WKDU D.J. Suspended Paid by Each Drexel I'niversity Meet Certain Criteria Set Down by Student Annually
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VOLUME LIV NUMBER 40 DREXEL UNIVERSITY, PHILADELPHIA, PA, FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1979 Security measures tightened by Nail Schwprhng and IS tx’inK carried out b> the mitted Sccurily on c;impus has Wells Karnos«'iirit> guards McCol^an explained that this is recently N'cn lifjhtfncd in an Some s(>curity measures that for the ti*'nefit of everyone usin^ effort to reflmc the number of were implementefl t>efore are ttie facility The number of roblKTies in building" Accordint; t>einn enforced to .i further lockers broken into has to Frank McColnan, Assistant def>r(H' noA Students and faculty decreasH significantly under Director of Safety and .Sectirity entennt! the gytn must now show this approiich the plan to do this was initiated avalidiitedl f) card Individu.ils Prior to Wells Fargo's arrival b\ [)irector of S<>curitv Kd Smith, not atile to do so, will not tie ad on June 1. stricter security measures were also put into effect in the CSC K.AC complex Individuals entering this building after hours in p m during the we<'k must give the guard-s their It) card w hich will U-returned when tfH'> leave the tiuilding This IS in addition to the previously re<|Uired late passes \I<'Colgan stat(“il that the man.igement of Wells Fargo is M LEm Ung mui'h more interested in security problems than was their pred**cess<ip- ' The\ are giving Where your training sessions to the guards stated Mci "olgan There are I‘t guards fxcluding activity fee goes student guards' on duty by Mawuna Gardesey thriHJghiKit the campus at any with the Dean of Students as the g iv e n tim e ' >f th»-se, i:i a r e at The Student Allocations chairman. The six students (M'rmanent jmsts and six are Committee (SAC' has finished its representing the student body are inobile Student guards are on hearings for the 1979/80 fiscal chosen by Congress and ap dut> t«-tw(><‘n 4 p ni and H am year In a report released this proved by the Dean of Students, during the week and 24 h o u rs a week, a total of $44,095 was who then forwards their names to (fay d u r in g w e e k e n d s allocated to .TO of the 34 student the President of the University organizations with funded status. for final approval. The amount will be taken out of F'or an organization to be the S22,'j General University Fee granted funded status, it has to WKDU D.J. Suspended paid by each Drexel I'niversity meet certain criteria set down by student annually. Under the b y Fruncine Doiivvt^s mittment ' What this IS con suspeasion. also, at a general the Eligibility Commission of existing arrangement, the For some time now. Drcxel's cerned with IS basically the right meeting for WKDl "s members, it Congress. For example, when a General Fee contributes $25 per radio station WKDC. has l)cen foi' a political candidate in a had been stated that the station group applies for funded status, it student to the Student Activities trying to have a r«iuest for a |)arty to have the right to ri-quest would adopt a policy of no in is placed on probation. During Fund which is dispersed to the power increase from ten to one of a broadcasting station time terviews with political can this time its activities are various organizations. hundred watts approved Last «)ual to that which the station didates at all. which would monitered to find out if it is According to Dr, Jam es term, an incident occurred which may have given his/her op- alleviate any hassles with the meeting any particular need of Hallam, Dean of Students and may delay a final decision for [)onenl If an interview is con F C C ruling the student body. If the C hairm an of the SAC, the the |X)wer increa.se a bit longer ducted on-the-air. with one During one of the interviews, organization if found to meet the remaining $2.'?0 contributed to the The Federal Communication.s candidate, the other person the list of the candidate's party’s criteria, it is granted funded General Fee by each student goes Commission iF.C C.i, v^'hich running for office can legally other ballots for various offices status, and authorized to send its to the upkeep of facilities such as regulates radio broadcasting, has demand that the same amount of was also read; rightfully, all budget to the SAC for con the Library, Physical Education certain policies vshich were lime be devoted to him t)v the remaining ballots in all other sideration. Center, Creese Student Center violated t)y WKDl' The par station (this applies to television [)arties must be read also on the and the Laboratories. It also The following is a list of ticular incident in mind con also I When Charles Bowser was air Santo Cannone, station guarantees each student such organizations and their cerned an on-lhe-air interview interviewed by WKDL'. not only manager at the time, requested publications as the Lexerd, allocations for the fiscal year w'ith two political candidates in did the interviewer (Ms. that Ms. Stroman see that this be Triangle and the College jour 1979/80. Also listed are the Philadelphia; Charles Bowser, a Stroman) neglect