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The World Bank Document of The World Bank Public Disclosure Authorized Report No: ICR2535 IMPLEMENTATION COMPLETION AND RESULTS REPORT (IBRD-76710 IDA-39380) ON A Public Disclosure Authorized CREDIT IN THE AMOUNT OF SDR 13.8 MILLION (US$ 20 MILLION EQUIVALENT) AND AN ADDITIONAL FINANCING LOAN IN THE AMOUNT OF US$70 MILLION TO GEORGIA Public Disclosure Authorized FOR A SECONDARY AND LOCAL ROADS PROJECT March 26, 2013 Public Disclosure Authorized Sustainable Development Department South Caucasus Unit Europe and Central Asia Region CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (Exchange Rate Effective 18th February 2013) Currency Unit = Georgian Lari (GEL) US$ 1.00 = 1.65 GEL 1.00 GEL = US$ 0.60 FISCAL YEAR January 1 – December 31 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AF Additional Financing EA Environmental Assessment EMF Environmental Management Framework EMP Environmental Management Plan ERR Economic Rate of Return FSU Former Soviet Union GDP Gross Domestic Product HDM Highway Development and Management IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IDA International Development Association ISR Implementation Status Report LIC Learning and Innovation Credit MoE Ministry of Environment MTR Mid-Term Review NPV Net Present Value PAD Project Appraisal Document PDO Project Development Objective PIU Project Implementation Unit RD Roads Department RDMID Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure RMC Road Management Committee SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SLRP Secondary and Local Roads Project TA Technical Assistance TRRC Transport Reform and Rehabilitation Center Vice President: Philippe LeHouérou Country Director: Henry Kerali Sector Manager: Juan Gaviria Project Team Leader: Joseph Melitauri ICR Team Leader: George Banjo GEORGIA SECONDARY AND LOCAL ROADS PROJECT CONTENTS Data Sheet A. Basic Information B. Key Dates C. Ratings Summary D. Sector and Theme Codes E. Bank Staff F. Results Framework Analysis G. Ratings of Project Performance in ISRs H. Restructuring I. Disbursement Graph 1. Project Context, Development Objectives and Design ................................................... 1 2. Key Factors Affecting Implementation and Outcomes .................................................. 7 3. Assessment of Outcomes .............................................................................................. 16 4. Assessment of Risk to Development Outcome ............................................................. 23 5. Assessment of Bank and Borrower Performance ......................................................... 23 6. Lessons Learned............................................................................................................ 25 7. Comments on Issues Raised by Borrower/Implementing Agencies/Partners............... 25 Annex 1. Project Costs and Financing .............................................................................. 27 Annex 2. Outputs by Component...................................................................................... 28 Annex 3. Economic and Financial Analysis ..................................................................... 30 Annex 4. Bank Lending and Implementation Support/ Supervision Processes ................ 35 Annex 5. Beneficiary Survey Results ............................................................................... 37 Annex 6. Stakeholder Workshop Report and Results ....................................................... 39 Annex 7. Summary of Borrower's ICR and/or Comments on Draft ICR ......................... 40 Annex 8. Comments of Co-financiers and Other Partners/ Stakeholders ......................... 57 Annex 9. List of Supporting Documents .......................................................................... 58 MAP .................................................................................................................................. 59 A. Basic Information Secondary & Local Country: Georgia Project Name: Roads Project IBRD-76710,IDA- Project ID: P086277 L/C/TF Number(s): 39380 ICR Date: 03/26/2013 ICR Type: Core ICR Lending Instrument: SIL Borrower: GEORGIA Original Total USD 20.00M Disbursed Amount: USD 90.69M Commitment: Revised Amount: USD 89.69M Environmental Category: B Implementing Agencies: Roads Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure (RDMRDI) Cofinanciers and Other External Partners: B. Key Dates Revised / Actual Process Date Process Original Date Date(s) Concept Review: 12/22/2003 Effectiveness: 10/21/2004 10/21/2004 12/27/2006 03/19/2009 Appraisal: 04/30/2004 Restructuring(s): 02/25/2010 10/28/2011 Approval: 06/24/2004 Mid-term Review: 07/31/2007 11/03/2006 Closing: 10/31/2009 06/30/2012 C. Ratings Summary C.1 Performance Rating by ICR