Three arenaviruses in three subspecific natal multimammate mouse taxa in : Same host specificity, but different spatial genetic structure?

Item Type Article; text

Authors Cuypers, L.N.; Baird, S.J.E.; Hánová, A.; Locus, T.; Katakweba, A.S.; Gryseels, S.; Bryja, J.; Leirs, H.; de, Bellocq, J.G.

Citation Cuypers, L. N., Baird, S. J., Hánová, A., Locus, T., Katakweba, A. S., Gryseels, S., ... & Goüy de Bellocq, J. (2020). Three arenaviruses in three subspecific natal multimammate mouse taxa in Tanzania: same host specificity, but different spatial genetic structure?. Virus evolution, 6(2), veaa039.

DOI 10.1093/ve/veaa039

Publisher Oxford University Press

Journal Virus Evolution

Rights Copyright © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (

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Link to Item Virus Evolution, 2020, 6(2): veaa039

doi: 10.1093/ve/veaa039 Research Article

Three arenaviruses in three subspecific natal Downloaded from by University of Arizona user on 21 May 2021 multimammate mouse taxa in Tanzania: same host specificity, but different spatial genetic structure? Laura N. Cuypers,1,*,† Stuart J. E. Baird,2 Alexandra Ha´nova´,2,3 Tatjana Locus,1 Abdul S. Katakweba,4 Sophie Gryseels,1,5,6,‡ Josef Bryja,2,3,§ Herwig Leirs,1,** and Joe¨lle Gou¨ y de Bellocq2

1Evolutionary Ecology Group, Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 2Institute of Vertebrate Biology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic, 3Department of Botany and Zoology, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, 4Pest Management Centre, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania, 5Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA and 6Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Transplantation, Rega Institute, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected]





Abstract natalensis is widespread in sub-Saharan and hosts several arenavirus species, including the pathogenic zoo- notic Lassa virus in West Africa. Mitochondrial lineages sub-divide the range of M. natalensis and have been associated with cryptic structure within the species. To test specificity of arenaviruses to hosts carrying these lineages, we screened 1772 M. natalensis in a large area of Tanzania where three mitochondrial lineages meet. We detected fifty-two individuals that were positive for one of three arenaviruses: Gairo, Morogoro, and Luna virus. This is the first record of Luna virus in Tanzania. We confirmed the specificity of each arenavirus to a distinct host mitochondrial lineage except for three cases in one locality at the centre of a host hybrid zone. No arenaviruses were detected in a large part of the study area. Morogoro and Gairo virus showed differences in prevalence (Morogoro virus lower than Gairo virus) and in genetic structure (Morogoro virus more structured than Gairo virus). However, both viruses have genetic neighbourhood size estimates of the same order of magni- tude as Lassa virus. While differences in arenavirus and/or host evolutionary and ecological dynamics may exist, Tanzanian arenaviruses could be suited to model Lassa virus dynamics in M. natalensis.

Key words: arenavirus host specificity; regional prevalence differences; spatial genetic structure; Gairo mammarenavirus; Morogoro mammarenavirus; Luna mammarenavirus.

VC The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact [email protected]

