








POLARITY ORGANIZATION Correcting polarity reversal and disorganization Demonstration and practice

CLEANSING YOUR Demonstration and practice

SELECTING THE BEST CRYSTALS FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR CLIENT Using the Body Pendulum for crystals Demonstration and practice

FULL BODY CRYSTAL HEALING LAYOUT Lecture and demonstration Laying on of crystals using full body layout

USING CRYSTALS IN A REIKI SESSION Demonstration and practice

CHARGING YOUR CRYSTALS WITH REIKI Demonstration and practice






REIKI AND CRYSTALS Reiki is a band of frequencies that exists throughout the Universe. This band of frequencies can interact with living systems and crystalline structures. Reiki energy works with the body’s natural healing process to bring balance and harmony to the mind, body, and spirit.

Crystals transmit and amplify energy and store information. Because of the specific manner by which the crystals were formed, their crystalline structure and chemical composition, different crystals are able to work on specific conditions or problems while helping to restore a state of balance and harmony. The healing powers of Reiki and crystals work synergistically to produce powerful results.

In the beginning, the Earth was a cloud of gases. Through the process of time, these gases contracted to become more and more dense, eventually forming an extremely hot sphere. The interior of the Earth today is very much as it was in the beginning. Although we have acquired a firm but relatively thin crust. A good visual would be to think of the skin of an apple. It isn’t very thick at all considering all that it contains! The Earth’s crust is also not even - it is only 3 to 6 miles under the ocean floor and 13 to 38 miles under the continents. Fortunately for us, the crust has great insulating properties. Unless you live next door to a volcano or in an area with frequent earthquake activity, you would never notice that there is molten rock under your feet.

SUMMARY OF THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF EARTH o Solid Inner Core—consists of mostly iron with small amounts of nickel and other metals o Liquid Outer Core—consists of iron with small amounts of nickel and other metals o Mantel—composed of rock and magma o Crust—solid rock

Do you know the difference between the words “magma” and “lava”? Both refer to molten rock. The word “magma” is used when referring to molten rock beneath the surface of the earth. The word “lava” is used when referring to molten rock that has reached the surface of the Earth.

3 The magma in the interior of the Earth is in a constant state of unrest and it is very hot. The molten rock closer to the center of the Earth is hotter, and thus lighter than the magma closer to the surface. Because the magma closer to the center of the Earth is lighter in weight, it is constantly rising toward the surface. As the lighter magma rises closer to the surface, it cools down and becomes heavier. The extra weight it acquires as it cools off causes the magma to sink back down. These types of movement (called convection currents) cause the crust of the earth to move as well. This is how cracks form causing the continental plates to move apart. When the cracks in the Earth’s crust open up all the way down to the magma, the magma rises, powered by the pressure coming from the inner core of the Earth. The rising magma can burst through the crust as a volcanic eruption. Most of the time, the magma does not reach the surface. Instead it cools off and solidifies somewhere along the way. From the solidification of minerals in the magma, this is how igneous minerals and rocks are formed.

The way crystals form is similar to how rock candy is made. Physics tells us that hot liquids can dissolve larger quantities of solid matter than cold liquids do. For example, when you place a large amount of sugar in boiling water, the hot water dissolves the sugar and the sugar stays in solution. As the water temperature cools down, the water and sugar mixture become extremely saturated. This means that there is more sugar in the water than the water can hold in solution (liquid form). The sugar begins to precipitate out of the water, and sugar crystals begin to form. Crystals form in much the same manner. Likewise, while close to the center of the Earth where it is hotter, the minerals in the magma stay in solution. However, as the magma comes closer to the surface, it becomes cooler and can no longer hold the minerals in a liquid state. The minerals start to solidify as rocks and crystals in the cracks and crevices found along the way to the surface.

IGNEOUS ROCK AND CRYSTALS—PRIMARY The factors that affect the formation of crystals are heat, pressure, and the length of time it takes for the magma to cool off. The longer it takes to cool, the larger and more beautiful the crystals will be. When the minerals crystallize deep in the Earth, it can take millions of years for the crystals to form due to the length of time at these depths. Conversely, if the minerals crystallize at the surface of the Earth from volcanic lava after a volcanic eruption, the process is much quicker. It takes only a matter of days, weeks, or months. These surface crystals are very small because the cooling off period was fast. Also, magma is not uniform in its concentration of minerals. This is why certain kinds of rocks and crystals are only found in certain parts of the world. Rocks that come directly from magma are called igneous rocks and are classified under the primary type of formation. Moonstone, Onyx, and Sodalite are some examples.

HOW IGNEOUS ROCKS AND CRYSTALS HELP US Igneous rocks and crystals are formed from minerals in the magma. However, the minerals in the magma are just the potential for the minerals’ transformation into crystals. Energy (heat and pressure) from the Earth, the passage of time, and the space to grow are necessary for the crystals to grow. We as humans grow and develop in very much the same manner as igneous rocks do. 4 Genetic traits we inherit from our parents influence our personalities, abilities, and talents and can be compared to the minerals in the magma. While these traits exist within us as potential, it takes years of growing, learning, and practicing for it to be expressed to one extent or another. For instance, it makes no difference if we are born as a talented painter such as Rembrandt, were we never to pick up a brush and paint. Similarly, igneous rocks and crystals are the best choice when you are learning new things and developing your abilities and talents. Igneous rocks and crystals provide you with the right energy to support your growing and learning processes.

SEDIMENTARY ROCKS AND CRYSTALS—SECONDARY After the crystals reach the surface of the Earth, additional factors play a role in the formation of sedimentary rocks and crystals. Sun, rain, wind, heat, cold and frost transform, transport, and erode the crystals over time. For example, the grains of sand on a beach are made up of ! Water will transport these rocks and minerals to new areas and deposit them there. These deposits (sediments) can bind together and become quite large. Over time, new rocks can form as a result. Additionally, water containing oxygen and other compounds can seep into the cracks found in rocks. Water and other compounds can oxidize (the process of losing electrons) or reduce (the process of collecting electrons) mineral compounds in the rocks. In other words, new rocks and crystals are created through the process of dissolving or adding minerals to the rocks. Rocks formed from sedimentation are classified under the secondary type of formation. Selenite, Turquoise, and Malachite are some examples of sedimentary rocks.

