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Orla S Fore Us T Weekly

Orla S Fore Us T Weekly


The orla s Fore Us t Weekly



C. G. CONN Instruments Exclusively


OXLEY 17 East 49th Street New York, N. Y. Vol. XLIX )r)ccr February 6, No. 6 The World's Foremost Amusement Weekly 1937

Published weekly at Cincinnati, 0. Entered as second-class matter, June 4, 1897. at Post Office, Cincinnati,under Act of March, 1879. Temporary additional second- class entry at Chicago, Ill.100 Pages. Subscription, $5 per year.Copyright 1937 by The Billboard PublishingCompany. HATCH, ARLINGTONGET H -W Lease Title, Equipment,Menagerie, "SHOW MUST GO ON" Music Trade The oldadage, "the show must Other Appurtenances ForFive Years go on," was revived last week when, withitsmainplantinCincinnati Deal also includes lease of Forepaugh-Sells,Sparks and Confab Set closed down due to lack of power and John Robinson Circus titles-H-W to go outthis year water occasioned by the flood situa- MPPA and FTC huddling tion, The Billboard founditneces- with Hatch general manager, Arlington out ahead sary to transfer its publishing activi- on general trade meeting ties to Chicago.Mailing of this issue MIAMI, Jan. 30.-Negotiations were completedthisweek by Samuel W. -aim is code of ethics was also made from the Windy City. Gumpertz, vice-president and general As soon as it became apparent that manager of the Ringling-Barnum Circus, NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Correction of this issue of The Billboard could not whereby the title, all of the equipment.Opera Union abuses in the music publishing field, be printed on its own presses, seven the complete menagerie and all other particularly payments to orchestra lead- of Billyboy's Cincinnati appurtenances of the Hagenbeck-Wal- ers or other performers, or the extension members lace Circus will be held under lease for of favors for the purpose of having such forces immediately transferredtheir the next five years by a company headedMerger Is Up parties include in a musical program any activitiestoChicago. Printing was by J. Frank Hatch and Edward A. Ar- works of a particular publisher, now done by The Cuneo Press,Inc., one lington. constitutes the immediate consideration All of the equipment is at the winter But hopes are dimas of Music Publishers' Protective Organiza- of the country'slargestpublishing quarters in Peru, Ind., where workmen tion and the Federal Trade Commission. plants located in the Windy City. are busily engaged getting it ready for Equity fears loss of juris- John G. Paine, MPPA chairman, sched- The last-minute switch to Chicago the road. uled to arrive in Washington today in Mr. Arlington is now organizing an ex- diction-negotiations start order to make final arrangements with failed to hamper in the least the usual ecutive staff the names of which will FTC for a general trade conference in prompt delivery or the complete cover- be announced inalaterissue. Mr. anyhow New York, saystheabove -mentioned age of The Billboard.This is the first Hatch will be the general manager back practice was considered by FTC to be with the show and Mr. Arlington will the most important evil to be remedied. time in its more than 42 years of ex- have charge of the advance. NEW YORK, Jan.30.-Negotiations FTC will set a date for the confab istence that The Billboard has been The number of cars upon which thefor a merger between American Guild of here, and itis considered possible that forced to leave its own plant to pub- circus will travel has not as yet beenMusical Artists, music and vocal soloists' some sort of code, similar to the NRA, receivethis decided upon, but there will be no lessgroup headed by Lawrence Tibbett. and lish.By the time you than the show previously used and prob-Grand Opera Artists' Association, AFL will be worked out. FTC is desirous of isexpectedto be having other abuses established as part issue,everything ably many more. affiliate with jurisdiction over foreign of the code, principally those prohibited back to normal at The Billboard's Cin- A number of high-class European nov-language opera, have begun. Idea is to by the Robinson-Patman Bill. cinnati home. eltyactsarebeing negotiatedwith.revitalize the entire concert and opera All publishers will be invited. None of these acts has ever been infield by means of atieup with the America. actors'international union, the Four The management says that the sub-A's.Prospect of accomplishing this in title for the show will be, "The Secondthe near future, however, seems dubious, Largest Circus in The World." owing to the peculiar circumstances sur- J. Frank Hatch. while out of the out-rounding the AFL charter held by Grand Only High Ride, 2Roofs ofdoor show business for some years never-Opera Artists. theless is a showman of great skill and Latter union obtained its foreign lan- experience.As the owner and operatorguage jurisdiction from the Four A's in of sixteen movie houses, as a pioneerMay, 1935, but Actors' Equity retained Coney Visible Above Water (See HATCH on page 71) (See OPERA UNION on page 71) Officials view Ohio River flood devastation frompeak of Moonlite Gardens-General Manager Schottapprecia-Aylesworth Leaving Show Biz tive of offers and messages front manypark operators CINCINNATI. Jan. 30.-Only recession of the muddy waters willtell howto Return toUtility Field great has been the damage to Coney Island, major amusement parkeast of the city, in the record flood of the Ohio and Little Miami Rivers whichinundates NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Complete sever-RKO. He recently quit as president of 12 square miles, one -sixth of Cincinnati's area, and reached anall-time flood stageance from the show business by MerlinNBC, retaining for a short while a di- of 79.99 feet before some slight fall was noticeable on Thursday.The park todayH. Aylesworth was reported in the dailiesrectorship in the network.Other show was under about 25 feet of flood water and officials wereat a loss to determinetoday, with Aylesworth stated to be re-business positions held by the former how great has been damage to buildings and rides, althothey know that it willsigning as chairman of the board ofnetwork president are reported as to be be heavy. Rising above the muddy tide vacated by him. are only the top of the Wildcat Coaster. Several months ago it was stated in roof of Moonlite Gardens, ball room, and The Billboard that Aylesworth would superstructure of tht.'ifice building. not only resign his network job, but was President and General Manager Ed- giving up all show business activities to ward L. Schott and some of his staff return to the public utility field.Re- made an observation from the roof of port then was that Aylesworth was slated Moonlite Gardens, mooring their boat to In This Issue to join General Electric as a vice-presi- the peak of the structure while they dent.Aylesworth was formerly in pub- .)od on the small portion of the build- lic utilities in the Midwest. ing that is out of water. They could see Pages Pages In show business he occupies a status much park property afloat, some going Broadway Beat, The 24 Motion Pictures 23 of unique respect and is admired as one down the Ohio River and other portions of the greatest and most popuiar of- It Burlesque -Tabloid 25-26 Music 16 wedged in branches of high trees. 49-57 New Acts -Bands Reviews 20 ficials ever to have been in the field. is probable that some of the smaller Carnivals Aylesworth succeeded Herbert B. buildings have been carried away. Chicago Air Notes 10 Night Spots-Orch- Music ... 12-16 Swope as RKO chairman and was suc- Chicago Chat 24 Notes From The Crossroads 61 ceeded at NBC by Lenox R. Lohr.RCA, Valley Spots Are Hit Circus and Corral 38-41 Orchestra Notes 15 which controls NBC fully, has severed "In the midst of our tribulations we Classified Advertisements 59-60 69 relations with RICO, which has been in 72-98 Out In The Open the process of reorganization since 1933. are given a buoyant feeling by the re- Coin Machines 42-43 ceipt of so many messages and offers Endurance Shows 26 Parks -Pools of assistance from our friends in the Fairs -Expositions 44-47 Pipes 66-68 amusement park field in all parts of the 29 country," said President Schott."We Feature News 3-5 Possibilities Trial of Union are very grateful and appreciative, but Final Curtain 33 Radio 6-10 there is not much that we can do or say Forum, The 30 Repertoire -Stock 27 at this time.It is a matter of waiting General Indoor 28 Rinks -Skaters 48 Official Set Back until we can view the park after the General Outdoor 69-71 flood has receded." Routes 35-37 and 65 NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Brooklyn Spe- Hartmann's Broadcast 61 Show Family Album 60 cial Sessions court here Tuesday post- This, the most disastrous inundation Legitimate 21-22 since 1884, is the third time Coney Island Sponsored Events 58 poned the trial of Joseph Kelban, bor- has been flooded since 1933, when it was LetterList 31-32 ough business representative of Local under water in the spring, and in March, Magic 29 Thru Sugar's Domino 24 306, projectionists, who is alleged to have 1936, when four feet of river overflow Minstrelsy 29 Vaudeville 1 7- 1 9 caused the lights of the Folly theater, dame in.River Downs, former Coney Brooklyn, to be extinguished when de- Island Race Track, adjoining the park, manding back -pay for union operators. is minus a dozen long horse barns which Paul Weintraub, manager of the Folly, (See HIGH RIDE on page 71) entered the complaint. 4 The Billboard FEATURE NEWS February b, 1937 MUSICIANS EYE RECORDS N. Y. Ork Men Urge Tackling Resolution on Recording WoodsUpfor Problemson National Basis NEW YORK, Ian. 30.-Following isthe resolution passed unanimously at the meet- ing yesterday of orchestra leaders called by Local 802 meeting airs problems-Rosenberg sees "ma- Local 802 at the Hotel Astor: "Be it resolved that Local 802 be urged W. C. WPA chinery that is destroying us"-to ask AFM convention totakeallpossiblemeasurestoplace to regulate musicians doing recording jobs the entire American Federation of Musi- ciansonrecordbyusingeverymeans Name mentioned as possi- to cause the prohibitions and use of re- NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Orchestra leaders, called into meeting today by Local corded music as will most effectively al- ble successor to Miller as 802 of the American Federation of Musicians, unanimously voted approval of a leviate the vast unemployment now exist- resolution expressing their sentiment as favoring action by Local 802 to take steps ing in the Federation, and that all members project head - investiga- at the 1937 AFM convention whereby the AFM will control and regulate activities of the AFM be urged to support the legis- of its members in making recordings of any kind. Meeting was called soon after lative and legal steps now being taken by tion on the Chicago local had ruled that no members in its jurisdiction could make any theNationalAssociationofPerforming recordings without special consent after February 1.Taking the attitude that to Artists, to make such legislation most ef- . Jan. 30.-Latest de- stop its members from making record- fective." velopment in the fight by local Federal ings in New York would only lead to Among those attending were Dave Ru- Theater employees, former workers in binoff, Phil Rubinoff, Johnny Hamp, Law- the project and interested parties is the recordings being made outside its juris-Oklahoma Taxes rence Tibbett, AldoRicci,PhilandLeo diction,local802 moved toward na- Spitalny, Abe Lyman, Don Azpiazu, Hyman boosting of AI H. Woods, veteran the- tional legislation. Bushel (for Rudy Vallee), Vincent Travers, ater man, for the post of Western re- Jacob Rosenberg.presidentof802,May Be Raised Emil Coleman, Clyde Lucas, Don Bestor, gional director,to succeed J. Howard Miller. presided, explaining the meeting was OKLAHOMA CITY, Feb. Enoch Light, Jerry Blaine, Richard Himber, Group seeking to oust Miller called to get the consensus of opinion of 1. - This Harold Stern, Don Albert, Leo Eroody, Ben has taken the matter up with Woods, State's 2 per cent tax on amusements Selvin, Ruby Newman, Irving Aaronson, Lou currently on the Coast, and following his the leaders present.He went thorolywould be upped to 5 per cent and broad- Bring,JosefCherniaysky,Jan Brunesco, into the damage done to musician em- Louis Katzman, statement that he would accept the job. ployment not only by transcriptions, butened to take in all entertainment of DonVoorhees,Robert temporarily at least, if it were offered to every nature under terms of a new sales Sterne, David Freed and A. Walter Socolow, him, dispatched a wire to Representa- pirating programs off the air for resale,and service tax measure now under con- associate counsel of NAPA. tive Thomas F. as well as resale after resale of transcrip-sideration by the legislature.Proposed Fordin Washington tions without further remuneration tomeasure would levy on educational fea- urging him to recommend the legit pro- musicians. Rosenberg also told of thetures where admission is charged, which ducer for the spot should Miller be re- damage inflicted, he said. to musicians,were free from the old 2 per cent divvy. moved.Ford last week demanded of by the constant practice of broadcasters Now in committee, the bill intended toHeavy Philly Harry L. Hopkins, relief administrator, in using phonograph records on the air.raise $15,000.000 for the general revenue that Miller be ousted in favor of a more "We are part and parcel of the machin-fund and common school funds is the qualified executive, and urged an im- erythatisdestroyingus,"saidthemost drastic to be considered here, ex-Bookings Set partial investigation of the local project. musicians' official, and stated the laborempting only sale of raw farm products PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 30.-Shows seem Another development is the adoption union must take steps to protectitsand newspaper sales under 15 cents. to be falling all over themselves to get onof a resolution by the Western Writers' members.Chief weaponiseconomic Bill passed two years ago legalizing cointhe local schedule.Next two monthsCongress endorsing the action of Ford power. it was set forth.Transcriptionsmachines by levying a tax on them, wasfinds solid bookings atallfour legitasking for the ouster of Miller. may benefit a few, but they hurt many,repealed recently by the present sessionhouses.After being dark, Erlanger turns Meanwhile,investigationintothe and should be stopped to aid the ma-of the legislature, never having beenup a string of four, three seeing the lightproject by WPA agents continued, with jority, Rosenberg said. Then he told ofoperative.Capitol reports say the gov-of day here.Following the premiere ofa number ofexecutives and project the position within the AFM held byernor and tax commission are eyeingLuther Greene's Pointof Honor thisworkers testifying.Several of the wit- Local 802, as a leading unit in pro-marble and pin games as a spot to gainweek, George Jessel brings in Glory fornesses, known to be against the Miller gressive action. additional revenues. but no action hasAU, a new comedy by Nat Perrin.An-administration, reported to police and Muzak. the wired program service, ac-been taken as yet to place them on Stateother premiere for the Erlanger followsthe investigating group that they had cording to Rosenberg, is symbolical oftax rolls.City ordinances in this townfor a fortnight February 15, The Mealbeen annoyed byfrequenttelephone mechanization to further musicians' un-and many others now levy special licenseTicket, new comedy by Herman J. Man-calls,allegedlybyMillersupporters, employment. Attempts have been madetaxes on the games. kiewicz, opening under the banner ofthreatening bodily harm. to have cabarets using Muzak services Richard Aldrich and Richard Myers.A cease paying the $560 annual cabaret return of Dead End follows March 1. license.It was held that such actionN. Y. Op Merger New Locust returns to revivals afterWTMJ Asks Artists' would have been disastrous to the cause the Lady Chatterly's Lover mishap. Line- of the musician.If mechanization con- up starting Monday (1) includes Steve-Approvalon Discs tinues,Rosenbergforesawthat"Be-Still in Doubt dore, Night of January 16, Mulatto and tween 300 and 400 musicians will be MILWAUKEE, Jan. 30. --StationWTMJ, NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Difficulties inmore to come. owned by The Milwaukee Journal, has supplying all the music on both Ameri-the contemplated merger of Allied Oper- Shubert houses continue solid.At the can continents." ators Union and Local 306, rival group,Forrest, Idiot's Delight starts a two-weeksent a letter to name recording artists, BeforebringingonFredWaring,are expected to be ironed out momen-stay Monday (1).House follows with aasking their reactions to a method of Rosenberg told that Local 802 had con-tarily.At a meeting Tuesday, Allied de-week of John Gielgud's Hamlet and Onusing phonograph records on the station tributed $1,000 last year to the Nationalcided to continue confabs. and under controlled use.Station has AssociationofPerformingArtists,of Your Toes for a fortnight. Reflectedalso asked approval of the artists for which Waring is president and organizer. Points involved are disposition of 275Glory at the Chestnut closes Saturdaythe plan. Waring told of the accomplishments ofunemployed membersof306.higher(6), with Pride and Prejudice following Leading recorders are currently wag- NAPA anjl what it seeks to do-to con -wages and shorter hours. for a limited stay. ing battles, thru National Association of (See MUSICIANS' EYE page 71) Performing Artist, as well as the mu- sicians' union, to stop such record broad- casts. Claim is that such broadcasts con- SAG Again Holds UpReade To Get Asbury Park Spots stitute unfair competition.WTMJplan City of Asbury Park. N. J.. announced last week that it has accepted a pro- proposes to use records week days only posal of Walter Reade, Eastern theater operator, whereby he will operate that up to 9 a. m, each and only up to 11 Pic to O.O. Cards city's big Convention Hall and Casino for five years on a percentage basis. a. m. Sundays.Station says it will not HOLLYWOOD, Jan. 30.-For the sec- Name attractions and first -run theatrical productions will feature the new sell such periods in blocks of time for ond time in as many weeks, Screen Act- entertainment setup. commercial sponsorship, limiting com- ors' Guild asserted its union power and mercials to spot announcements. No ordered 10 bit and extra players off a For further details see the Parks-Pools-Resorts section of this issue. one artist will be used on these programs harbor location set for failure to carry exclusively, station feeling this would be Guild cards.Scenes were for Columbia's John H. Maurer, assistant district attor-harmful and misleading.No mention Speed Mad, and the incident held upPhilly Theater Men Get ney, described the games as illegal, re-made of payment to the artists. shooting for several hours, during whichStay On Give-away Ban gardless of what methods are used in credentials of all players were examined running them. There have been a half NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-In New York. by SAG stewards.All featured players PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 30.-Mayor S.dozen arrests in Philadelphia in the lastnumerous artists receiving the WTMJ showed Guild cards, while some of theDavis Wilson threw a scare into inde-two years involving bank nights and theletter have referred it to their counsel dismissed actors were members of thependent neighborhood motion picturealleged chance games played in movieor the counsel forNAPA.Latter organi- Guild who assertedly had failed withoutoperators Wednesday when he issued anhouses, but to date none of the caseszation claims the letteris "insidious" reasonable excuse to keep their dues paidorder for police captains to notify allhave stuck. and would open the way for stations to up. exhibitors to halt their bank nights, use records with artists' approval, but Harry Cohn, Columbia top executive,screeno. bingo and similar games. With with no remuneration. stated he is checking from the studiomore than 70 theaters in the Philadel-Petrillo Will Meet angle, as all casting and production em-phia area effected by the ban, officials ployees had been given strict orders toof the UMPTO, local exhibitors associa- Show Biz Measures Weight as observe all union rules and regulations.tion. were instrumental in getting a stayWith Record MakersCongress Is Snowed Under SAG is determined to continue its sur-of order until they lock heads with Hiz- CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-As the February 1 WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.-Despite sev- veillance on all location work and re-zoner. Motion picture men meeting withdeadlineapproaches,afterwhich noeral important -sounding outbursts since move actors who fail to discharge theirthe Mayor are Lewen Pizor,UMPTOunion musicians in the jurisdiction ofconvening of Congress, "all quiet," is the Guild obligations. SAG board of direc-president, Jack Beresin and James P.the Chicago Federation of Musicians willinfo for entertainment biz in general, as tors had okehed an appropriation for theClark. be allowed to play for recordings. Jamesfar as Capitol Hill is concerned.Over- employment of extra stewards to check If no agreement is reached, SamuelC. Petrillo, president, revealed that thewhelming majority of bills and resolu- the location groups. Sonnenfeld, counsel for the registeredrecord companies had requested a meet-tions with show trade angles are doomed Similar show of union strength oc-game of "Bango," declared that he woulding to discuss the situation. to ignominious death. Reason is lack of curred 10 days previous when a Para-test the constitutionality of the State Accordingly, Petrillo will call a meetingtime, what with important measures be- mount location troupe was required tolottery law thru injunction proceedings.with the Victor, Columbia, Decca. Bruns-ing pushed by administration certain to dismiss six actors. Aprevious unofficial opinion offered bywick and World Broadcasting companiesoccupy most of session.Replacements sometime in February to inform themfor invalidated New Deal legislation and officially what the union's rules will benew ideas of permanent character are concerning the employment of Chicagoworking squeeze play on plenty of pet ROLL OR MACHINE FOLDED musicians in the making of records. projects. Petrillo said that altho there had not Administration has expressed interest been any definite rules passed as yet toin film trade house-cleaning, but con - cover the situation, there would be fourcensus is that it will have to wait.Con- 1100,000-$20.00 or five decided upon at a board meetingnery radio quiz is creating little interest, ICKET SPECIAL PRINTED -CASH WITH ORDER before the confab with the record mak-tho it may get break near close of ses- RESERVED SEAT TICKETS 409 LAFAYETTE ST., N. Y. CC. ers.Among the rules will be somethingsion.Little hope for early action on FAD SRIP TICKETS COUPON 127 N. DEARBON Chi . to control the use of local musicians inalien actor, block booking and copyright TE ELLIOTT TICKET CO,1 I, QOASTREiTAURANT CHECKS 615 CHESTNUTSR T.:Rhrg° sound recordings on film. measures so far introduced. February 6, 1937 FEATURE NEWS The Billboard 5 affidavitsdealingwiththreespecific Racial Bias cases. BOSTON, Jan. 30.-By rail, bus, and thumb, a delegation of 75 local WPA workers went to Washington to repre- Laid to WPAsent the Hub in last week's demonstra- tion protesting curtailment of the WPA OPERATES ON program. Departure followed on the heels of an 18 -hour picket of actors, musicians, EITHER 6 -VOLT AlliedTheatricalCraftsand writers in front of the Park Square Claims Negro discrimina-general headquarters. Jon B. Mack, direc- BATTERIES OR tor of the Federal Theater in New Hamp- 110-VOLT-A. C. shire,recentlysucceeded LeonardL. tion-News of other WPAGallagher as director of Massachusetts, groups resigned. Mack will direct both the Bay

State and the New Hampshire branches NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Latest squawkof the project. against the WPA Federal theater here is racialdiscrimination,voiced Thursday at a meeting of Allied Theatrical Crafts DES MOINES, Jan. 30.-Federal Thea- held at the office of the American Federa-ter's stock company, with a cast of 32, tion of Actors.Allied, comprising 21will open at Waterloo, Ia., February 3. Efforts to locate a suitable playhouse American Federation of Labor theatricalherewere unsuccessful and theold unions, is appealing to Col. Brehon B.Waterloo Theater will be used. Somervell, WPA administrator, detailing According to J. Howard Miller, regional director,stagehands,electricians,etc., grounds of the protest. will be paid the union scale. Cast will Claim is that Negroes have been firedpresent one new play a week for at least or transferred, owing to the influence offour weeks and, if a suitable theater is Southern officials on the project.Al-located here, the company will alternate weeks in Des Moines and Waterloo. lied, it is understood, is in possession of Just the outfit for those shows and pitchmen that POWERFUL- work both country and city territories. In dis- but Easily Portabletricts where regular A. C. current is not avail- I Big New York Flood Benefit; This 20 -watt amplifier, speakerable, this system operates directly from any car's battery leads and clips, micro-6 -volt storage battery. Current consumption from 0 and AMDURCommittees Are Appointed phone and 4 -way (or take -down)the battery is only 11 amps. ... less than what the NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Representativesstand are housed in good lookingcar headlights take. To operate the amplifier in now engaged by of the films, radio, theater and press will stage a huge midnight performance, Feb- artificial leather case- no largertowns it is only necessary to plug in the separate ruary 13, for the benefit of flood sufferers.than ordinary piece of luggage.power pack. Read details and prices on Page 12 of The project was the outcome of a spe-Easily set up in 3 minutes. Wards new 1937 Radio Catalog. Get yours Today. FRED Le QUORNE cial meeting called by Alan Corelli, of In teaching the Theater Authority, yesterday after- new and original routines in noon at the Hotel Lincoln. Thirty-five of MONTGOMERY WARD. MODERN andSATIREto the invited 65 people responded to the Largest Distributors of Sound Systems in U. S. Professionals call, with the result that the following The newest vogueindancepresentation. committees were named to make the CHICAGO PROFESSIONAL CLASSES DAILY necessary contactsintheir respective Fill out coupon and mail it tonearest Ward House In This NEW -TYPE Technique fields: foryour copy of the 1937 Radio Catalog. 165S Broadway-Columbus 5-3685 Unions: Ralph Whitehead of the Amer- BALTIMORE ALBANY Olive and Amdur are also open for ican Federation of Actors; radio: Philips MONTGOMERY WARD, Dept. BM -4 New York engagements. Carlin, of NBC; Fred A. Willis, of CBS; KANSAS CITY ST. PAUL Dick Fishell, of WMCA; William Paley, of Name CBS; John Royal, of NBC, and Alfred DENVER PORTLAND Street or Box McCosker, of WOR; motion picture: Rob- ert Weitman, of Paramount; D. F. Moore, OAKLAND FT. WORTH Post Office ONE CENT A DAY PAYS of Warner; Harry Charnes, of the Cri- terion, and John Wright. of the Rivoli; State UP TO $100 A MONTHlegit: Ben Boyar of the Max Gordon of- JACKSONVILLE The Postal Life & Casualty Insurancefice; Leonard Sillman and Marcus Hei- Co., 77 Postal Life Bldg., Kansas City,man; trade papers: E. E. Sugarman, of Mo., is offering a new accident policyThe Billboard; Hank Senber,of The that pays up to $100 a month for 24Morning Telegraph, and George Morris,Warner Workers' Pay Upped months for total disability and up toof Film Daily; publicity and exploitation: HOLLYWOOD, Jan. 30.-Wages of un- Something Rotten $1,000.00 for deaths-costs less than lcMolly Steinberg and Lou Straus.Benskilled laborers at Warner Bros. studio WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.-Showbiz in the a day-$3.50 a year. More than 200,000Boyar was appointed business manager.have been upped15cents an hour, bring- land of the free and the home of the brave have already bought this policy.Men, With Alan Corelli and Leonard Sillmaning the hourly wage to 75 cents.New may mumble disparagingly anent existing acting as general chairmen. the commit-scale was made voluntarily by the studio amusement tax levy of 10 per cent, but the women and children eligible.Send notees are communicating with Hays' office money. Simply send name, address, age,and the Red Cross for the selection ofand will affect some 400 workers who do Internal Revenue boys have a sweet come- beneficiary's name and relationship and not at the present time come under labor back, if they care to use it.Operators of the theater and the arrangement of theunion jurisdiction or the present studio Denmark's 350 pic houses have just gotten they will send this policy on 10 days'program. basic agreement. around to petitioning their government for FREE inspection.No medical exami- Assistance for the flood victims has al- Understood that all studios will follow relief from the existing rake, the Depart- nation is required. No agent will call.ready come from the employees of BillWarners' lead within the next few weeks, ment of Commerce reportedthisweek. This offer is limited, so write the com-Hardy's Gay Nineties night club here. inwhich brings the pay rate to the 1929 Exhibs up Hamlet's way shell out 40 per pany today. the form of a 850 check. Jack Kriendler,level.Seventeen hundred workers will cent of b. o. take. of the Twenty -One club, has offered abe affected, 1,500 of whom are members quarter of a night's gross receipts in ad-of local 764, United Hod Carriers, Build- dition to a personal contribution. ing and Common Laborers. The above committees are expecting Jack Blue Backs Show other show people to follow suit. NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Jack Blue, local dance studio operator, will back a new IF YOU USE THEATRICAL Pittsburgh Dancers Set Meet three -act play, When the Wife's Away, by Lee Beggs.Latter is former manager PITTSBURGH,Jan.30.-Pittsburghof Blue's theater in Long Branch, N. J. AND CINEMA MAKE-UP L. A.'s Gahagan Musical Society for the Improvement of DancingCastingis now under way.Malcolm LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30.-Homer Cur-changed its officialtitle to the DanceBeggs, son of the author, will play the ran, in association with the Shuberts, willTeachers Association of Pittsburgh dur-lead in a cast of 12. THIS WILL INTEREST YOU produce Summer Breeze, a new musicalingits meeting held here last week. at the Biltmore here early in June. HelenGroup willholditslocal convention Gahagan will be featured.Music is be-February 14. vas SD ing written by I. B. Kornblum. Colorado Show Bills Up DENVER, Jan. 30.-Several bills in- STEIN'S Lou Irwin Gets Merman volving amusements have been intro- ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED duced in the State legislature, now in CRA Personnel Changes NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Ethel Merman,session. One would place a 20 per cent NEW YORK. Jan. 30.-According toin the current musical Red. Hot andtax on all amusements; a second would MAKEUP Milt Roemer, of CRA, Billy Shaw has re-Blue, has been signed by Warners forplace a special tax on theaters having placed Harry Squire, who resigned re-the lead in a feature picture.Diamondgiveaways, the gift would be taxed and tnrigs. cently, in the sales department of theBrothers will do a film for Universalthe person winning the award would organization. and Julie Stein, pianist, has been takenlikewise be taxed. JUST OFF THE PRESS Larry Azavki and a secretary, Misson by 20th Century on a long-term con- Three bills, introduced in the senate, A new 28 -page booklet onModern Franklin, have been assignedto thetractto do vocal arrangements andwould place traveling shows, such as cir- Make-Up-based on Stein's Half -Cen- Dallas branch of CRA, headed by J. M.coaching for that outfit. cuses, carnivals and tent shows, under tury of ProgresSinthe Theatre and Bryan, a holdover of the former Mills Deals were all handled by the Louthe licensing powers of county commis- Cinema - contains the only Make -Up staff of that office. Irwin office here. sioners. Chart of its kind - for any type of Straight and Character role-beautifully illustrated-historical sketches-written concisely and clearly-indispensable to the amateur-equally valuable to the Efficiency STOCK TICKETS , THEATRE GAMES Rolls of 2,000 CIRCUITS RACES professional. May be obtained from NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Music Corporation I Roll $ .50 CIRCUS your dealer or direct from us, of America went the limit this week at its 5 Rolls 2.00 AMUSEMENT CARNIVALS amazingly priced at 25c local office in showing thatitisa high- 10 Rolls 3.50 TICKETS PARKS powered business outfit, ready to transact 50 Rolls 15.00 THE M. STEIN COSMETIC CO. business at all times and wherever possible. Double Coupons We will soon be singing "Happy Days Are Here Again." Be prepared to do this by getting our quotations on anything in the ticket line. 430 Broome St. New York A telephone connection was installedin double price. the men's room of the office. No C.O.D. Orders. THE TOLEDO TICKET COMPANY, Toledo, Ohio 6 The Billboard RADIO February 6, 1937 SPONSORS SHARE NET SHOW Plan Different Advertisers From Nasology to SalesologyWMCA Lands DES MOINBS, Jan. 30.-Hiram Higsby, In Each City On Chain Show formerly ahill -billy performer and emsee on theIowaBroadcasting System, "got Negro Accounts Expansion of department store idea gives local firms religion" this week and joined the com- mercialstaffof WAAW, Omaha, under NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Believed to be with different products big time talent-see help to Adam Rheinemun, commercial manager. the first instances of such advertising in New York, two products made exclu- daytime shows-several advertisers set sively for negroes have started on YMCA. NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Taking a new Both sponsorships are concerned with slant to mutually sponsored shows, such the same program,-a weekly broadcast as the department store series on the Agency's 20 Gs from the Apollo Theater in Harlem. do- Mutual BroadcastingSystem, anewWLS Boosts Rates ing an amateur show with negro talent. series is in the works for different spon- Weekly on Guests Golden Peacock Company making ne- sors, each with a different product, andCuts Commercials gro cosmetics, is taking over the whole each taking the same show on a net- NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Trade estimatesshow, running an hour, from 11 to 12 work, in different cities.No previous CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-WLS has put aare that on five major programs, J. Wal-p. m. Wednesday nights.Valmor Prod- instance of a similarly operated pro-new rate card into effect and with it hasterThompsonCompany,advertisingucts,manufacturingSweet Georgia gramis recalled, with the trade attach-announced thatitwould curtailtheagency,isspending from$17,000toBrown hair dressing and face powder, are ing considerable significance to this newnumber of commercial programs.it would$20,000 a week for its clients on guestspotting announcements at the end of venture.Program in question is beingcarry in the future. "We believe thatstars alone. the show.Both accounts figure on the built and sold by Rocke Productions,with more sustaining programs," said Estimate on the guest budget for thepopularity of the program with the Har- which built and sold the departmentGlenn Snyder, manager, "the interest ofRudy Vallee -Standard Brand program islem residents. store program.Latter show isinitslisteners will be increased and the sta-given at 3,500 weekly, the same ante Show has been on about three years, second season cn MBS. tion made more productive, and of evenquoted on the Bing Crosby -Kraft Cheeseunsponsored. Trade believes that the venture,ifgreater value to its fewer number ofunit broadcast the same night (Thurs- successful, will open up important mar-advertisers." day) on NBC. Lux Radio Theater, using kets for both networks and talent. No Evening rates have been boosted fromtop -line picture players every week, has reasonisseenasto why theidea$600 to $750 per hour for one time withan estimated $5,000 allotted for the two shouldn't click, as has the departmentusual reductions on several time con-lead role parts, which change talent eachBobby Breen, Claire store series-which is going big.Net-tracts, the rate amounting to $600 perweek.Joe Cook -Shell Oil Show is rated work affiliatedstations,inparticular,hour for 52 times as against $510 previ-as spending about $2,500 for its visitors. like the idea becauseit enables localously. Daytime rates, formerly $300 perwhile the Sealtest Saturday night showThomas, on NBC List accounts to go on the air with big timehour, are now $450 per hour. One minuteis rated a little more than the Cook NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-NBC Artists talent. announcements have risen to $75 eachbudget.Cost of regular talent on theService has tagged several name acts to From the network angle,it meansfrom $50.Other periods have also beenshows, or in the case of the Sealtestmanagement contracts within the past thatsomeslow -sellingtimeperiodsincreased accordingly. show, whose band changes every week,week.Marion Claire, from opera, legit may be made easier to sell.This would isn't included in these figures. and films, was one of those to take the apply especially to daytime spots in the Estimates are not to be taken as fixed,NBC plunge, signing a managerial con- early morning.MBS showis on at but an average figure over a period oftract.She has already been set for a 9-9:45 a.m. EST.Amajor selling pointJoan Blaine Collapses time. guest shot on the Kraft Cheese -Bing is that big time talent is offered local Crosby stanza from Hollywood, February advertisers who previously couldn't af- CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-Joan Blaine, lead- 4.While on the Coast, it's expected a ford such shows and had to take eithering woman of the Mary Marlin serial and filmdeal, willbe negotiatedforthe local talent or platters. On a pro -rataNBC actress, is in the Passavant HospitalLord & Thomas Elects singer. basis, these name acts cost compara-here, following her collapse after one of John Charles Thomas also went under tively little more than the local shows.her broadcasts this week.Illness wasOfficers; Scherer Resigns the NBC banner, the network to handle And the value of the name stanzas dur-due to the strain of overwork and her CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-At a meeting ofhim together with Leading Attractions, ing the day is obvious, jacking up thedoctor has ordered several days of com-the board of directors of Lord & ThomasInc., which formerly did his radio repre- drawing power of periods before andplete rest before resuming programs. sentation. GiovanniMartinelli,also after, and helping build the local acts justheldthe followingofficerswerefrom concert and opera, returned to NBC on those same periods. elected:AlbertD.Lasker,president;management this week. Show lined up by Rocke Productions Sheldon R. Coons, Don Francisco and David M. Noyes,executivevice-presi- Pending deal will have NBC taking callsfor Al orchestra,Dobbsie Back Again dents; Edward Lasker, vice-president andoverallradio management of Bobby with Frank Crumit asemcee.Name Breen, kid film star.Deal, handled by guest stars to change each week. Show SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30.- One oftreasurer; Mary L. Foreman, vice-presi-M. H. Aylesworth, RKO-Radio Pictures is called Broadway, with several accountsSan Francisco' best known radio person-dent and secretary; William R. Sachse,president and former NBC chief, will in different cities already set. alities is back on the air after a longvice-presidentandcomptroller,andhave Breen doing a show from Holly- absence,- the skipper of the Ship of Joy,Thomas M. Keresey, Edgar Kobak, L. M.wood written by Mrs. Gertrude Berg, Hugh Barrett Dobbs, better known asMasius, and Albert W. Scherer, vice-author of The Goldbergs. Dobbsie.His show, produced at KYA,presidents. Chi Expo NBC's will be on the Radio System Followinghiselection,Schererre- each Thursday. Half a dozen years agosigned as of March 1.Prior to his as- Personnel Source the Ship of Joy was the best known radiosociation with Lord & Thomas, Scherer was for 12 years with the Chicago officeExpect Ad Boom NEW YORK, Jan.30.-Centuryofshow in the West. of the Curtis Publishing Company and Progress Exposition continues to con- during the last three years of his asso- tributeto the National Broadcasting ciation he was western manager. In Flood Areas personnel.Lenox R. Lohr, NBC prez, was the first to come from that enter-Dick Marvin to N. Y. NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Flood rehabili- prise, but since then about half a dozen tation campaigns will probably mean a others have joined the staff.Charles CHICAGO. Jan. 30. - Dick Marvin, Kool cigarettes are using two forms ofsubstantial up in business to stations in Farrier, NBC television boss, came fromradio head of the local J. Walter Thomp-motorized exploitation. A midget repre-the flood areas. Goods needed for re- the Chicago Fair, as did Charles H. Thur-son office, entrained for New York thissenting the Kool penguin, trade mark,habilitation purposes, such as paints and man, in studio tours department. When weektoproduce theoffice'sEasterndrives about Florida resorts in a speciallycleaning materials, lumber and concrete Lehr joined NBC, he brought Margaretshows for three weeks during A.K.constructed midget car painted the sameand other commodities destroyed by the McGrew, from the Fair, along as hisSpencer's absence in Hollywood.Buck-hues as the Kool package. He is due todeluge will probably be advertised ex- confidential secretary. ingham Gunn, Marvin's assistant, takesinvade New York shortly. Tommy Dor- tensively. Commodities intendedfor Successor to Gordon Mills, head ofover the production of the Northernerssey ork, on the Kool radio series, makesretail sale will be advertised, heavily and studio tours who goes into the localand Bowman Fireside Theater shows un-its jumps on a bus and truck on whichgenerally. sales department, will also come from thetil his return. Kool and Raleigh cigarettes get billing. ranks of COP employees.Dwight Wal- Station representatives startedafter lace. named last week as director of per- this type business this week. They figure sonnel, was with the Federal Housing after the experiences' in the 1935-1936 Commission and Chi Exposition before floods, that there will be plenty of radio getting the NBC post.C. W. Fitch, who expenditures. Some advertisers have al- has been named business manager ofCiggy Firms Grading Pix ready announced their flood advertising the program department, is another Fair plans. alumnus,asisMrs.Westenberg,in charge of general files. Stars for Gravy Air Plugs Ralph R. Brunton. general manager of HOLLYWOOD, Jan. 30.-Virtual warSwanson doing the commercials.SkitWHN Swaps Time for Space KJBS-KQW, has set the promotion ofcampaigns have started here betweenwill be piped east for two and a half NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-WHN has ef- Gene Emmet Clark from the productionLucky Strike and Camels for cigaret en-minutes as an insert feature of Yourfectedcooperativepromotionaldeals department to the post ofassistant -dorsements by name picturestars to beHit Parade, with the possibility that thewith two magazines, calling for swaps on manager of KQW. San Jose. Head mandelivered in person at sky-high prices onciggie company's shows will shift origina-time and space.New York Woman, in at the station is now Charles S. Harpertheir radio programs. Jack PeFier, hand-tion here later. exchange for a column in the weekly, is who succeeded H. 0. Feibig. Brunton hasling the Lucky Strike account for Lord getting a once -a -week program, consist- moved Feibig to San Francisco as a spe-& Thomas, has been here several days With both companies contesting foring of a staff member interviewing a cial representative of the Northern Cali-with a name classification index to esti-top names, itis anticipated that thewell-known. fornia Broadcasting System in charge ofmate the value of each star's voice en-highest prices ever will be offered to lure Other tie-up is with Current History, national advertising. dorsement. the celluloid ciggie smokers.First, and perhapsonly,officialobstacle whicha monthly. Details on the second swap For murmuring Into a mike, "Class A"might have blocked the sponsors wasaren't set, but will most likely plug the players are to be greased $5,000 worth;overcome during the week when a Hayspublication by way of a broadcast ques- WFIL Aids in Flood "Class B," $3.500; "Class C," $2,500, andoffice committee okehed the plans, auto-tionnaire dealing with current problems, PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 30.-Altho farthe lowest, "Class D," gets a mere $1,500matically paving the way formajorpolitical and economic. from the flood area, WFIL taxed its re-for the blurb. Stan Holt, of the William sources to keep clear the Louisville airEsty agency, is handling the Camel cam-studio co-operation. channels.DonaldWithycomb, WFILpaign and paying similar fees for the Studio interest in the stunt is great. general manager, came to the rescue ofstars' "labor"-which isn't bad work, ifdue to an advertising and exploitationRadio Follows Suit Lee Coulston, general manager of WHAS,you can get it. splash accompanying each name signed. when the lines between transmitter and Both companies plan to have endors-Average of 1.200 to 2,000 lines per is- LOS ANGELES. Jan. 30.-New show studio were threatened. Frank V. Beck-ing stars appear on their broadcasts insue in 1,600 daily newspapers and maga-going out thru KGB, San Diego, is called er.chief engineer, and George Braseeshort skits, stressing the merits of thezine back covers will be used.PublicityThe Magazine Man. Narrator points out flew to Louisville with 300 pounds ofparticular cigaret.Lucky Strike cam-tie-inwillalsoballyhoostars'latestmagazine features he considers worth equipment, mobile unit serving asapaign gets under way February 3, withfilms, bringing it to the attention ofreading and tells what book to find them stop -gap bridge for the stricken station.eitherConstanceBennettorGloriasome 20,000,000 readers. in, after the manner of Readers' Digest. The Rillht.a,rl 7 February 6, 1937 RADIO



Gillette Soon to Appear in COMMUNITY SING the RKO Film

CBS - 10 P. M. - E.S.T. "NEW FACES"

CHOSEN THIS WEEK BY A COMMITTEEOF FAMOUS THEATRICAL PERSONALITIESAS THE YEAR'S OUTSTANDINGENTERTAINER 0 6444444:w Itaftatieniepzt 'RUM MILLS MILLS ARTISTS,Inc. 799 SEUEATHRAMIE, ILY. T"'"I 8 The Billboard RADIO February 6, 1937 Patriotic! UP -CBS Pact NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Report that NBC Facelifting Due For NBC's would change the name ofits Red Net- work to White Network,isdeniedby chain spokesman, who says the only reason A Major Deal they see for such a change would be for Trade News Handout Mode NBC to get patriotic and have red, white Network is buying news in and blue chains. Mixup over statistical release expected to lead to givin6 firstcommercial deal- boilerplate trade stuff to press department away from Liberty mag testing sales promotion-CBS, Four A's burn NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Behind the five-WBZ Asks For NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-National Broadcasting Company is expected to change minute news periods started this week shortly its method of handing out trade news releases, as the result of a mixul by MacFadden Publications for Liberty taking place this week when an NBC exec gummed up the works.Particular magazine on the Columbia Broadcasting500,000 Watts handout in question concerned statistics released each year by the networks System, are possibilities of considerable Somehow, the wires got tangled in this particular case: the figures were given out importanceinradio-newsrelations. BOSTON,Jan. 30.-Westinghouse Elec-according to one statement; then they weren't according to another. That thi. Libertyistakingfour eveningfive-tric Company, owner of WBZ, has filedparticular handout was given out on an "exclusive" basis was the fly that starter minu Lenewsbroadcastsduringthewith the Federal Communications Com- the ointment boiling, with an executive week on CBS, with the news comingmission for a power boost to 500,000 of the network giving out the figure. from the United Press. It's the first timewatts. Westinghouse recently organized soon after he was advised of the origina that CBS has allowed straight news toa subsidiary, Westinghouse Radio Sta- dispensation, so as to break the allege( go on as commercial programs since thetions, Inc., to operate the stations ownedMcKee Quits exclusivetivity on the release. Press Radio Bureau was organized, withby the company. NBC now programs Mentioned change has been talker theexceptionof news commentatorsWBZ and WBZA, also owned by West- about before, but this time it's figure( such asBoake Carter. inghouse and operating simultaneouslyAgency Post as being fairly certain. NBC's trade hand Liberty's news series is presently onon a synchronized basis. WBZ is now a outs have been coming thru the sale. a test basis.If the program succeeds as50,000watter, WBZA 1,000watts.If NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-J. H. (Hi) Mc-promotion department. The change wil a circulation booster for the weekly mag,the power hop is okehed, the transmit-Kee left Cecil Warwick & Cecil, adver-find them boilerplated by the press de it means, most likely, that the magazineter will be moved to a new site and aUsing agency, this week, resigning afterpartment under Wayne Randall. Wha will buy considerable time on a networknew -type antenna installed. four years with the firm.McKee, asmade this particular issue acute was tha basis for its series. Erwin Wasey agency radio director of CWC, had produced NBC appointed trade news disseminat is handling the account. the Gulf Oil, Vick, Vince, Packard andors were overruled on this handout. Sale of its service to the account is a other topline radio commercials. Further complication came thru NBC'. major step for the United Press, leading NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-National Broad- Agency stated yesterday (Friday) thatagreement with CBS not to break thes. mover in reorganizing the policies of thecasting Company had previously filed for"there was nothing to give out" as to afiguresas on an individualnetworl Press Radio Bureau so that newspaper -a 500,000 watt power for WJZ, blue out-successor. basis, but to give them out as represent owned news servicescouldselltheirlet in New York. Indications are that ing the business placed by agencies or news forcommercialuse.This tookthe FCC is going to set up several 500,- a combined network basis.CBS, it i, place after Transradio had stepped into000 watt stations, the results of the understood, is now thru with NBC inso the field and had a large number of sta-October reallocation hearings and rec- far as trade press agreement releases ar. tion subscribers who refused to abideommendations made by the FCC en-Wrigley Testing New concerned.The Four A's,advertisini by the no -commercial attitude insistedgineer report submitted a fortnight ago. agency organization, likewise felt peeve( upon by publishers thru the Press Radio Show on Pacific Net on the issue, as the agencies prefer tt Bureau. CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-Jess Pugh, radiokeep their billing figures under their In the Libertydeal, CBS acted as character actor, leaves for California nexthats. broker between UP and MacFadden in week to take the title role in a new strip Meanwhile, steel vests are almost re buying the news.CBS had a choiceRadio News Writers show based on the Scattergood Bainesquired for those bringing up the ques among UP, INS or Transradio.Latter stories by Clarence Buddington Kelland.tion of exclusive stooges or agency bill was considered not in the running be- Show, which is expected to hit the airings in the NBC sales promotion depart cause of a suit it has pending againstOrganize in Chicago about February 15, is being tested by thement. CBS. charging restraint of trade.INS Wrigley company on six basic CBS sta- was not given much of a shade, since CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-John Van Cronk-tions of their Pacific network and if suc- CBS and Hearst had some difficulties re-hite, WBBM-CBS news editor, was namedcessful will probably be extended fromRobert L. Ripley, who has been on till cently. temporarychairmanofthe newly -Coast to Coast. formedAssociationofRadio News series for about two years.Horton wil Writers at its preliminary meeting here Show will be on five times weekly, inmost likely do combination emsee am last week.Purpose of the organizationthe early evening, it is said, and will becomedy job on the show, with guest star: isto improve the standards of radiotested for two to four months.Neisser-to supplement Horton and Ozie Nelson': news writing and is not a newspaperMeyerhoff, Inc., here, were the agency.orchestra, continuing after Ripley leaves Latin America guild. Pugh has appeared regularly on several General Foods, thru Benton & Bowles One of its first objectives will be theshows here in the past, among them be-has taken an option on Ripley and ma! Audience Grows compilation of a manual for radio news -ingtheJuniorNurseCorps,Daviduse him on a half hour show startini writers.A national meeting of the or-Adams, Helen, Trent and Today's Chil-late this season.Ripley spot may 134 NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Latin Americanganizationwillprobably beheldindren. time now filled by Showboat. J. Waite radio is reaching a new audience, seldomconnection with the annual convention Thompson isagencyforStandar( touched by newspapers or periodicals. Inof the National Association of Broadcast- Brands. some of the Latin countries, because ofers next summer. thedistancesand expensesinvolved, Members of the executive committee Nostrand With L. & T. communication and education have beenof the ARNW include Leland C. Bickford, neglected and consequently few period-WNAC, Boston; K. B. MacClure. WOAR, LOSANGELES, Jan. 30.-Jack Van icals circulate in the sticks.If the gen-San Antonio; Walter Paschall, WSB. At-Nostrand has been added to the radioSealtest Sets Steady Talent eral business upward swing seeps downlanta, and H. L. MacEwen, WLW, Cin-productionstaffat Lord & Thomas to the lower income groups, it may meancinnati.T. C. Christie, Universal Serv-agency. Department has taken additional NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-National Dair3 that a larger, new market can only beice, New York, is secretary, and W. J.office space to accommodate the fast -ex-Company hassetthetalentforit: reached thru radio.While receiving setsHeggen, of the United Press, is treasurer.panding radio department now staffed bySaturday Night Party (Sealtest) progran are still in the luxury class to many, eight men. on NBC, after several weeks of a polig stores and parks often have radio pro- with all new talent on the show ever! grams amplified so that all may listen week.Program shifted from N. W. Aye] in.Working hours in the Argentine and to J. Walter Thompson recently, witl other Latin countries are usually fromHearst Daily Dumps KOIL's Lung Boost Thompson bringing in the changing tal about 8 to 12 and from 2 to 6.The two- ent policy. hour fee -siesta period is often devotedWarner Station Deal LINCOLN, Neb.. Jan.30.-KOIL, Acts which will go on Sealtest ever! to listening in. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30.-Toss-over ofOmaha, member of the Central Statesweek include Bobby Dolan and orchestra Improved economicconditionsand Broadcasting Company here, was grantedthe New Yorkers, a chorus directed 131 fairlystable governments are causingKFWB, Warner -owned station, by Thean increase of power to 5.000 watts thisLyn Murray and Don Dickson, tenor. American sponsors and station reps toLos Angeles Examiner as its official tie-week, which is double the wattage of the Weekly guest star policy will continue look South and Central Americanward.in station for news and special broad-present time. KOIL carries the NBC blueon the show. Recent Pan-American conference focusedcasts came suddenly last week -end. and Mutual. attention graphically on U. S.'s neigh- Hearst sheet was reported dissatisfied bors, with both NBC and CBS now striv-with its inability to get all the radio ing to develop their short-wave coveragetime it demanded and switched immedi- of South and Central America. ately to KMTR, without losing a news Alberti's Court Rinse About 30 per cent of the total pro-broadcast. Davidson's New Job grams in Latin America are American - Since the split, KFWB publicity in NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Jules Alberti sponsored.Approximately 20 per centThe Examiner has been virtually limited NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-John S. David-talent manager, filed a bankruptcy pe are of European origin, with Germany,to the bare schedule. son is the new radio chief of J. M. Mathes,tition this week.His liabilities totallec England and France mainly active. Re- Inc., ad agency. Formerly withNBCand8990, with no assets set forth.Albert maining 50 per cent consists of native Young & Rubicam, Inc. handled Benay Venuta, singer.

stuff. Leonard Liebling, musiccritic,wa: American radio names are not well- given a discharge from bankruptcy thi. known, but Spanish and Mexican play-Colo. Wants Station Tax week. ers who have worked in Spanish -lan- guage flickers find, a ready-made follow- DENVER,Jan. 30.-A bill, introducedBlackman Name Change ing. in the Colorado legislature, would make NBC and CBS are both studying theradio stations public utilities and place NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Week's rumor is shortwave market potentialties, with CBSthem subject to the Colorado tax com-that Blackman Advertising Agency willHill, Taillon, With currently making technical studies ofmission for taxing purposes. changeitsmonicker to the Richard ways of reaching the coastal territory ComptonAgency. ComptonrecentlyWKY, KLZ with its large concentration of popula- bought out Marion Harper with several tion. Important obstacles to commercial execs. OKLAHOMACITY,Jan. 30.-Ivan Hill shortwave broadcasts are the compara- previously with Walter Biddick Company tive rarity of shortwave receiving setsPackard Series Sticks station rep firm, went with the promo. and the different brandsofSpanish tion department of WKY this week spoken. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30.-Reported ne- Station is owned by The Daily Okla. gotiationstowardcutsintheFredE. E. Horton Replacing homan and Oklahoma City Times, wits Astaire -Packard show have been dropped the same dailies operating KLZ, Denver by the Packard Motors, because of theRipley on Yeast Show and KVOR, Colorado Springs, recentl! Terence O'Dell. formerly with CKLW,show's click in its second 13 weeks. Op- bought. Detroit, and chief announcer for thetion on the entire troupe will be taken HOLLYWOOD, Jan. 30.-Edward Ever- Cy Taillon went on the sales staff o: past 15 months with CRCW, has becomeup for a third period into the summerett Horton was set this week to emceeKLZ this week, coming from KGHL, announcer and continuity writer forat salary tilts that will bring the budgetStandard Brands' Sunday night Bakers'ings, Mont., where he was commercia WJIM, Lansing. over $25,000. broadcast on NBC.He willsucceedmanager. February6,1937 RADIO-REVIEWS Thetie Billboard 7 a young woman her fortune in a note,M., will join the National Broadcasting with a warning that it was not to beCompany, but contracts for the deal were read until after a certain period.Be-set this week.Station will go on as fore that time the young woman wasan optionaloutletforeither red or killed, and later the note was found.blue network. Ato9tanitISechewc The fortune teller, in the missive, had It's a 10,000 watter. told her that she would be killed. Wooll- cott discussed the origin and -wanderings EST Unless Otherwise Indicated of this particular story, and then dis- collective cold to give them the benefitcussed the hobby of collecting folklore "Music in Many Moods" of the doubt, delivered themselves ofsuch asthis and his correspondence Roll On, Mississippi, Roll On, My Oldwith the author of Gone With the WindMorgan's Smoke Rings Reviewed Sunday, 1:30-2 p. m.Style -Kentucky Home, When ISurvey theon the matter. NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Russ Morgan Singing.Sponsor-G. Ceribelli & Com-Wondrous Cross, and Sylvia. They would This led to a discussion of the pro-ork is definitely set to replace Leo Reis- pany. Station-WOR. be but pleasantly missed were they ac-nunciation of the word wind, and others'man on the Philip Morris show, bon Program usually consists of severaltually to roll on to their old Kentuckyviews on the matter. There is but oneNBC and CBS. Program now on NBC will numbers from Italian operas and an oc-home and there be figuratively crucifiedWoollcott in radio. run concurrently on CBS, beginning casional American popular tune.Julioby eternally listening to their own rendi- Newell -Emmett Company istheFebruary 13.Hello show will be a ban- Occhiboi conducts the ork and chorus,tion of Sylvia. agency. quet affair with a string of name talent and Anelia Sanadres,soprano;Frank High light of the program was a gay including Rudy Vallee, Walter O'Keefe Ricciardi, baritone. and Santo Di Primio,zither interlude by the guest artist who. Stoopnagle and Budd and more. tenor, are the vocalists.It is a pleasantdue to circumstances beyond his control, program, not too highbrow, but by no HWRN. "Melody Hour" means one that "plays down" to thecould not appear. radioaudience. Half-hourreviewed Reviewed Sunday afternoon, 4-5 p.m. consisted of several operatic selections Style-Variety Not lty.Sustaining on and Little Gray Home in the West, with WMBC (Detroit). Cherniaysky Is Renewed the chorus coming in for the finale. "Dodge Revue" Something unique in full -hour novel- Brioschi is a remedy for stomach acid- ties and a program that should do things NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-International ity and hangovers, a commodity which Reviewed Wednesday, 7:15-7:30p.m.for a sponsor.On the air six weeks, aSilver Company, has renewed its NBC might easily be described in an offensiveStyle-Musical.Sponsor-Dodge Broth-motor company is dickering for the hour.Sunday program with Josef Cherniaysky manner.But the spiels are forthrighters.Station-WLW (Cincinnati). Program is one of the largest, in cast.and orchestra and WillieMorris.so- and crisp and no embarrassment could Fifteen minutes, after all, isn't a verybeing broadcast locally at present withprano, getting the show into its second possibly be caused.This means betterlong time, unless one happens to be lis-36 in all.Built around the title, instead13 -week bracket. Show will, most likely than average plugs for such a product. tening to a sour radio program, hence aof reverse, some parts seem to captureafter the second period runs out, take Pettinella Advertising Company is thegood deal of the time on this program isthe infectious spontaneity of ad libbing.a summer layoff to return in the fall agency. devoted to plugs.Paradoxical as it may This week's program was Anatomy,N. W. Ayer & Son is agency. seem, the audience suffers not one whiteverything from puns to songs built from an adherence to this policy, for thearound some anatomical feature.Plenty orchestral offerings are mediocre at bestof gags on song titles.Publishers' lists and tho Ralph Nyland, tenor, gave everywere evidently ransacked to bring up "Your Adventure" promise of strangling when venturingthese appropriate novelties. into the upper reaches-he never did. Hy Steed's Commodores furnish theCoughlin Seeks More Stations IteviewedThursday,10-10:30p.m. HWRN. music, with Chuck Stanley in charge. Style-Narrator and sketches. Sponsor -- Bill Jory announcing. Opening tone set DETROIT, Jan. 30.-Father Charles E Colgate -Palmolive -PeetCo. Station-- by From the Top of Your Head to YourCoughlin is trying to clear time on 21 WABC (CBS network). Toes, and everything else played hadstations, meaning a possible web of 42 Floyd Gibbons handles this new Col- similar anatomical import, like the or-stations for the radio prcest. gate show, which follows the trail in the "Ma and Pa" chestra's Head Over Heels.Helen Hart, Stations he is angling for are: KFEL personalized, audience participation as the doctor's office girl, was effectiveDenver; KFRC, San Francisco; KGB, San trend.Listeners send in their own "ad- ReviewedSaturday.7:15-7:30 p.m.in a long role, also doubling as soprano.Diego; KDB, Santa Barbara; KXO, El ventures," with weekly winners gettingStyle-Sketch.. Sponsor-Atlantic Refin-Larry .Chabot helped on both bits and KDON. Monterey; KFXM, SanCentro; $25 each. Monthly prize goes to the besting Company. Station-W ABC (CBSsongs.Johnny Souther, tenor, gets theBernardino; KVOE, Santa Ana; KGDM of that period.Program is up againstnetwork ). palm.His assistants, Three Pals, girlStockton: KPMC, Bakersfield: WSAR, Fall the increasingly popular Bing Crosby ses- A pleasant, homey serial, not tops buttrio, also rate mention for several tune-River; WSPR, Springfield; WLBZ, Bangor; sion on NBC and isn't a particularly en-decidedly better than much of the farmful numbers. H. F. R. WFEA, Manchester; WNBH, New Bedford; joyable stanza, with the production itselfand fireside pap.Story concerns a Cape WLLH, Lowell; WBRY, Waterbury: nothing to rave about.Moderate suc-Cod couple, novices in the antique biz WLNH, Laconia; WRDO, Augusta (Me.); cess, if that, is all that seems to be inwho getin hot water.Same lotof WTHT, Hartford and WKBW, Buffalo. the cards. broken down furniture was sold to two "Tunes for Two" Program involved, this stanza, a galbuyers-evidently racketeers-andthis cashier who overpowered a stick-up guy;led to complications and ended on a note Reviewed Monday, 9:30-9:45a.m. a man who just escaped death at theof suspense. Styles-Vocal and hands of a firing squad, and a diver who Win Burton scripts the show and Mar-on WNAC (Boston) and the Yankee net-JAYSNOFF SISTERS just missed taking the last heave in agaret Dee plays the role of Ma, while work. near -drowning adventure. Parker Fennelly interprets Pa, both with A boy andgirl show with Miriam The Leading International Duo Pianists Gibbons' rapid fire, harsh delivery hasintelligence, keeping away from the easyMiller, Paul Warner and featuring Andy Radio Concert Stage lost its novelty.For those who are noroad to corniness. Jacobson's Whispering Clarinet.Show Direction: SAM WEISBORD. longer impressed by that, it makes for Advertisingtalkisnottoolong.caught was rather timid in vocal outlet WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY, N.Y. tough listening.But tougher listeningAgency is N. Y. Ayer & Son, Inc. for the duet, as tho the pair were re were the long and repetitious plugs for straining their real capability.With a Colgate's shaving creams and tooth pow- goodradiobackground,MissMiller der. should give more of what she's hiding. Has a nice contralto. A similar case is "The Lone Ranger" that of baritone Warner, who should letARTHUR KAY himself go for results.With a hypo to Reviewed Wednesday evening, 7:30-8obtain a bit more personality, this stint Sponsor-can be a lively quarter hour of enjoy-Radio Mimic - Characterizations "Hot Dates in Music" p.m.Style-Mystery Serial. Character Voice of Terrytoon Cartoons and Varied Silver Cup Bread. Station-WXYZ (De-ment. Max Fleischer Cartoons. Reviewed Monday, 7:15-7:30.Style-troit) and the Michigan network. Andy Jacobson and his licorice stick Dramatic sketch. Sponsor-Kroger Groc- Program caught was celebrated as acombine for sweet rendering.He also ery & Baking Company. Station-WLWsort of anniversary three years and threeleads the ork and the music speaks well (Cincinnati). months-for the program. one of thefor him. S. J. P. This electrically transcribed program'smost popular serials on the air, authored appeal, if any, must be to the housewifeby Franz Striker.Serial is a Western, E P in need of the silverware offered as prizeswith the Lone Ranger always on the side to the lucky ones who guess the title ofof right, aiding law and order in some "1370 Club" the song that themes the sketch. startling way of his own.Each episode D Opening and closing plugs take upis complete, but there is considerable use Reviewed Thursday, 10-11 a.m. Style- A about five of the 15 minutes and are noof suspense to build interest from weekMusical.Sustaining on WDAS (Phila- duller than the sandwiched skit. to week.The Ranger's horse. Silver-delphia). Sketch this night had to do with awho has actually appeared on local stages For a station that grinds records prac- D young couple in Bridgewater, Mo., whose-and his taciturn Indian friend, Tonto,tically the entire broadcasting day to humble home was torn with domesticfurnish the rest of the permanent mainbreak the waits between spots,allot- U strife occasioned by the bride's yen tocast, with incidental villains and others.ment of a full hour each day to nurture I be off to the World's Fair in St. Louis,Program goes over year after year withlive sustaining talent comes as a real where she would see life and learn tothe youngsters, as is evidenced by thesurprise.This time it's a mythical nitery dance the hootchie-cootchie even as didconversation of juveniles in this territory.for folks who can't get out at night. E L LittleEgypt. Louiebringsthe bossComes as a pre -bedtime broadcast threeMoniker is derived from station's spot Musical Director home for dinner and finds his Flossienights a week. on the wave band.While there is no ROXY THEATRE ,N. Y. has left a note that she has gone to the Episode caught was in two acts, andlistening charge, biggest problem for the big city.The boss has a heart of gold,concluded with a four -minute talk by1370 Club will be to get listeners who along with a hankering for the brightthe Lone Ranger on right living, etc., inwill do more than just give a listen and lights and the torso tossers, so he anda "one fellow to another" style that getspronto twist the dial. Louie go to the fair and, altho thereresults-Lone Ranger Safety Club is cur- Withno beer or bitters for the "cus- **** they find Flossie already muscled in onrently aiding police in reporting autotomers," it's a tough proposish lulling YDramatic Baritone the muscle dancers, but they kiss andaccidents.Sponsor announcements arethe bar -files into a subconscious state YOUR STATIONS kept to a minimum and are tastefully Address BETONRNEXT make up and live happily ever after. where a whiskey -tenor rates the hussahs Care of PROGRAM Program concludes with a revelationtied in with the program. H. F. R. of a Caruso.Gaiety and spontaneity Billboard, of last week's song title and names of characterizesthetown'smust -visit the winners. HWRN. haunts. But a listen at this one is about as cheery as a night under the table after imbibing one too many. No attempt is Alexander. Woollcott made to time gags(?).It's "go out and wow 'em pal" for the talent.Pro- ReviewedThursday,7:30-7:45p.m.duction score totals zero.It's "anything "Songs You Love" Style-Commentator.Sponsor-Liggettgoes," with heaven help the listeners- Reviewed Wednesday, 7:45-8.Style-& Myers Tobacco Company.Station- (See RADIO REVIEWS on page 11) Musical. Sponsor-Early & Daniel Com-WABC (CBS network). pany. Station-WLW (Cincinnati). Suave and charming Woollcott, carry- This, according to the announcer, ising the Granger pipe tobacco banner, an unusual musical treat offered by thecan talk about nothing with more in- TITO GUIZAR manufacturers of food for live stock, petstelligence than most commentators dis-NBC Gets Another * STAR of * and poultry.If judged as a musicalplay when discussing serious problems. Radio,Screen,Stage andConcert treat, it was most certainly unusual. The In the program reviewed he told the NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-No date is set Tuxedo Harmonizers, suffering from aold yarn of the fortune teller who gaveas yet on which KOB, Albuquerque, N. 10 The Billboard RADIO February 6, 1937 Gibbons' Broadcast of Flood in Cliff Cincy Area Brings Condemnation By JERRY FRANKEN CINCINNATI, Jan. 30.-Floyd Gibbons' In protesting the Gibbons description appearance at Station WKRC, CBS out- A PRIZE boner was pulled by TheSat- of the flood, the Chamber of Commerce r3. talent scouts took a long look at Walterlet with headquarters in the Alms Hotelsent the following telegram to the manu- urday Evening Post in its issue datedTetley, kid radio actor, last week. here, Thursday night, wherein he broad-facturer sponsoring the program: January 23.1937,in an article titled cast a supposedly "bird's-eye" account News on the Air by Richard Sheridan of the flood situation in the Cincin- "Cincinnati's business men and citi- Ames. One statement read: "Radio en- Landt Trio plan to give the widow ofnati area, brought wide -spread resent-zens deeply resent gross exaggerations of tertainmentpresentsfewerproblemsHoward White a quarter of the act's in-mentandcondemnation fromlocalflood situation here by Gibbons's broad- than radio news-one reason why spon-come as long as they work. A nice ges-merchants, industrial leaders and Cham-cast last night.Not only direct inaccu- sored news broadcasts are relatively rare."ture. . . . Buddy Clark flew west lastber of Commerce atsensational andracies,but whole tone gavelisteners Relatively rare! Fact is that news, today,week to dub in a song in a 20th Centuryfalse broadcasting of "news" concerningimpression so far from the facts as to be is probably the most salable programfilm.He got $1,500 for the job, plus ex-flood conditions. grotesque.Wiring you only after num- commodity in radio, save sure-fire top-penses. Barry McKinley subbed on the The well-known radio commentator'sber of complaints is so large as to make flight names.Its salability was the rea-Lucky Strike shows while Clark wassuper -dramatizing of the flood in Cin-clearthatlocalindignationiswide- son United Press and International Newswest.. . . Edith Dick has become a per-cinnati was marked by alleged sounds ofspread. Business firms, not even touched withdrew from the Press Radio Bureau'smanent member of The Morning Matineerushing waters thru the city and cries ofby flood, are receiving from customers agreement not to sell news commercially. cast. . . Jim Post will not return topeople in distress.The Gibbons ether -elsewhere telegraphic inquiries that are Each now has many stations with paid -Consolidated Radio Artists' sales staff.'zing was the climax to a long list ofridiculous in light of facts.Would ap- for news periods.Of Trans_radio's 300He's in Florida now for his health. . . . deliberatelydramatizedbroadcastsatpreciate advice measures your company stations, about 50 per cent have peddledPaul Whiteman -General Food deal onlythe expense of truth regarding floodis taking or will take to give equally their news shots.Exceptions includelooks so-so. . . . Ken Englund is nowconditions. Local Chamber of Com-widespread radio treatment to fact cor- many newspaper -owned stations, whichwriting the Joe Penner series, on a dealmerce sent a telegram to the presidentrecting wrong impressions created by will not sell newscasts commercially. Inset by Nat Wolff on the Coast.... Jimmyof Colgate -Palmolive -Peet, sponsors ofGibbons." New York, NBC has Esso with numerousSaphier has added Jean O'Neill andthe Gibbons broadcast, calling attention The chamber also protested to the Co- five-minute spots; WOR has but oneBuddy Blaisdelltohistalentstring.to growing public indignation over suchlumbia Broadcasting System inthis open news period during the day; CBSBlaisdell starts on NBC, sustaining thismisrepresentation. fashion: has Liberty mag and WMCA also has cus-week.. . . Leonard Braddock is back in Retail Merchants' Association also sent tomers for its stanzas.Ames, author ofthe NBC press department after a flinga telegram in which it objected strenu- "While realizing censorship of news the piece, is said to have formerly beenat the department store business, whileously to the dramatization of distress inbroadcasts and commercial programs is with NBC. in the news department. Bob Baral, formerly trade paper man,the community, pointing out the factimpossible, Cincinnati business men and joined the same department last week. that the principal business area of thecitizens gravely concerned over repeated city is 45 feet above the flood district.exaggerations and misstatements of local City Manager C. A. Dykstra issued aflood conditions over the radio. Facts are Walter Huston auditioned for Kelvina-statement yesterday, pointing out thatthat main mercantile and financial dis- There's a brain specialist trying to gettor refrigerators. . . . Ford Bond nowthe flood situation is being met calmlytrict has not been touched and only time from New York stations to put on aannouncing the Vox Pup Pop series... . part of the manufacturing plants tem- and efficiently, and in a broadcast lastporarily affected. program presenting cases he has cured.WMCA has Howard Doyle, Joseph Baileynight described the situation as follows: Have had unbroken Stations are refusing the offer. . . wire communications throughout period . Lynand Allan Ray as new announcers.. . . "Flood facts should not be misrepre- Murray replaces Graham Harris on theNBC, MBS and CBS tossed a coin to seesented nor exaggerated either for theand railroad passenger and freight serv- Woodbury -Shop Fields show, conductingwhich network would pay for the engi-sake of artificial dramatization or forice on all lines. the orchestra for the production num-neering costs on the January 30 Presi-selfish motives. "Partial suspension of normal business bers.No billing. . . . Art Shaw may godent's Ball from the Waldorf Astoria, all "Apart from the obvious injustice tonecessitated only by need to conserve on the Bing Crosby show sometime in thenetworks taking the same show.NBC those who have labored to maintainwater and sub -normal electric power, future, after Joe Venuti. . . . Warnerlost. law and order, such exaggeration reflectsboth of which should be completely cor- in utterly misleading fashion on thatrected next week. When these facilities vast majority of residents and enterprisesare restored, will have immediate and which, except for the lack of these usualvirtually complete resumption of all bus- services (power and water) have beeniness.Earnestly hope you can induce and are completely unaffected. Moreover,news and commercial broadcasters to ait'notes it serves to alarm needlessly hundredsdelete hysterical and overdrawn refer- ByF. LANGDON MORGAN of thousands of friends, relatives, andences to whole situation here.Your help will be appreciated." THE EXTREME importance of radio isend in New York with her husband, anassociates in other regions." being vividly demonstrated in the pres-advertising agency executive. . . . Dur- ent flood devastated districts. . . Iting Elizabeth Reller's vacation (February has been of paramount importance in1-20) her role in Betty and Bob will be relief work, directing rescue parties, call-played by her sister, Gretchen Reller.guest stars MONROE SILVERS (Cohennight, and KSO, 2,600 day, 500 night. on the Telephone) and GLORIA SWAN -by Western Unioning chocolate cakes ingforvolunteers and appealing for . . . With her Guiding Light program with the enclosed cards reading "Not a financial, food and clothing aids. . just sold to Procter & Gamble, Irna Phil-SON.Silvers did an old, old routine, Many a survivor owe their lives to thelips, who also authors Today's Children,that probably was funny to those hear-wedding, birthday or anniversary-it's a speed and dispatch in which radio hasis considering contracts to write two ad-ing it for the first time.Miss Swansonblessed event!" to Des Moines dealers, was unimpressive, working in a gossamerdistributors and agencies. Card also an- handled urgent situations. . . . Many aditional air shows. . . . Truman Brad- "ham" operator has been of extremeley, who is an amateur cameraman, flewNOEL COWARD sketch. Her voice is thinnounced the increase in wattage and car- value with his little low -powered outfitsover the turgid Ohio River last weekand not very expressive. LANNY ROSSried a station plug. and deserves the plaudits of a nation....and took 200 feet of film. . . . A brandemcees well. and sings better than he When WAVE, NBC affiliateinflood - new idea in radio programs, with Besshas before. AL GOODMAN and the Mod- struck Louisville. was forced off the airJohnson playing the lead on a six timesern Choir each contribute excellent work. Iodent tooth paste program, Dress Re- Sunday night, January 24. the Nationala week basis, will probably hit the net-the ork leader on both his production and dance numbers, the choir with thehearsal, has a giveaway for art lovers. Broadcasting Company here chartered aworks within the next 30 days. . . . Mailing in molar scrubber's carton brings plane tocarrya 400 -pound gasoline -Jack Fulton winds up his Minneapolisoutstanding work of its type on radioa color reproduction of a famous paint- driven generator and fcur transmittingengagementwithSwingWiththetoday.Molasses'n'January continue.ing, with six words to chose from. Pic- . . . that comedy. Well, it's billed as comedy, tubes to the station. . Taking off theStrings this coming week. . . Bur - tures carry no ad copy. Show is on NBC next morning, the plane was able toridgeD.Butler, WLS president, andanyway. reach Louisville in time to put the sta-Glenn Snyder, WLS general manager. Sundays. Maxon Inc., agency. tion back on the air that afternoon.. . . have returned from a business trip in WAVE was on the air constantly afterNew York. that,issuinginstructionstorescue Wednesday nights on the NBC red Brioschi, a cure for stomach acidity crews assigned to the task of evacuating continue to be "sumpin'." It's the Lightsand hangovers, has an Italian following more than half of the city's population. Out stanza. certainly the best of its kind of production in radio. Stories are a hy-andis now going after the English- . . . There was more stark drama in SEARS ROEBUCK & COMPANY will speaking trade. A musical program is fed most of the messages from stations inbe back on the air again via CBS, accord-brid, mystery, ghost and 10-20-30 stuff,from WOV, New York, to WOR and three the stricken areas than ever could be pro-ing to gossip along Chicago's radio row.but excellently done. ARCH OBOLER, WILLIS COOPER,asNew England stations. Announcement is duced by any of the chains. . . . EricSagerquist, CBS batoneer,who succeeded writer of the show, has done well. Pro-made that Brioschi may be purchased at takes week -end trips to Cary,Ill.,forduction and acting rate a bow, which"drug stores and Italian stores."Pro- hunting. . . . Willard Farnum, juvenile gram is also being advertised in the Ital- in A Tale of Today, reports from Florida.make it unanimous.Commercially, theian -language newspapers. WHEN DOYNE WILSON, guitarist withwhere he is convalescing after an attackshow presentsa problem.Time, ob- the Hilltoppers on WLS, made his firstof illness, that he has gained 10 poundsviously, is not easily salable. Move to an appearance before a microphone follow-since leaving Chicago. . . . Smiling Edearlier spot might take away some of the ing the birth of his son, the folks in theMcConnell is on his way to Florida. buteerieness. But it still certainly rates a PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 30.-RCA'S spon- studio made a big hullabaloo about it.not for the same reason. Ed already hav-gamble as a commercial venture,ifsorship of the Metop matinee broadcasts . . Said Don modestly: "I don't knowing plenty of poundage. . . . When Leeproperly handled. serves as a key for sales promotion of what I've done to deserve all this." . Hassell, of the Verne, Lee and Mary trio company's radiosets,records,record - Dan Harding's Wife, popular NBC serial.on the National Barn Dance, weds Gene playinginstruments and the"Victor is being sponsored by the National Bis-Donovan February 14, she will march to Book of the Opera."Beginning with cuit Company, beginning February1. the altar to the strains of WLS' Ralph AC 114060 gtOtt$ large -space newspaper and mag ads her- . . . Jack Shoemaker, WBBM-CBS an-Emerson's organ music. . . . Uncle Ezra alding the decision to sponsor the blue- ribbon nouncer, is down with appendicitis and(Pat Barrett) may soon leave the air- SEVERAL promotional deals are being musicalevents,acarefully may have to undergo an operation. . . . waves to devote his entire time tq being planned and comprehensive merchandis- Betty Lou Gerson is spending the week-a gentleman farmer. mutually handled in Omaha by KOILing campaign was mapped out for deal- and The Bee -News. A mystery yarn run-ers and distributors, urging them to ning in the sheet is dramatized the samespend the major portion of their co-. day by the station.Prizes are to go tooperative ad funds on tie-ins with the the right guessers after the first 11 epi-broadcasts. sodes are finished. Daily ran teaser -ads An elaborate presentation book, The and the station spot announcements be-Metropolitan Opera Kit, detailing com- euttent Pto9tanit eottufted fore the tieup started. plete opera promotion plan was prepared PresidentRoosevelt'sinauguration.and sent out to the company's district of- This column is devoted to brief reviews of programs which have been on the airJanuary 20. was used as a honey of afices and wholesale distributors by Thom- for some time, as well as shows, which_ already reviewed, rate further mention.deal between the station and paper, withas F. Joyce, RCA Victor ad manager. Kit Basis is that a one-time program. review is inadequate for a production, that varieslocal Philco dealers cooperating. Papercontains six separate items designed to each time itis presented. supplied every school making the requeststimulate store traffic and provide ma- with a radio set, with a proviso that itterialfor demonstrations to the cus- AFEW weeks ago Showboat (Maxwelltouring Showboat is the mention. open-be tuned to KOIL. All three factors gottomer. Also included is a weekly window House Coffee, General Foods) wenting and closing, of the city being visited.plenty of credit. poster serviceto the dealer of each intodrydock,tobe relaunched withThis idea should have gone with the week's opera and another poster describ- plenty of new tackle:That's been done,other barnacles scraped off, as well as ing the Victor Book of the Opera. with the result that it's a vastly improvedthat strictly phony, hail -fellow -well -met Joyce reports that this plan, available entertainment stanza. Excepting some ofspirit that, it seems, can't possibly con- Iowa Network celebratedits up into the dealer at a nominal cost, is not the talent, the only vestige of the oldvince anybody. Program caught had aspower-KRNT, 5000wattsday,1,000 (See PROMOTION on opposite page) February 6,1937 RADIO The Billboard 11 costs down. Plugs for car are not too long, but a spiel for Michigan was much toolengthy-especiallyforthe non - After Four Years Radio Shows Mettle in Flood Michigan dialers -in. Agency is McManus, John & Adams, NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-After a four- year run, Paul Martell's band has left Relief By Cutting CommercialsDetroit. the Arcadia Ballroom.Martell has dropped the band to join the Jolly NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Radio, for the Coburn orchestra, playing the violin past two weeks, has displayed its mettle andaccordion, whenitopensin in flood relief work by cutting commercial The Depression Over? Miami this week. strings to aid in the national emergency. PITTSBURGH, Jan. WPA music April, May and June Emergency networks, comprised of sta- unit touring this territory has gone on its tions on rival webs, linked together hast- own under the title of the Federal Sym- Review Saturdayevening,7 :15-7 :30 ily but efficiently.Relief money was phony Orchestra andis now playing Al- p. m. CST. Style-Singing.Sustaining raised by direct appeals and campaign legheny county. Attorney Edward J. Manion, on WCFL, Chicago. With The Orkmen stunts.Engineers, announcers, and sta- in charge of the project's finances, reports tion personnel forgot all thought of sleep that admission willbe charged and that JOHNNY HAMP closesat Rainbow and fought fatigue. Home offices coop- performances will be prejented both under This new girl trio has plenty of re-Grill, atop Radio City, New York, Febru- erated by rushing needed apparatus and sponsorship and on an independent basis. hearsing to doif they want to keepary 1, to begin a tour of college dates men to the stricken areas. Amateurs con- Some 30musiciansareemployed,with among those present in the already over-for Consolidated. tributed greatly to facilitating aid to Pierre de Backer acting as concertmaster. crowded field of feminine harmonizers. those in distress. Inaugural broadcast offered nothing dif- JOLLY COBURN and Dave Miller or While much of radio's help in this dis- ferent in the way of presentation andchestras have opened for CRA at the aster is of an intangible nature, part of it much of the harmony seemed to be doneFrench Casino, Miami. can be reckcned in terms of lives saved,Fight Over Billing: ina rather hit-and-miss manner, in epidemics averted and property and busi-Then Are Canceled fact,at times they had difficultyin BARNEY RAPPandbride.Ruby nesses salvaged. No figures are available keeping in key.Much work must beWright. soloist with Rapp orchestra, are as yet, but wholesale commendation has BOSTON, Jan. 30.-A tiffover topdone before the trio is more than pass-back from a honeymoon cruise to Nassau come thru for the entire industry, in-billing, in which two gals clawed eachable. F. L. M. and the Rapp combo has begun a theater cluding sponsors who cooperated by for-other, was an unbilled episode at Blinis- and collegiate tour for CRA. getting all rights to their time.Good-trub's Belgian Village Grill, South Bos- will created by radio's help will reflectton, last week. HAL THURSTON and ork have moved favorably on all phases of the biz. Team of Blonde Tappers and the Ladd into the Lido Club, Charlotte, N.C. Radio stations helped in directing res-and Garde ballroom duo were booked in "Adventures of Captain bookedbyCharlesScribmanoffice cue workers In radio -equipped vessels.for the same show. Words led to action, Tubby Oliver handles the vocals. Answers to appeal for help were also an-with Lillian Siblo, of the Blonde Tappers, Diamond" nounced. Actual news broadcasts of re-besting Mildred Garde. Lads simply dis- MARIO BRAGGIOTTI willcontinue lief work contained pungent drama, farcontinued their speaking terms. Reviewed Sunday, 3-3:30 p.m. Style-with his own orchestra on one-nighters more gripping than most of the sketches After the fracas was allover,theSketch, Sponsor-General Foods Corpora-despite his reteaming with Jacques Fray heard on the regular programs. News ofmanagement canceled both acts thus set-tion.Station-WJZ (NBC network). for their WEAF network series. people reported dead being found alivetling all top billing once and for all. Diamond Crystal Salt, something Mom and families united contained genuine will buy, is the account on this show, thrills for all fans.No censorship was but the program is slanted for Junior imposed, but in some instances. central and Pop. Episode reviewed dramatized clearing houses were maintained to avoid a party of edible whites on a cannibal the spreading of rumors and possible island with the natives white -meat hun-Miss. Chief Hits Violators gry.Plenty of 10-20-30 suspense, what panics. PROMOTION- with native noises, a freightened lady, a Jackson, Miss., Jan. 23.-State Chief of Emergency networks were created, af- (Continued from opposite page) kidnapping, foul play and all the trim -Police, Major T. B. Birdsong, has opened filiations being forgotten. WSM supplied min's. his cleanup drive on night spots oper- power tq WHAS and other stations co-only bringing in immediate sales returns Program. is a weekly stanza and, be-ating in Rankin county.Several arrests operated inallpossible ways.Powerbut shows every indication of accom-cause it is heard long before bed -time,have been made, charging "possession of shut -offsseriously handicapped manyplishing lasting results. Entire inventoryitis doubtful if any objections couldintoxicating liquor." stations, but emergency measures aidedof record-players is sold out and thebe made againstit by parent -teacher inkeepingtheetherdepotsgoing.factory has begun turning out additionalgroups or other reform elements.Show Charlie Warren, operator of The Silver WCKY, Cincinnati, rushed a generatorquantities.Record dealers in sparselyis well produced. Moon, was one of those arrested.His from Detroit and the local telephonepopulated area have actually placed or- Captain Diamondtitleties -up,ofbond was fixed at $500. company aided in servicing thestation.ders for the operatic records far in ex-course, with the product and may get Paducah, Ky., would have been isolatedcess of their entire record purchases foroccasional listing in the dailies. Com- Assistance of the National Guard is ex- but for one telephone line and a shortthe whole of last year. And the opera pected to expedite proceedings, since it book is getting a big play from schoolmercials are in the front, center andeliminates the necessity of calling upon wave transmitter. rear.Interesting angle in the plug forprivate citizens to aid as witnesses. WTAM. Cleveland, serviced the Ports-principals and music teachers. the salt in an indirect fashion, thru mouth, 0., police department when Its the stressing of the advantages of bread radio equipment was crippled. Web and made with Diamond Crystal Salt. indie stations broadcast appeals of the Red Cross for funds to aid the rescue work. RADIO REVIEWS "Five Star Final" Seek Curfew for Montreal Outside of radio, showpeople, as usual, (Continued from page 9) offer to MONTREAL, Jan.30.-Syndicateof came thru with a spontaneous Basic idea is there, but it gets Five Star Final, heard on WMCA, NewCatholic Unions last week asked the city help. Many offered summer boats to theif any. York, dramatizes the headlines and hasexecutive committee to enforce a mid- Red Cross, some made cash contribu-no further than the station's programbeen doing so for several years.Ade- tions, a big benefit show is being plannedlistings in the newspapers. quate production, program keeps a fairlynight curfew for cabarets. already, and local night clubs and thea- Harold Davis masters the ceremonies;even keel and has a local following of ters collected contributions by employees.the Three Naturals, instrumental andseveralyears'standing. Remington - Altho few night spot managers believe harmonizing strollers who have beenRand sponsor. that so drastic a measure will be en- heard to better advantage, waste their Three Little Punsters, a WMCA spon-forced, they fear a 2 or 3 o'clock closing - timeasthe Three Singing Waiters;sored program for Sachs, a furniturehour by-law being drawn up. With the Chris Seider ads an alleged song andhouse, used to possess more comedy thanEmbassy Terrace retainingits present tap routine; Bert Brown beats out a git-at present.Songs and patter heard areshow and Chez Maurice still closed for Fight for Mass. Bingo box solo, and Wilson Donahue warblesnot big-time stuff and would benefitalterations, only major local clubs to pops a la croon.Studio string ensembleby the restoration of some of the comedyfloor new shows are the Piccadilly Caba- PROVIDENCE,Jan.30.-Althotheis led by "Ivan Awful -itch" which givesformerlyheard. Injectionofguffawret and the Club Lido. Providence Bureau of Police and Firesome cue as to the comedy peddled.Almaterial would bolster up the just so-so has set a February 1 deadline on all pub-Schenk. appearing in a local nitery. didsinging. Show has been on for years. lic bingo games in the city and turneda guest on this stanza.Passes as a down appeals for reconsiderationvoiced by representatives of 14 local organiza-comic, but not very successfully. Flood Compels Holdover tions at a public hearing on the matter No ladies in this floor show, but it's held last week, the end has' not yet beendoubtful whether many listenerswill HUNTINGTON, W. Va., Jan. 30.- ever find that out. ORO. More Club Chatter One act that benefited from the reached, it appears. Ohio River floods is that of Per- Tuesday a measure is scheduled for CLUB SILHOUETTE, Chicago, is being zade and Jetan, dancers, at the introduction in the legislature which managed by Carl Ellis, Pete Peterson, his Fifth Avenue Hotel here.Catas- would givelocalauthoritiesprivilege partner in business, has taken over the trophe prevented their doubling at of licensing bingo games whenprizes "Varsity Show" WinonaGardensmanagement . the Cafe Continental across the awarded amount to not more than $100. HARRY EAGER, operator of the 5100 river, but at the same time neces- is Club, Chicago, is vacationing in Miami. Other provisions of the bill, which Reviewed Friday, 10:30-11 p. m. Style- is in her 41st week sitated their being held over at the patterned after a Massachusetts statute,College show.Sponsor-Pontiac Motor . IONE O'DONNELL hotel. limits bingos to one a week, heldinCompany.Station-WEAF (NBC net-at the 606 Club, Chicago. meeting place of sponsoring organiza-work). TIMMIE MYERS, Vera Walton and tion, and provides that promotersand Pontiac gets itself a front seat on theMargy Perry have just concluded a week's conductors of the games all belong to thecollegeshow bandwagon,with Johnstand at the Palm Garden, Columbus, 0., organization benefitting from the affair.Held Jr. doing a rather Indifferent emcee-and are current at the Little Italia ClubBoran for Radio Shorts Provi- in the same city . . . COLLha-ra AND Bill is intended to circumvent the ing job, and the rest of the talent fromGALLE closed an extended engagement dence Bureau's thumbs -down stand. the campus.On the first show, Held . . . Arthur Boran, mimic -comedian,has built something of a verbal picture ofat the Bartlett Supper Club, Rochester,been signed by Educational Pictures to the University of Michigan and thenN.Y., February 1 . . . JERRY GIBBS,make a series of radio shorts.Shooting thegleeclub and band didseveralfemale impersonator, has opened at the atthe Paramount songs wereAdirondack Hotel Grill, Saranac Lake,began January 27 collegenumbers.College N. Y. Spot is managed by Katherine Pot-Studios. Brooklyn, on the first short of New Agencile in Philadelphiahearable and pleasant, but better ones comedythe series, Nothing but the Tooth. . LEE, have been heard. Dialog of two collegeter. . VALLEY AND 30.-A newlads, one imitating Winchell, was par-dancers, who have been playing Mon- PHILADELPHIA, Jan. Held gagstreal clubs for the last several months, agency,NationalArtists'Bureau, hasticularlybad, and several are now working theaters in the same °Pelted offices here underdirection ofmissed their marks. Show would prob- city . . . MARINO ANDDEVOLL, ball- Walter F. Philipp and Ludy Van Love.ably benefit by more college songs androom team, are being held over indefi- Philipp is handling acts under exclusiveless talk and attempted humor. There is a large. ready-made audiencenitely at the Merry -Go -Round in Akron, aeThe Mystifier. management, including Gail Randolph, 0. Tanis. Garth, Sally Davis and Charlottefor a show of this type-college grads. nose Dubin. Van Love is in charge of orches-families and friends, but the program's JACKIEGREEN has had his tra department, representing his ownappeal is by no means confined to sheep-sculptured at the Columbus Memorial FASTEST PAIR OF HANDS skin holders. Campus music is generallyHospital, Chicago. . . Toni Lane, cur- combo and the Three Music Weavers. rently at the Hi -Hat Club, Chicago opens ON THE AMERICAN STAGE strollers.Bureau also handling the pro-catchy and of broad appeal.Pontiac, duct= of the Civic Grand Opera Com-when and ifit betters this show, canat the Oriental Theater, Chicago, Feb- Mgt. MUSIC CORPORATION OF AMERICA. pany of Philadelphia, under directionofbuild plenty of good -will and keep itsruary 5. 12 The Billboard NIGHT SPOTS -ORCHESTRA -MUSIC February ft, 1937 MAY "CLOSE UP" PHILLY

Louisiana Clubs Giving a Parrot the Bird PHILADELPHIA, Ian.30. - John Tio, Acts, Bookers, Cafe Owners master of the almost -human parrot current- Doing Good Biz lyatHotelAdelphia,tellsofhisbird getting the birdie. Joins to Bar Out-of-Towners When Tio announced to the sitting sip- pers: "My birdmimics JimmyDurante, New Orleans and Upstate Eddie Cantor, Bob Burns, Ed Wynn, etc., whom would you like him to impersonate?", report best grosses in years one gadder -about piped: "Let's see him im- Plan to lopby for amendment to State license law-seek -but flood a worry personate Gypsy Rose Leel" to ban office -in -hat and out-of-town bookers-nix on

bedrooms near offices-hope for eventual closed shop

NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 30.-Despite theLondon Night Spots heavy rain and warm weather and the PHILADELPHIA,Jan. 30.-Philadelphia and the rest of the State will offer a threat of the Southward -moving floods, , Jan.25. - Billedas"thehighly organized territory for night club and vaude entertainers if certain legis- night clubs and hotel dining and danc-World's Greatest Comedian," Jimmy Savolative movements are consummated in Harrisburg. With the ground -work laid ing spots here are enjoying an unusuallycontinues to prove a big hit at the Cafehere, the United Entertainers Association, the Entertainment Contractors' Asso- good season. de Paris.In for four weeks, it looks asciation, and the Philadelphia Cafe Owners' Protective Association banding together Clever shows probably account forif he will be retained for a further period.for the first time in a common cause. Movement calls for enforcement of the much of the drawing power. Even in Music Hall Boys are back at the SanState law of May 2.1929, which provides for an $120 yearly license fee for all theusuallypoor VieuxCarrespots,Marco and clicking heavily with their bookers of entertainment. Act has never where many complaints of underpay,sure-fire routine. been enforced.With allthree bodies cheating and oft -time accusations of Russell Swann, American magician and clamoring for regulation, cooperation has robbery were recently heard, improve- been promised by Governor Earle and ment in shows is noted. comedy entertainer, repeats at the Troca-New Clubs Attorney -General Margiotti.Further, it dero, where he is a fine hit.Newcomer is understood that the UEA, ECA and the At the Blue Room. town's best spot,to this spot is Billy Costello, of "Popeye, PCOPA have recommended changes in SRO sign is out nightly, with Will Os-the Sailor," fame. the law which will tend to broaden its borne and ork and Miles and Kover floor Ann Pritchard and Jack Lord are heldIn Philly scope and tighten existing loop holes. show making a fine combination. Newlyover at the Savoy Hotel. They are classy, Enforcement of the act will come under opened Fountain Terrace, with Roose-versatile and graceful. A distinct novelty PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 30. - Increasedthe State Department of Labor and In- velt Rhythm Kings playing,is takingin the same show is the first English ap-activity in the night -life belt has twodustry. care of overflow from Blue Room. pearance of Billy Rex, Continental acro-openings and as many reopenings. Peggy O'Neal, who finished 54 weeks Stanley Carroll offers a Yacht Club, Not onlywillevery booker bere- at the Nut Club to establish some sortbatic and contortionistic dancer, who haswhere Nat Welsh emsees, show includingquired to procure a license, but will also a great trick wherein he is able to jump be required to maintain an office.A of record, is still clicking over WWL. on his own head. Paddy La Verne, Nona Lawson, Patriciapresent statute stipulates that a busi- Talkisthat large vacant store on Robinson, Marcella Lee and Beth Cal-ness office may not be maintained on main stem, Canal street, will be opened Shows at the Dorchester Hotel, Londonvert.Kitty Helmling leads the Viola Casino and Grosvenor House remain un-Klaiss Musical Maids for tarp music. the same floor with a bedroom. A cur- for Mardi Gras week to handle increas-changed. with all three spots reporting Another number club to the growingsory survey of the local field by Tom ing demand for night spots, while Cres-biz as okeh. Kelly, UEA exec, revealed that 80 per cent Club, regular gaming spot, is also list is Blank's 500 Club, where Jean Lacent of all entertainers are females. And planning a week of entertainment and Jacques Charles' Paris Tour De MondeRae heads the goings ,on with Conniewith that argument in mind bodies will named ork far period. is hitting as a well -produced floor showMiller and Billie Marsh. at the ritzy Grosvenor House. Kathleen Al Brown has canned the sepia show atask legislature to amend the act to pro- Upstate, business is reported best inDel Adami, the Percy Athos Girls, Marisahis Kit Kat Club and lights up againhibit the maintenance of a business of- several years. Stan Stanley and band,Cordoba. Kent and Paddy and Kambarwith all -white talent. Has George Scotti,fice in any building that contains a bed- closed at Jung Roof here, to go intoare outstanding. room. Move is aimed at those bookers Blossom Heath, Shreveport, for indefinite Barnett and Parker, Long Sisters, Pattiwho work out of their own homes. With stay. Band of 14 pieces, including voices Midnight Laughter is in its 10th weekCrawford, and the Air -O -Way Trio. Amore than 90 agents doing business in of Von Elkins and Flo Dare. with a six -at the Dorchester and still proving popu-Madame Phi will also be on tap for mittthe Philadelphia area, it is believed that act floor show headed by Fox Sisters andlar.Hits remain the Wiere Brothers withreading. the new restrictions will cut that num- theirrefined"sophisticated nonsense" Harry Serian has his Girard Cafe goingber down to below 50. Burt Lynn as emsee. and Holland and Hart, classy Americanagain,withDelVecchia'sswingsters Also at Shreveport, Washington-Youree being Enforcement of a licensing law will Fountain Room keeps Jimmy Joy anddance team. further strengthen the legitimate book- ork with new floor show headed by Paul ers position by cutting out orchestra Gordon, "Prince on Wheels," and includ- leaders and emsees who also book shows. ing Frances Willer in acrobatic and tap Most important, however, it will mean numbers. Conventions Boost the endofindependent booking by Cotton Club Does nitery owners themselves.Changes in At Baton Rouge. Marshall Van Pool the law recommended by Kelly clearly and band moves in with a floor show. $700,000 in 4 Mos. Chi Cafe Business define the professional entertainer. Altho Over at Monroe's Three Mile Inn, Har- NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Seven hundred CHICAGO. Jan.30.-Acontinuedthe night spot owner will be able to old Nelson's ork moves in with Johnnythousanddollars was contributedbystring of big conventions and a steadyhire all his other help, floor talent will DeNious and Annett Naron, singers. 340,000 patrons at the completion of theinflux of visitors to Chicago has kepthavetobe handled thru a licensed Bradley's, top spot of the MississippiCotton Club's 400th performance tonightbusiness at a high peak at most of thebooker. Law would also prohibit a club Gulf Coast, opened last week for wintersince the premiere of the current show.bigger night clubs and hotel cafes here.owner getting a booking license. COPA season, with Vee Bee Taylor's musicians,That means 850 patrons at each perform-The coming month forecasts some veryhas promised Kelly its support on that Marvel and Fried, dance team, and Lu'ance spending a little more than $2 each.good shows and some of the downtownscore. Royfeatured. And $700,000 for a little more than fourspots have already changed their pro- Proposed law would bar out-of-town months makes it a yearly $2,000,000 gross. agents. The better local spots are now grams. handled by outside offices, notablyMCA This week saw two openings of newand Harry Kilby. shows.Ethel Shutta made her debut Mutual understandings between the at the Congress Casino Friday night withUEA, ECA and the COPA will eventually A Break for Kids a show that also has Stan Kavanagh,make for aclosed shop in this area. News From Bernhardt and Graham and Gus Arn-Recommendations in the wind call for BOSTON. Jan. 30.-Three 13 -year -oldheim'sorchestra.ThePalmerHousethe setting up of a grievance committee lads, forming a sepia -white song andopened its new Midwinter Revue the sameto settle any differences that may crop West Coast dance team. have been placed under theevening, headed by Paul Rosini, ma-up.With fines and black -listsasa personal management of Arthur L. Race,gician, with a lineup consisting of thehead hammer, will mean that each to LOS ANGELES. Jan. 30.-Max Perrinmanager of the ritzy Copley Plaza Hotel.Three Samuels and Harriet Hayes, Rob-each will have to behave, or get out of and Ethel Howe. arrivals from the Chi-Lads have played the swank Sheratonberts and White, Ray and Trent. Junebusiness.A 'further suggestion voiced cago Yacht Club. opened at ,the Holly-Room of this Back Bay hostelry.BillTaylor, the Abbott Dancers and Georgecalls for a three way contract on all wood Knickerbocker. Boyer, ork maestro here,istutor ofHamilton's music.The College Inn inbooking dates, aimed to cover the en- Gus Van leaves for the Bal Tabarin,Johnnie White, sepia keyboard tickler;the Sherman Hotel will have a new showtertainer,bookerandniteryowner. San Francisco. on a six -week engage-Frankie Hall, warbler; and Wilber Lu-February 4, with the Bo Brummels, Gar-Grievance committee will also act on all ment. returning here for nitery and pic-ccur. Negro tapster.Threesome workcia and Perrot, three couples of Lindywage claims. ture work. Copley Plazachildren'sbenefits, andHoppers and a holdover of the Gertrude house parties. Hoffmangirls,theCaliforniaVarsity Estelle and Leroy, dance team. brought Eight and Roger Pryor's band here for Wanger's Vogues of 1938, go The middle of February will bring a into the Victor Hugo Garden Room pend- new Casino Parisian production, headedNatchez Cops ing start of the film. by Emil Boreo, and a new Chez Paree Frank Miguel will be in charge of the show,withGertrudeNiessen,Edgar night club and cafe department orga-Philly Driveson Bergen and Bert Frohman. In the mean-Raiding Cafes nized by Rockwell -O'Keefe here.For- time both places are playing to overflow NATCHEZ, Miss.. Jan. 30-State Chief merly with Edward Keller in New York.Unlicensed Bookers convention crowds. The Stevens Septet,of Police Major T. B. Birdsong is con- Henri DeSato. maitre d'hotel of the in the Continental Room of the Stevenstinuinghisraiding alongthe "Gold Casanova Club, has been signed by 20th PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 30. - DriveHotel,is causing quite abit of com-Coast" near Jackson. Three of the eight Century -Fox to act as technical advisoragainst unlicensed theatrical and nightment. as is the smashing finale at thepersons indicted at a recent grand jury on the night club sequenceofCafeclub bookers got under way yesterday.Royale -Frolics. sessioninconnectionwithalleged Metropole. Firstconviction was brought against gambling and liquor trafficking have sur- Gertrude Niesen. just finished in Uni-Edward Beiner, of the Variety Theatrical rendered.Each was released under $500 versal's Top 0' the Town, opens at theEnterprise. Magistrate Elias Meyers fin- bond. Chez Paree. Chicago. February 15. ing him $25 and costs for booking with-Everybody's Doing It Drive to break up gambling and the out. a license. Rita Roberta. entertainer. NEW YORK, Jan. 30-Since every othersale of liquor will be continued. This testified she paid the agency a commis-one is doing it. Fred Le Quorne, danceis hurting business of allstate night sion for night club engagement securedinstructor, has taken it upon himself tospots. Robbins Family to S. A. for her. select the most popular band in town. VictorGirard.investigatorforthe According to a poll conducted by him- NEW YORK. Jan. 30.-Robbins FamilyState Department of Labor, stated thatself and his staff of 25 instructors. and L. A. Cafe Is Fined sailed today for South America to openthere are more than 90 agencies in thein accordance with an 83 per cent vote LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30.-Club Esquire, an eight -week engagement at the Casinocityfailingto pay their$125 yearlyof his12,805pupils, Lennie Hayton'sswank cocktail and night spot on the De Urca. Rio de Janeiro, with an optionlicense fee as provided for by the lawHollywood Restaurant orchestra, gets theSunset strip, was fined $250 as a cor- for another eight weeks at Buenos Aires.of May 2,1929, and "we are going towreath.The award will be aired overporation this week for cutting liquors TV, ',if They follow with London dates in July. war on all 01 411C111. wsacc-muuuni network February 2. aaaravaac.v.a lo February 6,1937 NIGHT SPOTS -ORCHESTRA -MUSIC The Billboard 13

7219141 Club Reviews don LOPER better instruction in selling vocal wares. beth Merry -Go -Round Bar, N. Y.Come To Me My Melancholy Baby was her only offering and the special ar- Nick Bates has taken over the jinx spotrangement was put over okeh. Pipes areHAYES originally built for Helen Morgan andthere. but more personality would be later tenanted by Princess Tokaroff asadvantageous. "inimitable her Original Maisonette Russe.Altho dance he has renamed the spot Merry -Go - A cute. dimpled young lady is Norma Round Bar, the place still retains theMitchell, spotted with a acro-high kick stylists" European Dance Artists In Their Maisonette Russe atmosphere.Thereinstintto Dinah, and secondly with a NEW, UNIQUE AND SENSATIONAL lies a difficulty for Bates.His place iswaltzcontrolnumber,inwhich she Currently, DANCEof the a hybrid, encompassing the festive car-pleases with an assortment of splits and ARCADIA, Philadelphia. nivalair ofits carousel bar and thea series of spotters. Raoul and Margo, Mgt.: MUSIC CORP. OF AMERICA. FORBIDDEN NECKLACE regal austerity of the Maisonette RusseCuban rhumba team, give their version ("The Snake Dance") of a tango, which winds up with the gal Now Appearing inner room. It may prove very difficult SHERRY NETHERLAND HOTEL to compromise the two. across his shoulders as he pivots, at the New York. This indecision is reflected in the en-same time lighting and smoking a cig- tertainment as well. The mixed grouparet. A novel bit that was applauded. of lovely voices (three feminine and two Line returns for a torrid La Rhumba male) that form the Russian chorus areworkout with convulsive bumps to South as natural and fitting divertissement asAmerican Joe. Raoul and Margo return can be, and so is Boris Koretzky's gypsyfor this.Emsee Eddie Dunn is a per- musicians. But to introducento thissonable lad, but poor p. a. system did atmosphere the brash MarianPierce,not do his vocaling justice. Sang Dark - Address Communications cue The Billboard, with her weak attempts at ultra -sophis-town Strutters Ball, and strutted about 1564 Broadway, New York, N. Y. ticated song -talking satire,is inept, tothe floor. say the least. It would take a Bea Lillie Whirlwind finishis Steele's personal to put over such a style here, and, evencreation of the dance Balboa, exempli- then, it might still sound incongruous.fied in good stead by the line who sings Miss Pierce is unquestionably .a beauty.the number with Dunn. Line voices, in- li II Tall, stately, with raven black hair setcidentally,registerquitewell.Given andDARROW AddressCommunicationsCare off by white satin gown with red jacket,more floor space, the production wouldDAWN of Billboard, New York. she presents poise and appearance thatclick even better.Line does much to DANCERS OF DISTINCTION, goes a long way as a first impression.enhance and pep the show.Gals are Appearing COMMODORE HOTEL. New York. But all this does not stack up againstplenty hotcha. Dir.: MARK LEDDY, 1270 6th Ave., the ineffectual salesmanship and inap- The Eddie DePietro ork has a WHDH New York. propriate material. In any other placewire 15 minutes nightly. No cover nor Bookings: MCA. but this, she may be a sensation. the The Russian chorus offers songs as aminimum.SariKleimantickles 1 YVETTE harmony group and by solo work, ac-ivories and vocals between shows. AND HER ORIGINAL MUFF DANCE companied by guitar or full orchestral Sidney J. Paine. Under Direction background. Seated at a side table, they SLIGH & TYRRELL presentdelightful entertainment that 140 N. Dearborn Street, Chicago. seems informal and impromptu. Horacio Zito and band provide dance Continental Room, Chicago rhythms. They, too, are in a way mis- fits. Their music is too fast and dance- Thisbeautifullyappointeddining Now Appearing hally (tho not loud) for the subduedroom, a favorite meeting place for con- BROWN DERBY, BOSTON. elegance of room and patronage. Evennoisseurs of good food, can offer the most DEB CARVER the domination of the leader'sviolindiscriminating entertainment seeker sat- playing, and of the accordion and sax,isfaction in the short but excellent floor - COMMONf(-ATIONS6-1564 BROADWAV"V" and his Country Cousins fail to soften it. show.Currently. the room can boast of Comedy, Singing. Daneing Much more in keeping is the relieftwo stellar attractions in Frankie Mas- Rep.: , 1270 6th Ave, N.Y.C. band of Boris Koretzky. Russian andters' orchestra and a choral group, the gypsy music is interspersed among pop-Stevens Septette. -DON HUGHIE MARVIN ular dance tunes for a more harmonious Si, Dancer Masters does not depend on special ar- BERT and M. C.nger Now play- effect. George Colson. rangements or dance music in the or-RAYE PRINCE & CLARK ingInChicago. Now thodox manner, but goes in for novelties CLUB ESQUIRE, Toronto, Canada. featuring his new inven- and injects a great deal of showmanship tion, the onlyElectric in his presentations.His organization Songs and Dances Well Seasoned. LYNNVibrolynn in the world. comprises a glee club, the instrumental- Mgt. CHAS. V YATES, 1560 BROADWAY Direction GUY PERKINS, Mayfair Casino, Cleveland SIMON AGENCY, istssinginginvarious combinations. MKO Bldg, N. Y. 0. Chicago Rep. Change of bill here takes the shape ofOne of the novelties used is a number a stage extravaganza, not too pretentious,called Ten. Little Bottles, in which the but snappy and promising withal. band boys line up with partially filled Three Months Sensational Run Ames and Arno headline.Instead ofbottles, with lights that can be flashed BREAKING ALL RECORDS conventional ballroom dancing, they findon and off.They get a calliope tone as "Definitely a Box Office Attraction" reliefinburlesquing thedress -suitedMasters sings the verses.Masters also prancers with trick falls and resoundingemsee in smooth fashion. MAURINE AND NORVA RACKET- horseplay. Fawn and Jordan, conse- TheStevensSeptette.a charming "WORLD'S FOREMOST DANCERS" 3 quently, find it hard work to do spinsgroup of mixed voices, filled the air with Creators of the and steps in legitimate vein.They aretheir harmonious singin;-.Attiredin Sensational New Dance Craze S TPEEVTEE CHEERSbacked by a chorus of 12 come:y misses,Civil War period costumes, they rendered "Royalty Rhythm" LOU captained by Charlotte Van Doe.Smartthe score of Show Boat and stopped the * * * costumes and lighting effects make theirshow.Their work, both in solos and en- If it ever comes to a poll "ii ,lleeesors act an attractive one. sembles was fine.Had to encore with to the Clayton, Jackson and Selonizz Paul Olsen does a Frankenstem imper-the Italian Street Song.Personnel con- Amusing Songs and Dialogue By diadem the Three Itaeket-Cheers are a sonation and follows with his dance withsists of Frederick Schweppe, baritone; notch for a grab 011a lop row ticket. a blonde puppet. Marie Nash. soprano; Russ Marks, bass: --ORO.icii,i,h().01). Allen Rogers.a tenor, singsnicely.Lois Wollner, coloratura;RobertMorris.JANE FARRARI Currently George Duffy and orchestra remain withtenor; Vivien Parker, mezzo-soprano, and 1523 LOCUST CLUB, CAFE VENEZIA. New York. Blanche De Bow. The Four Esquires con-Homer Snodgrass, top tenor. A big hit. tinue in the cocktail lounge. Philadelphia, Pa. hasmadeseveral Balance of the show had Donna Dae, DurriesCrane cute little member oftheMasters band,I changes for the better.He has estab-in high hat, tails and opera hose, sing- lished a no -tipping rule and cut downing Do You or Don't You Love Me? and the prices.Now recuperating from aa swell impression of BillRobinson'stap- breakdown, he is temporarily replaced byping; and Janet Evans. who did a nifty Presenting garron Jack Walsh, assistant manager of thehigh kick and acrobatic cane routine to Neil House, Columbus. 0.It is reported that Crane may re-engage Harry Prop -nice returns. F. Langdon Morgan. JEAN MONA per, formerly head of the Mayfair Casino, be inett* to be managing director.Propper is in America's Newest Dancing INTERPRETERS OF MODERN Florida recuperating from a breakdown. BALLROOM DANCING. H. R. Hoyt. Embassy, Jacksonville. Fla. Find A homey, intimate spot is Club Em- bassy.bonifaced by Gene Zapf, who Closed Three Weeks French Casino, Hotel Essex,doubles as chief mitt -putter -outer at the door. Hollenden Hotel, Clev. Boston Lew Davies and his nine -piece ork is a Now Current Ross Hotel Essex has made a stab into thesweet. swingy bunch.Lew grabs what- ANITA LA nitery field with the French Casino. aever instrument is handy and is almost Mayfair Casino, Clev. small basement spot, directly oppositeanother Benny Meroff in versatility. DIRECTION M C A * PIERRE theSouthStationrailroadterminal. Floorshow stacks up as light on acts, and Only slightly Frenchy in atmosphere, (See NIGHT CLUB on page 15) despitesidewalkcafeawnings.Jerry Mann presentations are produced by Lee Steele.Twenty-five minute show was HEllAtvviDAN caught at suppertime, with room only sparselyinhabited. Radio's Clowning Aristocrats French Casino Revue was fast and MIACO ON TOUR youthful, the Lee Steele Girls 15) open ing with a warble of Yankee Doodle PRINCE OF MAGIC * Representatives. CURRENTLY (AL GROSSMAN, MUSIC CORP. OF Learns to Parley Vous, followed by a D W. 46th St., AMERICA, hoof routine.Gals are cunning in their Personal Direction - New York. Chicago,Ill. come-on glances and bump work. Marie ST. MORITZ, NEW YORK KEN LATERr Francis, songstress, is capable, but needs VP 1111 - 14 Theontoarao NIGHT SPOTS -ORCHESTRA -MUSIC enruary 6, 1%31

"Dean of Sophisticated Swing" Sweden Wants to See Now NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Swedes for the Playing Beverly Swede! Being the only fan dancer of that acitestta notes BEN POLLACKBlue Room, nationalityinAmerica andbecause the H olerd, Crown Prince of Sweden made interesting, AND HIS ORCHESTRA as well as interested, inquiries about her, HARRYBARRIS, in front of a band TOMMY (RED) TOMPKINS opened Inga Borg sails March 15 for a six-month formerly led by Bob Kenny, opened atwith a new band at the Raymor Ball- Exclusive Management engagement at the Prince Adolph Theater, the Uptown Ballroom, Portland,Ore.,room, Boston, February 2.Red has a CONSOLIDATED RADIO ARTISTS, INC. She's going to show 'em her January 26.He's being booked by As-CBS wire and is handled by CRA. Stockholm. sociated American Artists, San Francisco. JESSE KNOWLES and band, late of fan. PAUL PENDARVIS opens at the Palacethe Chesterfield Club, Kansas City, Mo., Hotel Rose Room Bowl, San Francisco,opened the first of the year at Club Del - Featuring the Mound City Blue Blowers. February 4.It was here he skyrocketedRio,Nashville,forindefinite engage N'Awleans or Honolulu? to prominence two years ago.He'll airment.Knowles carries his own enter- WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.-Royal Hawa- tainers. RED McKENZIE I Nga*tizie six nights weekly on an NBC wire and Club. iians, stringing out at the Ambassadorfour nights on Hearst's California net- AHD HIS ORCHESTRA W. 52d St.. Hi -Hat here, have been pointing withwork. Singers Lois Clark and Eddie In the last two years,a phenomenal N. Y. pride to the land ofleis and snake -Scope will be featured. spurt in popularity of the harp has been Exc. Mgt.-Consolidated Radio Artists, Inc. hipping as the birthplace of swing. That CLAUDE SWEETEN, KFRC musical di- noted.Exponents claim that a harp as is, they had been. until Nick LaRoccarector, originally scheduled to play the accompaniment to a voice, preferably a blew into town to play the Earle stageOakland President's Ball, but the musi- contralto, is ideal. Comebackofthe with the Original Dixieland Band (pluscians' union wouldn't let him take his classic harp is due also to a new school BroadcastingviaNBC, Coast to Coast. one doghouser). LaRocca got to work onown men and he refused to work the of harpists who are now going "commer- local daily that has publicized guitarjob with others. cial,"asfor example, Caspar Reardon, Appearing boys' claim, got admission in print that WALT ROSNER comes from an 18 - who styleshimself as "swing harpist." HARRY RESER' at it all happened down N'Awleans way inmonth retirement, due to ill health, to Theatre. 1908. direct a 40 -piece orchestra for the Presi- WashIneon, dent's Ball in the San Francisco Audi- PAUL CORNELIUS ork has begun an Exclusive Management D. torium. indefinite engagement at the new Royal CONSOLIDATED RADIO ARTISTS, INC. HENRY KING is at the Fairmont, SanVilla Night Club in Peony Park, Omaha. Francisco, where he changed from NBC FLOYD MILLS combo, current at the DON REDMAN to CBS, with pick-up by KSFO, JanuaryHotelDuPont,Wilmington,Dela.,is AND HIS ORCHESTRA 26. He planes to Los Angeles each Wed-heard nightly over WDEL, Inter -City nesday to direct the music on the Burnsnetwork station. IF RADIO -STAGE ON TOUR. HAROLD NELSON band has moved Musical CENTURY ORCHESTRA CORPORATION, & Allen show. A IRVING Dirac - DON FERDI (Angelo Ferdinando)isinto Three -Mile Inn, Monroe, La.. after tor 1619 Broadway, New York. now at the Rose Room, Stratfield Hotel,completing a tour of Mississippi, Louisi- MARONS 0 N WHN Bridgeport, and has been succeeded atana, Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. AND HIS COMMANDERS ...INNW., DEAN HUDSON and his Florida Club- le.nown""iww, the Cocoanut Grove, Bridgeport, by Tony II Exc.Mgt. CONSOLIDATEDRADIO Deazo. men wind up their engagement at the ARTISTS, INC. Don Felix and orchestra are at TheSan Carloas Hotel, Pensacola, Fla., Feb- RAMON RAMOS Pines, Newtown, Conn., succeeding Bobruary 12, and open at Tantilla Gardens. Fox's combo. Richmond, Va., February 19. AND HIS CONTINENTAL ORCHESTRA RAY HERBECK'S orchestra has suc- 4let Wk. GLORIA PALAST, N.Y. Now Playing ceeded Bob Young's Combo in the Hotel Girl band musicians have a tough job Utah Empire Room, Salt Lake City. Per. Rep. THE TRIANON ROOM DICK DIXON HARRY AMBASSADOR HOTEL, N. Y. trying to exude personality and at the EDDIE DUCHIN and orchestra played The Romantic Tenor, MOSS. same time lettingitbe understood to the Gasparilla Ball, Tampa, February 2, And HisAmbassadeurs. mashers and whatnots that they are not and broadcast on a CBS hook-up thru theirsmilesand charmsfor WDAE. SUPREME lavishing Exc.Mgt. Consolidated Radio Artists,Ins. their benefit.Silly as it sounds, itisa FOUR DICTATORS appearing at the ORCHESTRATIONS very serious -problem, according to band LaSalle Hotel, Chicago, now being Iran - At Supremely'Los,Prices died by CRAA. 50corch.-39c, each 5for$1.90_ postpaid leadersandgirlmusiciansthemselves. 75corch.-59c,each5 for$2.75postpaid BERT SALTER has become the per- - Send for Catalogue - sonal manager of Lee Elliott and her all - 11 No. Pearl St., tly SUPREME MUSIC & ORCH. SERVICE Felix Martin and orchestra are at thegirl band. ALBANY, N.Y. `...t 1472 Broadway Halfway House, Stamford, Conn., featur- WITH THE signing of Jack Denny, Mr. ing Johnnie Mooney, guitarist. and Mrs. Crawford and Maurice Spitalny, * CLARENCE FUHRMAN, musical direc-boosts the CRA roster to 125, according Keith Bldg., tor of WIP, Philadelphia, takes his studioto Charles E. Green. Other late additions ABE SCHILLER band out for visuals, doing a battle ofare Eliseo Grenet and a cocktail unit, SYRACUSE, N, Y. Booking DETRO ITS Better music with Billy Hays at the StudioThe Emperors. NIGHT CLUBS Ballroom for a warmer -upper. PAUL WHITEMAN has been booked to combineswith JAMES HALL, who had turned to bandopenattheBiscayneKennel Club, Miami, February 20.Reported getting DEL DELBRIDGE AND RAY GORRELL leading is back in the actor's cloak, head- ONTOUR Acts Please Contact ing the Lady Chatterly's Lover produc-the largest salary ever paid for a Florida THEORIGINAL BATTY 301 Fox Theatre Bldg., Detroit, Mich. tion. engagement. FRANK WARREN isadded to the LES BROWN and his Duke Blue Devils WIP-Intercity dance parade, coming outhave signed a long-term contract to rec- BRITTON BAND "NUTS TO YOU" of Philadelphia Cocoanut Grove. ord for Decca. Under Exclusive Direction BOBBY MORRO again takes command KING'S JESTERS will move from the MILLS ARTISTS, Inc., 788 7th Ave., N. Y. C. I it I I -=.1 Division ow of the bandstand at Palumbo's, Philadel-Bismarck to the LaSalle, Chicago, Febru- phia,JessAltmiller,guest -conductor,ary 10. AMERICAN DRAICOMANIA having returned to his post in the Fox JERRY JOHNSON orchestra has been Theater pit. setby Milton Roemer, Consolidated's 4576 W. FIFTH RVE.,CHICAGO. ILL. JAN CAMPBELL and ork are slated toNew York manager, to open at the NewTHE ONE AND ONLY quality music ii titleprinting & engraving open at Castle Farm, Cincinnati, Feb-Kenmore Hotel, Albany, N.Y., February RI RERSOnntilt PRICES ruary 20. 15. Albany date is a repeat for Johnson. WORK DONE IV ALL PROCESSES ACE BRIGODE and Virginians, now GEORGE HALL, whose orchestrais ESTIMAT/S menisnio WITHOUT OBLIGATIOIS playing the Hotel Gibson Rathskeller,heard over CBS from the Hotel Taft, New Cincinnati, have received a four -weekYork, signed his 22nd contract at the extension of contract at that spot. Bandhotel last week. George has been fea- winds up there March 5. tured at the hotel almost continuously RUSS MORGAN will replace Leo Reis-since July, 1931. LUNCEFORD man on the Phillip Morris program over BUD SCOTT and orchestra has three AND HIS ORCHESTRA the WEAF net, beginning February 13.weeksengagementatCrystalClub, Morgan is now in Florida. Natchez, Miss., following Perc Wagner. /tau Mitt/ (91 AL SCHOFFIELD and music return JIMMIE JOY and orchestra returned Xparaliest for third season to Childs' Old France,to the Claridge Hotel, Memphis, January Appearing at 29, for four weeks.Band follows Gray APOLLO THEATRE.125thSt.,New York Boston. Week ofFebruary 5 ART HERR and his Midwest MusicGorden. Direction: Makers are set for an Eastern audition, JACK DENNY has signed with CRA HAROLD OXLEY, 17 E. 49th St., New York, N. Y. arranged by Herb Jones of Chicago. and isslated for one of the French /11! Boy! They are Knockouts!Newest Orchestra Casino spots, possibly in Chicago. Denny Design:: Pour Flashy Colors; 200 11 x22 Window GRIFF MORRIS and Clevelanders have Cards, $0.00: 1,000 Paper, same, $14.00; % x22 - been playing at the Wagon Wheel Cafe,switched from MCA. in. Cards, 200. $8.50; 1.000 Paper, same, $12.00.Akron, 0., the last 10 weeks, and will ALAN LEAFER and band open this rash with order.SpecialBills engraved to order. bethere until April 1. week at the Hotel St. George, Brooklyn,mg DON MARIOIR $12.00up.wire your order NOW, or write for booked thru CRA. and hisORCHESTRA :Amides. New Date Book and Price List. JIMMY LUNCEIF'ORD and orchestra NOW ON TOUR CENTRAL SHOW PRINTING CO. Swing music has been especially hard make a stage appearance at Loew's State, Per. Mgt. PAUL WIMBISH, on violin players who cannot double on New York, week of January 29.Sailing 1619 B'way., Sults 701, NewY0411111 MASON CITY. IOWA. sax or brass.He could be Kreisler and date for Europe has been changed to Heifetz rolled into one, but he might as February 13 to make it possible to play 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 well be on the breadline, so far as jazz the Coronation in London. bands are concerned, if he were not able ANO RODRIGO is now handled exclu- to double on a mouth organ, washboard, sively by Meyer Davis. bazooka or something. VINCENT TRAVERS, of the French .seirRear, Casino, New York, has made arrange- ments with French music publishers to BUFFALO. N.Y. JERRY JOHNSON now features a harpsupply him with latest dance tunes prior and an electric organ.Band closes ato their release in this country. He is nine -week run at the Radisson Hotel,already featuring current popular faves POSTERS -CARDS Minneapolis, February 5, and opens atas Attends Voir (Wait and See), Bebe the New Kenmore, Albany, N. Y., Febru-Plus de Pleurs (Baby, No More Tears), ary 13.Handled by CRA. Berceuse Tendre (Tender Lullaby) and Bon Jour, Margot (Hello, Margot). PROTECT YOUR PROFITS RUSS MORGAN and orchestra play the Our Patented Dance Checkfitsthrough Royal Palm Club, Miami, for two weeks. button -hole.Cannot be removed and passed rotDANCE!toanotherwithoutdestroying. Guards starting February 1. BRAGGIOTTI your profits. Priced low,610.00 a Thou. PAUL WHITEMAN is such a big draw and his orchestra sand. Asstd. colors, without printing.Samples Distinctive Dance Music on request. Order today. Made in U. 8. A. in Houston that more than half of the ARTISTS. ltti4HALLS 800 reservations for his one-night ap- Mgt. CONSOLIDATED RADIO pearance at the Rice Hotel there were > LETHERT'S NON -TRANSFERABLE DANCE CHECK sold before a definite date was set, ac- ntlieN , cording to the hotel manager. BADGE & NOVELTY CO., PAULhaMINN. February 6, 1937 NIGHT SPOTS -ORCHESTRA -MUSIC The Billboard 15 Affiliated Add Three SpotsThree Shows in DETROIT, Jan. 30.-Affiliated Theatri- cal Offices of America added three impor- tant local spots to their books.TheseDetroit Hotel include The Bowery, in the suburb of DETROIT, Jan. 30.-With a choice of Harntramek. with Art Angell as masterthree rooms,the Book -CadillacHotel tnetwak 5c..5Census of ceremonies. and Paradise Cave andhere is now operating as a veritable Hip- Tropical Gardens in Detroit proper. podrome. W. 0. Seelbach has just taken over the management of the hotel, corn- Selectionslisted below represent The Billboard's accurate check on three net- ing from the Netherland Plaza, Cincin- works, via WJZ, WEAF and WABC. nati. Only songs played at least once during each program day are listed. Ideaisto Carl Ravel' and band furnish the mu- recognize consistency rather Than gross score. Figure in parentheses indicates number sical entertainment at the Book -Casino. of times song was played according tolast week's listing. Period coveredisfrom Gail Reese is the vocalist, and Lischeron Friday, January 22, to Thursday, January 28, both dates inclusive. and Adams, dance team, head the floor On a Little Bamboo Bridge 17 Just show. With Plenty of Money and You 129) 36 COLLE1TE Completed 1 In the Motor Bar, the Four Gentlemen Pennies From Heaven (22) 28This Year's Kisses 114) 15 4 WEEkS 25One in a Million 14 At of Rhythm have a novelty musical quar- Please Keep Me in Your Dreams 1191 HOTEL tet-bass fiddle, singing guitar. Spanish Good Night, My Love (261 24There's Frost on the Moon 116) 14 COMMODORE When My Dream Boat Comes Home 126) 24You're Laughing at Me 14 N. Y. guitar and vibraphone and accordion. BARRY In the Cocktail Bar. Bernice. late of the Chapel in the Moonlight (24) 21 You Do the Darndest Things 13 I'mRiding High 11 mu,icalComedy Dancers Red Apple Club, sings to her own accom- There's Something in the Air 1291 20 paniment. Cone114) 19 Love and Learn(201 11 1131. 13 May I Have the Next Romance With One, Two, Button Your Shoe 10 You? 1221 19Tea on the Terrace 1161 Summer Night 116) 18 The Way You Look Tonight 8 Ben Ford Recuperating I've Got You Under My Skin 17 WINTHROP, Mass., Jan. 30.-Ben Ford, theatrical agent, is convalescing at the SHEET MUSIC BEST SELLERS will be foundon page 16. The Original Winthrop Memorial Hospital, following an appendectomy last week. COUTI ANDMARIE and Jewell Davis CARL are now working in a showboat in Day- tona Beach, Fla..the seinethat was moved from Jacksonville. BALLARD AND RAE have been hooked ROSINI by Sligh & Tyrrellinto the Jefferson Master Magician ettl eltattet Hotel, St. Louis. . . . FRANCES WILLER, New York City: exclusive handling of Columbia Artists'Dorothy Dickson and Paul Garden com- Bureau. . . BOBBY SANFORDhas setprise the new show at the Washington- GERTRUDE NIESENopens a 10 -weekWilliam Grant to replace Milt DouglasYouree Hotel, Shreveport, La. Justcom- run at the Chez Paree, Chicago, Februaryin ,is second show at the Hollywood pleted a Beach Hotel, Florida, opening this week. 12. . . . YACHT CLUB BOYS have been successful Arthur Murray dancers are held over, The tophat and tails industry is doing engage- signed to a three -picture deal by Para-and a Meyer Davis band supplies music. allright, now that so many vaude and ment at mount. They start early in March.. . cabaret acts are crashing the hotel field. the Arca- JACK MASON and his Mimics opened an Most of the better hotels want their per- dia in Phil- engagement at Jeane's Tavern January formersinultragetup.And alotof 14. . . . IRIS WAYNE, dancer now at the adelphia. French Casino, has contracted for threeChicago: acrobats,dancers,bikeriders,Jugglers Acclaimed andsingers(who hadnever worn a by press years under management of Leddy & SAMMY CLARK. who laid aside his formal suit before) now have to do their Smith. . . . DOLORESAND ROSSINI, and public grease paint about a year ago to become stuffintails.As alotof performers dancers, are now appearing at the Wivela partner in the Marr & Clark agency. have found out, it's not easy to do strenu- for the Restaurant. . . . marvelous has succumbed to a lucrative offer from ous routines while choking intails and feats of E3TELLE AND LEROY are leaving forthe 606 Club, and is emseeing the cur- boiled shirts. Hollywood to appear in Walter Wanger'srent show, besides pursuing his executive magic per- Vogues of 1938 for United Artists. . . . formed di- BERT FROHMAN, for the past year atduties in the agency. . . . BILLY rectly be- the Paradise and due to open at theSTEARNS, owner of the Gay Nineties here, fore the Chez Paree, Chicago. the first week ofis a former wrestler and keeps in trimNIGHT CLUB -- eyes. with a daily work-out in the gym. . . . DOLORES AND ANDRE have replaced (Continued Iron, page 13) When the "Casino Parisien" show went the Radio Rogues at the Mayfair Room, Now at into a Chicago hotel, it carried an entire Blackstone Hotel. . . . TONILANE, nowbut heavy on talent.Runs only 20 min- cooking crew hiredin New York.Chi- utes.Ought to have a couple more acts. ea, HOTEL NEW YORKER cago cooks union yelled murder and com- Florence Davidson, pretty and slender. pelledtheFrench Casino syndicate to New York There's a surprising demand forthe opened with Belle of New Orleans and hire a Chicagochef"ontheside." fan -bubble -veil -nude galsstill, especially encored with Make Believe and You Were BEWARE BOOKERS and AGENTS We've had standby stagehands and stand- inthe night clubfield.Most agencies Meant for Mc. Has a sweet contralto of ti ... other mystifiers are trading bymusicians --but standby cooks is a sell them as "novelty dancers" to escape wide range.Handles her numbers well; on the name and reputation of new one to us. The Original CARL ROSINI. the slight eyebrow -raising when tan danc- no mugging or torso twisting.Neither ers are mentioned.Callit anything you does she get a double hammer -lock on Dir. Music Corp. of America February, has placed himself under ex- want, the public likes to eye feminine the mike, which proses she is not afraid clusive management of Mills Artists. . . . flesh. of it. in association with GAY DIXON, sinter. opened February 29 That sterling duo of terp artists. Na- THOMAS MARTIN at Murray's. Tuckahoe, N. Y. Managedat the Hi -Hat Club, will play vaud atdine Colson and Charles Ost, late of Ry- of Rockwell -O'Keefe, Inc. by FrankJ.Kinsella. . . . MEN OF den's Showboat, on for a nifty ballroom GOTHAM. vocal quartet, are under theconclusion of her engagement Februaryswing tap that rated heavy palming. The 5. . . . JOEJACOBSON. manager of thetops sartorially in black -and -white sports Chez Paree, sailed January 30 for twooutfits.Miss Colson later did her ever weeks in Rio de Janeiro. . . . CHARLESpopular Lucky Star fast tap that banged HEPP, who operates Harry's New Yorkover for a touchdown. Cabaret, is vacationing in Florida. . . . Ost, ukeist, did 12th Street Rag nobly GOODBYE, AMERICA awhile! BEN LENHOFF,operator of Club Bali -and encored with a Ben Bernie imper- We We sailed January30thfor8 weeks' Bali, has secured a Miami Beach nightsonation that the folks liked immensely. spot which will also carry the Bali -Bali Show closes with Hazelle and Klatoff, engagement at the - name. .. . ETHEL SHUTTA didnot opendance stylists, in a. graceful waltz to Cap- at the Congress Casino until January 29,rice Viennois.The standard spins and CASINO DEURCA, RIO DE JANEIRO due to illnes. . BOB HALL,who had awhirls were used, with several sensational long run at the Palmer House here lastones that had the customers clapping We hopetofollowwith 8 weeks season, substituted for her in the in-continuously.Took encores until wind- terim. . . . VAN CELLOANDMARY re- in BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA ed.Did the exotic American Bolero, the placed Jerry and Turk at the Yacht ClubContinentalandacomedynumber. Then to LONDON- January 27. . . . BLACKSTONE HOTELFemme is easy on the optics and graceful officials deny they contemplate closingas a deer. the Mayfair Room because of poor busi- Ost is ceremonial master and runs the ness and say they are planning to openshow smoothly and capably without pro- a new show there in February. . . . ROBBINS FAMILY GARCIA AND PERROTopen at the Col-jecting himself too much into the fore- MARGIE DWIGHT - LARRY lege Inn in the Sherman Hotel Feb-ground. W. H. C. Perm. Address P. O. Box 55 Poughkeepsie, New York. ruary 4. VAN CELLO AND MARY have been added to the show at the Yacht Club.... DOLLY WEISBERG'SColony Club, closedFour Girls Collect last week and will undergo a complete remodeling and refurnishing. ... ETHELFront Boston Broker SHUTTA, recovered from her recent ill- BOSTON, Jan. 30.- -Four girls booked ness, is currently in the Congress Casinointo the Hotel Westminster floor show floorshow. . . . PAT O'MALLEYclosedhere January 9 combined last week to last week at the Drake Hotel....HELENforce payment of salary treat a chiseling "RUFF" DAVIS HONAN and Charles Hoffman, magician,agent.The girls.Jo.lnEnglish, Joan The City Slicker have been added to the current floor -Keating, Yvonne Hart and Frances Ed- show at the Drake Hotel. wards, claim that a local hooker, tried to keep them working over an extended Held Over INDEFINITELY period of time without coming across with salaries. Complaints to Messrs. Coulon and Mc- HOLLYWOOD RESTAURANT Here and There: Carty, house ma iiiers, finally resulted in payment. Thegirls claim booker New York MARSHALLMONTGOMERY. ventrilo-some days later locked them out of their quist, is current at the Penthouse. Bos-dressing room in order to prevent them ton. . . . PRESSMAN SISTERSof Holly- ALSO WARNER BROS. SHORTS wood opened last Monday at Boo Boofrom doing their show. Angle,girls Hoff's in Philadelphia. Alsosetforclaim, being thatthis would compel Mgr. Music Corporationof America . . . FOURthem to breach their contract.Booker Warner short this week. subsequently informed the girls that sat- QUEENS OF RHYTHM are now appear-isfactory settlement would be made. ing at the Powatan, Detroit. . . . DE- 16 The Billboard NIGHT SPOTS -ORCHESTRA -MUSIC February 6, 1937 Boston Agents and AFA Open Philly Finds 3 Heliconists; Negotiations for Closed Shop gteet-77lusic feaelts BOSTON, Jan. 30.-At the last meet- U. S. Army Faces Music Crisis ingoftheMassachusettsTheatrical (Week Ending January 301 Agents Protective PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 23. - Franticed,Dr. FreScoln really meant that a Associationatthe quest on part of the United States Armyhelicon islike choloroform, only more Hotel Touraine, attended by agents and for helicon players to round out theso. Based on reports from leading jobbers performers, Mrs. Buddy Shepard's mo- military band in the Canal Zone almost Edward Fuller said he lost track of his and retail music outlets from Coast to tion that the MTAPA take up the matter had the Marines joining hands with theold helicon.But he misses it and would Coast, the songs listed below are a con- of affiliation with the American Federa- Boy Scouts in the search. like to play it again.He would even sensus of music actually moving off tion of Actors, on a working agreement, A relentless searchlight upon helicon-enlist in the Army to do it, if he got the the shelves from week to week. The was passed.Thomas D.Senna,Sr., ology revealed that three citizens shame-proper artistic appreciation. "barometer"isaccurate, with neces- representing the AFA, urged a closed sary allowance for day-to-day fluctua- shop among the actors and agents to facedly, but still a trifle defiantly, 'fessed Fred Smith has been hunting for a curb the practice of "bootleg" booking. up that they know what a helicon is, canlong time for the right helicon. Hasn't tions. Numberinparenthesesindi- WPA Federal Theater projects were play that thing, and what about it. found it yet."Not only that," he says, cates position in last week's listing. accused of "taking the bread and butter Dr. Leonard D. Frescoln said he has a"but I've lost all my friends.I see peo- Sales of music by the Maurice Rich- out of agency mouths." Senna defended helicon and would be glad to donate itple consciously avoiding me.I need that mond Music Corporation, Inc., are not the WPA, claiming it did not interfere to the defense of the Panama Canal, ex-helicon to straighten me out, and maybe included, due to the exclusive selling with the bookers In' any way.He as- cepting that it would mean deprivingI can do the same for it." agreement with a number of publishers. serted that WPA acts get paid for Just mankind of a great boon."I keep the Army is insistent upon getting a heli- Acknowledgment is madetoMayer the hours worked and do not interfere thing among my surgical instruments."con player, asits band will have to Music Corporation, Music Sales Corpora- with private enterprise. Senna said WPA he said,"end useitto comfort mymarch, and you can't have a bass tuba tionand Ashley Music Supply Com- bookings are free and that they are not patients." Medical terminology unmask-banging up beats at your knee -caps. pany, of New York; Lyon & Healy; Carl available for meetings and banquets, that Fischer,Inc.;GambleHinged Musk are preceded or followed by business ses- Company and Western Book and Sta- sions or paid admissions. New Detroit Ballroom; tionery Company, of Chicago. Queenie Dunedin voiced for mutual Music News in geniality between the actor and booker Part of Circuit of Three 1.IntheChapelintheMoonlight to cement friendship between the two (Shapiro)(1) contingents.She pleaded with the per- DETROIT, Jan. 30.-Detroit's newest, 2. When My Dream Boat Comes Home former to hold up standards, and de- New York Citythe Prince Edward Ballroom, opened last (Witmark I(21 clared that the public wants flesh and week with Jerry Wall and his Royal 3. Pennies From Heaven (Select)(3) is awakening to that fact. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harris Blumenthal,Collegians, who have played for several 4. Goodnight, My Love (Robbins)(4) Questioning brought out the fact that (he's the Jack Harris, Philadelphia man-seasons in various Michigan ballrooms. 5. With Plentyof Money and You actors were taking WPA work in addi- agerofCrawfordMusic),celebrated Prince Edward occupies the location (Harms) (51 tion to accepting private bookings. their 25th wedding anniversary at theof the former Garden Center Ballroom. 6. The NightIs Young (Words and Lew Frey, president, presided. Majestic Hotel, Philly, January 30. Harry Harris, later manager of the Tri- Music)(6) anon, is manager for Whitfield F. Jack- 7. Trust in Me (Ager)(121 Chick Adams, chief arranger for Abeson, proprietor. 8.It's De -Lovely (Chappell) (71 Lyman, is a columnist in his spare time. Jackson is operating a circuit of three 9. Rainbow on the River(Feist)(9) Now syndicating his column on swingballrooms on Woodward avenue. New 10. One, Two, Button Your Shoe (Se- Youngstown Activity stuff and music inside angles among fiveGarden Center, with Henry Olson as papers, and just placed one of his newmanager, is devoted to old-time dancing. lect)(8) YOUNGSTOWN, 0., Jan. 30.- Frank Sunshine and her Cornhuskers furnish II.I've Got You Under My Skin (Chap- Shean and his Troubadours, Mary Lou ditties,too. the music. pell)(10) Hurst and Jane Shiner are causing quite Bert Milan's orchestra is playing at 12. Serenade in the Night (Mills)(141 a sensation at Ye Olde Rip Tavern in the George Snowhill, Lynn. Greiner andthe New Hollywood Ballroom, also op- 13. There's Something in the Air (Rob- Tod House downtywn. ' Harold Mott, one of the newer comboserated by Jackson. bins) Phyllis Rathblffn, with Marie Rhem as around,haveplaced Go Happy, Go 14. There's Frost on the Moon (Berlin) vocalist, has invaded the Youngstown Lucky, Go Love with Major.Snowhill 15. Who's Afraid of Love? (Hollywood) Hotel Blue Room and iS proving popu- is sax man at the Yacht Club. lar, judging from the nightly crowds. The Lido Club has returned to the Jimmie Lunceford and band did 23Whiteman -Simon Mixup show -every -night policy. records for Decca this past year and Hank Whitehouse, pantomimist, is cur- Manager Harold Oxley is sort of proud PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 30. - Resem-Represent Songtex rent at the Skeehill. of him, too. blancebetween Paul Whiteman and Winter Garden Revue, a stage unit Frank Simon, leader of the Armco band,In England with class, is current at the Gray Wolf, Bob Levy and Norman Goldblatt. ofrecentlyhadthenewspapereditors PHILADELPHIA.Jan.23.-B.Feld-an innovation hereabouts in floor shows. Kansas City, Mo., write that they've beenpuzzled.Both Whiteman and Simonman & Company,representSongtex John H. Auble Jr. doing a nice job of spotting their new one, Give My Heartconducted at a mammoth benefit con-Music Company in Great Britain. Er-his night club column twice weekly in a Break, on the MBS net.About setcert and one of the sheets printed a pic-roneous previous statement named Viv-The Youngstown Vindicator. to place it with a local publisher. ture of the two fronts together, with theian Campbell & Company as making ar- caption "Who's Who." rangements to release Songtex' catalog Doris Fisher has written three new in England. numbers for the new Harlem Uproar Jackson, Miss., Club Burns House, New York, show opening this JACKSON,Miss.,Jan.30.-Oneof week.Billy K. Wells is doing the com- Mississippi's best known night spots, the edy material. Seek to Bar Outside Bands Colonial Club, was destroyed by fire re- B. B. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., Jan. 30.-Al- It's Black Rasputin cently.Members of club staff said they buquerque Musicians' Union has begun a did not know whether resort will be re- campaign to get a bill thru the State WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.-Rah-rah built.Instruments owned by Dick Sny- legislature, now convened in Santa Fe, boys hereabouts are always on the der's Ork, playing at club, were included ASCAP Sues Night Club to prohibit cafes, night clubs and dance look out for something new to spring in toll.Loss estimated at $20,000. halls in the State from employing musi- at their big brawls.George Wash- NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-American So-cians from outside of State.It is not ington U. comes up with a sepia swing ciety of Composers. Authors and Publish- very probable, however, that thebill outfit for one of its hoofing sessions ers and six music publishing houses havewill become a law, as it is reported that that sports all -something in ork tags. The Wets Win filed suit in Federal Court to restrainmany prominentlegislatorsareop- Combo work under labelof Black WORCESTER, Mass., Jan. 30.-John Le Coq Route, local nite spot. from useposed toit.New Mexico amusement Rasputin and his Orchestra. Barleycorn won out here as the ABC of certain copyrighted tunes. interests will put up a fight to prevent Commission approved the club liquor Publishers filing the suit are Chappel,such a bill from becoming law. licenseissuedto the White Eagle Harms, Inc.. Robbins Music, Mills Music,Night Clubs Association.Quarters were formerly T. Harms and Remick. Bands Swap Jobs occupied by the Father Mathew Total DETROIT, Jan. 30.-Three local broad- Abstinence Society. casting bands shifted this week.At the Grand Terrace, recently opened by Arley Philly Ballroom After NamesFleming, Les Arouette's band went out Philly Music News to make room for Morrey Brennan's band,Pianos Coining Back PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 30.-Reese Du-which has been making history at the PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 30.-Piano trade Jan Savitt's Top -Hatters, KYW-NBCPree returns a name -band policy to hisGraystone, under Job Mitton's manage-insiders lookfor the continuation of swingsters, title their theme Quaker CityStrand Ballroom, Fats Waller doing thement.Arouette went into the Arcadia.sales expansion during 1937, keyboard Jazz.Penned by Johnny Shultz, band'sinitial yesterday.Studio Ballroom re-Mitton switched Lowrey Clark's bandmakers having entered the new year with tenor sax, and will be published by Rob-cently initiated a similar policy. from the Arcadia to the Graystone, com-the largest number of booked orders in bins. pleting the triangle jump. the industry's history.As a result of GeorgePendleton.memberofJoe the demand, plus the increase in raw - Frasetto's musikers at the Hotel Phila- material costs, it is reported that higher delphian, is submitting Take My Word prices will rule in the piano trade during to the music pubs. the last half of 1937. 0Mict/tai 72i9itt at ReviewsBoston's New ASCAP Kep NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-R. W. Rome, as- Singer Sues Detroit Cafe dance band is considerably above thesistant to E. C. Mills, general manager of Piccadilly Cabaret, Montrealaverage for night spots of this kind. American Society of Authors, Composers DETROIT. Jan. 30.-Audree Warner, Ted McCormick. and Publishers, was recently appointed singer, has filed a suit against the Van Piccadilly Cabaret, under the manager- to take the place of Paul Amundsen, Dyke Club here for $10,000 damages.ship of Eddie DesCoteaux, continues to former head ofthe Bostonofficeof Miss Warner claims injuries sustained inprovide entertainment, good food and ASCAP. Amundsen left because ofill a fall while dancing at the club incapaci-liquor at a fair price. health. tated her from earning money in her Booked thru the Fred Norman Agency, McVan's, Buffalo profession. most of the floor show is out of New Don Romaine, producer for the past York.The Mason Sisters are an eye -year at McVan's popular Riverside nightCRA Takes MCA Spot soothing and competent acrobatic team.spot, must have done plenty of scouting CHICAGO, Jan. 30-Another Loop hotel while Aida Lucciano both sings andin the Rochester area of late.Three ofwas added to places booked by the local Two Bands for Pittsburgh dances with ability.Lucille Davis, an-the standouts on the current 12 -act pro-Consolidated Radio Artists,Inc., when Pri-IbBUEGH, Jan. 30.-William Pennother hoofer, proved popular with a seriesgram (Selma Laska, Russ LeBau andcontracts were signed this week with the Hotel here will use two orchestras simul-of modernistic numbers. Margaret King) are fresh from the Ter-LaSalle Hotel to furnish its next band taneously.Count Basey,firstcolored In Lylia Haymand the Piccadilly hasrace Gardens, Rochester. attraction.The King's Jesters, recently band ever to play this hotel, opened atbroughtbackitspopularaccordion Miss Laska, new to the entertainmentat the Walnut Room of the Bismarck the Chatterbox yesterday, while Davepumper, who works the cash trade intoworld, shows more than average promise.Hotel. open February 10 in the Blue Broody will play at the Italian Roomthe community -sing spirit.ReplacingAttractive blonde of medium height, sheFountain Room of the LaSalle, succeeding shortly after closing at the Stanley The-Molly Morgan's disbanded Morganettesexecutescontortion -controlacrobaticsBob McGrew's orchestra.Spot formerly ater Thursday. during the past few months, Joe Nito's (See CLUB REVIEWS on page 75) booked by MCA. February 6, 1937 VAUDEVILLE The Billboard 17 Smiling Thru Hunt Vaude Theaters Seek Radio Name; from LOSANGELES, Jan. 30.-Wire MitchellandDurant,playingtheflood area, read in part: "En route to Cincinnati surroundedbyflood.Show entertaining Value Air Plugs For Dates fear -stricken people.Doing aswell row- For Pix Acts boat trade. Standing room only with water up to knees and choice seats with water

up to ankles." Radio field being combed religiously for vaude attractions Paramount holds audition -Theater operators like air blurbs on theater bookings- in N. Y.-See 16 acts- bookers listen in and visit studio programs Cincy to Reopen; Managers as talent scouts

NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Circuit brokers, in their anxiety to take care of their need NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Further rec- for attractions, are religiously combing the radio field. Not only are they doing thisK. C. Spots Shows ognition of vaudeville as a source of to meet the demands of the theaters, but they are also acting under orders from NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-RKO expects totalent for the movie field was shown theater operating officials.Latter want radio attractions in view of the nationalresume operation at its Shubert Theater,Friday Night when Paramount Picture publicity given the circuit and its theaters over the air whenever a radio attractionCincinnati, next Friday, with the Mitchellexecutives auditioned 16 acts. Audition is booked. In the case of Major Bowes' amateur shows, touring in vaudeville, theand Durant unit as the stageshow. Housewas a hurriedly staged affair, the Bayes Major weekly makes an announcement on his CBS Chrysler program as to wherewas not damaged by the flood in thatTheater being rented and the circuit's his units are playing. area. vaudeville booker and Eastern pix talent Loew recently gave Milton Berle a Circuit is lining up occasional stagescout lining up the acts. Audition ran $1,500 raise, paying him $4,500 for theRamona Suing to attractions again for its Mainstreet, Kan-about two hours, with many Paramount week at the State here. While Berle is sas City, with Ethel Waters going in theexecs in the audience. an attraction and a draw able to com- week of February 19.Fred Waring will Idea was conceived during the visit mand that salary, the theater and theRestrain Whiteman play the house week of March 19. here of Boris Morros, Ted Lesster and circuit got added money's worth in view NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Ramona, thru Harlan Thomson, of the Paramount stu- of the announcement made of the en-her attorney, Noah Braunstein, has start- dios. Inasmuch as their stay was to be gagement on the Sunday Berle was play-ed suit against Paul Whiteman in su- brief and there would be no time for ing the theater. NBC put out a unitpreme court here. them to visit theaters and clubs for tal- from its Professional Parade broadcast, She is seeking a permanent injunction ent scouting, the audition was arranged. with theaters ready buyers and broad-to restrain Whiteman from claiming thatState's Flippen Unit Boris Kaplan, Eastern talent scout for cast announcements made of the engage-he has exclusive right to her services and NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Jay C. Flippenthefirm, made the arrangements, in ments.Fred Allen air -announced thefrom "dealing with her as tho she werewill go into the State here. February 11,conjunction with Harry Kalcheim, vaude bookings of his amateur unit, and therean inanimate object." with a unit built around him and the pitbooker for the circuit. are other radio attractions which have Whiteman was served last Saturday,band on stage.Supporting bill will in- Paramount has plans for many musical done the same. and his answer is due February 2.Ra-clude Buddy Clark, Buster Shaver withpictures which would draw extensively The market of radio attractions is notmona opened at the Nixon -Grand, Phila-Olive and George, Liazeed Arabs, Dickupon vaudeville talent. Kaplan auditions a well -stocked one, with the bookersdelphia, Friday, and has contracts forand Edith Barstow, Elaine Arden, De Rozeacts frequently at the home office and fallingalloverthemselvesintheRKO bookings which are expected to beand Vivian Ray. also covers tneaters and clubs regularly scramble to buy any that even resemblesplayed soon. on the hunt for talent.Most of the a possibility.Whereas bookers used to talent requests from the studio involves cover theaters regularly for their talent, novelty acts. many of them now sit in their offices Paramount is also working on a plan listening to broadcasts and alsovisit to have its theater men, where stage - programs playing to studio audiences.Graham Joins Woolfolk Gus Sun Chicago Staff shows are played, act as talent scouts. The networks and agents are wise to CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-Danny Graham They will be asked to report to the home the circuits' desires for attractions ofhas quit the Sam Roberts -Ed Morse CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-T. Dwight Pepple,office on any likely screen talent that that caliber, with the result that theagency.He is now associated with themanager of the recently opened Gus Sunappears in their shows, with the home asking prices for vaudeville appearancesBoyle Woolfolk-John Benson office in theoffice in the Woods Building here, hasoffice in turn arranging to screen-test are most times prohibitive. Woods Building. completedtheofficestaff.Personnelthese possibilities. Not only are the bookers being in- comprises Nan Elliott, formerly with Pan- structed to try to land air acts, but they tages and William Morris Agency here, are also being requested to try to make who will have theaters, fairs and outdoor tieups with programs so that a title orDvorak -Fenton for attractions; Malcolm (Buzz) Eagle, re- other item can be used and, in turn, a cently production manager of the Affili-RKO Boston Set Until April broadcast announcement be made of thePersonnels ated Broadcasting Company network, in BOSTON, Jan. 30.-Charles W. Koerner, theater engagement. NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Ann Dvorak andcharge of radio talent and night clubs;in charge of RKO theaters here, has set Leslie Fenton, film players, are being sub-George Flint, engagement departmenthis stage bookings at the Keith Theater mitted as a team for personal appear-and act publicity, and Robert L. Sher-until April. Among the attractions lined ances.Morris Agency is offering the act,man, field representative for fairs, out-up are Leon Erroll unit, with Louise the asking price being $3,500 a week. doors, conventions and celebrations. Beavers as added attraction; Olsen and Otto Gray Framing New Unit Johnson unit, George White's Scandals, Ina Ray Hutton, with Buck and Bubbles STILLWATER, Okla., Jan. 30.- Otto and probably Ritz Brothers as added at- Gray, who formerly had his Oklahoma tractions; World's Fairest On Parade unit Cowboys in vaudeville and on the radio and Cab Calloway and Cotton Club show. in the East and Middle West and now Town will celebrate the circuit's 55th ju- resting at his home here, plans to hit the bilee, beginning February 18 and running road soon again with a similar attraction. for a month. He has recently purchased the Will Rog- Va0e0ille 72otes ers' steer, which has been much publi- cized in the press recently, and also one SEVEN LORIA BROTHERS jumpedLeslie Sisters have shelved night clubs of "the world's smallest cows." He ex-from New York late Thursday night byfor a while to join the Hollywood HolidtiyNew Robinson -Hickey Unit pects to show both animals with his newplane to open the next day at the Michi-Revue, which is playing the South.. . . unit when it takes to the road. gan, Detroit.Got their late start fromFrederico and Rankin, dance team, have NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Clark Robinson been held over indefinitely at the Na-and John Hickey are readying a unit to New York because of a rebroadcast of the be labeled World's Fairest On Parade. It Showboat program. . . . Booked for thetional Casino, Havana, and are also doub- nce carnival in St. Paul this week, Rudyling at the Radio Marti Theater. Book-will be mostly a singing show, including Vallee will follow with a week of one-ing was arranged by Ben Shainin, of thea singing ensemble of 12 male voices and Pittsburgh Entertainers Ball nighters in that territory, taking in Me-Simon Agency, thru Ricardo Lopez. . . . eight female voices under the direction dinah, Rockford and Springfield, Ill., andKing's Scandals unit goes into the Orien-of Roy Campbell.Unit is scheduled to P1 TSBURGH, Jan. 30.-EntertainersSouth Bend, Ind.. .. Sally Rand and hertal, Chicago, March 5, and Paramountplay Boston for RKO late in February. Association here will hold its first annualunit have been booked by RKO for thehas also booked Ken and Roy Paige into ball at the Two -Eleven Club FebruaryPalace, Cleveland, week of March 5. . . . the Oriental, February 19, and Edward 14. Profit from the affair will go to helpDiamond Boys will arrive from EuropeRickard for the Chicago Theater Febru- the organization's current activities. Aearly next month and will play severalary 12. Harry Howard Into Legit huge floorshow and a dance is on theweeks for RKO prior to leaving for the NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Harry Howard bill. Coast and their Universal pix contract. is opening an office in the RKO Building . . . Wini Shaw goes into Loew's State, in Radio City, planning legit production. New York, February 18. . . . Freddie's GEORGE LeRAY, Pittsburgh AFA rep,He is a former nut comedian and more Dogs will come to the States from Europerecovered from flu . . . Fats Waller andrecently has been producing units, his Detroit Bookers Merge next month, with Warner already havingorchestra, playing Stanley, Pittsburgh,latest being Hollywood Hotel Revue. As- the act bookedforPhiladelphia andlast week, had an extra vacation Mondaysociated with him are Milton Francis, DETROIT, Jan. 30.-Abe Schiller, localWashington. when the house's power plant failed, dueBoots McKenna, Harry Crosley and Frank booker, is merging with Del Delbridge to flood conditions ... Sid Marke, bookerCosgrove. and Ray Gorrell, operating the Del -Ray with National Theatrical Agency, Pitts- office.Schiller is taking charge of the burgh, reports the Warner office in that night club department.Girl lines are MARY LEWIS has been booked by War-city can now offer between three and being produced for the office by Maybellener to play the Fox, Philadelphia, weekfive weeks of continuous bookings to Van, formerly of the Fox Theater, Mil-of February 26. . . . Jesse Kaye, F. & M.units in the tri-state area. Para Buys Chi French Casino waukee. The offices are being enlarged,booker, went to Chicago last week to CHICAGO, Feb. 1.-Local French Casino with addition of two new offices to houselook over acts, and also hopped to St. show at the Morrison Hotel has been Schiller and Sol Berns, vaude booker.Louis.. . . Marion and Irma arrived from booked for the Chicago Theater week of Latter has three weeks, including theEurope last Thursday on the Aquitania, GUS SUN was a Detroit visitor lastFebruary 26.Booking calls for the cast Colonial, Lincoln and Beacon theaterswith Jerry Adler on the same boat, andweek, spending most of his time at theand production numbers complete, with here; Rialto, Flint, and Palace, Windsor,opened Monday at the Arcadia, Philadel-Michigan Association of Fairs meetingthe exception of Rudy Greiso, who went Ont. phia. . . . The Rimacs sailedfrom Newat the Fort Shelby Hotel. He left Satur-into the Chicago Theater this week. York Thursday night on the Aquitaniaday for Miami for several weeks. for dates in London. .. De Long Sisters, Marie Hollis and Moore and Revel sail Pittsburgh's Occasional Fleshfrom New York, February 6, on the Paris. . Warner has set EddyDuchin into the WEST COAST ITEMS:Armida booked Ritzes Booked at $5,500 PV.I.-IbBURGH, Jan.30. - Warner'sFox, Philadelphia, and Earle, Washington, for Orpheum, Los Angeles,February17, NEW YORK, Feb. 1.-Ritz Brothers, Stanley, which switches:I to straight pic-weeks of February 19 and 26, with Shep followingFifiD'Orsay, February 10. . . . following their success in pictures, have tures yesterday, may go combo again inFields going into the Philadelphia house Joe Marks may linger in Hollywood, despite been booked by RKO for personal ap- Australian vaude contracts. Heis being pearances, with the circuit giving them three weeks, Zone Manager Harry M.March 5.Yacht Club Boys will play the their new high salary of $5,500 a week. Kalmine reports.He stated that occa-Earle. Phillv, week of February 2C consideredfora partinGeorge Jessel's ... Mr. and Mrs. Edgar 0. They will probably play Boston the mid- sional shows will be booked in to bolster LARRY BEST, mimic, who was on the Universal film. dle of next week, but are definitely set weak screen products.The musicians,Bowes amateur program recently, has Mickel, former vaude players, celebrated for the Palace theaters in Chicago and under this arrangement, will receive abeen signed by Bowes, the later peddling golden wedding anniversary last week. Cleveland, weeks of March 5 and 12. higher wage scale. him off to the Fred Waring band . . . 18 The Billboard VAUDEVILLE REVIEWS February 6, 1937 is absolutely tops.In both production numbers, as was the case with the ballet Due to the threatened power shutoff Roxy, N. Y. number, staging, costuming and lighting caused by the flood inCincinnati, where Ain cea,and (Reviewed Friday Evening, January 22)leave nothing to be desired. The Billboardispublished, last week's Following his three-week showing in Next -to -closing is On the Levee, an- issue went to press a day earlier, which the Sonja Henie picture, One in a Mil-other stage piece built on the theme of resulted in the reviews of Loew's State and lion, Borrah Minevitch takes the stageOld Man River.Setting is expertly done, Roxy, New York, being omitted. Inasmuch WON E here this week. The usual amazing play-the music Hall Glee Club appearing as as the Roxy show holds over for a second "PSYCHICWONDERS° ing and hilarious antics of his ragamuf-Negro roustabouts. After a rendition of week, the review of the show appears this fins drew the customary show -stoppingDeep River by the choir. Robert Weede, week. "of NEWBOYOFfICE atitDOC.M.112VING applause.It occurred to us, tho, whybaritone, comes on to solo in Old Man For the purpose of record, a summary SENSATION° 4313 Roosevelt81'AI the main reason forthis recognition,River.Delivery of the Kern tuneis of last week's State show follows:Benny next to Minevitch's showmanship, name-thoroly finished, Weede's voice being of Davis headlined an hour and 35 -minute ly,little Johnny Puleo, who with hisfine depth, resonance and control.Glee show with his 69 -minute unit, and it was harassed manhandling, excellent panto-club joins in on the choruses, the effect impractical to use the two acts ahead of mime, his playing and a bit of dancing,being that of solid operetta. the unit.Acts, Rector and Doreen and r-PAUL does not get the build up he deserves. Bill, as a whole, is tasteful and appeals Harry Burns, with Tony DeLuca, Virginia In keeping with the motif of the presen-to almost all the elements making up an Sully and Helen Lockwood, both went okeh. tation,Rascalsappearcostumedasaudience. Pix, Plough and the Stars Davis unit a terrifichit, with five show - gaucAos. PortionofRavel'sBolero (Radio).Biz good at last show. stopping specialtiesinarow, comprising ROBINSONplayed was the most impressive offering. The Ultra Modern Harmonicist PAUL ACKERMAN. Paul Regan, mimic; Manhattanites, novel Addr. C. B. MADDOCK, 551 5th Ave., N. Y. Introduced by a colorful opening of harmony trio; Shoe Shine Boys, colored per- the line girls doing a number to Lady sonality kids; Robert Baxter, baritone and in. Red, Violette and Rosita Velero har- looker, and Jimmy Shea and Guy Raymond, monize dulcet contraltos in Flamenco tops at eccentric dancing and panto comedy. and gaucho songs.They displayed ex- Other good specialties turned in by Shirley cellent appearances and well -modulated Palace, Chicago Rust, tapper; Rosamonde, accordionist; dP voices in Rancho Grande and their Hot VeraNiva, soprano, and Mickey Braatz, ?PP Tamale numbers. (Reviewed Saturday Afternoon, blond whirlwinddoingtap, acro and In a single offering, Eleanore Knight January 30) Juggling. tapped and heel -clicked to a stepped - .tames Melton heads the current bill, .1- up tango tune and was rewarded withbut his admirers thought he was stingy a good hand for clean-cut rhythm andwith his offerings.The last time Meltonwith her delivery so stagey, the odds are yr timing. played here he sang five or six songs.against her, unless she's in the Rainbow :3I Ballroomers Enrica and Novelle., withToday he did two and a short encore andRoom or a similar spot. Did three songs, fa% dignified gracefulness, did three num-no amount of applause would bring himwith William Wurches accompanying VIP Protected. bers with such ease that their hardestback for another. her on the first two. 1,81' Fully tricks seemedeffortless. A tango,a The Elida Ballet(12),well -trained, Radio Ramblers (Sid Rice, Irving Lane Everything"'LW. Flamenco and a tom-tom number werepersonable line of girls, opened the billand Sam Vine) perk up the going in the LU,IONS, with a jazz -tap number, followed by )11,f COSTUMESILS all done with poise and flawless pre- closing frame, working their nicely con- SCENERY, cision. Sensationalism is taboo with thisEmilee Adreon, who whistled as she wentceived mimicry act in grand style.Rice tak pair. thru a series of high -kicks, sliding splits,carries the act and he's an expert com- '9IE Direction: enzY turn-overs and other acrobatics, takingedian and showman, (and the smaller of AB9 Morris AS Park and Clifford, upper bracket acro-a nice hand. his partners does a nice singing job, I9e William bats.pulled down a solid nand with The Stevens Sisters, Neecie and Ivy, A some unusually graceful and somewhatdid a swing -song and then The Circus Isaltho the other's pipes were choking up. different strong-arm stuff and slow mo-Here and Back Home on Our Farm, bothSwell vaude and most entertaining, the tion control work.Especially well likedsongs offering the right opportunitiesRamblers werethisshow'slife-saver. sit was their closing trick, a sensational bitfor a number of sound imitations. TwoThey did the signature getaway as the of steel -muscled legwork of the under- band platform dropped into the pit. bows. Show ran only 36 minutes, which is fast 'in'! stander. The Elida Ballet returned, attired ingoing. fir An impressivetableau,colorfullyattractive costumes, to do a very good SIDNEY HARRIS. At, framed by the Gae Foster Girls, withroutine to Pagliacci. fw moo the dance team gliding in the foreground James Melton came on to applause and rpl tohpr and the arco boys performing on a daisdid Song of Songs and Lone Prairie, in his 170 \OttDANCEoffist' LOVERS in the back, is an effective flash closer.usual excellent manner, and encored with (OopyrIghted) Eddy Paul and boys give out withShortnin' Bread.Heavy applause indi- -)6e Ismaking the world their usual high-grade work in the pit.cated that the audience wanted more, but LOVE CONSCIOUS. Pix this week features the overnightMelton wouldn't give. Johannesburg Vaude 118 Currently singing sensation, youthful Deanna Dur- Buck and Bubbles cleaned up in the Leg Earle Theatre, Washington,D.C. bin in Three Smart Girls. next -to -closing spot with their line ofParadise OW Dir. NAT KALCHEIM, comedy -talk piano playing, singing and rfw Wm. Morris Agency. GEORGE COLSON. dancing and left to very heavy applause. JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, Jan. Rri The Great Yacopis, six men and a23.-Empire Theater here is playing to woman, were a great closing act and heldtop business this season, presenting six - .99( 'em to the last trick.Working beforeweek vaude shows.Recently did three a flashy. glittered drop in spangled Span-weeks of straight vaude and staged a ish costumes, they kept the audience"crazy show" on the last three weeks. Radio City Music Hall. N. Y.thrilled and spellbound with great tceter-Itis a 3,000 -seater, playing one show a Its board work.They have a swell routine,night and only two matinees a week, Isn ( Reviewed Thursday Evening. Jan. 28) filled with unusual tricks, and were a bigwith no Sunday shows. Management en- This week's stageshow,titled High -hit. tertains performers by staging native war Lights, is definitely better entertainment F. LANGDON MORGAN. dances for them and also arranging tours and combines opera, ballet, operetta and of gold mines. precision hoofing.Bill is prefixed by In 01: WALTER"dare" Memoriam, a tribute to Pavlowa, com- prising a rendition of Handel's Largo by Hudson Carmody and a ballet presenta- tion of The Swan by Margaret Sande and Paramount, N. Y. the Music Hall corps. GYPSY WAHL Erno Rapee takes the next spot, with(Reviewed Wednesday Evening, Jan. 27) his ork playing selections from Faust, For the third and last week of the pix, America's Outstanding very stirring, too, and abetted by soloistThe Plainsman, the Paramount had to Viola Philo.Drew a heavy hand. bring in a new band show, as Ray Noble ROSE Comedy Act Rockettes appear in two numbers, onehad a previous booking. This spot -booked titled Swing High, with routines by Geneshow is a weak one, the band being Nat NOW Snyder, and the other a request perform-Brandwynne'soutfitfromtheEssex * LEE ALHAMBRA MUSIC HALL, ance of Parade of the Wooden Soldiers.House, with three acts in front.Looked now appearing Paris, France. Both routines were performed faultlessly,like a vaude show, but not as punchy. ZIEGFELD FOLLIES each of them drawing applause beforeThere were four acts on the first show, , the termination.For precision, the linebut Paul Kirkland, novelty act, dropped GRAND OPERA HOUSE, CHICAGO out at his own request because of the Per. Mgt. IRVING SHERMAN, inadequacy of the stage for his turn. Curtis & Allen Office. RKO Bldg., N. Y. Business okeh at this viewing. Announcing the Opening of Our New Chicago Office! Brandwynne and his 12 men displayed stage inexperience and, furthermore. are GUS SUN BOOKING AGENCY more a dance crew than theater enter- SUITE 704 WOODS THEATRE BLDG., CHICAGO tainment. Musically, Brandwynne and his Acts, Units Going East or West Contact Chicago or Springfield boys are swell, with their music most "Get Away From Me, Boys, You Bother We are Heading Complete Organized contagious, made especially so by un- Me" and "That's All, Brother." WESTERN THEATRE UnitsInto Your Territory.Writeor usually clever arrangements.Latter was MANAGERS NOTE Wire for Full Details. evident in Gee, But You're Swell, which Now Internationally Famous was Maxine Tappen's vocal assignment. Miss Tappen does a charming singing job, with charm in voice as well as ap- pearance. CLYDE HAGER 111. Lou Garcia is trumpet feature of the featured in R 0 band, popping up frequently for out- "Laughter Over London." standing tooting. Brandwynne appeared THEATRES to be at a loss as to what to do. occa- VICTORIA PALACE, LONDON. sionally stepping down to lead and more ExclusiveDir. 1270 SixthAve. Radio city, New Yorkoften working from the piano, where he Wm. Morris Agency. seems to be more at home. Band com- prisessevenwindinstruments,two pianos, drums, guitar, bass viol and fid- dle. The Duffins take the stage as the firstg ml 1 c% ..1 m . mazim mi magy AVAILABLE FOR THE EAST-FOR THE FIRST TIME! specialty act, faring well with their fast and cleverly executed rag -dolldance.E dick ' nClyde Features the girl's amazing limberness. Hildegarde is the next act, but fizzles. CONWAYandPARKS0 KEA LBURCUSHMANIIRC Too stagey a performance, probably some-$Colored Comedy Song and Dance Sensation. AMERICAS LARGEST CIRCUIT OF STAGE UNITSTIA, thing she acquired from her long stay PersonalManagement HARRY PINCUS. abroad.Just a fair singing voice, she MILLS ARTISTS, N. Y. GENERAL OFFICES..MELBA THEATRE BLDG.- DALLAS TEXAS must necessarily rely on delivery, and, February 6,1937 VAUDEVILLE REVIEWS The Billboard 19 talists play an Hawaiian march and thenfollows his usual pattern; several okeh DANCING BY MAIL - RKO Keith, Boston the house line of 12 are brought on be-gags told in careless fashion, touch of Beg. or Adv.Tap, $1. viewed Thursday Afternoon, Jan. 28)fore a hulu solo by one of the girls.Ajuggling hake and really fine roller stuff. SampleTap Lesson for Comes on for bow with banjo-uke that Beg., includingStandard orman. Carroll's Mardi Gras unit ismodern version of the dance follows by Time -Step and Break, 25c. ft -moving,colorfulandenjoyable.another of the girls.Other specialtiesmerely bursts into bouquet. Beg. Waltz and Fox -Trot. le Rosenwald batons the house orkincluded the singing of Trees by the bass Remainder of time goes to Harry Reser $1. 11111 Leroystudied here. Send fur List "B". Lill a pop hit overture, and then givesplayer; two of the girls attired in topand Eskimos, with Olga Gernon as solo 0. tt+ podium over to Clarence Causton,hats, tails and canes singing Top Hatwarbler.Outfit puts on well-balanced K INSELLAACADEMY, 2526 May St., Cin'tl, thin- leader.Two gal jesters prance toand tap dancing, and Baby Joy, who sangprogram, featuring a number of trick ar o the show, followed by four showIt'sDeLovely and did a tap number.rangements of the ear -pleasing sort.Al- 1sies flanking Talbert Haslett, who vo-Act closed with a girl trio and the entiretho never particularly renowned as a JO SURE-FIRE PARODIES $1 cithi the production number, Mardi Gras.company doing Song of the Islands andswing outfit, the Reser crew can Stand upOn This Week's Leading Song Hits IIS :this production, Carroll has injectedAloha. and slug it out with the rest of 'em.with loot SurprisePlindi lines on "Del.ovely.- "Unite - githiline color and frivolity.Whoopla is Show opened with the Hild Ballet, do-Their hot swinging comes as a surprise. My Skin," "Dancing Mood." "l'ennles from Heaven,' ele.l'uta dollarhillinallenvelopeaid getthe,, ttikva -plenty, as the line of 16 femmesing a routine with hoops, which acted asOpening medley features brass trio, with encore getters NOW! Your nioneY back Immediatelyit and:eight lads go to town with a seriesa prelude to the appearance of Howardorgan backing up Reser on electric guitar,they are not the hest Youever used. Of -40utines, winding up with a tam-Nichols, hoop jugglerparexcellence.and Walter Garrett stepping out front for HARRY PYLE, 804 W. 180th St., N. Y.City bourine number. Rita Mack enters hereNichols does some unusual tricks in bal-a native lingo vocal of Song of the Is- for a series of fast acrobatics.As aancing and juggling and left to a heavylands.Real high spot is next, however, Bahia descendsin the background, around of applause. when Jerry Jerome is down to ride on qUihtet of scantily -clad dames jump to Ames and Arno held the deuce spotclarinet, trumpet and trombone, joining stairibay poses. and repeated their previous successes inlater for wild jamming, whole band giv- Mack Brothers (3) and Rita deuce withother houses around here with theiring out to the limit behind him.OlgaSTROBLITE cOnfedy acrobatics, novel in scope andknockabout comedy, falls and burlesqueVernon possesses an excellent blues voice Luminous Colors That Glow In the Dark. With nary a lullin the proceedings.adagio. and knows how to put over Blue Prelude SensationalCostume andScenicEffects. Hoke and routine are combined for laffs. Milton Douglas and Company were onin true throaty style.Pee -Wee Williams. For Floor Shows. Revues, Acts, Etc. 'feebleJeebieproductionhasSuethird.Douglas opens the act with aSepia stepper, has one fasttap,oneSTROBLITE BO.,Dept: B2, 35 W. 52 St., New Yolk Chrysler contralting Copper Colored Galmonolog, getting some nice laughs fromshufflin' item, both good.Noteworthy, with special lyrics.Mixed line, outfittedthe customers, and then does crossfiretoo, is Reser's Tiger Rag on banjo. in May attire, does okeh on the hoof.wtih Harry Perry, Mary Price, and, fin- CHRIS MA'THISEN. Clime has Eleanor Etheridge tapping onally, Milton Charleston.Act has some a high pedestal.Gets over nicely. funny stuff and some that isn't so hilari- The Lanquay Costume Co. Bert Walton is the comedian, assistedous.Two "oosgay" gags could well be 159 North State Street, 404 Capitol Building by MichaelSprinastheemaciated,eliminated.Douglas and Charleston are sickly partner, who is finally coerced tousing the fall business that Charleston Ritz, New Kensington, Pa. CHICAGO, ILL. sing In the Chapel In the Moonlightused with Ken Murray.Itstillgets(Reviewed Monday Afternoon, Jan. 25) and Starlight. In the latter Walton takeslaughs, but Charleston's war whoop is Ross Russell's Garden of Girls, 45 min-Everything For Theatrical Wardrobe care of all the gestures. getting a bit unfunny.Leftto goodute tab,is made to measure for the RH I NESTONES-SPANGLES-TIGHTS .Arnaut Brothers(2)work acleverhand. smaller towns.It boasts of a couple of NEW CATALOG violin acrobatic novelty and Nellie Arnaut F. LANGDON MORGAN. unusual acts and is supported with few and Brothers present the first whistling but talented entertainers. akt of the season, introduced by the Peewee LeBeau,likeableand hard- sister coming on stage via a hatched working chap, emcees in a pleasant man- egg in a cage.From the wings come ner.In addition, he has a good rope - JUST OUT!' her brothers garbed in rooster feathers. dancing turn inwhichhe is supported A: cockfight during the flirtation bit is by Louise Stoner. Loew's State, N. Y. Following some familiar gags between TroductionAfterglowisniftyand LeBeau and an audienceplant,Earl BULLETINS No. 20 'pleverly conceived.There's an Aladdin's(Reviewed Friday Evening, January 29)Strayne's tuneful five -piece ork delivers PRICE ONE DOLLAR lamp in the background with a feminine State's got a jam session for the lasta feverish pop tune, which netted a good NEW, BRIGHT, ORIGINAL COMEDY form on the handle.Mixed line works25 minutes of its 66 -minute vaude show, For Vaudeville, Musical Comedy, Burlesque, hand.Three shapely Adrian Sisters fol- Minstrel,Night Club Reviles, Radio and an interpretive routine, Haslett warblesthe honors being done by Jimmie Lunce-low with a Broadway to Harlem novelty Dance Band Entertainers. Contains: Afterglow, and the handle femis Natalie,ford and his ork, headlining the five -actin which, thru the help of colored spots 15 Screaming Monologues. whO teams with Darnelle for a sensuouslayout. A pleasant enough show, at leastand a bright red make-up, they turn 7 Roaring Acts for Two Males. love' dance.Running leap by Natalieup until Lunceford's spot, and from then House got a 7 Original Acts for Male and Female. isdusky before the audience. 18 Sure -Fire Parodies. oyer lad's shoulder for closing pose ison it'storrid and terrific.Picture kick out of it.Gail Martin, lanky blues Great Ventriloquist Act. a;tredit to the team. College Holiday.Business good at thissinger, was handicapped by the absence A Roof -Lifting Female Act. Sammy Lewis and Patti Moore arethird show opening day. Trio, Quartet and Dance Specialty. of a mike.She could hardly be heard Musical Comedy, Tab and Burlesque. eccentric comedians and dance artists. Jack Seymour heads a routine, thowarbling Pennies from Heaven and One, 16 Corking Minstrel FirstParts. Sing First Time for Me. Comedy is ap-pleasant dance flash in the opening po-Two. McNally Minstrel Overtures. parentthruout,andincludesman-sition.Nothing sensational, but turn is A Grand Minstrel Finale. Dance varying steps to Seymour does energetic taps; LeBeau and Louise act is next. Gal does 48 Monobits. wbman gags. sufficient. good straight work, but is not so forte Blackouts, ReviewScenes,Dance Band Whatever the ork dishes out.EncoreViolet West does nice acro; Van Twinsin a yawning version of Stardust. A sock Stunts, Hundreds ofJokesand Gags. htis them doing a fast and swell stair -do novelty tap numbers, and Neva Chris - Remember, McNALLY'S 13tiLLETIN No. tap dance.Worked plenty hard andman is at the baby grand. close is LeBeau's spinning of seven ropes 20 is only one -dollar; or will send you Bul- were rewarded with generous applause. Frazee Sisters sing a brace of numbersat one time. letins Nos. 10, 11, 12. 15, 16. 17, 19 and Finale production isa Southern af-In okeh style, but they lacked the punch Two of the Adrian kids return for a 20 for $4.50, with money -back Guarantee. roving crystal routine tap number, making way for the fair spotlighted with a they formerly packed in swing numbers.Two -and -a -HalfKings,agreat hand WM. McNALLY spot, as Haslett warbles a Lovely tuneBest was a ballad, Chapel in the Moon- 81 East 125th Street. New York and then introduces Miss Chrysler aslight, and they were just all light in theirbalancing act in which the kid in the Queen of the Mardi Gras.Mixed lineother two swing tunes.Fair hand act stands out with her professional be- goes thruitschores, the entirecast Bredwins went over very well with theirhavior and clever work. comes on stage for a clever and effectivenovelty turn of floor acrobatics.In addi- An enchanted garden scene next offers finish. tion to strong gymnastics, they providenovel effects of dancing flowers, butter- PictureisFlying Hostess(U). Bizexcellent comedy relief with the anticsflies and a spider.Flying Aces, two men, good. SID PAINE. of the clown of the trio.Comprises fastclose the show with a good roller-skating tumbling, difficult balancing stunts, andoffering.All on for the finale. novelties, such as skipping a rope while On the screen,- Larceny on the Air (Re- prone on the floor. public)andhousewasgood when Fred Lightner, aided by Roscella, gotcaught. Oriental, Chicago a prolonged hand for his serving of a SAM HONIGBERG. (Reviewed Friday Evening, January 29)flock of gags, some singing and a bit of Bell's Hawaiian Follies tops the currenthoofing. Audience was rather quiet when billand proves tobe entertainmentLightner started slinging the nifties, but away from the stereotyped form.Carry-he won them over before long.Roscella 125th Street, N. Y. ing a company of six men, four womenis a nice foil for him. and a child, with special Hawaiian scen- Lunceford and his boys, outstanding(Reviewed Friday Evening, January 29) ery. Bell's troupe takes one back to thecolored musical aggregation, found the Full house for the Ubgangi Club Re- days of beautiful presentation numbers.State audience duck -soup for them. Anyvue and Willie Bryant's band. Pix was 'Grouped before a colorful setting theyother audience would be the same, forCrack-up. An influx of pale -faces in the open with a medley of native composi-here's a band that really goes to town.audience was noticeable, probably due tions, followed by a song and hulu danceLunceford is an effective leader, prefer-to recent publicity.Show ran 83 min- by the four girls.Five men instrumen-ring to keep the spotlight on his boys,utes and would- have been improved by latter popping up frequently for brieftrimmings. instrumental endings. Grand musicians, Opener was an aviation. theme, the especiallyEddie Tomkins, tops on aline girls doing a weak dance. Next pro- trumpet.The band's handling of Forduction was of South Sea Island motif, Dancers Only is a treat, bound to setwith grass skirts and hip -wiggling num- yourfeet bers.It was done nicely and registered HOTEL RALEIGH athumpin' and your bodywell. aswingin'. Tomkins, Willie Smith and Sy Willie Bryant, personable band leader, 'Where You Can Skep Anytime-DAY OR NIGHT Oliver are spotted frequently for well-introduced Streamline Sue, who handled -4145 NO. DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO. done song and instrumental bits.Mabela song with clever showmanship. Lass Single Rooms, 55.00-Double, $7.00 per Week. Scott gets her inning with a mild song UnitHeadquarters. 0 minutewalktoLoop. routine.Audience palmed the act rightis popular and possesses ample personal- Theatrical Booking Agencies located in notcl. ity. into the feature pix. Pigmeat and Jimmy Baskette worked SIDNEY HARRIS. in a beer scene, which used unnecessary obscene noises. Would have been as fun- Choose the Chelsea ny without the noises.Next a Cuban THESE NEW ROOMS Where You Get number, with the Ubangi lasses doing a The Best S E rumba, and an indifferent dance team For Your strutting their stuff. Money It CAN Earle, Washington Avon Long, attired in a golden soup - ,cs CPHappen Here (Reviewed Friday afternoon, and -fish, warbled several songs, including HOTEL January 29) Tobacco Road. Also did a bit of hoofing The Perfect Summer Vacation and took a terrific hand. Three Gobs did In the exclusive Chelsea district - Earle has a completely entertaining stagebillofthe non -B.0.variety.a novelty dancing and singing act just SHERMAN on the Board- Pasteboard -peddling routine is being ablyso-so.Injection of more comedy would walk - private From $6.50 probably have hypoed this one. Bryant, 1700 ROOMS 1700 BATHS beach -bathing cared for by screen attraction Black Le-Pip -neat and Baskette anda woman from your room - With Mealsand Bath. gion. Good house last show opening day. DRIVE YOUR CAR RIGHT IN veranda cafe for Opener is Keene Twins, with Vic andworked in a pansy sketch, which was $3.50 Lamar, a fast and smooth -working dancenothing for the kiddies, but which went HOME OF THE COLLEGE INN bothers -dancing Room Only and nightly in Grill. turn that is on the acro side and im-over big here. Bryant's treatment of the Both. Less Weekly. presses all.Best hand is for neat feet -to -situation was less offensive than the usual ATLANTIC CITY feet high back -flipping of boys. handling.His band is a fair one, but JOEL HILLMAN JULIAN A. HILLMAN Paul Gerrits is in deuce position, withit's his personality that sells himself CHICAGO. J. CHRISTIAN MYERS nonchalant skate work his forte.Gerrits (See VAUDE REVIEWS on page 20) 20 The Billboard February 6, 1937

7lew acts-fcKC1SReCiew5

roles, came to Hollywood in 1931 aftertlemen follow with poorly routined ball- Chick Webb's Orchestra Three Sharps And A Flat little noticeable success in British films.room dance and adagio session.Boys do Reviewed at 125th Street Apollo, New Reviewed at 125th Street Apollo, NewHe's been a waiter, butler, secretary, andsome extremely long throws and Tam- York. Style-Band. Setting-Full stage.York.Style-Singing and instrumental.general comedian, all in Cockney char-arina is an excellent flyer. Amusing ses- Time-Twenty minutes. Setting-In one. Time-Ten minutes. acter, in the Coast film city. sion of patter and songs by Felix Paquet Fair quartet, three of who play instru- At the Met, he skipped on stage andis followed by good high -wire act of the Outfit comprises14men. including immediately won his audience with histwo Birkenders.Boys are quite at ease Bardou Ali, batonist. Webb handles thements, with the fourth leading off vo-slapping mitts and raising of eyebrowson the high cable and climax their stunts drums and does a very capable Job of it,cally.Turn presents enough talent andinhisinimitable manner.His"Allo, by one of the boys going into a fine too, bat the band as a whole impressedshows good foresight in its choice of ma-everyone" appealed and he started offhand -stand on the head of his partner. as too brassy and loud.However, theterial. Tunes offered were Rhythm Savedwith several gags, and then did a sceneShow closes with Amer Jr., putting a7big audience here loved it, and possibly thethe World, Mrs. Otis Regrets and I've GotfromthepictureCavalcade,whereingroupofsplendid -appearingBengal men went to town accordingly.ForSwing for Sale, the mid -piece being aboutAlfred Bridges and his wife. Ellen, havetigers thru their paces. usual spots, tho, this reviewer would ad-best. left the employ of a quality family, have vocate considerable refining of the wild Audience here went for the act solidly,purchased a saloon and become inde- and torrid renditions heard here. and the boys should manage okeh inpendent.Curtain parts to show Ellen Played Clap Hands, I'm the Mayor ofaverage houses. P. A. conversing with her former employer. Alabanf and Royal Garden Blues, in addi- Bridges enters, soused, insults her lady- tion to accompanying Ella Fitzgerald and ship and declares himself free from any London Bills Charlie Linton, vocalists. shackles of a master. Her ladyship ig- Both soloists clicked, the first in So nores her one-time servant, bids cheerio (Week of January 25) Easy To Love and Chapel in, the Moon- toEllen, and exits.Bridges makes a light, and the second in This Is My Last Hal Munro's Music scene and leaves in a heated huff, later Kurt Robitschek's new vaude program, Affair, Organ Grinder's Swing and BigReviewed at the Ivanhoe Gardens, Chi-to be run over and killed. All Fun and Folly opened a two-week cago.Style -Dance band. Performance wasokeh,butflickerrun at Victoria Palace. Boy Blue Come Blow Your Horn.Fitz- treatment was more dramatic. Without Twelve acts in . gerald gal had a tough time begging off. Instrumentation: Hal Munro, lead and lineup, with fiveof them Americans. P. A. the use of mikes, voices were barelySole newcomers to England are O'Don- piano; Kenneth LaBohn, alto and tenoraudible to the loges. nell and Blair, whose comedy vehicle sax, clarinet and flute; Dave Berkover, Following this episode, Mundin crackedis good for plenty of laughs. Headlining first violin and trumpet; Al Golden, firstsome gags, and left to generous applause. trumpet and E -fiat alto trombone; Cappy S. J. P. are Bebe Daniels and Ben Lyon, seen Kaplan, guitar, electric -guitar and violin; previously at Palladium and Holborn Ray Berens, drums, vibraphone and bells; Empire. Combo has out -lasted all other Anise and Alan Willard Nelson, string -bass and violin, flicker stars seen this side, due to the and Don Orlando, accordion. entertaining quality.Jackie Helleris Reviewed at 125th Street Apollo, New Tho a small combination, the band plenty popular here and registers a show- York.Style - Dancing.Setting - Fullsounds bigger than its eight pieces, be- Haynes -Perry stop with hisindividualstyle. Bob stage. Time-Seven minutes. cause of its many doubles.Using all Reviewed at the Oriental Theater, Chi-Robinson and Virginia Martin shape up special arrangements written around thecago. Style-Dancing. Setting-In three.as a classy American dance team with Youthful appearing colored ballroom Time-Six minutes. avarietyofsteps. Florence Mayo team, spotted twice when caught here.instrumentation, some unusualtonal presents "Pansy, the Horse" (re -named First presentation is a waltz, just me-colorings are accomplished. Munro keeps These boys use a flight of stairs, but"Felix, the Horse" for England, as they diocre.Second turn, however, is an im-all of his men playing at one time, there-in a more difficult manner than other by making full use of the band's tonalacts.Instead of a tap routine up andare a bit touchy here about the Pansy pressive adagio, done with modernistic down the stairs, they do challenge stufftag). Turn makes the grade with plenty costumes and routines.Much of thepowers and the use of an E -flat alto to spare.Sherkot, International panto- charm of the couple is based upon theirtrombone, said to be the only one usedon the steps. One of the fellows goesmimist and eccentric dancer is an out- particularly lithe movements.In con-in a dance band in America, gives theup backwards on his toes and does Rus- music a distinctive touch. Band goes insian knee -falls coming down. The otherstanding laughing hit. Lalage is a grace- trast to so many adagio turns, this one does back somersaults and twisting flip-ful aerialist whose experience in America offers real dancing rather than statu-fortonal shaded rhythm and sweet has provided added value.Nellie Wal- Latter element, however,rhythm that gives full sway to its in- flops,all on the stairs.Besides these esque posing. strumental facilities.Adele Sonders istricks, they contribute tap work, cradleslace, English comedienne; Dick Hender- is not neglected. and acrobatics.Actisanoveltyinson, Yorkshire comedian and monologist; Male and female are rather slight, es-the vocalist. presentation and went big here. Little Fred and his Dogs, and Vera Nargo, pecially for adagio workers, but the man F.L.M. retained from the two previous shows, nevertheless handles his partner effec- F. L. M. all give good account of themselves. tively. P. A. Outstanding in a strong 11 -act show at Holborn Empire is the dance offering presented by Mae Wynn and Zella and Company. Turn is 12 minutes of socko VAUDE REVIEWS danceology. Frakson, conjurer, and Stan- Frankie Ward and Orchestra ley Holloway, comedian, rate next in Burnham, Harris and Scott Reviewed at the Bradford Hotel Pent- (Continued from page 19) honors on this bill. house, Boston.Style-Dance and show America is well represented at Shep- Reviewed at 125th Street Apollo, Newband. and the band, too.Gondola scene washerd's Bush Empire by Scott and Whal- York. Style-Comedy and dancing. Set- colorful, but lost much of its effective-ler, colored comedians, who have been ting-In one.Time-Sixteen minutes. One of the best bands the Hub hasness because of the lack of unity of thehere for 25 years and still draw, and by Trio presents an effective comedy andheard in some time.Composed of 11line. the Myron Pearl Ensemble, capable expo- dancing turn, the audience here obvious-men who specializeinsophisticated Julia Hunter, dressed in a flaming rednents of hock -steps and other forms of swing and fox-trot dansapation. Bookedcostume, part of which was quickly dis-dancing. lygoing quite nuts over their hoke.into the Normandie Ballroom, Boston, forcarded. displayed her abilitiestosell Offer matches of song, comic recitationsfour weeks, but stayed 14.Then steppeda number and toss the hip as well. Num- Senator Murphy, back from South and gags, but really come into their owninto this top nitery January 1 for an in-ber was blue (advice to girls stuff), butAfrica,clicksat Birmingham Hippo- in hoofing, both straight and eccentric. definite stay.Unit is a Massachusettsshe made herself clear and was welldrome. Turn, as is, is perfect for this house. Show finaled with an African Molly Piconisa sensation at the but, in average spots, would probably bepartnership along the formula of Glenreceived. Trocadero, Elephant and Castle. Has to better with the trio offering less hokeGray. scene, which was quite ineffective. Punchgive seven and eight numbers at each and depending more on their forte, tap- Instrumentation:Eddie Brown, Geneand zip could have been added by cut-performance and still has them clamor- Rosati and Jimmy Brunton, saxes; Silvioting the weaker numbers. ing for more. ping. P. A. Scafati and Charlie Whitmore, trumpets; BEN HALL. Bob Hohler and Francis Taylor, trom- B.R. bones; Frank Bellizia, piano; Fred Moy- nahan, drums; Fred Whiting. bass; and Frankie Ward, leader, tenor sax, clarinet, bassoon, and vibraphones.Ethel Sidney Empire Palace, Paris Violetta and Rosetta Velcrois the vocalist and Ward, Bellizia, and Reviewed at Roxy Theater, New York.Brown are the arrangers.A feature of (Week of January 18) Style-Singing. Setting-In three. Timethe band is the swell woodwind section, Post Office Replaces Theater -Six minutes. not an ordinary feature around these Most entertaining bill of week is that CAPETOWN, South Africa, Jan. 23.- parts. Vocal trio comprises Rosati, Brun-of Empire. Minus "names," the programOpera House here played its last show Sister team of harmonizers of Latinton, and Whitmore. isgood,clean entertainment.Showrecently, the house to be torn down so numbers, principally of the Flamenco The lads play a smooth type of musicopens with Strassburger putting a groupthat a post office can be erected. Closing type, both singing in contralto pitches.with a significant trend of originalityof six hefty Ardennes truck horses thrushow included the Four Ortons, Senator Appearing in two spots, they sing firstthruout.Pattern is a subdued, swaying,liberty evolutions.Joe Crockett on inMurphy, Dave Seed with Jack Janis and Rancho Grande and follow with Tamale.dreamy sort of thing, harboring on apeppy and amusingjugglingsessionLillian White, and Bobby Henshaw witu. They blend pleasingly with dulcet, well -happy medium looked for by so manymixed with good gags.Five Tartares,June Arliss. modulated voices, and present authenticother bands.Timing isperfect.Thehard-working troup of Russian dancers, Latin personalities.Both of the samemen take direction absorbingly, and canpresent whirlwind dance flash assisted medium height and build, they makefeel out their audience. Ward is a per-by the Empire girls in Russian costumes. good appearance and sport colorful na-sonable chap, always smiling, and hop-Boulicot and Recordler, house comics, tive costumes fetchingly. G. C. score with a new line of witty patter. ping from one instrument to the other Tom and Tom do an amateurish act, while simultaneously directing for de-but one of the boys appears as tall andCoast Cafe Men siredeffect.Ward's own composition,slender as aflag -pole and gets belly Blue Bolero, is the theme.Spot has alaughs with his ludicrous postures and WMEX-Inter-CitySystem wirewithclever contortion bits.Joe Bridge alsoAttack ASCAP about 3 hours of airing weekly. garners laughs with witty cartoons and HOLLYWOOD, Jan. 30.-Copyright in- Eleanor Knight S. J. P. patter. fringement suit against American So- Reviewed at Roxy Theater, New York. Empire girls on in presentation build-ciety of Authors, Composers and Pub- Style-Dancing. Setting-In three. Time ing up the song number of Frehel, alishers was flied here Thursday by Cali- -Three minutes. sob singer clever enough to switch tofornia Federated Institute, Inc., the lat- parodying the sob songs. A large troupterasking an injunctionrestraining In a single appearance in a presenta- of whirlwind Arab tumblers and pyramidASCAP from, filing infringement suits tion of Latin locale, she made good im- Herbert Mundin builders close the first half, with girlsagainst cafe owners who are members pressionwithtapsand heel -clicking on for bit of Oriental hip weaving. of Federated. ' routine, including many turns and novel ReviewedatMetropolitanTheater, Kafka, Stanley and Grey open second Action is brought under the Sherman steps, with clean-cut rhythm and tim-Boston.Style-Talk.Setting-In Twohalf with a lavishly mounted aerial flashAnti-trust act.Cafe men also are trying ing.Abbreviated costume enhanced her(Special). Time-Ten minutes. in which they are assisted by two blondto get an injunction restraining ASCAP charms.At this catching, offering was HerbertMundin,flickercharactercuties.Boys offer good trapeze, rope andfrom doing what are claimed to be un- roundly rewarded. G. C. comedian and delineatorofCockneyiron -jaw tricks.Tamarina and her Gen-fair trade practices. February 6, 1937 LEGITIMATE Thenutopara 21 of the customers had not seen a play during the last year; 45 per cent had300 CCC Lads seen fewer than five legit productions, GordonBuysand only 25 per cent saw over five. Rea- G. Kaufman sons for non-attendance at the dramaFor WPA Meller ranged from financial difficulties to lack BOSTON, Jan. 30.-Over 300 lads in of belief in the production of really goodvarious Bay State CCC camps will be- plays. come part and parcel of a professionalWins Suit Gordon Play The overwhelming majority of thosetroupe when they are appointed (30 from who answered favored a permanent fed- each camp) to play minor roles in the eral theater.The reasons given wereFederal Theater-PWA presentationof cheap admission prices, employment ofGrace Hayward's newest comedy -dra- May have flopped as play - Producer's pic outfit buysunemployed stage people and musiciansmatic opous, Murder in the CCC. doctor, but that doesn't en- and the production of shows from which Gist of the theme is a murder trial "The Women"-first soldthe commercial producer steers clear. held in the recreational quarters of the title angel to damages under new dramatist pact camp. One of the better liked boys in the camp, so the story unravels, is on

trial, charged with the murder of a local NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-George S. Kauf- resident, the others acting as witnessesman emerged unscarred and unsullied NEW YORK. Jan. 30.-Sale of MaxHepburn Is Held Over and jury. fromacourt encounter withIsidor Gordon's production of Clare Boothe'sAt Erlanger, Chicago To the boys the show is a quickie, withPolisuk, cloak and suiter who angeled The Women to Max Gordon Plays & one rehearsal the night before opening.play and subsequently claimed that the Pictures Corporation recently is the first CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-Katherine Hep-Result is a hilarious spree of ad lib thatplaywright, engaged to doctor the piece, sale of a legit opus to pix under theburn, in Jane Eyre, is being held overin many instances outdoes the intendedhad not done sufficient work to make new Dramatists' Guild contract. Women,for an additional week at the Erlangercomedy of the original script. it a hit. Damages sought were $15,000. current here at the Ethel Barrymore,Theater and will close her engagement Principal professional characters num-and Justice Pecora, after listening to drew a price of $125,000, the deal beinghere February 6, after a four -week run.ber a dozen, including William Foote.Polisuk's tale of how he attempted to consummated with such ease that local Because flood conditions have changedJohn J. Barry, George Brown, Peter Sullo,gain the footlights after a training in producers figure Hollywood may changeits route, the D'Oyly Carte Opera Com-Joseph Taylor. Patsy Ruth Clark, Eleanorladies' dresses, rendered a verdict of not its mind about its announced "handspany will move in a week earlier, open-Lane, Vivian Foy, Nathan Gaartz, Made-guilty in favor of Kaufman. Case, tried off" policy on Broadway plays under theing its engagement here February 8, in-lineVettle.SylvesterCappozzali andrecently in Supreme Court, was not even new contract. stead of February 15.Change scuttlesJohn Ciampa. given to the jury. Beef on the part of the Coast folkany chance of holding Hepburn over Yarn stems back to 1928. when Poli- goes back to last year, when negotiationslonger, even tho business seems to war- suk's search for the higher things in life for the contract drew Hollywood protestsrant. Coast WPA Plans Plays led him to purchase, for $100. a piece that screen people were not taken care entitledHard Pan.Two yearslater If of sufficiently under the new conditions LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30.-First roadKaufman was engaged to doctor it for affecting the sale of plays to the screen show to be sent out this year by theproduction by Sam H. Harris. Kaufman's and the proceeds therefrom. Wash. Belasco to Leventhal FTP's local division will be Help Your-version of the third act of the play, re- Under the new contract, 40 per cent WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.-Much-mud-self, current at the Musart. where it re-titled Eldorado, was "terrible,"stated of the money paid for Women goes backdled situation at Belasco seems to bemains until February 14.World premierePolisuk. Kaufman, confronted with an to the Gordon office.Deal also illus-clearing up at last, with announcementof Roaring Girl, newspaper drama byaudience already warmed up, took the trates the point that a producer of athisweekthatrelightinghas beenJohn C. Moffit,is set for the Mayanstand and discoursed at length on the play may bid for screen rights withoutskedded definitely for February 8 underFebruary 4. Moffit collaborated with Sin-theory of playwrighting. told of his col- going into the open market, providingmanagement of Jules Leventhal.Houseclair Lewis on the recent Lewis FTPlaboration with Larence Stallings on El- x. he or she has the consent of the author.returns to legit wars with Bartlett Cor-play. dorado and of the ultimate opening in Miss Boothe, in this case, was agreeable.mack's Hey, Diddle Diddle, a roasting for Eve's Ribs, new play by Virginia VanNew Haven, Conn. Piece then trekked d With the ice thus broken, interest cen-Hollywood that lists Anne Nichols as pro-Upp, Paramount scenarist, will be pro-to Newark, N. J.. where it folded. q ters on the effect the deal will have onducer.Item slated for New York follow-duced by the FTP in 75 houses concur- Raymond L. Wise. counsel for Polisuk, ri the existing Hollywood boycott of Broad-ing week here. rently soon. tried to make a point that Kaufman 0 way legit. committed a breach of contract on the ground that he failed to rewrite the play sufficiently.Kaufman replied that Of Thee I Sing was accomplished in 17 days, and that, as far as Eldorado was con- American Academy Students cerned,he found he could not put Present "Dangerous Corner" enough story element into it. In answer a NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-The Senior Stu- ItomOutItont to a query by Wise as to where he sat of American Academy of withStallingswhiledeliberating on dents the By EUGENE BURR Eldorado, he replied, "I'm the man that Dramatic Arts offered an excellent per- paces." formance of J. B. Priestley's Dangerous Anyone who remembers the column that appeared in this space last week (he's Harris closed the bill, testifying he had Corner yesterday afternoon at the Em-patting himself on the back again )will also remember that a promise was madelostjust as much as Polisuk in the pire, as the fourth item in their currentto discuss a couple of WPA productions, Bassa Moona and The Tragical History ofscheme. series of matinees.The play, always aDoctor Faustus. That promise is hereby broken. Hasse Moona was duly seen, as Polisuk, who claims he has studied favorite here, has six outstanding actingwill be duly reported, but the tickets for Doctor Faustus were for Wednesday eve-"serious, no hokum playwrighting for 20 parts, and the youngsters rose nobly toning, which was, as you may also remember, the evening of what looked for a whileyears," was admonished by Pecora to the occasion. as tho it were going to develop into a blizzard. Your reporter was nursing an incip-confine his theatrical interests to those Chief honors go to Polly Murray in theient case of the prevalent flu. He managed to avoid the flu, but in the process heof a spectator hereafter. role of Olwen.In a difficult and de-also managed to avoid Doctor Faustus. fl manding part, Miss Murray displayed Bassa Moona, however, did get itself viewed-and with considerable enjoy- stage presence, dignity, charm, a lovely,ment. As indicated in the report of Mr. Paul (Cyanide -to -Actors) Ackerman, who tho still slightly muffled, speaking voiceoriginally covered both shows, Hasse Moona is - well, exciting. A dance drama and a truly amazing insight into emotion(or rather a series of dramatic dance interludes) it presents scenes of life in NigeriaSlim Legit Fare and psychology.It was an authoritativeas assuredly it is never lived by the natives. The implied doubt is no disparagement and finely effective performance.Alsoof the show concocted by Messrs. Momodu Johnson and Norman Coker; undoubtedly scoring excellently, but in the somewhatthe dances parformed by the energetic players of the WPA are the goods and theFor Montreal less demanding role of Freda, was LouiseMcCoy. But surely life in Nigeria is no such round of dances as they indicate. If MONTREAL, Jan. 30.-Faced by the Syminton, a statuesque and lovely lassit were, it would be a matter for wonder that there are any sane adult males inprospect of one of the dullest legit sea- who displayed assurance and real ability.Nigeria. sons in years, theater customers here are Doris Leighton did well enough with the For, as Mr. Ackerman indicated in his report, the dances and the dancers) oflooking forward to the possible road petty hysteria of Betty. Bassa Moona are of a sort nicely calculated to drive the susceptible male quite nuts.showingofGeorgeKelly'sReflect'd Wade Wybrants, a fine looking lad,Dark-skinned maidens perform a long series of aphrodisiac gyrations energeticallyGlory, now on tour with Tallulah Bank - played Robert with maturity and ability,and with a sensuous beauty that leaves the customers gasping for air.And, inhead as the star. Altho no definite date coming thru the very difficult last actaddition, there are certain dramatic moments that flash colorfully thru the murkyhas been set for the Kelly play, itis scene with flyingcolors, keeping theair of the modern stage. Among such is the somewhat hackneyed but in the presentexpected to be at His Majesty's Theater emotions in hand and therefore makingversion amazingly fresh) voodoo scene, wherein the lighting of Byron Webb andlate next month or early in March. The them count doubly.Hugh Farley didRose Hawkins is nothing short of miraculous. Guy street playhouseis now doing a well with the distraught frenzies of Gor- Naturally, under the circumstances (and in view of the fact that this reporter'smodest business with overseas films from don, and Clyde Robinson made a smoothsusceptibility rates right along with that of the Lord Chancellor in Iolanthe), chiefthe Gaumont-British studios. and intelligent Stanton.Janet Gilgen.interest centered upon the ladies in the cast. But nothing can dim the bright Montreal will get four days of opera. as Miss Mockridge, contributed a char-comic interpretation of James Adams as the king.Since what dialog there isbeginning February 18. At that time the acter bit that possessed truly professionalis Nigerian, his performance must depend for most of its effect upon pantomime;Columbia Opera Company opens its en- polish. Generally good work was also done inbut Mr. Adams' pantomime is of such expansive and effective proportions that itgagement at the Monument Nationale, the curtain -raiser, the first act of Theis altogether irresistible. He is a comic whose art matches that of Mr. Bert Lahr,old-time St. Lawrence Main music hall. Second Man, with Katherine Pemberton.over at the Winter Garden. Richard Manning. Walter Kastor and Many of the others, too, are valiant. And valiant too are many of the customers Katherine Sewall taking part. -valiant simply because they manage to refrain from allowing the too -heady On the basis of the four performancesexcitements of Bassa Moona to catapult them over the footlights and into theHoward's Pittsburgh Record seen thus far,it would seem that thedance. For the first time in his life this reporter felt heart -broken because he'd PITTSBURGH, Jan. 30.-Harry Brown. current group of youngsters is well abovenever learned how to do the snake -hips. manager of the Nixon Theater, framed even the Academy average. the Saturday matinee box-office state- So much for Bassa Moona. As for Doctor Faustus, reports have reached thesement of Leslie Howard's Hamlet.It es- EUGENE BURR. unwilling ears that Orson Welles, the white-haired boy of the Federal Theatertablished a new record of a Shakespeare project, directed it in such a way as to make use of modern advances in presenta- tion and dance movement. Also, that the poetry of Marlowe, the most magnificentproduction for that afternoon, previously in the language, has been so cruelly slashed that the entire performance lasts butheld by Katharine Cornell in Romeo and a little over an hour. Perhaps under the circumstances it is best for my own peaceJuliet. Philly Questionnaireof mind (and that of the project too that there happened to be a blizzard last Wednesday night. Doctor Faustus, you see, is the greatest dramatic poem that has ever beenDuroy Suit Thrown Out Favors Fed Theater forged from the rough iron of English. It has been shamefully neglected for many NEW YORK. Jan. 30.-Equity learned students - and this reporterThursday that the Supreme Court, county PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 30.-An audienceyears, except as an exercise in work -dodging for college of New York, granted its request that the surveyquestionnairewascirculatedwas overjoyed when he heard that the WPA had made plans for its revival. He$100,000 damage suit instituted by pro- among patrons at the WPA Theater Proj-was so overjoyed, as a matter of fact, that he was soft prey for theWPA press ect's glow. It Can't Happen Here, whichdepartment when it called up and asked him to write a story on the play and itsducer -actor Robert Duroy be thrown closed a fortnight's stay at the Newauthor. The fact that such a yarn (12 pages it ran to, what with my usual penchantout of court.Duroy's $b0,000 action is Locust. Audiences were asked to tell thefor over -writing) takes quite a bit of research and quite a bit of keyboard -pounding,still pending.Beef on the part of the government just what they think of theplus the fact that the WPA press department promptly forgot about its requestproducer stems from his old complaint and hasn't even as yet called for the thesis, failed to dampen my desire to see thethat Equity closed one of his shows, Federal Theater, the Sinclair Lewis playplay. But if modern dance movements have been worked in, and if Marlowe'sthereby causing him unwarrantable fi- and the stage in general. golden voice has been muffled into an hour's tentative fluting. then perhaps it'snancial los..Case was complicated by In answer to the query, "How manyall just as well. Maybe I'll get around to seeing it eventually, and maybe I'll like itDuroy's further charges that Frank Gill - WPA plays have you seen before this?" "Was this the facemore, Equity president, allegedly ma- 345 persons wrote, "From one to five."a lot; but if Mr. Welles. in his improving, has cut out the flawless ligned him in an article in Equity Maga- Four hundred said "yes" to the question,that launched a thousand ships," I'll hit him with a copy of the fullscript.It "Do you like this play?" Thirty per centmust weigh about a ton. zine. 22 The Billboard LEGITIMATE February 6, 1937 tory town, who is on the city finance OUT-OF:TOWN OPENINGS "Waltz" D. AI. Take $9,500 committee and who runs the most suc- DES MOINES, Jan. 30.-The Greatcessful drugstore in the community. He, BROADWAY RUNS Waltz took in $9,500 at the Shrine Audi-like everyone else,is beset by the de- "And Now Goodbye" torium here Wednesday night.All seatspression-but, like all others of his type, (Boston) Performancesto January 30,Inclusive. were sold,as they were in1934 forhe tries successfully enough to muddle Katharine Cornell's Barretts of Wimpolethru.Conflict comes when hisson, ByJamesHilton.Dramatizedby. Dramatic openedPeri. Street, which set a record for attendanceaway from home for years, marries a PhilipHoward.StagedbyReginald Behind RedLights (Mans- at indoor non-musical shows. Sovey. field) flaming young communistic and returns Bach.SettingsbyRaymond ...... Jan. 13 22 The gross then was $7,098.Hamlet,to sponge on papa. The girl practically Produced by John Golden at the Plym- Boy Meets Girl Wort/ Nov. 27 500 Brother Rat (Itiltmorel ....De, 16 which played the Shrine last Mondayforces papa to get her a job in the local outh Theater for a two-week run, be- ButfortheGraceof God 56 night, with Leslie Howard in the lead-mill, and forthwith proceeds to rouse ginning January 18. (Guild)...... Dm.is 23 Country Wife, The(Miller) ore. ingrole, was attended by 2,800 andthe workmen from their company -union Cast: PhilipMerivale,Marguerite 1 72 Dead End (Dehisce)) Oct. 28 530 grossed $6,000. status and organize them along militant Churchill.KathrynCollier,Margaret Eternal Road. TheI Manhat- The gross receipts for The Great Waltzlines. The workmen have cause enough Anderson. Marie de Becker, Richie Ling, tan Opera )louse) Jan. 7 28 did not set a record, since musical shows Edgar Kent, Horace Daudet (Gielgud I(St. for grievance; the owner of the mill is Hilda Plowright, James) Oct. 8 132 at the Shrine have drawn as much asa typical American capitalist. Sinclair, Ruth Vivian, Thomas Bate and nigh Tor (Beek) Jan. 8 27 $10,000, but it was the first time this I lowdy, Stranger (Long:tore) .lan. 14 20 Things begin to pop. The girl wins Eda Heinemann. Idiot's Delight(2,1 engage.) season all seats for a production had beencontrol Of the making of yarns concerning sold. of the union from thelocal (Shubert ) Aug. 11 176 political boss, and calls a strike.The clergymen who are troubled by pleasures Stage Door (Music liox I.. 0.1 22 118 owner bringsinhishired thugsas This piece TideRising(Lyceum) Jan. 25 8 of the flesh there is no end. Tobacco Roadt Forrest i scabs, and gets the sheriff to swear them in particular deals with the Rev. Howat Deco 4 1:355 Tonight at 8:30 (Nal 'mud INov. 29 79 $48,000 Ballet Take in as deputies.The local police -chief Freemantle, a handsome man of 43, who. Tovarieh (111ymonth) ..... Oct. 15 126 is powerless, and neither side is willing thru various quirks of fate, finds him- You Can't Take IIWit).11,,,, LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30.-Ten perfor- (Booth) Dec. 14 58 mances of Sol Hurok's Ballet Russo tookto compromise.The workers offerto self the shepherd of a large flock in an Victoria Regina (2,1 eitage I arbitrate, but the owner refuses. Industrial city. As such he tries to set (Broadhurst) lug. 31 173 a gross of $48,000, bettering last year's his parishioners straight with God, but Wingless Victory, The (Em- take by 87,000.Company doing a series Jim finally gets both parties together pire) Dec. 23 45 of one-nighters to San Francisco. in his drug store to talk things over- like many another he becomes side- Women, The (Ilarryinore) .. Dec. 26 tracked when he meets a becoming piece 92 and it is here that Mr. Brewer excellently of fluff. brings out the glaring flaws that mar This occurs in London. whence the !Unocal Comedy both extremes of the economic pendu- minister has gone to find surcease from "Deadline" Bought for N. Y.lum. The sensible man in the middle Red, Ilot and Blue (Akio) . Oct. 29 109 who sees the errors and unfairness of a throat ailment. While there he seeks ShowIsOn, The(Winter LOS ANGELES,Jan.30.-Deadline,both sides, is left holding the bag. out the supposedly erring daughter of a Garden) Dee 25 41 newspaper play by Bob White and Gerald member of his church in order to be- White horse inn (Center) .. Oct. 1 132 Burtnett, recently produced at the Pasa- But then Jim decides to fight for the seech her to return home.This, how- dena Community Playhouse, has beenold institutions. He gets the police -chief ever, is the beginning of a fine romance. purchased by Anthony Laudati for Newto arm a force of middlemen, they put The end is tragic and finds Freemantle York consumption. the "deputies" on trains outward bound, again a dutiful clergyman, tied to a and they break up the rioting strikers. musty studydominatedby tiresome Allis saved for the old order-except females. Two for Indianapolis that Jim's son iskilled in the melee. Merivale and Churchill, despite some It is a pitiful and useless sacrifice, for Sup- INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jan. 30.-AfterJewish Drama for Chicago the young communist girl goes off to nervousness, carry the parts well. several weeks of comparative inactivity, CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-After a year's ab-spread her theories elsewhere, and every- port is okeh. English's Theater announces the bookingsence Jacob Ben -Am!, well-known Yid-one knows that itis only a matter of of two attractions. On February 4, 5dish actor, has returned here and willtime before the entire crisis will again and 6 the road company will present thehead productions which will be given bypresent itself in Jim's town. Kauffman -Hart hit, You Can't Take Itthe Jewish Literary Dramatic Society in Mr. Brewer offers a false solution that With You, in a try -out performance be-the theater of the Jewish People's Insti-is merely a postponement of the difficul- fore moving into Chicago.Katharinetute. Society is composed of 75 membersties. His play would have been far more "We Dress for Dinner', Hepburn, making a wide Middle -Westernwho have devoted their evenings to dra-interesting and effectual if he had ad- swing before going into New York withmatic study and rehearsals for manymitted the horrible truth-that no solu- (Pasadena, Calif.) her Theater Guild production, Jane Eyre,years and, according to present plans,tion is possible. will present it in English's for three daysthey will present Maxim Gorky's Yegor As indicated, the cast and the produc- By Aben Kandel. Directed by Maxwellstarting February 8. Bulitchev as the opening bill tonight. tion are excellent.Mr. Mitchell, as Jim, Sholes.Set by James Callahan.Pro- offersaknowing,detailed,down-to- duced by the Pasadena Community Play- earth, rousing and altogether fine per- house Company January 26. formance-and it's a pleasure to watch Cast: Eddie Nugent, Samuel E. Hines, him settle down to the well -remembered Matty Fain, Russell Hopton, Highe Lew - technique of the stage, and thereafter man, Peggy Shannon, Ted Thompson, have a fine time for himself, with films Don Barclay, Jack Egan, Claudia Dell, momentarily forgotten.The rest of the Sam A. Burton, Ferdinand Munier, Mal- cast matches his efforts spiritedly, with colm Graham, Jan Aryan, George Mar- e wPlat'014gloalva OliverBarbour'sJoe,EdwardMarr's golin. Fred, Tom Fadden's Galoot, Charles Jor- Described in the program as "a gang- dan's Spike and various other charac- ster play to end all gangster plays," piece terizations standing out. Sandy Strouse, deals with the beetle-browed gentry who John Guy Sampsel, Fred Sears and others take to dinner jackets and an attempt Reviewed 1711 Eu9ene do well by the group of workers, and at the King's English in order to put lint Frank McCormack amusingly overplays over a $1,000,000 real estate deal. With a comedy bit.The only obviously weak the prospective buyer studying the prop- spot in the large cast is Tamara, who erty's books in the library of the gang- drug store and office. plays the little communist. She happens sters' hideaway without knowing their LYCEUM ACT I-Early autumn. ACT II-Scene 1:to be a favorite in this corner, but her true identity, lights switch on and off Beginning Monday Evening,January 25, 1937Two monthslater. Scene 2:Four monthswork in the current play has nowhere on the stage, with the characters taking later.ACT Ill-Scene1: Two weeks later.near the strength and fire that were turns at being "bumped."Piece be- TIDERISING Scene 2:The same evening. needed. comes more complicated when the chief Aplay by George Brewer Jr.,starring Grant One of the best casts of the season, mugg rallies to a childhood ambition to Mitchell and featuring Tamara.Staged by stirringlyledby Grant Mitchell and turn G-man and determines to solve the Arthur Sircom.Setting designed by Hughknowingly directed by Arthur Sircom, crimes as his biographer jots down notes Willoughby, and executed by Amend smashes across the heady melodrama of for the ambitious volume. After numer- Studios.Presented by Richard Aldrich andGeorge Brewer Jr.'s Tide Rising, which ous wrong guesses-formulated accord- Richardson Myers. Aldrich and Myers brought to the Ly- ing to systems used in detective StoriesJoe Peabody OliverBarbourceum Monday night. That the weighty he had read-a butler confesses the kill-Mrs.Tanner Elinor Hopkinson current problems raised by the script areHardwicke Gets Okeh ings and gets a job with the mob. Tony John Guy Sampselsolved by the simple expedient of closing Play as a whole suffers from slow Sam Charles Howardeverybody's eyes to them is certainly theBut Livesey Doesn't tempo, not even speeding up for theJim Cogswell Grant Mitchellfault of neither the cast nor the director. NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Gilbert Miller's curtains.Offering's only claim to fame,Jane Cogswell Peggy O'Donnell Those responsible for putting Mr. Brew-request that Equity allow him to engage and perhaps a Broadway production, isMary Cogswell Alice Ann Bakerer's play upon the stage have wrung it itsdelightful lampooning of gangster dry of all the theatrical excitement itSir Cedric Hardwicke, English player now personalities, customs and various other Pete Francis Cleveland appearing in Promise, for the Amazing Graham Hay Clyde Fillmorebountifully contains; they've done theirDr.Clitterhouse was granted. Six angles.Dialog is clever, funny and inTerry HowardMillerbest. months' rule was waived because Hard- good character, but the piece as solidFred MacKay Edward Marr There are a couple of definite points fare doesn't jell. Some plot reconstruc- about Tide Rising. As melodrama itiswicke is considered essential to the pro- Peiser. Spike Webb Charles Jordan duction.Play goes into rehearsal Mon- tion will do the trick. Mrs. Perkins Irene Cattellgripping, exciting and stirring: and itday. Dan Larry Johnsdoes try to present the viewpoint of the Galoot Wilson Tom Faddenforgotten man -in -the -middle, who sees Request by Theater Guild for permis- Tom Stevens Cameron Prud'hommethe shortcomings of both communismsion to engage Roger Livesey, English Eric JackHarting and fascism in the current economicactor now appearing in The Country fiNiene s:FH4=-TheAtreDavid Cogswell John D. Seymourwar -to -the -death. But Mr. Brewer's solu- Wife,forforthcomingproductionof Ruth Cogswell Tamara tion is no solution at all.He has hisStorm in a Tea Gun was denied the six Frank McCormackman -in -the -middle fight valiantly andmonths' rule house in this case. (BieckTheatre Appearances While Learning.) Mr.Kelly Graduates: Lee Tracy, Fred Astaire, Peggy Shan-Judge Choate Irving Lockesuccessfully for the preservation of the non, Una Merkel, Zita Johann. Etc. principles that have served in the past, DRAMA, SPEECH. MUSICALCOMEDY, Bill Sandy Strouse VOCAL AND DANCE. Hank Fred Sears the principles now shown to be out- Real professional training-the only Scitool in the Jack Whitfield Cookmoded and ineffectual by every labor United States presentingits students a weekin Joaquin Southerdispute that roars in the nation. Tem- eachplay,plus TalkingPictures and TechnicalEdgar Lawrence Training In Voice, Diction. Make-up. Pantomime,Chief -of -Police Olson Scott Mooreporary preservation of the status quoSCENERY Dialects,Dancing,Acrobatics.Characterization. Millworkers,passers-by: Dee Lowrance,solves nothing; it simply postpones theDye Drops, Flat Sets, Cycloramas, DrawCurtains, Fencing and twenty allied study subjects. Special inevitable cataclysm. Operating Equipment. Courses for 'Teaching, Directing and (kneral Cul-John de Angelis, Richard Allen, Alan Gilbert, ture. Edwin Gordon,GeorgeMiller., Frederick Olm- The man -in -the -middle in Tide Rising EMINI:NT FACULTY. sted, Richard Ross, Warren Young. SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO, Columbus,O. Write Inc Bulletin to SECRETARY BELL, is Jim Cogswell, a typical, but above - Welt 85thSt..,New York. The action takes placein JimCogswell'saverage citizen of a New England fac- AMERICAN ACADEMY of DRAMATIC ARTS km, FRENCH'S FOUNDEDIN 1884 BY FRANKLIN IL SARGENT 1937 Catalogue of Plays THE foremost institution for Dramatic and Expressional Training Witifr'a,acgin2( Our Brand -New 1037CompleteCatalogue IsNow in America. The courses of the Academy furnish the essential prep- BUFFALO. N.Y. Ready for Distribution. aration for Teaching and Directing as well as for Acting. Please sendI SAMUEL FRENCH for your 25West 45th Street, New York SPRING TERM BEGINS APRIL 1 POSTERS- CARDS copy today.811 West7th Street, Los Angeles a For Catalog address the Secretary, Room 145,CarnegielIall,N.Y. no) February 0, 1937 MOTION PICTURES The Billboard men cursed with an inferior vehicle. and Kenneth Garnet, from a story by "Camille" Frederick Nebel.Hollys ood Is the mod-Boothmen Employed by APPEAL-Not much as it stands. ern counterpart of Fleet Street-only itExhibs is 01(1 -Age Tax Ruling TIME -108 minutes. EXPLOITATION-Olsen and Johnson. has even more pots to boil. RELEASE DATE-January 1. COMMENT-It's what you have to ex- WASHINGTON,Jan.30.- Internal PLOT-Dumas museum classic pect if you insist on going to double fea-Revenue Bureau, in a ruling released about Marguerite Gauthier, who gives up tures. hereWednesday,classifiedsubstitute the man she loves at his father's request, APPEAL-Lower brackets. projection machine operators as employ- with much suffering. ees of the exhibitor as far as the ques- "Crack -Up" EXPLOITATION-Probably the mosttion of taxes for the social security act CAST-Greta Garbo, RobertTaylor. amazing angle is the fact that Hollywoodis concerned. Lionel Barrymore, Henry Daniell, Eliza- (20TH -FOX) still believes in its own special brand of beth Allen, Jessie Ralph, Lenore Ulric, Exhibitors,therefore,mustdeduct Laura Hope Crews, Rex O'Malley and TIME -70 minutes. newspaperwoman. from the wages paid both to regular others. Garbo gives the performance of RELEASE DATE-January 15. operators and relief men, "the amount of her career and makes what might have PLOT-It's all about the papers, which the income tax on employees imposed by been an ancient piece oftearjerkingwere evidently dug out of Owen Davis' Section 801, and must make a proper live and move and breath.Taylor istrunk and the ruins of the ten-twent- allocation of the tax to cover the wages pretty good, especially for Taylor. Daniellthirt.This time, instead of being the received by each." superb as the baron, and in one sceneplans of a fort they're the plans of a"The Plough and the Stars" Rule as stated pertains to old -age pen- does as good an acting job as the picturenewer, bigger and more deadly airplane, sion levies, the theaters being required business has had.Ulric, too, is fine, asand various countries are out after them, (RADIO) to make proper reports of its records to the vicious friend Olympe.This filmwith Peter Lorre appearing as a whim- the security board. should start a successful film career forsical spy, and Brian Donlevy, a pilot, be- TIME -61 minutes. Lulu Belle. Crews overplays a part thattraying his country.These two, along RELEASE DATE not given. needs adroit handling and playing down.with an airplane manufacturer and a PLOT-Picture version of Sean O'Casey's Barrymore does a masterful job of ham-poor, but honest hero, are cracked -upplay on the Irish rebellion in 1916. Nora mery. in mid -Atlantic in an exciting sequence.Clitheroe, wife of Jack, attempts to per- DIRECTOR-George Cukor.He hasThe poor, but honest, hero escapes withsuade her husband that loving a wife is produced a picture that is not only tothe papers, and the rest areleft tomore important than a patriotism which be a box-office honey, but which will bedrown. results in mass murder. Jack, however,Equity Bonds Posted one of the 10 best films of this or other CAST-PeterLorre,BrianDonlevy,is adamant, and, upon his appointment NEW YORK. Jan. 30.-Actors Equity years. RalphMorgan, Thomas Beck,Helenas commandantintherebelarmy,this week received security for the fol- AUTHORS-Screenplay, from the Du-Wood, Kay Linaker and others.Lorreleaves to join his men. Some fine battlelowing plays: Sunkist, being done by mas classic, by Zoe Akins, Francis Mariongives a nice characterization, and Don -scenes are shown, machine gun bulletsBonfils and Somnes; London Assurance, and James Hilton.Theirs, too, a finelevy is excellent. Beck pleasant as thegraphically darning holes in the concreteBarbara Robbins, and Thirsty Soil, Lela contribution to this product. Dialog andhero, and Wood gives another perfectwalls of the Dublin post -office, behind In a Nut Shell, to be done by the story are such as to lend life to the pix, which the rebels are entrenched. SnipersBliss. imitation of a shopwindow dummy as thefall from roof -tops, misery is everywhere,Laurence Rivers office, was secured last where they might have been just wordsinevitable love interest. but much dramatic effect is lost thru theweek. and movement. DIRECTOR-MalcolmSt.Clair. Heinane voicing of such truisms as "Men COMMENT-Smash. piled up the excitiment in thick slices,must fight and women suffer."Rebels, APPEAL-Adult, especially the ladles. which was all he could do. under the flag of the Plough and the EXPLOITATION-Garbo, Taylor. AUTHORS - Screenplay by CharlesStafs, finally lose, but the opus ends on Kenyon and Sam Mintz, from an originala note of hope. by Joan Goodrich.If they take off their CAST - BarbaraStanwyck,Preston false whiskers you'll see that they'reFoster, Barry Fitzgerald, Danis O'Dea.Chicago WPA Unit just Dion Boucicault. Eileen Crowe, F. J. McCormick, Arthur COMMENT-Thecrack-upisveryShields,UnaO'Connorandothers. tasty. Leading players offer merely routine per-In Religious Play "Three Smart Girls" formances, all honors going to the minor APPEAL-Lower brackets. characters, particularly Barry Fitzgerald CHICAGO,Jan.30.-WithinThese (UNIVERSAL) EXPLOITATION-Cracked up in mid -in the comic role of Fluther, a barfly. Walls, which opened this week at the TIME -84 minutes. Atlantic with The Papers. DIRECTOR-John Ford. Faintly rem-Blackstone Theater, is the first produc- iniscentofTheInformer,but onlytion of the newly -formed experimental RELEASE DATE-December 20. faintly. unit of the Federal Theater here. Play, PLOT-The three daughters of a rich by Marcus Bach, is a sombre and deeply New Yorker come back from school in AUTHORS-PlaybySeanO'Casey.religious study, relating the struggles Europe to find papa head over heels in Screenplay by Dudley Nichols. of a youth who feels the urge to become a romance with a gold-digger. The kids "Call of the Prairie" COMMENT-Spotty to say the least.a member of a Trappist monastery and decide to break it up for papa's own APPEAL-Action shots will add great-the subsequent mental struggles he en- good-and they do. Their methods are (PARAMOUNT) ly to the primary appeal. dures while being adjusted to the order's unorthodox, fast and generally funny. EXPLOITATION-Sean O'Caseyandstern discipline and complete detach- CAST-Deanna Durbin, Charles Win - TIME -67 minutes. cast names. ment from the outside world. finger, Binnie Barnes, Alice Brady, Lu- RELEASE DATE-March 6. cile Watson, Mischa Auer, Hobart Cavan- PLOT-Hopalong Cassidy returns to Tom McDermott, a gangling youth, augh, Nan Grey, Barbara Reed, Ray Mil -Bar 20 Ranch to find that his faithful played the central role in his best dra- land and others. Durbin has been hailed,friend, Johnny, has got himself involved matic -school manner, giving a sincere with much publicity and hollering as thewith a bunch of badmen because he hap- performance marred only by his lack of greatest find of the century, the wonderpens to have fallen in love with the poise. Other performances that deserve She's adaughter of their leader.Hopalong sets mention were those by Alfred Clark, as girl of the entertainment world. aboutextricatinghispal,whichis FILM SHORTS the stern prior; Victor Sutherland, as cute 14 -year -old, and maybe she'll befinally accomplished after Johnny is shot a jolly German monk; Grant Foreman, prettygoodsomeday. Winninger,at, wounded, accused of being a member asympatheticfatherconfessor,and Brady and Watson give excellent sup-of the gang and subjected to the Apache Note: These reviews emphasise talent,George H. Hoskyn, whose speeches were port. rawhide torture-whichisalmostasrather than directionor production.done with fine dramatic restraint. DIRECTOR-Henry Koster.An out-great a torture as a cowboy picture.They are intended to provide the trade Other principals were William Sexton, standing job.Things are kept moving soJohnny gets the gal in the end, leavingwith a line on development of band andKlare Almonte Tingreen, Betty Baum- fast and amusingly that you forget theHopalong with the raveled strands ofvariety talent in picture shorts. bach, Pat Devlin, Herbert Slade, Ben H. absence of story and sense. their beautiful friendship. Howe and William E. Hilliard, besides a AUTHORS-Screenplay by Adele Co- CAST-William Boyd, Jimmy Ellison, cast of 16 monks. Play was staged by mandini and Austin Parker.Meaning-Muriel Evans, George Hayes and others. Kay Ewing. less, but a good enough peg on whichWhat do you want in a Western? Slippery Silks Technically, the production was excel- to hang the work of a good director. DIRECTOR - Harry Sherman. Some (COLUMBIA) lent.. Clive Rickabaugh has designed COMMENT-Cute, fast and amusing. nice pictorial shots. some realistic settings, using unit con- AUTHORS - Screenplayby Doris Treatment of this yarn harks back tostruction in his scenes.Lighting, by APPEAL-Upper brackets. Schroeder and Vernon Smith. So it's an-the early days of the picture industry,Duncan Whiteside, was admirably done, EXPLOITATION-You mayaswellother Western. the stooges being cast as irresponsibleand the costumes were nicely executed. cash in on all the publicity on Durbin. COMMENT-If you like the Hopalongcabinet makers who inherit a swankPlay itself is not good theater, but its series, it's probably all right. ladies' fashion salon.Antics bring aboutsubstance will have appeal for certain APPEAL-Kid matinees. a series of ludicrous situations centeringdevouts. F. LANGDON MORGAN. EXPLOITATION - Johnny and Hop -around the boys' disastrous experiences along finally separate when the formerwith a priceless antique and, later, their gets married. conduct of the salon. "Country Gentlemen" Zany business is finally brought to a climax with a good, old-fashioned slap- (REPUBLIC) stickendinginvolvingthrowingof pastries in the early TIME -68 minutes. manner. Hilarious eye -poking, hoke and RELEASE DATE not given. "Smart Blonde" knockabout thruout makes the short a PLOT-A couple of ne'er-do-wells de- natural for belly laughs. cide to reform under the pretty and (WARNER) trusting ministrations of a pretty and TIME -59 minutes. trusting mistress of a country hotel. RELEASE DATE-January 2. There is this and that to do with bonds PLOT-A murder is committed and and oil wells, but it comes out inevitablySteve McBride is assigned to the case. right in the end. He's greatly hampered and annoyed in Dexterity CAST - OleOlsen, Chick Johnson,his efforts by a typical newspaperwoman Joyce Compton, Lila Lee and others.of the films, in this case a blonde named (MGM) Olsen and Johnson, ace clowns in vaude,Torchy. She gets in his hair all over the rate infinitely better material.Cursedplace, but still manages to stay a jump The Jacksons, Vyrl and Harry, ace with a dull script that has been stretchedor two ahead of him in unraveling thewhip and axe act, together with Paul by its teeth into feature length, cursedmystery. Things arecomplicated atSydell and his dogs, and Charles Carrer, with a paucity of gags, they still comemid -portion by a fake confession, but, ofjuggler, furnish a fine short illustrating thru and keep the film constantly alivecourse, the ending has everything clearedvarious phases of dexterity. Carrer opens and amusing. up, with Steve helpless before Torchy'swith tricky juggling, climaxing his turnTHEATRE EQUIPMENT NEW &USED DIRECTOR-Ralph Stoud.He mightpredatory charms. with throwing an apple into the air have done better with more script. CAST-, Barton Mac -and slicing it with a contrivance balanced Lane, Winifred Shaw, Addison Richardson his nose.Harry Jackson flings axes, AUTHORS - ScreenplaybyJosephand others.Farrell amusing as usual.with his son and daughter as subjects. Hoffman and Gertrude Orr, from an orig-MacLaneself-consciouslyhe-manasOther turns are whip stunts and marvel- inal by Milton Raison.It seems as thousual. Shaw impossible as usual. ous horseshoe ptiching by Vyrl Jackson. WRITE FOR TREE CATALOG "B" Raison, who was once a Broadway press DIRECTOR-Frank McDonald.Noth- Sydell and his dogs come thru with agent, is still trying chiefly to fill space.ing exceptional either way. the canines doing an amazing series of MOVIE SUPPLY COMPANY COMMENT-A couple of very funny AUTHORS-Screenplay by Don Ryannip -ups on the palm of the pacer's hand. 144 S. WABASH AVE. CHICAGO, ILL. 24. /1.1 'Tito Billboard= Februaryts.LY.Ti 71te guaway Reat

By GEORGE SPELVIN pETE SMITH'S short at the Capitol, Wanted, A Master, is a swell piece of work, being built up around a homeless mutt looking for a master, with the purp doing an acting job that Robert Taylor ought to study.. . . Short gets an amazing round of applause when it finishes.. . . Danny Mar- shall has given the Red Cross his boat for flood relief work. ... The swank St. Regis Hotel is on the lookout for novelty acts. . . . The WPA Theater of WEunderstand that the NVA Lodge at Saranac Lake has at last passed Music is giving Wednesday over to what it calls a "Composers' Laboratory hands-from the NVA Fund, Inc., to the Will Rogers Memorial Com- Forum," with free admission. . . . The composers will lead the orchestra in mission. This statement is qualified as to veracity because it is as difficult their own compositions, and invite criticism from the audience (wisecrackers, save your time). . . . When AFA performers picketed the American Music for the trade press to obtain any information concerning the Saranac Lake insti- Hall recently they attached flashlights to their placards and switched the tution as it is to get permission to take candid camera shots of Mussolini in the bulbs on and off, being a sort of peripatetic Broadway display.. .. Joe Zell', privacy of his bedchamber. night club impresario, recently appealed to local 802 of the musicians' union. claiming that the band in his place didn't play in tune; he asked for a Assuming that the NVA Lodge is now officially in the hands of the Will reclassification, but the executive board nixed his appeal. . . . Hal Willis, Rogers Memorial Commission, a group composed of men in public life of the dance teacher, has just spotted 24 kids in Warner shorts.. .. Guitarist Mas- highest integrity, we suggest that the time is opportune to rip the mantle off saguer postcards from Havana: "Greetings from a Latin Lousy Lover." . . . the mystery house in the Northwoods of New York State and permit the show The first swimming meet for showgirls was held at the Park Central pool business and the highly interested public to view its every line and curve.An Sunday afternoon, with gals from half a dozen night clubs and four musicals competing. . . . The rivalry between Sherman (Stork Club) Billingsley and institution that was made possible thru donations solicited from the American John (El Morocco) Perona has taken on the proportions of a snatch feud: public and by enlisting the services of actors and showmen cannot long exist not long ago Billingsley hired Press Agent P. A. McBaine away from El Mo- if its affairs are clothed in deepest secrecy.Not only was this institution built rocco. then acquired the services of Gus Martel and his rumbaists, long associated with the zebra stripes, and now he's doing his best to coax away up from a foundation of nickels, dimes and pennies contributed by theater - A Perona's popular hat -check girl. . . . Dr. Irving Rothstein on Tuesdays and lovers; it has been kept going thru the years by periodic appeals to this great Fridays, between 3 and 5 p.m., will extract teeth gratis for Chorus Equity !It public and by putting on exhibition thru pathetic speeches on stages and talking members who aren't able to pay at present. 395 screens the frailties of the poor actor who is too weak and too stupid to help 011 himself in times of sickness and adversity. Morris Iushevitz, mysterious press agent of local 802, has turned the Is& There has been more deplorable politics connected with the operation of Is> corner and is now a capitalist, this being learned when he broke down re- alf the NVA Lodge than infested Washington during the Harding administration. cently and confessed that he'd bought a tuxedo. . . . The methods whereby We blithely believed that with the change made in the Lodge's administration Moe rationalized himself out of the proletariat and into the patrician class several years ago everything would run as smoothly as a greased pig on a are devious. his fall from grace beginning when he voted for Roosevelt.. .. James J. (Jimmy to you) Walker had 'em in the aisles (or is it between the ltE runway.True, that the new administration eliminated politics.But it intro- 390 tables?) at last Wednesday's Circus Saints and Sinners luncheon. . . The duced into the operation of a public institution an element of stupidity in club, founded several years ago to promote a home for old and indigent big - as, public relations and general policies that has served to undo almost all the good top troupers. has developed into a good excuse for fun -loving celebs to let BR, that it accomplished by kicking the politicians out of the house. their hair down once a month -- and they succeed, admirably; Wednesday's meeting at the Commodore was one of the screwiest in years. thanks to Now that the Will Rogers group is technically in charge of the Lodge we Jimmy. who proved he can take it as well as give it out.. .. Charlie Kemper hope that the veil of secrecy will be removed; that the show business and the was screen-tested last week by Major Pictures. . . Mario and Floria have general public will be let in on the deep, dark secret of the finances of the had their contract extended at the Waldorf-Astoria until March 27, which Lodge.That the various organizations recognized as overseers of charitable will give them a total of 16 weeks at the spot... . The daughter of a once - work in the amusement industry will be apprised once and for all and in un- famous actor (and also step -daughter of a big Coast agent) is hoofing in the chorus of one of the local burlesque houses. . . . With two new digest mistakable clarity of the admission policies of what isstill one of the finest /nags hitting the stands last week (both digests of books) one of the lads institutions in the country devoted to the treatment and cure of tuberculosis. will probably soon get out a digest of digests. . . . And one of these days The heads of these organizations and the run -of -the -mine actors, showmen and publishers will discover that digests cut into their sales, with an advertising craftsmen of the theater deserve to be told in unequivocal terms who is and who paper now plotting an analysis of them that may cause gasps. . . . At the is not entitled to receive the benefits conferred by this institution on those Versailles recently Rubinoff gave his educated fingers a busman's holiday by cursed with the white plague.During the regime that held forth during vaude- shadow -drumming every note played by the band. . . . Home Touch on the ville's swan -song days the basis of admission qualification seemed to be influence Main Stem: Wash proudly waving in the breeze - on the roof of the LeBlang with the right people. We believe we can safely assume that in very recent years there has been a sincere attempt on the part of the so-called admission board to take care of worthy cases.But there has been no forthright policy; AMY no clear-cut statement of admission standards. The result hasbeen confusion, distrust and exercise of power by whim and erring instinct. eitica5oeitat Not long ago we, as one who has watched closely the operation of the Lodge ince its very opening, were shocked out of temporary lethargy by learning from By NAT GREEN a source of unimpeachable authority that theLodge can accommodate almost twice as many patients as are now harbored there without increasing to an ap- JANE WITHERS. kid picture star, had a swell time in Chicago. while playing preciable extent the operating expense of the institution.We were further the Palace Theater last week. ... This, in spite of the fact that she never informed that this condition has been in existence for about two years.To goes anywhere without the husky Captain Smith, Texas Ranger, as body- guard. . . . Since the kidnaping threat on the Coast. which landed a guy those with a grain of human sympathy and the slightest amount of imagination behind the bars for a long stretch, Jane is constantly under the watchful eye such a state of affairs should induce shock and indignation, to say the least. of her mother and the Ranger.... She did quite a bit of visiting around Chi. Large type and adjectives of the gruesome genre need not be employed to including a stop at the famous Atwell Luncheon Club, especially to see her impress those who sometimes think of the sick and unfortunate that this is friend. Harry Bert, of the Al G. Barnes Circus.... Frank Smith, of the Palace, a condition that reflectsunfavorably against the men who knew (or were duty- would have liked to hold Jane over an extra week, but she has to hurry back bound to know) about this-and failed to do anything to remedy it. to Hollywood... -Art Frasik, former band leader, now operates a cafe on the north edge of the Loop. . . . Emmie Nelson has lefther publicity job with We do not charge the NVA Lodge administration with refusing worthy the Stevens Hotel and after a trip to Bermuda and Nassau probably will cases admittance to the Lodge.There is no suspicion whatever of this. We hook up with another Loop spot. . . . What's become of Madeline Woods? doubt seriously that the most exhaustive investigation would reveal the slightest Peggy Charters? Paul Ash? . . . Those ducky costumes that grace the gals semblance of such a tendency or attitude.But we do charge the Lodge admin- at the Royale -Frolics are the work of Lester.... Long queues of movie patrons waiting on the sidewalk to see Camille at U. A. . . . Count Berni Vici tem- istration with an apathy and lack of sympathy and interest towards their respon- porarily changed the title of his show to Monte Carlo Brevities while playing sibility.Nobody can tell us. . . . no matter how many charts, surveys and the Oriental last week, because the State -Lake show of the previous week was sworn statements they produce. . . . that there are not today in the amuse- labeled Spices of 1937, which is the regular Berni Vici title. . .. Lou Perlman ment industry enough unhospitalized tuberculosis cases to fill the NVA Lodge doing publicity for the Estey organ people.

10 times over.Yet this institution, dedicated to the good health of showpeople and showmen, is underpopulated because its overseers lacked enough interest Katherine Hepburn will stage a special benefit matinee for flood sufferers in the persons it was designed to serve to make known that it could conveniently February 4 at the Erlanger . . La Hepburn, by the way, has been having accommodate many more patients. rather tough going with the press because of her antipathy-real or assumed -to publicity. . .. She was set, soit is said, for a full page in the roto of a local daily but reneged and they used another picture instead.And on Not long ago we queried one of the executives connected with the NVA another occasion recently the newspaper photogs became exasperated at Fund, Inc., on the proposition of underpopulation.He neither denied nor what they considered unwarranted stalling and walked out. ... Roy Sampson affirmed, but expressed a desire to talk about it again in the very near future. off to New York to become manager and publicity man for Rajah Raboid's Oriental dancer, has suffered a series of setbacks This commentator made several tries to reach that person.Thus far he has unit. . . . Blossom Chan. real due to illness. but is again rehearsing new routines. . . Bert Granoff con- failed.This comment could not have been affected by the deferred conference tinues to do a swell job as singing emsee at the BismarckHotel, where Phil because we know our dope to be straight.But we had hoped that the executive Levant's orchestra recently opened a return engagement.Phil and his would be able to give us a reasonable explanation of the phenomenon. We boys are ace high with Bismarck patrons. cannot wait for him to be good and ready.The welfare of those who are afflicted and who deserve to receive the benefits of the medical care and climate Just as a reminder of old times we're going to see the show atthe Rialto inherent in the Lodge cannot wait for a reason. To many of them a few days' this week - the original Billy Watson and his Beef Trustgals are playing operatic phenom. has been signed by Chicago delay in treatment might mean early death. tnere. . . . Betty Jaynes. young City Opera for next season.. .. "Happy" Meininger. managerof the Berwyn Theater. laid up with a slight brain concussion as result offalling on an icy Lillian Gordoni's son Don. anxious to go "on his own." hitch- pavement. . . . hiked to Syracuse. N. Y.. got an usher's job and a job on acommercial pro- gram at Station WFBL. Says he'll head forNew York as soon as he gets a So we leave for the consideration of the amusement industry the suggestion stake.... Doug Fairbanks, who with his wife. the formerLady Ashley, stopped that it might be possible with a new administration taking- hold at the NVA off here on the way to the Coast. was worrying overthe effect of the cold in . . It's been nigh onto 20 y'ars since Lodge to open its doors to more patients and to let the world know what the L.A. on his 400 acres of orange groves..their comedy act and they're still institution is doing with its money-donated by the masses for many years as we first saw Medley and Duprey doing getting the laughs with that exploding phonograph. . . . Somebody stripped a gesture of thanks for the pleasure theyderived from the theater and latterly the apartment of Phyllis Darling, strip dancer, ofrings, money orders and as a tribute to the memory of one of the bestbeloved characters of a rapidly 100 pictures of Phyllis in " costume."" Must have been a moron," Phyllis passing generation. commented. February 6, 1937 BURLESQUE The Billboard 25 mer. Upon his return from a vacation in Indie Getting Waterloo George Young May Join Met.Hot Springs, Ark., he will install a cool- LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 1.-Lew Rosen- ing system and make arrangements for a thal, attending the convention of fair NEW YORK. Jan. 30.Dave King, op-burlesque stock company. This will give managers here, said he is starting bur-erator of the National, Detroit, was athisareaburlesqueduring thehot visitor here this week. Reports are thatmonths for the first time in years. 14-72ota lesque in the Waterloo. Waterloo,Ia.King and George Young have been in By UNO House manager will be Dick Hultz, for-huddles, with the result that Young's mer burly comic. Deal calls for FridaysRoxy, Cleveland. may join up with the MIMI LYNNE, withtheWeinstock and Saturdays each week, itis under-Metropolitan Circuit.Palace,Buffalo, Miami Beach show, has signed a new stood and talent comes by way of Issy contract to remain the rest of the winter Hirst's Independent Wheel.Start willrecently dropped off the circuit, leavingIHo Houses go Split -Week be early this month. Detroit and Toronto. at increased pay. NEW YORK, Feb. 1.-Lyric, Bridgeport, and Jacques, Waterbury. Connecticut, GLADYS FOX, at Minsky's Oriental, houses operated by Frank Illo, trimmedNew York, doing commercial shorts four Pittsburgh's Summer Burly their burlesque policies from six daysmornings a week for Vanguard. Coast Strike Effects Burly each to three.Houses started today as PITTSBURGH. Jan. 30.-George Jaffe,split-weekers, the two of them filling out LARRY CLARK. recovering in Detroit SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30.-Due tooperator of the Casino Theater here, re-a week on the Independent Burlesk Cir- operationper- the three -months -old maritime strike,ports that the house will operate all sum-cuit. from anappendicitis an economy wave has struck local bur- formed January 19in Mercy Hospital lesque houses.At the Liberty. which there. uses 16 principals, four are off each week, giving but three weeks work a month. DOLLY DAWSON. 311for the last six On January 21, the Capitol instituted a months, opened January 21 at the Na- 20 per cent salary cut, to be restored as tional,Detroit.replacing Tanya, who soon as the strike is settled. moved to a nitery in Youngstown. O. gutlesitte ReOlewS Frances McAvoy is another new princi- pal at the National. comes thru for the boys. and Joan Mar- Minsky's Oriental, New Yorklowe. tall blonde, and Lea Perrin. ditto. JOE WILTON has written a three -act Two More Indie Shows only." out the crop.Technique gener-comedy, entitled Scratch House, which (Reviewed Tuesday Evening, January 26) allyison the "arty" side, and veryis to be launched this spring with a cast NEW YORK, Feb. 1.-Two new shows Oriental is still playing to a definitelypleasing. composed mostly of burlesque person- will open on the Independent Circuit thishigher type of patronage. the current Production is classy for burlesque, thealities, week.Pardon The Glamour opens Fri-show being far and away a cleaner andimpression being that of a revue. House day at the Capitol, Toledo, cast compris-more tasteful production than the aver-jammed at this viewing, a large number KAY DAWN. showgirlatCentury, ing Benny Moore, Sunya Slane, Clydeage burlesque presentation. of women being present. Brooklyn. fell backstage recently, frac- Bates, Jack Hunt, Tom Fairciough, Jack Titled I'd Walk a Mile for a Camille. PAUL ACKERMAN. Also sustained body Keller, Harry White, Dorothy Morgan,the presentation is evidence that Bobby turinga hand. Martha Patti and Vilma Joszy.Top HatSanford is really doing something to lift bruises. ripens Sunday at Casino, Pittsburgh, itsburly into the category of real enter- lineup consisting of Joe DeRita, Maetainment. Line of 10 has been whipped Rialto, Chicago ELEANOR JOHNSON, with Manhattan. Brown, Irma Vogelle, Max Devol, Joan Deinto shape and can really do routines, Maids, Indie show. recalls the time 11 Lee, Harry Meyers, Dorothy Sevier, Harrywhich is saying a lot for a burlesque(Reviewed Friday Evening. January 29)years ago when she chorused alongside Jackson, Bobby Burns and Wade andchorus. Six showgirls appear in produc- Billy WatsonisrevivingoldburlyHindu Wassailat theState -Congress. Wade. tion numbers. memories this week in the recreation ofChi.Ditto Dorothy Dee and Patricia Bill is peppered with good specialties,his original Beef Trust show, with Kraus-Paige. notably Mary Jane, an acro and contor-meyer's Alley and a bevy of well -uphol- tionist dancer; Tess Noel, hoofer, andstered damsels.Contrast between the (See U -NOTES on page 26) Linda King, warbler who sings Tempta-burlesque of father's day and the present tion andSolitude,but good.Latteris proving a pleasing combination and *NADJA* shows fine control, proper use of mikethe customers literally "ate up'' the old- NOW AT and clicks handily.King, too,isdefi-time stuff.Balance of the road show IRVING PLACE, NEW YORK. nitely anasset.Taps Miller,coloredhasn't very much inits favor, except Returned from Lengthy Coast Engagement. hoofer, does unusual tap routines andLola Pierce's novelty strip. Chorus girls a Suzi-Q. claiming to be the originatorwith the travelling company are not well SYLVIA of the latter. Swan and Lee, blackfacematched and many of them work list- intypicallessly.Resident company and produc- the Essence of comics, appear sporadically Tease -Tap comedy. tion department, as usual. bolstered the Dancing, ADGE OutstandingcomicisPhilSilvers,performance considerably. ably abetted by Hank Henry.Silvers, Krausmeyer's Alley was a laugh fest. too, in addition to emseeing. does hisLaid in a setting representing an alley, LIMN CARMYLE own round of impersonations, includingthe chorus opened with a routine to Ultra Nudes Modernistic versions of Durante, Chevalier, WynnSidewalks of New York. followed by a STAR & CENTURY, Brooklyn, Indefinitely. and Penner. Henry, an assured perform-line of 12 pachydermic gals as the Beef er, is backed by two good straights. SidTrust chorus. Billy Watson. in his well- Stone and Phil Golden.Material usedknown German character. aided by his is a combination of regular burlesquepartner of many years. Billy Spencer, PROFESSIONALCARDS and unusually clean humor. as Grogan. went thru their lines with Strippers number sixandgothrulaugn-gettingresults. Routine was their paces without singing. the vocalgreatlystrengthenedhere,withthe accompaniment coming fromoffstagepolicemanbeingplayed by Charles mikes.Outstanding were Julie BryanCountry. Others in the sketch were Lola CONCHITA ( understudy for Gypsy Rose Lee in thePierce, Sammy Smith and Nadine Marsh. The Mexican Spit -Fire In Character Dances. Follies), Cell Von Dell and Gladys Fox, Earlier on the bill, the firehouse scene, BILLY FERBER Latter also does well in talking parts.with Kenny Brenna. back in the cast Singing-Juvenile-Straight-andSpecialties QueenieKing,vigorousdancer,also (See BURLESQUE REVIEWS page 26) Reps.: PHIL ROSENBERG, East. and MILT SCHUSTER, West. AGNES MURRAY THE LATEST WOW OF A STRIP -TEASE. THELMA KAY Ruth' RtielS STRIP AND TALKING ARTISTE. INTERNATIONAL New In the East. ZONIA DUVAL went into the Star,Bozo Snyder's show in Baltimore, and Brooklyn, Friday. replacing Gladys Clark.was replaced by Ruth Donald. .. Rudy INTERPRETIVE TOMMY SEYMOUR who returned to the Irving Place and(Flood) Kahn rates his new nickname, DANCER JUVENILE-STRAIGHT-BARITONE. Peoples, New York. . . . Sam Raynor andhaving been manager of two shows which With "Vaniteasers" Co., En Route Indie Circ. Hello Jake Fields, for a laugh, donnedwitnessed floods in Pittsburgh within the blackface and appeared during the ama-span of a year.. . . Jeanne Wade and teur program at the Empire. Newark.Billy (Bumps) Mack will open at the with JIMMY CALVO They didn't get the hook. .. . Frank andCapitol, San Francisco, for Popkin & BARITONE-JUVENILE. Linda King, Taps Miller, Swan and LeeRinger. and Pee Lee are new features at Minsky's Revelation Routines Oriental, New York. . . . Al Sodos, tenor JOANN MARLO from the Coast, now at the People's, New IN BURLESK WITH A REAL NEW WOW- York. having succeeded Jimmy Calvo, KENNY BRENNA is back in the Rialto. including AN ACROBATIC -STRIP ROUTINE. who moved further uptown to the IrvingChicago, cast after being out for several Place.... Jimmie Rose opened Thursdaydays due to a sprained ankle. . . . June BOO LAVON at the National, Detroit, replacing BillySt. Clair will open shortly at Colosimo's The Bolero, Javanese, Modernistic. Dancer-Wiey-Talker-Stripper. Foster. OthersinthecastincludeCafe. Chicago. . . , Itis said that she "Diane Dames," Indic, Circuit. En Route. Tommy Miller,MegsLexing,Johnnyhas received an offer for a screen test Sex, Rhumba,Voodoo, Slave, MIKE ALICE Cook, Dudley Douglas. Frances McAvoyfrom Paramount. .. Sally O'Day isplay- Veil,Flameandmanyothers and Dolly Dawson. . . . Diane Ray lefting at the Gayety, Milwaukee. . . . Mil- CHS & KENNEDY the Gaiety, New York, Thursday nightton Schuster booked Marion Morgan and Enjoying lazy Hirst's Circuit. and opened the next day at the Casino,"Peaches" Strange at the recent furni- Direction Brooklyn. ture men's convention at the Steven's Hotel, Chicago.. . Joe Naylor will re- NAT MORTAN CHUBBY WERRY place John Head on the IBC show open- JUV. TENOR. JOE WEINSTOCK returnedto New Bond Bld'g, N. Y. City MINSKY'S GOTHAM, N. Y., Indef. York last week from Miami. . . . Reportsing at the Rialto, Chicago, February 5. being circulatedthat Sam Briskman, . . . "Chuck" Gregoryis producing the r DOT DABNEY operating the Casino. Brooklyn. is also (See BURLY BRIEFS page 26) Blues Singer, Strip -Teaser, Dancer and Scenes. eyeing the Majestic, Brooklyn, for burly. . . . Oscar Markovich. concession king. Dir.: DAVE COHN. went to Miami on a four -week vacation. . . . Dewey Michaels and family left for RALPH CANTON AND HAZELL CHAMBERLAIN -WINNIE- SMITH -FRANK the Coast on a four -week vacation, visit- STRIP & TALKING STRAIGHT & CHARACTERS ing Mrs. Michaels' brother. Al Boasberg. WANT WITHWEINSTOCK N. Y. & BKLYN. SHOWSIndef. for Burlesque Stock, principals in all lines, specialty teams, also 20 chorus girls. BOZO SNYDER reports that after tour- Rehearsal Feb. 8, opening Feb. 13. One show daily-nomatinees.Cushman Sisters answer. Wire AMY ALBERTS ing the Indie Circuit for nine weeks he or write immediately. UNIONTOWN, PA. --BURLESK'S NEWEST SHOW -STOPPING feels that burlesque has a brighter out- RALPH CANTON, , STRIP PERSONALITY look today. . . . Agnes Dean closed on 26 TheBillboard BURLESQUE -TABLOID February 6, .1937 recent mysterious assault. Benny (Wop)Circuit show, which he manages, playedway contingent enjoying a packed house Moore, of Indie Circuit, jumped in dur-the Rialto. . . . The Colonial, Indianapo-at this first show. Adequate show, com- ing a layoff to fill Reed's place. lis closed temporarily January 28. . . plete with what you'd expect ofbur- Dolores opened January 31 at the Roxy,lesque, and trying to go a bit further 7a17 7 Ales Toronto, as an added attraction, bookedwith dressy production numbers.Girl . . . numbers, comics who dig into the blue, lr%RIVEN from our Cincinnati plant by PALMER AND PEACHES coloredby Milton Schuster. Jean Williams the lack of electric power, light,dancers,finished10weeks with Hotopens February 6 at the Palace, Buffalo,strippers who give more than an eyeful. Chocolates and opened at the Casino,also placed by him. . . . Mickey Dennisand production incidentals make up the heat and water, caused by the record - hour -and -a -halfshow.A Billy Koud breaking flood, we write this from ourBrooklyn, last week. Due to open atwas out of the road show she is with Minsky's Oriental, New York, soon. for a week, due toillness. . . . Sheproduction. Chicago office.This issue of Billyboy Comic lineupis Herbie Faye, Frank also was printed in and distributed from rejoinedJanuary29attheGayety, Minneapolis. . . . Dottie Wahl, who re-Silk and Bert Marks, with Faye still of the Windy City.The Billboard will con- cently closed with an Independent Cir-the vaude school and managing to work tinue to be sent out of Chicago until LOVEY (Cookie) LANE forced to quit clean. And he's just as funny its the such time that the flood waters in Cin-burlesque for a few weeks until her Har-cuit show, is being featured at the 606 . . other two, whose work is off-color.Silk cinnati subside sufficiently to permit re-lem Uproar Club, N. Y., engagement ter-Club, Chicago. . Jimmy Lennon, for- minates.Doubled between there andmer burly straight man, has left for Hotis an expert and most amusing comic storation of the necessary utilities.In Springs to recuperate from a nervousand why he resorts to blue is not under- the meantime, however, continue to sendGaiety, a few blocks away, but found standable. Marks, too, goes for the blue. four -a -night at the club and four -a -daybreakdown. . . Billy Watson's Beef all tab communication to the Cincinnatiat the theater too strenuous. Trust chorus was augmented in ChicagoNaturally, they get laughs, but there's address. . . . Jack Ballard, veteran tab by six girls furnished by Milt Schuster.more skillin getting a laugh out of piano leader, has resumed his law prac- something Leon . . . Margie Bartel and Jimmy Frances clean.Straightsare tices in Dallas. . . . Ross Russell's Gar- DeVoe and Joe Lyons, a pair of expert den of Girls, now playing for the Na- SAM RAYNOR and Murray Briscoe leftJr.. opened at the Roxy, Cleveland, Janu- ary 29, booked by Schuster. . . . Amyfeeders who also do capably at character tional Theatrical Exchange, Pittsburgh,the Indie Circuit to vacation in Miami.Fong will double at Colosimo's, Chicago,assignments. returns to the South the middle of Feb- when she plays the Rialto there week of Strippers are a comely lot, comprising ruary to repeat 12 weeks in houses which GLADYS McCORMACK going aroundFebruary 5. Diane Ray, Dorothy Dee, Betty Duval, it played last year.Opening stand willthe Indie Circuit again, this time with Joan Carroll, Virginia Woods and Toots be Jacksonville. Fla.Show played thea salary increase and the Beef Trust Brawner.A burlyaudiencecouldn't JeffersonTheater.Punxsutawney,Pa., show. KARA-NOVA, now at Casino. Toronto,want any better, with all of them cleirc r last week, the first stage attraction to opens February 5 at Roxy, Cleveland.disrobers and having plentyto ote. play that house in a year. . . . Wilbur Everyone of them came in for a ig . . , Al and Margie Calvin opened on In- Cushman unit, Rhapsody in Blue, moved JOE DeRITA, with Too Hot For Paris,dependent circuit in Pittsburgh Saturday.matting, with Duval, Carroll, Woods algid into Wheeling, W. Va., just in time to Brawner tops andfaringalike.Beat Indie show, filledin a layoff week by . . . Bebe Lupino, cancelled her Princess, witness the town's big flood.Company,extra-attractioning at Roxy, Cleveland. Youngstown, 0.. engagement, due to thesinger is Miss Woods, whose voice is very however, was successfulin presenting death of her younger brother, who waseffective over a mike.Dee, Duval and severalperformancesattheCapitol Carroll work frequently in scenes arid struck by an auto. . . . Gurston Allen, Theater there.Featured with the troupe SAMUEL BRISKMAN, before leavingowner and manager of Casino, Toronto,handle their chores well. are the Six Sensational Jordan, acro-for Florida January 26, decided to returnis up and about again after being in- In the production lineup is Thelma bats: Al Bolger and Andrilleta. the Walk-the Casino, Brooklyn, to the former pol-capacitated for about a week, due to aWhite, who also provides some nudity. ins Twins. the Two Kays, roller skaters;icy of three -a -day. minor operation. ... Sam Schuster, elderShe does two numbers, first a fan dance Bert Van Dusen. Al Klein and the St. brotherofMiltonSchuster,Chicagowith occasional flashes of the body. III r Clair Sisters. next is an interpretative dance to over- JACK KING, costumer for National,booking agent. is in a Cincinnati hospi-turemusic, finish of which is a nude tal for observation. . . . Dewey Michaels, Detroit, recovering from the flu. owner and manager of the Palace, Buf-pose. George Kaye sings the show and HOWARD FULLER, formerly company falo, is leaving for a California vacationdoes a nice Job of the many songs. The manager for Harry Clark units, is with his wife and daughter. 14 chorines and six showgirls add much rehearsing his own show, White Way HARRY MEYERS, comic with Too Hot to the show, looking well and doing their Revels, in Chicago.Unit is set to openFor Paris, Indie show, taken seriously ill chores as tho they meant it, which is for Southern Attractions, Inc., at Beck-last week and unable to continue with more than can be said of the average ley Theater, Beckley. W. Va.. Februarythe troupe. burly line. SIDNEY HARRIS. 3. with 15 weeks of Southern time to fol- BURLESQUE REVIEWS low.Cast includes Howard Fuller and (Continued from page 25) Sister;Gilbert Sisters and Eddie, The SHIRLEY O'DAY, prim and strip, for- Boyettes, Margie Ferri, Freddie Eaton'smerly with the Harry Coleman Players,after a fall; Charles Country, Jack Buck- exited from the National, Detroit, Janu-ley and Charley Cane, drew plenty of Old Howard, Boston orchestra (7) and a line of six girls. Jean laughs as did The Music Teacher, with Boyetteisproducingthe line. . . ary 27.Ditto Lea Howard, Margie Bar- (Reviewed Monday Afternoon, Ethyle McDonald, formerly prima donnatel and Jimmy Frances Jr. closed Jan-Country, Buckley, Buster Lorenzo, Sam- January 25) with the old Bill Martin Buzzin' Arounduary 27 to shift to George Young's Roxy,my Smith and Claude Mathis.Other Her Majesty, the Queen of Burlesque. Company, piloted by Max Golden. paidCleveland, for two weeks. comedy scenes were Love Potion, a littleAnn Corio, made her third command us a visit at the Chi office last Friday stronger than usually prescribed at thisappearance of this season at the Old (29).Ethyle, reeking with prosperity. house, with Smith, Stanley SimmondsHoward this week, the added attract tin has had her own beef trust revue at the and some of the ladies and a quartetwith Indie's Girls From Toyland.Arid PEARL SHUTTA, after four weeks ofnumber with Mathis, Cane, Simmondswith Joan Marvis, buxom blond; Dorothy RainbowGardens,Chicagosouthsideflu, returned to the and Billy Finan. night spot. for the last year, with no endthis time to the showgirl ranks. Strip specialties were taken care of byAhearn, brunette, and Kenza Vinton, of the run in sight.Says she would be Nadine Marsh, Lola Pierce, who sangblond charmer, round out a click four- pleased to readsome news from old accompanying herself on the guitar be-someof strip tease gals. Miss Corio has Buzzin' Around gang. . . . Claude (Kid) fore ending with her novelty strip; Char_showmanship personified, and coupled Long, the old war horse, was another DORIS KEYES, singer, is a new prin-maine, who seems to be getting morewith her ability, buildup and youthriil visitor at the temporary tab desk in Chicipal in burlesque at the Eltinge, Newpopular every week, and the one andness, is capable of taking the audience last Saturday.The Kid, now laying offYork. only "Peaches" Strange with her inim-for all its worth.Miss Marvis sockid at his home in the Windy City, is con- itable shimmy disrobing specialty. easily with the bumps and her specti 1 sidering an attractive offer which has Yevo and Doro, ballroom team, con-type of parading.Miss Ahearn went been made to him and promises to re- JOANN MARLO doubling in strips andtributed two fine routines.The first,over the top with her strideful walking. veal a new connectionwithinafewas showgirl at Minsky's Oriental, New Miss Vinton thrilled completely. weeks. spotted in The Forest of Love scene,.was Comedy isfast, with Peanuts Bohn York. an exotic routine with a couple of niftycopping widespread attention with his lifts, and the other, a tango, was doneabsolutely ingenious gestures, footwork before the finale.The Forest of Loveand dialog.Billy Arlington is the other WE WANT TO take this opportunity was a colorful production number, withcomedian.Scene support is given quite to thank those kind folks, who, be-BURLY BRIEFS Buster Lorenzo vocalizing, and featur-capably by the strippers, excluding Kiss lieving that the raging Ohio's flood ing a quartet of butterfly dancers. Corio.Straight chores are handled to waters had inundated The Billboard's (Cntinued from page 25) F. LANGDON MORGAN. advantage by Bob Bates and Jack Ryan, home officeandthatBillyboy's em- tenor of the show.Jean Rose warbles ployees were wading up to their panty-new revue at Colosimo's, Chicago, in ad- pleasingly in production numbers, teams waists in water, wired and wrote in, of-dition to his Rialto Theater duties... . Gaiety, New York up with Ryan, and works in scenes. She's fering to help in whatever manner theyArt Moeller, manager of the Star & okeh. could.It was a mighty fine gesture andGarter, Chicago, during the Columbia(Reviewed Thursday Afternoon, Jan. 28) one that will 'long be remembered. TheWheel regime, renewed oldacquaint- Broadway or 42dstreet,burlystill LaMar Brothers (3) are definitely sock flood, at its highest peak, was two -and -ances in chicago when the Independentprospers, with the Gaiety of the Broad-with their precision tapping and great a -half blocks from The Billboard's back acro work. Richard and Martin Tilvir door. A number of the employees suf- offer nice danceology.Line (16) had al fered the sad fate of having their homes tractive costumes, but were slow On inundated, while the rest suffered mere- teamwork. ly from lack of water, heat and elec- Show, 130 minutes, fast moving.Biz, tricity and the inability to reach their capacity. homes, due to the flood waters which EOutance ItOWS SID PAINE. caused at least a half dozen suburbs to Communications to 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati, 0. become isolated from the town. ... Two old tabsters are on the staff of the new- OPAL FERDIG, Margie Van Raam, HIE HILL would appreciate hearing ly opened Sun office in the Woods Build-Claris Wears and Joe Nolty are vacation-from Pop Dunlap, Dick Layer. Dick Ed- ing, Chicago. They are T. Dwight Pepple,ing in Dallas after a visit to the recentwards, Hughie Hendrixson, Harry HardyNew WPA Units to Be manager. and George B. Flint, assistant.Rookie Lewis Show at Ocean Park, Calif.and Marvin Hober via the Letter List Released in February Both operated their own tabs over theThey would like to hear from Ernie Ber- Spiegelberg and Sun circuits years ago.nard, H. J. Ross, George Pughe, Charles NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-WPA Federal . . . Gus Sun departed last week forHayden, Phil Falloon, Wilbur Ellis and Theater's variety project will offer a hew Miami, for a several weeks' vacation withCapt. Phil Matthews via The Billboard POP DUNLAP org is reported to haveseries of productions beginning early in his family. . . . Eddie Mason and theLetter List. closed its third contract for the comingFebruary, according to Frank Merlin, d - little woman are still exploring the Vir- season. rector. The old units, including Ask Dad, giniaterritoryfortheatersto house Moving Along, On Top, Looking Back- their country store attraction, but are wardand the All-American Minstrels, findingthingstoughongive-aways JOHN KENEVOIR would like to hear have played all around the Metropolitan down that way. from Jimmie Little, Duffy and Gerry OWEN SHRADER, assistant managerarea and are now petering out as far as Davidson and Allen Dubois thru theof the Fifth Avenue Theater, New York,bookings are concerned. Letter List. housing a burly stock, has returned to What is in the wind for February, or his home inLouisville toassisthiswhenever the new batch is released, is

