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November Complete Drama Packet Pages Innovation Academy Charter School Proudly Presents THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS Book and Lyrics by Chris Blackwood Music by Piers Chater Robinson Produced by ITM Musicals $18 in November until Opening Night $20 at the Door Your Name_________________________________________________________________ Email Address__________________________________________________________ Phone Number__________________________________________________________ Number of tickets for Thursday, November 17, 7pm_______________ Number of tickets for Friday, November 18, 7pm_______________ Number of tickets for Saturday, November 19, 2pm________________ Number of tickets for Saturday, November 19, 7pm_________________ Amount Enclosed ______________ Checks made out to IACS Drama, Innovation Academy, 72 Tyng Road, Tyngsboro, MA 01879 Ticket information and order forms can be found at Questions regarding tickets may be directed to [email protected] We regret that we are not able to make changes to ticket orders once they are purchased. Doors open 20 minutes before show time. Once the show starts, we will not be able to open the auditorium doors until intermission. We are sorry for any inconvenience. IACS Middle School Drama Club Program Registaton Form For students in 5t grade trough students in 8t grade Please complete this form and bring it to the main office and pay the $100 fee online at http:// or bring the form and a check for $100 made out to IACS to the main office. Please turn in to: Middle School Drama, IACS, 72 Tyng Rd. Tyngsboro MA 01879 Participant’s Name:________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________ Home Telephone:___________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________ / _______________ / _________ (month) (day) (year) Grade: _____________________ Advisor: _____________________ Parent/Guardian 1 Name: _________________________________________________________ Home Telephone:_______________________________________________ Work Telephone:________________________________________________ Cell Phone:_____________________________________________________ Email address___________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian 2 Name: (if applicable) ____________________________________________ Home Telephone:_______________________________________________ Work Telephone:________________________________________________ Cell Phone:_____________________________________________________ Email address___________________________________________________ Does your child have allergies? □Yes □No If yes, please specify:__________________________________ If your child uses an inhaler for asthma, may he/she carry it during drama? □Yes □No Is there anything else the staff should know about your child that may affect his/her drama experience? ___________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________________________________ Date _________________________________________________ IACS Middle School Drama Club 8 Wednesday, half days, 12:30-2:30 starting November 30 Cost $100 For additional information, please contact Rhonda Hawthorne, Program Director at [email protected] Auditions for the Tony-Award-Winning Broadway Musical Grades 8-12 -November 29, 3:00-5:30 Grades 5-7 - November 28, 3:00-4:00 No need to have any performance experience nor prepare anything, but please do bring a signed audition agreement to the audition, available below. We hope to see you there! Questions? Email [email protected] MAN OF LA MANCHA is a remarkable show and one of the great theatre successes of our time. This is a play- within-a-play, based on Cervantes’ “Don Quixote.” Somehow, the footlights disappear, time is telescoped and the “Man of La Mancha” speaks for humankind. - TAMS-WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY, INC. Written by Dale Wasserman Music by Mitch Leigh Lyrics by Joe Darion Original Production Staged by Albert Marre Originally Produced by Albert W. Selden and Hal James MAN OF LA MANCHA is presented by arrangement with TAMS-WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY, INC. Writen by Dale Wasserman Music by Mitch Leigh Lyrics by Joe Darion Original Producton Staged by Albert Marre Originaly Produced by Albert W. Selden and Hal James MAN OF LA MANCHA is presentd by arrangement wit TAMS-WITMARK MUSIC LIBRARY, INC. IACS PERFORMING ARTS AUDITION AGREEMENT In order to participate in Middle or High School auditions please read carefully and sign: Audition Agreement for Students This form needs to be signed by the student and brought to auditions. *I acknowledge that the casting board works to make the best decisions possible in terms of matching students with