1 2|Virus Evolution, Vol. 6, No. 2

1. Introduction Though many individuals were sampled, the [B-IV, B-V] con- tact zone study area in Gryseels et al. (2017) is limited in extent: Viruses (and other pathogens and parasites) sometimes occur a transect following a busy road between Tanzania’s largest only in a restricted part of their host’s geographic range. Several city, Dar es Salaam, and the capital, Dodoma. Along this tran- factors can play a role: a virus may be absent where the host den- sect, the B-IV subspecific taxon range was less sampled (only sity is below a persistence threshold (Patot et al. 2010), a vector two B-IV versus nine B-V localities, one [B-IV, B-V] locality). involved in the transmission is absent (Cybinski, George, and Furthermore, the authors point out that a very recent (perhaps Paull 1978), and/or environmental differences reduce viral sur- human-mediated) contact between the host taxa in this corri- vival outside the host (Linard et al. 2007). However, genetic struc- dor could also explain the lack, or delay, of viral spread. ture of the host can also impact viral distribution (Saxenhofer However, it is unlikely that the M. natalensis taxa met that re- et al. 2019). The impact of cryptic host structure is rarely cently as the climate in Tanzania has been quite stable for at assessed, as its detection requires multilocus genetics: the host Downloaded from by University of Arizona user on 21 May 2021 least 5,000 years (deMenocal et al. 2000; Garcin et al. 2012) and of a virus may be a cryptic taxon below the species level (here re- as B-IV mitochondrial copies can be found more than a few ferred to as subspecific taxon), rather than the species as a dozen kilometres from the hybrid zone centre in the B-V taxon whole. One system where this has been hypothesized is the range (Gryseels et al. 2017). As three M. natalensis mitochondrial Mastomys natalensis-borne arenaviruses (Gryseels et al. 2017). lineage ranges meet at long contact fronts in Tanzania, the M. Mastomys natalensis (Smith, 1834), the Natal multimammate natalensis-borne arenaviruses in this region are an ideal system mouse, is one of the most widespread in sub-Saharan to investigate if pathogens/parasites only occur in a limited geo- Africa. Across its range, six divergent mitochondrial lineages with graphic area because they are specific to subspecific taxa. parapatric distribution can be distinguished: A-I in West Africa; A- The non-Lassa M. natalensis-borne arenaviruses have never II in Central Africa; A-III, B-IV and B-V in East Africa; and B-VI in been reported to cause human disease, but share many ecologi- (see Figure 1 in Colangelo et al. 2013). Different M. cal features with Lassa virus (Demby et al. 2001; Borremans natalensis-borne arenaviruses were found in the ranges of these et al. 2011, 2015; Fichet-Calvet et al. 2014; Gryseels et al. 2015; different mitochondrial lineages: Lassa virus in the A-I (Olayemi Marie¨n et al. 2017) and may thus aid understanding of Lassa vi- et al. 2016), a Mobala-like virus in the A-II (Olayemi et al. 2016), rus patterns. One feature that has not been compared yet Gairo virus in the B-IV (Gryseels et al. 2015, 2017), Morogoro virus among M. natalensis-borne arenaviruses is their spatial genetic in the B-V (Gu¨ nther et al. 2009; Gryseels et al. 2017), and both structure. Because of the undersampling of the B-IV range, spa- Mopeia (Wulff et al. 1977)andLunavirus(Ishii et al. 2011)intheB- tial genetic structure data on Tanzanian arenaviruses has been VI range. These mitochondrial lineages may correspond to taxa limited to that of Morogoro virus, and at a relatively small spa- that are distinct genome-wide and that meet in secondary contact tial scale within its geographic range. Gryseels et al. (2017) ob- zones, as multilocus genetics has shown for the B-IV and B-V mi- served four Morogoro