U -NOTES father, a victim of the flood which hasan unknown quantity. One troupe, Ma- inundated three-quarters of that town.chine Age, has been rehearsing eight (Continued from page 25) JIMMY GABLE, after closing with the Rookie Lewis Show, is working on the months. A Negro unit has been going BETTY ROWLAND was birthday par- thru their song and dance for many tied January 24 at Diamond Jim's, NewWarner Brothers' lot in Hollywood. months also. York, guests including sister Diana and DON KING, leader and drummer for A shakeup in the management and Gus Schilling. the Dunlap org, is resting at St. Peters-publicity departments of the FTP Variety CURT THATCH isworking for theburg. Fla.He is looking forward to re-project is to take place soon, with the BILLY (Boob) REED, comic at Ave-Greyhound Lines in Boston and wouldjoining Dunlap for a May opening andpower being transferred from the Merh.n nue, Detroit, is minus several teeth andlike to hear from. his former partner,would like to hear from friends via theoffice to Ed Rowland at 711 Eighth Airt- nursing a fractured jaw because of aIrene Parker, thru the Letter List. Letter List. ime. February 6, 1937 REPERTOIRE -STOCK The Billboard 27 Conducted by BILL SACHS-Communications to 25 OperaPlace, Cincinnati 0 Kansas City Jottings Morgan and Helvey KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 30.-Frank Jones, after a long season with Nig Al- Sign Film Player ter 2itipleslen's circle, has closed to go to Arkansas tock 72otes LONG BEACH, Calif., Jan. 30.-Mr. and to visit the home folks. Mrs. J. Doug Morgan, ill with influenza Jim Pennington, former blaze -trailer GEORGE GORDON, Chicago, is mak- and under a physician's care here, will JOHN D. FINCH, of the Billroy Come-for Earnie Harrington, was spotted on theing his plans for the 1937 season and leave the West Coast for their Jackson-dians, and his brother, Sam D., will belocal rialto this week. will take the Gordon Players under can- ville, Tex., headquarters, just as soon asoccupied for the balance of the winter, Bush Burrichter and Trixie Maskew,vas thrii Illinois and Indiana territory. they recuperate, to begin preparations onreflashing the outfit for the coming sea-after a long season with Ralph Moody's the J. Doug Morgan -Neale Helvey Show,son. Show is tentatively set to reopen inHazel McOwen Stock Company, have NEAL SHAI..t. tal and wife are appear- which is slated to begin its new tentits headquarters city, Valdosta, Ga., latejoined Jack Collier's circle in Kansas. ing on the Alka-Seltzer program over season late in February or early in March.in March. Station \VLS, Chicago. Juanita Hansen, former Warner Broth- Harry Hugo, manager of Hugo Players ers film player, has been signed by Mor- BILLIE AND AMY BOUGHTON, whoin Nebraska, has gone to the West Coast PAUL ADAMS, recently a member of gan and Helvey as a feature of the tentfor the last seven years have been con-on vacation. the St. Helena cast in New York, has show for the 1937 tour.She will makenected with Cannon's Comedians, have Oscar Johnson and Lola Hendricksjoined the Pittsburgh Playhouse. His a personal appearance with the companysevered their connection with that or-have joined the Nig Allen Players circlingfirst role will be in The First Legion, each night, in addition to giving a 15 -ganization and are resting at their homein Kansas. minute lecture on the harmful effects ofin Round Oak, Ga. Monty Stuckey, former comedian for drugs. Miss Hansen will also give special Henry L. Brunk, J. Doug Morgan andCochran Stock to Serve ladies' matinees three days a week. TENT SHOW MANAGERS are urged toothers, has entered commercial lines in Miss Hansen is currently working withsend in a news story, outlining theira Texas city. Washington and Baltimore the Federal Theater Project in Los An-plans for the forthcoming season.Rep Eddie and Tillie Paoli, well-known rep WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.-Stephen E. geles. show performers-shoot in a line, givingteam, have opened a dance school in anCochran, ousted manager of National, Neale Helvey, Jimmie Martin and Kingthe dope on your present activities. only local legit house, has secured option Rector, midget, are visiting Helvey's folks Alabama city. on Woodlawn Lodge, located in thoroly in Miami, and will remain there until FIERST- Mc FALL production of George Roberson, former manager ofrural spot between Olney and Ashton, opening time.Manager Morgan reportsSnatched from the Noose goes into itsthe Roberson Players, has resigned fromMd., not far from here.Location will that there will be a number of new fea-11th week at the Fort Pitt Hotel, Pitts-the theater management of the Federalmake possible tapping both Baltimore tures with the Morgan-Helvey organiza-burgh, this week. Show has greatly im-Theater Project in Peoria, Ill., and withand this city for projected summer stock tion this season, and that Helvey is fram-proved in attendance the last couple ofMrs. Roberson has gone to Florida forseason.Cochran plans construction of ing all new musical openings. weeks, a number of large organizationsthe balance of the winter. intimate 800 -seat theater with existing Joe Smith is in charge of the equip-helping to boost the box-office receipts. Harry Dunbar, after closing his West-residence on tract probably being con- ment and everything is being repaintedPlans for a tour of the production in theern Nebraska circle on account of severeverted into eatery. and revamped for the new season. tri-state area have been delayed untilsnowstorms,is reorganizing in Omaha Cochran will organize a professional the end of its current run. andwill headforhisold stampingcompany, augmented by "name" stars. grounds in Colorado. The new project will also serve as tryout BILLROY SHOW BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Twyman, man-spot for cream of talent in National VALDOSTA,Ga.,Jan.30.-Inthe Colo. Tax Bills Up agers of the Twyman Players, were spot-Academy of Stage Training in the Dra- barn once more, after having completed ted on the main -stem here recently.matic Arts, which he founded in asso- a pleasant and successful season.Last DENVER, Jan. 30.-Theater men areThey will reopen their show about Marchciation with Clifford Brooke and over getting ready to fight a proposed 20 per 15. which he now exercises exclusive con- scheduled week of route gave us recordscent amusement tax bill introduced in trol. in two respects by providing a new highthe State legislature. New tax would ap- Billy Scott has closed his show, which and a new low.Mobile, Ala., where twoply to tickets of whatever price. A billhas been trouping Nebraska and Kansas, main shows and a midnight "ramble"that would tax theater give-aways hasand will reopen immediately with a med- To Oppose R. I. Dog -Races proved necessary to handle the overflowalso been tossed in the legislative hop-icine show. crowds, topped all previous highs; En-per.Proposed bill would not only tax Andy and Flo Randall have signed with PROVIDENCE, Jan. 30.-Gov. Robert terprise, closing night, thumbed its nose the Kelly Master Stock in Mississippi. E. Quinn will oppose any move toward at us and sank to a new low. the theater holding the giveaway, but opening a dog -racing track in this State would tax the winner as well. This bill Clarence Klein, formerly with Henrywithout the proposition first being put Company roster at end of season, aswill be backed by many theater men andL. Brunk's Comedians, is now doing radio follows: Executives-Billy Wehle, owner -be fought by others. before the voters in a referendum elec- manager; Harry Perkins, assistant man- work in the city. tion, he declared last week in a press con- ager; Daisy Mae Murphy, secretary -treas- Walter X. Price has returned from hisference. urer;BettyRawlinson,VivianVoll, Eastern trip and will rejoin the Twyman For the past two years, ever since the Gladys Duncan,IrisHurley,tickets; circle. Taunton, Mass., track was opened, there Amos McHenry, Charles Patterson, frontFidler Complaint Gene and Audrey Bradley have signedhas been talk of launching a similar en- door; Faye Crider, Cora"Mae Davis, ward- with the Biehl Sisters Stock Company forterprise in Rhode Island, with theater robe; Roy Heavy, stage carpenter; "Luke"Goes to FCC the regular canvas season. interests fearing opposition such a pro- ject would offer. Governor's declaration Sanders, props; Ted Heckman, mechanic; LOS ANGELES, Jan.30.-Plansto Sonny and Dolly DuVell recently closed Ralph Woods, electrician; Mayo Holland, with Nig Allen's circle in Kansas. now removes such likelihood, for 1937 at bus driver, and Eddie Mellon, lot super-carry complains against Jimmie Fidler least, with theater men breathing easier. intendent, with a crew of 27 men. to the Federal Communications Commis- Jack Collier's circle has been reorgan- Advance: Don and Della Palmer, con-sion were okehed last week by the boardized and will continue to play its old tracting agents; Sid Lovett, brigade man-of directors of the Screen Actors' Guild.territory around Goff, Kan. ager, with a crew of five assistants; Mr.Indignation at Fidler for asserted derog- Colley and Rosalea are playing datesMammoth Loew and Mrs. Charles Underwood, advertisingatory remarks on his NBC chatter periodthru the South until spring, when they representatives and 48 -hour unit; Edithfor Ludens came to a head recently whenwillreopentheirshow,Colley'sCo- the columnist announced over the airmedians. Bank Night Farley, shorts. that the Guild planned a film -wide actor Principals:Harry Rollins, emsee andstrike in April. Erman and Thelma Gray, Midwest per- NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-What is thought producer; Marion Roberts (Mrs. Wehle), Copies of a resume of Fidler's recentformers, are with Blythe's Comedians into be the biggest bank night stunt ever fern leads; Raymond King, Carl Brown,program-in which he made the strikeVirginia. attempted is planned by the Loew Cir- Bonnie Mack, John D. Finch, Mary Rol-statement as well as one other "objec- Glenn Brunk will again blaze the trailcuit here for February 10.Forty-five lins, T. A. Van and Clyde Jewell. tionable" remark-will be sent to thefor Henry L. Brunk's Comedians whentheaters, with a combined audience capa- Chorines:Helen Reed, Beth Davis,FCC, NBC and the manufacturers ofthey open the spring season under can-cityofover150,000,inManhattan, Cora Mae Davis, Gretchen Nicholson,Ludens cough drops. vas in Texas. Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx, will Rosaline Marco, Edith Ivey, Nita Kirk- In a recent broadcast, Fidler playfully Jack Schaaf is a recent arrival and wasparticipate in drawing $3,500 in cash. land and Virginia Stalvey. chided the Guild for taking exception tospotted on the local rialto this week. Public will be allowed to register "at- Palais Royale Orchestra: Gus Schulze,his remarks. In his "open letter to the Harvey's Comedians have had to can-tendance cards" on both the day of the piano -leader; Dave Davidson, trumpet;SAG," he accused the membership gentlycel dates on the Colorado circle, owingdrawing and the preceding day.In the Shorty Duncan, trombone; Archo Farley,of allowing themselves to be led by sev-to the illness of two members of theevent the two-day "bank" draws three drums; Ernest Barthel, Bob Heidelbergeral officials of the body. However, hecast. capacities per day, the total attendance and Bob Norris, saxes; Len Fye, bass, andmade no effort to defend his flash about Billy Cornish and Marie Belmar, for-involved may reach between 800,000 and Bob Wendy, guitar. the proposed "strike," which was subse-merly with Jack Kelly's Comedians, was 1,060,000. Specialties:The Hickville Trio, Rol-quently denied by the Guild. spotted on the local rialto this week. Telephone hookup to be provided to lins and Wagner, Marion Roberts, John facilitate matters is a "conference" ar- D. Finch, Clyde Jewell, Cal West, Bonnie rangement radiating from the stage of Mack, Gretchen Nicholson, and Wendy, Loew'sMetropolitan,Brooklyn, where Russel and King. Auto Strike May Hit Ad Pix; drawing takes place.Seventy-five tele- ConcertFeatures: CalWestand phone girls will be used. Winners' names Daphne (?), assisted by the entire com- will be transmitted to 55 theater audi- pany. ences. Excess equipment and trucks haveMajors Rumored Eyeing Field been stored in quarters here.Monday, NEW YORK, Jan. 30. --Production ofof each is between six and 12 featuressimilar departments to cash in on some the outfit proper rolled on to Miami,commercial films, a rapidly growing in-yearly, most of them six-reelers costingof the gravy. So far, most of the shekels where Wehle has leased it for a shortdustry involving millions of dollars, hasbetween $60,000 and $75,000 per. Show-have come from automotive industries, time to other business interests.Mr.been temporarily stymied by the auto-ings are heldat conventions, schoolswith other products making a play spas- and Mrs. Wehle accompanied the fleet tomobile strike. Field has boomed mainlyand hospitals, with occasional presenta-modically. Rumor that Henry Ford once Miami, where they will complete theiras a result of use of the celluloid adtions in theaters.Audio and Wildingcontemplated making his own pix stems business transaction and also spend amedium by General Motors, Ford, Chrys-have been successful in placing productfrom the same source. winter's vacation. Entire outfit, however,ler and other leading auto manufactur-in movie houses, but not much has been will be put in shape, repaired and re-ers.Normally, the commercial pix pro-done in the East on this angle. Scripts of these commercials thus far painted before we again open in thevide a fertile field for legit and screen Extent of the industry may be esti-have emphasized entertainment value, spring. talent. mated by the money devoted to the pixgoing in heavily for romance and melo- Recent visitors: Jack and Billie Miley, by General Motors-understood to bedrama. Ad tieup is buried, presentation Jack and Betty Hutchison, Billy and Ella According to Mike Connolly, agent,$1,000,000. Major Coast firms are report-being subtle.Musicals have not been talent is recruited from both Hollywood tried yet, cost of production being too Wagner and son,Billy;Mr. and Mrs.and New York, the leading producersed to be eyeing the possibilities of com- Buddy Hale, Carl Replogle, Mr. and Mrs.having been successful thus far in ob-mercials with the idea of setting uphigh. George O'Brien and Conway Bruce. taining such leading players as Frank JOHN D. FINCH. Albertson, Lois Wilson, Niles Welch, Wil- liam Harrigan and Taylor Holmes. Com- plete studio crews are used, together Roe Nero's Father Passes with bona -fide picture directors, salaries SOUTH BOSTON, Va., Jan. 30.-Roepaid being comparable in all cases to ROLL TICKETS Nero, tent show owner; left his sick bedthose received in the regular picture in- here this week to return to his home industry. Printed to Your Order Rome, N. Y., to attend the funeral of Cheapest GOOD TICKET on the Market 100,000 for his father, who died there Monday. Nero Leading companies in the field now 56.5.00 was en route to Florida with his familyare Wilding Talking PicturesService, 75 for a vacation, after visiting his folksChicago and Detroit; West Coast Studios, Keystone Ticket Co.,shaDnewili,111. $15.0050.060g:2 8.75 in Rome, when he was stricken with theNew York; Jam Handy, Detroit; Audio flu here last week.His father was 76Pictures, New York, and Caravel Pictures, Cash With Order-No C. 0. D. Stock Tickets Any Assortment, $12.50 for 100,000 years old and a native of Maschito, Italy.New York. Average production schedule LiWIA//e. Vcu 1,r 4 12.7 m February4.414/ j J0t... 4 28 The Billboard GENERAL INDOORNEWS plate breakfast, and will return here tomorrow. chorus eiulty 4/etv5 Lyman's usual date at the New Yorker Got a Good Song? qatartac fake will be filled Saturday by a substitute NEW YORK, jan. 30.-A $2,000 song By JOHN C. LOUDEN Twenty-seven new members joined theband. contest sponsored by American Society of Chorus Equity in the past week. Composers, Authors and Publishers to un- Marian Cannon responded favorably to Chorus Equityisholding checks in earth a tune emblematic of the city of New the pneumothorax operation last week. settlement of claims for the following York has thus far resulted in rejection of John T. Donohue is our latest guest - members: Adrian Anthony, Nancy LeeIA May Start On allmanuscripts - approximately 2,000 - patient. He hails from New York, where Blaine, Adele Butler, Ronnie Campbell, which were submitted before deadline of he was formerly auditor for Loew's, Inc. CharlotteFavis,Ruthy Dennis,Liela last August I.Mayor La Guardia's commit- His wife accompanied him to the Lodge Gans, Gladys Harris, Eda Hedin, MargeUshers, Doormen tee of 33, appointed to pass on the tunes, and hopes to stay for a few weeks, Hylan, Marion Hylan, Fred Holmes, Bun- NEW YORK, Jan. 30.- With 25 Inter- is now mulling over the prospect of reopen- Rose Karp left Saranac last week to nie Jayme, Lorraine Jannee, Dorothynational Alliance executive officers now ing the contest.Gene Buck, president of attend the graduation ceremonies of the Mellor, Evelyn Page, Carol Raffin, Percyreturning from Hollywood, where they ASCAP, says anything in the anthem mood E. N Y. Junior High School, where her Richards, Ragna Ray and Carolyn Russ.had encamped last week to pick up loose isn. g."What we want," he states, "is daughter, Helen, graduated with honors. Be sure and register in the rehearsalthreads in their closed shop pact with just a good song." Jess Rosenberg, who left the N.B.A. book at Chorus Equity on the day ofthe pix producers, it is believed that they Lodge about a year ago to finish the cure your first rehearsal.This is importantare now ready to attempt to bring into at the JCRS Sanatorium, Denver, has to establish the date on which rehearsalthe IATSE fold most of the non -organized been appointed social director of the pay begins, when over -time rehearsal istheater workers.Categories specificallyBans Compulsory Notices latter institution. Jess is coming along due; also you should.. know before goingaimed at ushers, cashiers, doormen, ticket nicely and requests his friends to send into rehearsal whether or not the com-takers and checkers. WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.-Social Secur-him any material that would help make pany is bonded' All chorus people in a Jurisdictionoverthesenon-unionity Board has ruled that wage earnershis new job a success. given company do not start rehearsalsgroups was first delegated to Buildingshall not be required to sign "severance" Joseph McCarthy is another newcomer on the same day.There arealwaysS:rvice Employees International Unionreports.This is a form on which em-to the Lodge. He is from New York and changes and replacements. Your com-by the American Federation of Labor.ployers report to their state unemploy-is a member of the IA and was formerly pany is not checked by a Chorus EquityBut BSEIU's failure to accomplish any-ment compensation administration whenemployed at the Music Hall, New York. representative until the eighth day ofthing led to jurisdiction being grantedany employees subject to the law leave Al Lorraine and Charley Foster have rehearsal and that representative cannotto IA when the latter applied to AFLtheir employ.Idea of the ruling, whichbeen added to the up -patient depart- tell at that time just how long each in-last year.Since then, IA has similarlynew is effective in 35 states and the Dis-ment. Charley is enjoying two meals in dividual member has been in rehearsal.accomplished nothing, but has pointedtrict of Columbia having unemploymentthe dining room. Both boys are showing You need only start for rehearsal15 bythe atto its Coast difficulties in answer. compensationlawsapproved excellent improvement. minutes earlier to make your call Clearing up of the Coast labor squab-board, will be to protect workers from Dorothy Kruse enjoyed the company Chorus Equity headquarters, and thatble, however, together with an increasedbeing virtually forced into agreeing to call may be the means of collecting sal- postponements or possible loss of unem-of her husband, Harry, over the week- ary for you later. labor consciousness in the country at end. On February 5th all mail for memberspresent, portends activity in further or-ployment compensation benefits. The patients wish to express their sin- which has been held in this office priorganizing theater workers. In the event cere sympathy to Martha Gill, who was to July 1, 1936, will be sent to the lastthat IA muffs its opportunities, weight called home to New York last week by address on file for the member or, failingwill be added to the feeling that IA the death of her father. such address, will be returned to thesought jurisdiction over these workersStrike Hurts Detroit Biz Mrs. James McCarthy is here spending post office. A portion of the mail heldmainly for the purpose of wielding a a few weeks with her daughter, Peggy. here has been listed in this column eachstick over the theater circuits. DETROIT, Jan. 30.-Detroit theaters Harry Gordon arrived back at the week. Mail from A to 0 inclusive has began to feel the effects of the auto-Lodge, after a few days with his folks already been listed.If you do not see mobile strikethis week, with severalin Newark. the list until your name has been passedBank Night Tax Bill Passes suburban houses reporting minor drops Krijm Brothers Circuit, Write to those you know at Saranac alphabetically, write and ask if we are LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Jan. 30.-Arkan-in attendance. Lake. holding mail for you. sas senate early this week passed, 21 to 9,which has theaters in several key loca- Chorus Equityisholding mailfora bill by Senator Lake to tax theatertions thruout the city, reports the av- Cleona Quiett, Sunny Reddy. Marie Rus-bank night awards 25 per cent and giveerage cut as 15 percent. sel, Jack Richards, Jack Ross. Carolynproceeds from the levy to the old -age Busse, Jean Ryan, Carole Schliefer, L. D. Hotel Performers Simmons, Vart Schilling, Helen Sada,pension fund.Bill passed without de- Sally Sayre. Adele Story, Elizabeth Sav-bate. Wash. Critics Juggled Fear Worker Strike age, Vernon Tanner, Eileen Thompson, Vinnie Vance,JaniceWinter,Evelyn WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.-Theater boys NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Impending hotel Witt and Jean Yoder. strike, to be called by hotel workers of IA Meeting here are having a hard time keepinglocal 32C in the event the Hotel Associa- Within the past month chorus mem- track of juggling act which is the localtion of New York fails, by March 1, to bers of three units, two playing nightCleans Routine dramacriticsituation. Thisweekarbitrate requests for higher wages, is clubsand oneplayingpresentation brought the return of Mabelle Jenningsgiving band men and other show folk houses, have joined Chorus Equity 100 LOS ANGELES, Jan.30. ---Seven-dayto Hera: desk after period as CBS com-working hotel dates a bad case of jitters. per cent.This is a most encouragingmid -winter meeting of executive officersmentator, with Betty Hynes joining theLocal is a unit of Building Service Em- sign.Chorus Equity hasjurisdictionof the International Alliance of Theatri-unemployed in switch.Previous receri-,ployees Union, an AFL affiliate, one of over night clubs and presentations, butcal Stage Employees ended here, withchanges occurred when Star's Melcherwhose subdivisions last year engineered has not yet a sufficient membership tomost of the 25 who attended departinggot Hollywood bug, Jay Carmody step-the elevator strike. enforce a contract. We hope in time toimmediatelyfortheirhomes.Muchping in, and News sent Don Craig to ChrisHoulihan,presidentof320, afford the same protection in these fieldsroutine business was cleaned up andCapitol Hill. Katherine Hilliard takingstates that in 1936 hotel owners cashed as we do in the legitimate theater. Butpreliminary plans for the unionizationdrammy scribbling spot. in more heavily than during any other we can do this only with the cooperationof all theatrical workers, including jani- year since 1929. This, he claims, justifies of our members. Keep your dues uptors, doormen and cashiers, were dis- a reconsideration of wages and working while playing night clubs and presenta-cussed. George Browne, president of the hours. Wages of hotel workers, and also tions; bring in new members from theIA.is staying in town for a while toPix of Big Fires hours of work, currently reflect lowest units with which you are working. Therake a further survey of working con- HARRISBURG, Pa., Jan. 30.-Pennsyl-depression levels. initiationfeechargedmembersinditions of film studio technical workersvania firemen, if a bill introduced in the nightclubsandpresentationsis$5. under the studio basic agreement, whichHouse of Representatives by Assembly- Members of Chorus Equity working incomes up for revision March 1. man John L. Powers passes into a law, these fields who have become delinquent Organization of the commercial andwill turn into movie producers, taking ITOA Elects Officers in dues may place themselves in good16 mm film fields on a closed shop basispictures of all two and three -alarm fires. standing by paying current dues. was decided upon at the meeting. Im-The movies would be used to train neo- SALT LAKE CITY, Jan, 30.-JohnA. mediate action will be taken with allphyte firefighters and would be financedRugar, of Park City, Utah, was elected producers and distributors of non -the-by levying a tax of 2 per cent on thepresident of the Intermountain Theater atricalfilms, coveringphotography, Owners' Associationattheorganiza- sound, grips, props and miniatures. Thepremiums of fire insurance written intion's annual meeting held in the New- first of these non -theatrical agreementsthe commonwealth, house Hotel here. He succeeded Stanley Entertainers was reported already sealed with the Jim A. Robbins of Ogden.V. A. Gilhool was Handy company of Detroit, important chosen vice-president, and Beverly S. commercial film company. Clendenin was renamed secretary -treas- For FDR Ball Another point cleaned up during theThree Pa. Pix Bills urer..Joseph L. Lawrence, Salt Lake; week is the interchange of IA members HARRISBURG, Pa.,Jan.30.-ThreeJ. J. Gillett, Tooele, Utah; A. F. Johnson, NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-According to in-between New York and Hollywocd. Thrubills affecting movie operators have beenSt. Anthony, Ida.; Stanley Rich, Monte- side info, arrangements for Abe Lymana reciprocal agreement it is now possibleintroduced in the Pennsylvania House ofpelier, Ida.; M. F. Harris, Evanston, Wyo., to play at the President's Ball tonightfor any member to work in either placeRepresentatives. Assemblyman Piole, inand Gilhool and Rugar were made di- were completed thru Frank Hummert,without a permit. The order applies par-House Bill No.133, asks that personsrectors. exec in the ad firm of Blackett-Sample-ticularly to cameramen and other skilledemployingprojectionistsoroperators Hummert Inc. Agency handles Lyman'stechnicians who might have to work inallow them at least one twenty -four-hour broadcasts, and Hummert, in addition, isNew Yolk in the course of shooting a picture. day of rest in each week. friendly with both Lyman and President House Bill No. 146 would require atEddy Pulls Big in Salt Lake Roosevelt. Ork will be the only one at least one projectionist or operator for SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 30.-Nelson the affair, the occasion being comparable each motion picture machine or pro-Eddy, star of stage and screen, gave a to a "command" performance in Eng-Benefit Called Off jector, with or without sound equipment,concert in the Mormon Tabernacle Tues- land. Thousands of celebrations will beOn Child Labor Count when pictures are being shown, with aday to a sold -out house. Eddy's orchestra held thruout the nation simultaneous minimum of two operators on duty at allcould not get here, so local musicians with the Mayflower spree. Revenue of the PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 30.-Child labortimesduringashow. Assemblymanand singers rallied to his support. latter will be used for the benefit of thelaw had John E. Frazer, chairman of theBroad is sponsor of the bill. Broad also Warm Springs Foundation. concert committee for the Preventionintroduced House Bill No.147, which According to James E. Sauter, in chargeof Blindness, squabbling with Herbert C.would require all movie houses to use ofthe entertainment committee andMcGlinchey, state supervisor of labor andasbestos or steel curtains and install a Academy Adds Awards president of Air Features. radio talentindustry.McGlinchey said the appear-main control lighting switchboard for the producingfirmcreatedbyBlackett-anceof Ruth Slenzynski,12 -year -oldentire house as safety measure against HOLLYWOOD, Jan. 30.-Two new act- Sample-Hurrunert Inc.. prominent showchild piano prodigy, at a benefit per-fire hazards. ing awards will be added to the 1936 people will appear at the Washingtonformance, January 21, would be a vio- awards of the Academy of Motion Picture affair. These include Lucy Monroe, Ben-lation of the Child Labor Law.Spon- Arts and Sciences. One will be given for ny Fields, Irving Caesar, Sid Gary, Dianasors of the concert called off the recital the best performance by an actor in a Ward, Mitzi Green and others.Robertand refunded advance ticket sales. Maine Tax Bill Up supporting role, the other for the best Taylor, Jean Harlow and Jeannette Mac- Frazer, to no avail, claimed the law performance byasupportingactress. Donald are expected to fly in from Hol-was designed to prevent children being AUGUSTA, Me.,Jan. 30.-A billtoAnother major change in the annual lywood. exploited in tap rooms and sweat shops,provide $2,950,000 new revenue is beingaward system is the manner of nomi- Contingent from New York will leavebut that it did not apply in this case,readied, and willdirectly hit amuse-nations for awards on production, act- on a special train this morning, will bewhere children were to have been thements,softdrinks,liquorandbeer.ing, directing and writing. New arrange- met at Washington depot and whiskedprincipal beneficiaries of the funds raised Setup involves 15 per cent tax on gig-ment gives the Academy membership the by police escorts to Willard, Mayflower,by the concert. gle water to cough up $750,000 per an-choice of selecting winners in each branch Shoreham, Raleigh, Washington, Ward - Violations of the State law, seldomnum; 15 per cent tax on beer for $1,200,-from a group of five leading choices of man Park and Hamilton Hotels for ainvoked against the entertainment in-000; 10 per cent on varied amusementsthe nominating committee.Previously round robin of appearances. Entire partydustry, calls for a $200 fine or 10 days'for $500,000, and 10 per cent on softeach branch of the Academy made its will wind up at Carlton Hotel for a goldimprisonment. drinks for another $500,000. own nominations. February 6,193? The Billboard 29

AL EDP - 71249ic at4a 712a91 cians DEPT. 0 By BILLSACHS (Communications toCincinnati Office) RUSSELL SWANN, magician who hashand in shape by working occasional been playing dates abroad, recently re-theater and club dates in the maritime ceived a favorable writeup in The Lon-provinces of Eastern Canada. CLEANED BY MEMBERS OF THE BILLBOARD STAFF don. Daily Mail.Reporter played up Swann's explanation that his tricks were DE ROCROY, illusionist,isatthe The purpose of this department is to benefit producers, bookers, agents and others not pyschic, but the result of an elabor-Nouveau Cirque in Paris. concerned with the exploitation of talent in the major indoor fields thru The Billboard's ate code between performer and medium. coverage of every branch of the show business. KENNEDY AND COMPANY, illusion- SHOWMEN INTERESTED IN SPECIFIC "POSSIBILITIES" MAY ADDRESS THEM IN AMEDEO, magician, postcards regardsists, are at the Arena in Amsterdam. CARE OF THE NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE BILLBOARD, 1564 BROADWAY. from Curacao. Same to you, Amedeo. PROF. ARTS and Miss Fakara, mental- bound with his finger magic. Ought CARL ROSINI, magician, who recentlyists,areatthe Gambrinus in Basle, to be perfect forradio and stage went into the Hotel New Yorker, NewSwitzerland. For NIGHT SPOTSdates. York, has had his stay extended. VIOLETTA AND ROSETTA VA- RECHA, illusionist, is at the Central- LERO-Harmony singers of Spanish LINDA KING-Vocalist caught re- THE GREAT LESTER, ventriloquist,hallen in Stettin, Germany. songs who more than please vaudecentlyatMinsky'sOriental, New has recently been working Detroit clubs audiences, and who could be doublyYork. A tall, nice -looking girl, with and clicking handily.According to a EMERICK JONES, who bills himself appealing and effective in voice, de-good stagepresence and excellent yarn in Ed Sullivan's Broadway column,as Emerico, the Prince of Mystery, has liveryandappearanceunderthevoice. Modulates her voice well, has booking heads of Warners, Loew's andbeen presenting his sleight-of-hand turn closerscrutinyofclub patronage.good control and uses mike to fine ad- RKO have long believed the grand oldin and around Ashland, Ore., for the last Talents would suit both Americanvantage. Sangtwodittieswhen boy to be dead.This opinion wasfew weeks. and Latin spots. Added angle is thatcaught, and scored heavily with both. strengthened by the fact that younger they are one of the very few sister performers used the same name. Lester, BEN FILCOFF, formerly assistant to teams of this type. Both brunets and states Sullivan, traces the wild rumorsThurston,is now associated with the nice looking. which have been associated with hisAmericanCigaretMachine Company, For FILMS name back to an old movie erroneouslyPittsburgh. ROBERT BAXTER-A Benny Davis publicized as built around his life. Lester protege caught recently at Loew's was going to sue, but the company went THURMAN THE GREAT, mentalist, is For RADIO State, New York. A handsome lad bankrupt. appearing currently in a commercial en- CARLOS MONTOYA--Guitarist nowwho has an outstandingbaritone gagement forthePeople'sOutfitting at the El Chico night spot, New York,voice, he has what it takes for the GLEN POPE. prestidigitator recentlyCompany,largeDetroitdepartment where he is making his American de-movies. He also seems to handle lines back from Europe, has joined the Borrahstore. but.A famous European flamenconicely, scoring with the few assigned Minnevitch revue, which opened at the guitarist (playing without a pick) hehim when caught. Looks like a cinch Versailles, New York night spot,last PERSONNEL OF THE Birch Company can hold a cabaret audience spell-for a romantic lead. Thursday (28). comprises, besides Birch, E. L. Sperry, tour manager; Howard Daughetee, stage JOHNNY DE VAND has returned tomanager; Jack Matson, assistant; Mildredown press and finally bound the resultand hiswife, known as the Musical Chicago, after completing a two-weekMantelle,pianist,and MabelSperry,himself.There are, of course, a goodlyCrawfords, were robbed last week of an engagement at the Capitol Theater, At-xylophonist.During the company's re-number oftypographicalerrors,butaccordion which they have carried in lanta. centengagementatFrankfort,Ky.,they tend to add to rather than detracttheir act for many years. Birch was nailed in the escape box byfrom the zest and tang of this singular AL BERNARD cards that his new min- CHARLES HOFFMAN, the magic bartwosenatorsandhepresentedthetome.Jarrett has been connected withstrel song, Pick That Brass, is being pub- magician, has opened an unlimited en-guinea pig (which changed into a boxmagic and the theater for over a quarterlished by Mills Music Company. Bernard gagement at the Drake Hotel Gold Coastof candy) to the daughter of Governorof a century. He has known and workedsays he has featured the number on the Room, Chicago. "Happy" Chandler. with, or at least come in contact with,air, as have Honey Boy and Sassafras, most of the practising magi of his timeblack -face team. He hopes it may prove JOHN BOOTH has closed an engage - GEORGE, the one -arm magician, andand from his writing it must be con-another Goo Goo Eyes. men at the Brown Hotel, Louisville, andcompany are enjoying satisfactory busi-ceded that he has been a close observer is visiting in Chicago. ness in the Texas country, accordingof thefield. Jarrettisnot a pretty WALTER BROWN LEONARD requests to word received from Madam Marie.writer, for he knows naught of literarythe following old-time minstrel men to ROSINI, currently in the floor show ofMembers of the George company recentlystyle, but he has a great deal to say andsend in their biographies to appear in the Palmer House Empire Room, Chi-visited with Herman Yerger and Emily,he says it with a frankness and lack ofTheBillboard: NeilO'Brien,New cago, was featured on the special billmentalist, and also enjoyed a visit fromrestraint that commands attention andRochelle,N.Y.; "Happy" Benway, Sara- given by the Chicago Theater last weekShelton the Wizard and Cleverest Bellcompels respect.And speaking of re-nac,N.Y.;George Guy,Springfield, for the National Canners' Convention. and family, who were on vacation. Thespect, Jarrett has little or none for aMass.; "Lasses" White, "Slim" Vermont, George show is being transported on onesurprisingly long list of time-honoredNick Glynn, Concord, N. H., and Jim JIM SHERMAN gave his annual partytruck and two trailers. names in the Valhallah of the Magi. ButWhitney, Bennington, Vt. for over 40 Chicago and visiting magi- his criticisms most generally are backed cians last week at his home in the WAL it. DEL ARDO, with the Wil-up with specific evidence and when he Windy City. liam Chalkias Odditorium on the Snappfeels that praiseis due he is no les-5 Greater Shows the last three seasons,sparing than in his more acidulous dia- CLARKE'S COMPLETE JAMES WOBENSMITH, past nationalhas signed to go with the Lorow Bros.tribes.Not everyone will agree with the president of Society of American Magi-Ripley Odditorium on the Hennies Bros.'views set forth in Jarrett's Magic; many. cians. was a recent visitor in PhiladelphiaShows the coming season.Del Ardo isno doubt, will feel inclined to poke the MINSTREL to perform before and address the newlyalso known in magic and mental circlesauthor squarely in the eye, but few will *- SHOW * organized Hobby League of Philadelphia.as W. G. Magnuson. lay it aside unfinished. No.3 now ready.Contains complete 01,en.ngchorus 'rogram of 7 comedy songs & ballads (words & music PHILADELPHIA ASSEMBLY No. 4, So- somplete) ;big(double)joke program; new drills & ARTHUR MARCUS, New York magi- W. W. DURBIN Ring No. 71, Interna-marches; full stage directions and unique grand finale, ciety of American Magicians, is givingcian, has taken up permanent residencetional Brotherhood of Magicians, has just allin one attractive(9312) book51.00 postpaid. its annual Soiree, Magique and Dancein Wilmington. Del., and has given 37 C.O.D. $1.1N.I Moderately priced rehearsal folios, or- been formedinCincinnati, with 14( hestrattons & quartets available.Descriptive circular in the ballroom of the Hotel Stephenperformances in and near Wilmingtoncharter members forming the nucleus of or stamp. Rialto Pub. Co., 1674 Broadway, New York. Girard, that city, February 20.An all -in the course of two weeks before groupsthe new organization.New body gives professional bill is expected to outdrawof crippled children, homes for the agedCincinnati its third magical group. Fol- last year's record party. and other charitable organizations.Inlowing officers were elected tohead the MINSTRELS MAKE MONEY addition. Marcus gave special perform- (See MAGIC on page 30) TED HEUBER, of the IBM, Ring 13,ancesforDelaware'snewgovernor, COS -Twits Pittsburgh, was elected president of theRichard C. McMullen; for the birthday 5CENICondlIGHTINo Entertainers' Association of Pittsburghparty of Irenee duPont, vice-chairman of EFFECTS at a meeting held at the Americus Club,the duPont Company, at Granogue, Del.; SEND Coe that city, recently. for Mrs. Philip duPont's cocktail hour IN STAMPS (0.1 (Hu, at Fairville, Pa., and before meetings of IILUSTRATiD (RIAL0(. the Wilmington Lion and Masonic clubs. 772instteisti ENGAGED RECENTLY to appear with HOOKERHowc,t)ux sal the Salt Lake City Philharmonic Orches- HAVERHILL.MASS tra at its opening concerts of the season, FRATRES SINCIPITIS MYSTICI, magic By BOB EMMET Montague the Magician selected a 20 -club of Harrisburg, Pa., held a business minute routine of old-time magic. Themeeting at the residence of Joe Yeager (Cincinnati Office) old magic classics, many of which wererecently.Among those attending were AL PINARD JR., comedian, dancer and perfected about the time the symphoniesJim Fisher, Mike Zerrance, Will Shellen-musician, was born in Springfield, Mass., were written, brought better responseberger, Eddie Clever, Joe Motter and FredMarch 17, 1902.He is the grandson of than could have been. obtained fromLandrus. George R. Guy, said to be the oldest liv- such a gathering by use of modern ef- ing minstrel.First minstrel engagement fects now being worked to a frazzle by EARL LOCKMAN, who presented hiswas with Guy Brothers'Minstrelsin club magi, Montague says. Backstageescape act at the main YMCA Hotel, Chi-Manchester, N. H., at the age of five. visitors during Montague's engagementcago, recently,is booked to play theSubsequent engagements with. John R. in Salt Lake City were LeDille, "wizard ofGranadaTheater,KansasCity,Mo., Van Arnam's Minstrels, 1923-4-5; Dan silks";Jack Freeley, club worker, andFebruary 13. Fitch's Minstrels, 1926-1930, and back to Hansen, veteran magician and inventor. Van. Arnam, with whom he now is.Per JIM SHERMAN, who operates the F.si-manent addressis1371/2State street, LEROY, Punch man and ventriloquist,mer House Gift Shop, staged his annualSpringfield, Mass. AMERICA'S SNAPPIEST will be with the Barney Bros.' Circus theparty for Chicago magicians at his home comingseason,doinginsidelecture,recently.Program of impromptu magic "I NOTE WHERE Nat Danzic goes out magic, Punch and vent. was given. in the smokehouse and cuts himself a piece of ham," writes Al Tint. "Wonder Minstrel Shows TALAMAS, sleight-of-hand artist, is at§SYDNEY ROSS, magician and palmist,if the rabbi cares if he eats ham unless Unrivaled selectionof Complete Minstrel it is kosher; but who ever heard of a FirstParts, BlackfacePlays, OpeningCho- Amar's Nouveau Cirque in Paris. now at the Radio City Rainbow Room, ruses, Minstrel and Comedy Songs, Jokes. New York, holds a Ph.D. degree. kosher pig?" Gags, Posters, Make-up Goods, Wigs, Bones, MAX REYWILS, illusionist, is at the Tambourines-everything to put life and snap Splendid Cinema in Algiers, Algeria. GUY JARRETT recently sent us his BILLY(SLEW -FOOT) HANNAHis into your show.Send for Special Catalog. book-price $5.A half a sawbuck is adoing blackface at The Inn, Phoenix, Denison'sPlays and Entertainments WILLIAM (JAKE) WHITEBONE, for-lot of dough for an ordinary book, butAriz., nitery. are known everywhere. Established mer carnival magician, has sold his bill -Jarrett's opus magnus is definitely extra- over 60 years.Send for Catalog. posting service businessinSt. John,ordinary and in many ways unique.In ARTHUR. CRAWFORD, for many years T. S. DENISON & CO. N. B., to the E. L. Ruddy Billpostingthe first place, the author hand set allend -man with the Primrose & West Min- 623 S. WabaehlAve. Dept. 1 50,Chicago. Service. Toronto.He keeps his magicthe type, didallthe printing on hisstrels, is visiting in Chicago. Crawford 30 The Billboard February 6, 1937

