fueled by commitment of huge fi nancial aid,” Lolo pointed out in his letter. Samoa News Correspondent “American Samoa is alone in the South Pacifi c surrounded by independent micro- Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga has set a new government policy where federally states starving for funds to advance the social and economic agendas.” funded programs are to utilize American Samoa Tele Communications Authority According to the governor, the American Samoa Hawai’i Cable (ASH) — (ASTCA) for internet and other required communication services. “is deemed the most secure cable system that is currently serving our needs and The new policy is outlined in the governor’s Apr. 24th letter, titled ‘Communica- ASTCA is a government owned facility, which guarantees the security of informa- tion Security’, sent to all chief executive offi cers and directors of ASG authorities, tional exchange” with federal government agencies. departments and offi ces. Lolo said his letter “articulates [a] newly established policy requiring all feder- According to Lolo, the United States and its territories are “extremely vulner- ally funded programs to utilize the ASTCA communication network for all of your able” to cyber attacks, thus the security of information exchanged among the “instru- internet and other communication requirements.” mentalities of the federal and territorial governments have been and are continually “It is expected that by May 1, 2018 all of your telecommunication conversions being compromised by hostile governments” using foreign owned cable systems. will have been completed,” Lolo wrote to the heads of ASG entities with the letter “We have been watching the Russian meddling with the US election saga cc’d to US Interior Assistant Secretary for Insular and International Affairs, Douglas unfolding. We are witnessing the rapid propagation of Chinese infl uence in the (Continued on page 6) Page 2 samoa news, Thurday, April 26,2018 ASCC hosts “College Drug abuse counseling sought in lieu of jail time for drug offender Awareness Day by Ausage Fausia weighed 1.2 ounces. by James Kneubuhl, ASCC Press Offi cer Samoa News Reporter When questioned by police, Carter told inves- In an effort to improve relations, communication and access “Drug addiction is on the rise in American tigators he was expecting a package from his between the American Samoa Community College (ASCC) and Samoa and we have little resources to deal with father in San Diego and thought it had arrived. the counselors in American Samoa’s public and private high and help people who have a drug addiction When informed about the illegal substance inside schools, the ASCC Marketing Committee hosted “College Aware- problem. The only available thing for us is to the package, Carter told investigators he was ness Day” earlier this month, during which high school counselors separate them from society.” expecting something from Amazon but not this and principals from across the Territory spent the morning at the This was the message from Chief Justice kind of package, with drugs inside. College attending informative workshops and networking with Michael Kruse during the sentencing of a man As part of the plea agreement, the government ASCC administrators, staff and students. who claimed a package mailed through the Post is not seeking prison time for Carter who is aware The counselors and principals attending “College Awareness Offi ce on Oct. 13, 2016 in which crystal metham- that he is not able to withdraw his guilty plea if Day” represented local high schools including Samoana, Nu’uuli phetamine was found. he doesn’t agree with the sentence the court will Voc-Tech, Fagaitua, Faasao-Marist, Leone, Pacifi c Horizon, The sentencing has been continued to next hand down. Tafuna, Kanana Fou, Iakina and South Pacifi c Academy. Friday, May 4th, because the court wants to know When given the opportunity to address the Presenters at the event included ASCC president Dr. Ros- more about the type of drug abuse counseling court, Carter apologized and asked for a second evonne Makaiwi-Pato, who gave the welcoming remarks, and program available on island where the defen- chance to continue caring for his family. keynote speaker and former ASCC Dean of Academic Affairs Dr. dant’s addiction problem can be treated. He told the court that he’s remorseful and Irene Helsham. After welcoming the counselors to the event, the Yuseff Carter, 44, appeared before Kruse last promised never to break the law again. College presented the fi rst General Session for all in attendance. Friday for sentencing. His attorney asked the court for a probated The General Session, under the auspices of the ASCC Admis- He was represented by deputy public defender sentence, and he also acknowledged the presence sions and Registration staff, featured presentations by Admissions Michael White, while assistant attorney general of Carter’s family members in court to show him Offi cer Elizabeth Leuma, Acting Registrar Tupu Fatuesi, and Woodrow Pengelly represented the government. support. Admissions Outreach Counselor Katrina Helsham. Carter was initially charged with unlawful White said Carter’s family is willing to assist Following the General Session, the attendees had a choice of possession of a controlled substance, to wit; him however they can to make sure he attends a three Breakout Sessions highlighting different aspects of the tran- methamphetamine, a felony punishable by a drug abuse counseling program to help with his sition between high school and college. mandatory term of imprisonment of not less than addiction problem. The Breakout Sessions were “Understanding You and Others’ fi ve or more than 10 years, a fi ne of not less than “What types of counseling programs are avail- Diversity” led by Tafaimamao Tupuola, Director of University $5,000 or more than $20,000, or both. able on island?” Kruse asked both attorneys. Center for Excellence on Developmental Disabilities; a session However, under a plea bargain with the gov- “Drug addiction is on the rise in American with the ASCC Division of Academic Affairs hosted by Dean of ernment, Carter agreed to plead guilty to the Samoa and we have little resources to help Academic Affairs Letupu Moananu and Curriculum and Assess- amended charge of unlawful possession of con- people who have drug addiction problems.