virus clades associated with one, two or tochondrial lineages/taxa (Gryseels et al. 2017). In the [B-IV, B-V] three adjacent localities, and the distribution of these clades contact zone in Tanzania, Gairo and Morogoro virus only co-occur was not associated with genetic substructure of the host. at the centre of the narrow hybrid zone, otherwise they are only Morogoro virus sequences from suburban Morogoro form a detected in localities dominated by individuals with either B-IV or clade together with sequences from the adjacent, rural localities B-V mitochondria, respectively (Gryseels et al. 2017). As the centre on both sides (Gryseels et al. 2017), while multilocus microsatel- of the change in mitochondrial lineage over the hybrid zone coin- lite markers indicate that the M. natalensis population in subur- cides with the centre of the change in nuclear markers (Gryseels ban Morogoro is different from those at nine surrounding rural et al. 2017), B-IV mitochondrion dominated localities are on the B- localities (Gryseels et al. 2016). Furthermore, there are no rivers, IV taxon side of the hybrid zone and B-V mitochondrion domi- roads or changes in land cover located between the different vi- nated those on the B-V side. It thus appears that neither arenavi- rus clades. The Morogoro virus spatial genetic structure rather rus has spread into the range of the other taxon despite shows a pattern of isolation by distance (Gryseels et al. 2017). hybridization of the taxa and in the absence of a clear environ- In this study we sampled 1772 M. natalensis individuals from mental barrier (Gryseels et al. 2017). localities spanning a strip of 800 km from the south west to Lassa virus, the arenavirus carried by M. natalensis in West the north east of Tanzania, typed their mitochondria and Africa can cause haemorrhagic fever and is estimated to infect screened them for arenaviruses in order to (1), gauge if the bar- hundreds of thousands and kill thousands of people each year rier observed for Morogoro and Gairo virus in Gryseels et al. (CDC 2015). Recently, Olayemi et al. (2016) discovered Lassa vi- (2017) is geographically restricted or holds throughout the rus in three M. natalensis individuals with A-II rather than A-I length of the [B-IV, B-V] contact zone; (2), investigate whether lineage mitochondria. They suggested that Lassa virus could po- Tanzanian B-VI M. natalensis (in contact with both Gairo- tentially spread to M. natalensis lineages other than A-I and thus carrying B-IV and Morogoro-carrying B-V multimammate mice) to the rest of sub-Saharan Africa. However, these individuals carry Luna or Mopeia virus as B-VI individuals in (Ishii are from two A-I mitochondrion dominated localities in the [A- et al. 2011), (Wulff et al. 1977), and I, A-II] contact zone. Subspecific M. natalensis taxa can only be (Johnson et al. 1981), rather than Gairo or Morogoro virus; and approximated by mitochondrial assays (Gryseels et al. 2017). (3), test if Morogoro and Gairo virus show similar spatial genetic Because mitochondrial copies from one taxon can cross a hy- structure and prevalence. brid zone into the other, the three individuals may thus have swapped mitochondria rather than arenaviruses. In that case there would be no reason to suggest an immediate potential 2. Materials and methods Lassa virus spread into the range of M. natalensis taxon A-II. On 2.1 Trapping and sampling the other hand, Lassa virus has been found in other spe- cies as well (Olayemi et al. 2016; Yadouleton et al. 2019), so the Mastomys natalensis were trapped in Sherman live traps (H.B. importance of M. natalensis intraspecific structure in restricting Sherman Traps Inc., Tallahassee, USA) and snap traps baited Lassa virus to West-Africa cannot yet be fully assessed. with a mixture of peanut butter, maize flour and canned fish in L. N. Cuypers et al. | 3