in Georgia-Athens, Macon and Colum- 43d YEAR bus-on September 23, 24 and 25, re- spectively.It then went thru Alabama and Mississippi and closed the season in 714e lawn Floridaon November27.I attended This department of The Billboard Is conducted as a clearing house, where readers may express theirthe show both years, and 1931 was the views concerning current amusement matters. Opinions regarding particular shows or acts will not becon- last year, not 1929. Regarding the John Billgtard sidered.Neither will attention be given on this page to communications In which personal problems areRobinson Circus, Founded by W. H. DONALDSON discussed.Letters must be signed with the full name and address of the writer and should be written on it was taken off the one side of the paper.Those not exceeding 300 words are preferred. Send communications to The road at the close of the 1930 season andThe Largest Circulation of Any Amusement The Billboard, Box 872, Cincinnati, 0. not in 1931.Jess Adkins was the last Weekly in the World manager, season closing early in Iowa. Little Rock, Ark. was well and favorably known all overRegarding the statement that Charles Member AuditBureauof Circulation I know the article about trailers, takenLouisiana. The show had its beginningSparks purchased Downie Bros.' Circus Published Every Week from Equity Magazine, on the Rep pagemore than 40 years ago in the Bayouin the fall of 1929, I beg to state that ByTheBillboardPublishing Company of The Bit/board of January 2 interestedTechecountry.Haag wasformanyMr. Sparks bought the Downie show in R. S. LITTLEFORDa,Perme.identand General actors of the Mid -West. The facts thatyears a director of Shreveport's largestlate October, 1931, and moved it from Manager. the folks havebank.Haag Show troupers willrecalleastern shore of Maryland to Florida. E. W. EVANS, Secretary -Treasurer. It A. C. HARTMANN, Editor moved into trailersthatopening,beginningwith"Now,closed the season in Tifton, Ga., on De- Outdoor Depts., 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati, 0. Trailers Boon is what has keptfriendsandneighbors,"madeocca-cember 20 and went into Central City E. E. SUGARMAN, Editor show business onsionally by him.Ernest Haag's missionPark, Macon, to winter.I enjoyed Mr. Indoor Depts., 1664 Broadway, New York, N.Y. To Troupers in Main Office and Printing Works, The Billboard top of the earthin this world was to make everybodyGrace's article but felt that these cor- Building,25-27 OperaPlace, Cincinnati,0. out here. My guesshappy. .C. E. DUBLE. rections should be made, as I am posi- Mtialn. 5306. Cable Address, "Blilyboy." Middle West is that right now tive the dates he referred to are wrong. Cincinnati, 60 per cent of the M. H. GRIFFIN. BRANCH OFFICES: NEW YORK -6th Ploor Palace Theater Bldg., 1564 Broadway. Phones, showfolks live in trailers.It would be Pana, Ill. MEdallion 3-1616. 3-1617. 3-1618. CIIICAGO- difficult to find a summer show that While numerous letters have been sent Alameda, Calif. 6th Floor Woods Bldg.,Randolph and Dearborn doesn't have at least one team living into the Forum regarding old circuses, I Streets.Phone, Central 8480.ST. LOUIS -390 a home on wheels. Some shows are com-would like some oldtimers to tell some- Replying to queries in W. P. Dewey's Arcade Bldg., 8th and Olive Streets.Phone, Chest- letter in The Forum of January 9,Inut 0443.PHILADELPHIA - B. 11.Patrick. pletely trailerized.Several managers ownthing about oldtime Uncle Tom's Cabinwould say that authentic records of ball 7222 Lamport Road. Upper Darby, Pa.Phone, trailers to accommodate their people. But shows. Can anyone Madison 6895. LONDON-Bert Ross, care "The each year finds more teams with trailers tell who was firstjuggling are difficult to obtain. A sug- l'erformer," 18 Charing Cross Road, Londoq, W. C., Sees a Field gestion along that line would be to have 2. SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA-Martin C. Brennan, and, of course, they. prefer to use their to put out a Tom some individual City Tattersall's Bldg., 198 Pitt Street.PARIS- own, so managers have not been adding show under can- Theodore Wolfram,MotelStevens,Rue Alfred - so many to their equipment. While visit-For Revival ofvas? Frank E.Real Record or acommittee Stevens. ing friends recently I found in a scrap- Griswold, of Gen- w h ofollow jug- SUBSCRIPTION RATES, PAYABLE IN AD- Old Tom Shows gler s'activitiesVANCE-One Year, $5; Two Years, $8. These book a clipping from The Billboard of eva, 0., was amongOf Juggling submit an annual rates apply in the United States, U. S. Possessions, the fall of 1918. It reads: "We move our thefirstandif Canada andCountriesinPan-AmericanPostal of "world'sc h a m - Union. Rates in other foreign countries upon re- entire equipment on autotrucks, anyone was out ahead of him I haveIs Suggested pions" list to The quest. Subscribers when requesting change of ad- which we have five.All the performersnever heard ofit.Walter L. Main, of Billboard, based dress should give former as well as present address. liveinelegantlyequippedcarsonGeneva, was a close friend of Griswoldon number of balls, clubs, hoops, etc., DISPLAY ADVERTISING-Fifty Centsper wheels." The show referred to has playedand may know. I don't believe there has Agate Line. Whole Page, $350; Half Page, $175; actually handled "in their acts." tricks Quarter Page, $87.50.No display advertisement Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota forbeen a Tom show on the road in the lastto be included in the regular routines ofmeasuring less than 10 lines accepted. Last ad- the past 24 years. The manager said hissix or seven years, either under canvasperformers. Thus would be kept a fairlyvertising form goes to press noon Monday. performers began living in house cars inor playing theaters.There appears to No telegraphed advertisement accepted unless re- be plenty of new circuses going out everyaccurate record of annual championsmittance is telegraphed or mailed so as to reach pub- 1914, at that time living quarters being and something definite for future rec- lication office before noon Monday. built on wagons and moved by hiredyear; no one seems to give a Tom showords.In Star Turns, by Kober, is an The Billboard reserves the right to edit all adver- teams. In 1915 he had a cook house 22any consideration and no one ever lost tising copy. feet long, seating 22 people and beingany money on a Tom show that wasinteresting chapter on Rastalli.Altho moved by four horses. Harry Van, now ofproperly hooked up and had right pub-I never had the pleasure of seeing him, PRINTED BY he was, to my mind, one of the greatest THE CLIREO PRESS, INC., CHICAGO, ILL. Ensley, Ala., was driver. Summer of 1915licity ahead ofit.No town ever wasof our past jugglers.He was credited was cold but the show stayed out tilltoo small or too large for one. Amongwith showing eight -ball juggling regu-Vol. XLIX. FEBRUARY 6, 1937, No. 6 October 9.Three years ago the sameearlierones thatIrecallwith Tomlarly during his performances. organization had a "colorful gyspy cara-shows under canvas were Griswold, Fred DOUG COUDEN. van" of three trucks for the outfit, aTerry, John F.Stowe,C.B.Byerly, Tommy Bell and Pal, The Andresons, truck for calliope and light plant, cookBurks, Ed F. Davis, Phillips and J. W. perch and acrobatic turn;the Jones - house, four house cars and two autos forHarps Strite.I was informed last fallMAGIC Rooney Trio, comedians. In The Clock advance work. But the owner is changingthat some of the big chain theaters Parade, George used every member of the to trailers and last summer added threewould like to book a real Tom show and (continued from page 29) company, producing them from a huge to the outfit.This condition also ap-that the ohly reason they do not is be-W. W. Durbin Ring: Walter Labermeir,opera hat in elaborate clock costumes. plies to circle stock. Most of us do notcause there are no Tom shows to book.president; Frank Schopper, vice presi-George reports that he is adding a num- remember what the inside of a hotel or E. E. GARRETSON. dent; Jess Berner, treasurer; Harold R.ber of other new features in the near railroad coach looks like or an opera Rice, secretary, and John Snyder, ser-future. house,eitherfor geant -at -arms. Meetings are held on the thatmatter.The first Friday of each month. opera houses are padlocked and have Columbus, Ga. THE GREAT ZOGI, mentalist -magi- been for five years or more. We show In the current issue of Billyboy in cian, is showing schools and theaters in school auditoriums; can't get them for aR. J. White's "Do You Remember?" in THE FOLLOWING LEI lett,anentKansas, after a tent season in Texas. week, therefore circle stock. The articleMidway Confab he pays JackPollittColta and Colta, the "merry magicians"Despite unfavorable weather condiitons, in The Billboard is headed, Gypsy Trail-was manager of Al G. Barnes Circus.Mr.of Harrisburg, Pa., appeared in the "WhatZogi says he has lost only one night so ersinSearchof Audience and that Pollitt never man-to Do. See and Hear" column, conductedfar this season and that he is set until should interest us western hams, for that agedthatshow.by L. U. K. in The Harrisburg Telegraph,the middle of February. is exactly what we ain't nothin' else but!Resides Near When Barnes hadJanuary 20. K. ROBERT MAC DONALD. his animals on the A "Railroad Man who reads the col- Kennedy ShowsParker Shows Jackumn" writes this: COUNT VORIS, who has been kept wasatalker on Thirty Years in Magic busy on auspice dates the last several Wreck Scene the Barnes Show, Dear Luk: On Friday night Colta andmonths, is now located in Lynn, Mass. Jeffersonville, Ind. which originatedColta gave an entertainment attheVoris is featuring the hanging act, and Recently I met a circus fan who saidin Spokane in 1910.Their first big topBeach Front Hotel for the Penna. Rail-recently pulled the stunt on the Lynn the last wagon show was M. L. Clarkwas one used by the apple show inroad Shop Crafts and strange as it seems,Commons, with Lynn's mayor springing & Sons.He may be correct.PerhapsSpokane and was promoted for Barnesthe chairmanoftheEntertainmentthe trap. Event was witnessed by a huge troupersofformeryearswillrecallby Louis Berg, a Spokane tent maker.ICommittee was Ponce Vogelbach, who oncrowd, and garnered the count liberal the Mighty Haagtrouped with Jack Pollitt on the RoyJanuary 15,1907, gave Chas. J. Jonesspaces in the local dailies. Show when itCramer Shows in 1908 and again with(Colta) his first professional engagement About History traveled by wagon.him on the Parker Shows in 1910.Harleyin the Kimberly Minstrels playing down THOMAS THE MAGICIAN has just re- When t h eHaagTyler had been manager of this showthe Cumberland Valley, and in arrangingturned to his headquarters in Rushville, Of Haag ShowRailroad Showin 1909 and left to manage the Barnesthe program decided to call Jones, Prof.Ind., after a successful tour of the East endeditsseasonCircus, remaining tlfere until his death.Da Colta, which he accepted as his stageunder the direction of the Neilson Bu- In Early Days thefallof1914The Parker Shows in 1910 were man-name and has carried it ever since. Thenreau of Pittsburgh.Thomas has been Haag soldall railaged by Ned Stoughton. With the showin 1909 Colta secured his first circuitpresented with a contract for the 1937-38 equipment to the Wortham Shows andwere Jack Pollitt's Pharaoh's Daughterengagement on the Sullivan -Considineseason by the same office.This was organized a wagon show from surplusShow, Earl Strout's Band, Alice Melville'sCircuit thru the Middle Western states.Thomas' first stab at lyceum and he equipment.Taking to the road late ingirlrevue, Captain Latlip's high diveIn 1912 he added a partner to his actwas highly pleased with results.He will November the show worked south thruand Jack Wallace's Wild Animal Show.and from that time on it was Colta andgo right back out on the road, winding Louisiana and lower Red River country.Homer Jones was secretary and G. HarryColta theMerry Magicians,reachingup his present season late in May, at I was with the show that winter. TheEdwards, utility man.Colonel Beck-their peak in 1927, when they were onwhich time his show goes into the work- big top had one curb ring.Pinkey Hol-with and Dick Collins were agents andBroadway with the Texas Guinan Unit,shop for repairs and additions."The lis was featured rider.Irene MarshallGeorge Johnson a talker. Show closedand then on the road with this unit forEast seems to be magic crazy; we played and Mabel James worked traps,ringsin El Paso, Tex., at fairgrounds. Buffalotwo years in all parts of the states. Coltato packed houses in every city", Thomas and other aerial displays.Mardello, RoyBill opposition for one day.I retiredsays the Night club magic is the mostwrites. "In many of the towns it actually Fortune and McCammon were clowns.Iin1926 and live within view of thedifficult line of magic he has ever experi-was SRO. That may sound a bit exag- cannot recall the entire dressing roomspot of the Kennedy Shows' wreck inenced as the audience requires some verygerated, but it's a fact.News of four list.However,theperformancewas1915. JACK WALLACE. startling effects to gain their attention,"Super -Sensitive Fingertips" preceded us good. Rudy Gonzallas was trainer with while at the same time have eyes on youeverywhere audiences raved over it." the three large elephants. A few small from every angle, but the Oriental Rings cages and camels were displayed under Sugar Valley, Ga. which he has been using during his en- DE CLEO THE MAGICIAN, who has the side-show top.Roy Haag managed InhisarticleinThe Billboard oftire experience, never fails to demand at-been working Parent -Teachers' associa- the Side Show.Harley Hubbard wasNovember 28 John P. Grace was in errortention. Colta and Colta have now addedtions thru. Southern Ohio, was forced to secretary -treasurer.FredDelvy andin writing that the Sparks Circus wasa new addition in the form of Livingcancel his engagements, due to the flood Frank McGuyre were also staff mem-shelved in the fall of 1929. Sparks Cir-Marionettes, with singing, dancing andwaters.He has returned to his head- bers and Everett James had a nine -cus winteredinCentralCityPark,wise -cracking Puppets in which they willquarters in Marysville, 0:, until the wa- piece band.Bill Williams and his wife Macon, Ga.,inbe seen at the President's Ball in Middle-ters subside. had charge of reserve seats and Shorty 1929-'30, and I at-town on the 30th of January. Rhodes superintended stock. Vile Platte,Declares Sometended the open- Don't forget. HENRY HAVILAND, paper -tearing La., a Sunday date, gave the show two ing on Thursday, Yours truly, magish,iscurrentlyat the Medinah packed houses. Christmas Day the showDates of GraceApril 16,1930, in R.R.W.R.T.C. Athletic Club, Chicago, on the same bill was at Iota. New Year's Day, 1915, found Macon. The show with Ben Chavez and Company, clever the show at Wards.It was the intentionWere in Error w a sinGriffin, THE GREAT GEORGE (GroverG.card and egg manipulator. to keep going until the last of Febru- Ga., on April17 George) and his Magical Revue opened ary, but because of rain and road con-and Rome, Ga., on April18, jumpingattheGates Theater,Lowell,Mass., DELAZON'S RESTAURANT, Chicago, is ditions the tour ended at Logansport, La.from Rome toAsheville,N.C. OraJanuary 19, with a four -day run, and fol-the daily gathering place for local and The Haag Show, greatly enlarged for theWatts was manager and Red Cole waslowed with the Modern Theater, Brock-visiting magi, usually between the hours 1915season, openedinMinden,La.,trainmaster.Itclosed the season inton, Mass.George presented his usualof 1 and 3 p. m.Gathered around the moving by wagons. M. L. Clark & Son'sSouth Georgia on September 22,1930,substantial line of illusions and noveltiestable there the other noon -hour were Show and Mighty Haag Show were theand went intd winter quarters in Sara-with special scenery, and was assistedNicola, John Booth, Dorny, Joe Berg, Art two largestandbestofthe wagonsota, Fla.Season of 1931 was opened inby the following acts: Tommy Ryan andFelsman, Henry Haviland, Ben Chavez shows. Both billed heavily.Ernest HaagPennsylvania. Three stands were madeMary Mullins, song and dance team;and others. February 6,1937 The Billboard 31 Demetro, John Frank. Mike Harrison, Frank MAIL ON HAND AT Langford, Mrs. P. D. Demetro, Tom Franquez, Master Hart. E. G. Langley, Maxine Dempsey, J. Widman Geo.Hart, Capt. John Latham,Layman,. Denby, Buck Frantz, Jerry Harvey, Floyd CINCINNATI OFFICE Mrs.Ana..Fay Denham, Bert Franzelon, F earless Harvey, Mike 25-27 Opera Place Layman. Carolyn E. Denham, Capt. EltonFrazier, E. H. Haskins, Nevilon Leahy. Mrs. Edgar Denham, E. H. Frecbette, Ray A. Hatch, Harold Townsend Dennis, Jack Fredrick, Carlyle Hausner, Sam Parcel Post Leavitt, Mrs. Larry Dennis, W. J. Fredericks, Freddie Hawkins, A. C. Lee, Katherine ettee Hawkins, Bud Ralph List Fredette, Arthur Mickey Pieree. 12c. Dent, W. L. Lee, Norma DeRoy, Gene Fredrick, Henry Hawkins, Ernie I.adies' List Lee, Patsy DeRossette, ClarenceFreed, Harry Hawkins, R. L. Lenzsch, Mrs. Marie Derwelis, Flying Freed. H. T. Hawkins, Sam E. Abbott,. Mrs. PhyllisDwyer, Ski Leonard, Iris NOTE-The mail held at the various offices of TheDeRzk in, Frank Freeman, Robert Hawkinson, Fred Adams, Jean Edna & George Leslie, Mrs. Holly Deutsch, Fred W. Friedman, Jake Hawthorn. Jack Ainsworth, GertrudeEnglish. Miss L. Lester, Esther Devany, 0. Friedman, Dr. Sam Hays, Harry E. Alcazar, Chiquita Erwin, Mrs. WalterLewis, Anna Billboard is classified under their respective heads,Deverrie, Wm. (Bill)Friedridhsen, Knud Hayes, Kay Allen, Elizabeth Estella & LeRoy Lewis, Mrs. Devine, Jene Friend, Homer L. Hays, Wm. M. Allen. Prairie Lilly Fanelli. Mrs. M. J. Ernestinei. e., mail at the Cincinnati Office will be foundunderDewaln, Bart Frink, Howard Heilman, Hatchle Allen, Mrs. Rose Fairbanks, Miss Lewis. Mrs. Pearl DeWright, Vern Fritz, Cecil Helwig, Al. Altonla, Madam FrankleLewis, Mrs. Thelma Dexter, Bert Froomesse, H. E. Henderson, Glen Amelia, Madam Fay, Mrs. V. A. Lead', Miss the heading of the CINCINNATI OFFICE and mail at Frost, Lester Henderson, J. C. Astrologist Dezins, Dr. V. Anders, Lee Ferguson, Mrs. V. R. Diavolo. Fred Fry, Luther R. Henry, P. T. Anthony, Ramona Ferris, Mrs. Billy Lloyd, Louise the New York Office will be found under the headingDice, Harry Fryer, Mack Henry, Robert E. Applesy, Mrs. Fife, Mrs. Bessie M.Lovell, Mrs. Seth Diene, A. W. Fulkerson, Rube Hill Will H. RaymondFife, Mrs. Sam. 0. Lucas, Mrs. Helen Dillinger, Hadein Fuller, Lloyd Hoff, Rudy Araki, Mrs. Tan Finch, MayFine, Luckett, Irene of NEW YORK OFFICE, etc. Dimon, Andrew Fulton, Castile Hoffstatter, R. W. Archer, Marie Mrs. Lew Lumley, Mettle Dione, Theo. Fugue, W. C. Huber, Raymond J. Arens, Mrs. Lucy Firenze, Natalina MacAleese, Eva Boultinghouse, J. K.Claire, Billy Dixon, Richard Gaboury, Hector Hogan, Mickey EstesFisk, Vivian McCaul, Mrs. VioletSink Mrs. Nellie Van Sickle. Mrs. Roy Dlingar, Claud Gagnon, Bert Holcombe, Roy McCoy, Betty B. Smalley, Stella Yarnell, Helen Bowman, Ed Claire, Ted Beaman, S. Arnold, Mary Fleming. Helen Smith, Bernice Vaughn. Mrs. EvelynBoyd, H. W. Clark, Bill Dobbs, Harold L. Gaines, L. W. Asher, Mrs. Louis Ford, Mrs. Al McCoy, Ethel Boyter, Ralph Clark, Eddie (Darby)Dobbs. Robert Gaines, Y. P. Huber, J. B. Ashton, Maude Ford, Mrs. Chester McCoy, Jean Smith, Dorothy M.Wadsworth, Mrs. Dodd, Capt. JimmieGallagher, James R. Huber, Ray McCoy, Mrs T. F.Smith. Mrs. Jennie LillianBoyton. Joe Clark. Ernie Hudgins, Pope Badger, Mrs. Nellie Fernier. Mrs. F. Snake, Princess Wagner, Mrs. MarieBozza, Tom Clark. Fred Dolan, Harold Ganyard, Larry Bailey, Mrs. CharlesForrest, Mrs. BettyMcGregor, Lillian Braden, Huddle Clark. Joe Jewel Dolliver. Frederick Gaparth, W. B. Hughson, Ed. Bailey, Mildred Frame, Mrs. Saris Malawha, Madame RattleWeight, Noamia 1)onahue, Geo. M. Gardner, Cheerful Hudson, Barn H. (Billie)Frank, Mrs. J. E. Malcolm, Babe Snodgrass, Nona Walker, Mrs. Jack C.Bradford, G. C. Clarke, Lee Lloyd Garner, Joe H. Huesman, C. Malone, Mrs. MarySolar, Laura G. Walker. Louise Bradna, Fred Claude, Leo Donahue, Walter Bailey, Nancy Franks, Jessie Wall. Opal Bradshaw. H. 0. Clauser, Joseph W. Donatello, Joe Garren, T. J. Hughes, Chas. Elnor Franklin, Marylyn Manna. Mitzi Sorensen, Mrs. Robt. Clayton. Geo. E. 1)onavon, Bill Garrett, Harry Sylvester Gable, Sylvian Manning, Mrs. M. Sorensen, Mrs. WillieWarner, Barbarina Bram& Earl Garrison, Bill Hughes, James Baker, Dona Spencer, Mickey BakerBarndas, Toney Cleavelaud, G. D. Dorris, John W. Baker, Patsy Gaines, Mrs. AnnieMarkey, Enid Waters, Mrs. StellaBrandi, Joe Clemens, Murray Dowd, James Garvey, Eddie J. Howard Beaty, Mrs. Bert FloraMarks, Madam ElsieSprague, Tommy Branham. Joseph Click, Wm. A. Dowd. Marion Gary, Bill Hughes, T. E. Barclay, Mrs. Garneau, Mimi BakerStansbury, Mrs. AdaWallice, FlorenceWebb. Dody, S. H. Gases Troupe, The Hugo, Capt. E. H. DorothyGarner, Mrs. ElenorMarr, Nola Starkey, Mrs. John Mrs. Wm.Clot!, Benjamin Clatter', J. F. Hugo, Capt. Martin, Mrs. A. N.Staten, Rubye ElizabethBraswell, Wm. Coburn, Jimmie Down, R. C. Barnes, Mrs. Billy Garner, Mrs. R. B. Weber, Joan P. Bretton, Red Cockrell, George Downard, Virg. George, Joe M. Hull, Ralph W. ReneGaspard. Grace Marvin, Mrs. RobertStewart, Mrs. Ann Brennan, Mickey Cochran, Harold Downs, Lemmy George, Tony Hull, Jas. Barr, Mrs. Getrude Gates, Delorise Mason, Judy Steele, Marie Weiss, Mrs. Kay I)oyle, J. W. George, Kaye Hunt, Harry Kid Barr, Mrs. Ralph Gatlin, Mrs. Joe Mates, Thelma TaftStns. China Welch. Mrs. C. L. Brenner, Leo Codona, Alfredo Geran, Jack Hunt, Ted Maurtire, Mrs. MarnStokes, Mrs. Ray Wheeler, Mrs. PearlBrennen, Wally Cody's, The ShootingDoyle, Sam Bartells, Mrs. Gemmeno, Mrs. Stoneman, Mrs. JoeWhite, Doris Brewer, D. Coffelt. W. R. Drake. Jack Gerard, Frank Hunt, W. S. Mabelle ElizabethMay. Madam Elsie White, Mrs. Harry Brewer, J. Cohee, G. Rex Dreibelhimes, H. H. Genus, Adam Hunter, LeRoy Bartok,Mrs.MiltonGentry, Miss LillianMehl, Mrs. Rose Story.. Mrs. Edith Dr III, Charles (Frenchy)Huston, Lee Bates, Mrs. Sarah R.Gerard, Miss Pat Melville, Mrs. HarryStrand ers Brewer, R. K. Cohn.Robert Gibbeny, Geo. Hutchinson, Jesse G.Sube. Helen Williams, Bee Briggs, Thomas L. (Bobble)Dril, Harry Hayman, Alice Louisa Williams, Billie Brines, B. A. Cole, Pete Dubey, F. J. Gibbons, Harry If utterman, Edwin Bell, Evelyn Gibson, Mrs. BerthaMelville. Thelma Sullivan, Mary Britt, Johnny Coleman, Herman Ducet, Paul (libeling, Howard Hutton, M. C. Bell, Janieve MarieMelzora, Ann Sutten, Mrs. Irene Williams, Mrs. C. J. 1)udley, H. G. Gibson, Arthur Ibbenson, Bert Giles, Cleo Mendelson, Mrs. Sutton, Anna Williams, Mrs. L. H.Britt, Tom Colk, Fred Gibson, Clarence C. Iney, James Bennett, Mrs. Betty Evelyn Williams, Mrs. IreneBrndell, Charles D.Collier, Doc. Dugan, Blackle Betz, Mrs. Tillie Gillen, Margaret Tackette, Marie Broadway, Harry Collier, Jack Duke, L. E. Gibson, H. C. Innis, N. R. Bill, Pauline Golden. Pauline Meyers, Irene Talley, Mrs. Edna Williams, Mrs. Duncan, Midget Gibson, Jack Irwin, Robert G. Miller, Gertle Taylor, Mrs. Janie LorineBrodie, Wm. N. Collins, Frank A. Izler, Ernest Billingsly, Mrs. AliceGolden, Mrs. Richard Taylor, Mrs. Lydia Welma Brono, Joe Collins, Texas Slim JackieGibson, Jack E. Birchman, Mrs. W. KayMillie & Larry Brooks, E. L. Colman, Robert Dunlap, Leonard Gifford, Al Ivey, W. L. Blnns, Jeraldine E. Goodwin, Mrs. JackMilton, Mrs. Josle Taylor, Shirty Wilson, Lucille Dunlap, Pop Gilbert, Al Jackson, Eddie Blanche & Elliott Godfrey, Mrs. Jane Mitchell, Mrs. Thomas, Ella Wilson, Marie Brooks, W. H. Concello, Antoinette Gilbert, Pat Jackson, Fred BlancheThomas, Mrs. Flo Wilson. Mrs. MickeyBrouwer. P. H. CondorM, Alfred Dunn, Chester A. Blevins, Miss Billy Grady, Mae Brown, Don Coney Island Amuse.Dunn, D. S. Gilley, Chubby Jackson, W. L. Sieving. Mrs. Flo Graves, Francis Moore, Mrs. A. V. Thomas, Mrs. GeneWilson, Edna Mae I)unn, Lyman Gilham, Art Jacob, Lou Moore, Mollie Thomas, Juanita Wisniski, Jennie Brown. Ernie (Toby) Co. Jacobs, T. C. Bliss, Mrs. Nellie Graves, Marlon Thompson, IaMoineWinnie, Winsome Brown, Fitzie Cooner, John Dunn, T. D. Gill, W. M. Blondin, Mrs. MarieGray, Pearl Moore, Mrs. Mildred Brown, Frank M. Dunn, Ralph E. Gillespie, Wm. S. James, A. H. Blue, Mrs. Archer Green, Mrs. Doe Moore, Roberta Thompson, Effie Withers. Mrs. H. M. Conroy, Joe Durant, Wm. (Bill) Gilliam, Orville James, Donald Moore, Mrs. Roby Thomson, Mrs. . Withers, Mrs. Brown, G. Warren Cook, Sam James, J. F. Board, Betty Green, Eula Mae Beatrice HowardBrown, L. H. C ooke. I). D. Dutton, Geo. Gilliam, David Bonner, Mrs. ArthurGreen, Mitzi Morley, Margaret Brown, N. 1). Cooke. W. H. DuVoll, Jimmy Gilligan, Joe James, Fat A.Brindle, Mrs. Lulu Morris, June Thornton, Dollie Wolf, Jannice Dyer, Bobby Gilson, 0. A. James, Paul Hadley, Mrs. Mae Morris, Lillian Tierney, Viola Wolfe, Mrs. C. E. Brown, Pat ( oolbrith, Francis N. Girard, Charles E. Jarvinen, James Bookman, Edith Morrissey, Helen Timmers, Mrs. S. P.Wolfe, Effie Brown, Paul C ooper, Al. H. Dykes. Carl Book, Marie Haney, Mrs. C. F. Brown, Prof. ooper, John A Girard, 0. E. Jason, F. Borg, Wanda Haley, Mrs. Jerry Morrow. Nellie Timmons, Mrs. Wolf, Mrs. Francis Eagle, Nate Gitty, Donald Jearls, Wm. Hall, Thelma Fay Morse, Mrs. Peggy BobbieWooden, Mrs. Bettie (Colored)Cooper, Mickey Earl, Wm. Jeffries, Bruno Boswell, Mrs. Tonle Townsend, Lady Woods, Opal Brown, Richard Cooper, Robert B. Earle, Alfred B. Glasscock, D. Bolt, Josephine Hall, Vivian Morton, Carroll Brown, T. H. Gloved, John Jennier. Walter Brady. Florence Hammond, Mrs. Moss, Eva DorotheaWoods, Roberts Cooper, Vandy Early, Joe B. Glynn, M. A. Jennings, Ted Branham, Mrs. J. W. Earl F.Moss, Mrs. Helen C.Tryon, Fleeta & Woodruff, Mrs. JeanBrown, W. B. Corcoran, M. J. Barnhart. E.E. Gold, Harry Johnson, Clothes Pin Branham. Mrs. RuthHansen, Gladys Murry, Mrs. Kate DoreenWort. Mrs Geo. Brownell. Wm. H. Cormier, Arthur Eby, Jerry Goldberg. Samueal Johnson, Earl Brazier, Mrs. Beta Harper, Sue Mylie, Pearl E. Turner, Mrs. Vera Worman, Mrs. NatBruce, Carl Caruso, John Eddie Armless Golden, C'. L. Johnson, Min Red Brett, Helen Harris, Ruth Neal, Mrs. Anna ChambersWortham, Mrs. JackBruce, Wm. Earl Costa, Geo. Golden, Richard Johnson, Harry Lee Brown, Miss Pat Harris, Mrs. Ray Nell, Ray Uttsey, Mrs. R. Wright, Juanita Bruce, Edgar B. Costa, Steve Edison,BobonderB Goldstone, Roy Johnson, Buchannan, Lonnie Harrison. 'arena Nestor, Mrs. GraceVallente, Veronica Yeager. Mrs. S. A. Bruce, Kid Cote. Elmer Edmonds, F. I.. Goodman. Joe Raymond L. But kin, Mrs. Gypsy Harrison, Mrs. Marg.Newman, Mrs. Vain, Jeannette Young. Lenora Bruhns, L. P. Coughlin, John E. Edmunds, Dick Goodman, Morris LJohnston, Ennis S. Burbourt Jessie Harrison, Mrs. Mary ArthurVan, Mrs. Libby Young, Mrs. HelenBrunk, Fred & Cowles Harold Edwards, Al. Goodrich, Verne Johnston, Slivers Burke, Mrs. Mary Harrison, Ruth Nixon, Bobble Van Alsten, Mrs. Zira, Madame BonnieCox, 0. C. Edwards, Bob Goodwin, W. H. Johnston. Kenneth JaneHarve, Betty Norcross, Mrs. EdnaZoder, Evelyn BabeBryant, Howard Cox. Walter Edwards. Doc Gorelick, Sam Johnston, Ralph Burns, Mrs. GeorgiaHarvey. Mrs. Pearl AndressVan Lidth, E. Zulong, Mrs. Ella Buck. C. Severn Craddock, Robert, L.Edwards, Jack Gordan, Bert Jones, Cotton K. Burton, Miss Billie Hatfield, Jolly FunnyNorman, Faye Buckhana. Tree TopGrafton, Jim Edwards, Jimmie Gordon, Jones, Cotton Burton, Mrs. C. Hawkins, Mrs. RalphNorton, Mrs. Marie Buckeye Comedy Co.Crager, V. D. Edwards, Joe Gordon, Bobble Jones, Paul Bussey. Mrs. BudO'Brien, Mrs. Gentlemen's List Buckland, Harry Craig Bros. Edwards, Paul Gordon. Ed. Jones, Sherman L FlorenceHawkins, Miss Ruby PrestonAbdullah, AlexandreBanks, G. Wally Bungard. Art & LoisCraig, Nolan Edwards, Robert Gorden, Jean Jones, Willie Callan, Irene Hays, Mrs. W. M. O'Connors. FrancesAdams, A. A. Banks, Wally Burch. Tex. Craig. Paul Ehler, Henry L. Gordon, Mathew G.Jones, W. M. Campbell, Mrs. GeneHenderson, Mrs. O'Day, Helen Adams, Frank Bard, Jack G. Burd, Sam Cramer, Fred Eller, R. E. Gossman, Richard Jordan, Oscar Careen, Mrs. Etta W. F.O'Day, Polly Adams, Hubert Berne. Wm. D. Burgess. Harry Cramer, Joe Elders, Charlie Grady, Jack Jordan, Rody & Jean Carpenter, Dorothy Henry, Marlon O'Hara, Reba Adams, Max Barnes, Clint Burgess. Henry T. C'ramron. Bill Eli Thodore Graff, Happy Julus, Jerry Carson, Geogie Higgenbatham, Mrs.O'Leary, Mrs. ErcelAdams, Steve Barnes, R. 0. (Doc)Burk, Eddie Crawford, Albert LeeElliott, Dean Ham Graham, Hal Kahn, M. ('arson. Miss H. B. Agnes MooreAdams, Toney Barnett & Schultz Burk, Robert Crawford, Tex Elliott, Dudley W. Graham, Jack E. Rain, Doc. E. J. Carson, Helen HMIs. Lulu O'Shea, Mrs. John Adams, W. E. Barnett, Chester &Burke, Fred WhiteyCrawford, Vogel Elliott, James Graham, Pat Kane, Pepo Casabon, Rebecca M.Hilton, Daisy & O'Shea, Mrs. Jody Adkins, Minnie F. ViolaBurkert, Earl Crazier, H. B. Elliott, Jimmie Grantham, B. 0. Kann, David A. Carter, Leona. VioletObermiller, GeorgiaAgee, John R. Barnett, T. C. Burks, Arthur J. Esq.Creesky, Jasper Y. Elliott, Tom Grasnik, Alex Kanthe, Eddie Caswell. Helen Hoagland, Mrs. Geo.Owens. Jeanette Aitken, Francis Barnhart, Cliff Burnham. Boyd Creighton. Jimmie Ellis, Cotton Gray, Billy Kaplan, Max NeridaHoffman, Mrs. CleoOwens, Marjorie SpottswoodBarnhart, L. Burns, Bobby Crenshaw, Orvel Ellis, Doc. Joe Gravityo, Frank Karl, Geo. Chaplin. Mildred Hoffman, Daisy Page, Virginia Alton, Tom Barr. Sam Burns Boots Crider Hal Ellis, Louis Grebling, Otto ICarobkin, J. HarrisHoffman, Jean Pallesen, Cynthia (Wild Cat)Barrow, Rex Burns, Curley Critchley. Arthur Ellis, Ray Green. Johnny Karr, Joe Chezudek, Mrs. Hoffman. Lena LeePalmer. Mrs. Akbar, Prof. Barry, L. M. Burns, L. W. Crocker, Goldie J. El Vino, I)oc. Green, Rufus Scott Kastle. W. J. StellaHolman, Mrs. Alberts, Joe Barth & Mr& Burns, Robert Croe. E. C. Elwood, Francis Green, W. E. Kaufman, Wallace Chester, Helen DorothyParley, Gladys Aldrick, Wm. F. Bartlett, Wayne Burns, Sam Cronin, Phil Embry, Geo. Greenlee, Jerry Kaye, Georgie City, Alice Holmes, Lillie Parks, Otha J. Alexander, Alex. Barton. Geo. Burr, Clarence Croons, Jack Emry, Elmer Bud Greenwood, Capt. H.Keefer, Geo. Clark, Mrs. Lena Holmes, Marie Parr, Lula B. Alexander. Stanley 9Basham Lloyd Burroughs. J. R. Cross, Frank Emswiler, Mackie Greer. Haywood Reek's, James MaeHooper, Mrs. GracePasich, Helen Alfredo. Al & AliceBasile. Joe Burslem. Jack Cross, Richard Emswiler, S. H. Gregory, Billie Keer, Mike Clifton, Mrs. W. L. M.Patterson. Connie Allen, Al. Bassinet, Claude Burt, All Crouse, Earl English, W. H. Gregory, L. B. Keith, Charles Cole, Mrs. Alta MaeHoatzog, Mrs. H. W.Payne, Sally Allen, Billie Bates George L. Bush Comedy Co. Crowell, Sam English, Walter Greneil Midgets Keller, Frank ColeY. Mrs. Bill Howard, Mrs. PearlPearce, Virginia Allen, Edward Bath (Hubby) Bushong, Blackle Crowson, Bill Enrica & Novelle Grier, Chuck Keller, W. N. Collins, Helen Howe, Mae Peek, Bobby Allen, Harry Bauer, Whitey Butler, Al Crowley. Dr. J. B. Ensley, Eugene Grimes. Marion Kelley Stock Co. Collins, Mrs. MabeleHoy, Mrs. Joseph Peluso, Mrs. BonnieAllen, Kind Baughman. B. J. Byerly, J. D. Croy. W. H. Erwin. K. 0. Grimers, Red Kelley, Boston Ryan ('ollier, Mrs. Jean Hull, Mrs. Bert Peterson, Mrs. Edw.Allen, Leslie Bayliss, W. M. Byers. Karl Crumley, Earle Erwin, Martin Grinn, James It. Kelly, Burton Conley, Pauline Hull, Mrs. H. Phillips, Juanita Allen, M. H. Bays, Dick Caggan, Frank CameronEthridge, Whitey Brodsky, Max Kelly, James J. Conway. Mrs. EdithHumphries, M128 Phillips, Mrs Jean Allen, Paul Bazzo, Tom Cain, Eddie Crump, Jesse Etten, Abe Grotto, Babey Kelly, T. W. (Slim) Cook, Mrs. R. E. BertPhillipp, Ruth Allen, Ralph RogerBeall, Robert Calder. Jimmy Cuellar. Tony Eugene. Gene (Nina)Grotto, Miller Kelly, T. W. Cooper, Ann Humphreys, Mrs. Porter, Mrs. GlennAllen. Tex. Beam. Billy Caldwell, Haesa Culbreth, Henry Evans, Bob Grooms, Geo Kelso, Walter Cooper. Mrs. Jack EdnaPorter, Mrs. MableAlvis, Gen. Ray Beasley, Chas. Calhoun, Jack Cundiff, Richard Evans, E. C. Guertin, Frank M. (Shorty) Cork. Miss Bobbie Hunter. Mabel Ports, Mrs. Caries Aryls, Ray C. Bedell. Al Calvert, E. M. Curtis, I.. C. Evans. Frank Guertin. Jack Kendall, Chas. Cornelia, luta Ingleston, Ceola Powell. Ethel Ambler, Walter Belie& Earl Camp. Herb Curtis, Robert P. Evans. Humpy Gump, Andy Kendall, H. G. Corse, Elvera Jackson. Mrs. Boyl Pumroy, Delolce American Concert Behee, Earl R. Campbell, H. W. ('utshall. Geo. C Evans. Johnny Guthrie, Charles Kennedy, John Cortez. Tanya Jackson, Erin Rabe, Vada Belle Co.Bell. ('apt. Escape Campbell. Olive Cylan, Doc. Evans, Robert L. Guyer, John Lewis Kenney, Walter Costello, Mrs. FrankJackson, Mildred Rankin, Sally Ames, F. L. Bell, Bill Rinehart Daemons. Charles Evans, Virgil Hackett Harry Kent, Cureey Covington. Iona Jaroskl, Maxie Ray, Mrs. Buster Anderson:Attlilla Bell, John P. K. Cape'', Doc. Daily, Ray Evans, Window Haney, Colonel C. F.Kepler, Harry Cowan'. Clantle Jeffries, Mrs. Raynell, Rena Anderson. Harley, Jr.Ben, Buffalo Carbon, Tom Dale Bros., The Evans. W. Haggood, Jess Kern, Gerald E. Cox, Ida CatherineBeano. Marie Anderson, H. E. Bennett, Joe (Kid)Carey, Joe Dale. Lawn Evens. Britt Haines, Fred Keine', AI Cox. Manilla Jenkins, Mrs. BessieReek, Mrs. Viola Anderson. James Bennett, Owen Carlos, Don Daley, Art. Eversole, A. M. Hale, D. D. Keyes, Bill Crane. Mrs. S. S. Jennings, Mrs. Reese, Mrs. BobbleAnderson, Tinny LeeBennett, Russ Cantle, Hank Dalvine. Harry F. & M. Amuse. Co.Hale, Prince Eco Keyton, Clarence Crumley, Mrs. E. C. HaroldRenton, Mrs. Al. Andre, Jack Bennington. R. L. Carman, Jerry LarryDaly. Wm. B.. Jr. Fahey. Frank Haley, Geo. Kid.der. Chas. Cuba, Miss Joy Jewell, Mrs. CliffordRice, Betty Andrews, Capt. Beason, Clennle J. Carmel, Fred Dangerfleld, Maxey Font, H. C. Haley, Doc. T. H. Klermaler, Josepha Cunningham, MarieJewell, Loretta Richards, Mrs. Eddie Andy Eddie C.Bentley, Sam & Carmichael, Red Dandy Dixie Farley. Buck Hall, John Kleser, Chas. Curtis, Mrs. Date Johnston, Mrs. Richards, Eleanor Andrews, Clift BettyCarpenter. Charles P.Daniels. Rlckless Farrar, Jean & JaneHall, Lee Meth, Frank Davidson, Mrs. JudithRitchie. Marie (Shoes)Berger, Harry Carpenter, Doc. Daniels, Richard Farrar, Verlin Hall, Tom J. King, Alfred Wealt DorothyJules, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Andrews, Dudley Berger, Milton J. Carr, Charles Darden, Robert Farrell, G. Frisco Hanle. Robert King, Allen Davidson, Mrs. Katherine DaisyAndrews, James Bergeron, Carl Carr, Joe Darlene. John Farrell. J. W. Rally, Dick King, Edmond George E.Karr, Mrs. DimplesRocco, Mrs. EmmaAndrews, KoKoMo Berman. Al Carr, J. H. Daugherty. Tommy Faughtner, Larry Halprin, Eddie King, E. M. Davis. Mrs. Ann Keating. Kathryn Rogers, Mrs. B. E. Anthony, Burnpsy Bernard, Al Carr, Merle Dault & LaMarr Emir Carl Halstrom Twins King, J. Francis Davis, Mrs. Annie Kelley, Mrs. DorothyRogers, Mrs. Jean Anthony, Milo Bernard, Capt. Wm.Carrigan, James J. Davenport, Orrin Feagin, Robert (Bob)Hamilton. Damon King, John Jr. May BaxterRogers, Mamie Arcturus. Prof. Bernett, E. I . YellowCarroll, Billy & KittyDavidson, I.. A. Feldheine, Chas. M.Hamilton, G. W. King, J. Val Davis, Betty D. Kelly. Mrs. Andy Rollins, Mrs. MaryArger, Tommy Berry. Geo. Carroll, Dave Davis, James N. Feltz, Nabor Doc.King, Russell Davis, Mrs. Del Kelly, Mrs. Edith Rollins, Mrs. R. R.Argo, Cecil Berry. H. Carsey, Jingle Davis, Monty Felton. Harry C. Hamilton. 011ie King, Sidney Davis, Mrs. GrahamKelly, Mrs. Fanny Rooney, Mary Armstrong. Chas. Bersen, Jack IngrsollDavis, 0. P. Ferguson, Roy Hammond, Bill King, Tony Davis, Mrs. Jane Kelly, Mrs. Mable Rose & Victoria Armed, Arthur Bertrand, Joe Carsky, Al Davis, Paul Ferhnune. Ferry Ilammond, Earl Kingdon, Sid Davis, Mrs. Rose Kelly, Mrs. Mae Rose, Athel Arran, Jack Best, Sam Carter, Chas. Davis, P. H. Ferrell. Geo. W. Hammond, Geo. Kinsey, Morris Day, Mrs. Joan (Mother)Ross, Mrs. Cleo Arrowood, Jake Bey, Ben Carter, F. Davis. Sunny Ferris, Johnnie Hampton, John KInton, 1)ean, Miss Agnes Kent, Mrs. Sarah Ross, Maybell Arthur, Walt. Biddle. Frederick W.Carter, Ralph Dawkins, Speedy (Jack)Hamoka, Frank Commodore M. Dean. Mrs. Dollie Kenton, Hester Rowe, Mrs. MaudeAruhelm, Edward Big Chief Comedy Case, E. W. Dawson, R. K. Fiber, Roxy Hamton, James Kirk, Joe Dean, Mrs. Jerry s, Sticks Ruddy, Mary Ashton, Harry, Jr. Co.Castle. Chester Dawson, Skinny (Candy FlossHancock, Bob Kirkwood, Gene DeCara, Mrs. Kester, Hazel Rudick, Mrs. EstelleAshworth, Arthur L.!Indere& Michael Castle, Whip Day, Harvey Field, H. F. Hancock, J. C. Kirma, Dr. FrancisKeyko. Mrs. Bee Russell, Mrs. ClaraAstern, Manito !limbo, Sam Causton. C. Day, Tim. 0. Fillmore. Charles H. Hanell, C. H. Kisch. Albert DeCisare Mrs. JaneKetchum, Mrs. SallyRussell, Mrs. HarryAtherton, Ernest Binder, Herman Cavalier'. Geo. Dean, Fink's Mules Hankinson, Ralph Kissinger. ('has. Decker, Mrs. Joe Kid, Mrs. Texas Ryan, Gladys Atkins, R. J. Biscow. reader Casten), V. I.. DeArvil, Lawrence Finnerty. John Hanna, G. W. Kiseny, (Bill) LouiseKillian. Mrs. Rose Sartwell. Dorothy Atterbury, Arthur Bittinger. Larry Cgoffan, Mogi M.Fish, Jimmy Hannah, John Kitchens, J. G. De Glenn, Mrs. MaeKimball, Mrs. Scarbrough. Estill Audry, Al Blackburn, Geo. Chambers, Earl Decker, Harry Fisher. Al. Hannegan. Jimmie Kitzman. Francis DeHayes, Ida BlancheSchellenberg, Mrs. Augestad, Arnt. BlackleChampion, I. J. Decker, Joe Flaherty, Dr. Ed. Harbin, Howard Kling, Frank Gerry Dellabate, Mrs. Kimm. Miss V. C. J. E.Austin, Harry Blackle, Jack Ward Champion, Jack Deetz, C. C. Flanagan, Tex Hardin. L. H. Klingman, Walter ErnestKing. Mrs. Molly Schmidt, Agnes Avery, Billy Blackstone, Vick Chapman, J. W. DeForest, Jimmie Flynn. Robert W. Harding. Alt. M. Klipnger, J. H. Denislee, Marion Kitchen. Marie Scott, Mrs. Babe Babst. Eugene Blackwell, Grady Chapman. Diebelbes. Harry H.Fohlbrook, Ted. F. Harding, G. W. Klujeske, Harold Deveran, Maxine Kling, Mrs. Marie Scott, Mrs. Edna Bedget-Foot, ChiefBlake. Larry Chappell, Ben DeKok. Dutch Foley, Jack Hartos. Geo. R Knight. Oliver Al Dollena, Madam Klinghlle, Laredo Scott. Mrs. L C. Baer, Arthur 0. Blanch. Gee. & R0810Charneski. Felix Delacruze, Juan Folin. Dave Hardwick, S. W. Knox, Hernodn Dolletta, Madam Knisely, Mrs. R. G.Scott, Mrs. Nina B.Bailey, Al (Hap) Bliss, Red Checoma, Mike (Midgets)Fondan. Claude (Slim)Kobacker, Robert Domer, Mrs. R. V. Kotord. Mrs. Wm. Scott, Mildred Bailey, Wm. Blitz, Plnkey Cheney, Argle Delaney, Harry Ford. Prot. C. Harper. Alfred Koban, Ketch' Dont& Jolly Kresiler. Sue Selby, Pat Bette. Eugene Blood, Geo. Chepluck, Herman Delhart, Bee nerd Ford, Geo. Harrell. Ralph Kobe, Mack Donohoe. Mrs. ViolaLaBan. Claire Shaw, Mrs. J. B. Baker, Jack & Jo DeBloom, Mike Childers, Roy Helton, Leon Ford. Dr. L B. Barrie'. I.. H. Koko, the Clown Dorey. Mrs. Eddie LaBenten, Juanita Shebe, Marion Baker, M. H. Bloom. Robert Chipman, Harry P. Delmar. C. L. Fort, Chas. Harris Alfred Kork, Bobby Dorothea. Lady LaRovela, JacquelineShepard. Mrs. Baldwin, C. C. Blue, Ray S. Cholet, Paul DeLong Family, TheFortier, Frank JosephHarris Bill Koski, T. Dooley, Mary LaPorte, Thelma Harriet E.Baldwin, Geo. W. Bohannan, S. W. Christensen, Grant DeLoyer, A. L. Fortoise, Patrick Hartle Dick Kraft, Perry Dowling, Elaine M. C.Shepard, Monica Ballard, Roy Borden. Leon C.DeMarco, John Forton, Les Harris Geo. Nofkle Krell, Sam Downey. Evelyn Laing, Mrs. NormaSheridan, Mrs. Balzer, Raymond Boswell. W. S. Church, I. M. DeMarlo. Harry Fortune. Geo. Harris Harry Kramer, Joe Driscoll, Juanita Lambert. Mrs. Lottie DorothyBanks, Alfred Bouge, Danny L. Church, J. M. Demetro, Archie Foster, Dock Harris Jack (Slim) Kranick, Andy Drohan, Margaret Lambert. Mrs. Sherwood, Florence Hanle Nick Kriswell, Ray Dubbs, Neva MarionShore, Mrs. Jack Foumas, A. T. Harris Pocket -Book Kuehnel, Julius Due, Velma Lamoureux, Eva Short, Mrs. F. A. Fox. J. P. Harris Shorty Kukn, Edw. P. Dugan, Donna Lampman. Slenes, Mrs. D. B. When Writingfor Advertised Mail, Please Use Postcards.Foy Children, EddieHarris Walter C. Kualck, John Dusett, PoleY Marguerite Long the Forwarding Address Is to Be Used.Franks, Abe Harrison, Elude Sus,Alfred. Jr. Dumont, Cleo Lang, Mrs. Helen F.SS g nm sa; DI ter yy Also State How 32 The Billboard LETTER LIST February 6, 1937 LaFara. Frank McGowan, Robt. LaGune, Vance Moreno, J. B. Pittman, Pitt Saveland, Clarence Taylor, Milt White Bird, Chief Winters, Billie McGregor, H. G. Morgan, Carl Pitts, Harley Sawbuck, Eddie Teeters, Heavy MAIL ON HAND AT LaMont. Charles BlackleMorgan, Edward Plank, Tom Whitefield & Winters, J. W. LaMont, Jevon McGuey, F. W. Saylor. Geo. C. Tellers, Tol ReardingWinters, Jimmie Leklore, Jack Morgan, James A. Piankell, Keith Schaffer, Blackle Telsenberg. Albert Whitefield, Harry Wolfe, Jack ST. LOUIS OFFICE McGuire. Wm. Morgan, Johnny Plutrihoff, Wilbur Schaffer, Charles Temme, Wm. Whitehorse. Chief LaPorte. Jules FrankMorgan, Louis Plyier, C. M. Wolf. Sidney 390 Arcade Bldg. LaRenco, Rol McInnis, Norman Schaffer, C. Jack Templeton, Forest Whittington. Chas. Wonder, Tom & Eighth and Olive Ste. LaRose, Orville 0. Morris, Claude Poe. Eugene Schelnck, Jack Terpon, Circus Willard, Clyde Betty McKeone, Michael Morris, Edw. K. Polk, 011ie Schenare, J. C. ShortyWilliams, Barney LaRue. Ted McKey, Harold Morris, Frank Pollitt, John Woods, Bobby LaVerne, Al. McKinnel, Gordon Schilling, Geo. Terrell, Billie Williams, Chas. Woody Parcel Post LaVine Troupe Blackle AlexanderSchillinger, Tiny ' Tharne, Jery DomeWoods, Bob FrenchyMorris, John Polock, Sid Schleicher, Millard Thatcher, Robt. D. Williams, C. J. Wear', Robt. L. LeBurno, Bob, 5c Lacy. Leo McLane, Robt. H. Morris, M. Penne: Ben K. IaltherWoody McLaughlin, Charles Theis, Al., Esq. Williams, Dixie Joe Wood, Bryan Lake, Ed. Red Morris, Ted Pope, Billy & Schmuck, Carl Theriew, Henry Williams, E. WhiteyWood, Douglas A. McLaughlin, Morris, W. A. ConeluteSchooley. Edgar I. Thomas, H. 0. Williams, Geo. Ladies' List Lamar. Brownie KennethMorrissey, D. T. Pope, Stanton C. Wood, F. M. Lamb. Ray Popeye McLaughlin, Wm. Schopp, Lawrence Thomas, Jack Kitty ClownWoodard, R. W. Bennington, Mrs. Merrill, Mrs. J. G. Lambert, K. E. Morrissey. Till Poplin, Clarence Schrieber. J. Fred Thomas, Loren Williams, Geo. L. Woods, Walter Robert M Ilstead, Joyce M.Morse, Joe C. Poplin, Jewell Schultz, Omar Thomas, Tummy Williams, J. Roger Woodson, M. S. Butcher, Mrs. 0. J. Mills, May Lamb. Tony E. McMahon, ThemesMorse, Virgil L. RhinehartSchusckok, Louis Carson, Mrs. Geo. Lamont. Geo. A. McMinn, F. R. Mortensen, Fred Thomleson, Nelson Williams, J. W. Worshay, Irving Mullins, Mrs. John Lamore, Jack X. McNally Variety Potts. Harvey Scott, Earl Thompson, Geo. Williams, James Worthins Co. Carter -Steward, Newman, Bess Lampton, Jack Mortensen, Mort Powell. Bobble Scott, L. C. Thompson, Herman Williams, John M. Wortham, John T. ElizabethNita & Bernville ShowMorton, L. 0. Powell, Holton Striver, Fred Slim Thompson, James Williams, Les C. Wright, H. L. Conyer, Mrs. Parsons. Mrs. Ray Lancaster, Cliff. McNeeley, J. D. Moser, Wyman Powell, Capt. Jack Landis. John McPeak, Robt. E. Scruggs, Forrest, N.Thompson, Williams, Lucky Wright, Leo. C. MaybellePhillips, Virginia Landis, Richard R. MOM, Lee Powell, S. H. Scruggs, Jack Midget BuddyWilliams. Orval Wright. Marion Dodson, Mrs. Pumroy, Mrs. Meeks, Al. Mossholder, Ralph Powell. Walter Scully, Tom Thompson, W. H. Williams, Pascal LaMotte Landes, Robt. J. Mack, Cublan Moyer, Ken Powers, Al. D. Wupl, Chas. Delorde Lane, C. E. Maddens9tIllian Seamster, }Mackie CurleyWilliams, Terry Wyoming Duo Fuller, Bess Reynolds, Mrs. Lane, Cecil R. Mueller, Tex Powers, Doc. D. A. Sears, Louisville Thornton, Robt. E. Williams, Vernon Heft', Mrs. James Peggy PlayersMundee & June Powers, Rex James AlbertThorson. Carl J. Willie -West & Yario, John Hester, Mrs. Mae Lane, Frank B. Maddox, Bob Murdock Bros. ShowPrather, Henry H. Yarnell, Bob Riding, Mrs. Lola lane Jack Sediquist, Harvey D.Threepersona, Chas. McGintyYates. Marty Hollis, Dorothy Scott, Mrs. Marie Lanfirk, Chuck Madonick, Harry Murand & Girton Preaveau, Joe & Seigrist, Louis Thunderbird Herd Willis. Billy Hulbert. Mrs. DociaSherman, Mrs. Mahoney, Scott Murphy, D. J. Mona&Herd), charley Willis, J. W. Yellow Bird, Joe Hurley, Mrs. L. Lang. Billy Malinowskl. WalterMurphy, Earnest C. Co. York, R. Dick Thelma Lang, H. J. Prentice, Billy Seigert, Thos. Tierney Troupe Willis, Macon E. Youman, Ralph Johnson, Gertrude Stein, Mrs. Bee Lang, Walter Malone, Frank Murphy, E. J. Preston, A. V. &tarifa, Billy Tiffanys, The Willson, C. Jukes, Mrs. Louise Stoneman, Mrs. Joe Malone, Spike Murphy, Frank X. Price the Magician Seltzer, Lewle Wilson, Clyde Young, Roscoe Julan, Mrs. Frank Land, Regues Manley, Harold A. Murphy, Harry A. Prickett, H. I) Tilson, Ben Young, Toby Valley. Helen Large, H. P. Selz, Val Timblin, Slim Wilson, Earl Youngblood, Zeke Kelley, Marion Vogt, Miss Dolile Larkin, Jim Mann, Joe Murphy, Dr. Jack Jr.Pringle, Everett D. Shaner, J. F. Timmons, Ted Wilson. Harry E. King, Mrs. Harry Webster, Evelyn Larry. P. G. Mann. Nate Murphy, Pat Prior, Jerome Shannon, Geo. W. Todack, Jos. Wilson, Lloyd Zand, Murray Lavine, Madam Wimmer, Mrs. Jerry Larkin, Karl Manning, Otis Murphy, S. R. Proudley, Spot Shannon, J. R. Todd, Edw. MickeyZeagler, Alvin Lee, Mrs. Sophie Wolfe, Mrs. E. E. Larrie, P. G. Mansfield, Cyril Murray, Jack Pucci, Baron Sharkey, Geo. E. Todd, K. W. Wilson, Max & DotZenoz, L. Malone, Mrs. R. P. Young, Bonnie W. M. Mantle, Johnnie Murray, J. J. Purl. Billy Sharkey. Ted Tom Tom Spotted Wilson. Sam Zimmerman, Gerald Marshall, Mrs. R. H.Young, Peggy Lasweli, Thos. W. Manya & Drigs Murry, Mal Qualls, Knox Sharpe, Maxie ManWiltse, Cash Zimmer, Joe Latham, Billy Maples, Bruce Murray, Robt. G. Quilan, Martin Sharpiteen, Ernest Tom, Frank Winkle, Rip Zinn, John Gentlemen's List Laurello, M. March, Walter Murray, Wayne C. Quinn. Floyd Shartell, 0. P. Tom, Geo. Winter. August Zupkofska, Bernard Lau.shell, Wm. CurleyMurray, W. H. Quinn, Lloyd Shaw, Kid Tomaini, Al. Alexander, C. C. Jones, Jonle Margo & Rena Jurrell, Paul Radcliffe S. D. Shayse, Raymond Tompson, Jack (Hawk)Kluane, Dick La one, Walter E. Margolen, Max Muscat, J. H. Radtke, Art Wm. MAIL ON HAND AT Alexandra, Jack Lawrence, Larry Myers, Robert Townes, Richard Katz, Clarence Lewes, Claude I). Marino, Angelo Ralston, W. Sheen, Geo. Townson. 0. M. Alfred, Jack & June Kelly, Ted Lawrence, Dewitte Marion, Stanley Myers, Timmy Rankin, Howard H.Sheasley, Geo. Townson, M. NEW YORK OFFICE Baker, T. L. Kirkman, 0. Lay. Walter Bula Markee, Vince Myiie, Sam Rankin. Tom Sheboo. Eddie Tracey, Arthur M. Banks, Wally Knox, Harry Layman, Hobard Marks, Joe Nettle Troupe Rao, N. H. Shelton, Candy Trainer, Howard S. 1564 Broadway Barton, Paul S. Kratz, George Layne. Don Marian& Tom Names. Art Rarich, Kenneth Shelton, Toby Traugett, Dave Bass, Jean Kreus, F. H. Marlowe, Roy Nathansen, Sidney &Willi, Carl Sheppard, Chas. Treaty, J. P. Beach, Harry Lamb, Rufus Scott Lazarus, Ben Marple, Len Nordin', Paul Rawlinson, Odell Sherlef, I. Ladies' List Bell, Cannon Ball La.Aar, Martin Neley, Tama Frank Treadway, Shorty S. Lance, Jhonnie Lazone, Elmer Mars, Walter J. Ray, Jack Sherman, Dan Trenter, Warner Adair. Estelle Lines, Beulah Bell, L. H. Lane, Selwyn E. LeBeau, PeeWee, Marsden, Frank TexNelson, Art Ray, Ralph Sherman, John Troy. J. J. Benton, Arch Leonard, Jack Marshall, Phil Nelson, Bert C. Ray, Tommy CurleySherman, Tex Troy, Jack Alexander, Bettie Lloyd, Helen Billick, Harry E. Lovett. George Esq. Nelson, Edward Raymer, Walter J. Sherwin, Dan C. Arden, Joan Lopez, Kay Bowman, 1). F. LeBair, Dutch Marten, Bill & Nelson, Harry S. Truesdale, Tyman Barlow. Florence Luna. Mrs. Elias Lucas, Jack LeNarce, Edw. Buddy Raymond, Prof. Sherwood, James Tubbe, Jimmie Bede, Ardeth McArthur, Alice Bowser, William Lynch, Eddy Leal. Johny Martin, Dr. Nelson, Kid Chas.Shoats, Jess Tucker, Hoxie Braatz, Selma Brantley, Morgan MeDaniels, W. H. Martin, Fred Nelson, Lomax B. Raymond, Geo. G. Shock, Red Turner, Clarence Manny penny, Mae Brice, Chief McDonald, Anthony Leavitt, Alden Nelson, Morris Raymond, Hickey Shope, Nig Carson. Emily Martin, Alice Brown, Geo. W. Leavitt. Harry Martin, Harry Nelson, N. C. Turner, J. C. Chester, Sally Mason, Geraldine H. Ledox, Jas. Martin, Jerry Reading, Arthur Shoptaw, Ray Turner, Roy Clark. Ernestine Mason, Virginia Brown, Raleigh McLain. H. R Lee, Bob Martin, L. E. (Fat)Earner, J. F. Reading, Chas. Shores, Buck Tuthill. E. W. Conchita, Miss Bryer, Bill McLaughlin, Wm. Martini, B. D. Neel, Archie R. Reagle, H. B. Shultz, Capt. Tyner, Aurelius Mass. Mrs. Tiny Bryer, Charlie C. McMillan, G. J. Lee, Charles New. Bert Real, Cliff Wm. K. D'Avis, Yvonne WailesHoley, Paul Lee, Doe J. W. Martini, Duke Newton, Billy S. Uhler Bras. Co. Davison, Estelle Messer, Juliette Mehra, Prince Lee, Kentucky Mason, Dick Reano, Wm. Shumway, Zeke Umpleby, 0. R. Delmar, Sonny Miller, Jeanne Bunch, Sam Mansur, Shady Mason, Eaton E. Newton, Clyde Real, Pelt! & LesterShwartz, Herman Unrath, Barney De Lacey, Fern Burns, Frank J. Martin. Tommy lee, Rex Newton. Cly C. Rekclaw, Dan Sibley, Walter K. Mills. Helen Burns, Jesse M. Mel -Rol Lee, Roy Mason. Harry W. Newton, Earl Underhill, Howard DeVere, Billie Mitchell, Jerry Leff, Eddie Mason Dr. H. Record,Joe Sigel, Harry Vail, Frank DeWitt, Bobble Moore, Katherine Carter, F. Miller, Chris Leffel, E F. RalphNewton, Harold V. Red, Nellie Silverberg, W. Van Arden. Geo. C. Engel, Gertrude Clark, I. J. Miller, Obert Mason, Ray Newton, J. T. Redbird, Joe. Simmons, Bert Van, Arnam, Chas. Nelles, Pal Claudette, Claude Mitchell, Fred Lefton, Abe Niblo, J. B. Redding, C. E. Fat Simms, Bob Eton, Frances Northrup, Lila May Lehr. Raynor Massey. Al. Van Arne, Pete Faire. Germaine Nye, Rhea Clawson. Ralph J. Meier, P. M. Lenox. Jack Mathews, Ben Nicholas, Leo Redman, Dr. J. H. Simpson, Bill L. Van Buren. ReginaldFara. Marta Clay. Henry Murry, George Mathewson, JimmieNicholas, Tom Readrick. Chas. SpudSimpson, Cameron Van Campen, HarryFerry, Hattie Schmidt. Agnes Coffelt, W. R. Nice. Jimmy Lentini, Frank Nichols. Rudy Reese C I. Simpson, Frank M. Cook, Eugene O'Brien, Lou Leon, Nate Mathis, Gene Mahan, Ned Van Dyke, H. WalterGilsdorf, Fay D. Schwartz, Gretel Leonard, W. M. Matthews, Bennett. Reed, Ben H. Sinclair, Wm. Van Hooser, Clyde Hanna, Eva Shaw, Olga Cooper, A H. Pasha Leslie, J. Burt Jr.Nickerson, Earnestc.Reed. B. V. Sisk, Pat Van, Kenneth Hart, Louise Shore, Lois Cooper, John W. Pasha. Evlym Bill Lester, Geo. Mattingly. Henry Reed. Ted Skinner, Leroy Van Lodwick, FrankHill, Eva Sullivan, Betty Cowan, Lynn Ferrell. My zell Matson, Edw. R. Nickerson, S. W. Reed, Walter S. Skiver, Charles Van Pool, Marshall Holt, Victoria Talisma, Miss Daly, Fred Plank, Harry L. Leroy, Jack Nixon, Rube Redding,Dad Siauser, Carl Vegetal, Irma Davidson. She. idan Power:: Leo Leslie. F. F. Maurice, Dr. N. J. Noe, Frank Van Velzer. Kaimban, Helen Leslie, Don Maurice, Ossified Reeves, Chas. B. Small, Paul Donald K.Karker, Flo Wagneman, Jeanne G.Preston, Sidney Mauterstock, W. NoMett, Boyne Reeves. Curtis J. Smith, C. C. Vance, Fred C. Davis, Carl DeV. Price, I). M. Lester, John Nolte, Emory Rehn. Geo. W. Smith, Carl, Shorty Kennedy, Elenor Walker, Virginia RayDavis, Elmer T. Reed, C. S. 1.ster Ventriloquist Mayberry, Doc. Nookaiane, Dan Varnell, Chick Kirchoff, Mary E. Wasserman, Billie Leverton, Bob Mayer, Geo. F. Reichman, Joe Smith, Chas. RhinerVaughn, Harry C. KYtola, Sonia Watkins, Alzoris Davis. James Reed. Ted Maxfield; Rock Norman. Karyl Reick, Johnnie Smith, Clarence W. Vaughn, Jack Davis, P. H. Rhodes, James Levine, Able Norris, Lee Reilly, Bill Smith, C. Y. Lamar. Marie West, Elsie Day Doc Levine, Ben Mayer. Frank J. Norton, Carl Vaught, H. M. La Marr, Anita Weston, Clara Rigsbee, W. H. Levin, Mike Mayman, Gil. Renfro, Toby Smith. Ed. Venable, Joe Ice Marr, Jackie White, Bett DeAngelis. Ricardo Roma, Rajah Mayman, Dave Norton, Jack Reno. Montreal Smith. Jimmy Verdon, Mark DeRoesigknob, LouisROM, Jimmie Levitt, Jake Norton, W. H. Reno, Paul Smith, J. D. , Smitty Leigh, Mabel Wright, Helen DeVoe, Ray Sadler. Harley Levy, Eric Mechanic, Sam Norvell, Bill Vernon, Wally Lewis. Herman Meeker, AI Reno, Sax Smith, J. Davis Verran, Wm. T. Deneke, W. C. Sailor, Robert Lewis, Dr. J. Meeker. Frank Norwood, Jack Reynolds, P. C. Smith, L. R. Victor Victoria Doran. James (Red)Saulven, Sammy MeMe the Clown Novarro, Monte Reynolds, Torn Smith, Lacy Victor, Joe Gentlemen's List Dudley, Harry Saunders, 0. B. HamiltonMeltona, Leon Novikoff, Geo. Rhea. Joe E. Smith, J. Lacy Villa, Pancho Jr. Adams, Geo. W. Keck. Edward Duffy, Bruce Seltzer, Louie Lewis. Lefty Melville. Bert Nugger, Sol Rhodes. Thus. A. Smith. Marvin Virgil the MagicianAlbin. M. P. Kelley, Mr. & Mrs.Dunn, George E. Sewell, C. M. Lewis, Reno meizora. Buster Nuton, James Rice, Alvie C. Smith, Roy Vlado, Miller Alma & Roland J. J.Firestone, J. C. Sewell, Curley M. Lewis, Trevor M. O'Connor. Michael Rice, Big Barn Smith, Sailor Amodec, Sam Franks, Abe Lewis, Willie Mendez & Rallous O'Conner, T. J. Vogstad, Geo. Kervin, Arthur Shank land, Lane Lexell, Ben Merlane, Rice, Glen Smith. Sammy Yokel, Geo. Ayler, SidneY Kvale, Alfred J. Fredericks, Freddie Shankland, Rex Leyland. C. I.. the MagicianO'Day. Tim Richards. Fred A. Smith, W. C. Volunteer State Baker. Theodore, A,Landon, Thad Fulkerson, Rube Sherwood, James O'Hara. Johnny Richard. Roy Sneck, Hubert ShowBarton. Geolhe Lauralne Albert Gamble, Eddie Shipley, Earl Lieberweitz, Sam Merrill, Fred O'Hara, Roger Richey, Billy Snedeker, H. Ray Bede, Cpt. Harry Goad, Dude tiff, Eddie Marten', Frank O'Malley, Pat Wagoner, Harry L. LazarusJules Sidenberg, Sid Lilly. W. R. Mew, Chief Richey. John Snider, Geo. E. Wall, Carl Belmont, Jere A. Lee, W. J. Goldberg, Sam Sims, Silas Rubin 1.1nd, Art Meyer. Clint V. O'Malley. R. Richmond, Marvin Snitz, Billy Wallace, James E. Bender, H. "Kelly'. teeters, Lucky Gorman Bros. TentSkrypek, l'eter O'Neal. Bob Richter. Dick Snyder. Bill Wallace, Jimmie Benson, Tim Lines, Arthur L. ShowSnellenburg. Chas. Lindenmuth.ThomasMeyer. Edw. A. O'Neal, Major Tom Ridenour, Fay Snyder, Harry C. Berardi. Fred Graham. J. B. Linneger, Paul Meyers, Geo. O'Neil, Philip E. Waller, Fats Mac, Mr. & Mrs. Jac Carlyn Linement, Albert Meyers, Johnny S. Riely. Tommey Sordalet, Henry Wallrich, Hyke Bergman, E. Marc, Gray, Jack (Smoke)Spears, William Linx, Jack Meyer. Linford O'Shea, King Rigging, Tommie Sousa, Henry Walsh, Eddie Berk. Neil Martinez,n e Great Greenlee. Jerry Stark, Mack Robt. Lippman, Eddie Meyers, Ralph , Garman, Frank Rigby. John Sparks, Joe Walsh, Gene Black. Dan Greiner, Charles Steele, Benny Oddrey, Frank Riggs, H. W. Speerlss, Curley Walsh, Jack Boardman, Ralph McCarthy, Patrick J.Guiment, Clarence Stevens, Mecham Little. Jack Meyer. Robt. Odom, Homer Riley. Sam Sperry Players Steven Hancock, Bob Little, Ted Miles, Guy H. Ogden, Geo T. Walsh, Johnnie & McNeely & Chapman Stotler, Tex Lock, Wm. Harvey Miller. Alvin, Rindlons, P. C. Spheerls, Andrew RuthBohn, Norman Meier, Joseph Hansen, Al C. Stowmai., Joe Olenick, John Rinehart, Jack Sprague, T. Boulanger, Charlie mnelyiererhEdoff,wHDem:y Locke, Wallace F. Miller, Chris H. Oliver, Capt. Waiters, Jimmie & Harridge, Delmar &Sucher, Herbert L. Loeb. Charles Miller, E. F. (Rusty) Rio, Joe Springer. Clifford F. BettyBrown, Dallas NellieThomas, Jack Shows Oliver, Dare Devi" Ritchy, Billy S. Clair, Bob Walters, Oda Brown & Brown mMolirrinirnL.L.D. (Bird) Harris, E. P. Logsdon. Billy Miller, Fred M. Oliver. Otis. Lyle Ritter. Beans St. Clair, Earnest Cabell, Rodney Hartwig, John E. Thomas, Ray Lomar, Bob Jr. Miller, H. J. Olives, Amerika Waite, Jack Thompson, Alfe Looff, Wm. Miller. J. D. Rittley, Harry St. John, W. E. Ward, Geo. Camp. Herb Murphy, Wm. Harvey, Earl G. Orbogen, Geo C. Rivers, Jack. CurleySt. John, Tex Warner, Alberto Casper, Joe Norton, James B. Harvey, Roger Thompson. Howard Loomis, Harold E. Miller, James E. Osborne, Bob Robbins, Clarence Steals, Earle E. Comets, Four Hessen, Ben Thompson, Lee Loper, Don Miller, J. & B. Hillbilly Warner, Claborn Norton, Warren Thorson. Norman Lovell, M. Miller. J. Robert Roberge, Victor Stack, Fair I.. Jackson (Skaters) Heftl, James Toby Comedians Miller, H. L. Owens, Frank Roberson. George Stanley, Clipper Warner, Cleo. Corey, Joe O'Hara, Flake Henderson, E. L. Lovett. Geo. Owen, Harry Roberts, Bill Stanley, Joe StunipyCourtney, Al Henderson, T. M. Tuberville. Frank Lovett, Sid Miller, Leo. Pablo, Don Roberts, Jas. C. Stanley, Las Cowan, Harry C. Hill, Eddie Valdo, Pat Lowrey, Samy Miller Lloyd D. Pacific Amuse Co. Warner, Doc. Perry, Emil° Loyal. Alt. Miller, Phil Roberts. Jack Stanley, P. Isla Warner, Guy Crosman, Forrest E.Pell, Ernest Hockenberry, Louis Walters, Curley Paddock, Harold Roberts. Kay Stanley, Steve Warren, B. Doe. Daly. Smiley Poison, Arvl'l Hoffman, Johnnie N.Wear, Bennie Lucas, Steve A. Miller, R. A. Page. Jack Roberts. Roy Stanley, Thom. G. Datell, J. Luck's, Geo. Miller, Vick Palmer, I,a Warren, Jack Powers. James F. Howard, Johnny White. Charlie Ludwig, Prince Milletts, C..M. Robinson, Bow Jr. Starkey, John Warren, Richard Daverin, Jack Ptak, Anthony Hudson, Harry A. White, Gaylord Palmer, Wm. PlinnyRobinson, Charlie Starr. Dave Warren, Robt. Davenport, Dclbert Pertain, Harry Hunter, Blackle Williams, Richard CharlesMilliken, J. A. Palmerton, Guy M.Rocco, Phil Stephenson, Gen. L. Lukow, Alfred Millman, Bird Parcel, 1,. E. Warren, W. A. Davis, Tad Pole Radtke, Bruno Illinois, Harry Williams, Vern A. 1.umpkins, Bat Mills, Carl B. Roche, John T. Stephenson, Ted Washington. T. Geo.Dawson. P Ray, Edward Johnson. Jessie Wilson, Pop Pamirs. Dr. Chas. H.Rockwell, Royal Sterling, Frank Watkins, Altera Delmar. Joseph Redington, Joe Lundgren, Ed. Mills, Richard Parker,Chas. M. Rodgers. A. B. Sterling, Johnnie Lund, Willie Milner, C. Parker, Jerry Watkins, Mark Densmore, Speedy Redlich, George MAIL ON Lungford, Roy Miltona, Leon Rodgers, Brahma Steve, Eli R. Watson, Harold De Vine, Lew (Dutch) HAND AT Parker, Russell Rodgers, Tom Stevens, Dan Watts, Cotton DI Pudro. John Reed, King Lushbaugh, H. E. Mimme. Otis Parks, E. F. Rogers, Harry &MayStewart. C. C. CHICAGO OFFICE Lutz. Jerome Minton, R. H. Parks, F. Howard Wayland. Fred Doherty. Joseph A. Reynolds, James Lyle, Ace Miserman, Eddie Rogers, la I.. Stewart, Harvey Weaver. Jerry Dumont, Arthur Rice. Alexander Pastelwalte, Wm. Rogers, Wm. Stewart, Royal Weaver, Julius Edwards, Buddy Roberson, James 600 Woods Bldg. Lyman, A. H. ClarkPatterson, Eugene Roland. N. P. Lynch, Cotton Mistrot. , R. W. Webo, Airship Erdell, Russell RRgbbininssoon.e, Jpecrotees 52 W. Randolph St. Lyncy. H. T. YorkRoll, HI Stewart. Toby Webb, Boston Finkle. William Mitchell, Charley Paull, F. W. Rolley. Jo Stienwinder, J. M. Webb, James A. Fitz -Gerald, John D.Rogers, Rod MseAleese, J. A. Mitchell, Eli Pearson, John H. Romelli. Tony Stone, Geo. B. MacDonald. CharlesMitchell, Frank C. Pearson. Lem Webb, Johnnie & Forrest, Harr) Rogers, Steve (Dan) Ladies' List MacNeill, Albert W. G L. Roop. Everett S. Stone, Sandy Mary (Balto. Shorty) Pearson, Leonard Rose, Athel Stoneman. Joe Webber, A. R. Fouche, Arno SaBarvnareo.seFrakAnnthony Armour, Hazel Kenyon, Frankie McAlister, Tate Mitchell, James Peaveys, The TattooedStopeck, Harry Webber. Cad Fowler, Floyd Shaw. Ralph Beeman, Therlsa LeBeau, Louise McArdell, E. J. BabaPeek. Geo. W. Rase, J. G. Stopper, Kid Wechsler, Wm. Fox, Benny & BettySheardon, Jack Bradley. Caroline Lee, Patsy of McArthur. Red Mitchell, Jas. G. Pelke, Chester Rose. L01118 Stout, C. T. Weeks, Gerald Frank, Tamma Shepard. from Holy Brant, Bobbie DesMoines MeAtee, Robert Mitchell, Johnnie Pelkin, Elmer Rosen, H. Straten, Benny Weeae, Otto Fruiter. Pete Brown, Hallin Lorow, Mrs. V. J. McCall, Al. Mitchell, John Peppers, Abe Rosen, Joe Cobb, Mildred M. McCampbell, A. P. Mitchell, Pet Parcel', P. B. Strewal, Geo. Weiner, Herman Freddie. Armless SPA, August Mann. Marcia McCanless, Marvin Rosenberg. Archie String, Ervin Weliver, Col. W. E. WonderSmith, Samuel C,ornalla, Lula Marks, F.Ida Mitchell, Steve G. Perkins, Fred A. Roger, Roy Strode, Bill Jr.Fry, Harry W. Brook° Davis, Rose Marsh, Andrea McCarthy, Mitchell, Walter Perring, Ray Rasewall, Abe Stutts, J. C. Wells, Albert Gerber, Alfred F. Somers, Slim Duryen, Frankie Newman. Peggy McCarty. I. Mitchell, W. M. Perry. Frank Roes, Bert Snares, Baldy Joe Wells. Jimmy Gilbert, Jack Spans Baking Co. Emerald Sisters, TheOppenhelm, McCauley. . L. Mittle, Theo. Perry, James Ross. D. 1.. Fending, Mrs. E. L. McCellan, Mao Milton, Doc. Perry, J. N. Suggart, L. A. Welsh, Eddie (Corneas.)Sprinkle, C. J. Pearson, Betty mcClam, Cleveland Roes. Milton E. Sullivan, Count Wenzel. Paul F. Gordon. Gene Stanton, Steve Godfrey, Mrs. Jane Ratliff. Mrs. Carl Moan, James Perry, J. W. Roes. Nelson E. Summers. Frank Werner, Geo. Gosh, Byron Stewart, ...erry Griffith, Betty Rena, Dot & Lew McClanahan. C. S. Moberg, C. Perry. Joe Ross, Sammy Summers, Nevan Werner, Tim Greene, Al F. Thomas, H. 0. Hall, Evelyn Sherman, Betty J. McClendon, Tom Moffett, H. E. Peshong, Wm. J. Rassi. Prof. Joe Sunbury, Geo. G. Werner, W. K. Grimes. John Togo, Geo. Harris, Mrs. Grace Van Zandt, Shirley McClung, C. C. Molan, Jack Peters, Billy Rothschild. Jack Sunshine, Doc. Wesco, John 0. Gross. Bernard G. Totheroh, Dan Harris, Mrs. Shy Ward, Irma McCorkey, James H.Moley, Bert WhiteyPeters, Frank Rountree, R. L. Buse Harry Wesley, Charles Grogsbart, Joel Tracy . Arthur Hart. Ervil Westlake. Rose McCormick, R. J. Money, Whitt° EugeneRowan. Ray Hope, Mrs. Jack McCormick, James Monohan, Geo. Sutton, J. A. Wesley, Johnnie Guice, Walter (Sword Sw.) Woodward, Mrs. Petters, Papa Pete Royal Comedy Co. Swan, Ray Wesselman, L. B. Flanagan, Jack TracY, Fred N. Jeanette Jesters Jean R.Monroe, E. Peters, Wm. RobertRoyale. Geo. Swann, Chas. B. West, Buck Harriman. Jerome T.'Proses,. Joe McCoY, Pete Monroe. Tex. Sr.Rubel, Bert Swann, G. C. West, Jim Hart. Hughie Turner, Chas. V. McCoy, Wm. Montague, Jack Peterson. 0. E. Rubenstein, SidneySwanson, C. 0. West, John W. Hawaiian Joe Ulrich, Wm. Gentlemen's List McCrary, E. D. Montaleon, Louis Petitt, Leonard B.Swanson, Geo. West, Stan Hayes, Jack Van Buren, Chas. McCulley, W. T. Mentes, Joe & Philbert-Cany Rudolph & ChiquetaSwartz, Herman Western, Jimmie Hayes, J. H. Van Norman Alexander. Alexis Bente, Benny McCullum, C. E. Robert ApplesRunyan, Brooks Sweet, Chas. Wetzel, Walter L. Hayes, John (Bicycle)Anders, Lee Bursien, Jack McCune, Geo. Montgomery, Don Phillip, D. Ray Rupee. Johnnie Sweet. Joe Weyls. Ed. M. Haynes, Arthur Vannoy. Geo. Arnhem, Edward Buster, Ray McDaniel, Carl L. Montgomery, GroverPhilipps, Jack Russell. Capt. FrankSeville', Jack Whalen. Bobby Heater, Ben Vogt, Frank Asher, Mr. & Mrs. Capps, Earl, Eddie. McDaniels, Tex Montgomery, LowriePhillips, Leon Phil Russell, Sam Swiber, Gene Whalen, Jackie Heppe. Harold Vosburgh. Kenneth Tonle Dolly MeDiarnid, Stuart Mooney, Howard P.Phipps, Whitey Rupert, Phil Swicegood, E. B. Wbetten, T. D. Badonle, Salem McDonald, Guy C. Moores Family Picehlani, James Ruth. R. R. Heritage, William A.Balzer, Mr. & Chester, 0. M. McDonald, Russell Swift, Frank V. Whippo, Bill AlfredWade, Franklin Mrs. R.Collins, William T. CircusPierce, Eddie Rutter, R. F. Sykes, Robt. White. Bob Himmel, S. Wakefield. Billy Bartlett, W. D. Conley, Robert McDonald, W. Moore, Bill & HelenPierce, Harold Rutter, Ray Talbot, Hugh White. Denis Hughes, Raymond Walsh, Earl B. Cooper. W. N. ClintonMoore, Chintz Pierce, Jack Salayeetor, Frank Tallie, Geo. Happy White, Don Hurd. James M. Walsh, Joe. E. Behee, Bob Cook, Danny McFarland, Toby Moore, Don Pierce, James Salisbury, Bill Tasswell, Paul MagicianJackson, Jim Webber, Mr. Berk. Nell Cooper, Mickey MoFee, Connie Moore, L. E. Pifer C. A. Sanders, Paul Tate. Barney White, Geo. Jerome, Paul Weintraub. Sam B. Berry. Hayward MeFees, Johnnie Moralesedro Pilgrim, Billy Sanders, Rex Tate. Jimmy White, 0. W. J. Jones. Harry White. Alnert Berry, T. Courtney, Mr. & McGill, Alex Moran,BobB Pine, Harry L. Saunders, Howard Taylor. Don White, Hugh . Kahn, M. E. Whitenight, MarvinSieger, Harry Mrs, Bo McGinnis, Norman Moran, Jim Ferte. Delbert Saunders. Wm. Taylor, Dr. M. SalesWhite, Jack V. P. Kaulahao. Jack Willibeigh, Joseph Blount, A. E. Castilla. Frank McGowan, MatthewMortal, Rosa) Plows, Joe Savacini, Jos. A. ' Taylor, R. Ferris White, Joe. Kearney, John R. Zack, Isaac I. (See LETTER LIST on page 34) February 6, 1937 The Billboard 33 BAIER-John N., 70, one of the oldest WILK-Mrs. M. L., 71, mother of film members of the Fort Wayne, Ind., Musi- industry executives, Jacob Wilk, Eastern cians' Union No. 58, recently at his home story editor for Warner Pictures, and in that city.He served as treasurer of Ralph and Ted Wilk, of The Motion Pic- the union for 20 years.Survived by two ture Daily, in Los Angeles January 17. sons, both musicians. Other survivors are her husband and an- 7inat euttainother von, Ben. BOWER-HermanJ., 37, trumpet player and member of American Fede- WILLIAMS-Bill,77, known to the ration of Musicians, Local No. 60, Janu-produced by The Players and was a mem- ORMISTON-KennethG.,41,radioshow world as Mexican Bill, in John Gas- ary 23, at his parents' home in Pitts-ber of The Lambs, The Players and aengineer for several years for Columbiaton Hospital, Memphis, January 18, after burgh. He played with Cervone's Bandlife member of the Actors' Fund ofBroadcasting Company, in Los Angelesa two years' illness. He was formerly a at many state and county fairs and cele-America. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery,January 15 after an appendectomy.He bass player with various circuses. Burial brations.Survived by his parents, twoNew York. was at one time in charge of broadcast-in Dyersburg, Tenn. sisters, Mrs. Ernestine Pierce and Mrs. ing from Aimee SempleMcPherson's Louise Kessel; his widow, Clara, and two DESMAR rb-Henri, 70, French actorchurch. daughters, Margaret and Clara.Inter- and promoter of road shows, in Paris PERLEY-Mrs. Anna, 88, veteran stage 7ilattiayes ment at West View Cemetery, Pittsburgh.January 10. and screen actress, at her home in Los Angeles January 20. Interment January BLACK - McKINLEY-Bernard Black BROWN-Mary Helen, 72, composer, in DREYFUSS-Mrs. Elsie Gorge, mother22 in Hollywood Cemetery. and Micky McKinley, performers with her Brooklyn home, January 22, follow-of Henry Dreyfuss, industrial artist and Polack Bros.Circus,inLosAngeles ing a cerebral hemorrhage.Miss Browndesigner of stage sets, January 22, in New PRINCE-Richard Arthur, 78, actor, inJanuary 10. composed Sweet Red Rose, Rose DreamedYork.Survived by another son, Arnold,London January 26. She Was a Lily, The Bee's Argument, Godand two brothers. BLUE-BLACK-Mickey Blue, promoter, Touched the Rose and other popular RADEKE-Henry H., 70, former theater songs. andBeatriceBlack,performer,both EBRIGHT-George J., 80, former sec-owner, January 13 in Kankakee, Ill., afterwith Polack Bros. Circus, at Los Angeles retary of Wayne County (0.) Fair, sud-a lingering illness.He established andJanuary 10. BROWNE-Mrs. Mary A., 80, motherdenly at his home in Wooster, 0., Janu-operated for a number of years the Prin- of Robert Frazer, Hollywood motion pic-ary 20,He had served two terms ascess Theater in that city.Survived by CAVELL-ESCALANTA - RudyCavell, ture actor, at the home of her nieces atcounty commissioner and for many yearshis widow, Anna, a son, Raymond, and anonprofessional,andMitziEscalanta, Northboro, Mass., January 15.She waswas active in promotion of the annualbrother, Ernest F.Services in St. PaulNew York showgirl, in that city recently. the widow of John W. Browne. Funeralfair. Funeral and interment in Wooster.Lutheran Church, Kankakee, and burial January 17 from the Episcopal Church, in Mound Grove Cemetery there. DE SOSA-NEWMAN--Salvador Bonilla Framingham, Mass. de Sosa, nonprofessional of Cincinnatti, FIELD-James B., 37, of pneumonia, RICHARDS-Harry, in Boston Januaryand Lorna Doone Newman, member of BURKHART - Addison,formerNewin New York January 25. He was gen-23. He had been associated with the filmthe NBC Chicago staff, in Chicago Janu- York playwright and writer of musicaleral counsel for RICO in New York. industry for many years and was headary 22. comedies, at his apartment in Hollywood, of the Boston -Lawrence Film Transfer January 25, of influenza.He was the FRANK-John H., 53, manager of Tash-Company. GREENSPAN-HODES - Milton Green- author of numerous popular songs andmoo Hotel at Tashmoo. Mich., amuse- span to Helen Beatrice Hodes, daughter wrote several musicals that were pro- SIMMS-Stephen, 73, at his home, Chi-of a Columbia Pictures Corporation offi- ment park on Harson's Island for 20cago, January 28, of a heart attack. De-cial, in New York January 24. duced on the New York stage. years, after a short illness January 24.ceased served as assistant secretary and Survived by his widow and a son. charge d' affairs in the department of MARTIN-DERING - Thomas Bradley CARRILLO-Leviro, 74, uncle of Leo foreign relations for the Chicago World'sMartin, magician, and Rosemary Dering, Carrillo, film player, fatally injured in a HILLER-Ira J., '78, a number of yearsColumbian Exposition of 1893 and wasDetroitdancer,recentlyinGeneva, street car accidentin San Francisco.secretary of Northwestern Michigan Fairmade assistant curator of industrial artsSwitzerland. Funeral services and interment in SanAssociation, at his home in Bay City,at the Field Museum following the fair. Francisco January 16. Mich., January 23, after a long illness.Simms headed many expeditions for the museum and received recognition for his MORTON - SWANSON - Bob Morton, Survived by his widow, a son and twowork from many rulers thruout thesaxaphonist with the Roger Pryor Band, daughters. world. Of late years he originated theto Ruth Swanson, Chicago, at the College CARSON-Lionel, 63, publisher and ed- 1,200 traveling exhibits, which the mu-Inn, Chicago, January 30. itor of The Stage, in London January 26, HOFFMAN-Charles,18,member ofseum sends into the public schools. Sur- of pneumonia. the cast of Junior Jewel Players on Sta-vived by his widow and a daughter. MOYER-HAINES-Paul Moyer, phar- tion WXYZ and the Michigan NetworkBurial at Oakwood Cemetery, Chicago. macist, and Mary Haines, member of COUL Frazer,88,actor, at theemanating from Detroit, killed January the WIP staff, Philadelphia, January 20 SouthsideHospital, BayShore, Long16 in an auto accident in that city. Bur- SMITH-Ellis R.,84, former theaterin Elkton, Md. Island, New York, January 26.His the-ial in Detroit. man, January 25, at his home in Battle atrical career began in the 70s and he Creek, Mich., after a long illness.In the OSBORNE-MacMILLAN - Robert J. made his New York debut in The School manager of Hamlin'sOsborne, of Wilkinsburg, Pa., and Mar- for Scandal in support of Mrs. Sheridan HUSTON-Mrs. Florence Kleaver, 66,Opera House. Detroit. and for 13 yearsion MacMillan, known to radio listeners Shook.Later he played with John E.mother of LaMont M. Huston, radio or-was manager of the Post Theater, Detroit,as Sondra Lee, songstress on WWSW, Owens, Fanny Davenport, Lawrence Bar-ganist, at her home in Germantown, Pa.,after it was built in 1903.Survived byPittsburgh, in that city recently. rett, Rose Coghlan, Richard Mansfield,January 23.Besides her son, she is sur-his widow and a daughter. Otis Skinner, John Drew and other play-vived by her husband, Marcus E. Huston. SIMONS-KANTOR - Mathew Simons, ers. Among the productions in which he of the sales department of the Boston appeared were: The Vigilantes, Sharps JACKSON-Mrs. Katherine Billings, 75, STERZINI-Joseph, 52,Metropolitanbranch of the Fox Film Corporation, and and Flats, The Comedy of Errors, Kingmusician, January18in Los AngelesOpera singer, accidentally fatally stab-Marsha Kantor, of Brookline, Mass., at Henry IV, Hazel Kirke, The Silver King,from injuries suffered in an auto acci-bed by a stiletta during a rehearsal ofBrookline December 8. The World, Youth, Love and Money anddent.Survived by a son. Douglas Bron-Caponsacchi in New York January 26. many others.His last role was in theston, writer, and a sister. Survived by his widow. TRACEY-WILLIAMS-Thomas A. Tra- New York production of Oh, Promise Me cey,oftheChrysler Motor Company branch in Pittsburgh, and Jeane Wil- in 1931. He appeared in several revivals KELLY-Patrick H., 65. in Philadelphia STRAUS-Mrs.Maurice,motherof ConstanceStraus,formerlyconnectedliams. formerly with Wine, Women and ,Tanuary 25.He was a contractor and Pictures. and wifeofScng on the Independent Burlesque Cir- the brother of Walter Kelly, vaudevillewith Universal cuit, in Cleveland January 24. actor, and George Kelly, playwright. Maurice Straus, in Cincinnati recently. TAULBEE-Dr. J. M.,73, father of Mrs. Marie Prevost, 40, film player and KENNEBECK-John, 39,inSydney,Howard King, January17inCorpus former Mack Sennett star, was found Australia January 23.He was managingChristi, Tex. Survived by three children, amitly 7/Zatt layes dead in her Hollywood apartment Jan- director for Paramount in Australia. Mrs. Howard King, P.S. Taulbee and uary 23.Police announced her death James Taulbee Jr.Burial in Alice, Tex. apparently was due to natural causes. Henry T. Sharp, film cameraman,and MissPrevost,whohad suffered a KINDS-J.Harvey. 60, veteran trouper, Mrs. Jean A. Thayer in Hollywood soon. breakdown recently, was found when at his home in Imperial. Neb., January attention was attracted by the howls 23, of pneumonia. Burial in charge of In loving memory of our Mother Richard Mills, manager of the Mills of a dog which was shut in the room. IOOF Lodge of that city. MRS. LILLIE A. THOMAS Music Company's Chicago office, to Shir- She had been dead at least two days, who passed away January 28, 1935 ley Heller, singer and sister of Jackie police said. KNEPP--Cloyd Barcley. 59, president EDITH BESS FULLER Heller, soon. MissPrevost, former wife of Ken of Dennert & Knepp Exposition. at St. DEWEY THOMAS Harlan, film player, made her first film Elizabeth Hospital, Covington, Ky., Jan- Russell Walker, radio news commenta- appearance in"Old Swimmin' Hole," uary 24, of uremic poisoning. He began tor for The New York World Telegram in which she played opposite Charles his carnival career in 1917 and was a WAGONER-Albert P.. 78, widelybroadcasting over WHN, New York, and Ray. Later shebecameassociated member of American Carnival Associ-known Winona Lake, Ind.. bandmaster,Josephine Currier, former secretary of with Ernest Lubitsch and under his di- ation, Inc. Survived by his widow, Elsie:January 20, at his home there of a heartLeopold Stokowski, in Philadelphia in rection played in "The Marriage Circle" a daughter, Ruth Hale, and a son. C. B.attack.Survivors arehis widow, twothe spring. and "Kiss Me Again."She also had Jr. Burialin Lewistown, Pa.. his birth-brothers, Oliver and David, and a sister, leadingrolesin"Tarnish," "Recom- place. Mrs, Mary Wykoff. Jeanne Rupp, Philadelphia dramatic pense," "TheLoverof Canille" and actress, and Richard Claxton Newbold Jr., "Cornered." WALSH-Mrs. Louella. wife of Franknonprofessional of Wayne, Pa., in Har- LEGAT-Nicolas, 64, ballet teacher, inWalsh, film actor, in Los Angeles Jan-risburg, Pa., soon. She was under contract to Warner London January 24. He was a memberuary 16.She was a daughter of Mary Brothers at the time of her death and of the former Imperial Russian TheaterCarr, film character actress, and served as recently had appeared in "The Bengal and is said to have been the teacher ofa yeoman with the U. S. Navy during the Killer" and "Cain and Mabel."About Pavlova and Nijinsky. a year ago she appeared in "Keystone World War. Hotel," a Warner comedy short with a number of stars of the old Sennett LYONS-Frank,29,filmextra and WESTMAN-Joseph, 72. former Detroit Asix -pound son, James Lee, to Mr. and stunt man, of a broken neck when atheater owner, recently in that city afterMrs. S. K. Decker in Detroit January 17. Keystone comedies. Father manages the Excellent Pictures BorninSarnia,Ont., Miss Prevost midget automobile he was driving in thean illness of two months.He was born joined the old Mack Sennett company filming of Racing Luck crashed into ain Russia and had lived in Detroit 50Exchange, that city. post at the Gilmore Stadium, Los An-years.He turned over management of in Hollywood while stillin her teens. geles, January 23. his theaters to his son, Frank A. West - A son to Mr. and Mrs. John Wray About 1920, then a star with the Sen- man, eight years ago.The circuit, nowYoung in Shreveport, La.Father is con- nett productions, she received a chance known as Wisner and Westman Theaters,nected with the Little Theater of Shreve- to enter feature pictures.Among her McKEE-Mrs. Sarah,76,mother of was "The has become the second largest chain inport. earlyfeatureproductions Philip McKee, Hollywood writer and au-Detroit.Survived by his widow, another Dark Swan."She was also featured In thor of the novel Big Town, at her homeson and three daughters. An eight -pound daughter to Mr. and a host of Metropolitan and Paramount in Dayton, 0., January 20. Survived Mrs. Paul M. Conway at Middle Georgia pictures. also by another son, Rowland, and a WHITE-Laura M.,writer and mu-Hospital, Macon, Ga., January 22. Father She was divorced from her first hus- daughter, Mrs. F. H. Gates. sician, January 24, in Germantown Hos-is former circus press agent. band, H. 0. Gerke, in 1923 and was pital, Germantown, Pa., from an illness divorced from Harlan in 1929. NIGOND--Gabriel, French playwright,contracted in the Far East. Two broth- To Mr. and Mrs. Doyne Wilson, a in Paris January 7. ers survive. seven -pound son, David Layton, January 34 The Billboard February 6, 1937 24 at Chicago.Father is guitarist withmonia. He had been ill since he suffered the Hilltoppers on Station WLS, Chicago.a stroke February 12, 1935. When SaltairFt. Worth Opera Dates SetFrench Plan For burnt down, Snow, who also was pres- FORT WORTH, Jan. 30.-Alexander An eight -pound son to Mr. and Mrs.ident of the Utah Portland Cement Com-Oumansky, dance director of the Fort B. F. Von Pilskie of Bloomington, Ind.pany, president and general manager ofWorth Frontier Centennial here last sum-Theater Subsidy Father has been a biller with Tom Mixthe Salt Lake, Garfield & Western rail-mer, has set April 12 as opening date PARIS, Jan. 25.-Jean Zay, Minister of Circus. road, president of the Utah Savings &for his two-week engagement of lightNational Education, is working on a plan Trust Company, and director -manager ofoperas at the new Municipal Auditorium.for government aid in reopening 56 mu- ZCMI stores, succeeded in gaining con-Fort Worth City Council already hasnicipal theaters thruout France, closed trol of the resort owned by the Mormonindorsed Oumansky's operas as a civicthru lack of funds. The yearly deficit of 1)iootces Church. He put up the cement, Howells,enterprise.Oumansky isplanning tothedarkhouseswasapproximately Mary Lagatare Lombardi granted an-the money, and Cannon, the steel, forbring Edward Nell Jr., and Evelyn Her-8,000,000 francs ($400,000). nulment of marriage to Joseph Lom-the new enterprise. Cannon sold out tobert here for leads in Rio Rita and The Inasmuch as the government pays. out bardi, orchestra leader, in Atlantic CityHowells and Snow, and last year HowellsVagabond King. About a hundred local16,000,000 francs ($800,000) in doles to January 19. withdrew, giving Snow entirecontrol.singers and dancers are to be used. unemployed theatrical artists, it is pro- He was one of the richest men in Utah. posed to devote half of this sum to John Kenworthy, AtlanticCityor-Funeral services January 30 in the 18th operating the theaters, thereby giving chestra leader, from Helen Kenworthy inWard Mormon Chapel, Salt Lake City.Paris Circus Bills work to a large proportion of the actors, Camden, N. J., January 20. Survived by his widow, two sons and PARIS, Jan. 25.-The Amar Brothersdancers and musicians at present receiv- two daughters. continue to operate their canvas -toppeding government relief. Elina Orr Gross, former showgirl in Nouveau Cirque at the Porte de Ver- No, No Nannette, from Henry R. Gross STEWARD-Lila Agnew, in New Yorksailles, altho business is very light ex- in Chicago January 21. January 28. She was nationally knowncept on Thursdays and Sundays.Cur- as a director of pageants, balls and char-rentbillopens with evolutions of aTurner in Deal ity spectacles, which she arranged forgroupofcamels,zebras,llamas and Additional Obits, various philanthropic organizations. bullocks.Most spectacular numbers are the Amar polar bears and 23 LibertyFor Young's Pier TALBOT-Arthur L., 57, retired actor,horses handled by Strassburger. NEW YORK, Feb. 1.-Negotiations are Marriages, etc. organizer and director of Franco -Amer- Aerial numbers are the Three Arielsin progress for a group headed by Terry FINAL CURTAIN ican dramatic group, The Troupe Talbot,in good perch and trapeze number, andTurner, theater exploiteer and entrepre- of a heart attack at his home in FallMiss Belgica, trapezist, held over fromneur of freak attractions, to lease Young's FOX-Joseph E., 84, famed endman inRiver, Mass., January 21.The troupepreceding bill.Rola Rola and partnerMillion Dollar Pier, Atlantic City.De- minstrelsy, January 25 in St. Agnes Hos-toured New England and Canada for thecleverly sell novel balancing number andtails are being worked out, according to pital, Philadelphia, after a brief illness.last 15 years. Talbot was also well knownthe Two Florentinos offer good hand-to-a reliable source, between Turner and a Fox was a member of the well-knownin radio.Survived by his widow, Mrs.hand bit.Comedy well handled by thecommittee of stockholders of the pier, vaudeville and minstrel team of Fox andEdwilda Lacaillarde Talbot, who playedamusing clowns, Manetti and Rhum, andwho have been operating under the su- Ward, retiring in 1927 after nearly 60numerous roles opposite him; a brother,the nut comedian, Treki. pervision of the courts since the pier years of trouping.William H. Ward,Thomas, and a sister, Mrs. Delia Belanger. Otheractsonbillarethe Fouroperating company began to undergo re- his partner, died three years ago. They Lopezitos, comedy acrobats;Talamas,organization under 77B. made their initial bow at the Winter THORNTON-JamesC.,35,theatersleight-of-hand, and Arthos, clay mod- If the deal goes thru, Turner will be- Garden, Cincinnati, in 1868; joined withcircuitowner,athis West Warwick,eler. come operating head and will be in pos- the Worrel Sisters in 1869; appeared withR. I., home January 26. Cirque d'Hiver continuing the run ofsession of options for a furtherance of Shelby's MinstrelsatIndianapolisin the spectacle, Princess Saltimbanque, inhis tenancy several seasons beyond 1937. 1870 and then went to Chicago to join VASTINE-Thomas Judson, 66, trom-which theact ofthe Rubio Sisters,Arrangement is said to provide for Ar- Duprez & Benedict's Minstrels.Inter-bonist and organizer of the KDKA Littleequilibrists and contortionists, has beenthur Fisher, independent vaude booker ment January 27 in Arlington Cemetery,Symphony Orchestra, Pittsburgh, at hisinterpolated.New numbers in circushere, to book the pier exclusively. Fisher Philadelphia. home in Wilkinsburg, Pa., January 26.portion of bill are the Three Stanescus,is also reported to be financially inter- Funeral services January 30.Survivedanexceptionallygoodbaract;theested in the pending negotiations. LALOR-Francis J. (Frank), 68, show-by his widow, one son and one daughter.clowns, Despard and Zavata; horse num- man, at his home in St. Catharines, Ont., bers presented by Sampion Bouglione, January 21 after a long illness.For a MARRIAGES a big group of elephants handled by F.Wet Inauguration number of years he was manager of the MEIZE-KING-Peter J. Meize, nonpro-Bouglione, and the Rasmouki troupe of Grand Opera House in that city, andfessional. and Mildred King, continuityArab tumblers. also managed Rockway Beach, New York.writer at Station WNBC, New Britain, The Fratellini trio of clowns are at theStarts Arid Pleas He was a member of the Burlesque Club,Conn., at Millerton, N. Y January 23. Palermo. The Hollywood Four, American WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. - What the New York, and his last show was The jugglers, and the Urrutys, springboardWeather Man did to the first January Aviator Girls. He retired from burlesque RUTHERFORD-BURGESS - Herbertleapers,areatthe Gaumont Palace.20 inauguration here was nobody's biz, in 1920. Survived by a sister, Mrs. Ame-Rutherford, pianist, to Helen Burgess,Otago Bill, equilibrist, and Man and Thit,and administration bigwigs lost no time lia Fitzgerald. film actress, in Yuma, Ariz., January 27.comedy acrobats, are at the Petit Casino.insuggestingfutureceremoniesbe Fluhe,r, comedy cyclist,is at the Rex.brought in out of cold and rain. Support MONGEON-Frederick J.,66.whose COMING MARRIAGES The Four Maxos, acrobats, are at theisrapidly gaining for construction of stage name was Fred Paulo, at his home Cigale. huge national auditorium, available for in Grand Rapids, Mich., January 24. He John Yianoukos, manager of Rialto conventions and large-scale indoor en- retired from the stage in 1907. Theater,Potsdam,N.Y.,and Angie tertainment in addition to governmen- Dusckas, nonprofessional, soon. Presentation to Mills tal functions. NERO-Frank, 76, father of Roe Nero, Bill has been introduced by Senator owner of the tent show which bears his BIRTHS LONDON, Jan. 23. - An interestingRobinson(D.Ark.),majorityleader, name, at his home in Rome, N. Y., re- A girl to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sandlerpresentation to Bertram Mills was madeother solons falling into line with celer- cently.Survived by hiswidow, son,in Brooklyn January 24.Mother wasby 40 coaching enthusiasts at a privateity.Measure merely provides for Capitol and daughter. formerly known in musical comedy asdinner at Olympia January 11. Auditorium Commission, but relatively Edyth Stern. The gift is an original painting of theprompt crystallization of project seems REYNOLDS-Carl, 53, one of the old- famous Old Times coach, representinglikely.President Roosevelt admitted at est members of the Stage Employees A son to Mr. and Mrs. Hal GoodwinJim Selby's record drive from London topress conference that such edifice had Union in Salt Lake City and for yearsat Wesson Maternity Hospital, Spring-Brighton and back on July 13, 1888, forbeen in minds of building program direc- stage manager of the Salt Lake Theaterfield, Mass., recently. Father is programa wager of 1,000 to 500 pounds that thetors for some time, but with funds lim- inthatcity,January23ofheartdirector at Station WNBC, New Britain,return journey of 108 miles could not beited, pushing for new War Department trouble. Lately, he had been associatedConn. accomplished under eight hours.SelbyBuilding seemed more urgent need. with the Paramount Theater there and won with 10 minutes to spare.The Old Convention Hall here is now mar- with Bruce Reynolds, his brother, in an coach itself is now owned by Mr. Mills.ket with bowling alley upstairs, while advertising agency.Funeral services at England's oldest stage coachman, TedGovernment has taken over Washington the Larkin Funeral Chapel, Salt LakeNew Theaters Rise Fownes, 86, attended the dinner. "Daddy"Auditorium for office space. City, January 26.Survived by a son, Fownes and his sons, Ted, Arthur, Ernest At hearings on the Robinson Bill, which Edwin Carl, Seattle;five brothers and (now in New York) and Charlie, werewas ordered favorably reported to the five sisters. In Chicago Sector air brilliant coachmen.The man whoSenate by the committee studying it CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-Plans are beingdrove the last four -horse night mail fromThursday. appearances were made by RICHARDS-Harry F., 35, proprietor of London to Brighton, Stanley Cave, was drawn for two new theaters to be erect-present;also Edward Watts, who wasSecretary Ickes, who frowned on pro- the Richards' Theatrical Film Service,ed on the south side for Cooney Brothersharness maker for Jim Selby and is nowposed structure's being used for six -day Lawrence, Mass., at his home there Janu-by R. Levine & Company. One will bemanager of Mills' harness department. bike races or prize fights, and by Rep. Sol ary 22. Survived by his mother, his wid-locatedonthesouthwestcornerof Bloom (N. Y.), who has expressed inter- ow, Mrs. Beatrice Mae McLeod Richards,Western avenue and 62d street, with a est in amusement biz angle of such a and a son, Harry F. Richards Jr. Funeralcapacity of 1,000, and the other at Ash- project, including possibility of national services January 25 at his home. Burialland avenue and 78th street, to seat 900.Iowa to Forbid theater and even circuses playing there. at Bellevue Cemetery, Lawrence. Each will cost around $125,000, and con- Bloom has been conferring with Steve structionisexpectedto start within Cochran, long-time legit house manager ROSE-Irving, 36, orchestra leader, ineight weeks, with openings scheduled forAll Bank Nights here, latter acting as sort of unofficial Dallas January 26. He had played withearly spring. Cooney Brothers formerly DES MOINES, Jan. 30.-Under provi-consultant on show ramifications. an edition of the Ziegfeld Follies. Sur-controlled the National Theaters Cor-sions of a bill introduced this week in Senator Lonergan (Conn.) is pushing vived by his widow and two daughters.poration, whose properties later formedthe House of Representatives here, aplan which would combine auditorium thenucleusofthepresentWarnerfine of $100 or a jail sentence of 30and athletic stadium capable of seating RYAN-George W., 63, widely knownBrothers' chain here. days would be imposed on any Iowan150,000, filling at one srtoke need for in the circus world, at St. Joseph's In- Work has been started on the conver-who accepts a movie theater bank nightadequate accommodationstopresent firmary, Hot Springs, Ark., January 27,sion of a two-story bank building, onprize. A similar penalty would be givenlarge-scale events both indoors and out. after an illness of several months. Forthe southwest corner of Cottage Groveto the donor or donors of such a prize. anumber of years he was associatedavenue and 63rd street. into an 800 -seat In addition to those penalties, any with the American Circus Corporation.theater to be operated by George andbuildings in which "any suchillegal He wasthelegalrepresentativeforHarold Gallos, present lessees of the Mid-scheme" is conducted would be declared Howe's Great London, John Robinsonway and Ray theaters on the south side.a public nuisance and condemned. THE FILM WEEKLY and Gollmar Bros. circuses. He has writ- ten innumerable poems, a volume of Eight, Gene Merkel. Fred Searles, Arthur AUSTRALIA LETTER LIST King, Mr. & Mrs. Miller, Jimmy Sherman. Chester Covering the Motion Picture and Entertainment which is in the process of being edited AllenMiliken. J. A. Snider, Herb Field Generally. by George Ade and may soon be placed (Continued from page 32) Klein, Nate Milstead. Savanah Snyder. Herbert Conducted by MARTIN C. BRENNAN, on the market. Ryan was a member of (Denver)Mohomed. Amzzal Stephenson, Cliff IDS City Tataaaaa ile Building, Pitt Street. sydaro. Dalbeanie, The Forrester, Louie Lake. Buddy Newell. Floyd Stevens. Harry Australian Office of TILE BILLBOARD. the Masonic Lodge and Commandery at GreatGilmour, Lois Lane, (''has. O'Brien, Don Streets of the World Peru, Ind., and a member of the Shrine Davis, Sonny Graulleh, Kurt Lanigan, Neal Overby. Doc. and Travel Show Diaz. Enrique Gray. Fox (Thief ',Haswell, Paul Pate, Walter Swann. Edgar A. at Indianapolis. Survived by widow, two Dixon, 0. C. Green, Al. K. Lathabee, Beehee Patrick, Jack Thomas, R. D. (Kid) sisters and two brothers. Funeral serv- Docen, Chas. Grey. Mrs. Paul LaMore. Jack X. Pearson. Al. Thomas. Al. Twist, Egan ices January 28 at Hot Springs. Body Dun.see. Bud Halstead. James La Tour. Mr. & Phifer, Mr. & Dunselth, Mr. & Hanna. Don Mrs. Frank Mrs. VolneyVining, Frank LOOK taken to Mt. Vernon,'Mo. for interment. Mrs. James K.hicks, J. C Le Burno. Bob Qualls, J. C. Waite. Kenneth Edgar, Mr. & Mrs. Hoffman. James K. Lloyd, Mr. & Randsen, Mr. & Watson, Harold IN THE WHOLESALE H. 0.Hugo, Chns. Mrs. M. Mrs. C. C.Wescott. Mr. or Mrs. SNOW-Ashby, 69, owner of a 99 -year Ellman, Charles Jackson. Mr. and Loule the Goose Rawls, Mr. and Maud Cornish MERCHANDISE SECTION lease on Saltair, Salt Lake City amuse- (Red) Mrs. R.1. tie. Carl Mrs. WillieWillis, Macon E. ElImam Mark Jerome. Paul Lovett. George Raymond. Hip forthe ment park, and who with David P. How- Emerling. Alex Johnson. Harry Lowe. Joe Reeves. Johnnie Wolford, Harry ells and Willard T. Cannon financed the Evans. John (Red)McLaren, Andrew Regan, Geo. W. Wright, H. P. LATEST NOVELTIES, PRIZES rebuilding of the noted resort on Great Evers. Tex Kest. David Mack. Cuban Rooks, Harry & (Blackie) Firth. Ernest F. Kanazawa, MankichlMalos. Mike Vloletta PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES Salt Lake, at the Hotel Utah, Salt Lake Fishers, The Flying Kean, Frank, ScottyMennetti, Eddie Ross, Al. Yamamoto, Jimmy City, January 27,of bronchial pneu- Fontana, Joe Kelly. Andy (Bumps)Scotty, Frank KeanYoung, Charles February 0, 1%37 l'he I5illboara 35 Hawkins, Sid (Bali) NYC. nc. 4Haydock, Vincent (Flamingo) Orlando, Fla., ACTS, UNITS AND no. Haywood & Allen (Le Mirage) NYC, no, Helene & Raoul (Flamingo) Orlando, Fla., no. ATTRACTIONS Henri, Harri (Mahoney's Palace Cafe) Hart- (Routes are for current weak when no dates ford, Conn. are given.) Route Depatimed Herman, Irving (Man About Town Club) NYC, Ace, Red (Silver Slipper) Mansfield, 0., c. Harrison, Spike (Gay '90s) NYC, no. Adalet (French Casino) NYC, nc. Heller, Jackie (Grosvenor House) London, h. Adreon, Emilee (Palace) Chi, t. Herbert, Joe (Caliente) NYC, lie. Adrian (Yacht Club) Chi, no. Followingeachlistinginthe ACTS -UNITS -ATTRACTIONS and Hickle, John (18) NYC, ne. Adrian, Iris (Hollywood) NYC. re. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS section of the Route Department appears a Higgins, Peter (Yacht Club) Chi, nc. Aero Aces (Club Parcel Hartford, Conn., nc. Hildegarde (Paramount) NYC, t. Afrique (Ritz -Carlton) NYC, h. symbol.Those consulting the aforementioned sections are advised tofill Hilliard, Jack (Royal Frolics) Chi, nc. Albassi, Countess (Village Casino) NYC, nc. in the designation corresponding to the symbol when addressing organiza- Hirsch, Jack (Old Roumanian) NYC, re. Alex, May (Kit Kat) NYC, no. Hoffman, Gertrude, Ballet (College Inn) Chi, Allen, Bernie (5th Avenue) NYC, h. tions or individuals listed. re. Allen & Kent (Tower) Kansas City Mo., t. Holbein. Rolf (French Casino) NYC, cb. Allen, Ted (Riverside) Milwaukee, t. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS Holey, Marshall (Kit Kat) NYC, ne. Almonte, Marie (Le Mirage) NYC, nc. Holland & Hart (Dorchester) London, h. Alston, Elaine (Chateau Moderne) NYC, nc. c-cafe;cb-cabaret;cc-country Holley, Edna Mae (Uproar House) NYC, no. Ambrose, Billy & Ruth (Blackhawk) Chi, re. a-auditorium;b-ballroom; Hollis, Marie (Paradise) NYC. ne. Ames & Arno (Oriental) Chi, t. club; h-hotel; mh-music hall; nc-night club; p-amusement park; Holm, Eleanor, & Art Jarrett (Capitol) Wash- Anderson & Allen (Casino Parisien) Chi, nc. ington,t. Andree & Samuels (Gaiety) Brussels, cb. ro-road house; re-restaurant; s-showboat; t-theater. Honey Family (Capitol) Washington, t. Andre, Janice (Paradise) NYC, re. NYC-New York City; Phila--Philadelphia; Chi-Chicago. Hooton, Don (Esquire) Toronto, ne. Andre, Pierre (Congress) Chi, h. Howard, Gus (Bali) NYC, no. Anson, Bill (Royal Frolics) Chi. no. z Howard, Kathleen (Le Mirage) NYC, nc. Appalon, Dave, & Orch. (Worth) Ft. Worth, /./ Huggins, Lazy Bill (Lyric) Indianapolis, t. Tex., t. Chita (El Chico) NYC, no. Elliott, Baron (Showboat) Pittsburgh, no. Hughes, Lyspeth (Biltmore) NYC, h. Arden, Anita (Paradise) NYC, re. Chiyo,Princess(Casino)San Remo,Italy,Elton & Gilrone (Chub Belvedire) Des Moines. Hughes, Romona (Saks) Detroit, no. Arden,Donn(LookoutHouse)Covington. 22 -Feb, 4, Endor & Farrell (Savoy -Plaza) NYC, h. Huston, Josephine (Hollywood) NYC, re. Ky., no. Choos Hit Parade, George (Lyric)Indianap-Enriaa & Novelle, (Roxy) NYC. t. Hyde, Vie (Mirador) NYC, ne. Arena, Joe & Co. (Hipp) Toronto, t. olis, t. Eriesson, Iris (Club Belvedire) Des Moines. Hyder, Doc (Ubangi) Phila, no. Aristocrats, Twelve (Savoy) London, h. Chumbecos, Florence (French Casino) NYC,Esquires, Four (Roosevelt) NYC, h. Arnold, Jack (Bali) NYC, no. nc. Evans, Bobby (Ubangi) Phila, ne, International Trio (18) NYC, no. Arlynne & Borden (Gloria) Columbus, nc. Claude & Corinne (Mayfair Casino) Cleveland,Evans, Brown & Mary (Spencer) Marion, Ind., Armando & Maria (Bright View) Rochester, nc. h. Jackson & Brown (Uproar House) NYC, nc. N. Y., nc. Claudet, Marguerite (Jermyn) Scranton, Pa., h.Evans, Janet (Stevens) Chi, h. Jackson, Lawrence (President) New York, h. Armatron, Jane (Cafe de Paris) London, no. Coca, Imogene (Ambassador) NYC, h. Evans, Melvin, & Revue (31 Club) Phila. Jacobs, Peggy (Torge) Jamestown, N. Y., h. Armstrong, Maxie (Black Cat) NYC, no. Coe & Duda (Chez Paree) New Orleans, no. Evans, Stanley (Basque) NYC, c. Jacobs, Morty (Variety) NYC, nc. Arno & Zola (Piccadilly) NYC, h. Cole, Jack (Man About Town) NYC, no. Everett & Conway (Shrine Circus) Santa Bar-Jai -Leta (Maria's) NYC. ne. Arturo & Evelynne (Bali -Bali) Chi, nc. Cole. Sheila (Valhalla) NYC, re. bara, Calif.,1-ti. Jaen -is, Dorothy (Mirador) NYC, no. Ashburns, The (Levaggi's) Boston, re. Coleman & Clark (College Inn) Chi, re. Evert, Ray & Leola (Red Wagon) St. Louis,James, Fred (Kit Kat) NYC, ne. Astwood, Norman (Gypsy Tavern) NYC, nc. Colette & Barry (Loew's) Montreal, t. no. Janis, Edna (Ritz -Carlton) NYC, h. Coley, Curtis(Club Diamond) Wheeling, W. Jason, Barbara (Commodore) NYC, h. Bahama Dancers (Cotton Club) NYC, h. Va., no. Fair, Virginia (Le Mirage) NYC, no. Jay & Lucille (Esquire) Toronto, nc. Bailey, Mildred (Blackhawk) Chi, re. Colson & Ost(Clarendon)Daytona Beach,Fairbanks Sisters (Uproar House) NYC, no. Jeanette & Kalan (Frolics) Youngstown, 0., Baines, Pearl (Kit Kat Club) NYC, no. Fla., h, Farmer, Chic (Bali) NYC. c. nc. Baker, Bonnie(Lookout House)Covington,Comique Continental (Shubert) Cincinnati, t. Farries & Goodelle (Vanderbilt) NYC, h. Jenner, Julie (Paradise) NYC, re. Ky., nc. Conlin, Ray (St. Louis) St. Louis, 4-11, t. Farris, Dolores (Murray Hill) NYC, h. Jennings, Don & Sally (Bismarck) Chi, h. Baldwin & Bristol(Hippodrome)Los An-Conrad, Anita (Flamingo Club) Orlando, Fla. Fast, Al (Seneca Terrace) Rochester, N. Y.,Jerry & Turk (Yacht Club) Chi, no. geles, t. Conrad, Lew (Cocoanut Grovel Boston, ne. nc. Johnny Company (French Casino) NYC, cb. Ballantine & Pierce (Cocoanut Grove) Boston,Conti, Mickey (Savoy -Plaza) NYC, h, Faye, Frances (Yacht) NYC, no. Johnny & George (Venezia) NYC, no. nc. Conville, Frank (St. Louis) St. Louis, t. Faye, Gladys (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, no. Johnson, Mae (Black Cat) NYC, nc. Bankoff & Cannon (Colosimo's) Chi, no. Cook, Eilleen (Village Casino) NYC, nc. Felicia & Del Rey (The Chateau) Rochester,Jones, Jonah (Onyx Club) NYC. nc. Bard, Robert (Ambassador) NYC, h. Cook, Ted (Tower) Kansas City,t. N. Y., nc. Jordan. Jean (Caliente) NYC. nc. Barlow, Dorothy (Palmetto) Detroit, nc. Cooke & Cooke (Fair) Ft. Myers, Fla., 9-13, Ferguson, Bobby(Spinning Wheel) KansasJoyce, Betty (Dizzy Club) NYC, no. Barr & Estes (Hipp) Toronto, t. Coral Islanders (Montclair) NYC, h. City, Mo.,nc. Jules, Stuart (Governor Clinton) NYC, h. Barrie, Eve (Wivel's) NYC, re. Corlies & Palmer(Saddle & Cycle)PalmFern, Vera (Arcadia) Phila, no. Barrie, Mickey (Radison) Minneapolis, Is. Springs, Calif., no. Fielder, Ralph (Village Grove Nut) NYC, nc. Kaiser & McKenna (Frolics)Niagara Falls, Barry, Capi (Adelphia) Phila, h. Cosmopolitans, The (Savoy -Plaza) NYC, h. Fields, Irving (Le Mirage) NYC, no. N. Y., c. Bartell& Hurst(Shoreham)Washington,Cotton, Larry (Biltmore) NYC, h. Fields, Shirley (Oetjens) Brooklyn, N. Y., re.Kajar (Park Central) NYC, h. D. C., h. Craft, George (Tillie's) NYC, re. Fink, Lou (Arcadia) Phila, re. KaloahCotton Club) NYC, no, Bartholemy, Lillian(French Casino) MiamiCraven, Ruth (Leon and Eddie's) NYC, no. Fink,Maxine & Harry(Spinning Wheel)Kar, Li (Ballyhoo) Columbus, 0.. no. Beach, Fla. Crawford, Jack(Ringside)Ft. Worth, Tex., Kansas City, no. Karele & Andre (Hollywood) NYC, re. Barton, Phil (Radison) Minneapolis, h. no. Firman & Lorraine (La Rue's) NYC, re. Karson & Fay (Jerilyn) Scranton, Pa., h. Baycee, Rita (Kit Kat) NYC, nc. ' Crawford, Loretta (Maria's) NYC, no. Fitzgerald, Lillian (Uproar House) NYC, no. Kavanaugh, Stan (Congress) Chi, h. Beaurdeaux, Melba (Colony) Phila, no. Croel & Allan (Tower) Kansas City, Mo., t. Fleming, Frank (Lincoln) NYC. h. Kay, Beatrice (Tony's) NYC, no. Beck, John (Ball) NYC, nc. Crone,Roberta(MelodyGardens)Elmira,Florenz, Paul, Girls (Drake) Chi, h. Kay, Dolly (Royale Frolics) Chi, no. Beck, Melton & Beck (Savarin) Buffalo, c. N. Y.. ne. Follies Revue (Washington Club) East Liver-Kay, Katza & Kay (Savoy) London, h. Bell, Bobbie (Ballyhoo) Columbus, 0., nc. Cummings Sisters (Peacock Alley) Detroit, no, pool, 0.. nc. Kay, Marion (Colony Club) Chi, nc. Bell, Carolyn (Wivel) NYC, re. Cunningham,Fairy(The Pines)Nashville,Fontaine, Evan Burrows (Adelphia) Phila, h. Kaye. Johnny (Trotta's) Baltimore, nc. Bell, Dorothy (Basque) NYC, c. Tenn., cc. Ford, Gene (Tc.rch Club) Baltimore. Keene Twins, Victor & LaMarr (Earle) Wash- Bell & Grey (Oakwood Club) Sturgis, Mich., Fowler, LaMae (Dixon's Cafe) Omaha, c. ington. t. no. Dade, Elmer,Girls (MontgomeryRoyal)Fox & Ames (Hollywood Yacht Club) Holly-Kelsey, Billy (Anselmo) NYC, re. Bell, Jim & Nora (Royal Frolics) Chi, nc. Brooklyn, N. Y., re. wood, Fla., no. Kemble, Letty (Hollywood) NYC, re. 'Bell's Hawaiian Follies (Oriental) Chi, t. Dale, Helen (Howdy Club) NYC, no. Frances, Beverly (Palmetto) Detroit, ne. Kennedy, Buddy (Murray's) Tuckahoe, N. Y., Bemis, Bill & Beverly (Chez Parse) Chi, no. Dale, Maryon (Chateau Moderne) NYC, nc. Frances & Carroll(Shoreham) Washington, no. Benga, Feral (French Casino) NYC, nc. Dale, Sunny (St. Louis) St. Louis, t. D. C., h. Kenny, Phyllis (Park Central) NYC, h. Benson, Betty (Leon and Eddie's) NYC, no. Dandies, Four (Larne's) NYC, re. Frazee Sisters (State) NYC, t. Kentucky Serenaders(Rainbow Grill)NYC, Bernhardt & Graham (Congress) Chi, h. Danny & Eva (Kit Kat) NYC, no. Fred & Ginger (Uproar House) NYC, no. tic. Bernard, Rose (Wheel) NYC, no. Dario & Diane (Grosvenor House) London, h. Fredez & Laurenza(Cloverleaf Club)PaloKilleen, Madeline (St. Louis) St. Louis, 4-11, t. Berrymin, Duke (18) NYC, no. Darvo, Blanche (Oetzen's) Brooklyn, no. Alto, Calif. Kimmell, Gretchen (Colony Club) Chi, no. Bert & Jay (Colonial Village) Peoria, Ill., no.Datsko, Yasha (Russian Art) NYC, re. Froeba, Frank (Onyx Club) NYC, nc. King's Jesters (Bismarck) Chi, h. Bessinger, Frank (New Yorker) NYC, h. Davis, Eddie (Leon & Eddie's) New York, no.Frsos, Sylvia (Versailles) NYC, re. King Sisters, Four (Biltmore) NYC, h. Beyer. Ted (Village Casino) NYC, nc. Davis, Lew (Lang's) Albany, N. Y., h. Furman & Lorraine (LaRue's) NYC, re. Kirkland, Paul, & Co. (Paramount) NYC. t. Bigelow & Lee (Mirador) NYC, no. Davis, Lois (Eldorado) Detroit, no. Kirst, Albert (Roosevelt) New Orleans, h. Blair, Francis (Jungle Inn) Youngstown, 0.,Davis, Rosalind (Wivel) NYC. re. Gae, Donna (Stevens) Chi, h. Kissinger, Dick (Lincoln) NYC, h. no. Davis, Rule (Hollywood) NYC, re. Galante & Leinarda(Cassanova)Los An-Knight. Eleanore (Roxy) NYC, t. Blair, Jack & June (Ambassador) NYC, h. Dawn, Dolly (Taft) NYC, h. geles, no. Knox. Agnes (Piccadilly) NYC, h. Blanche & Elliott (Club Ringside) Ft. Worth, Hope, Florence (Stevens) Chi, h. Tex. Kraddocks. Four (Ritz -Carlton) NYC, h. Blenders, Four(Embassy Club)San Fran- Kramer, Ida (Swanee) NYC, no. cisco, nc. Night Club, Vaude and Orchestra Routes must be received at the Boone, Marvin(Rendezvous)BattleCreek, La Marr, Bobby (New Earl) Baltimore, ne. Mich., nc. La Redd, Cora (Black Cat) NYC, ne. Booth, John (Jefferson) St. Louis, h. Cincinnati offices not later than Friday to insure publication.Lafayette & Laverne (Jefferson) St. Louis, h. Boren, Arthur (Nixon) Phila, 11-13.t. Lamont, Eddie (Loew's) Montreal, t. Bower, Marion (Blue Mirror Tavern) Water-Dawn's Boys, Dolly (Taft) NYC, h. Gales Sextet (Blue Moon) Milwaukee, c. La Mont, Jene (Frontenac) Detroit, no, bury, Conn. Day, Helen (Oetzen's) Brooklyn, no, Gardner, Poison (Dizzy) NYC. nc. LaMont, Peggy (Skylight Club) Cleveland, no. Bowes', Major, All -Girl Show (Ambassador) Dean. Carol (Hollywood) Galveston, Tex., nc. Gaston (Monte Carlo) NYC, lie, Lane, Joe (Maria's) NYC, ne. St. Louis, t. Delfina, Vera (El Chico) NYC, nc. Gay Nineties Quartet (Gay Nineties) NYC, no.Lane, Lovey (Uproar House) NYC, nc. Bowne, Jerry (Biltmore) NYC. h. Dell, Bobbie (Riviera Inn) Stowe, Pa,. no. George Eileen (Colosimo's) Chi, no. Lane, Toni (Hi Hat) Chi, no. Brandwynne, Nat (Paramount) NYC, t. Dell, Lilyan (18) NYC. no. Gerrits, Paul (Earle) Washington, t. Lane. Honey (Webster Hall) Pittsburgh, h. Brannon, Billie (Verillos) Phila, c. DeCiehiny,Baroness Marie(Du Pierrot)Gilardi, Gus (Arbor Club) Scranton, Pa., nc. La Page, Paul (K-9) Baltimore, ne. Bredwins, Three (State) NYC. NYC, ne. Gilbert, Ethel (Gay '90s) NYC, nc. Le Paul (Met) Boston, t. Brent,Lillian(CasaGrande)Washington,DeCounti & Marie (Showboat) Daytona Beach,Gillespie, Julie (Weylin) NYC. h. LaRoehelle. Cecile (Port Arthur) Providence, D. C., no. Fla., no. Gilmore, Patricia (Mon Paris) NYC, ne. R. I., re. Brite, Betty (French Casino) NYC, ch. DeFlores. Felipe (Yumuri) NYC, no, Gina & Giano (Gloria Palast) NYC, cb. LaPierre, Paulette (Colony Club) Chi, no. Brito, Phil (Mount Royal) Montreal, h. De Marco, Joe (Arbor Club)Scranton, Pa.,Giovanni, John (Murray's) Tuckahoe, N. La Rue, Bobby (Ballyhoo) Columbus, 0., nc. Brooke Twins (Club Vogue) NYC, nc. no. ro. La Tora (Cogan's Grill) Erie, Pa. Broomfield & Greeley (Ubangi) NYC, no. De Mario & La Marlette (Club Paree) Hart-Girard, Adele (Hickory House) NYC, re, Laurie, Jack (Variety) NYC, no. Browe, Harold (San Diego) Detroit, nc. ford, Conn., no. Givens & Karol (Westminster) Boston, h. LaVail, Inez (El Gaucho) NYC, nc. Brown. Evans (109) Indianapolis, no. De9ota, Nina (El Gaucho) NYC. no. GlorifiedFollies(Harmanus BleeckerHall) Laval. Arthur (Levaggi's) Boston, re. Brown, Isabelle (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, no. Denizon, Helene (Lyric) Indianapolis, t, Albany. N. Y.. t. La Vallila (Valhalla) NYC, re. Brown, Ralph (Ubangi) NYC, no. Denning, Ruth (Esquire) Toronto, no. Gull, Wanda (Le Mirage) NYC. ne. La Verne & Evangeline (New Orleans) New Browning, Fitzgerald & Collins (Leon & Ed -Deyer, Ted (Gay '90s) NYC, no. Gomez & Winona (Hollywood Country Club) Orleans, ne. die's) NYC, no. Dimitri (Hollywood) NYC, re. Hollywood, Calif., ne. Lawrence. Lucille (Swanee) NYC, nc. Bruce, Betty (French Casino) NYC, nc. Dimitri & Virgil (Gaucho) NYC, nc. Gonzales & Range( (McAlpin) NYC. h. Lazier, Freda (Club Diamond) Wheeling, W. Bryant, Betty (Larne's) NYC, re. Diplomats, Four (Dickie Wells) NYC, cb. Goodell, Neila (Mel.) Boston 25-28, t. Va., nc. Bucans, Bernice (Colosimo's) Chi, no. Diplomats, Three (Yacht) NYC, ne. Goodman, Charles (Biltmore) NYC, h. Le Sieru (Bali) NYC, ne. Buck & Babbles (Palace) Chi, I. Divorcees, Seven (Bali) NYC, no. Gory. Gene & Roberta (Orpheum) Tulsa, Okla.,Lee, Bob (Wive' NYC, re. Burkarth, Johnny (Indiana Roof) Indianap-Dixon, Dixie (Ballyhoo) Columbus, 0., ch. 3-6. t. Lee. Gabby (31. Club) Phila. no. olis, b. Dixon, Ethel (Drake) Chi. h. Gow-ir & Jeanne (Drake) Chi, h, Lee, Gretchen (Bismarck) Chi, h. Burnham, Castle & Scott(Uproar House)Dolan, Peggy (Shelton) NYC, h. Grace & Nico (Casino Parisien) Chl, no. Lee, Jerrie (Jungle Inn) Youngstown, 0., no. NYC, nc. Dolores & Andre (Blackstone) Chi, h. Graces. The Three (LaSalle) Chi, h. Lee & Houle (Saks) Detroit, no. Burns, Harry. & Co. (Capitol) Washington, t.Dolores & Rossini (Wivel) NYC, re. Grail, Rudi (Chicago) Chi,t. Lee Sisters (Oelzen's) Brooklyn, ne. Byrnes & Swanson (Royal Frolics) Chi, nc. Donahue, Ralph (Gloria) Columbus, 0., no. Granoff, Bert (Bismarck) Chi, h. Lentercier, Zavier (French Casino) NYC. no. Donn, Berta (Valhalla) NYC, re. Grasi, Rudi (Chicago) Chi, t. Leonard, Ada (Hollywood) NYC, re. Cail & Stuart (Brass Rail) Lawrence, Mass.,Dornflelt Bill (Pick's Club Madrid) Milwau-Grauman, Sol, & Co. (Michigan) Detroit, t. Leonard. Harold (Biltmore) NYC, h. re. kee, nc. Green, Terry (Yacht. Club) NYC. no. Lewis. Ann (Cotton Club) NYC. 11C. Caleman, Hazel (Kit Kat) NYC, nc. Dot and Fash (Kit Rat) NYC. ne. Grower. Bernie (Gay '90s) NYC, nc. Le Moire & Reynolds(Winter Garden Ice Caligary Bros. (Michigan) Detroit, t. Douglas. Milt, & Co. (Oriental) Cl_:,t. Gulzar, Prof. (New Yorker) NYC, h. Arena) St. Louis. Campbell, Burns(Javo Jungle)Pittsburgh,Downey, Mary Jane (Barrel of Pun) NYC, no.Gypsy Albert Trio (Beverly Bar) NYC, no. Le Roy. Del (Frontenac) Detroit, nc. Drake. Connie (Deauville) New York, no. LeRoy, Hal (Drake) Chi, h. Campbell.`3C. Jack (Radio City Rainbow Room)Draper. Paul (Fox) Phila t. Haines, Virginia (Riptide) Miami Beach, Fla.,Leslie Sisters (Capitol) Atlanta, t. NYC, no. Drew, Durscilla (Kit Rat) NYO,,nc. no. Lewis, Norman (Club Parcel Hartford, Conn., Campo, George (Casino Parisien) Chi, nc. Duffing (Paramotmt) NYC. t. Halliday, Heather (Ambassador) NYC, h. nc. Canastrellys, Six (Michigan) Detroit.t. Duke. Norman (Silver Lake Inn) Clementon,Hamory, Erne (18) NYC. no. Lewis Sisters (Commodore) Detroit, nc. Canglosi, Toto (Place Elegante) NYC, no. N. J., ro. Hamrick, Ruth (Colony Club) Chi. no. Lewis, Tex, & Hillbillies (Village Barn) NYC, Carlton & Juliette (Mayfair Casino) Boston,Duke, Paul (Tower) Kansas City, I. Handle & Mills (Gloria) Columbus, no. no. nc. Dukes, Three (Chez Ray Ventura) Paris. no. HanktheMule(Ambassador)St.Louis.Liazeed Arabs (Fox) Phila, t. Carr Bros. (Arcadia) Phila, re. Dunn, Vera (Village Casino) NYC, no. 5-12, t. Lightner. Fred. & Roseella (State) NYC, t. Carroll's Mardi Gras (Boston) Boston. t. DuPontBob(CasinoAtlantico) Riode Hannon, Bob (Chez Parcel Chi, no. Lineback,Lucien(Colonial Club)Jackson, Carson, Laura & Marie (Piccadilly) London, h. Janeiro, no. Harper,Ruth(MountRoyal)Montreal, Miss. Carter, Johnny (5th Ave.) NYC. b. Duran, Adeline (El Chico) NYC, no. Que., h. Lisbi, Connie (Anselmo) NYC. re. Carter & Schaub (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, nc. Durelte (Ritz -Carlton) NYC, Is. Harrington. Pat (18) NYC, no. Little, Little Jack. & Orch. (Hipp) Toronto, t. Caruso, Judy (Show Boat) Phila, no. Harris, Alice (Kit Rat) NYC. nc. Little Sachs, Three (Barrel of Fun) NYC, no. Cason, Eugene (Verrillas) Phila. no. Earns & Gordon (Chateau Frontenac)Que-Harris, Eddie (Variety) NYC, no. Little Words, Three (Small's) NYC. cb. Castle, Boots (Gillis) Kansas City, no. bec, h. Harris, George (Mayfair) Boston, no. Lloyd, Carol, & Bonjohn Girls (Loew's) Mon- Cevenes, The (Edgewater Beach) Chi, h. Easton & Odette (Harmanus Bleecker Hall)Harris & Howell (Riverside) Milwaukee, t. treal, t. Chandler, Evelyn (Hershey Ice Arena) Her- Albany, N. Y., t. Harris, Lydia(Harry's New York Cabaret) Lloyd, Shirley (Lexington) NYC, h. shey, Pa. Ebony Rascals (Uproar Hoarse) NYC. nc. Chi, no. Logan, Ella (Chez Pares) Chi, no. Chandler, Pat (Colony Club) Chi. nc. Elaine & Barry (Village Barn) NYC. no. Hartmann, The (St. Regis) NYC. Is. Lope, Lita (St. Regis) NYC, h. Charles & Barbara (Cocoanut Grove) Boston,Elder, Hal (Bat Gormly) Lake Charles, La., no. Hassan,Prince(MiamiBiltmore)Miami,Lopez & Anita (Brill's) Newark, N. Y., no. nc. Elfonte, Hilda (French Casino) NYC, cb. Fla., h. Loria Bros., Seven (Michigan) Detroit, t. Charleston, Milton (Oriental) Chi, t. Elida Ballet (Palace) Chi, t. Haviland, Henry (Shirley) Ft. Wayne, Ind., t.Lorna & Carr (Capri) Lawrence, Mass.,re. 36 The Billboard ROUTES February 6, 1937 Lorraine Sisters (Muhlenbach) Kansas City,Pancho & Dolores (Valhalla) NYC, re. Snyder, Glyde (CocOanut Grove) Minneapolis, Mo., 1-28, h. Park & Clifford (Boxy) NYC, t. nc. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS Lowe, Hite & Stanley (Met) Boston, t. Parker, Cecile (Steuben) Boston, re. Sokolska (French Casino) NYC, nc. Lowe, Verne (Ballyhoo) Columbus, 0.. nc. Parks, Midgie (Mirador) NYC, no. Sophisticates, Three (Colosimo's) Chi, no. /Routes are tor current week when no dates Lowell, Alice (Maria's) NYC, no. Patterson, Trent (Piccadilly) NYC, h. Southland Rhythm Girls(Leon & Eddie's) are liven.) Lucky Boys, Six(Riverside)Milwaukee,t;Payne, Buddy (Plaza Grill) Brooklyn, c. NYC, rm. Adams, Jackie:(Piccadilly Club) Baltimore, (St. Louis) St. Louis, 11-18. t. Peacock,Melvin(LingerBar)Sheboygan,Sparklettes (Paddock Club) Cleveland, no. n Lucky Sinters (Small's Paradise) NYC, cb. Wis., no. Spanish Aristocrats (Trocadero) Chi, no. Adams, Johnnie: (Dutch Gardens) Dayton, 0., Lunceford, Jimmy, & Orch. (State) NYC, t. Pecoraro, Dick (Monte Rosa) NYC, re. Spencer, Florence (French Casino) NYC, nc. nc. Lurya, Dee (Vanderbilt) NYC, h. Pedulla, Hugo (LaRue's) NYC, re. Speeds, Three (Savoy -Plaza) NYC, h. Adcock, Jack: (College Inn) Phila, nc. Lyons, Geo. (Drake Hotel) Chi, h. Pegue, Paul (Gloria Palast) NYC, nc. Spenser, Amy, & Roger Sinclair (Black Cat)Aldin, Jimmy: (Gino's Cedar Gardens) NYC, C. Pepper, Evelyn (Stanley Grill) Montreal, Can.. NYC ne. Albin, Jack: (Bossert) Brooklyn, N. Y., h. Mack, Helen (Jefferson) St. Louis, h. nc. St. Clair, Sylvia (El Gaucho) NYC, no. Alfonso, Don: (Savoy -Plaza) NYC, h. Mack, Lyle (Oasis) Detroit, nc. Perry, Harry (Oriental) Chi, t. St.Claire & O'Day (American Music Hall)Alfredo, Den: (Du Plerrot) NYC, re. Maclovia & Candido (El Chico) NYC, nc. Perry, Katherine, & Her Girls (Cotton Club) NYC, t. Alston, Obe: (Ubangi) NYC, nc. Madie & Ray (Lyric) Indianapolis, t. NYC, no. Stepsons, Three (Ubangi) NYC, nc. Americo, Tony: (New Cotton Club) Neiv Or- Madison, Rudy (Gay '90s) NYC, nc. Perry, Margy (Palm Garden Club) Columbus,Stevens, Marie (18) NYC, no. leans, Mae, Edna (Paradise) NYC, re. 0. Stevens Sisters (Palace) Chi. t. Angelo, Mac: (Chesapeake House) NYC, re. Malcolm,Helen(Ambassador)Washington,Peterson, Ivor (McAlpin) NYC, h. Stewart, Jerry (Piccadilly) NYC, no. Anthony, Ralph (Peacock Alley) Detroit, ne. D. C., h. Picard & Mickey (Lyric) Indianapolis,t. Stewart, Margie (Seneca Terrace) Rochester,Applegate, Joe: (Red Dragon) St. Louis,ne. Malone, Jay (Boody House Bar) Toledo, 0. Pickert, Rollo (Bali) NYC. nc. N. Y., no. Aristocrats of Rhythm: (Palmer House) Chi, h. Mangini Bros. (College Inn) Chi, re. Pickford, Murry (Ballyhoo) Phila, nc. Still, Lois (College Inn) Chi, re. Arnheim, Gus: (Congress Casino) Chi, h, Manners,Gene, & Bernice Lee(Paradise)Pierce, Burton (Biltmore) NYC, h. Stone, Dick (Essex Rogge) NYC, h. Arthur, Zinn:(Roseland) Brooklyn, b. NYC, re.' Pierce & Harris (Savoy -Plaza) NYC, ne. Strickland Peggy (LaRue's) NYC, re. Azpiazu, Don:(Radio City Rainbow Room) Manners & Marcia (Terrace Gardens) Roches-Plaut, Jerry (Dizzy Club) NYC, no. Stroud, Claude & Clarence (State -Lake) Chi, t. NYC, no. ter, N.Y. Pontee. Joe (Montclair) NYC, h. Stuart & Lee (Park Central) NYC. h. Mallon, Sylvia, & Co. (Met) Boston, t. Pope Sisters (Kit Kat) NYC, no. Stuart & Martin (Lyric) Indianapolis, t. Banco, Pedro: (Benny the Bum's) Phila, no. Mario & Floria (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC. nc. Powell, Jack (St. Regis) NYC, h. Sullivan, Bobby (Swanee Club) New York, no. Bannon, Al: (Henry) Pittsburgh, h. - Marion & Irma (Grosvenor House) London, h.Powell, Johnny (Caliente) NYC, nc. Sullivan, Joe (Elysee) NYC, It. Barber, Charles: (Basque) NYC, lie. Marsh, Howard (Mayfair Club) West Orange,Prendergast, Agnes (Henry) Pittsburgh, h. Susanne & Christine (Barrel of Fun) NYC, no.Barnett, Art: (Detroit Athletic Club) Detroit, N. J., nc. Price, Mary (Oriental) Chi, t. Sutton, Johnny (18) NYC. no. ne. Marshall, Everett (Chez Parse) Chi, no. Prine, Dan (Yacht) NYC, tic. Sweet & Low Trio (Michigan) Detroit, t. Barnett, Charlie: (Kenmore) Albany, N.Y., h. Marta, Joan (Club Diamond) Wheeling, W.Proctor, Ferne (Romance Inn) Angola, N. Y.,Swifts, Three (French Casino) NYC, ne. Barrett,Hughie: (RobertTreat)Newark, Va., we. Sydell, Paul (Paradise) NYC, cb. N. J., h. Martell() , Helen (Yacht Club) Chi, nc. Symington, Eve (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC, h. Barron Carl (Montgomery Royal) NYC, eb. Martin, Marian (Hollywood) NYC, re. Racket -Cheers, Three (Venezia) NYC. no. Bartel, Jean: (Lexington) NYC, h. Martin, Mary (Miradur) NYC, tic. Radio Ramblers (Paramount) NYC, t. Taft & Boone(Rendezvous)BattleCreek, Barton. Mary: (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, nc, Marlyn & Margo (85 Club) Kansas City, Mo.,Racy, Mary & Naldri (Casino Parisien) Chi, Mich., pc. Basic, Count: (Roseland( NYC, b. nc. ne. Tappen, Maxine (Essex) NYC, h. Balkh's, Alex: (St. Moritz) NYC, h. Marvellots (Bismarck) Chi, h. Rancheros, Los (El Chico) NYC, tic. Tanis & Rimed! (Sherry -Netherland) NYC, h. Belasco, Leon: (Book -Cadillac) Detroit, h. Marvillas, The (French Casino) NYC, lie. Randolph, Amanda (Black Cat) NYC, ne. Tanya (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, ne. Berkeley.Duke: (Flunkey -Dory) Stamford, Mary, Erik & Co. (Savoy) London, h. Ray & Harrison (Loew's) Montreal, t. Tennis, Eleanore (Congress) Chi, h. Conn., lie. Mason, Jack (Jean's Tavern) NYC, nc. Ray & Naldi (Ritz -Carlton) NYC, h. Thomas, Audrey (Kit Rat) NYC, tic. Bernie, Ben: (Ambassador) Los Angeles; h. Mathewa, Babe (Ubangi Club) NYC, ne. Ray, Joie (Variety) NYC, ne. Thomas, Eddie (College Inn) Phila, sic. Berrens,Fred: (Laurel -in -the -Pines)Lake- Maurice & Cordoba(RadioCityRainbow'Ray, Linda (1523) Phila, ne. Thomas,Jimmy(Bartlett SupperClub) wood, N. J., ne. Room) NYC. lie. Ramon & LaMoyne (Skylight Club) Cleveland, Roehester, N. Y., lie. Biagini, Heiny: (Raymor) Boston, b. Maxine, Dorothy (Caliente) NYC, nc. sic. Thompson, Kay (St. Regis) NYC, h. Black, Bob: (Pere Marquette)Peoria, Ill., h. Maya, Sheila (El Bolero) NYC. nc. Ransom, Blends (11)) NYC, lie. Thompson Twins (Tomb Club) Canton, 0., no.Black,Hal:(SarasotaTerrace)Sarasota, Maza, Ted (Village Casino) NYC, ne. Kaye, Prince & Clark (Esquire( Toronto, nc. Thorsen, Art (Biltniore) NYC, It. Fla., h. McBride, Jack (Romance Jim) Angola, N. Y.,Readinger Twins, The (St. Regis) NYC, h. Thury, Ilona de (Tokay) NYC, re. Blaine, Jerry: (Park Central) NYC, h. nc. Reasons, Three (Village Barn) NYC, ne. Bonnetti, Dan: (Barkley's) Brooklyn, no. McCabe, Sara Aim (Casino Parisien) Chi, no.Red Dust (St. Regis) NYC, h. Tip ToGirls (Slate -Lake) Chi. t. Black, Ted (Studio) Phila. b. McCormick & Kidd (Murray Hill) NYC, h. Reeve Sisters, Three (Barrel of Fun) NYC, no. Torrencle. Joe & Edna )St. Francis) San Fran -Blake. Ted:I Ritz) Pittsburgh, h. Cisco, h. (Morocco) McCoy, Bob (Biltmore) NYC, h. Itegar, Charlotte(Skylight Ciub)Cleveland, Towne & Knott(Netherland Plaza)Cincin- Boroff,Mischa: Mountainside, McHugh, Joe (Guest House) Easton, Pa. no. nati, h. N. J., ne. McKay. Dee Lloyd (Uproar House) NYC, ne. Regine & Shanley (Chez Ray Ventura) Paris,Toy & Wing (Riverside) Milwaukee, t. Bradsha,v, Tiny: (Kit Kat) Phila, lie. McKenna.Katherine(Merry - Go - Round) ne. Tracy, Gale & Leonard (Colosimo's) Chi, re.Brandwynne, Nat: (Essex House) NYC, h. Brooklyn, nc. Reinhart, Robert (Ambassador) NYC, h. Tuscher, Sid (LaRue's) NYC, re. Bray, Jimmy: (New Penn) Pittsburgh, lie. McMahon, Larry (Village Barn) NYC, no. Rekkofs, The (French Casino) NYC, no. Tyner, Evalyn (Radio City Rainbow Room) Breinholt, Verdi: (White City) Ogden, MoNallie Sisters (Bismarck) Chi, h. Renault, Francis (Palm Beach) Detroit, no. Utah, b. Meadows, Frankie (Barrel of Fun) NYC, nc. Renaud, Rita (Bertollotti's) NYC, re. NYC, sic. Brigodtt, Ace: (Gibson) Cincinnati, h. Mel & Melina (Gaiety) Brussels, Oa. Renna Adele (Piccadilly) NYC, h. Britton, Milt (Olmos) San Antonio, no. Melba (Harry's New York Cabaret) Chi, no. Rene & Estelle (Yumuri) NYC, oe. Valdez. Vern (Frontenac) Detroit, nc. Brooks, Alan: (Savarin) Buffalo, N. Y., e. Meller, Raquel (Cafe de Paris) London, c. Rene & Gale (Chateau Moderne) NYC, ne. Vallee. Sunshine (Anselmo) NYC, re. Brown, .Les: (Trianon) Cleveland, b. Melsing, Melba (Astor) NYC, h. Renee, Jean (Riviera Inn) Stowe, Pa., nc. Valley & Lee (Sherwood) Burlington, Vt., h. Brunesco, Jan: (Dempsey's) NYC, re. Melton, James (Palace) Chi, t. Reser, Harry, & Cliquot Club Eskimos (Earle) Valley, Virginia (Bali) NYC, tic. Bruno, Al: (Butler's) NYC, nc. Melton, Marion (Park Central) NYC, h. Washington, 1. Vance. Carol (Bertolotti) NYC. re. Busse, Henry: (Chez Paree) Chicago, nc. Men of Gotham (Park Central) NYC, h. Beta, Miss (Skylight Club) Cleveland, lie. Vancello & Mary (Yacht Club) Chi, nc. Butteau, Herb: (Guyon's Paradise) Chi, b. Mercedes (Gillis) Kansas City, no. Rey, Alvino (Biltmore) NYC, h. Van Deusen, Bert (Penn) Wilkes-Barre. Pa., t.Brydeit, Betty (Eastern Star) Detroit, nc. Miller, C. (Boody House Bar) Toledo, 0. Reynolds,Helen(ShrineCircus)Coliseum,Varsity Eight, California (Chicago) Chi, t. Miller, Joyce (Place Elegante) NYC. no. Detroit. Velas, Ester (Roosevelt) NYC, h. Caceres, Emilio: (Chez Ami) Buffalo, no. Miller, Marty (Turf Club) Pittsburgh, no. Reynolds, Pearl (Mirador) NYC, no. Velcro. Violela & Rosita (Boxy) NYC, t. Calloway, Cab: (Cotton Club) NYC. no. Minevitch, Borrah, & Rascals (Roxy) NYC. t.Rhoenracl Troupe (French Casino) NYC, eb. Veluz & Yolanda (Chicago) Chi, t. Campus Jesters:(Cypress Arms) West Hart- Mitchell, Charlie (Man About Town Club)Rhythm Boys (Weylin Hotel) NYC, h. Venezia, Chiquita (Mirador) NYC, no. ford, Conn., no. NYC, ac. Rice, :Ruth (Loevv's) Montreal, t. Venuta,Benay(Hollywood Country Club)Carlton, Duke: (Sienna) Menominee, Mich., h. Mitchell & Durant (Colonial) Dayton, t. Richards, Bille (Jungle Inn) Youngstown, 0., Hollywood, Calif.. nc. Carroll, Frank: (Schierenbeck's) Bronx, NYC, Mitchell. Vivano (Cocoanut Palms) East De- Vera, Delfina (El Chico) NYC, no. cb. troit, no. Richards, Jimmy (Paradise) NYC, re. Verdi, Al, & Co. (Hipp) Toronto, t. Casinelli Bros. (Club Casino) Pittsburgh, no. Modie & Lemaux (Cathay) Shanghai, China, h.Rickard, Room) NYC, nc. Verrill, Virginia (Paradise) NYC. re. Chandler, Chan: (Rustic Inn) Corinth, Miss. Mogul (Uptown) Torontot. Ringwalch Claude (Park Central) NYC, h. Vestoff, Floria (Village Barn) NYC, no. Childs. Reggie (Graystone) Detroit, b. Mona & Maria (Versailles) NYC re. Rivero, Rudy (Pelican, Houston, Tex., lie. Vigal, Victoria (Ubangi) NYC. no, Cirini, Gene (La Casina) Lung Island, N. Y., Montaya. Carlos (El Chico) NYC, nc. Riviera Follies (Fox) Detroit, t. Vilano & Lorna (Ace of Clubs) Johnstown, ne. Montgomery, Anne (Brill's) Newark, N. Y., no.Robbins, A. (Casino Parisien) Chi, nc. Pa, Cleff, Pat: (Brightview) Rochester, N. Y., no. Monte, Hal (Peacock Alley) Detroit. nc. Roberts Bros. (Embassy) Phila. lie. Vincent. James, & Norbert Ludwig (EmpireCoburn. Jolly: (Ffench Casino) Miami, no. Moody, Gertrude (Variety) NYC. no. Roberts & White (Palmer House) Chi, h. Slate Tower) NYC. no. Codelban, Cornelius: (St. Regis) New York, h. Moore. Peggy (Royal Frolics) Chi, no. Robinson, Carson (Berkeley) London, h. Von Loesen, Emily (Chez Paree) Chi, nc. Comfort, Roy: (Winroy Park) St. Petersburg, Morales Bros. & Little Daisy (Wonder Bar) Robinson, Evelyn (Ubangi) NYC, lie. Fla., h. Port Huron, Mich. Robinson, Paul(Club Rio)Allentown, Pa., Cundi, Angelo (Canavan's)Long Island, N. Y., Moran. Patricia (Levaggi's) Boston, re. ne. Wacker, Bob (Lexington) NYC, h. ch. Moreno, Conchita (Chesapeake House) NYC,Robinson Twins (Colosimo's) Chi, nc. Wages, Johnnie (Club Yacht.) Buffalo. nc. Corsi, George:(Riverside Club) Iron MOun- re. Roccos, Three (Kit Kat) NYC, no. Wald, George (Bismarck) Chi, h. tain, Mich. Moreno, Confute].) (Yumuri) NYC, nc. Rochelle, Jean (Mirador) NYC. no. Waldron, Jack (Hollywood) NYC, re. Costello, Jimmie: (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, no. Morgan, Marion (Colony Club) Chi, nc. Rock. Mildred (Colosimo's) Chi, lie. Walker, George (Casino De Parse) Montreal.Covato, Etzi: (Frolics) Miami, ne. Morrell, Mack (Plaza Grill) Brooklyn, c. Ro4ers, Ralph (RitzCarliun I NYC, h. nc. Crieket I,Ernie:(UniqueGrill)Delawanna, Morrison, Jack (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, nc. Rogers, Salty (Skylight Club) Cleveland, no. Walker, Ted & Ethel(Lotus)Washington, N. J., re. Morton, Eddy (Club Frontenae) Detroit, no. Roland, Dawn (Ambassador) Hollywood, h. D. C.. a. Cromwell, Chauncey:(French Casino) NYC. Mossman & Godda (Gillis) Kansas City, nc. Rollins, Mimi (Zelli's) NYC. re. Walters, Gene (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, ne. Crone, T. H.: (Three -Mile Inn) Monroe, La., Moyer. Ken (Texas) Ft. Worth, Tex., h. Rolph. Wynne (Wivel's) NYC, re. Walton, Vera (Palm Garden Club) Columbus, ne. Mundin, Nona (Bali) NYC. e. Romero, Carmen (Casino Parisien) Chi. no. 0. Cug-at,Xavier:(Hollywood Country Club) Mora, Corinna (Blackstone) Chi, h. Roselle, Mildred (Queen's Terrace) Woodside, Ward, Diana (Zelli's) NYC, re. Hollywood, Calif., nc. Murray, Betty (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, no. L. I., N. Y., no. Ward, Frankie (Penthouse) Boston, ne. Murray. Edith (State -Lake) Chi. t. Rusini, Carl (New Yorker) NYC. h. Ward, Will (Gay '110s) NYC, no. Dale, Bill:(Italian Gardens) Pittsburgh, nc. Music Hall Boys (Ritz) London, h. Ross. Dr. Sydney (Radio City Rainbow Boon))Ware, Dick (Lookout House) Covington, Ky.,Denny, Carl: (Benny the Bum's) Phila, ne. Myers, Tininne (Palm Garden Club) Columbus, NYC, ne. ne. Darrell. Pat:tWo.aler Bar) Zanesville, 0., nc. Ross, Marian (Variety) NYC, ne. Warren, Rout (Club Paree) Hartford. Conn.,Davis, Billy:(Allem.) NYC, ne. O. Rossi, Pat (Cafe Leyale) NYC, re. no. Davis, Joe: (Chickasaw Gardens) Albany. Ga., Myra (Tillie's Chicken Crill) New York, no, Rowe. Dorothy (Russell) Brooklyn, h. Washington, Geneva (Kit Kat) NYC, ne. nc. N. T. G. Revue (Strand) York. Pa., 2-4, t. Royal Duo (Leon & Eddie's) .NYC, Watkins Twins (Pennsylvania) Wilkes-Barre,Davis, Eddie: (LaRue) NYC. re. Nadine & Kirk (Merry -Go -Round) Brooklyn. Royce, Thelma (Melody Grill) Los Angeles.. Pa., t. Davis,Fess:(House of Jacques) Oklahoma ne. Ruby, Jane (Harry's New York Cabaret) Chi,Wayne, Iris (French Casino) NYC, cb. City, Okla., no. Nally. Velva (Saks) Detroit, ice. lie. Wayne, Juanita (Montclair) NYC, h. DeTroit,Johnn: (Crystal)Natchez,Miss., Nanette (Village Barn) NYC, no. Rugel, Yvette (Gay '905) NYC. no. Weber, Rex (State -Lake) Chi, I. nc. Nash, Dick & Leota (Riverside) Milwaukee, t.Rulovra, Zena (Club Belvedire) Des Moines. Weiner, Michael (Old Roumanian) NYC. re. Do Salvo, Emile: (L'Aiglon) Chi, c. Nash, Niki (Barbizon -Plaza) NYC, c. Rulson. Tamara & Dee (Club Belvedire) DesWeiser. Leo (Miehenia Tavern) Niles, Mich. Deutsch, Emery (Radio City Rainbow Room) Nash, Nyra (Village Barn) NYC, no. Moines. Weldon & Honey (Paradise) NYC, re. NYC, nc. Natcha (Nini's) NYC, lie. Russel, Al & Sally (Cafe Madrid) Buffalo, nc.Wessells. HenriCotton NYC. no. DiNunzio. Louis(Oliver()) Wilmington, Del., Nations,. Evelyn (Allerton) Cleveland, la. Russell, Paul (Ballyhoo) Columbus, 0., no. West, Jack (Gay '90s) NYC. ne. h. Nazarenko, Iasha (St. Regis) NYC, h. Ryans, Three (El Coronado) Houston, Tex.,Weylin Knighteaps (Weylin) New York, h. Bind°, Mario: (Weylin) NYC, h. ne. Whalen. Jackie (Barkley's) Brooklyn, nc. DibeA, Sammy: iWebster Half) Detroit, h. Nazarro Jr., Nat (Lido) Montreal, ne. Ryger, Marianna (Congress) Chi, h. White, Jack (18 Club) NYC. ne. Dickler, Sid:(Arlington Lodge) Pittsburgh, Nadi, Aldo (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC, h. White & Stanley (State -Lake) Chi, t. ne. New Yorkers, Two Trocader.) London. no. Sabile, Mickey (Man About Town) NYC, ne. White. William (Queen Mary) NYC, re. Dinsmore. Frank: (Artie's) Brooklyn, no. Newell & Thorpe (Leon & Eddie's) NYC. lie. Samuels, Three (Palmer House) Chi, h. White's,George,Scandals(Palace) Cleve- Dixon, Bobby: (Peacock Ballroom) Clii, b. Santelli. George 1St. Regis) NYC, h, land,t. Dixon, Dick: (Gloria Palast I NYC, no. Santos & Elvira (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, no. White's Maniacs (Cotton Club) NYC. no. Donahue,Al: (NetherlandPlaza) Cincin- Saunders, Sylvia (Pick & Pat) Bayside, L. I.,Whitney. Jayne (Rainbow Grill) NYC, no. nati, h. no. Wicke, Gus (Gay Nineties) NYC. tic. Donaljon Boys: (Lawrence) Erie, Pa., h. THE NONCHALANTSSavage, Jean (Southern) Baltimore, h. Wiere Bros. (Dorchester) London, h. Dougherty. Doc: (31) Phila, no. Sawyer, Rose & Buddy (Midnight Sun) Buf-Williams, Chic (Torch Club) Canton, 0. Medlin, Eddy: (Plaza) NYC, h. RETURN ENGAGEMENT A. B. C. THEATER, PARIS falo, N. Y. ne. Williams. Corky (Caliente) NYC, ne. Duerr, Dolph: (Green Derby) Cleveland, no. PersonalDirection Saxon, Bea (Venezia) NYC, no. Williams, Hermanos (Savoy) London. h, Saxtette. The (Lincoln) NYC. h. Williams. Rubberlegs (Kit Kat) NYC. ne. Edmund, George: (Loyale) NYC, c. MUSIC CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Schuyler, Sonny (New Yorker) NYC, h. Wilkins & Walters (New Yorker) NYC, h. Ellington, Duke: (Cotton Club) Culver City, Selma & Buddy (Harry's New York Cabaret) Winthrop. Dale (Chicago) Chi,t. Calif., ne Newell, Vivian (Royal Frolics) Chi. no. Chi, ac. Woltner, Taz (Webster Hall) Pittsburgh. h. Engle.Freddy:(UniversityClub)Albany, Newman. Harry (Gabriel's) NYC. re. Seymour, Jack, & Co. (Allegheny) Phila, 4-6, t.Wolmaa, Harold(PortArthur) Providence, N. Y., no. New Yorkers, Three (Armando's) NYC, re. Shaonon, Dick (Rendezvous) Houston, Tex., R. I.,re. Evans, Nate: (Silver Slipper) Memphis, no. Nichols, Howaid (College Inn) Chi, re. ne. Woods & Bray (Greyhound) Louisville. Ky., c. Niles. Noma (Swanee) NYC, no. Shaver, Buster (Fox) Phila, t. Woods, Lloyd (Riviera Inn) Stowe, Pa., no. Fair, AllNa: (High Hat) Pittsburgh, Pa., no. Nils & Nadyne (Show Boat) Pittsburgh, nc. Shaw, Ben (Plaza Grill) Brooklyn, e. Woolsey & Wanda (Fior D'Italia)Modesto,Fenton, Ray: (Hitchin' Post) Union. N. Y., nc. Noble, Ray, & Orch. (Met( Boston, I. Shaw, Sony' (Yacht Club) Chi, lie. Calif., ro. Fettis, Jim: (Paramount) Phila, b. Shaw & Mead (Gloria) Columbus, ne. Wright, Charlie (St. Moritz) NYC, h. Fields, Shep: (Arcadia) Phila, re. Nolan, Marian (Hollywood) NYC, re. Shawn, Jack (Club Royal) McAllen, Tex., no.Wright, Cpbina (Ambassador) NYC. h. Finch, George: (Shore Road Barn) Brooklyn, Nolan, Mary (Plaza Grill) Brooklyn, no. Shelby, Bubbles (1523) Phila, nc. Wynn. Natalie (Club Deauville) NYC, no. ne. Nolan. Naafi), (Queen Mary) NYC, re. Sheldon. Gene (Chicago) Chi, t. Wynn, Ruth (Park Central) NYC, h. Fio-Rito, Ted: (Palomar) Los Angeles, h. Noll. Eddie (Hollywood) NYC. re. Wyse. RossJr.,& Co.(Capitol)Washing.Fischer, Art: (Franke's Casino) Chi, ne. Norman. Fay (Paddock Club) Louisville, no. Sheridan, Eleanor (Stork Club) NYC, no. ton. t. Fisher, Jack: (Steuben) Boston, h. Novak, Wilma (Yacht Club) Chi, no. Sherman, Muriel (McMinn) NYC. h. Fisher, Mark: (Bali -Bali) Chi. no. Sherry, Eleanor (Michigan) Detroit, t. Fitzpatrick, Eddie:(St. Francis) San Fran- O'Connor, Eileen (Casino Parisien) Chi, no. Shooting High (Ea. -le) Phila, t. Yacopi Troupe (Palace) Chi, t. cisco, b. Olympic Trio(Radio City Rainbow Room)Shutta. Ethel (Congress) Chi, h. Young, Ben (Blackstone) Ft. Worth, Tex., h. Flindt, Emil: (Park Casino) Chi, b. NYC. nc. Sillman, June (Ambassador) NYC, h. Young. Irwin (Valhalla) NYC, nc. Fociar, Jerry: (Talk of the Town) Toledo, 0., Simmons, Lee (Ubangi) NYC. nc. Youthful Rhythm (Oxford) Phila, 4-6,t. Orlik & (Russian Troyka) Washington,Simpson, Carl (Wm. Penn) Pittsburgh, h. nc. D. C.no. Men'sClub) Fomeen, Basil: (Ritz -Carlton) NYC, h. Orlins,Toddy (Nut Club) NYC. no. SingingSailors,The (Red Zeigler, Billy (New Earl) Baltimore, no. Fordharn,Howard(RockCastle)Wichita, Oshins & Lessy (Caliente) NYC, no. Rochester. N. Y. Zerby & Layton (Club Coronado)Houston, Kan., no. Sissman. Dan (Fort Pitt) Pittsburgh, h. Tex., nc. Foster, George: (Maduras Danceland) Ham- Pace, Bob (Venezia) NYC, ne. Smith, Alma (Ubangi) NYC. no. mond, Ind.. b. Page, Ann (Village Grove Nut) NYC, cb. Smith. Baer (Plaza Grill) Brooklyn. c. Zorima (Plaza) Pittsburgh. c. Fotin, Larry (Walt Whitman) Camden, N. C., Louis)St.Louis,Smith, Chubby (Swanee Club) NYC, no. Zoska (Ritz -Carlton) NYC, h. Paige, Ken & Roy(St. Smith & Sully (Dizzy Club) NYC, nc. Zina (Russian Rretchma INYC, re. h. February 6,1937 ROUTES The Billboard 37 Fox, Earl: (Princess) Bermuda, h. Malang, Alberto: (Village Casino) NYC, no. Subel, Allan:(BedfordSprings) BedfordBrown, Rhythm: (Uproar House) NYC, nc. Frasetto, Joe: (Philadelphian) Phila, h. Mamman, Steve: (Riviera Club) Averhill Park, Springs, Pa., H. Brown Bros.: (Robinson Grand) Clarksburg. Freeman, Jerry: (Paradise) NYC, ch. NYC. rm. W. Va., 0-7 t; (Strand) Cumberland, Md., Froman, Jack:(Roseland) Brooklyn, b. Maples, Nelson (Henry) Pittsburgh, h. Texas Co-Eds:(La Fontaine)Huntington, 8-11 t. Fulcher, Charlie: (Forest Hills) Augusta, Ga.,Mareno, Frank: (Sweeney) Baltimore, c. Ind., h. Cole, Walter: (Barrel Of Fun) NYC, nc. h. Martel, Gus: (Stork Club) NYC. Thompson, Glenna Jane:(Three -MileInn)Coriell Trio: (Savoy) Shawnee, Okla., t. Martin. Freddy: (Aragon) Chi, b. Monroe, La., ro. Dawn & Darrow: (Commodore) NYC. h. Gardner, Richard: (Casa Madrid) Louisville,Masters, Frankie: (Stevens) Chi, h. Thorn, Bob (Mill Basin Hofbrau) NYC, c. Dunn, Vera: (Village Casino) NYC, nc. no. Matthews, Steve:(Longview Farms)Pitts-Tormey,Bob:(JeffersonGardens) SouthEdwards, Joan:(Merry -Go -Round) Brook- Garrett, Jimmy: (Morrison) Chi, h. burgh, ro. Bend, Ind.nc. lyn, nc, Gasparre, Dick: (Ambassador) NYC, h. Mayehoff, Eddie: (Wellington) NYC. h. Thurn, Otto: (Alpine Village Hofbrau) Cleve-Fuller, Howard: (Middleburs)lLogan, W. Va., Gentry, Tom: (St. Paul Hotel) St. Paul, h. Mayne,Artie:(BelmontGrill)Bridgeport. land, re. 5-6; (Pocahontas) Welch, W. Va., 7,t. Gerkens, Joe: (Brevort) Chi, h. Conn., re. Towne, Loren:(400 Club) Wichita, Han., no.Garr,Eddie:(HollywoodCountryClub) Gilbert, Irwin: (Coq Rouge) NYC, no. Meadowbrook Boys: (Versailles) NYC, re. Tracy, Jack: (Frances) Monroe, La., h. Hollywood, Fla.,no. Glenn, Duke: (Graystone) Utica, N. Y., b. Merten, Marat: (Jaeger's) NYC, re. Tramp Band: (Powatan) Detroit, nc. Gordon, Jean: (Village Casino) NYC, nc. Goetz, Lou: (Golden Grill) Rochester, N. Y. Meyers, Jack: (Club New Yorker) New York,Travers, Vincent: (French Casino) NYC, cb. Hayworth.SeaBeeRevue:(Liberty)N. Golly,Cecile:(Chez Maurice)Dallas, Tex., nc. Tyldesley,Bobbie:(IrvinCobb)Paducah, Wilkesboro, N. C., t. 71C. Middleman, Herman: (Nixon) Pittsburgh, c. Ky., h. Jarrot, Lucille: (I: Escargot D'Or) NYC, re. Gordon, Gray: (Claridge) Memphis, h. Miller, Dave: (French Casino) Miami, no. Tucker, George: (New Albany) Albany, Ga., h.Kane,Allen, & Boys:(Monte Carlo Bar Gordon, Roger: (Villa Royale) Pittsburgh, ne.Miller, Walter: (Breakers) Palm Beach, h. Tucker,Orin:(Lookout House) Covington, Hotel) Chi, h. Gotthelf, Manfred: (Via Lago) Chi, no. Millinder, Lucky: (Vendome) Buffalo, nc. Ky., no. Kirk, Jean: (('ommodore) NYC. h. Gray, Len: (New Cedars) New Bedford, Mass.,Mills, Dick:(Castle Forest)Opelousas, La.,Tuttle, Elisha: (Le Mirage) NYC, no. McConnell & Moore:(Roosevelt) Oakland, ne. Calif.,t. Grayson, Bob (Rice) Houston, Tex., h. Mills, Floyd: (Du Pont) Wilmington, Del., h.VanWinkle, Joe: (Melody Grill) Kokomo, Ind.Marlow, The Great: (Shrine Circus) Detroit, Greer, Eddie: (Village) Pittsburgh, nc. Morey, Al: (Aragon) Chi, b. 1 -14. Grimes, Pope:(Wyoming Valley)Pittston,Morgan, Russ (Royal Pain)) Miami, Fla.. no.Wagner, Bill: (Jimmy Kelly's) Brooklyn, no. Noah, Tera: (Village Casino) NYC, nc. Pa., h. Monroe, Jerry: (Green Tavern) Bronx, N. Y.Wagner, George: (Barrel of Fun) NYC. nc. Nordstrom, Sig and Dagmar: (Larue's) NYC, MontmartreBoys,Four:(JimmyKelly's)Wagner, Perce (Bob's) Ferriday, La., ne. re. Hail, Ewen: (Plaza) San Antonio, h. NYC, nc. Wald, Jean: (Broadhead) Beaver Fall, Pa., h.Nubi: (Park Central) NYC, h. Hal, Munro: (Ivanhoe Gardens) Chi, nc. Moore,Carl:(New Blossom Heath)Tona-Waldman, Herman: (Peabody) Memphis, h.Ope, Ben: (Versailles) NYC, re. Hall, George: (Taft) New York, h. wanda, N. Y. Warner, Billy: (Twilight Inn) East Paterson,Pierce,Marian: (Merry -Go -Round Bar) Hall, Sleepy: (Hanley's) Baltimore, re. Moore, Eddie: (Eagles) Ithaca, N. Y., b. N. J.,re. NYC, nc. Ballet, Mal: (Commodore) NYC, h. Morelli, Larry: (Merry Gardens) Lynchburg,Waterhouse, Frank (Casanova) Wichita, Kan.,Sing, Toly: (Harris) Chi, t. Hamilton, George: (Palmer House) Chi, h. Va. no. Strickland, Charles F.: (Buckingham) NYC, Hauck, Carlton: (Sak's) Detroit, no. Mutely, Berk: (Casa Grande) Berwyn, Md., nc.Watts, Kenny:(Dicky Wells)Harlem, New h. Hardie, Dick: (Club Frolics) Albany, N. Y.,Munro, Hal: (Ivanhoe Gardens) Chi, no. York, no. Sutton, Ginger: (Le Mirage) NYC, nc. nc. Myers, Stan: (Surf Club) Miami, no. Webb, Chic: (Savoy) NYC, b. Villon, Renee: (Mirador) NYC. nc. Harold, Lou: (Republic) NYC, re. Webb, Joe: (Queen Mary) NYC, re. Whitey & Ed Ford: (Casino Parlsien) CM. no. Harris, Claude: (Joey's Stables) Detroit, nc. Nagel, Joe: (Moon Glow) Syracuse, N. Y., re.Webb, Howdy: (Villa Rosa) Johnstown, Pa.,Yanyego Voodoo Dancers: (Le Mirage) NYC, Hart, Ruth: (Spanish Villa) Detroit, no. Namaro, Jimmie:(Esquire) Toronto, no. ne. nc. Harnett: (Detroit Athletic Club) Detroit, nc. Navarro, Al: (Belvedere) Baltimore, h. Weber, Curt:(Weismantel's) Brooklyn, no. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS Hawaiian Serenaders: (Versailles)' NYC, re. Neilbaur, Eddie: (Casino Moderne) Chi, b. Webster,Ralph:(RainbowGardens)Den- Hayden, Ernie: (Gayosa) Memphis. Tenn., h. Nelson, Chet: (Bradford) Boston, h. ver, b. Ballou, Dick: (Arcadia) NYC, b. Hayton, Lennie: (Hollywood) NYC, cb. Newlin, Ted: (Fort Pitt) Pittsburgh, h. Weeks, Ranny: (Cocoanut Grove) Boston, re. Golden, Neil: (Brass Rail) NYC, re. Heath, Andy (Hi -Ho) Newport, Del., ne. Newton, Bill: (Skyligat Club) Cleveland, no. Weems, Ted:(Trianon) Chi, b. Jelesnik, Eugene: (Venezia) NYC, re. Heidt, Horace: (Biltmore) NYC, h. Nickles, Billie: (Waldorf) Log Angeles, no. Weiser, Leo: (Michigan Tavern) Niles, Mich.,Johnson,Jerry:(New Kenmore)Albany, Herbeck, Ray: (Utah) Salt Lake City, h. Nicola, Frank: (Pink's) Passaic, N. J., nc. N. Y., h. Herman, Woody: (Roseland) NYC, b. Nichtls, Red: (Gibson) Cincinnati, h. Whalen, Jimmy: (Bertolotti) NYC, cb. Joy, Jimmy: (Claridge) Memphis, h. Hermanos, Le Betard: (San Sonce) Havana,Nodzo, George: (Imperial) Utica, N. Y., re. White, Dave: (Oasis Grill) New York City, re.Knowles, Jesse: (Del -Rio) Nashville, nc. Cuba, no. Norris, Stan: (Merry Gardens) Chi, b. White, Lew (Variety) NYC, no. McCune, Bill: (Bossert) Brooklyn, h. Herren, Ken: (Chalfonte) Pinehurst, N. C., nc.Noury, Walt: (Roma) Haverhill, Mass., re. Whitney, Palmer: (Baker) St. Charles, h. McCune, Bill: (Plaza) NYC, h. Hess.Charlie:(Maduras Denceland)Ham-Novitt, Jules: (Gay '90s) Chi, nc. Williams, Cookie: (Village Casino) NYC, no. Morris, Griff: (Wagon -Wheel) Akron, 0.,c. mond, Ind., b. Williams, Griff: (Mark Hopkins) San Fran-&hot:field. Al: (Childs Old France) Boston, Hi Mar: (Bungalow Inn) Norristown, Pa. O'Hara, Ray: (Governor Clinton) NYC, h. cisco, h. re. Hill, Harry: (Inglaterra) Peoria, Ill.,b. Olson, George: (Edgewater Beach) Chi, h. Williams,Joe:(MarkTwain)Hannibal,Sihoney Rumba Band: (Le Mirage) NYC, no. Hills. Al: (Jess Willard's) Pittsburgh, c. Olson,Walter: (NewJulius)Gardenville, Mo., h. Tate, Erskine: (Cotton Club) Chi, nc. Hines. Earl: (Grand Terrace) Chi, b. N. Y., re. Wintz, Julie: (Top Hat) Union City, N. J., nc.Tompkins, Tommy: (Raymor) Boston, b. Hoagland, Claude: (Ten Eyck) Albany, N. Y.,O'Neil, George (Barth's) Pittsburgh, b. Wolfe, Al: (Circus Club) Bloomington, Dl., no.Travers, George: (Oetjen's) Brooklyn, re. h. Osborne, Will: (Roosevelt) New Orleans, h. Cornelius, Paul: (Royal Villa) Omaha, nc. Hoffman, Earl: (Medinah Club) Chi, re. Oxford Entertainers: (Gamecock) NYC, re. Yanvego: (Bali) NYC, no. Davis, Johnny: (Showboat) St. Louis, b, Holmes, Herbie: (Plaza) San Antonio, h. Yehe, Rub, (Flitch's) Wilmington, Del., no. Goho. Billy: (Checkerbox) Buffalo, c. Hope, Hal: (Montclair) NYC, h. Pablo, Don (Merry -Go -Round)Dayton,0.,Young, Ben. (400) Wichita, Kan., nc. Nelson. Harold: (Three Mile Inn) Monroe, Huntley, Lloyd: (Mount Royal) Montreal, h. no. Young, Bob: (Utah) Salt Lake City, h. La., nc. Ryder, Coc: (Ubangi) Phila, Palmer, Freddy:(Colonial Inn) Singac, N. J., Read, Kemp: (Spartan Club) New Bedford, re. Mass., nc. tterial Trio: (Imperial) NYC, h. Palmer, Ray: (Murray's) Tuckahoe, N. Y., lie.Zarin, Michael: (Waldorf-Astaria) New York.Stevens, Dale: (Club Circus) Mansfield, 0., otr.a, Andy: (Congress) Chi, h. Panico, Louis:(Oriental Gardens) Chi, re. Zatour, Joseph: (Shelton) NYC, h. no. Parisians, The (Cotton Club) Wilmington, Del.,Zeeman, Barney: (20th Century) Phila, no. Thurston, Hal: (Lido Club) Charlotte, N. C., Jaffe, M. C.: (Ben Franklin) Phila, h. no. Zelman, Rubin: (Caravan) NYC, no. nc. Jay, Jerry: (Willows) Pittsburgh, h. Parks, Sex: (End-o-M,:in) Houston, Tex., nc.Zito, Horatio: (Merry -Go -Round) NYC, no. Zarnow, Ralph: (Kit Kai) Des Moines, no. Jesters, The:(So -Ho Club)Springfield,Ill.,Peary, Bob: (Graemere Hotel) Chi, h. nc. Pecoraro, Dick: (Monte Rosa) NYC, re. Johnson, Jerry: (Radison) Minneapolis, h. Pendarvis, Paul: (St. Paul) St. Paul, Minn., h. REPERTOIRE Johnson, Paul: (Buena Vista) Brockway, Pa.,Perry, Ron: (Lord Baltimore) Baltimore, h. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL (Routesareforcurrentweek whenus no. Jones, Isham: (Lincoln) NYC, h. Pete, Werner: (Merry Gardens) Chi, b. A Point of Honor (Erlanger) Phila, 1-6. dates are given.In some instances pos- Joseph, Jimmy (Queens Terrace) NYC, nc. Peterson, Dee: (Villa D) Detroit, no. Bankhead, Tallulah (Chestnut St.) Phila, 1-6. sibly mailing points are listed.) Juele, Frank: (Bellevue -Stratford) Phila, h. Peterson, Eric: (Woodlands) Ardsley, N. Y., no.Boy Meets Girl (Savoy) San Diego, Calif., 5-6.Harvey Players: Dyersburg, Tenn., 1.0. Jurgens, Dick: (Drake) Chi, h. Petit, Emil: (Savoy Plaza) NYC, h. Carte, D'Oyly, Opera Co. (Nixon) Pittsburgh,Hayworth, Seabee, Players: (Strand) Cherry- Petti, Henry (Top Hat) Brooklyn, nc. 1-6. ville, N. C., 4; (Rivoll) Lincolnton, 5-6. (DeWittClinton)Albany,Pettis, Jack:(LaSalle) Los Angeles, no. Cohan, George M. (Shubert), Newark, N. J., Kains,Paul: Phalen, Jimmy: (Romance Inn) Angola, N. Y., 1-6. N. Y., h. nc. First Lady (Harris) Chi, 1-6. MISCELLANEOUS Kavanaugh, George (Webster Hall) Detroit, cb.Pineda, Juan: (Monte Cristo) Chi, c. Follies (Grand 0. House) Chi, 1-6. Kavelin, Albert: (Blackstone) Chi. h. Pitman,Jack:(PortArthur)Providence, Birch,Magician:(Auditorium)Sha(wnee, Kaets, Henri: (Anne Millstone's Rendezvous) R. L, re. Great Waltz (Auditorium) Chi, 1-6. Okla., 4-5; Maud, 6; Holdenville, S; Ada, Chi, no. Platt, Earl: (Broad Street Grill) Harrisburg,Hamlet(Gielgud) (National)Washington, 9; Durant, 10. Keebler, Paul: (885 Club) Chi, no. Pa., re. 1-8. Marine & Firestone: Stock Yards Station, Keener, Lee: (Madison) Jefferson City, Mo., h.Pollack, Ben: (Beverly) Hollywood, h. Hamlet (Howard) (Biltmore) Los Angeles, 5-6. Fort Worth, Tex., 1-6. Kendis, Sully: (Stork) NYC, nc. Powell, John: (Caliente) NYC, no. Idiot's Delight (Forrest) Phila, 1-6. Marquis. Magician: Detroit, Mich., 3; Ander- King, Al': (Shaker Ridge Club) Albany, N. Y.Prima, Louis: (Famous Door) Hollywood. Jane Eyre (Erlanger) Chi, 1-6. son. Ind., 5-0. King, Don: (Alamo Club) Green Bay, Wis., ne.Provost, Eddie:(Penthouse) Baltimore, ne. Leaning On Letty (Selwyn) Chi. Ricton's Show: Scotland, Ga., 1-3; Surrency, King, Henry: (Fairmount) San Francisco, h. Masque of Kings (Shubert) Boston, 1-6. 4-6. King, Tempo: (Mammy's Chicken Hoop) NYC, Nazimova (Davidson) Milwaukee, 3-6. re. Raeburn, Boyd: (Trianon) Chi, b. On Your Toes (Hanna) Cleveland, 1-6. -Kirkham, Don: (Blakeland Inn) Denver, no. Raginsky, Mischa: (Commodore) NYC, h. Pride and Prejudice (Colonial) Boston, 1-6. Klein, Jules: (Statler) Detroit, h. Rainbow Ramblers: (Club Moose) Haverhill,Reflected Glory (Chestnut St.) Phila, 1-6. CIRCUS AND WILD WEST Knight. Harold: (Adelahi) Phila, h. Mass., nc. You Can't Take It With You (Harris) Chi,W. P. A.: (245th Coast Artillery, Jefferson Koretzky, Boris: (Merry -Go -Round) NYC. no.Ramos, Don (Colonnade) Chester, Pa. h. opens Feb. 7. and Sumner Ayes.) Brooklyn, 4-6. Kramer, Charles: (Esquire) Toronto, lic. Rando, Henry: (Chez Parcel New Orleans, no.Ziegfeld Follies (Grand) Chi. Kress, Andya: (Avon inn) Asbury Park, N. J.Bausch, George: (Melody Mill) Chi. b. Krumin, Costya: (Russian Bear) New York,Ravel, Arthur: (New Yorker) NYC, h. CARNIVAL re. Reader,Charles:(Fort Montague INassau. Barfleld's Cosmopolitan: Frostproof, Fla. Kuenzler,Robert: (Martin'sRathskeller) B. W. I., h. INDEPENDENT BURLESK Florida Expo.: Spa Beach Park, St. Peters- NYC, nc. Regal, Tommy: (Syracuse) Syracuse, N. Y., h.Beef Trust (Rialto) Chi, 1-6; (Gayety) Min- burg, Fla. Reisman, Leo: (Waldorf-Astoria) NYC. h. neapolis, 8-13. L'Ambassadeur Band: (Wine Cellar) NYC, nc.Reser, Harry (Biltmore) Providence, R. I., h.China Dolls (Rialto) Chi, 8-13. Great Western: Quitman, Miss. La Salle, Frank: (Wivel) New York, ne. Resh, Benny: (McCurdy) Evansville, Ind., h. Crazy Quilt (Howard) Boston, 1-6; (Jacques) (See Routes on page 65) Lagnisn, Bill: (Club Trianon) Mobile, Ala.,nc.Reya Ads, Buddy:(Rose Garden)Hannibal, Waterbury, Conn., 8-9: (Lyric) Bridgeport, Lakona. Vic (Concordville) Concordville, Pa., Mo., b. 11-13. h. Rice, Johnny: (Brinkley's) Washington, D. C.,Fads and Fancies (Garrick) St. LOtlik, 8-13. Laude. Jules: (St. Regis) NYC, h. nc. Gayety Girls (Casino) Pittsburgh, 1-6. Mass. Agents Lang, Lou: (Bossert) Brooklyn, N. Y., h. Richards, Barney: (Limehouse) Chi, nc. Ladies in Lingerie (Casino) Toronto. 1-6. Lavig,ie,Bride:(Saranac)SaranacLake,Rinaldo. Nino:(Yacht Club) Chi, no. Maids of Manhattan (Lyric) Bridgeport, Conn., N. Y., h. Rizzo, Vincent: (Adelphia) India, h. 1-6; (Casino) Toronto, 8-13. Urge Licenses LeBaron, Eddie: (Walddrf-Astoria) NYC, h. Roberts,Keith:(GrandTerrace)Wichita,Merry Maidens (Gayety) Minneapolis, 1-6. Leifer, Alan (St. George) Brooklyn, h. Kan., b. Monte Carlo Girls (Garrick)St. Louis, 1-8; BOSTON, Jan. 30. -State-wide preven- Leali, Lee: (Grey Wolf Tavern) Sharon, Pa.,Rodriguez, Chago: (Hildebrecht) Trenton, h. open week, 8-13. tion of unlicensed and unbonded book- no. Rodriguez, Jose: (Montparnasse) NYC, nc. Nothing But Dames (Gayety) Baltimore, 8-13.ers is being urged by the Massachusetts LeBrun, Duke: (L. H. Inn) Mishawaka, Ind.,Rogers, Roly:(Brunswick Casino) Boston, h.Paris by Night: Open week, 1-6;(Gayety) ro. Roland, Will (Schenley) Pittsburgh, h. Detroit, 8-13. Theatrical Agents' Protective Association Leba, Bert: (GreenLantern)Covington,Rollins.,Ted: (Roadside Rest) Oceanside, I.I.Pepper Pot Revue (Hudson) Union City, N. J.,thruadelegationcomprisingLewis Tenn., ne. Romano, Phil: (Palm Island) Miami, lie. 1-6; (Century) Brooklyn. 843. Prey, president, Lou Golden, trustee, and Lehmas, Al: (Granada) Chi, b. Rosen, Tommy:(Wisteria Gardens) Atlanta,Snyder's, Bozo. Show (Gayety) Washington, Leonard, Leonard:(Cotton Club) Chi, no. no. 1-6; (Hudson) Union City. N. J., 8-13. Leslie M. Kreidberg, counsel, LeRoy, Howard: (Jermyn) Scranton, Pa., h. Russell, Jack:(Melody Mill) Chi, b. Speed & Sparkle (Gayety) Detroit. 1-6. Attorney -General Paul A. Dever states Levant, Phil: (Bismarck) Chi, h. Rutin, Yury: (Russian Bear) NYC, no. Swing Girls(Empire) Newark, N.J.,1-6;that by law, it is necessary for all per- Light, Enoch: (MeAlpin) New York, h. (Trocadero) Phila, 8-13. sonsinbusinessofbookingactors, Lindeman, Udo: (Gloria Palest) New York, cb.Sabin, Paul: (Town Casino) Miami, no. Swing Your Baby (Gayety)Baltimore,1-6; Lishon, Henri: (Royale Frolics) Chi, tic. Salinger, Al: (Benny the Bum's) Phila, ne. (Gayety) Washington, 8-13. actresses, and musicians, to be licensed Lombardo, Guy: (Roosevelt) NYC, H. Santora, Al: (Anchorage) Pittsburgh, c. Teases & Wheezes(Trocadero)Phila,1-6; and bonded. Lonibardo, Ralph:(Dinty's Garden) Albany -Santry,Henry:(Pompeian Gardens)North Allentown,8-9;Harrisburg,10;Reading, Licenses are to be issued by the police Saratoga road, no. Hollywood. Calif. 11-12; Williamsport, 13. Long, Johnny: (Merry Gardens) Chi, b. Schooler. Dave: (Piccadilly) NYC, h. Too Hot for Paris (Capitol) Toledo, 0., 1-6. commissioner in Boston, and by the al- Lopez, Vincent: (Astor) NYC, h. Schreiber, Carl: (Pershing) Chi, b. Top Hat Revue (Casino) Pittsburgh, 8-13. dermen or selectmen of the city or town Loss,Jimmy:(RoyalWorth)West PalmSchellang, Augie: (Roosevelt) New Orleans, h.Toyland(Jacques)Waterbury,Conn.,1-6;in which the agent's office Is located. Beach, Fla., h. Sears, Carl: (Childs Paramount) NYC, re. (Empire) Newark, N. J., 8-13. Losses, Billy: (stork) Providence. nc. Sears, Walt: (Indian Roof) Indianapolis, b. Twinkle Toes (Century) Brooklyn, 1-6; (How- Lucas, Clyde: (French Casino) NYC, cb. Senators, Three: (French Casino) Miami, tic. ard) Boston. 8-1:3. Loses Hair; Wants 100 Gs Lustig, Billy: (Riviera) Washington, D. C., e.Septeto, Canto: (San Souci) Havana, TIC. Variety Boat: Harrisburg, Pa., 3: Reading, 4; Lyman, Oscar: (31 Club) Phila, nc. Shapiro, Zeke: (Rose) Mishawaka, Ind., b. Williamsport, 5-6. NEW YORK, Jan.30. -Ann Suter, Lynn, Al: (Villepugue's) NYC, lie. Shannon,Richard(Rendezvous) Houston, Lyon, Bob:(Commodore Club)Vancouver, Tex., no. vaude and night club performer, has B. C., Can. Sherr, Jack (St. Moritz) NYC, h. filed suit against a local beauty parlor Simmons, Lennie: (Black Cat) NYC, no. for $100,000 damages she claims she is McCarn, Grace: (Chinese T Gardens) Detroit,Smith, Joseph C.: (Montparnasse) NYC, no. Additional Routes entitled to because her hair fell out re. Smith. Stuff: (Onyx) NYC, nc. McGill, Billie: (Logier's Cozy Grove) Detroit,Snyder, Dick: (Heidelberg) Baton Rouge, h. ACTS, UNITS AND ATTRACTIONS after a permanent wave treatment. Miss no. Soccarres. The: (Small's Paradise) NYC, cb. Aerial Lazellas: (Palamor)Seattle, Wash.,Suter, who is now wearing a transforma- McGrew, Robert Fletcher: (LaSalle) Chi, h. Slater, Hap:(Motor Square Garden)Pitts- 8-14 t. tion which she will be obliged to retain McKenna,Red: (ContinentalClub)Flint, burgh, a. Ballard & Rae: (Jefferson) St. Louis, h. for a year. took the permanent Decem- Mich. Stanley, Stan (Jung) New Orleans, h. Banks, Sadie: (Old Roumanian) NYC, re. McKenzie, Red (Red McKenzie) NYC, no. Steck, Gus: (Dempsey's) Miami, re. Belasl & Skaren: (Broadway Hofbrau) NYC,ber 8.At that time, she was working McLean. Connie: (Kit Kat) NYC, no. Steele, Roger: (Bali) NYC, no. nc. at a night club and alleges loss of her Mack, Austin: (Harry's New York Bar) CM,Sten,Elinore:(New York Exchange Club)Beno. Ben: (Fair) Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., 9-13.job as a result of the unusual effects of no. Tampa, Fla. Bernard,Phil:(Auditorium)Newark,0.,the beautification. Mack, Ed: (Martin's Tavern) Lima, O., nc. Stern,Harold:(Merry -Go -Round)Brooklyn, 5-6 t; (Memorial) Mt. Vernon, 0., 7-10 t; Madden. Flea:(SilverSlipper)Brentwood, no. (Indiana) Richmond, Ind., 12-14 t. Defendant isLucille Beauty Shops, Pa., no. Stevens, Bernie: (Bagdad) Providence, no. Bordine & Carol: (Monte Carlo) NYC, no. suit having been entered by William J. Maddie, Larry: (Place Elegante) NYC, no, Strom, Roy: (5th Ave.) NYC, h. Boston Sisters: (L'Escargot D'Or) NYC, re.Rapp, attorney for the complainant. 38 The Billboard CIRCUS February 6, 1937 Big Showto Barnes Will Open April 8 Open Earlier Negotiations however still on for pre -Garden engage- Large force rushing work ment at 177th St. Coliseum at quarters-most baggage wagons are now ready NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Samuel W. Gumpertz, vice-president andgeneral LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30.-There is a manager of the Ringling Bros. and Bar- large force busy at the Al G. Barnes win- num & Bailey Combined Circus, an- ter quarters in Baldwin Park. While the .iounced this week that the show will opening date has not yet been announced, open its1937 Madison Square Garden it will be earlier than last year. engagement on April8.He indicated Painting is in charge of E. F. Burnett that negotiations are still on for a pre- with Charles Parker doing the pictorial Garden date at the 177th Street Coli- work on cages.Most of the baggage seum, beginning preferably March 27, wagons are ready and a stand -out paint nine days after the Cole Bros. -Clyde job was done on these. Beatty Circus New York debut at the There has been considerable difficulty Hippodrome encountered in the paint work due to Reportsthatthe Ringling-Barnum the heavy pall of smoke that made the Show was seriously considering a Coli- quarters pretty dark until the middle of seum engagement first broke last fall, WHO WOULD deny that they were happy moments when this picture was day. The smoke came from the smudge but it was later believed that the nego- taken by the candid cameraman in Chicago recently? Left to right: Don How- fires that were necessary to save the tiations had fallen thru.At present, land, Ledger Reed, Earl Shipley, Harry Atwell, Clint W. Finney and Nat Green, citrus crop endangered by heavy frosts however, the Ringling organization is all well known in the circus world. and severe cold. still interested in a proposition, provided a satisfactory agreement can be reached Capt. W. H. Curtis has a large force with the Coliseum management. Business working on seats, poles, etc. Bob Thorn- at the big Bronx arena has evidently not ton is working new menage horses and been too good this winter, weekly fightAdkins and Terrell Aid Flood a new zebra act.Roland Simpson is on Tuesday evening carryingitthru. working out menage and high -jumping The fact that a circus would break the horses. Merle Ritenour is utilizing one fight -night continuity and then pull out of the outside rings working his school after a few days is evidently making theSufferers With Special Train and others. Herman Walther is chef at Bronx boys think twice. It is understood winter quarters, feeding 105 men. Dusty that the circus and Coliseum have been ROCHESTER, Ind., Jan. 30.-A special Draft horses with the show, numberingRhodes is purchasing agent. With the experiencing difficulty in arriving at sat-train made up of sleeping cars with sev-190 head, are wintering on the show'sdining department are Bill Wells, John isfactory terms on other angles. eral fiats loaded with cook house andfarm at Argus, Ind., 2 miles away. McGinty, Leonard Radle, Harvey A. Kru- Queried in Sarasota, Fla., this week,dining equipment was dispatched by A decided innovation in the illumina-del and Ralph Richie. Walter McLain, Mr. Gumpertz stated: "We have a manAdkins and Terrell, owners of Cole Bros.'tion of the big top for the road seasonsuperintendentofelephants,has15 at the Coliseum. If it (Coliseum) is bigCircAs, from their winter quarters hereis being constructed in the electricalpachyderms, all being worked out, and enough we will open there March 27." to the Ohio rider flood zone Tuesdayshops at winter quarters. aside from the usual routine of bull acts, night. Two car loads of Oregon spruce wasisworking two special numbers that Immediately following the receipt of areceived yesterday from Albany, Ore., andshould prove interesting in acts such as telegram from Admiral Grayson of thewill be utilized for the construction ofthis. Assisting him are Charles Morgan, Dexter Fellows On Air Red Cross, the winter quarters forcesnew seats. Scotty Noble and five others. Joe Belo- were quickly mobilized and within sev- All of the cages, dens and menagerievockey is working the seals. He has sev- NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Dexter Fellows,eral hours the train departed for Jeffer-equipage are out of the paint shops,eral new ones and is breaking them for dean of circus press agents and veteran stored and ready for the road season. an act. He has Leslie Borinstein assisting. story man of the Ringling show for manysonville, Ind., via Indianapolis and thence years, appeared on Joe Cook's full -hourover the Pennsylvania tracks.Enough Ed Miller is handling the lead stock. variety show Jan. 23 for Shell Oil Com-cook -house equipment was taken to feed Mike Tschudy is with the baggage stock pany. several thousand refugees daily. IABP&B Local No. 10 at Corona, Calif. Hal Silver is working Altho it was not Fellows' first The Pullman cars will be utilized for out daily on the wire and perfecting a stint on the air, it was nevertheless an MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 30.-The follow-forward somersault.Bill Foix recently unusual pastime for the much -publicizedliving and sleeping purposes until theing officers of IABP&B, Local No. 10, publicity getter. floodsubsides.Thirty cooks,waiters, suffered injuries from a lion which he Toto, veteran clown ofporters and several bosses accompaniedwere recently installed for this year: E. E.was working into his straight lion act. the big top, appeared on the same pro-the train. Schrimpf, president: C. N. Munsen, re-He is at Golden State Hospital.Bert gram, together with several artists of the cording secretary: Zach Luckens, treas-Nelson is working animals for his new stage, screen and radio. The radio in the club house was tunedurer; Harry J. Mansfield, vice-president;mixed group. There will be, it was stated, in Saturday night to catch Clyde Beatty'sH. M. Fretag, business agent;S. M.28 cats in the act. Very remarkable is broadcast over the NBC national hookup.Robbe, sergeant -at -arms. the work of the tigress Princess after be- Eddie Jackson Returns Beatty appeared as a guest star in Joe Work for January has been slack, buting in training only a week. Capt. John Cook's Shell Chateau Hour. The enter-outlook for next few months isveryHoffman is standing by on the Nelson To Ringling-Barnum Show taining hour was replete with sawdustbright. act. MACON, Ga., Jan. 30.-Eddie Jackson,and spangle atmosphere and it remained for Beatty to give the added sock to the Charles Coburn is visiting around in Jake Newman, general agent, was in who was a story man on Downie Bros.'program. Duluth; Charles Hough is with a bur-for a conference with Manager Cronin. Circus press staff last season, returns to lesque show; Sky Heggerness is tackingTheo. Forstall is busy with the details of the Ringling-Barnum Circus this season. Jess Adkins is back in winter quartersbanners; Art Beeth and Max Abermangetting ready for the opening. Mr. Cro- He will return to one of the advertisingafter a several days' visit to New Yorkare resting until spring work begins atnin stated that he was not at liberty to cars, a position he held for several years.City. the shop. announce names of acts that would be Bill Moore, on legalstaff of Al G. featured but stated that the show under Barnes Circus last season, visited here the new title would be an outstanding following an automobile trip to the Pa-Atterbury, Akins On Tour Patterson Acts Contracted one. Recent arrivals are Michel Ramirez, cific Coast.His future plans were not DAKOTA CITY, Neb., Jan. 30.-R. L. PONTIAC, Mich., Jan. 30.-The Patter-ballet master, of Mexico City and Senorita announced. Atterbury and H. C. Akins left here forson Bros. Three-ring Circus, being or-Florentine Morales, who will assist in the Another adjuster, Joe Haworth, of thea tour of Texas. En route they stoppedganized here, will be under managementdance numbers and design the special Mighty Haag Show, also visited here forat Emporia, Kan., to visit Bud Anderson,of J. C. Patterson, assisted by John Ellis,wardrobe for the new spec, to which several days. manager of Seal Bros. Circus.Will bereports Tom Bondy, who will be withseveral singers, male and female, will be in San Antonio for about a month. At-show.Everything being assembled hereadded. It was stated that a contract had terbury bought a five -ton elephant semi-will be new, including a large light plant.been signed for the Three Del Rios, Vaughan on Road trailer from Tol Teeter. There will be a 10 -piece big show bandmidgets, and that they will be a me- ST. LOUIS, Jan. 27.-Eddie Vaughan, Atterbury show will be enlarged for(all new uniforms), also a colored bandnagerie display. 26th annual tour.H. V. Winslow hasfor Side Show. legal adjuster of Ringling-Barnum Cir-been engaged as general agent and Fred cus, was a visitor at The Billboard Mon-Lober, brigade agent, in charge of bill - George (Doc) White will be ahead with day while en route from Dallas to Newposting.Specialpaperwillbe used.six billers and two trucks, with gll new York. He has been traveling practicallySome acts from South America havepaper by Donaldson's. Here and There all winter for the Big One adjustingbeen engaged. Patterson's dogs and ponies will be MIAMI, Jan. 30.-Many of the Downie cases in various cities. Vaughan advised featured along with Mme. Bezane's lionsboys are around the bill room of Har- that his wife has been residing in Dallas and tigers.The following have beenold Tobin, ready to throw paste for the for the last six months with her grand- contracted:Bob Evans and his band,Shrine Circus here. daughter, Betty McKee, and that herHarriet Snellen Under KnifeMme. Bezan, Croutch family of aerialists, home on Bowser avenue is a mecca for Edward J. Totenhagen was married LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30.-Harriet Snel-Bob Barrett and wife, slack wire;ArtDecember 26 at Polo,Ill.Has been a many outdoor showfolkthere. Mrs.len, of the Aerial Ballet with Ringling-Regoban, equestrian director with10 biller with Tom Mix Circus last two Vaughan, who was ill in this city untilBarnum Circus and daughter of the latehead of stock. years. Edward Caupert, also of Mix show, the time of her departure for Dallas,Happy Jack Snellen, is hospitalized here was married in Memphis. has completely regained her health. for an emergency sinus operation.She was forced to leave location in Truckee, Clarence Porter. on advance of Mix where she was doubling for Karen Mor- show last three seasons, has left hospital ley, screen actress, in hazardous snowLindemanns Visit Quarters in Norfolk, Va., and is at home, 511 Biggest Matinee for WPA Showscenes.She is also stand-in for Miss SPRINGFIELD, MO., Jan. 30.-Linde-Standish street, Elgin, Ill., convalescing NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-WPA FederalMorley and was to have started work onmann Brothers, Bill, Pete and Al, ownersfrom a long illness of malaria fever. Theater Project's circus opened the thirda new picture with the featured playerof Seils-Sterling Circus, and Orville Lin- Rocco Longo can be seen in the ball- of its week -end runs at Bronx Coliseumin the immediate future. demann made a visit to several winterrooms of Brooklyn. January 23 to the biggest matinee of the Miss Snellenwillshortly return toquarters en route from their home at date. Biz was fair at night. Sunday sawSarasota. Fla., to recuperate and prepareSheboygan, Wis., to their quarters here. Jack Carlino is back in Alexandria, La. another big matinee.Rain and snowto go out with the circus in the spring.At Cole Bros.' Circus, Rochester, Ind.,He is doing well with his grocery store. spoiled the night, biz being very poor. they visited with Capt. Seymour andDick O'Brien is doing fine on the West Project officials estimate that more than Charles Young;at Peru, with RalphCoast. 25,000 adults and children have paidRoyals to Mix Quarters Clawson and Terrell Jacobs, who is recov- Ralph Locke, of St. Marys, W. Va., ad- their way since Bronx date opened. HOT SPRINGS, Ark., Jan. 30.-Rhodaering from recent injuries; at Rolla, Mo.,vises that he will again troupe coming Publicity department arranged a tieupRoyal, equestrian director of Tom Mixwith Claude Webb and wife and Justusseason. with Station WBNX and show receivedCircus, and wife left for Anniston, Ala.,Edwards. The writer, Henry Barth, on the ad- a nice break on the air. Visitors includedwinter quarters of show. Mix circus will Orville Lindemann has recovered fromvance of the Mix show the last three sea- J. Hamilton Gilbert, Mary Wozniak andhave a regular horse show as Mr. Royala recent siege of tonsilitis and an in-sons, has returned from Hollywood, Fla. Anne Herbert& reports Wendell J. Good-has made a trip to Kentucky and pickedfected eye. Whitey Carroll, chef. is recov-Guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frances gagman, win. acme fine five -gaited saddle horses. ering from illness, of the FlumeII ehtsW. February 6, 1937 CIRCUS The Bi'lboard 39 Second Largest Show in the World HAGENBECK-WALLACE-FOREPAUGH SELLS BROS. 1937 Season COMBINED CIRCUS 1937 Season WANTED RIDING ACTS.Also BEST EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN CIRCUS ACTS of size and quality for three rings, stage and air. EQUESTRIAN DIRECTOR, BAND LEADER, Organized Band. BOSSES-Superintendent, Lot Superintendent, Boss Hostler,Ring Stock Bess, Elephant Trainer, Animal Trainer, Train Master and Crew, Boss Canvasman and Assistant,Wardrobe and Boss Property Man, Cookhouse Manager, Electrician famriar with Westinghouse Electric Plant. ADVANCE DEPARTMENT- Contracting Agent, Car Manager, Bill Posters, Lithog- raphers, Banner Men, Opposition Agent, PRESS AGENTS. SIDE SHOW- Manager, Talker, Freaks, Novelty Acts of the "Believe it or Not" type. PRIVILEGE DEPARTMENT- Legitimate Concessions of all kinds.

All Big Show Acts address PAT VALDO, Winter Quarters, Sarasota, Florida Advance Department address r . . . .EDDIE ARLINGTON, Winter Quarters, Peru, Indiana Privilege and Side Show Attractions address.WALTER K. SIBLEY, 1421 Ninth Ave., N. W., Miami, Fla. All others address . . . . J. FRANK HATCH, Gen., Mgr., Circus Winter Quarters, Peru, Indiana

