Strike Possible
VOLUME LV, NUMBER 11 DREXEL UNIVERSITY PHILADELPHIA PA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1979 Joblin cuts student patrol hours in half by Mark Lipiu and Chnstophnr Holden Due to a rf'cent dpcisjon, the As one Student (iuard recently tends to do everything he can to student patrol hours in Creese pul It. "We students care alot minimize the impact of this upon Student Center ('(' have b«fen more about this building We the Student F’atrol They’re very from 256 to 12« hours per week. keep It secure It's, our building effective for registration, large Kd Smith, Director of S<'curity and we want it this way It's a gatherings, social events and in said, “the decision was made by student building " Dr Joblin the C S C C on a daily basis " Dr Arthur .Johlln, Vice-President feels that. "The Student Patrol Smith confirmed that there of Student Affairs has done an excellent job They would tx" a reduction of Student When asked whether 15 guards have a place here They will Patrol working hours on the K had been laid off, Steve Allen, continue to b«' excellent " shift in C SC C He said, 1 do Asst Manager of { 'S C C in have plans to utilize them in other New Training charge of the Student F’alrol. areas " Smith was unable to replied, "I had a Student I’ntrol We w ill require a Wells Fargo utilize them in other area meeting tonight lo speak atx)ut generate<i Iraining program for Smith confirmed that there the restrucuring of the Student the Student Patrolman for things would tx- a reduction of Studcnl I’atrol In short, one Student like fires, injuries, etc " "I Ihink Patrol working hours on the K I’atrolman per shift will tx' the Student Patrol is doing a fine shift in (' S C C Me said.
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