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Publicbed b Authority |

Vol LXIV,No.9LX 0°oo7th FEBRUARY,1986 "Price 30c

r General Notice 85 of 1986. | The service tto ‘operate as follows— ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACTIcHAPTER20 _(@) depart Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 8 am, ‘arrive Dorowa ‘Store 1 p.m.3 (0) ‘depart Harare Sunday 2 P.m., arrive Dorowa Store, _ Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits 7p.m.3 : © depart Dorowa Store Monday, Wednesday and Friday IN terms of subsection (4) of section 7 of the Road Motor 3 a.m., arrive Harare 11 a.m.; Transportation Act.[Chapter 262], notice is. hereby given that ' (d) depart Dorowa Store Sunday 8 am., arrive Harare the applications detailed in the Schedule, for the issue or 1.30 p.m. amendment of road service permits, have beenreceived for the ~ consideration of the Controller of Road Motor Transportation. Additionals _ Anyperson wishing to object.to any such application must Chigubu Brothers (Pvt.) Ltd: lodge with the Controller of Road Motor Transportation, ‘(0/774/85. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 64. P.O. Box‘8332, Causeway-— Route: Harare - Oribi - (Juru Township)- Nyadiri - Gurure - (a) a notice, in writing, of his intention to object, sO as to Charewa. . reach the Controller’s office not later than. the 28th ’ February, 1986; Theservice to operate as follows— _ (b) his objection and the grounds therefor, ‘on form R.M.T. (a) depait Harare Monday, ‘Wednesday and Friday 11 am, 24, together with two copies theréof, so as to teachthe arriveCharewa 5 p.m.; ‘Controller’s office not later than the 2ist March, 1986. (b). depart Harare Saturday 245, Pm, arrive ‘Charewa Any person objecting to an application for the issue or 7.40 pam.; "amendment of a road service permit must confine:his groun _(c) depart (Charewa Tuesday and ‘Thursday, 6.30 a.m., arrive of objection to matters directly bearing on’ the Goatcece Harare 1 p.m; : \yeferred foinparagraph (a),( (0), ©, @, © or of sectio - {d) depart ‘Charewa Saturday 6.30 am., arrive Harare Pp.M.5 R. N. TSOMONDO, (e) depart Charewa Sunday 2 p.m., arrive Harare 7.50 p.m. -) 7.2.86, Controller of Road Motor Transportation. Note—This application is made to reinstate permit 13572, which expired on tthe 31st May, 1985. - ScHEDULE a MOTOR-OMNIBUSES | T.S. Kawimbi. | Amendments = 0/799/85. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 75. Harare Motorways. . | Route: - - Kadoma -‘iChegutu - - olFe/85, Permit: 25576. ‘Motor-omnibus, Pastenger-capi- -Kamurota - Karoi - Katanhe - Magororo. ci The service to operate as follows— - _ Route: Harare - Beatrice -~Manyene School - - Goko- (a) depart Gweru Monday and Wednesday 9 a.m., arrive mere Township - ‘Mupatsi Township ~ ‘Dorowe Store. Magororo 4.50 p.m,; | By: (b) depart Bulawayo Friday 4 p.m., arrive Magororo (a) Deletionoof‘the’‘Monday and Friday outward service and Saturday 1.50 a.m.; ‘Tuesday and Saturday inwardservice. (c)

O0/801/85, Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. owe (e) depart . Dorowa ‘Store Tuesday and Friday 730 ami, arrive Harare 3.50 p.m.; Route? Bulawayo « - Gokwe - Bopoma ~ Mateta Business Centre. *(f) _ Separt Mupatsi Township Saturday 5 am., atrive Harare 11.45 a.m.; The service to operate as follows— a ® depart Dorowa Store Sunday 10.30 am., arrive: Harare ay de Bulawayo Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 6.05 pan, mo L ‘” Guam, ative Mateta. Business Centre 12.40 pm;


(b) depart Bulawayo Sunday 2 pm, arrive Mateta Business GOODS-VEHICLES ‘Centre 8.40 p.m.} Amendments , (c) depart.Mateta Business Centre Monday, "Wednesday, I. E. Power (Pvt.) Ltd. Friday and Sunday 6 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 12.40 p.m. G/651/85. Permit: 25039. Trailer, Load: 10000 kilograms. 0/817/85. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. Area: shall be the same as in: the Road Service Permit of the vehicle towing the. trailer.: Route: Bulawayo - Mashara ~ - Wengezi Junction - ‘Chimanimani- Chigwe- Ndima- Rusitu. Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and ‘merchandise of all — ds. The service to operate as follows— By: Increase in load to 30 000 kilograms. (a) depart Bulawayo Monday, Thursday and Saturday 7 am., G/652/85, Permit: 25040. _Goods-vehicle. Load: 10 000 arrive Rusitu 4.22 p.m.; kilograms. (6) depart Rusitu Tuesday, Friday and Sunday 12 noon, Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius of the ‘post office, Bikita, arrive Bulawayo 9.22 Pun. . with access to Masyingo and . Nature of carriage: ‘Goods, wares and merchandise of .all ¥. F. Musani. kinds. 0/803 /85, Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity : 76. By: o Route: Harare - - Mt. Darwin - Rushinga - Nhawa (a) Increase in load to 30.000 kilograms. Township - Mary Mount Mukosa - 'Mazowe Bridge. (b) Deletion of the existing area. of - operation and sub- _Theservice to operate as follows— stitution of “Within .”.7 (a) depart Harare Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 9 a.m., Additionals arrive Mazowe Bridge 2.30 p.m.;. Carriers Transport vt) Ltd. (b) depart Harare Friday 8 a.m, arrive Nhawa Township ‘12 noon; G/693 and 698/85. ‘Two: goods-vehicles, Load: 55 000 kilograms each. - (c) depart Mazowe Bridge Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 5.30 a.m., arrive Harare 12.15 p.m.; Area: Within Mashonaland ‘Central Province ‘with access ‘to Harare. ‘(d) depart Nhawa Township Friday 12.30 pm., arrive Harare 4 p.m. Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all S. E, Tenda. t/a. Tenda Transport (Pvt.) Ltd. _G/694/85. Goods-vehicle, Load: 55 000 kilograms. 0/813/85. Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: 76. Area: Within Mashonaland ‘West Province with access to Harare. Route: - Chimanimani Junction - Nyanyadzi - Tanganda - . Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise ‘of all s. The service to operate as follows— G/695/85. Goods-vehicle. Load? 55000 kilograms. (a) depart Mutare Monday to Sunday 6.30 am., arrive Area: Within ‘Mashonaland East Province with access to Chipinge 10 a.m.; Harare, (b) depart Chipinge“Mondayto Sunday 12.30 p.m., arrive Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all ‘Mutare4p.m. ~ Ss. G/696/85. Goods-vehicle. Load :. 55.000 kilograms: 0/814/85. Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: 76. Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius of the General Post ’ Route: Chipinge - Tanganda - Nyanyadzi - Chimanimani Office, Bulawayo. Junction - ‘Mutare. Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all The service-to operate as follows— Ss, (a) depart Chipinge Monday to Sunday 6.30 a.m., arrive G/697/85. Goods-vehicle. Load: 55000 kilograms. Mutare 10 a.m.; Area: Within Matabeleland South Province with access to Bulawayo.: (b) depart Mutare Monday to Sunday 12.30 p.m., arrive Chipinge 4 p.m. Nature of carriage: Goods, “wares and merchandise of all s. Q/815/85. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. TAXI-CABS ~ Route: Bulawayo - Masvingo - Birchenough - Hot Springs - Mutare, Amendments . . S. M. Musiyiwa. The service to operate as follows— - TX/206/85. Permit: 25329, Taxi-cab, Passenger-capacity (a) depart Bulawayo 3... Monday, Thursday and Saturday Area: Within 6.30 a.m., arrive Mutare 5 p.m.; % 40-kilometre radius ofthe post Office, Banket. Condition: The vehicle to stand for (b) depart Mutare Tuesday, Friday and Sunday 6.30 a.m., hire at Kuwadzana . arrive Bulawayo 5 p.m.- Business Centre, only. ; By: , : Marshie Motorways (Pvt.) Ltd. (a) Deletion of the’ existing ‘area of operation and sub- O/818/85. Motor-omnibus. stitution of “Within a40-kilometre radius of the post Passengerkeapacity: 76. office, Chinhoyi.”. - Route: Harare - Kadoma - Gweri - ‘Ndanga - Badza - Madzi- (b) Deletion vadondo - Bare - Ziwa Township. of the existing condition- swd substitution of “The| vehicle to stand for hire at Tongwe _ Tavern. The service to operate as follows—- only,” o. (a) depart Harare Tuesday and Thursday 745 am., arrive | Ziwa Township 3 p.m.; Additionals i | §. Chikohora. (b) depart Harare Saturday 11 a.m., arrive Ziwa Township oe 0 p.m.; TX/210/85. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 3, : (c) depart Ziwa Township Wednesday, Friday and Sunday Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius ofthe post office, Gweru. 3 am., arrive Harare 1.30 pm. Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at (a). Third Street taxi-rank and (b) the. Railway ‘Station, only. : _Chitanda & Sons Bus Service (Pvt.) Ltd. Note.—This application is made to. reinstate permit 22756, 0/822/85. Motor-ominibus. Passenger-capacity: 48. which oxpired on. the 30th September, 1985. 5 £ Route: Harare - Chivhu - Masvingo- Ruins - Kyle am. I. Mbasera. TX/223/85. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: Theservice to operate as follows— 4.. ° (a) depart Area: Within. a 40-kilometre radius. of the ‘post office, Harare Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday 6.30 a.m., Kadoma. arrive Kyle Dam 12.01 pm; Condition: ‘The vehicle to stand for hire at any authorized (b) depart Kyle Dam Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday taxi-rank 3.30 within the area under the jurisdiction of | the p.m., arrive Harare 911 pm Kadoma Municipality. :

- | i t

i ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAzeTTE, 77H FEBRUARY, 1986 : 119 i General Notice 86 of 1986, : COMP. Dateof é ACT [CHAPTER 190} . | Number Name ofcompany mel registration . ee Companies 312/28/84 J.D.R. Contracting Pvt) Ltd. . . . 32000 3.4.84 to Be Struck Off the Register | | 313/29/84 RainbowConstruction .. : (Pvt) Lid. . . . 32000 3.4.84 : . / . | i 326/84 Computer and Technology Group (Pvt, . IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 283 of the | rAd cneeGntitjg Companies Act [Chapter 190], that 77 32 000° 1.4.84 at the -expiration; of three | 329/84 Gotu Fumishers (Pvt) Ltd. =. months from the date of publication of this notice, . . . 32000 12.4.84 of the companies set out in the Schedule will, unlessthe names |. 39/33/84 O.M. Foam Products (Pvt) Ltd. . . . 24000 cause | 781/84 MountDarwin Distributors (Pvt.)Ltd.. . 32000 ‘13.9,ia 9et is shown to the contrary, be struck off the said companieswill thereby be dissolved. register and the | General Notice 87 of 1986. | 7 S. . 7-2-86.. . Registrar of Companies,NDORO,| | . PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIBES ‘ACT [CHAPTER—28]. i | ~ SCHEDULE | Conferring of Privileges : oo OO ‘Date and- Immunities on International Number of Organization Name ofcompany a Capital ; registration , $ : : i - : act : Bie Wankie TinandTungsten (Pvt.Ltd. . . 40000 | THE President, in terms ofsection 7 of the Privileges and 27.10.39 ..|/ amunities Act {Chapter 28], hereby confers ulawayo Car Breakers(Pvt)Ltd. . upon the inter — . 1133/58 Electric Centre (Pvt) Ltd.» .. . . . 2000010.000 tiose National organization specified in the Schedule the privileges 634/63 Paul’s Post Estates 11.12.58 | eee * Third Schec (Pvt) Ltd, . -. 2 . 8000 2.10.63 andimmunities set out in Part 1 of the Third Schedule ‘to 447/66. Granine Place (Pvt) Ltd. .:. . . . 8000 85/67 True-Line (Pvt) 4.10.66 ‘| sO , . ®. K. MASHINGAIDZE, Ltd... 2. . 5. 24000 122.2.67 (7-286. — Secretary 91/71 Vinte(Pvt)Lid . 6. 2 1, 28000 for Foreign Affairs, ° 930/71 | . - TORSED ANAITS, Balanced Agencies (Pvt)Ltd. . . . . 24000 '14.9.71 | SCHEDULE m2 Gardena 72 Garden Craft (Pvt)Ltd.Gots...)9... . .) 24000ot.- 27.1.72gt||:|| spECTRIED INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION 122/72 Groenveld Ranch (Pvt) Ltd. CIFTET . . 1 . 24000 4.2.72 |/_ Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern. African 933/72 GandanzaraEnterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. . . 24000 (9.8.72 ‘States (P.T.A)). 460/73 Rurgwe Farm (Pvt)Lid. . . . . se . . 24000 4.2.73 i— 960/73 Satrender Coach Services (Pvt) Ltd. . . 32000 43.9.731 | | t Not 1161/74 Maltyne Mining (Pvt) Ltd...... 30000 30.12.74 |General Notice 88 of 1986. 585/75 | Archer Motors (1975) (Pvt) Ltd. . . _ 276/77" . 32000 2.10.75 ‘ CUSTOMS AND EXCISE ACT [CHAPTER Ploughrite (Pvt) Ltd... » 32000 22.7.77., Serre 177] 301/78 R.C. Kewada & Co, (1978) Pvt)Ltd. «32000 -30.6.78" | 634/79 Robar Finance Co. . (Pvt) Ltd... . . 32000 7.12.79 | Seizure Notice 1 of 1986 © 184/80 J. &I.Mining(Pvt)Ltd. =, 2 ©. 32000 5.3.80 : 1362/80 B. & G. Agencies (Pvt) Ltd, . . . , 32000 © 29.12.80 ._ IT is hereby notified that, in exercise of the powers con- i5i8t FrnunewizaTransport Co.(Pvt)Ltd, . . 32000“ 12.1.81, ferred seal #. oi wemeures(rt) Md. by section 176 of the Customs and Excise Act [Chapter i echnicon (Bvt) Ltd. + + + + 32000 46.181 777], the articles specified in the Schedule have been seized =. . . . . -, 32000 46.4.81 5t the places specified from | 538/81 John Mawotere (Pvt) Ltd. . the persons whose names are 2. 0.) «32000 30.4. 81 specified in the Schedule. - 685/81 Kud: te Pe ee “oe 4097181 “Kasura'TavestmensGt Li,” ||) aggte 66.8 J,1 Subject. to the provisionsas of section“as 178 of the said: 1240/81 ‘Stewart & Buckwell (Pvt) Ltd...... 32000. 13.10.81 the persons Act | . 634/82 Pachedu General Dealers (Pvt.) Ltd. from whom thearticles have been seized or the . ~ 32000 9.7.82 | Owners thereof may, unless the Controller of Customs and © 832/82. Soma Farms (Pvt) Ltd...... 32000 6.9.82 Excise, on representations made by any of those persons, _ 938/82 Mbare Chemicals (Pvt) Ltd. . . . . 32000 9.9.82 Zeleases the articles, institute proceedings for their recovery =| * 973/82 Backforth Pvt) Ltd. 2. 2 S . fl S 32 000 11.10.82 . from the Controller within three months | 1170/82. R.H.Kaschula &Sons(Pvt.)Ltd. . . . 32000 23/41.82 publication of this notice. from the date of 1178/82 - Barnyard | PoultryProducts (Pvt.Ltd. . . 24000 25,11,82 | _ : D.C. HALEY, 1277/82 Morrison Enterprises(Pvt.) Ltd... . 32000 2112.82 7-2-86. . Controller of Customs and Excise. | 480/83 Miambo Printing Paper Suppliers (Pvt.) | . Ld. wee ety 320000 13.85.83 | i - 525/83 - Hardware SCHEDULE / and Hand Tools (Pvt.) / : Nameofperson Place of seizure Article | . Ltd. sow we ee ek ee) 32000. - 31.5,83 Unknown + «+ Forbes Border Post | 549/83 Bona Fortuna Mine (Pvt) . Twenty-four kg prawns Ltd...... 32000 - 6.6.83 Unknown . . . Chirundu . . . . Fifty-seven elephanthair bangles | 591/83, T.L. & S. Mining Pvt.) Ltd. «= | . 2. 32000 20.6.83 Unknown . . . Mutarezs-. . . . Four digital watches 604/83" Greendale Greens and Poultry (Pvt.) Ltd. . 32.000 24.6.83 Unimown . . . Mutare. . . . . Five digital watches’ 681/83 Simunyu Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. .- . . °32000 13.7.83. .| Unknown - + . Mutare. . . .°. Nine dozen pencils _ 694/83 ‘#lectrical and Furniture Trading Co. (Pvt.). - oo : . , Onetorch ‘ Lid... 67. we ae. «32000 18.7.83 Unknown . . ..Mutare. . . . . One digital watch 856/83 Batanai Carriers (Pvt.} Ltd. «+ 6... 32000 6.9.83 889/83 : : . Twenty-twolead pencils . Masvingo Motors (Pvt) Ltd. . . . . 32000 13.9.83 | One axe head 937/83 ‘Country Cane Furniture Manufacturers ‘ ° sO i . ‘Two machetes - (yt) Ltd, 2. 2. 1 ww... 92000 _ 23.9.83 Unknown’ . . . Plumtree . . . . Eighteen litres of _ Johnny 1116/83 Chemamurocha (Pvt.) Lid...... 32000 9:.9.83 : : r Walker whisky 1230/83 Harvest Time (Pvt.) Ltd. «+ «6 « 32000 14.12.83 Unknown » « » Plumtree . . =. . Two hundred and fourty-one 114/84 Horizon Marketing Services (Pvt.) Ltd. .. 32-000 9.2.84 i padlocks 159/84 Zimbot Agency (Pvt,) Ltd... 2... ow: 32 000 232.847 One hundred and seven nail =) 191/84 Trust Commercial and Educational Sup- : < ok clippers : / pliers (Pvt) Ltd. . . 1... 2 1. 2 32000 ~ 613.84 : ; Two hundred and ten hacksaw 217/84 Mutengerwa (Pvt) Ltd. . 2. . 5. 32000 1413.84 ff blades 220/84 Pan Manufacturers (Pvt.) Ltd. + « + 32000 143.84 “ : Five shifting spanners 227/84 JLT. Enterprises (Pvt. Lid. . . . . 32000 1533.84 , _ Nineteen keyhole locks . 228/84 Nhekairo Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. . . . 32000 16.3.84 . Twenty-six, one and half volt . » 230/84 Johnson Woodwork (Pvt.) Ltd...... °32000- 16.3.84 . torch-batteries . 238/84 | .M. &T. Builders (Pvt) Ltd. . 2. . . -32000 20.'3.84 Poo : . ' ‘Three pairs pliers 251/84 Nighwest Enterprises Pvt.) Ltd. . . . 32000 2.3.84 | _ One knife — 252/84 Landplan Group Africa (Zimbabwe) (Pvt. . i One claw hammer Ltd ke ee ee ee 32000 22.5.8 Fivevice grips 261/84 Goromonzi Educational Distributors (Pvt.) . | Twenty pairs pliers : Ltd. 2 ee ee we ww 2 82 000 2673.84 * Once thousand and sixty watch- " 264/84 © Nyamutamba Holdings (Pvt) Ltd. . ; 32000. 26.3:84 o batteries 266/84 =. Nyamutamba Management Services (Pvt.) “it : . . One hundred and eight padlocks . Ltd... 2. ew ew we ee 32000 26.3.84 : Eighty-eight padlo : 271/84 _- Virgro Garments (Pvt) Lid... . . 32000 27,3.84 Tworiveting pliers 273/84 Staross Mining Co. (Pvt) Ltd. . .-. . 32000 27.3.84 Three setsoffive pieceseach of - 311/27/84 Westwinds Farming (Pvt) Ltd. .-. . 32000 3.4.84 augerbits