Officers elected for the coming yearin front of the White House, every chair were Judge Frost Woodhull, chairmanin the stands was down and stacked With the and Pasco Scaperlanda was re-electedready to load in trucks. In addition to secretary.Those present were Pompeothe 23,000 grand -stand seats, 14,000 cir- Coppini, of the New York City Tent;cus blues were used. ABOUT TIME eitcus "FallsFrank H. Hartless, of Chicago, National Assisting Allen and on his staff were To Get that Tent Order In! CFA president; Tom Williams of MexicoJerome T. Harriman and Vance Kinter AND By THE RINGMASTER City;Bentley Young of Dallas;L.C. of Downie Bros.' Circus; William Macy, We Have an Adequate Stock of Townsend of El Paso, Texas; John Meuse-Rex M. Ingham, general agent; Col. Jack CFA, bach, Porter Loring,Dr. W. M. Wolf, Ducks and Drills President, Secretary, Beck, Arthur Wiseman, P. W. Sparks and ritANE 1111ARTLESS, W. M. BUCKINGHAM.Paul McSween, Judge Frost Woodhull,Bob Denmead. During the parade Har- 2030 West Lake Street. Thames Bank, Richard Gill, Walter Loughridge, Louisriman was in charge of the press section Now on Hand-Ready to Go ('hicago,Ill. Norwich. Conn. Kayton,JackPitluk,AlBiedenharn,in the stand directly opposite the Pres- Write-Wire-Phone (Conducted bywALTER IIMIENADEI.,Editor PascoScaperlanda, Tom Scaperlanda, "Vie NTIlite Tops," care Hohenadel Printing Com- ident. In this section were 600 newspaper pany, Rochelle, III.) Col. C. G. Sturtevant, Howard Pardue,men representing papers from all over BAKER - LOCKWOOD Hollis L. Bridgman, C. W. Miller, andthe world. This was a difficult assign- 17th & Central, KANSAS CITY, MO. ROCHELLE, Ill., Jan. 30.-Members ofHarry Hertzberg, all of the San Antonioment and was ably cared for by Harri- Tent. America'sBigTent House the Alfredo Codona Tent, San Antonio. man. EasternRepresentative-A,E. CAMPTIELD, Texas, were entertained by Harry Hertz- Pompeo Coppini, Tom Williams, Bent- On the roof of Grand Stand No. 9, in 152 W. 42nd St., New York City, N. Y. berg at his home Thursday evening, Jan-ley Young, HollisL. Bridgman, Presi-charge of Ingham, 100 news reel men, uary 21. A Mexican dinner was served todent Frank Hartless and the new mem-signalcorps photogiaphers,etc.,were the party.The dining room was deco-bers all made interesting talks. unable to get any shots of pre -parade rated with many pieces of the matchless National Secretary Walter M. Buck-views on account of heavy rain. A section Hertzberg Circus collection.Three newingham celebrated his (?) birthday Jan-of stand was cleared inside and photog- members were taken into the CFA anduary 25. raphers shot the parade from a sheltered CIRCUS became members of the local tent. They Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Hartless arrivedposition. were Howard Pardue, C. W. Miller andat San Antonio, Texas, January 20th and Graham McNamee, announcer, told of CARNIVAL TENTs Hollis L. Bridgman, all of San Antonio. will be located at the St. Anthony Hotelthe splepdid work performed by ushers for the balance of the winter. and supervisors and praised the circus CONCESSION for training of these men. TO AVOID DISAPPOINT- wall, MENT INSIST ON "USTENT" FOR Circus Men OnJob STYLE AND QUALITY. PRICES At the Inaugural IABP&BMeet Set PITTSBURGH, Jan. 30.-The bian- THE STANDARD OF COMPARI- WASHINGTON, Jan. 30.-With Melvinnual conventionoftheInternational SON FOR OVER 46 YEARS. Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills D. Hildreth, prominent Washington at-Association of Billposters and Billers of wt torney and Circus Fan as chairman of S.T. JESSOP, PRES. .* LOUIS 1.1. the U. S. and Canada has been set here HMIAPOL IS 1.00111V. C17, um. the Grand -Stand Committee, a numberfor July 12 to15, President Leo Aber- of former circus executives were broughtnathy announces. The business sessions UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO. here to place the chairs in the stands and handle the folks who occupied themwill be held at the Fort Pitt Hotel. 701 North Sangamon St., Chicago, III. during the Roosevelt Inaugural parade 1937 DESCRIPTIVE LISTheld here January 20. For a week these Cirri, Books, Photographs, Etc., for Fans and Col- men, under direction of Harry A. Allen,Rice Has 43 -Week Season lectors of Circus Mementos.Stamp, please. last season contracting agent of Downie Bros. Circus, had been laying off, num- JACKSON. TENN., Jan. 30.-The Dan "DRIVER bering and directing the placing of 23,000Rice Circus closed January 22 at Oakdale, TENTS - BANNERS" CHAS. BERNARD, Savannah, Ga.folding chairs in 10 grand stands. La.. after a season of 43 weeks. Show en- countered rain the last 29 days. It is in 80 with30'Middles. Good condition. Good In the working crew of 60 men was aquarters here. Used Caterpillar TunnelCover. number of big -top property and seat CIE RUE DRIVER. Manager. men.All seats were placed and num- DST CARDSAn'8x10bered one day ahead of schedule. With 0. HENRY TENT & AWNING CO. 140 REPRODUCTIONS1 OF YOURPriOTOS the circus men as general supervisors. 4811-13N. ClarkSt. Chicago,Ill. 60 supervisors and 1500 boy scouts actingI4BP&B, Local No. 46, Elects !POSTCARDS ''1141RROR"FINISt1 8 v 10 as ushers. seated the people with speed CLEVELAND. Jan. 30.-The following 100 - 1.951 -Guaranteed- 112 -- 2.25 and accuracy. Rain beating in the standsofficers of IABP&B, Local No. 46, have 750 400 ONE SUBJECT PER LOT 25 425 called for a number of seat switches andbeen elected for this year: Tom Rockey,kensop and Dan Lamson, trustees; Rob- .:17,71,,,.".!.'""P'"Qs no little fixing. president;LeslieStein,vice-president;ert0.Williams, business agent.The ,,,10,Rot Prie AarSERvicEn One hour and 15 minutes after theCharles Silbers, treasurer: Guy L. How-local has moved to new quarters at 1280 IIr/1 ecov 5TO , DAY TON, Kni 915parade had passed the reviewing standard, financial secretary; H. Levy, J. Blan-W. 3rd street. 40 The Billboard CIRCUS February 6, 1937 PHIL LASTER, who has been with 101 Ranch and Cole Bros. shows and who has been inaBoston hospital fourWPA Show Playing months, is now at Campbell, Tex., en- Zi.(14,eit die 71latquee deavoring to recover.Letters from ac-Week -End Dates quaintances will be appreciated. NEW YORK,Jan.30.-Thiscity's By CIRCUS SOLLY F.F.ELLIS,ofSeal Bros.Circus,circus unit of the WPA Federal Theater stopped off in Salt Lake City on his wayProject, practically in constant opera- SEEN IN FRONT of the Forrest The-Show later became the Mighty Haagto the West Coast and visited with Man-tion thruout Greater New York since its ater on 49th street, New York last weekShow and to date Rhodes has been withager Peter Kortes and Jockey Day, of theinception in September, 1935, opened an- in earnest conversation were Jess Adkins,the organization going on 43 years." World's Fair Believe It Or Not Show.other month's engagement at the Bronx Joe Donahue and Floyd King. Ellis also visited relatives. Coliseum, January 11.The show, bigger AL SMITH. who was an eight and ten - and better than ever, will operate week- horse -team driver on the Downie Walter FRANK B. HUBINisrunningforends in the big uptown arena. FRANK B. HUBIN, old-time showmanL. Main Circus 15 years ago and has asheriff at Atlantic County in New Jersey. Personnel, altho unfortunately sadly of Atlantic City, states that he is writ-troupeoftraineddogs,an educated lacking in legitimate circus talent,is ing a book of his life in the circus world.group of spotted hogs, his own housecar HAROLD HUNTER, head butcher withcolorfully costumed and the program in- He lost all of his old route books and aandtrailer,allnecessary props andEddy Bros.' Circus last year, will be con-telligently routined by Ben Probst, ex- two -page illustration of old-time circusequipment for his acts and also is annected with Charles Schatt Concessionperienced equestrian director, and Billy owners in The Billboard some years agoexpert whip cracker,iswinteringinCompany this season.He has been sell-Walsh, arena announcer. Acts work un- in afire.He would like to have oldSavannah. He shows his thrifty disposi-ing novelties to night clubs this winter.der difficulties sometimes because of the photos, cuts. programs, etc. tion by a local engagement at one of the fact that the Coliseum floor has not been" large auto garage plants, where he is PAT MURPHY. last season on the No.covered with a soft base.The cement FRANK KEEBLE, veteran circus musi-demonstrating his ability as a mechanic.2 car of Al G. Barnes Circus, is winter-pavement necessarily curtails some of the' cian, resides in Jeffersonville. Ind. He ing in Santa Monica, Calif.He willground acts and prevents proper guying trouped with the old Miles Orton Show, MARION WALLICK informs that Mac'sagain troupe the coming season. for aerial riggings.Despite these physi- 1892! Sells Bros., 1893-'94 (Mont Long,South Sea Islanders and company, Eve cal drawbacks, which are obviously im- band leader); Ringling Bros., 1895; Buf-Morris, Russell Martin and Babe Lucas DEWEY ORRELL, bass player withpossible to overcome without the ex- falo Bill's Wild West Show during thevisited his home in Dover, 0.. previousCooper Bros.' Circus last season, is atpenditure of additional federal funds, European tour, and John Robinson Show,to a two-day engagement at Union The-Hot Springs, Ark., for the winter. arena presents a surprisingly likable cir- 1916-'17.Last circus he appeared withater. New Philadelphia, 0. They are with cus aspect. Show is capably paced mu- was the Grand Circo Shipp. Was withDeBarrie's Bird of Paradise Revue, now CHARLES BERNARD, veteran show-sically by a hardworking 50 -piece WPA playing the Sun time. An evening of band unit. Beach & Bowers Minstrels and Primroseentertainment and chicken supper wasman of Savannah, Ga.. has a wonderful and Dockstader many years ago. enjoyed by all at Wallick Dance Studio.collection of circus history photographs. Only weakness inthe performance fromtheaveragecircusgoer'sview- Several of the Wallick entertainers and JACK GRIMES, of the press staff ofpoint is one that cannot be overcome by JEAN BELASCO, publicizing the Frankdance pupils also were present. the Barnes Show, isin San Franciscothe unit because of fundamental WPA Wirth Shows, is a modest, unassuming --- handling advance publicityfor Islamadministration policies. A circus is not press agent, but he certainly lands his ARTHUR DIGGS, director of the WPAShrine Circus. a circus when it lacks an array of trained material. He recently had plenty of itcircus in New York, may heed the call animal turns. in the Brockton, Mass., papers. Belascoof the road when the blue birds sing. He THE WATKINS' dog act (11 dogs) and Current circumstances has been with Gorman Bros., Walter L.managed a bill car on the Barnum &large chimp, Tarzan, are going over bigmake it practically impossible for such Main and other circuses. He is a protegeBailey show for many years.His lastwith Santos & Artigas Circus in Cuba. an act to obtain work under the WPA of A. Toxin Worm. He was with Mariontrouping was with Sparks Circus the banner, altho the New York unit is pre- Manola and Digby Bell in The Weddinglast season it was out. senting a minimum of two such turns. Day, Ezra Kendall in The Vinegar Buyer, JACK ELKINS,veteransideshow Majority of performers work with pep Cohan & Harris' Talk of New York, Fifty SLIVERS JOHNSON has not been withtalker, will again be with the Barnesand enthusiasm; clown alley is one to Miles From Boston, the original Thea circus last two years, but has beenCircus Side Show. be justly proud of.Altho they fail to Clansman and many other well-knownplaying fairs with two Funny Fords. He register in one number, a burlesqued shows. again will have two of them this season. ORVILLE SPEER, since closing withballet routine remainder of the joeys' Is clowning at Rochester, N. Y., indoorthe Memphis Minstrels October 9, haswork should be eligible for any man's circus February 1-6.Mrs. Johnson hasbeen in Texas with the Great Westernshow.Ballet number, however. is defi- FRANK MAHERY. banner squarer withbeen traveling withSlivers,but notShow, playing week stands. nitely out of place on a circus program, Ringling-Barnumcircus,hassecuredworking. especially on one with an extremely some choice locations in New York for DRFSSEN'S Circus Capers is now inheavy kid trade. his show. He is making his headquarters S. W. (BILL) BAILEY, clown cop, isAlabama. doing excellent biz.Will openThe Program at the President Hotel. doing street advertising for Warner andon Martin's Time out of Columbus, Ga., Orpheum theaters in Memphis.Will beFebruary 15 for six weeks.Rube Curtis HARRY R. (SHORTY) RHODES, cir-with Sells -Sterling Circus this season. and son visited show at Moss Point, Miss. The Program cus band leader and Highland piper, E. A. BRANNING, last two seasons with offersthefollowingautobiographical PAUL THORPE, manager of the FlyingDon Cooke on Cole Bros. Circus, will Programoftheopening -day show note:"After obtaining discharge fromSensations, closed a week's engagementagain be with that show. follows: band in Sixth Infantry, U. S. A., player)at Florida Orange Festival, Winter Haven, Grand entry and opening pageant, cornet in Variety Theater in Louisville.Fla.OtheractstherewereDeKohl WPA dogs, William Rohde, Harry Di Ky. Trouped with Ed C. Abbey's Co-Troupe, chair balancing, rolling globe DOC WADDELL advisesthatPeteDio, BrunoRadtke,clown number, lumbia Shows (two -car circus). Senterand juggling; Fearless Franzelon, on highHenry, circus advertising man, is in Chil-acrobats, Pantzer and Arden, Four Nel- Peyton Comedy Company (under can-pole: Madame Marie's Comedy Circus;licothe, 0., putting over big publicitysonsComique, Garant and Duhring, Zacohini, cannon act.Flying Sensationsprogram for Labor Unions in that sec- vas), Thurman's London Shows, T. D. Lee tion. clown walkaround, on slack wire, Burt Variety Show and Museum, Vard Phillips,will be at the Bob Morton Circus in Is associated with Ray Zimmer-WellsandScotty,CharlesLedegar, Miami. man, of Columbus, formerly of Lewis Ed and Fred Powell. Ed Powell and Dick Bros.' Circus.According to them, theyJames Flanagan, clown baseball game, Barker, Rosco and Swift's Uncle Tom's --- - are planning a small one -ring circus. Spanish web, Edna Martell, the Beck- Cabin and Loyd's Tom show.Joined WALTER L. MAIN'S string of farms in mans,AvonneGardener;Priceand Haag's Pavilion Show September 24.1895.Northeastern Ohio were very productive Powers, Welsh wire artists; Chief White last year. Improvements have been made BERTHA DENHAM, of Cole Bros. Cir-Cloud, in an exhibition of the sports and and there is a possibility that the Maincus, is confined to Presbyterian Hospital,pastimes of the Far West; White Cloud, circus will winter at Geneva, 0., nextDenver, where she underwent a majorEmory Swartwood, Ernest Arnald; Mc- fall. Walter L. Main advises that Charlesoperation January 22. Will be there forCarthy andSills,high perch;clown Sparks will work with him in not cover-some time. number, aerialists, Eddie Geer, Neuman DOWNIE BROS. CIRCUS ing each other's paper. Main is holding and Metzler, Jolt Coleman, clown walk- his Gwn in bowling with professionals around; Kress and Corns, skaters, acro- Wants lady menage riders who at Geneva, also defeats most of the old- baticnovelties, Vintour and Winston, can do swinging ladder, clowns timers at checkers. JoeAllan,theFranklins;Sandwina, who can leap, boss canvasman /Miami strong woman; clown walkaround; triple and assistant. MELVIN D. HILDRETH entertained W. bars, Brachard troupe, Virginia Melford MIAMI,Jan.30.-Arthur Campfield Address J. Lester, Cole Bros.' Circus contracting troupe.FourRoyal Wizards; Billy agent, when he was in the capital atclosed an order for new canvas for KayRitchie troupe, comedy cyclists;Iron CHAS. SPARKS, Mgr. President Roosevelt's inauguration. Bros.' Circus. Big top will be an 80 withjaw, Marie Mang, Anne Howe, clown Macon, Ga. two 40s and two 20s; side show, a 50 withnumber,StanleyGeorges'performing EDDIE AJACKS was at Grand Rapids,a 30.He motored to Tampa to acceptbears, clown ballet;12 Desert Whirl- Mich., Shrine Circus with his pedestalcanvas orders from the Royal Americanwinds, acrobats. contortion act.Harry Jemmers had con-Shows. . . . Sixty -Third street, between cessions.Harry DeMar, of DeMar Bros.,N. W. Fifth Court and Seventh avenue, FOR SALE-BIG TENT wire act, is working out in a gymnasiumN. W., is fast becoming known as Circus 80 x 200 Feet - Poles, Stakes, Ropes at Grand Rapids.J. S. Robertson, sideLane, owing to the great number of peo-Gideon D. Bell, assistant treasurer and $785.00 COMPLETE show man, will be with white tops thisple, either owning or renting propertybig -show tickets; Alex Murrell, general LALLIED AMUSEMENT CO. season. on this street, who are identified withsuperintendent; Roy Stamps, legal ad- 908 Wurlitzer Bldg., Detroit, Michigan the circus. In a rather hurried trip thrujuster and reserved seat tickets; A. Mor- this lane Walter K. Sibley met the fol-ton Smith, general agent and announcer; WILLIAM (BILL) STARR will handlelowing: Clint Barnes. clown;HaroldVerne Brewer, 24 -hour man and boss the front of H. J. (Slim) Young's animalBarnes,wirewalker, and Mrs.' Clintcanvasman;Leon Gilmore, equestrian show. Ben Burse will have the girl show.Barnes. reserved -seat tickets with Coledirector;Carl Kaden, assistant eques- R. M. HARVEY show; Roger Barnes and wife, Doris Ruthtriandirectorand superintendentof BUCK LEAHY, comedy contortionist,Barnes and Baby Lois Barnes, of Beers -personnel;J. Russell Teague, superin- and opened January 25 for two weeks' en-Barnes Circus; George Beers, manager;tendent of transportation; J. B. Saylors, CHARLIE POPLIN gagement at Club Lido, Wovester, Mass.Charlie Beers, clown; Mrs. George andproducingclown;Mrs.YancyCulp, write me Mrs. Charlie, front door, of Beers -Barnes;superintendent of wardrobe; Mrs. Gar- WILLIAM C. H. LTJMB has contractedEddieMixon,circusperformer;Mrs.land Shell, assistant; Jane Harris, R. N., FT. LAUDERDALE, FLA. with World's Fair Side Show, Coney Is-Mixon,circusconcessions;Roxey Lamedical department; Spencer Kemplin, JACK HOXIE land, N. Y., as ticket seller and talker.Rose, trapeze performer; Frank Shep-head usher: Henry Briggs, boss hostler, Will open April 4. pard, who will open with Cole show inand 0. P. Ryan, steward. New York Hippodrome. Severalother appointments willbe made later.Six acts entirely new to THE DAN RICE CIRCUS show are planned, and 10 acts not used Departmental Heads last year will be back in program. HAS FOR SALE The opening spec will be Song of India A number of well built factory make animal cages mounted on (*hey and Ford Trucks. For Gainesville Show and will have 80 people in addition to Also baggage trucks, tops of allsizes,fifty, with a forty -sixty, with 3thirties:eighty, the band, 14 head of stock and several with a forty and 2 thirties, and a number of small tops, side show banners, cotton candy GAINESVILLE, Tex., Jan. 30.-Depart-vehicles. machine and pop corn machine.Lots of odds and ends, seats, etc.Reason for selling, mental heads for the Gainesville Com- enlarging and rebuilding show. munity Circus, beginning its eighth sea- Mr. and Mrs. Al Conners opened train- NOTICE TO PRIVILEGE PEOPLE-All privileges with show for sale for coming season, son, were named at the first meeting ofing quarters recently. opening early in April.Now in quarters, Fair Grounds, Jackson, Tenn., after a 43 -week the new board of directors held here Several indoor dates are to be played season. Can place experienced show carpenter now. Red Monroe, Harry Bender come on. recently.They are Leon Gilmore, gen-in the next several weeks, and several of Also cage man for cat animals, domestic animal trainers.Now working 50 men.All reply. eral manager; Roy P. Wilson, assistantthe officials will attend the Texas Asso- RAY MARSH BRYDON, DAN RICE CIRCUS, JACKSON, TENN. manager and front -door superintendent;ciation of Fairs meeting in Dallas next DavidE.O'Brien,secretary -treasurer;month. February 6, 1937 CIRCUS The Billboard 41 GENE AUTRY, cowboy motion pic- ture and radio star, while making a per- Letter from Stanley Dawson sonal appearance at the Broadway The- LOS ANGFJ.FS, Jan. 30.-The news of ater, Muskogee, Okla., recently, was the the death of Frank A. Cook was sorrow- guest of John A. Guthrie, national sec- fully received by the great number of Cattal retary,MountedTroopsofAmerica, 15 Eastern showmen wintering here. By ROWDY WADDY whose national headquarters are in that eats090 At the Santa Anita track the other day city. A down -town parade was arranged the writer noticed John Brassel, Vern TO THE CONTESTANTS, organized arrd un- for Autry by Proctor and Marsh, theater (From The Billboard dated February Williams, Sylvester Cronin, Jack Youden, organized, aswell asto managements, we managers, and John A. Guthrie.The 4, 1922) Harry Youden, Turner Thompson, Jimmy say:If you have news send itin for publi-paratle which included 50 members of Thompson, AlMoss, Capt.William cation, but it must be AUTHENTIC news, not the Mounted Troopers and500 Boy Roddy, Nick Wagner, William Oviatt, personal attempts to attack someone, or for Scouts was led by Autry on his famous Chick Bell, of the Big Show and W. H.James R. Grainger, Cliff McDougall, Earl personal spite. horse Champion. The boys were later De Glopper, Tex Sherman, Tex Cooper guests of the theater at Autry's eveningMcFarland of the John Robinson Circusand Capt. Hodge. performance.While in Muskogee ar-were on their 21st annual hunting and Doug Morgan has been wintering here J. RILEY WHEELOCK, full-blooded In- fishing trip in the Florida Everglades. . . dian and former lieutenant in the musi-rangements were completed for AutryThe Picchianis were with the Circo Mo-as have Arthur Hoffman, Enfinger and to sponsor the Drumright, Okla., Patrol Hutton andtheirproperties.Skinny cal division of the United States Army, delo in Mexico. . . . John Agee's All -Star has been engaged to furnish and lead theof the Mounted Troops of America. The Dawson arrived here, stayed one day and troop will hereafter be known as theWinter Circus was playing to good busi-left in advance of one of Hutton's shows. all-American Indian band on the JEGene Autry Patrol. ness in Minneapolis. Dennie Curtis wasEd Maxwell has taken a position in ad- Ranch Rodeo organization the coming the equestrian director and among thevance of Hoffman and Enfinger. season. In addition to playing the show, featured acts were Mme. Bedini, with Capt.Curtis, Dusty Rhodes, Yellow Wheelock will introduce Indian dances, her troupe of Arab horses; the Clark-Burnett and Frank Chicaorella are very bow -and -arrow shooting and tomahawk onians; Clarke and Carriea with theirbusy at the Barnes quarters. Sam Strat- throwing. When a student at the Car- Dextet fellows performing elephants; All Ben Hassan'ston is reported to be in town.Jack Da- lisle Indian school, Wheelock played foot- (csscA) Arabs;Lillian Kincaid, Carpenter andley and wife, of Fall River, Mass., are ball on same team with the famous Jim Shubert; Kenneth Waite Trio, Billy Lo-living in Beverly Hills and working in Thorpe. His brother, who v ill be with rette, and Jack Harris. pictures. Tom Plank keeps busy at the the band, also played on the team. Around the Jig Board: From American Lincoln Bros.' Circus lost several wag-Paramount Studios. Business we cull the fol:owing: "A re-ons in a fire at winter quarters, Athens, by Mel Smith bought a ranch at Fontana. EDDIE COSTIGAN, co w boy radiocentpromotionstaged GoldblattN. Y. . . . L. B. Greenhaw announced singer, after playing some air engage-Brothers, who startled Chicago by buyingthat he would go out in'22 as con-Jake Posey is wintering near the Barnes ments in the South. is vacationing atthe Davis store from Marshall Field &tracting agent for the Sparks Show... .quarters.Bill Colp has fully recuperated Lincoln Dude Ranch, Stormville, N. Y.Corhpany,isfurther evidence of theFrank Braden was in Culver City, Calif.,and is to be found daily at the Cecil He infos that he will, in all probability,possibilities of showmanship in business.preparing publicity for the Al G. BarnesHotel.Jimmy Cotton is in L. A. be with the advance forces of the JEThis aggressive organization bought theCircus with which he was sign?ci as press G. Horace Mortimer is about ready to Ranch Rodeo this season to herald theTom Mix Circus for 10 days, beginningagent. . . . Dr. B. N. Hulburd closed withrelease a new book that has to do with coming of the show with his guitar andJune 29, 1936, and presented the entireProf. Trice's High -Diving Horse Act andcircus life.Mike Coyne is temporarily mellow baritone voice. Wild West and circus performance atannounced that he had purchased Cole-away from Ocean Side and isvisiting the Coliseum, Chicago. Tickets were soldman Bros.' Shows in Dallas.Hulburdfriends at Hawthorne.Arthur Borella, at reduced prices at all the Goldblattplanned to have the two -car show outusually to be seen around Los Angeles, CONTRACTS HAVE just been signed is wintering in Galveston. by the Southwestern Exposition and Fatstores and at higher prices at the Coli-for the '22 season. Stock Show for125 outlaw bronchosseum.Itisreportedthattheplan The Kokomo Troupers, showmen's club Curly Phillips has returned from Ha- which will be used in saddle bronk andbrought thousands of ticket buyers toof Kokomo, Ind., elected officers at anwaii.Said he had a hard time getting barebackridingcontestsduringthethe Goldblatt stores, and that the 10 -important meeting. . .. Capt. Jack Den-back to the States and had to come via championship rodeo which will be heldday engagement ended with a nice profitver, director general of Capt. Jack Den-Vancouver.Reports the death of his at Fort Worth in the spring. They willto the store." ver'sGreater Shows wereplayinginwell-known dog.Big Ed Nagle is build- be supplied by Verne Elliot and Eddie A nice letter from K. K. K. in whichBurma and working their way towardsing a large house -car with which he in- McCarty. Included in the string of buck-he states, among other things", speakingAmerica in order to play here during thetends to visit all the major circuses this ofBaraboo paper and picture ofallfallof1922.The show hadalreadyseason.Olga Celesteisstill with the ers will be several horses which haveRinglings, we still have copies of Whitetoured Java, China, Japan, Philippines,Los Angeles Zoo and is living at Lincoln been discovered in the last year. AmongTaps with Ringling Jubilee Year. these are: Eagle's Nest, Ninety-eight Bar Con-India, Ceylon, Arabia, Africa and France.Park. and Twenty Below. Heading the list oftains full Ringling history, picture of . . . The joeys were trying to settle the Ada Mae Moore and sister Gladys are horses that have been seen in the expo-family, father, mother, seven boys andperennial dispute as to who originatedwintering here. Capt. I. P. O'Hay of Taos, sition's arena for several years is thedaughter, with others.Fifty cents." Wethe Jewish clown.Joe Thayer offeredMex., is expected to arrive here for the famed Five Minutes to Midnight. Re-havetheissueKarlreferstoandGeorge Drew of the John B. Doris Showsraces.Charley Wuerz is running his own ports from other rodeos, where he hasthoroly recommend it to all intereTted inas his choice, claiming that Drew wastheater, The Studio, in San Bernardino. appeared during the last year, indicatethe Ringlings and their circus history.doing a Yid character with that show inLee Parvin, after four years success with that he still rates top ranking among the Henry Havemeyer Jr.folded up his1882. the Drunkard, is still going strong. demon bucking horses In the game. bachelor tent like the Arab of old and John Miller, living at Santa Monica, took unto himself awife.Congrats, comes into town daily and visits Henry! . . The Spauns Surprised . Bim Pond's paper Program at the Biltmore.George Hines, 80 years TEX WALKER, formerly with Ted Al-reachesusformonthofJanuary.By Showfolk at Adelphi young, is still managing the theater at en, world's champion horseshoe pitcherStrangely it carries on its cover a fine the Ambassador.Clyde Gooding and in Texas, is now in New York where helikeness of Martin and Osa Johnson, a Adelphi,0.,Jan.30.-Thepublicwife Topsy are frequently sent at Cecil and his partner are working vaudevillepicture showing them happy and at theirhere was convinced night of January 11Hotel.Mark Kirkendall and wife and and club dates. Billed as "Tex and Toni,best. . . . We havealsoreceivedthethat showfolk joyously stir things theMajor Kirkendall make Saturday night Prairie Saddle Boys," they are doing aJanuary issue of The Adventurer, theright way. . . . For nearly 20 years the song -and -dance act and specializing inofficial organ of th Adventurers' Club,Byron Spaun circus -show has wintereda weekly event at their home with a harmony yodeling, which seem to be get-of which our own Ray Schindler is presi-here.Byron is known as the "Chamberbridge party. ting the crowds. Tex Infos that he isdent.Itis made up of eight pagesof Commerce, the bank, the Barnum of PetePeterson,24 -hourman with planning to book the act in Europe inand is full of meaty information.Wethe town."He, his family and membersBarnes show, is living at Venice.Nels afew weeks for a six months' engage-scanned it with much interest and likedof his company were "surprised" by DodeLawston and wife and Margaret Brown, Fisk,retired circus owner, and Adamas well as the Redericks, are living at ment. the biography of the club and the party Venice. given for the underprivileged boy.WeGilger,a leading American band and Cy Compton and wife are liv- GUS FONNER, of Grand Island, Neb.,wish, tho, instead of having the eightorchestra leader, with a group of old-ing in Burbank. Myrtle and Vern Good- pages open in and out like an accordion,time Columbus,0.,showfolk;W.N.rich, daughter and son-in-law of the who became a little homesick after read- Merrick, circus band leader of the "oldComptons, expect to leave for the East ing the reminiscence of old top -handthey would bind it like a booklet. . . . Charlie Aldridge in a recent issue, writesVan Atten is the poet laureate of theschool," and crowd from Zanesville; Doc 30011. that he would like to help Charlie goTent. At least he was that or him forWaddell, show chaplain and press agent, back a little farther to the days of thefive minutes on January 19. and his son, Parson Waddell, circus boss Buffalo Bill show when Johnnie Burke canvasman. The womenfolk of all theseGerman Show in Brussels drove the stage coach and Baldy Good- assisted. BRUSSELS,Jan.18.-TheGerman rich was chief of the cowboys. WhenWPA Dressing Room News Taking advantage of the absence ofcircus Busch has taken over the big Johnnie Baker and Annie Oakley did the NEW YORK CITY, Jan. 30.-WPA Fed-the Spauns for the holidays, the SpaunCirque Royal Building for a winter sea- shooting.Other old top hands whicheral Theater Project's circus unit openedwinterquartersweredecoratedandson and is presenting a program divided Fonner remembers are Nate Salsbury,the third of its week -end runs at thedressed for the occasion.Outstandingbetween an elaborate water spectacle and Georgie Johnson, Martin Thadsowder,Bronx Coliseum yesterday to the biggestfeature,thelifesizeoilpaintingsofcircus numbers. On the opening bill are Pedro Esquaval, Fred Stone, Sam Sco-matinee of the date.Biz was fair atByron Spaun's father and uncle, JohnThereze Renz, 77 -year -old equestrienne, ville, Marks, Jack Vannoy, Cy Compton,night. Sundaysawanotherrecord-and Fred La Zeele, performers with thewith her high-school horses; horse num- Bill Clayton and George Gardener. Fon-breaking.matinee. Rain and snow spoiledP. T. Barnum Circus in early days. Thesebers by Charles Hess; Enrico. Ernesto and ner adds that he will present a show inthe ,night. Project was host to over 1,000circusly draped and illuminated, lookedFrancesco; the Aingolis, jugglers; Three his home town this summer and thatchifdren under the guidance of the Newdown upon the happy throng.SawdustCarobs.Jockeys;Danner.aerialcord; Sioux Indians, John Y. Nelson, Rose Nel-York Police Department.Projectoffi-plentiful, and lighting system a repro-Rico and Alex, clowns, and several big son and Julia Nelson will be there. cials estimate that over 25,000 adults andduction of the first, the old pine torch.animal acts. children have paid their way in sinceByron Sr. gave a rehash of his end work the Bronx date opened. with the W. S. Cleveland Minstrels that FLORENCE McCARTNEY writes from A COMMUNICATION from Fred S. Mc- Sandwina, the strong woman, is nurs-brought down the house as it did whenNew York that Valeska Winters. for- Cargar, secretary Rodeo Association of he worked opposite Lew Benedict. America, states that all rodeos are subjecting a sore hand. . . . The publicity de- merly known to vaudeville and circus to the Social Security Act and that onepartment arranged a tie-up with Sta- On exhibition wereprizeprograms,as Valeska, is seriously ill at the Princess per cent of the winnings of the cow-tion WBNX and show received a nicethe marks of age upon them, of all theBay Memorial Hospital on Staten Island, break on the air.. . . Visitors this weekearly first circuses and from Koster &and was expecting to undergo an opera- boys must be deducted for that purpose.included J. Hamilton Gilbert, researchBeal's, Proctor's and Tony Pastor's the-tion Thursday (28) morning. worker on the WPA Experimental the-aters.Songs were sung, repast served A FOUR -DAY rodeo will be held inater, and Mary Wozniak and Anne Her-and Chaplain Waddell paid tribute to Oklahoma City in connection with theberts. . . Boys in the booking depart-the Spauns. Southwest Junior Livestock Show at thement have asked the writer to call at- Inwinterquarters 12bigtrucks FOR LEASE Coliseum there in the spring. John R.tention of The Billboard readers to thenoticeable, fleet of house trailers (two Baker, Oklahoma National Stockyardsfact that the WPA Circus is the one andnow underconstruction),eachwith Company, has been named secretary ofonly one to play New York City for aradio.All principals are furnished living Robbins Brothers the event and thelocal chamber ofsolid year. . . . Chief White Cloud, atrailers.Own light plant-four genera- commerce has donated $4,000 in prizeMohawk Indian, is being given the razztors.Byron Spaun show on road since CIRCUS TITLE money forthe show.Rodeo willbeby his friends, due to an error made by1898,will open 1937 season in April. handled independently from the showthe publicity department, who in theirLast year's business best in years. For season 1937 or longer which was stretched an extra day tostories on the circus called him a Sioux. split time with the western wranglers.White Cloud was deluged with letters Full line of clean-cut paper asking him "since when?" Publicity de-Clarkson to Pilot Barney D. M. ROBBINS,of Red Key, Ind., haspartment, in turn, points out that it's GLENDALE, Ariz., Jan. 30.-JohnD. been named general agent for the Circleproof their stories are reaching the pub-Foss, manager of Barney Bros. Circus, has 6 Rodeo. He is now on the road endeav-lic. Wendell J. Goodwin. engaged Al Clarkson as general agent. oring to sell the show to fair associations. At present he is at his home in St. Louis D. S. ROBBINS Organization which carries 50 head of GEORGE W. RYAN'S legion of friendsand will come here to winter quarters P. 0. Box 55 stock, 30 people and has its own flood-thruout the country will be grieved atearly in March.Clarkson was with the lights and public address system is un-his passing.He died at Hot Springs,Barney show in 1935 in advance depart- Poughkeepsie, N. Y. der direction of Ray Richman. Ark., January 27. ment. 42 The Billboard PARKS RESORTS POOLS February 6, 1937 ASBURY PARKDEAL le Pool MAI By NAT A. TOR (All communications to Nat A. Tor, care Walter Reade, Theater Man,to of Cincinnati Office, The Billboard) fos, gsl0 One -Way Traffic Handle Municipal Amusements By ALFRED FRIEDMAN The long -heralded "Swimway" inven- FROM ALL AROUND: Joseph Coufal,tion of Bill Moseley, genial manager of a World's Fair publicist. T. Herman CaineSt. George indoor swim pool, Brooklyn, Gets five-year managerial contract, with reservations, onsays that the great exposition in 1939was recently put into operation and has will give the Island a chance to presentmet with enthusiasticresponse from Convention Hall and Casino-city guaranteed 20 per centitself as a "potential moving picture -both swimmers and bathers.I've been of gross profits from venture making center." hearing so much about this idea that I Len Traube, of the George Hamid of-hastened across to Brooklyn last week ASBURY PARK, N. J., Jan. 30.-A newWalter Reade will utilize all forms office,tells 'usthat several dozen out-to see the plan in operation and, believe place in the entertainment world loomspublicity including his own theaters,door show artists have been putting upyou me, it's a lulu of a stunt-one which for this shore resort following acceptancenewspapers, radios and billboards for thefor the winter in Long Island bounds.is sure to be copied by other natatoriums this week by the city fathers of a pro-promotion and advancement of this pro-Rumor has it that the federal govern..thruout the country. posal by Walter Reade. New York andgram." ment is interested in modelling beach The underlying principle in this new New Jersey theater magnate, to handle A profit ranging from $40,000 to $59,-sections after Jones Beach's design, atMoseley brainchild is to provide an oval ill municipal amusements in the Conven-000 a year for the city was seen by Readevarious coastal points in the nation. lane which advanced swimmers may use tion Hall and Casino. Reade will get aat the time his offer was made. He de- Frank Buck's animal farm on the Is-to take practice swims without experi- five-year managerial contract guarantee-clared that with a large organizationland will be enlarged next season. Min-encing collisions with those who merely ing the city 20 per cent of the grosshe could book and handle better enter-eola fair grounds roller-skating rink do-wish to bathe. And in carrying this out profits from the venture. tainment programs on the city's mile -ing pack -in biz, with the pastime all ofthe entirepool, excluding the diving Reade's proposal calls for the placinglong Boardwalk than the city has beena sudden gripping interest among thearea, has been divided into two sections, of name bands in the Casino for an ex-able to do.Reade said a survey hadyounger element, with whom, in manyone for swimmers and the other for tended summer season in addition toshown him the city was operating bothcases, it is replacing the moving picturesbathers. What it really amounts to is first -run theatrical presentations, oper-buildings at an annual loss and he feltfor an evening's entertainment. three pools in one. aticcompanies,concerts andsimilarbe could change it to an annual profit Two producers of Broadway note are Of the so-called three pools, the one forms of entertainment. with this venture, plotting show boats for the Island nextwhich appealed to me the night I was Reade has promised an extensive ad- Mayor Clarence E. F. Hetrick, whensummer, one catering to the exclusivethereis the section set aside for the vertising campaign in his 35 theaters,the contract was agreed to, said he felttrade, the other to the general clientele.advanced mermen and mermaids. It's an as well as newspaper, billisoard and radiothe city would save a large amount of First annual entertainment and danceoval shape courseway or rather "Swim - advertising. money under the Reade plan. He point-of the 1939 World's Fair Club took placeway" sufficiently wide so that speedy City officials accepted the offer on theed out that in past years the city hasintheTriangleBallroom, Richmondswimmers areenabledtopasstheir recommendation of City Manager Mil-spent as high as $100,000 for beach en-Hill, with Gus A. Williamsen the guestslower brethren and sisters and the size ford G. Parley with nine reservations,tertainment, while under the presentof honor. of the entire course, so I'm told, is equiv- chief among whichisallowing are-arrangement the city will save the full "The gaudy and garish circus tone willalent to a standard size pool, with 44 laps quested rent reduction forthe Para-cost of booking entertainment featuresnot be permitted to taint the World'smaking onemile.Inthisparticular mount Theater in the Convention Halland will receive the 20 per cent figureFair of 1939," Park Commissioner Moses"Swimway" Moseley copped a leaf from from $55,000 annually to $40,000, withfrom Reade's take. has stated. the current motor traffic regulations, the provision that any increase in the making it a one-way rectangular course. present 30 to 40 -cent admission price ROCKAWAY BEACH: It's definitely setAnd one way these swimmers go, too. For shall be shared by the city to make up that the local sales tax is off until somethose who just want to splash around for the rent reduction. Other reserva- future date. there's plenty of room in the other por- tions incorporated in the city's accept-Troyers Take Joe Geist, generalissimo of Playlandtion of the tank. ance of the Reade offer are: "All attend- Park, is recovered from a recent illness There is no question that this new ants and labor shall be selected from that kept him abed for quite a while.idea of the St. George manager will be bonafide residents of the city of Asbury3 -Year Lease Dotty Evans, ex of the 'Walk flashers, iscopied by other pools and that it is one Park.Thereshallbenostructural now a burlesque chorine. of the outstanding developments in the changes in the Convention Hall or Ca- Santa Cruz location tied PoliceCaptainWilliamStreib,forswim pool field this season. Of course, sino without the permission of the city more than seven years head of the Rock- council and the city manager. Any in- up until 1940-operatorsaway Beach precinct, has been trans-only fairly large pools can carry out the crease in insurance charges incidental to improving concessions ferred to Manhattan, with Captain Phil-plan inaugurated by the Brooklyn plun- causedbyany genie but with some of the others, in- and entertainment SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Jan. 30.-Troyerlip Goodman replacing him. The Rock-stead of dividing the tank into three features in the Convention Hall or Ca- away precinct embraces jurisdiction overparts, perhaps two will do the trick. sino shall be paid by Walter Reade. TheBrothers, operators of Casa del Rey Hotelvirtually the entire local summer amuse- At any rate. take this writer's word Convention Hall and Casino shallbeand Cocoanut Grove ballroom for thement zone. Streib was well liked by the open to the public at all times betweenpast five years, have signed a lease from and if you operate a pool of fair size, Santa Crux Seaside Company which willlocal amusement fraternity. by all means look into this new Bill 10 a.m. and 11 p.m.. except during thosecontinue their management of the big Hal Lutz, 'Walk property owner,isMoseley "Swimway." He certainly has hours of a scheduled entertainment fea-beach hotel and ballroom an additionalrunning a gym during the winter. "Bos-something there! ture in each building. The Conventionthree years. ton Jack" still around his old haunts at Hall and Casino shall be available at all Seaside, and announces that he'll enlarge times for conventions and public gath- Signing of the lease by the Troyershis boat renting biz next summer. High Diving Plans erings oy 30 days' written notice fromand Seaside Company executives was the Various letters have come to my desk thecitymanagertoWalterReade.highlight of developments which revealed Art Johnson, The Wave editor,isaduring the past few weeks, some from Organ recitals in the Convention Hallimmediate inauguration of the most ex-magic expert and besides editing thehigh divers and others from different and some entertainment in the Casinotensive beach improvement program inpaper accepts an occasional date.Bobwater performers concerning the second shall be maintained each day, the neces-the past 20 years. Chappey now a member of The Newannual high -diving championships to be sity for such entertainment being for the The new Casa del Rey -Cocoanut GroveYorker (New York City) banquet staff. held early next summer. While all agree constant benefit of the citizens of Asburylease becomes effective at expiration of LONG BEACH: Newest group to leavethat the contest held last summer was Park and to attract visitors to the citythe current five-year agreement on May 1for Miami includes Hy Reynold, Harrya huge success and while each and every- of Asbury Park.Walter Reade shalland extends to April 30,1940.TermsTabor and Sid Linton, all of whom willone of them would like to see the tour- properly maintain all equipment nowwere not divulged. Affixing of signaturesbe back before Decoration Day.Cliffney repeated again this year at Palisades foundinsaidConventionHallandculminated three months of negotiationsMcShane says he's just sitting around(N. J.) Amusement Park, some raised the Casino.All rules and conditions con-and was accompanied by expressions of"waiting for the workmen to finish theissuethat more park and pool men tained in beach leases shall be a part ofgratification by representatives of bothnew Boardwalk."Hotel publicity cam-should be permitted tobidforthe the managerial entertainment contractparties. paign for local hostelries to begin shortlyworld's title meet. All of which I think with Walter Reade.It is understood that Joe Lane has made extensive changesafter Decoration Day. is a very good point.Especially since tohisfrozencustarddispensaryfor preliminary plans call for the contest to Boardwalk patrons. be held in a pool this coming year in- Charlie Fitzsimmons, operator of bal-Meyers Lake (0.) Notes stead of a portable tank as was the case Chicago Zoo Tops loon game, hoopla and cat rack, who has A large force of workmen has been em-last season.It was decided, you know, been in the East, is expected back soon.ployed all winter on many changes andthat the bridge jumpers and other high Previous Records D. E. Cipperly has repainted and im-improvements for the coming season, in-divers, experienced with wider bodies of proved his fleet of midget autos, takingcluding landscape fill, preparation of newwater, would have more ofachance CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-At theannualgreat pride in this attraction, which haswalks and sodded plots. under such conditions.And so while election of officers of the Chicago Zoo-been playing to big crowds. Picnic promoters report that they havethe entire question isn't definitely set logicalGardens heldherelastweek, During the cold snap Don Sinkinson'smore outings booked than ever before soas yet,it would be better to put the John T. McCutcheon was re-elected pres-Drive -a -Boat tank has been covered withearly.Trend of employers toward em-championship up for bidding. ident: John Wentworth, John T. Pirieice, but the attraction is ready to oper-ployees' picnics seems well in harmony Therefore, I'd like to hear from all and John P.Kellogg,vice-presidents:ate when weather and biz justify. Harryand co-operation of railroads is enablingpark owners, as well as operators of out- George Aldis, secretary and Solomon A.Okuno, wheel concessioner, who maypicnic men to book outings from as fardoor pools, who would be interested in Smith. treasurer. Renamed members ofhave a new store this season, has beenas 25 miles, with one prospect for a 190 -staging the 1937 championships. A few the executive committee are Clay Judson,looking over locations. Stanley Field and James Simpson. The mile excursion. wanted the contest last summer but new board of trustees is comprised of The new ride, almost ready for its testthePalisades management waswill- Herbert E.Bradley, George F. Dixon,Richwine Has Fire Loss trip, promises to be one of the fastesting to put up the greatest amount of Charles H. Schweppe and John Went- and safest, with aeroplane turns to pro-prize money and in view of the fact that worth, elected for five-year terms; Clay- MECHANICSBURG, Pa., Jan. 30.- Avide plenty of thrills. Installation of sev-the competition is run for high divers ton F. Smith, Maurice F. Kavanaugh,large storage shed in Williams Groveeral new rides has been assured and thereby high diversit would be only fair Daniel Ryan and Leon Mandel for one-Park near here was destroyed by firewill be various changes to several olderthat others seeking the tourney should withlossof$2,000.R.E. Richwine.attractions. put up prizes at least equal to that of year terms. owner and manager of the park, was in Palisades' offer. So let's hear from you The annual report read by StanleyFlorida at the time. Plans progress for the opening with anpark and pool men. It's a great attrac- Field, chairman, disclosed that 1,573,661 exposition of 8 or 10 days. first of itstion and one which has really benefited Versons visited the zoo this past year of kind ever attempted. A downtown officethe high diving profession. which127,852were paidadmissions. force is getting out hundreds of letters Construction has been consistently car- Donley in Boat Company in connection with this.R. M. (Dick) ried forward and major projects included NEWARK, 0., Jan. 30.-Lon Donley, ofEdwards isincharge of this promotion. Dots and Dashes a monkey island costing $36,486; a seaBuckeye Lake Park near here, has pur- chased a half interest in Buckeye Lake Park management is still under Carl Seems to be an all -women's fight for Mammal grotto,$52,400;an antelone Sinclair and Nick Seitmeyer continues topool publicity space from New York City house. $42,590; a giraffe house, $58,067Boat Company from George Melvin. Theybook bands for Moonlight Ballroom, now and a kodiak bear island, $48,022. will operate speed boats on the lake in dailies what with Mary Jane Kroll han- Buckeye Lake Park this summer, theyoperatingunderafour -night -a -weekdling the Park Central tank and Selma The annual report of Herbert E. Brad-announced. policy with name bands every Sunday. Weiskopf now ballyhooing theafore- ley, chairman of the animal committee, mentioned St. George-. . . . Gay Haas, shows the mortality at the zoo as low MADISON, Wis.-FredWinkelmann,local radio exec, is a former life-saving as any zoointhe country.Already LEIPZIG, Germany.-Leipzig Zoo an-superintendent of Vilas Park Zoo, pur-examiner andfriendhubby wasin plans are under way for the 1937 seasonnounced that the 1,000th lion cub hadchased six Shetland ponies, to be riddencharge of swimming activities for years which officials claim will surpass evenbeen born in its collection, a record whichby children visitors next summer freeat a boys' camp in Maine.... Broadmoor 1936. may never be equalled. Of charge. (See POOL WHIRL on page 43) 43 February 6, 1937 PARKS RESORTS POOLS The Billboard The 1912 season was opened in Maconmust be some pool news out thar. . .. on April 6.George Sun was managerA deep apology is due Steve Hannigan for Ona recent mention here to the effect that alletiCatt Recteational "Used to Water" and Peter Sun was general agent. ski CINCINNATI, fan. 30. - Four blocks the advance R. G. Piper was contractingthe boys publicizing the Sun Valley nearer downtown Cincinnati than usual, the agent; James M. Beach, special agent;settlement in Idaho were putting it all steamerIsland Queen,palatialfour -deck J.L. Springer, car manager.The carover him at Miami, for an authoritative Equit meat association excursion boat of ConeyIsland,Inc.,is was a large, well-equipped and attrac-note to my desk points out that Steve riding the history -making Ohio River flood tively painted one for the transportationalso handles the Sun Valley skiing and By R. S. UZZELL unscathed. The big craft has risen with so I suppose I don't know so much after' at of the advertising crew.On the busi- the flood waters which have carried it, Clintonall-As if I ever did.... Norm Engelson the foot of Lawrence street,nearer and nessstaff,backwithshow, of the American Red Cross is giving his Situated as we are, safely out of the nearertothebusinessdistrict. It is Newton was official representative; Her- lood danger zone, we, nevertheless, feel securely moored and owners have had no man Griggs, equestrian director; H. P.life-saving examinationsinthe Park Keenlythe menace of the flood to our fear for it, except a fire hazard that is con- Kutz, secretary; Oscar Rogers, managerVendome pool in New York City this friends in the Ohio Valley.Coney Is - stant from inflamable materials which may of privileges; John Shelly, bandmaster;week while ironically enough his com- .and, Cincinnati; Fontaine Ferry Park, cover surface of the water. Aside from Bobby Fountain, manager of side show.patriots in service are fighting the floods Louisville; Fair Park, Wheeling, W. Va., this,the Queen has taken the flood as in the mid -west. ... And so a reminder a day's work."After all,sheis Cheerful Gardner was superintendent snd the park at Evansville, Incl., are suf- allin ofthemenagerie;Henry Welsh hadto all those who can help the Red Cross feringheavydamage.Manysmaller usedtowater,"remarked oneofher charge of baggage stock, and Col. Wil-to do so with funds for there are many parks are completely inundated and the vigilant guards. liam Randolph was superintendent ofpool and park boys and girls stranded in end is not yet in sight.FA Schott at ring stock until time of his death, Octo-the flood zone at present and besides, Coney Island, Cincinnati, has had three ber 16, 1912.He was then 78 and hadthe Red Cross has always helped swim floods since his father's death;allof been with Sun Bros. 17 years. pool operators and now they need help! them of major proportions. Some people After the opening at Macon the firstSo won't you please send whatever you do get more than their share of calama- twoweeksincludedninestandsincan to your local chapter? ties.All of us sympathize with our With the 2om Georgia, two in Tennesee and one in fraternity who are caught in this, the North Carolina. From April 22 to May 2 greatest Ohio Valley flood of all times. DETKOIT.-John T. Millen, superin-the itinerary was in Tennesee; May 3 to n For two years our park men in thetendent of Detroit Zoological Park, drew13 in Kentucky. then Ohio until May dust bowl have suffered from want ofunusual publicity in The Detroit News of25.Entered West Virginia at New Mar- water and now along the great riverJanuary 18, when he received an entiretinsville on May 27; played Shinnston on park men suffer from too much water.page of pictures of the zoo. Back pageMemorial Day, and remainedinthe If only we could strike a balance forof the paper, most prominent pictorialState until June 10.Meyersdale was the these men, each class would benefit andsection, was used for a series of picturesfirst Pennsylvania town, and the show none would suffer. Once a man asked usof zoo inmates.Theodore F. Schroeder,exhibited in a total of 18 towns up to to locate our Aeroplane Swing so thathead keeper, was shown with two lions. 1. Then Ohio, six more stands, July it would swing out over the river.We which included Carrollton for the 4th of SURPRISE retorted that if we did, some day, per- CINCINNATI.-RecommendationthatJuly stand.Entered Michigan at Mo- George A. Hamid. Inc., is haps. the river would swing out over ourcity manager be authorized to apply forrends on July 9, and as evidence of the full of surprises. The lat- swing. a 45 -per cent PWA grant was made topopularity of the Sun Bros. with the est form of "Wonders by Our flooded friends will have siltedcity council by its finance committee. TheMichiganders there were 36 consecutive Hamid" is a specially bearings, wet motors, marred landscapesgrant would be part of a fund of about stagedOne-12'ngCircus stands in that State. for ParksandResorts. A and stained, dirty buildings to clean and$85,000 to be utilized in erecting and newer and greater Euro- put into condition.All this over andequipping a modern clubhouse at the Long Southern Tour pean style sawdust spec- above the usual work of getting intozoo.It would be north and west of the tacle. Nottomention operating condition. present clubhouse, which has been stand- Winnamac, Ind., was played on Au- the most imposing menu Remember also that our friends in theing half a century. The committee alsogust 20, and that was the beginning of of thrill and comedy acts drouth area and those in the floodedauthorized issuance of referendum bondsa long Southern tour.August 26 they ever to be offered-still zone had the same general depressionof $17,000 as the city's share of clubhousewere back in Kentucky for nine stands at prices which challenge that all of us have had.That theseexpense, which would be retired fromin the coal -mining towns, then three comparison. For further men can "take it" testifies to the perm- in Virginia and five in Tennessee, fol- particulars getintouch funds collected in zoo concessions, so,lowed by 32 towns, all except three in with "Surprise Headquar- anency of our industry and the stablethere would not be any cost to taxpay- ters." foundation on which it rests. The amuse-ers.The remaining $30,000 would beNorth Carolina.October 24 was played ment parks must keep abreast of thetaken from money left over in the Col-in Asheville, N. C.Seven more towns in George A. Hamid, Inc. times, but their popularity with theclesser and Gallagher bequests, not usedTennessee had the show.Then they people must and will abide. entered Alabama at Scottsboro on No- in erecting the reptile building beingvember 2.Thanksgiving Day, November completed at the zoo. 28,atGeneva,Ala.,completed that 1560 BIWAY More Real Estate for Carlin State.From November 29 until close of The purchase of a large building in PITTSBURGH.-Betsy, 12 years the fa-season they were in Florida; Christmas new you), Ohio by John J. Carlin. of Baltimore, isvorite elephant in Highland Park Zoo,Day in New Smyrna; New Year's Day sure to make him a lot of money, espe-was put to death by a powerful sleepingin Miami, and the season was completed n cially with his expert management. Nopotion when the zoo commission, afterat White Springs on January 11. man in the amusement park business hasconferences with zooofficialsin New The total mileage for the season was a better knowledge of real estate.JohnYork, Detroit and Washington, decided11,511; exhibited in 238 towns in 240 J. was a real estate man before he wasthat the animal would never recover Ihavea number of used single unto from an attack of arthritis. showdays;losteightperformances, suitablefor parks or shows.'There am a park man. He once owned 185 houses visited 12 States and were out 40 weeks. Penmen in Baltimore.The proceeds from those Performers that helped to make the no used dual units available. houses put him in the park business. NEWYORK.-The zoo world lost aseason an artistic as well as a financial I have a number of prospects who aro Earnings from the park business are nowfaithful and valuable friend when Dr. interested in purchasing a dual Loop -O. Charles V. Noback, head veterinarian atsuccess included Blanche Reed, principal Plane to hook with a reliable park sr to put him back into the real estate equestrienne; Herman Griggs, in charge Write ortelegraph business. His income from his parkNew York Zoological Park. passed awayof the ring performance; Cheerful Gard- a goodlocation. front at Baltimore shows the masteron January 16 after an illness of aboutner, producing a strong number with his hand of real esate experience. a week.Dr. Noback, who had held histrained elephant acts.Morales Family ROBIN REED Dame Rumor has some new parks onposition at the New York park sinceof four and the Tan Arakis were fea- Box 237 the board for 1937. Who said it would1926. was 48 years old and had residedtured in the advertising.The Kobers, SALEM, OREGON never be done again?As they progress,in Scarsdale, N. Y. His job of supervisingthe La Belles, the Barnetts, John Car- news of their development will comecare and protection of all the animals ofdona, the Great Boyd and others made along. One of them is slated for Detroit.one of the world's largest zoological parksa program of length and merit to meet LARGEST MAtfilfACTURERSor MCCHANICAL. gainedhimwide -spreadrecognitionpublic approval. No N. Y. Snow Trains thruout his profession. Noticeable in the mid -December issues SHOOTING ®)GALLERIES We are now at the end of January and of the leading amusement publications, 'SPARKS RESORTS SPORTIMIDSCARNIVALS CHICAGO. Brookfield Zoological Gar-Sun Bros.' Circus was the only one listed FFlCC no snow trains out of New York Citydens has been presented with a rare col- CA TALOGUE as yet.They have been cancelled each under the head of "Circus" as still con- w.r.MIANGELS tO.CONEY ISLAND.N.Y. week -end for about six weeks. The ad-lection of birds and animals by Leontinuing the1912tour.In February, vertising thus far has all been dead ex-Mandel, Chicago merchant, consisting of1912.when oneofthepublications pense. We may make up for it yet.Wesix doves and two saffron finches fromprinted a list of circuses and Wild West are wondering how all of the fowl andJamaica and a rhinoceros iguana, na-shows that were preparing to tour dur- tive of Petit Gonave Island. ing the circus season Sun Bros.' World's STRATOSPHERE MAN beasts at John T. Benson's Wild Animal Progressive Shows were in the list of over Farm missed the calculations so far. Even THECHICAGO ZoologicalGardens, WORLD'S HIGHEST TRAPEZE AND nature up there had also prepared for a 50organizationsthat were preparing SWAYING POLE ACT cold winter.It is just all too deep forChicago,last week addedacrowneditineraries. us, John.Can't you enlighten us a bitpartridge and a peacock pheasant from Finishing With a 600 Ft. Slide for Life. on these points?Of course, you arethe Malay peninsula,a Dayal thrush Available for Fairs, Parks and Celebrations. away on a vacation, but should thisfrom India, a Chinese spectacled thrush,POOL WHIRL. -- Address care of The Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. alaughing Chinese thrush and an- (Continued from page 42) change the habits of animals and na-nounced the purchase for $2,000 of a ture? giant Eland from the African Sudan. enclosed tank, in Philly, said to be pack- Armand Vincent, of Montreal, has im- ing 'em in these nights. .. . Understand ported the ski -run from Canada to our that Glen Hardin, the Olympic track ace, FOR SALE . We have always thought HOUSTON,Tex.-Construction ofais the new lifeguard at the Park Central it could be done. When he does not getmodern $20,000 lion house to replace theso one presumes his proposed screen ca- Summer Park Penny Arcade the snow, he has a machine that convertsdilapidated structure now housing big is the P. C. job just or will place same in good location cats of Hermann Park Zoo has been rec-reer fell thru or POWERS BROS. ice into snow at the rate of 25 tons temporary? . . . Wonder why I haven't 15 Trask St., Providence, R.I. per hours. ommended to city council by Mayor Hol-heard from the Lake Hellums gang out John Carlin is quite apt to be the firstcombe, who proposes to pay for the struc-in Enid, Okla ,lately for there surely park man with a ski -run. Someone mustture out of bonds voted for park improve- always lead the way.Here is the startments. under most unfavorable conditions.If he makes it go now, he is sure of success Auto -SKOOTER-Water when we have an abundance of snow. This issue of The Billboard was pub- SHOWMEN lished in Chicago, because of flood in- 01?- Time gown/ten GET THE RIDES THAT PAY YOU terruptions at Cincinnati. The Billboard By CHARLES BERNARD BIG DIVIDENDS EVERY YEAR. always has come thru.In 42 years we LUSSE BROS.. INC.. 2809 Stith FalrhIll wATEk S.KOOTER. have never known it to fail. AUTO SKOOTER Street.Ph`ladelphia, Ea. U.S.A. Sun Bros.' World's Progressive Shows LUSSE BROS.. LTD.. Central House. 45 Bingsnay, Londcn XV. C.2. Enrlane. made their 21st annual tour in1912. The circus was owned and operated by George and Peter Sun, and its perma- 0- LOOK nent winter home was at Central City IN THE WHOLESALE Park, Macon, Ga.The Sun Bros. had establishedthemselves sofirmly over 8CAR WHIP FOR SALE MERCHANDISE SECTION their repeated tours of the Southeastern F. L. FLACK, for the States, up thru Tennessee, Kentucky, First class running order, $1,500.00. LATEST NOVELTIES, PRIZES WestVirginia,WesternPennsylvania, Mgr., NORTHWESTERN SHOWS, Coldwater,Mich- Ohio and Michigan that their visit was PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES an expected annual event by the circus - igan. Stored at Coldwater, where it can beexamined. going public. 44 The Billboard FAIRSEXPOSITIONS February 6, 1937 Conducted by CLAUDE R. ELLIS-Communications to 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati, 0 NIAFA Shows Joint Meets Big Progress Plan in Va. Heavily attended conclave Somma proposes annual in Boston acts for added conventions with N. C.- premium funds from State carnival men out in force RICHMOND, Va., Jan. 30.-At the 20th BOSTON, Jan. 30.-Despite inclement annual meeting of Virginia Association weather, the 17th annual convention of of Fairs in the John Marshall Hotel here MassachusettsAgriculturalFairsAs- on January 25 and 28 a proposal was sociation,withVermontAgricultural made by Charles A. Somma, managing Fairs Association, Mohawk Fairs Circuit director of Virginia State Fair, that the and Grange and Community Fairs co- North Carolina and Virginia associations operating, in the Brunswick Hotel here meet alternately in Joint session in the on January 21 and 22 was declared the capital of each State.Manager Somma largest and most effective in years. There placed this proposal in a resolution but, were nearly 300 present compared with owing to lack of a quorum, it could not about 150 in Greenfield last year. be acted upon. The plan was referred to Frank H. Kingman, secretary of Brock- the president of the Virginia association, tonAgriculturalSociety, was unani- with instructions that he communicate mously elevated fromfirstvice-presi- W. W. ELLENWOOD, manager of with all members of the organization and dency to presidency. Leon A. Stevens, Ohio State Fair, Columbus, which report their views at the next meeting in Cummington; Samuel T. Sheard, Stur- last year broke the all-time gate Richmond in January, 1938. bridge, and Warren V. Bodurtha, Bland - record it had established in 1935, ac- H.B.Watkins, Danville,president; ford, were elected vice-presidents. Alfred cording to announcement by Director T. B. McCaleb, Covington; Charles A. W. Lombard was re-elected secretary - of Agriculture Earl H. Hanefeld.Mr. Somma, Richmond, R. W. Eanes, Peters- treasurer for the 15th consecutive year. Ellenwood addressed the Ohio Fair burg; W. L. Tabscott, Lewisburg, W. Va., His management of this year's meet was Managers'AssociationandState vice-presidents, and C. B. Ralston, Staun- most successful.Resolutions were pre- board of agriculture in annual con- ton, secretary -treasurer, were re-elected. sented for proposed legislation by the vention in Columbus on January 14 Mr. McCaleb presided in the absence of sole committee member, Milton Danziger, on "Advertising the Fair." President Watkins, detained at home by assistantgeneral manager ofEastern sickness. Mr. Somma delivered an address States Exposition, Springfield. of welcome. Others on the program were W. W. Wilkins, Outlook for Fairs this Sparrell Defends Fairs Business Men to Counsel Season; B. M. Garner, Community and Retiring President Ernest H. Sparrell, School Fairs, and Mr. McCaleb, Closer Norwell, at the banquet Thursday eve-In Better Setup for Fargo Co-operationAmongOurMembers. ning asserted his findings and denounced FARGO, N. D., Jan. 30.-With aim ofDrawing Power of Horse Racing was dis- SOMETHING NEW in premium accusations slapped at fair men madeimproving the fair here, 55 Fargo busi-cussed by W. J. Carter, Richmond, a di- list covers will be used this year by by "at least one member of the specialness men were called in by Fargo Fairrector of Virginia State Fair Association. OklahomaStateFair,Oklahoma recess commission on taxation," who saidboard, discussion resulting in a plan toFollowing sessions of Monday the associ- City.Composite made of pictures that "fairs were the bunk" and "mana-change dates from early July to third oration held its annual dinner, at which taken during the 1935 fair with air gers a lot of racketeers." Chambers offourth week in August.Opinion wasA. D. Watson, president of the Circus brush is used on final layout.Be- Commerce of Springfield and Northamp-unanimous that a change of dates to aSaints and Sinners, was emsee.Robert cause separatelistsare made for ton bid for the 1938 convention, buttime after grain harvest would materiallyT.BartonJr.,Richmond, was guest each department, a mortise was left sense of the meeting indicated that Bos-improve attendance. speaker. for name of the particular list and ton should again be the meeting place. Financial report of the last 10 years cut is made to bleed offall four Executive committee will decide. At theshowed the fair had an average net profitDinner and Floor Show edges. Amongsubjectsshown banquet about 50 representatives andof $4,909.17.Highest net income was George A. Hamid, Inc., furnished an (lowerright)isfamedHereford senators were present to grasp inner$14,000 in 1927, with 1936 only year whenexcellent floor show.Joe Basile, leader breeder, Robert H. Hazlett, formerly workings of the organization's policiesa loss was shown. Weather that rangedof Madison Square Garden Band, played of El Dorado, Kan., whose death in and program.This is the one reasonfrom 105 to 114 in the shade was largelya cornet solo and then flew back to New December at the age of 89 removed why Boston is desired by so many again,accountable for theloss,It was felt.York for a morning broadcast. a well-known figure from Mid -West- so that an impression of value may beAverage gross for the decade was $43,- Among those at the dinner were Mr. ern fairs. made on lawmakers. 419.35 a year and average expense $38,-and Mrs. Charles A. Somma, Mrs. C. B. Resolutions were adopted on deaths of419.35,notincludingimprovements.Ralston, who acted as hostess; C. T. Rid - Arthur W. Gilbert, past commissioner ofAbout $14.000 was spent on rebuilding adick, assistant manager Virginia State the department of agriculture; Frederickgrand stand that collapsed during theFair; Charles Lauterbach, J. H. Powell; W. Burnham, second president of thefair in 1929 and last year a new cattleMax Linderman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ber-Rochester Directors Plan MAFA (1921);Otis E.Hall, chairmanbarn was built.Buildings and groundsgen, Mrs. Charles Kidder, Mrs. Earl Pur- committee on Judging, and Robert W.are valued at $150,000. tle, George Brown, Jean Walker, J. E.For a Bigger Show in 1937 Mitchell, fprmer superintendent of music An advisory committee of 17 businessWalker, Gilman Brown, Ralph Smith, ROCHESTER. N. Y., Jan. 30.-Despite and attractions of Eastern States Expo-men was named to work closely with theWorld of Mirth Show; A. L. Vitale, C. A.unfavorable weather last year, Rochester sition. Resolutions praised co-operationboard on a new set-up.Members of theRodgers, A. J. Wagner, Al Striano, W. C.Exposition Association was able to show of Howard Haines Murphy, commissionerfair board are John McGuire, president; (Bill)Fleming,F. A.Conway;Earlprofit of $4,188.10, according to a report of agriculture; Paul G. Kirk. commis-M. A.Baldwin, William Stern, FrankKurtze, Harry Lessinger, Paul Botwin,by William B. Boothby, secretary and sionerofpublicsafety;SamuelT.Scott, J. E. Pyle, Harry Alsop and DuncanN. M. Watkins, H. T. Fox; I. Cetlin, Cet-general manager, at a meeting of direc- Brightman, master State Grange; GeorgeCampbell. Frank S. Talcott is secretary. (See JOINT MEETS on page 47) tors, who discussed plans for the 1937 T. Moran, director division of reclamation exposition as a much larger show. (See MAFA on page 47) Herbert B. Cash was re-elected presi- dent; honorary president, Charles Stan- ton; vice-presidents, Raymond C. Peters, Joseph E. Silverstein; treasurer, Frederick Bill to Legalize Horse Michiganders Consider ProblemsE.Strouss;secretary-general manager, William B. Boothby; executive commit- Racing in Pennsylvania tee, officers and Carl B. Bausch, Florus R. HARRISBURG, Pa., Jan. 30.-County Baxter, Samuel A. Cooper, Jesse Roberts; fairs and expositions will be permitted toat Big 25th Convention in Detroitdirectors, Carl R. Bausch, Florus R. Bax- stage legalized horse -racing meets with ter, William B. Boothby, Thomas E. Car- betting, without the necessity of install- DETROIT, Jan. 30.-Problems in fairO'Neil, and thanks to President Chap-roll,Herbert B.Cash, Ralph T.Coe, ing mechanical equipment, when and ifmanagement consumed much time atman, Secretary Howell, former Commis-Samuel A. Cooper, R. Leighton Gridley, the Melchiorre-Dent bill to legalize horsethe 25th annual meeting of Michigansioner Thomson and his assistant, A. C.Jesse Hannan, M. F. Hincher, Robert F. racing in Pennsylvania is approved byAssociation of Fairs here in the FortCarton; Hotel Fort Shelby; The Billboard.Jones, T.F. Murray, A.E. Northrup, the State Legislature. Shelby Hotel on January 21 and 22, astrade press, and booking agents. NormanHenry D. O'Connell, Raymond C. Peters, The proposed racing season would bereported in last week's issue of The Bill-Hill,executivesecretarytoGovernorA. Elmer Raithel, James H. West, Jesse limited to eight months, between April 1 board. Frank Murphy, who spoke in lieu of theR. Roberts, Roland 0. Roberts, Edward C. and November 30, inclusive, and on week Henry H. Lueders' party at the Ameri-governor, who had to leave for Washing-Schoen, Joseph E. Silverstein, Willard J. days.County fair meets, coming undercan Legion Club was attended by aboutton because of developments in the au-Smith, Mayor Charles Stanton, Frederick a Class C classification, would be limited100. George Mack was emsee for a floortomobile strike, said, "the Murphy ad-E. Strouss, George E. Varcoe. to only one Meet.While Class A tracksshow including PlymouthTrio,Jackministration will be solidly behind your would be required to pay a yearly licenseFigaro, Corinne Castle and Mary Lou,efforts to upbuild fair interests in Michi- fee of $25,000 and Class B a fee of $10,000,produced by Les Calvin. gan." county fairs operating a race track would Discussions were participated in by Among showmen and attraction inter-Groom Quits Langdon, N.D., be required to pay a license fee of onlyPresident Fred A. Chapman, Ionia; Ches-ests represented were Harry Lessinger, $2,500. ter M. Howell, Chesaning, secretary; A.A. D. Michele, Hudson Fireworks Com-After 24 Years an Official C. Carton, director of bureau of agri-pany; William C. (Bill) Fleming. H. Wil- LANGDON, N. D., Jan. 30.-After 24 culturalindustry of Michigan;T.J.liam Pollack Poster Print; John F. Reid,years as secretary of Cavalier County Fort Worth Show All Town, Jackson Fair;CarlF. Mantey,William G. Dumas, Happyland Shows;Fair Association, B.E. Groom, now of Caro; Floyd Northrup, secretary of "De-Henry H. Lueders. Jack Figaro, UnitedFargo, has resigned to give more time Set-Except for Cointroit's Own" County Fair,Northville;BookingAssociation; Gus Sun,Jackto all fairs in the State as agricultural FORT WORTH, Tex., Jan. 30.-BoardWilliam F. Jahnke, Saginaw; Robert P.Dickstein. George Puget, Val Campbell,chairman of Greater North Dakota Asso- -f control of Fort Worth Frontier ShowBuckley, Bad Axe; Tom 0. Huckle, presi-W. C. (Billy) Senior, Gus Sun Agency;ciation.He is succeeded by R. E. Fork- as been putting the "proposition" ofdent, Cadillac Northern District Fair;A. L. Gatewood, Flying -X Rodeo; Peterner, Langdon. 28 years old, and who nother show next summer to civic, busi-George Herman, speed superintendent,Vitale. D. A. Ross, Ohio Display Fire-has served the fair association in various ness and social organizations during pastand A. C. Hause, secretary of Williamsworks Company; Lloyd Holt, James Sorgi,capacities 19 years. weeks. County Fair, Montpelier, 0.: Arnell Emg-Mrs. Gertrude Barrick, American Fire- The association re-elected M. C. Formo. So far all organizations have signifiedstrom, Traverse City; E. W. Delano, Al-works Company; W. B. Naylor, attrac-treasurer;Carl Wild,J.T. Wild and willingness to back another show, finan-legan; H. B. Kelley, Hillsdale; Mrs. S.tions; J. B. Hendershot. Mighty SheesleyAmbroseUllyott,newdirectors,and cially and otherwise.All the board hasElmendorf, Battle Creek, and Louis Derby,Midway; W. L. Beachler, United Fire-Victor Sturlaugson, superintendent of to do now is to get merchants and othersCroswell. works Manufacturing Company;L.L.live stock. 1gto subscribe enough money to put on the Sharp,RegaliaManufacturing Com- Mr. Forkner for eight years has been show. Governor Promises Aid pany; Louis Rosenthal, supply house;concession manager of the fair.He was Thoro distribution of financial respon- Resolutions committee, headed by Mr.C. L. Bevis, J. C. Goss Tent and Awningelected president of North Dakota Asso- sibility.of the show this year, with every-Jahnke, presented an extended eulogy toCompany;Louis Berger,F.L.Flack,ciation of Fairs in 1936 and named dele- one who benefits contributing, is the ideathe late Fred W. Green, Ionia; a welcomeNorthwestern Shows; Pop Baker, supplygate by Cavalier Association to attend Yw1ng forth by hnarrl yvtgarnbalm to, +1.. rialvr.e7vin1111./Ires1Pi i 1.1e6+ell+1.111,1. house; Nvs, A. H. McQueen, Industrial Arttha At ats.fairs' maatincr Fargo before clubs. Lincoln, and hisassistant,Lawrence (See MICHIGANDERS on page 45) January 21 and 22. February 6, 1937 FAIRS-EXPOSITIONS The Billboard 45 Chapman's "Word for It" Title to honor of Michigan's biggest "Biz As Usual" Pep Measures Business Builders fair president was easily won by George DETROIT.-My personal experience HELENA, Mont., Jan. 30.-It took more N. Van Tine, Caro, entered in competi- than an earthquake to disrupt business on of nearly a quarter of a century as a tion by Secretary Carl F. Mantey. the last day of Rocky Mountain Association Taken in N.D. fair secretary has shown itis good Bert E. Thomas, Detroit Sound Engi- of Fairs' annual meeting here on January business to increase your amusement neering Company, was given a vote of 26. An earth tremor of several seconds' and advertising budget before that thanks for providing the well -operated, duration was felt at 5p. m., Just as Art Means of recouping losses of any other department of your fair. public address system gratis. Briese, ry of Thearle-Duffield Fire- They are the business builders. Every- Burr Lincoln, new commissioner of works Company, was signing contracts with discussed at annual meet- agriculture, confided that he one time Managers HaroldF.DePue, North Mon- body likes to be entertained, so clean, tana State Fair, Crest Falls, and Harry L. wholesome amusement isof para- functioned as judge of needlework at Fitton, Midland Empire Fair, Billings."It pari - mutuels are favored mountimportance. Timeshave Harbor Beach Fair to the satisfaction of almost tipped the table over and knocked changed. Today citiesmiles away women who disapproved of a woman thepenfromHarry'shand. Theyall FARGO, N. D., Jan. 30.-Means of re- from a metropolis have every right to judge. thoughtIhad thrown one of my bombs," couping losses in finances and support, demand the best in entertainment Sam J. Levy, Barnes -Carruthers Fair said Art. caused by recent years of drought, were and it is our duty as fair men to an- Booking Association, drew a hand from discussed at annual meeting of North ticipate and meet that demand.- everybody for his capable emseeing of the Dakota Association of Fairs, in the Wal- PRESIDENT FRED A. CHAPMAN to banquet. dorf Hotel here on January 21 and 22. annual meeting of Michigan Associa- Fred A. Chapman, president, disclosedVote Against Change R. E. (Dick) Forkner, Langdon, secre- tion of Fairs. his own definition of a fan dancer-"a tary of Cavalier County Fair and re- nudist with a cooling system." tiring president of the association, urged Secretary Chet Howell's chief contribu-To Delaware State Fair that boards make wide use of govern- tion to the gaiety was a demonstration ment funds thru PWA and RRA projectsPrepare New Plant in N. C. of how to eat at a banquet without sit- HARRINGTON, Del., Jan. 30.-Stock- to get grounds into good condition so ting down. Fair men were disappointedholders of the Kent and Sussex Fair that each exposition will be attractively ALBEMARLE, N. C., Jan. 30.-Stanlybecause he refused to repeat his success-Association voted against changing the set up. County Fair Association leased nine acresful skating act of last season. name to the Delaware State Fair while To get young people interested, hein East Albemarle as site for a plant. Adams Rodeo Company has signed livethe way was left open for a compromise urged giving 4-H Club activities lots ofOfficers said work would be started soonfairs in Minnesota, Manager George E.at a later date if favored to include New space with premiums large enough toon improvingtheproperty,erectingAdams said, Pine Belt Circuit, includ-Castle County within its scope of activi- make their exhibitions worthwhile. Newbuildings and a fence, preparatory to aingWadena,Bemidji,Aitkin,Grandties, at the annual meeting and banquet constitution and by-laws were adopted,1937 fair.An agricultural and commer-Rapids and Pipestone. at the Harrington New Century Club H.L.Finke, secretary, Minot, pointingcial building and quarters for live stock here. out that search revealed no copies of anywill be included in first contracts let, The fair is in the best financial condi- rules for the organization. It was votedand other buildings will be added beforeBarnes -Carruthers Get tion in history, Vice-president Warren that fairs handle only beer on groundsthe fair. T. Moore reported to the stockholders. this year asinyears past, tho hard Montana, Wyoming Fairs His report disclosed that the total re- liquor is legal in North Dakota for theMICHIGANDER CHICAGO, Jan. 30.- M. H.Barnes,ceipts for the past year were $51,753.52 first time.Only Cavalier County Fair president of the Barnes -Carruthers Fairwith disbursements of $46,214.29, leaving does not allow sale of beer on grounds. (Continued from page 44) Booking Association, advises that his firma cash balance of $7,442.74. Supply Company; Don Zeiter, Eight -Milewas awarded the North Montana Fair, The board of directors was re-elected Van Cura on Attractions Speedway; Paul Wolf, Walf Tent andGreat Falls; Midland Empire Fair, Bill-with three new directors. The new di- Awning Company; J. C. Weer, J. C. Weerings, Mont., and the annual "Wyomingrectors are J. Gordon Smith of Harring- Edward W. VanCura,Fessenden,Shows; Helen Reynolds' Eight SkatingOn Parade" celebration at Casper, Wyo.,ton, Claude N. Cahall of Harrington, and pointed out importance of having grand-Girls;Bert E. Thomas, Detroit Soundat the annual fairs' meeting in HelenaW. M. Chambers of Viola. stand show changes in middle of theEngineering Company; Sam J. Levy, Ca-last week. week and to hire acts that have person-mille Lavine, Gertrude Avery, Barnes - At all of these events a Barnes -Car- In announcing that the fair was in the ality and popular appeal. Carruthers; Earl Kurtze, WLS; A. E. Sel-ruthers musical extravaganzawillbemost flourishing condition in history it Association went on record favoring aden, "Stratosphere Man"; Walter Harvey,featured, Barnes states. was reported that plans are being dis- State law permitting pari-mutuel bettingDonaldson Lithographing; Ray Eggleston, cussed to spend the cash balance on on horse racing and instructed its legis-E. G. Stoats & Company; B. Barkoot, improvements before the opening of the lative committee to frame such a lawBarkoot Shows; J. C. McCaffery, RubinHemphill Is Put in Charge fair this year. and present it to the legislature. Opti-& Cherry Exposition; Ralph Byars, George Directors will meet for organization mism that such a law might pass, thoE. Adams, Earl Sutton, Adams Rodeo;Of New Oklahoma City Aud February 1 when it is expected the pres- it has repeatedly been voted down, wasBurt Wermuth, Michigan Farmer; Clay OKLAHOMA CITY, Jan. 30.-Ralph T.ent officers will be re-elected. The offi- apparent, due perhaps to the fact thatM. Greene, Goodman Wonder Shows;Hemphill,secretary -manager of Okla-cers are: President, B. I. Shaw; vice-pres- the State for the first time voted wetMrs. Lola Ranks, Detroit Convention andhoma State Fair and Exposition hereident, Warren T. Moore; secretary, Ernest in the last election. Legislative commit-Tourist Bureau; Cap Ritz, motordrome;and secretary -treasurer of InternationalRaughley; treasurer, Horace E. Quillen. tee is Mr. Page, Dan F. McGowan, GrandRay Conlin, Olive Conlin, Elgin Mason,Association of Fairs and Expositions, has Nearly 250 officers, directors and guests Forks, and Mr. Finke. B. E. Groom, re-Michigan Vaudeville Office; J. H. Duane,become temporary manager of the newattended the banquet which followed signed secretary of Cavalier County Fair,MabelR.WeerShows;LesCalvin,municipal auditorium thru agreementthe stockholders' meeting.Guests in- and H. H. Greer, Fargo, were named toUnited Booking Association; Davidwith the fair board and city council. cluded Ralph Hankinson, auto race pro- work out a harness -racing program alongSchiller, United Fireworks Manufactur- Mr. Hemphill willfix scale of pricesmoter, who conducts the speed card on the same linesas were developed bying Company; C. C. Groscurth, Imperialfor conventions, exhibit space and planthe final day of the fair; State Senator them last year, when fairs in the StateShows; T. P. Eichels, Regalia Manufac-a show program for the new hall, set toEarlSylvester,StateRepresentatives had their best harness programs in manyturing Company; Eleanor Getzendamer,open about June 1.Main auditoriumDewey Sapp, Walter Paskey, Jr., and J. years. Getzendamer Horses; Arthur J.Davis,will seat 6,000, with a little theater room,Harold Schabinger. Sapp and Schabinger Dan F. McGowan, secretary of GrandMichigan Airways, and Glen H. Rothfusssmaller rooms and 200 -foot banquethallare superintendents of the association. Forks Fair, was named new president ofCompany. and exhibit space in basement. Motion pictures of the activities of the the association; Mr. Finke re-elected sec- fairlastyear were shown under the retary;MilesFormo.Langdon,vice- auspices of the association and the Uni- president;Mr.Forkner and Mr. Van Cura, versity of Delaware.Several vaudeville directors. numbers,under the direction of George Federal Appropriation Bill Hamid of New York also featured the Some Contracts Signed entertainment. Jamestown, Fessenden, Langdon and Hamilton fairs booked the Fairly -Mar -Asks For $325,000 For Dallas MARSHALL,Tex.-Central East Texas tone Shows and Cavalier and Pembina Fair Association had net profit of $2,- fairs booked the Jule Miller Revue for DALLAS, Jan. 30.-A federal appropria-open arcade allowing passage from the366.22 for the 1936 annual and plans a grand stands.Minot booked Goodmantion bill asking $325,000 for participationmidway back to the Calvalcade theater. Wonder Shows. Grand Forks was selectedin the Greater Texas and Pan American A. L. Vollmann, director and producer,bigger 1937 fair. Erection of new build- as the 1938 meeting place in January. Exposition was introduced in the Houseassembled his staff and began work onings has been approved. About 50 attended the annual banquet.of Representatives last Monday by Con-Cavalcade of the Americas, successor to Ernest (Rube) Liebman, Barnes -Carruth-gressman Hatton Summers Cavalcade of Texas.Ed V. Goodin was ers, had charge of a program put on by The appropriation askedisvirtuallynamed co -director;Vinson Avery,co- Marie Early School of Dancing, talentthe same amount as the federal govern-ordinator of sound and cast; Lloyd Kerr, THE that Edgar I. Schooley, of Schooley Re-ment spent last year at the Texas Cen-music and research;Birdie Meyer, or- vues, and Ernie Young, of Young Revues,tennial.It was approved before intro-fice manager; Jan I.Fortune, author; declared good enough to book at anyduction by Vice -President John N. Gar-and Manley Nash, sets designer. ERNIE YOUNG AGENCY fair.E. C. Genereaux led communityner and cabinet members who served Cavalcade of the Americas will have a DEPT. A singing. with him on the old Texas Centennialstaff of 250 by the time it opens June Attraction people included Lew Rosen-commission at Washington. 12, Vollmann said. The old Cavalcade of 162 N. STATE ST. thal, Rosenthal Attractions; Jule Miller, With exhibit salesmen already in everyTexas theater will be used, and original Leo Semb, Miller Revue; Edgar I. Schoo-part of the country, Director Generalsets will be reshaped and painted. A CHICAGO ley, Schooley Revues; Ernie Young, ErnieFrank McNeny last week had plans com-center stage 50 feet deep, movable onto Can furnish any type of Entertainment for Young Agency; Frank Winler, Suicidepleted for a six weeks' tour of Souththe set, will be used to supplement the Club; A. F. Friese, B. F. Stoffel, Thearle-America by air, and the fair's advertis-stages brought onto the set from both Duff ield Fireworks Company; E. C. Gen-ing campaign was launched with fullsides.The new sound system will be FAIRS, INDOOR SHOWS ereaux, Northwest Harness Horse Associ-pages in metropolitan papers in northerninstalled by April 1.Sound rehearsals ation; C. W. Hinck, Thrill Day Attrac-States. will begin April 15.Synchronized re- and CELEBRATIONS tions; Noble C. Fairly, Fairly-Martone Leaving Dallas February 14, a planehearsals of sound and pantomime casts Shows; Toby Wells, Consolidated Attrac-will carry officials of the show and awill begin May 1.This show will shoot Write us when your attractions committee tions; Anna M. Cimijottis,Cimijottisrepresentative of the United States De-at the 1,180,000 gate and $320,000 take is going to meet. Dancing Horses; Mert Gribble, Regaliapartment of Commerce on their six weeks'of last year's Cavalcade. Manufacturing Company; Max Good-itinerary of Mexico and countries further man, concessions and Goodman Wondersouth. Shows; Rube Liebman, Fred Kressman, Goodwill and enlistment of co-opera- Barnes - Carruthers;Dee Lang, Elmertion of governments and industries will Brown, Dee Lang Shows; A. P. Dickson,be the object of the air tour.Every Dickson Mule Derby, and John R. Castle.Latin American country will be visited. Professional - Sanctioned On Your Fair Program Harold F. DePue, manager of Montana Break Attendance Records State Fair, Great Falls, was a visitor. Latin Name for Midway Plans were being laid for giving the FeatureProfessionalDirt Track Auto Races on One 1937 midway a Latin name and Latin AU TO Day of Your Fair. American atmosphere thruout, as J. Ed- NOW BOOKING FAIRS IN ALL STATES LOOK die Brown, concession director, carried IN THE WHOLESALE on negotiations for new shows and rides. E. M. MILLER, DIRECTING MANAGER Predominating the midway will be the CONTEST BOARD, DIRT TRACK D IV. MERCHANDISE SECTION successor to Streets ofParis,a Latin INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWAYS, DECATUR, IND. forthe American village that is designed to oc- NOTE-Active anddiscontinuedFair -Ground Man- LATEST NOVELTIES. PRIZES cupy the presentsiteofStreetsof agers,telourpropositionfor Sunday andHoliday PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES Paris, Ripley's Believe It Or Not anda RACESdates before August 1st. number of small adjacent concessions. The main body of the village is to be an I

The Billboard FAIRS EXPOSITIONS February 6, 1937 Royal Palm at New Annual Fair Meetings WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., Jan. 30.- Pa. State Meeting Is Largely South Texas Fair Circuit, February First county fair here in eight years, 8,Aumont Hotel,Seguin.George newly chartered Palm Beach County Kempen, secretary, Seguin. Agricultural Fair and Exposition, headed by J. 0. Bowen, president; B. C. Simon- Attended; 350 Guests At Dinner MississippiAssociationofFairs, son, vice-president; A. G. Deimer, secre- HARRISBURG, Pa., Jan. 30.-The 25th February 9-10, Edwards Hotel, Jack- tary -treasurer and Tom J. Campbell, gen- annual meeting ofthePennsylvania Attraction People son.J. M. Dean, secy., Jackson. eralmanager,willhavedisplaysof State Association of County Fairs con- A large number of attraction repre- Ontario Association of Agricultural agricultural,livestock,citrus, home vened January 27 at the Penn -Harrissentatives were in attendance. Among Societies, February 10-12, King Ed- arts and home economics and a huge Hotel here and was very largely attend-them were George Hamid, Frank Cervone ward Hotel, Toronto.J. A. Carroll, school exhibit under huge tents. Auto ed.Close to 50 fairs were represented,of George Hamid office; B. Ward Beam; secretary, Toronto. dealers will have an Automobile Show in the largest number in many years. TheW. C.Fleming, Pollack Poster Print; LouisianaStateAssociationof connection. Commercial exhibitors have past year being more or less profitable,Ralph Hankinson;John Jackel;Jake Fairs, February 12 and 13, Virginia reserved more than 200 feet of space. where the weather was not too bad,Shapiro, Norman Shapiro, Triangle Print- Hotel, Monroe.R. S. Vickers, secre- Royal Palm Shows, with Jack Hoxie, everyone was in a genial mood and opti-ing Company; Peter J. Alderman, Arcus tary, Donaldsonville. screen star, and Ben Beno, free act, will mistic for the coming season. Ticket Company; George Cramer, Spill- be on the midway. man Engineering Company; Henry L. New YorkStateAssociationof At the morning session the address ofRapp, Al.Stiano, American Fireworks County Agricultural Societies, Febru- welcome was made by Charles W. Bar-Company; D. A. Ross, A. T. Vitale, Ohio ary 16, Ten Eyck Hotel, Albany. G. W. Ohio has a strong advertising campaign nett, representing the mayor who wasDisplay Fireworks Company; Frank Stan- Harrison, secretary,131 North Pine behind it. unavoidably detained on account of of-ley,horseacts; Ernie Young;Phil. avenue, Albany. fice business. Dr. William C. HunsickerWirth; Frank Wirth; John Conway, J. Association of Connecticut Fairs, Would Hear Secretaries and J. M. McCosker, representing MayorLudes, National Ticket Company; Jimmy February 16, Hartford (meeting place Wilson of Philadelphia, addressed theGraves,BillySenior, Gus Sun office; to be selected).Halite G. Root, act- The men serving as secretaries of these convention onthepurposesoftheGeorge Ventre, Stetson Band; Johnny J. fairs know the value of an outstanding Sesqui-Centennialcelebration,of the ing secretary, Box 1505, Hartford. advertising campaign.I would suggest signing of the constitution in Philadel-Kline; Jack Wilson, Izzy Cetlin, Harry that at another time this topic be placed phia. Among the features to be heldDunkel, Cetlin & Wilson Shows; A. J. on your program and some of your sec- there, it was mentioned, would be a bigKaus, W. C. Kaus, Kaus' United Shows; AS INQUIRIES are being made, sec- retaries given the opportunity to discuss J. E. Strates, Strates Shows; Percy Mo- retaries of associations should send in the results they have achieved. county fair early in September. Theyrency, Max Gruberg Shows; Frank West, their dates. also extended an invitation to the asso-M. Sheesley, Sheesley Shows; S. A. Kerr, According to the program, the first ciation to hold next year's conventionWest World Wonder Shows; Dave Endy, item under discussion is that of bill- in that city.Quite a discussion tookMatt Riley, Endy Bros. Shows; Charles M. boards.While I personally do not con- place regarding the amount of moneySheesley, Sheesley Shows;S.A.Kerr, sider this phase of advertising the fair that is being obtained from the StateArt Lewis Shows; Max Linderman, World the most efficient method which can be for their premiums, a number of theof Mirth Shows; William Glick, Ideal employed,itdoesneverthelesshave smaller fairs complaining that the cutsExposition Shows; Harry Heller, Acme Advertising Fairs merit. that have been made in their authorizedShows;P.E.ReithofferShows;Ben In 1936 Ohio State Fair used billboards allowance in the past few years has pre-Weiss, Weiss Concession Company. as a means to advertise our great annual vented them from making many needed Visiting improvements, especially painting their fairsecretaries were Major Excerpts from address by W. W. Ellen -exposition. These billboard advertise- buildings as much of their money hadAllen, Flemington, N. J.;Harry E. La-wood. manager of Ohio State Fair, atments incited much interest among the to be used to keep up their premiums.Breque, Trenton, N. J.;Jacob 0. Wil-annual convention of Ohio Fair Man-general public, as many of you know. Suggestions were made that membersliams, Harrington, Del. and John T. Best,gers' Association at joint session withAs fair managers you also know that try to prevail upon their legislators toLee Reisenberger and Guy Klotter, Fred-State board of agriculture in the Desh-the success of any method of advertising see if something cannot be done to in-erick, Md. ler-Wallick Hotel, Columbus, on Janu-depends upon its power to attract at- Fair contracts were awarded to Stratesary 14. tention and interest of the public. That crease the amount to near the author-Shows for York and Bloomsburg.To we succeeded in doing this last year is ized amount. The larger fairs are not soCetlin and Wilson for Ebensburg, Read- The subject, Advertising the Fair, as-evidenced by the records of attendance much interested as they say they caning and Trenton, N. J.To Endy Bros.signed to me is one of utmost impor-which were made at our fair. stand on their own feet. for Lehighton. To Kaus United Showstance to every fair manager. As a youth for Hatfield. I regarded Theodore Roosevelt very high- For a number of years we have taken Convention will be held in 1938 atly.Perhaps this was because his ener-advantage of facilities offered by those Several Speakers Absent York, Pa. radio stations in this city to direct at- getic activities appealed to youth.Intention to Ohio State Fair.I consider Afternoon session convenedat two the heat of one of his Presidential cam-the radio as one method of carrying a o'clock, first business being the report paigns his opponents were,asusual,direct message to those who cannot be of the secretary, which was adopted.Burke For Delaware Park taking him to task severely.He madereached in any other manner. My con- Prof. H. C. Feteroff, Chief of the Agri- WILMINGTON, Del.. Jan. 30.-Edwardthe remark, "Any publicity is good ad-tact with those who operate these sta- cultural Education Department of Pub-Burke, veteran manager of Havre devertising."I have often thought of thattions leads me to believe that you will licInstruction,spoke onVocationalGrace race track, has been appointedstatement, and how true itis pertain-find the station managers in your local- School Activities at County Fairs. Prof.manager of Delaware Park, under con-ing to fairs. ity anxious to co-operate with you and E. B. Fitts of State College spoke on thestruction near Stanton, Del., by the Dela- I recall a little verse that a formerrender you as much service as it is pos- Standards of Judging in Different De-ware Steeplechase and Race Association,secretary of agriculture of our State hadsible for them to do, at very little or no partments of the County Fairs. Severalbuilder of the track. Mr. Burke has beenas one of his favorite expressions andexpense whatever.Many of you have, who had been expected to address wereplaced in full charge of the racing endone which he had published on many ofin your home communities, local talent not able to attend on account of otherof the big track at which pari-mutuelthe publications sent out by his depart-which it will be to your advantage to business. Major Lynn G. Adams, super-betting will be conducted 'under the lawment: sponsor.If you will do this the sta- intendent of State Police, who was ex-passed by the last regular session of the tions will be glad to give them time on pected to speak on Clean Midways atlegislature.First race meeting is sched- "He who has something to sell the air and your fair will benefit by it. County Fairs, was called away to takeuled for July. And goes and yells it down a well State troopers to the flooded district. Work on the construction of the ad- Will never collar as many dollars The Billboard Praised Joseph M. McGraw spoke of the ,seriousministration building at the new track As he who climbs a tree and hollers." shortage of race material in the nextis progressing rapidly. With due regard for all the agencies few years.Lawrence Sheppard of the Yesterday one of your group advisedwhich can be employed in the advertis- Hanover Stock Farm made remarks in you to "blow your own horn" because ifing of a fair, I believe the one which is general on horse and racing matters. KENTON, 0.-Hardin County Agricul-you didn't no one else would blow itmost important and the one from which Walter Moore of Harness Horse madetural Society, inactive 12 years, becamefor you.The most useful informationyou will get the most for your money is some remarks regarding horse and rac-operative following election of 15 dire --which can be obtained pertaining to ad-the press. By this I mean farm journals, ing matters in general.B. H. Patrick.tors, who will organize shortly. Commit-vertising a county fairisthat whichnewspapers and other worthy publica- representativeofTheBillboard,wastees will plan a 1937 fair on old Hardincan be secured from your fellow secre-tions.Support of the press is a vital called upon and stressed the well-knowncounty grounds. taries.Every successful county fair innecessity for the continued success of stand of The Billboard for clean mid any fair.I do not believe that any pub- ways and said was glad to see that quite lisher is expecting too much when he a number of fairs in the State were feels that he is entitled to a portion of working to that end, especially in the the advertising budget.In those com- past two years.Appropriate resolution munities where the fair has the support was adopted on the death of Herbert D. Agricultural Situation of the newspapers you will find the first Smyser, who was one of the oldest and indication of a successful fair.When most active members of the association. Condensed Data From December summary by U. S. Department of Agriculture, you consider the amount of free space Washington,D. C. which the average newspaper devotes to S. B. Russell of Lewistown was re- its local fair it is no more than right elected president and Charles W. Swoyer that it should be considered in any ad- re-elected secretary.For the first timeCondensed data from January Sum-Wheat, even including the very poorvertising schedule which your fair may in several years no changes were mademary by U. S. Department of Agriculture.spring wheat crop, had a farm value ofwork out. in the vice-presidents or the executive $624,000,000 against $521.000.000 in 1935. committee. YEAR PROVES BETTER Mr. Hartmann, outdoor editor of The Farmers made financial gains duringThe small crop of potatoes this fall hadBillboard, was also scheduled to discuss Annual turkey dinner was held in the1936 in spite of severe drought.Thisa value of $367,000,000 against $231,000,-this subject.It is unfortunate that a ball room of the Penn -Harris Hotel. Over 000 a year ago. previousengagementpreventedhim was not true of some groups in certain from attending. 350 guests sat down at the tables. Presi-sections but apparently was true of agri- CROP PRICES HIGHER Al Hartmann is out- dent Russell introduced Ralph M. Ba-culture as a whole. standing in the show world, not only in shore, president of the Pottsville Fair, Crop prices thru summer and fall aver-this State but in every other State.If as toastmaster. Remarks were made by It was a poor crop season, especiallyaged 14 per cent higher than a year ago.your fair is in need of attractions, con- J. Hansell French, secretary of agricul-thruout the North.The Corn Belt andFarmers received more money both fromcessions or riding devices of any kind ture. The principal address was deliv-Wheat Belt, for the second time in threetheir crops and from theirlive -stockan advertisement in The Billboard will ered by Count Ernesto Russo, booked asyears, found their crops cut short by aproducts this last year than a year ago,bring the desired results. fromMilan,Italy.Hissubject wasdrought of record severity.Some 32,-notwithstanding that the crop output I would like to leave with you the America As I Find It. It was very enter-000,000 acres planted to grains last springactually was smaller. realization of the importance of a good taining and mystifying to the audience,were abandoned. In addition, about 12.- advertising campaign in planning your but concluded in such a way that he000,000 acres of winter wheat and a large The final showing for the season is1937 fair.You will find that it will be received practically an ovation at theacreage in hay were lost. summed up in figures for agricultural in-to your advantage to study your com- finish.Henry Brunner introduceda The upshot was that the total area ofcome. Gross income from farm produc-munity and the surrounding territory cross-country medley on the violin thatgeneral crops harvested in 1936 was abouttion for 1936 is tentatively estimated atto determine the method which you can entertained. 315,000,000 acres. This was slightly more$9,530,000,000,12 per cent larger thanbest employ. than the acreage harvested in the otherthe 1935 income of $8,508,000,000.The George Hamid for the 17th time pre-bad drought year 1934, but it was at leastcomparable 1934 figure was $7,276,000,000 Remember that any boardofdi- sented one of his best and most enter-10 per cent less than the harvested acre-and in 1932, low point of the depression,rectors can bring together the finest ar- taining bills of acts consisting of Bonnie it amounted to $5,337,000,000. ray and exhibits of agricultural and in- Brownell's Continental Revue in fourage in any of the dozen years preceding. dustrial products, but if no one knows parts; Balabanow Family of accordion- Among the chief cash crops, cotton was Whereas income went up 12 per centabout it no one will have the opportu- ists; Franke and Margie, adagio; Equellothe only one larger this year than last.in a year, expenses increased only 6 pernity to see it.I wish to prophesy at Brothers, hand balancers; Carol Travits,The higher pricesthisfall,however,cent. The pay realized by the farmer forthis time that most of the financial suc- acrobat; Joe Basile, cornet solo; Whirl-made these money crops worth morehis work and capital in 1936 had a pur-cess which will come to your fair in 1937 ing Walkers, skating; Catherine Behney'sthan they were a year ago.The cottonchasing power apparently the highest inwill be due to the manner in which you Three Little Girls. Henry Cogert actedcrop had a farm value this fall of $955,-any of the last 13 years for which thesebring the attention of your exhibition to as emsee. 000,000 against $737,000,000 a year ago.income estimatesare available. those who would be your guests. February 6, 1937 FAIRS-EXPOSITIONS The Billboard 47 community fairs' representatives gained a wealth of material, slated to materially Pa. Farm Show Almost aid promotion in this field. L. B. Boston, laitEleCtiO64S managing director, Hampden County Im- provement League, presided. STEWARDSTOWN, Pa.-Stewardstown Doubles 1936 Attendance AgriculturalAssociation,operatorof HARRISBURG, Pa., Jan. 30.-Penn- MACON, Ga.-For 1937 Georgia State President Kingman,of MAFA, ap- Stewartstown Fair, re-elected: President, sylvania's annual farm show, which Fair and Exposition here. President E. G.pointed a legislative committee compris- W. J. P. Gemmill: vice-president, J. Clay closed last Saturday, established an Jacobs said there will be improvementsing Mr. Sparrell, chairman; Fred J3. Dole, Anderson; secretary, Walter H. Ebaugh; attendance record of 402,000 persons, and new features.The fair may havePaul W. Foster, Great Barrington.Mr. treasurer, Fay A. Shaw. attesting that the days of the county horse races and thrill shows for grand-Sparrell has retired from the Legislature fair have not passed, according to an stand features, instead of musical revuesbut the remaining members are represen- FREDERICKSBURG, Tex. - Gillespie announcement by J. Hansell French, as in the past several years.Improve-tatives. George J. Moran, director, divi- County Fair Association elected Eric F. Secretary of Agriculture. Figure was ments and additions to several exhibitsion of reclamation soil survey and fairs, Juenke,president;Otto Henke,vice- far greater than any recorded in the buildings in Central City park are beingwas host to Anna Hurley, department of president; Otto Burgdorf, secretary; Max 21 -year history of the show. He gave planned. Work will start after Secretaryagriculture switchboardoperator, and J. Blerschwale, treasurer. theprevioushighas1934,when E. Ross Jordan has completed his workthese secretaries to the D. of A. division 287,000 saw the State show. Last year with Jacksonville (Fla.) Fair. heads: Esther Rouine, Pauline Spivack, MARSHALL, Tex.-East Texas Fair As- 240,000 attended. Esther Morrison, Elizabeth Powers and sociation elected Knox Lee, president; Kasimiera Gwozd. Tom Agnor, Mrs. N. P. Cockrell, Erick SELINSGROVE, Pa.-Starting five years Littlejohn, W. T. Kieley, W. B. Currey, ago with week's attendance ofabout Floor Show at Banquet vice-presidents; W. M. Thomas, treasurer. 5,000,D.H.andL.Fire Company's M. R. Martin, secretary.Annual report Dallas Carnival and Night Fair here has grown Attractionspeoplerepresentedin- showed the association cleared $2,366.22 to estimated attendance of nearly 50,000cluded George A. Hamid, Paul N. Denish, at the 1936 fair. DALLAS, Jan. 30.-Stanley Graham re-in1936, reported Secretary Roland E.George A.Hamid, Inc.;L.H.(Doc) turned after two months in CaliforniaFisher.This year plans have been madeCann, World of Mirth Shows; Clarence BARABOO, Wis.-Frank Morley wasand San Antonio and since has beento draw 75,000, many patrons coming A. McConney,Warren F.Rockwell, elected president of Sauk County Fairconfined with influenza. . . . Sol Kaplanfrom a radius of 50 miles.More shows,Clarence A. McConney, Inc., motorcycle Association; Arthur Attridge, vice-presi-was a visitor and went on to Tampa. ... rides, concessions and free acts will beraces and attractions; Tommy Mack, dent; W. T. Marriott, secretary; UrbanJoe Brandon returned to visit before go-presented than ever before, he said. rube clown; Joseph J. Godin, Interstate Mather, treasurer; Fred Bisch, marshal.ing on to San Francisco to join the Fireworks Manufacturing & Display Com- Association is reported to be in best fi-Shrine circus staff. pany, Inc.; Al Martin, Boston representa- M. D. Fanning, associated with the QUEBEC.-Preparations for 1937 Ex-tive, John C. JackelOutdoorAttrac- nancial condition in 16 years. Centennial special events department lastposition Provinciale here include im-tions; B. Ward Beam Company; Henry BEAVER DAM, Wis.-Dodge Countyyear, is back in town. . . . Al Trankleprovements in addition to rebuilding andRapp, H. Striano, American Fireworks stopped en route to Los Angeles.. . . F.paving roads last year, said SecretaryCompany. Fair Association elected H. E. Krueger, Emery Boucher.Successful Horse Show president; J. F. Malone, secretary; E. G.W. McFall returned after spending two Nominating committee included Leroy Dowe, superintendent of concessions. months visiting parks, piers and beachesinaugurated in 1936 will be repeated andC. Sabin, Northampton; Horace Keene, on the West Coast. . . . Richard Lussemoreattractionswillbepresented. and Nate Miller of Lusse Brothers haveConklin's All -Canadian Shows will be onMarshfield; W. A. Munson, Huntington. DE RIDDER, La.-Beauregard Parishbeen in Dallas on business. the midway. Executive committee to announce 1938 Fair Association elected W. E. Welbrom meetingof MAFA isFredB.Dole, president -manager to succeed Lee Nich- A. L. Vollmann and Frank N. Watson Greenfield; Charles A. Nash, Springfield; ols; W. E. Sailor, vice-president;C. J.have been confined to their homes with DONALDSONVILLE,La.-W i t h 35Ralph H. Gaskill, Topsfield; Howard A. Ledoux, treasurer. serious cases of influenza. . . . Jan Is -members, representing 15 parishes, pre- belle Fortune returned after spendingsent, annual meeting of South LouisianaJohnson, Dalton; Milton Danziger. PLAIN DEALING, La.-Bossier Parishtwo weeks in Richmond. Va., where sheState Fair Association here heard the Only item that cut short the two-hour FairAssociationelectedMayor Mackcontracted to write a spectacle for theauditor's report which showed net profitfloor show presented by George A. Ha- Phillips, president; Mrs. T. J. Smith, sec-Richmond bi-centennial.Mrs. Fortuneof $4,000 for the 1936 fair, and plansmid, Inc., was the fact that Roly Rogers retary; Leon Sanders, vice-president; J. J.write Cavalcade of Texas andis nowwere discussed for a much larger annualand his Brunswick Casino Orchestra had writing Cavalcade of the Americas. this year. an air date at11p. m. over WMEX. Waggoner, E. D. Barnett, directors. Rogers played for dancing and Stetson FORT WORTH, Tex.-Roundup ClubRadio Band accompanied the floor show, DONALDSONVILLE, La.-South Lou-CSRA Purses Over $28,000has been organized again to make good-whichincludedemsee work byMr. isiana State Fair Association re-elected willtrips thruout Texas toadvertiseHamid; Chic Kennedy, former Ziegfeld L. A. Borne, president; G. T. Autin, Solon DAYTON, 0.,Jan. 30.-Exactly107 Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stockgal;Hollywood Co-Eds(line);Three Farrnbacher, C. J. Tessin, vice-president;automobile racing drivers,licensedinShow and Rodeo here, first trip to beFlashy Steppers, sepia lads, tap; Three E.C. Hanson, treasurer; R. S. Vickers,Central States Racing Association, sharedmade about February 1.The club, or-Robert Sisters; vocal, instrumental, tap, secretary -manager. in purse distribution in excess of $28,135ganized several years ago, has done muchacro; Leo and Mae Jackson, bicyclists; paid by member tracks, according to ato increase crowds at the show. Mer-Virginia Stuart, tap and acro; Madeline FLORENCE, Ala-C. W. Negley wasresume of 1936 activities released fromchants' tickets are again being used.Burlo, highdiver, who sang;Burns, elected president of North Alabama Fairthe executive office of the governing bodyUnited States Marshal J. R. Wright is toBaker and Burns, tap and acro, and Jack which operates theof American dirt -track auto racing herebe in charge of a parade on afternoonHerbert, comedian, with fern assist. new $50,000 plant north of here on Chis-last week.New speedways and numer-of the opening. CommitteeappointedbyPresident olm Highway. Other officers are Judgeous fair dates will be on the 1937 sched- Brown, of VAFA, to call the Montpelier Grady R. Williams, R. W. Drane, T. M.ule, it is said. meeting is Glenn W. Rublee, chairman; Rogers, J. T. Flagg, vice-presidents; Don- C. W. Olney, Rutland, and Mr. Dodd. ald White, secretary -treasurer; Van W. MAFA SHOWS Thirty minutes of motion pictures taken Arnold, assistantsecretary;Dr.E. R.JOINT MEETS (Continued from page 44) of motorcycling by Clarence A. McCon- Braly, Lawrenceburg, Tenn., active vice- soil survey and fairs; George A. Hamidney, Inc., were shown on Thursday. Two president and manager. (Continued from page 44) and Paul N. Denish, Boston manager ofreels showed activity at 1936 Topsfield lin & Wilson Shows; John W. Robinson,George A. Hamid, Inc., for the two-hourFair and motorcycling at New England MARSHALL, Tex.-Central East TexasGeorge Ventre, Mr. and Mrs. J. Miltonfloor show during the banquet;Thefairs last season. FairAssociationre-elected Knox LeeMason, B. M. Graves, Mr. and Mrs. JackBillboard; Henry Rapp, American Fire- The tall, distinguished -appearing gen- president. Other officers named are: TomV. Lyles, Wade L. Morton, Ralph Lockett,works Company, for banquet favors andtleman, ever on the go and puffing cig- J. Agnor, Mrs. N. P. Cockrell, Erik Little-Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Roeller, Mrs. R. A.novelties; Stetson Radio Band, George W.arets, was Alfred W. Lombard, who man- john, W. T. Kieley, vice-presidents; W.Harbinson, C. M. Hight, H. W. Nash, AlexVentry, leader, and the press. aged the show. So busy was he during M. Thomas, treasurer; M. R. Martin, sec-Hudgins, L. H. Shrader, 0. V. Hanger, Another resolution adopted referred tothe banquet that he did not have a retary; Mrs. Grace Kech, assistant secre-Edna R. Moore, J. A. Goodwin, S. Franka conference with Governor Hurley tochance to chew a morsel of food, cig- tary; M. C. Jaynes, master of exhibits;Straus, E. L. Henning, B. C. Mayo, A. E.increase premium appropriations to fairs.arets sufficing. Dancing continued till A. B. Emmons, superintendent. Leatherman; John H. Marks, Ben Weiss,Last year the appropriation was reducedearlymorning withseveralhundred J. M. Rafferty, Marks Shows: R. D. Wag-$5,000 to $25,000.A measure will betrippingtomusicofStetsonRadio ner, Mr and Mrs. 0. L. Dize; David B.asked to increase premiums to a reason-Band. With Rodeo Out, New Uses Endy, MatthewJ.Riley, Endy Bros.able amount. A resolution was filed de- Shows; Walter L. Beachler; J. B. Hender-claring the association opposed to exten- On his topic, The Outlook for 1937 Is Sought for F. W. Coliseum shot, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sheesley, Mightysion of racing dates, dog and horse, fromGood, Frank H. Kingman, secretary of FORT WORTH, Tex., Jan. 30.-SinceSheesley Midway; Mr. and Mrs. F. Berger,August 15 thru September 30, currentBrockton Agricultural Society, and newly the rodeo in connection with the South-Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Walker; Frank West,exemption period. elected president of the Massachusetts western Exposition and Fat Stock ShowWest's World's Wonder Shows;Harry association, cited eight reports of editors here is to be held on the North Side thisHeller, Loretta Fraley, U. M. Bland, Clyde Vermonters Take Action of trade publications.Significance was year as usual instead of in the new WillRateliff, Senator and Mrs. J. J. Wicker. to give fair men a composite view of Rogers Memorial Coliseum, new uses are Mr. Sparrell, who this year retired fromwhat managements can look forward to being sought for the $800,000 Coliseum, Showmen in Attendance legislative duty after 15 years of publicthis season. built especially for rodeos, by Margaret service in which he was a leading figure Hall, building manager, and city council. Among carnival owners at the meetingfor rights of fair men and who intends Council voted to ask bids on cost ofwere David B. Endy, W. C. and A. J. Kaus,to continue to fight, said "management installing a portable maple floor in theJohn M. Sheesley, Frank West, Max Lin-of the present-day fair has two mainACTS WANTED buildingfor Williamderman, John Marks, Cetlin & Wilson,ideas in mind, educational exhibits and rollerskating. Harry Heller and William Glick.Harrywholesome amusements." Sensational,Novel,AnimalandComedyActsfor Monnig, councilman and chairman ofRamish, Dan Mahoney and J. F. Brownie "The argument is advanced that only1937 Fair Season,also early parks and streetfairs. board of control of the Frontier Show,represented Smith Greater Shows; Wal-one of the fairs has had pari-mutuelState ALL in detail. said plans are being made which mayter White and Ralph Lockett, Johnny T.racing," he declared. "To my mind, it KLEIN'S ATTRACTIONS require use of both auditorium and Coli-Jones Exposition; William Breese, Stratesmatters not whether any of our fairs Box 137, New Waterford, Ohlo seum for the Frontier Show next sum-Shows; K. F. (Brownie) Smith, Greaterhave pari-mutuels.The fact the big mer. AccordingtoMr. Monnig, theAtlantic Shows; Jack V. Lyles, 0. C. Bucktracks operate when we are striving to board has ambitious plans for the showExpositions. conduct our fairs is bound to take people to open in June, using both temporary John Serpico and Wade L. Morton rep-away who would otherwise attend our ex- buildings,Casa Manana, Jumbo, etc.,resented International Fireworks Com-hibitions. This is a serious situation and and permanent buildings, auditoriumpany; F. A. Conway, American FireworksI warn each of you to get in touch with Independent and Coliseum. Display Manufacturing Company; Harryyour senators or representatives and try Other plans for the temporary sectionLessinger,HudsonFireworksDisplayto induce them to keep the law as it is. SHOWS WANTED of the show include removal of all con-Company; A. T. Vitale, Ohio Display Fire-Don't blame your legislators if they vote cession buildings but leaving the struc-works.Other representatives includeddifferently than you wish, if you don't Ten inone, Plantation, Midget, turesalongSunsetTrail. GroundsW. C. (Billy) Senior, Gus Sun Exchange;let them know your wishes." Snake, Wild Animal, or any other around the temporary structures are toR. D. Wagner, Sound System Service; At Vermont Agricultural Fairs Associa- good show of merit. Wanted for be landscaped.Frank G. Evans is backEarl Kurtze, WLS Artists' Bureau; Bantion meeting, presided over by Fred C. one of the biggest free gate Night as publicity director for the Stock ShowEddington, John Couper, Columbia Print-Brown, Barton, with Glenn W. Rublee, Fairs in Pennsylvania. and rodeo. ing Company; Herman Jaeger, Nationalsecretary, Enosburg Falls, convened in Booking Corporation; W. C. (Bill) Flem-the hotel on January 21, a committee Write ROLAND E. FISHER, Sec., PORTAGE, Wis.-City council voted toing, H. William Pollack Poster Print.Si was named to set a date for a meeting Carnival and Night Fair finish the fairground athletic field proj-Stone, representing his own act, said hein Montpelier about February 1, at which ect.Government has appropriated anhad signed with Gus Sun for the 37thtime a resolution will be adopted to send Week July 19 additional $22,000 for a field house, toseason. a delegation before the Legislature, ask- erect permanent foundations under all Charles A. Somma and Clarence Rid -ing for an appropriation for 4-H Club Selinsgrove, Pa. the fair buildings. for general beautifica-dick, as hosts for Virginia Fair Associa-work. Mohawk Fairs Circuit, W. H. Dick- tion and to complete the educationaltion, entertained many visitors in the as-inson, president, met to discuss condi- A SHOWMAN1S PARADISE building. sociation's suite in the hotel. tions.Also on Thursday Grange and 48 The Billboard February 6, 1937 CECILMILAM,managerofFair "MUCH credit is due Orville and Ed- Grounds Roller Rink, Wheeling, W. Va.,ward Godfrey for the manner In which has been offering two consecutive ses-theyareoperatingMadison Gardens Rinks ad gate'ssions Saturday afternoons, due to in-Rink," remarks Peter J. Shea, Detroit.Contract Let creased patronage.Rink will be going"It was only a short time ago that the By CLAUDE R. ELLIS full -blast again during week days as soonbuilding was being overhauled and main (Cincinnati Office) as rehabilitation work necessitated bystreet widened and it looked almost im- the Ohio river flood is completed. possible for the rink to become a suc-by R. M. Men ALL ROLLER rinks in the Ohio and ad- cess, with scaffolds in the lobby and no joining valleys in the path of the record - JANINE GARANGER, French fancy smashing flood were closedlast week, parking space to speak of, but with all including New Norwood Rink and Ches-skater who recently returned from Amer-the obstacles they came thru in grand ter Rink, Cincinnati, the former becauseica,is appearing in exhibitions at thestyle.Godfreys have a fine band which Groupbuyingfeatures of restrictions on electric current andPalais des Sports Rink, Paris, with Hedyplays nightly and thruout the week nov- water and the latter being inundated.Stenuf, Viennese skater, and other stars.elty features are on the program. Madi- conventionin Helena- Norwood Rink remained open until 10 son Rink is far from being the largest of o'clock Sunday night. January 24, pro- OTTORIGGLE,operatingArmorythe two or three operating here, but it State aid bill being favored ceeds of sessions up to then going to theRoller Rink, Pontiac. Mich., is doing anmanages to get a big share of business. egg business on the side from his farmDetroit was for many years the greatest Red Cross.Other rinksintheareaat Lake Orion, where he has the rinkroller skating town in America.Young reported closed or damaged are Frankduring summer. men came from all parts of the country HELENA. Mont., Jan. 30.-Working in Bacon's Tacoma Park Rink, Dayton, Ky., to work in auto plants.Big salariesunison, members of Rocky Mountain under water; and those in Portsmouth. ALTERATIONS are under way in Arenamade all types of amusements progress.Association of Fairs, representing 14 an- East Liverpool and Marietta. O.; Wheel-Gardens Rink,Detroit,includingin-and it was a common occurrence to seenual fairs in Montana, contracted for ing, W. Va.; Louisville and Maysville, Ky.stallation of several new offices to housemore than 2,000 skaters on the floor ofshows, night revues and fireworks for the growing staff.' Rink now has a perma-Old Palace Gardens Rink in1920-'25. the entire association at the annual con- "REGARDING Wayne County amateurnent staffof27.Private and generalFrom all indications, the craze is takingvention here on January 26 and 27 in speed championship contests in Arenaoffices are being fitted in ultra -modernhold again, but it is a question whetherthe Placer hotel. Gardens Rink, Detroit, on February 17-19style.New showers and locker roomsoperators can ever again get prices and Officers elected are J.H.Bohling, Miles for men and women and Michigan Statehave been constructed in the basementcrowds they did in the old days.All de-City. secretary of Eastern Montana Fair, meet here on February 24-26," advisesfor convenience of race contestants.Apends on the managements and workingpresident; Edgar Lee, Dodson, secretary General Manager Fred Martin. sponsornew locker room isnecessary to holdconditions." of Phillips County Fair, vice-presicint. of the meets and head of therink,private skates checked with the rink. and Jack M. Suckstorff. Sidney. secre- "contestants for these meets may get inArena has some 800 such customers. PHILADELPHIAskatingcirclesaretary -manager of Richland County Fair, touch with Robert D. Martin, clerk ofArena Gardens Roller Skating Club hasbuzzing with the report that big moneysecretary.Retiring officers were Harry the course. For the national champion-grown to a membership of 2,800 in theisbeing introducedinto the revivedL. Fitton, Billings, manager of Midland ship meets in March, contestants mayyear since the rink was opened by Man-roller-skating fad there.Word has itEmpireFair,president;Mr.Bohling. write directly to the president of Mich- that a local syndicateis planning tovice-president; HaroldF.DePue, man- igan Skating Association, Melvin Craw-ager Fred Martin. Bob Jeans, who han- ager of North Montana State Fair, secre- dled publicity for Michigan State Fair, isopen a chain of skating rinks in thetary. ford, care Arena Gardens, 5795 Wood-publicity manager for Arena. various neighborhoods of the city.Big ward Avenue. Detroit. The championship feature will be the food and liquor con- Dates were sent for Fergus County meets will be strictly supervised by Mich- Fair, Lewistown; North Montana State TWO KAYS. roller skaters, working oncessions. Fair, Great Falls; Midland Empire Fair, igan Skating Association, affiliated with amounted platform,are working in the Amateur Skating Union of the United AS A SEQUEL to the ice follies thatBillings;Western Montana Fair,Mis- States. Each amateur must prove thatPittsburgh and near -by tri-State area. soula, Flathead County Fair, Kalispell: his past athletic activities have been received the plaudits of Philadelphia de-Dawson County Fair, Glendive; Phillips strictly "THENEWChocolate Town (Hershey.votees early in December, the all -profes-County Fair, Dodson; Hill County Fair, in that standing before beingPa.) ice palace which opened on Decem-sional ice revue, Ice Follies of 1937, willHavre; recognized and we would suggest thatber 19 seats more than 7,000 for hockeyreturn to the Philadelphia Arena for Blaine County Fair,Chinook; rink managers ofcitiesthruout the four nights, starting February 7.IdiRichland County Fair, Sidney;Custer United States, who take an interest inand ice events and 10,000 spectators for CountyFair,MilesCity;Chouteau basketball and other sports,"writesPapaz and Karl Zwack, who appearedCountyFair,FortBenton;Rosebud sending representatives to the nationalE. M. Mooar. Philadelphia. "The build-there three years ago for the PhiladelphiaCounty Fair, Forsyth, and Fallon County meet, should get in touch with the ama-ing is rectangular in shape and measuresFigure Skating Club, have been added toFair, Baker. teur associations in their states or dis-232 by 362 feet, with no obstructions ofthe show by Roy Shlpstad. tricts.They should hold their Stateanv sort.Roof is100 feet above the Goodman in Field meets and select winners, who will offi-floor.Probably the outstanding feature J.A.TWIGG,operator of a skating cially represent their States at the na- rink on Warrington avenue, Pittsbur-h, Hilclerbrand's Shows were contracted tional meet in Detroit. The meets mayis the arched roof, resting on a series for Flathead and Western Montana fairs, of hinges that bring the weight downhas made a bid for the Diamond Squarewhile C. F. Zeiger's Shows were selected be completed very successfully and toto a singlepoint, resting on aleadRoller Rink in that city. The latter en-for all everyone's benefit by simply followingplate,preventingstraintoconcreteterprise has developed into one of the others except Midland Empire the few suggestions made. This in itselfwalls.The inner surface of the vastleading rinks in the Smoky City area. and North Montana fairs.It was de- will be the first official meet, with theroof is cork, and above it is three and cided tolet these two members con- proper recognition, to be held in theone-half inches of concrete.It is built COLISEUM Roller Rink,Canton,tract their own shows. Max Goodman, States in many years and we ask co-oper-in five sections and has joints between,among the oldest in eastern Ohio, hasGoodman'sWonderShows,attended ation of every rink manager so that in been reopened with apolicy of fourand it was believed he would get the two years to come meets such as these maypermitting expansion under extremes of larger spots. temperatures. It is illuminated by threenightsweekly,Mondays,Wednesdays, Barnes -Carruthers was contracted for become regular events." giant lightoliers,each23feetindi-Fridays and Saturdays. Management is ameter; the individual lightoliers con-offering the rink to private groups onnight revues at North Montana and Mid- nights when it is not open to the public.landEmpire Fairsand Northwestern The First tain 47 searchlights each, and they hide Amusement Company landedthere- the public-address system.Ten milesSome improvements have been made.mainingcontractsfornightrevues. Best Skateof wrought -iron pipe were used underReopening of the Coliseum gives CantonFireworks contracts for the entire asso- the rink for the freezing solution. Skat-districtthree rinks, Land O'Danceciation were awarded to Thearle-Duf- ing surface measures 200 by 85feet.downtown and a large rink in the rec-field Fireworks Company, represented by Cork insulationisused thruout thereation building in Meyers Lake Park. ArtBriese. Officersintimatedthat structure,absorbing sound reverbera- award of contracts in groups had re- tions. In construction 25,000 barrels of RUSS GOLDEN, manager of Land 0' -sultedin lowerpricestoassociation -cement, 210 carloads of sand, 9,600 tonsDance Roller Rink, Canton, 0., has re-members. of crushed stone,1,100 tons of steel,vived interest in roller polo among high 500,000 board feet of lumber and 100,000school teams andisfeaturinginter- Big Year Is Seen square feet of cork were used. The Bars,class contests several times weekly. He That Montana in 1937 will see its best Eastern amateur hockey league cham-has worked up considerable interest inyear in some time for fairs was expressed QUALITY pions, undoubtedly have the finest andFriday night sessions, which he calls H1,11.by retiring officers at a banquet in the possibly the most costly plant in thisSchool Nights, and has been attractingPlacer on the first night. Increased 4-H country.Bruce Mapes andhiswife,capacitycrowdsSaturdayafternoons,Clubdisplayswillbenoted.Honor professionally known as Evelyn Chand-offering occasional roller polo matches.guestswere Governor RoyE.Ayres, RICHARDSON BAIL BEARING SKATE CO.ler, have been engaged as figure skating Lieut.-Gov. Hugh Adair, and members pros. Hershey is practically a hamlet of Skating rink in the Golden Gate Ball- Established 1884 room at Eddy and Jones streets, Sanof Montana senate and house faircom- 3312-3318 Ravenswood Avenue, Chicago, 111. 2,500 inhabitants and boasts this arena, mittees.J. C. Taylor, director of Mol.- four golf courses and is also to have anFrancisco,ownedbyFrank(Lefty)tana extension service, and R. E. Cam- The Best Skate Today outdoor stadium to seat30,000. Mr.O'Doul, manager of the San Franciscoeron, State 4-H Club leader, stressed the Hershey also maintains one of the finestSeals, was damaged by fire last week tovalue of 4-H Club displays. vaudeville theaters in the country, athe extent of $1,000. Following the convention new officers ROLLER magnificenthotel and an up-to-date of the association were to meet with the SKATER'S CLASP PINS amusement park.Itis rumored that senate and house fair committees to dis- Something Neminthe Way of an Award. Pin chows a Winged Shoe and Skate. Gold and Sil- during summer months roller skatingG. L. Contracting cuss a house bill to provide State aid for ver Finish and Fitted with Safety Catch. Wheels will predominate, and if so lovers of this county fairs.It is regarded as a popular areittuttled with assorted colored stones. sport will share honors with ice skaters measure and its passage would greatly SilverFinish. PerDozen $2.50 In East and West GoldFinish. PerDozen 3.00 in having one of the finest rinks in aid show business in this State. 2 Samples,60e. the United States." CLEVELAND,Jan.30.-Preparations Few of the show representatives who RESKREM SILVER MFG. CO. to bring Ripley's Believe It or Not Oddi-did not land contracts showed disap- 1127 Broadway New York City DIAMONDDUO, Joe and Evelyn, begantorium to 1937 Great Lakes Expositionpointment, most of them claiming al- playing dates in Buffalo on January 22. are under way. Word came from Losready nearly filled seasons. C. F. Zeiger Angeles that C. C. Pyle plans to bringrepresented his own company, as did it here next summer. Almon R. Shaffer,'Pete Siebrand, Siebrand Bros.' Shows. associate director of the exposition, flewOther representatives were Fred Kress - ucil!alcat to New York, accompanied by Frank D.man,Barnes -Carruthers;JuleMiller, Shean, in charge of midway concessions,Northwestern Amusement Company; RACING SKATES to conclude some contracts.Mr. SheanMiss A.Lee, Lee Attractions;Richard will return to Cleveland, while Mr. Shaf-Roe, public address; Mert Gribble, Re- are used fer takes a plane to Los Angeles. galiaManufacturingCompany;Billy and Indorsed Moving of the band shell from theGreer,Silver State Shows;Cimijotti's plaza to the Marine Theater has started.Educated Horses. Officers announced the by WORLD'S CHAMPIONS The shell, 50 feet high and 100 feet wide,1938 meeting will be in Billings. will be at end of the esplanade, where can't be it commands the entire sweep of the Beaten boulevard. Ralph B. Humphrey, directorfrom a short visit to Miami. Don Brown of radio, regarding emphasis on stageand Ray Twardy, Don and Ramona, who presentations of radio stars, said theyfeatured the water carnival at the Marine willbepresentedinthebandshell.Theater last summer, are returning from Among those already signed are FibberMiami, where they appeared in a tum- McGee and Molly, Singing Lady, Singingbling act at the Biltmcre. Edward J. CHICAGO Sam, Girl Alone and Gene and Glen.Reicher and Harry Hargraves, who held Public address system has been enlargedSkee-Ball and Pantheon de la Guerre forannouncements andbroadcastingconcessionslast summer, wrote from ROLLER SKATE CO. daily events. Another feature is a picnicHonolulu and Manila to "Doc" Shean 4427 W. Chicago ground in addition to Trailer City. that they are vacationing and are headed Lake St. Lincoln G. Dickey, director, returnedfor Sumatra and Singapore. February 6,1937 CARNIVALS The Billboard 49 NAUGHT APPOINTSOFFICERS Polack, Turney MSWC Installs Loom Prominent New Officers Southwest Showmen's Mrs. Norma Lang inducted Ass'n now full stalled and as chief executive - vari functioning toward ob jec- ous committees appointed tiVes ST. LOUIS, Jan. 30.-The Missouri El PASO,Tex., Jan. 30.-Mel H. Vaught, Show Women's Club heldits seventh president of the Southwest Showmen's annualinstallationceremonies and Association, this week announced ap- birthday banquet Tuesday evening, Jan- pointments of the officers and a board uary 19, at the American Hotel.Mrs of governors for the association. Officers Nelle Allen acted as installation officel named were IryJ.Polack,firstvice- with Mrs. Rose Fitzgerald as assistant. president; Dail Turney. second vice-pres- New officers installed for 1937-'38 were ident, and Verne Newcombe, secretary, Mrs. Norma Lang. president; Mrs. Clella On the hoard of governors are Paul Jacobson. secretary; Mrs. Florence Towe, chairman: A. Reisner, W. S. Neal, Parker, treasurer; Mrs. Irene Burke, 1st Ed Lundgren. Charles White, L. Clifton vice-president; Mrs. Daisy Davis, 2d vice- Kelley. Mickey Blue. J.C. Tarkington, president; and Mrs. Gertrude Lang, 3d A. M. Pepper. E. W. Wells, Tony Spring, vice-president. Board of bovernors: Mrs Fred G. Borland, Johnny Graves. Morris Grace Goss, chairman;Mrs. Kathleen Thurman, J.V. Archer, Louis Stern. 0. Riebe, Mrs. Marietta Vaughan. Mrs. Mary H. Hilderbrand. Harry D. Wingfield. Ed- Francis, Mrs. Judith Solomon, Mrs. Jane die Roberts, Fred S. Myers. Eddie Com- Pearson. Mrs. Mabel Pierson. Mrs. Cath- stock, Harry Miller, Sam T. Polack, Duke erine Oliver, Mrs. Millicent Navarro, Mrs Mills, G. 0. Dupuis, Herman Q. Smith Viola Fairly, Mrs. Nelle Allen and Mrs and Frank De Ritzkie. Helen Richter. Mrs. Daisy Davis was ap- The association'sstaffof physicians pointedchaplainandMrs.Kathleer. and surgeons follows: Dr. Ralph Homan, Riebe publicity director. chairman; Dr. Robert B. Homan, Jr. Dr. HOGAN, OF THE HOUSE OF HOGAN, seems to have the floor. In order Committees appointedbyPresident Wickliffe Curtis. Dr. George Turner, Dr. to start right this picture starts left with Denny Howard, James C. Simpson, Lang were: Finance, Grace Goss, Kath- Felix Miller, Dr. C. M. Hendricks and Dr. Carl J. Sedlmayr and Larry Hogan. Hogan seems to be illustrating the "height leenRiebe,CatharineOliver,Helen J. W. Laws. of folly" to these young men leach representing a different carnival) who are Richter and Jane Pearson;Entertain- The doctors have agreed to treat the trying to get along in show business. Note the smiles of each and the position ment, NelleAllen. Grace Goss, Daisy association'spatients inthree El Paso of Larry's hands and hat. He must have sold them this laugh idea completely. Davis and Marie Brown; Hospital, Mrs sanatoriums without compensation un- It is reported all of them decided Hogan. won and that he could keep his bonnet. Hattie Howk, Mrs. Helen Smith, Irene tilthe project,is on a self-sustaining Burke, Nelle Allen, Rose Fitzgerald and basis, it is stated. Gertrude Lang. Selected asofficial sanatoriums were -Line 0' Two of News Retiring officers were Mrs. Catherine St. Joseph's Southern Baptist and Hen- Oliver, president; Mrs. Grace Goss, secre- dricks -Laws. CINCINNATI. Jan. 30.-Harry Ramishunder direction ofJ.A.Mitchell oftary. and Mrs. Norma Lang, treasurer The board of trustees for sanatoriumswired The Billboard this week from Ra-Anderson, S. C. They were thanked for their services tc leigh, N. C.: "Have purchased half in- the club for the past two years and were consists of three members, Newcombe, giftsinappreciation Vaught and Polack. terest in Great Atlantic Shows. . . . Will KECOUGHTAN, Va., Jan. 30.-Carletonpresented with indooropen in March under joint managementCollins,press agent John H.Marks Shows,Mrs. Grace Goss received a special sur- Care of outdoor as wellas is here at U. S. Veterans' Hospital. Fol-prise gift from the club for her work in showfolk who are tubercular patients isof K. F. Smith and Harry Ramish." Mrs.Olivet thefirstobjective of the association, lowing a minor operation he will returnthemembershipdrive. Newcombe said. The aims of the associ- HELENA, Mont., Jan. 30.-C. F. Zeigerto Richmond. opened the birthday box which con- ation will not conflict with operation orannounced here this week that the Zei- tained $20.67. projects of other showmen clubs in theger Shows had been awarded midway SEMINOLE, Okla., Jan. 30.-Frank C. Afterashortbusiness sessionthe thefairsatGlendive,DuShane, general agentJ.J.Colley'smembers adjournedtothebanquet Middle West and on the Pacific Coast, hecontractsfor Shows, stated here this week that theroom, decorated in the club colors of added. Dodson, Harve, Sidney, Miles City, For- pink and green with bouquets of pink Officers have started a drive for mem-syth and Baker, Mont. fair at Bristow, Okla., had been bookedand white carnations. A plaque in red bership among showmen in all sections for this organization. and white from the Ladies Auxiliary of of the country. MIDDLESBORO, Ky.. Jan. 30.-R. C. the Heart of America Showmen's Glut R. E. Cunningham and John B. How-McCarter, general manager Modernistic EL PASO,Tex.,Jan.30.-MelH.adorned the speakers' tableOn the ard,local attorneys, will handle legalShows, announced on his return here thisVaught, of State Fair Shows, and presi-table was a three -tiered birthday cake affairs for the association. week that the fairs at Gaffney and Sum-dent of Southwest Showmen's Associa-attractively decorated in the club colors ter, S. C., and Sanford. N. C., have beention, left for the Pacific Coast on busi-The cake was the gift of the club's be- booked. The event at Gaffney will beness for the association and the shows.loved mother and founder, Mrs. Mari- ettaVaughan, who withhergrand Goodman Announces daughter Betty McKee, the club mascot is spending the winter in Dallas, Two Staff Members Mrs. Nelle Allen served as toastmistress NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Joseph Good-galitiltoo eitculatit49 Expo.and read several telegrams of congratu- man, son of Max Goodman, owner and Rug.' lations and good wishes from various operator of the new Goodman Wonder organizations,absentmembers and Show, Inc., reported here this week that friends. The bits of verse with which Irving Ray will be secretary of the show a Ceittuty ot Actil gtow Mrs. Allen invited each member in turn and "Slim" Shanlon trainmaster,The to make a short talk were descriptive younger Goodman will confine most of and appropriate. his activities to the concession depart- By STARR DeBELLE The first important business for the ment.Father and son recently com- Sand Bowl, Fla. tions.A good many not ready for thenew officersisthe annual Valentine pleted a purchasing tour thru the East Week ended January 30, 1937. road were left behind.Each one of theDance, to be given in the mezzanine and South, resulting in the acquisitionDear Editor: 45 shows presented a performance ofballroom of the American Hotel, Febru- of a Scooter ride from Lusse Brothers, an Promptly at 7:30 p.m , January 25, Citymerit and well worth a 50 -cent admissionary 13. Many out-of-town show people Octopus from Abner Kline, and a Ridee-oMayor A. Treaty, his arms loaded withaltho only five cents was charged. Thehave already made reservations. from the Spillman Engineering Com-hams, birds and cages, blankets, candyfronts for the 1936 Harlem Strutters, The pany. Current plans call for the showand dolls, threw on the main switch inFollies of 1936, The 1936 World's Revue to consist of 12 major rides and an equalthe transformer wagon, officially openingand the Oddities of 1936 were nicely re-Lawrence Shows Booked number of major shows. the Ballyhoo Bros. 1937 season. Then atpainted by blanking out the six and add-For Boat Race Week According to Goodman, more than two7:35 p.m. the light company pulled theing a seven.The 40 new all -park thrill dozen men areactiveinthe show'ssame switch, officially closing the open-rides, adorned with neon of rainbow col- NEW SMYRNA, Fla., Jan. 30. -Percy winter quarters, located in the Caraleighing of the same season.Then at 9:15ors, made a beautiful showing posted onMartin, general agent of Sam Lawrence Warehouse, Raleigh, N. C., and prepara-p.m., EST, the show's electrician againbarns and outhouses thruout the county.Shows, has booked the attractions to ap- tions for an April opening are progress-threw on the switch and the 1937 season The visiting fair secretaries from U. S.pear in this city during the InternatiOnal ing rapidly.Indications point to thewas again officially opened with every-A., Canada and Old Mexico arrived inBoat Races to be held at an early data. use of 25 cars to carry the show by thething in full sway.Lights going on anddroves.After being escorted around the The shows recently played on the OtIturl time it is ready for the road. midway by the bosses and tailed by sev-House Square, downtown location in West An experienced electrician is creatingoff in such rapid succession made theeral other carnival managers, they werePalm Beach, which engagement was fol- midway look like a Giant Flasher. Thiel Or- unusual lighting effects at the Raleigh The Ballyhoo Bros. furnished the mid-entertained with a banquet in the cook-lowed by a date at Lake Worth. plant,andfour72 -footilluminating house.All were loud with praises re-ganization will head North in due time towers have already been constructed.way and other amusement features forgarding the food and drinks.Twentyand, according to plans of Manager Law- Shows and rides will carry indirect ef-the Sand Bowl County Annual Orangeoffered to book the cookhouse on theirrence, many additions will be made to Juice Spray and Grapefruit Diet Con- this carnival before the regular season fects and some neon. vention.The show's entire personnelindependent midways this fall.The sec- Max Goodman is currently attendingwas prepared for the grand opening. Forretaries' visit was short; they took theiropens. fair meetings in the Northwest, whilethe last 10 weeks each member has beenmileage and rushed over to make the Joseph takes care of their interests inin training drinking orange bowl juice.opening of another show that is notedSol's Employees, Trucks New York City. properly mixed by our grab joint opera-for serving free beer and cheese. tor, getting their systems citronized for MAJOR PRIVILEGE. Aid in Flood Relief Work the winter tour. P. S.Run following ad.We believe CARUTHER,SVILLE, Mo., Jan. 30. ---Ali Jones Exposition Books The weather here was cold and rainyin advertising. Use enough space to con-of the boys employed at winter quarter( all week.This was very unusual, thevince the readers that we mean businessof Sol's Liberty Shows here have seen Georgia State Fair natives declared.This fact hindered at-on and off the lot: "Ballyhoo Bros. havegiving wonderful aid to flood sufferers MACON, Ga., Jan. 30.-The Johnnytendance, yet the show beat all boom -open dates during August, September,working under orders from the local re- time records and doubled the last show'sOctober, November and December. Havelief committee and the National Ited J. Jones Exposition will again furnish Fair secre-Cross unit. Many of the show's trucks the midway attractions at the Georgiagross. The management opened the sea-more open dates pending. have been put into use, and calls have State Fair and Exposition.it was an-son a week earlier than intended becausetaries, get in touch with us.Can also nounced by President Ed. G. Jacobs, two misleading swallows gave us theuse good carnival people in all depart-been answered day and night. All pub- Contracts were signed by Secretary -double cross by flying over the show'sments.Bring blankets and mattresses,lic buildings are housing refugees, and winter quarters. we furnish berths.Will again play Cubachurches have been turned into hos. Manager Ross Jordan and confirmed fifi+ +al a The. show nivarsakei with 12c rta +7 a +++on_ +1,4a winter 14.1. ANA* V VA..., here this week, v. v.. 50 The Billboard CARNIVALS February 6, 1937 Wade Shows years ago.I am under con- tract with the Great Sutton Shows for We've Saved Yours! the fifth straight season as special agent. 7Wwati a.tat, furnishing my own sound truck." E. V. McGARRY letters from Miami, Fla.:"Diamond Kitty, myself, Thomas BIG Eli NEWS By THE MIXER Laswell, Agnes Bleau and Mr. and Mrs. Gaines Butterfield enjoyed a wonderful FOR JANUARY -FEBRUARY, 1997. BUSINESS is business In any country and inseason was the first in the carnival busi-stay at Key West, Fla.On return trip Now ready for mailing.Dressed up with a all languages. ness for Mrs. Couden and myself. We New Cover and better than ever.16 Pages a large deer came heading down the ofNEWS. ARTICLES, PICTURES and spent four months with two shows onhighway in front of another car coming the kind of reading matter Ride Men like. GEO ROY, generally recognized amongthe Pacific Coast, principally ballyhooing.our direction, passed our car like a shot Send a Postal for YOUR FREE Sample the show builders as being a man ofWe are trying to organize a show of ourand went on down the road. Where this Copy-NOW I ideas and constructive ability, will haveown and plan to titleit Novelties ofdeer came from originally is a mystery. two fun houses on the Dodson Shows. He 1937.Here is a paragraph from my ownbutevidentlytheanimal'sinstinct ELI BRIDGE COMPANY has excelled himself in his latest crea-observation:'P. T. Barnum's idea waswarneditthat danger lurked in the Publishers, tions, according to Dick Collins. that the public liked to be fooled.Butalligator -infestedcanalswhichflank Opp. Wabash Sta., JACKSONVILLE, ILL. it seems that too many in the carnivaleach side of the road, because it refrained CARL J. LAUTHER entertained thebusiness go on the premise that thefrom diving into the water and swim- press agent for the shows wintering inpublic likes to be gypped.' " ming to safety from man and his infernal Savannah and 011ie Hager and husband machines. We wonder what became of at museum headquarters, also Savannah, FRANK LaBARR saw PresidentRoosevelt this beautiful animal and ifitfinally last week. The party voted the food ex-take the oath of office.This Inaugurationescaped the lurking dangers which are WHEELS cellent. Lauther always did feed his peo-was the first one LaBarr ever attended, de-ever eager to overtake one of God's more U ple well. spite the fact that he has been on earth ahelpless creatures. What a phenomenal Park Special long time. sight it is to see a wild doe, with nostrils 30 in.in diam- ANENT recent item in this column re- eter.Beautifully distended, fleeing for itslifein what minted.We carry garding Log Rolling Shows, Monte J. WILLIAM BRADLEY SR. letters fromseems to us a common, every day civ- it stock12-15- Wax, of Los Angeles says in part: "TheSeattle, Wash.:"H. H. Avery, of theilized world." 20-24 and 80 idea for beavers and a dam is good. AmAmerican United Shows, recently gave a numbers.Special Price, always glad to receive comments andbanquet for some of the boys of the L. suggestions." B. and H. at the Boulder Tavern.He IF monuments were erected to the liyin?, therewouldbe fewer heartaches andless $12.00 closed his cigar stand and then gave a discontent. CARL MACK letters from Tifton, Ga.:feast of fried chicken, roast beef and BINGO GAME "Manager Harris of Model Expositionspareribs.There was beer, wine, coffee, 75 -Player. com- tea and all kinds of desserts.Entertain- J. GEORGE LOOS letters from Wichita. plete. $5.25. Shows is away on business of booking.ment was furnished by Peanine PerkinsKan.: "Was mighty pleased to have met Including Tax. The following are in winter quarters:Peterson, from Walla Walla. again at the Chicago meeting many old- Send f.:r our new 1936 Catalogue,full of C. P. Carpenter, L. H. Travis, Henry Be- Delbert

new Games, Dolls, Blankets, Lamps, Alum- Dorrance said he is going to join thetimers whom I had not seen in years: inum Ware, Candy, Pillow Tops, Balloons, viar, William Gest, Mike Bossatt, Doc Army. Guy Weadick, A. H. Barkley, W. C. Flem- PaperDataFavors,Confetti,Artificial and Mrs. DeVoare, Mary Goche, L. White Ted Shultz gave a talk on how Flowers, Novelties. and Ralph and Mrs. Lee." to clean up the midway every Saturdaying, K. G. Barkoot, Sam Solomon, Floyd Send for Catalog No. 236. night. Walter Cowlingtalked. BillE. Gooding, J. Eddie Brown, Lew Dufour. Heavy Convention Walking Canes. Mowsko, who was to be the principalCharles Goss, Nat Rodgers, Patty Conklin, DarkMahoganyFinish. BILLY BURTON letters from Mullens, CANES speaker, was laid up with a cold." Price Per Gross, $21.00. W. Va.: "Am particularly interested in William Judkins Hewitt and many others SLACK MFG. CO. Attended the fair meeting of Kansas and E ng 124-126 W. Lake St., Chicago, 11111111.1111articles in the Forum and 100 per cent WALTER B. FOX letters from Green-am on my way back to Laredo, Tex. for clean shows. Doc Waddell is right.ville, Pa.:"Everything okeh here.MySpent a few days here with our mutual friend W. F. (Bill) Floto. He is manag- THE NEW KIDDIE AIRPLANE SWING ing the booking of road shows for the Attalla Carnival Owears add Park MINIM Forum and is on top of the world." Digressing, J. George says: "I remember the time a general agent wired back to ___,-----4ir-----,, the show: 'Send me 50 cents for a clean collar-can close contract.' Also the time a carnival manager was asked for $2 and he replied: 'If I had that much money I would start a No. 2 show.' Walking home one night with the late Clarence r A. Wortham from the Cotton Palace, rAritia. Waco, Tex., to his hotel we passed a hamburger stand. Clarence remarked: 'I ago hope Iwill never have to eat those again.'When I replied that I did not Plan onadding one of these rides to your present think he would, he said: 'I don't know. equipment.Sales doubled last season, proving the popularity of the Swing.Seating capacity, 15 chil- There never was a bird that flew so high dren. Weight about 2,000 lbs. Airplanesare that it did not have to come down again.' actually driven by the speed of the proaellers, giv- ingthechildren the impression of riding in a real Great words from a big man." plene. Description and pricesupon request. SMITH & SMITH, Springville, Erie Co.,N. Y. WONDER what carnival will really have an all -women brass band? ASTRO FORECASTS FRANK D. SHEAN isa thoughtful young man. He phoned the Cincinnati AND ANALYSES office of The Billboard from his Cleveland All Readings Complete for 1937. headquarters and asked for A. C. Hart- dingle Sheets, 8 I/2 x14. Typewritten. Per M .$5.00 mann.Hartmann was out to lunch so Analysis, 3-p., with Blue Cover.Each .03 MRS. AND MR. MAX H. BERNARD AND JOE KRUG, associateowners of the Onion was given the call.Frank D. Analysis, 8-p., with White Cover. Each .16 Golden Gate Shows, recently photographed in California. wanted to know what was needed by The Forecast and Analysis, 9-p., Fancy Covers. e .05 Their Merry -Go - Samples of the 4 Readings, Four for 25c. Round and other rides are in the background. Billboard staff in the flood emergency. He No. 1, 34 -Page, Gold and Sliver Covers. Each.30 Wall Charts, Heavy Paper, Size 28)(34. Each 1.00 Gazing Crystals, Ouija Boards, Planchettes, Etc. Second Hand Show Property For Sale I started in the business about 35 yearsbrother was 'bunged' up in a railroad $1.65 Pair Chicago BallBearIng rink skates. all sizes. NEW DREAM BOOK ago with Doc Blue Mountain Joe, doingwreck but is now working occasionally. $25.00 Genuine Eight Legged Mounted Pig. Glass Case. 120 Pages. 2 Sets Numbers, Clearing and Pol- balloon and parachute and then broke $50.00 Two Headed Wax Baby, fine specimen, icy. 1200 Dreams. Bound in Heavy Gold Will go from here to Memphis." Walter 15o EACH Pennant Flags onStreamers.Seedlist. Paper Covers, Good Quality Paper. Sample .$0.15 into a blackface act. Doc advised me thatB. reports that Danny Klein, well-known $25.00 Mounted Moose Head, with antlers. HOW TO WIN AT ANY KIND OF SPECULA-it did not take a comedian to make anconcessioner, was in an accident at Mc- We buy No. 5 Ell Wheels, Kiddie Rides, skates, all makes. TION. 24 -PageBooklet,BeautifullyBound. Well's Curiosity Shop, 20 S. 2nd St., Philadelphia, Pa. Samples, 25c. audience laugh with smut and I foundComb, Miss.He had his front teeth FORTUNE TELLING WITH CARDS. Same Bind-out he was smart in that point.Lastknocked out, sustained face cuts,leg ing, 24 Pages.Samples. 25c. season was my third with J. P. Bolt." HOW TO BECOME A MEDIUM. Same Binding, broken in three places, broken arm and 30 Pages. Sample, 30c. fracturedshoulder. Itissaidthat ZODIAC FORTUNE CARDS, FineSetof 30 AIN'Tyou string -show managers going toKlein ran into a potato truck. TwoPOPCORN Cards, 350. Shipments Made to Tour Customers Under Yourhave anything else in your 10 -in -1 Show be-other boys were with him.They were Label. No checks accepted.C. 0. D., 25 Deposit. sides Mexican jumping beans? hurtworse thanhe.The car was SPANISH, SOUTH AMERICAN, JAP- Our nameor ads do not appear in any merchandise. junked. Danny and Mary Klein are very JACK H. NATION letters from Day-well-known concessioners, for past two ANESE, BABY GOLDEN, ETC., ALSO SIMMONS & CO. ton, 0.: "Been playing vaudeville in Ohioyears with the Al C. Hansen Shows. Mrs. GLASSINE BAGS, CONES, PEANUTS, 19 West Jackson Blvd., CHICAGO. and Pennsylvania.TitleofshowisKleinisvisiting her mother at Wil- Instant delivery.Send for Wholesale Prices. Peggy Nation's Fun Makers. Looks likeliamsport, Pa., but expects to go to Mc- CARTONS, SEASONING, POPPING show business is going to get a real break.Comb to visit Danny. OIL, POPCORN MACHINES, ETC. If what is written as happening in win- 1937 ASTRO FORECASTS A Penny Postal Card to uswill bring you our With FullHourly and Daily Guide ter quarters is true, looks like they will IF there was a beef, mutton and ale cook- 16 page descriptive Booklet Price List Buddha Papers.1-4-7and 85 -page Readings. Zodiacall be dressed up. Some, however, call house on some carnivals there would be less ofPopcorn Supplies. Display Charts, Horoscopes in 11 styles, Apparatusone man a crew." complaint from ride help to the effect that for Mind Readers, MentalMagic,SpiritEffects. Mitt Camps, Books. Graphology Charts. they lacked strength for the setup or tear - PRUNTY SEED & GRAIN CO. WALTER A. WHITE, general managerdown. New 140 -Page CATALOGUE now off the press. 16 S. FIRST STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. 1fost comprehensive li ueof Apparatusand SuppliesJohnny J. Jones Exposition, letters from u the World.Catalogue, 30c.None free. Augusta, Ga.: "Back on the job and get- JIMMIE BOYD letters from Largo, Fla.: "Over Sixty Years Distributing Popcorn." NELSON ENTERPRISES ting started for the season's grind. Sev-"Speakingofsomething new,visited 198 S. Third Street, Columbus, 0. enteen men are working and we willfriends on Royal American Shows at the have a full crew soon. Will add severalPinellas County Fair.Their newest ad- steel flat cars to train." dition is the Old North, a log -rolling MENTALISTS -- PALMISTS It takes 30 TON PRESSURE show, full of thrills and daring feats.It ALL PRIVATE READERS ANDY GUMP, who says he is the orig- Get set for the greatest clean-up you have to emboss the Lord's Prayer gives promise of being a real treat for ever known.Write me at once for infor- on a Penny. Fancy toys or inal, cards from New Orleans: "Workingthe patrons of the Royal American, which mation on the greatest secret ever devised meatgrinders can't stand up. in a night club here. Signed with Rayis tops in the show world in any lan- for this purpose.For a 3c stamp you can Buy aproven,guaranteed Daley for his Cavalcade of Wonders on investigate. product. ( Feeds5times guage, truly sensational and educational Be the first in your territory, faster.)Send 10c for sam- the L. J. Heth Shows." as well.Have visited many shows and or be sorry. My letter outlining what you ple Penny and factsto am glad to say that I find all of them can do withitwill amaze you. BLUE DOT STAMP CO., D. G. COUDEN letters from Alameda,getting everything in shape for the great- Do Not Delay - - Write Me Today! Established 1928. Calif.:"With apologies to the late Willest year of them all.Had the pleasure 124 E. Larnad St., Rogers, all I know is what I read in Theof meeting Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Hyde, of MAURICE P. KITCHEN 1502McGraw HillBuilding DETROIT, MICH. Billboard.Believeit or not, the firstthe Lucky Strike Shows, after about 10 330 West 42nd Street, New York City. thing I read is Midway Confab.Lastyears. We trouped together on the Ralph February 6, 1937 CARNIVALS The Billboard 51 meant it in all sincerity in true showmanwondered why exhibitions and fairs doRivers of Georgia were speakers at the JOSEPH HANCOCK letters from Lynn, style.The Onion was in a good moodnot distribute their premium books andbanquet." Mass.: "Andrew Mavros did not open his and replied "What is needed in Cincin-programs before the event starts. Not at museum in Dover, N. H., as planned. nati is water," meaning drinking water,the gate or grand stand when the event BESSIE TRAYLOR cards from Savan-Mystic Oddi visited. Some of the attrac- but he failedto be specific.Sheanis on and especially if they have adver-nah, Ga.: "Dick Traylor and myself aretions booked are Kanga, man -monkey; laughed, but said "I will take care oftised their midway attractions in them.with CarlJ. Lauther's museum.WillNocturn, human ostrich; Burning Wom- this matter at once." Now this is really something to thinkhave side and snake shows with Kaus'an Alive,illusion;Girl in Gold Fish over.Fair catalogs should not be "tap"United Shows, making the fourth seasonBowl, illusion; Jackson, magician, and PLAN your work and work your plansheets. with them." Pearl, neon tube artist. Annex will have Is wisdom from the past. James -Jeanette and dancing girls, OF COURSE you have faith in the Oddi is due to join with mental act. McCLELLAN SHOWS' letterhead reads:future. What other mental attitude is a CARL MACK cards from Tifton, Ga.:Chick Evans will handle the inside and S. "Honest Concessions." Concessions should "Model Exposition Shows, formerly be considered honest without such asane business man supposed to assume?Bruce Shows, with W. R. Harris, gen-Reid will sell ticket." declaration. eral manager and E. B. Braden business OVER TAXATION does not seem to DO YOU RECALL how many long yearsmanager, will go out on 15 cars." stop floods. EDDIE A. JACKS' letters from GrandThe Billboard advocated the return of Rapids, Mich.: "Emil Paul is at Politethe inclosed midway? Finally some one woke up in the carnival business and W. K. REESE, of the Amazon Attrac- WM. P. LYNCH-Why not some news Shows' quarters. Mechanics are buildingput them in operation. They proved suc- cf the doings around Halifax, N.S.? a pannel front for Leslie De Sheene's girl tions,lettersfrom Hallandale,Fla.:Regards to Morris Levy. revue." cessful and then the remainder, with"Louise Wroughton will have her conces- few exceptions followed. sions with this show. Jack Orr and Bill VIOLA FAIRLY started totellthe J. H. and HARVEY DREW card from Reese, associate owners, caught 32 fishOnion something about the Fairly -Mar - Vero Beach. Fla.: "Just a couple of Geor- FRANK S. REED, secretary, Rubin &intwohoursatHallandaleBeach.tone Shows in Chicago, but she never gia boys doing a little fishing aroundCherry Exposition, letters from Atlanta,They are thinking of booking the Atlan-finished the story.She said she would here." Ga.: "We will miss the Godino Twins astic Ocean for a fish pond.Executivewrite the remainder.Up to now the great plans had been made to build anstaff: Jack Orr, manager; W. K. Reese,letter has not been delivered. K. W. FRANKLIN cards from Mel-unusual show around them. The highsuperintendent and Bert Watling, gen- bourne,Fla.:"BarfieldCosmopolitanwater at Cincinnati remands the writereral agent." BECAUSE a man has the gift of gab Shows opened with six rides and 15 con-that 53 years ago, when the Ohio river itis no sign that he is a showman or cessions at Titusville. Fla. Everyone didwas up to Pearl and Walnut streets, he EXECUTIVE STAFF McClellan Shows: some business. Ted Townsen's high divestood there and sold tickets all day Sun-Roy Goldstone, lessee and general man- is the free act. Staff: C. E. Barfield, man-day in the rain for a line of boats thatager;Mrs.J.T. McClellan, secretary - ager; Frank Starky, agent and tanners;were carrying people to the end of thetreasurer and F. Maurice Wood, general S. McGlauhlin, electrician. Writer is inSuspension bridge." agent.Letterhead states that the shows EVANS the office." are 30 years old. MONEY MAKERS DR. EDW. JAS. IRVINE letters from Rely on Evans 44 Years' Experience for THE OHIO RIVER has brought CincinnatiWashington, D. C.: "Am wintering here." the Best Amusement Equipment. down to date.Everything of importance thatHe does a mental act. FOR stadium shows and the like burlesque happens there in the future can be dated from bull fights are a good drawing card. There the days of the record flood of 1937.Moral: are some clowns who do this act to perfection. A city should never try to crowd a river out JOS. F. McLAUGHLIN cards from Wil- of itsnatural banks. mington, Del.: "Adding three more dogs, BEVERLY WHITE and Jack F. Murray two monkeys and a goat to my act. Lostare a couple of good press agents that [4_4 T-4 W.H. DAVIS writes from Savannah,a dog while with the R. H. Work Showsshould be with carnivals. 03 Ga., that after nine weeks at Hot Springs,in S. C." 'we Ark., he is in shape again. DYERS Greater Shows report as be- DEEP STUFF: Winter always gives mosting motorized. W. H. BROWNELL cards from Miami:carnival people a rest, except their feet. They "Everything going nicely. Town full ofseem to be more restfulin season.-Henry J. A. PEARL letters from Rochester, show people. Glad Charlie Blue is recov- Heyn. N.Y.: "Been in bed the last three weeks ering." E. S. COREY letters from Johnstown, Pa.: "R. S. Rakestraw is master of trans- portation for Corey Shows. He is spend- ing the winter fishing in Florida. He also has concessions. World War Veteran and a fine fellow." ART announces the staff of SHOOTING GALLERIES his carnival of VA o units: Mr. and Mrs. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. Art Thomas, owners and managers; Gil- Complete lineofShootingGalleries. bert Tuve. general agent and Oliver Lar- Supplies for All Makes. son, secretary. Gary Thomas is the name of the Thomas' son. PROGRESS is going to bury a lot of dead ones this season. CHAS. F. DONNELBERG letters from Philadelphia:"Havealwaysoperated merchandige wheels. in fact for the past 30 years. Booked withK.F. Smith on Great Atlantic Shows." CLARENCE E. ALLEN lettersfrom Binghamton. N. Y.: "Will manage the snake show on the Al. G. Hodge Shows." ONE OF TWO tractor -trailers purchased last week by LaMotte Dodson, owner of Dodson's Hollywood Monkey Stars, booked for 1937 with Sol's Liberty BILL SNYDER of West Bros.' Amuse- Shows. The vehicles were specially built for Dodson by Charles T. Goss of the ment Company, was a visitor in St. Louis Standard Chevrolet Company. last week. TOMMIE DAVENPORT cardsfromwith an infected foot and could not sit SEND HIM A WIRE seems to be theIverness,Fla.:"Booked my Athleticup.It looked for a while that I would favoriteexpressionofsomegeneralshow with Blue Ribbon Shows, whichlose the foot. However, all danger is past agents. makes the third season." now. Have tended bar here for the past four winters and will go back to work DOYOU REMEMBERS by Leon M. MR. AND MRS.E.C. RUTLEDGEsoon.A lot of showfolk in town.Ed. Hewitt: When K.G.Barkoot Showscard from Troy, Ala.: "Will again be withKaren and wife are promoting an indoor played Thanksgiving week in1906 atBlue Ribbon Shows." circus here.Frankie Gra,ves and wife Newberry, S. C.?. . . When Frank Mack are working a night club.He is emsee. had a Gypsie Camp with Layton's Car- MR. AND MRS. BILL HUGHES cardGwin Dawson is hostess.Flo Kay is in ni.al and Fireworks Company in 1903?from Vero Beach, Fla.: "Operating threetown also. When the band plays I will . . . The Columbus Carnival CompanyconcessionswithRoyal Palm Shows.be back with the Johnny J. Jones Ex- was organized at the Mecklenburg Fair,Business is good." position.I like the carnival department Charlotte, N. C., in the fall of 1903 and of The Billboard." EVANS DICE WHEEL played its first date at Gastonia, N. C., BOUNDING JOHNSON cards from At- Ono of the most popular wheels. New on the streets?Bert Hoss and David Junior size 32" In diameter. Face cf tapulgas, Ga.: "With Georgia Amuse- MR. AND MRS. ARTHUR ALEXAN- wheelis covered with glass and orna- Gross were the managers. C. Smith hadments doing my bounding wire andDER letter from Madison, Ill.: "Spent mental metal work, handsomely plated the Merry -Go -Round and Ferris Wheelhoop -rolling acts as a free attraction.holidays with father and mother, Mr. and polished. Write for Prices. and Mrs. C. Smith, Chris M. and Ed. K.Doing well with Penny Pitch. Show hasand Mrs. Glenn Alexander, in this city. PADDLE WHEELS Smith were with it. three free acts, Big Eli wheel, five shows,Last year was all right on the Blue Rib- of All Kinds $7.SO up sound truck, light plant, 15 concessions,bon Shows, so we are returning to win- CARNIVAL OWNERS and managers:Penny Arcade and photo gallery." ter quarters and will have our conces- FREE CATALOG When you state the number of free acts sions with it." Evans' latest PARK and CARNIVAL and band you will carry kindly give the MARLO AND LeFORS card from Los Catalog contains a Complete Line of Angeles:"VisitedC.F.Zeiger Shows Amusement Equipmentfor Park >, names.That you will carry a certain Beaches, Fairs, Carni- number of free acts and band is hardlyquarters in Arizona, also Mr. and Mrs. W. L. COLLINS cards from San An- vals,Picnics,Home- news as all seem to be "going to haveH. A. Lucas." tonio: "Doc Murphy and myself were comings, etc. A II with Beckmann & Gerety last season. kinds ofWheels. them." Also if you play inclosures and PARK Shooting Gailerie;, if you are a railroad, gilly or motorized JAS. G. WATSON letters from Atlanta:Now producing night-club floor shows in Sets, Creepers, Grind and around this city.Recently opened CARNIVAL Stores, P.C.s and carnival. Thank you a lot for this data."During the fair meeting held here re- Cases, Parts and Sup- cently the following were seen in a hotelthe Playhouse Club in the downtown sec- Eq.'1,"".4" piles-in fact, every- lobbytalkingthingsover:HarryL. tion." thing for the Midway. NO LAW will ever make men real men or This 80 -page, fully il- women real women. Small, Dick Harris,George Kitzinger, lustratedCatalog s C. A. Hartzberg, William C. Murray, J. J. WOODROW ARNOLDcardsfrom yours for the asking. Union JACK DADSWELL is Page, L. E. Roth, Percy Martin, Chris M. City,Tenn.:"BobSicklesis the "hot-wire"Smith, Mort L. Bixler and Rubin Gru-booking for John R. Ward Shows.He Write for It Today carnivalpressagent.If it is importantberg. At the banquet mention was madewent to Illinois." Jack puts in on the wire. of the sad passing of Bennie Krause and H. C. EVANS & CO. reference to his square dealings was a IT'S TOO BAD that so many of those ques- 1522-28 W. Adams St., Chicago, Ill. ITIS not at all improbable that manysubject of frequent comment.Senatortionable concession operators seem to be try- carnival owners and managers have oftenEllis, of Milledgeville, Ga., and Governoring to take Florida off the carnival map. 52 The Billboard CARNIVALS February 6, 1937 ever will be one. The party that signed by American business men with brains, himself "Gift 0' Gab" to an enclosure energy and hustle." postmarked San Jacinto, Calif., January 21, can remain incognito as far as the LOUIS H. AMASON letters from Wash-1350 BINGO carnival department of The Billboard is ington, Ga.: "FrankS.Meeker, band Heavyweight cards. black on white.Wood matt- ers printed two sides.No duplicate curds. Put concerned. leader, is wintering in his home town.up is the following size sets and prices: His wife Florence Meeker, is on her way35 cards, $5.25; 50 cards, $6; 75 cards, $6.50; EVERYTHING at times goes along all to Tokyo, Japan, with Al. Merriott's Loa100 cards, S10; 150 cards, $12.50; 200 cards, right until some guy with a funny hair- Aeros Act, aboard theS. S.Katsuraji515; 250 cards. $17.50; 300 cards, 520. Re- cut comes along and insists the work Marti, to play 11 weeks at the exposi- maining700 cards sold 100 cards each,$7. in hand is not being done right. tion. Master James Meeker is with his Set or 20 LightweightBingoCards, $1.00. father, going to school." WONDER WHAT became of all those efficiency experts that infested so many KENT HOSMER writes from San An- businesses before the late depression. tonio: "Mr. and Mrs. Barney S. Gerety 3000 KENO have been quite ill for 10 days suffering Made in 30 sets of 100 cards each.Played in 3 CHARLESE.LARKIN cardsfrom from colds. Gerety made a recent trip torows across the card-not up and down. Light- quarters and reported that they are both weight cards.Per set of 100 cards with mark- Tampa: "Twelve years with Johnny J. ers, $5.00. Jones Exposition.Eight years on the improving nicely. Mrs. Fred Beckmann,All Bingo and Lotto sets are complete with wood Will have president Heart of America Showmen's markers.tallyanddirectionsheet. Allcards first and original Ridee-o. Club Ladies Auxiliary and her member- size 5 x 7. charge of the new 18 -car one when ship chairman, Mrs. Maude Jameson, are season opens." going after members with a vim. THIN BINGO CARDS ItBingo cards,black 011 white,size5 x 7. 'thin locks like these two popular showwomen cards suchasusedintheatres,etc, They are DR. R. GARFIELD letters from Long will boost the membership list consid-:narked or punched in playing and then dinc.irdel. Beach, Calif.: "Enjoying stay here. Will 1.35(1differentcards,per10(1.$1.25,without erably during 1937 for the Kansas City markers. Setof markers,50e. go east sometime in February to join organization." Automatic Bingo Shaker, real class $12.50 Glick Shows, making third season." Bingo Blackboard, cloth,size 24s36(Rolls up) 2.00 MOTHER! What is a Pleasure Trail? Bingo Record Sheets, 24x38, 20 for 1.00 IF SOME in show business are not Just tell the child that it is only a car- Scudfor free sample cards and price lint.We pay business men they should at least try ptstage and tax, but you pay C.(1.1).expeuze. and imitate them in the direction of nival midway. Instant delivery. N', checks accepted. the usual business courtesies real busi- ness men extend to other business men. H. D. (DOC) HARTWICK letters fromJ. M. SIMMONS & CO. Tampa. Fla.:"After closing with Beck-19 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago THERE ARE people who make good when mann & Gerety Shows, I entered a hos- given the opportunity-and there are people Soapy Glue Says: pital here for a major operation. but am "That strange -looking guy over there feeling very good now.Will put on a who do not make good when given the op- new show. Onion-you have some very B. & V. ENTERPRISES OPENING APRIL 29 portunity.-WadleyTif. has been piping me off ever since I started good ideas for shows. How about giving to put up this top.He justtold the me an idea for a new one? Lafayette WANT: Concessions, Stock wheels. A MOVEMENT is planned that will boss thatI would make a swell 'Leek.' Hotel lobby looks like a cookhouse men's Grind stores all open except Custard, take that elusive fly out of that pot of The truth of the matter is,I may suffer convention. Eddie Madigan. Cash Wiltse, Pop Corn, and Bingo. ointment. Concessioners take heed. from mopery but no one will ever catch George Reinhardt, Sid Merriam. Tommy WANT: Shows with or without own me dallying wTh thus: strange cmeping Riggins and I. Firesides are here." BOB BURNS said his father was a monster varments. To prove thatI am outfits. Free Acts Wanted --Circus to Feature great reader and that it took him only intelligent, despite my looks.Ijust told LOOKS LIKE a few of the big carnivals four days to read the label on a tomato the fair secretary thatIrealized that we really got the season booked up before Will book or lease flat rides and kid- can. are here to entertain the fair visitors, but some others got their opening stands. die rides. Auspices and Fair secre- that we were also here on business as There are business men in the carnival taries in New York and New Eng- FOR SOME it is going to be a scram- well." ble coming out of Florida along about business despite impressions some have land states desiring a clean midway March something. to the contrary. write, 5 Westminster Pl., Garfield, N. J. years ago to get space enough to locate, WONDER what Oscar C. Buck. one of CARNIVALS cangettoobig andbut when it comes to cutting down athe Long Island, N. Y., carnival mag- sometimes do for certain towns. forest, that is different. nates, has in mind? Silence might be golden, but not for showmen. SMITH GREATER SHOWS bought a ONE TIME a certain carnival letter - L growing potato patch in Bucyrus, 0.,head stated: "Organized and managed THERE was a carnival that went out Erm PENNY figli of a town in Texas in 10 cars and closed GO IN MINDS FOR YOURALF SETOUR a few weeks laterin Louisiana, with OWN DOSS MAKE '2TO JAN NOUN THE GREAT OHIO -MISSISSIPPI FLOOD only one sugar cane hopper. You dig °PRATO; TM NM AMON( ENDO% Walk -Then Show, now Heady for store -rooms,carnivals. etc. "REMEM- 'em up. BER THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD!" Well. the present disaster tops them all, IM110213> America's worst.Radio and newspaper publicity has paved the Nvay.Here IRV J. POLACK-World at Home was BRACELETS LAVALIERESMUMMA a. is the opportunity of a life time for you to make money.All America awaits a great title. WRITE FIR ItIBTAATES LITEURANRE this show. MIDWEST NOVELTY MFG.CO. 5511 ECM AVE.CLEYELANO.OHIO. Our men have covered all points. Show consists of 20 viewing boxes with tragic scenes, lifelike, on colored glass, also 20 striking picture panels, three IF ONE man does not succeed It is beautiful banners, one e by 10 feet in colors, instructions for framing, etc., no criterion that others cannot. show complete as above ONL' $100.00 IT'S A GREAT business.Keepits Wire or mail $25.00 deposit and show will go out same day, remainder collect. moral tone up and all will be well. Or write for information. W. G. WADE SHOWS Our newest CRIME show, GREAT MAN HUNTS, featuring Chas. Mattson ALL EYES are on Tampa, the first CAN PLACE Shows. Rides and Concessions kidnapping and AMERICA'S UNDERWORLD, $100.00, going great in store- real big fair of 1937. which do not conflict.We will play the rooms. best locations in the busy automobile cen- Managers of any kind of CRIME shows, also managers of UN -BORN shows ters of Michigan.Our route will also in- write for our free list of great enlargements to FLASH your shows. Wake BOB McCAUSLIN cards from Rock Is- clude a long Circuit of Fairs and Celebra- Order this great FLOOD SHOW quick.Grab a store room.Get going. land, Ill.: "Honest Bert, of Honest Bert Sea- Weup. include a plan of working this flood show that will make you rich in a Shows, came to winter quarters in his tions in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. few weeks. new advance car painted all white and son opens May 1. Address CHAS. T. ISUELL & CO.,Box 30(1, Newark.Ohio. W. G. WADE, (See CONFAB on page 58) 289 Elmhurst Ave., Detroit, Mich. Phone: Longfellow 1506. DIXIE EXPOSITION SHOWS WANT-For Twentieth season, starting Feb. 1, through Mardi Gras to Feb. 14, 2 Saturdays and Sundays, St. Josephs St., leading into Bienville Square 'in the heart of town.Biggest Mardi Gras Mobile has ever had. Yfriffaeletai;i2e WANT any ride except Ferris Wheel, Merry -Go -Round, Mixup, ik1. Loop -O -Plane or Kiddie Auto. Special inducement to Tilt -A -Whirl, it"1 V141,10 BUFFALO, N.Y. Caterpillar or Pony Ride. Good opening for Ten -In -One with own I outfit.Will furnish outfits with new panel fronts for Grind Shows, Tuba and Alto for Minstrel Show, Stock Concessions that throw POSTERS -CARDS stock and work for a dime.Positively no grift.Show routes Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia and Ohio. 16 Fairs. Address- C. D. SCOTT - 307 N. Royal - MOBILE, ALA. WINDOW. IL COL011.11CARDS 6:P FORVALENTINE AND TODAY'S HEADLINES TODAY OPEN fort WASHINGTON' S BIRTHDAY Printedon 8 -PlyCardboard, size Leadina Exhibition Feature of 1937 13u S1 NE SS NOT 14x22, 50-$3.50, 1.00-$4.50 (imprinted) LIFE SIZE FIGURES OF WORLD'S GREATEST LOVERS!! ConvERSATIom BOWER SHOW PRINT 1%.11`g FOWLER. IND.

