Updated, April 2019 José Ignacio Hualde Dept. of Spanish, Italian

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Updated, April 2019 José Ignacio Hualde Dept. of Spanish, Italian Updated, April 2019 José Ignacio Hualde Dept. of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese & Dept. of Linguistics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Education: Ph.D., Linguistics, University of Southern California, 1988. Dissertation: “A Lexical Phonology of Basque” M.A., Linguistics, University of Southern California, 1985. M.A., Spanish, University of Southern California, 1983. Licenciatura, Law, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1980. Employment history: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Dept. of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese & Dept. of Linguistics 1988-1994 Assistant Professor 1994-2000 Associate Professor Fall 2000- Professor Publications A. Authored and co-authored books 1. Basque Phonology. London & New York: Routledge. 1991. pp. i-xiv, 210. 2. Catalan. Descriptive Grammars Series. London & New York: Routledge. 1992. pp. i-xxx, 451. 3. A Phonological Study of the Basque Dialect of Getxo. Donostia-San Sebastián: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa. (Supplement 29 of Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca ‘Julio de Urquijo’). 1992. Co-authored: J. I. Hualde & Xabier Bilbao. pp. 117. 4. The Basque Dialect of Lekeitio. Bilbao & Donostia-San Sebastián: Univ. of the Basque Country Press & Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa (Supplement 34 of Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca ‘Julio de Urquijo’).1994. Co-authored: J.I. Hualde, G. Elordieta & A. Elordieta. pp. i-xx, 314. 5. Euskararen azentuerak [The accentual systems of the Basque language]. Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea [Univ. of the Basque Country Press].1997. pp. 248. 6. Introducción a la lingüística hispánica. Co-authored: J.I. Hualde, A. Olarrea & A. M. Escobar. 2001. Cambridge University Press. [2nd expanded ed. 2010, Co-authored: J.I. Hualde, A. Olarrea, A.M. Escobar & C. Travis, 3rd edition under contract] 7. The sounds of Spanish. Cambridge University Press. 2005. 8. Los sonidos del español. Cambridge University Press, 2013. [Revised, Spanish language edition ơf The sounds of Spanish] B. Edited and co-edited books 1. Generative Studies in Basque Linguistics. Benjamins: Amsterdam & Philadelphia. 1993. Coedited: J.I. Hualde & Jon Ortiz de Urbina. pp.i-vi, 333. 1 2. Towards a History of the Basque Language. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: Benjamins. 1995. Co-edited: J.I. Hualde, J. A. Lakarra & R. L. Trask. pp. 365. 3. A grammar of Basque. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 2003.Co-edited: J.I. Hualde & Jon Ortiz de Urbina. pp. xxx, 943. 4. Papers in Laboratory Phonology 9. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 2007 pp. i-xvi, 679. Co-edited: Jennifer Cole & J.I. Hualde. 5. Studies in Basque and historical linguistics in memory of R.L. Trask. Donostia-San Sebastián: Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa. (Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca ‘Julio de Urquijo’ XL). 2006. pp. xvi, 1029. Co-edited: J. A. Lakarra & J.I. Hualde. 6. The Handbook of Hispanic Linguistics. 2012. Co-edited. by J.I. Hualde, A. Olarrea & E. O’Rourke. Wiley-Blackwell. [Published in paperback, 2013] 7. Şaul, M. & Hualde, J.I. (eds.) 2017. Sepharad as imagined community: language, history and religion from the early modern period to the 21st century. Peter Lang. C. Special issues of journals 1. Metaphony and Vowel Harmony in Romance and Beyond. Special issue of Rivista di Linguistica guest-edited by J.I. Hualde. 1998. 2. Intonation in Romance. Probus 14-1 Special issue guest-edited by J.I. Hualde, 2002. 3. Variation and change in the Iberian languages: the Peninsula and beyond. Special issue of Portuguese Journal of Linguistics, 4.1 guest-edited by J.I. Hualde. 2005. D. Articles and book chapters Forthcoming (accepted for publication) Hualde, J.I. “El acento: Aspectos fonológicos”. Juana Gil & Joaquim Llisterri, eds. Fonética y fonología descriptivas del español. Cole, J., Hualde; J.I., Smith, C. Eager, C; , Mahrt, T., Napoleão de Souza, R. “Sound, structure and meaning: The bases of prominence ratings in English, French and Spanish”. Journal of Phonetics. Published Hualde, J.I, & Mounole, C. 2019. “Tense, aspect and mood”. In: A. Berro Urrizelki, B. Fernández & J. Ortiz de Urbina (eds.) Basque and Romance: Aligning grammars, 59- 81 . Leiden: Brill. Hualde, J.I, & Pérez Saldanya, M. 2019. “Grammaticalization processes in causal subordination”. In: A. Berro Urrizelki, B. Fernández & J. Ortiz de Urbina (eds.) Basque and Romance: Aligning grammars, 317-345 . Leiden: Brill. Hualde, J.I. & Beristain, A. 2019. “Bi alofonia gertakari Azpeitiko euskaran”. In: A. Etxebarria Lejarreta, A. Iglesias Chaves, H. Legarra Uruburu & A. Romero Andonegi (eds.), Traineru bete lagun: Iñaki Gaminde omenduz [Festschrift for I. Gaminde] , 209-228 .Bilbao: UPV/EHU. 2 Hualde, J.I. 2018. “Miecha”. In: M. Urgell & J. A. Lakarra (eds.) Studia philological et diachronica in honorem Joakin Gorrotxategi: Vasconica et Aquitanica. (ASJU 52), 346-351. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Univ. del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unib. Elordieta, A., Elordieta, G. & Hualde, J.I. 2018. “Menpeko perpausetako hitz azentugabeen foku azentuaz”. Fontes Linguae Vasconum 126: 415-433. Pérez Saldanya, M.& J.I. Hualde. 2018. “Recurrent processes in the evolution of concessive subordinators in Spanish and Catalan”. In M. Bouzita,I. Sitaridou. & E. Pato, eds., Studies in Historical Ibero-Romance Morpho-Syntax, 223-248. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Hualde, J.I., Beristain, A. 2018. “Acoustic correlates of word-accent in Basque”. Proc. TAL2018, Sixth International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages, 98-102, DOI: 10.21437/TAL.2018-20. Hualde, J.I., Riad, T. 2018. “Interaction between word accent and intonational boundaries in Latvian”. Proc. TAL2018, Sixth International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages, 27-31, DOI: 10.21437/TAL.2018-6. Hualde, J.I. 2018. “Oihartzungo azentuera zaharra”. Fontes Linguae Vasconum 125: 113- 132. Hualde, J.I. 2018. “Aspiration in Basque”. Papers in Historical Phonology 3: 1-27. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2218/pihph.3.2018.2602 Hualde, J.I. 2017. “Soinu aldakuntzen kronologiaz”. Fontes Linguae Vasconum 124: 277- 297. Pérez Saldanya, M. & Hualde, J.I. 2017. “From theme to rheme: the evolution of causal conjunctions of temporal origin in Catalan”. Studies in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Linguistics 10.2: 319-348. Hualde, J.I.; Luchkina, T. & Eager, C. 2017. “Canadian Raising in Chicagoland: The production and perception of a marginal contrast”. Journal of Phonetics 65: 15-44 Hualde, J.I. 2017. “Erronkarieraren garapen fonologiko dialektalaz”. In: Ensunza, Ariane & Aitor Iglesias, eds., Gotzon Aurrekoetxea lagunarterik hara, 175-194. UPV/EHU. Hualde, J.I. & Beristain, A. 2017. “Azpeitiko azentuaren gauzatze fonetikoaz”. Fontes Linguae Vasconum 123: 65-85. Hualde, J.I., Cole, J., Smith, C.L., Eager, C.D., Mahrt, T, & Napoleão de Souza, R. 2016. The perception of phrasal prominence in English, Spanish and French conversational speech. Proceedings of Speech Prosody 8, 2016. DOI: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2016 Hualde, J.I. & Eager, C. 2016. “Final devoicing and deletion of /-d/ in Castilian Spanish”. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 9(2): 329–353 Hualde, J.I. 2016. “On Basque dialects”. In Fernández, B. & Ortiz de Urbina, J., eds., Microparameters in the grammar of Basque, pp. 15-35. Amsterdam: Benjamins. Hualde, J.I. & Chitoran, I. 2016. “Surface sound and underlying structure: The phonetics- phonology interface”. In Fischer, Susann & Gabriel, Christoph, eds., Manual of grammatical interfaces in Romance, pp. 23-40. Berlin: De Gruyter. Hualde, J. I. & Prieto, P. 2016. “Towards an International Prosodic Alphabet (IPrA)”. Laboratory Phonology: Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology, 7(1): 5, pp. 1–25. Hualde, J.I. & P. Prieto. 2016. “La proposta de l’APrI (Alfabet Prosòdic International)”. In: Ana Ma. Fernández Planas (ed.), 53 reflexiones sobre aspectos de la fonética y 3 otros temas de lingüística, 233-241. Barcelona: Laboratori de Fonètica de la Universitat de Barcelona. Colantoni, L. & J.I. Hualde. 2016. “Conditions on front mid-vowel gliding in Spanish”. In Rafael Núñez-Cedeño (ed.), The syllable and stress: Studies in honor of James W. Harris, pp. 1-28. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Hualde, J.I. 2016. “Affective palatalization in Basque”. In Müller, Peter O. ; Ohnheiser, Ingeborg ; Olsen, Susan &Rainer, Franz (eds.) Word Formation: An international handbook of the languages of Europe, vol. 1, 517-523 (ch. 28). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. Artiagoitia, X., J. I. Hualde & J. Ortiz de Urbina .2016. “Basque”. In Müller, Peter O. ; Ohnheiser, Ingeborg ; Olsen, Susan &Rainer, Franz (eds.) Word formation: An international handbook of the languages of Europe, vol. 5, 3327-3348 (ch. 182). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. Hualde, J.I. 2016. “Foreword: Fundamental issues in Ibero-Romance intonational research”. In Meghan Armstrong, Nicholas Henriksen & Maria del Mar Vanrell (eds.), Intonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance: Approaches across linguistic subfields, pp. XIII-XXI. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Hualde, J.I. 2015. “Dialektologia dinamikoa”. In: Epelde, I. (ed.) Euskal hizkerak eta dialektoak gaur egun. Lapurdum, special issue 3: 125-153. Scarpace D. , Beery D. & Hualde J.I . 2015. “Allophony of /ʝ/ in Peninsular Spanish”.Phonetica 72:76-97 (DOI:10.1159/000381067). Chitoran, I., Hualde, J.I. & Niculescu, O. 2015. Gestural undershoot and gestural intrusion – from perception errors to historical sound change. Proceedings of 2nd ERRARE Workshop - “Errors by Humans and Machines in Multimedia, Multimodal, Multilingual Data Processing”, Sinaia, Romania, September 11-13, 2015 Hualde, J.I. C. D. Eager & M. Nadeu. 2015.
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