Some examples of crystals created by oxidation are Azurite, Malachite, and Turquoise. And some of those created by reduction are Silver and Copper.

HOW SEDIMENTARY ROCKS AND CRYSTALS HELP US Sedimentary rocks and crystals were created under the influence of external factors such as sun, rain, wind, heat, cold, and frost. When external factors such as job, career, family, friends, climate, etc. are causing negative influences in your life and health, work with sedimentary rocks and crystals to bring balance and healing to yourself and to your environment.

METAMORPHIC ROCKS AND CRYSTALS--TERTIARY As mentioned earlier, the Earth’s crust is not uniform in thickness. The crust is made up of individual plates that float on the magma, just as ice floats on water. The oceanic plates are 3 to 6 miles thick. The continental plates are 13 to 38 miles thick. These plates are always in motion. In some parts of the world, the plates are pushed together, folding into each other and creating long chains of mountains. The Himalayas, which are presently the largest mountain chain in the world, are an example of this process. According to geologists, only 10% of the crust’s mass is pushed to the surface. The rest is below ground. Icebergs behave in a very similar way. This continuing movement creates great pressure on rocks that have already formed below the earth. Through continuous movement, intense heat, and pressure, minerals are drained from these rocks and transferred to

5 other rocks. Rocks are squeezed together and pulled apart creating new metamorphic rocks through the process of metamorphosis. In this process, crystals are not melted down again, but instead are transformed from the inside out. The process by which these rocks form is called “tertiary”. Kyanite, Moldavite, and Rhodonite are examples of rocks that undergo this metamorphic process.

HOW METAMORPHIC ROCKS AND CRYSTALS HELP US Metamorphic rocks and crystals are transformed from the inside out through intense heat and pressure. You also experience metamorphosis. Life brings about heat and pressure, especially during times of change. Nothing in life is permanent. Accepting change can be very difficult. It can be frightening to let go of the old and the familiar to accept the new. Change does not have to be difficult if you allow yourself the opportunity to release attachment to the old and embrace the new. In fact, change can be wonderfully easy. Metamorphic rocks and crystals help support you in times of change. They teach you to accept that change is a fact of life and help you to ease and release the fear of letting go of the old and the familiar. Metamorphic (tertiary) rocks and crystals help you change from the inside out, making your own metamorphic process more balanced and easier.



Clear Quartz—Crown Chakra (Sahasrata), All (Formation—Primary)

Key Words: Amplification, Clearing, Cleansing, Healing, Programming

The perfect partner for Reiki healing. It amplifies all energies including Reiki. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. It draws off negative energies of all kinds. It cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies. It stimulates the immune system and brings the chakras into balance by aligning them with the subtle bodies. When faceted, it can be programmed for a variety of purposes.

Selenite—Crown Chakra (Sahasrata)(Formation Tertiary)

Key Words: Spiritual Activation; Communication with the Higher-Self, Guides, and ; Amplification, Clearing.

Selenite is very soft, it can be easily scratched with a fingernail. Selenite is a very high-energy crystal and at the same time, a very calming stone. In , it connects the person with his or her inner truth. It is used to calm and clear the troubled or confused mind. Selenite is used for the advancement of the mind and its mental powers. It aids in , scrying, and . (Note: DO NOT SOAK SELENITE IN SALT WATER—THIS MINERAL IS WATER SOLUBLE. SELENITE IS SELF-CLEANSING—IT WILL CLEANSE ITSELF.)

Selenite very quickly activates the Third Eye, Crown Chakra, and Transpersonal Point. The intensity of Energy delivered by Selenite is greater than any other stone for the upper Chakras. Selenite placed in any room will quickly cleanse the area of all negative energies, filling it with positive, healing and protective energies.

A selenite wand pointed at the Third Eye sends energy that can feel like a gust of wind going through the forehead and out the top of the head. Selenite instantly cleanses the auric field and clears negative energies from ones physical and Etheric Bodies. Placing a selenite wand along one’s back along the length of the spine, one can achieve an energetic alignment of the vertebrae and the Chakras as well. Selenite wands can also be used to direct High-Frequency-Energy into the body, stimulating physical healing. When one attaches other stones to selenite wands, their energies are magnified many times. Selenite wands can be used as “ Wands” or “Prayer Sticks” which carry one’s intentions and thoughts to the Higher Self and beyond. They are useful 7 tools for healers as they are ideal for purification and all types of energetic cleansing. Selenite wands are effective as “scanners” within the energy field, as they dissolve any blockage and allow one access to knowledge of its spiritual origins!

Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negativity. Create a protection grid around your home or in any room. Place one wand in each corner of the room and create a safe place filled with positive energy.

Moldavite—Crown Chakra (Sahasrata), All Chakras (Formation— Tertiary)

Key Words: Rapid Spiritual Evolution, Transformation, Chakra Activation, Synchronicity

Moldavite is probably the most important stone for rapid spiritual evolution and transformation. It provides for the experiencing of immense spiritual dimensions. It enhances and brings compassion and sympathy. It provides insights, through dreams, of the meaning of our lives. It supports the healing process through the awareness of insights associated with the cause of the illness.

Green Apophyllite—Crown, Brow, Heart Chakras

Green Apophyllite is a great companion stone for Reiki’s healing vibration. It carries the vibrations of the higher realms from the devic to the angelic and can be used to help one attune to these realities, which co-exist with us in our everyday world. It is the most powerful stone for lifting the veil and removing our spiritual blindness. Once the veil has been lifted, one sees all the world, inner and outer, as alive and filled with intelligent awareness.


Sugilite—Brow Chakra (Anja), Crown Chakra (Formation — Primary)

Key Words: Becoming a ‘Beacon of Light’, Spiritual Protection, Purification, Alleviating Severe Nerve Pain

Sugilite is one of the most powerful stones for calling the Violet Flame of purification. It is a ‘must have’ stone for those on a spiritual path. It stimulates the crown chakra for grounding the spiritual energies on Earth through the body of the wearer, so that he or she can become a ‘beacon

8 of light’ for healing the Earth. It removes ‘gray spots’ in the auric field, negative attachments (makes it impossible for astral parasites to remain in your energy field), and karmic influences. Sugilite calms the nerves and alleviates severe nerve pain.