Name ofperson Place of seizure Article General ‘Notice 89 of 1986. Onetin Cobra CENSORSHIP AND ENTERTAINMENTS CONTROL ACT Nine umbrellas [CHAPTER 78] - , ; Sixteen fibre-tip refills % ‘Ten, twenty-four exposure Kodak films . Declaration! of Undesirable: Publications Three colourprintfilms " One hundred and ninety-cight digital-watches IT ig hereby notified, in“terms of subsection (3) of section Fourpicture frames 12 of the Censorship and EntertainmentsControl Act [Chapter - Seven drinking glasses 78], that tthe Board of ‘Censors has, in terms of subsection (1) Two fans ‘of that section, declared that tthe publications specified in the Fourcartonsfish Schedule are, in the opinion of the board, undesirable within One Philips colourtelevision the meaning of subsection {2) ofsection 2 of the ‘Act. Twosets, 6-piece flexible sockets. Unknown Plumtree . Seventy-two packets of watch 7-2-86. “cells - oof . Chairman, Board of Censors, Twelve padiocks ScHepulE . One hundred and seventy-eight digital watches’ . Undesirable publications oO Ninelitres of whisky _Books : = ve Fourtins fish Janet Langely One soccer ball Unknown Plumtree Four hundred and sixty digital Company Counselor watches Eric van Lustbader \ Thirty packets of watch cells Unknown | Bulawayo . One black suitcase Jian Five bedspreads _ Calendar Six table cloths Calendar, Ninesets doilies (doyleys) 1986. | a . Unknown Bulawayo . One hundred and ninety-four digital watches . Seven hundred and thirty watch cells , General Notice 90of 1986. - | Unknown Bulawayo . . OneFord Cortina, Registration No. FLC 9757 'T GOVERNMENTTENDER BOARD: Bulawayo . Five bedspreads a Six table cloths _ Tenders Invited 7 Nine doilies (doyleys) Three hundred and thirty-six padlocks ALL tenders must be submitted to the Secretary, Government Tender Board — Nine padlocks P.O. Box 8075, Causeway. ape} Eight hundred and ninety-five ‘Tenders must in no circumstances be submitted to departments. nail cutters Tenders must be enclosed in sealed enyelopes,‘endorsed on the outside with the advertised tender Four screw drivers number and thedescription, and must be posted in time to be sorted into Post Office Box 8075, Causeway, or deliyered by hand to Three tins fish the Secretary, ‘Government Tender Board, Second Floor, RegalStar House, 25, Gordon Avenue,- Two pairs sunglasses Harare, before. 2.45 p.m. on the closing-date notified. _ - Five dishing spoons Offers submitted by: telegraph, stating clearly therein the name of the tenderer Four hundred and forty watch the service and the amount, must be dispatched in time for delivery ‘by the Post cells Office to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, by 2.45 P.m. On the closing-date, . and the confirmation tender posted not later than the closing-time and date. The Twenty-five ladies’ - digital telegraphic address is “Tenders, Harare”, Los . "watches © “ Note.—Tenders whichare not received by2.45 p.m. on the closing-date, Twenty gents’ digital watches whether ’ by hand, by post or by telegraph, will be treated as late tenders. sO Four watch cells If a depositis required for tender documents,it will be refundedon receipt of a One used track suit bona fide tender or if the tender documents are returned complete and. unmarked Twoshirts , before the.closing-date, : : Poo . Two blankets For supply contracts, the country of rhanufacturemust be stated. Wher ‘tenders Onetablet soap are compared,a degree of preference is deducted from prices tendered for goods Two used underpants . meniufactured in Zimbabwe. . oe : Notender can be withdrawn or amended during a period.of 30 days (or any One used Parker balipoint pen other period specified in tender documents) from the stated. closing-date, ‘Two pairs socks The Governmentdoes not binditself to acéept the lowest or any tender, and One towel reserves the right toselect any tenderin whole orin part, |” - Two pairs trousers Tenders which areProperly addressed to the Government Tender Board in Oneshirt envelopes with the advertised tender number and description endorsed on the’ One jersey outside are not opened until 2.45 p.m.:on the closing-date. © : One handkerchief Members of the public may attend the-openingof tenders.on Second: Floor, One shoe-brush - Regal Star House, 25, Gordon. Avenue, Hararé, from 2.45 p.m. onwards on the One passport case ate specified. ‘ . plo. rn ~ Unknown Bulawayo . One hundred and ninety-four "= CC. MUCHENIE,* watches — - ; . ee * Secretary, Seven hundred andthirty watch 7~2-86. . Government Tender Board. cells . Unknown Bulawayo . . Fourteen doilies (doyleys) Tender ; Eight table cloths number . 7 Com: oo One small bedspread 6934. Supply and delivery of training equipment to Rmwa Unknown Harare. . Five thousand nine hundred and National Rehabilitation (Centre. Closing-datte, 6-3-86. thirty-two rands Documents are obtainable from the Ministry of Labour, Unknown Bulawayo .. One and half litres of Bells Manpower Planning and Social Welfare, ‘Private Bag whisky 7707, Causeway. tbe ao, Thirty cigarette lighters 6935. Supply of four Unknown head paper. drilling machine. Closing-. Bulawayo . Four andhalf litres of whisky date, 6-3-86. Documents may be obtained from Mushayi . Harare . Room Nine dollars 29, Z.R. Police General Headquarters, P.O. Box 8007, John Mosse Mutare. . Sixty-five dollars Causeway, or cnr. Seventh: ‘Street/Montagu Unknown Victoria Fails Avenue, Sixteen pieces Chitenge material _ Harare. , De Re Unknown '. Victoria Falls Onebath towel 6936: Supply Onegents’ hat of exercise books to the Department of Printing x One pair underwear and ‘Stationery, \Closing-date, 6-3-86. .Documents are One cap obtainable from the Controller, Printing and Stationery, One khaki shirt P.O. Box 8062, Causeway. oe : : One packet mints 6937. Supplyof wire mesh to Epworth. -Closing-date, 6:3-86. One umbrella - Documents are obtainable from the Director, Physical Four grass brooms .. Planning, P.O. Box 8176, ‘Causeway.

° . Yew.

- ZIMBABWEAN GoveRNMENr Gazerre, 77H FEeRvary, 1986 121 Tender Sf number - i POST AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION 6938. Supply and | Tender detivery of fresh-fruits on. an Fant 2d f “contract “agre number . ‘basis, for the period 1-4-86 to 30-6-86 to Army establishments in | Harare and Bulawayo. Closing-date, 8123. Supply of 60 self-contained. air conditioning units. ' 6-3-86. Documents are obtainable from the |Central Closing-date, 27-2-86. A $50 deposit is required and - Provision Office, Army Headquarters, Private Bag this will be refunded on-submission Causeway... 7720, . of a bona fide . tender or on return of the documents, unmarked, prior ARDA.33/86: - Supply and instalation of Radio Communication to the closing-date. system at Rusitu Mayfield Farm, Chipinge. 8134. Filing cabinets 6-3-86. Closing-date, (various). Closing-date, 6-3-86. -Docu- Documents are obtainable from ARDA, Head ments are available from the Office; P.O. Box Secretary, P.T.C. 8439, Causeway.. [ Purchasing Committee, Room N4, Tenth Floor, North Wing, Runhare House, 107, Union Avenue, Harare, or Tenders are invited from building contractors P.T.C, Purchasing Committee, P.O. Box 8061, Causeway. Registered in category“C” for: CON.21/86. Chipinge: Community and Magistrates combined courts complex. Closing-date, 27-2-86: A refundable ' deposit of $50 per set is required, =. . NATIONAL RAILWAYS OF ZIMBABWE . Tender Tendersareinvited : ‘ e from building contractors -number Registered in category “B”. 6675 «| Paint, Road Line, Closing-date, CON.22/86. Mutare: Composite office block, Closing-date, 20-2-86. - 27-2-86. A refundable deposit ‘of $50 per set is required, 6573 : 0366, Lubricants, oil Crankcase. . 6539 : 0369. Murphy shut off valve. Tenders are invited from mechanical engineers for: 6576 : 0375. Drain cleaning rods and. fittings, CON.23/86. ‘ Kadoma: Supply, delivery and. installation ‘of gas 6599 : 0376. Electrical requirements: ‘Services for ‘a laboratory block at Fused switch. Cotton Research © 6536: 0377. Electrical Station. Closing-date, 27-2-86. A refundable deposit of requirements: Cable insulated Xipe. 50 per set is réquired. : i 6568 : 0379 Timber—hardwood: Free from moisture content, Documents for tenders CON.21/86 to CON.23/86 are 12 per cent, Closing-date, 27-2-86. . “obtainable from the Secretary for Public ‘Construction 6865 : 1966, Cumminsengine spares: Head, compessor, and National Housing, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare “6861 : 2059. 350.mm diameter, ‘grinding (P.O. Box 8081, Causeway). : wheels. | 6857 : 2060. Reaming MED.234. ‘Insulin: Government Medical Stores, Harare and todls: Reamers machine. Bulawayo. ‘Closing-datte, 20-3-86. - - - 6839 : 2061.Spares for Perkins 4.107 diesel engines: Element. MED.235. Insulated food ‘trolleys and patients’ trolleys. . 6883 : 2063. Stationery requirements: Transparent paper. Closing-date, 13-3-86. we 6883 : 2064. Stationery requirements: Tracing paper. Documents for MED.234 and MED.235 are obtainable 6871 : 2070. Protective clothing: Coat, from the Controller, Medical Store, P.O. ‘Box ‘ST 23, dust unbleached. ~ Southerton, Harare. - J | 6883 : 2082. Stationery requirements: Desk calculator. DWD.3/86. Supply, delivery, installation and commissioningof 6883 : 2083. Computer requirements for wagon controloffices, -pumps and ‘motors, switch gear, tanks, valves and Closing-date, 6-3-86, associated pipework at Clifton Off-River Storage Dam, 6825 : 2043. Cheguim, Carriage and wagonsparts: Vacuum brake gear: Closing-date, 6-3-86. Documents are obtainable _: ° + Clip, hose-pipe. from the Secretary, Ministry of Energy and Water 6863 Resources and Development, Private Bag 7712, Causeway : 2065 Conveyorbelting. (Designs Branch) Salisbury Street, Harare, on ‘payment 6856: 2068. General, tools: adjustable spanners. of a $50 deposit refundable on submission of a bonafide tender. 6852 : 2069 Steel “15” carbon, case hardening, bright/black, Co : - round, : DWD.4/86, Maintenance’ of water supply stations throughout 6841 : 2084. Components ' - the Mt. Darwin and Shamva areas in. for “P” and “M” Model 20, twin the Mashonaland pump Pammek lubricator, Province, ‘Closing-date, 27-2-86. wot 6876 DWD.86/85. Construction-of: piped water supplies at Hoya and : 2087, Toilet fittings: Seat lavatory plastic. Dendenyore in Mashonaland Province. Closing-date, 6825 : 2088. Carriage and wagon. parts: Accessories for - 27-3-86. A deposit of $50. refundable on return’ of ‘bona ABD/ABDW valve: Air brake Equipment. Closing-date, fide tenders, “ P 13-3-86. Documents are obtainable from the Supplies Manager, P.O. Box 1999, Bulawayo, or District Store- "Only those contractors from ADB Member Countries keeper, P.O. Box 764, Harare. or Participating States will be eligible to tender, ° FURN.101. Benches, slatted 8’ | - Closing-date, Documents. are obtainable from Messrs, Alexandér Gibb 6-3-86. Documents are obtainable from and -Partners, Southern Life Building, 69; Stanley the Officer-in-Charge, Furniture Stores, Coventry Road, Avenue, Harare. Workington, Harare. . EBS.C.5/86. Supply of PVC, SWA, PVC cables; 600 volts as NS/EDU.1/86. Suppliers are invited to submit proposals for per E.S.C. specifications, ‘the supply of- computer hardware, of U.S.A. origin, : Software, and related ES.C.8/86, Current -transformers to E.S.C. Specification No. services for the Ministry of Educa- pon pith a complete information 360/84/1981 and in general to BS 3938. Deposit: $50. system. Closing-date, Closing-date, 6-3-86,.. . :: " B.S.C.15/86. 33kKV Outdoormetering units. Closing-date, 6-3-86.. A bidder’s meeting for this tender will be held on the _ 7th February, 1986, at 10am. at the E.S.C,18/86. Supply of various Ministry of types of protection relays. _. Education, Ambasador House, Eighteenth Floor, in ' Closing-date, 6-3-86, _ the Board Room, Union Avenue, Harare. E.S.C.23/86. Industrial paint, coatings, primers, thinners and : ' This invitation fillers for Power Station. Closing-date, 6-3-86. is being simultaneously advertised. in the United States of America and Zimbabwe. Tender E.S.C.24/86. -Metal clothes lockers. ,Closing-date, 6-3-86. | - ‘documents are obtainable from the Secretary for E.S.C.25/86. Barthing brushes. Closing-date, 6-3-86. | National Supplies Private Bag 7742, Causeway, or £,S.C.26/86. Stationery—envelopes and paper. - Closing-date, : directly from Fourth Floor, Atlas House, 62, Manica 3-86, . . ' Road, Harare, : . E.S.C.27/86. Envelopes and tags. Closing-date, 6-3-86, . E.S:C.28/86. ‘Foster oil test set.Closing.date, 6-3-86. | . Documents for tenders E.S.C.5/86, E.S.C.8/86, BS.C. 15/86, E.S.C.18/86, E.S.C.23/86 ‘to E.S.C.28/86; are a _ CANCELLATION | obtainable from the Purchasing Officer, Electricity E.S.C.17/85, Workshop tools and equipment for the E.S.C. ‘Supply Commission, Electricity Centre; 25, Samora Training Centre, Bulawayo. .This tender has been Machel-Avenue (P.O. Box 377), Harare. ' cancelled. . :

~ ‘


* General Notice 91 of 1986. Tender se i. . | ™~ ” GOVERNMENT TENDER BOARD number 7 . oo - 6852: 1606. Rope, wire, crane special improved plough: Gold- ~N _ field Import. and Export, in:the sum of $5616. | Tenders Authorized for Acceptance 6839 : 1607. Crankshaft complete. Artic Traveller compressor: Ajax Refrigeration, in the sum of $2 891,04. THE Government Tender Board has authorized the acceptance | 6836 : 1609, Fluorescent lamps and ballast: Item 1: Algoa of the following tenders. Formal acceptance will be notified Engineering Supply Company (Pvt.) Ltd., in the sum of by the department concerned. This notice is published for information only and does not in any case constitute the 12, : to - : ° : acceptance of a tender. 6825 : 1644. Clip, hose-pipe wire 2”: Moweld Fencing and Wire Products, in the sum of $1 446,50... Tender number 6883 : 1727. Stationery, plain“ typing paper: R. Johnstone & Company, in the sum of $2787, | oo 6803. Construction of clinic, government houses and admini- stration block: East Rural Service Centre: Capital Builders (Pvt.) Ltd., in the sum of $134 000. C. C, MUCHENIE, Secretary, 6865. Ready mixed poster paints andartistic powder colour: 7-2-86. Government Tender Board.

