Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Capital District, Kiwanis International 1:00 PM May 19, 2012 Fredericksburg VA Agenda
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Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Capital District, Kiwanis International 1:00 PM May 19, 2012 Fredericksburg VA Agenda 1. Call to Order Governor Wolff 2. Pledge of Allegiance Governor Wolff 3. Invocation Governor-Elect Richar 4. Recognition of Visitors Governor Wolff 5. Approval of Agenda Governor Wolff 6. Adoption of Minutes from Previous Board Meetings Governor Wolff a. February 4, 2012 Board Meeting b. March 4, 2012 Teleconference 7. Review Board of Trustee Absences from Previous Meetings Governor Wolff 8. Treasurer’s Report Secretary/Treasurer Varner 9. Secretary’s Report Secretary/Treasurer Varner a. Lieutenant Governors’ Reports b. District Membership Update i. As of 5/18/12 – 5972 members (-45 since 10/1/11) c. Committee Reports d. Unpaid Dues Update i. No Clubs Unpaid e. Club Monthly Reports Update i. Northgate Washington DC (1) Mar & Apr ii. Farmville Area (2) Jan, Feb, Mar & Apr iii. Bluefield (3) Mar & Apr iv. Christiansburg (3) Mar & Apr v. Greater Richmond (4) Mar & Apr vi. Clinch River, Richlands (8) Mar & Apr vii. Westminster (9) Mar & Apr viii. Manassas (10) Mar & Apr ix. City Center Newport News (13) Mar & Apr x. Young Professionals Educators (13) Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar & Apr xi. Severna Park (14) Mar & Apr xii. Pocomoke City (15) Mar & Apr xiii. Ocean View Beach, Norfolk (16) Mar & Apr xiv. York (23) Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar & Apr f. Clubs Under 15 Update • Fort Hill (2) 8 +0 since 10/1/2011 • Western Allegheny, Cumberland (9) 13 -4 since 10/1/2011 • Young Professional Educators (13) 14 +2 since 10/1/2011 • Franklin (21) 13 -2 since 10/1/2011 10. Growth Updates Trustees 11. Finance Committee Past Governor Ganse a. Quarterly Report b. Bylaws Amendment #3 – Article XIV – Convention Fees c. Convention Policies Amendment #1 - Fixed Costs of Convention to be Covered from Budget 12. Bylaws & Policy Committee Governor Wolff a. Bylaws Amendment #1 – Housekeeping of District Bylaws b. Bylaws Amendment #2 – Correct Article X, Section 4, sub-section f – LTG as a District Officer c. Bylaws Amendment #4 – District Policy Reference d. Bylaws Amendment #5 – Article V - Attendance Requirement e. Bylaws Amendment #6 – Article IX – Correction to House Procedure f. Policy Code Amendment #1 –Transfer of Responsibility for Foundation Bylaw Amendments g. Policy Code Amendment #2 – Adds LTG & Trustee Pledge Forms and Election Minutes into Policy h. Policy Code Amendment #3 – Concatenates Conv/Conf Policies Document back into Policy Code i. Policy Code Amendment #4 – Defines the Term “in good standing” for Clubs and Members j. Policy Code Amendment #5 – Defines use of Division Election Conference Minutes form k. Policy Code Amendment #6 – Require Background Checks for District Officers and appointees 13. Conventions & Meetings Committee Governor-Elect Richar a. Kiwanis DCON 2015 Site Discussion (Hotel Roanoke – April 10-12, 2015) 14. Ad Hoc Committee on Midwinter Conferences Report Governor-Elect Richar 15. Request for Long Range Planning Committee Funding Governor Wolff 16. Appointment of 2013 District Convention Chairperson Governor Wolff 17. The Capital Kiwanian Update Governor Wolff 18. International Convention Update Governor Wolff 19. Re-Shaping Initiative Discussion Governor Wolff 20. Other Business 21. Next Meeting August 24, 2012 – Hyatt Regency Reston 22. Adjournment Governor Wolff DRAFT Capital District, Kiwanis International February 4, 2012 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes The meeting was called to order by Governor Wolff at 1:20 pm. Board members present were Governor Wolff, Governor-Elect Richar, Past Governor Dudey, Secretary/Treasurer Varner, and Trustees Grubbs, Hand, Lurie, Rife, Thrush, and Tyner. Board members absent were Trustees Bell and Poole. Budget and Finance Committee Chair PG Tom Ganse, New Club Building Chair Carla Morin, Key Club Administrator Joe Stankus and Communications and PR Chair Daniel Hesse were present. Guests present were Matt Morris from the Kiwanis International Foundation, PLG John Fox, and PLG Rosemary Cummings. Minutes from Previous Meetings The minutes of the October 15 Board meeting were amended to add Trustee Jon Rife to the absentees. PG Dudey moved and Trustee Thrush seconded to approve the minutes as amended. The motion was passed unanimously. Trustee Tyner moved and Trustee Rife seconded the approval of the October 17 Teleconference minutes. The motion was passed unanimously. Trustee Hand moved and Trustee Tyner seconded the approval of the December 12 Teleconference minutes. The motion was approved unanimously. Treasurer’s Report Secretary/Treasurer Varner presented the budget and expense statements for the Kiwanis, CKI, and Key Club budgets. The Board requested a copy of the Balance Sheet which will be prepared and sent to each member. Secretary’s Report Secretary/Treasurer Varner reviewed the spreadsheet on the missing LTG reports