Sodalite—Brow Chakra (Anja) (Formation—Primary)

Key Words: Emotional to Rational Shift, Improved Mental Performance, Enhanced Insight, Deepened .

Handle sodalite with care. Do not cleanse in salt water. Cleanse your sodalite in a bowl of tumbled hematite or clear quartz. Sodalite awakens the third eye to receive intuitive knowledge and also to see forward and backwards through time. It calms the mind and helps one think rationally. It is an extremely good stone for those who tend to overreact emotionally as it helps to shift from “emotional” to “rational.” Sodalite helps to clear old mental thinking patterns and makes way for new ways of conscious thinking. It aids in sleep and helps the mind awaken feeling refreshed and with a greater understanding and perspective. It is also an excellent stone to carry and or to meditate with in order to gain a higher understanding of one’s self or of a situation.

Kyanite—Brow Chakra (Anja) All Chakras (Formation— Tertiary)

Key Words: Releases Energy Blockages, Activates Psychic Abilities, Protects the

Kyanite is formed during the metamorphosis of crystalline slates. Blue kyanite has a very high vibration and can transfer energy very quickly. It helps to heal energy blockage or gaps, created injuries, or disease. It helps the brain heal from the effects head trauma, seizures, or strokes. Blue kyanite helps to release blockages created by negative set points. Blue kyanite activates the brow chakra and psychic abilities. It clears the energy field and creates a protective shield. It helps protect the auric field from negative energies. Kyanite does not require cleansing.

Moonstone — Brow Chakra (Anja) (Formation — Primary)

Key Words: Mystery, Intuition, Goddess Energy, Emotional and Hormonal Balancer

Moonstone enhances intuition and spirit communication. It is considered to be a lucky stone. Moonstone balances and stimulates the functioning of the pineal gland and balances the hormonal system. It also helps to soothe and balance the emotions and is a great balancer for the heart and mind.


Amethyst — Brow Chakra (Anja)(Formation — Primary)

Key Words: Protection, Purification, Addictions, Healing Insomnia or Nightmares, Headaches, Meditation, Calming, Amplification.

Amethyst may be cleansed in salt water. Do not expose amethyst to extreme heat. Amethyst is one of the best stones for meditation because its color is the highest vibration of the third eye. It is very protective as it raises your energy to a level where negative energies cannot resonate with you and hurt you. When used for protection from negative energies, combine with Moldavite for highest effectiveness. Amethyst’s calming influence aids the self in entering a deep state of meditation. This crystal is excellent when used for tension and migraine headaches, insomnia, stress relief for those who are overworked and overstressed, and to help calm the emotions of persons who tend to get upset easily. Amethyst is very helpful for people suffering from frequent nightmares. Place an amethyst over each eye to treat tired eyes. Combine Amethyst and Sugilite for treating addictions. Amethyst amplifies the energy of other stones, and can be used together with other stones, for healing purposes. Amethyst helps you identify and integrate your soul lessons and is a good stone to carry and meditate with. Amethyst is also a good stone to use along with Rose Quartz to calm and soothe the mind/body.

Dumortierite—Brow Chakra

Dumortierite opens the doors of insight, activating the third eye chakra and assisting one in making the mental leaps necessary for transcending hopeless situations. It enhances all mental abilities and promotes psychic ability and inner guidance. It activates latent psychic abilities and stimulates clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. In gifted individuals, it can instill prophetic vision.

Green Apophyllite—Crown, Brow, Heart Chakras

10 Shattuckite — Brow Chakra

Key Words: Enhances , psychic communication and channeling.

Shattuckite raises your vibration thus enabling you to better communicate with the spirit world. It also strengthens your connection with your spirit guides. Shattuckite can be used to open one’s spirit channel in order to be able to hear messages from inner guides, teachers and the spirit of the deceased. This is the ideal stone for those who wish to become mediums.

Brookite — Brow Chakra (Anja), Crown Chakra (Sahasrata), Transpersonal (8th Chakra above the head and beyond)

Key Words: Upper Chakra awakening and alignment, and inter- dimensional communication

Brookite is an ascension stone. It is a powerful activator of the higher chakras, brow and above. It carries the ability to connect one to Universal Consciousness and to Beings from other dimensions. It acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realm. Brookite is a very important stone in the ascension process because of its ability to ground very high frequency Universal Light Energy into the body and the physical plane.

Labradorite—Brow Chakra

Key Words: Magic, Protection

Labradorite is the gemstone of magic. It awakens in those the awareness of one’s innate magical power. The term magic refers here to mental and intuitive abilities including clairvoyance, telepathy, astral travel, prophecy, psychic reading, access to , past-life recall, communication with higher guides and spirits, and the increase of synchronicity and serendipity in one’s life.

Wearing Labradorite as a pendant can center one in constant awareness of the multiple layers of reality. In earrings it can especially enhance one’s ‘hearing’ the messages of one’s spirit guides. Labradorite creates a force filed throughout the aura, protecting and strengthening the energies within and preventing others from ‘tapping in’ to your personal energy and draining you.

11 Picture Jasper—Brow Chakra

Used as a portal in meditation to merge with the consciousness of the earth and connect with sacred places. Also used for dowsing ley lines and energy spots on the and bringing back ancient knowledge.


Blue Lace —Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) (Formation—Primary)

Key Words: Communication, Confidence, Clarity.

Blace agate is a gentle, calming, and soothing stone. It is said to assist in flight, grace, reaching higher spiritual planes, communicating with angels, and activating the throat chakra. It eases the flow of communication in difficult times and is very effective for public speaking and discussions. It provides clarity of mind and confidence to the speaker. It has been used to perform miracles. As with all , it is said to be a protective stone. It has been used to aid with arthritis, headaches, colic, digestive issues, growth, throat, immune system, and bones.