Pigmento (Pvt.) Ltd. and Astra Paints, at various prices. | 6866. Irrigation equipment: Coffee Research Station: Several successful tenderers, at various prices. CON.61/85. : equipment and maintenance workshop General Notice 92 of 1986. “j, 2 at the hospital: Wallen and Sons, in the sum of $193 798. ACCOUNTS ACT {CHAPTER 215] CON.91/85. Harare: Cold-room plant installation at Regional : Bee Labour Centre Headquarters: Commercial ‘Refrigeration Services (Pvt.) Lid., in the sum of $5 510,65. The Institute of Chartered‘ Accountants df Zimbabwe: CON.92/85. Supply of cooker hood for kitchen: Kushinga Removal of Names from Register of Members Phikelela: Cool Air ZimbabWwe, in the sum of $4200. “ft CON.95/85. ChipingeDistrict Hospital: Outpatients Depart- IN terms of subparagraph (ii) of ‘paragraph (a) of section 30 ment: K. Walton (Pvt.) Ltd., in the sum of $471 000. of the Accountants By-laws, 1982, notice is hereby given ‘that CON.96/85. Murewa District Hospital Outpatients Department: the following names have been removed from the register. of Oakham Builders, in the sum of $438 500. memes ‘of the Institute in terms of section 29 of the “said CON.97/85. Hospital: Outpatients Depart- -laws:— ment: E.M. Builders & Contractors, in the sum of Berney, Patrick Dermot . $427 984. . Flett, Robert Stanley CON.98/85. District Hospital: Outpatients Depart- Frame, John Richard ment: Building Conttactors, in the sum of Hussein, Yusuf $445 000. ‘ (Miller, Samuel CON.99/85, Harare: Design: Supply and installation of under . Moore, Irving Gerald. zo} 7 3 _ counter refrigeration at Regional Labour Centre: . ° So G. H. BRYAN, Imperial Refrigeration, in the sum of $3 139,50. 7-2-86. + / : ‘ : s , Registrar.

CON.102/85. Masvingo: Supply andinstallation of compressed services for the automative mechanical: John Hook _ .and Sons (Pvt.) Lid., in the sum of $41 700,50. *. CON.104/85. Shurugwi: Electrical installation at Tongogara General Notice 93° of 1986. High School: J.A. Buildings & Electrical Contractors, | 7 in the sum of $54 419. oo ne PARLIAMENT OF ZIMBABWE CON.109/85. Harare: New diesel generating set and switch- board at Treasury Computer Bureau: Hawker Siddeley Publication of Bills Electric, in the sum of $129717,89. FURN.98. Bookshelves and drawing desks: Items 1, 2 and 3: Nhando Joiners, for both “A” and “B” deliveries. ' THE following Bills are published’ with this Gazette for : general information: _ oo MED.215. Blood-bank refrigerator: Chinhoyi: General Hos- pital: Ajax Refrigeration, at $5 084. per unit. Urban Councils Amendment Bill;(A.B. 28, 1985). 8/6/85. Supply of calico: David Whitehead Textiles. Legal Practitioners AmendmentBill (A.B. 32, 1985). _ FURN.97, Rough sawn packing timber: P.G. Timbers. ~ J. 'W. Z. KUREWA, 6568 :0177. Renewal of perimeter fencing: Mpopoma Mar- 7-2-86.. Secretary to Parliament, shalling Yard: Moweld Fencing: and Wire Products

(Pvi.) Ltd., in the sum of $56 527,64. : 6861: 1042. Straight cutting disc: Grinding wheel: Tyrolit Schleifmittelwerke wheel: Swarovski K.G., in the sum General Notice 94 of 1986. of $2 693,70. _ re 6852 : 1520. Metal “mentex” expanded: Overseas Marketing, CONSTITUTIOIN ‘OF ZIMBABWE in the sum of $2 977. ‘ 6883 : 1544. Stationery: Medical certificate: Belmont Printers, in the sum of $3 795, Publication of Laws 6875 : 1573, Paint: Astra Paints Ltd. in the sum of $4975. - 6875: 1574. Paint, high gloss: THEfollowing laws, which have been assented to by His. Astra Paints Ltd., in the sum Excellency of $3 927. : , the President, are published in terms of subsection (5) of section 51 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe— 6875 : 1592. Filler compound, grey body: Astra Paints (Pvt.) Ltd., in the sum of $3 001,60. Prescription Amendment

ZIMBABWEAN Governsienr Gazerre, 7TH FEBRUARY, 1986 123 ‘General Notice 95 of 1986 St | | i RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE ACT (CHAPTER 173] | Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

IN terms of section20 of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 173}, a statement of the assets and liabilities Bank of Zimbabwe as at the 24th Jannary, 1986, is published!in the Schedule, of the Reserve | me | EN, MUSHAYAKARARA, { i Lo 7-2-86. — , . Secretary for Finance, , < Economic Planning and Development. | SCHEDULE os . ra STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT ‘THE 247TH JANUARY, ‘1986 . Liabilities / I ; _ Assets : . § | | “§$ Capital’ .., Lee ee ke ee ‘2. 000|000 ' Gold and foreign assets... General Reserve Fund Soe 1 ws. 305 540631 ee ee 6 000,000 ‘Loansandadvancs -. . . . . : . 241353445 ency.in circulation ;. . » 355 4A) 120 : Internal investments— Deposits and other 76 430 949 liabilities tothe public : 316 436402 Government stock. . . 17397816 ‘ el: ; oo : Other ...... 59033 133 Other liabilities ©. . . . 1 . 1. . * 362401/516 «| Otherassets 2 2. 2... COMB 954013 a $1042 279038 «| ~. $1.042.279 038 ————— * ———

©) General Notice 96 of 1986. ce INSURANCE ACT [CHAPTER 196] - al sO LOST OR DESTROYED LIFE POLICIES

Noticeis hereby given in accordance with the provisions of section 10 ofthe Insurance Regulations, 1967, published iRodenGovernment Notice 899 of 1967, that evidence has been submitted to the insurersi whose namesand. addresses are mentioned ini the Schedule of the loss ér. destruction of the local life policies described: opposite thereto. . . Anyperson in Possession of any such policy, orclaiming to have any Interest therein, should communicate immediately by registered post with the appropriate insurer. Failing any such communication, the insurer will issue a‘correct and certified copy! of the Policy ini accordancewith section 31 of the Insurance Act [Chapter 196}. | 4 i / 7-2-86. C. 3. MZITE, s Registrar ofInsurance, | SCHEDULE : .

: 2 —_ Policy-- " Date of Amount . Name and address of insurer number 7 - policy! insured Life insured Policy-owner

Legal and General Assurance ofZimbabwe, P.O. 003389814 | 1.10.82 s6000/| J.Duwa . . . Box . . J. Duwa. 5263 435, Harare oy , : Legal and General Assurance of Zimbabwe, P.O. 003391117 1.12.82 $5 419 J.Dowa...... ,| J. Duwa: 5264f Box 435, Harare’ - | f . Legal and General Assurance ofZimbabwe, P.O. | 003389848 - 1. 12.82 $5 000 C,Manhando . . . . . Manhando. 5265f b ~Box 435, Harare -- : . soll Legal and General Assurance of Zimbabwe, P.O. 003128964 1.4.66 $2000! R.Sibanda ...... BR. Sibanda. 5266. “Box 435, Harare . 4 + . Norwich Union Life Insurance Society, P.O. Box 8291156 Y 1.8.81 $11095 |- Russell Young Hardia . . . . Russell ° 2359, Bulawayo Young Har- 5097f. . Jolt “|- die. | Norwich Union Life Insurance Society, P.O. Box 8292179 F 1.10.82 $6500! | Lucas Mandongwe. . . | Tucas Mandongwe. 5267£ ; 2359, Bulawayo o> ; | Pearl Assurance Public Ltd. Co., P.0. Box 1083, ZW 609652 B 1,3.84 $15 000 | Felix Paradzai Mutisi Felix Paradzai Mutisi. 5237f | Harare . . . i y . ¢ ‘Southampton Assurance Co. of Zimbabwe | Lid., 933407 F - 1.1.82 | $6000) | Last Casnet Fundira , . . , | Last Casnet Fundira, 5109f | P.O. Box 969, Harare oT G : . : ; Southampton Assurance Co. of Zimbabwe Ltd., ‘| 938603 C 1.12.82 $100 000 _ Qedisani Sithole. . 2... Qedisani Sithole. SI10£ ' P.O. Box 969, Harare , : | ! Southampton Assurance ‘Co. of Zimbabwe Utd. 935877 C 1.8.82 $6 000 Ezeliah Nancy Banda Ezeliah Nancy Banda. 5111£ » P.O, Box 969, Harare . » i o- , . . Southern Life Association, P.O. Box 969, Harare . 157309. | 12.12. 32 “$8 000 Hugh McLean Barbour. . . . Hugh McLear Bar- 5108f : Ph . bour, South ‘African Matual | Life Assurance Society, 7015620 1. 8,as $3 310 Monalisa Makate . . . * Monalisa Makate. S154£ P.O, Box 70, Harare _ 8 : ° , | South African: Mutual Life Assurance. Society, | 7020873 1.1. te $6 548 Joseph Musafare Kuveya , . . | Joseph Musafare 5220f . P.O. Box 70, Harare | : . , _ Rauveya, South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, 2910682 6.11.45 "$2000 Late David John Macdonald. . . |. LateDavidJohnMac- -5221f P.O. Box 70, Harare i | donald. | South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, | - 4177936 © 1.6.83 $10189.| Fortune T. M. Chiwara . Fortune T. M. Chi- 5222f P.O. Box 70, Harare foe | . _— : “watd, . South African Mutual Life. Assurance Society, 4190005 1.6.83 -} $10 000 Ruth Kawadza . . . . Ruth Kawadza. 5223f P.O. Box 70, Harare. . ; : Tf. . . . South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, 2438318 1.10.71 $1 200 Frans Vernig. . . - Frans Vernig. 52246 P.O. Box 70, Harare ~ . ! . . . ft South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, 3876794. 1.12.81 54 731 Angela Anne McCusker Angela” Anne .Mc- 5225f£ P.O; Box 70, Harare : “| Cusker, -South- African Mutual. Life Assurance Society, 4148113 1.11.82 $14 000 John Mathew van Eden - | John Mathew van 5226f- P.O. Box 70, Harare 4 Eden. tI ‘ |if ” 1


Lost Policles—continued

’ Policy- Date of Amount . . : Name and address of insurer pumber policy insured - Life insured + Policy-owner

South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, | 2442043 1.2.72 $2353,66| Leon Joseph Rappe.: . - |-C. C.Rappe. ’ $227£ P.O. Box 70, Harare ; _ 4 bs ? The Colonial MutualLife Assurance Society Ltd., 4570601 (7) 1.4.79 $4 500 Mafukidze Reggies T. . 2 2. Mafukidze Reggies T. 5254f P.O. Box 852, Harare . . / uo i Ces : The Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 10201836 1.6.82 $5 949 Titos Tsikai , coe Titos Tsikai. S099F 1083, Harare . . , , : foe. ok, . The Prudential Assurance Co: Ltd., P.O. Box 10791009 1.12.82 $10 472 Ransom Godfrey Maikanei Choto . RansoniGodfreyMa- 5268f 1083, Harare . : ikanei Choto.


NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed TAKE notice that Rosemary Shiringo (born on. the 28th before me, Teddy Mapenzauswa of Hove, Mutasa & Associates, day of November, 1952) did appear before me, Makausi legal practitioners, at Harare, on the 8th January, 1986, Zuze Thomas .Makonese, a legal practitioner, at Masvingo, on the Five did abandon and renounce the name Zuze Five and did 16th day of January, 1986, and changed her- name from ' assume the name Zuze Mpomba, by which name heshall, in Rosemary Shiringo to Rosemary Mudamburi, so that, hence- all documents and transactions of whatsoever nature, he shall; forth, she shall,on all occasions and for all purposes be henceforth, be known by such name. known iby the name of Rosemary Mudamburi—M. T. _ Dated at Harare this 28th, day of January, 1986. 5155£ Makonese, Chihambakwe and Chirunda, legal’ practitioners,

30, Hofmeyer Street, Masvingo. 5139f ‘CHANGE OF NAME CHANGEOF NAME TAKE notice that on the 22nd day of January, 1986, before me, Ian Ross Gregory, appeared Moses Mutizgwa who changed NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed his surname from Mutizgwa to Guyo. before me, Teddy Mapenzauswa, of Hové, Mutasa & Associates, Dated at Harare this 24th day of January, 1986.—I, R. legal practitioners, at Harare, on the 28th January, 1986, Gregory, Byron Venturas & Partners, Harare. 5158f Collin Dube did abandon and renounce the name Collin Dube and did assume the name Collin Dube Manyika, by which name, he shall, in all documents-andtransactions of -what- CHANGE OF NAME soevernature, henceforth, be known by such name. . Dated at Harare this 28th day of January, 1986.—Hove, NOTICE is hereby given that, ‘by notarial deed executed Mutasa & Associates, P.O. Box 4892, Harare. - 5184£ before me, on the 17th day of January,.1986, June Eileen Dobson did change her name to June Eileen Armour, which name shall be used. by her in all deeds, documents, proceedings CHANGE OF NAME and transactions and on all occasions whatsoever. Dated at Harare this 27th day of January, 1986—B. W. NOTICE is hereby given: that, by notarial. deed executed ~ Elliot, c/o Scanlen and Holderness, legal practitioners, before me, Chaka Mashoko,a legal practitioner, at Gweru, on Thirteenth Floor, CABS. Centre, Stanley Avenue, Harare the 2nd day of January, 1986, Cornelio Moyo, on his behalf, did abandon the name Cornelio Moyo and,in lieu thereof, | did assume and adopt the name Cornelius Chiyaka, so that, henceforth, he shall be known on all occasions as Cornelius ‘CHANGE OF NAME Chiyaka, which name shall be used in all deeds, documents and transactions, . Lf NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed Datedat Gweru this 2nd day of January, 1986—Chirunda & before me, David George Anderson, Chihambakwe, legal practitioners, Chilaw House, a legal practitioner and 54, Seventh Re notary public, on the 15th November, 1980, first there came and | Street, Gweru. : . my : 5236f A appeared Marko Neube, in his personal capacity, changed his surname from Ncube to Mathena, so that, in future, the afore- said Marko Ncube would be known as Marko Mathena, which __ CHANGE OF NAME name he shall use in all deeds, documents, proceedings and transactions whatsoever. C " Dated at Bulawayo this 23rd “NOTICE js hereby given -that, by notarial deed executed day of January, 1986.~—Webb, before me, Christopher Low & Barry, legal practitioners, Fourth Floor, Haddon & Sly Tendai Jeche, a legal: practitioner, at Harare, on the 27th day of January, Building, 16, Eighth Avenue, Bulawayo. 5141f 1986, Nyorovai Bowora changed his name and assumed the name Nyorovai Boora, which nameshall be used in all records, deeds, documents and CHANGE OF NAME transactions. : , Dated at Harare this 30th day of January, 1986—Chirunda, Chihambakwe & Partners, legal practitioners, NOTICE Eighth Floor, is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed Regal Siar House, 25, Gordon Avenue, Harare. Y 5230 before me, Gregory Slater, a legal practitioner, on the 14th January, 1986, Phillip Mavesere changed his name from —_ Mavesere to Chivandire Mavesere, so that, henceforth, he shall be known as Phillip Chivandire Mavesere. ‘CHANGE OF NAME fe . Dated at Harare this 27th day of January, 1986.—Gollop & Blank, applicant’s legal practitioners, Ninth Floor, Ottoman NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed House, 59, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. 5143f before me, Bernard Ranero Phillip Gwati, a legal practitioner, at Gweru, on the 18th day of December, 1985, ‘personally came and appeared Peter Andrew Mkumbiri, in his capacity, and. CHANGE OF NAMB decided to relinquish, abandon, renounce and delete ‘the surname Mkumbiri and did assume and adopt in its place the surname Mkumbira, so that the eaid appearer shall, there- NOTICE is hereby given’ that, by notarial deed executed after, be called, known and destinguished at all times as by me, Fraser Alexander Edkins, a’ legal practitioner, on the Peter Andrew Mkumbira. 2 ; 23rd January, 1986, Lovemore Mpofu changed his name to Dated at Gwern Lovemore Tarusenga.’, this 28th day of January, 1986—B. R. P. Gwati, c/o Gwati and Partners, legal Dated at Harare this practitioners, Gwati 24th day ofJanuary, 1986.—Coghlan, Chambers, 73, Sixth ‘Street (P.O.- Box 1371), Gweru. Welsh & Guest, P.O. Box 53, Harare. 3136f - S187f

sm .


“NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed: executed NOTICE before me, Gilbert Mushore is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed Chirimuuta, a legal practitioner, before me, Richard at Harare, on the 29th ‘January, John. Cowper, a legal practitioner, at 1986, Rimei Annah, :Marume, Harare, on on behalf of her illegitimate the 29th day of January, 1986, Shine Sangare, in child Sekayi Mwarara: changed his personal capacity and her child’s name and assumed the in his capacity as the natural father name Sekai Marume, which and legal guardian of Shylock nameshall be used in all records, deeds, documents ‘and trans- Sangare, Irine Sangare and actions. Shadreck Sangare did abandon his surname and the surname . of the minor children Dated at Sangare, and did assume and adopt Harare this 30th day of January, 1986.—Chirunda, the surname Mapani, so that, henceforth, Chihambakwe and Partners, he shall be known legal practitioners, Eighth Floor, on all occasions as Shine Mapani, which name Regal Star House; 25, Gordon Avenue, shall be used Harare. | - $229£ in all deeds, documents, proceedings and transactions what- P soever and he hereby authorizes that, henceforth, the said minor children shall be known. on all occasions as Shylock CHANGE OF NAME Mapani, Irine Mapani and Shadreck Mapani, which names shall be used in all deeds, documents, proceedings and trans- actions whatsoever.—R. J. Cowper; Surge: . NOTICEis, hereby given that, by notarial deed executed , Pitman & Kers- well, Central Africa House, First Street, arare. , 5285£ before me, Neville Desmond Dekker, a legal practitioner and notary public} at Bulawayo, on the 14th day of December, 1985, Thomas, Dube (born on the 25th December, 1938) did - CHANGE OF NAME abandon the name Thomas Dube and did assume the name Tanda as a Christian name, and-the name Zukwini as a surname, and. that, henceforth, he shall. be known for all NOTICE is hereby given that Sibongile Ncube appeared purposes as Tanda Zukwini—Joel Pincus, Konson & ‘Wolhnter before ‘me, Mordecai Pilate Mahlangu, a legal practitioner - (incorporating Cecil. Roberts and Letts), appearer’s and notary public, at Bulawayo, practitioners, legal and changed her name to Suite 215, York House, cnr: Eighth) Avenna/ Sibongile Mahachi—M. P. Mahlangu, c/o Lazaru & Sarif, Jameson Street, Bulawayo. = - | 5198£ ~ legal practitioners, Centenary Building, Ninth Avenue, | I i Bulawayo. 5298f i

CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME . > . | NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed! executed before me, Gilbert Mushore Chirimuuta, a legal practitioner, - NOTICEis hereby given that Dambudzo Chigongo appeared before at Harare, on the 29th January, 1986, Alias Sithold changed me, at Harare, on the 3rd February, 1986, and changed his his name and assumed the name Tavenganiswa Alias Sithole name to Dambudzo Maritsa.—Theophilus Pharoah, c/o Mabikacheche, which nameshall be used inall records, deeds, P. A. Chinamasa, Second Floor, Ivory House, 95, Manica documents and transactions. Road, Harare.. 5290f Dated at Harare this 29th day of January, 1986.—Chirunda, Chihambakwe & Partners, legal practitioners, Eighth Floor, Regal Star House, 25, Gordon Avenue, Harare. i. ‘5228€ CHANGE OF NAME

NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed CHANGE OF NAME - before me, Albert Musarurwa, a legal practitioner, at Harare, on the 20th December, 1985, Stephen Patrick Kadondo did adopt the name Stephen Chakanetsa Nyakudya and shall, in NOTICE is hereby given. that, by notarial deed! executed | future, be known as Stephen Chakanetsa before me, Teddy Mapenzauswa, Nyakudya for all of Hove, Mutasa & Associates, ; records, deeds, documents and legal practitioners, at other writings, and in all actions, Harare. on the 27th January, 1986, : suits and proceedings, and in all Getrude Shaisa Runesu dealings and transactions did abandon and renounce the name | whatsoever. . : Getrude Shaisha Runesu and did assumethe name Getrude J Shaisha Kizito, by which name she shall, in all documents Dated at Harare this 29th day of January, 1986.—Albert Musarurwa, c/o Ziyambi and. transactions of whatsoever nature, henceforth, be known and Ziyambi, legal practitioners, { Second Floor, by. such name. oe | Daventry House, cnr.- Angwa Street/South Avenue, Harare, - Dated at, Harare this 29th January, 1986.—Hove, Mutasa 5292f & Associates, P.O. Box 4892, Harare. { S5190€ ; : ! | CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME). NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Laurence Norman, a notary public and legal NOTICE is’ hereby given that, by notarial deed’ executed practitioner, at Harare, on the 30th day before me, Errol Sturt of January, 1986, Wolhuter, alegal practitioner and notary | Rufaro Alfred Mauitsi did change his name to Rufaro Chihota public, at Bulawayo, on the 17th day of December, 1985, Talent and. did declare that in all deeds, documents, Ndlovu (born on the proceedings, 24th January, 1956) did abandon the, | transactions and on_all occasions whatsoever, he shall, in name Ndlovu as a surname and assumed in place thereof the future, be known as Rufaro Chihota. name Moyo as a surname. and that hereafter . he’ shall be | Dated at Harare this 30th day of January, known for all purposes as Talent Moyo—Joel Pincus, Konson 1986.—Laurence | Norman, legal practitioner and notary public, & Wolhuter (incorporating Céci] Roberts &. Letts), appearer’s 3 c/o Byron Venturas & Partners, Lintas House, Union Avenue, legal practitioners, Suite 215, York House, cormeér Eighth | ae Avenue/Jameson Street, Bulawayo. , | SI9TE 5297, 1 |


NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed _ NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed! executed before me, Bernard Ranero Phillip Gwati. a Jecal practitioner, before me, Richard John Cowper, a legal practitioner, at at Gweru, on the 18th day of December, 1985, personally came Harare, on the 24th day of January, 1986, Patricia Ann and appeared Andrew Mkumbiri, in his capacity, and decided Whiting (formally Burt, born Shervington), in her! personal to relinquish, abandon, renounce and delete the surname capacity, did formally andabsolutely assume and ddopt her Mkumbiri_ and did assume and adopt in its place the previous surname Burt in lieu of the surname Whiting, so surname Mkumbira, so that the said appearer shall, thereafter, that, henceforth, she shall be known on all occasions as be called, known and distinguished at all times as Andrew Patricia Ann Burt, which name shall be used in all deeds, Mkumbira. - ‘ ° documents, proceedings, and transactions whatsoever, Dated at Gweru this 28th day of January, 1986.—B. R. P. Dated at Harare this 29th day of January, 1986.—R. im Gwati, c/o Gwati and Partners, legal practitioners, Gwati Cowper, legal practitioner, Surgey, Pittman & iKerswell, Chambers, 73, Sixth Street (P.O. Box 1371), Gweru. 5186£ Central Africa House, First Street, Harare. |1 5294


“CHANGE OFNAME CHANGEOF NAME . NOTICE is hereby. given that Siphiwethina Ncube appeared NOTICE jis hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Mordecai Pilate Mahlangu, a legal practitioner before me, Bernard Ranero Phillip Gwati, a legal practitioner, and notary public, at Bulawayo, and changed ‘her name to at Gweru, on the 18th day of December, 1985, personally came Siphiwethina Mahachi. and appeared Mark Mavhule in his capacity as natural father Dated at Bulawayo this 31st day of January, 1986.—M. P. and guardian of the children Brian Madzongo, Sandra Mahlangu, c/o. Lazarus & Sarif, legal practitioners, Centenary -Madzongo and Barbara Madzongo and did abandon and Building, Ninth Avenue, Bulawayo. . 5§296f renounce on- behalf of the minor children the surname Madzongo and did assume. and.adopt in its place the surname

Mavhule, so that the children shall, at all times, henceforth, be known as Brian Mavhule, Sandra Mavhule and Barbara CHANGE OF NAME Mavhule, Pot a, ; , Dated at Gwern this 28th day of January, 1986.—B. R. P. . NOTICE is hereby given that on the 23rd January, 1986, Gwati, c/o. Gwati and Partners, legal practitioners, Gwati § ~ Lizziw Tshangana Msimango (born on the 10th April, 1958) Chambers, 73, Sixth Street (P.O. Box 1371), Gweru. 51898 appeared before me, Siwanda Kennedy Mbuso Sibanda, a legal practitioner, at Bulawayo, and declared her desire to relinquish the name Lizziw Tshangana Msimango, and assumed in place thereof the name Joyce Nsimango, and that, hence- forth, she shall be known by and use the name Joyce LOSTCERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION Nsimango, and in such name she shall acquire and possess property, and shali institute and defend actions, and shall use such name in every matter and on all occasions, in all NOTICE. is hereby given that the under-mentioned deeds, documents, proceedings and transactions whatsoever. certificate of registration, issued in the name of M.T. Mining (Pvt.) Lid., has been lost or mislaid and that application will Dated at Bulawayo this 27th day ‘of January, 1986.— be made to the Mining Commissioner, Harare, at the expira- Advocate S. K: M. Sibanda, First Floor, Central Africa House, tion of thirty days from the date of publication of the notice Abercorn Street/Selborne Avenue, Bulawayo. 5126f for the issue of a duplicate thereof. - .

Registration number Name of block 18999 BM Gloy _ CHANGE OF NAME Dated at Harare this 12th day of January, 1986.—Managing Director, M.T. Mining (Pvt.) Ltd. 52498

NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Simpson Victor Mtambanengwe, a notary public and legal practitioner of Harare, on 28th January, 1986, Christopher Masikati (born on the 25th November, 1966) LOST SHARE CERTIFICATE | formally abandoned the name Christopher Masikati and assumed the name of Christopher Shiridzinonwa, so that henceforth, he shall be known on all occasions by the name NOTICE is hereby given that it is proposed to issue a new of Christopher Shiridzinonwa, under which name he shall share certificate in respect of 3600 ordinary shares of 50c, acquire and possess property, make documents and institute fully paid-up, Certificate No. 5296, in the name of estate late D. Stanier. , and defendall actions. Dated at Harare this 29th day of January, 1986—Simpson All persons objecting to’ the issue of such certificate -are required to lodge their objections within 14 days from the Victor Mtambanengwe,legal practitioner, Second Floor, Shell date of publication hereof.: BP House, 30, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. 5172£ Dated at Harare, this 24th day of January, 1986—Farmers’ Co-op. Limited, P.O, Box 510, Harare... $133£

~ CHANGE OF NAME LOST SHARE CERTIFICATE. NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed. executed before me, Bernard RaneroPhillip Gwati, a legal practitioner, at Gweru, on the 13th January, 1986, personally came and NOTICE is hereby’ given that it is proposed to issue a new appeared Lavender Shuro in his capacity and decided to certificate ‘in respect of 25 ordinary shares numbered 20886 relinquish, abandon, renounce and delete the surname and the to 20910 inclusive to replace: certificate No. 673, in the name first name Lavender Shuro and did assume and adopt in of Journeys End Farm (Pvt.) Ltd. — their places the name Marlven Manamike, so that the said All persons objecting to the issue of such certificate are appearer shall, thereafter, be called, known and distinguished hereby required to lodge their objections within 21 days of at all times as Marlven Manamike, the date hereof. . Dated at’ Gweru this 28th day of January, 1986—B. R. P. Dated at this 27th day’ of January, 1986.— Gwati, c/o Gwati and Partners,. legal practitioners, Gwati “Mashonaland Farmers’ Co-operative Limited; P.O. Box 54,. Chambers, 73, Sixth Street (P.O. Box 1371), Gweru. S188f Marondera, ~ 5125¢

CHANGE OF NAME LOST DEED OFTRANSFER TAKE. notice that Jane Zuze (born on the 12th day of November, 1984), did appear before me, John Ross Fearne ‘NOTICEis hereby given that Marco Spiro Ciorovich on Henning, a legal practitioner, at Mutare, on the 9th January, ‘on the 29th August, 1911) and Quiteria Florence Ciorovi 1986, and changed her name to Jane Kaonza from Jane Zuze, (born on the 20th June, 1918), married to each other out of so that, henceforth, she shall, on all occasions and for all community of property and Carrying on business in co-part- purposes be known by the nameof Jane Kaonza.—J. R. F. nership as Ciorovich and Ciorovich, intend to apply for a Henning, legal practitioner, Gargan Brothers & Chadder, certified copy of Diagram Deed of Transfer 1016/1966, dated Norwich Union Centre, Mutare. 518if the 17th August, 1966, made favour of the said Marco Spiro Ciorovich and Quiteria: Florence. Ciorovich, whereby a certain piece of land, in extent 1075 square metres, being Stand 4934, - Bulawayo Township of Stand 10000, CHANGE OF NAME Bulawayo Township of Bulawayo Township Lands, situate in the district of Bulawayo, was conveyed, . ; . ‘NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make before me on the 28th January, 1986, Nicholas Meli Dube any representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy in abandoned his name and assumed the name Nicholas are hereby required to lodge same, in writing, at the Deeds Khanye.—S. B. A. Longhurst, notary pubilc, c/o Ben Baron & Registry,Bulawayo, within 14 days from the date of publication Partners, 101, Southampton House, Main Street, Bulawayo. of this notice.~Calderwood, Bryce Hendrie & Partners, legal” oo 175£ practitioners, P.O. Box 276, Bulawayo.. 5203£ «

Ah Ann



NOTICE is’ heréby, given that we intend to, apply for a - ‘NOTICE is hereby given| that we intend to apply for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer 2260/76, dated the July, Sth certified copy of Deed of Transfer 725/68, dated the 29th day 1976, in respect of certain piece of land, |situate in the. of, March, 1968, passed in favour of L.C.T. Properties district of Mrewa, being the “farm holding | Chitowa | 15, “(Private) Limited, in respect of Remainder of Stand 11124, - measuring fifty seven comma nine nought four sree (57,904 3) Bulawayo Township of Bulawayo Township Lands, in the hectares, registered in the name of Alexio Mubaiwa (R.C. "district of Bulawayo, measuring six thousand five hundred and No. X21758, Mrewa). : forty-seven(6 547) square metres. All persons having any objections to, or wishing to. make All persons claiming to have any objections to, or wishing any representations in connexion with, the issue}of such copy to make any representations in connexion with, the issue of ¢ are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, within! 14 such copy are hereby required to lodge same, in writing, at days from the date of publication of this notice—Brian the Deeds Registry, Bulawayo, within 14 days from the date of Mparadzi & Company, legal practitioners, 1, Fountain Court, publication of this notice. . . 21-25, Park Street, Harare, - / . 5247£ | Dated at Harare this 30th day of January, 1986:—Stumbles ~ ‘and Rowe, applicant’s legal practitioners, First Floor, Chancel- lor House, Samora Machel. Avenue, LOST DEED OF TRANSFER Harare, 5207£ .

NOTICE is hereby given that an. application |will be made LOST MORTGAGE BOND for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer 1207/70, dated. the 3rd March, 1970, made in favour of Caetaninho Taumaturgo Fernandes (born on the 11th March, 1930), whereby certain NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to apply for the piece of land, situate in the district of Salisbury! called Stand cancellation of Mortgage Bond 983/72 for $120000 (one 9368, Salisbury Township of Salisbury Township Lands, hundred and twenty thousand dollars), passed on the Ist day measuring 672. square metres, was conveyed. of March, 1972, by J.P.T. we, Properties’ (Private) Limited of All persons claiming to have any objections to the issue! of Second Floor, York House, Angwa Street, Harare, in favour such copy are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, -of University of Rhodesia in its capacity as trustee of the with the Deeds Registry, at Harare, within 14 days of fhe P. John Trust of Mount .Pleasant Drive, of Mount Pleasant, date of publication of this notice. ; | Harare, hypothecating certain piece of land, situate in the Dated at Harare this 28th day of January, 1986.—Scanlen district of Salisbury, called Stand 730, Salisbury Township, & Holderness, applicant’s legal practitioners, Thirteenth Floor, measuring 655 square metres, wherebythe said University of Rhodesia, CABS. Centre, Stanley Avenue, Harare. S2u7f in its capacity as trustee of the P. John Trust, is the present registered holder. :

| All persons claiming to have anyright or title in or to the s LOST DEED OF TRANSFER | said mortgage bond, which is lost or has been destroyed, are hereby required to lodge their objections or representations, in writing, at the Deeds Registry, Harare, within 14 days from NOTICEis hereby given that ‘Norman David Walden (born the date of publication of this notice. on the 14th May, 1933) intends to apply to the Registrar! of Dated at Harare this 31st Deeds,- Harare, for a certified copy, as a replacement, } of day of January, 1986-—Scanlen & Holderness, applicant’s legal practitioners, Thirtéenth Floor, Deed of Transfer, made on the 9th May, 1972 (Reg. No. CABS Centre, Stanley Avenue, Harare. 3053/72), in favour of the said applicant in respect of certain 5280£

piece of land, situate in the district of Inyanga, measuring — 8112 square metres, called Stand 11, Township 2 cf Teeloughof Juliasdale. ed,| LOST MORTGAGE BOND All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make any | Tepresentations in connexion with, the issue of ‘such copy are hereby required to lodge the-same, in writing, iat the Deeds NOTICEis hereby given that application is to be made for the cancellation Registry, Harare, within 14 days from the day of publication - of the First Mortgage Bond 3072/72, for of this notice—Norman David Walden, c/o Atherstone) & $4 500, passed on the 20th December, 1972, by Marco Spiro Cook, Mercury House, Gordon Avenue, Harare, "3134 Ciorovich (born on the 2%h August, 1911) and Quiteria Florence Ciorovich (born on the 20th June, 1918), married to

each other out of community of property and carrying on LOST DEED OF TRANSFER : business in co-partnership as Ciorovich and Ciorovich, in ~ favour of Viking Finance Corporation (Private) Limited, hypothecating certain piece of land, in extent 1075 square NOTICEis hereby given that I, Eustathios Vlismas, intend 'to metres, being Stand 4934, Bulawayo Township, of Stand 10000, apply for a certified copy of Deed of ‘Transfer 3886/73, dated Bulawayo Township of Bulawayo Township Lands, situate in the 26th day 9f September, 1973, whereby Stand 367, Vainona the district of Bulawayo, whereof the said Viking Finance Township of Vainona, situate in the district of Salisbury, Corporation (Private) Limited is the present registered holder. measuring 5556 square metres, was transferred) by Vainona All persons ‘claiming to -have any right or title in or to Township Estate Limited to myself of 114,Baker Avenue,. the said bond, which is lost, are hereby required to lodge their Harare, i, objections or representations, in writing, at the Deeds Registry, All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make Bulawayo, within 14 days from the date of publication of any representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy this notice.—Calderwood, Bryce Hendrie & Partners, legal are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, at the practitioners, P.O. Box 276, Bulawayo. . , 5204£

Deeds Registry, Harare, within 14 days from| the date of publication of this notice. ; oo Dated at Harare this 27th day of January, 1986.—Eustathios NOTICE OF ‘APPLICATION FOR CANCELLATION Vilismas. - Lo, S161£ | . OFLOST MORTGAGE BOND