roles. *I understand that being in a cast is a privilege, not a right, and it is certainly not guaranteed. *I audition for this show knowing that I may or may not receive a role. While the IACS Drama Department seeks to be as inclusive as possible, there are a limited number of roles that can be created for any production. *I may receive a role that I do not wish to accept. I may take up to 8 days after the cast list is up to make my decision. *I do not need to accept the role. If I decide not to accept, I will email the assistant directors at [email protected] on or before that date. *If I have questions or concerns about casting I will direct them to the assistant directors at [email protected] I will not direct these concerns or grievances in other directions, including but not limited to social media formats. Signed, _____________________________________________________ Student signature and date In order to participate in Middle or High School auditions please read carefully and sign: Audition Agreement for Parents/ Guardians This form needs to be signed by the parent or guardian and brought to auditions. *I acknowledge that the casting board works to make the best decisions possible in terms of matching students with roles. *I understand that being in a cast is a privilege, not a right, and it is certainly not guaranteed. *My student auditions for this show knowing that he/ she may or may not receive a role. While the IACS Drama Department seeks to be as inclusive as possible, there are a limited number of roles that can be created for any production. *He/ She may receive a role that he/ she does not wish to accept. He/ She may take up to 8 days after the cast list is up to decide. *My child does not need to accept the role. If he/ she decides not to accept, he/ she will email the assistant directors at [email protected] on or before that date. *If I or my student/s have questions or concerns about casting I/ we will direct them to the assistant directors at [email protected] I will not direct these concerns or grievances in other directions, including but not limited to social media formats. Signed, _____________________________________________________ Parent/ Guardian signature and date Te Cast of Trough te Looking Glass! Hannah Abramo ...Humpty, Anna Elisa Alexander...Oh Frabjous Day Soloist, Emma Kathryn Baird...Mary Addison Balbat...John Josie Brody...Herald, Elizabeth Tess Colella...Margaret Chelsea Costa...Unicorn, Red Princess, Minnie Joshua Fastert...Mr. Deedle, William Ian Fastert... Papa, White Herald, James Michael Fertitta... Train Guard, George Shaun Fraser-Mines...Red Guard, Frank Justin Ginnett...Mr. Dumble, Joseph Jenna Green...Paper Girl, Red Pawn, Elizabeth Emily Green...Mrs. Humphrey, Ida Anita Gulia...Train Guard, Bertha Joe Harrington...Carroll, Tweedledee Michael Kelsey...Reverend Kingston, Henry Abigail Kelsey...Red Courtier, Clara Brooke Kennedy...Pawn, Annie Anna Lamontagne...Miss Prickett, Train Guard, Florence Eden Lamontagne...Mama, Bessie James Learned...Red Pawn, Robert Lexy Lee...Pawn, Train Guard, Florence Grace Linskey...Countryfolk Soloist, Ethel Natalie Mayo...Train Guard, Grace Becca McKiel...Servant, Sarah Cassandra Nappi...The White Queen, Goat, Ella Cassandra ONeil...Train Guard, Martha Samantha ONeil...Nellie Akesh Patel...Lion, Red Herald, Thomas Eva Richards...Red Courtier, Mabel Spencer Royston...Red King, Tweedledum, Ernest Joshua Schmidt...White Knight Ariana Schmidt...Red Queen Nathan Smith...Roy Jeffrey Taylor...White King, Will Maggie Torkildsen...Major Reddington, Guard, Cora Gabriella Umutesi...Helen Meg Weldon...Alice Sophia Yurkus...Train Guard, Maude Aria Zegdoun...Referee, Gertrude Brendon Bettencourt...Shadow Ila Bhattacharya...UniFox Sophia Green...Mock Turtle Jesena Kalabokis...Lori Bird Chloe Kefauver...Gryphon Charles Kefauver...Bill the Lizard Aedan Maginnis...March Hare Alexander Merkel...Mad Hatter Caitlyn Pennie...MirrorShard Darius Sobhian...Glorogo Katherine Stout...Chesshire Cat Lincoln Worthington-Berry...Caterpillar Elea Zegdoun...RedMoon Mia Bisso...Lillian Isabelle Coit...Rose John Crane...Andrew Elizabeth DiPalma...Pearl Mya Eboigbe ...Edith Angelina Galligani...Jennie Carlo Gulia...Alexander Aaliyah Hernandez...Hattie Megan Jillett...Eva Olivia Langone...Julia Connor Lee...Ralph Eftihia Malvers...Frances Sean McLaughlin...Madison Abigail Noel...Catherine Everly Orfanedes...Lula Jack Pennie...Gregory Andrew Picard...Henry Inanna Shannon...Lena Sydney Warner...Marie Janslyn Williams...Ada COMING UP IN IACS PERFORMING ARTS! *MIDDLE SCHOOL DRAMA PROGRAM: “INNOVATION PLAYERS” STARTS ON NOVEMBER 30 *GRADES 5-7 AUDITIONS FOR THE WINTER MUSICAL, MAN OF LA MANCHA: NOVEMBER 28, 3:00-4:00PM
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