Aquamarine—Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) (Formation—Primary)

Key Words: Clear Communication, Courage, Determination, Strength, Creative Self-Expression, Calming, Soothing, Reaching the Higher Spiritual Levels

Aquamarine is one of the major power stones—it is a stone of courage, determination, strength, communication, and success. It enhances creative self-expression and helps those burdened with great responsibility by bringing strength and clarity of mind. Aquamarine is attuned to the ocean and provides those who meditate with it a soothing calming energy. Aquamarine protects those who travel on water. It releases anxiety, restlessness and fights depression. Aquamarine is excellent for enhancing and aiding all types of communication. It stimulates, activates, and cleanses the throat chakra as well as the two upper chakras (brow and crown). Aquamarine is excellent for reaching the higher spiritual levels, and at the same time, remaining centered and grounded. Aquamarine is the stone of service to the planet. Aquamarine

12 brings success in any goal by helping you stay focused and persistent on your goal. Aquamarine is helpful for conditions of the throat, spleen, heart, immune system, thymus, lymph nodes.

Turquoise — Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) (Formation — Secondary)

Key Words: Truth, Communication, Self-Realization, Protection

Turquoise is one of the POWER STONES. this is why Native Americans honor it. Turquoise is the stone of truth. It helps you recognize your role in the creation of your fate. It is the stone of self-realization and it helps you develop your natural abilities. It encourages intuition. Turquoise attunes you to energies of a higher realm. It aligns all chakras. Turquoise is an excellent protector from negativity. It protects you from outside negative influences. Turquoise protects and blesses the user, is an excellent healing stone, and it detoxifies the body. It is an excellent grounding stone, strengthens and calms the mind, calms the emotions, and opens the heart chakra for healing. Turquoise enhances communication and works best when used with silver.

Chrysocolla—Throat, Heart and Root Chakras

Chrysocolla is a stone of empowerment of the feminine energies for both men and women. It is a stone of the Goddess. It stimulates and attunes the throat chakra. Chrysocolla is closely attuned to the Earth and can facilitate one’s empathic connection with the Earth’s consciousness. It harmonizes and links the throat, heart and roots chakras for better communication and balance.


Rose Quartz — Heart Chakra (Anahata) (Formation — Primary)

Key Words: Love, Gentleness, Emotional Healing, Becoming One with Divine Consciousness

Rose quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships and brings unconditional love. Rose quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing, and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Rose quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. It encourages self-forgiveness and

13 acceptance invoking self-trust and self-worth. Rose quartz strengthens and balances the physical heart and the circulatory system, and releases impurities from body fluids. It hastens recovery, reduces high blood pressure, aids chest problems and alleviates pain. Rose quartz is helpful for problems of fertility.

Malachite — Heart Chakra (Anahata) (Formation — Secondary)

Key Words: Creativity, Mirror for Subconscious Mind, Grounding of Higher Energies, Absorbing, Releasing

Malachite is one of the oldest stones used by humans. It has been used for its metaphysical and healing powers for thousands of years. Malachite has been called the "mirror of the soul". It will manifest different properties for different people. For those who are highly evolved, malachite will ground the higher energies making them accessible for use in the physical plane. For those who need to release negativity, malachite will act as a mirror of the subconscious mind reflecting consciously what needs to be released. Malachite absorbs rather than transmits energy. It is helpful to place malachite over areas that are painful or diseased to draw the negative energy out. Do not use salt when cleansing malachite. Malachite-azurite provides gentle, soothing healing for the emotional heart, serenity, and spiritual evolution.

Rhodochrocite — Heart Chakra (Anahata)(Formation — Secondary)

Key Words: Love, Cleanses the Heart Chakra and the Emotional Body of the Need to Suffer

Rhodochrocite is a stone of love — it brings balance to love relationships. It cleanses the heart chakra and the emotional body of the need to suffer. It reprograms the emotional body’s ability to receive joy. It heals the person’s ability to give and receive. It heals chronic self-blame. Rhodochrocite detoxifies both physically and emotionally. It is useful for digestive problems, ulcers, ear infections and sinus infections. For migraines, use one piece on each side of the back of the head.

Rhodonite—Heart Chakra (Anahata) (Formation—Tertiary)

Key Words: Co-dependency, Self-love, Self-forgiveness, Emotional Balance, Emotional Shock, Forgiveness, Promotes Calm in Dangerous or Upsetting Situations

Rhodonite is the stone of compassion and emotional balance. It clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past. Rhodonite nurtures love, stimulates, clears and activates the heart, grounds energy, balances yin- yang, and aids in achieving one’s highest potential. Rhodonite heals emotional shock and panic. Rhodonite aids in cases of emotional self-destruction, codependency 14 and abuse. It encourages unselfish self-love and forgiveness. Rhodonite promotes remaining calm in dangerous or upsetting situations. It builds confidence and alleviates confusion. Rhodonite helps with fertility problems. Best stone for treating injuries, physical and emotional.

Green Aventurine—Heart Chakra (Anahata) (Formation—Primary, Secondary, Tertiary)

Key Words: Gambler’s Stone, Abundance, Wealth, Prosperity, Emotional Balancer, Confidence, Heat and Inflammation

Green aventurine is an excellent stone for protection. It acts as a barrier against energy vampires. It is one of the power stones for attracting abundance and wealth. It is a “lucky” stone. Green aventurine balances your emotions. It helps you stay calm in stressful situations, allows you to make good, quick business decisions, and strengthens decisiveness. It is used for lower back problems, drawing out heat and inflammation, aiding the lungs, heart, adrenals glands, muscles, nerves, and skin, and reducing cholesterol and stress. It enhances creativity, imagination, prosperity, abundance, calm, and balance.

Green Apophyllite—Crown, Brow, Heart Chakras

Chrysoprase—Heart Chakra

Provides courage in facing real emotions, opens and heals old traumas and grief, facilitates learning to flow with life and change, reduces fear, helps balance energy, grace, compassion, acceptance, heals heartache and loneliness, fosters emotional balance, conflict resolution, inner peace, and inner strength.