LOST DEED OF TRANSFER NOTICE is hereby given that the administrators of. ‘the estate of the late Pieter Jacobs Cloete intend to apply for the cancellation of Mortgage Bond 37/61, for four thousand NOTICE is hereby. given that I intend to japply for, a pounds (£4000) (now eight thousand dollars ($8 000)), passed © certified copy of Deed of Transfer 1745/82, dated the 21st on the 9th day of~-January, 1961, by Daniel Rudolph Cloete April, 1982, in respect of certain piece of land, situate in the (born on the 3rd April, 1940), of P.O. Box 10, Selous, Zimba-~ district of Charter, being Ricefontein, measuring 1 284,779 9 twe, in favour of the administrators of the estate of the late hectares, made in favour of Terence James Hay (born on th Pieter Jacobus Cloete, hypothecating certain three (3) pieces 28th. March, 1938). a of land in the district of Chilimanzi bemg— - All persons having anyobjections to, or wishing to make Ya) the Remaining Extent:of Vlakplaats, measuring as such “any representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy Remainder cight hundred and fifty comma four two are Hereby required to lodge the same, in. writing, |at the Deeds | three four (850,423 4) hectares; and. Registry, Harare, within 14 days from the date publication of ohis notice.—Terence James Hay, ‘Amason’s House,13. _ {b) Viakplaats Farm School Site of Viakplaais, measuring Julius Nyerere Way, Harare. three comma four two five one (3,425 1) hectares; ani




{c) Subdivision A of Vlakplaats,. measuring two comma That a rule nisi do issue, calling upon the respondent to six seven six six (2,676 6) hectares; shew cause, if any, to this honourable court sitting at Harare, whereof the said administrators of the estate of the late Pieter on the 26th day of February, 1986, why therespondent’s estate Jacobus ‘Cloete are the present legal holders. should not be sequestrated in terms of the. Insolvency Act All persons claiming to have any right or title to or in [Chapter 303], and why the costs of these proceedings should ~ the said bond, which is lost, are hereby required to lodge not be costs of sequestration. their objections ‘or representations, in writing, at the Deeds That this rule do operate as a provisional: order of | Registry, Harare, within 14 days from the date of publication sequestration, | :. : a of this notice. That Malcolm Fraser be, and is hereby appointed as pro- Dated at Harare this 24th day of January, 1986.—Stumbles & visional trustee of the said estate, . ct ; Rowe, legal practitioners, First Floor, Chancelicr House, ‘That service of this order be effected on the respondent. Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. \ 5132f That there bé one publication of this order in the Gazette. ani in a Friday edition, of The Herald,Harare. fe

APPLICATION FOR COPY OF LOST LEASE - BY THE COURT. - > . » \ Byron Venturas & Partners, (Mrs.) L- MUPANEMUNDA, NOTICE is hereby given that ‘National Railways of Zim- P.O. Box 3188, - «Deputy Registrar. babwe Contributory Pension Fund intends fo apply for a Harare, . certified copy of Notarial Deed of Lease MA 344/77, whereby Bristol Road Properties (Private) Limited let and Bon Marche po Da (Private) Limited hired Stand 3999, Salisbury Township of Salisbury Township Lands, situate -in the district of Salisbury, St ". * Case H.C./163/86 - held by Bristol Road Properties (Private) Limited by deed of IN THE HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE* © transfer 4909/73, dated the 7th August, 1973. . ~~: In the matter of the petition of Roland Oliver Davis, petitioner, -, All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make for the surrender of his estate as insolvent. any representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy Harare, Wednesday, the 22nd day of January, 1986. are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, at the Before the HonourableMr. Justice Sandura. . Deeds Registry, Harare, within 14 days from the date of Mz.Lauefor the petitioner: ma So . publication of this notice——-Webb, Low & Barry, applicant's legal practitioners, P.O, Box 159, Bulawayo. S295f WHEREUPON,after reading documentsfiled of record and hearing, Mr. Laue, - : i. . IT IS ORDERED: - . = Case H.C. 39/86 : That the estate of Roland Oliver Davis be, and is hereby, placed under -provisional IN THE HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE a . sequestration under the hands of the Master of the High Court. In the matter of the petition of Robert Gray Choto, petitioner, . for an order placing under sequestration as insolvent the That a rule nisi do issue, calling upon all persons interested estate of Derric Phiri. respondent. to shew cause, if any, to this honourable court sitting at Harare, on the 26th day of February, Harare, Wednesday, the 22nd day of January, 1986. 1986, why the petitioner’s estate should not be sequestrated in terms of the Insolvency Before the Honourable Mr. Justice Sandura. ° Act [Chapter 303], and why the costs of these proceedings Miss Maramba for the petitioner. should not be the costs of sequestration. . WHEREUPON,after. reading documents filed of record and That this rule do operate as a provisional order of seques- hearing Miss Maramba, tration. . IT IS ORDERED: That there be one publication of this order in the Gazette and in a Friday edition of The Herald, Harare. . That the estate of Derr’c Phiri be, and is hereby. placed under ° provisional sequestration in the hands of the Master of the BY THE COURT High Court, ‘ . Kantor That a rule nisi do issue, calling upon the respondent to shew & Immerman, (Mrs.) L.MUPANEMUNDA, P.O. Box 19, cause, if any, to this honou-able court sit‘ing at Harare Deputy Registrar. on the 26th day of Februsrv, 1985, why the resnondent’s estate Harare. ~ = 5194f Should not be sequestfated in terms of the Insolvency Act [Chapter 303], and why the costs of this application should not be paid by the said estate. _ Case H.C.3629/85 ~ That this rule do operate as a provisional order of sequestra- | IN THE HIGH COURT OFZIMBABWE ° tion. : In the matter of the petition of That service of this Mahomed Ali Jogee, petitioner, order be effected on the respondent. for an order in terms of section 3°of the Titles Registration That there be one publication of this order in the Gazette and and Derelict Lands ‘Act. [Chapter 158]. - in a Friday edition of The Herald, Harare. a Harare, Wednesday, the 29th day of January, 1986, ° BY THE COURT ; . Before the Honourable Mrs. Justice Gibson, , (Mrs.) L.MUPANEMUNDA, Mr. Haxenforthe petitioner. Deputy Regis:ra:. Respondentin. default. Brighton & Cole Bow-n, ’* WHEREUPON,after reading documents filed of record and Petitioner’s legal practitioners, hearing 301, Savory House, Inez Terrace/Staniey Avenue, Mr. Haxen,_ Harare, - ‘ * SI7TE IT ISORDERED: yo : That a rule nisi do issue, calling upon All interested parties to shew cause to this honourable court, sitting at. Harare, on . : Case H.C. 177/85 the 19th day of February, 1986, why the Registrar of Deeds IN THE HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE should not be ordered to register in the name of Mahomed Ali Jogee the property known as Loft In the matter of the petition of udc 1 of 1 of 15 of Parktown, Limited, retitioner, for situate in the district of Harare, currently"held under the sequestration of the estate of Reginald Deed Joseph of. Transfer 774/57, dated the 18th day of February, Nie!d, respo>dent, for a provisional order of sequestration. 1957, by Leo Rogers, upon cancellation of the existing bond over the Harare, Wednesday, the 22nd day of January, 1986. property. rn Before the Honourable Mr. Justice Sandura. That there be one publication of this order in the Gazette Mr. Colegrave for the petitioner. : and in a Friday edition of The Herald, Harare. a That a WHEREUPON,after reading documents filed of copy of the order and petition be served on the record and Registrar of Deeds. hearing, Mr. Coleg-ave, . IT IS ORDERED: , BYTHE COURT. of That the estate of Reginald Joseph Nield be, and is hereby, Scanlen & Holderness, ~ (Mrs.) L. MUPANEMUNDA, placed under provisional sequestration in the hands of the P.O. Box 188, « Deputy Master of the High Court. Harare. Registrar. ne Paty Reg 5284¢ |


. - ne Case HEC 151/86 of the High Court, will lie for inspection at my office and IN THE HIGH COURT OFZIMBABWE at the office of The ‘Deputy Registrar, P.O. Box 579, Bulawayo, In the matter of. thepetition of Michael Tohu,: Goldberg,:| for. a period of 14 days from ‘the date of publication of this petitioner, for a provisional winding up order against noice, Chikudza Enterprises (Pvt) Ltd., respondent. | ’ Any person -having an interest in the proceeds of the sale ° Harare, Wednesday, the 22nd day of January, 1986. and objecting to the said plan of distribution may apply to the Beforethe HonourableMr. Justice Sandura. . . | High Court to have it set aside or amended, after due notice ' Mr.-Fitches for the petitionér. ee to me and to other parties interested, stating” the grounds for such objection. * , Respondent in default. — - a “| Certain piece of land called Subdivision 6 of Stand 107M ‘WHEREUPON,after reading documents filed. of record and of Stand 103M of Matsheumhlope,also knownas 3A, Moffat _. hearingMr. itches, ce fo Avenue, Hillside, Bulawayo. iT IS ORDERED: moe, 1 + If no objections are made to the plan within the time stated - ‘That a rule nisi do issue, returnable to this honourable court, in this notice, then I shall confirm the plan. sitting at Harare, on the 19th day of February, 1986, calling upon all persons interested to shew cause, if dny, why— W. B. C. CHIRAMBASUKWA, (a) the respondent company should not be wound up, in Sheriff. - terms of the Companies Act [Chapter 190];| The Sheriff’s Office, Mapondera Building, (b) the costs of these ‘proceedings should not ‘be costs of Samora Machel Avenue Central, liquidation. 2 Harare. 5240£ Thatthis ruledo operate asa provisionalorder of liquidation,

- That the Master of this honourable court be, and is hereby, directéd to appoint Peter Alcock as provisional! liquidator. ' Of the respondent. company, withthe: powers contained in SHERIFF'S SALE paragraph (a) to(g) of: subsection (2) of section ‘194 of the ‘Companies Act [Chapter 190].. | _ | That service: of this order be effected on the espondent| In the matter between Founders Building Society, plaintiff, companyatits registered office. and Moffat Ndevele, defendant. - - That there be one publication of this order in the Gazette’ NOTICE is hereby. given that the plan of distribution of andiina Friday edition of The Herald, Harare. the purchase-money received from the sale of the under- mentioned property, which was sold in pursuance of .an order BY THE COURT. of the High Court, will lie for inspection at my office and . (rs. L. MUPANEMUNDA, at the office of the Deputy Registrar, P.O. Box 579, Harare, . . Deputy. Registrar. for a period of 14. days from the date of publication of this Scott.& Associates, notice. P.O. Box UA 196, Any person having an interest in the proceeds of the sale Harare. 52826 | and objecting to the said plan of distribution may apply to

.the High Court to have .it set aside or amended, after due notice to me and-to other parties interested, ‘stating the | “Case H.C, 189/86, grounds for such objection. INTHEHIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE| ” _. Certain piece of land called Stand 19, Woodville South . in the matter of the petition of Mukuru Investments Gert) Ltd., of Plot 1A Woodville Estate, otherwise known as 8, Seventh . petitioner, for a winding up order. | Avenue, Woodville, Bulawayo. — Harare, Wednesday, the 22nd day of January, 1986, i \ If no objections are made to the plan within the time Before the Honourable Mr.Justice Sandura. ' stated in this notice, then T shall confirmthe plan. Mr. Colegrave for the petitioner. Respondent:in default. . W. B: C.CHIRAMBASUKWA, Sheriff. ‘WHEREUPON,after reading documents filed. of record and The Sheriff’s Office, hearing |Mr. Colegrave, Mapondera Building, j1 IT-IS ORDERED: t Samora Machel Avenue Central, “ ‘That -a rule~nisi do issue, returnable to --this honourable Harare. 5130£ court, sitting at Harare on the 26th day of February, 1986, calling upon all persons interested to shewcause, if any, why— } (a) the respondent company should not be wound up, in. . terms of the Companies Act [Chapter 190]; SHERIFF'S SALE (b) the costs of thesé proceedings should ot be| costs of . liquidation. : In the’ matter ‘between, Founders Building Society,.plainti >That this rule do operate as a provisional order of liquidation. and Colin Crowe, defendant. That the Master of this honourable court be, and is hereby,| NOTICE is hereby given that the plan of distribution: of directed to appoint, Malcolm Fraser of N. K, Peake Trust’ , the purchase-money received from the sale of the under: (Pvt.) Ltd., -as provisional liquidator of the respondent com- | mentioned property, which was sold in pursuance of -an pany, with the powers contained in paragraph\\a) to (g) of ' order of the High Court, will lie for inspection at my office i (2) of section 194 of the ‘Companies ct fChapter and at the office of the Deputy Registrar, P.O. Box 579, _ Bulawayo, for a period of 14 days. from the date of, That there be”one publication of this order in the Gazette publication of this notice. and in a Friday edition of The Herald, Harare. Any person having an interést in the proceeds of the sale BY THE COURT. ~ ' and -objecting to the said plan of distribution may. apply to - : the High Court to have it set aside or amended, after due (Mrs).L. MUPANEMUNDA, ‘notice fo me and to other parties interested, stating the : Deputy Registrar. | grounds for such objection: Byron Venturas:& Partners, P.O. Box 3188, oo. Certain piece of land called Stand 119, Richmond Town- Harare. © oe . | 5291f I ship of Richmond, also known as 6, Erin Road, Richmond, 5 Bulawayo.

If no objections are made to the plan within the.time stated oe , SHERIFF'S SALE . || in this notice, then I shall confirm the plan. -4| W. Br C. CHIRAMBASUKWA, In the matter between Beverley, Building Society: plaintiff, . ; + = - Sheriff. - -and Thomas Leonard ‘Edward Henwood, defendant. | “The Sheriff’s Office, my NOTICE és hereby given that thé plan of distribution of ' Mapondera Building, the purchase-moncy received from. the sale of. the! under- ‘Samora Machel Avenue Central, _ mentioned property, which was sold in pursuance of an order : Harare. $131f

o - * 3% . - . 130 _ _ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GazerTe, 71HFEBRUARY,.1986 oa 3

LEAVEOF ABSENCE _ QUOR ACT, 1984 — Bye we At aeA mre ae te “Application for: theIssue of a: Part.11 Li NOTICE is hereby given, in terms of section 259 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190], that application has been made- to the Assistant Master of. the High Court of Zimbabwe, NOTICE.is herebygiven that an’application, in terms of Bulawayo, for leave of -absence from the 6th February, 1986, section 52 ofthe Liquor Act, 1984, will be made tothe-Liquor to the ‘7th April, 1986, during which period Mr. Gregory Licensing Board, Hiafare, for the -issue’ of‘a Bottle:Storé Germanis will act in this stead—B. Macleod-Elliott, P.O. Box Liquor Licence to Mrs, Laiza Nyoni: (trading as Zivanai Bottle — 1301, Bulawayo. 5293£ Store) in respect of premises situate at Tease. No: 18802,

Wedza Communal Lands, District: . All persons who ‘have ‘any objections to -the.application may. lodge their objections, in writing, -witli :the Secretary ‘of NZERU CONSTRUCTION AND SLASTO LAYERS the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, by: not “later than’ the (PVT.) LIMITED 2ist' February, .1986.—Dariziger. & Partners, :applicant’s. legal (in liquidation) - practitioners, Danziger House, 62, Sixth Street (P.O, Box. 58), Master’s ReferenceCRB 35/84 Gweru. 3137f

NOTICE is hereby given, in terms of .subsection (2) of | THQUOR ACT, 1984 section 193 of The Companies Act [Chapter 190], that creditors of the company must prove their claims by the 19th February, 1986, or be precluded from sharing in the distribution of the " Application for the Issue ofa PartIL LiquorLicerice.._ assets of the company.—G. F. Adie, C.A.(Z) Liquidator.ne “NOTICE is hereby given that. an. application, in: terms. -of

section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to. the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for-the.issue of a-Bottle Store Liquor Licence in respect of premises situate at. Stand9223, Braeside, - 42m, LIQUOR ACT, 1984 also known as No. 2, Tait. Avenue,. Braeside, Harare, trading wae as Braeside Minitiarket, for Timothy Dambudzo Shamuyarira, 4" Application for the Issue of a Part Tl Liquor Licence All persons who. have .any objections to the‘application may lodge their objections, in writing, -withthe Secretaryof the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not ‘later thanthe -24th NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of day of February, 1986--A.-R. Chizikani, applicant’s legal section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor practitioner, SixthFloor, Gelfand House, Speke Avenue/First Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Beer-hall Liquor Street (P.O. Box UA 112);Harare. _ og, 5151f Licence in respect of premises situate at. Stand ‘No. 20, Govere ON mew Rte ey BS Business Centre, Masvingo, trading as ‘Nhamo Inenharo Beer- OS hall, for Magret Zhou. LIQUOR ACT, 1984 2 All. persons who have any objections tto the application may lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of Application for the Issueofa PartIt Liquor Licence ~ — thef Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 21st February, 1986—Magret Zhou, applicant. 5138f NOTICE is hereby given that an application,.in terms of section 52 of theLiquor-Act, 1984, -will be madeto the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of .a. Bottle: Liquor Licence in respect of ‘premises situate at Mhandamabwe LIQUOR. ACT, 1984 _ Business’ Centre, Chivi;. trading as .Harinamukwidza, Bottle Store, for Ramson Tichagwa Manyino. = = 0° . Application for Transfer of a Part Il Liquor Licence All persons who have any objections to thé “application may lodge their objections, in writing, withthe‘Secretary: of the Liquor. Licensing. Board, Harare, not. Jater. than-.14 days of the date of publication of this notice.-M.T. Makonese, NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of applicant’s legal practitioner, Chihambakwe .& ~ Chirunda, section 57 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor 30, Hofmeyer Street (P.O. Box 700), Masvingo..") ~. “= 51408 Licensing ‘Board, Harare, for .the transfer of a Bottle Store Liquor Licence from the estate of the-late Mary Bidi, pre- viously trading as General Dealer Bottle Store, at premises situate at Lease No. 14379, Gangarabwe Business Centre, } . . Eaquor Aer, 19840 Gweru, to Kenneth Masvaure, who proposes trading as Licence Kumboedza Bottle ‘Store. ' Application for the Isstie of a Part IlLiquor All persons who have any objections to the application may fodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the NOTICE ‘is hereby given that an application, in terms of

