SAMOA INVESTMENT GUIDE © Government of Samoa, June 2020 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1998, no part of this publication may be reproduced by any process without written permission from the Government of Samoa. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Labour PO Box 862 Apia, SAMOA Telephone: (685) 20441 Email:
[email protected] Website: DISCLAIMER: The information in this publication is accurate at the time of printing, however, course and price information are subject to change SAMOA INVESTMENT GUIDE Talofa Investors, The Investment Guide 2020 is an important publication intended to provide basic information that every investor needs to know about the investment environment of Samoa, including: (i) Investment Opportunities; (ii) Processes & Procedures for setting up a business in Samoa; and who to contact on these processes. Trust you will find the information useful and will serve as a roadmap in your quest to take advantage of the investment opportunities in Samoa that are suitable to your business interest. We welcome you and will do all that is possible to facilitate your enquiries about the investment environment of Samoa. Fa’afetai, Pulotu Lyndon Chu Ling CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER ABOUT SAMOA Government Samoa is a Parliamentary democracy where the Parliament is elected through universal suffrage every five years. It has a unicameral Legislative Assembly consisting of 54 members, who are all matais (chiefly titleholders) and at least five are women elected by citizens aged 21 years and over.