Outcomes: Satisfactory Risk to Development Outcome: Low or Negligible Bank Performance: Satisfactory Borrower Performance: Satisfactory C.2 Detailed Ratings of Bank and Borrower Performance (by ICR) Bank Ratings Borrower Ratings Quality at Entry: Satisfactory Government: Satisfactory Implementing Quality of Supervision: Satisfactory Satisfactory Agency/Agencies: Overall Bank Satisfactory Overall Borrower Satisfactory Performance: Performance: C.3 Quality at Entry and Implementation Performance Indicators Implementation QAG Assessments Indicators Rating Performance (if any) Potential Problem Project Quality at Entry No Satisfactory at any time (Yes/No): (QEA): Problem Project at any Quality of No None time (Yes/No): Supervision (QSA): DO rating before Satisfactory Closing/Inactive status: D. Sector and Theme Codes Original Actual Sector Code (as % of total Bank financing) Central government administration 4 4 Roads and highways 96 96 Theme Code (as % of total Bank financing) Decentralization 17 17 Infrastructure services for private sector development 33 33 Participation and civic engagement 17 17 Rural services and infrastructure 33 33 E. Bank Staff Positions At ICR At Approval Vice President: Philippe H. Le Houerou Shigeo Katsu Country Director: Henry G. R. Kerali D-M Dowsett-Coirolo Sector Manager: Juan Gaviria Motoo Konishi Project Team Leader: Joseph Melitauri Olivier P. Le Ber ICR Team Leader: George A. Banjo ICR Primary Author: George A. Banjo F. Results Framework Analysis Project Development Objectives (from Project Appraisal Document) (1) Improve the Economic and Social Well-Being of the Rural Population in Selected Areas Through Upgrading of their Secondary and Local Road Networks; (2) Improve the Effectiveness of RDMED in Respect to its Maintenance of a Cost Effective and Sustainable Secondary and Local Road Network; and (3) Improve the Effectiveness of RDMED in Respect to its Interaction with Local Communities and its Responsiveness to Local Needs. Revised Project Development Objectives (as approved by original approving authority) (1) Upgrade and rehabilitate the secondary and local roads network; and (2) Improve RDMRDI's and local governments' capacity to manage the road network in a cost-effective and sustainable manner. (a) PDO Indicator(s) Original Target Formally Actual Value Values (from Revised Achieved at Indicator Baseline Value approval Target Completion or documents) Values Target Years Indicator 1 : Road maintenance and rehabilitation expenditures (GEL million) Value quantitative or 20 150.3 155 184 Qualitative) Date achieved 08/31/2004 03/31/2011 03/31/2012 06/30/2012 Comments (incl. % Target exceeded. achievement) Indicator 2 : Number of person-month of jobs created (Bank estimates) Value quantitative or 0 10122 24,000 13,431 Qualitative) Date achieved 03/19/2009 03/31/2011 03/31/2012 06/30/2012 Comments Target not met. Based on assumption of use of labor intensive work methods. In (incl. % reality, modern methodologies and technologies were applied during construction achievement) which led to the need for less labor. Indicator 3 : Annual Report published Value quantitative or 0 Yes - Yes. Qualitative) Date achieved 10/21/2004 10/21/2004 03/19/2009 06/30/2012 Comments (incl. % Target met – total of 6 reports published between 2006 and 2011. achievement) Indicator 4 : Size of the total classified network (km) Value quantitative or 3392.00 3392.00 - 3392.00 Qualitative) Date achieved 10/21/2004 10/21/2004 03/19/2009 06/30/2012 Comments (incl. % The target met. achievement) Travel time improvement (percent) over current situation on targeted road Indicator 5 : sections. Value quantitative or 0 16.8 % 20 % 19.9 % Qualitative) Date achieved 10/21/2004 10/21/2004 03/19/2009 06/30/2012 Comments (incl. % The target met - 20% reduction in 2010 and 2011. achievement) Indicator 6 : Road management committees (dropped) Informal road committees exist within local Value governments – quantitative or 0 8 dropped exact figure to be Qualitative) assessed , but likely above target number Date achieved 10/21/2004 10/21/2004 04/14/2008 06/30/2012 Comments Unclear if target achieved as of time PDO revision but would have been by (incl. % original closing date achievement) Indicator 7 : Unit cost of secondary roads rehabilitated (GEL000/km) (dropped) Value quantitative or 170 186 80 droppped Qualitative) Date achieved 10/21/2004 11/27/2007 06/30/2008 06/30/2012 Comments Target not met as unit cost increased as of time of PDO revision but was likely to (incl. % be achieved by original closing date (see economic analysis) achievement) Indicator 8 : Unit cost of local roads rehabilitated (GEL000/km) (dropped) Value quantitative or 90 132 40 dropped Qualitative) Date achieved 10/21/2004 10/21/2004 11/27/2007 06/30/2012 Comments
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