9 Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, by not later than the 21st | section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984; will*bé madeto the Liquor February, 1986.—Danziger & Partners, legal practitioners for Licensing Board, Harare, for -the issue: of: a’-Beér-hall Liqucr the applicant, Danziger House, 62, Sixth Street (P.O. Box 58), Licence in respect of premises situate ‘at Lease No, 23662; Gweru. . S142f ‘Dendenyore Township, Wedza, trading as Dendenyore Beer:

hall, for Council. .. - . All persons who have. any objections tothe application may: lodge their. objections, in writing, with the Secretary of: the LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Liquor Licensing’ Board, Harare,:-not later. than: the-,"21st February, 1986.—Wedza District Council...) 2° 0, - -S275£ . Application for the Issue of a Part IL Liquor Licence LIQUOR ACT,1984 NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor. Application for the Issue of a Part. IILiquorLicence “> Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor Licence in respect of premises situate at Lease No. TT 24075, NOTICE is herebygiven that an application, in terms of Nyamutamba Business Centre, Murewa-Kubatana District section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984; will be made to the Liquor Council, trading as Takaedzwa Bottle Store, for Takaedzwa ° Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue-of a Beer-hall Liquor Co-operative Society Limited. oe ‘Licence in respect of prémisessituate atLease No. 6707, Wedza All persons who have any objections to the application Township, Wedza, trading’ asWedza Beer-hall, fér -Wedza may lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of ‘District Council:. ~--- the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 21st _ All persons who have: any objectionsto the ‘application nay February, 1986—Adv. S. V. Mtambanengwe, Second Floor, lodge their objections, in writing, with the-Secretdry”of: the Shell° BP House, 30, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. 50708 Liquor Licensing Board,: Harare, not later: than: the 21st February, 1986.—-Wedza District Council.- »-):,.- > -S274f



| | 5 ' t

i ZIMBABWEAN GovERNMENT ad GuazeTte, 7TH FEBRUARY, 1986 a , “131

! 5 t '~ LIQUOR ACT, 1984 All persons _whohave anyobjections to the application may lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licenée the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 21st ‘February, 1986.—Chihambakwe & Chirunda, applicant’s legal . practitioners, 30, Hofmeyer Street (P.O. Box 700), Masvingo. . NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of ‘. : . 5233 section 57 of the Liquor “Act, 1984, will be made to the — Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for transfer of a Bottle Liquor Licence-in respect of premises situate at Lot 1A, Sutton Estate (Main Lomagundi Road, 65 km from Harare), LIQUOR ACT, 1984 from Padraig Anthony Lendrum, trading as ‘Great ‘Dyke Bottle Store, to Great Dyke Grading and Trading Company (Private) Limitéd. oe . | Application forthe Issue of a Part It Liquor Licence All persons who have any objections to the application may lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of “ NOTICE is hereby given that an the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, application, in terms of not later than the 21st section 52 of the Liquor Act, day of February, 1986.—Scanlen & Holderness, applicant's. 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the isste of a Bottle Store Liquor . legal practitioners, Thirteenth Floor, CABS Centre, Stanley Licence by Lovemore Avenue, Harare. 8 5216f | Sigauke, to trade as Chaitemura Chavakuseva, Bottle Store, at premises situate at Stand 1, Chinyika Resettlement Scheme, Village 4, Headlands, held _ LIQUOR ACT, 1984 ' under Lease No, 214, granted by the Minister of Lands, 1 Agriculture and Rural Resettlement to the i applicant. Application for the Issue of a Part IL Liquor Licence All persons who have any objections to the application may lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the -21st NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of February, 1986—Guni & Guni, applicant’s legal practitioners, section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be madd to the Liquor Sixth Floor, Southampton House, 68, Union Avenue, Harare. Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Club Liquor Licence | : . . 5183 .in respect of premises situate at a portion of the Sixth Floor,

CABSCentre, Stanley Avenue, Second Street, Harare; for AY i and P Sports and Social Club (Harare). All persons who have any objections to the application Imay. ‘LIQUOR ACT, 1984 lodg their obiections, in writing, with the Secretary of} the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 2Ist| day of February, 1986—Scanlen & Holderness, applicant’s legal - Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence practitioners, Thirteenth Floor, CABS Centre, Stanley Avenue, Harare. 21 8f NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of

section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor - - LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor Licence in respect of premises situate at Lease Site, TT 12569, Chamakondo Business Centre, ‘Application for , for Jestina the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence Moyo (Mrs.), trading as Paradise Bottle Store. All persons who have any objections to the application NOTICE is hereby given-that an application, in terms of may lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary, ‘section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor © Liquor Licensing Board; Harare, not later than the 21st Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor February, 1986.—Chihambakwe & Chirunda, applicant’s legal Licence’ by Joey John Fisher Garande, to trade as Garande practitioners, 30, Hofmeyer Street, Masvingo. 5231f Bottle Store at premises situate at Umpfure Business Centre,

Madziwa Communal Lands, Shamva. held under Lease No. TT 28089, granted by’the Chaminuka District Council, to |the or applicant. - . ,! - LIQUOR ACT, 1984 All persons who have any objections to the application may lodge: their objections, in writing, -with t the Secretary of! the Application for the Issue of a Part IT Liquor Licence Liquor Licensing Board,. Harare, not later than the 21st February, 1986.—Guni & Guni, applicant’s legal practitioners, Sixth Floor, Southampton House, 68, Union. Avenue, Hatare. NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of . 2 section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor- Licénsing Board, Harare, for the issue of a. Bottle Liquor LIQUOR ACT, 1984 ! Licence in ‘respect of premises situate at Chimbudzi Business ‘Centre, Buhera, trading as Mubau Bottle Store, for Martha Mubau (Mrs.). . Application for the Issue of a Part If Liquor Licence All persons who have any objections to the application s tI may lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of NOTICE is hereby given that.an application, in terms of the ‘Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than 14 days section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor from the date of the publication of this notice-—Chihambakwe _ Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Restaurant & Chirunda, applicant’s legal practitioners; 30, Hofmeyer (Ordinary) Liquor Licence in respect of premises situate at Street, Masvingo. : : 5232£ . Lease TT 5819, .Zaka. Business Centre, Zaka, _trading| as, S. Mhaka Restaurant, for Stanley Mhaka. All -persons who have any objections to the application may lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of | LIQUOR ACT,1984 - i - the Liquor Licensing Board,' Harare, not later than the 21st 7 . February, 1986.—Chihambakwe & Chirunda, applicant’s légal ‘practitioners, ‘Application for the Issue of a Part Il Liquor Licence © 30, Hofmeyer Street, Masvingo. 34 I -, ——~ | * ‘ LIQUOR ACT, 1984 NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of * section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Application for the Issue Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Wholesale Liquor of a-Part II Liquor Licence pLicente in respect of premises situate at Stand 660, Coventry Road, Township, and trading as Metro Cash and NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of Carry, for Metro International (Private) Limited. section 52 of the Liquor Act,.1984, will be made to the Liquor All persons who have any objections to the application may Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Licence, in respect of premises situate at Stand .180,.Robertson -Liquor Licensing Beard, Harare, not later than the 21st day Street, Masvingo, for Zimbabwe. Investment and Trading -Of February, 1986—Coghian, Welsh and Guest, applicant’s Company (Private) Limited, trading as Masvingo ‘Wholesale. legal practitioners, P.O. Box 53, Harare. 5283£ d o_

‘Park “ ‘Wedza Notice——Atherstone Limited Licensing Thornpark Licence Mercury Board, Mtepatepa, Bottle to Avenue, legal Liquor Park Harare. tioners, Association section their February, Liquor lodge Mukamba of Liquor lodge of lodge Licence Liqour (Private) section publication Licence may Licensing section Avenue, legal Liquor Licence Licensing section (Private) 132 NOTICE All NOTICE All All NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE All All the publication this Application Application - Application written lodge Application Application of practitioners, persons persons practitioners, persons their persofs their Liquor their of persons Liquor Licensing District 52 Licensing 52 52 Licensing Harare, notice—Atherstone 52 Licensing in in Licensing in Harare. Seventh in in Harare. Limited.’ Mabelreign, is is Limited. House, Board, Township, of Board, Mabelreign, of Board, of 1986——Wedza their respect Estate, respect of respect objections, of respect respect Bindura, is is objections, is of objections, objections _ the the the who Licensing who hereby hereby Zimbabwe. hereby of opposing ~ hereby Licence hereby having the who Council. for this objections, o the for o the for ihn14 within for Liquor Liquor Liquor Board; Board, Gordon for Harare, this Floor, Board, have Harare, Hardre, .Board, have Golden of of Board, the Liquor Seventh of. of of Seventh LIQUOR LIQUOR & LIQUOR LIQUOR LIQUOR the notice—-Atherstone Wedza, Transfer have to for premises premises notice—Atherstone given given Cook, to given given any given premises premises in in Issue in uo Tariro premises held Issue Board, Issue Issue Act, any Act, Harare, any Act, the Harare, Negomo District the Harare, Mercury Tariro for —_—_—_— Avenue, writing, writing, o the for writing, in Harare, Stairs any for Harare, objections Act, days & that Floor, trading objections that transfer objections that Floor, that that Secretary legal , of 1984, 1984, 1984, of by writing, of the of ACT, ACT, ACT, of ACT, ACT, Cook, situate situate Harare, the betosto objections Industrial a a within a situate for. situate a a situate an Industrial 1984, Road, Mtepatepa Council. of an an (Private) within issue an an Part practitioners Part Bottle Part will Part will will with with with Harare. House, 1984 issue ZIMBABWEAN not 1984 as 1984 issue 1984 Mercury Mercury 1984 within the are application the application, application, with application, application, applicant’s to Mukamba at of I[ at to to be be be o the for II I will of 14 1 Harare, at issue at the the at later Liquor the & Liquor the 4days 14 the ke Lot requested Lot of the the publication & Liquor made Liquor of made made the Liquor days a Chemical Léase Ruia Chemical Lot Gordon Limited. Cook, be 14 Secretary Cook, Beer-hall Estates Secretary Liquor Secretary a application application of application a House, 101 House, Secretary the 101 than for Beer-hall, transfer of Bottle Licence to to Licence to will made GOVERNMENT days for a Club 3 Falls legal in Licence in Licence in Licence in No:- of of publication the of Bar the the application the of applicant’s applicant’s to terms Licensing the terms the terms terms be (Private) -. the Meyrick Avenue, Meyrick Services Services Gordon Gordon parties, of Liquor Liquor of Liquor Liquor Liquor Lot Liquor. Liquor submit of of practi- to 18943, of fthe of Farm, of 5278£ 5286f made 5287£ 5289f , t §288£ Polo may may this may date 2ist the the : for the the the the of of of of 1, | GAZETTE, |

- . Liquor

Township, Licensing

February, section Wedza Garabha Licence Liquor Council, Liquor lodge Licence February, Makanda Licence February, Negurumbiri section lodge Wedza Licensing February, Liquor for Licence Licensing section lodge lodge Licensing section lodge February, Wedza Licence Licensing Liquor Chigondo section “INOTICE . All NOTICE All NOTICE All NOTICE All NOTICE All - Application Application Application Application Application Wedza persons persons persons persons persons their their their their their 7TH District 52 52 52 District 52 District 52

in Licensing Licensing Licensing, Licensing in Licensing in in P.O. in Township, Township, Board, Wedza, 1986.—Wedza Township, Board, Board,

Board, of 1986.—Wedza of Board, respect of 1986.—Wedza 1986—Wedza of 1986—Wedza of FEBRUARY, objections, respect District respect’ objections, respect respect is objections, objections, objections, is is is Township, is * the the the the the who who Box who who who

. hereby hereby hereby hereby Council. Council. hereby for for Council. for o the for for Liquor Liquor Liquor Liquor Liquor Harare,‘for Harare, Harare, Harare, have Harare; of ~

trading Board, the any have Board, have have 15, Board, Board, , have Board, LIQUOR ‘LIQUOR the of of Council. the LIQUOR the of of

Wedza, LIQUOR LIQUOR Wedza, premises. Wedza, 1986 in’ Wedza. given -premises given given given given premises premises any Issue in in premises in’ Issue in Wedza, Issue Issue Issue District Act, Act, any. Act, District any Act, Act,

any District District . District as ‘for —e— for for for

writing, writing, writing, writing,

Harare, Harare, writing, Harare, Harare, Harare, , trading trading Goto that objections’ trading objections objections that objections objections that 1984, that 1984, 1984, that of 1984, situate the of 1984, Ct of the of of ACT, the the ACT, ACT, the ACT,

ACT, Council. trading Council. a a a a situate a

situate Council. situate situate Council. — Council. issue will an. issue : an Beer-hall, Part issue an issue issue an an will: Part Part with will

Part Part not will with will 1984 with with ‘ with not-‘later as 1984 at as as not not

not 1984°. 1984 1984’ application;, application, oe application, application, application, OE - Makanda Lease of Chigondo tothe ‘be I fo be Garabha “ to ofa II-Liquor to be to be If be at of IL It of of the the as at at

_at later the the the - later ge later later the ; vo made the the made the Liquor made made Liquor made -? Liquor Liquor a.Beer-hall a a a Lease Zhakata Lease for Lease Lease & . Secretary Beer-hall Secretary . No. Secretary Beer-hall Secretary Secretary Beer-hall Beer-hall % application application application application

application than than-the than Wedza than than to 3 to to to to Beer-hall, Beer-hall, Beer-hall, ‘Licence 18812, in in in Licence in Licence in No. Licence No. Licence No. No. the the the the : the terms

Beer-hall, the terms . the terms terms terms the the . District Liquor Liquor Liquor Liquor Liquor of Liquor Liquor of Liquor Liquor Liquor 21084, of of of 18811, 18710, 16677, 5273£ 5272£ Goto: §276£ 5277£ 5279£ oe may

may may 2Ist may 21st may 2Ist 21st 2ist the the for the the the for for of of of of of | . _ © 2 : - SO ‘ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 7TH FEBRUARY, 1986 133


ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATE I DeHi Lengthy copy may be accepted at less than 21 days’ i - notice if . In the estate of the late Dennis Samuel Done, who diediin ' (a) the work involved is of a‘straightforward and non- Bulawayo, on the 16th May, 1985. tabular nature: and . NOTICEis liereby given that John Kenneth Dickin Roberts ' (b) the total volume of work on hand for the time and Dennis Oscar Diamond intend to apply to the Assistant ‘being | permits its acceptance. Master of the High Court of Zimbabwe, at Bulawayo,for the 6. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in signing and sealing of the grant of probate, issued to them as these conditions, any copy— ' executors testamentary of the estate of Dennis Samuel Done on the 28th August, 1985,-at Liverpool, Lancashire, England. (@) which is of national importance, and which is originated as a matter of urgent ‘necessity, may, by All persons having any objections to the signing and sealing Prior arrangement, be accepted late for the current of the said grant of probate, or having any claims against the wee. estate, are hereby required to file their objections or particulars’ (b). may, due to the shortage of staff or to technical of their claims with the said Assistant Master of the. High ' Court, at Bulawayo, on or before the 4th day of March, considerations, be delayed until conditions permit its processing. 1986—Ben Baron & Partners, agents for. executore testamentary, First Floor, Southampton | House, Main Street/ | | 7. Copy must not besubmitted as part of a letter or 8 Ninth Avenue, Bulawayo. S176E requisition. It must appear on a separate sheet of paper, on

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_ * : ¢


Copy for all notices to be set in tabular form must be received by 11 a.m. on the Friday preceding the Friday of Xhuluma Isindebele—Ndebelefor beginners— publication. ; _ Lessons 1-13, .. 2. . > rr 0,50. Any copy which is received after the respective closing- Let’s build Zinibabwe together—-Zimcord times will automatically conference documentation . 5,00 be held over for insertion in the List of commissioners of oaths ‘and,justices Gazetig of the following week, in which of the peace, as at 31st case no responsibility December, 1974. 2 5 6 hk kw kn can be accepted if the purport of vl le ew wt el ee 4,00 the notice is thereby nullified. Manual of River and When Lakemanship ©. 3.02. ete ke 5,00 public holidays occur, the normal closing-times are varied, and such Manualofstyle for the drafting and preparation ofcopy . . ee free variations are notified in the Gazeite in Model Building advance. , - By-laws, 1977 2.ee. eo. ° ee 5,00 National Manpower Survey, 1981:VolumeJ All copy 3 addressed to the Department of Printing . . er 10,00 | and Stationery, and either posted to P.O. Box 8062, Causeway, National ManpowerSirvey, 1981: VolumefT. . . . o ee es 5,00 or delivered direct to: the ‘de tment, in Gordon Avenue National Manpower Survey, 1981: VolumeIII . . . sos ee 10,00 (between Sixth Street and Epton Street), Harare. Envelopes Parliamentary debates (House ofAssembly) (annual subscription rate) . 1,50 should be marked: Gazette copy—urgent. Parliamentary debates (The Senate) (annualsubscription rate)... 1,50 - _ Regular advertisers and subscribers are requested to advise Patent and Trade Marks Journal (annual subscription rate) 2... 6,00 immediately of any change of address, Patent and Trade-Marks Journal (individual copies). 0,20 Subscription rate Planning handbook (Department! of Physical Planing) . . 2. 2. 10,00 . ‘Practical Pig Production in Zimbabwe .9°>. 5 Sw 2,00. The annual subscription rate for the Gazette is Z.$14, pay-, Report of the Commission of Inquiry able, in advance, to the Controller of Printing into the Agricultural Industry and Stationery, Softcover) 2 6. ee ke and may commencewith the first issue of any month. eee ee 5,00 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1970 (four parts), perset . . . . 6,30

Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1971 (five, parts) perpart . 2. « 1,06 GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS ON SALE Or,perset 2. 5 kw ee ee ee ke ee ee 6,30 (as available at time of ordering) Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1972 (seven parts), per part . ee 7,50 Rhodesia subsidiary a legislation, 1973 (seven parts), per part soe 7,50 Rhodesia subsidiarylegislation, The following publications are obtainable from the 1974 (five parts), per part... 7,50 Government’ Rhodesia Publications Office, Cecil House, 95, Stanley subsidiary legislation, 1975 (five parts), perpast . 2 . 7,50 Avenue, Harare (P.O. Box 8062, Causeway), or from the Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1976 (six parts), per part... we 7,50 Government Publications Office, 101n, Main Street, Bulawayo rilodesia subsidiary legislation, 1977 (four parts), perpart . . . 7,50 (P.O. Box 211, Bulawayo), at the Prices specified opposite Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1978(four parts),perpart ; coe ee 7,50 thereto. : , Rhodesian botanical dictionary of African and English plant names. 4,50 . $ Rhodesian law reports, 1970,part 1 and part2,perpart,. : . . . 4,20 A Guide to the Soils of Zimbabwe . . 2. =... oe 8 ew 2,00 Rhodesian law reports, 971, part Agro-economic land part2. perpart. . 9... 4,20 survey of Central Midlands . . . , . . . 2,50 Khodesian law reports, 1972, part 1 and part 2,perpart. . 4,20 Air Navigation Regulations, 1954, with amendments . 4... . , oe ee 1,50 Rhodesian An assessment of the surface law reports, 1973, part 1 and part 2,perpart. ££ 2. . 4 4,20 water resources of Rhodesia . . . , 3,00 An IntroductiontoLaw,. Rhodesian lawreports, 2. 2... ww, os 4 oe we 3,00 1974; pari land part 2gper part... 2. . 4,20 Animal Foods of Central Africa. . . . . = 2 ew 8 ew 2,00 Rhodesian law reports, 1975; part land part 2,perpart. . . . . 4,20 _ Brands directory, 1974(consolidated edition) . . . =... Ct - 12,00 Rhodesian law reports,1976; part badd part2,perpart. . . . 4,20 Brands directory, 1975 -. 2+. 2. 2. 1 se ew ew ew 4,00 Rhodesian law reports, Brands directory, 1976 1977,part l-and part 2,per part. . . . 4,20 <=. 2. 2 8. 1 ey ee ee ee 4,00 Brands Rhodesian law reports, 1978 ee 8 we gtk directory,1977 . 2... . 1. os + ew ew we ee 9,00 - 6 « 2 . 4,00 me Brands directory,1979 Rhodesian fawreports, . 2... 1. 1, en 4,00 1979 . “ a a 9,00 Catalogue ofbanned books, beriodicals, records,etc., from Ist December, . Rules andpractice of the GenetalDivision of the High Court, 1971. 4,00 1967, to 3ist Deceniber, 1980 7 4 © © we 6 ew ew elt ll 2,00 Soils ofthe Banket Area. 64 ekke Commonveld ee ee 3,00 grasses of Rhodesia (second edition) . 2. 2... 1,00 Statute law of Rhodesia, .1975; 1976: 1977: 1978— Community development source book No.5. | oe . oe se ee 5.00 tull-bound, buckram . 2 sw) we ” Commissionofinauiry into 10,00 termination of pregnancy,1976. . . . 0,50 Company names: the quarter-bound, hardcover 2. . *. practice followed. by the Registrar ofCompanies in i 5,50 the approval of companynames softcover... . wa ke . . . .. 2. . ew wn, 0,10 wee claw ee 4,50 Conservation—a guide Statute book for teachers . . oe we © ww 1,00 law of Zimbabwe Rhodesia, 1979— 2 , Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter 59] (as amended at the full-bound, buckram:.. 2 20Sr 14,00 31st December, 1976) . 2. 1... ww ew tls 1,50 quarter-bound, hardcover 2... y 4 “oo 9,50 Customs and Excise Tariff Handbook a Customs and 8,00 softcover. 2 1 yw ew ee ee ee ee 8,50 Excise Tariff HandBook— . Amending Statute law of Rhodesia and Zimbabwe, December, 1979, Supplement No.t . . . . . ww. a we 1,00. to December, Amending Supplement 1980 (soft cover). 2 ok, ee ee ew we ee No.2 =. . 2. 2... ew, 2.00 lk lt 4,50 Farm Management Handbook, Statute law. of Zimbabwe, Orders, Ordinances part 1 and part2 (combined) . . . 20,00: and Acts—December, Five-year plan: three complementary 1979, to December, 1980—full-bound, bockram books— ‘ — - 8 we ew ‘10,00 Proposals for a five-year programme Statute law of Zimbabwe, 1981— ofdevelopmentin thepublic sector ° 3,00 7 Integrated plan for ruraldevelopment full-bound, buckram.. 2 yeD . . . . . 0... 2,00 ee eg ke ek 14,00 Urban development in the main centres oe 8 we we we tw et quarter-bound, hard’cover -.)°< a Flora zambesiaca, 1,00 9,50 volumel,pattl . 2... =... . , o- SS Flora 2,70 se ee ee 8,50 zambesiaca, volumeI, patMd. 2. 1. 1 ww ww ew 2,70 Statutory Instruments, 1980(five parts), perpart . . . Flora zambesiaca, yotume TpatE. 2... 2... : . . 7,50 ° 3,20 Statutory Flora zambesiaca, supplement Instruments, 1981 (four parts), per part. . Bee . . . . - 2 © © © © ew 1,50 we 7,50 Greater Salisbury report, The Controlof Bush-Pig, Potamochoerus local authority commission. 2. Se oo 3,00 Porcus, in Zimbabwe... 3,00 Government Gazette (annual Transitional subscription rate) . . 1. _ «> 14,00 National DevelopmentPlan, 1982/83-1984/85* Volume 1. 10,00 Government Gazette (individual copies) . 2. 2... Transitional wk ke 0,30 National Development Plan, 1982/83-1984/35: Volume 2. "5,00 Growth with equity—an economic policy statement . . . . . , 1,50 Zimbabwe Agricultural History Journal © |, - Low ce eee oo. 0,40 andextentofrecognitionoftriballaw in Rhodesia (second edition) Income 8,00 Zimbabwelaw reports, 1980— _- wT Tax Act {Chapter 181}, as amended at the 31st October, 1979 . 2,20 _ Index to thelegistation full-bound, hard cover” . fo Le eee eee e- in force in Zimbabwe on the Ist January, 1981 . 3,50 10,00 - Instant statutecascelaw “softcover. 6, ...... ww, 2 6 8,00 we kk ke ke 9,00 Kirkia,journal of Zirababwe the National Herbarium,Salisbury, 1960-61, Volume1 3 00 law reports, 1981—_—' Kirkia, 1961-62,volume2 2... ww wk se ele 3,00 full-bound, buckram . oe ee ee ee we 10.00 Kirkia, 1962-63,volume3 =... ww ww oe a 3,00 softcover. 2. . we ek ee 9,00 Kirkia, 1963-64, volume4 4 . . 6. 2 Ou, eo 8 we we 3,00 Zimbabwelaw reports, 1982, part i— ‘ Eirkia, volume 5, parts I and ‘H, perpart . . 2... ww ef «> 1,50 full-bound,buckram . Kirkia, volume 6, parts 1 and HL. per part . . . . 40. rr 10,00 . =... . eee 1,50 softcover... Kirkia, volume 4. ! see ek ee 7, parts Y and fl, per part . . . . ee we 1,50 ee 4,20 Kirkia, volume 8, Zimbabwelaw reports, 1982 [Part 2] (soft parts Tand Wi, perpart . . 1 6 Ak ew 1,50 cover). . 2... 4,20 Xirkia, volume Zimbabwe 9, parts I and I, per part . . 1 ww kk wk 1,50 law reports, 1983 [Part 1j So, Kirkia, volume 10, (softcover) parts I and Ul, per part. 2. 2. ow we eh ew 1,50 . 2. 2, er 10,00 Kirkia, volume li,partl. . 6 kk kk kk «8 wo 1,50 Zimbabwe law reports, 1983 [Part 2] oo, Xirkia,volume l1,parttl. . 2... oe ok ee oe 5,00 oftcovery 2 oe we ee Kirkia, volume 12,partI. 10,00 1. 6. 6 cw ee ew et 5,00 ZimbabweRhodesia subsidiarylegislation, 1979 (four parts), per part et 7,50


GOVERNMENT GAZETTE: GOVERNMENTGAZETTE ee « Submission of Copy for Government Gazette Statutd Instruments and Notices - ‘Submission of Copy for Application for Issue of Liquor Licence

: . i IT is hereby notified, for general information; that it is IT is hereby notified, for general information, that due to an ‘hecessary to -draw attention to the “Conditions for increase in the number of applicants, throughout the country, Acceptance of -Copy”, which appears in every: issue [of the for Liquor Licences and the subsequent Gazette; and particularly the need to submit lengthy copy, publication in the in the case of ‘Statutory Instruments, at least 21 days! before Gazette, applicants are advised to ensure that their copy has the date. of closing for the Gazette in which, the notice is been acceptedpriorto fixing dates for simultaneous publication in both the Gazette and any newspaper in the country. .to be published. . 1 | During the past few months or so there have been many While every effort will be made to take in what we can in cases where urgent copy for subsidiary legislation,’ which the weekly issue, in respect of applications for Liquor Licences requires the signature of the President or a minister to give only, no responsibility will be accepted by the Department of it effect, and which is of national importance, has been ‘sent Printing and Stationery if— in for publication in the Gazette after closing-time.' Whilst (a) copy is automatically held over for insertion in the I acknowledge that it is the duty of the Department of Gazette of the following week; and ‘Printing and Stationery to give certain notices special treat- ment, I am, however, of the view that a Gazette Extraordinary (b) the dates contained in such copy, or any requirements has tended to be a must rather than a matter of pridrity in of publication on specific dates are affected: respect of unwarranted delays of urgent copy. { because the production of the weekly issue of the Gazette While every effort will continue to be made to ‘publish ‘operates to a tight schedule resulting in programming Extraordinaries on the required dates, copy must be submitted printing work-flow. timeously 30 that. it can be programmed into the printing work-flow as soon asit 1s available. - L. C. TAKA L. C. TAKAWIRA ‘ ; itor). (Editor) - Department of Printing and Stationery, . Department of Printing and Stationery, . Gordon Avenue (between Sixth Street and Epton Street). | Gordon Avenue (between Sixth Street and Epton Street), Harare (P.O. Box 8062, Causeway), . - Harare (P.O. Box 8062, Causeway).

NOTICESOF LIQUIDATION AND‘DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS LYING FOR INSPECTION (pursuantto section 53 of the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 301D Norick is hereby given that copies ofliquidation anddistribution accounts in the under-mentioned estates will be open forthe inspection ofall persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or longer if stated) from the dates specified, or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later. Accounts for inspection will Iie at the offices specified below. Objections to an account should be lodged with the Master, Harare, or the Assistant Master, Bulawayo,as the case may be. Should no objections be lodged to the account during the‘period of inspection, the executor concerned will proceéd therewith. to make payments in accordance : i M.ELC, 28

- Number | t Date Desctiption of | Nameand description of estate . i ‘lor. of Office of the estate , j period — account ~ ‘ : . i

1521/85 Elizabeth Hercueline Huxham. . oe ee ew he 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 5098f : - ; ‘ Administration and . . Ss ; DistributionAccount B.409/85 Walter Thomas Wright, retired, ofBulawayo . . :. “21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, S10if : : Liquidation and Bulawayo. . ; - Distribution Account 1161/85 | Ann Esme Rosamund Chance .. : 21 days First and Final Masterof the High Court, Harare. 5103f : : 4 Liquidation and © ' : 1 Distribution Account B.331/85 Janies McCulloch Paul, of Bulawayo - os i. | 24 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 5107£ . . ; - Liquidation and Bulawayo. of. ‘ . “fy - 3 Distribution Account . 1635/84 | IsaacKohlileCakana . . .-. 2. 1). 1 0%. 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare, 5112f - : ’ Liquidation and and Magistrate, Chinhoyi. ° : i Distribution Account . B.380/85 (Raith Raymonde Fieldus, ofBulawayo . . . . te 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 5113F : fr CL . et Liquidation and Bulawayo. . . ‘ . Distribution Account ‘ —. John | Delville Brook, of Bulawayo *. 2... wt, 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 5116f : a, i Liquidation and Bulawayo. . ot | . Distribution Account 624/85 Dorothy Ada Day”. wie 21 days Firstand Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 5117f | _ Liquidation and | ‘ . Oo . . ; : Distribution Account 1280/85 James Harold. Arderne, and surviving spouse, Mrs. 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 5119 ” Violet Alice Arderne r - Liquidation ‘and . / . ‘ | . Ss ; , _ | Distribution Account| . 1269/85 .| Constance Herbert. . , 2. .°. . ted, 21 days First and. Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 512If . ; oo : ; : Liquidation and ‘ ; . : . Distribution-Account |. 462/84 -Ralph Drew Paimer, - wf 21 days ’ First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 5123f : - ~. Liquidation and : . ow : . ' Distribution Account . / / . 922/85 Kenneth Douglas Cleave ...-. , 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare, 5144f . Te : ° and Magistrate, Mutare, ~ : 2 867/85 . Xavier Lombard RoSelette Croeser 2 . . 0). 21 days _ First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 5145f . . . : . } Liquidation and : . : Distribution Account / . 888/85. Antonio Pestana Pereira, and surviving spouse, Matia 21 days First Interim . Master of the High Court, Harare, 5146f Eduarda Teixeira Pereira i Liquidation-and and Magistrate, Chiredzi. *

. ee . : Distribution Account :


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M.HLC. 28-—-continued

Number Date . Description Cag - of Name and description ofestate or of “aot. Officeof the estate . period account Phy iF

. 1222/85 Donald Morgan. . . . . 1. 2 ee 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 5156f . 331/85 Violet Mary McVeigh . . w+... we 4 24 days First and Final Master of: the High. Court, Harare. 5168f Liquidation and Do +. ; ° Distribution Account : vo oy co. 575/85 Sydney Gerard Laurie . 2. 2. 2. , 2. ee 21 days First and Final Master .of

a8 EDICTS: SELECTION OF EXECUTORS, TUTORS AND CURATORS DATIVE (pursuantto sections 26, 75 and 80 of the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 301dD: , Noricz is hereby given that the estates of the under-mentioned deceased persons, minors or persons whose whereabouts are unknown,are unrepresented, and \ that the next ofkin, creditors or other persons concerned are required to attend on the dates and at the times and places specified, for the selection of an executor, tutor or curator dative, as the case may be. Meetings in Harare will be held before the Master; in Bulawayo before the Assistant Master; and elsewhere the District before Administrator. ve : MBLC, 25

Number - Time of meeting ; of © Nameand description of estate Place ofmeeting Forselection of estate . Date . Hour - .

B.42/86 Frederick Richard Badenhorst, a railway pensioner . . . 12.2.86 10 a.m. ‘Bulawayo Executor dative. 5106f 119/86 Ronald Edward Craske, a watchmaker, of Harare . . 12,.2.86 10.20 a.m. : Harare . Executor dative. ~5208f 144/86 M. M. Mabuyawa, a businessman, of Harare - os 12,2.86 10.25 a.m. ‘ Harare’ “ | Executordative. 5209f 35/86 Lohima Jessie MacAndrew, a retired nursing sister, of 12.2.86 10 a.m. :- Harare *- Executor dative. 5210f . Marondera . 1785/85 , : , John Bruce Campbell, a retired civil servant, of Harare. . 12.2.86 10.05 a.m. "| "Harare. * Bxecutordative. . 5211f - 1642/82 Naison Mohohoma Mateta, a businessman, of Harare . 12.2.86 10.10 a.m, :*Warare ~~. Executor dative. 5212f 70/86 Wilfred Wilson Muchenje, a teacher, ofHarare . . . . 12.2,86 - 10.15 a.m. : Harare . Executor dative. 5213f ©



NOTICES TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS (pursuant to sections 44 and 67 of the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 301]) All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estates arg required to Iddge them in detail with the executor or representative concerned within the statedperiods, calculated from the date of publication hereof, and those indebted thereto are required to pay to the executor or representative the amounts due by them within’ the sameperiod, failing which legal proceedings will be|taken for the recovery thereof, MBC. 7

“~ Number . . { Date Within ¢ of — : _ Name and description ofestate ~ : of a Name and address of executor or representative estate oo j death period of : ° i “ ¢

61/86 Helen Catherine Kay, retired, of Harare toe a «i] 30.11.85. | 30 days- ,| Barclaytrust (@vt.) Ltd, P.O. Box UA280, 5100f