Malachite—Solar Plexus, Heart Chakras (Manipura)

Tiger Eye—Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) (Formation—Tertiary)

Key Words: Protection, Balance, Courage, Strength, Meditation, Serenity

Tiger eye is s a POWER STONE. It has the qualities of a tiger. It brings you protection, balance, courage, strength, determination, the strength to get through difficult times, and helps you approach life in a practical manner. Tiger eye is a great meditation stone for those who have trouble quieting the mind. Tiger eye is especially helpful for those who feel nervous, ungrounded, afraid and overwhelmed. It stimulates wealth and abundance, as well as creating order, calm, and serenity within. It helps the eyes, throat, reproductive system, the back, and increases the body’s ability to heal broken bones. It helps digestion and alleviates pain. Tiger eye is a good stone to carry if you do a lot of driving at night as it helps night vision and calms the nerves.

Citrine—Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) (Formation–Primary)

Key Words: Merchant’s Stone, Mental Powers, Wealth Through Business Ventures, Self-esteem, Protection, Digestion

Along with hematite, citrine is known as a stone for mental powers. It increases psychic abilities. It brings wealth to its owner. Keep a small specimen in your wallet and watch what happens. Use citrine to increase self-esteem, protect from negative energy, protect from someone else’s abuse, be more open- minded, promote mental clarity, help digestive problems, help endocrine problems, calm and soothe stress, relieve depression, and create a state of joy.


Picture Jasper—Solar Plexus, Brow Chakras

Yellow Jasper — Solar Plexus Chakra (Formation – Secondary)

Yellow Jasper has many of the same properties as Red Jasper in that it is one of the strongest stones for protection from negative energies. Very grounding and stabilizing, it gives you the courage to speak out. It is very helpful for stressful situations and gives you the strength and courage to correct unjust situations. It balances and heals the aura by removing negative energies, balancing the emotional body. In addition, Yellow Jasper releases toxins and helps with digestive problems.


Ruby—Lower Abdominal Chakra (Shadhisthana), Root Chakra (Muladhara) (Formation— Primary, Tertiary)

Key Words: Stone of Service, Grounding, Protection, Loyalty, Stamina, Love

The energy of the ruby is alive and intense. It is a wonderful stone for the lower two chakras for it stimulates both the survival and protection instincts. It grounds energy beautifully and much gentler than hematite and black tourmaline. It would be appropriate to substitute ruby for hematite and black tourmaline when you wish to ground the client in a very gentle way. Ruby provides grounding, love, confidence, protection, loyalty, courage, stamina, vitality, and strength. It helps remove blocked energies from the reproductive system and reduces negative thought patterns. Ruby is a stone of devotion. It is a good stone to have for those who have devoted their life to service of others.

17 Carnelian — Lower Abdominal Chakra (Shadhisthana) (Formation—primary)

Key Words: Energy, Sexual, Fertility, Protection, Creativity, Career Success, Confidence, Courage

Carnelian, in general, is an amazing generator of energy. It enhances sexual energy and fertility which makes it a great stone for couples to have. It promotes career and success. It brings you protection, creativity, confidence, and courage. It enhances the sense of humor and calms the temper. Carnelian increases appetite. It helps you make good decisions. It balances the lower chakras.

Citrine—Lower Abdominal Chakra (Shadhisthana), Solar Plexus Chakra


Hematite—Root Chakra (Muladhara) (Formation—Primary, Tertiary)

Key Words: Stone of the Mind, Focus, Helps ADD, Grounding, Protective, Clearing, Balancing, Alleviates Pain

Hematite is an amazing stone. It is extremely grounding, protective and clearing. It absorbs negative energy better than any other crystal. It alleviates pain. It is called the stone for the mind as it improves memory and supports clear thinking. It helps to balance the yin and yang forces in the body. Hematite reduces stress, enhances optimism, willpower, and courage. It helps with all

18 conditions physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Hematite chips can be used to clear other stones.

Black Tourmaline (Schorl)—Root Chakra (Muladhara) (Formation—Primary)

Key Words: Grounding, Hormonal Balancer, Protective, Discharges Energy Blocks, Logical Thinking

Black tourmaline is a wonderful grounding stone. It balances the hormonal system — great to use when there are hormonal problems present. Black tourmaline is very protective. Black tourmaline breaks up energy blockages coming from negative emotions, and discharges tension (mental, emotional, and physical). It stimulates clear, logical thinking. It alleviates pain and conducts bio-energy. When used therapeutically, cleanse in running water for 10 minutes two to three times per week.

Smokey Quartz—Root Chakra (Muladhara) (Formation—Primary)

Key Words: Gentle Grounding, Protection, Focus, Helps ADD, Transforms Negative Energy, Alleviates Pain

quartz protects, grounds and balances your energy in a gentle yet powerful way. It has the ability to transform negative energy. It helps to bring focus to the mind and helps ADD. Smokey quartz alleviates anxiety. It is helpful for conditions of the hands and feet, back problems, cramps, pain, and nerve problems. When used therapeutically, cleanse in running water for 10 minutes two to three times per week.

Red Jasper—Root Chakra (Muladhara) (Formation—Secondary)

Key Words: Protection, Grounding, Stabilization, Courage, Balances

Red Jasper is one of the strongest stones for protection from negative energies. It is also very grounding and stabilizing. It gives you the courage to speak out. It is very helpful for stressful situations. It gives you the strength and courage to correct unjust situations. Red Jasper balances and heals the aura by removing negative energies, balancing the emotional body.

19 Bloodstone—Root Chakra

Bloodstone is a great purifier and healing stone for dispelling negative influences from the energy field and bringing the root chakra into balance. A great stone to have for those who are battling an illness, going through tough times, it offers courage and solace. Some call it the stone of the Spiritual Warrior. It is the stone of Christ Consciousness. Used with Moldavite it accelerates and transforms one’s life toward one’s highest path.

Chrysocolla—Throat, Heart and Root Chakras

Promotes wise and tranquil communication empowerment and teaching. Balances and strengthens the heart chakra. Dispels negative energies, calms, and allows truth and inner wisdom to be heard. Balances all the lower chakras.


Boji Stone—Lower Chakras, Torso, Lower Limbs

Highly regarded for balancing the male and female energy and alleviating pain. Boji stones carry electromagnetic energy, and each Boji Stone has a negative and a positive side. These stones are used in pairs. Two males or two female stones can be used together since the males are less common than the females.