June-August 2015 and 2016 (Supplementary Fig. S1). Mice caught mini (GeneAll Biotechnology, Seoul, Korea). Next, a 1,140 bp cyto- in live traps were euthanized by cervical dislocation or an over- chrome b fragment was targeted in a PCR with L14723 and dose of Isoflurane prior to dissection (Directive 2010/63/EU). H15915 primers (Lecompte et al. 2002). One microlitre of DNA Kidneys for arenavirus RNA screening were preserved in was added to 5 ll of Multiplex PCR Master Mix (Multiplex PCR RNAlater and stored at 20C and 80C for short- and long- Plus Kit, Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and 0.3 ll of each primer in a term storage, respectively. For anti-arenavirus antibody screen- total volume of 10 ll, followed by initial denaturation for 15 min ing, blood from the heart was preserved on pre-punched at 95C; 35 cycles of denaturation for 30 s at 95C, annealing for Serobuvard filter papers that absorb 10 15 ll per spot (LDA22 30 s at 50C and extension for 1 min at 72C; and final extension Zoopole, Ploufragan, France). Field work was approved by the for 5 min at 72C. PCR products were purified with an Exo-CIP University of Antwerp Ethical Committee for PCR clean-up protocol and Sanger sequenced at GATC Biogen Experimentation (2014-98) and complied with regulations of the (Ko¨ ln, Germany). The corresponding sequences were deposited Downloaded from by University of Arizona user on 21 May 2021 Research Policy of Sokoine University of Agriculture as stipu- in GenBank under accession numbers MK453920MK454532. lated in the Code of Conduct for Research Ethics. They were aligned with sequences from Colangelo et al. (2013) and unambiguously assigned to one of three lineages (B- 2.2 Arenavirus RNA screening and amplification IV, B-V, B-VI) based on their position in a maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenetic tree. This tree was constructed in RAxML RNA was extracted from 1772 M. natalensis kidneys using the (Stamatakis 2014) in the CIPRES Science Gateway (Miller, Nucleospin RNA Isolation kit (Macherey-Nagel, Du¨ ren, Pfeiffer, and Schwartz 2010) with a general time reversible (GTR) Germany). Samples were initially pooled by two or three substitution model and branch support assessed by 1000 boot- (Supplementary Fig. S1), then positive pools were resolved by strap resampling. To explore substructure within mitochondrial screening their constituting kidney samples. RNA extractions lineages, a second ML tree was run with unique haplotypes in- were screened with the SuperScript One-Step RT-PCR System stead of all sequences. Haplotypes were generated in R 3.4.3 (R kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, USA). Initial screening targeted a Development Core Team 2017) using an in-house script 340 nt fragment of the L gene using the following primers: (Supplementary Fig. S2) and the Ape Package (Paradis and MoroL3359-forward, LVL3359D-plus, LVL3359G-plus, Schliep 2019). The sequences were first aligned with sequences MoroL3753-reverse, LVL3754A-minus, and LVL3754D-minus from Colangelo et al. (2013) and Gryseels et al. (2016, 2017). The (Gu¨ nther et al. 2009; Vieth et al. 2007). Additional screening alignment was then trimmed to the longest stretch of nucleoti- assays were performed on samples from antibody positive lo- des with no more than 25 per cent missing data at any position, calities in a strip from southwestern to central Tanzania where resulting in an alignment of 705 bp. After trimming, sequences no L RNA was detected. This screening simultaneously targeted shorter than 700 bp were excluded and the remaining sequen- a 513 516 nt NP gene fragment and a 