WALLY SIMPSON & EX -KING EDWARD a Setting Attendance Records Wherever Shown! Immediate Delivery WANTED FOR Exact Reproduction WRITE OR WIRE SOLLIE CHILDS ODDITIESOF ALLIED AMUSEMENT COMPANY 1937 UNIT Musicians,lineofgirlsthatdospecialties,teams, 908 Wurlitzer Bldg.Detroit, Michigan. noveltyacts. Show has long route South. not West. Contact HARRY SHANNON,JR.,MANAGER.964 Tilly Few Clothes Says: Madison Ave., COLUMBUS, OHIO. "I heard a feller on the motion picture PEERLESS EXPOSITION screen at the Happy Moments Theater WANTED Opens at Athens.Ohio, April 24 WANTED the other night say that if a man wanted HIDES-Loop-O-Plane-Ridee-O-Motordrome. to enjoy his work he should not do too SHOWSof merit. Nothing too big. Will finance any moneymaking proposi- much ofit.He must have had Soapy WANT Glue in mind.Soapy has been telling it GENERAL AGENT and PROMOTOR who can attend tion. strictlytotheirown business. We donot want a CONCESSIONS open. Cookhouse and corn game sold. around the lot that there would some manager. Tex Thorpe, have proposition for you. day be a law to regulate even the use of MODERNISTIC SHOWS. INC., Lane answer. R. C. McCARTER. General Manager. Jack Beal wants experienced cook -house manager. Larky Well! Ah me! Ifinally got Vice President & Wanted freaks and illusions for World of Wonders.Write to Jack "Red" lead pencils. A. B. MOTCH, President. Moran. All others to JOE CRAMER. Carr Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. this Candy Floss store open." o/o MOTGH MOTOR CO. MIDDLESBORO, KY. February 6,1937 CARNIVALS The Billboard 53 setting the town on fire. Too much op- position. Pacific Coast Jack Dempsey and J. Frank Hatch GAS -000 dined together the other night. . . . Frank Miller commutes between Miami CONVENIE gowateft'staISSI4 MIAMI, Jan. 30.- Rubin Gruberg isand Sarasota. Will be leaving for New 730 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif.visiting his brother Max at Miami Beach.York with his family in the next few Will return to winter quarters in Atlantadays. . . . The "Roadside Rest," branch Whe/vieve4 Y LOS ANGELES, Jan.30. - Regularin a few days. . . . Nate Eagle here forof the Roadside 'Rest near Long Beach, meetings of the Pacific Coast Showmen'sshort stay. ... Hort Campbell of Camp-N. Y., has opened a bon ton branch on Association Monday nightsstilldrawbell United Shows blew in, blew out.the Venetian Causeway. This is the only capacity houses. At this week's sessionGrabbed off some rides to augment hisfrankfurter joint with a cover charge- 197 members were present when Presidentshow, which is now in Umatilla, Fla... $1 per person at night. Quite some hol- Colem Will Wright rapped for order. Others ofBench Bentum's diving venuses are play-lering the first night and slump in busi- the execs present were Ralph E. Smith,ing a return engagement at Funland....ness the second. . . . David Christ of 1stvice-president; Charles J.Walpert,The Ridee-o has left Funland to playSpringville, N. Y., ride operator, here for APPLIAN . . ;:c1vice-president; Ross R. Davis, treas-Florida fairs.. . . Charlie Gerard's Whipa short visit. Edyth Seigrist Com- urer, and John Backman, secretary. has been added to fill the Ridee-o space.pany one of the current attractions at Funland. . . . Alexander Ott of Miami S. T. Jessup, of U. S. Tent & Awning . . Friday, Saturdays and Sundays are INSTANT GAS FROM GASOLINE Oompany, Chicago, and a member of thethe big days at the Funland Park. . . . Biltmore pools puts on a great show ISLA, made a short talk and got a bigPlenty of wailing and weeping-too manyevery Sunday afternoon and packs them COLEMAN Instant -Gas Stoves give hand. Abner Kline, at the club for thehotels, too many night clubs, too manyin, too. you real gas cooking service no mat- first time in months, also made a talkapartment houses, etc., but not too many The Endy boys and Tucker are look- ter where you travel or how varied your and in the usual Abner Kline manner.people. ing longingly toward Havana. They say cooking requirements may beJust the Noticeably absent from the meeting Ford Exposition drawing big crowds.they may send a number two show over stoves for trailers, summer cottages, were several of the old guard who haveThis attraction is a fine ballyhoo for thethere for about six weeks during the lunchrooms, sandwich shops, carnival done the greatest share in building thisRipley Show.... 'Tis said since the Fordfiestas.... Harry Bentum has kept Fun - concessions. Make their own gas from organization to its present status.Andopening that the Ripley attractionisland on the map. His publicity work has ordinary lead-free gasoline.Light in- right here is a spot to give due creditaveraging $200 per hour, at night. Ad-pleased the Endy boys and Tucker im- stantly, just like city gas! to those by whose efforts we have gonemission 40 cents. . . . One concession inmensely. . . . The writer was a guest forward and whose counselisjust asthe Ford Show-a drink stand.... Don'tpassenger with a speed demon to Sara- important now as at any time in theknow how Maury Goldberg missed thissota the other day.At times over 90 history of PCSA. By their wise counsel,one. . . . Mrs. John Sheesley has left tomiles an hour. Pleasant contemplation with practical knowledge, obtained byJoin Capt. John in Richmond, Va. . . . on a two-lane road with a canal on both experience, they can do a big job as theHilton Hodges upstaked to join Krausesides. Next day a 36 -passenger bus slith- "balance wheel" of our organization. InShow at Sanford. . . . Mrs. Gertrudeered into the canal drowning 17 passen- line with this thought mention is dueDavies Lintz, owner of the Great Apes atgers.Moral: If you drive the Tamiami, Past P. S. L. Cronin, manager of Al G.the North Miami Zoo, has returned totake it easy. . .. Visited with Eph Gett- Barnes Circus.His talk was a forceful,town from New York. .. . Mike Special'sman the other day. Looking fine, busi- sensible setting out of the fundamentalsFolies de Nuit playing to good business.ness fine, feeling fine, so says Eph.. . . COLEMAN of the handling of business.SpeciallyThe picture biggies have not put theTrailer camps springing up like mush- did he stress the all important unde-bee on him since they lost thefirstrooms. It seems as fast as they open up, TRAILER STOVES niable fact that committees appointedaction.Mike says "let them come; I'mthey fill up. None in Miami beach. They Up-to-the-minute stoves for trailers; by the president should have the sup-ready for them." . . . Minsky's is notare taboo there. also fine for cottages, lunchstands and concessions where a compact, convenient, portof the membership as a whole. dependable source of instant -gas heat is Many matters of great importance are needed. Hi -Power Burners light instant- handled by the several committees, and ly. Attractively finished in porcelain and on these committees are men, in most bakedenamels.Everdur Metal Fuel cases, of fitness and these committees Tanks removable for safe, easy filling. can not, when working out matters of CARNIVAL TIME Several models at prices to suit everyone! importance, have the time or, perhaps, inclination to try to explain to indi- (An editorial from The Broward Times, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.) viduals the plans that are being worked In the winter time Florida, especially Southeastern Florida, gives itself over out.In closing Mr. Cronin said: "Any to assail on a grand scale.Its cities and towns in the mass are metropolitan organization that does not stand flat- prototypes of the small villages that used to be invaded by the traveling carnival. footed with those who are intrusted The merchants in those days used to kick a little about the carnival taking with assigned functions do the organiza- money out of the town and every once in a while the town marshal would pinch tion !finch harm," pointing out that it a three -shell man. But on the whole, the old-time carnival furnished a lot of would be impossible to run his show if he good wholesome entertainment for the customers who flocked to its gilded COLEMAN CABIN did not back up his department heads. streets. There were shooting galleries and wheels of fortune and ring -the -knife games for the old folks; there were Ferris Wheels and Merry -Go -Rounds and AND UTILITY STOVES This was a timely talk, being right in Cooking 'jobs are handled easily and line with the efforts of our new presi- Figure -eights for the youngsters. By and large, everybody had a good time and economically by these sturdy stoves. dent Will Wright. This.is a business or- the town council charged a stiff fee for allowing the carnival folks more or less They are especially fine for use in ham- ganization; its affairs must be taken care free play. burger and Mot dog" stands; for the of by those who by reason of their com- All this hullabaloo over gambling in South Broward County is a little more larger summer cottage, mountain cabin or permanent camp; as a al ort order petency are assigned the job, and Pres. than faintly reminiscent of the pre-war carnival. Stated plainly, there are a stove in restaurants and lunchrooms; Wright is trying to do just that and at lot of people who get a kick out of gambling in one form or another but there for the home laundry.Powerful Band- the same time work out the plans that are a great many more people who come to Florida to spend the winter with A-Blu Burners. Made in two- and three - are in the opinion of thinking persons never a thought of gambling. These people from trailer or cottage take their burner models.Everdur MetalFuel the way to work for the interest of all kids down to the ocean and let them play in the sun; they go fishing; they play Tanks; baked enamel finishes. showfolk. The various discussions that golf or shuffleboard; they take long drives into the fastnesses of the Everglades. came up Monday night took time that In short, they ride the Ferris Wheels and Merry -Go -Rounds and never go near made impossible the diversion period. the three -shell games. But if the others get a kick out of the three -shell game After adjournment lunch and refresh- and figure they've got a system to beat them, why not allow them to try? So COLEMAN ments were served. long as the harmless sports of Florida's winter carnival overbalance the possibly There will be a big effort made this invidious ones, so long as there are more Ferris Wheels and shooting galleries BURNERS year to sell to eligibles the matter of the than there are shell games, nobody is going to be hurt-much. Of course, when Coleman Burn- real worth to the individual of the sev- the shell -games outnumber the Ferris Wheels, then the merchants have got to ers are made to fitpractically eral showmen's organizations.There is look out. And pretty soon, they may have to call the town marshal. every heating need-for use under hot every indicationofagreatereraof plates, coffee urns, boilers, steam tables; prosperity for showfolk in 1937, and with in pop corn and lunch stands -wherever this there should come to any who are quick, clean heat is needed.Carnival, not memb e r soforganizations the concession and traveling show people favor them particularly because they thought of the duty they owe themselves furnish dependable gas heating service and brother showmen in uniting forces day after day.Stand hard use.Oper- that will work advantageously toall.Royal American Shows Score PCSA wants you. We hang out the wel- ate from Coleman Fuel Supply Tank. come sign and ask you to learn just what being a member of this organizationRecord At Florida Orange Show would mean to you. TAMPA, Jan. 30.-Florida sunshine ofPress Ass^ciation and secretary of the midsummer warmth prevailed thruoutFlorida Fair at Tampa. Many reserva- Ladies' Auxiliary the Florida Orange Festival at Wintertions for the all-night party had to be LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30.-The meetingHaven,andRoyalAmericanShowsrejected because of lack of space. of January 25 was attended by 50 mem-closed the week there with a record Royal American Shows came to Tampa bers and was presided over by Presidentnearly 50 per cent ahead of that madefrom Winter Haven. Peggy Forestall.All other officers wereby any other carnival .n the history of present.The coming card party led thethis event, Showers for an hour Satur majority discussions on the floor.It willday only slightly interrupted operation. be held in the men's clubrooms. ElmerVelare,businessmanager,re- Service Virginia Kline arrived from Kansas Cityported. COLEMAN LANTERNS and was welcomed to the meeting as a Raynell's girl show and Claxton's col- Colorado Springs, Colo., long lost sister.It has been two yearsored revue ran a neck -and -neck race January 9, 1937. "Lights of a Thousand Uses" sinceVirginiavisitedthe Coast andthruout the engagement.Dick Best's Mr. William J. Hewitt, Carnival Editor, Coleman Lanterns are the best lights a everyone gave her the glad hand.She The Billboard, carnival, circus or traveling show can was called upon for a speech and wasfreak attraction went far ahead of last Billboard Building, carry.Provide powerful, steady light very generous in praise of the work theyear and considerably better than the Cincinnati, 0. in any sort of weather. They're econom- auxiliary has accomplished in the lastfirstweek's midwinter engagement of ical -one filling of fuelwill burn for two years. As to the co-operation shownthe winter season.The Kemp Motor- Subject: Clyde R. Brundage hours.They're safe!Sturdilybuilt of by the Coast contingent towards thedrome, Murray's Log Rollers, Pontico's Dear Sir:Yesterday we received a letter brass and steel.Genuine Pyrex glass HAS Auxiliary, she commented strongly from Mr. B.B. Brundage, whose address globes protect mantles from wind, rain, on the good work of Relley Castle, whoFat Show and Wilson's Snake attraction iscare of Dodson's World's Fair Shows, insects.Kerosene and gasoline models. sined up many members here. established records for Winter Haven. Savannah, Ca. He inclosed a remittance Send for illustrated liter- A vote was passed and approved to sendRidingdevicesreceivedexceptionally onthisinsuranceand thankedus for ature describing in detail fine patronage. Two of Eyerly's new Oc- letting him know about it as hehadjust FREEtheseColeman Stoves, $100 to the Red Cross to be used for flood overlooked it. Burners and Lanterns. See how Cole- sufferers in the East.Several new mem-topus rides operated to capacity on sev- We surely appreciate your co-operation man Appliances save youtime and bers were taken in at this meeting.A eral nights.Carl Sedlmayr Jr. and a money.In the meantime, see them at check was sent by Grace Metz to bescore of his classmates at Florida Mili- inthiscase,as we would never have one of the 30,000 Coleman Dealers in placed in the funds of the auxiliary.All located Mr. Brundage without the help of every part of the United States.Send a membership dues for 1937 are paid up.tary Academy, Haines City, visited Fri- The Billboard.Thank you again. post card today. Dues were changed to run from Septem-day. Yours truly, ber to January 1 of each year in the fu- Raynell andherentertainerswere C. W. TOLES, Mgr., THE COLEMANLAMP AND STOVE CO. featured in the annual press breakfast Colorado Springs District, Dept.13817 Wichita, Kans.; Chleago.111.; ture.Election dates were also moved up Los Angels, Calif.; Toronto, Canada. a month.Copies of the by-laws will beFriday night. The affair was in charge Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. (717) Mailed to every member. of Russell Kay, secretary of the Florida 54 The Billboard CARNIVALS February 6, 1937 the shows will be under new manage-perts took possession of the housecar ment.The writer is now searching thepurchased froni 0. H. Hilderbrand.Al country for something new to offer pa-Fisher was the host to a party of show - Winter -Quarters News and Gossip trons. The front entrance will be differ-folk at a dinner at Biltmore Hotel re- ent from any carried by a gilly show.cently. George Morgan arrived to become Reported by Jimmie Boyd. assistant secretary of the show.Chet (Reported by Show Representatives) Saunders' artistic abilityin designing banners and titles on trucks has re- Shows ceived much comment.Hazel Fisher ride, making two. Reported by Frank E.Silver State and Verna Seeborgwillarrivesoon. Model ExpositionShows Dickerson. CLOVIS, N.M., Jan. 30.-Activity hasDanny Callahan is constructing several TIFTON, Ga., Jan. 30.-W. R. Harris, begun since the return of Manager Paulnew concessions.Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie owner and manager, and Mrs. W. R. Har- Towe and Mrs. Towe, who have beenGibson, of Four Jacks, gave a dinner ris paid a visit to quarters on their wayYellowstoneShows vacationing on the West Coast. Managerparty to several showfolk. Charles Soder- to Atlanta from their home in St. Peters- Towe and Special Agent Freeman haveberg is recovering from his recent acci- Harris said that E. B. Braden ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., Jan. 30.-W. S.returned from a booking tour of thedent.Fred Stewart, master electrician, burg, Fla. Neal, owner and manager, returned fromNorthwest. Show will open with 10 rides, would be business manager. Work willEl Paso, Tex., where he had several ridesincluding twin Big Eli wheels, and 12has been suffering from influenza. start about February 8. Reported by Carlat the Sun Carnival with Verne New-shows. Show has all new canvas, and a Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Perry visited the Mack. combe.Quite a number of show peoplenew idea in panel fronts will be arrangedwriter.Mrs. E. W. Coe has been busy are wintering here. May and Dan Starrthat will illuminate and designed totaking care of little Betty Joan during moved into their new housecar.Danclose all dark spots on the midway. Payher mother's absence.H. H. Wachtman Greenland ExpoShows gave a party for all the boys; he servedgate will again be the policy of the show,was in for a visit and returned to San spaghetti and wine, mostly wine.Donin consideration of a feature free attrac-Francisco.Charles Marshall is breaking ROCKY MOUNT, N. C., Jan. 30.-WorkBrashear andHarry Hunterareintion and a concert band.Several newin a new act.Reported by Walton de has begun in quarters; all rides are be-Gallup, N. M., where they are putting onfaces will be on the midway because newPellaton. ing painted and repaired and all otheran indoor show. A new Tilt -a -Whirl wasattractions have been booked and some paraphernaliawillbe putin shape.delivered at El Paso.An Octopus andchanges have been made in the staff, Contracts have been let for a new officetwin Big Eli will be added. Everythingwhich includesJ.H. Miller, businessByers' Greater Shows trailer and an entgrely new athletic showhas been overhauled and painted.Re-manager. The show was entirely redeco- CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex., Jan. 30.-Mr. that will be operated by Sam Hyson.ported by Bill Farrar. rated and touched up just before closingand Mrs. J. W. Byers, accompanied by The midway will be three times the size last fall, so work at quarters will not beMr. and Mrs. T. A. Fuzzell, are spending of last season.Manager Dickerson and in full awing until about February 8.a few weeks here.Manager Byers re- Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Dickerson arrived from Reported by J. H. Miller. a week's trip.They purchased a Merry -Gray's CanadianShows ported that he will return to quarters in Go -Round. On route back to Rocky LONDON, Ont.,Can., Jan. 30.-Con North Little Rock, Ark., soon, where work Mount they stopped over at John Gard-Gray, owner,is a busy man between of repainting and painting rides is now ner's for a short visit and were informedbooking and visiting his shooting gal-Greater ExpositionShows in progress. The show will build several that Gardner had purchased anotherleries. Two notable successes have been EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill., Jan, 30.-Thenew fronts and an electric -lighted en- scored by the galleries in Owen Soundsemi -trailers loaded with the new three -trance arch. Reported by Harry Fallon andHamilton,the formerbeinginabreast Merry -Go -Round arrived.Now **************************charge of his son, Clifford Gray. that all the partying is over the boys are P. J. SPERONI SHOWS Gray reports that prospects for thisgetting down to business and work isBig State Shows season are very bright, better than forbeing started. HOUSTON, Tex., Jan. 30.-There were Booking shows, concessions, and con-years.Alf Darby will be in advance and Two 20 by 40 green tops have beenmany visitors the first week, quarters cession agents, Ride help. handle banners.He was for four yearsordered and will be used on the midwaywas open to the public.B. K. Bond is on the Conklin Shows with Will Wright'sas portable women's and men's rest -directing construction of Secretary -treas- Guillotine. Shows will carry about 11 at-rooms. Portable sanitary equipment willurer Louis Bright's new office wagon. Whiter -quarters open. tractions and 20 concessions.Repairingbe used in both, and the women's roomBond is also repairing Ed. Stricth's kiddie ROCK FALLS, ILL. and painting equipment will get underwill be in charge of a colored maid andrides.Hart, lion trainer, is in a hospital way soon.Reported by Alf Darby. the men's will be in charge of a coloredwith a heart attack.E. R. Scott is in a ************************** porter.Using a paid gate, it has beenhospital also and not expected to live. found to be a vital necessity and theSeventy-five free acts replied to show's Great SuttonShows management will have modern steel fur-wanted advertisement in The Billboard. POLLIE SHOWS OSCEOLA, Ark., Jan. 30.-Show is get-niture placed in each restroom. Mrs. Bess Gray is reported the cham- Now Booking for Season 1937 ting ready for its 30th season. An order A special kiddie midway will be car-pion fish catcher.Martin and Mildred Canplace Loop o -plane.Octopus ride.pit show, ried,consistingofminiatureFerrisRosel recently entertained many women other shows of merit.Exclusives open for cook -house, has been placed for all new canvas and frozencustard,longrangegallery.American Palm- show will add 300 feet of panel fronts,Wheel, Autoride,KiddieMerry -Go -folk of the show.John Francis, Eick istry, candyflossanddiggers. Want grindstores. which will make 700 feet in all, each theRound,Aeroplane,Mixup, Whip andO'Brien and Hennies brothers visited. HENRY 1.POLLIE,26 S.Division, GrandRapids. Kiddie Swan ride. Manager Jesse Wrigley is game hunting Mich. same height.All lights will be the same height from the ground and the same No girl shows will be carried.Specialin West Texas. Mrs. Wrigley arrived with distance apart and should enable theattention is being paid to booking at-a new house trailer.Edward James show to present a pleasing horseshoe ef-tractions that cater to the entire family.Irvine, mentalist, called.William Lord, CARNIVAL WANTEDfect in a lineup of shows.Two newFour free acts s will be displayed andof side show fame, writes at sight with rides are to be delivered for the opening.special paper will be used in all billing.both hands upside down and with light- To appear at Mohawk Mills Park, Amsterdam. N. Y.. Ten rides and 12 shows will be carried. ning -likerapidityaddscolumnsof weekof June7thto June12thunderauspices of There will be quite a change in the Emile Shoenberg is busy getting themanyfigures.McQuistonandwife, Mohawk Mills Association.Good clean carnivalsget personnel for thefirst time in manyframesforthe new concessiontopsFrances, are operating a restaurant in intouchwithIC11.11'SELMENDORP, Chairman. ready.J. Crawford Francis due to arriveIndianapolis. Reported by Doc Waddell. Mohawk MillsAssociation,Amsterdam,N.Y. years.Some of the rides and nearly allfrom Florida soon. Ten new trucks have been ordered from Charles T. Goss. Walter Japp gathering new attractionsKaus' United Shows for his Outlaw Show. Art Martin a vis- NEW BERN, N. C., Jan. 30.-Summer GREATER UNITED SHOWS itor at quarters.He is promoting wres-weather here, and workmen are taking CAN PLACE SHOWS AND CONCESSIONS tling matches around Decatur, Ill. advantage of it. The warehouse is occu- Have opening for High Class Girl Show, Single Pit Shows, Crime and Out- Dick O'Brien and John Francis re-pied by mechanics who are repairing and law, Mechanical and Fun Shows, Unborn and Illusions, (with or withoutturned from the Wisconsin fair meetingrepainting. Several rides are ready, and outfits).Doc Palmer Wire. and spent a couple of days around townimprovements have been made on all of Cookhouse Open, also all Wheels. and left on a booking trip. Bingo, Peanuts and Popcorn, Candy Floss, Bottles are Sold Exclusive. them. W. C. and A. J. Kaus have been All Others Open. W. H. Smith isin charge of winterattending fair meetings.Manager Kaus Want Ride Help for Swing and Loop -O -Planes. quarters.Mark Bryan will handle themade abusinesstripto New York. OPENING DATE-LAREDO, TEXAS, FEBRUARY 13 TO 27 publicity. Plans are being drawn for some new Annual Washington Birthday Celebration. Sam Benjamin is in Kansas City work-fronts, and the new marquee which will J. G EO. LOOS,LAREDO, TEXAS ing with George Howk.Reported bygrace the front entrance is being made WRITE OR WIRE: by the Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills.Mr. Mark Bryan. and Mrs. J. J. Burns have returned from a trip.Mrs. Burns has resumed her work as the show's correspondent.Mr. Hilderbrand's Shows and Mrs. Ray McWethey, who have Bingo LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30.-Work is near-booked, are in Florida.Mr. and Mrs. WANTED-CONCESSIONS ing completion under General Manager0. F. Mack will have a string of con- For Palm Beach County Fair and Exposition E. W. Coe. cessions and the Monkey Show.They, Deepest sympathy was expressed bytoo, are in Florida.Reported by T. E. WEST PALM BEACH, FLA. - FEB. 8-13 show members at the sudden death ofKaus. First Fair in8 years -A real bonafide E. C. Mooney at Hood River, Ore. Mooney chartered fair.Special Events scheduled was the father of Mrs. 0. H. Hilderbrand. every day and night.Clean - Legitimate She departed by airplane to attend theCrowley's United Shows Merchandise Concessions of All Kinds - funeral. RICHMOND, Mo., Jan. 30.-Plans are No Grift Tolerated. 0. H. Hilderbrand is in Portland andto start activities in repairing and re- will attend meeting of Rocky Mountainpainting early in February.V. McLem- Association of Fairs, Helena, Mont. Gen-ore returned with contracts for some fairs ROYAL PALM SHOWS eral Agent E. Pickard departed on ad-and for the spring route. An order has Furnishing All Attractions vance work.Claude Barrie has con-been placed for some new banners, sev- Mail and Wires to tracted to place a musical revue on theeral new show tops and a novel style BERNEY SMUCKLER show.Kid McCann s!gned to managemarquee. Show will have gate and will Palms Hotel, West Palm Beach, Fla. athletic arena.Jack Schaller has beenpresent free acts.Dolly Lee, aerialist, busy rehearsing his freeact, carryingand Hugo have been contracted.Same six performers.C. W. Wheeler has con-number of rides as last year will be car- tracted for miniature train.A. B. Millerried, but show end will be enlarged and will place a Dodgem on the show.Mrs.some new panel fronts will be built. Virgie Miller is on a visit to El Paso,Three new trucks and trailers have been Tex.Clarence Alton's Tilt -a -Whirl haspurchased.Milo Anthony has booked SPENCER & CLARK EXPOSITION SHOWS received a finishing coat of varnish.Mr.side show;JoeRiggers,minstrel;D. and Mrs. Ralph Balcom are building aMyers, athletic; Count Zaino, a show; We are opening the middle of Aptil at an excellent spot fifteen miles float Pittsburxh, and will new photo gallery. Norman, illusions. remain in this territory most of summer.Cna-fou:tlt of sea. on alreaiy hooked tinier strong auspices. II:11 Mr. and M-1. F^rry S-icker are paint- Mr. and Mrs. Crowley and daughter, We own our major rides.Will furnish complete, new outfits to Half & WEd Wes:, accompanied by R. E. Barnett, visited and Plant Shows.WANTED: Motor Drum, Mechanical City,grindstoresofalltypes, Lead ing Auto Ride.The Suckers have taken Gallery, or Shoot the "B," Photo Call:1-y, Penny Arcade, wheels thatw;.1 wird-and we mean over management of Miller's Mixup anain Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan, just that-diggers, Free Acts, rides that don't conflict, ride help, elec'rician,alsocook -house -- willoperateastrin3ofconcessions.Gilbert Cox and H. R. Hopkins will be on 11.Ave airea y sold.Would live toLear Lyman Gresham and Dan Barnett ar-the show.E. R. Richardson has booked it must be gnu 1.Corn Game, Apples, Popcorn, an.] G rl cookhouse, and Dinty Moore will have a from C. Moberg, Wavy Teeters, Duke Kinsey, Mr.Mi.iphelt, Mr. Dxker,Spot Pi oudley,Homer rived.Gresham will be foreman of twin Simons, Mr. Matthews. Would also like to hear front committee: within 100 miles of P'tt burgh. Big Ell Wheels and Barnett will be hisDigger concession. A transformer truck ass'stant.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walpertis being built for the new lighting sys- C. D. (JACK) CLARK, GEN. MG3., SAM E. SPENCER, TREAS., 20 S. Main St., Brock ire, Pa. and Frank Redmond visited.The Wal-tem. Reported by G. C. Crowley. February 6, 1937 CARNIVALS The Billboard 55 Allen has charge of the painting and is Hennies Bros.' Shows turning out banners for the minstrel SHREVEPORT, La., Jan. 30.-Henniesand girl shows. George Coons has charge Bros. are really building a brand newof carpentry and repairing.Pop Erbie KEYSTONE SHOWS show. The only repairing being done onhas charge of the cooking department Spring Opening April 29th Southern Pennsylvania the old United Shows of America is onwith Jack Mansfield as a second man. Ten up-to-date modern riding devices, eight high class shows, thirty clean the 80 -odd wagons. Five more new wag-The writer and wife, a daughter of P. G. concessions, no racket allowed. cns are being constructed by MasterMcHendrix, returned from a visit with WANT two high class sensational free acts, season's contract. Rides: Will BuilderL.B.McFarlane and Frankhome people in Chattanooga, Tenn. Re- buy or book Tilt -A -Whirl, or Caterpillar, will give good proposition to party ported by Herbert Lee Pass. with No. 5 Eli Wheel to handle shows, wheel along with their own wheel. Kranck. Blacksmith work is being done SHOWS: Will furnish outfits for five or ten -in -one show, minstrel, monkey by Joe Black. The major rides to be re- circus, girl review, Blue Eyes, or any show not conflicting. Will buy portable tainedare being reconditioned under fun house, Monkey race track, or any good show outfits. Bobie Cook and Leo tha supervision of Fred Baker, with allRubin & Cherry Exposition Leolo write. seatsbeingreupholsteredbyJames ATLANTA, Jan. 30.-Work is now in CONCESSIONS: Wheels, Frozen Custard, Four for a dime, and all concessions Dorety.Painting and art work is underfull blast with Superintendent P. J. Mc- open except Cook House, Bingo, Pop Corn. the supervision of artist Waltz.DintyLane in full charge.As has been the Can place foreman and ride help for several rides. Have 15 K.W. and 712 K.W. Moore has diggers booked, and has twocustom for 22 years, the entire outfit Light plants for sale, good condition, stored in Pennsylvania. new sets with trailer transportation andfrom ticket boxes to train will be re- All address-C. A. HARTZBEHG, Mgr.. Punta Gorda, Florida new booths and canvas. painted.Rubin Gruberg has not yet John Costello was called home todecided on the color scheme.Mr. and Pennsylvania because of sickness in hisMrs. Gruberg and Nate Eagle and wife family. Cleo Davis, who was foreman ofare in Miami Beach, Fla.Joe and Hank the double Loop -O -Plane ride last sea-Redding are occupying their new home son arrived from his home, Wichita,in Meet Palm Beach. The lineup for the JOHNNY J. JONES EXPOSITION Kans.Miles Riley, lion trainer, is Inmidway this year will include a number Ride Help - Mechanic's - Working Men Fort Lauderdale, Fla.Johnny Nelson,cf new attractions never before presented chefofwinterquarters' cookhouse,iswith a carnival.James E. Strates, of WINTER -QUARTERS NOW OPEN confined in Tri-State Hospital with anStrate-; Shows, was here last week and attack of influenza.During his absence,shipped his Merry -Go -Round and Fun - WILL BOOK-High Class MONKEY CIRCUS, something extraordinary Mrs. Joe Black and Mrs. Jackie Nicholshouse, purchased from Rubin Gruberg, -New and Novel Platform and small Grind Shows-To a real New have been handling the job.Thomasto his quarters at Norfolk, Va.Richardi, Feature attraction will furnish finest WAGON FRONT and complete Sharkey, who has been building new con-The Great, and company of nine people cession stands, has finished thejob.are here building illusions.Walter D. outfit on the road today. Johnny Lavin was a visitor direct fromNealand is 1n advance of a museum. Re- Miami, where he assists William Bart-ported by F. S. Reed. POSITIVELY HAVE 12 PROMINENT FAIRS NOW BOOKED lett with one of his many Florida enter- Names furnished to interested Showmen prises.Jack Rhodes, master mechanic, for many years on Morris & Castle ShowsSheesley Midway WILL BUY STEEL FLAT CARS-CAN PLACE WAGON BLACKSMITH and United Shows of America, is a daily CHARLOTTE, N. C., Jan. 30.-John M. Address-WALTER A. WHITE, Gen. Mgr., Augusta, Ga. visitor.His hand and arm that were in-Sheesley and his agents were busy at the jured toward the end of last season areVirginia and Pennsylvania fair meetings. well.Reported byJoe S. Scholibo. W. A. Schafer, talker on the Minstrel Show and other fronts, is looking for the same position.Steve Kutney. front man CALL CALL CALL Tinsley Shows forHell'sDungeon,isatquarters. Tommy Vigilante is in Morristown, N. J. HILDERBRAND'S UNITED SHOWS GREENVILLE, S. C., Jan. 30.-BennieFrankie Tezzane, formerly talker on the Wells, scenic artist, arrived and got go-Hawaiian Show for L. and K. Weiss, was Grand Opening-February 20th to 28th Inclusive ing in the paint department, his firstin on a visit from Atlanta.Following job being the 120 -foot front for the 9 BIG DAYS AND 9 BIG NIGHTS Shapiro-Garneau side show and templethe death of her father. Charles H. Fleck, of mystery.Wells is assisted by Haroldat Ronceverte, W. Va., Anna Fleck, of the INGLEWOOD, CALIFORNIA Danielson and Harvey Moore.All para-Weiss Girl Show, is visiting Al Renton phernalia down to ticket boxes will beand family at Newark, N. J.Fleck, who Mardi Gras - Downtown Location- Everybody Boosting was an old-time trouper with a number WANT-SHOWS, Platform and other shows that do not conflict. Want redecorated. Andy Walker, athletic showof circuses and of late years a news agent good athletic showman. Would like to contact man who has ideas and manager, will arrive from Buffalo withon a short line out of Ronceverte, left knows how to frame a show out of the ordinary. To the right partywe talent.Plans are being drawn for athree daughters, Anna, Leona and Kitty, will finance same. largereptileexhibit,whichwillbeall in show business. Nick De Rose, top WANT-RIDES, Will hook Whip, Caterpillar, Rideo or any other flat ride housed in a 100 -foot top with eight sep-man on the Girl Show, and Dick St. that does not conflict with what we have. arate pits.In addition glass cases withJohn, of the train crew, are batching to- WANT-Have opening for legitimate concessions. various specimens will be shown. A cen-gether. John D. Sheesley is busy looking WANT-Two more real free acts. ter pitwill display pythons and boaup his agents on concession row, at This show will play forty weeks. Playing a long string of the best fairs constrictors. Miami. Reported by Ward Dunbar. and celebrations in the Northwest. Everybody wire or write- J. B. Redmond, of Cramer Shows, vis- ited.RussellWilson cameup. from HILDERBRAND'S UNITED SHOWS Florida. BeatriceForester,sisterof Box 1032 or 1717 N. Main Street., Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Tinsley, is visiting.Joe Kinlaw isMarks Shows in Georgia. Benny Wolfe, corn game and RICHMOND, Va., Jan. 30.-Work has bowling alley concessioner, is now operat-begun with10 men overhauling old ing a tourist camp on the Anderson -At-equipment and building new.Eight BLUE RIBBON SHOWS lanta highway.Sailor Regan and wifefronts are in process of construction un- OPENING early in March Columbus, Ga. with good route of still dates are spending the winter here.Clarenceder supervision of John H. Marks. New follow.Fairs start in Indiana in July and closing in Alabama Thanksgivingto Sorgee, corn game and sound truck op-canvas will grace Pleasure Trail.Baker - week and possibly all winter's work in Florida fairs.Good opening for erator, is a frequent visitor. Shapiro isLockwood has been given orders for this illusion, fat, crime, life or unborn shows, fun house, glass house, mechanical assembling material to complete the mys-and a marquee.Personnel of the ride city.Will furnish tops, fronts and finance any money getting shows. Have complete outfit for monkey show.Will book or buy trained monkeys. tery section of the side show and isdepartment will remain practically un- termination Hoyt write. Want first class pictorial artist. De- building a number of illusions.C. C.changed. Ben Holliday will have charge One Legged Clay write (Sr wire. A few concessions still open.Robert Land and Schoen, electrical contractor, was hereof twin Big Eli wheels; James Anderson, ten major rides without cars and that can drive truck and semi Ride-trailers. help for figuring with Manager Tinsley on decora-Merry -Go -Round; H. W. Carver, Cater- All people contracted or wanting to return for coming season tive and flood -light equipment. Georgepillar;James Zebrieskie, Lindy Loop; call.For sale, a 16 ft. ball game, three sets of bottles, 8 side showanswer banners, this Bennett, chief electrician, is overhaulingTexas Leatherman, Ridee-o; James Hall, 5 girl show banners.All in good condition. equipment.Reported by R. F. McLen-Scooter; Harrison Church, double Loop - BOX 178, PHENIX CITY, ALABAMA don. 0 -Plane; Walter House, Loop -the -Loop, Harry Newman. Chair -O -Plane; Barney Heath, Hey-Dey. Texas Leatherman is in KAUS UNITED SHOWS, INC. Al. G. Hodge Shows quarters.Bert Britt, chief electrician, NOW BOOKING FOR THE 1937 SEASON will again have charge of this equipment. RIDES: Octopus.U -driveautos, DoubleLoop -o -plane,Kiddieklerry-go-round and Ferriswheel. CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-Show has booked SHOWS: Hill Billy, Minstrel,SexIllusion, Small Wild West, Athletic, Fun -house and any feature He is building a transformer wagon. Mrs. pit shows. the three Lamy Brothers, aerialists.0. C.Britt has already assumed her season's Want reliablemanagerfor Motor-drome. Cunningham will have the cookhouse.work.Altho Marks is personally over- CONCESSIONS: Cookhouse.photon.tantlyapples and legitimateconcessionsofallkinds. Willsell Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Ward will have exch6Le to ;lean American Palmist. seeing the building of the fronts, actual Can place foremen anti help Inalldepartments. corn game and show Kiki and Bobo,work is in charge of Art Eldridge and Show will open early in April. Want tohear from any high pole freeact. monkey children, man and woman. ThisBritt.Only San Quentin will remain a ALL ADDRESS:12 NATIONAL AVE., NEW BERN, N. C. show is framed on a truck. Special pa-canvas front.The feature show will be perwillbe used by the show.Ellatrained wild animals.This attraction Grabb, high diver,isalso contracted.will have special billing and will be fea- She was in Japan last year.Reportedtured by the publicity department, which by W. M. Tucker. will be in charge of the writer.Art JOHN R. WARD SHOWS Eldridge will be manager. The billpost- Opening Baton Rouge, La., March 5, 1937 ing will be in the hands of Frank Laf- 12 Shows Free Acts Uniformed Band 9 Rides ferty, and the office will be under James Want shows, manager and people for High Class Girl Revue. Bubba Majestic Exposition Shows Raftery.Head Chef Rosslyn Robinson, Mack wants performers, girls and musicians for minstrel. Bob Norris TUSCALOOSA, Ala., Jan. 30.-Work isMrs. Carrie Raftery, WiEie Lewis, Joe wants lady and men drome riders. Bill Wilson wants high class acts for going full blast.All equipment will beCorey, J. C. Corbitt, Bill Martin, Jack 10 -in -1. Want athletic people. Manager for monkey circus and illusion overhauled and repainted. At present 18and Jannette Martin and Louis Valen- shows. Also geek show. Will furnish complete outfits for capable show are employed. The show will open withtino are around frequently. people. Want 10 -piece Uniformed Band. 12 shows, owned by the management, Doc Ander- Will Place all legitimate concessions-No Racket. son's Harlem Dandies are scoring on a Want sober andreliableridehelp andforeman for new Tilt -A -Whirl and Merry-Go-Rmmd. seven rides, three free acts, 30 conces-tourofschoolhouses andtheaters. Want capable lot man. Banner and publicity man.JIMMIE BOYD WRITE. Canuse good sions and a 10 -piece colored band. JackGeorge Sholtz will have the concert band. scenicartist and sign painter now winter quarters.WILL BUY FOR CASH NO. 5 ELI WHEEL The front gate will be in charge of Percy AND LATE MODEL DUAL Olt SINGLE LOOP -O -PLANE.ALSO TANGLEY CAL1OPHONE. Johnson, who is assisting Marks in quar- Address JOHN R. WARD, Mgr., Box 148, Baton Rouge, La. WILL SELL- ters.Reported by Carleton Collins. OneSix -Car Traver BugRide. One 24 -passenger Circle Swing Traver Make. 6 ironClawDiggersMounted onCovered his cookhouse In order.The show willnext. They will be repaired and painted Trailer. West Coast Shows have six major rides, eight shows, 25and fronts of the platform shows will be One Complete All New TEN CAR PORTABLE SEATTLE, Jan. 30.-W. C. Huggins,concessions, sound car and a calliope.extended 20 feet.Al Gordon, who has SKOOTER RIDE. owner and manager, has returned fromThe writer is general agent.Reportedcharge of carpenter work, has started on WILL BUY- Los Angeles.A crew of 10 men hasby Harry L. Gordon. the shows. Thad Work has finished over- Two No. 5 ElIFerrisWheels. started work of rebuilding, repainting hauling and painting the office.He and OneLittleBeautyMerry -Go -Round. and whatever other work that is neces- a crew are also putting all motors in 100 Penny Arcade Machines. sary to put all equipment in shape.SixR. H. Work Shows shape.J.E.Burt has painted the R.E. HANEY AND COMPANY new semi -trailer trucks have been pur- CHARLESTON, S. C., Jan. 30.-ThingsMerry -Go -Round.R. H. Work returned 2608 East 73rd Street,Kansas City. Me. chased. The rolling equipment will con-are going forward rapidly.Painting andafter a trip to fair meetings.Reported sist of 46 trucks. Eddie Plynnt is gettingrepairing of rides is finished.Shows areby J. E. Burt. 56 The Billboard CARNIVALS February 6, 1937 planning further relief along other lines. Brothers Russell, Walter F. Driver, Pres- Sown/test's feague ident McCaffery and Ray S. Oakes were ot Qtne'dca among the prime movers in this action. J00 Brother Frank D. Shean writes that TV 15 eatsa90 we may expect more applications from s aneticahim at an early date. Guess Frank is out gtownlealClub for one of those Gold Life Membership Coates HouseHotel (FromThe Billboard Dated 165 W. Madison St., cards! Chicago,III. Perhaps you have neglected to pay KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 30.-One of February 4, 1922) your dues.If so, why not give it yourthe largest crowds of the winter months CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-President J.C. attention at once? Remember, this is anwas at the last meeting of the Heart Of McCaffery in the chair at a very inter-important duty that you owe both theAmerica Showmen's Club. The club Preparations for the organization of a esting meeting Thursday night.WithLeague and yourself. rooms were filled and extra chairs hadclub to be known as the Pacific Coast him at the table were Secretary J. L. Brother Neil Webb advises that he mayto be brought in to accommodate theShowmen's Association had just begun in Streibich, also Past Presidents Edwardtake time to run down from Hamilton,overflow. Los Angeles.More than 65 enthusiasts A. Hock and Sam J. Levy. Ont., for the Spring Benefit.Brother There was considerable discussion inattended the preliminary meeting at the Membership committee hitting on allWalter F. Driver is assisting Chairmanregard to the monument for the show-Sherman Hotel there. . . . Work was way four and presented the applications ofErnie A. Young in arrangements for themen'splot,andthecommitteeinahead of schedule in all the camps of Walter D. Davis and Robert A. Miller,affair and they promise to put it over incharge asked for an extension of timethe various Clarence A. Wortham inter- . Inter - credited to Brother Frank D. Shean; alsoa big way. Remember, the date is April ests. . . Winter quarters of the that of John Mulder, credited to Past to get additional bids and drawings. ArtOcean Shows at Brookville, Ind., was un- President Sam J. Levy. To date the com-5 in the College Inn, Hotel Sherman.Brainerd, chairman of the committee,der the direction of Ed Dillon, who with Better keep this date open and be surehas done a great deal of hard work. his assistants, was getting things in or- mittee is holding well along with theto attend. The membership drive for 1937 is well same period of the record year of 1936. der.. . . Smith Greater Shows were rap- As we go to press Brother Carl J. Seydl-under way and it looks like it will pro-idly completing plans for the "coming" They promise to give plenty of real ac-mayr is busy arranging for his first Cem-duce more new members for this year tion as the season gets in full swing. etery Fund Benefit Show. This will be season.. . . T. A. Wolfe, general man- Relief Committee reports Brother Col.held at Tampa February 1. A number ofthan last year. Benny Hyman is in firstager ofT.A. Wolfe Shows, had just Owens still confined to his home, alsothe boys now visiting in Florida haveplace with Dave Stevens and Harry Alt-closed negotiations with Magical Irving, Brother Nat Hirsch on the sick list. promised to lend him their full support.shuler runners-up. well-known magician, illusionist and ex- Brother Dave Picard isstill in town President Jack Ruback was not at theponent of second sight, for the season. but says he may depart for the SouthReport of this will be given later. meeting but sent a letter explaining that at an early date. Brother Lew Marcuse LADIES' AUXILIARY he was detained at San Antonio. He Floyd R. Warner, general agent for January 28 was the date of the regu- the next meetingK. G. Barkoot Shows, was spending the busy getting lined up for the season.lar bi-weekly social. Cora Yeldham waspromised to be at winter in Chicago. . . Struble & Holli- Brother Dave Tennyson off on a businesshostess; attendance was gratifying andand has some important news for theday Shows found business good in Gon- trip. members. Past President Patty Conklin ina pleasant evening was spent at bunco zales, Tex.. . . The Con T. Kennedy or- for a short time and departed for pointsand cards. Dr. Henry Hakan, a member of theganization had Just added a troupe of six east. Brothers Carl J. Sedlmayr and John President Mrs. Lew Keller is recuperat-club and optician, gave J. C. Penning-perfectly formed lilliputians to its list of R. Castle stopped over for a short visiting nicely after her recent operation andton, a member of the house committee,feature attractions for the season.The upon their return from Dakota fair meet-the ladies are in hopes she will soon bea free treatment of his eyes and fur-troupe consisted of three men and three ing.Brothers Rudolph Singer and Leo nished him with new glasses. Berrington back from California and areback at the regular meetings. Mrs. Harry women with the tallest being 26 inches Mamasch is still confined but showing inheight. . . . Ladies'Auxiliaryof again regulars at the League rooms. Wel-improvement. Mrs. R. A. Oakes is in the LADIES' AUXILIARY Showmen's League of America was mak- comelettersreceivedfromBrothersAmerican Hospital under care of Dr. Max The Ladies' Auxiliary held its weekly Frank D. Shean, Lincoln G. Dickey and meeting with Myrtle Duncan acting asing preparations for its annual election Thorek. of officers. . .A. L. (Len) Crouch, sec- Will WrightUpon recommendation of Treasurer Edith Streibich is planningpresident. Several members absent wereretary -treasurerofS. W.Brundage the body, the board of governors hasa trip to Milwaukee for a visit with herreported sick.Mrs.C. W. Parker ofShows, tendered his resignation to that taken action to donate the sum of $750mother. Leavenworth, Kan., is confined to hercaravan and immediately accepted a po- to aid the flood sufferers to the south. Notices of dues have been mailed. Didhome. sition as auditor with a large mercantile Check will be presented to Mayor Kelly'syou receive yours?Better give it your The secretary read a letter from Presi-firm in Oklahoma City.He had been Red Cross Fund Drive by President J. C.immediate attention. Just send it in todent Beckmann of the appointment ofwith Brundage for 10 years in various McCaffery. Members of the League areCora Yeldham, secretary, 50 W. Huronthe various committees. The ladies thencapacities. street, Chicago, and it will be given theadjournedtothe men's club rooms Johnny J. Jones Exposition had Just proper attention. where they assisted in serving lunch andconcluded its engagement at the Pinel- GREAT SUTTON SHOWS refreshments. Over 150 were present. las County Fair, Largo, Fla.Organiza- America's Cleanest Carnival tion reported a most satisfactory busi- ness. . . . George W. Mathis and J.I. Want to sell exclusive on Cook House and Custard. Thompson announced the combining of Want to hear from Jonnie and Billy Reecer. Want Washington their interests for 1922 season.Caravan to hear from 8 Piece Family Band. Pages Band please consisted of four shows, two rides and 20 write. WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 30.-Many Po'eatIlWa. concessions. . . . Ladies'Auxiliaryof Want coloredmusiciansandperformersforbestshow boys were disappointed Inaugura- EL JOBEAN, Fla., Jan. 30.-A surpriseShowmen's League of America celebrated framed minstrel shots onroad.This show moves bytion Day when it rained.Those whoparty was given recently in honor ofits fourth anniversary in the ballroom of rail.Will open at Osceola.Ark., April 10. bought stock suffered temporary losses. C. A. Parkins' birthday.The colony ofthe League's new clubhouse.. . . Tom Manny Kline and Natie Miller haveshowfolks now spending the winter hereHaynes of James A. Benson Shows was F. M. SUTTON opened a novelty store and are doingwere all there and an enjoyable time OSCEOLA, ARKANSAS making his home on the Benson Show good business. washad.HostessMrs.RedWingtrain at Buffalo, N. Y. . . . Lester Strong, Pete Arneilia is now stage carpenterParkins, assisted by Mrs. Myrtle Flynn,formerly with Joe Krenzer's cookhouse WANTED-To Buy or Leasewith the National Symphony Orchestra,did herself proud in preparing refresh-on T. A. Wolfe Shows, was wintering a company of 85 men. When last heardments and entertainment. Eli Wheel, other rides from he was in Richmond. at his home in Canton, 0., and patiently Danny Taylor, S. Pensonalt and Com- Kangaroo court was held and Parkinsawaiting thecallof the griddle and A. ANDERSON pany are playing clubs in and out of thewas charged and convicted of catchingcoffee urn. HillmanHotel,Birmingham, Ala. Stub Mosser isa blind fish by the tail but escaped be- Rawling and Webb had just booked District of Columbia. fore punishment could be dealt out totheir cookhouse with Mighty Doris & back working as clerk at Playland Ar- Zell Moss, in the role of judge, did cade.George Willard has a hot doghim. Ferari Shows. . . . Among showfolks hi- stand on E street N. W. Johnny Donlea,a very capable job. bernating in Bay City, Mich., were Allie manager of Playland, is on the job and Entertainment by little Lois BrandtSisco, William Fulsher and son, Robert; THERE ARE "SCORES"of REASONS has many local friends. and the fishermen's quartet were theHarry Coleman, Frank Beers and James Bob Steel and Dave Sellers, conces-high spots of the evening and closed theBoyle. . . . Siegrist & Silbon Shows an- Why YOU SHOULD sioners, are in town.They will be onprogram by singing Sweet Adaline. nounced the appointment of M. W. Mc- the World of Mirth Shows. Bennie Her- Those present: C.A. Parkins, RedQulgg as pilot of that organization. BE A MEMBER OF man, who had a concession on the WestWing Parkins, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Flynn, World Wonder Shows, stopped on hisMr. and Mrs. George Yamanaka, Mr. andare with the winter colony of showfolks way to West Palm Beach, Fla.HonnyMrs. Harry White, Mr. and Mrs. Blakieat Gilman Hot Springs, but will be back Simmons will handle the mail and TheSt.Clair, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Har- Billboard with the World of Pleasurebaugh; Mrs. Elsie Brandt and daughter,soon. Shows. Lois; Frankie Self, Happy Bowlinghouse, Mr. and Mrs. J. Doug Morgan are out Lawrence Leader and Pat will have theH. E. Hebson, Charles Appleby, Roy Dur-after a severe siege of the "flu".Leo bingo game on the Peerless Expositionfee and the four horsemen, Zell, Frank,J.Haggertyisa"flu"victim athis Shows. Pete Thoumcheck willhaveTom and Emmett Moss.Reported byhome.Charles Tobin is improving at candy, apples and popcorn on the WorldW. T. Dugan. General Hospital.Bert Clawson, down of Mirth Shows. from Oakland for a visit, will handle the Percy Morencey, general agent of Max JoeZodderrideswithWestCoast Gruberg Shows, stopped en route to Amusement Company. Richmond, Va. The Traditions of the Old West Com- Jack Anderson left for Tampa to play LS alt9ela pany, Ltd., an organization of local show - Floridafairs. The West Shows have folks, Harry Fink and Andy Jauregi be- On nearly every outdoor show in many men at work in winterquarters at LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30.-Cannot braging the principal promoters, has obtained America one may find many Norfolk, Va. much on the business of the outdoora permit from Department of City Plan- members and there is a logical, L.Harvey Cann,generalagentofshows for the past week. Weather veryning to present a ,how April 3-4 within sensible reason for that. . . . World of Mirth Shows, stopped here enmuch against. Cold spell registered thethe city limits of L. A., one-half mile Ask Yourself. route to Florida.Reported by Franklowest temperature since 1913. However,west of San Fernando. Aside from the LaBarr. there is a lot of activity around the sev-pageants that will be featured, there will eral carnival winter quarters. be a rodeo with Andy Jauregi supplying Joe Krug and Harry Bernard have athe stock. This company plans week -end crew of 20 men in winter quarters ofshows in southern California cities. TENTS the Golden Gate Shows. The new office Billie Lear came in for a short stay. Featuring Electric Gray wagon and transformer wagon combinedGoes to San Francisco and points north. Write now for samples and prices. Place your order before March 1stat low is very attractive.All rides were setDoc Hall and Mickey Wilson will stage winter prices. out on the lot next to quarters for fin-the Indio Stampede at Indio, Calif., as ishing touches. Opening will be aroundthe first of several like events in southern SIGMUND BROS. - Est. 1900 - Keokuk, Ia. February 15.Show will load in baggageCalifornia.Capt. Proske, somewhat of a TENTS FLIES RALLIES COVERS cars and there will be a number of trucksnewcomer in these parts, got a lot of fine carried. Recent visitors at quarters: Mr.notices on his five -tiger act presented at and Mrs. Ted Metz, Glen Artz, Jacka down -town theater. Jack Lyons is out Pollitt, Harry Wooding, Johnny Branson,walking without the aid of his cane. WANTED WANTED WANTED Irene Saunders, Thomas J. Hughes, FrankFrank G.Clark,well known toold Downie, Ben Dobbert and 0. H. Hilder-troupers, is in the hat manufacturing INTERNATIONALBOAT RACES brand. business in Glendale and doing nicely. New Smyrna, Fla., Feb. 8th to 14th Big carnival picture, it was stated, goes Cook house, custard, scales, studio, novelties and all legitimate concessions. At Hilderbrand quarters work is going on fullforce.Of special mention isinto production March 1.Ralph Mur- No racket. "Water front location." Write me. the fine..pictorial work on the trucks. phy will be director.Also heard that SAM LAWRENCE SHOWS Work at Clark's Greater Shows' quar-big animal film goes into production at Lake Worth this week; then the big one-all in Florida. ters is going on. Archie and Mrs. ClarkNew California Zoo. February 6, 1937 CARNIVALS The Billboard 57 free acts and concessions, reports prog- ress toward getting organized.Among Catftioals the shows bookedisHenley's Motor- Late Bennie Krause drome featuring a youthful male riderConklin Bros Is Remembered on a special -built motorcycle. Lou Riley Ossociation,1t4C. has booked custard and popcorn con- By MAX COHEN Mebane, N. C. cessions. Jan. 18, 1937. Following is the staff : Mike Buck, gen-in New York ROCHES I tat, N. Y., Jan. 30.-We had The Billboard, eralmanager;J.VanVliet,general intended going to Richmond to attend Cincinnati, 0. agent; Mrs. Queenie Van Vliet, secre- the Virginia fair meeting, and also im- Gentlemen: tary -treasurer and Elizabeth Buck, spe- mediately thereafter the Pennsylvania cial agent. Vince Russo, Chairplane fore- Making Nation-wide Tour fair meeting, but found that our mem- At the annual meeting of the North man, and Joe Polack, BigEliwheel bership response to an inquiry with ref- Carolina Association of Agricultural foreman, who have been on the show -Art Lewis Signed for erence to the trip did not indicate any Fairs, held in the Sir Walter Hotel, forseveralseasons,have signedup. necessity for leaving our post here, and Raleigh, N. C., January 11 and 12, the According to the management a new Two Canadian Fairs matters were left in the hands of the following resolutions were adopted, a marquee and tents will appear on the officers of the association at both of these copy to be sent The Billboard and a midway and special paper has been con- meetings with apparent good results. copy to the family of Bennie Krause, tracted for. NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-J. W. (Patty) The discussion of the Federal Social deceased: and Frank R. Conklin, of Conklin's All - Security Act which we have been pre- "Be it resolved that the members of Canadian Shows, arrived here this week senting in serial form appears to be the North Carolina Associationof Fitzie Brown in New York from California on a nation-wide busi- meeting with interest on the part of our Agricultural Fairs go on record as re- ness mission in behalf of the carnival members and nonmembers alike, and gretting the untimely death of our NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Fitzie Brown,aswellas the new Playland ofthe this week we continue the item of friend and comrade, Bennie Krause, of the West World Wonder Shows, spentCanadian National Exhibition, Toronto, "4.Constitutionality-continued and this association, thru its secre- a few days in this city this week forof which the former is director. "The validity of the Massachusetts un- tary,transmitsitsregretstothe the purpose of buying digger machines Patty announced that he is looking employment compensation law was re- family of the deceased and requests and other amusement 'devices.Brown,over the local amusement situation but cently argued before the Supreme Ju- that a copy of same be submitted to who has been spending the winter inhad no statements to make in regard dicialCourtofthatcommonwealth. The Billboard." Miami, will return to that cityafterto deals transacted in New York. He Here again, the Federal Act was brought I am addressing a letter to Mrs. he has visited his home in Springfield,plans to remain in the vicinity for sev- into issue, by virtue of a single section Krause, care of The Billboard. Mass., for a few days.It's his first triperal days, being joined early next week in the Massachusetts act. The State Law Thanking you, I am home in 10 years. by Elwood A. Hughes, general manager was to become effective upon its approval Sincerely, of the Toronto exhibition. Conklin plans by the Social Security Board; and it was C. S. PARNELL, to make a hurried trip to Philadelphia to become inoperative if the Federal Act Secretary -Treasurer. Lockett to Join today to visit Lusse Brothers Manufac- became inoperative by reason of uncon- turing Company and the Philadelphia stitutionality.Counsel argued that the Toboggan Company. Social Security Board '( so-called )' had no Johnny Jones Staff Frank R. Conklin announced, before legal existence and that the Federal Act he left town late this week, that he con- had already 'become inoperative' because "The existence of the Unemployment PETERSBURG, VA., Jan. 30.-It wassummated a deal with Art Lewis whereby it was unconstitutional and it had al-Trust Fund must, I suppose, serve tostated here this week that Ralph G.the Lewis show will supply midway at- ways been inoperative.The Assistantqualify the last statement slightly, andLockett has been engaged to take thetractions for the 1937 Sherbrooke (Que.) Attorney General of the Commonwealthcertainly has given rise to a great deal ofpost of assistant secretary -treasurer ofFair and Centennial, and the Provincial on the other hand, argued that the leg-misunderstanding.To obtain approvalthe Johnny J. Jones Exposition, underExposition of Quebec, Quebec City. islature was obviously thinking in termsfor credit purposes, a State law must pro-Arthur Atherton, who is chief of the Lewis, who returned to the city this of, first, a de facto agency doing a cer-vide that money which is collected underJones office staff. week from a several weeks' sojourn in tain act, and second, a future event,it be paid promptly to the Unemployment Lockett was formerly associated withMiami, stated that he plans to supply namely, a decision by the United StatesTrust Fund. What does this amount to?the John Robinson Circus and the Johnthe two fairs with an array of new Supreme Court in a direct attack uponThe simplest analogy would seem to beH. Marks Carnival in secretarial capaci-shows and rides. theSocialSecurityAct making thethat of an ordinary checking account atties. For the past four years he has con- Latest date to be sealed by the Conklin Massachusetts act inoperative thereafter.a bank, or possibly a transaction withfined hisactivitiesto the newspapershow is Peterboro, Ont. This year's en- The State also urged the inappropriate-an investment trust.The State whichfield,servingasclassifiedadvertisinggagement marks the fourth time that ness of having the State Court, in a mat-'deposits' its money in the Unemploy-manager of The Newport News(Va.)the Conklin show has played the Class -A ter directly affecting the enforcementment Trust Fund (or, thru. the Unem-Daily Press and was recently on the ad-event. of a State law, pass upon the validityployment Trust Fund, 'invests' in Unitedvertising staff of The Washington (D. C.) of a Federal Statute.The case origin-States securities) has not thereby lost allTimes -Herald. He will assume his new ally contained points under the 14thright to its money.It can requisitionduties at Augusta, Ga., prior to the open- Amendment, but petitioner's brief closedany amount standing to its credit, ating of the carnival season. Pittsbut91t with a statement to the effect that theyany time." were not questioning the validity of the PITTSBURGH, Jan. 30.-Joe Cramer's act per se, but were chal-Griffiths-Notice! Dyer's Greater Shows advance agent returned from a business lenging its effectiveness because of the Crawford, Miss. Week ended January 9.trip thru southern territory and reports alleged unconstitutionality of Title IX Mrs. Louise King, P. 0. Box 284, At-Location, uptown.Weather, fair.Busi-a number of bookings for the Peerless of the Social Security Act. lanta, Ga., has asked The Billboard toness, good. Exposition which opens in Athens, 0., "While these indirect attacks on Titleassist her in locating you as soon as This spot all right. Opened every after-April 24. IX were reaching the State courts, casespossible.Itis important you contactnoon and evening. The show went Bally- Morris Rosen is getting the carnival have arisendirectlychallenging thather at the above address as soon as pos-hoo Bros. one better by giving away afever again and is expected to be associ- Title in Federal courts.The firstofsible. car to the carnivalites to create interestated with a show before long. these to be set for argument (November in the stand before opening.Elsworth Issy Cervone's band leftfor Tampa 30)is the case of Davis v. Boston & McAtee was declared the winner, it beingfor a fair engagement.It will return Maine Railroad, brought in the UnitedB. & V. Amusement decided by popular vote.McAtee wasaround the middle of February. States District Court of Massachusetts. also top money on the week.Had an- R. J. Ferguson, president of the Butler "Without, at this time, going into de-Announces Staff other semi -trailer delivered here. Roster:Fair Association, has gone to Tampa for tail as to the probable arguments for CARFIELD, N. J., Jan. 30.-The B. & V.William R. Dyer, general manager; Georgea vacation. and against the validity of Title IX, itAmusement Enterprises,scheduledtoDyer, assistant manager; Newt Knudson, may be worth while to mention the legaltour in this section with shows, rides,treasurer, and J. D. Burke, general agent. precedents which were, specifically, con sidered by the Congressional committees. Chief among these was the case of Flor- ida v. Mellon, 273 U. S. 12. There, a Federal taxing statute (the Estate Tax PHILADELPHIA, Jan.30. - South Law of 1926) permitted an 80 per cent Street Museum, with good business, has creditforinheritance andsuccession !SCUMS the following this week: Johnny Wil- taxes paid under State laws. The State of Address Communications to Cincinnati Office liams'Hot ChocolateRevue;Gertir, Florida, feeling that this credit allow- Astec pin head; Original Bluey Bluey; ance was in part directed at it, alleged Harry Bulson, spider boy; Capt. Sig, ta- that the act was passed in order to de- F. W. Miller, Mrs. Miller, Alma Maddentooed man and Mme. Camille, mentalist, priveit of the supposed advantage itPreparing Series of and Mrs. Harry Leonard were confined toDancing girls in the annex. had over other States, in that it did not bed for a day or two during the first Eighth Street Museum has this week levy any inheritance taxes.The courtNew Wax -Works Shows week here.Attracting the most atten-Bob Martin, human pin cushion; Billy not only held that there was no justici- DETROIT, Jan. 30.-A series of a newtion in the show are Bobo and Kiki,King, magician; Carlson, one-man band. able wrong to the State of Florida, buttype of wax -works shows, to be billed asPrince Le Roy, Alfred Green, AlligatorSpidoraandMysteria,illusionsand Mr. Justice Sutherland's opinion statedHeadlines of Today, will be put on theBoy and Hario and Mario. Annex fea-Princess Zelda, mentalist. Dancing girls flatly that the act in question was con-road this season by the Allied Amuse-tures Susie. Leo Wolf, chef, is feedingand Mary Morris are in the annex. stitutional. ment Company. The company is ownedgood. Reported by J. C. McGowan. Sam Tassell is busy with indoor circus "That one of the purposes of Title IXby H. Ben Oliver of the American Circus and bingo promotions for various or- was to foster State legislation by remov-and Laurence McLauchlin, formerly with ganizations. ing a primary obstacle thereto, has beenUnited Artists' publicity bureau in Hol-Kortes' World's Fair clear from the first, but arguments con-lywood and also with the press car of cerning the validity of Title IX often goAl G. Barnes Circus. Kortes' World's Fair far afield from this point, and confusion First show units will be devoted exclu- SALT LAKE CITY,Jan.30.-This Inc. results from an incorrect description ofsively to life -like reproductions of For-traveling museum closed a three weeks' HUBERT'S MUSEUM the law itself.Some have seen, in Titlemer King Edward and Wally Simpson.engagement here January 24, and, ac- IX, aFederal regulation of business;Other timely subjects will be added later.cording to Manager Pete Kortes, the 228 W.42d Street, NEW YORK CITY. others have misread the Act and haveEach show will have a stage with dropsnext stand will be Spokane. The Albino Open All Year Round. felt that somehow the Federal govern-and a lecture given before the curtainTwins proved a good attraction locally. Want Freaks and Novelty Acts of merit ment was raising and spending moneyrather than the usual walk-thru type ofPress Agent Jockey Day did a good job at all times. under Title IX for unemployment bene-wax -works show. and got a photo in a local paper when SCHORK Cr SCHAFFER. fits.Actually, Title IX was framed for Twelve King Edward -Simpson showshe entertained the carrier boys. the purpose not only of raising revenue,arein preparation here, and will be but of making possible State action. Theplaced on the road with carnivals as well entire administration of unemploymentas in museums. Shows will be both op- compensation laws is in the hands of theerated direct and leased by Allied Amuse- States. ment Company. IT WILL HELP YOUR AGENT Miller's World's Fair FairSecretaries Ask forIt .01 LOOK OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Jan. 30.- 1937 TILT -A- WH(RL IN THE WHOLESALE After a battle with winter weather, old The Ride that assures big and MERCHANDISE SECTION sol stuck his head thru the clouds, and the gate receipts staged a comeback Sat- certainpercentages. for the - urday and Sunday.Sickness inthis FOR PARTICULARS WRITE LATEST NOVELTIES, PRIZES , spot overtooknearly everyone except SELLNER MFG. CO., Faribault, Minn. PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES';:,: Tom Crum, Prince Le Roy and Alfred Green. Doc Ward, Lady Vivian, Manager 58 The Billboard February 6,1937 Islam Shrine Sets gtotts Up a Huge Program TAYLOR TROUT has been awarded a =.0111$9:contract to produce the Miami (Fla.) SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30.- Plans to ponsote Beach Babies on Parade in Flamingo turn this city's Civic Auditorium into a Events Park and plans are to make it an an- regular three-ring "big top" for Islam nual event. Shrine Indoor Circus in the spring are under way.Business Manager J. Ben Veteran, Lodge and Other Organization Festivities FOR MACON (Ga.) Food Show in the Austin is said to be lining up a strong Auditorium under auspices of Food Deal- show.Side-show acts will be featured ers' Association and produced by Fred around tine building and a "Joy Zone," Conducted by CLAUDE R. ELLIS Wilcox, plans call for a stage show with covering two blocks, will be erected. (Communications to 25-27 OperaPlace, Cincinnati, 0.) vaudeville specialties, line of girls and Feature acts will be brought from the band. East and combined with best available acts on the Coast in an effort to give BINGO Parties, under sponsorship of the city one of the biggest affairs of its Walter's Circus to Joseph N. Neel, Jr.. Post American Legion, kind. Ticket sale is on and setup calls got under way to a good start in Macon for about $40,000 to be spent for acts (Ga.) Auditorium, events scheduled for and entertainment. Play Houston Eventtwo nights weekly for four weeks. At- tendanceatopeningnightwas an- HOUSTON. Jan. 30. --Frank J. Walter'snounced as 1,200, a public wedding being Talent Array Featured circus, said to be the nation's only showfeatured with vaudeville.Sam Glick- maintained for charity performances, willman is promoter with William J. Klingler, At Grand Rapids Event be brought here to Benbow's OlympiadJr., director, and several assistants. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., Jan. 30.- under Gulf Coast Firemen's Association Annual Shrine Circus opened here on sponsorship. The troupe carries 12 pro- MEMBERS OF the executive commit- January 25 for a week in Civic Audi- fessionalacts, including a number oftee for Fourth Annual West Tennessee torium with two performancesdaily. flying trapeze performers, acrobats andStrawberry Festival,Humboldt. Tenn., Arrangements forthe popular indoor clowns. are Carey S. Hill, James D &enter. Jr., feature, held each winter, were in charge In one of the featured spots will beDan S.Tuttle. A.H. Williams,F. W. of Clayton H. Hoffman. Among features Walter's quadruped quintuplets, handledJacobs, Dr. T. 0. Lashlee, Dan J. Scott, are Loyal Repenski Troupe of riders, 10 by Mrs. Walter.Other acts include fiveM. I. Baum and Paul T. Howe. people and eight horses. The Wallendas horses, Don Juan. Frisco, Floto, Wallace are back and thrilling crowds with their and Whirlwind, who go thru all latest VETERANS OF Foreign Wars Post, high -wire act. dance steps;six Shetland ponies ina Gallup, N. M., who have just concluded Naitto Troupe, Chinese tight -wire per- militarydrillandthefamous Wildtwo successful events under direction of formers, received top billing, while the Horse, holder ofaworld's recordforDon M. Brashear, were so well pleased Antaleks have been getting big hands walking on his hind legs. that they have contracted Mr. Brashear with their high -perch act. New this year Eighteen towns belonging to the as-todirectacelebrationnext summer. are Helen Reynolds and Her Eight Roller sociation are competing for a $50 firstWilliam Frey, post commander, said that Skating Champions and the Billy Waite prize and a $25 second prize for ticketallbills were paid promptly and that Duo, Australian whip crackers.Other sales.Directors of the event are F. M.the contract was filled to the letter. acts include Rudy and Mme. Rudynoff Johnson, fire department chaplain; Cap- and their trained horses; Flying Con - tain H. McLean, E. D. Daugherty, T. F. NEW WATERFORD, 0.-Volunteer Fire cellos, Pallenberg's Bears, Torello and Sullivan and Frank Jacobs. department elected C.A. Klein, well- his dog, pony and monkey, and five known eastern Ohio promoter, president elephants. and announced it will again sponsor a street fair next fall. Mr. Klein will head Collingswood to Celebrate the committee in charge. COLLINGSWOOD. N.J.,Jan. 30.- WANT CIRCUS ACTS Groundwork for celebration of Collings - For Feb. 20 to 27 wood's 50th anniversary as a borough isCONFAB - Can useeiepliant act. 11011 and ridingails,seal SAM DRESHER, who hasbeen being laid by borough commissioners, act.and Nell classaerial andground actsthat (Continued from page 52) Ahio. small etre. hand :Ind circus clowns. named potentate of Tangier Shrine who soon plan to name a committee to Statelieetratsalary and fulldescriptionof Alban Temple, Omaha, is head of the com- map a program.The borough. incor-trimmed in orange. He had a big hunk you dofirstletter.Addressen.ts.SCHAUER. mittee arranging for the Eighth An- porated in1888, will be 50 years old cii'MN.lit.0.U.A.M. CIRCUS. Brunswick of birthday cake for the boys who are Hotel, Mansfield, Ohio. nual Shrine Circus in Ak-Sac-Ben next year.Mayor Arthur E. Armitagebuilding, rebuilding and painting." Now Coliseumthere. Thebigindoor and Commissioner RobertJ.Mattern.ain't that something! event will again be under personal who are preparing to appoint the com- directionof Rink Wright, veteran mittee, indicate that a full week of cele- LOUIS J. BERGER letters from De- showman. brating and festivity will be held. troit: "Vic Horwitz is on the board of WANTED STANDARD ACTS directors of the Michigan Showmen's As- Shrine Circus sociation. J. C.Gossis not an officer." Week Mar. 29th to Apr. 3rd. LOUIS BRIGHT of Big State Shows Address-RINK WRIGHT letters from Clearwater, Fla.: "After five Masonic Temple Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. Wirth Gets Five- Year Contract weeks in North Carolina rain, I decided to come here.Sincerely hope Chas. C. Blue is back at his desk again." WANTED For Jamaica's Hospital Circus MRS. L. E. ROTH letters from Phoenix City. Ala.: "Something should be done A Good Clean Carnival NEW YORK, Jan. 30. - According tocontractedcallsfor200twenty-fourabout those sheets. grossexaggerations that T ..111use plenty shows.rides. 11f111 COIICeSSIOIIS.but no The Ncw York Daily News of January 21. some show managers make." gambling, for a big Italian Celebration for 9 big days signed contracts covering a five-year pe- Twelve co-operating organizations will inclusive,2 Saturdays and 2 Sundays, beginning June 12 tothe'Ans.I'lentyspacingfortheset-up and riod give Frank Wirth, sponsored by thework with Jamaica Hospital committee, B. E. ONSGARD letters from Duluth, plentytinnier to spend. Jamaica Hospital, an annual indoor cir-headed by Boro President George U. Har-Minn.: "Arrowhead Amusement Company Please write or wire to Manager and Treasurer cus date.Event, which will be held invey: Mortimer Gold, general chairman.was organized in 1936. At that time two JOE BALDANZA the spring, will mark opening of the newand Judge Nicholas M. Pette, treasurer.Merry -Go -Rounds andaTilt -A -Whirl 1012 N. 45St., OMAHA, NEB. $2,000,000 State Armory at 168th streetChairman Gold has opened offices in Ja-were purchased. Since have added a Big and Jamaica avenue, less than one milemaica while Frank WirthisdirectingEli Wheel and a kiddie ride. Have own from the World's Fair site, and will haveactivities from New York.Aschool chil-transportation." a population of more than 3,000,000 fromren's matinee committee callsfor the which to draw. distribution of 500,000 tickets in public LUCILE KING has the reputation of Wanted for Manufacturers Circus will be staged in three rings andschools. being the champion woman banner solic- andMerchantsExpositionOut- on two platforms with program compris- itor. It may be only for the Pacific Coast, standingattractionusinglimited ing many new acts which, it is said, willFt. Wayne Charity Circus but she cares not. space.April 20th to 24th.Write be presented for the first time in this country.Plans for a seating capacity ofTo Present a 15 -Act Show BARNUM was right: Any carnival that CAPT. NIELS I. POULSEN, P.O. 12,000 have been okehed.An extensive Box 468, Ansonia, Conn. FORT WAYNE, Ind., Jan. 30.-A 15 -boasts of 15 shows in the winter time sniping and lithographing campaign isact show has been contracted by Loyalin Florida, outside of the real big city planned while billboard space alreadyOrder of Moose, No. 200, for its Charitydates, is riding for a fall. The carnival Circus in Moose auditorium here, forin April is the one that counts. benefit of the Children's Welfare Fund and as an aidinfinancing the 1937 IRVING UDOWITZ letters from Miami: Indiana Moose State convention to be"Gave a fish dinner to Mike and Mollie PEP UP theheld in Fort Wayne. Sheppard, Joe V. and Margie Palmer, Mr. Lineup given includes Great LaCroix,and Mrs. Tom Fallon.Mrs. Dolly Udo- novelty balancing on swinging trapeze;witz prepared the monster which was Pulling PowerEakins' Educated Pony and Dog Drill;caught at Key Largo." Wells Brothers Trio, bar act and clown SALT LAKE CITY-Dean Daynes was numbers: Kanerva and Lee, The Lerches,made a member of the Salt Lake City of YOUR POSTERS Bobby Bumps and a circus band com-zoo board filling a vacancy caused by posed of troupers residing in this city. the death of Dr. Charles G. Plummer. Go modern withDonaldsonPosters,Hangers and The zoo is going along nicely under di-

. . . rection of E. M. Shider. Show Cards . . brilliant colors sun -tested Santa Fe To Have 22 Acts

. . lithography that lures the eye and boosts inks . MIAMI. Fla., Jan. 30.-Taylor Trout, for INDOOR CIRCUSES and For Mammoth Indoor Circus box-officereceipts SANTA FE, N. M., Jan. 30. --Twenty-Bingo game operator, collected $113 at SPECIAL EVENTS.For years showmen have relied two circus acts and Fantoches. a local011ie Trout's trailer park Tuesday and upon Donaldson forlithos thatpull.New designs Spanish show, will be among featuredturned the money over to the local Red for 1937. Any size.Dependable service. Write today attractions at an indoor circus to beCross for flood relief. for prices. held in the high school gymnasium under auspices of Alianza Hispano-Americana No. 43.A popularity contest to selectr Miss Santa Fe for 1937 will be held in LOOK conjunction.More than 20senoritas IN THE WHOLESALE have announced their intention to try MERCHANDISE SECTION for the coveted honor. forthe 01114ILD5ON J.J.Morgan,well-knownwestern LATEST NOVELTIES, DIVISION OF THE UNITED STATESPRINTING LITHOGRAPH ED.. showman, is campaign manager of the PRIZES C10,11111ATI 01110 event, which will be of a week's dura- PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES NORWOOD tion. February 6, 1937 The Billboard 59 Ciassitieaettigements

SetInuniformstyle. No ruts. No borders. advertisement).set)] by AT LIBERTY COMMERCIAL telegraphwillnot he inserted unless money iswired with copy.Were- serve the right to reiert any ad,rti.enient or revise copy sr WiMI)I FirstLineLargeBlack Type) 2e WI)1:1)(First Line and Name Mirk Type) 10c a Word le WORD I ,mall Type) FORMS CLOSE (in Cincinnati) THURSDAY Figure Total of Words at One Bate Only Minimum -$2.00. CASH WITH COPY. No Ad Less Than 25e. FOR Tini: FOLLOWIN(; WEEK'S ttist-E. CASH WITH coPY.

SPECIAL OFFER, CUBAN BOA CONSTRICTOR!' 5 ROLLABALL BOWLING GAMES,14 -FOOT CORN POPPERS, GASOLINE, ALL-ELECTRICS, ACTS, SONGS AND PA RODI ES ) 3io 8 feet, $1.00 per foot.ROSS ALLEN, Models, $140.00 each. ROBBINS CO., 1141B geared12 -quartkettles,crispetteoutfit, ( SILVER SPRINGS, FLA. WIRE OCALA, FLA.DeKalb Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y. caramelcornequipment. NORTHSIDE CO., Fel4x 2117 Harding, Des Moines, FOR SALE -BARGAINS IN GOOD CONDITION la. fe20x "THE WAY OF LOVE" -COPYRIGHTED SONG Bally Derbys, $35.00; Hialeah, $35.00; Pros-FOR SALE -DRAMATIC TENT SHOW COM- act. Copy 10c. CHRISTIANSEN, R.1, Ham- pectors, $20.00; Jumbos, $20.00:Big Shots, plete. tent used five months, A-1 condition, monton, N. J. BOOKS, CARTOONS, $20.00;GallopingPlugs, $35.00;Sunshinecheap for cash. CLYDE MATCHETT, Hamilton, Derbys,$20.00; Grand Slams,$25.00:Turf 'ont. INSTRUCTIONS. PLANS Champs, Ticket, $60.00; Flying High, $50.00; Peerless, $30.00; Bonus, $25.00: Put 'N Take,SIDE SHOW ILLUSIONS -BEAUTIFUL CUILLO- CAGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS $10.00. One-third deposit, balance C.0.D. tine,NickeledBlade,$35.00;Levitation, YOU CAN ENTERTAIN FOR ALL OCCASIONSWICHITA NOVELTY CO, 717 Ohio Ave., Wich-Platform Type, complete with couch, $60.00. WANTED with Trick Chalk Stunts and Rag Pictures.ita Falls, Tex. McKWADE, 600 Martinique, Dallas, Tex. 2Catalog free. BALDA ART SERVICE, Oshkosh,FOR SALE -10 WURLITZER PHONOGRAPHS Wis. AGENTS -STICK-ON-WINDOW SIGN LET- fe6x P -12's, $145 Each; 6 Jennings Great Guns( ters; 500% profit; free samples and liberalSNAPPY IMPORTED ART PHOTOS-CAR-Tables, $15.00 Each;3 Turf Champs. $65.00 HELP WANTED offer.METALLIC LETTER CO., 439 N. Clark. toons,Books. Specialproposition for mailEach; 3 Novelty Merchant Men, $45.00 Each; Chicago. dealers, agents.B. BRAUN, 353 W. 47th, Chi- 1 Bally Roll, $80.00; 4 Daval Reel 21like New, cago. $7.00 Each. VERNON C. SPERRY, Capitol HotelDARE -DEVILFOR SHOOTING MAN FROM ARTSUBJECTS -BIG PROFIT. SEND 30c Bldg., Topeka, Kans. Cannon. GREGG, Plymouth, Wis. (stamps) for sample and list.CHAS. BUF- FAN, Caransebes, Roumania. FOR SALE- 10 WURLITZER PHONOGRAPHSHAWAIIANS WANTED FOR UNIT -HAWAII - ModelP-12, ExcellentCondition,$145.00 anMusiciansandDancers -Steady work ATTENTION SALESBOARD OPERATORS. BIG-(BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES )each. VERNON C. SPERRY, Capitol Hotel Bldg.,guaranteed.Write quick ROYAL RADIO HA- gest profitsin Salesboard history foroper- Topeka, Kan. WAIIANS, Berkshire Hotel, Chicago, ators.Protected territory. ACME DISTRIBUT- ING COMPANY, Post Office Box 347, Albany,FOR SALE -$20,000 PARK FOR $6.000; $950FOR SALE-WURLITZER P12'S, $140 EACH.HOT DANCE MUSICIANS WANTED -PIANO, N. Y. cash. Lease for $800; $400 down, balance Mills De Luxe Dance Masters.$150 each.three Saxes, Trumpet. Men preferred who can July1. FRANK ORNDORFF, Mattoon,Ill. MechanicallyAl.CHARLES MESSANA, 1123singorentertain.Mustread,fake,swing. ATTENTION, SUBSCRIPTION SALESPEOPLE - fel3 Broadway, New York. Long contract.All replies answered. AL DE - Individuals or with crew.America's best VINE. 115 Seymour St., Jackson, M'ch. Poultry Journal wants agent east of MississippiFREE OFFER DESCRIBES HOW TO EARN $20-FOUR JUMBO STREAMLINE MERCHANTMEN River.Write for proposition.C. L. ROYSTER, $75 weekly, home or office. JOHN CO., 104 -Six Factory Roll Chute Merchantman, FourWANTED -AGENT FOR TEXAS CENTENNIAL 538 So. Clark St., Chicago,Ill. Garfield Pl., Brooklyn, N. Y. Roll Chute installed Merchantman, Three Ex- Cowboy Stage Show, Must know business hibit Rotary Merchandisers, One 1934 Muto-andhavecar. Write MACK LUNSFORD'S CARTOON BOpKLETS, PHOTOS. -HOTTEST SELL BY MAIL! BOOKS, NOVELTIES! BAR -scope. Allinperfectcondition. CHARLESTEXAS STOMPERS, Oshkosh, Wisc. stuff.Generous samples, 25c; de luxe ac- gains; Christmas sellers!Display Signs!BigBLUMBERG, 511 Somerset Place, N. W., Wash- sortment, $1.00.List10c.None free.NOV-Profits!Particulars Free.F. ELFCO, 438 N.ington. D. C. ELTY SALES CO., Guntersville, Ala. Wells, Chicago. tfnxHOLD 'EM -$37.00; EXCEL, $28.00; BANK CONSIGN PRODUCT TO STORES -NO SELLING.WILL INVEST IN SHOW OR PROMOTIONAL Nite, $23.00; Mad Cap, $19.50.All above(MAGICAL APPARATUS ) Permanent income. As little as $4.50 gives ENTERPRISE for Spring or next summer, suit-games with electropaks. Guaranteed perfect or good start.LORRAC PRODUCTS CO., Albany able for Atlantic Coast Resols.All Proposi-money refunded. Wurlitzer Skee Ball, $125.00;A CATALOGUE OF MINDREADING, MENTAL tions Considered. GEORGE PARKER, Tuckerton,Ball Fan, Pippin, 5 N. Y. 6.10, Screamo, Big Game, Magic,SpiritEffects,Horoscopes,Buddha New Jersey. $6.00. One-fourthcash, balanceC.0.D. DISTRIBUTOR -DIXIE DANCE WAX, CLEANS UNITED AMUSEMENT CO., 1816 North Ave..and 1937 Forecasts.Graphology Sheets. Books, asitwaxes. Own your business: highly Bridgeport, Conn. Crystals, Lucky Pieces.Most complete line in profitable.Thousands of prospects, anywhere world. New 140 illustrated page catalogue, 30c. there is dancing. Salesmen and coin machine COIN OPERATED MACHINES 6 TELEVISION POKER MACHINES FOR SALE -Leaders since1921. NELSON ENTERPRISES, operators investigate.DIXIE WAX CO., Evans- $35 Each. Perfect Condition. CITRIN RUBIN,198South Third, Columbus, 0. fel3 ville, Ind. fe6x 712 Miller Ave., Brooklyn, New York. LARGE PROFESSIONAL MAGIC CATALOGUE, 500% PROFIT! GOLD REFLECTING LETTERS THREE CAILLE5cCADETS, LATEST 1937 25c. MAX HOLDEN, 220 W. 42d St., New for store windows. Large sizes lc; free sam- models, used one week, $40 each.One 10c York City. fe27x ples. MODERNISTIC SIGN, C-3004Lincoln Play, $45.JOHN RIFFLE JR., Canton, 0. feuPUNCH AND JUDY, VENTRILOQUIAL AND Ave., Chicago. Notice 30-5c DU GRENIER SELECTIVE CANDY BAR Marionette Figures, hand carved wood Heads, MAKE BIG MONEY - SELLING HAIR venders, $7.00 each; lot $150.00; 12-1c sticknone better.Lists free.PINXY, 64 West Erie, Straightener to Colored People. Write for Only advertisements ofused machines gum venders, $2.50 each; lot $25.00; Wurlitzer Chicago. Free Sample and terms to agents. MARCEL- acceptedfor publicationinthis column. P -I0, $100.00; May West Dice. like new, $7.00.VANISHING WAND -75c; JAPANESE STICKS, LENE CHEMICAL CO., 1906 W. Broad, Rich- Machines of recent manufacture and being Will trade for or buy Peanut venders, Phono- $1.50; New Wand and Tube,25c.Al, Com- tfnx advertised extensively in The Billboard by graphs or small scales.Send one-third deposit.plete.Lists,3c. mond, Va. E. T. DAVIS, 900 Oakhill, Atlanta. Ga. McKWADE,600Martinique, manufacturers, distributors or jobbers may Dallas, Texas. Feb13 MAKE MORE MONEY TAKING ORDERS; Shirts, Ties, Dresses, Hosiery, Raincoats, Uni- not be advertised as "used" in The Bill- TIT -TAT -TOE COUNTER MACHINES, $4.00; board. Poker Machines, $3.50; Dandy Vender Ciga- forms.Sales Kit FREE!Experience unneces- rette Machine, $3.50; sary. NIMROD COMPANY, Department43, Horse Race Machine. MISCELLANEOUS 4922-28 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. Mayl x $5.00;Ball Gum 15c hundred.O'BRIEN, 89 Thames, Newport, R.I. MAN WANTED -BY SHOE MANUFACTURERBALLY RELIANCE DICE GAMES -LIKE NEW. established 34 years, for sales work. Ready 25c PLAY, $44.50; NICKEL PLAY, $39.50.WANTED TO BUY -ANY GOOD USED SLOTS,ALL 4 FOR DIME PHOTO SUPPLIES AT CUT cash daily and extra bonuses to producers. NoONE-THIRD DEPOSIT. SPECIALTY SALES CO., counter, used Cigarette or Fruit reel machines, prices. Our new Photastrip Outfit, It.. x2, or experience needed. Your own shoes at factorySIOUX CITY, IOWA. folding stands and safes, or 1 ball Automatics.21/2)(31/2, complete, $140.00. WABASH PHOTO Write MASON Write or wire.C. & N. SALES CO., 815 PoydrasSUPPLY, Terre Haute, Ind. Feb13 prices.Sales outfit sent free. A-1 RECONDITIONED CIGARETTE MACHINESSt., New Orleans, La. SHOE MANUFACTURING CO., Dept. F14, Chip- of every description. Like New. Priced right. BALL GUM, FACTORY FRESH, 12c BOX; TAB, pewa Falls, Wis. Write for list.X. L. COIN MACHINE CO., 1351WE ARE OVERSTOCKED WITH USED PIN Stick, Midget Chicks, every type Machine MEXICAN CURIOS. MEET BIG DEMAND.Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Feb27 Tables Send stamp for our bargainlist. Gum. AMERICAN CHEWING, Mt. Pleasant, Feather Pictures, Blankets, Carved Leather.BUCKLEY DIGGERS -HOISTS, ROLL CHUTES,GOODBODY, 1826 East Main St.,Rochester, Newark, N.J. fe6x Free particulars.Samples 10c stamps. APAR- guaranteed perfect; reasonable or trade forN. Y. fel3 COVERED WAGON, STEEL CONSTRUCTION, TADO 1176, Mexico City, Mexico. fel3xPhonographs or Cigarette Machines. Sacrificing ElectricBrakes,Interiorto Order,Special 100 Counter, one Ball, Pin Games, Dials, Ad -Lee financing. NO PEDDLING -FREE BOOKLET DESCRIBES (COST UMARDES,UNIFORMS, Large assortment of Used Trailers. 107 money -making opportunities for start- and Robbins Vendors. BUTLER, Shawomet, R.I. SELLHORN TRAILER HEADQUARTERS, Sara- ing own business, home, office.No outfits. CASH FOR WURLITZER'S PHONOGRAPH - W ROBE sota, Fla. fe27x fe6x ELITE, 214 Grand, New York. Can use Model P-10, P-12, P-412. Guaran- 4 -FOR -DIME OPERATORS MAKE BIG SAVINGS tee highest prices. Wire or write. LEWIS all PERFUME BUDS - SENSATIONAL STREET - BEAUTIFUL CYKE WITH LEGS. PERFECT. by buying suppliesfromonesource. men's seller.Cost lc each; sell5c; partic-CIGARETTE SERVICE,901 ReynoldsStreet, Write for a catalog and the lowest pricesin Augusta, Ga. fe6x $25.00.Bargains.Tuxedos.Chorus Ward- ularsfree;samples10c. MISSION, 2328W robe. Mess Jackets.Band Coats.Red Caps.the country on paper,rolls,mounts, mirrors, Pico, Los Angeles, Calif. fe6x CASH FOR WURLITZER PHONOGRAPHS -WALLACE, 2416 North Halsted, Chicago. cameras, booths and everything else you need. MARKS & FULLER, INC., Dept.P,44 East MAKE EXTRA Models P412 or P312 only, state lowest price PITCHMEN! SOLICITORS! in first, Box C-174, c/o The Billboard, Cincin-FUR COATS WHOLESALE-PONEY, SEALINE,Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. money with new stamping outfit.Stamp Beaverette,New, $35; UsedBeaverette, checks,plates,fobs. Catalogue69-Bfree.nati, 0. ROLLS DEVELOPED -TWO PRINTS EACH AND Muskrat, Sealine. Marmot, $10, $15 and $25. Two Free Enlargement Coupons, 25c. C. H. HANSON, 303 W. Erie, Chicago. CLOSING OUT SLOTS -USED, GOOD ORDER;Many others. KNOBLOCH'S, New Castle, Pa. Re- no payout tables, good condition, $6.00; Au- prints, 2c each, 100 or more,lc.SUMMERS' PROFIT 2,000% -AGREEABLE EASY WORK fe6STUDIO, Unionville, Mo. fel3x applying Gold Initials on Automobiles. Everytomatic 1 ball and ten,$12.50,singleI. P. owner buys.$3 to $15 daily earnings.WriteSlots all makes, running order $7.50; DoubleINDIAN RELICS, BEADWORK, CURIOS, WEAP-6 AND 7 BOOKS MOSES - PARCHMENT. for complete details and free samples. AMER- J.P. good order, $24.50; full line late slots and ons. Catalogue Sc.5 Arrowheads, 20c; Eagle Charms, Oils, Astrology, Loadstones. Circular ICAN MONOGRAM COMPANY, Dept. 20, Dun-counter games terms regular.C. & N. SALESFeather Indian War Bonnet, $9.00, fine.IN- DIAN MUSEUM, Northbranch, Kan. free. STAR BOOK CO., Dept. A, Camden, N. J. ellen,N.J. CO., 815 Poydras St., New Or.eans, La. x VISIBLE INK BARREL PENS -GUARANTEED,EXCELLENT PAYTABLES-SPORTSMAN, $3.75; 20c grosslots. Pens withIndestructible SLOT MACHINES, 5c;DOUBLE VISIBLE FORMULAS Blotters, 50c.Pencils, 20c. HARTLINE PENJACKPOTS, $19.75; Sc FUTURITY, LIKE NEW,C (M. P. ACCESSORIES & FILMS ) FACTORY, Tampa, Fla. fe6$67.50. DeLUXE SALES, BLUE EARTH, MINN FORMULAS GUARANTEED, LABORATORY WHERE TO BUY AT WHOLESALE 500,000 AR-FINALCLOSE OUT -STAR HOIST, ROLL - testedand approved. Latestfastsellers: ROAD -SHOW SOUND SPECIALS -WESTERNS, ticles. Free Directory and other valuable in- front Diggers, $40.00; Othe-s, $25.00.Allnonebetter;lowestprices; catalog free. Actions. War and PassionPlays. formation. MAYWOOD B. PUBLISHERS, 925excellent condition. McKINLEY, Rockwell Ave.,KEMICO LABS, 65 Parkridge, III. x Write Broadway, New York. fe6xLong Branch, N. J. APOLLO EXCHANGE, 117 So. 9th St., Newark, N.J. FIVE LATE MODEL MILL'S DANCE MASTERS,EXPERT ANALYSIS. RESEARCH. INDUSTRIAL fe6x A-1 condition, $95.00 each; Two 1936 Muto- Development.Newest guaranteed formulas.ROADSHOWMEN CAN RENT TALKING PIC- scope Diggers, make offer. TROJAN VENDINGBiggestcatalogfree. Specialprices, leads. ture machines and complete change of pro- ANIMALS, BIRDS AND PETS GIBSON LABORATORY, Chemists, BH-1142 ( )CO., Kingston, N.J. Sunnyside, Chicago. gram weekly. Big profits. IDEAL, 28 E. 8th St., Chicago. 5 MILLS NICKEL ESCALATOR - DOUBLE ANIMALS -BIRDS, SNAKES, MIXED DENS JACKPOT FRONT MINT VENDERS AND 2 16MM. ART FILMS -EXCHANGED, BOUGHT NICKEL MILLS SKYSCRAPERS DOUBLE JACK- and Sold. New issues added when released, for Show Folks.Start this season right and FOR SALE -SECOND-HAND .)bargains don't get disappointed. SNAKE KING,POT SIDE VENDERS, CHOICE $35.00 EACH; 5 inother films and supplies.BALD Brownsville, Tex. ap3xMILLS NICKEL PURITAN BELLS, $5.00 EACH; SHOW PROPERTY MOUNTAIN EXCHANGE, Somers, Conn. 10 MILLS FOLDING STANDS, $2.00 EACH. ALL THIS WEEK ONLY! ALL SIZE LENSES, $2.95. SPITZ -FEMALE PUPS, BARGAIN, $5.00; REG-MACHINES IN PERFECT CONDITION. ACT 35MM Silent Professional Projectors, $15.00. istered. SILVER KENNELS, Hammondsville, 0.QUICKLY.1/3 DEPOSIT.B. WELLMAN, ST.COOK HOUSE, COMPLETE, USED 6 WEEKS,Sound and and Equipment. ZENITH, xPETERSBURG, FLA, reasonable. LEW GOETZ, Nunda, N. Y. 308 W. 44th, New York. fe6 60 The Billboard CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS February 6,1937 UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED OPERA ' Chairs,Sound Equipment, Moving Picture AT LIBERTY Machines,Screens,Spotlights,Stereopticons. etc. Projection Machines repaired.Catalogue S free.MOVIE SUPPLY CO., LTD., 844 S. Wa- MUSICIANS bash, Chicago. tea) WANTED-CLEAN SOUND FEATURES ANL album AT LIBERTY-SIX-STRING RHYTHM GUITAR shorts for family audiences, no junk.Also Saw Player. Appearance,unionandmodern. Powers B.Sound equipment. ORRILL O'REIL- MUSICIAN, 144 W. 85th St., New York City. LY, Park Free Movies, Houston, Texas. fe6 DRUMMER-Play ride drums, read and can cut shows. Have complete outfit and wardrobe. SALESMEN WANTED ircluding tuxedo.Experienced, union, married, ( -) age 20, references, and pictures furnished upon request. BRAMMER LEACOX, Red Oak, la. BE YOUR OWN BOSS-MAKE THE LARGEST ourcompletelineof EXPERIENCED MODERN RHYTHM DRUMMER commissionsselling -Pearl equipment, bells. Read, union, brushes. Write for our sales plan. WIRE GRIP ,oung, dependable,wardrobe.Go anywhere SANITARY BRUSH CORPORATION, 220 South- BOX C-176, Billboard, Cincinnati. ern Boulevard, N. Y. fe20x FLUTIST, experienced, all lines.Will use music U.S. LAW SAYS-EVERY EMPLOYER MUST a; sideline if necessary.Desire location, write have recordofSocialSecurity.We have Bas C-175, The Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. three -in -one book, employer's record, employ- ee's receipt, yearly summary. Retails for $1.00. GIRL SAX TRIO-Doubling Clarinets, Baritone. price to you 25 sets, 40c each: 100 sets, 30c Young,union. Desirelocation.Write to each.50',;deposit, balance C. 0. D., samples MUSICIANS, BOX C-177, c/o The Billboard, and fullparticulars 60c, order from thisad. -Cincinnati, 0. EVERREADY DIST. CO., Streator,Ill. MODERN DRUMMER-Available June 1st.Read or fake.No weed or booze, go anywhere. Write GEORGE RABINSON, 104 Spence Place, ( SCENERY AND FANNERS ) Knoxville, Tenn. REAL GOOD, STRONG BARITONE SOLOIST- A-1 AMERICA'S LEADING CIRCUS -CARNIVAL Big Circus Concert Band. DECARLO, 319 Side Show Banner Painters. Devoting our Walnut St., Macon, Ga. fe13 time serving the showmen. MANUEL'S STUDIO, STRING BASS-Union, sober. Dance,stage. '3544 North Halsted. Chicago. fel3 Don't misrepresent. BASS MAN, 37 N. Divis- ion St., Auburn, N. Y. FOR A BANNER SEASON ORDER CIRCUS, SIDE Show and Carnival Banners from NIEMAN TEACHER-VIOLIN, BANJO, STEEL GUITAR, STUDIOS, INC., 1236 S.Halsted St., Chicago. Saxophone, desires position in East.JAMES Feb.13 FARRINGTON, Canton, Me. fel3 AT LIBERTY.1Ito,Tenor.Baritone Clarinet. Read HUGH HARRISON AND CHARLES E. GRIFFIN were well-known good tone and go.Young, sober anti reliable.Will go anywhere Immediatelytindependable job.'Wire or ( TENTS -SECOND-HAND )and popular managers of side shows with leading circuses 30 to 50 years toile ALFRED RICCI, 402\V.0thSt., Mishawaka, In. liana. ago.Mr. Harrison is shown on the left and Mr. Griffin on the right. AT LIBERTY-- StrinttBass and Trumpet.Sweet or BARGAINS IN USEC TENTS,ALLSIZES. take-otT Tningiet.Roth sing. read, fake, union, sober, side -walls, Baily cloths. etc.I. W. HURST & Mr. Harrison was side show manager andagifted orator with the tellable and will work hold.Will separate.Have ork SONS, 900 Camp Ave., Norfolk, Va. Fe2lx and 0111010 experience.Ages, 20 -21. llama and panics Walter L. Main Circus in the '90s.Mr. Griffin was side show manager and -.cram.WriteItE.1N BROWN, Gen.Del,.Rapid City,S.I).,or rrrnununlvat r..11.(1 BROWN, c/o Ran- did Punch and Judy and magic with Hunting's Circus for many seasons prior dolph Hotel. Des 3loines.la. ( THEATRICAL PRINTING DRUMMER- -Union, modern or Dixie swing, can to 1900.For four years he was with Buffalo Bill's Wild West in Europe. read, steady tempos that roils, not a saddle rider. Joblutistpaytilt. BUDDY sTEvENs, Genera, 250 LETTERHEADS AND 250 ENVELOPES, He was also publisher of many circus route books. Delia cry, Greenwood, Miss. fe6 $3 95:500BusinessCards,$1.95. Cash MODERN DRUMMERExperienced. young, neat. sober. Postage Pad U. S. ROBERT FELTON, 19 Fre- reliable. Prefertellableitans eband or show'. At Fel3 liberpUnitary31. Stateallinfirstletter. Write r-o-st. San Francisco. Grouped with these men is F. J. Frink, who is still living and active as a ELNIER ERICIX'SON, 210 West Chestnut St.. Hoopes- FLASHY 125 2 -COLOR LETTERHEADS -100 ton. 111. Envelopes, $'.89; 250 both, $3.19 (embossed general agent and railroad contractor after more than two score years of MODERN TENOR SAX-Doubling Clarinet.Union, $2 39-54.291 Cash. Delivered.SOLLIDAY'S, young,shigle,stage.recording. name band experi- since 1897 Knox, Indiana. service representing prominent circus organizations.Many of his years ence. Satisfaction guaranteed.Accent A-1 proposition anywhere immediately.It lug far. need ticket.MCI. - 200 I4x42 OR 21x28 HALF SHEETS, $8; DATE of trouping were spent with Downie & Gallager Circus, Downie's La Tena LENS. :',211Alaryland. Peoria. Ill. Changes, 25c each.25'deposit with order. MUSICIAN, young. 27, collegegraduate.Christian, DOC ANGEL, Ex -Trouper, Lcavittsburg, Ohio. Circus, Walter L. Main Circus, 101 Ranch, Wild West and Al G. Barnes desirestolearn slat,business, will investitneces- sary.salary 110 ohject,reliable.managers writefull Circus. details,availableatonce. Freetotravel,Box759, The Billboard,10111 Broadway. New York, N. 1'. C WANTED TO BUY, LEASE PIANIST, ARRANGER, Orchestra Director. Teacher, Composer. wishes to locate. Ni, affili- OR RENT The Billboard aims to have the "Show Family Album" appear as a ations. Independent. Responsiblepartiesonly weekly feature and invitesits readers to submit old-time photos for answer. Experiencedinallbranches. Address inclusion therein.Itisspecially requested that pictures be CLEAR PIANIST, care Billboard.II 90 Arcade Bldg.,St. WANTED TO BUY-PENNY ARCADE MA - Louis, Mo. fell Fun -House and that they be accompanied with complete descriptive data.Group chines,concessiongamesand appearedin the SAX-Alto and Tenor thudding Cello and voice.Read devices.E. CLANCY, St. Regis Hotel, Calgary, photos are preferred, but pictures of individuals as they and fake, modern.take -off.:i3and neat appearing. old days who are STILL LIVING will be welcomed.Remember, photos JININIT STI1.11.0S, Court Place Hotel. Denver, Colo. Alberta, Canada. must be clear enoughfor reproductionpurposes.They will be returned WANTED TO BUY-TWO USED FROZEN CUS- SWING DRUMMER-Experiencedalllines. Read. MillardorEze if so desired.Address them to Show Family Album Editor, The Billboard, fake.steadytempo. Age 42. Salaryreasonable. tardmachines;preferably C.I,. WARD, :Oat Lake Park Ave.. Chicago,III. Freezers; Good condition.State price. SIDNEY 25-27Operaplace, Cincinnati, O. WITZER, 2927 West 16th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. TROMBONE-iiistructur,Director, A -IArranger. 22 years' experience.Sober. reliable, references.Prefer liaatton in the Solidi.Would troupe.ROBERT VAN ha little, Mo, TROMBONIST, prefer swing band, can also recommend AT LIBERTY tcommtPlayer.must hesuresalary.willCOI'S tiler small Jam Band.plentyexperience and my cardis paiduP. Trombonist, 219So. Grand Are.,Apt.I), COLORED PEOPLE Lansing, Mich. At Liberty Advertisements JTRUMPET-Capable A -Idamemusician. Arrange, have some good swing arrangements nn hand.Wilt 5c WORD. CASH (First Line Large Black Type) 2cWOLD. CASH (First L,ne and Name Black EXPERIENCED HEAD PORTER AND WIFE-consider any substantialoffer.Guarantee satisfaction Sc WORD. CASH (Small T>pe) (No ad Less Than 250. HAROLD DOZIER, 4318 St. Lawrence Ave.,reading, take-o4T and streetstuff.Plenty of experience Type). ;10,1 good reputation. Finish here January 31. Send Figure Total of Words atCneRate Only. Chicago, Atlantic 5282. fe6offers to LARK NI ERRYMAN, 321 W. lot St., Hutch- inson, Kan. AT LIBERTY AT LIBERTY-0pli codance handforHotel.Nite Club or Ite.ort for Spring and Summer engagements. AT LIBERTY AT LIBERTY Exit,rien,isiinRadio and Floor shows.Band Iswell MAGICIANS organized. Write orwire O1tCHES11L1, 1103 Jenny Lind St..NIcKeesport, l'a. PARKS AND FAIRS ACROBATS AT LIBERTY-MOELLER & CO., Magician and Illusionist. Two men and one lady for imme- f bl 3 diate engagement with Units, Reviews, Clubs,ARMSTRONG'S FAMOUS COMEDY FORD ACT and Ground liars, Straight AT LIBERTY -Well known.Literature.ROSCOE ARM- BAR PERFORMER-Aerial St., Theatres or Museums. Have a Dramatic tent. or Comedy. LOUIS OCZN'lltii,917 N.10th Baker -Lockwood make, 45x90,inA-1 condi- STRONG, Montezuma, Ind. ap24 Milwaukee, Wis. CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL tion. No booze or agitation.Will consider any worthwhile proposition.Willingto go any-CHAMPIONSHIP MOTORCYLCE RACES AND where if reliable.Will manage and work Illu- HELL DIVERS-I8 men with sound truck. AT LIBERTY sion show, salary or percentage.Have ownCastongnay, Dow, Hill, James, others.Readville SOUND ENGINEER-with very powerful sound (Boston), Topsfield, Mass.Fair,fourth con- transportation.Address all communications tcsecutive year. Now contracting Fairs, still dates, truck and public address equipment for cov-H. R. MOELLER, Rockwell City,la. AGENTS AND MANAGERS ering very large crowds wants connection with Tracks,Expositions. CHAS. KYLE, Gen.Del., Circus, Carnival, Park or any organization need-FEATURE MENTAL ACT --l'rystal.11Indreadine. Baltimore, Md., or 104 Judson Ave., New Haven, ing the services of an experienced sound engi- Magic. Oriental presentation. Business builderfor Conn. years' experience. Can route theater. club, hotel attraction. Prhate readings. Any ADVANCE AGENT -17. neer who can give you perfect sound reproduc- considered. PRINCE YOSE.CHARLES LA CROIXoriginal outstanding Trapeze and hookanyattractionanywhere its theUnited reasellableProposition Close contractor: salary only; re-tion and dependable service atalltimes. Or/are Billlinard. rineinnati, 0. .\ et.Booking indooreVellt,flashy eiltll mile ll t. Spe- States and Canada. would consider maintenance work on coinpho- cialtubs erti-inghostel,. It -alarts.Price reasonable. liable.BOX 300, Billboard, Chicago. HARRIE, THE MAGICIAN-Entirelydifferent. excep- Addles, 13e.1 South .111111,1,1y Boulevard, Ft. 1Vayne.Intl nographs or other amplifying equipment. Years tional.prefer Club.Stag and Floor Work. 33 N. of experience in manufacture, installation, oper-Munn Ave., Newark, N.J. Phone ESSEX 2-7034. YORK'S FOUR -ACTCombination- --Now booking ation of amplifying equipment. Can service all 1937 l'arks, Fairs and Celebrations.The Death AT LIBERTY makes, do electrical work and can announce Walk, Four Large Escape Tricks, Tricks with Lite capably having had considerableadvertising AT LIBERTY Stock. A big drawing card and a real flashy art. experience.Write me now ifyou will have Pricereasonable. Forparticularsofactratite, BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS wire. GALE YORK, 212 West Superior Street, steady work now orlater. DON KENNEDY, Fort Wayne, Ind. fe6 Shelbyville,Ind. Fel31 MISCELLANEOUS FAST ENTERTAINING ORCHESTRA-Six pieces, featuring two pianos, also girl vocalist.Dis-THE .ORIGINAL .GERALDENE-GERALD .FORELECTRICIAN AND AMPLIFIER MAN-Own AT LIBERTY tinctive music guaranteed to please, for Hotel, coming season, A-1 half and half, wardrobe sound trailer and amplifiers.Large enough for Nite Club.LEADER, 1421 Water St., Corpusand ability, reliable managers answer only, bestany show, sober, references. J.H. MORTON, Christi, Tex. references.4 Montcalm St., Glens Falls, N. Y.215 Lincoln, Edwardsville,Ill. PIANO PLAYERS NINE -PIECE BAND - AvailableforBallroom, CALVERT'S SOCIETY PUPPETS(Punch & Hotel.etc. Willaugment. Feature FRED AND MARIE GUTHRIE-4 Separate Arts. .lady)-Available for Special Advertising, The-PIANIST-Good reader. Union. Location. LAR- Resort. Sober andre- Dmitile Trapeze, Single Iron Jaw, Double Tight atres.Expositions,etc. New OriginalBusiness. Special Arrangements, Vocalists. Wire and Single Trapeze.1151 Bank St., Cincin-Carl he performed silently if desired.CALVERT. RY SCHEBEN, c/o Oliver Hotel, Atlanta, Ga., liable. Would troupe.THEMBLODIANS, La- Feb. 4-5. Belle. Mo. fe20 nati, O. fe20 226 West 50th St., New York. fe6 February 6, 1937 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS-GENERAL OUTDOOR The Billboard 61 PIANO MAN-FEB. 1st. RHYTHM, TAKEOFF, "Thegroundscouldaccommodate feature, he says, will be a large Mexican Read, Jam.Age 28.Congenial, sober. Have100,000 easily, but 40,000 is the record exhibit with its colorful Latin settings. car.Location only.ALBERT A. RUCKER, 319so far.Still this place is only 50 years . . He also expects several South Ameri- W. 1st, Hutchinson, Kan. Phone 2210-W. fe6old, remember, and the population of 7106cl/tan tite can countries to come in.. . H. William PLENTY RHYTHM-Modern take -off. good accompan-Johannesburg is, officially, 268,009 Pollack, of Pollack Poster Print, Buffalo, Lit. Young.Considerall. Can joinimmediately. whites,219,808natives, 22,590 colored in on biz... That was Milt Hinkle under Please be explicit.Pianist, 3113 E. Fifth Ave., Rome, Georgia, and 10,138 Asiatics; total 510,630. the big white hat on the rialto... Sam "With Pagel's Circus things are going Solomon writes from Caruthersville, Mo., quite well.The engagement here has so etosstoas that all his boys are doing good work AT LIBERTY far been up to expectations with the under the local flood relief committee show exhibiting in what is claimed to be and the national Red Cross unit there; VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS the largest tent ever erected in Johan- By NAT GREEN helping bring in refugees-men, women, nesburg for a show. Attendance of 3,685 SHOWPEOPLE have responded noblychildren and live stock, and answering Saturday, December 12, was claimed as calls day and night. . . Nat Rodgers, AT LIBERTY-Female Impersonator, Queen of to appeals for relief in flood -strickenwho used to be a flyer himself, back in Burlesque, Singer and Dancer.Beautiful cos-a record for a circus in South Africa. areas in the Ohio and Mississippi1911, doesn't like to ride in the modern tumes. Can sendpictures.Open forNightPrices range from 50cents to$1.25valleys.This was no more than we ex- . . Billy Cronin dropped in to Clubs or Theatres. WESLEY DAVID, 9 W. Har-(mostly 75 cents and $1). pected, for show folks as a class are theairliners. say hello to the boys. . . That tribute risonSt., Chicago. "We on the show have enjoyed royalbiggest hearted and most generous peo-of Frank Braden to the late Frank Cook NELLIEKING'Sbeautiful Musical Act. George treatment from the management, butple in the world.Possibly these qual-was beautiful-and we know it was sin- Gram King's Ventriloquial Act and Punch andhave not been enjoying thebestofities are born of the fact that at one dialy Show. For indoor circus.bazaars.IIIIISe11111S. cere! . . J. C. McCaffery, SLA prez, has celebra t inns.departmentstores,schools,lodges, healthandgoodfortuneotherwise.time or another most showfolks havethings moving for the big Showmen's auspices, etc.Address 1009 Wayne Ave., Indiana, Nellie Dutton has lost one horse thruthemselvessufferedprivation andsoLeague spring show, to be held in the Pa. feb13 disease and has another that has beencan appreciate, more than anyone else,College Inn of the Hotel Sherman April TEAM-Man, Comic,Black,TohyandTramp. recoveringfromthesamefortwowhat misfortune means.The very na- Both dance and play guitar. Woman, acrobat. ture of their work broadens them im-5, and he may be depended upon to put Both young, up inallacts. For med orunit. months.She herself has suffered from it over in a big way. State full particulars.Write 431 E. Buena Vista.some unknown complaint or disease thatmeasurably, gives them a more than or- Chester. Ill. fel3affectsone liketheold-fashioneddinary understanding oflifeandits whooping cough.I have been on theproblems. And when a disaster such as AT LIBERTY-Female Impersonator. singer and dancer, present the nicewardrobe.forClub and Stage,good sick list with something almost the samethe one descends upon Notes From Natchez, Miss. yearsexperience. BILLY SMITH,R. a No.2, and have lost 18 pounds.Others havecountry they are not slow in going to Capicy. 0. had touches of disintery, influenza andthe rescue with every resource at their NATCHEZ, Miss.,Jan. 30.-Hartman coldstill we have been a rather dis-command. We know personally of manyMoritz,circusfan,andthewriter, couraged crowd for the past few weeks.generous individualdonationstotheHugh Hart, had aget-together party It seems to be caused by the atmosphere.Red Cross fund for relief of flood suf-evening of January 13 to form a circus the explanation being that we are notferers, some of them more generous thanclub.Moritz has the stock exchange acclimated to the altitude (5,600 feet),the doner really could afford.As this ishere,correspondentofFennerand and it may be true, too.The Four Or -being written we learn that Cole Bros'.Beone.He entertainedinhisnewly tons, Senator Murphy, Bobbie HenshawCircus has sent sleeping cars from theirdecorated Circus Room; he has a won- and other Americans playing vaudevillewinter quartors to the vicinity of Louis-derful collection of circus photos and i-kkittvtann' here all complain too, and today I foundville and Evansville for the purpose ofsouvenirs.Sixteen fans were present. Norman Orton confined to his bed withhousing floodrefugees and doubtlessMoritz told of his days when he trouped the same complaint I have had-shortother shows are doing likewise.This Iswith the Al G. Barnes Circus in the late of breath, dizzy feeling after work anda splendid commentary upon the chari-'20s.Shorty Eidt made a recitation of table spirit of showfolks! Stanley Dawson's Where Do We Go From gtoacast loss of appetite.They say it all passes Here? The surprise of the evening was away soon, so we live In hopes-and in O THE EmpireExposition,stagedtothe mean time enjoyfinetreatment Moritz's giving his impression of Em- celebrate the 50th anniversary offrom the management.I am acting as What effectwillthe unprecedentedmett Kelly's PWA clown number on Cole Johannesburg, SouthAfrica,hasequestriandirectorandannouncer,floods with the millions of dollars dam-Bros.' Circus last season. not been running as strong on attend-something never heard of on Pagel'sage have upon show business during the The writer made a list of 10 questions ance as was anticipated, in fact it hasCircus before.I guess no one ever spokecoming season?Naturally this questionto find out who were real troupers. The good enough English before.Most actsis in the minds of all showmen, as it is been averaging only about one half of in the minds of all business men. Gen-questions were: What isa kid show? the expectedgate. This informationimported heretofore have been German.eral opinion, based upon past experi-Who are kinkers? What is a walkaround? comes from William McK. Bausman who "All our acts are being well receivedence, seems to be that, bar ring unfore-What isarazorback?Whereisthe is with the Nellie Dutton troupe rightand exploited, Nellie getting nice storiesseen circumstances, business in generalconnection?Define main guy.What on the scene.On December 16, a bigand working hard totry to add thewill go on as usual thruout the countryisa bloomer?Describe Bible -Stringer - holiday, a record crowd up to that timeAmerican touch to the show.Our onlyas whole and intelligent routing ofJack. What is a rigger? Were you ever turned out, but it was only 40,178 atobjection to it all is the amount of showshows will assure a satisfactory season.in a padroom? that. that Pagel insists on producing -25 acts,Flood areas will require perhaps three Much fun was realized in the readinv "Consider the poor amusement peo-running three hours.But itis an oldmonths to get back to anything likeof the answers.Question No. 6 stuck ple,"writes Bausman. "Of them andAfrican custom and it's his show. Wenormal.During that time hundreds ofmost.A main guy tothem was the their condition the least said the betterhave been approached already in regardthousands of men will be employed inmanager.Nearlyeveryone thought a -unless a comparison might make thoseto a renewal of contract but have givenrehabilitatingtheaffectedterritory.razorback was nothing more than a back in the States realize how fortunateno answer. We first want to see whatOther hundreds of thousands in otherpiney faced Mississippi hog.Instructor they are, even if they do play a bloomerour health is going to be in the nextparts of the country will be at workHugh Hart promised to have another now and then. These fellows have playedmonth.The present contract doesn'tturning out supplies of every sort forlistofquestionready for the next nothing else for three months. expire till May, but Pagel wants to planthe flooded districts.No matter howmeeting.Prizes were awarded for the "Charles Stanton, director of amuse-a tour to the north and wants to be suregreat the stress, men and women de-best answers.Thefirstaward of10 ments, owner of all rides and lessee ofof people till November, 1937. mand entertainment in some form, andtickets to the next Tex Sherman Rodeo most of the space, holds a unique posi- "Nellie has replaced the horse thatby the time the outdoor season is underto be held in Natchez went to Mary tion wherein he may be able to breakdied and work on that animal has keptway the workerswillbe lookingforEthlyn Bowie; second prize, a whip, cane even, but if he does it will only be thrume occupied all day for weeks.Havesomething to divert their minds fromand doll, to Book Roberts;third prize, a his ability to hold the position of di-a nice horse (imported for a brewery)theevery -day grind. Therewill,ofbag of pop corn, to Thelma Breithaupt. rector of amusements for the exhibitionthat misbehaved in harness but is run-course,belocalitieswhereshowingPink lemonade and hot dogs were served. at a very nice salary.Stanton has beenning nice in the ring and will be okehwould be out of the question.But a TheBeechnut,"smallestshow on connected with carnival and show busi-in another week." country as large and diversified as oursearth," was here recently.It was a fea- ness here and in the Far East for years. will provide hundreds of spots that willture attraction at the San Diego, Dallas "Americans on the grounds are few, ttt be fertile fields for shows and it's up toandClevelandexpositions.Complete but those who are there are well pro- HENEVER Harry F. (Ah! Ha!) Gil_the agents to find these spots and routefrom clowns to calliope, it was a unique tected either by contracted salary or as Liam writes he always has some-their outfits accordingly. combination of artistry and mechanical representatives of some business firms thing interesting to say. This time ingenuity. in the U. S. A.I found a side showhe says it in the form of a dream. Here O 'tis: Ray Foley, of the Dallas Exposition, in Ralph Wagner has recovered from a re- (10 -in -1style)poorly handled bya town after a trip to NewYorkand plan-cent serious illness and has returned to South African, Cecil Thorne, in which "Whether they like it or not, the car- his home in Massillon, 0. were two Americans, Barbette, half andnivalconcessionbusinesswillneverning to fly back to Dallas to avoid trav- half, and Ernie Henderson, swords.Inagain live in the realm of the 'teens,eling thru the flooded areas. . . . Mr. A storeroomshow, "Congo,Lion the same show were a mentalist, a fire'20s or early '30s. G wheels. tieups, roll -Foley Is quite optimistic over prospectsSlayer," is playing to good business. Has eater and a dancer.Seating capacitydowns, blocks, swinging balls, creepingfor Dallas in '37. . . An interesting new adowntown location. about 75. skillos and all the other controlled de- "U. S. A. is well represented on thevices are no longer SMART. The pendu- midway, however,in merchandise -lum is now swinging back to a more games and pin machines.All rides butwholesome attitude toward the carnival three out of12 are American (Lussepatron-that's why you are now being NEW DATE BOOKS Scooters, Eli Wheel, Whip and others),sought for. All this is good, and a cleaner the exceptions being Scoota Boats, whichcarnivalspiritwillprevail. Allsane FOR 1937 is topping the amusement zone, Merry -operators andconcessionersarenow Go -Round and a high ride, all English.ready to believe that the 'gutter' is not NOW ON SALE No permanent or semi -permanent ridesso attractive as the flowering meadow. mg Arranged Especially for Your Needs atall. Have heardorreadof noConcessions will be cleaner and operated gambling complaints to date, altho I fearby saner people than we have had for Bi "'boa Dated From January1,1937, to some of the games would not pass thethe last two decades.Oh!It's just my 'ffit. Bfu ON! January 1,1938. eagle eye of some U. S. A. officials. Thedream." C*KCINNArj 0 best flash on the grounds is a pin -game OAT? BOOK The most convenient memorandum book for layout with 20 machines, part American Managers, Agents and Per f o r me r sinall and part English make.Seems to getShows in Sweden, Denmark branchesofthe show world. Actualsize its share of what business there is to 23/4x51/2inches-justfitsthevestpocket. be had. STOCKHOLM, Jan. 25.-The Circus Contains complete calendars for years 1937- "The amusement zone is all but lostMijares Schreiber is playing a six weeks' 1938, U. S. and World Maps, 110 pages for in the grounds. One might spend a daystand at Gothenberg. On bill are horse there and never find it.It was laid outnumbers presented by Baptista Schreiber dailymemorandums, spa c eforrecording verynicely,altho without regardtoand C. J. Mijares; Manuel Mijares, wire receipts and disbursements of money, census the road entrance but directly in frontwalker; Talc!, antipodist; Alicia Mijares, figures, and much other valuable information. ThreeChenlos,flying oftherailwaystop. Unfortunately,acrodancer; PLENTY OF SPACE FOR BOOKINGS, however, only about five per cent of thetrapeze; Three Solos, steeplechase; Paul attendance comes by train, so that meansBatty's bears; Five Fidetty, springboard ROUTES AND SPECIAL NOTATIONS little to the workers and owners.Thetumblers; Five Raffnitas, acrobats; Two For sale at all offices of The Billboard.Mailed zone was originally one-third larger thanErics,paradists,and Two Macs,tap to any part of the world for 25c each. at present-as a result of the packingdancers. Cash With Order up and leaving of many operators. The NationalScalainCopenhagen has vacant stalls are still standing-an eye-Olvido Perez, wire walker; Three Kiewn- ALL MAIL ORDERS SHOULD BE SENTTO sore to all who visit the place-a re-ings, aerial; Concha and Concha. equili- CINCINNATI OFFICE minder of failure.A depressing sightbrists,and Elimar,juggling onwire Name in gold letters that could easily be overcome with awhile the Valencia has the14 Arab on covers,15c extra TheBillboard Publishing Co. little effort in covering up or cuttingtumblers of Ben Abderrahman and the for each line. 25 OperaPlace,Cincinnati,0. off an entire wing of the zone. contortionists, Dida and Albert. 62 The Billboard WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE February 6, 1937