Ocean Jasper—All Chakras

Ocean Jasper is very soothing and helps to love one's self as well as others. It is very healing of the emotions and brings peace of mind. It helps with acceptance of responsibility and increases patience. The circular patterns on ocean jasper symbolize and help us realize that we are all interconnected, and nature is a cyclical pattern. It can also help with circular breathing for healing or meditation. Being a type of jasper, ocean jasper is a very protective stone, and any orbs ("eyes") enhance this in regard to protection from the "evil eye." Ocean Jasper is beneficial to digestive organs and

20 decreases toxins, abscesses, allergies, nightmares, throat inflammation, eye diseases, stomachache, leg ulcers, and more.

Arkimer Diamond

Key Words: Dreams, visions, purification, spiritualization of physical life, amplification of energy

Arkimer Diamonds manifest some of the highest and purest of all of the spiritual lights. They vibrate at the high end of the quartz spectrum. Thus, these stones enhance and amplify one’s connection to the higher spiritual domains. Arkimer are also used in dream work. Arkimers enhance the beneficial properties of any stone but they have a special affinity to Moldavite because Moldavite is a catalyst for one’s spiritual evolution and transformation.


CHECK YOUR OWN POLARITY FOR REVERSAL OR DISORGANIZATION For you to be more accurate in dowsing or muscle testing, your polarity must be organized. Polarity organization is dependent on the major flow of energy in your aura as it travels from head to foot. o When the flow of energy in your aura flows from head to foot (north to south), it is said to be organized. This is the ideal flow. Benefits of organized polarity are that you feel better, think more clearly and are in a relaxed state. Your ability to douse is enhanced. This energy state supports your well-being regardless of your physical well- being. o When the energy flow in your aura is from foot to head (south to north) then your polarity is reversed. Situations that may contribute to reversed polarity are fight or flight and stress. You are unable to think clearly and may experience body discomfort or pain. Your ability to douse is impaired o When the energy flow in your aura is not flowing consistently in either direction is it said to be disorganized. Stagnant energy in the aura can also be present and result in disorganized polarity. The same situations and effects of reversed polarity may appear here. Both reversed and disorganized polarity can be corrected

22 CORRECTING POLARITY Follow these instructions to test your own polarity and correct any polarity disorganization or reversal that you may have.

Body pendulum technique. It is based on the premise that whenever you act in a certain manner or place an object (or thought) that enhances your energy field, adjacent to your body, your body will recognize it as such, and your body will naturally swing forward. On the other hand, whenever you act, or place an object (or thought) that detracts from your energy field, adjacent to your body, your body will also recognize it as such and will naturally swing backwards. Perform the test in two parts: 1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Bend your knees slightly. Place either hand 3-5” over your crown chakra with the palm facing the crown. Allow your body to rock naturally. Your body should rock forward. 2. Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Bend your knees slightly. Place either hand 3-5” over your crown chakra with the palm facing away from the crown. Allow your body to rock naturally. Your body should rock backwards. o If your body rocked forward in test number one and backward in test number two, your polarity is organized and you can proceed with muscle testing or dowsing. If it did not, i.e., your body rocked backward in test number one and forward in test number two, or if the results were the same for both tests, then your polarity is either reversed or disorganized. Please perform the following correction before proceeding with muscle testing or dowsing. If your polarity is reversed or disorganized, you may not be able to receive accurate answers while dowsing or muscle testing. Correct your own polarity by using Cook’s Crossovers before you proceed with the treatment. You may also perform the following correction:

23 1. While keeping one hand over your navel, sequentially place your other hand on the K-27 points (under the inferior border of the clavicle, approximately one inch from the center, center of the chin, above upper lip, and the tip of the coccyx, and deliver Reiki to each of these points. 2. Note: Muscle testing may not yield accurate information from a client who is experiencing reversal or disorganization. Either correct your client’s polarity before muscle testing or use other methods of assessment.

COOK’S CROSSOVERS Cook’s Crossovers re-establishes the body’s natural balance by aligning its electromagnetic field as well as reducing stress and tension. Use this as often as you would like.

o Method One 1. Cross one leg over the other. Extend your arms out in front of you with the palms of your hands facing the floor. Cross the hands at the wrists so that the top hand is opposite the top leg. Turn the wrists inward until palms face each other and interlace your fingers. Keeping this grasp, fold arms inwards bringing the hands to your chest. Press the tip of the tongue to the palate just behind the front teeth. Hold this position for several minutes. 2. To end Cooks’ Crossovers, uncross your hands and feet and place your hands in a prayer position, with only the fingertips touching. Disconnect the tip of your tongue from your palate. Hold this position for several minutes. o Method Two 1. Cross one ankle over the opposite knee. Hold the top of that ankle with the hand that is on the same side as the knee. Now take the hand that is on the same side as the ankle’s and cover the foot sub-chakra of the crossed foot. 2. End the exercise in the same way that is indicated for the above method. o Method Three While keeping one hand over your navel, sequentially place your other hand on the K-27 points (under the inferior border of the clavicle, approximately one inch from the center, center of the chin, above upper lip, and the tip of the coccyx, and deliver Reiki to each of these points. Note: Use this method for absent treatments, small children, pets or anytime the receiver cannot do methods one or two.


Crystals need to be cleansed on a regular basis. Crystals absorb the energy of their surroundings, good or bad. Crystals cannot discriminate between positive and negative energy. Here are some guidelines that will help you cleanse your crystals safely. Some crystals are damaged by sunlight. Amethyst becomes pale and loses the benefit of its violet ray. I do not recommend cleansing your crystals in direct sunlight.

Some crystals can be damaged by salt. Sodalite is an example of a crystal that is damaged by salt. Be incredibly careful before you cleanse your crystal in a salt bath. Make sure that doing so will not damage the crystal.

Selenite and all kyanites are self-cleansing


If your crystal is dirty, carefully rinse your crystal in cold water. Use a soft brush to break away any dirt or debris. Do this first before proceeding with the cleansing techniques.

o A quick way of cleansing crystals in-between Reiki sessions is to pass your hand over the crystals in a ‘Karate Chop’ style three times. Make the first two passes very rapidly. Then, for the last and final pass, make your pass very rapidly, ending with your hand directly over the crystal. The passes disperse the stagnant energy in the crystal and clear it very quickly.