and the missing Club Monthly Reports, which was included in the Board Book. The Monthly Club Reports format will be changed to indicate which clubs have submitted reports in the future. The Secretary will notify by email and written correspondence to all clubs who have at least two monthly reports missing that they must submit their reports. The letter will contain the contact information for the Administration and Club Operations chair so the clubs can request help from the committee. The Secretary also distributed a copy of the Unpaid Club Report form Kiwanis International. Several clubs on the list have not paid their dues for 2011-2012. There may be some confusion since this is the last year of the phase in to the change in billing and due dates. However all dues were due December 31, 2011. Committee Reports The Committee Reports were included in the Board book and there was not discussion on any of the reports submitted. The Secretary presented a revised report formats. The first will be used to set the 1 DRAFT annual goals and to make the budget request for the new Kiwanis Year. The second is a revised quarterly report which standardizes the information to be submitted by the Committee Chair each quarter to the Trustee with oversight and the District Secretary/Treasurer. The formats were approved by acclamation and will be posted on the District Web site. Club Strength Clubs with less than 15 members were discussed. Greater Landover (Division 1), Potomac (17), Fort Hill (2), City Center Newport News(13), Young Professional Educators (13), Franklin (13), and Great Bridge Chesapeake (21). These seven clubs were placed on probation and will be notified of this fact by email and written correspondence and they will be informed of growth services available to them from the District. Growth Reports NOVA 20 is plus for the year 10 Manassas merger completed HR Oceana NAS and Princess/Dan-Neck Road potential club sites PR Woodstock possible club site SW 8 Builders Club PO Concentration is on SLPs MD 12 Catonsville 14 2 Club satellites Bowie and Prince George City Finance Committee Report Funds with Edward Jones have grown from $377,000 to over $400,000 The Finance and Budget Committee moved that the mandatory reserve be based on the budget excluding the flow-through monies generated from district events. The motion passed with Trustees Thrush and Lurie abstaining. The Finance and Budget Committee moved that all unexecuted funds from the 2010-2011 budget be placed in the reserve portfolio. The motion passed. All members present except PG Dudey voted in favor. PG Dudey abstained. The Finance and Budget Committee recommended the Board accept the Midwinter Conference budgets for Mason-Dixon, Presidential, and Southwest Virginia regions. The motion was passed unanimously. PG Dudey moved and Trustee Hand seconded the motion to approve the revised 2012 DCON budget, which removed an income line item that shouldn’t have been there. The motion passed unanimously. The Budget and Finance Committee moved the adoption of the proposed amendments to the District Policy Statements, Section 15 as shown in the Board Book. The motion passed unanimously. The Conventions and Meetings Committee moved that the Board of Trustees endorse an amendment to the 2012 District House of Delegates changing Article XIV Revenue Section 3 of the Bylaws to the following: In lieu of registration fees to the annual District Convention, each member club shall pay to the district the amount of $100.00 annually on October 1, as a Convention Fee. Registration fees for all other district conferences, as established by the District Board of Trustees shall also be paid to the district. The motion was defeated. GE Richar, Trustee Lurie and Trustee Tyner voted in favor and 2 DRAFT Secretary Varner, PG Dudey, Trustee Thrush, Trustee Hand, Trustee Grubbs, and Trustee Rife opposed the motion. The Conventions and Meetings Committee moved that up to two new district staff positions responsible for handling all aspects of registration at the District Convention be created. GE Richar, Secretary Varner, PG Dudey, Trustee Lurie, Trustee Tyner, Trustee Grubbs, and Trustee Rife voted in favor. Trustee Thrush and Trustee Hand opposed the motion. The motion passed. The Conventions and Meetings Committee moved that a new district staff position responsible for producing the annual District Convention Program. GE Richar, Secretary Varner, Trustee Thrush, Trustee Lurie, Trustee Tyner, Trustee Grubbs, and Trustee Rife were if favor. Trustee Hand was opposed. PG Dudey abstained. The motion passed. The Conventions and Meetings Committee recommended that the 2013 DCON be held at the Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center. The Board also approved the Committee to look into having the 2014 DCON in Roanoke if there is a substantial in rates for both years. Who moved and seconded this? Governor Wolff announced that the District is looking for two people to work with the Builder. One would be the new District Editor and the second would be responsible for all design and layouts. Monies from the current budget would be used.