to record the done. It never happened. nals. allocations for the 1978/79 fiscal candidate for mayor in the interview in the station log book, Both interviews took place The SAC itself is a twelve year and the difference (in elections held this past May, and an F C.C. offense in itself, she during the air time of WKDU’s m ember committee made up of 6 percentage) between the Henry Di Bernardo, a candidate also did not make arrangements •'Black Experience in Music” students and 5 faculty members allocations for the two years. for city C'ouncilman-at-large. to have the other prim ary program. Ms, Phile Stroman, a former mayorial candidates speak on the With various penalties now set Funded 1977/78 1978/79 1979/80 1979/80 part-time student at Drexel, was air. against her, Ms. Stroman began Organization Allocation Allocation Request Allocation not able to be contacted for an When the Executive staff of to attem pt to appeal the interview, however students WKDU found out about her suspension of her license, which Accounting Society $ 300, S 350. $ 1000. $ 360. currently a part of WKDU were errors, they decided to suspend was to be revoked through both Afro-American Society 3300. 3000. 4050. 2700. able to relate the incidents her privilege to broadcast on the Spring and Summer Terms. Amateur Radio Club 1000. 900. 2580. 900. leading up to Ms, Stroman’s air for a week. During this time, At this time. Dean Walter ASPA 210. 250. 510. 225. suspension from the air. Ms. Stroman conducted another Womack, the Faculty Advisor for Astronomy Society 100. 525. 2335. 400. According to F,C.C. ruling, on-the-air interview, this time WKDU, was notified by the Biddle Law Society 100. 235. 125. radio stations must provide with Henry DiBernardo, another Registrar’s office that Mrs. Phile Bowling Club 600. 700. 1150. 720. political candidates with what is political figure. This action was Stroman was being dropped from Cheerleaders 1200, 650. 2260. 1350. known as "Equal Time Com in direct violation to her Continued on jnt^c Commuter Coalition 2475, 1900. 1450. 1125. Debate Society 1750 1800. 900. 450. DISA 400, 750. 2185. 500. Ice Hockey Club 7500, 8600. 17,643. 8600. Korean Karate Club 300. 300. 650. 300. Ledger 1900, 1800. 1822. 700. Lexerd 30,000. 38,340, 45,400, 38,500, Marketing Society 300, 350, 893. 360. Math Society 120. 150. MAYA 1600. 1600. 2400, 2150, Perspective 1611. 1700. 1960, 1850. Psychology Club 100. 200, 400, 225. Publications Darkroom 2000, 1400. 2294, 1450. ROACH 350, 1325. 250. Russian Club 950. 100. Sailing Club 1500. 2400. 3970. 2800, SAME 100, 100. SAM 250, 325. 1360. 350, Student Congress 3800. 2800, 5160. 3000, Student Program Board 23.000. 29,600, 49,480. 31,500, Student Court 25, 25, 25. 25, Technical Journal 4800, 6500. 9299. 5400, Ukranian Club 1350. 180, Triangle 20,500, 24,000. 28,500. 25,000. Volleyball Club 600. 900. ' ^ ' I i ! ■ f . • ■,, r . 12,600./ WKDU 9210. 11,525. 17,796. .It UrtWi’l's radio si.itum \S KPL Dy Rick Mazic 1440.95 DREXEL TRIANGLE Pago 2 July 6 1979 ANNOUNCEMENTS lo iiarlicipalc ConlacI .)an<’ Take A Bike Hike accompanied by application Blvd and go down the Black WKDU SIcllw.iHoii, A-'SiKialc Dean of tdanks that are available in 145f| Horse F’ike to the finish line in Arc you rloinK somclhing Sludenls, in l((K)m 21.') CSC or H!).> The Dpfjartment of Recreation •Municipal Services Building or Atlantic City at Bader Field (Tc.'ilivcly f.'intaslic lh;il you 2.")n7. il >011 arc uileresled is now acceptinj; entries for it.s Koom 1226 I'GI BIdg . Broad & w.inl (Kwipic to know .ilxml ;ind 12th Annual Bicycle Hide to Arch Sts All entries must (>e Accounting Society (MThii()h they cHn loarn Irotn'’ Atlantic City slated for Saturday, received by Tuesday. July .31 Arc you tryln(> lo do somclhitn> Help a resident August 4 The group will leave at 6 A M The Accounting Society will Ihitl's mlrn'uint’’’ Well now, The entry fee of $4 must fx- Aug 4, from 15th St and Kennedy present .Neil McAloon, manager tn.'iyhc you deserve time on the Anyone interested in workinn 1 of the management consulting liro^rarn "SfK)tliKlil ' heard on with Ihe Krcshman HesidenI service for Touche Boss i Co, WKDi; radio, with your host Orientation Comniitlce please ClasslfledClasslfiedClasslflec Tuesdav .July 10 from 1 (Ki - 1 .'to Willie Conner conlact Helen F-'ernandez al FOP SALF Whepm Mark 7 Orqan Univo« TMt STUDENT PATHOL rently in rtx)m :i08, Matheson Mall If you answer Ihe (jueslions Calhoun Mall < or 895 Elpcfrtc Piano Amppg BT15 Amp on laktnq applications for summ er wheels, Reverb K»?, M7 L'*she on wheeli employment You must br available to work yes, cttnlacl Willie Conner, an 20421 or allend Ihe first m(*etinn Call 396 7SI9, leave message ST07IJ79 varied shifts and be scheduled <n school SAM unusual I).I, .Monday H'n day, on .luly (i al I 1.5 in Calhoun Hall through fail term References and « respectable grade point average a m ust"' APARTMENT Unfurnished } rooms and The Society for Ihe Ad Irorn !» fi, al WKDI! sludios in Ihe Apply at Mam desk CSC or call Stephen bath First floor, convenient location S2I0 \ancement of Management will haserneni o( the Creese Center Allen at «*S 3515 ST0 r0*M Available July I.