Note: Only do one cleansing technique at a time. You may find that some cleansing techniques work better for you than others.


o Place your crystal under cold running water from your sink or facet. Hold it under the running water for approximately 60 seconds. The terminated end should be pointing downwardly as you rinse the crystal in order to disperse the negative energy. Afterwards, gently pat the crystal dry. o Placing your crystal (securely) in a stream (or river) of running water is an excellent way or cleansing your crystal.


o Place your crystal outside on a clear sunny day but not in direct sunlight. The reflected light from the sun will cleanse your crystal. It is best to use this procedure for several hours so that it can have a more thorough effect. o Another alternative would be to leave your crystal out overnight on a night when the moon is out. The reflected light coming off the moon is very gentle and will cleanse your crystal.


o Smudging:. Sage is very cleansing and will clear the crystal thoroughly. Use Palo Santo or any cleansing herb


o If your crystal has been used heavily and is very congested, the best choice is to use the natural properties of the earth to cleanse your crystal. Bury your crystal in the ground (make sure to mark the spot where you have placed your crystal). Leave your crystal there for at least one month before checking whether or not it has been cleansed. If the crystal is very congested and does not clear, leave it in the earth for a few more months. If after a few months there is no improvement, it may be best to retire the crystal and return it to the earth.


Select stones that are appropriate for your client. Please see the chart of chakra healing stones for information regarding the healing properties of some of the most important chakra healing stones.

After selecting the stones you wish to utilize, use the body pendulum or dowsing techniques to confirm that the stones you have selected are a good energetic match for your client. These will be the stones you will use in the crystal healing layout.

Ask your client to lay down supine (on the back) on a bodywork table to begin the grounding process. (Unless otherwise noted, please refer to the “Emotionality and Chakras” chart to determine which stone to use.)

Follow these rules to choose stones for the root, knees and feet

Stones placed at the feet and knees must have a grounding value equal to or greater than the stones placed at the root. Note: values are ranked in relation to one another. These stones serve as an examples based on our experience.

Grounding value scale: 4 Hematite Most grounding 3 Black tourmaline Grounding and also circulates energy 2 Ruby, Red Jasper Less grounding 1 Smokey quartz Least grounding

The grounding stone with the highest value (most grounding) must be at the feet. You can have stones of equal grounding value on root, knees and feet as long as the stones placed in those locations have equal to or greater value than the stones placed in the previous position.

Example 1 Example 2 Root Red Jasper (2) Root Red jasper (2) Knees Black tourmaline (3) Knees Red jasper (2) Feet Hematite (4) Feet Red jasper (2) Correct placement: most Correct placement: Sones have grounding stone placed at the equal grounding value at all feet positions

27 Example 3 Example 4 Root Black tourmaline (3) Root Hematite (4) Knees Black tourmaline (3) Knees Black tourmaline (3) Feet Red jasper (2) Feet Ruby (2) Incorrect placement: most Incorrect placement: most grounding stone is not placed at grounding stone is not placed at the feet the feet

Example 5 Root Ruby (2) Knees Red jasper (2) Feet Black tourmaline (3) Correct placement: most grounding stone placed at the feet

LAYOUT To start your layout, place the chakra healing stones that you have already selected for your client (see above) in the following chakra order: 1. Feet: Place a grounding stone, that has been tested for the client and follows the value scale listed above 2. Knees: Place a healing stone appropriate for the root chakra under or above each knee 3. Root Chakra: Place a healing stone appropriate for the root chakra over the root chakra 4. Lower Abdominal Chakra: Place a healing stone appropriate for the lower abdominal chakra over the chakra 5. Solar Plexus Chakra: Place a healing stone appropriate for the solar plexus chakra over the chakra 6. Heart Chakra: Place a healing stone appropriate for the heart chakra over the chakra 7. Throat Chakra: Place a healing stone appropriate for the throat chakra over the chakra 8. Brow Chakra: Place a healing stone appropriate for the brow chakra over the chakra 9. Crown Chakra: Place a healing stone appropriate for the crown chakra over the chakra 10. Leave the chakra healing stones in place for approximately 5-10 minutes

Remove the chakra healing stones in the following chakra order: crown, brow, throat, heart, solar plexus, lower abdominal, root, knees, and feet.


OM YAM HAM Key of F of Key Key of B of Key SHAM Sound A of Key Key of G of Key

Pink Blue Gold Violet White Green Indigo Color

uartz Agate Sugilite Sugilite Selenite Sodalite chakras) BlueLace Amethyst Malachite Crystals Moldavite Rhodonite Kyanite (all (all Kyanite Moonstone Rose Quartz Rose Aquamarine Clear Q Clear Rhodochrocite Green AventurineGreen

Heart Lungs CHAKRAS Thyroid

Voice Box Voice Pineal Gland Pineal Thymus Gland Pituitary Gland Pituitary Parathyroid Glands Parathyroid Glands/Organs


10%.Involved in

– < 1%. Very involved in involved Very 1%. < Receives spiritualgrowth. helpfrom other dimensions.Oneness with DivineConsciousness 5 personalgrowth, intuition, meditation, to ability the creativity.Has and backwards see intime forwards Enjoys personality. Happy homework.and Has good enjoyrelationships. Able to beingalone Loving,compassionate personalitywith self and others EMOTIONALITY AND THE AND EMOTIONALITY

Type —

Weak lity of infectious

personality,Sad early abandonment of issues Hasseparation. and difficultywith relationships.More possibi diseases:Cancer,AIDS, etc Angrypersonality A Moreprone to cardiac problems respiratory and


5 7


– – – (Anja)

Chakra Heart Heart (Anahata) Crown Throat Throat (Sahastrata) (Vishuddha) Brow/Third Eye Eye Brow/Third



LAM RAM VAM Key of E of Key Key of C of Key Key of of Key

Red Red Black Yellow Orange Orange

Ruby Ruby Citrine Citrine Hematite Carnelian Malachite Tigers Eye Red Jasper Red Yellow Jasper SmokeyQuartz Black TourmalineBlack Inc. All Rights Reserved Rights Inc. All LeftFoot (Spiritual Path)