906 912 nt GPC gene ces were condensed to haplotypes. fragment using the following primers: OWS0001-fwd and OWS1000-rev; and OWS2805-fwd, OWS2810-fwd, OWS3400-rev, and OWS3400A-rev (Ehichioya et al. 2011). The same primers 2.5 Analyses of regional differences in arenavirus were used to amplify NP and GPC gene fragments for kidney detection samples that tested positive for arenavirus L gene RNA. In order to investigate differences in observed arenavirus RNA Amplicons from positive samples were Sanger-sequenced in prevalence among a northern region (including all Gairo virus both directions at the Genetic Service Facility of the Vlaams localities), eastern region (including all Morogoro virus locali- Instituut voor Biotechnologie (Antwerp, Belgium). The corre- ties) and southwestern region (including all Luna virus locali- sponding sequences were deposited in GenBank under acces- ties): (1) the field area was split into three regions using sion numbers MH460970MH461096. straight-line boundaries, (2) viral positive/negatives falling in the regions were used to fill 32 contingency tables, and (3) 2.3 Anti-arenavirus antibody screening non-random distributions of positives in the contingency tables As no L gene RNA was detected at any locality within a strip of were detected by G-tests (Woolf 1957). This process was re- about 350 km from southwestern to central Tanzania despite a peated to allow for uncertainty in the region membership of combined sample size of 551 individuals, nor at 2 localities in those localities with no viral positives, by permuting how region east Tanzania each with over 100 individuals screened, arenavi- boundaries split them. For this purpose, screening data were rus presence in these regions was further assessed by screening supplemented with data on 1077 dried blood samples from 15 794 dried blood samples for IgG mouse antibodies specific for localities from Gryseels et al. (2017). One locality from Gryseels Old World arenaviruses. Furthermore, 50 dried blood samples et al. (2017), Berega, was not included in the test because both from an arenavirus RNA positive locality in the south west Gairo and Morogoro virus were detected there. For those locali- (Ibohora) were screened to improve the statistical power for an- ties where no arenavirus RNA was detected, we cannot be sure tibody analyses (see below). Dried blood spots were screened for which arenavirus would be endemic there and therefore in antibodies using an indirect immunofluorescence assay as pre- which of the three regions they would be most sensibly classi- viously described (Gu¨ nther et al. 2009; Borremans 2014; Gryseels fied. We therefore varied the classification of the remaining lo- et al. 2015). Dried blood spots were initially pooled by two, then calities 15 times by drawing different sets of straight lines blood samples from positive pooled samples were tested between them as geographic boundaries. separately. A second set of G-tests was performed on antibody data available from the same localities as those from the RNA G-tests (published in Gryseels et al. 2015; Marie¨n et al. 2017). The test 2.4 Mastomys natalensis mitochondrial genotyping was repeated 15 times with the same classifications as used DNA was extracted from 96 per cent ethanol-preserved spleen, above, but it only tested the difference in prevalence between heart, or tail samples from a subset of individuals, including all the eastern and southwestern region. The northern region was arenavirus positive individuals, using the Exgene Tissue SV plus not included because the available antibody data originated 4|Virus Evolution, Vol. 6, No. 2