927/85 |. Edith Mildred Powell: . 2 2. 2. oa 12.6.85 30 days Gargan Brothers & Chadder, P.O. Box 137, 5102f . : : , | Mutare. : : B.518/85 Karson Trikam, of Bulawayo...... “ 19.9.85 30 days Lazarus & Sarif, P.O. Box 484. Bulawayo. S5114£ —_ Frederick Michael James Goddard, of Fredaville Farm, 10. 1.26 30 days Lazarus .& Sarif, P.O. Box 484, Bulawayo. S115£ . Gumtree . : . | . 1565/85 . : Constance Mafura Madzikanda . . . . é{ 7.9.85 30 days | Amos John Chirunda, Chirunda, Chihambakwe $120f / ‘ . , : ‘ & Partners, P.O. Box 4316, Harare, ~ _ John David Hudson Brookfield . wd 14.8.85 30 days .| . Atherstone & Cook, P.O. Box 2625, Harare. 5124f B.4086/85 ‘Charles Frederic Normanton, ofBulawayo . . . _ a} 13.12.85 30 days Webb, Low & Barry, P.O. Box 159, Bulawayo. 5150f 1742/84 John Marime 2. . 1. 1 1 we ele 10.5.81 30 days Mrs. P. O’Brien, P.O. Box 791, Harare. . §152f B.582/85 Selwyn John Stevens . 2 2°. 0... + a |, 14.10.85 30 days . Edwin Dan Vosloo, Danziger & - fo. / Partners, P.O. 5153f i ~ Box 58, Gweru. (Executordative.) , . 1533/85 Baruch Galante. . 2. 2. fo. 3 15.2.85 30 days Kanto & Immerman,’P.O. Box 19, Harare. 5157f : , . i (Legal practitioners.) 1434/85 Douglas Fyffe Cruickshank . . . . - ¢ 19.9.85 30 days M. S. Cruickshank, 1, Gilson Way, Hillside, 5159f : . a : 1 4 Harare, , 1353/85 | Joan Leslie . . Baines Murray-EHudson eee ~ od 20,8.85 30 days |- Gargan Brothers. & Chadder, P.O. Box 137, 5165£ . . 7 . Mutare, . 106/86 Biya Caleb Muranda . 2... ww wg ‘ 31.10.85 30 days Kennard Muranda, 67, Muriranyenze Street, 5166f . . ; : i P.O. Mufakose, Harare. : 1491/85 Bhagwandas Parshotam Dullabh . . .. . ; 24.7.85 30 days ‘N. Vishram, P.O. Box 2087, Harare. (Executors’ 5167f : . ecole 4 representative.) . 749/85 “AlidaMary . . 1. 1. 1 ww we eg 26.3.85 30 days John Trevor Pollard, P.O. Box 556, Harare, 5182£ - , 1174/85 Norah Giles, pensioner. . . . 2... 3.8.85 30 days D. H. F, H, Rees, 32, Boundary Road, Highlands, 5185 7 . . i : Harare. : B.2/86 Richard Michael Green, an overseer, of Bulawayo . - i 28.5.85 30 days _ 19, Sunset Close, Baobab Hiil, Hwange. . 5200£ B.33/85 Elda Gumbo, a medical assistant, of Bulawayo. . 3.7.85 : -|° 30 days Philip Gumbo, Gwatemba Bottle Store, P.O..Box 5201f : ; : 5371, Bulawayo. - , B.553/85 Pharroh Brown, ofBulawayo . . . . . - 3 5.10.85 30 days Calderwood, Bryce Hendrie , : & Partners, P.O. 5202f | Box 276, Bulawayo.(Executortestamentary.) 58/86 Percival Leopold Day . . 2... 1. ib 25.12.85 30 days Stumbles & Rowe, P.O. Box 495, Harare. 5205f * 108/85 ‘Charles Musekiwa Mungofa . . . woe et ad 7.12.85 30 days S. M. Taylor, Gill, Godionton -& Gerrans, P.O. 5235f . . . : . Box 235, Harare, | 1739/85 Therese Rosemary Sainsbury . . . . . 9. . 4 19.11.85 30 days P. J. Moor, Winterton, Holmes & Hill, Ground ~ 5238f - ot : ! ‘ Floor, Beverley Place, Selous Avenue, Harare. ; . co . j (Executor testamentary.) B.33/86 James Nelson Laing, electrical manager, of Bulawayo 22.12.85 30 days Barclaytrust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 1663, Bula~ 5241f 1 | . wayo. « : : 1573/85 Fongwe Svondo Kasaki. . . =. . 3. . 4.8.85 30 days Emmanuel Kasaki, 6988, Glen Norah “B” Flats, 5243f . 4. . : / : Glen Norah. ° 246/84 A.G. Winchester. er i. 4 2,2.84 21 days M. H. Field, co P.O, Box 702, Harare. 5245f + 104/86 Algernon Moody . . . . 2... wee 3.1.86 ' 30 days Jean Randen, 28, Clovelly Road, Chadcombe, 5253f mee ‘ a i Harare. : . 166/86 Teucher, Mary Patricia Ellen . 2. 2. 1 ww 20.1.86 31 days Donaid Anthony Teucher, P.O. Bor UA383, 5271f . ; ‘ [ : Union Avenue, Harare, :

f |{ * COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuant to section 254 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190) Notice is hereby given that the liquidation accounts and plans of distribution in the Jiquidations mentioned below will lie open at the offices mentioned for a period of 14 days, or such longer period as is stated, from the date mentioned or from the date of publicationhereof, whichever may beJater, for inspection by creditors, Companies Act, Liquidation—Form 9

ae ; . Date from Period for Number Name of company -| Description Office at which account which account which account . ofaccount will lie open - 4 will lie open will lie open

16/84 Sisi Farm (Pvt) Ltd. 2. 2 2 wwe eee ! Third Interim - High Court, Harare 7.2.85 14days. 5127f - . Liquidation and sy Distribution Account* ‘ 27/83 M. & D. Enterprises Pvt.) Ltd... 2. 2. 1... ! Fifth Interim High Court, Harare 7.2.86 14days. S5147F . Liquidation and : Distribution Account : 47/82 Shabani Cash & Carry (Pvt. Ltd. . 2. . 1. Rourth and Final * High Court, Harare 7.2.86 -] 14days,. 5149f : , ‘ Liquidation and : : : DistributionAccount . 10/85 Chinhoyi Transport (Pvt) Ltd. 2 2 1... First and Final High Court, Harare . 7.2.86 14days. 5173f a Liquidation and and Magistrate, Chinhoyi oo : | - Distribution Account . . 2/85 Intertricot Pvt) Lid. . 7. . 1. 1. fe Second Interim . High Court, Harare 7.2.86 l4days. 5246f , " Liquidation and oe Distribution Account . 2/85 Lucos (Pvt.) Ltd. (in members voluntary winding First andFinal High Court, Bulawayo 16.1.86 14days. 5251f£ up) . . Liquidation and. . . - Distribution Account



£ COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (pursuant to subsection (1) of section 193. subsection (4) of section 194, section 195 or subsection (1) of section 236 of the Companies Act [Chapter 190]) NomIce is hereby given that 4 meeting of creditors and/or contributories will be held in the liquidations meihtioned below on: the dates and at the times and . places for the purposesset forth. ’ Companies Act, Liguidation—Form 7

Whether meeting . . of creditors Day, date and hour of me eting ‘ : Number Name of company and/or Placé of meeting Purpose of meeting. contributories Day Date Hour to .

24/83 Berkfieid Consolidaied (Pvt.) Creditors Wed. 19.2.86 9am. High Court; Bulawayo Proofof further claims, 5122f Ltd. “ | . 4 . a B.38/84 Nzeru Construction - & Slasto Creditors Wed. 19.2.86 9am. High Court, Bulawayo Proof of claims. S179£. Layers (Pvt.) Ltd. a . 52/84 Zowa Enterprises (Pvt.) Ltd. Meeting of Credi- Wed. 19.2.86 845a.m.| High Court, Harare | Proofoffurther claims, 5199f / tors . . ‘ a. , . . 13/85 Matambanadzo Bus Service (Pvt.) | Creditors Wed. |. 19.2.86 | 8.39a.m.1 High Court, Harare Proofoffurther claims. 5257f Ltd. * y:

’ a COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (section 192; 221 or 225 of the Companies’‘Act [Chapter 1901) Notice is hereby given that thepersons mentioned below have been appointedliquidators of the companies shown as havingbeen placed in liquidation,iin the manner stated, that their addresses are as set forth and that persons indebted to the companies are required to pay ‘their debts at the said addresses within 30 days from the date of publication ofthis notice.~ Companies Act, Tiquidation—Form 5

: Mode of Name of ‘, . Number Nameof company liquidation liquidator . is . Full address of liquidator

64/84 Step In Style @vtjLtd. 2. 1. we ee Compulsory - M.Fraser N. Ki: Peake Trust, P.O. Box 925, Harare. 5258f .* . ely > . . . 4 ‘ . ae : MASTER’S NOTICES(pursuantto the Insolvency Act) _ to 4 . (Subsection (5) of section 22 of the Insolvency Act [Chapter 3031) . - Notice is hereby given that sequestration orders have been granted ied the General Division of the High Court, placing the under-mentioned estates under ProvisionalSequestration. ‘ ._ Insolvency Regulations—Form 1 (1952) or 6 (1974)

Date upon which andcourt - : . of Number . by which order made i /

of estate Nameand description of estate : - Uponthe application of - Date of order Court

9/628 Reginald Joseph Nield . 2. 2. 1. ww 221.86 Harare , ude Ltd. 3128f 9/627 Derric Phiri. . . 2. 2... ee _ 221.86 Harare“ ‘ Robert-Gray Choto. 5129f £ * %, Pies NOTICES OF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES (pursuant to the Insolvency Act) . Notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be held ini the sequestrated or assigned estates mentioned below on the dates, at the times and places and for the purposes set forth.” : Meetings in Harare will be heldbefore the Master; in Bulawayo they will be held before the Assistant Master; eisovhere they will be hela before the Magistrate. . Insolvency Regulations—Form 5 (1952) or 11 (1974)

_ Whether Day, date and hour of meeting ‘| . Number Name and description of estate assigned or Placé of meeting Purpose of meeting ofestate , sequestrated Day Date Hour : : a

9/569 -) A.G.Nharingo. . . . - Sequestrated. Wed. 19.2.86 8.42 am. | High Court, Harare ||’ Further proofofclaims. 5256f

9/604 Josephat Kurayi Ruredzo . . . Sequestrated Wed. 19.2.86 8.36 a.m. High Court, Harare Further proofof claims. 5262f

NOTICES OF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES(pursuantto the Insolveicy Act) . Notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors (being the second meeting in such ofthe said estates as are under sequestration) will be heldiin the said | estates on the dates and at the times and places mentioned, for the proofof claims against the estate, for the purposeof receiving the trustee’s or ‘assignee’s report as to the affairs and conditions of the estate and of giving the trustee or assignee directions concerning the sale or recovery of any part of the estate, or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. Meetings in Harare will be held before the Master; in Bulawayo they will be held beforetthe Assistant Master; elsewhere they will be heid before the Magistrate. ‘ Insolvency Regulations—Form 4 (1952) or 10 (1974) .

. : Whether Day, date and hour of meeting i: Number " Nameand description of estate assigned or Place of meeting ofestate . sequestrated Day Date Hour .

B.2/85 C.y.Busheli 2. 2. 2. 2 ww. Sequestrated Wed, 19.2,86 9am. |. High Court, Bulawayo. _ S178F


i NOTICES OF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES (pursuant to the Insolvency Act) Noticeis hereby given that the liquidation accounts and"plans ofdistribution: and/or contribution in the estates mentioned below will lie open at the offices mentioned for a period of 14 days, orr such: longer period as is stated, from the date mentioned or from thedate of publication hereof, whichever maybe later, for inspection by creditors. Insolvency Regulations—Form 7 (1952) or 12 (1974)

4 oo | Dates from Period for. _ Number Nameand description ofestate : Description Offices at which account which account which account of estate lof account will lie open . will lie open i , . will lie open . - ’ . : 9/615 Shaun Roderic Blake < ce ‘First Interim ’ High Court, Harare 72.86 14 days. 5148f : Liquidation and , . . Distribution Account|. : . 9/603 P. F.C.Bowstead .. . Second and Fival High Court, Harare 7.2.86 © 14 days. 5195f . . Liquidation and - . Distribution Account -. 9/545 Robin Bamford ~ e Seventh Interim High Court, Harare 7.2.86 14 days. 5250f : 7 : Liquidation and . Distribution Account

- NOTICES OF ‘TRUSTEES Anp ASSIGNEES (pursuantto the Insolvency Act) THe liquidation accounts and plans of distribution andjor contribution ini the assigned or sequestrated estates mentioned below having been confirmed on . the date mentioned, notice is hereby given that a dividend is in course“of payment and/or contribution is in course of collection in the said estates, and that every creditor liable to contribute is required to pay forthwith to the truste or assignee, at the address mentioned, the amount for which heis liable, Insolvency Regulationg—Form 8 (1952) or 13 (1974)

Date Thether a dividend Number when is being paid or a Name oftrustee. ofestate Nameand description of estate account contribution is being or assignes Full address oftrustes or assignee , : confirmed collected, or both . . '

9/557 M. O. Thomas . 28.1.86 Dividend being paid M.Fraser N. K. Peake Trust, P.O. Box 5259f . . : . . . - 925,- Harare. 9/592. N. Mujikwa ss. o oe 2 ee 2821.86 Dividend being paid M.Fraser Ni K. Peake Trust, P.O. Box 5260fF oo . y. : : ‘ 925, Harare, : “9/609 C.A. Smit .°. . . 28.1.86 No dividend being M.Fraser N. K. Peake Trust, P.O. Box 5261f a oot paid 925, Harare. 9/624 W. B. Murambiwa. woe a 21.1.86 sNo dividend being A. L. Alison 30, Divine Road, Milton Park, 5169f a - . | * paid : Harare.


Notice of Intention to Alienate a Business or the Goodwill of a Business or any Goods or Property FormingPart of a Business, Otherwise than

a - in the Ordinary Course of the Business _ NOTICEis hereby given, in terms of section 49 of the Insolvency Act [Chapter 303), that each of the under-mentioned persons proposes to alienate— . (a)- his business; or ( (b) thegoodwill of his business; ‘or (c) any goods or property.forming part of his business, otherwise than in the ordinary course of the business.

-Full name of person Date from which alienation "Nameand address of including style of business Situation of business Particulars of proposed alienation - takes effect person inserting notice

4t . Fitwell Garments (Pvt.) Limited Stand 10468, Salisbury Sale of business including plant, equip- For the purposes of the above- Kantor & Immerman, Township, Harare ment; fixtures and furniture, good-' mentioned Act from the date Legal practitioners, 67— will and stock-in-trade (but exclud- of Iast publication of this 69, Second Street, ing book debts), to Keshav Garment notice but for all other pur- Harare. 4781£7 - Manufacturers (Pvt.) Ltd. poses from 23.11.85, Nicholas Conrad Chitsenga Ka- 29 Magombe Way, Chi- Sale of business, including stock, fix- For the purposes of the above- Condy, Chadwick & EI- shangura, trading as Chako nhoyi . tures:rand fittings, to Mouddie Kasha- mentioned Act, from the date liott, P.O. Box 631, _ Store and Restaurant nguré, also trading ag Chako Store of the last publication ofthis Harare, ~ 4845£7

and Restaurant notice, but for all other pur- ’ ' poses from 15.5.85. ". Gillian Anne Joubert ~ First Floor, 7 Arts | Sale of:Assets of the business together From the date of last publica- Morris Beale & Collins, © ’ Complex, Avondale, with ‘goodwill, to Nanette Marion tion of this notice, but for all P.O. Box 1688, Harare. ‘Harare Maine other purposes from 1,1.86 4859£7 Copper “Products and 2. Telford Road, Granite- Sale ofbusiness including office furni- For the purposes of the above- Winterton, Holmes & Gems Unique (Pvt.) Ltd, side, Harare. ture and equipment, fittings and. fix- mentioned Act, from the date _ Hill, Beverley Place, tures! farnituré and office appliances of the last publication ofthis Selous Avenue, Harare. - and stock-in-trade, the name and notice, but for all other pur- 4909£7 goodwill, to Puza Mushi (Pvt) Ltd. poses from 1.12.85. \Gwennie and Robert Edward RhodesNyanga National Sale of business, fixtures, trading name For the purposes of the above- Gill, Godlonton & Ger- Anderson, trading in partner- Park, and poodwill mentioned Act, from the date rans, P.O. Box 8, ‘ship as Rhodes Nyanga Hote! . i of the last publication of this Harare, 4915£7 i } - notice, but for all other pur- 1 . ™ poses from 1.2.86, Manuel - Antonion Cascao Malkow and Tpersons Sale of; business, excluding liabilities For the purposes of the above- Wilmot & Bennett, Ist “Ribeiro, trading as. Acropol Building, Stand 581, and book debts te Jdseph Iosifakis,| mentioned Act, from the date |- Floor, CABS House, Superette- Redcliff Township ” trading as Redcliff Superette and of the last publication of this Fourth Avenue, Kwe- Butchery notice, but for all other pur- - kwe. (Legal. practitio- poses from 13.1.86 ners for the parties.) ’ 4973£14

P.O. Causeway. 702/163/60

176/85 number 140





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' General Notices " Number . ‘ Page. * Number A Page 93. Parliament. of Zimbabwe: Publications of Bills . 122 85, Road Motor? Transportation Act [Chapter 262): Applications 94. Constitution of Zimbabwe: Publications of Laws . 122 in Connexion: with Road Service Permits . - 1i7 95. Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 173]: Statement of 86. Companies Act (Chapter 1901: _ Companies to Be struck of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe... 123 the Register . . - 119 96. Insurance Act [Chapter 196): Lost or Destroyed Life Policies 123 87. Privileges and Immunities Act [Chapter 28): ‘Conferring. of Privileges and Immunities on ‘International Organization . 119 Statutory Instruments Issued as Supplements to this Gazette 88. Customs and Excise Act [Chapter 177]; Sezure Notice 1 of 1986 119 Number : ' 47, Animal Health (Vehicle Sanitisation) Regulations, 1986. ¢ 89. Censorship and Entertainments Control Act [Chapter 78}: Declaration of Undesirable Publications .. 120 48. Estate Agents (General) (Amendment) Regulations, 1986 (No. 1). 49, 90. Government Tender Board: Tenders Invited . . 2. . Bulawayo Gcorporated Areas) (Service Charges) (Amendment) By- 120 laws, 1986. GNo. 10). 91. Government Tender Board; Tenders Authorized for Acceptance 122 30. Control of Goa, (Opén General Import Licence) (Amendment) 92. Accountants Act [Chapter 215]: The Institute of Chartered Notice, 1986 (No: 6). Accountants of, Zimbabwe: Removal of Names from Register Si, Farmers Licensing and Levy (Licence Fees) (Zimbabwe ~- National of Members ..... wee 122 Farmers’ Union) Notice, 1986.


Printed by the Government Printer, Harare. -:. te