Left Knee (Right Brain Dominance) Brain(Right Knee Left

Liver Penis Spleen Uterus Vagina Ovaries Kidneys Bladder Testicles Stomach Pancreas Gallbladder Legs (partially) Legs SmallIntestine Prostate Gland Prostate Adrenal Glands Adrenal FallopianTubes Colon (partially) Colon Large Intestine (partially) Intestine Large (partially) Gland Prostate Gray Integrated Reiki System, System, Reiki Integrated Gray -

Chakra Sounds Source: chopracentermeditation.com

© 2018 Usui © 2018 Right Foot (EarthlyPath) Foot Right

Right Knee (Left Brain Dominance) Brain (Left Knee Right other

esteem. Enjoys esteem. - workers -

Faces the future the Faces withtrust Knows confidence. and that all will turn out well. Sensuality open.Ableto perceiveauras hearand from music dimensions self High homework.and Likes boss co and




fear and and fear

esteem, afraid esteem,afraid -

Anxious personality. Anxiouspersonality. Experiences future. the anxietyof Moreprone to having problemswith:diges spleen, kidneys, liver, and gallbladder, glands with Repressed sensuality self Low ofboss, does not like co enjoy not Does workers. homework.or More problems proneto with organs, reproductive decreased and intestines, legs the to energyflow




Root (Manipura) (Muladhara) (Svadhisthana) Solar Plexus Solar

Lower Abdominal 30



1. Complete the intake and get permission to touch

2. Work with your client to select the crystals for the layout (make sure the crystals have been cleansed ahead of time) based on selecting crystals as described previously

3. Help your client onto the bodywork table and perform scanning (optional)

4. Do a full body crystal layout. Leave the crystal layout in place for 10-15 minutes

5. Next, remove the crystal layout starting with the crown chakra and working your way down to the feet. You may leave grounding stones at the root, knees and feet during the Reiki session. Otherwise, remove the rest of the crystals

6. Proceed with the standard Reiki session. The effect of the crystals is already present in the energy field of the person receiving the session and will work synergistically with the Reiki energy you are about to administer o Note: Leaving the crystals directly on the body during the Reiki session could have too strong of an effect and it is not recommended

7. As an alternative, you may place crystals on the floor below the table under its corresponding location. For example, rose quartz could be placed under the heart chakra

8. Seal the energy in the aura by moving it from head to foot 3-5 times and end the session o Note: Anytime a crystal is placed, either on the body of the person receiving the session or below the bodywork table, grounding stones, such as hematite, should be placed below the person’s feet. The grounding stones should always be removed last, at the end of the session.

9. Cleanse crystals again


Crystals have the ability to store energy. Crystals can be charged with Reiki very easily and quickly. You can charge several crystals simultaneously. Follow these steps to charge your crystal(s):

1. Cleanse your crystals before charging

2. Once your crystal(s) have been cleansed, place your crystal(s) next to each other, on a table or stand. You can charge several crystals simultaneously. If your crystal(s) have terminations, place the terminations so that each end is facing one of your palm sub- chakras

3. Next, place each of your hands approximately one inch away from the crystal(s) and imagine a current of Reiki healing energy moving through your hands and filling up the crystal(s). Now, imagine the crystal(s) glowing with Reiki healing energy and hold your hands in position as you continue to imagine the energy flow for approximately 10 minutes

4. Once your crystal(s) has/have been charged, give thanks to the Reiki energy and to the crystal, and end the ceremony

Note: You will need to recharge your crystals according to how often you use them. When any crystal feels flat and empty, proceed to cleanse and recharge it.



1. Cleanse and select your crystals

2. Charge your crystals with reiki for approximately 10 minutes

3. Sit or lie down comfortably

4. Start placing your crystals on your body from the feet up ending on the crown.

5. With a clear quartz crystal on your crown, lie back comfortably for approximately 20 minutes (or longer)

6. The charged crystals will provide the reiki energy in this self-treatment variation

7. Remove the crystals, starting with the crown and ending with the feet

8. Cleanse your crystals again


1. Cleanse and select your crystals

2. Start your self-treatment hand positions by holding the healing crystal(s) of your choice in your hands as you administer the self-treatment. If you wish, place all the crystals in a bag or large sock as you administer the hand positions

3. Complete your self-treatment

4. Cleanse your crystals again

Note: Receiving Reiki and crystal energy simultaneously is very powerful. If at any time during the session you feel over energized, remove the crystals immediately, starting with the one at the crown and working your way down to the feet. Discontinue the session. You may find that combining crystals and Reiki shortens the length of your self-treatment.


MEDITATING WITH YOUR CRYSTAL Each crystal has its own vibrational signature (“fingerprint”). This meditation will begin the process of teaching you the vibrational signal of a crystal. By learning the vibrational signature, you will be able to call in the healing and spiritual qualities of the crystal into your life. Practice with one crystal at a time and master the vibrational signal before you move onto the next crystal. It is also important to learn the vibrational signal of a crystal so you can turn to it and access its healing properties when it is not physically with you.

STEPS: 1. Select and cleanse your crystal (example: rose quartz corresponds to the heart chakra). 2. Find a quiet place to meditate where you will not be disturbed. Sit in a chair with feet flat on the floor or sit cross-legged on the floor. Your body should feel comfortable and your mind relaxed. Your head, neck and spine should be in alignment 3. Hold the crystal in your hands or place it on a table or on the floor in front of you. 4. You can close your eyes if you wish and meditate on the energy of the crystal. Now, tune into the energy of the crystal and its healing and spiritual qualities 5. Imagine the crystal having gradually moved to its corresponding chakra (in this example: the heart chakra). Once there, imagine healing light pouring out of the crystal. This healing light is the vibrational signal 6. Once you feel the healing light has completely filled the chakra, dissolve the boundary between the chakra and your mind-body and allow the healing light to pour through you until you are completely filled with the energy from the crystal 7. Once you feel your mind-body completely filled with the crystal energy, dissolve the boundary between your mind-body and the universe and allow the crystal energy to flow without boundaries 8. Meditate for as long as you wish, although, it is recommended you meditate a minimum of 20 minutes every day until the healing and spiritual qualities of the crystal(s) has/have been integrated into your life and you are able to call in the vibrational signal of the crystal at will. It is also recommended that you carry the crystal with you on your person, except for when you are cleansing or charging it