from only two to three localities (depending on the classifica- distance class to assess the upper tail probability that the ob- tion). The G-tests were performed using the RVAideMemoire served T2 value is larger than expected under the null hypothe- package (Herve´ 2019) in R 3.3.2. For the RNA G-tests, G-test per- sis (no difference among the groups). Lastly, from the P values mutations with a (P < 0.05) significant outcome were further for the T2 statistics, the ‘Omegas’ over all distance classes are examined with pairwise G-tests from the same package. calculated and the probability that an observed Omega is larger These pairwise tests used a Bonferroni correction for multiple than expected under the null hypothesis is evaluated. For both testing. T2 and Omega, significance was set at 0.01 instead of 0.05, as recommended (Banks and Peakall 2012). Finally, we used the weak-differentiation approximation to 2.6 Arenavirus genetic analyses Rousset’s isolation-by-distance analysis (Rousset 2000) devel- oped for the case of a haploid organism (Rousset 2017). Genetic

Sequences of coding regions were aligned per gene in Geneious Downloaded from by University of Arizona user on 21 May 2021 R8.1 (Biomatters, New Zealand 2015) using translation align- distances (aˆ-like statistics) and geographic distances were cal- ment with the Geneious alignment algorithm. These align- culated with the R package Genepop (Rousset 2008). Next, ments included the new sequences from this study; all ANCOVAs of genetic distance on ln-transformed geographic dis- sequences of Luna, Morogoro, and Gairo virus deposited in tance with virus species as a fixed factor and an interaction GenBank; some representatives of Old World arenaviruses term between ln-transformed geographic distance and virus (Lassa, Mopeia, Mobala, and Ippy virus); and Lymphocytic cho- species were performed separately for the L and NP gene to test riomeningitis virus as the outgroup. for differences among the viruses. The inverse of the slope of Phylogenetic trees were inferred separately for the three pairwise genetic distances on ln-transformed geographic dis- genes so clear cases of re-assortment or recombination could tances is an estimator for the genetic neighbourhood size. This be detected. Bayesian inference (BI) and ML were used as is the effective population size in a continuous population that 2 implemented in MrBayes v3.2.6 (Ronquist et al. 2012)and is isolated by distance (Wright 1946), estimated as 4pDer with 2 RaxMLv8(Stamatakis 2014), respectively, in the CIPRES De the effective population density and r the mean dispersal Science Gateway (Miller, Pfeiffer, and Schwartz 2010). For scale per generation between parent and offspring (Rousset both BI and ML analyses, sequences were partitioned accord- 2000). ing to codon position and the GTR nucleotide substitution model with four gamma rate variation (þG) categories was used as advised by jModelTest v2.0 (Darriba et al. 2012). We 3. Results did not include a proportion of invariable sites (þI), as 3.1 Arenavirus detection and host genetic structure Stamatakis (2016) does not recommend to include both þG and þI. In ML analyses, 1000 bootstrap samples were simu- A total of 52 arenavirus positives were detected in 1772 kidney lated to determine branch support. During BI, Metropolis samples: 38 Gairo positives with 30 unique L gene sequences, 10 coupling with three heated and one cold chain was applied. Morogoro positives (all unique L gene sequences), and 4 Luna In two independent runs the chains ran for 15 million gener- positives (all unique L gene sequences) (Fig. 1a and b; ations. The cold chain was sampled every 500 generations af- Supplementary Fig. S1). Identical sequences were only found at ter discarding the first 25 per cent as burn-in. The effective the same locality in all but one case (localities 29 km apart). For sample size (at least 200) and the trace pattern of the substi- this case, we performed an independent RNA extraction, tution model parameters were checked in Tracer v1.6 screening and sequencing which confirmed the result. NP and (Rambautetal.2014). Output trees were visualized in FigTree GPC gene sequences were obtained for 51 and 43 out of 52 L gene (Rambaut 2012). positive samples, respectively. Samples with identical L sequen- Spatial autocorrelation in Morogoro and Gairo virus L and ces also had identical NP sequences, but those for which the NP sequences from this study and in Lassa virus NP sequences GPC sequencing was successful (four pairs of identical L and NP from Fichet-Calvet et al. (2016) was tested and visualized for sequences) did not have identical GPC sequences. distance classes of 10 km with the non-parametric heterogene- The distribution of the three M. natalensis mitochondrial ity test of Smouse et al. (2008) in GenAlEx 6.5 (Peakall and clades in the study area is shown in Fig. 2. While these clades Smouse 2006, 2012). The first step of this analysis is a separate were highly supported in the phylogeny, there was no clear spatial autocorrelation analysis of the different groups using a structure within mitochondrial lineages (Supplementary Fig. S3 genetic distance (for non-simple sequence repeats of haploid and Supplementary Table S4). All arenaviruses were found in organisms, i.e. the number of mismatches) matrix and geo- correspondence with their expected M. natalensis mitochon- graphic distance matrix (Peakall and Smouse 2006). In this step drial clades (i.e. Gairo virus in B-IV, Morogoro virus in B-V and autocorrelation coefficients (Smouse and Peakall 1999) are cal- Luna virus in B-VI individuals), except for three Gairo viruses culated and visualized per distance class in a spatial autocorre- found in individuals with B-V mitochondria at locality logram. These coefficients can range from 1 to 1 and express Kimamba (Fig. 2b). No L gene RNA was detected at two localities how similar sequences are to sequences found within a certain in east Tanzania despite over 100 individuals screened in each geographic distance range from them in comparison to random (Selous and Ikwiriri) (Fig. 1a), nor at any locality of a 350 km sequences from the dataset. As the largest geographic distance strip from southwestern to central Tanzania (Fig. 1a). between Lassa virus sequences was 58 km, the Morogoro and Therefore, dried blood samples from these localities were Gairo virus datasets were truncated to sequences found no screened for anti-arenavirus antibodies. No antibodies were more than 60 km from each other and the analyses were thus detected in the two localities in east Tanzania, but antibodies limited to six distance classes. Next, the pooled autocorrelation were detected in fourteen samples from four localities in the across the different groups is estimated and the distribution of strip from southwestern to central Tanzania (Fig. 1c; random departures from this null average is evaluated by boot- Supplementary Fig. S1). During an additional GPC-NP gene strapping 999 times (Peakall and Smouse 2006). Then, ‘T2’, a screening, no sample from these antibody positive localities squared paired-sample t-test statistic, is calculated for each tested positive. L. N. Cuypers et al. | 5