PRIZES NOVELTIES PREMIUMS SPECIALTIES Conducted by WM. D. LITTLEFORD-Communications to 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati, 0 Cosmetics Mfgs. Grossed Bootleg Wholesaler Salesboards Believed Headed $117,398,000 in 1935 WASHINGTON,Jan, 30.-The 554 es-Is Termed a Menace tablishments engaged in the production For A Record -Breaking Year PHILADELPHIA,Jan. 30.-The "boot- of perfumes, cosmetics and toilet prep-leg wholesaler" is a menace to every con- Several important factors are expectedboards displaying many types of goods.arations in the United States did a totalsumer of merchandise in America. Such to boost the salesboard business in 1937Smokers' accessories, lighters, flashlights,volume of business in 1935 of $117,398,000,was the summation of Ira A. Hirschmann, to its highest plane in history.Whilepocketknives,midgetradios,lamps,the Department of Commerce reports.New 1? ork merchant, as he disclosed what the sales and trade board plan is notwatches and clocks, pen and pencil setsSales direct to retailers accounted forhe termed one of the "greatest hoaxes new and has been in existence long be-and combinations are among the fastest -38.9 per cent of the total, while 37.6 perin merchandising" before the annual fore many of the spectacular and haz-moving items at the present time. A cent of the volume went to wholesalersdinner of 700 members of the Phila- ardous plans of merchandise distribu-growing margin of profit for operatorsand jobbers. delphia Merchants' Association at the tion, this business, so far this year, Isand a greater flow of merchandise on As compared with distribution meth-PennAthleticClubhere.Concerns, definitely on the increase, with a strongwhich to make a profit are other indicesods employed in 1929, there was somewhich attract buyers with claims of sell- probability that itwill smash all pre-ofreturning prosperity in thesales -decrease in the proportion of sales madeing at wholesale prices, were denounced vious records for volume of goods dis-board field. directlytoretailers,43.1per centInas the "wholesale bootleggers.""What persed. 1929 and 41.8 per cent in 1935. And aare we," he said, "as merchants, going Largely responsible for this wider pub- larger decrease thru wholesalers and job-to do about the great percentage of the lic acceptance of the boards is the trend bers was shown, 44.9 per cent in 1929 andAmerican public which Is being uncon- toward community Indorsement of theMail Order Sales 40.3 per cent in 1935.These decreasessciously gypped by so-called wholesale salesboard plan, whereby quality mer- have been accompanied by an increasebuying?" chandise Is awarded, as against money -Best in History In the proportion of sales made thru Sales of Sears -Roebuck & Company formanufacturers' own wholesale branches, Bargain -hunting mania, he said, has boards and cash awards.The publicthe four -week period, ended December lured many prospective retail customers Is more and more strongly manifesting which accounted for2.6per cent dis-into lofts of wholesale manufacturers in its approval of the boards, as isevi-31, were the largest for any period intribution sales in 1929 and 8.6 per cent denced by the fact that they are beingthe history of the company. in 1935. a vain effort to "get something for noth- sold out more rapidly than ever before. The nearest approaches to it were in Sales direct to consumers accounteding."That, he declares,isimpossible, The idea of receiving something tangi-the period ended October 8 last year, andfor 5 per cent of the total. The balanceand merchandise purchased there is gen- ble for money spent appeals to them. the period ended December 31, 1929, inof the total was divided as follows: 8erally of inferior value. Were it not so, each of which sales exceeded $50,000,000.per centtocompany's own wholesalehe said, retailers would have bought it Leading merchandise firms arealsoBut in December, the company disposedbranches;1.6 per cent direct to indus-long ago. aiding In stimulating this trade by fea-of more than $60,000,000 worth of mer-trial and other large users; 1.6 per cent "As inall successful industries," he turingmerchandiseparticularlywellchandise. to own retail stores; 4.3 per cent to othersaid, "there is bound to appear at some adapted for the various types of boards Sales for the full year of 1936 also ex-plants in own organization, and 2.5 perstage the bootlegger: the fellow who con- manufactured. Taking note of the highceed those of any previous year in thecent to sales not distributed thru usualnives to find a left-handed way of cash- favor in which the boards are held, morecompany's history. channels. ing in on the good -will of a going busi- and more manufacturersareoffering ness. We know what happened during unique display cards, along with free the prohibition years. Sadly enough, the same can be said to be true with regard to "wholesale bootlegging." The victim is, as always, the public. Wide Range of Mds. Used "While people are exposed to all kinds /new tioth of hoaxes these days, one of the worst, for Advertising Novelties I believe, is the wholesale hoax, and it The rapidly growing popularity of ad- By WALTER ALWYN-SCHMIDT is about time the hoax is exposed to the vertising novelties in recent years has public instead of the public to the hoax. tremendously widenedthisimportant MY recent remarks about the possible extension of the fair business into theThe native instinct of bargain hunting branch of the merchandise Industry to a winter months by way of winter sport carnivals and similar enterprises haveis as old as the hills and decidedly good. point where It is now a well -established brought inquiries from various sources, which makes me think that the tradeBut we must be sure to make a distinc- medium. would like to hear more about the subject.I believe that pitchmen and conces-tion between a legitimate bargain In a While advertising novelties and spe-sioners are overlooking a good bet by not catering sufficiently to the crowd in thelegitimate store and an alleged bargain cialties in the form of some small articlemountain and lake resorts.While the seaside is amply supplied with all kinds ofin a manufacturers' speakeasy wholesale of usefulness are not new by any means.entertainment, very little is done for the good-sized mountain resorts, where sub-house." it is only lately that the full potentiali-stantial crowds collect and where comparatively little entertainment can be had, Since playing the bootlegging game is ties of this field are being realized.In-with the exception of the usual Saturday night dances and, possibly, a few roada dangerous merchandising trade, Hirsch- telligentlydesigned and properlyse-houses.These places offer an exceptionally active market for game promotions, themann advised buying and comparing ad- lectednovelties and items arebeingsale of souvenirs and similar enterprises, but nobody seems to have taken a handvertised merchandise in legitimate out- counted upon more and more as good-in developing this business. Concessioners say that the right kind of merchandiselets where there is a guarantee of quality, willbuildersandsalesstimulators,is missing and that the souvenir trade is falling behind Its European equivalent.assurance of merchandise perfection and either by themselves or as an adjunct toThere a large industry has been built up around the resort trade.I understanda comeback for faulty merchandise. other forms of advertising.In this ca-that several concessioners will give the thing a trial this summer in a Northern pacity, the range of articles and noveltiesresort, with a possible chance of repeating the experiment in the South during being used today is almost unlimited. the following spring, securing, thereby, practically nine months of uninterrupted Whereas this type of novelty used tooperation. Variety Store Sales Show be limited to a few simple items, like Sharp Upswing in Dec. pencils, rulers, fans, pins and the like, Such a plan. if feasible, certainly would help much to stabilize profits.It many of the successful advertisersinwould provide for a better investment of time and money. That it can be worked America are using such serviceable andout successfully is shown by the experience of many hotel keepers, who have appealing merchandise as pocket knives,houses in the South and North, closing one with the end of the season and open- December sales of 5c and 10c to $1 var- ash trays, key cases, novelty flashlights,ing the other somewhere else.Its main advantage to the premium business wouldiety stores in the United States estab- letter openers, bridge -score pads, ever -be that a number of large operators would be kept busy for a much longer periodlished several important records, chain sharp pencils, clocks, nail files and hun-than now. This. of course, will mean a correspondingly larger sale of premium andorganizations in this field reporting the dreds of similar items. souvenir merchandise. It would exclude for many large operators the present needlargest sales for any one month in their Many of the present day novelties areof opening winter pitches in the large towns, which is costly and, as we all know,history, according to announcement by cleverly designed to provide maximum Syndicate Store Merchandiser.Average space for advertising imprints on thenot always profitable. sales per store were the best for that items, thus cementing friendships and month since 1929 and were only 6'S be- building good -will for the firms or prod- low the final month of that year. ucts they represent. According to all reports, there has been plenty of activity in the New York During the first declining phase of the market recently. Here are the latest news flashes: The jewelry demand Is 20 per centbusiness depression, variety sales in every higher than during the corresponding period last year. Prices are up and the de-December, the report says, have been mand is for better grade merchandise. . . . Many operators are in the market forless than what may be regarded as a Retail Business Easter openings. . . Complaints ere occasionally heard about higher prices. These,normal seasonal expansion over Novem- however. are just a mn t ter of routine end no real sales resistance is experienced. ...ber.In the last few years gains of little China is Up about 10 per cent and glass ware. generally, rune about 15 per cent ahead mo-e ,nthe seasonal average have of 1926 fall quotations. Do your buying early. . . . The automobile strike causes Widens in Week so-e worry.Pitchrren. however, believe that conditions will be normal by thebeen experienced. Diversity of demand, occasioned by the beginning of the spring season. . . . There is a distinct shortage of cut-price goods. Average daily sales for December, 1936, vagaries of weather in various sect'ons of Business has been good and stores. generally, have sold out. . . . Goods in jobbers'hrevever. exceeded November by consid- the country, enabled retail trade to make a rands are lower than usiiel around this time.If you are in the habit of buying -a bi-. mese than the usual amount. This better showing thepastweek, Dun & this type of goods. you better get In the market as soon as possihis. Not much willis refl cted he a gain in the publication's

Bradstreet report intheir weekly review he left soon. . . Rumors are that imported merchandise is becereing increasinglyF9,--na'ly adjusted sales index of from of business.Wide sweeps of temperature scarce. Some Piiroeenn manufacturers are asking for delay in delivery dates. The91.7':to 93.4s;of the 1923-25 average. spread needs thruout the entire range of American manufacturers are making efforts to meet the situation by larger produc-In the month December, 1935, this index offerings,the agencysaid,withspecial tion. . , . Winter resorts in the North report good business for sporting goods. thestood at 84.7. promotionsbolsteringvolumein areas warm weather and little snow notwithstanding. . . Concessioners working the where mild weather prevailed. Southern route are doing well and are sending in rush orders. . . Lamps are 10 "Reorders to freshen curicnt inventories to 15 per cent higher. This was expected and. therefore. will not cause any sur- PebBURGH, Jan. 30.-Prospects for and preparations for early spring merchan- prise There is a demand for electric lamps with sockets to take 100 -wattfurther increased business during the dising events extended the expansion of bulbs. . . . Jobbers have a demand for small handbags to sell at around $1 forspring and summer seasons in the steel buying in wholesale markets," the review premium promotions. are very good, with a new $11,000,000 said. mill opened in Homestead last week and Retail sales for the country as a whole $64.000,000 now being invested in two were estimated at from 2 to 5 per cent And here is another week of warm weather for New York and vicinity. True,other gigantic steelmills under con- ahead of the preceding week and 10 to 18 there has been some rain, but pitches have kept active, which is rather surprisingstructioninBraddock andClairton. per cent ahead of the same week in 1936. , time of the year.It he ks es if the fall season will run clear into spring.The .0three projectswillgive steady This has not happened for several years. employment to several thousand men. February 6, 1937 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE The Billboard 63 enew gte1445 The Smallest Bar Radio Made EXACT SIZE 6x141/4x93/4 Write to The Billboard, Buyers' Service Department,23 Opera Place, WITH A DYNAMIC SPEAKER Cincinnati, 0., for addresses of companies in this department Weight 12 Lbs. supplying the items which interest you. FIVE TUBES(1METAL) DYNAMIC SPEAKER Records of Pope's BroadcastAutomatic Economy ILLUMINATED DIALS The Majestic Recording Corporation, HOLDS 2 DECKS CARDS which took the broadcast of the formerLubricator ROOM FOR CHIPS King Edward off the air and offered it SIX GLASS WHISKY RACK to the commercial market on a first- An appliance said to have a tremen- ROOM FOR 2 SMALL BOTTLES quality high-fidelity phonograph record,dously large potential market in the HAND RUBBED CABINET announced this week another scoop inautomotive field has just been made MODERNISTIC CHROME GRILLE the record field.During the holidayavailable to the direct -selling trade by UNBELIEVABLE SIZE season Pope Pius XI broadcast a half-Automatic Lubricator Company. It is an IDE-.. FOR PUNCH BOARDS AND automatic lubricator designed for auto- PRIZES hour Christmas message from Vaticanmobiles, trucks and tractors. SETS AND TUBES GUARANTEED City.Millions of devout Catholics all Its makers WORKS ON A. C. OR D. C. over the world listened to this broadcast.assert it will save any user 90 per cent 110-120 $1045 The of his present lubrication costs, giving VOLTS ANY CYCLE each MajesticRecordingCorporation QUANTITY LIMITED $12 took the broadcast off the air and re-10,000 miles of perfect lubrication on one OTHER SETS FROM $5.35 UP in lots of six produced it on high-fidelity phonographfilling at a cost of less than 1 cent.It Send for Catalogue samples records.The broadcast uses both sidesis made to pump a steady flow of lubri- F. 0. B. N. Y.25%deposit of three 12 -inch records and is set upcant to the bearing while the vehicle is by Majesticinarich -looking recordin motion, and is furnished with an PLAYLAND SUPPLY CO. 118 East 28th St., New YorkCity album.The English translation of theadaptor which permits of any possible broadcast is printed on the inside frontinstallation.It is also provided with an cover of the album.It is expected thatadjustable metering screw, which per- there will be a great demand for thismits a wide range of adjustment, meter- album and the records of the broad-ing the lubricant from the high-pressure cast among Catholics thruout the coun-chamber at the rate of from one to five try, and any agent, demonstrator, can-drops every 100 miles, as desired.In- LADIES' WEEK -END CASE vasser or operator working Catholic loca-stallation can be accomplished in less tions will probably be able to move athan five minutes. Attractive packaging BRAND NEW- YOU CAN'T BEAT IT! great number of them. and low price make it appear like a good money-maker for agents. CONSISTS OF 1 2 -oz. Btl. Bouquet Perfume 1 2 -oz. Btl. Gardenia Perfume 1 Box Jasmine Face Powder NRA Membership Drive 1 String of Indestr'ble Pearls Close Out !Low Prices ! 2 Velour 2" Powder Puffs Recalling to sheetwriters and paper- 1 Porcelain Powder Jar TEN STRIKE RAZOR BLADES, Double men the great membership drive put on Edge. Packed4s.20 Packages toCard. 1 Gold -Plated Cigarette Case ManufacturedbyMakersofSegal by the American Legion in signing peti- 1 Gold -Plated Cig'te Lighter PER Blade.PerCard 77c tions and underwriting a bonus appeal, 1 Overnight Week -end Case SET ESQUIRE. STYPTIC POWDER. in a new organization incorporated under Complete Set, 10 Pieces MotelCans. Dozen 25c the laws of New York State has put DIXON PENCILS -No. 2. Gross $1.30 under way a drive to legalize the prin- Imperial's New Flash for Pitchmen, PROBAK BLADES -40Bladesto Bingo Operators, Premium Workers, Display Card. Each Card 40c ciples endorsed by the NRA. Jammers and Carnival Men SINGLE EDGE RAZOR BLADES - Sponsoring such principles as the reg- Send Now $1.00forSample Case 5 to Package.Per100 45c ulation of hours and wages, the elimina- SetPrepaid 25% Deposit, Balance C. 0. D. tion of unfair trade practices, abolish- ment of child labor and federal loans to business for expansion purposes, the or- IMPERIAL MERCHANDISE CO., Inc. ganization, which is called the National The House of Hot Numbers BENGOR PRODUCTS co.Association to Legalize the Principles of 893 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY 878BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N. Y. NRA, has started a concerted drive for memberships thruout the country. Sheetwriters and papermen are finding ApplyingGoldInitialsthat thousands of citizens who voted for BIG MONEY On Automobiles Roosevelt in the last election and thereby EasiestThingToday! endorsed the principles of the New Deal Swift Play Also SIDELINE SALESMENare heartily in accord with the purposes for Name Plates and Tire Cover Transfers.Attractiveof the NALNRAP. The association has Salesboard Deal Youro wn arranged an interesting proposition for inialspositn. 10c. SAMPLES FREEsheetwriters and papermen and inquiries With THIS BRILLIANT CHROME -TRIMMED RALCO DECALCO, BB -1054 Washington St.,Boston. from genuinely interestedpartiesare invited. RCA LIV2EDAC -DC RADIO Different - Irresistible - Appeal WITH RCA LICENSED TUBES everywhere. Kopy-it is selling on ALL NEW 1937 FEATURES sight at 10c and 25c.Costs you 3c NEW 2 Wave Bands,includingshort wavefor and 7,1(2c each.Samples on request. policecalls,aviationandamateurs; New Glass Panel Radios 9 -coloredaeroplanedial;full 5 - BEACON SALES CO., 412 So. Peoria, Chicago inch dynamic speaker; self contained aerial; size15")(71/2"x5%". Soldunderpositive The Cord-Melane Company is offering RMA guarantee. a new and distinctive radio which they ATTRACTS SUPERSWIFT SALESBOARD PLAY LOTS SINGLE SAMPLE, $10.95 Special 1200 -hole Radio Salesboard withdouble RUSH $2.00 DEPOSIT are confining exclusively to the con- jackpot takes in $00.00 and brings profit of $42.58 $1055ur g BALANCE C.O.D. cession and salesboard field.They will (afterdeductingcostofradioandboardand FYAVOOVIIE PHOTO ENLARGEDnot sell to retail stores. cigarette payouts).Price of special Radio Sales - board $2.37 additional.Sales Cards (120 hole). J. M. BREGSTONE & CO. and Beautifully The beautiful lustrous finished cabinet N for$1.00. SEND FORFREE CATALOG has a brilliant mirror plate glass front. 540 S.Clark St Chicago,Ill. FRAMED When the radio is turned on lights auto- SIZE O X /0 INCHES matically light up the entire front of Whatavalue! AONLY the radio.This glass front comes in PROFIT MAKERS FOR PITCHMEN AND STREET WORKERS special short time several different colors and of course the offer.Regular 00 wood is finished to match the glass. THAT ARE SURE TO CET THE MONEY value$3.50in$ FLOROSCOPE t h i s expensive The chassis is RCA licensed with a 61384 - Flora MINIATURE CHARMS lookingframe. Mailthe five inch airplane dial.An exclusive scope. Tube made of 62319 - negative ofyourfavorite 141 nickel -plated metal, Donkey photo or snapshot; we will feature is the speaker built in the top brightly polished. Charms make abeautiful arten- of the radio.This gives a surprisingly Possesses high with Silk largement 8 inches wide, 10 better distribution of sound. magnifying power. Cord. Per inches deep. We then frame itin rich, gold-em- An excellent Item B1787-Czecho 3 -Blade Tooth-are., 75c bo.ssed leatherette frame, complete with easel stand for demonstrators.pickKnives, Gross $1.35 andwall hanger,non -breakableand mail to you Complete with steel BI 789-Czecho 5 -Blade Tooth- B2328 - C.0. D.for only$1.00 and postage.Price $1.00 pickthatcan bepick Knives.Gross $1.80Elephant If you send negative, $1.50 If you send only a print. used forhandling 83488 -Keen -EdgeKnifeandCharms Send No Money!Just send negative or print of small Insects. Scissors Sharpeners.Gross $11.00with Silk your picture.Send no money.Just pay postmanAdd -A -Tube for Radios Per Dozen, $ 2.10 B2459 - Movable Hand WristCord. Per when your picture is delivered.Act NOW while this PerGross, 24.00Watch, individually bxd. Or $3.50Gro., 85o liberalofferisopen. WOODROW STUDIOS. Add -A -Tube is the name of a new 1037 Woodrow St. Dept. 271-B Cincinnati, 0.kind of radio tube, said to bring distant 119 North Fourth St.

stations, has just been perfected and BROS placed on the market by R. E. Eng- GELLMAN MINNEAPOLIS,MINN. ineers. The makers claim that added to 4000 ITEMS. any old radio, the tube actually brings FREE old radios up-to-date, giving them the , WHOLESALE same mellow tone, sharp selectivity andIIIPITCHMEN ! DEMONSTRATORS! CATALOG static -free reception as the latest and r.4 most expensive radio sets. ReachEveryone! MAKE MORE MONEY! Hothows off thepre0s. 4p000s owls mune S 0 0 That it solves forever the problem of with the world-wideBar- strong local stations coming all over the ,,,,y'Vr grnst.,,d56smgeer: of dial, throwing open to radio listeners the A C A AMPLIFYING SYSTEM 2"4.)...... ,,,,,,, Every Deserin- opportunity to hear the out-of-town sta- co' - lion and 15 Mon- tions and programs, is another of its "FLOATING AUDIOPOWER," .b." -* v''. ey -Making Plans. Using a newly developed anti-microphonic device incorporated --Nr2(ts. ThisCatalogis achievements.On top of that, it uses exclusively in FREE.r Send all ACA High -Fidelity Public Address Sys- forittoday. no additional current, but is claimed to tems. cmS1111SmacpRIIFIIS ,- save money by preventing overloading sposss CO., of the tubes.Its installation Prices for Complete Units Range From SPURS COMPANY 2-37 Erie St., is very $11.95 Up simple and can be done by anyone ina LE CENTER, MINNE5EITEI Le Center, minute or two.It operates on both long 20% Deposit on Order, Balance C.0. D. -- Minn.- and short wave, and on inside and out- AMPLIFIER CO. of AMERICA side aerials. 37.39 West 20th St. NEW YORK CITY 64 The Billboard WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE February 6, 1937 1111111111111111 SiltterToaacoustic ORDER NOW ON 2. Band RCA %TrMONEY -BACK BIGGER, BET1ER VALUES GUARANTEE! Ingersoll Mee Wrist TODAY'S BEST BUY! Mite Watch New 1937 Model. 5 Tubes including 1 metal tube. AC - SUPPLY HOUSES Rush $2.00 DC., 60 cyc., 110 volts. Over- deposit with order, balance size dynamic speaker. ONE C. 0. D. Pur- YEAR GUARANTEE. Long chase price re- and short wave -gets police Altman's, one of New York's leading funded within calls, amateurs, etc.Hand - department stores featured the famous 5 daysif not rubbed two-tone walnut 100".satis- Revere "tapster" at 95c last week. The fied. cabinet,3 -color dial.Com- store is reported to have purchased 2000 Size:1 5"xli ',4"8.. plete with aerial. Just Look -only $1.50 eachof the 8000 total production. The item FREE - New 1937CataloglustOft Press. Sold exclusively by B1W78 wasabrilliantlyfinishedchormium Farm, Auto and Home Radios as Low as $6.70. INGERSOLL MITE WRIST WATCH, at thepitcher for holding a can of beer. When Send 10e for sample push -card, photo and SILVER MFG. CO. market's lowest price.Former wholesale price was the can was placed in the pitcher and plan. Giveradiosaway FREE and make $10.00 6 1 2No. MICHIGAN AVENUE, $3.33. Chromium plated case with open fink metal the top of the pitcher closed the can was onevery deal. 2000 -Hole 5cSalesboards, $2 Ea.11 Dept. BB, CHICAGO, ILL. band.Silvered dial with gilt figures. Unbreakableautomatically opened.It was originally crystal.Each In original box with $5.00 price mark.introduced last summer to retail at $2.50. Whether or not Altman's closeout should be taken as Indicative of other closeouts remainedquestionableinthetrade. There is no doubt the item did not pan LOOK! JUST OFF THE PRESS. OUR 1937 outPSbig as it wa.s cracked up to be. nevertheless It will pay operators to watch GENERAL CATALOG.164 Pages of Latest the department store advertising in all parts of the country.If the closeouts and Fastest Sellin4 Items at the Lowest spread, they should be able to pick up Possible Prices... Be sure and mention your Line of Business. COMBINATION GLASS CUTTER KNIFE -these "tapsters" at a nice price.The Two Blades. Clip and Pen, Glass Cutter and Cork-fact that they did not go over so good screw.Niekel Finish.Mets-IHandle.Center with wit`; retailers should not cut any ice as DWESTMERC HAN DI SE CO. FancyColoredCelluloidInlay, Equippedwith Shackle for Chain.Size of Knife Closed, 3' x "far as the salesboard and general prize 1026-28 BROADWAY, KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI. One Dozen In Package. fieldis concerned.The "tapsters" are Ell 0C1711. just one of those things which every PER PER body wants but don't feel they need -at GROSS 12.00 DOZEN 1.05 least they don't need them to the ex- tent of $2.50 a piece or $10.00 a set. JUST ANNOUNCED The American Novelty Companyis gathering together a new line and should A SURE FIRE HIT be ready to make some important an- MIDGET VEST POCKET FLASHLIGHT -3" nouncements real soon.This company HUNDREDS OF OPERATORS overall.Metal C: se,cnnmeledincolors,nickeled bears watching. ARE MAKING REAL MONEY ends.Complete with BulbandBattery. 2 Dozen WITH OUR BRILLIANT LINE asscesed colors In carton. PERGROSS Advance Distributing Company of New B4C12. 9.75 York has re:ently added a number of GET OUR PROTECTION outstanding praniums to their merchan- N. SHURE CO. dise line which are proving extremely REPRESENTATIVES WANTED popular with Bingo and Silesboard op- WITH JOBBER FOLLOWING Adams and Wells Sts., eratorsand premium us?rsgenerally. CHICAGO, ILL. The company also makes a specialty of offering salesboard deals among which CLIMAX RADIO & TELEVISION CO. are a Moviematic Camera Projector and INC. Wahl Evershan Pencil Combination and GENUINE RCA LICENSED 4 TUBE PORTABLE; 513 S. SANGAMON CHICAGO, ILL. agenuine Sliex Glass Coffee Makerand AC -DC: BUILT IN AERIAL: AVAILABLE Wahl Pencil Combination. IN 5 COLORS. Advance Distributorsisgradually ex- panding its business andgivesevery in- dication of becoming an important fac- e-CLOSE-OUT--Thtor in the amusement merchandisefield. We have just purchased and are closing out the ENTIRE STOCK of the whole- Dave Marcus has beensuccessfullywPRICE LEADERS OF AMERICAN%

sale Jewelry firm someclevercopperswith DOUBLE EDGE BLADES.5's, Extra$0.28 PERFUME & FLOWER Combination,$0.84 marketing InTransp.Box.DozenSets : FirstQuality. Per COI either the Lord's prayer or the Ten Com- MILLS BLADES, Double Edge, In Dis PERFUMEwithSILK HANDKER- IMPORTING mandments engraved thereon. These are prayCarton. 100 Blades .40 CHIEF Comb.Doz. Sets .80 BEAUX ARTS CO turned out in very attractive style and BLADES, 5's, First .48 SHOE LACES. 27". Black and Imported. Gross .29 SINGLE EDP,OrBrown mounted on neat little souvenier cards. I00 DEAL. SHAVING CREAM, 10 Blades, .101 SEWING THREAD In 5 Dozen Cab- .11'I Should be good pitch items as well as Styp. & Hone,Cello.Deal inets. Dozen 8 8 5 7 Pcs. Jewelry souveniers. RAZOR BLADE HONES, Curved. Spe- POCKET COMBSwith Case. First lncludi -ig Compacts, Clips, Watch cialValue. Dozen . Dozen

Bands, Crystals. Rings, Pendants, Brace- ADHESIVE TAPE, I In. by I Mrel'SHANDKERCHIEFS, Regular Yd. 3.00 .22 .23.33 lets, Cigarette Cases, Brooches, etc. In addition to its regular line of nov- Click Spool, Gr Size. Dozen ME N Guaran*eed Values. 10c to 50c. $4.50 GAUZE. BANDAGE. Boxed. 1 In. 'S HOSE. Fancy Patterns. Strtkalite .20 Dozen .72 elty automatic lighters, the Size.Dozen Per gross Corporation, New York, is now manufac- ALKALINE EFFERVESCENT TAB- DENTAL CREAMS.Asst'dBrands, Sample Ass'tment 25 Pc, $1.00. LETS. 20 on Display Card. Card.. 16 LargeSize.Dozen .40: turing statuary animals, book -ends and $3.00 to $12 Doz. Values SOAP. FRENCH MILLED. DEAL. 8 Oz. VANILLA and I Lb Regular 1.40 .24 Per Dozen $1.50 ash trays. To facilitate production, they SizeCakes. Gross COFFEE. In Vacuum Tin.Deal II have taken 15.000 square feet of factory 24q DEPOSIT WITH ORDER, BALANCEC. O. D. Thousands of other equally big values. LISTED Are a Few Of Our 3,000 Big Value Items. Write for New 1937 Catalog -its FREE space at 338 Berry street, Brooklyn. Jack

Avedon, of the company. is looking for- ELGIN & WAL- MILLS SALES CO. of CHICAGO ward to a big season. 27 So. Wells St. BOSTON, MASS.. DISTRIBUTOR ,.. THAM WATCHES Chicago.Ill. 76 WashingtonSt..Bastun.Mass. '' Thoroughly rebuilt in our The Emeloid Company, Inc.. manufac- own shops -- turers of celluloid and metal specialties,glIIIIMIEE 16 Size. 17 J $2.90 IS Size, 17,15, has just issued its latest and most at- and17 J 2.25 tractive catalog of 16 pages, illustrating more than 125 different articles.The FullestLine:itLowestPricesforHouse -to. Comeorwrite --buttake items shown in the catalog, because of EXCEPTIONAL VALUE ! 50 House Canvassers,Wagon Salesmen, Agents, advantage ofthese excep their utility, beauty and wide variety. Pitcheien. tionai values. thatispractically SIDELINE MERCHANDISE. offeraselection ROYAL KNIGHT Per Extra Special.Gress 75c "made-to-order" for building BLUE BLADES D E.20 -5's. I SINGLE EDGE BLADES, Cello. In Display Box. 1000 Tucker -Lowenthal, Inc. andforstimulatingsales. Theline Celiophaned. 20 Pks.4in.Per display card 65c UNIFORM QUALITY !! DOUBLE EDGE BLADES. Cello. Wholesale Jewelers ranges all the way from celluloid rulers, 20 Pks. 5in.Per display card 40c 25". Deposit on C. 0. D.'s,Incl.postage S So. Wabash Ave. Chicago key tags and letter openers. to vanity 1937 CATALOG FREE - WRITE. Icases,thermometers,lipsticklighters CHAMPION SPECIALTY CO. 614-YCentralSt.. KansasCity, Me.

FREE 11121Get Set fot Life!SellVALENTINES Aff(MUTER CARD BUSMESS Share in the Profits. TIREGENMALRADIO; SATISFACFON GUARANTEED MAKE up to $65 Weekly Comics are in BIG demand ,r, thi.. nrN rINI: tiVNIE11A1. X3496 - Comic Valentines, I I Ir RADIO I,r 5 clays AT isiril li tlf'Skltlil f i'lavefano., I. I It tho/`, ,I4 `Jtt it II 111. 1 t. 'II bush St it LOTS A 5., lie. II. bIlY,,0.o reArk., --- , ,,,zi. trait, I PJI,1 I I.. InI',k. a.h ,,rrit 1:11 ems re!melet N.,on, -i"t , OFSIX I (I Gross(Post- , 1 fir- 81,,1 i1e- foi.,ttet,ln,r, '6" (;..3 tli5 Ia w rll age Extra I 40c FAST SALES! BIG PROFITS! A' e . Ir t t 1 llu,tiro. $ :!(11) PER GROSS (Postpaid), 55c. P Size:I I"x7.'4"x5c2" 5.1mIcrn Walnut C.,Pinet. Pam 745 A Irno.4. JalIN erfill,ln-trnieS -,,al.,.Stip,rh SAM PLE r All n lvol rJ., ti lo Complete Price List Upon Request, ,,,.,..NEW 3 -COLOR DIAL. SET 0 Have a gal m s in_,scifecip pr,asI-It, kill:, e II I 11 I)in I, n. R. C A ,i e e n. r riTiih, tor Parlay., I PsoI fu GENERAL WIRELESS onoWral. No aerialar lrr,elsfor 3,, aril rnorvhartt 25'7-'ith order. pact- A. f'l' C balance C.(1.D.A0 BIG -PAY No iro.o.,trneJt to ,tart- -, '...."1,1 ,amen.. and big Cata.1-g- LABORATORIES, Inc. Paa',... in,ir en -,,j,,, Remember --.Sat- r LEVIN BROTHERS GREAT FOR SALESBOARDS. lefaction or Mon -0 . STORE World's Products Co. 0 240 W. 23rd St. (Dept. 4-8). New York, N.Y. Free --New 1937 Catalog. eyRefunded. TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA ROUTE Dept. 288. Spencer. Indiana ers-r.-ratesain

February 6,1937 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE The Billboard 65 nd automatic pencils.Company also Skooterrideswith JohnnyJ.Jones maintains a creative staff capable of ful- Shows, Dee Lang Shows, Dodson Shows, filling the most difficult requirements inRadio Continues Sheesley Shows and Sam Solomon Shows. Pyralin. novelties. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 30.-R.B.MacKenzie,He also advised he will have a new ride To Lead Field executiveheadofDonald McGregorto put on the market about February 1. M. N. Leibowitz, of the Telemotor Corp., Growing in importance thruout theShows, returned yesterday from an ex- Mrs. Charles Mahan is confined in a advises that his company will soon havewholesale merchandise industry withal-tensive trip thru Iowa and Minnesota,local hospital for a major operation. an interesting announcement to make inmostevery leading firmisradio andand advised that he had secured some Dot and Collin Espey passed thru K. C. "eferencetoseveral new Serv-A-Lite very nice contracts for the coming sea-on their way south. todels.Serv-A-Lite delivers a lightedtoday it has become the leading salesson. Work has started in winter quarters cigarette automatically when a buttonitem.Due to the demand created tyon overhauling the various rides and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shroude are here on is pressed.It can be attached to anythewholesale merchandiseindustryshow fronts.Mrs. MacKenzie and Mrs.business.Shroude will be bandmaster car in five minutes and has proven verymany smaller radio manufacturers haveHarry Knox, both residing in East St.on the Fairly-Martone Shows the coming popular in the last few months. found their business booming. Louis for the winter, after being abedseason. Special sets have been manufacturedwith the "flu" are able to be up and Dan MacGuggin is much improved and for wholesale merchandisers everywhere.around again, much to the joy of Mac-is able 'to be up and around. He has Big One wholesaler reports selling more thanKenzie, who claims he must have hisbeen confined to his room at the Coates 5,000 of one make of midget radios dur-"oat meal porridge." House for the past several months. Premium ing 1938.He was progressive enough at the beginning of this past year to James C. Simpson, general agent of Item! foresee the terrific demand which wasJohnny J.Jones Exposition, Inc., de- being created for the smaller midget setsparted from here Monday night after be-=ADVANCE SPECIALS= and arranged with a cabinet factory toing marooned for several days on ac- build special cabinets for him while hecount of flood conditions thru Missouri For BINGO, SALESBOARDS and obtained the chassis from one of the GENERAL PREMIUM USE leading manufacturers. and Tennessee. He went to Birmingham His contract, which was originally forto spend several weeks there with Mrs. 1,000 of these sets, was rapidly exceededSimpson. and the final check of his books showed that he had passed the 5,000 mark in Mr. and Mrs. Barney Stone of Greater WHISKEY sales of this special set. Exposition Shows were among other vis- Even the larger console sets have takenitorsat The Billboard Tuesday when TILTER SET strong hold in the industry. Where for-they passed thru en route to Chicago from Memphis. Just outside of Memphis New Isthe wordforIt. merly the wholesaler feared to featurethey had an automobile accidentin Triple Chromium Plated the nationally known set, because of its 'I' (Itvont a in VI'I°fill high price, it is today his leading sellerwhich theircar was badly damaged. 141ii,lisiset lac lodes con- Luckily the Stones escaped with only tainerwithremovable I in radio. (mart glassholt leinsert. minor injuries and they were able to 6 assorted colored glasses No. 8101. With radio certain to be the top itemcontinue their journey home by train. onraek,asi ilust ra, ed. EACH again for 1937 the leading members of oolored cata linbonne: 69c the wholesale merchandise industry are Henry Heyn, ride owner, arrived here (White. Red, Black, and Case is made of Metal, Crystal Finish; may preparing for a tremendous revival osMonday, fleeing from Cairo, Ill., his win- stand. $3 4 5 be had in gs.orted colors.Very compactly con- amusement park business this coming Height structed -size closed. 3 % x2x 7iin. Slay he ter quarters. During a visit to The Bill- 1614". used for snap or time pictures.Makes pictures spring and summer and radios will beboard office he advised that up until the Letsof Bor mare size 1 1/2 x 1 1/2in.One of the LATEST MOD the leading sales feature.Itis hopedtime of his leaving his rides and para- lif.S-verysuccessfulas aseller. Produces that price fluctuations will not be as $400SAMPLE very excellent pictures that may be enlarged. phernalia were still safe but it was im- Ten for$6.50 great as they were during 1936.Amuse-possible to tell whether the flood waters SEND FOR CATALOG. ment parks are expected to use morewould submerge the building in which ROHDE-SPENCER CO. radios this coming year than at anyhe has them housed. (Wholesale House) time in their history. JUICIT Chicago Coin machine operators, carnivals and Tex Stuart, sign painter, who has been ELECTRIC FRUIT 223-25 W. Madison St.- the concessioners, will no doubt use theirliving here all winter, moved his head- quota.They did during 1938. quarters to East St. Louis, where he will JUICE EXTRACTOR The retail market for radio has openedbe at work on new show fronts for Extremely powerful.Impossi- bletostied reamer while ex- up tremendously. The great improve-Greater Exposition Shows. tractingfruitjuices.Hand- BINGO OPERATORS ments in the new sets are junking hun- somely finished in lade Green Send for New Special Bingo Circular dreds of thousands of old sets.Consoles Gregg Wellinghof, until recently with Crackle and PolishedNickle withjadegreenglasshowl Just Off the Press. are sure to be the big feature again.The Billboard, was avisitoratThe andporcelainreamer. 91/2" Plans are already being worked out byBillboard Tuesday when he was en route high overall, sturdy c ti. ruc- tion with special stra hoer fit- Prize Merchandise many wholesalers whereby thelargerfrom Cincinnati, his home, to Kansas tingintoglass how I C0.1- Particularly suited for Bingoand and better sets will be the feature andCity, Mo., where he assumes his new vented( ringer con- it is believed that with the better co-position this week. $345 trolswitch.In- Priced to Meet and Beat all Competition cludescordand operation now being received from the Lots of 6 or more plug. We Carry All Equipment. Beginners, see radiomanufacturersthesalesdur- Dee Lang and Elmer Brown, owner and SAMPLE us for Information on Bingo Operation. ing 1937 will easily outshine those ofgeneral agent, respectively, of Dee Lang's GLASS COF- 1936-a record year. Famous Shows, returned yesterday after GENUINE suxFEE MAKER GOLDFAB,111 attending various fair meetings and mak- Constructed of genuine Pyrex NOVELTY COMPANY ing a tour of the Northwest. Glass,guaranteedagainst TheHouse of Service hest breakage. Imitates $3.00 ROUTES - oulek-cooling electric stove, Lots of 6 or more (Continued from page 37) The Missouri Show Women's Club held electric eon] and hotplate 20West 23rd St., NEW YORK CITY Krause Greater: DeLand, Fla.; Fort Myers,its regular weekly meeting Thursday eve- tray.FREE SERVING SAMPLE $3.50 8- 1 3. ning, January 28, as usual. Inclement TRAY also Included. Lawrence,Sam: Lake Worth,Fla.; Newweather and considerable sickness among Dep.with Orders.Bal. (..0.D.F.O.B.N.Y. Smyrna, 8-13. the membership kept down the attend- Reid Greater: Jacksonville Beach. Fla. ance. SALESBOARD DEALS ELGIN or WALTHAM '1 Ea. Plans for the Valentine Dance HereIs a deal thatwillgive youfast action. 7 -Jewel,18 Size Watches.In New White Cases. February 13 were discussed, following MOVIEMATIC 3In 1 CAMERA. PROJECTOR, 7 -Jewel,IC Size Elgin and Waltham, $2.75. which the ladies partook of their usual and WAIII, EVERSHA RP PENCIL COMBINA Flash Carnival Watches that do not run,50c each. SUNSET AMUSEMENT COMPANY luncheon. TioN. 2 of each. Merchandise Retail Value $17.00. Sendfor PriceList. YOUR PRICE $0.00. Takes in $11.90. Your Money Back If Not Satisfied. Hare thefollowing'ExclusiveConcessionsriven CRESCENT CITY SMELTING CO.. Penny Pitch, Cork Gallery.Bowling Alley. Pitch Tested and Proven MONEY MAKER OldGold andSilverBuyers andRefiners, T.eadGallery.Diggers,Palmistry,Custard, Send 102 for Sample Salesearil and Complete In- 113N. Broadway St.Louis,Mo. Fish Pond and Photos.Only legitimate concessions. fOrIIIIII1011.or you canUsepair ownsaieSrardS. Have out fits for Side Show. Athletic, Hawaiian and kansas efty MOVIENIATIC :3in 1 l'A MERA S and PROJEC- RED II 0 T Girl Shows open.P. 0. BOX 253, Oak Park, Ill. TORS CAN 13E iforGirr SEPARATELY. Silly Valentine Cards.lx3" embossed3 KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 30. -Mr. and ADVANCE DISTRIBUTORS, INC. brightcolorswhite VellumStock.$2.011 Mrs. Manny Gunn left this week for 395BROADWAY (DEPT. 8-1) N.Y.C. perlen withEnvelopes. No. 2PostcardOUR PRICES REMAIN LOW! Size 1color.23toasst..$1.00 per 100, Phoenix, Ariz., in their new Silver Dome PHONEY DIPLOM As. 30 ALTHO MDSE. IS GOING UPDeluxe house trailer, bought here from Funny HotSubjectsto FIT the Hand'y Trailer Coaches thru Sales- ALL TYPES suchasGold- WHILE THEY LAST! MEN'S digger, Liar. Builshooter, WRIST WATCHES - Assortedman Charles J. Germaine. This will be Crab.etc. the fourth consecutive year the Gunns These make(lever Valet] - Shapes; 1054 Llgne, 10K Rolled per 100 Valentine Folders with Hot & Gold Plate Case. have been withC.F.Zeiger United tines.$2.00 8 Jewels. Each $3.50 ('literPoetry$2.00per 1110 asst.subjects. It].SH Shows. 11 It I e.:RS or 50c for generous lot of Samples of each. 15 Jewels, Each.. 4.50 NEW! NEW! - Manna's Specials - NEW! NEW! DVEBER HAMPDEN WRIST J. B. Rifle, of Texahoma, Texas, also oz. Gross WATCHES -7-J., $3.00; 15-J.,bought a new Silver Dome as did George FOR PITCHM EN $3.75. 1/13T Y 'MATCHES .$11. 30 SlideBoxN5 ood LADIES' GENUINE DIA-Mason of Omaha, Germaine making the .1 IDSforMaids... 1.20 Tennis RacketI'...3.50 MOND RINGS -10 Karat Solidsales. No No,1000 No's. 1.20 HinduVanisher.... 1.50 Do you knowa DerbyRace Game. .60 Billfold(Magic) ... .60 Gold. $3.50andUp; 14 Karat, R. E. Haney has just returned from a $4.50 sod UP. dozen or two men to foxPuzzle.... .35 Tumbling Ring... .65 sales trip thru the Middle West, and re-whom you cansellfine,All -Wool wingTime .90 AeroplaneTrick .. . 4.00 ELGIN & WALTHAM-ISports he has closed several sales forNIade-to-Measure Suits -if you show Jac,AssPuzzle .65 Coln & Ring Trick 1.30 Size. Ralircod Model e2.00 them BIG Savings1If you do -send GIFTS for Bride 1.35 4 Paddles 1.011 Cue, 7 -Jewel, Hunting Movement. Each.4, for my Tailoring Line. Make some Gi it sfor Groom 1.33 CardUnderGlass .95 15 -Jewel, $2.50; 17 -Jewel. $2.75. Wind :Matches .30 SPECIAL PRICES FOR QUANTITY USERS easy money for yourself and get your Squirt Cigarettes -our own --American Make. Guaran- Sample 50c Extra. Every $1.00 Gets you$5.00own clothes FREE. No experience required. Worksi al ret ime. Once tet dPerfect.NOT .1AP SLUM $6.30 Orig..Toilet25% Deposit, Balance C. 0. D. Send for Catalog. Yes,sir.realprofit. Goodrich you 14 Env. 1.Dozenlit/e.Order from Sungetstart eel TragicTickets to Hone Workers alwayshave to above,or$2.00for50Samples. N. SEIDMAN dough.and when youtellpros- tansellnotonly friciels--but MAGNOTRIX NOV. CORP., 136 Park Row, New York173 Canal Street, NEW YORK,N.Y. pectsHonesaremadebythe dozens, even hundreds. of snits to oth- Goodrich Co., Est.18114. they buyer men in yourIt orality. Every gar - with confidence.Pitchinen. Win-wont made -to -measure withtine cus- dow Workers, Distrs. write for lowtom workmanship.Positively guaran- gro.prices.Best season ahead.teed to fit and satisfy.Beautiful out- Sample 10c. fit with 100 Big Samples and 200 Each Hone In GOODRICH, Style Plates sent. FREE. WriteToday! We Stole the SHOW 50c Silver De 1500 West Madison. JIM FOSTER, Inc., a 225I -F S. Spaulding Aye., Chicago Everyone at the Chicago show wanted Luxe Box. Dept.13G-2 Chicago one of these distint'tive, new, beauti- fully streamlined radios. An attractive cabinet with a highly lustrous lacquer finish, and the front panel is a mirror made of the highest quality plate glass NEW FLASH EASTER NOVELTIES and finishedinvarious colors. Featuring a Clever Line of Comic Costumed Fur Rabbits and These radios are designed and built Easter Novelties exclusively for salesboard and coin ma- chine operators and concessioners. We for PREMIUMS - SPECIALS - SALESBOARDS. do not sell to retail stores.Write for Cet Started Now -For that Easter Rush. Catalog Free - details and prices. State Business When Writing. CORD-MELANE COMPANY WISCONSIN DELUXE CORP 1616WestOgden Ave. Chicago, DI. 1902 NORTH THIRD ST., MILWAUKEE, WIS. 66 The Billboard WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE PIPES February 6, 1937

NEW POPULAR STYLES REMINGTON Yellow and Rho- PENS PENCILS COMBO'S dium line o fRings -includes Men's& Ladles' JOHN F. SULLIVAN La Rhoda 459 Broadway, NEW YORKCITY. ThreeG F: M INBILL BAKER N U W REX HONES vs stoneIIir t Each (Cincinnati Office) Numbers Now Less Than jc and CAM - $4.25 aGross WHENEVER A PITCHMAN finds the dope as to how you find the South? Will e 11 12 ill% S. Send 51.00. Bal. C. 0. D., weather too hot or too cold to work, put him Sample Plus Postage, leave for Chicago soon, where I expect to Line Each Hone in flashy silver down as a sunshine hustler or lobby-gow.A stay for three or four weeks." avail - box, price' GOr. A realfast genuine pitchman will finda way, whether a de-IS Rings. $2.00.Sold only to Dealers. rutting abrasive stene.,! good it be store rooms, horse -back or indoor shows, . . quality. W mderrul DOC HARRY CODY . Writefor32 -Page jewelryCatalogj strator is Pitchman.Heue nice are cleaning mt. is reported to be clicking with his med containing Best Selling Items. All REX-HONE MFRS., 1500 West package in the Hoosier State. Madison, BR -1,Chicago,Iii. BOB POSEY . . . HARRY PAKULA & CO., lines from Greenville,Miss.:"Am cross- 5 North Wabash Ave.. Chicago. WHITESTONERINGS ing Ole Mississippi again.Tobacco mar-HERE ARE SOME GOOD . Of Unusual Appeal and Beauty.kets treated me fair, when one considersspots for the boys who are planning to Introducing theNEW POPULAR make the territory in and near St. Louis. LaRAY GEMS''' Ladles' and It was a short season.Paper men wereGeneral and Emerson Electric Companies, Men'sIn Rhodium andGoldFin- there in great numbers.I met Young ish. Send$2.00for 20 Samples. Independent Packing. Chesterfield plant, We also carry a fullline of CRYS- Gibson and Harry Hemingway in Tupelo,French Market, Soulard Market, Biddle TAL Jewelryandotheritemsfor Miss.Tommy O'Connor is getting his DEMONSTRATORS and ENGRAVERS. FreeCat- share, despite the many rains, but thereMarket and the block on Sixth street, alog. OLYMPIC BEAD NOVELTYCO., 307 5th are few of the tripes and keister brigadebetween Delmar and Franklin streets, all Ave.. New York City. visible on corners at this writing. Wouldin St. Louis.East St. Louis: the corner HEADQUARTERS FOR like to read pipes from Al and AnnaatDivision and Collinsville streetsis SPECTACLES and GOGGLES INCREASE YOUR Decker, Jim Osborn and Edward Louray.open, but proceed cautiously; the alumi- We carry a Complete Line of Goggles, AGENTS PROFITS 300,; num plant, stock yards and Hunter Pack- FieldGlasses,Mk, nsropeeandOptical Will Jump into Eastern Oklahoma soon Merchandise. Our pricesare the lowest SendyourFull Name.Address,anda self-ad- ing Company.A number of plants can anywhere. dressed,stamped envelopefor thedetailsofthis and then make the cream days in Min-be worked at Madison and Venice, across simpleplan whichwillIncreaseyourprofitsas nesota." much as 300%, and moreIn some eases!Thisis the river from the Mound City, while at NEW ERA OPTICAL CO. amageitraa. no exaggerationbut BARE FACTS. LET US Granite City a corner can be worked with Optical Specialties PROVE OUR STATEMENT AT NO COST TO "HAVE BEEN WORKING . . the steel mills and the enamelware works 17N.Wabash Ave., Chicago, M. YOU. R. GLASS BUSINESS BUREAU, DEPT. B Milwaukee with the curlers," letters Joanmaking good gate spots.The tannery at Ellwood City, Pennsylvania. Littel from the Cream City."This townHarford and the refineries at Woodriver certainly is a red one.It's the first timeare also swell gate spots. A few miles up ATTENTION in yearsIever worked a spot wherethe line and you are in East Alton. TheNovelty and roneession men, a new seller or give SPECIAL NOTICE money is plentiful in January.Knebelcartridge works there is a red one as a away for small premium. The Loot's Prayer or the to our Ten l'ommanihmints on a Copper.Retails at 3c. to and Goldberg are here and getting theirgate spot. At Alton, the boxboard, paper pun 1 earn.They set on a paper easeL FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS share, while Kenny and the missus aremill, lead works, steelmill and glass Sample 10c. Our factoryIsentirely outoftheflood area and weknocking 'em dead with corn remedy." works, along with the big government can make prompt shipments as usual. DAVE MARKUS CEL-TON-SA MEDICINECO.,. project on the river, are real red spots 600 Blue Island Ave., Chicago, Ill. 1016 Central Ave.. Cincinnati, TAKE INVENTORY of your sellingability. for a hustler.And don't overlook Dupo, M. F. Guyer, Sales Mgr. If you find the supply short, bear down onwhere the big railroad shops are located. the intestinal fortitude and "I will." In addition thereare numerous coal AGENTS mines, with a pay-day every two weeks, waiting for some good gelt-garnerer to EASTER, BIRTHDAY AND CONVALES- PEN WORKERS ! HARRY MAIERS . . . CENT GREETING CARDS, CREAM OF THEMALLI give it the once over. In Boxed Assortments. Sensational New Cork Pi Pen "Mayor of Park Row," blasts from Frost- burg. Md., that he has been in 17 states Very liberal commissions.Writefor par- TWO BOYS . . ticulars. - since Christmas and that, due to badwho are reported to be getting their weather, it has been tough all over.He share of the long -green, working market DOROTHEA ANTEL DRAWS THE CROWDS infers that Frostburg is open at $1 per 226 West 72d Street, New York, N. Y. Sample 2Se Write for price list and factory spots in St. Louis, are Oliver MUTH day and that the chief is okeh and "for BENSON PEN CO,,'8MINNPELYAPOOLIS,MINN. it."He also infos that Cumberland isand Gerard F'itzmaurice, sons of Calcu- open at the court house to a $3 reader.lator Williams. Harry says that during his travels he MEDICINE HEADQUARTERS stopped off in Nashville long enough to OCCASIONALLY a half -smartboy,who A complete Medicine Show, private label, and Office usually over -indulgesinthe pastime of ex- Special Line.SUPERIOR SERVICE. Wholes -ale Spring Starts New Season visit the grave of his old friend, Tom Catalog and 011ice Special Price List upon request. Rogers.He records the following preva- horting"I,"satirically wise -cracks that the Eaf h-prismthou.:and,of men lookfor new sue- boys willbe rewarded for working on the GENERAL PRODUCTS LABORATORIES .1t1t1 soap lentconditions in Missouri: "Towns are at chart. are con,ttntl) square. Well, the history of Pitchdom has Mtg. Pharmacists, rhtnging. and 1.'1'4.1111g1,01.111,1'11.11111ar. heti, wide open for horse racing, with a ped- 137 E. Spring Street, Columbus, 0. lo.ti liftthe',tact.. Full.,tiePass. Write proved that the boys who do work square prnth,01).. dler's reader costing 85 cents a month. Pitchmen in one spot must get what is are not moochers and are listed among the' ttsIt x .iri--W,ttrtt,rt ,tt;;;os_ Jot .tt-it7tt u .tt -tt..tt ,tt:ult GEOGRAPHICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY known as a merchant's license.This is survival of the fittest. 621Plymouth Court Chicago,III. priced at $8 per month."Harry says he will soon be in New York. JOE CLARK . . save 80% of garter fame, fogs thru that he recently Buy your Sundries,Specialties,Seppties, Eg Blades, ete..direct frommann' aeturer made Hopkinsville, Ky., with corn punk through ourMail -OrderDepartment. All . . INCLUDED AMONG . to good business. r;,.9 ordersmailedpostpaid byus. We hale PENNY SANDWICHESthe pitch fraternity who made the West- Rcatalog. SendforFREEmail-orderrt ern Stock Show, Denver, according to H.ONE OF THE BOYS gi THE N -R MFO. CO., li Sell 't I hithe un the creel t, Tam, were Red and Carl Powell, George d4 Dept. H-81, Box 353, Hamilton, Ontario.u ith, ,al ,th I still. - 1'1141, 1111 in the field reports that the reader atritlIt ll It 2t X u 9' it It XII it to,a,11.1, and 0. Peck, H. Roberts, F. Ellis, F. Calla- :00001111:gggx-gia,1 111 u snap, ,elit I'll, )1,11 Ire, (let Cadiz. Ky., Ls $3 per day and cannot be situ,hw I. an I errlsatapli.,postthl han. F. Gates and S. Phillip. oii,S'..! en on .tartof capital. Hurry reduced. ,,etInthis 11,55 an Itlerel)1111.0 -getter. GEORGE MICHAELS AMBERINE UNBREAKABLE A.T.DIETZ CO. FRANK HAITHCOX . . of Indianapolis, infos that business for Money Making Specialties,2144 Madison, Toledo,0. scribes that he is now in Orlando and setthe last six months has been up to par COMBS financially and politically.He writes SELL ON SIGHT that he put over two successful minstrelsand that the novelty hustlers are sur- UNDERWOOD in that city recently under Elks spon-prising him with the size of their orders. Send for Copy of sorship. Our 1837 GUY WARNER . . . CATALOG fresh air exponent of Pitchdom, is work- OEZSE-ElEgg- THE PITCHMAN who serenades a confab VICTORY COMB and NOVELTY COMPANY, ing out of Nashville to a swell business. P.0. Bon 141. StationA,Flushing,N.Y. I FIT'S COMBOS.-SEE GRODIN with what "I" usedto do-probably neverHe says that he would like to read pipes The flu din linei, "Tops. Don't hey anything in did. from Jimmy Lockwood and Harry Wil- Pens orI', mdis till con gat our high oludity ,Inv liams. GENUINE DIAMOND RING prim; list of bargains.Write today. BOBBY DALE . Solid Gold Mounting GRODIN PEN CO., 398 Bidway,NEWYork, N. Y. according to a late report, is still gettingBILLY AND MABEL BEAM . . for Catalog. Biggest Bar- the long green in the Carolinas. have been going great guns with their gainsin UsedWatchesand .95 gensen package, working the hot spots 'diamonds In the Country. TOMMY HOY . in the Lone Star State. H. SPARBER & CO.. is getting a big kick out of his house -car. 108 North 7th Street, St. Louis, Mo. He seems to be at peace with the world IT'S BETTER to eliminate one of your own anyfair serest and is enjoying life.The wolf is being faults than 100 in a fellow pitchman. at held at bay, as far as Tommy is con- FATHER & SON cerned, by an entanglement of barbedERNESTATHERTON . . STROPPING SETS 4 wE) WITH Slat CUTTER. wire. Indianapolis pen ace,reportsa swell Goingover bigger than ever business with the ink sticks. E.P. FITZPATRICK "OPENED HERE. 501 N. Van Buren St. Wilmington, Del. Monday in a chain store to terrible busi-DOORWAYS IN . ness," letters Dr. George M. Reed fromIndianapolis are reported open.AfellowA Two -Inch Strop, Holder and Dressing, with Car- must be armed with a permit from the tons. This is real merchandise. No splits. Retail IMITATION DIAMONDS Anderson, Ind., under date of Januarybuilding owner, however.Otherwise, it's for Make Tooth Shipped 1`,0. D. 22. "There are 12.000 people on strikejust too bad. $15.00 PER GROSS. A CLOSE-OUT SALE! Thefinest qualityore - Also 11y"Sets at $12.00 Per Gross. here with no sign of them going back Both Samples, 35c. brilliant grade.nerfe, tipfa, etcut, mil :markers, .1,to work for at least two weeks.John SOAPY WILLIAMS . . . ;mootonecarati=ninelari,r).Sellensightunder Kennedy and themissusclosed their tie -has been getting the gelt with his Chi- STEWART MFG. CO. %alloystradenames at ftnow ;ad: U %Thu, form demonstrations in Indianapolis re-nese health package, while the missus FT. WAYNE, IND. last,sample, 2%e ; ; cently and left for Springfield, 0. Walterhas been covering the spots worked by only, no Ca p.Order aton. e.Sale list FREE. Reed, of corn -punk fame, and Joe Bar- kou. the "inhalator wizard." are tellingSoapy for repeats, MEN New Way To Earn Money! MEXICAN GEM IMPORTING CO., Monterey, Cal. WOMEN IJoinEmbroidery Guild! it to the natives in Indianapolis.Just Asp as Agent for 1,;NI SRO I DERV (SCOLD. No JACK LAMORE . . had a letter from Art Cox, which states membership fee. Sellstamped artneedleworkfor that he can leave the sanitarium anyhas been getting some real touches with embroidery. Readysalesamong homew Ives,friend:, VETERANS' BIG SELLERS! his rad packages, working to a conglam- eliths-previdingopportunityforbig income,enieY- I Mr sale. ate -.inv.. I let ) share. New' time he desires.He also says that the pidenewrunt/letsInfreetime. l'onheystamped Great, Flash Primer of '1,11-t 1-],rrN missus isgetting along fineafter herorous tip attracted by his clever magic ulaterlals direct Willi/IA:SALE: easy retailing ;it 11111-t11:1, i`01,1`. Will Iteger:' Latest ,(eke., bally. bag mark Sturinlngpatterns.materials.tomake Flashy Arno sl1.1` Day Closing Veterans' recent operation. Wonder if Hubert Hull intolovelyartlelesfor home and persanaluse;uni- .M.thazi he. HolidayFla,let, V et ran.' Joke and his missus are still in Mississippi.JOE WALL . . versal appealto women. Write for FREE illustrated Books,:2,,:is'. l'atrtht ie Season, of gensen note, continues to do a goodcatalog-start earning Orin away, Sri1111,1,, lee. VETERANS' SERVICEWhat seems to be the trouble. Bert? EMBROIDERY GUILD, MAGAZINE, 157 Leonard Street, New York. Why don't you pipe in and give us thebusiness In the Motor City, 30 W. 15th St.,Dept. 158 New York City February 6,1937 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE PIPES The Billboard 67

THE GOLDSTANS . . . Roy Clayton and Mrs. Charlie Kittridgepast season was a good one for me, of Terre Haute, Ind., have been goingare also here. Would like to read someworking thru Pennsylvania with herbs well with their jewelry layouts in thepipes from Harry Kramer and Herb John-and corn punk. Also worked drug stores stores, working Illinois, Indiana, Ohioson.What is the matter with you old-to gratifying results.I started in chain and Michigan. timers? Do you all have a kink in yourstores in October, worked Washington arm? Worked a pitch here last Sundayfor five weeks; New Orleans, three weeks, JACK CROWLEY . . . and saw Mary Ragan working to fair biz."and then spent the holiday season in shoots from Denver that he has just con- New York, making a few pitches on cluded working his soap and med pack- STRANGE AS it may seem, "a high-pow-14th street with corn punk to some good fir. 3 afe in a storeroom in the Colorado me-ered" baby is always a has-been or will betakes.Will close here tomorrow after tropolis and that business was far better one, while an every -day business man isjusttwo weeks of only fair business.Will go than he had anticipated. He states fur-that. to New York for a week or so and then ther that he will remain in that neck of head for the South.Would like to see the woods until spring, when he will in-HARRY (DOC) AUSTIN .. . some pipes from Joe Clark and some $ vade Detroit and neighboring spots. who has been working with Chick andof the boys who used to make Terre Helen Varnell for the last two yearsHaute in the good old days." SPECTACULAR without a layoff, cracks from Columbus, TOBY JOHNSON . . DEMONSTRATOR iihks from Tulsa, Okla., that conditions0.,after a long silence:"Have been ate a shade rough there at present andplaying lots in the summer and halls AMATEUR COOKS in the commissary de- PROVEN SELLER that plenty of snow has fallen.Some ofin the winter to some good business.partmentfrequentlydrivevaluablepeople the boys there according to Toby are TheLaidoff during theholidaysat myaway from an organization. Moral: Why daughter's home here.Have been work-can't the manager eat in the cookhouse him- 100% PROFIT Little Beavers, Harry Delaney, Doc Black self. and Doc Anderson. Toby says that theying night clubs, doing my pocket magic HERE is the fastest -selling number that's ever are all getting by, too. and ventriloquism, and havealready hit, for highway selling. So spectacular - draws big crowds immediately. Every boy -6 to 60 booked some return dates.Will openETHELM. HART . . . prospect.Not a flimsy balsa -wood model . . soon with The Varnells." scribes from Birmingham:"Have made -a redhot "''HIS TOWN airplane, butsturdy, crash -proof job. Every piece certainly is hot and there is plenty of various towns in North and South Caro- separately machined. You can fly 'em out of sight. lcIng green in evidence," blasts D.J.AL BURDICK . . . lina since leaving the Queen City sev- Jacoby from Milwaukee."Caught theroving sign painter, Infos from Houstoneralmonths ago.There's plentyof * Make $10 to $25 per Day * Kennys working a corn demonstration inthat he has been doing a swell businessmoney in those sections, but due to the a 'local store here and they were gettingin the Tri-City.Recent visitors to Al'sfact that the weather was very cold I That's what numerous highway demonstrators Op money. Jack Kneble, with the cornoffice were Chief White Cloud and thedidn't work much.Joined the LeRoy report. No house -to -house selling -no soliciting. punk, is also going to town.This is themissus.They all enjoyed a huge fishorganizationatWinston-Salemand best spot I've ever seen for a foot dem-dinner.Al adds that the latch -string isworked with them in Augusta, Ga., dur- WRITE TODAY FOR DEAL Have been enjoying a swellever out to all the boys traveling his way.ing the holidays. They returned to Ten- Get in on this before your onstration. $ territory is gone. Don't de- business outdoors with static elimina- nessee and I came here. The Magic City lay-write now-season just tors." UNDERLYING the pomp and glitter and theiswell represented by the tripes and opening. odor of sawdust and naphtha is a system ofkeister fraternity.They include Griffin, SAIL -0 -PLANE Mfg. Co. STARTING OUT with the thought in mind government and management whose scale andoil; Billy Whitecloud, herbs; Miller, med; DEPT. A. that you are going toclick, isa sure-fire sign scope are stupendous and staggering. Jack Peavey, oil and corn med; Perry, 243 West Adams Street that you will succeed. gummy; Crumpton, Barnard and yours LOS ANGELES, CALIF. LOUIE WHITEMAN . . who has been working chain stores with JOHNNY McLANE . . the gummy package, has been clicking to pencils from Pittsburgh:"Alert Pitts-some huge takes. When we say he is an burgh pitchmen are cashing in on the MILLIONSOF WORKING MEN AND BUSI- floods.Rising waters are attracting bigextraordinary worker, we don't mean SHEETWRITERS tips and the pitchmen are here on themaybe. NESS MEN ARE WAITING FOR YOU TO bridges among the vast crowds.They PAPERMEN BRING THEM A MEMBERSHIP IN THE can thank the disaster for the perfectGEORGE SHIELDS . . ballyhooortheirbusinessacumen,with his sex and health book talks, is which? Have been here two weeks.working Atlanta with his house -car plat- NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Talked with Jack Potter recently and heform pitch and loading the natives with told me who is in town.There's a listinformation on how to stay happy and of them as long as your arm.I want tohealthy. toLEGALIZEthePRINCIPLESofNRA AnIncorporatedNationwide Organization workingforthese NRA principles: thank the boys who panned me for giv- A LIAR should have a good memory. Did ing the correct dope on Detroit.If theyyou ever have one tell you about a whale of a (I)RegulationofHours andWages. principlesof NRA and whowillpersonally want to play that way, it's okeh with (2) EliminationofUnfair Trade Practice. contributetosee these principleslegalized. passout he made, then turn right around a (3) Abolishment ofChildLabor. The National Association to Legalize the Prin- me." few minutes later and ask to make a loan? (4)Federal LoanstoBusinessforExpansion ciplesof NRAis anincorporatednon-profit Purposes. organization, devoting itself to the task of see- The landslidevictory ofPresidentFranklin RICTON . . . ing NR.Vs principlesputinto actualpractice. inks that he"I CAN SEE . . D.Rooseveltinthelastelectionisdefinite Itoffers you the greatest opportunity ycu have nothing but prosperity for the future," proof thatthere are millionsof working men everhadtofurthertheseprinciplesandto is holding forth in Graham, Ga., to good throughout the country who want to support the snake big moneyatthesametime. business.He adds that there are manytells N. F. Tate, of the Tate -Lax med other shows in that territory and allcompany, from Waco, Tex., where he is seem to be getting their share of thewintering.He bases his prediction on YOU COLLECT $1.00 * YOUR COST 25c the fact that Texas has had lots of rain Yousolicitmembershipsinthisnationalorganization. Youcollect$1.00 gelt. and cold weather this year, which means foreach membership and yougivethesubscriber a Membership Certificate, a PetitiontoCongress and detailed literature regardingthe aims and pur- that there will be more business for the poses of the association. SHORTY WALKER . . . showmen later on."Have just com- after a long silence, shoots from Longpleted building a free museum, contain- DON'T LOSE A MINUTE! THOUSANDS ARE SIGNING UP EVERY DAY! - Getbusy today! Beach, Calif.:"This is supposed to being relics from many parts of the world." 100 Membership Certificates. 1/3 Or send SIAM for a trialsetof 4 Mem- the land of sunshine, but, as far as theTate adds. 100 Petitions to Congress. Deposit, bership Certificates.Petitions to Congress sun is concerned, I believe we've had an Full Set of Credentials, Lit - Balance and Complete Particulars.Prove to your- e] ;storeand Tips on how to C.O.D. self thatlidsisthe greatest opportunity eclipse for the last month.California isVIRGINIA PEARCE . . . present your message. you have ever had. tough and getting tougher. The readerworking astrology, reports that she is at '25" in Los Angeles is $15 for six months, withKnoxville, making the markets and will NATIONAL ASSOCIATION to LEGALIZE the PRINCIPLES of NRA very few spots available.The boys are subject to a snatch any time the copsbe in Atlanta shortly. Executive Offices: Suite 2002, 220 West 42nd St. New York, N. Y. are in the mood. There are a number ofTOMMY BURNS JR. . . workers here, however, including Jerryis working rug cleaner in chain stores Russell, Bennie Stone, Johnnie Hicks andand, from reports,isgiving a mighty Sam Jones, all jam men. Soap workersgood account of himself. CI I .1L1\\\* WWI \\I \\ .\\N 1.1~ I LW K1 LW 10 L\ MEMORIES: When Jim Ferdon, "ThePITCHMEN SALES PROMOTERS Great Pizarro," in. his heyday toured the country with a20 -man minstrel and Pitchdom sat up and took notice of the cash in on RECAMIER'Snew deal 5 business he was doing.Afterwards Jim Successor to the Business Conducted by purchased acres of real estate in Cali- fornia.Those were the good old days. HARRIET HUBBARDHUBBARD AYER Ask Jim. During Year 1886-1887. mate WHEN A confab is held after a go -in at a$ Sensational 4 -Piece Deal of 1937 norn gate and one of the boysisbeefing Perfume-Lipitick-Face Powder-Cold Cream STEAMED about a sore eye, he doesn't mean an aching Not Connected with Business Conducted Since 1907 by optic, he means some one got more ona 5 LEASES passout than he did and the green-eyed mon- HARRIET HUBBARD AYER ster made him a sore "I." C. & C. LABORATORIES, I Send 50c for Sample Deal Postpaid I EDDIE NICHOLSON . . . 12 Deals $3.60--96 Deals $25.60 sheetwriter for The Southern Agricul- A 307FifthAve., New York City I SEE -RITE turist, stopped off at the pipes desk last , 25% Deposit With Orders week en route to Lebanon, 0., to attend4&\\41,116.1% \\MIMI LI lh kNIMW the funeral services of his father, J. F. Nicholson, well known to the sheet - writing fraternity.The elder Nicholson, whose death resulted from an automo- DISTRIBUTORS FOR STATE RIGHTS bile accident near Nashville, was also a To sell Multiple Writer, an attachment that fits any standard make type- sheetwriter for The Southern Agricultur- writer. Makes from one to four copies without the use of carbon paper. ist.Eddie infoed that he plans to head south after the services. References, financial statement required. MULTIPLE WRITERS, INC., JAMES A. TAYLOR . . Grand Rapids, Mich. who has been wintering with his folks 200 Division Ave. N., in Rochelle, Ga., blasts from that city for EYEGLASSES, WMOSHIELOS, MIRRORS that he has been working bachelor but- tons, sharpeners, rad and flukem in that neck of the woods and that he plans to Demonstrators - Pitchmenbegin working can openers in a few BUST OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT Clean upinnext2 monthswith See -Rite -days.He also infos that Doc Trueblood Sells to homes, offices, clubs, stores, etc. Tremendous appeal. Quick seller. 250%profit.Demonstrators averaging $50.00and Bert Russell were in Rochelle last, Popular price. Goad profits for agents and canvassers. Splendid prize and day.Each See -Rite tube attachedtoflashy $1 3 -color 4x6 counter card as illustrated. See -Riteweek. premium item. Write today for prices and illustrated folder. Sample eliminatessteam andfrostfrom eyeglasses, plus postage. windshields,etc.Act quickly.Send 25c for"THIS IS MY . . . FIRST NATIONAL DISTRIBUTION CO., 1775 Broadway, NewYork City sample, quantity prices and fullselling plan.firstpipe in15years," shoots Harry A.INSKO SN. WABASH AV. CHICAGO(Doc) Murray from Pittsburgh."The 68 The Billboard WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE -PIPES February 6, 1937 truly, rad.Pipe in, Kathryn KeatingINCLUDED AMONG . . . referee wrestling and boxing matches. and Peggy and Mack, of haunted paddlethe contingent of sheetwriters at the You boys and girls who have been or are His services have been in demand in St. fame." Ogden (Utah) Stock Show, according to in the flood area, shoot a pipeiffor no Louis, Kansas City, Mo., Indianapolis, other reason than tolet your dear ones Decatur and Evansville, Ill., Minneapolis, Eddie Holmes, were Whitey Ellis,Joe and close friends know thatyou areokeh PROFESSOR J. B. KING . . Barrel, Spike Cross, Fat Johnson, Blackey and inthe land of the living. Inquiries Terre Haute, Ind., and Des Moines. How- after being confined in St. Luke's Hos-Foster, Collar -Box Kelley, Parrot Brown- have been made regarding the safety of ever, when the Hennies Bros.' Shows take pital, Jacksonville, Fla., for the last sixing, Sunny Austin, Ross Elijah;Pete, some ofyoftthru The Billboard.Write to the road in the spring, it's a safe bet weeks, recuperating from injuries sus-Buck, Mike, Ike and Herman Nissen; immediately andrelievetheanxietyof that Harry will be operating his jam tained when a garage door fell on him, Lee Gates, P. G. Murphy, Al Meyers, Carl those who are worried about you. store on that caravan. is now in Chicago with his sister. He Wendt, Dan Evans,PocatelloShorty, MRS. HARRY HOWARD . . . says he will be in a plaster cast untilCurly Gates, George Peck, Legs Beadle,INCLUDED AMONG . . . April and is anxious to read pipes from Steve Lasher, Earl White and the missus;the knights of the tripod fraternity inshoots from Fayetteville, Tenn., that the NickDelo,SailorFrankandotherlam Bill Murray, Kenneth Drake, ShortySt. Louis are Charles Lorenzen, Mr. andHoward aggregation has had a successful friends. Wrightman,Frank Duggan, SheriffMrs. Mack Botsford, Dr. White and Dr.play in Western Tennessee, but since the Dolan, Charles Bonner and China BobChester. cold weather has set in barns and ware- MONEY SPOTS:Indiana:Courthouse cor- and the missus. houses are hard to rent. She infos, how- Very good Sat- ever, that they are managing to stay in ner at Huntingdon is open. TOMMY ATKINS . the money by putting out the tonic. urday spot.Court house corner, Anderson;FOUR MINERS. . . has been working still most of the win- fair on week days, good Saturday.Plants atsingingquartet,comprisingTommyter with his mineral waters and is re- Muncie are also going well, with about twoBreen, Tom Morgans, Tom Weaver andported to be in the money. DR. MARTIN BLACK . . . full weeks work for anylive -wire. Inter-Ernie Schoen, with Joe Wetter "crying Tulsa, Okla., flash, wig -wags from that Ft. Wayne,is metropolis that he is now on the road to nationalHarvester Company, the blues," are now playing Scranton,JACK HUNT . . . Pa.Boys are well known in Pitchdom. recovery after a very serious illness and plenty good.Co after it and then count the working the pin -on tails at the indoorwould like to hear from Joe O'Brien, who sheckles. and outdoor skating rinks, is getting aused to make Tulsa in the old days when IT REQUIRES technique and brains to out-good play with the item, despite beingthere was plenty of money to be made in wit intelligence.Anyone can beat ignorance,pounded the past year. that neck of the woods. He adds that if innocenceoran unsuspecting "chumpor a fellow doesn't want to work out of the monkey." Whybrag? TRIPOD OPININGS:The know-it-allmoney in Tulsa, he had better stay away BIG VALUES guy doesn't need the information fur-as the town has been closed in the more THE MOVEMENT . . nished by the Pipes Department or any-important spots. He says, however, that MONEY MAKERS of business men to have South street,one else.That's the reason his shoes arethere are still a few spots which will get Philadelphia, converted into a Fifth ave-worn out and he's on h:s feet again. Aspirin,4 Breath Pellets, etc. a boy coffee money. 25 Card Lots Asst.Each Card 6c nue is meeting a stiff fight by pitchmen and spielers, who find winter employ- THE INDOOR circuses held this winter have United Blades D.E., 5 to Attractive$3.50 REPORTS COMING IN . . . Cellophaned Pkg., 1000 Blades ment atthebusinessestablishmentsbeen drawing good crowds. A number ofindicate that Floyd B. Johnstone and Shaving and Dental Cream. Flashy 4.20 concentrated along that row. The ques- them will be stagedth'I nonthand next. Margy have been clicking and are con- Large Size Tubes.Gross Assorted tion of democracy and free speechis templating buying a car and trailer outfit Army and Navy Needle Books. 1.10 being brought up by the latter, who haveWORD COMES . . . with a working compartment attached to Each In 25c Envelope. Gross the support of medicine men and mu-fog -horning thru that Herbert Casper,rear from which Doc will make his lec- Deposit With All C. 0. D. Orders. seum houses along the street.An anti -Chicago ace, enjoyed a swell holiday and POLICY: OnlyOneShipping Point for Low tures. Overhead and Lowest Prices. barker ordinance is already on the citypost -holiday basin::_:-. statute books as of the year 1864, but in CECIL LINNABARRY . . . "We Sell The World Over" 1917 the Court of Common Pleas deniedA FEATURE STORY . is reported to be getting a good trade an injunction curbing spielers and saidtitled"PresentDayPitchmanUses with his wire and jewelry layout. * UNIVERSAL WHOLESALERS* to hush 'em up and yank 'em awaySmoother and More Effective Chatter," would be an infringement of their duly 901 Broadway New York, N. Y. i which appeared recently in The San An-CURLEY BURNETT . . . constituted democratic rights. tonio Sunday Light, hangs a lot of favor-working county seat towns, is clicking able paper for Pitchdom in general. Thewith his automobile intensifiers. PITCHMAN'S SAYINGS:"If I amidarticle makes prominent mention of Doc only drive a car."-Si Ullman. WilliamLancasterand DocEdwardLUTHER FRY . . . Johnson.Piece, which was written bywho has been working the tonic and lini- FREESHIRTS,TIES, GIVE CREDITwhen itis due. NI and HOSIERY Ed Nerl, staff writer for the paper, wasment out of St. Louis, is preparing to accompanied by four two -column pic- (See PIPES on page 69) OFFERS TO CUSTOMERS HUSTLER'S TIP:The Social Securitytures depicting pi.e,,rn-n at work. SELLING TANNERS NEW SPRING Act ledger advertised in, The Billboard SHOE LINEforMen, Women, would make a wonderful item as a give-THE WRITER . . Children. Newest colors. Newest leathers. Superb away with anything sold by house -to -has authoritative evidence that Dr. Dee Pitchdom Five Years Ago quality assures repeats. Gold house canvassers.The housewife will beColby is not dead.As a matter of fact, Bond guarantees satisfaction.AMAZ-interested in keeping an account of thehe is very much alive and is exclaiming ING FREE SHIRTS, TIES, HOSIERYexpenditures on the act and for this rea-himself as the health evangelist and gen- Jay G. Shore began operation of OFFERS TO CUSTOMERS bring largeson every home should be a 100 per centtleman from Arkansas.Colby was seen his third pitch store on West 125th orders. Latest sport styles. Full range street, New York, where he was Liberal bon us plan pro-prospect when the little book is givenjust two weeks ago in Corbin, Ky. ofsizes. vides our repre-with any item of merit. Astrological demonstrating a razor stropper of . hisownmake. . . . Napiethe mar errs caassummass ass/sentativeswithhustlers could increase their business noJ. M. LARABEE . F' E bonuslittle by giving the book with each fore-inks from Springfield. Mo., that he has Newsie reported that Joe Clark, of YOUR OW! SHOFSFAVEshoes. cast. been in. that city since October, where pen fame, was doing a crystal -gaz- he is managing a crew of six people, ing stunt in Miami, and that Mor- LASTING FOOT HEALTH WITH SELF A BUSY mind isa happy mind. selling house -to -house with the lingerie ris Sobel, another big pen man, ADJUSTING ARCH Wonderfulspecial in- to swell business. was wintering in Oklahoma City. built steel arch support, exclusive with . . . . Smithreturnedto Tanners, makes sales easy. Famous self-DOC A.M. JOHANSEN . . Bernie adjusting arch protector gives supportblasts from Omaha that he has Just cele- IT IS NOW definitely settled that Hagen - pitching humanitones in Atlanta. to feet and entire body. Needed by hun-brated his 50th birthday anniversary and beck -Wallace Circus will again be on the road He hadn't worked the spot since dreds. Big selling season on. No expe-is still going strong in that neck of the aftera season's absence. Itwill be taken 1912.... Chickasha, Okla., rience or investment needed. We furnishwoods.He adds that he is grieved toout by Edward Arlington and 1. Frank Hatch, turned out to be a bloomer for all equipment FREE including big $30learn of the death of Benny Krause, toboth having much experience in show busi- Andy Stenson. . . . Joe O'Neill was sample outfit of actual shoes. We pay hibernating by the sad sea waves postage. Send today for FREE Sales Kit.whom he pays the following tribute:"A ness. good friend and a real trouper has left of Atlantic City. . . . Jack Reed TANNERS SHOE CO. OILITFIT SAM KEELER . . was finding cash scarce and diffi- 569 C Street,Boston, Mass. FREE ink -stick worker, writes from Aurora, Ill., cult to get in the Carolinas.. . . "PLENTY OF PITCHMEN . . that he is putting on as many as four Chief Running Elk had Just been will be disappointed next spring if theycoupon pen deals in as many different released from the Veterans Hos- intend to work the same spots they hadtowns in a single week and is going just pital, Marion, 0., where he had SELL SUPER QUALITY BLADES the past summer," cracks I. W. High-as good as he did before the holiday sea- been confined for seven weeks. . . That Repeat tower from Detroit. "New stores are fill-son.Sam is headed for Missouri and In the absence of Sergeant Poulos. ing in the lots where Doc Young andOklahoma and intends to spend a few sojourning in Atlantic City, Frank Made of Pittsburgh's Best Surgical Steel. company had their Radiumac flash. Newweeks in his home town, Bartlesville, Urban was doing a demonstration buildings are going up on several down-Okla. pitch in front of New York's City 111111CUS.PA MC town spots and factories are n. g., due to Hall every day. . . . D. F. McFar- noon -hour stands.Lots which can beMRS. FRANCIS DEMILLS . . land returnedto Augusta, Me., E worked are getting $5 per day, but thehas left Lexington, Ky., to join her hus- after looking over Portland, Ore., 4-1 DOUBLErt3 EDGE BLADES . . . MYCO BLADE CO: DITISBUMM,PA: band in the South. which was none too favorable. necktie and socks are killing that.Flint Dr.Victor Edison Perry had a COMMSUNITY D.E. BLADES is closed downtown, while the factories DELO 534.4.50.r0 THOSE CONTEMPLATING . . . chain of thriving pitch stores in SECURITY m are n. g.Pontiac is closed.Battle Creek FREEDOM 4.50 M New York.. . . Despitedifficult 5.00 M is open, but there are no good spots.working the annual Mardi Gras celebra- OD going. Happy Jack Raymond and MYCO 6.00 M That's the real dope, boys." tion at New Orleans had better order MYCO 8.00 M their stock for the spot. Those receiving his Clifton Comedy Company were Each Blade In Individual Printed Wrapper sticking to South Dakota and Min- JAMES H. McCASKEY . . . their merchandise from far Northern andUnconditionally Guaranteed nesota. . . . A.R.Murray,the Jobbers and Large Users Writefor Special migratory man of the leaf, who claimspoints will find themselves short of items "Man from 10th Avenue," who Prices. and disappointed if they wait until the the distinction of having sold a publica-last minute to shoot their orders.Lots swore by the boots of Big -Foot MYCO RAZOR BLADE CO. tion in each and every State of the Unionof the boys will make the event as many Wallace a year previous that he PITTSBURGH PA. and Alaska, has returned to Reynolds-of the constituents of Pitchdom have was out of the pitch game forever, ville, Pa., from a tour of the Sunny Southcombined their vacations along with a returned to pitching in Philadel- to pay the State of Pennsylvania thelittle biz to cut down on the burr and phia to rehabilitate his bankroll. overhead on his cows. pigs and chickenshave been spending most the winter in . .. Indian George wasfinding from the proceeds of his labor.Writingthe Gulf Metropolis.Remember, boys, plenty of competition in Dallas. from that city, he offers the fraternityright after the New Orleans doings comes . .. Denver Stock Show was a what he terms "better business tactics."the Ft. Worth stock show. total bloomer for Don Lysinger. They are:Courtesy to patrons. Use . . . And now, some notes from NEW LADIES' SWISS WRIST your own tactics, but don't promise what WATCH. AttractiveYELLOW TOM SIGOURNEY . . . the firing line in the 125th street GOLD CoinColorTop. you can't send.Explain thoroly.Use sector of New York:Rajah King CompletewithBrace- .95 reason and good judgment. Naturalclever veteran of the pitch, sex book and lettomatch,inGift was clicking handily with the able Box. In Lots of 6, Each ability and general appeal will inspireshow fame, postcards from Pittsburgh assistanceof Tommy Campbell. Samples, 500Extra. likability, which willinturninspirethat he is doing some advance and pro- . . . Chick Quinlan and his half- motion work for Nudell and that as soon Send for Datalna. good fellowship and bring the gelt. pint helper were making huge PLYMOUTH JEWELRY EXCH. as he finishes in the Smoky City he will passoutswithoil. Chick was 168 Canal St., Dept. B, New YorkCity. DON'T PUT A CURSE on a town simplyhead for the big metropolis on Lake drawing pictures to hold the tip.

because you donot do a day'sbusiness. Michigan.Tom is negotiating with a . . . Sergeant Tom Shaw and his Maybe youdidnot properly sell your attrac-party to put his sex show in stores and boss were holding an ace spot on SPICY-FUNNY-FAST-SELLING.-NOVELTIES tion. under canvas in the spring. CARTOON BOOKS $1.25per100, SandCards Selling takes alot of shrewd show- theplatformwithherbs.. .. $2.00, ShImmte Dancers $1.75. FOLDERS- manship. Petrovics returned to the same Nasty Man,In- Age. Movie Girl. BackSeat. HARRY CORRY . . . store he worked in 1921 with most heritance.etc..$1.00per 105. DieCutSpec. Folders-Dirty Dog.Pig.etc..$2.00per 100. PAULHAUCK .. . a celebrity of the high-pressure pitch, of the same crew. ... Magnetic Send $1.00 for25Samples and my Catalogues is reported to be preparing to open ahas forsaken the art for the winter and Madaline and her daughter had listing2,000Items. Or Catalogue and5 sam- plesfor 25c.No Free. winter pitch store on one of the prin-has obtained a license from the boxing just arrived from Detroit and way T. R. PAYNE -25 Cardinal Plate-New York cipal streets of Detroit. commissions offiveor six States to stations.... That's all. February 6, 1937 GENERAL OUTDOOR The Billboard 69 THAT WAS Frank P.Duffield, thehas given the League the privilege of pyrotechnicmogul,enteringthealso using the Old Town Room ifitPIPES World's Fair offices in the Empirebecomes necessary. (Continued from page 68) tittlitthe_Ppe State Building. With Mrs. Duffield, he President McCaffery has appointed com-make the farm sales thru Illinois and has been combining business with pleas-petent committees to handle the variousIndiana.Fry has made many friends ure in New York. . . . February 1 issuedetails. among the auctioneers and farmers at- `17.4eirellapa.-4 of Life, the new weekly photo mag, de- tending those events and is a permanent votes a double spread to Lucky Teeter's fixture in the barns. exploits. Teeter, dare-dev.I auto manipu- lator, will thrill Eastern fair audiences 11111M00-\ Wallen Chief Photographer DR. ED MAXEY . . . again for the George Hamid office. is in Florida preparing himself for the Roger LittlefordJr. Ben Hamid's troupe of 16 Arab tum- SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30.-Carl Wal-spring med campaign in which he has blers will feature a five -high pyramidlen has been appointed chief photog-been wholly successful in past years. on the Cole Bros. -Clyde Beatty Circusrapher for the Golden Gate International this year. . . . Jess Adkins, Clyde BeattyExposition and for the next three years Coney Crises and Floyd King arrived in New Yorkwill head a staff of photographers whichJAY LEWIS . . . last week to get things rolling for thewill take thousands of pictures in con-and the missus have been putting it over W. SHILLAN, managing director of nection with the event.Wallen, war-in a big way working the horoscopes the British Motor Boat Manufac-Cole -Beatty debut at the Hippodrome,time photographer and inaugurator ofwith their mental act In stores and at J turing Company, and well known asMarch18. Beatty and wife garneredthe modern eraof newsreel coverage,the indoor doings. an amusement device supplier on bothplenty of space in the dailies, as usual.will be loaned to the exposition by Cali- sides of the Atlantic, writes from Lon- One local showman, in discussing the BILL BARNARD . . . don, to wit: effect the Ohio and Mississippi valleyfornians Incorporated, with whom heof peeler note, is working the food shows "I was certainlyinterestedin yourfloods will have on circus and carnivalhas been engaged. He covered the Pana-with his utensil emporium and anybody discussion of Coney Island in. the Janu-routings this year, remarked that thema Pacific International Exposition forwho has seen Bill tell the ladies how to ary 2 issue. . It was in 1919 that I firstinundated region should present ideala San Francisco paper. prepare the New England dinner knows visited Coney Island, and consideringfood -for -thoughtareasforStarr De - that he is getting the boodle in waddle. the reputation it has justly earned thru-Belle and his Ballyhoo Bros.' Century of out the world, it would be a calamity toProfit Shows. WASHINGTON-Amounting to an in-SANDY SANDERS . the show world ifit should be allowed crease of 16.8 per cent over December,who worked Svengali decks on lots in to lapse and eventually find itself in the 1935, sales of confectionery during thePhoenix, Ariz., until the town was closed hands of real estate builders. League Preparing past month totaled $25,615,342, the De-January1,is now inFlagstaff,Ariz., "Coney Island is so well suited as an partment of Commerce announced thiswhere tie has opened a cafe.He reports amusement center considering the num- week. In the manufacturer -wholesalerplenty of sub -zero weather in that terri- ber of people in New York, that I doFor Spring Show group, the gain was 14.5 per cent, withtory, but adds that the missus and the believeifall the people who rely on retailers reporting a 3 per cent increase.baby are hale and hearty.He says he amusement as a livelihood were to work CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-Preliminary plansManufacturers of chocolate items com-would like to read some pipes from Bert together, they should be able to takefor the annual Showmen's League springpetitive with confectionery experienced aCramer, Eddie Gaillard, Jackie Morrell whatever steps necessary to bring Coneybenefit show are well under way. Ernie and all Svengall deck workers. out of the 'slough of despond'. Young has been appointed chairman,7 per cent upping. "We all know what the midway of thewith Walter F. Driver assisting him, and KID SMITH . . . Chicago World's Fair did to the Windywith President J. C. McCaffery they are of the Smith Entertainers, shoots that City's Riverview Park, and I have nogoing at the job with a determination to WASHINGTON-Retail salesinthethe organization is now in Philadelphia, doubt that the New York World's Fairmake the affair the biggest and mostGulf Southwest States last month madewhere they are playing a two weeks' en- will have a similar effect on Coney Island,successful yet held. a gain of approximately 12 per cent overgagement at Manoa Inn.He says that unless adequate steps are taken to off- April 5is the date set for the showthe corresponding month of1935, ac-he met many of his old friends while in set the severe competition." and it is to be held in the College Inncording to figures made public this weekNew York recently. of the Hotel Sherman. The shows heldby the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic the past three years have established theCommerce.Preliminary report covered The Week in New York CHIEF GRAY FOX . . . event as one of the highlights of theTexas, Oklahoma and New Mexico, withscribbles from Vergennes, Ill.: "This town HARRY WITT, who used to operatespring season.It has grown each year,last named displaying largest increaseis a real bloomer. The natives Just won't a very successful ride manufactur-and last spring the Inn was crowded toin dollar volume, 22 per cent. Texascome out.You fellows going around ing firm with his brother Mark, iscapacity.Anticipating an even largerreported 18 per cent and Oklahoma 9saying that you are from Mayo Brothers back in the swing of things around Newattendance this year, the Hotel Shermanper cent. had better lay low.Roster of my show York, after spending the lastseveral includes Bill Auton, Eve Auton, Jack years with his Coney Island Shows in Davis, Gaynelle Swan. Hilda Swan and South America. The show is still active Davey Swan. in the Southern Hemisphere, being oper- ated this winter by brother Mark, but FLOYD (JIMMY) TATE . . . Harry has been feeling out American This Bill Must Be Defeated inks from Staunton, Va., that he will be park and carnival men regarding the SHOWS under canvas are threatened in California and quick action on the confined in the Western State Hospital possibilities of a novel portable ride idea part of owners and managers is needed. there for four months. He is anxious to that he has in his pocket. From what On March 1, according to present plans, there is to be presented to the hear from Frank X. LaVelle and Earl and we hear, and from what Witt leads us legislature a bill, known as House Bill 532, the purpose of which is to amend May Wilson thru these columns. tobelieve, we willprobablyseethe Section 3366 of the Political Code of the State of California by providing that brothers Witt active in their old line any tented entertainment or entertainment not given in theaters or other per- FRED SCHULTZ . . once again. More power to them: new manent buildings pay a license fee of $250 a day. Also, the bill says there would is clicking and clanging with the spark and practical riding devices can certain- be no exemption for any entertainment sponsored by or in the aid of any gaps working corners and court days. ly be used in this country of ours. charitable or benevolent organization. Schultz is one of those boys who will Fitzie Brown, who spends his summers cross a State to make a spot that he has on the road with Frank West's World It is needless to tell showmen what this bill, if passed, would mean. It is listed as good. Wonder Shows, in Manhattan for a few understood to be backed by motion picture people.There has been talk of daysona"digger"buyingmission. such a measure for some months, but not until last week did data on the bill Fitzie will not tarry long, leaving prob- become known. ably before this appears in print for his Something should be done-and done quickly-to defeat this bill. California home in Springfield. Mass., before re- is only one State. but once a foothold is obtained there, it's hard telling where TRAILWAY COACH turning to Miami for the balance of the such silly legislation will end. Don't forget the old axiom, "An ounce of pre- Completely Punished Streamline Coach, also tithe, Styles. winter. It's his first trip home in almost vention . . . ." 10 years. PRICE, $450.00 AND UP. Pressing business deals cut short Art Commercial Coaches, $350.00 Up. Lewis' annual sun -absorbing sojourn on Dealers Wanted. the sands of Miami Beach, and this week WALLENBECK MOLAND MFG. saw him back on the blustery streets of Sandwich,Ill. Times Square.Has been in a huddleFlorida Fair Hanging Up with Patty and Frank Conklin, who are in town from the West Coast.Patty, *BUILDERS bubbling over with enthusiastic ideas forNew Records; Weather Fine *BUYERS the new style midway at Toronto's Ca- Send 25o Today forthisbig 60 -*OWNERS nadian National Exhibition, of which he TAMPA, Jan. 30.-Close of first weekYoung with a cast of 50 in Follies of rage bookfullofvaluableinfor- is director, will remain in Manhattan forof Florida Fair finds showfolk and pub- 1937. Modernistic scenery, special -col- mation,ideas and suggestionsfor another week. He meets his boss, El-lic of one accord in proclaiming it theored spotlights and beautiful costumes trailerbuyers,builders andusers. Teals How To Build Tops,Beds, wood Hughes, here next Tuesday. Frank,biggest and best ever staged here. Su-enhance well -trained chorus and prin- Cabinets, etc. AllAbout Electric however, left Saturday for the Dominionperior quality of exhibits and entertain-cipals and show is decided success. Revue Lightand Water Systems,Floor Plans.etc. Catalog of parts and to settle pending contracts for the Conk-ment has already been fully demon-was delayed en route by flood and reached equipment includes everything you lin All -Canadian Shows. strated and officials are confident finalhere on day of opening.Other grand- wain - A x les, Hitches, Pumps, Stoves, Lights. Win- attendance records and receipts will bearstand acts include Madame Marie's Edu-dows, Sinks, Toilets, Mattresses-Over 200 items ex- clusively for building and equipping a Trailer. Bush out this fact.Favorable weather prac-cated Dogs and Ponies. Fritz's Trained 25e (coin) today-Satisfaction positively guaranteed. MOTORIZE tically every day of entire first week andDog,Ross Lewis and GrimesSisters. TRAILER SUPPLY CO.. Box 438-H.Wausau. Wis. Write for Show Folks Plan of Financing. every indication itwill continue nextUyeno Japs, Callie Mae Penn, acrobatic CHARLIE T. GOSS week. dancer; Walter Guice and Riders, Five Twenty -Two Yearsin Outdoor Show Business. TO GET THE TRAILER YOU WANT Now With Auto races main first day attractionAmerican Eagles.aerialists:Cook and STANDARD CHEVROLET CO., brought crowd of 18,248 to fair grounds,Wisweirs Clown Act, Buck Buchanan. E. St. Louis, Ill. 861 more than last year's opening. Buddysign artist, and Vittorio Zacchiui, human Callaway, Miami driver, dominated thecannon ball. Fireworks by Thearle Duf- JIM DANDY CABIN field defeating "Wild Bill" Morris andfield. CRUISER. ANDERSON -SkADERLarry Beckett in the feature race and Royal American Shows has large and The Trailer That Has breaking severalrecords. Wednesday,most colorful midway with 18 shows, 16 Everything.Easy t buildthisbeautiful SHOWS, INC. Specialty Day, drew attendance of 20,651.rides, powerful searchlights and brilliant trailercoachwith my Now Booking Shows and Concessions for 1937. Live Stock Day, scheduled for Thurs-neon signs. Elmer C.Velare, business plans! Complete instruc- COMPLETE BUILDING PLANS t159ti its fr e -cry detail of OPEN WICHITA. KAN., APRIL 20. day, was postponed as many live stockmanager, says: "We are counting onlaxly, chassis, top. beds, cabinets. refrigerator, elec- Address All Mail to Concordia, Kan. entries were delayed, due to flood.Ongreater and better business this yeartric light and water systems arid where to buy Parts. Children's Day, Friday, a crowd of 103,246and with any kind of break in weatherCan be built in any size for 2 to4people.Send broke last year's all-time record of 20,023.I am sure this season will break all$1.00 hslay!Mail Dollar Bill to SOL'S LIBERTY Cloudy skies in early morning but sunrecords."Biggest days to come next JIM DANDY, broke thru before noon and saved theweek.Gasparilla Day Monday expectedBox 125-H, Wausau, Wis. SHOWS, INC. day for kiddies.School children andto be best of season from standpoint of Now Booking for 1937 Seasonteachers again admitted free at gate andgate receipts and business on grand- special grand -stand performances pre-stand and midway.William E. Drips, Address, CARUTHERSVILLE, MO. sented.RoyalAmericanShowsdiddirectorof agriculture for NBC, will splendid business. broadcast description of fair and Gas- WANTED Altho three new buildings have beenparilla carnival on Farm and Home Hour FLORIDA FUN SHOWS MINER'S MODEL SHOWS erected since last year, the 23 exhibitover NBC hookup of 57 stations thru Three Rides, Clean Concessions, No Racket. Now Booking Shows, Rides and Concessions ofhalls are filled to overflowing. All avail-WFLA, Tampa. Bingo open. EddieEger, General Agent. All Kinds.Can Use Good 5 -In -One or Ten -In - One and Oriental Shows, able concession space filled and doing Eddie Euchin and orchestra playing Inside locations, Winter's work. Corn Came and Cook House, Candy Apples andexcellent business. coronation ball Tuesday night which Week Feb. 8, Punta Gorda; with Arcadia to Pop Corn Open. Ernie Young's revue again main grand-will be broadcast on CBS chain thru follow. This week, Palmetto, Fla. R. H. MINER, 161 ChambersSt.,Phillipsburg, N.J.stand attraction under direction of Mrs.WDAE,Tampa, 70 The Billboard February 6, 1937 The Red Cross Needs MONEY

An important statement about the work and requirements of the AMERICAN RED CROSS In all its emergency operations, the Red Cross performs three definite functions.They are: 1. To Relieve the immediate those who are cold, hungry and homeless; 2. To provide adequate medical and hospital care for those in immediate need of it and to maintain a medical service that will com- bat the spread of disease; 3. To aid in the restoration to a normal life of those who have lost their homes. The urgent need for all three of these vital services is apparent to every- one in the areasaffected, either directly or indirectly, by the flood.To provide them requires MONEY... agreat deal of money.

Checks made payable to American Red Cross may be mailed to American Red Cross headquarters, Washington, D. C. or money may be leftat American Red Cross headquarters in any city. AMERICAN RED CROSS February 6, 1937 GENERAL OUTDOOR The Billboard 71 day thru Thursday, devoting their timedoubleshifts,servicingtowns whichcians-explaining that a bill had been HATCH exclusively to cooperation with authori-formerly transacted business with theintroduced into the Senate last year and ties in directing rescue work. CBS wasCincinnati offices.Exchanges reportedwould be reintroduced this session in (Continued tram page 3) without an outlet in this region for thethat towns closed by flood waters sincerevised °form. Waring said that 400 of in the film agency game, as a semi -silentbetter part of five days, but NBC pro-last Friday included Wheeling, W. Va.;the 600 United States stations now live partner ina number ofthelargestgrams were switched from WMC toNew Martinsvile, O.; New Cumberland,on records. amusement enterprises in America, J.WNBR, both stations being owned byO.; Wellsburg, O., and Huntington, W. Waring also said that the AFM had Frank has kept his finger on the pulse ofThe Commercial Appeal. Va. contributed $8,000 to NAPA last year, the showgoer.His skill as a manager Gladys Swarthout's concert, scheduled In the meantime, local showmen camematching the amount raised by NAPA and organizer is internationally known,for Thursday night, was forcibly post-to bat for the more severely strickenitself.Suits brought by Bing Crosby, so there is no question as to how theponed when officials commandeered theareas. Many made generous cash con-Waring, LilyPons, Lawrence Tibbett, show on the lot will be handled. municipal Ellis.Auditortum as quarterstributions to the Red Cross and otherswho attended the meeting; Abe Lyman, Among Edward Arlington's best knownfor refugees. Also deferred was a concertaided with their personal services. TheFrank Crumit, Ray Noble and other triumphs was the conceiving and or-by Sigrid Onegin, contralto, set for nextmanagements of Kennywood and WestNAPA members have beenfiled,said ganizing of the 101 Ranch Wild WestTuesday night, and the annual Pres-View parks furnished boats to rescueWaring, to help establish NAPA's legal Show and Miller Bros. and Arlington'sident's Ball, as well as all other func-flood victims in the neighboring Sharps -claim. Some victories have already been Oklahoma Ranch Wild West.For ations scheduled for the auditorium. burg and.McKees Rocks districts. won. NAPA contends a leader's arrange- number of years Eddie,who was the right- Hotel ballrooms continue to operate Among the night clubs, the Show Boatment of a number is as entitled to copy- hand man of the late James A. Bailey,here, tho business is at low ebb. Jimmiewas the only spot to stay closed for sev-right and legal protection as the compo- "'has been associated with the RinglingJoy's orchestra was set to open at theeral nights.Because of its dangeroussition itself. Bros., Frank A. Robbins, and a numberClaridgelastnight, but flood waterslocation, the management did not even of others.Of late years he has beendelayed his arrival.He may open to-to attempt to operate.Business fell be- Waring attacked an alleged practice a big hotel operator of Metropolitannight. low par in other night spots because ofoftherecording companies tolease New York, at one time operating 22 The Mid -South Fair Grounds was thethe general excitement. records to coin machine operators. War- hostelries. first Memphis site turned into a refugee Theatrical bookers report that someing said there were "400,000" such ma- Questioning Mr. Arlington as to theconcentration camp. By Thursday morn-of the dates lost because of the floodchines in the country. By leasing the policy of the show, he said: "Just REALing 10,000 refugees had been quarteredwillbere -bookedlaterin theyear.records, the recorders are enabled to do there. away with paying artists royalties. Leas- CIRCUS all the way thru.Everything About 30 acts lost betweent two and fiveing a recordwasregarded as merely a will be of the very best; no money will A complete picture of the situation indays of work because of flooded roads. subterfuge, on the claim that once re- be spared to secure innovations.Nonesurrounding towns is impossible because of the old canvas will be used. All new,of the lack of communications to many turned to the manufacturer,it could stake to bail ring.A surprise openingpoints, but theaters are known to have not be resold. Waring said that if the spectacleis now being written by asuspended activities entirely in the fol- recording companies realizedit, NAPA famous writer.The costuming of thislowing places: Marked Tree, Monette, was out to boost the sale of records, part of the circus will be nothing shortMiller, Lepanto, Leachville, Parkin, Earle,OPERA UNION not cut it. of startling.In fact, we are going toClarendon, Cotton Plant and Holly Grove Speiserspokeofthe"intellectual makethisHagenbeck-WallaceCircusin Arkansas; Senath, Mo.;Tiptonville, (Continued from page 3) property rights" accruing an artists for worthy of the great names associatedRipley and Ridgely, Tenn.; and Hickman theirespecialhandlingofnumbers. with it in the past-Lee Williams, itsand Paducah, Ky. supervision over English language opera,Then he told of various European and founder, and Carl Hagenbeck and Ben Schedules have been either interrupteda field which includes Gilbert and Sulli-South American countries which have Wallace-whose illustrious names titleor suspended in Owensboro, Henderson,van musicals. According to Paul Dulzell,already passed laws to protect perform- it." Fulton and Princeton, Ky.; Covington,executive secretary of Equity and theers, and said he was hopeful that such Obion, Halls, Dyersburg, Newbern andFour A's, Equity will not relinquish itslegislation would be secured in the U. S. this year. He told of a new clause writ- ten in recording contracts permitting SARASOTA, Fla., Jan. 30.-According sale or lease of records, as well as estab- to an announcement made on Wednes- lishing the right of manufacturers to day by Roland Butler, general press rep- collect fees for broadcast performances resentative of Ringling Bros. and Bar- and split 75-25, with the artists on the num & Bailey Combined Circus, Edward short end. Arlington and J. Frank Hatch, Miami Sound on film and dubbed -in film multi -millionaire,willpositivelytake music scores were further headaches, it out the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus this was brought out at the meeting. To- season.They also have leased the Fore- gether with other mechanization meth- paugh-Sells, Sparks and John Robinson ods, they must be controlled. When Sam circus titles. Tabak, board member of Local 802, said Messrs. Arlington and Hatch will take that it was time to stop quibbling and charge of the Peru, Ind., quarters at get to work putting a stop to making once. these records, he was given a healthy NegotiationswithGeneral Manager hand by the leaders present. Sam W. Gumpertz were completed at Later, the various leaders took the noon Wednesday. floor and added their support to what Preparations are said to be under way had been said. For a while some sem- for the Hagenbeck show to tour on 40 blance of friction between some of the cars. Show will be billed as "the second leaders there and the NAPA was evi- largest circus in the world." denced, but Rosenberg squelched this by showing how closely the two have been working and must continue to work.

HIGH RIDE - Ben Hamid to Cole -Beatty (Continued from page 3) NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Ben Hamid, have been carried from their foundations. tumbler, announced here this week that Tacoma Park, Dayton, Ky., across the he has closed a deal with Jess Adkins river, also is covered and Frank Bacon's whereby he will supply the Cole Bros. - roller skating rink there was closed last Clyde Beatty Circus with a group of 16 week because of high water. Rinks and JOE AND ETTA HODGINI and family, who scored with their riding on (Continued on page 82) amusement parks along the Ohio have the Walter L. Main Circus. all been visited with the flood tide in varying degrees, all rinks being closed, and park and picnic spots have suffered heavy damage. Dyer, Tenn.; Wynne, Brinkley and Westjurisdiction in this field, which might Memphis, Ark.; and Kennett, Mo. very well be an entering wedge to oper- Brunt of the flood is just moving onetta, nor will it grant another charter to the Memphis area as this is written. any new operatic group. FLOOD Beach in Rescue Work The Book-The Engraved Photos-The AGMA'S only chance of an AFL affilia- Story ILLUSTRATED-A million copies will Parker Beach, manager of Chippewa tion thru the Four A's. therefore, lies be sold Lake Park, near Wooster, 0., left there in the possibility of Grand Opera Artists Sunday night for the flood area with DES MOINES, Jan. 30.-Pioneer Thea-surrenderingitsjurisdiction.Thisis AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE two high-powered speed boats, 30 row-ter Corporation is the first to start floodproblematical, insofar as Grand Opera Send 25c for sample book and wholesale shows in this territory.Iowa Theater atArtists, according to AGMA, had un- pricelist.Get busy now-Don't delay a boats, 10 outboard motor boats and 10Jefferson had a midnight show, Wednes- minute. experienced operators..He turned theday, and the Earl Theater at Carroll willofficially agreed to merge on condition equipment over to the State Highwayhave one February 1.Plans are alsothat AGMA obtain a more comprehensive PFEIFER SHOW PRINT CO. Patrol and it was dispatched to Pom- charter than that now held by the oper- 190 E. Fulton Street, Columbus, Ohio eroy, 0., where Mr. Beach is in commandunder way for midnight shows in threeatic union. of it. other Pioneer theaters in Iowa towns. In the event that Equity holds fast Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guthrie, Cincinnati, The films, electricity, etc., are contrib-to its present view of the matter, the free act team, were hard hit, water com-uted, and churches furnish home -bakedGOAA will probably see no reason to go cakes to be auctioned off at the shows-over to AGMA "en masse," as is now con- ing over the second story of their home.all proceeds going to the Red Cross. templated. Point of view has also been They were unable to salvage even their advanced that, in as much as Grand Cunningham's Expo. Shows trucks and left their house with only Opera Artists, admitting its limited jur- Wanted for Season 1937 Wanted the clothing wh-ch they wore, they re- isdiction, is already in the field. it should Can placo Loop -O -Plane. Doe Stanton and Sailor ported to The Billboard. PITTSBURGH, Jan. 30.- While no- Whitewrite. SHOWS ofallkindsexcept Girl Becauseofrestrictionsonelectric be in a position to ask AGMA to sub- Show. suchasFun House, Mickey Circus, Colored where approaching the seriousness ofmerge itself instead of vice versa. This Minrteel andGrin,' Shows ofallKinds. current and water, some feared a short-last year's disaster, Old Man River's lat- GP -11 pr-positIonforgoodFiveorTen -In -One. age of food for animals in Cincinnati is particularly to the point, now that CONCESSIONS allopen exceptCookhouse,Corn est rampage in this area will cost theEquity has voiced its stand. Game, popcorn.Candy Floss. Willbookgood Zoo, and word was received on Wednes-amusement industry nearly $20.000, a Free Act.Will buy kiddie auto ride.Will buy day that Detroit Zoo was sending 4.000check-up reveals.Most of the damage twotops.20 x 30. Showswillopen inOhio pounds of horse meat by truck.Zoois due to interrupted playing time in a April 24.1937. officials said this would be stored in tun-few theaters and crippled film delivery CUNNINGHAM'S EXPO. SHOWS nels of the new bear pits. service to stricken towns in the tri-state 1406 East Caracas St., Tampa, Florida area. MUSICIANS' EYE Stanley and Fulton, first -run houses, closedbriefly during the week when (Continued from page 4) MEMPHIS, Jan.30. --Swirlingfloodoverflowing cellars threatened the or- waters brought havoc to show businesschestra floors.They reopened as soontrol the use of records on the air so McMAHON SHOWS on large sections of Tennessee, Arkansas,as added pumps improved this condi-that the men who make them are not WANT Pit Show, Big Snake, Small Motordrome, Missouri and Kentucky. Theaters withintion. Loew'sPenn andtheBarry,injured by their use, as presently done Hawaiian Tro"ns end FunHouse. Count Zeno the town kept operating on schedule.among other houses, closed early in theby broadcasters.Waring,aswell write.CONCESSIONS all open except corn game. as Noracket. RideforPrnonforEllWheeland interspersing benefit shows with regularevening during the height of the threat-Maurice J. Speiser, NAPA counsel, told manager. andTilt -A -Whirl. Gene Mestawrite. programs. ening flood to play safe and not to en-of steps taken to secure legislative pro- v.., open earlyinMarysville, Kansas. Present Radio stations WMC and WREC, how-danger the lives of patrons. tection for performing artists of all kinds address McMAHON SHOWS ever, suspended all programs from Sun- Exchanges on Film Row worked with-singers,speakers,comedians,musi- 1619 So. Elena Ave., Redondo Beach. Calif. 72 The Billboard February 6, 1937


AMUSEMENT MACIIINEf.t f lieptaitnentpz upetatatit 4,Joopeti, matZto andfig anujactuWa.

Conducted by WALTER W. HURD-Communications to Woods Building, Randolph and Dearborn Streets, Chicago. Pinball the Great Equalizer (Reprinted from The Philadelphia Record)

The demonstration by Dr. Clarence C. them wiggle when he attempted bowling- Clark, of New York University, that the pop- he could any fine evening wander down the ular pinball machines are games of chance street and ring up 3,600 on the Double Zep- and not of skill, fails to move us to indigna- pelin Electric Light Patented Novelty pin- tion against the manufacturers. We are not ball game. In the corner store's pingame disturbed even when Dr. Clark points out huddle was a true company of peers, with no that his students increased their scores on man more than 9 per cent better than his the machines only from 2 to 9 per cent after brother. making 97,000 plays-training which would There have been numerous tests on the have cost $15,000 in any pinball emporium. theory of probability in the past. In fact, as If there is anything on which the sports early as 1667 there appeared a little Dutch world has placed too much emphasis it seems book of 12 pages on The Reckoning in Games to us it is the game of skill. The result is that of Chance. Professor Karl Pearson, of Lon- we are in danger of becoming a nation of in- don, once spent a part of his vacation in feriority complexes. Every department of tossing a coin 25,000 times, and even induced human recreation is now dominated by its his pupils to make still more extended trials. own particular hero and to buy a tennis Professor Pope R. Hill, of the University of racket or a set of golf sticks, a box of chess- Georgia, drew 100,000 pennies out of a box, men or a deck of bridge cards is to become at and Wolfe the Swiss mathematician threw once the lowest form of American life, the dice 280,000 times. dub. At a statistical exhibit at Columbia Uni- The pinball games alone held out. The versity, set up by Dr. Helen M. Walker, pro- unfortunate who skids on his ear when try- fessor of education, in 1935, the tutor, in ing to lob, the poor wretch who spends his explaining her theory of probability, sug- 18 holes studying the flora alongside the gested that most people do not really want fairway, the bridge partner with scarred to know the exact likelihood of their win- shins here found his release and his delight. ning, but only want an element of excite- Let the experts laugh at him when he tried ment in a life which has become uninterest- to put the nine -ball in the side pocket, let ing and drab.

The above selection is reprinted from The Philadelphia Record, June 29, 1936, as the best newspaper editorial during 1936 on the subject of amusement games. The reputed laboratory tests of New York University and other schools has been heralded far and wide as a knockout blow to amusement games. Here is a well-known newspaper giving a human and logical reply to such attacks, forming one of the best defenses of modern amuse- ment games ever written-Editor. February 6, 1937 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 73 Fitzgibbons Sees Bell Machines Popular As New Models Appear Big Games Year FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., Jan. 30.-Joe Calcutt, president of The Vending Ma- NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-John A. Fitz-chine Company here, reports increased gibbons, president of Fitzgibbons Dis-activity from all sections on bell ma- tributors, Inc., reports record sales Jorchines since the introduction of the new the first month of the new year."SalesCherry and Bonus bell machines manu- of Bumper are going greater than everfactured by Mills Novelty Company. since the Chicago show," he states. "We "My prediction of some months ago is have been in constant contact with thecoming true," Calcutt states."The in- Bally factory at Chicago and are bring-dustry is gradually coming back to Bell ing the Bumpers in by carload lots everyequipment more than ever before.The day. We believe that Bumper, with theorders we are receiving for the two ma- sales record which we have already es-chines indicate that the machines are tablished for the game, will outsell allthe necessary factors for increased prof- , pin games manufactured in thelastit.More and more operators are visiting four years. our showrooms daily to see the new Mills "Our Newark offices report just as greatproducts. Those operators who were a rush for the games.This leads us topresent at Chicago and didn't have suf- believe that the operators who attendedficient time to thoroly examine the ma- the show at Chicago agree with us thatchines, are now doing so at their con- Bumper is still one of the best gamesvenience in our showrooms. ever to appear on the coin machine "Both the Cherry Bell and the Bonus market.I feel certain, too, that SkipperBell are bringing the players back to the willalso be a record machine.Ourmachines. The new type of bell is cer- sales directors, Lew Wolf and Hermantain to open more territory. as it meets Takes up to Pollock, who have been on the roadwith the modern ideas of coin -operated thruout New York and New Englandequipment." since returning from the show, have Calcutt concludes that he would not $1.25 on a been wiring our offices for machines al-be surprised if both of the machines sur- most every hour. passed the tremendous sales records of "They report that operators are more single play confident this year than ever before andthe Mystery Blue Front made by Mills. are confident that sales will reach great Blatt Plans Publicity From One To heights.They also tell me that opera- 411(11eifts tors are looking forward to the new Twenty Five "...N... Bally games that were shown in ChicagoStunt for Red 'N' Blue at the last minute.There Is no doubt BROOKLYN, Jan. 30.-William (Little Persons Can that the industry is in for its greatestNapoleon) Blatt, of the Supreme Vend- Participate Per and most productive year;a year thating Company, is said to have introduced Game. will surpass anything which we havea clever publicity stunt for the new ever yet enjoyed in the coin machineDaval game, Red 'N' Blue,He is intro- Player (or players) business." ducing the game in three states as Red - hasp achoice of 5 different "Field"or "Point" bets on which he (or they) can play from Sc to 25c on each choice-or with all possible bets cov- ered,taking up to $1.25 onasingle play. Payouts range from 10c to $1.50 for every nickel played. Highest possible pay- out $8.50.Sold on exclusive franchise basiswhereorder justifies. Console Cabinet, 50" high, 34" wide and 29" deep, overall. TEN STRIKE The Hit of the Show in payout tables PART OF THE BOSTON DELEGATION that attended the 1937 convention in Chicago, taken before entraining at the South Station, Boston. Front row, Employs miniature ten left to right: Sid Paine, Jack Fisher, Ben D. Palastrant, Mr. and Mrs. Sam pins instead of holes Landau and a friend.Rear, left to right: Leo Fox, Myron J. Lockwood and Bert Klapper. -Payouts are made by two balls strik- ing miniature ten pins with each Hot -'N' -Blue, after the musical comedy such hit being registered on light -up Gisser Now in Cleveland hit now playing on Broadway. backboard and as per odds indicated CLEVELAND, Tan. 30.-Getting out of Blatt plans to have Ethel Merman and with each new play - payouts rang- Pittsburgh just in time to escape theJimmy Durante featured in his publicity. ing from Sc to $2.00, the latter flood.Morris Gisser, formerly of theIf his plans succeed, he says he will be when "Mystery Strike" is se- Coin-O-Matic Sales Organization, Inc.,able to give the game a sendoff that will cured in hitting Head Pinat Pittsburgh, is now acting as sales man-establish a precedent. proper time. ager for Henry Epstein's American Nov- Last month Blatt was able to put over elty Company, this city.Many will re-a novel publicity stunt on the Totalizer member the American Novelty Company,game by donning a doctor's garb and an- formerly of Washington. nouncing the slogan:"Here's the game Following a legal decision in Wash-the doctor ordered." TIME ington, Epstein removed his business "Our ideafor introducing the new to more fertile territory here.He re-game will be better than the previous PAYMENT ports that he is finding conditions per-one," Blatt says."It will bring the game fect and that he expects one of the besthome to the industry as cne of the great- Balls years in the firm's history. est money-makers Daval has ever. pro- PLANoffered Morris Gisser was also formerly con-duced. The first carload of Red 'N' Blue nected with Hercules Sales Organization,games reached locations within 30 min- on TARGETTE Inc., of Newark. He is well experiencedutes after the car was unloaded. Many RIFLE GAME x24 in. in coin machine matters, from operatingjobbers had their trucks waiting for their Cabinet to distributing, and has some remark-quota at the docks. We have arranged Write for able accomplishments in the industryfor carload shipments at regular inter- particulars to his credit. vals." 12 Coin IMMEDIATE SHIP- Escalator NEW 1937 "HIT GAMES" MENTS GUARANTEED Write, wire or phone for JUNIOR SIZE, ELECTRIC RAY, RIpLE. GAME, prices and particulars No Situate DEER HUNTER 20 Shots. Lowest PricedRifleGame in its Class. Board KEENEY'S ELECTRIC RAY RIFLE GAME-Acknowl- Order Direct or Thru Your Keeney Distributor edged the "best rifle game of all." TARGETTE KEENEY'S 2 -BALL NOVELTY PAYOUT PIN GAME TEN STRIKE with revolutionary play principle and features. ThjeacHkoBu tth, a t KEENEY'S COIN -OPERATED DICE GAME-Permitting PARADICE play of 5c to S1.25 on a single play. J. HIEENEY&CO.- BABE KAUFMAN, Inc., (CIRCLE 6-1642) 250 W. 54th St., N.Y. C. New Factory Address at 2001 CALUMET AVE., CHICAGO 74 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES February 6, 1937


CORPORATIOt-IILL.. ALES CHICAGO, AVE., MERICAN chiefconsideration. 936WRIGHTWOOD operator's IN FLOOD games arethe OPERATORS out new .. to put profit -makingalso isimportant.immediately High grade, financing Credit Plan Convenient Extended CREDIT! ... use our help you! WRITE FOR TERRITORIES,.. Wewant to equipment. GO WRONG! YOU CAN'T

Lately." To the Editor:"The beginning of aable year to you and to everyone col once a"lohnnie-Conse- new year and the passing of the annualnetted with the coin machine industry oldest vet was show is always a time for plans and pre- L.B. McCORMICK. P. S.-The dictions.We, here at the McCormick Greenville, N. C. Vending Machine Company, on the eve of our 12th anniversary, are planning on the biggest year in our history and I am street,Mobile, Ala.Both have been predicting that every alert manufacturer, Automatic Merchandisers Associationassociated with the coin machine busi-Deliveries Begin distributor,jobber and operatorwillof Iowa (R. W. Merriam, secretary, 3015-ness for the past five years.They are have a banner year also in 1937. 47th street, Des Moines) issued a specialhandling the products of Pacific Amuse- "The depression is a thing of the past"messenger," January 28, to inform itsment Manufacturing Company and ofOn Rover Machine in our industry.Operators are buyingmembership of the adverse bill (SenateD. Gottlieb & Company, Chicago manu- CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-As deliveries be- and people are playing, and the peopleFile 39) which is now pending. The or-fatcurers.Gentilich is well known togan on Rover, a one-shot, odds -chang- as a whole have more money to spendganization istaking prompt steps toLouisiana operators and has his maining payout game, Jim Buckley, general on amusements than they have had indefeat the passage of the bill.Bill isoffice in New Orleans. sales manager of Bally Manufacturing the past several years. an example of extreme wording, which Company, revealed that location tests "At the big show in Chicago, I talkedmight be construed to ban almost any definitely proved the strong player ap- personally with a number of the largertype of amusement game. peal of the new "two -winners -guaran- distributors and operators from all parts teed" feature, which is said to have at- of the world, and I found them in every Mrs. Estelle Agid, formerly owner oftracted considerable attention at the instance most enthusiastic of the future. Dallas operators are reported to bethe Reliable Amusement Machine Com-1937 Coin Machine Show. "The manufacturers are building bet-placing music machines and other typespany, New York, left New York Janu- "From two to seven possible winners ter machines, with more eye appeal thanin their locations, since an adverse courtary 30.She says she plans to have aflash on the Rover back -board when coin ever before.Here in the South, wheredecision was rendered against the use ofswell time and take a long trip.She willis deposited," Jim explained, "and each the boys addres theirfiancee Honeymachines accepting tokens. Many typesprobably go to Los Angeles and Sancan receive first, second, third or fourth Chile and the colored people call phono-of games were removed generally fromFrancisco and then a tour thru theplace awards, giving the player the pos- graphs piccolos, we perdict a most profit-locations January 1, pending an agree-South. She may wind up in Europe, shesibility of 28 winners, with a 40 to 1 top. ment on the State tax question. says. This 'two -winners -every -time' idea, plus the big winner flash on the odds -changer. has proved the greatest 'come-on'in years.It just looks so dog -gone good, no player can pass Rover without giving it a real work-out. "Rover is built in the 54 inch by 26 SPECIA._ SALE C ,, inch size, made popular by Bally's Preak- ness, and the playfield, as well as the USED COUNTER GAMES .. Guaranteed A-1 Condition light box is brilliantly ornamented with BUCKLEY VENDER $6.00 well-known trans -Atlantic liners and all CENT -A -PACK 6.00 the romantic atmosphere of an ocean DAVAL RACES 7.00 cruise." HIGH STAKES 9.00 HIGH TENSION 5.00 HOLD AND DRAW 7.50 PENNY PACK 9.00 REEL "21" 8.00 REEL DICE Lichtman and Aronson PURITAN VENDER 5.00 REEL RACES 7.00 Visit Pacent Factory HORSES 7.50 NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-Charley Licht - One -Third Deposit, Balance C.O.D. man and Charley Aronson made a recent Write for our Price List No. 220 trip to Utica, N. Y., where they visited BESSER NOVELTY CO. the Pacent factory and to try to secure 3020 OLIVE ST., ST. LOUIS, MO. faster delivery of Pacent games to their 1129 I New York offices. The new game is Rack 'Em Up. Lichtman heads the New York Distrib- uting & Sales Company, while Aronson heads the Brooklyn Amusement Machine Company.The firms have formed an alliance to handle Pacent games thruout this territory.Bolo was the first Pacent game distributed here. "We expected to have two carloads by the time we returned from the Chicago show," Lichtman said."Since sample games have been distributed to jobbers OLD HEIDELBERG INN, one of Dave Marion's fine spots in Wichita, Kan., uses here, the demand for games has become an Exhibit Shoot-A-Lite. On left of target is Operator Fred Clemons, and Dave greater and greater. We are also much Marion, distributor, is to the right.A customer is at the gun. interested in the new payout model of Bolo and our trip to the factory will be partly to see it. We believe Rack 'Em Up will be one of the best games ever of- McCall Novelty Company, St. Louis, fered the trade and we know it will make has recently added to its force two fieldReport Location record sales." Ends Expensive men, one stenographer, one floor sales- man and one mechanic.This is due to and Undependablethe fact that business has been extremelyProfits in 1936 Battery Replaiiine.nts good, according to members of the firm. NEW YORK, Jan: 30.-National Indus Orders are coming in from all parts oftrial Conference Board reported that to- Ins;s1 on theGenithleElegi4i;itk the globe, they state, and the outlooktalretailsalesin1936 amounted to for business during the year is far above$37,300,000,000, an increase of 13.8 over expectations. 1935. This was the highest level at- ELECTRICAL PRODIIM tained since 1930, but was still about 24 INT lend Amin per cent below 1929. A new automatic shaver salesboard The physical volume of retail trade has designedbytheMarkepp Company,not declined so drastically when com- Cleveland, is reported to be meeting withpared with 1929 as has the dollar value, success among operators in Ohio andfor the unit prices of goods entering in- the firm is planning to distribute it onto retail trade still remain substantially IN--.[COU1%. T YOUR PENNIES a national scale.It is something to pro-below the 1929 level.The conference or nickels u,,,,, . ,,,,urately, use JIFFY Coin vide the operator with a quick turnover,board estimates, on the basis of its index Counters.Compact but rigidly constructed. Makes of retail prices for 1936, that the physical wrapping easy.lc size counts $5.00 in15 seconds; Markepp officials state, 50 size counts $12.00In 12seconds. Sent CI.25 volume ofretailsaleslastyear was postpaid.Write for quantity prices. roughly 5 per cent below the figure for STAR SALES CO. 3901 Wayne A .1o. 1929. Independent Novelty Company, Spring- The greatest gains registered during field, Ill., has announced its latest crea-1936 occurred, according to preliminary tion, the Fairmont Derby board.Mr.estimates, in sales of furniture, hard- Gingold, head of the firm, says it hasware, liquor and automobiles.Every 07 proved such a success in Illinois that itclass of trade, however, registered some -0-LOOK' -4 will now be offered to the trade in theincrease. United States and Canada. Of each dollar spent in retail estab- IN THE WHOLESALE lishments in 1936, a little less than one- MERCHANDISE SEC" third went for food and drink; about Sam Gentilich and Ed Kramer, theone -fifth was allotted to automobiles and LATEST NOVELTIIEE.:- best dressed operator in the State ofautomotive products, including fuel. The MEYER WOLF, Atlantic Co., Louisiana, have opened up a new officeremainder was spent for clothing, house - Philadelphia distrib, envisions mar- PREMIUMS AND' SRI and display room at 2b0'/ St. Francisfurnishings and sundry items. ket possibilities on Chuck-A-Lette. February 6,1937 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 75 Abe Schiller, of the Delbridge & Gorrell offices. Four Queens of Rhythm open the cur- rent show, doing a variety of dance num- bers., Open with an attractive rust vel- vet costume, a classy bit of wardrobe. Girls, unusually petite for an act of their kind, also do a number, that gives every impression of "going places."They are able to fill the floor with action- and give the appearance of being an entire ballet in themselves. RECONDITIONED Bob and Flurette Gilbert followed with a fast Cucaracha, with tango innovations, USEDPAYOUTTABLES closingwithabreath -takingwhirl. READYTOOPERATE Later, they return with a burlesque of scenes from Rain, with capable song and Ballys Preakness NEW 825° dialog, following up with a speed num- Gottlieb's Derby Day ber that drew a well -deserved encore in Gottlieb's College Football the form of a surprise novelty dance. Gottlieb's High Card 7250 This brother -sister team has appeal for These Games Very Slightly Used night club audiences. Exhibets Electric Eye JACKPOT 4950 MODEL 4750 Ann and Ray Raymond have a clever Pamco Saratoga double -dummy number, even doing what Pamco Bells 3750 appears to be a quartet with the aid of NNW 4E 1 750 two dummies.Girl is a clever ventrilo- Stop -n -Go U IT quist, too. Gottlieb Races Gottlieb Fence BusterMYST. 43 50 Beth Challis officiates as mistress of Bally Multiple ceremonies and does more than her part VERY At the show they crowd- in the entertainment.Songs and semi - Multi -Play CLEAN 295° ed around the Evans recitative numbers-one novelty with the Jennings Flicker 4950 booth-and they bought aid of interjected musical phrases-from Bally All Stars this fascinating dice the band, kept the house interested for 3250 game-new in action- Belly Peerless 2950 severalminutes. MissChallis,with Sunshine Derby 2450 totally different! On ac- plenty of pep and personality,is well tuallocations, Galloping qualified to preside over an unusually 215° Dominos has takenin Rock Dias Credit speedy show.She knows her customers, eight times as much as Ballys Sky -High "bell"machines! New and was able to induce James J. Jef- 5 BALL TICKET AND CASH 3450 in design! Absolutely fries, former heavyweight champion, to Ballys Peerless class!Write at once for make a brief speech. 1 BALL TICKET AND CASH details and price. STAMPEDE Ask any operator who Art Mooney and orchestra furnish the owns one. music for both floor show and dancing, PUT -N -TAKE 950 BANG TAILS with several members doing specialties DAILY DOUBLE De Luxe Horse Race as well. H. F.Reves. GOLD RUSH Came! Golden Harvest 10 BALL AUTO, PAY ROLLETTO JR. Daily Limit (JENN I NGS) Automatic Roulette! H. C. EVANS & CO., 1526 W. Adams St., CHICAGO, ILL. El Chicos, New York COUNTER GAMES Benito Collada's new show here is a good one. Even tho the women singers TRI-0-PACK Viola and Paul, adagio dancers, un-and dancers are not quite up to stand- ThenewIc Cigarette PlayCounter Game. Blatt Brothers Push doubtedly were impeded from givingard. This is more than balanced, how- Thefastestmoney -makingcounter game Sales of Chuck-A-Lettetheir act the full steam because of theever, by the presence of Carlos Montoya, everbuilt.Combines themoney -making Spanish guitarist making his American featuresof Penny Pack-thethrill of Reel low ceiling.The spins were executed "21"-PLUSa new 1st, 2dor 3d odds play. BOSTON, Jan. 30.-Atlas Coin Ma-very gingerly. debut here. chine Company here, upon the return of Manners and Marcia, ballroom team, Montoya, coming from Madrid and ac- Bernard and Louis Blatt from the annualpresent medley and waltz dances.Notclaimed a foremost Spanish guitarist, convention in Chicago, announced thatof the spectacular variety, yet do wellheldhisaudiencespellbound.Plays the firm will feature the Chuck-A-Letteby dining -room audiences. withoutapick,displayingamazing machine, made by the Exhibit Supply Missing at this catching were Ninafinger work that is as awesome as the 4.a.... -w... 0 Company, Chicago. Taylor, swing -singing emsee, and Flor-sweet Flamenco music itself.Ought to Possibility of seven simultaneous playsenza, exotic dancer, who were on thebe a good bet for radio and concert. on this machine is proving an attractionsick list.Nina is a very moving torch 1 to Atlas customers.According to theand blues singer, while the fire dance Los Randeros, male Mexican trio, ac- '... .1". brothers Blatt, the compactness of theand veil acrobatics are Florenza's bestcompany their own voices on guitars. A machine, coupled with the colorful light-contributions. Young and handsome, they offer Mexican rTR1-0-P/C.. ing effects and the dice combinations, Johnny Wager, altho publicized as aditties in ingratiating style that can also _ -- spinning reels and jackpots, plus sevenone-man band,isreallyjust a goodplease non -Spaniards dining here. To- ...... -...... coin placements, is enough to insure goodharmonica player.He manipulates agether with Rosita Rios, they form a business with the machine in many loca-multiple -hornapparatuswhichlookssmall relief band when Don Alberto's tions in this territory. more interesting than it sounds. Los Picadores are off the stand. Senorita Frank Terry and his Chicago Night-Rios, a holdover from the last show, is $2475 hawks, an eight -piece band, supply theanattractive brunette who sings prettily andaccompanies herself on the maracas ALL NEW COUNTER GAMES SOLD ON ACME notes.With the outfit is Yo Yo Simp- NOVELTY'S 10 -DAY GUARANTEE son, leader -Impersonator, who does in-and also on the guitar. Senorita Chita, CLUB REVIEWS termittent comedy acts. ayoung and cunning little dancer, offers AnotherDaval Winnervirit (Continued from page 16) Hoydenish light Spanish dances.An- DOUBLEDECK otherholdover is Senorita Adelina Duran, NEW with unbelievablefacilityandgrace. who injects a touch of pouting satire REEL DICE 16.50 Unusually strong also is her striking in- in her Flamenco dances. terpretation of an Italian gypsy dance. Powatan Club, Detroit PENNY PACK 15.50 Margaret King, contralto,specializes Team of Maclovia and Candido is new REEL "21" 15.50 in semi -classical renditions and surprised (Reviewed Tuesday Evening, January here. Candido recently having split with 26.) Senorita Dolores. They are spirited and DAVAL RACES 14.95 the house with a cleverly manipulated USED COUNTER GAMES voice in her best number. The Italian The Powatan has been redecorated andhandsome in typical Latin style and per- Street Song. given a new atmosphere, combining in-form actionful Spanish dances with vi- HOLD AND DRAW $ 4.95 vacity. IDEAL GUM VENDOR 4.95 LeBau, another beginner, is more thantimacy with spaciousness.Walls of the PURITAN GUM VENDOR 4.95 ordinarily adept at hand balancing. Amain dining room are finished entirely Don Alberto introduces the tunes, the REEL "21" 9.95 good-looking boy andarealcrowdin mirrors. A new cocktail bar has beenshow as a whole being surprisingly strong TWENTY-ONE 15.50 pleaser. installed at the rear for the drop -in trade.considering it comprises only nine per- Bardo and Cunningham, old-time com-The ultra-moderne is the keynote of theformers.Alberto's orchestra plays the PHONOGRAPHS edy team, do a couple of fast tap num-decorative scheme.Manager Sam Sof-show excellently and supplies both Latin 50 Used Wurlitzers bers.Their burlesque of a couple offerin has drawn a high-class clientele byand pop dance music capably.Also All Models dudes from the WildWestis fairly amus-a combination of a well -managed spotbroadcasts on NBC network Sunday WRITE FOR PRICES ing. with a well -produced show, booked byevening. PAUL DENIS. 76 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MUSIC SECTION) February 6, 1937 ing Philadelphia was inaugurated by the association.Edward N. Polisher, coun- sel for the group, declared: "At this time, when new restrictive measures against Sheet -Music 'Leaders our industry are being proposed and new taxes imposed, those who have the bene- (Week Ending January 301 fits of the business at heart must organ- ize' to protect themselves." Based on reports from leading Job- All music operators in the New Jersey bersandretailmusicoutletsfrom and Eastern Pennsylvania area are urged Coast to Coast, songs listed are a con- to contact Polisher.This is urgent for sensusofmusicactuallysoldfrom the safeguarding of their business. weekto week. The "barometer" isaccurate, with necessary allowance forday-to-dayfluctuations.Number in parentheses indicates position in last week's listing. offset by imported marquetry inlays and Sales of music by the Maurice Rich- New Rock-Ola nativeAmericanwalnuttrim. TheMrs. Deaton Lands Whopper mondMusic Corporation,Inc.,are Rhythm Master has a beautiful cabinet not included, due to exclusive selling of imported woods in contrasting light, FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Jan. 30.- agreement with a number of publishers. Phono Models dark and medium shades. The ImperialFishing off Fort Lauderdale recently, Mrs. Acknowledgment is madetoMayer CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-The value of thatXX is a de luxe job for the smartestDeaton, wife of W. R. Deaton, factory MusicCorporation,MusicSalesCor- quality called "far-sightedness" is veryspots, introducing an entirely new typerepresentative for the Rudolph Wurlitzer poration and AshleyMusicSupply much in evidence at the Rock-Ola fac-of cabinet design in phonographs. Company, hooked a 36 -pound sailfish. A Company,of NewYork; Lyon & tory just now.Because of it, the offi- An innovation for the convenience of35 minute fight ensued, during which it Healy; Carl Fischer, Inc.; Gamble cials say, there are so many orders on was necessary for H. E. Capehart, Wur- Hinged Music Company and Western operators is the new Rock-Ola Hi -Boy Book and Stationery Company, of Chi- hand for the various models of the Rock-phonograph stand.Itisof light andlitzer vice-president, to assist Mrs. Dea- Ola Multi -Selector and the 1937 Worlddark walnut veneer, harmonizing withton.Finally, however, the briny battler cago. Series that since the coin machine showany of the Rock-Ola models, and enablessuccumbed to their combinedefforts. the factory has been on an uninter-the operator to gain greater attentionMrs. Deaton's prize measured 84 inches 1.IntheChapelintheMoonlight rupted three shifts a day schedule withfor his machines and thus increase earn-in length.She came close to the two (Shapiro)(1) every prospect of being on such scheduleings. sailfish landed by H. E. Capehart's sons; 2. When My Dream Boat Comes Home thruout the year. Tommy Capehart getting a whopper in (Witmark) 121 1935 and Earl Capehart succeeding in 3. Pennies From Heaven (Select)(3) Since stepping into the music picture landing a 50 -pounder in 1936, 4. Goodnight, My Love (Robbins) (4) some two years ago with the Multi -Se- 5. With Plentyof Money and You lector, the sound experts and mechan- (Harms/ (5) ical engineers of the Rock-Ola company 6. The NightIs Young (Words and have worked constantly toward a goalOptimism Wins Car for Engel Music)(6) of better and better phonographs. Watch- 7. Trust in Me (Ager) (121 ingthetrendof events, all were inPa., N. J., Org. After Members agreement that the coin machine show 8.It's De -Lovely (Chappell)17) of 1937 would be the logical time to offer PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 30.-Frank En-Darwin Predicts 9. Rainbow on the River (Feist)(9) something even better than anythinggel, winner of the automobile offered at 10. One, Two, Button Your Shoe (Se- they had offered before.The new pho-the Chicago convention and president lect)(81 Big Phono Year 11.I've Got You Under My Skin (Chap- nograph models were the result. of the Phonograph Operators of Eastern pell)(101 So enthusiastic isI. F. Webb, phono-Pennsylvania and New Jersey,atthe graph division manager, that he says:recent meeting of the association told NEW YORK, Jan. 30.-J. A. Darwin, 12. Serenade in the Night (Mills/(141 how he won the machine. specialfactory representativeforthe 13. There's Something in the Air (Rob- "Beautiful as the Rhythm Masteris, Rudolph Wurlitzer Company, says that bins/ when one turns to the Rhythm King he "Ifeltsure that prospects forin-in his estimation 1937 will prove even 14. There's Frost on the Moon (Berlin) realizes that the other was not, aftercreased business during the coming yeara greater phonograph sales year than 15. Who's Afraid of Love? (Hollywood) all, the masterpiece.It would seem im-were promising and investedin neweither 1935 or 1936."Senator" Darwin, possible to produce anything more daz-equipment," Engelsaid. "Itso hap-as he is called by the coinmen in this zling, but here is the proof, a magnifi-pened that I obtained the lucky ticketarea, gave his views before embarking cent creation, the Imperial XX." and I look upon the winning of the ma-for Florida where he will spend someready preparing for the resort and road- The Rhythm King has a cabinet withchine as a sign of what the future holds sideseasonbyplacingtheirorders for the industry." time with his family. for the new models we presented in sides of oriental walnut; the pilasters "The tremendous interest which wasChicago." and top ends of English harewood, and A campaign to obtain increased mem-apparent in Chicago in music equipment the beautiful Inlaid rosewood panels arebership from the 12 counties surround -has testifiedto the statements made some time ago," Darwin said."The new equipment shown for the first time at Chicago by the Rudolph Wurlitzer Com- pany has attracted a great many opera-McCormick Reports Big torstothe music machine business. There is no doubt that music machinesDemand for New Covers will see one of the greatest years in 1937. GREENVILLE, N. C., Jan. 30.-L. B. They have been gaining the acclaim of(Mac) McCormick reports that sales for THE SEEBURG all intelligent operators everywhere. The Eastern territory which I cover is onlythe phonograph and cigaret machine FRANCHISE IS now beginning to feel the effects of thecovers made by his firm have been in- tremendous popularity for coin -operatedcreasing steadily since the products were MORE VALUABLE! music occasioned by the sales of theshown at the 1937 convention in Chicago. 1936 Wurlitzer-Simplexmodelshere. "On my return from Chicago I found Operators have found that snore andorders piling up here, while I was busy more locations are demanding phono-taking ordersinChicago," Mac says. graphs and more and more machines"It shows that we have presented a real will have to be purchased to care fornecessity for the trade. The phonograph the demand. cover attracts music operators, not only "Operators of Wurlitzers in the Eastfor its practical uses but also because report profits zooming.Many areal - of its low price. "It was the cigaret machine operators in Chicago who started us on the way to making a cover for cigaret machines. We have already shipped samples to a number of cigaret operators, and the first order received in response was for 500 covers from one of the largest operators Radio Song Census in the country.This assures us that Selections listed represent The Bill- we have developed something needed by board's accurate check on three net- the cigaret men.Our production has works, WJZ, WEAF and WABC. been speeded up to meet this growing Only songs played at least once dur- demand." ing each program day are listed. Idea is to recognize consistency rather than gross score. Figure in parentheses in- dicatesnumberoftimessong was played according to last week's listing. Period coveredis from to Friday, Jan- YOUR MANWALTORER uary 22, to Thursday, January 28, both TELLS YOU TO LISE... dates inclusive. With Plenty of Money and You (29) 36 P04. Pennies From Heaven (22) 28 Please Keep Me in Your Dreams (19) 25 THE ONLY PHONO Good Night, My Love 126) 24 NEEDLE WITH THE EXCLUSIVE When My Dream Boat Comes Home (26) 24 PATENTED ELLIPTICAL POINT! Chapel in the Moonlight (24) 21 2,000Perfect High Fidelity There's Something in the Air (291 20 Plays. Reproduction. Gone (141 19 Longer Record Undistorted MayI Have the Next Romance With Life. Volume Output You?122) 19 THE SEEBURG MULTI -SELECTOR i MODEL "Q" Summer Night (161 18 I've Got You Under My Skin 17 Standard Permo New Double On a Little Bamboo Bridge 17 Needle for All Ribbed Permo This Year's Kisses (14) 15 Phonographs Needle for PPP One in a Million 14 Phonographs There's Frost on the Moon (16) 14 You're Laughing at Me 14 You Do the Darndest Things 13 J. P. SEEBURG CORPORATION I'mRidingHigh 11 Love and Learn(201 11 1510 DAYTON STREET CHICAGO One, Two, Button Your Shoe(13) . 13 Tea on the Terrace (16) 10 The Way You Look Tonight 8 PERMO PRODUCTS corp. 4311 RAVENSWOOD AVE.CHICAGO February 6, 1937 AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MUSIC SECTION) The Billboard 77 the firm, Roll Over was shown for the oston Company Orders first time at the show in Chicago and 0 Carloads of Phanos everyone who saw the game had noth- ing but favorable comments and praissi BOSTON, Jan. 30.-Supreme Amuse - for it. Went Company of New England. Inc., has "Roll Overisentirely different from placed an order with the Rudolph Wur- any other game of this type," Ponser li tzar Company for 10 carloads of the says, "inasmuch as it can he used for new -model phonographs.Each car will high score or payout..It can be oper- carry fifty machines. ated with as many as one to 10 balls The machines, according to Ben D. and its standout feature is a recording Palastrant. of Supreme Amusement, are register which will give every operator a fast gaining attention in this area since complete check on his games." the Chicago convention, with an appre- GeorgePonser,GeorgeQueen.Joe ciable number of orders already placed. Becker and Bert Lane. of New York, and Because of country -wide demand for the Irving X. Morris, of Newark, are pre- phonographs, the New England allot- paring themselves for a volume business Ment is slow in coming, but Palastrant and are lining up everything so that feels that a steady flow of the machines when Roll Over is announced there will Will be forthcoming at press time. be no delays.The manufacturer is co- First of the 10 carloads has already operating fully and promises immediate a'rived in the Huh. deliveries. As Bert Lane puts it:"Roll Over is without a doubt the greatest and best noveltypin gameIhaveeverseen. Judging from the reaction of those who saw the game at Chicago. I do not hesi- New York Assembly Bill tate in saying that Roll Over will be classed as the star hit of 1937." ALBANY. N. Y.. Jan. 30 --To impose a tax on coin or token operated vending machines is provided for by a proposed new law introduced in the Legislature A CANDID -CAMERA SHOT of I.F. Webb, manager of the phonograph divi- by AssemblymanStej:henJ.Jarema. sion of the Rock-Ola Manufacturing Corporation, and Messrs. Maurie Koren - Democrat. of New York.Bill aims to tax gold and Jerry Kimmel. of Automatic Distributors, Inc., taken on a recent Springs on Hi -De -Ho the machines according to the value of visit to the Rock -Ole plant. the coin inserted. Measure was referred Tabbed as Pacificoil for consideration by the Assembly Com- CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-"There is no need mittee on Taxation. foe keys to the doors of Pacific Amuse- ment ManufacturingCompanythese days, unless it might be to stem the rush Fred McClellan. president ofPacific House. And,asthefuneralcortegeof eager operators trying to get imme- Amusement Manufacturing Company, inpauses to place Dave in his final restingdiate deliveries on HI -De -Ho," says Pahl paying tribute to Dave. as he was knownplace. a silent tribute from all cornersBennett, general sales manager of the to his great galaxy of friends, says: "Iof the country comes from the hearts ofcompany, commenting upon the wave of DAVID HOUSE regret the passing of Dave House moremany far distant friends, as well as thoseacceptance that has overwhelmed them than words can express.He was one ofpresent. with orders for the new bumper game. 13y a friend our most loyal constituents in the State "Built in the novelty model," he con- Dave House is gone. And to the thou-of Texas.His success in life and the re- tinues"Hi -De -Hoincorporatesplenty sands who knew him, there'll be a va-spect he commanded from a host of of punchy, bumpy action.Two mystery cancy difficult to fill.For this man fromfriends and business acquaintances was light -up numbers appear at the left side Dallas was of the old -school of operatorswell-earned. Iconsider his passing a of the two-way backboard each time a who understood the meaning of loyaltypersonal loss." Ponser Organization nickel goes into the chute.It's necessary to his fellow men, with the will to co- Harold Daily, South Coast Amusement Hails Roll Over Gamethat players match either of these to operate for the betterment of an industryCompany,HoustonandDallassays: score on the left side, which is controlled he loved, and to which he devoted a life-"Dave House will be sorely missed by NEWARK, N.J.,Jan. 30.-Both theby eight red bumpers in the lower field. time of endeavor. many. I knew him intimately and valuedNewark and New York officesoftheThere are ten numbers on the right side Dave House attended the last Coin Ma-his friendship, not only for his righteousGeorge Pon,er Company report that de-of the backboard which light up pro- chine Convention at Chicago as a guestand straightforward dealings, hut, as amand for the new bumper -type game,gressively from 100 to 1,000 each time ofPacific Amusement Manufacturingman who would do as he promised.Roll Over, made Inc , Chicago,a ball bumps and makes contact with Company, which company he has servedDave's death is a shock to me." inuicates high sales records for the pres-the white bumpers above mid -field. These Many eulogies, too numerous to print,ent season. are good for values indicated by the num- most faithfully in the capacity of op- According to George Ponser, head ofber which remains illuminated after all erator and jobber in the Texas area. have been expressed with regard to Mr. balls are shot. "The play is called particularly intrigu- ing as ball after ball zig-zags down thru the white bumpers, first to move lights toward the right, and then to the left as they carom down toward the bottorn. One would actually think these balls were controlled by an imagination tnd brain of their own. They actually seem Ten Best Records for Week Ended Jan. 25 to haul off and bang away at the same bumper as many as three or four times before they proceed to the next Pacifi- VICTOR coil bumper spring." BRUNSWICK VOCALION BLUEBIRD For payout and ticket game territory. Bennett proclaims Hi -De -Ho to be a 3402-"I Haven't Got a Pot toB6685-"Goodnight My Love"25498-"PleaseKeep Me in money-maker the like of which has not 7809-"How Was Ito Know?" Your Dreams" and "Nero." Fatscome along in years.He describes time I and "Am I Intruding?"Hud- Cook In" and "Hurry, Johnny,and "One Never Knows Does son-Delange orchestra. Hurry."Sweet Violet Boys. One?"Shep Fields and or- Waller and orchestra. payout and ticket game action quite chestra. similarly to the novelty game, with the exception, of course, that both these 7807-"There's a Ranch in the3408-"l Love You From CoastB6640-"In the Chapel in the25495 "Trust in Me" and "Themodels employ only one ballin their play. 2 Sky" and "Don't Give a Good toCoast"and"Gone." Ray Moonlight" and "You're Every-Night Is Young."Wayne King CoshDarn." JanGarber and Pearl and orchestra. thing Sweet."Shep Fields and and orchestra. "The payout and ticket game models, orchestra. orchestra. like the novelty model, have their payo.st percentagesproperlydetermined. and 7808-"Please Keep Me in 3409-"ThatFoolishFeeling"B6757-"This Year's Kisses" 25486-"Smoke Dreams"and representasfinepieces of operating Your Dreams" and"Trustin and "Gee! But You're Swell."and "TheGirlon thePolice "Gee! But You're Swell." Bennyequipment as any company has ever pro- 3 Me." MusicinRuss Morgan Putney Dandridge and orchestra.Gazette."Shep Fields and or- Goodman and orchestra. duced in the history of coin machine Manner. chestra. production," is Bennett's final word on 7800-"The NightisYoung"3411-"TheSheikofAraby"B6758-"Slumming on Park 25507-"I've Got My Love. tothis new product of the Pacific com- and"Lookin'AroundCornersand "You Don't Love Me." DonAvenue"and "He Ain'tGot Keep Me Warm" and "Slum-pany. 4 for You."Jan Garber and or-Alabert and orchestra. Rhythm." Tempo King and or-ming on Park Avenue." Ray chestra. chestra. Noble and orchestra.