3.2 Analyses of regional differences in detection A set of G-tests was carried out to compare the observed arena- virus RNA prevalence among three geographic regions: a north- ern region including all Gairo virus localities, an eastern region including all Morogoro virus localities, and a southwestern re- gion including all Luna virus localities. Localities where no are- navirus RNA was detected were variably classified in each of the three regions by drawing lines between them as geographic boundaries (Fig. 3). All permutations with varying locality- classifications into the three regions show a significant non- Downloaded from by University of Arizona user on 21 May 2021

(a) 10 100


0100 200 400 Km (b) 10 100




025507510012.5 Km

Figure 2. (a) Distribution of Mastomys natalensis mitochondrial lineages sensu Figure 1. Proportion of arenavirus L gene RNA (a, b) and anti-arenavirus antibod- Colangelo et al. (2013) in the study area. The mitochondrial lineages were deter- ies (c) detected in Mastomys natalensis in Tanzania in this study and in Gryseels mined from cytochrome b sequences from this study, GenBank and the African et al. (2015) and Marie¨n et al. (2017). (b) An enlargement of the area in the grey Mammalia database from the Belgian Biodiversity Platform (Van de Perre et al. rectangle in (a). Pie chart areas are scaled to the number of individuals screened. 2019). (b) An enlargement of the area in the grey rectangle in (a). Pie charts are Locality names are coloured by virus species detected there. Elevation data from scaled to the number of individuals. The localities where Gairo virus was found the U.S. Geological Survey’s Center for Earth Resources Observation and Science. in individuals with B-V mitochondria, Berega (screened in Gryseels et al. 2017) Lake data from Sebastian (2014). and Kimamba (screened in this study), are indicated with black arrows. 6|Virus Evolution, Vol. 6, No. 2 Downloaded from by University of Arizona user on 21 May 2021

Figure 3. Variable classifications of localities into three geographic regions as used in the Mastomys natalensis arenavirus RNA G-tests (a, c) and the anti-arenavirus anti- body G-tests (b, d). (a, b) All fifteen classifications overlaid, but for clarity only one of these is shown in (c, d). The other fourteen classifications are shown in Supplementary Fig. S5. A set of red solid lines indicate no significant difference was found between the E and SW region in that classification. Filled circles represent lo- calities screened in this study; open circles represent localities screened in Gryseels et al. (2017) (RNA data), or Gryseels et al. (2015) and Marie¨n et al. (2017) (antibody data). The asterisk represents a locality where both Morogoro and Gairo virus were detected in Gryseels et al. (2017) and was thus excluded from the G-tests. random distribution of arenavirus positives over the three arenaviruses in north Tanzania compared with the east regions (G: 47.02 73.47, Df ¼ 2, P < 0.001). Pairwise tests reveal (P < 0.001) and the south west (P < 0.001 0.031). The result of this result is due to a significantly higher prevalence of the pairwise comparison between the eastern and L. N. Cuypers et al. | 7

southwestern regions depends on the classification of the local- cluster together in NP and GPC analyses (0.92 0.94 for BI and ities in southwestern to central Tanzania where no arenavirus 82 89 for ML, see Supplementary Fig. S6), but not in the L RNA was detected (P < 0.001 1). If fewer arenavirus RNA-free analysis (Fig. 4d). Morogoro virus sequences cluster with localities are assigned to the southwestern region, the P-values sequences from neighbouring localities (Fig. 4b; Supplementary are higher, and thus the higher prevalence in the eastern com- Fig. S6). The support of these clades, however, depends on the pared with the southwestern region becomes less clear (Fig. 3a). analysis (BI or ML) and the gene. One clade comprises sequen- A second set of G-tests was performed on the anti- ces from Morogoro, Mikese, and Mkundi (see Fig. 1b for locality arenavirus antibody data that were available from the same lo- position) and is highly supported in NP and GPC BI analyses calities as those from the RNA G-tests. These tests explored the (posterior probability (PP) of 0.98 and 0.99, respectively). eastern–southwestern region pairwise comparison further: P Sequences from Bwawani and Ubena form a second clade with values are lower (G: 1.71 47.79, Df ¼ 1, P < 0.001 0.191) than high support in BI analyses (PP: 0.97 0.99). The new sequence Downloaded from by University of Arizona user on 21 May 2021 those for the RNA data pairwise comparison, resulting in more from Matipwili clusters with older samples from Chalinze, the locality-classifications with a significantly higher prevalence for locality it is closest to, though this is only well supported in GPC eastern compared with southwestern Tanzania (13 vs. 10 out of trees (PP 1 for BI and bootstrap value of 94 for ML analysis). The 15 classifications) (Fig. 3b). fourth clade contains sequences from Berega, Dumila, and Dakawa (both old and new). This clade has high PP for L and NP BI trees (0.98 and 1, respectively). The new sequence from 3.3 Arenavirus genetic analyses Kunke cannot be assigned to any of the four clades as it does All Gairo, Morogoro, and Luna L, NP, and GPC sequences cluster not cluster consistently with other clades across gene trees. with sequences from their respective virus species (support of Gairo virus was previously detected in three localities along the 0.98 1 for BI/88 100 for ML analyses), so no re-assortment or road from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma (Majawanga, Chakwale, pronounced recombination is observed among the three virus and Berega) and in two more distant localities (Shinyanga- species (Fig. 4; Supplementary Fig. S6). Lubaga and Mbulu) (Gryseels et al. 2017). In this study Gairo vi- Luna virus was detected in two localities in southwestern rus was detected in three more localities on the Dodoma side of Tanzania (Fig. 4d). Sequences from the two Tanzanian localities that road (Mbande, Mtanana, and Ibuti), in nine localities (from