B6702-"The NightIs Young"25505-"This Year's Kisses" 7811-"A Rhyme for Love" and3419-"Where the Lazy River and "He Ain't Got Rhythm." "I'm Right Back Where I Coes By" and "You Can Telland "I'm in a Dancing Mood." Started." Vocal,Pinky Tom-She Comes From Dixie." PhilGeorge Hall and orchestra. Benny Goodman and orchestra. lin-orchestra under direction of Harris and orchestra. Cy Feuer. 7769-"All's FairinLove and3422-"Let'sPut OurHeads B6746-"Mr.GhostCoes to25506-"The Girl on the Police War"and"WithPlentyof Together" and "I Adore You."Town" and "The Goona Goo."Gazette" and "You're Laughing 6 Money and You."Hal Kemp Henry (Red) Allenand or-Johnny Hamp and orchestra. at Me."Wayne King and or- and orchestra. chestra. chestra.

7797-"Where the Lazy River3389-"Here'sLoveInYourB6759-"Rippling Rhythm" and25476-"I'm in a Dancing Goes By" and "Right or Eye" and "When My Dream "Basin Street Blues." Shep Mood" and "Tea on the Ter- 7 Wrong." Teddy Wilson and or-Boat Comes Home." Henry Fields and orchestra. race."Tommy Dorsey and or- chestra. (Red) Allen and orchestra. chestra.

7804-"Serenade in the Night"3420-"Smoke Dreams" and B6769-"I've Got My Love to25499-"Who's Afraid of Love" and "Dear Diary."Jan Garber"Timber." Ray Pearl and or-Keep Me Warm" and "You'reand "One ina Million." Fats 8 and orchestra. chestra. Laughing at Me." Shep FieldsWaller and orchestra. and orchestra. 7783-"Goodnight My Love"3410-"Blowing Off Steam" andB6768-"There's a Ranch in 25496-"Jamborec" and "Maple and "One Never Knows." Hal "Wash It Clean." Sharkey andthe Sky" and "Moonl'ght on theLeaf Rag." Tommy Dorsey and ART GARVEY, formerfootball 9 Kemp and orchestra. his Sharks of Rhythm. Prtairie Mary." Tempo Kingorchestra. and orchestra. star (Notre Dame 1921),initiated into TribeofO'Toole Indians as 7745-"I've Got You Under My3367-"ForSentimental Rea- B6770-"Mv Last Affair" and25508-"If MyHeartCould Chief Walking Mountain. He is a Skin" and "Easy to Love." Halsons" and "It's Love I'm After.""Geer But You're Swell." TempoOnlyTalk" and"The Goona Bally Manufacturing Company field Mildred Bailey and orchestra. King and orchestra. Goo."Tommy Dorsey and or- 10 Kemp and orchestra. chestra. representative. HIGH FIDELITY MELODY KING MODE:, "K AMPLUICHEIGHT,:5 RECORD 541/2 MULTI -SELECTOR WIDTH, 35"; DEDTH, 2514'.ILLUM:NA-EETWO SUPER DYNAYUC SPEAKERS 8 TUEE FULL RANGE HEIGHT,ANPLIFICATICN.15 RECORD 5.47/1" P!JLTI.SELEC10-i. 15 INCH SUPER DYNAMICHIGH FIDDLITY SPEAKER. MELODY KING MOTEL "Q' NIDTH, 31,4"; DEPTH, 24". 7 TUBE F WU. F ANGE DMIRATED





Personally inspect the great 1937 Line of Seeburg automatic phonographs. Each model possesses exclusive revolutionary features that place it above any comparison in its particular price range. There is a Seeburg High Fidelity Phonograph adaptable to the exacting require- HIGH FIDELITY SYMPHONOLA MODEL ' ments of all types of locations. HEIGHT, 5:"I.; WIDTH, 301/2"; DEPTH, 21". ILLUMINATED 12 RECORD MULTI -SELECTOR.7 TUBE FULL RANGE AMPLIFICATION.-.5 INCH SUPER DYNAMIC SPEAKER.



' "4* .. . & February 6, 1937 SO The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MERCHANDISE SECTION) Vender isthe biggest thing that has ever been introduced in the vending machine field.

11 DUE TO THE Report Discusses UNPRECEDENTED 1 I I 71 II I Cigaret Prices DEMAND FOR A CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-Financial reports OF and is available in a walnut finish orindicate that the advance incigaret REVIVAL Ed Johnson in assorted colors to conform with the in-prices is likely to result in continued THE GREAT TWO - dividual location'sinterior decoration.large earnings for the manufacturing Location placements are without limita-firms.The Chicago Journal of Com- PLAYER GAME tion. Examples of specific locations thatmerce, in reporting the all-time peak Vending Setup have proved practical and profitable areearnings of Liggett & Myers Tobacco CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-Ed Johnson, for-theater foyers, railroad stations, bus ter-Company in 1936, gives some facts on merly vice president and general salesminals, air ports, arcades, amusementcigaret prices which may be of interest HOCKEY manager of the J. P. Seeburg Corpora-parks, recreation parlors and taverns. to operators of cigaret machines who The A.B.T. Manufacturing Company, WE tion, has formed his own organization are carefully watching the effects of the to be known as Ed Johnson, Inc. John-experienced in meeting the operators'recent advance in wholesale prices. ANNOUNCE son is known for his brilliant sales andproblems, has incorporated into the vend- Liggett & Meyers net income for 1936. executive achievements with the See -er a simple mechanism with few mov-after all charges, amounted to $24,207,- THE burg firm. He is widely acquainted withing parts, thus eliminating the possi-632, equal to $7.25 a share on the com- the industry in general and has con-bilities of breakdowns. Each part of thebined com:non and Class B common ACQUISITION tributed his full share to the progressivemechanism is made with the character-stocks,comparing with1935netof istic A.B.T. precision, assuring the oper- OF THE EXCLUSIVE strides taken by the industry in recent $16,856.543, or $4.91 a share. years. ator of smooth operation for years to Analysis of the company's financial RIGHTS TO MANU- Johnson will handle the national dis-come. statements indicates that a fortunate tribution of the new line of 3 -in -1 mer- The Vender is fully protected by theinventory position may have beena FACTURE THIS GAME, chandising machines made by A.B.T.patentedCommercialCoinDetector,factor in aiding the 1936 showing.Ris- Manufacturing CompanyofChicago.which positively rejects slugs, spuriousing prices for leaf tobacco in the last FORMERLY MADE BY Working with Johnson are 30 prominentcoins, chins and eliminates the use ofthree years have implied a rise in manu- distributors, forming one of the mostmetal probes.Itis the last word infacturing costs and a narrowing in prone J.P. SEEBURG CO. unusual organizations of its kind. Themodernized vending machines.It hasmargins. Liggett & Myers expanded its inven- tory heavily in 1934, the total at the end of that year being $100,362,961 at cost, as compared with $78,115,179 at the close of the preceding year, so that it probably was well situated from the in- ventory standpoint during the two suc- ceeding years of rising prices. At the end of1935 the company's inventoriesofleaf tobacco, manufac- tured stock and operating supplies had climbed to $113,940,867, while at De- cember 31, 1936, the figure had grown to $121,200,716.In view of the fact that aggregate cigaret consumption for the entire country is estimated to have in- creased about 12 per cent in 1936, a con- siderable part of the increase in the Liggett & Myers inventory during the last year can be attributed to larger physical holdings of leaf tobacco in or- der to cover its share of the expanded volume of consumption. The increase of wholesale prices fOr leading popular cigaret brandsisex- pected to more than offset higher average raw material costs in 1937.Since the principalcigaretmanufacturershold about a three-year supply of leaf to- bacco on hand, the increase in 1936 leaf prices, when averaged with the earlier - acquired stocks,is estimated to result in a boost of about 8 cents per thousand cigarets in tobacco costs for 1937. Wholesale prices have been advanced 15cents a thousand to $6.25, which, after the usual trade discounts of10 (See REPORT on page 83) DAVID C. ROCKOLA explaining to "Dizzy" Dean,famous pitcher, the multi - selector and other outstanding features of the newRock-Ola phonograph. LOOK -0 IN THE WHOLESALE A.B.T. 3 -in -1 vender was one of the cen-been designed with every consideration MERCHANDISE SECTION OPERATORS ters of attraction at the 1937 conventionfor the operator, not only in its mechan- forthe in Chicago, and Johnson says that theical details, but in its location adapta- LATEST NOVELTIES, PRIZES JOBBERS sincerelybelievethat this sensational innovation of the vender isbility.I PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES the changeable merchandise feature. Thechangeable merchandise feature exclu- DISTRIBUTORS machine vends packaged nuts, candy andsively possessed by the A.B.T. cigarets.Operators,who viewedthe WRITE-WIRE-PHONE machine during the show were of the IMMEDIATE DELIVERY opinion that it presented the full value of three vending machines in one: A REAL BARGAIN! INTERNATIONAL The A.B.T. 3 -in -1 Vender holds 100 packages of the Billie Brownie confec- 5 DE LUXE ROLL -A -BALL MUTOSCOPE REEL CO., Inc. tions and may easily be converted into a 14Ft. Bowling Games, like new, $140 en. Operate Cigarette. Gum and Pesnut Machines In 516 West 34th St. cigaret vender that holds 120 packages, addition to Games!Write for our Complete Johnson explained.The cigaret mer- Catalog of New and Used Vending end Amuse. New York City, N. Y. chandise conversion can be executed by ment Machines.Many Bargains Avaikble! simply adding a 10 cent coin detector Empire II41-B DEKALB AVE plate. Pesnut c Gum Vendor B ROOK LYN, N .Y, and a 5 cent and 10 cent metal Vendor. D.ROBBINS &CO The cabinet is modernistic in design Fohrunry 6_ 19.77 AMUSEMENTMACHINES TheBillboard 81 vex #PDP11°/?41.1SF/

24" Sizes:50" by "RACES" can Pamco possible-because and giant of other games bowl"score-drorne' The race Nine timesthe money The big for 1937! nine nickelseach play. "best bet" a recordmoney- take up to make"RACES" your bumpcty-bump game- -1-0-N "odds-commutator" ..$199.50 brand new A -C -T TICKET winner! gamesupreme! Bumping- It'sa .$189.50 "HI-DE-Pacific'syou placeit! progressive scores. PAYOUT .. maker wherever and forth tolite up lurch back $149.50 as balls $139.50-T1CKET $64.50-PAYOUT NOVELTY

4223 W. LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1320 S. HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Get Advance Deliveries from Your Nearest Distributor at Once! 82 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES February 6, 1937 Wis., to their quarters at Springfield, Cigaret Operators Meet Mo.; Norman Anderson arid Loren Doyle ofSealBros.'Circus, Emporia, Kan.; To Consider Price Rise Smith and Graham of Kansas City, who PITTSBURGH, Jan.30.-Increasedare organizing a show under the title cost of cigarets is prompting operatorsof Chase and Son Circus;Bill Moore, of cigaret machines in this area to pro-legal adjuster of Al G. Barnes Show last tect themselves from any losing prop-season; Elmer Myers, of same show; Bob ositions. Stevens of Ringling-Barnum concession Nearly20oftheleadingoperatorsdepartment. MONEY TALKS! met at the American Cigaret Machine Francis Kitzman, brigade agent, and Company Sunday to discuss plans ofwife are spending the winter at Holly- lowering the location owner's margin ofwood, Fla. Bobbie Warinner is al. Sara- profit to enable the operator to conductsota. Ray Blankenship, general agent of Here arethemachines that operators didn't just talk about-But a fairly profitable business.The plansRussell show,isfilling vaudeville and will be further developedat anothernight club bookings in Texas.E.E. put up hard cash on the line for immediate delivery! The machines meeting scheduled for tomorrow. Whetsel. legal adjuster last half of last Local jobbers are fully co-operatingseason, has opened a sales barn at Kings- that outsold all others at the show with the operators and are urging themport, Tenn. to work in unison for their common The Conner Trio, wintering at Gaines- good. ville, Tex., report an aerial bar act added to their routine. Topsy. chimp mascot of the Russell GENCO'S GAMES Show, has fully recovered from a siege BENHAMID of "flu."E. K. Webb, superintendent of (Continued from page 71) winter quarters, has recovered from in- tumblers for the 1937 season.Acts, tojuries received in a runaway. PADDLE WHEEL open March 18 in the New York Hip- The St. Louis Post -Dispatch recently podrome, will be billed as the Behee,cazried two feature stories on the circus, Rubyatte and Ben Hamid Arabs. one about Mrs. C. W. Webb and her col- The ONLY Original Game of the Show! Hamid, originally a member of the In-lectionof ,animal -skinrugs, and the ternational Nine, standard vaude turnother on the career of Hazel King, as- years ago, has worked with Adkins -man-sistant horse trainer, who is spending the aged circuses before, at one time appear-winter at quarters.The Rolla Herald is ing with Howe's Great London Showsnow carrying a regular column about the BANK ROLL and the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus. activities on "Circus Hill" under the caption Topsy Says. THE Great BOWLING GAME HIT for 1937! Russell Active Woodcocks with Barnett SAVANNAH,Ga.,Jan.30.-W,H. SWING TIME At Rolla, llo, Woodcock and wife will be with Barnett ROLLA, Mo., Jan. 30.-Activities areBros.' Circus. Woodcock will be on Side A New NON -PAYOUT Pin Game "Styled by Genco!" steadily increasing in winter quarters ofShow ticket box as talker and the missus Russell Bros.' Circus as time for openingwill present her acts in big show. The draws near. Plans for the season, how-Barnett show, itis said, will have six ever, while virtually completed, are notelephants. yet ready to be announced, according to ROLL-OVER C. W. Webb, manager. Mr. and Mrs.Robert O'Hara have The Pin Game You Have Been Waiting for! returned from a two months' sojournAlderfer Has Show on the Pacific Coast and, after spending EL PASO, Tex., Jan. 30.-C. L. Alderfer a week in quarters, have continued east-is making towns in Texas and Arizona ward on business. They will return towithaMexican show, featuringthe For Complete Details of These Great HITS - Write, Wire, Phone Rolla later. Gonzalas Family of 10. Played five towns Justus Edwards recently made a tripin and around Presidio, Tex., to good or Call Today - IMMEDIATE DELIVERY !! to Detroit and Chicago and on his waybusiness. At Shaf ter, Tex., Roy Freddell back visitedcircus quartersat Peru,had his tented movie show on Main Ind., and that of Cole Bros.' Circus atstreet. On same lot is Riley's Trained Rochester, Ind. Animal Show, camped for the winter. EXCLUSIVE EASTERN DISTRIBUTORS James H. Webb, secretary of the show,Freddell invited Alderfer to set up along- is back from a three weeks'visitinside of him, which he did.It was pay Washington, D. C. and New York. day for the miners and both shows did C. W. Webb spent a day in Spring-capacity biz. field,Mo., conferring with officialsof the Springfield Wagon & Trailer Com- pany on his needs in rolling stock. SINON D. J. COLLINS, clown, who fea- GEORGE PONSER CO INC. Recent visitors to quarters have beentures a Groucho Marx impersonation, is President Mellor and Frank Capp of theen route to the West Coast playing the- 114 0 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY Baker -Lockwood Company; Pete, Al andaters in advance of the Marx Brothers' Bill Lindemann and thelatter'sson,latest picture, A Day at the Races. Be- 11-15 EAST RUNYON ST., NEWRRK,N.J. Orval, of Sells -Sterling Circus, on theirgins a series of club and indoor circus way from their homes in Sheboygan,dates shortly.

Fullest Line at Lowest Prices for House -to - House Canvassers, Wagon Salesmen, Agents, JIFFY TESTER EXCEPTIONAL VALUE I t Pitchmen. ROYAL KNIGHT IF 50 SIDELINE MERCHANDISE, 75c "The Complete Electrical Repair Department-IN A CARRYING CASE." Tells per Extra Special. Gross weak- BLUE BLADES D. E. -20-5's. SINGLE EDGE BLADES, Cello. you at a glance which wire in the machine is broken-which battery is InDisplay Box. 1000 20 Pks. 4 in. Per display card 65c Cellophaned. DOUBLEEDGE BLADES, Cello. which soldered connection is loose-which fuse is broken-and answers hundreds UNIFORM QUALITY !! ! 20 Pks. 5 in.Per display card 40C of other electrical questions. The really BIG HIT of the Show! 25% Deposit on C. 0. D.'s, Incl. Postage. 51937 CATALOG FREE - WRITE. CHAMPION SPECIALTY CO. 814-X Central St., Kansas City, Mo. WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR TODAY


A sure-fire sales stimulator-Line up BE PATIENT...It's Coming Soon withthispopular low-priced movie projector,soldbyleadingdepart- Genco's ROLL OVER mentstores. Qualitythroughout, yetthesemachinesare manufac- turedina wide range ofmodels, A Bumper type game that is sensationally DIFFERENT. Can be used as a High priced from 50c up.Use any 16mm Score Game or for Automatic Award.Equipped withRecordingRegister! films and produce brilliantpictures. Worth waiting for !! EXCLUSIVE EASTERN DISTRIBUTORS Write for Literature and Prices

Excel Model 84

GEORGE PONSER CO INC. 3915) EXCEL PROJECTOR CORP. 1140 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY(R5Hord4- 4234 Drummond Place,Chicago, III. II-ISEAST RUNYON 5T., NEWRRK,N.J.81qclos) 3-6272) February 6, 1937 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 83 REPORT YOU WANT AN EXCLUSIVE (Continued from page80) and 2 per cent, and after deduction of PREMIUM the federal tax of $3, will bring the net price realized by the manufacturer to A SMASH HIT slightly more than $2.51as compared with a net price of $2.38 in effect since January 9,1934. This means an in- HERE VT IS THE crease of about 13 cents a thousand in net price against an estimated 8 cents a thousand rise in costs. 'MERRY-GO-ROUND Following is a record of the revisions made inwholesale pricesforleading CRYSTAL cigaret brands since 1919: CHROME REVOLVING BAR Despite higher leaf tobacco costs and largerphysicalinventories,Liggett & The newest and most uniquein 'drinkaccessories; Myers maintained its strong cash posi- flashy quality commands instant attention and interest.Practical, serves a jigger in a jiffy. Pump once -drink is measured.. Tray re- tion during 1936.Cash declined $2,545,- volves ready for next drink.Holds six glasses, capacity, one quart.Made of finest 147, but the remaining balance was $7,- crystal glass, metal ports heavily chrome plated over brass, will not peel, easily 356,951.Holdings of United States gov- cleaned, will not tarnish. Guaranteed for a lifetime.Everyone who sees this BEAU- TIFUL REVOLVING BAR immediately wants several for home or office.Can be used ernment bonds were only slightly lower for whiskey, gin, punch, brandy or wine. at $17,389,538, against $17,452,573 a year ROL-A-TOP BELL earlier, and preferred stock investments 2 EXCLUSIVE JAY ROSE asATY of$3,158,310 were unchanged. Com- The above machineisthefirst bined holdings of preferred stocks and and onlyBelltype machine on COMPLETE -DOUBLE YOUR MONEY the market with acointop United States government bonds had a showingthelast 8coins,the ON EVERY DEAL YOU PLACE market value on December 31, 1936, of best protectionagainstslugs. $23,229,954, as compared with $22,109,509 DEAL 1. Built in 3 Models, YOUR CHO'CE at the end of 1935. Special 600 hole. 24 Special1.000 hole Bell, Front Vender and Gold Award Section Doable Jack- "Hitand Take"40 Earnings mounted rapidly during the pot, C igarrt te Board. Section Cigarette Board Built for lc -5c -10c -25c Play 48 WINNERS. De- - No Jackpots. 60 1920's, net income making steady gains signed to go to the end $ 25 EACH WINNERS. 90'; of the time before each year to a peak of $24,002,315 in Made Only By the prizo goes with last 6 OR MORE Takes in(1,000 sale on the hoard. Holes @ 5c) .$50.00 1930, or more than double the $11,969,828 Takes In (600 EACH $6.00 Pays Out (60 reported for 1924. WATLING MFG. CO. Holessi Sc..$30.00 Packs Cigarettes Pays Out( Av- co 15c) 9.00 erage 59 Packs In 1931, there was an abrupt reversal 4640-4660 W. FULTON ST, Cigarettes @ MERRY-GO-ROUND Gross Profit .$41.00 of the upward earnings trend.Manu- (15e) 8.85 50,iAverage CHICAGO, ILL. WITHOUT BOARD GrossProfit ..$20.50 facturers of the leading brands of cig- Est. 1889 -Tel.: COLumbils 2770. Gross Profit Cable address "WATLI NG ITE" Chicago Thisis no "labeled" arets,notwithstanding thedeclineof (Average) Per S EACH plainbeard,but a Deal ..... $21.15 beautiful creation in public purchasing power and falling leaf Beautiful hoard with manycolors,complete Easels and Celluloid 6 OR MORE $4.75 EACH withEasels and wrap- tobacco prices, raised wholesale prices on JackpotProtectors. pedin cellophane. June 24. 1931. to $6.85 a thousand from the $6.40 rate which had been in effect YOU CAN'T LOSE -YOU TAKE NO RISK WITH OUR SEVEN-DAY MONEY -BACK Above Model and Other GUARANTEE -ORDER NOW -DON'T DELAY -1/3 DEPOSIT, BALANCE C. 0. D. since October, 1929.The effect was im- mediate and adverse.Ten -cent brands WATLING ROLATOP SLOTS 23/6 LOCUSTsr. sprang into prominence and smokers in Stock at Our Offices .ROSE En CO. ST. LOU/X./14C. also turned to "rolling their own" in READY FOR IMMEDIATE order to economize. DELIVERY. Earning of Liggett & Myers declined "TIME SAVED IS MONEY MADE." to $23.121,382 for 1931. 823,075.213 for 1932, and then reached a depression low NEW DATE BOOKS of $16.731,175 for 1933.Wholesale prices ELECTRO-BALL CO., Inc. FOR 1937 were cut sharply to $6 a thousand at the Dallas, Fort Worth, Waco, San Antonio, NOW ON SALE beginning of the latter year, and then Houston, Wichita Falls, Oklahoma City, were etiidrastically to $5.50 a thousand New Orleans, Memphis. Arranged Especially for Your Needs of February11.1933. the lowest price Dated From January1, 1937, to since March, 1918. January 1,1938. Price cutting checked the inroads be- The most convenient memorandum book for ing made by the 10 -cent brands, andCigaret Production Up Managers, Agents and Pe r formers inall the threat from that direction was fur- NEW YORK, Jon. 30.-Poor's Indus- branchesoftheshowworld. Actualsize ther lessened with the sharp rise in leaf x51/-, inches -just fitsthe vest pocket. try and Investment Surveys reported that, Contains complete calendars for years 1937- tobacco prices.Net income recovered tocigaret production in 1936 reached an 1938, U. S. and World Maps, 110 pages for $20,086,690in1934. butfellback toall time high of approximately 150,000,- dailymemorandums, spaceforrecording $16,856,543 for 1935.Sales volume was 000,000, or about 12 per cent more than receipts and disbursements of money, census larger in 1935 but net profit from opera-in 1935. figures, and much other valuable information. tions dropped to $20,824,156 from $22,- Earnings increases of manufacturers were ofwholesale 981,422 reportedfor 1934, reflecting limited by failure PLENTY OF SPACE FOR BOOKINGS, prices to follow an advance in higher to- ROUTES AND SPECIAL NOTATIONS higher costs for raw materials and thebacco costs, but the larger volume enabled For.sale at all offices of The Billboard.Mailed imposition of the processing tax.Othercigaret makers, in the aggregate, to show to any part of the world for 25c each. income was nearly $1,500,000 lower dueimproved profits. Cash With Order to the liquidation late in 1934 of about Cigar consumption continued the ris- ALL MA IL ORDERS SHOULD BE SENT TO $25,000.00 in U. S. government, state and ing trend startedin1933, production CINCINNATI OFFICE municipal obligations in order to financeamounting to 8 per cent more than in Name in gold letters the expansion of inventories. 1935, the survey said. on,covers,15c extra The Billboard Publishing Co. for each line. 25OperaPlace,Cincinnati,0. THE SENSATION of the CHICAGO SHOW! A GARDNER BOARD ortE,--81poK-er-Bok NEW so IMPROVED '' **** 110111*. THAT'S GOING BIG!! ,04,0000 127CASHPRIZES TICKETS ! - *WWI p to 0 p0 TWO - $5.00 JACK POTS LARGER No. 2100E2 IEZ Pickin), No. 2100EZFIEZPickin ocroorPo. Also 9 $2 to $10 Prizes and 37 $1.00 Prizes on S e m i-T h i c k -934x17in. 10c1 Semi -Thick -93/0(17 in. 004)0 to jtj MARKINGS the Jack Pot Card, and 114 JAR WINNERS from ON POKER ,T,.,31..1 2100 Holes 5c...5105.002100 Holes (..& 10c...$210.00 co -0 p 0.) ir) 0 25c to $2.00 Each.This Great Arrayof Cash 75.00 Pay Out 150 00 90 0 ci 0 to Prizes Sells the Deals Like Hot Cakes. HANDS Pay Out UNDERLAID IN PROFIT $30.00 PROFIT $60.00 0 to o too o SAMPLE DEAL ONLY $6.50 WHITE ENABLE 0 f0 0 iel (OP QUICK READING PRICE $3.36, PLUS 10';U. S. TAX. _...... ___ WHEN TICKET AVERAGEDEAL PROFIT $28.00 IS OPENED. WRITE FOR CATALOG -STATE YCUR BUSINESS. s -erC-,. Get Your Sample and Attractive Quantity Lot Distributor and Operator Prices.We Will Give You K...-- a Mighty Attractive Proposition.Write for Facts. NEW TICKETS .., iL, - GARDNER & CO. - -el and SEALS are I.!, Ot.i: r-,, WERTS NOVELTYCO.,,NC. 2309 ARCHER AVE. CHICAGO, ILL. 0 ..tt,-..v. Dept. BB -1 MUNCIE, IND. TAMPER -PROOF 84 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES February 6, 1937 today it is about 52.700,000, leaving cur- UneMplOYMent Is rent unemployment. at close to 9,000,000. So not only must industry, agriculture PittSbat9It ITS NOT A SALE UNLESS and the service fields attempt to absorb Weighty Problem the current unemployed but they must PITTSBURGH, Jan. 30. -Reports em- YOURE SATISFIED ! NEW YORK. Jan. 30. -That the coinalsotryto care forthe new eligibleanating from theflood -stricken West machine industry may have the oppor-workers coming on the market yearly." Virginia towns indicate that jobbers and tunity to share for many years in re- operators have suffered serious losses in lieving unemployment by providing op- Huntington, Wheeling, Wellsburg and GERBER &GLASS erating jobs and factory employment. is New Martinsville.Many machines have indicated by facts contained in an arti- been totally ruined by the flood waters. cle by William J. Enright in The Neu Parking meter posts in Huntington, dur- York Times. Launches Drive on New ing the height of the flood, served as "While continued business recovery at moving posts for flood relief boats. Sev- the 1936 rate may result in the additionMachines After Show eral coin -machine leaders in this area of 2.000,000 workers to payrolls by the EVANSVILLE, Incl., Jan. 30. --Charleswill make a tour of the stricken towns end of this year, the inability of generalEwing, owner and manager of the Auto-just as soon as the flood waters recede businesstoabsorbtheapproximatematic Amusement Company, has beenand investigate conditions among vic- 600.000 new eligible workers each yearpushing several plans for expansion since REBUILT returning from the 1937 coin machinetims in the industry.Several operators makes it seem likely that a permanent have already contributed generously to- body of unemployed is the prospect forconvention in Chicago.He came backwards relief, others are expected to lend this country for some years according tofrom the convention, he reports, withtheir personal help in the rehabilitation GAMES opinions expressed here recently by econ-agreements for handling machines andof their business neighbors. omists", the article says. products made with a number of large B. D. Lazar, prominent jobber, reports "This opinion, of course, contains amanufacturers.His firm will feature athat merchandising machines have been Tycoon Batt. $26.50 certain number of assumptions causedfull line of machines made by the Pacecontinuing to do splendid business in Jumbo Cash 29.50 by the gap in factual data concerningManufacturing Company. Chicago. this territory. He points out that manu- employment in this country.It is not Ewing saidthathisfirmwillalsofacturers have done a good Job in im- Rambler 29.50 held by business men in general, at leastpush the sales of Wurlitzer phonographs.proving the appearance of the machines. 29.50 for public consumption, but at the samesince music machines are increasing in Double Header time none of them has advanced a solu-popularity all the time.New models of Rainbow 29.50 tion of the pressing unemployment prob-the phonographs are on display here and The pingame bill, which calls for an Tycoon Elec. 31.50 lem. operators are calling every day to seeannual levy of $5 on each machine, has "What this permanent body of unem-them, he says.Firm maintains offices inbeen considered by the current session Brokers Tip 34.50 ployed will be, say at the end of 1938.Paducah, Owensville and Madisonville,of the legislature in Harrisburg and re- Jenning's Hit It 34.50 as longer range forecasts are impossible.Ky., Mt. Carmel. Ill., and Vincennes, Ind.ferred to the committee on ways and cannot as yet be estimated without aTerritory covered includes Southern In-means for further consideration before Galloping Daily Races34.50 number of assumptions.It might rangediana, SouthernIllinois and Westerntaking any action. Galloping Plugs 34.50 from 3.000.000 to 6.000,000 and, if a seri-Kentucky. Auto Punch 35.00 Hamburg Brothers, local distributors of Victor records, have been fortunate that Jumbo Ticket 37.50 the river's crest stopped at 34.5 feet. The Palooka Jr. 39.50 firm is located only a block away from the Monongahela River and had its cellar Ballot 39.50 flooded during the height of the threat- Cocktail Hour 39.50 ening waters. Alamo 39.50 Credit 39.50 Buckley Gives Distribs Peerless Ticket 42.50 Tycoon new front Lesson in Horse Sense CHICAGO, Jan. 30. -During the 1937 batt. 44.50 convention in Chicago, Jim Buckley, gen- Tycoon new front eral sales manager of Bally Manufactur- ing Company. is reported to have excited elec. 49.50 a group of distributors by saying he had Jenning's Red Man 49.50 heard about a Preakness worth $50,000. Flicker 49.50 Those who "bit" and asked for de- tailswereremindedthatthe1937 McCoy 49.50 Preakness Stakes to be run at Pimlico Multiple 49.50 willcarry a money valueof$50,000. "But," Jim added, "when Stop & Go - Guaranteed - the earning power of the thousands of Good as new 35.00 Bally Preakness games on location since October, 50 grand is Just a drop in the Bally Rolls -Reconditioned. bucket." Good as new 129.50 Keeney Bowlettes-Recond. Good as new 149.50 Duck Soup -Per doz. 12.00 TOM THUMB JAR GAMES 1937 Edition Penny 4 Big Winners in Every Jar -135 Small Ones. 5c Sale. Profit $16 to $38. Price, express pre- Pack 17.50 paid, $3.50. Write for Details 39 Other Games. Daval's Races 17.50 TOM THUMB, Dept. 77, Nauvoo, Ill. Reel Dice 18.75 Reel 21 23.75 BLOOD PRESSURE Double Deck 22.50 CHIN MACHINES, original, patented. The* big. gl,thitoftheyear. Hundreds 110Won display thruout country. IdealforFairs,Resorts,Drug "THROW AWAY YOUR TOMAHAWK and use a ray gun," says Jim Buckle), ro thu,ratrdwithorwithout an at And Also Daval's Outstand- sales manager of Bally Manufacturing Company, to Meyer Marcus (right), of tend:ult. Exclusiveterritoryarranged. Nosyat The ray gun is Bally's Eagle Eye. $39.50. Sendforillustratedcircular. LAUF ing Counter Game Hit -Trio Markepp Company, Cleveland. MANOMETER CORP., 4532ParkAve., New Pack - theonly York City. PennyCigarette Counter Game ous reaction in business developed,it with the Mystery would be much greater. "The chief factors militating against a Award. solution of the employment problem is OPERATORS the appearance on the labor market every We Have All the Latest SHOW HITS at Real Bargain Prices. Write Us First for the LATEST year of approximately 600,000 new eligi- MACHINES. ble workers, the steady growth in produc- HUBER COIN MACHINE SALES CO. WITH ALL tion per man-hour, and the lengthening 600-610 West Van Buren Street, Chicago,III. ORDERS of hours since the demise of the NRA, it Y34Pits* was pointed out.The production per man-hour rise has again returned to its pre -depression level of approximately 21', per cent annually, after having shown a slightly higher rise during the depres- LET THE 2 "G MEN sion. "THE GREATEST SUCCESS" "This trend is expected to continue, Is assured only with the best machines. We endorse no others. unless serious shortages develop in skilled labor and inexperienced help must be Bells -Novelty Pin Tables -Automatic Tables -Bowling Alleys -Rifle and Counter (Gerber & Glass) employed. thus cutting down efficiency. Machines of every description. The complaints in this connection regis-

fill all your game needs. The coin PHILADELPHIA, PA tered during 1936. however, did not ap- BANNER SPECIALTY CO., 1530-32 PARRISH ST machine "G Men" (Gerber & pear to be reflected in any reduction of NATIONALLY KNOWN FOR HONEST DEALINGS IN EVERY RESPECT. Glass) are experts at detecting efficiency,according to industrial ob- real bargains for you. servers. "A continuance of the present gains in business activity would indicate the ab- SACRIFICE SALE OF USED GAMES sorption of 2.000,000 to 2.500,000 more CLOSE OUT AND AUTOMATIC PHONOGRAPHS workers thisyear, the same figureas Guaranteed first class condition, ready to operate. last year.American Federation of Labor Automatic Automatic Automatic I PalookaSr 510.00 2 Pamco Ballot $30.00 2 Exhibit Standard Ticket 10.00

I 30.00 2 Pamco Chase estimated a gain in employment of 2.- Palooka Jr BakieSise Games 2 Bally Derby 35 00 2 Pam.Speedway 000.000.while one important business 2 Roll -A - 90.00 3 Daily Races Mistery. 40.00 2 PamcoParlay 25.00032 5°0°° 25.00 I Bowl-ABall 80.00 estimate made it about 2.400.000, bring- I 35.00 I Pamco Pinch Hitter.... Fence Buster M istery I Pamco Sensation 75.00 ing the total of employed workers at the 2 DailyRaces Mistery. 35.00 5 Exhibit Rodeo Automatic 10.00 I Brokers Tip Mistery 30.00 2 Exhibit Rodeo Ticket...10.00 Phonographs end of the year to approximately 44.000.- 3 Pantry Plugs Mistery... 25.00 I Exhibit Whirlpool Ticket 10.00 3 MillsDancemaster 65.00 000. as against a little more than 47,- 2 Leatherneck 25.00 I Exhibit Sharpshooter" 10.00 2 Simplex "P"10...... 75.00 165.000 in 1929. Terms; 1'3 Certified deposit, Balance C. 0. D., F. 0. B. Beaumont. "The available labor force. however, in DIXIE NOVELTY CO., 501 SanJacintoBldg., Beaumont, Texas 1929 was only about 48,300,000 whereas February 6, 1937 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 85 Orleans Novelty Company.When in Chicago recently. Louis bought another Dettat string of sport coin machines and now DETROIT, Jan. 30. -Turner Automatichas dire need of them."All of my lo- Li Devices, Inc., national operators of thecations are uneasy over my delay in get- gasoline filling stations for cigaret light-ting new Derby Days and College Foot- ers, is disposing of the bulk of its ma-ball to them, but the floods in the Mid - chines.All machines in the Detroit ter-South have held up my shipments," ritory have be.. 'la taken off location, butBoasberg says. machines are still in active operation in Chicago, New York and California.Plans for retiring from the business to begin E CO" Melvin Mallory, Louisiana manager for manufacturing of a new line of auto- Stelle & Horton, reports heavy demand The one word thatassuresyouofsaving matic devices are being made by H. C.for Rhythm King phonographs.Hav- Turner, company head. ingdisposedofafullcarofthe money on all the latest and best machines and phonographs since the first of the year, hundreds of guaranteed reconditioned machine Mallory is now anxiously awaiting an- bargains!Write today for complete lists and MILLS' BRAND NEW HIT prices to "the one firm that all coin machine "CHERRY BELL" Plans fora special showing of newother lot to meet backlog orders that are CapturingtheBestLocations model coin machines are being com-pouring in from sections of Louisiana leaders recommend"! Buy Mils CherryBell! Everywhere! Rush Your Orders! pleted by the General Amusement De-and Mississippi.Local office has received vices Company here, manager Donald A.its first new Rockola baseball game and FOR BIGGER, BETTER, STEADIER PROFITS Coney stated this week.Final date ofexpects to do a good business soon on the show will be announced in about athis line, Mallory says. YEAR IN AND YEAR OUT FOR YEARS TO COME week, depending upon market condi- tions. Companyknownlocallyas GADCO, will be host to the entire trade A recent visitor to New Orleans was NEW, 1937 MODEL POOL TABLE and will stage a big party on the occa-R. S. Montcalm, music operator of Mon- 5c SLOT -COIN OPERATED sion. roe, La.Montcalm says that business is good thruout NorthLouisiana,altho WRITE TODAY FOR CIRCULAR AND FULL DETAILS! A number of prominent coinmen inmany lumber and other mills have been the Detroit territory spent the past weekforced to close down due to continued THE VENDING MACHINE COMPANY out of the city. Among them were J.wet weather. W.S.Langley,sales manager of the Venitor Corporation, who spent a week FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA in Chicago, and M. L.Joslin, general J. Adolph Meise, night manager of the manager of the Pack -It Shops of Amer-B. & M. Sportland on Canal street, says ica, who spent the past week upstate,that business is showing considerable im- contacting Michigan operators. provementsince many thousandsof visitors have come to town for the car- nival season. Again we are offering Machines with the following Guarantee: .011 Carnes have been overhauledfromtoptohottom. TheCabinet:arewashed andpolished. All Sales of new machines have been grow- batteries aretestedforvoltage. Playingfieldsaretrio;and clean.NO dirtringsaroundrunways. ing rapidly in recent weeks, Joseph J. No cent tins.Legs are strong andlimn. Coin chilli,smooth. Schermack.president of Schermack Pete Nast's',of the Automatic Coln PIN GAMES Lights Out $25.00 Scotty $12.50 Daval Races .....$7.00 Champs $15.00 Man 'N Moon...3.50 Tackle 12.00 Daval Reel "21". 7.00 Products,Inc.,Detroitmanufacturers,Machine Company, is another local oper- Dealer 2.00 Madcap(Plain) .17.50 Totalite 8.00 AUTOMATICS said this week.The company has beenator who has been a heavy buyer of new Frisky 5.00 Madcap( Elek- Twister (Reg. Ivory Golf $10.00 known for years for its widely distributedmachines since returning from the con - Excel 20.00 tropak) 20.00 Payout) 12.50 Jumbo 25.00 High Low 7.50 Neontact 3.50 William Tell... 3.50 Jumbo (Ticket) .35.00 Hop Skotch.... 5.00 ParGolf 3.50 COUNTER GAMES Sunshine Baseball 35.00 Kings 3.50 Score-A-Lite 3.50 High Stakes .5 8.00 Sure Shot 15.00 Line -0 500 Spitfire 3.50 Half Mile 15.00 TERMS: 1/3Deposit,BalanceC. O. D. MILLER SALES (I)., 4404 Manchester Ave., St. Louis, Mo.

FIRST and LAST OFFER 11111v255,of these t ds as Tithe,in *25.5151. and pays 05) lot $1,555) tradeass aids andtooIdeal -hit,tyiih $5.00 privytag underthem. Mall $1.1111 forsample. et - send $2,1151 forsampleofthisnumber andtwoIvcigar- etteboards. ASSOCIATED SALES AGENCY, 108 No.17thSt., Birmingham. Ala.

Cleanup new ISHOWER-PROOFithPROCESSED GENUINE FURS Mack SealSkin. J. P. SEEBURG CORPORATION, Chicago, shows its line of Melody King AllFurs loaal..dyed Cone)" !safestPrinco, to Form -FittingStyle+ $12.50 and Symphonola phonographs. On the rightis shown a demonstration of Smart Styles lila kSealSkin,foilskin, the Ray-o-Lite target range. Form -Flit ingStyle 27.50 UR COATS AllSizes l'Hot tissor Swagger Styles 30.00 Beautiful! Attractive! Sure Spring andIs: ar1$ stamp vendors and other types of ma-vention.Nastisi, altho still young inSILVERED FOX SCARFS chines.A new type of machine, nowthe business, has a large number of ma- year:'wear. Money Back Guarantee.Specify sizes pitiss antin mats.If you are not 100% satisfiedstillsthe being tested on locations, is being de-chines out on location and says that he inerehandlse returnittoit,and taut moneyIle, freightploirge,)willhe refunded. veloped, Schermack said, and will beis anxiously waiting for more equipment Stock up to Clean up Today'27% dei,o,it. balance C.O.D.Send for Prey Ciretilar and Pri, List. ready for announcement shortly. to meet growing business. CHARLES BRAND, 208 W.26thStreet, NEW YORK, N. Y.

Charles Flautt, operator of a Detroit westside restaurant, has entered the coin Gus Lainana, of the Crescent Novelty machine field, making his headquartersCompany, is showing considerable im- at 9597 American avenue.Flautt hasprovement,followinghisrecentsick A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL spell which put him under the weather Bally Challenger $40.00 Derby Day $75.00 Pamco PalookaJr $32.50 bought a route of automatic phono- Bally Multiple 37.50 CollegeFootball 77.50 Pamco Saratoga 47.50 graphs and has found returns upon themfor many weeks.Gus complains that Bally Roundup 32.50 HighCard 77.50 Pamco Chase 30.00 SkillRoll 42.50 so good that he is planning to buy aever since the doctors took half of the Bally A lister 37.00 Ficker 62.50 Bally Derby 37.00 Shoeshine Baseball 42.50 Top Em 70.00 number of new machines shortly to ex-stuffing out of his food basket, things Bally Jumbo 24.00 WesternRacesMyst.. 37.50 TenGrand Western 78.00 pand his route. have been topsy-turvy for him. Bally Prospector 18.00 Races Malt....27.50 Grub Stake 40.00 Bally Ace 14.00 Policy 55.00 CreditTicket 27.50 Bally Hialeah . 32.50 Center Smash 70.00 Credit 25.00 Multi -Play ... 27 50 Diamond Mine 35.00 Alamo 25.00 Daily Limits, late model -50.00 Top RowLarge 22.50 Queen Mary ofFortune 47.50 DailyLimits 27.50 Wheel 30.00 RapidFire 11.00 Dan Cohen, of Supreme Music Com- One Better 80.00 Double Score ... .. 22.50 Deluxe 46 'flew Oftleat45 BallyBelmont 17.50 pany, has on location at Poydras and Turf Champs 65.00 60.00 Gold Rush 11.00 Baronne streets, one of the largest Do Re NOVELTYGAMES NEW ORLEANS, Jan.30. -Rain and ShortSox $25.00 Excell $27.50 Twister $12.50 Scotty. 15.00 more rain, and with it the ever-growingMis in the city."And just like the big Mad Cap 18.511 Draw Ball 22.50 Top Hat 15.00 50 Grand 13.00 fear of the impending high water. Thusthing it is, it has been consuming a fine PolyPoly 9.00 Ditto 8.50 far, little danger has been seen in thisdaily collection of shiny nickels," Dan Totalite Register 11.00 Handicap 22.50 Double Nugget 15.00 says. Country Club 25.00 Big Five Jr 10.00 BallFan 600 immediate area of the valley, but al- COUNTER GAMES ready operators in the Mid -South have Reel 21,latemodel $10.00 Wagon Wheel, like new ..$ 8.00 ThreeCadit $ 5.00 been forced to evacuate.Locally, ops Reel Races 10.00 Daval Races 10.00 Penny Pack 8.00 are suffering from Lack of deliveries out PHONOGRAPHS Julius Pace, life-long president of the 4 Mills High Boy $40.00: I Mills Trouldore 560.00 -All for$200.00. of Chi, rather than due to any local Liberal tradeinallowancefor your old machine onallnew machine. condition. New Orleans Coin Venders' ASsociation, VEECH SCALE CO. DECATUR, ILL. Business remains good thruout theis recovering' rapidly from a case of the city, with locations calling for additionalflu, which he caught while trying to equipment. Thepersistently r: mykeep up with the younger crowd recently weather does not appear to be havingIn the Windy City. any bad effect on play, with allops reporting their places almost completely G ULfkKREAL1 ETWE D cleaned out of machines to meet grow- ing demands of good locations. Receiving its third shipment of Jen- TURF CHAMPS $67.50 ning'sDixieBelleslotsinas many Send for List of Real 'Iargains in Pay Tables and Diggers. weeks, officials of the Bell Distributing V3 Deposit-Bal. C. 0. D. Straight money or checks. Company here say that all machines were One of the loudest complainers re-sold several days before shipment arrived KEMO NOVELTY CO., garding delays in shipments of new ma-and that an SOS has gone out for more 7833 W. GREENFIELD AVE., WEST ALLIS, WIS. chines,is Louis Boasberg, of the Newof the new console models. 86 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES February 6, 1937 Cincinnati Op Rescues Ohio Delegation Returns Game Afloat in Flood Home to Try New Games A PERFECT PROFIT TRIO! CINCINNATI,Jan.30.-Charles A. CLEVELAND,Jan.30.-Nowsat el; Trau, manager of the Cincinnati officeback at home and trying out new ma of the Markepp Company, was able tochines, the 55 operators and their wive notify the home office in Cleveland thiswho journeyed as a group to attend tin week that all was safe and well since the1937 convention in Chicago, are report. branch office is on high ground and faring on the many activitiesthattake LIVE WIRE enough from the river to be safe. place during an annual convention t( "We never appreciated water so muchthe envy of those who did not attend. The 5BallNovelty Game With Bumper as we do now," Trau wrote in a letter. The group was arranged for by M. M Springs and Multiple Odds- "Every bit of water that we drink hasMarcus, general manager of the Markepi to be boiled first.Fortunately, we heatCompany, local distributing firm.Tin A fast playing, dynamic appeal novelty delegationwhichleftClevelandwas with coal at home, but those people whojoined by another group at Toledo, ar. game with 7 reward holes, making a $2 depend upon gas for fuel are sufferingrangements being in charge ofE. W award possible. 5 live wire bumper springs terribly from the cold following the longDefries, manager of the Markepp brand rainthat swelled the Ohio River." in Toledo. when contacted register on backboard. Extra parts and supplies have been re- Those who made the trip to Chicago 7 holesonlowerplay- ceived at the Markepp branch in Cin-were M. M. Marcus, E. M. Marley. Ham $950 cinnati and Trau invites all his friendsSacks, John Bou Sliman, B. A. Pastor ing field indicates If in the Ohio Valley to call on him forJohn Hlavin, Joe Joseph, Mr. and Mrs awards. helpinreconditioning andreplacingJack Cohen, C. A. Ford, Matt Klos, San their equipment. Zellas, L. Pearlman, H. E. Evershor, E With all the tragedy that has beenC. Smith, Leonard Resnick, C. E. Hain connected with the flood, a funny inci-ley, Jean Angelo, George Keil, Gene Alla. dent was reportedby Trau also thismon, H. W. Hintz, B. L. West, a'lo week. He wrote that Bob Bruns, Cincin-Cleveland; E. W. Defries, C. C. Jamison RUGBY nati operator, saw a pingame floatingDon Schultz, Rudy LaPoint, Mr.anc Bumpertype noveltythat may be down the river after it had been washedMrs. C. C. Cooper, Don Davis, Merle Fike out of a cafe that was completely inun-J.Bruch,of Toledo; Charles Trau, Cin played with 2,3, 4or 5 cinnati; H. R. Lemon, Al Clemons, Jakt balls. A proven profit - dated by the flood. Pulscher, John Puffy, Pt. Clinton, 0.; J maker. Bruns hired a boat and rode to theV. Metz, Norwalk, 0.; Mr. and Mrs. Jo. rescue.On getting closer he discoveredseph Saker. Mr. and Mrs. George Konold it was a Preakness and much to his sur-Warren, 0.; William Shannon. Lee Shan. prise found that it was one of his ownnon, Akron, 0.; Melvin Schwartz. Willian games. Vogt, Fremont, 0.;Phil White, Elyria "There shouldn't be any kick on the0.; Leslie G. Anderson, J. C. Gaffney. G part of the authorities about amusementSchapiro, M, Boosilas, of Waslinicton games," Bruns told Trau. "They're soJ. R. Damon, Findlay, 0.;J. E. Rattry ROLA SCORE pure, they float like Ivory Soap." Miles, 0. Brand new 1937 model of Chicago Coin's tre- mendously popular 9 foot bowling game. Thous- ands on location and all earning big money and giving no grief for their operators. Send today for complete information- Get started with Rola Scores right away!

Immediate Deliveries on All prices quoted all Carnes F. 0. B. factory Chicago Tax Paid CHICAGO COIN CORP. 1725 DIVERSEY BLVD.

KTRK ROTARY MERCHANI/1SERS-Like New... . S175.00 BALLY RAY'S TRACKS-Like New 200.0(1 NIPLLS RAILROADS-Like New 50.00 A VIEW OF THE WIDE VARIETY OF COIN MACHINES made by Exhibit TruF CHAMPS-Like New 50.00 SupplyCompany, Chicago.Targets, diggers and floor cabinet games are to WILLS TROUBADOR 1'110NOGRAI'llS 5-10-'25 50.00 be seen. We never sell junkall equipment like newwe never advertise anything we don't have. BILL FREY, INC. Groetchen Puts Counter Gottlieb Meets Buyers Anything with a Coin Slot" Device Thru Many Tests Upon Return From South MIAMI,FLA. CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-Since displaying CHICAGO, Jan. 30. --True to his prom- the new 1937 Columbia Bell counter ma-ise, Dave Gottlieb. president of D. Gott. chine at the annual trade show in Chi-lieb & Company, made good use of his cago, the Groetchen Tool Company re-recent Dallas trip fora much -needed ports having done considerable develop-bit of relaxation after the intense excite- ment work and extensive field testingment of the 1937 convention.The oc- FREEFOR 10 DAYS TRIAL in cooperation with 63 operators in va-casion that took him to Dallas was the rious parts of the country. marriage of hissister, Sarah, to Jack ON YOUR OWN TERMS "These men subjected Columbia ma-Skibell, of Greenville, Tex. chines to thorn location tests. weekly "But I was greatly surprised upon my reports were sent to our engineering de-return to Chicago," Gottlieb said, "to be partmentandthe new developmentgreeted by what might be called a junior TRI-O-PACK work was the direct outgrowth of theseconvention of buyers, who greeted me practicalrecommendations,"Richardthere."Among them were Mr. Cohen lc CIGARETTE PLAY COUNTER GAME Groetchen stated. of Coin Operated Supply Company of Name Your Own Termsfor 10 "The new 1937 Columbia," GroetchenLondon; Phil Shefras, also of London; Days FREE TRIAL - We'll continued. "is a full-fledged rugged bellSam Ferren. of Mayflower Novelty Com- WORK WITH YOU! Send One- TAX machine withanumberof featurespany, St. Paul; Sam Gentilich, of Gen- Third Cash, Balance C.O.D. PAID which intrigued even hard-boiled old-tilich Distributing Company, New Or- timers and caused no end of favorableleans; Sam London, of Milwaukee Coin ROYAL DISTRIBUTORS, inc. comments.Imagine a machine whichMachine Company, Milwaukee, and Hy pays out first the coins or tokens playedGreenstein, of Hy -G Gaines Company, 54 ELIZABETH AVE., NEWARK, N. J. last, returning to a player at the firstMinneapolis. payout opportunity the slugs with which It didn't take Gottlieb long to get he attempted to cheat.It seems to usinto the spirit of the occasion with his thatallColumbia lacks is a mechanicalusual good nature."But so far as rest- baseball bat to hit the cheater over theing up goes." he said. "not a chance in head. the world.Look at this batch of orders, SPECIAL:-USED ROLL 0 SCORES $84.50 "Much comment was caused by thebut I'm not complaining a bit." Slot Machines. 510.00 ea. Mills Double Jab.$25.00 ea. four -coin feature of Columbia, each ma- Mills Escalators. $39.50-over 300M PaceIc.$27.50. chine being changeable from nickel tomachine answers thecallfornickel, Watling Double Jak, $35.00. Caille late models. $39.50. quarter, dime or penny play. This en-dime, quarter or penny machines.Op- Jennings Double Jak, $25.00. New Q. T.'s-New Watlings. single and double safes. Used ReelRs:cos,ReelDice. $5.50 ea. ables the small operator with limitederators from closed territories watched Ticket Games. $19.50. capital to have a variety of machines towith keen delight the operation of the BUMPER. TURF CHAMPS, RED & BLUE. DAILY RACES ticket, TRI 0 PACK, LIVE WIRE, etc. offer, and larger operators are enabledgold award cigaret Columbia which we LEHIGH SPEC. CO., 2nd & Green Sts., Phila., Pa. to conduct their business with a muchdisplayed at the convention for the first smaller stock of Columbias, since eachtime." February 6, 1937 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 87 Guaranteed Evans Chute Will Reconditioned Used Be Sold to Trade CHICAGO,Jail.3l.It \V. (Dick) FAIRMOUNT DERBY DEAL Pay -Out Tables Hood. president ofH.C. Evans & Com- Palooka Seniors or Juniors 541.00 pany. rev 'tiledthis weekthatpatent Bally Multiples 40.50 !tapers had been received from the U. S. A Sweepstake Winner! Galloping Plug. D.C. or A.C. 44.50 l'at.tnt Office granting patents on a new Hialeahs 12.50 typ tof multiple slide coin chute.This Bally Derbys *2.50 ilinteconsisting of an arrangement of TycoonElectric 27.50 ,even slots mounted on a single slide Traffics(AutomaticPay -outs) 9.50 is covered by patent number 2.038,3:30. IRMOUNTDER#03 Exhibit'sTicketGames. 15.00 yc PICA A Asupa'- "For nn. } years," said Hood, "we have Exhibit's Playballs or Footballs 17.50 sought to secure or develop a sliding Chicago Club House coin chute which would permit either Match -a -Pack one or seven different players to play a Selectems game on a single slot action. We wanted Horse Shoes something that could be operated Man- 14-,tiotolt, 4,4 ually and did not require a motor. We 1.0.U. are highly pleased to inform the trade Official Sweepstakes that we have suceoeced in developing Mills Tickettes the Evans multiph, slide coin chute. SUPPLIES "The Evans multiple slide coin chute Ball Gum, one-half case controls operation .6-a game by means of electrical contacts, which are made (50 Boxes) $ 5.50 when the slot containing coinsis ad- Collection Books, per doz.. .90 vanced to the Tinnier p..)sit ion.The slide Theatre Tickets, per roll .60 extends into the cabinet to permit the One -Third Deposit withOrder.Balance last three coins placed in any slot to be C.O.D.F.O.B. Washington, D. C. visible.All doubt as to any of the last three coins played in any slot is removed Domestic Novelty Co. beyond question.The unit is adaptable for check separator. 202 G St., N. W., Washington, D. C. "For the good of the industry," con- inped Hood, "we are fining to make our latsv multiple slide coin chute available Cash in on Race Horse Popularity! to all. but of course it will take us about 60 days before we can get into produc- SANTONE SPECIALS tion.I know this new chute is going to This is Independent's "Deal of Deals." Be the BELMONT . 565.00 KEENEY GRAND SLAM 20.00 solvealot of problems for manufac- first in your district to have this "Sure Fire BIG SHOT 12.50 turers. as it has for my company. and I GOTTLIEB'S SUNSHINE BASEBALL 2500 In coin - Winner." BALLY JUMBO 17.50 :on conliCent that a new era ROCKOLA DE LUXE "46" 7.50 operated games is in the offing.It will Deal Takes in $150.00 ROCKOLA TROJAN 7.50 make possible the dev,,lopment of many RALLY MULTIPLE 30.00 Pays Out 67.00 BALLY BONUS 15.00 new ideas considered impossible before BALLY PEERLESS 17.50 the advent of the Evans multiple slide KEENEY DOUBLE SCORE 12.50 coin. chut.."

KEENEY REPEATER . . ... 7.50 NET PROFIT $ 83.00 RAYS TRACKS (Latest Model) 175.00 BALLY HIALEAH (Mystery Pay) 25.00 Sample deal. . . $9.85.. .Send 1/4 Deposit. CONDITION GUARANTEED A -I !Vest Virginia Op Asks Money refundedifnot entirely satisfactory

TERMS: 1 3 WithOrder:Bal. C. 0. D. Trade to Help Refugees after your inspection. SANTONE COIN MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND. Jan. 30.--A phone call 1524 Main Avenue San Antonio, Texas was teeeixed at the headquarters of the INDEPENDENT NOVELTY COMPANY Mark -clip Companyhere from JohnD. Santo. prominent West Virginia opera- 220 N. FIFTH ST. - - - - SPRINGFIELD. ILLINOIS tor. making a plea thatallkinds of clothing be sent to victims of the flood in his section. Salto saidlocalas encies were able to take care of the refugees as far as food and lodging are concerned, but that thousands had to lease their homes in boats and were unable o take any cloth- ing with them."The need for clothing is very set totes. and whatever anyone is able to give will be of great help," Santo pleaded, "The spirit of the people despite the "WORLD'S terrible losses they sufferedis encour- aging. aim everyone is just waiting for FASTEST GROWING the water to go down before they can SALESBOARD FACTORY" clean out their homes And businesses and tams' on,' said Santo. THREE S5 WINNERS One-third of the TRIANGLE Punches are FREE. 1.500 Hole, 100 Section 5c Board.Last 5 holes ineach 15 -hole sectionarefree. .0. Board Takes In 11.000 Sales 5c i $50.00 Pays Out . 23.50 PROFIT 526.50 OPERATORS: Write for Superior's Scoops, Thin Board WithEasels. The Operator's Own Paper.


100 \aro' 4-vai 4.Amp /3" ANIllp BIG CANDY LEADER 411111011114 41.to "4/ Large and Medium Size

33Boxes High Grade Chocolates AND A 1.500 -HOLE 2c BOARD Takes in $30.00. Profit Over $23.00 No. B119 -Sample Assortment.$6.95 6 Lots,Each 6.50 25°c With Order, Balance C. 0. D. SEND FOR OUR CATALOG FULL OF NEW ASSORTMENTS SALESBOARDS AND COUNTER GAMES. YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. LEE-MOORE & CO., 180-182 W. AdamsSt., Chicago

WURL1TZER SKEE BALLS (Perfect Condition). 5149.50 TELEVISION POKER 49.50 Par Golf.... 53.95 Tit -For -Tat 53.95 Tie Up 57.95 Hurdle Hoe ._..519.95 Kings .... . 3.95 Super "8- 395 Panama 9.95 Bolo 19.95 Tri -A- Lite 3.95 51,-51) 3.95 Wall Street 9 95 Rnd. & Rnd Ifl 95

Rocknla -21" 3.95 Treasure Hunt . 3.93 Big 5 Jr.. 12.95 Neck N Neck.. 22.95 Dealer 3.95 50 Grand 6.95 Zenith 12.95 Sky High 24.95

Balance 3.95 Hunter .. ... 7.95 Bank N ite . 13.95 Excel 24.95

FULL CASHALL ORDERS OF910 OR LESS -OTHERS I 3 CASH -BALANCE C. O. D. SAM MAY, Southern division sales manager of the Western Equipment and Supply Company, exchanges mutual r;mgrat lilt:lions with "Western" Jimmy SUPREME VENDING COMPANY, Inc. Johnson (right).The machine is Fast Tract'. lit Erasmus St., Brooklyn. N. Y. 922 tth Ave.. N. Y. C. 1121St.Nicholas Ave.. N. Y. C. 88 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES February 6, 1937 dous spurt ofsales on PennyPack and Reel Dice also. Production on "Penny Pack has of course been one of the most sensational counter money- Zephyr Speeded makers we have ever produced. We CHICAGO, Jan.30.-Production onrank this machine even above our sen- the new Zephyr cigaret reel machinessational Reel "21," for which orders still has been speeded up considerably, ac-continue to pour in every day.But, it cording to Karl Klein, of the Groetchenseems to both Mr. Helfenbein and myself Tool Company."When we went homethat from what our distributors tell us, from the 1937 convention," Klein stated,Reel Dice was very slow to get started, "our only worry was how to ship thebut once it became firmly entrenched on many hundreds of orders which we hadany location, it brought unusually good taken for the new Zephyr. But the pre-results. paratory organization work which we "Our production schedule has there- had done during theholidayseasonfore been terribly upset in our counter showed its value immediately, enablinggame division.We are forced now to us to increase production in step withproduce almost as many Reel Dice "21," the large demand. and we are now inReel Dice and Penny Packs as we are a position to ship orders for the newproducing Tri-O-Packs.Of course, the Zephyr within 48 hours. main preference is still for Tri-O-Pack. "Groetchen has built many thousandsWe expected this when we displayed the of cigaret reel games during past years,"game at the show. Klein continued. "With the new Zephyr "Operators who already have Tri-O- we introduced a smartly stream -linedPack on location, report to us that the cabinet, finished completely incolors.game is earning more money for them There are a number of color combina-than Penny Pack and Reel "21" com- tions available, and we take particularbined.They tell us that thisis the pride in a new color named Horizonbest counter game we have ever pro- Blue. duced. But, we know that this is just the "The swing to colors isdefinitely areason why we produced this game, for sign of better times.It is symbolic of awe are always intent on giving the oper- more cheerful outlook which people be-ator something better than has ever be- gin to have, and it certainly is reflectedfore appeared on the counter games HARRY ROSENTHAL, popular in the increased collections which ourmarket. WesternPennsylvaniarepresenta- customers report from their Zephyrs. "Production of the two Daval pin game tiveforJ.H.Keeney & Com- "Groetchen engineers have done a finesuccesses, Red 'N Blue and Totalizer is panyandassociatedwith the Job in the designof the new silentalso going at top speed, but, this division General Novelty & Amusement Com- WESTERN'S GRAND PRIZE Zephyr mechanism, withitspositiveof the Daval factory is entirely separate pany, Pittsburgh. 1-2-3 stop action reels.For open terri-from that of the counter games division gives you all of the outstanding tories, bell fruit reel strips are furnished,and therefore no production problems, together with a new mystery award card,except stepping it up, has been faced by features of the regular I ball featuring a new 3 -star award." the engineers here." automatic payout table PLUS Moseley Launches THE AUTOMATIC PAYOUT Big Sales Drive JACKPOT!This revolutionary RICHMOND, Va., Jan.30.-Harry Moseley, president of the Moseley Vend- idea is THE BIGGEST APPEAL ing Machine Exchange, launched one of PRESENTED TO THE the biggest sales drives in the history EVER of the firm after returning from the 1937 PLAYERS-It's proven by the coin machine convention.The firm of which he is president is known nation- HUGE $25 DAILY COLLEC- ally and also has some important over- seas customers on its list.It has had TIONS that smart operators are an important part in the development reaping.Thinkitover-your of the coin machine trade in this section of the country. logical purchase is Moseley, when he returned from the convention, reported that he had placed orders for more than $150.000 worth of new machines. ranging in lots of two to 10 carloads on each type of machine. The firm is located in a strategic posi- tion in Richmond, on the broadest street in town, and is so well known that no street address is used in its advertising. "The firm had favorable conditions for a few years," Moseley says, "and devel- oped an internationalbusiness,then the crash.My health also failed for a time.After a year's rest, I started all over again and recent business proves how well we have succeeded in getting beak to our old position of leadership. The only trouble we are having now is in getting prompt deliveries on new ma- POPULAR PLAYLAND IN CLEVELAND featuresExhibit's Shoot-a-Lite chines displayed at the 1937 convention. target. Triangle Music Company furnished this photo showing players in action. We lose about half of our possible orders on this account. "We will not buy machines that we ourselves know are not worth the money, Mobile Distrib Expands regardless of whose product it may be. Daval Reverses MOBILE,Ala.,Jan.30.-ConstantlyWe want to hold the confidence of our increasing business has necessitated thecustomers.In our 2,000 accounts we do removal of the Mobile Amusement Com-not believe that we have as many as two Production Plan dissatisfied customers." CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-Daval Manufac-pany to new and greatly enlarged quar- turing Company reports having reversedters at 250,/ St. Francis street, Mobile. its complete production schedule, due towhere they have considerably expandedSquare Shooter. Device the fact that orders have piled up fortheir lines of games.The firm is espe- counter devices which supposedly hadcially featuring the new popular modelsGiven Big Acceptance reached their zenith of sales. of Gottlieb machines, which are prov- A. S. Douglis, president of the firm,ing quite a sensation, they state. ST.LOUIS, Jan. 30.-"Operators, you "We Eddy Kramer, president of the Mobileasked for it; here it is."That in sub- in explaining the situation, says: Amusement Company, in commentingstance was the message the Star Sales believed we were all done with volumeupon the move, expressed his great sat-Company sent out with the new penny production of Penny Pack and Reel Dice cigaret device, Square Shooter.Accord- when we offered the new Tri-O-Pack atisfaction over the improvement, and ining to an official of the firm, the re- the 1937 convention. But the surprisingparticular referred tothesatisfactorysponse was immediate and favorable. thing to us was that the big sales of thesales of Derby Day, which indicates briskFrom all sections the reports have been new device seemed to revive a tremen-business ahead. pouring in every day.We know now that we have a sensational counter game. "The game is a new development of the old idea of roulette," he continued, "which brings a tremendous repeat busi- Immediate ness.It is compact, occupying just a Delivery little more space than a large cigar -box. AO This brings the price down to a new low LADY LUCK for such a big money-maker. The play- 1200 Hole Form 4190 er's interest is increased, after the beau- DeLuxe Size 24"x60" tiful seven -color disc stops spinning, by TakesIn $40 00 the suspense of the four magic balls Pays Out 19.00 .14/4Eili9-4515SERRE1521291 stopping one at a time." $159.50 $169.50 1515 Power Pack or Ticket Model SPECIAL BOARDS, CARDS AND HEAD- nnuHunquimememumusti Batteries Optional INGS FOR VALENTINE, EASTER iiihifilihERIMLIPME!!!! AND MOTHER'S DAY .MF.HHIMEHIIHMHHiPIHn LOOK IN THE WHOLESALE Write for our Catalog of Money Mak- !!!!!!!!Mr!!!!!!PHrig.!!:Lin!! WESTERN EQUIPMENT ing Boards, Cards and Die Cut Sheets. HMILI!!!:!!!!!::t5mOnlni1 MERCHANDISE SECTION tfi!!!!m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. for the & SUPPLY CO. CHAS. A. BREWER & SONS Largest Board & Card Houseinthe World !!!!!!!!!!!Pummi!!!!!!!:2!!!!!!!!! LATEST NOVELTIES,PRIZES .000..6 efaire0e. 0000.0001. PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES 925 W. North Ave., * Chicago, III. 6320-32 Harvard Ave., Chicago, U. S. A. so, . -=sa. bruary 6, 1937 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 89 Art Nagel Reports Ohio Operators on the Upgrade CLEVELAND, Jan. 30.-Art Nagel, head of the Avon Novelty Company, reports that post -convention business has ex- COLUMBIA ceeded his highest expectations. The onlyBellMachine which canbe changed fromNickelto Dime, Nagel in issuing a personal comment upon activity in the Ohio territory said: Quarter or Penny Play. "I take personal pride in the widespread Only Columbia is completely slugproof because prosperity of Ohio operators. The profits it pays out first the Coins or Tokens which that they are receiving from machines have been played last. A SENSATION before the show which I have personally recommended is highly gratifying to me.It is this indi- Standard or Mystery Play ... a SENSATION at the show vidual service that is responsible for the Bell or Mint Vender, also Cigarette Cold Award and always a sensational tremendous business that my company is receiving." Bell. money -getter . . . Exhibit's, "Avon Novelty Sales Company seeks to live up to its motto, 'Service that merits Builtfor rugged play, Chucc-A-Lette and Jockey Club. sales.'Active operators in the Ohio ter- completelysilentinop- ritory confirm this by their statements eration. 1CAN 0) CAN to the effect that every department in this organization lives up to the Avon BE FIRST PLAY a WIN motto." IN YOUR Demand It From Your Jobber or Write EXHIBIT SUPPLY CO. Western Adds Electropak TERRITORY 4222 WEST LAKE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. To All Automatic Gaines WITH CHICAGO, Jan. 30.-Adoption of Elec- tropak on all automatic devices by the C Western Equipment & Supply Company issimply in keeping with thefirm's Operators! policy of giving the operator only the Here it is! highest standards of equipment, Jimmy Elec- U The New King Johnson, head of the firm, stated. of Ic Cigar- tropak device is made by Electrical Prod- M ette Games ucts Company, Detroit. "I am fully convinced that only by using the very best mechanical parts can

, 7 a manufacturer maintain the good faith Days of his operators," Johnson said.After FREE extensive research by Western engineers, Trial we have found that the Electropak is the best unit adaptable to the needs of our productions. The characteristic Western 1/2 "Watch machine employs so many sensational with the and animated playing devices, ft is most Order Magic necessary that they possess a reliable Bal. Balls power unit.I have every confidence in C.O.D. Perform" the Electropak line, and with this con- fidence I know full well that it will com- ply with the strict manufacturing stand- ards maintained by Western Equipment

tax paid & Supply Company." '12.50f.o.b. K.C. Mr. Chereton, in commenting upon the recent move of the Western Equipment & Shoot for a new highinprofits Supply Company, stated:"I am more Ask for Catalog No. F-26 with the Square Shooter. than highly gratified that my firm can Guaranteedtotakeaway theplay andkeepit fromany 3realcigarettegameevermade. A render this service to the Western Com- proven money maker on 200 testlocations. pany.I feel sure that the combination Write for ofWestern'sbrilliant automatic ma- quantity CIGARETTE prices chines and Electropak power units offer Personal STAR SALES CO. superior operation." delay 390I-09 Wayne Ave., K. C., MA i:echeshipment VENDER North Carolina Firm WE BUY AND SELL SLOTS In Aggressive Drive We carrya Complete Line of Mills and Jennings New Slots at Factory Prices for CHARLOTTE, N. C., Jan. 30.-Kostakes Immediate Novelty Company is well under way with A Salute to 1937 is this smartly Delivery. streamlined ZEPHYR Cigarette WILL TRADE THE FOLLOWING the most aggressive sales campaign in MillsFuturities(5c)Floor Samples its history, according to George A. Kos - Ball Gum Vender, whose smooth- Mills Diamond Front Mysteries(5c) takes, head of the firm. Other officials ly flowing lines reflect the Mod- Mills Front Vender(5c) of distributingfirmare Mrs. ern Style Trend. Mills Skyscrapers Mystery Payout (5c) the Croetchen Engineers designed an JenningsCenturies(Registerand Mystery Kostakes, office manager; Mary Bruton, Payouts), LikeNew (5c) bookkeeper; W. W. Richardson, music entirely new Mechanism forit. Jennings Duchess (5c) As aresult,reelsspinmuch Bally Reliance (5c)Floor Samples department; W. C. Knight, operating de- faster, completely without noise, Daval'sReel"21"(LateModels) partment; CarlPlummer.salesman; iv PLAY and are brought to a positive stop Myers Races(LateModels) Croetchen High Stakes Frank Smith, mechanic; John Brown, fromwhichtheycannot be BuckleyHorses service department. shaken to any different combina- HarmonyBells(Western) "We have a fine showroom on one tions. 3 i I FORANY OF THE FOLLOWING of the principle streets of the city," 1.." Ball Cum Vender, with visible WurlitzerP-412 3a Mills Late Model Q. Ts. Kostakes states."We handle complete Display. Large Cigarette Symr Buckley Puritan Venders lines of slot machines, payout tables, bola,severalkinds .ofreward Bally Derbies noveltygames,cigaretmachines,all cards to fit various retail prices Bally Preakness kinds of counter machines, phonographs of cigarettes. BAUM NOVELTY CO. and all kinds of salesboards.We have Takes only 8" x 8"counter - Phone: GRand 7499 made arrangements with most of the space.Weighs 13lbs. leadingmanufacturerstodistribute 2012 ANN ST. . ST. LOUIS, MO. their lines of machines and boards. We Get on our Mailing List and when in our City, have them on display and also ample PRICE pay us a visit. stocks to make deliveries to operators." FREE$1875 With Every ZEPHYR Cigarette Vender We Enclose One F.O.B. Chicago SPEEDY PROFITS Set of Star Award Bell Fruit Strips, With Mystery Award Register and Double Doors, $2.00 Cards. Additional. GREYHOUND RACES GROETCHENchecieCOMPANY No. 1184 1000Holes 124-130 N. UNION ST. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Takesin $50.0025.65 DefinitePayout HERE IT IS IA LOW PRICED AUTOMATIC SHAVER CrossProfit $24.35 FiveVibro Shavers CRANE OPERATORS A HARLICH JUMBO BOARD Red Velvet Pad A New Number With a Punch. Plus1O'-Tax. Two thousand hole board PRICE PriceIncludes Easels Attractive-Useful and Fraud -Proof Two cent sale EACH$2.12Tickets. Without Boards Deal $1215 Net.Incl. Net c OM Per Write for Our Latest Circular Describing 18 Complete L U. S. Tax Price'FL I Dozen New Profit -Makers. 1/3 Deposit, Bal. C. 0. D. 1/3 Deposit, Bal. C. 0. D. 1401- 'AIITCZat:litr. Blvd. illARLICH MFG. CO. THE MARKEIPP CO., 3328 CARNEGIE AVE., CLEVELAND, OHIO *mow 90 The Billboard February 6, 1937

TheRedCrossNeeds MONY

An Importantstatement abouttheworkandrequirementsof the AMERICANREDCROSS

Inall its emergencyoperations,theRedCrossperformsthree definite functions.Theyare: 1. ToRelievetheimmediatesufferingof those whoarecold,hungryandhomeless; 2. Toprovideadequatemedicalandhospital careforthoseinimmediateneedof it and tomaintainamedicalservicethatwill com- batthespreadofdisease; 3. Toaidintherestorationto a normallife ofthosewhohavelosttheirhomes.

Theurgent needforallthreeofthesevitalservicesis apparent toevery- onein the areasaffected,eitherdirectlyorindirectly,by the flood.To providethemrequiresMONEY...agreatdeal of money.

ChecksmadepayabletoAmericanRed Cross may be mailedto American Red Crossheadquarters,Washington, D. C. or moneymay be leftat AmericanRedCrossheadquartersin any city. AMERICANREDCROSS a

February 6, 1937 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 91 tributes his breakdown to the terrific business pressurebrought on by the Werts Employees large number of orders his firm has taken for the new Jiffy Tester which was Aid Flood Victims shown at the Chicago convention. CINCINNATI, Jan. 30. --Employees of Dave Stern, of Royal Distributors, Inc., Werts Novelty Company, Inc., Muncie.who fell sick while attending the Chi- Ind., Monday of this week contributedcago show and spent three of the four to a fund to aid the flood sufferers indays these under care of the Hotel Sher- the Ohio Valley.Collection netted $150.man physician, is now in bed at home, Stampeding the Whole Industry! Price $13950 Fred W. Werts, company president, in-where he is still under a doctor's care. quired of The Billboard here for adviceDave also lost his sales manager to the as to where to forward the money. Heflu bug.Harry Wichansky, after spend- was instructedto forward the checking the first few days at the new Royal to the local branch of the Americanbuilding in Newark, also succumbed and Red Cross. is now home in bed. Werts, himself, donated $100 to the Al Schlesinger is still taking it easy. cause. Al was also one of the unfortunate New Yorkers who was bitten by the flu bug at Chicago and spent four of the five Fishman Says Hi -De -Ho days he was there in bed.Al is now Piling Up Big Sales reportingattheSquare Amusement NEW YORK, Jan. 31. -Joe Fishman, ofCompany office a few hours every day Fishman -Schlesinger Distributing Com-and expects to be back in harness within pany, says that his firm is swamped witha few more days. orders for the new Pamco novelty game, BillGersh,ofByrde.Richard & POST Hi -De -Ho. Pound, spent the first few days of his "I haven't had a minute's rest sincereturn from Chicago in bed, but is back the Chicago convention," Fishman says.in harness and raring to go.Dave Rob - TIME

Wills Novelty Company

A GROUP OF 65 OPERATORS who attended the 1937 convention in Chi- cago. Special delegation arranged by the Markepp Company, Cleveland. Photo NEW ONE SHOT PAYOUT taken at Union Station, Cleveland. Wire us at 4100 Fullerton Ave., Chicago "Operators and jobbers have been phon-bins, of D. Robbins & Company, and ing every day for immediate delivery ofMax Levine, of Scientific Machine Cor- the game.We are promised 50 gamesporation. also spent a few days in bed. per day from the factory beginning this week and will soon be able to meet the pentup demand. We are optimistic forThree Modern Execs Are the season ahead and Pacific Amuse- ment Manufacturing Company has plansBathing in Florida Sun for new games which we feel will meet NEW YORK, Jan. 30. -All three execu- wide approval in this territory." tive officers of Modern Vending Company are in Florida, where it is expected the warm sands of Miami Beach will keep them away for several days. Influenza Puts Several Harry Rosen boarded a Florida train about 24 hours before Nat Cohn did. OPE R ATORS Rosen took his family along. Cohn went Eastern Coinmen in Bed by way of Norfolk, and from there drove JOBBERS NEW YORK, Jan. 30. -With the cointhe rest of the way with Mrs. Cohn and DI machine tradeinadefinite upswingthe two children. since the 1937 convention. it has been Irving Sommer, who has been illfor Attention!MANUFACTURERS unfortunate that a number of local coin -some time, has been in Florida for the men have been out with flurecently.past month. Meyer Parkoff is in charge George Ponser was home for a week fol-of the Modern offices in New York while We are in immediate need of large quantity of coin operated equipment,and lowing the Chicago show.Ponser at -the three officials are away. WILL BUY SURPLUS STOCKS OF NEW OR USED phonographs, slots,scales, counter games, vending machines, pintables (novelty or payout), diggers,rotary merchandisers, cigarette machines, bowling games, ray -gun target games, etc. CLEARANCE LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ALLOWED ON EQUIPMENT EXCHANGEDfor games purchased Reconditioned from our presentlarge stock of new and used coin machines of all,makes andmodels, IP IN GANIES SALE andSURPLUS STOCKS RECENTLY PURCHASED FROMMANUFACTURERS. It's Mid -Winter Clearance dine at Electro-Ha II, and here is our WRITE FULL PARTICULARS ON EQUIPMENT YOU WISH TO DISPOSE OF -AT ONCE! big stockoffine Super -Reconditioned Climes offeredat THE Get our Confidential Price List on New Games -All Makes! LOWEST Pltl('ES OF THE YEAR! Remember these are Amer- ica's finest reconditioned games.Buy them now at tremendous savings! INTERNATIONAL COIN DEVICE COMPANY One-Ball-Autoniatic Pay 333 N. MICHIGAN AVE. CHICAGO, ILL. U. S. A. Motu,, $111.51) Prenkill04 $99.50 Dully Derby 32.50 Prospector 111.30 Ilia Shot 21.511 Put N Take, fut. dr. 7.58 nine Ilird 11.311 It:, i isl 24.30 Challenwer .14.511 lied Sails 211.311 11.ml it 2150 Repeater 14.30 Dail. 11 We Jr. 14.30 51am Pelle 12.30 I I 111.30 Sunshine Dose hall :12.30 SALESBOARD OPERATORS lie lause **40- 14.311 Sunshine I 11.311 rrricr Fortune 111.511 Snapp, 34.30 JACK POTS PAY Galloping" Plugs 12.511 slop A Co $1.00 $2.00 or $0.00 "TWELVE JACKS" 34.30 . , tirapid Slam 111.50 Top How. .1 r.. 0. smut. 19.30 o,r. IP 5. A Sure -Fire Profit Maker. Over 100 Winners. II in len li 32.511 Top HOW. Sr.. II. SIB pl 24.50 IX :it 2,100 -hole Board takes in $105.00, and pays out a 11111111,AV I 111.50 Velvet 44.50 total of $54.50, including jack pot payout, open Jumbo 24.511 MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALS numbers and sectional payout. Lett Merrier. 29.511 Eleelrle Eye. pistol przieliee Sample,$2.40;Lots of 5, $2.00; Lots of 10, $1.75. II HMO, 39.511 skill game fi37.30 Monte l'arlo 22.511 Evans lioll-Ette 39.50 One Defter. II.Si, III 1111' . . . 49.50 Hiwk-0-hall Hosvling Skill H. G. PAYNE CO. I': tiersPalooka .1r 3".511 &milli..tiew11 pe malt.ff. Pstm..0si111`1111s, a, :12.511 sample 1511.30 312-314 BROADWAY, Nashville, Tenn. Pro Met. Parlas Sr. :mnto itay'S 'Truck. used 250.1111 Peerless 12.511 Ilavars lice) 21" 1.11.11,41( Inn.. 1'11101 )litter '12.30 al counter All Me. like !WI% 7.113 Prices. CALM Dallas.I':1 Cash (Dank EArditittar.eor M .)-(Irder) EADIII1T ItOTAIIV 114:111-111NTIVEN (1.15E NEW) 11,0011. III US t11,.e patty order.Ilallittee C.O.D. S 111.1,ES $175.15) ,:ach Hundreds of other games in stock. 7 1.:1.1,;(-1.1t 11()ISTS 27.511 ,11 W'rite us your needs. la1.1-1,"I'.KEI,,NCVS IiiiWI,ETTV,S, 1.1K V, 110.00 each 5 PL.\ l' I.:AI 1.1 I \ NT 1 35.00 cools WIRE 1-3 (1,,p,.sit. ELECTRO-BALL CO.,Inc. Write for ion'FeliimarN' bargain bulletinnii used and newpay table, 1200 e.1311' 1/.1 LIA14, TEX IS ciitinter games, slots. andnovelty games. .1II 11.1111('.% NOVIELTV C011P.NNY 2:140Prospect .1yentic Cleveland, 01110 92 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES February 6, 1937 DOUBLE YOUR 3E1.3r THE '!Ni PIN GAM Two games in One-in America's NEWEST, most SENSATIONAL, Non -Payout Pin Game TRIUMPH -in addition to all other super DAVAL features!

RED N BLUE is the FIRST Non -Payout Pin Game that brings the industry THRILLING, TRUE. POKER ACTION "strictly according to Hoyle'in the gear MOST SIMPLE -TO -UNDERSTAND manner EVER ORIGINATED! That's Ll WHY-RED N BLUE is earning DOUBLE Pay Table PROFITS Everywhere! And for only $1.50 Extra separate panel attachment changes RED NBLUEto High Score game! RED N BLUE is the game that WON THE GREATEST ACCLAIM at the 1937 Show!

RED N BLUE featuresthe sensational Daval "BURGLAR - ALARM'' CashBox-Daval's PrecisionConstruction- Daval'ssuper LIGHT - UP REEL blackboard - Daval'srecog- nized BETTERcabinetand Daval'sflashier,more attrac- tive.colorful board-PLUS-- DICE manyother Davalfeatures! Don'tDelay - RUSH YOUR The greatest Dice ORDER NOW:: ACTION Counter [Mint EVER B U IL T! Silent Medianism! 4 - Way Play! A Speedy. Thrilling, STEADY Money - Maker! ORDER NOW! 1875


Blood Pressure S0 PENNIES Machine Is Hit A.4 111,1 "% J.61 ,,,.01 NEW YORK, Jan. 30.--Laufmanometer 1,170, Vt. Corporationreportsthatitsblood - pressure indicator is rapidly increasing in sales.Sales have been far above expec- tations and purchasers in far-off corners VisibleSlotted of the globes have been ordering the ma- chine during the past months, Lauf- Coin Counter SPECIlk manometer officials state. The Operator's Friend "The Laufmanometer, altho it can be 1, CHAMPSNA- operated with or without an attendant, TURF COMB\ s6C00 is not to be classed in the novelty field. CASH AND j EACH as it serves a scientific purpose." they ho,! I, : AND 1_00( continue."A person who believes his \CKET EECTRO ELEKTRO- health is perfect. sometimes learns that Wrapper Tubes his blood pressure is not as it should be $1.25 each,75e. per 1000 in1 c.Sc. 10c. WM-4 or $2.50 a set T \ON BOOSTER C.O.D. and will then visit his family physician. consistingof 25c, 50c Sizes. BALANCE Thedifficulty cansoon beovercomethru penny a n d Write for am Lot Prices. AMPERAGENEW) PERROLL expert advice and treatment." nickelcount- DEPO511 75c er. The penny blood -pressure ACCURATE PAK) S-\ TheLaufmanometer counterc a n COIN COUNTER ORDER CO. machine is constructed of walnut veneer. also be used RUSH for tubing COMPANY. \CKEIS weighs only 60 pounds and can be trans- dimes. PATTON, PA. CHAMP ported easily.The machine has been TURF Call.110VETS doing a profitable business duringthe past few years at various resorts and .a;;:::h1;5:;7711V locations. including Coney Island, At-ii,..ProtectYou, Route WithoutDelayl 'tNthoe...0Tt lanticCity.Asbury Park and Miami Beach. 1 C Skill Game 5PENNIES ON DUCK Roll-O-Matic Buzzes With MIMIof (161.LIT 1(i DUCK 1511111.11~NW Activity On "Maiden -Roll" SOUP Will astfiReit NEWARK. N.J..Jan.30.---Ro11-0- THREEJACKPOTS! Matiohas recently enlarged Its experi- It's Legal! N mental rooms here almost fourfold, Sev- A til. Vi, NUMBERSHAVECHOICEOF 0 MO. I eralwell-known coin machine engin- 100,000 locations I NINNINGCHIN3 DIFFERENTJACKPOTS open for i. PC eers anddesigners of the Middle West 1{74i this money maker li 1 NEWGARDNER THICK BOARD havo been added to the Roll-O-Matic 4L)10 activity at the plant iA1Fils.looz.utv staff.The buzzing, Earn $2.00 to $10.00 0 Order No.600-ovr(One -Too -Three) these days is caused by the firm's newest daily ^aux=tivel agog Pi Sizeof Board 711'00 in. creation. Malden-Roll. CTPUN M IN EACH SECTION RECEIVES s Takes in: 600 Holes KT 5c 30.00 Howard Kass. Roll-O-Maticsales man- fCLEVER 42T. Tie, i says: NOVEL . ,-, Iso Total average payout 17.50 ager,in speaking of the new game, . "Maiden -Roll" has been location tested ORIGINAL Profit12.50 iind the game has awhirlwind take. It PROFITABLE . S. Tax reminds me of the profits originally made i :. Price f51.31, Plus 10% 1 "Watch the DUCK Dive inRoll -A -Balltwo years ago. Game

Vi rite for Broadside and Price List has been carefully designed to supplant PRICES -. 1% - Or- stagnant bowling game locations. lei i,r SIM1.10 STAR SALES CO. dersfromlocal distributors are begin- er 12 1.20 3901 09 Wayne Ave.

GARDNER & CO. Kansas City, Mo E % ning to pile up and I can see that we're going to have a tough time keeping up t hal 11I n. iivirgimmislimmswik 2309 Archer Ave. Chicago,III. with the orders." No Personal Checks, Please Fehruary 6. 1937 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 9_ 3_


*RED N BLUE The FIRST "2 in 1" Non -Payout Pin Game thatis earning DOUBLE pay table PROFITS! Plays REAL sEnsR-rionRL nEw poker"strictlyaccordingto Hoyle." For only 51.50 extra- separate panelattachment COLMTEEZGAME TRIUMPH makes RED N BLUE a sensa- tionally different HIGH SCORE game! $595° TAX PAID TR11:1PREA H certified de- posit,balance C.O.D., F.O.B Chicago. THE OUTSTR nDI nG 2 I N 1 All Orders! Pin GAME winnER_ TRI-O-PACK The sensational lc Cigarette Play Counter Game HIT! COMBINES all the money -making power of PENNY PACK, all the thrills of REEL "2I"-PLUS. New 1st, 2nd or 3rd CHANGING ODDS! RUSH REDNBLUE TDAYS x2475 YOUR READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! Penny Pack only $17.50, TAX PAID, and REEL DICE only FREE ORDER $18.75, TAX PAID. "You can't lose .. The world's2fastest money -making counter games! TRIAL TAX PAID with Gerber & Glass!" TODAY! "74e"atPATote,Atott- /4-kdae,x4 GERBER EI GLASS, 914DIVERSEY, CHICAGO Sales on Bumper Well On Way to New Record YOU CAN'T BEAT AVON CHICAGO.Jan. 30.-Making no effort NEW NOVELTY SALESBOARD SENSATION! to conceal his excitement and satisfac- tion over the success of the Bumper nov- elty game, Ray Moloney, president of Deep Sea Treasure Deal Bally Manufacturing Company, revealed Tim deal they'realltalking about. linen Sea Mystery Treasure that sales of the pinless, pocketless pin - 11,11,111M valuablegenuine 'ult u red Pearlsworth tinto$50.00. HIALEAH $36.50 game are well on the way to breaking Pearlstint as produced bynature.unseen,untainted.eightyears the record of Ballyhoo, so popular at the grow tugwithin the body andshellofthe Oyster.SealedIntins BALLY DERBY (Electropak) 41.50 directfromthesea beds oftheOrient. Each package guaranteed beginning of the pingame era. to contain a pearl. Five BALLY DERBY(Electropak) ofthesethrillingSea Treasures and an "The present rate of Bumper ship- attractive 000 hole baud with counter card bringsIn$30011,pays out 52packagesofcigarettes. Gilt.;profit$25.20,your and Ticket Model 45.00 ments," Ray states, "need continue only ISdeals cost per net. $6.95. for $01.115, Prices less 2%cash ills- three weeks more to put us past the oltnl. 23% depositrequiredon P.O. D.shipments. Order by PAMCO PINCH HITTER . 22.50 ',ital.; 115 Ballyhoo peak, which has long been N, We Guarantee thesaleofthisdealorrefund. PAMCO SPEEDWAY 27.50 looked upon as one of the outstanding sales records in the industry. And, judg- PROSPECTOR 14.50 ing by the enthusiastic reports coming JOSEPH HAGN COMPANY BIG RICHARD -21.50 in.Bumper willbeatop -sellerfor 217-225 W. MADISON ST. CHICAGO, ILL. ALL STARS (Electropak) 27.50 months to come.It is literally carrying the country, not only in novelty territory, GALLOPING PLUGS 27.50 but also in strong payout sections, where novelty games have played second fiddle for years. We can't begin tofillthe COUNTER GAMES demand. altho we have run double shifts (Only in use fire days) ever since the show. From a sentimental viewpoint, I hate to see old Ballyhoo's BON VOYAGE ARMY "21" GAME . $9.95 record broken, but Bumper is going to 1,000 HOLES. do it, and I guess I'll :ust have to grin THICK BOARD. and bear it." DEFINITE PAYOUT. FAST PLAY. BIG PAY. NEW GAMES Takes In $50.00 Sommers Celebrate Pays Out 24.90 MATCH 'EM . . . $17.50 Profit $25.10 Colorful and Attractive. DRAW "21" . . . $19.50 16th Anniversary MIAMI BEACH,Jan. 30.-Mr. and Mrs. Irving Sommer, of New York. who are PRICE $1.80 PLUS 10% TAX AVONnot only assures you perfect guests at the Hotel Evans here, celebrated operation on all reconditionedgames, their 16th wedding anniversary, January butsincerely places atyour disposal 22, with a dinner party in the main GLOBE PRINTING CO. their complete service accommoda- dining room of Hotel Evans. 1023-27 Race St. PHILADELPHIA tions. Their son, Robert. began the celebra- tion by cutting the anniversary cake, SEND FOR OUR NEW CATALOG which was presented to the couple by Mr. and Mrs. Evans.The anniversary °SERVICE THAT MERITS SALES dinner was attended by the Evans fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Berlinger, Mr. and AVON NOVELTY SALES CO '',u,',;11.cAINI,;;,11 Mrs. S. Guttenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Harry EASTERN DISTRIBUTORS FOR MILLS NOVELTY COMPANY Rosen. all of New York, Mrs. Rose Friend, of Bell Harbor, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam BallyMfg. Co. D. Gottlieb Co. Daval Mfg. Co. Getlin, of Miami. Pacific Am.Mfg. A. B. T. Co. Western Equip.Co. TELL THE ADVERTISER YOU SAW Sommer is well known to the coin ma- GroetchenMfg.Co. chine trade as an executive of Modern ExhibitSupplyCo. IT IN THE BILLBOARD Vending Company, New York distribut- 26th and Huntingdon Sta. ing firm. KEYSTONE NOV. & MFG. CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. s 94 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES February 6, 1937 Padlocked Panties NOTICE! A Convention Hit NEW YORK, Jan. 30. - Convention echoeshereindicatethatGerber & Glass. Chicago distributors,started something by distributing those novelty "padlocked panties" as souvenirs at the VANAK 1937convention. Coinmen returning from the convention have them display- ed on walls in many of the jobbing SLUG EJECTOR houses, and novelty firms are ready for ABSOLUTELY SLUG PROOF! a cleanup on the idea. QUICKLY PAYS FOR ITSELF! The panties, made of silk, were given away by Gerber & Glass during the con- vention as a souvenir. They had a chain and padlock attachment, which kept NEW PRICE them from being opened until some- Effective February 15, 1937 one came along with the right combina- tion. Tho not a new idea, the men here report that the novel manner in which they were presented captured the fancy F.O.B. ofall, and the demand exceeded the CHICAGO supply. Letters and telegrams asking for the whereabouts ofthe combination keys to the padlocks are going to Chicago A. DALKIN CO. regularly. The beliefis that Paul Ger- 4311.13 Ravenswood Ave.. Chicago ber has hidden the keys in some games and that the only way to get them will be to buy out his tremendous stock. Operators hereare making comical use of the panties and are presenting SAVEUP TO 50e; them as gifts to stenographers in local ON FOLLOWING MACHINES firms, where they create gales of laugh- DcLust, ter.Reports here say the panties were NVesternBares the outstanding novelty hit of the show. Bally ,111n,ho: 19.50 PacilieLeatherneck, Sunshine Derby, Sunshine Baseballs Bally 11 lalealis "Gold Dust Twins" Bally l'eei less Bally Bonus Become Ball Players BrokersTip l'alooka BIRMINGHAM. Jan. 30.-"Gold Dust 14.111y.\ IISt, Twins", Max and HarryHurvich,of leeney Velvets SkillRolls Birmingham Vending Company, leading Bally Challengers " 1.50 distributors, report that they have de- Bally Multiples cided to become baseball players since Bally Bluebirds :01.50 the tremendous ovation they received Turf (limps 05,00 upon their return to this city with the Gottlieb's tilt Paradelike new 74.50 new Rockola 1937 World Series game. (lottlieb's Derby Day, like new 74.50 Max and Harry claim that the game Scud one-third deporrit. Ind. C O.D. Is a great one.The operators immed- iately took to the game. they report. and N ENT NOVELTY CO. they feel that they will be one of the 220 N. Fifth St. Springfield,111. record -breakers in the sales of the base- ball game. They also state that they are going to ask David C. Rockola to send "Dizzy" Dean down to their cityto show the boys how to play the game. Conditions are fine thruout their terri- tory, they say, for World Series.They feel that once they put on their base- ball uniforms and start some real sales demonstrations of. the game that they will double all sales records.Uniforms have already been ordered for all em- ployees of the firm by the "Gold Dust Twins".including one fortheirtrue Soutnern beauty steno.They report that all the boys are waiting to see what she will look like in baseball pantaloons.

,,441 "tic- Ate INAL* 441 CAArts 4614? 30 in. Wide, 71in. High, 4111104t 41111,71:$40:0 20 in.Dee?

quit /the the eTamoui Paddle Wheals You've Ire Olwayi Seen at eitcuitzi and eatnivah Arms PERSONAL SERVICE Designed in a beautiful walnut and maple cabinet-the most attractive, modern flash onhe market! Xothing /the St /as L'vet Len Shown Bea ate/ ATLAS NOVELTY CORP. 2200 N.Western 1901 Fifth Ave. TAKES 10 NICKELS AT A TIME! As many as ten people CHICAGO, ILL PITTSBURGH, PA. can play at once ... or one person can play up to ten nickels.

FULLY AUTOMATIC PAYOUT! Pays out in coins or slugs DEAL WITH CARL-ALWAYS A SQUARE DEAL . . . the sums range from 20c to $1.00. LATEST HITS-HIGHLY RECOMMENDED EagleEye 510; (;rand 103517 Tri -()- Pack JUST LIKE THE FAMOUS CARNIVAL GAME! Fair Ground.: \Vrite 12a). ad: ::4110.110 1)1011,1e I leek 4:',17, Bumper 1,4.50 Pace, Race, 10 Pa) 4,711,1 ;x1111 NNie,(iid, PeEililt,ly Pack 1411.511 11..ininoe. 19.50 It does everything any attendant at a circus or freak112'.ts..:ei s Codloping 149.50 IlaugTail. '75.00 Reel 21 (New) 17.101 carnival does . . . the player selects the number, LARGE STOCK ALL LATEST MILLS SLOTS AT ALL TIMES TESTED putsit coin, presses the button, and the wheel LIBERAL TRADE ON USED SLOTS spins . .. finally stops. The pointer at the top Used Machines 1.. '7:411 I lay AND Ace 112.50 Double Healer . Pay shows the winning number . . . the color indi- AllStars 17,,otrots-Roulette 1.50 00 Pt eahne,, APPROVED cates the payout odds. RallyDerby 41,50 F13 nig Ili:411-iiew '''' '7'15:;111 Belli. Ill...... 5,2. =l) 11 ialeali ' r1, .51,::: 51, RIR' 1 ':et i: il-r7.:S'i .t:1:,::., t'-ir i g car BlueBird 4010 !limbo WRITEOR .V).50 Round Another GENCO Rite Binl.(,rig.ear 1:t( .. . Oli".);,t): 5151(1. ear 1, 1.50 `:,:trat ,ga Bono, WIRE Challenger .,0 00 Multiple 1'1.5011: :l 17 1rh am p Winger! 10.00 Paine.Ball(t-new $25,00toE.006100 Dice, 71.00 Reliance rebuilt, CreditI )wily L i In i 1 .55,00 Paine, Belk-new . COCAGO DeLtiNe 46 25.110 PantedPalo, 1::i,Sr 47.50 like new 45.01) AVE., 11 Pace RI ce,,Reliiii,11, New Motor., New Brake,-$210 5,. $2.50 ONE-THIRD DEPOSIT S.P01.1.1410 UNITED AMUSEMENT COMPANY 2621 3411-15 MA IN STREET KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI a February 6, 1937 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 95

Moseley's Special Closeouts Of Used Machines NN't lie.win- phone routo der inonediatelyut either 1111F' rem Ia, hide.. .Vedonotwok,' lok ekt the Urlee 1011 1.1111kranteo "WI 1937 gai Payaul toIncelHy' lea 0 111111111.1111,1111,,, .111-1 1,1k11111111,1y ak 10,0010 1.0-ildekiler tmuhurrsaleavail:11,1efor&Ail...1.y there - :4,, lacakinala,t; 1.1.%(11 PACES RACES Palo,,ka tipsy $39.50 Each 1 Paloolia Jr. 35.00 1 heard nett 11,17 Moor :ample 15.00 11 Pri.spect..rs 01311 11100 311 tO I. IV,1111111 C111/1111' -11 1,11 2 Pam,' 11:Ltidi,ap 13.50 Pall/111. utter1,/. 111,1 $340.00 1 Po net Bells, lilt., new -10.011 1 brand 11,, 111.7 11.,o1 .ample 30 to I. h 1. N1 alma 4 l'aine 25.00 cabinet,n,ter I/11 Irll .1111/11 375.00 The Arelier Ticket 5.511 2 leantnet. e 111,1, 111aek 1 Light 1111use 5.50 ealdnet note., on he .0 oak 1 1thpid lihe new 5.011 30to I 353.00 1 Chicagt, Ex press, lihe 11,,w 5.1111 n s .1,11 1,%010 2'1 10.110 to I. 1,-,1111Ied kr1110 hea,k 1 1:iant duINnearlikeno, 1 Sky High ea. payout "2.511 31 11:111,11,..o I k 255.00 4 Jurnbu:-.clean 19.50 ".11.11- re7., 235.00 1 Il.(,und cash payout 37.50 3: e 10 In 1 Hre. kelk Pig Five, 2 cash payuut 10.00 111,3 H71 325.00 1:ig Itichard 22.511 2 21, 10 I heck11 1 Palm.°I 11:1Se cash 1,11 y 12 1110 27.50 325.011 4I hl ii y Rae,-, clean 23.50 271127112,k,k2,111k21111-.- 1 Sereii in, 5.50 710 2101, 295.00 1 .1,111iings Hunter 12.1111 ;25. pi, c.IG1ee, 11,11 1//111111 11,11 1 .Afelt. Ile cash payout 22.511 1.1 1, nett 245.00 1 1111111-11h1.11,111 it; yiiut 25.00 2 1:eel 21 10.00 111 1'1 tint-Stn.,1:es 5.011 111-24 lieeerd 11:iliel eilldi 11' 11 S11,11;cr :111,1 :111111111. 1,411)1,11,11Sid. 35.110 2 Mills I2 s.l,,-tilt' 5.00 3 Penny1):u ' 7.511 1 hltiotju 10.00 NNii,A 1..1, 11.50 1 Etch AIhly 5.011 IAI lilt 11)1c,111:1,11,w :17.50 All orders must be accompenica by1/3 deposit inthe form of post office,express. telegraph moneyorder. NN rite and ask us to put you 011 our mailing list.


1111111 CENTER FORimmrPittsburgh Men Beat Flood Rise BARGAINS PITTSBURGH. Jan. 30. --Jobbers and RECONDITIONED AUTOMATIC PAY- operators of coin -operated machines in OUT TABLES this area were fully prepared when Old Bally Roll $95.00 Man River decided to swell 10 feet above High Card flood level this week.Trained by the (Mystery 1or 2 Ball) 75.00 costly lesson of last year's disaster. opera- tors removed all machines from locations College Football inflood danger zones long before the (Mystery 1 or 2 Ball) 75.00 weatherman predicted rising waters.In Derby Day many cases machines were movedon (Mystery 1or 2 Ball) 75.00 upper floors as a precautionary measure. Speed King Fortunately, cold weather checked the (Mystery 1or 2 Ball) 75.00 flood before doing much damage. Turf Champ 65.00 Pamco Bells 39.50 Leatherneck 35.00 McCoy 32.50 Peerless 29.50 Tycoon 27.50 Sunshine Derby 25.00 Aces 14.00 Baffle Ball 14.00 COUNTER GAMES CORPORAT1011 Holy Smoke 6.00 Tit Tat Toe 6.00 a-wtoAr...a., teZotinKe.s Bally Baby ...... 6.00 High Stakes 9.50 Twenty -One 9.50 Reel21 9.50 1-3 Deposit. Balance C. 0. D., F. 0. B. Milwaukee, Wis. BARGAINS IN RECONDITIONED MACHINES NEW GAMES--Cet Our Prices! PAYOUTS .5 lk t nel $4.50 each R. dare 31,,IT.in- I Leer1 ekder ( 6'1111,1Ilarvet diker z1,111110 \ 11,1e 1 Ile MILWAUKEE COIN MACHINE CO. rut' II:71111,.. 73.011 I klily!tat e, 'Sig 511111 1 3725W. Center 5+., Milwaukee, Wis. Stampede 1211)7 1,111111 (11y, ter y-1 ;11.511 1,1d 1171,11 111.1111 1'11'"11111.... Star :\1111111111 49.511 1'1/, and .N1irnts 10 Ili) 11,011010 Challenger Cari,ca 9.00 1110 Ikotnt Vel, et 411 so ThreekTI-I.ine 45.)79 Itig 11.1111C 99 PIN GAMES halite 3; fat X111.1 Cap IkYit11 klai League 1:4.00 Ele, tr. 0,1:1 111, 11,11 F1111 9.)70 READY TO OPERATE 415.110 I r, 1 ite 1k1,01tact- corm 1 ly lug 11? apeze Ten Strike $89.50 NEW IS ,k) .1 0t1, 11.1a,11 (1,0 Itakehall (ticket I 1.1111 Sitter Ala O $45.00 01 Sr 0.00 Sunshine Baseball 6 ill16,11 37.50 Ita111: $22.50 Moto Carlo 45.00 SlIn,hite !team Lite Itakehall 1;.)711 COUNTER tiel,und Mammoth $17.50 j GAMES signal TEAMS: 1 /S Deposit, Bal. Sky High '7 F10 Daval (1,1 .k ti,k1 jr L. B. (Mac)McCORMICK,presi- C. 0. D., F. 0. B. Chicago. 11.1111 Double Score (with packs) . .$23.50 1,111,11111e 11erlly 25.,11 Reel 21 1'at0001Fire Sr. dent of McCormick Machine Com- Stop and Co $29.50 1407 ey Blvd. pany, Greenville. N. C., reports na- NATIONAL COIN MACHINE EXCHANGE, CHICDiversAGO, ILL. Natural $34.50 tionwide response to his corers /or First With theLatest New Games -Get Your Name on Our Mailing List. Peerless $26.50 phonograph and cigaret machines. Lake Shore Sales Co. 2119 Kemper St. Manitowoc. Wis. WHY PAY MORE? ALL STARS 527.50 HIALEAHS $27.50 IN THE WHOLESALE BONUS 27.50 ROUNDUPS 34.50 BIG SHOTS 17.50 RAINBOWS 29.50 MERCHANDISE SECTION Write for Money Saving Prices nn Preakness. Bumper. Fair Grounds, Rover, Ten Strike, rGUARANTEED! 1 GrandPrize and Paradice Mailinglistsofjobbers.operators and deal. for the ors. Coast to coast by states. Good returns depend on an accuratelist. Get yours from LATEST NOVELTIES,PRIZES AUTOMATIC AMUSEMENT COMPANY itcompany that hasachieved successfrom 1304 THROCKMORTON ST., 508 SEVENTH ST.. theirdirectby malladvertising. 51.75per PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES FT, WORTH, TEXAS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS thousand. IlhiSTAR SALES CO. 3901 Wayne Ave., Kansas City, Mo.A 96 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES February 6, 1937


Patience, you money -thirstyoper-they've ever paid. Remember -HI -DE - ators!To besure,you want yourHO iswell worth waiting for. The HI -DE -HO novelty, payout and ticket"Pacificoil" Bumper plus the new two- game models immediately. Tobe sure,way matching scoreprinciple does it. you want that rich HI -DE -HO moneyWire those repeat orders now. First thosecleverlycontrived"Pacificoil"come -first served! Bumpers bring in. Sure enough, the American Public has accepted HI -DE - HO as no other game ever before. But, PACIFIC wait! Three shifts of skilled workmenAMUSEMENT MANUFACTURING CO. are busily engaged night and day - twenty - fourhourshand -running - 4223 WEST LAKE STREET, CHICAGO building your wonder -bumper HI -DE - Branch Office: 1320 S. Hope St., Los Angeles HO games.You'llsoon know the pleasure of HI -DE -HO profits -you'll soon get as many as youwant. You'll slide the paper off your brand new HI -DE -HO's -place them out onlo- cation -and take hundreds of players over the bumps for the biggest money ......




The new lc Cigarette Play Counter Game. The fastest IN EXCELLENT CONDITION

Write for Complete Catalog Stop and Co $40.00 money -making counter game everbuilt. Combines Red Sails $25.00 Rolla Score* 120.00 the money -making features of Penny Pack -the thrill HiaLeah 25.00 70.00 Sweet "21" 75.00 One Better Floor Assemble of Reel "21" -PLUS a new 1st, 2d or 3d odds play. Put 'N Take 35.00 Cottlieb's Derby Days 69.50 (Quarter machine) Pacific Saratoga 62.50 Order (just like new) Preakness 74.00 67.50 Bally Snappy* (multiples) 100.00 Belmont your 12.50 Iron Claw Digger 37.00 Trojan 15.00 Rotary (just like new) 175.00 Sample Daily Limit Alamo 15.00 Cottlieb's Daily Races 37.50 today. 10.00 Stampede No machine will be shipped at these A few Pinch Hitter 25.00 prices unless a 50 per cent depositis .

days on sent with order. *In crates.


will make

you order


MILLS BLUE FRONT MYSTERY Still popularDelland ) Om moat PAN Vender in the world. A marvel for JAIME Of All Cale MACHINES

consktent service. Never gets out of order. Made in 5c, 10c, 25c and no,Play. St. Paul, Minn. * 369 University Ave.

15c a Box BALL GUM (100 Pieces). Case Lots (100 Boxes), $12.00. REEL DICE, $18.75 1/3 Deposit With Order. 1922 Freman SICKING MFG. CO.,Inc., Cincinneati, Ohio REMOVAL SALE -RUSH YOURORDER Bank Nite.$19.85 Penny Pack.$6.85 Auto Archer Kings Match Dial Big 5 Jr... 6.85 Rotation.. 9.85 AllAmerican 24.85 Run.a.lind.11.85 Banker Smack Em Excel Split Second FlashLite 13.85 Stock Exch.11.85 Battle Gusher 24.85 Tackle ... 6.85 Cent -a -Pak Spot Lite Torpedo 9.85 FLOOD SACRIFICE SPECIALS Ditto Silver Moon Hurdle Hop II.85 Tie -Up ....II.85 Gold Medal ShootChutes Lights Out 24.85 Zenith ...11.85 Write for prices onPreakness. Ten Strike.Belmont.stop Om Ray's Track, Targette,Eagle Hop Scotch 3 -In -Line Neck N Neck21.85 Eye, Paradin and many other new ma, [lines.wIlleitmust he moved atonce. Our inventory on Jimmy Valentine Cannon Fire Panama _11.85 used machinesIsbeing compliedandwillhe ofTeredatequallylowsacrificeprices. Leap Frog Auto Dart Rnd N Rnd 16.85 Terms $10.00depositpermachine, BalanceC.O.D. Shipmentbyrailguaranteed same day Olympic Genco Baseball Scotty 14.85 SKEE your orderIsreceived. Rapid Transit Big Game Short Sox 19.85 Cross Roads ALL MACHINES BRAND NEW AND IN ORIGINAL CRATES Signal Top Hat 9.85 ALLEYS Screeno Double Header Thriller I4.85 Stars 67.50 Peerless 57.50 Scrimmage Finance Whirlpool 9.85 14 Ft. Tar- All HI Hand get Ro11.590.00 Challengers 69.50 Naturals 79.50 T.N.T. Big Shot 7.85 Zoom Home Run FullCashwith Hlaleahs 69.50 Round Ups 59.50 Lucky Star Bolo 21.85 9 Ft.Tar- Auto Flash allordersfor 50 Grand 9.85 Memphis is high and dry hut a large part of the surrounding territoryis under water and machine Balance Neighbors get Ro11.75.00 Quick Silver less than$10. Gateway 9.85 operations will be delayed many months. We are overloaded on stock and must sacrifice this stock Big Ten 14 Ft.Na- Bomber Spit Fire Balance New H Lite 14.85 regardless of cost. Star Lite 'Em.2g.85 tional ..50.00 Cyclone C.O.D. Hold Frisky 668 6.85 1936 M erchantman Short Wave LIne-0 AUTOMATIC AMUSEMENT COMPANY Ginger Mad Cap 14.85 Crane ..$40.00 MEMPHIS, TENN. Harvest Moon Tri-a-Lite 628 MADISON AVE. One -Third Deposit WithOrders -Balance C.O.D.-F.O.B. Newark, N.J. Tel.:Bigelow 8.1793 444.446 Clinton Avenue ACE VENDINGCOMPANY NEWARK. NEW JERSEY (. i():17 AMUSEMENT MACHINES I . Rillkng,rd MES F 197 IS YOUR BEST ASSURANCE W.ILEs..";10.1':1115.2PEfisters. XIMIISESS:111-.96trWWIFF:.1.71tPaZritiNSIMEZMISEMEM Acclaimed The Finest At 7. tr, OF A PROFITABLE YEAR! TWOMFWVREIPkidaS STOPPED 'EM COLD AT THE SHOW! With HAMMOND !IECP1IC (Q(}( TRADING and MYSTERY SLOT ProvidesatLeast TWO SELEC- POST TIONS With Each Coin With 28 Chances To Win S siPionol Cutting Odds High as 40 to 1 :4IYSTF.RYFREE PLAY And Ivw D ELECTRIC CLOCK

AMERA Here isa masterpiece of A bevyofbeauties design and player appeal: selected from all sec- A TURN TABLE TYPE tions of the country DIGGER with Mystery contestingforthe Free Play allowing 1 or 2 crown of Queen. Pays free plays.As Free Play odds high as 40-1 for comes up a pleasant Winner, 20-1 for Cathedral chime is heard. Runner-up,16-1for FrequencyofFreePlay mechanically 3rd Choice and1 2-1 adjustable. for 4th Choice, Tiltingisfoiled by new - type Anti -Tilt. Hasil- luminatedescalatorand many new features. Qual- ity -made of Bird's -Eye Maple and Walnut Trim.

'lystery Sin - :le Coin Slot. a In -A -Drawer CA M %IT Mechanism. 275 Illuminated Belt Type Es- SIZL calator. 29" x 29" x 46" Awards Me- chanically Ad- 1111111100.1131=1.11r justable. 41Motor Driven Payout. SPORTS DOUBLE PARADE Portrays every ty-2 of ma- fEATURE jorsport. Paysouton Seven leadingmotior, Professional, Amateur and picture producers com- Novice. A perfect com- peting for film awards panion to Daily Races. for their best pictures. I Pays odds high as 40-1 1937 forFour Star Award, 20-1for Three Stars. DAILY RACES 16-1 forTwo Star, More popular

'nd 12-1 for One than ever - 12 'or. months of steady 41 production! Ii Bringsoperators 4' record - breaking incomes. ONLY A.B.T. Illumi- nated Escalator. Any of 12,4 Yew smooth ac- s125 Check Separa- tor, No Charge. tion Plunger 2 - Ball play s149 $2.50 Extra. Mystery Single,- and Ball Lift. Ticket Game. MultipleCoilSit $10.00Extra. Optional. Equip- LowestPriced ElectroPak ped with New Equipped (Be'. A.B.T.No. 400 Quality Payout series Optional) Slot. Ticket C.C. Adapto- Game. $10 Extra. on the Market. pak, $5.00 Ex- CheckSeparator. tra. '1 WWI FAVORITE PAYOUTS No Charge.O. C. Adaptopak, $5 11.1. GOING STRONG, Extra. Electropak Equipped. Immediatc. Ddivcry On All Game.; PERRY DAY SPEED KING HIGH CARD

COLLEGE FOOTBALL HIT rARADE Ill Those Games Have Gottlieb .s:Four-Vrtriori-,! D. GOTTLIEB & CO. AllMilk.,016,41,311.1111111111k 2,19/i'" warairminosamorwerannilaMMI10. 2736-42N. Paulin CH/CAGO HITOFTHE20" THENOVELTY

THOUSANDS ofoperatorsare"sittin' I pretty" on Bally's BUMPER ... thesmash hit of the age ...the novelty game with pay- out earning power .. . the game that put novelty operators back in the big money! Cnly BUMPER has the dynamic actiondue to specially tempered "naked" wire ...care- fully coiled to strict Bally specification to bring out maximum "bounciness" andprojec- tile -like power! Only BUMPER has the "Magic Lantern" Totalizer, flashing a"blow by blow" score ... asthe big metal ball goes crashing into GIANT COIL SPRINGS ... a score that climbs higherand higher during each game ...and pulls player excitement up with it . .. up, up, up tothe fever pitch of repeat play!Only BUMPER has forty -dol- lars -a -day earning power. Get your shareby ordering BUMPER now!

". ..this particular locationis running in the neighborhood of $30.00 to $40.00 PER DAY gross on the BUMPER, and it is the talk of the town. Not a day goes F.O.B. CHICAGO by but we receive several calls asking for tables like the one in this location." -G. C., Rockford, Ill. 44 IN. BY 22 IN.

A BALLY GAME For Every Location ROVER FAIRGROUNDS I SHOTCHANGING ODDS PAYOUT 1 -Shot Changing Odds Payout with MULTIPLE COIN CHUTE (4Nickels per Game)

NEVERLESS RAY'S TRACK Payout Race Game PERGAME! THAN2 SELECTIONSPossible RELIANCE Up to 7Selections !Payout Dice Game

BALLY BABY PAYOLT: First, second, third and fourth place awards, sym- 3 Counter Games in One $149.50 bolized by various stages in a cruise from Europe .imerica, give play passibility of 28 winners ... PREAKNESS TICKET: to 40 -to -I top odds . . .and that TWO-WINNERS- 1 -Shot Changing Odds Payout $159.50 ARANTEED feature has proven the most mag- F.0B. netic rome-on in years!Order ROVER today CHICAGO while you can still get quick delivery!

,'''fiNhaf" BALLY MANUFACTURINGCOMPANY iNitirk" 2640 BELMONT AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS i7.941.01 John A. Fitzgibbons Eastern Distributor 453 W. 47th St., New -York, N. Y. THE CORRECT ANSWER TO THE OPERATCRS' DEMAND FOR A SMALL BUT MECHANICALLY PERFECT BOWL- ING ALLEY! Only 9 feet 10 inches long, yet embracing all thse exclusive and distinctive features of the ROCK -O -BALL SENIOR. TRIPLE SCORE FEATURE:The brilliant light -up panel shows score of game being played, previol s high sccre anc number of balls playea, AT ALL TIMES! 1. 1-... Opera:es bath mechanically and electrically, making use of the pest fL nctions of each


APPEARANCE! Cabinetinrich bird's-eye maple and walnut veneers. Ask your distributor f a descriptive circular.

MECHANICAL PROBLMS! The most mechanically perfectevice ever invented! No electrical gdgets; so -SCHOOL DAYS how can it cause trouble? THE RADIO RIFLE WITH A APPEAL ! Nothing ev rcreated REAL " KICK !"- A REAL equals the continuous p)ay induce- " WINNER !" ADJUSTABLE ment. HEIGHT! DELIGHTS EVERY- 0 N E-ESPECI A LLY THE A BIG PROFIT PRODUCER FOR OPERATOR ! YEARS TOY COME!

4,10 300 NORTH KEDZIE AVENUE. CHICAGO. ILLINIOISU. S. A. WURLITZER SIMPLEX AUTOMATIC PHONOGRAPHS Mahe CLEAN SWEEP at COIN MACHINE SHOW Impressed by the beauti- ful designs, outstanding mechanical features and sensational dollar values, America'slargestand most successful operators placed such sizeable ord- ers for Wurlitzer.Simplex Automatic Phonographs that the totalseta new high for business booked on any kind of coin op crateddevicesatany National Coin Machine Show.

Nor is this hard to under- stand. Operators know that the Wurlitzer-Sim- plex will enable them to get and hold the best and most profitable locations -thatitistheone phonograph locations de- mand - the one phon- ograph that replaces oth. er automatic phono. graphs that do not meas- ure up to Wurlitzer-Sim. plex performance.

Why not find out if there is room for another live music operator in your locality?Mail the cou-


THE RUDOLPH WIALLITZER COMPANY North Tonawanda, New York Please let me know if there is room for another Wurlitter.Simpleit Operator in my locality.