Figure 4. Arenavirus L gene Bayesian inference tree. Diamonds indicate node support: no symbol for supports <0.70, red for 0.70 0.90, yellow for 0.90 0.95, and green for >0.95. The scale bars represent the number of nucleotide substitutions per site. (bd) Subtrees from the tree in (a), for which the subtrees for Morogoro, Gairo, and Luna virus, respectively, have been expanded. In (a) taxa are named as the virus species followed by the sampling country, the host species and the accession number from GenBank between brackets. In (bd), sequences are named as the country (for d only), locality, the year, the sample code, and the accession number from GenBank between brackets. New sequences from this study are coloured. 8|Virus Evolution, Vol. 6, No. 2

Meriongima to Magamba) along a less busy paved road in the tests due to a higher autocorrelation coefficient for Morogoro vi- north, and in one locality in between these two roads rus in the first (NP) or first three (L) distance classes and a lower (Kimamba) (Fig. 1a and b). Contrary to the pattern observed for autocorrelation coefficient in the fifth distance class Morogoro virus sequences, Gairo virus sequences from neigh- (Supplementary Fig. S7). For Morogoro virus, but not for Gairo vi- bouring localities on a road do not cluster all together, nor do rus, there is a significant difference between L and NP correlo- they cluster together per road (Fig. 4c; Supplementary Fig. S6). grams. This difference is due to larger absolute correlation In order to further explore differences in spatial genetic coefficient values for L compared with NP, significant at the first, structure between Gairo and Morogoro virus, virus-specific ge- third and fifth distance classes (the classes with the highest netic neighbourhood sizes were estimated and spatial autocor- sample sizes). A correlogram was also constructed for NP Lassa relograms were constructed. As in the phylogenetic trees, virus sequences from Fichet-Calvet et al. (2016). This correlo- spatial genetic structure is less pronounced for Gairo compared gram differs significantly from the Morogoro and Gairo virus NP Downloaded from by University of Arizona user on 21 May 2021 with Morogoro virus in spatial autocorrelograms (Fig. 5; correlograms due to a lower autocorrelation coefficient in the Supplementary Fig. S7). The variation in sequences is thus less first two (Morogoro virus) and the fourth and fifth (Gairo virus) well explained by isolation-by-distance. The correlograms differ distance classes and a higher autocorrelation coefficient in the significantly from each other in non-parametric heterogeneity fifth distance class (Morogoro virus) (Supplementary Fig. S7). Slopes of pairwise genetic distances on ln-transformed geo- graphic distances between sequences are significantly different among different viruses for both L and NP sequences (Table 1; Fig. 6 with log-transformed instead of ln-transformed geographic distances for readability). The inverse of the slope is an estimator

for the genetic neighbourhood size (Nb)(Table 1). Where the prob- ability of coalescence in the previous generation in a panmictic

population is 1/Ne, in a spatially continuous population it is 1/Nb. Although the neighbourhood size estimates are significantly dif- ferent among Morogoro, Gairo, and Lassa virus, they are of the sameorderofmagnitudeforallvirusesandgenes(Table 1).

4. Discussion The hypothesis of M. natalensis-borne arenavirus restriction to subspecific taxa predicts three pairings of host and virus in the Figure 5. Spatial autocorrelograms for Morogoro, Gairo, and Lassa virus pairs Tanzanian field area. Three arenavirus species were detected in found up to 60 km from each other. Each autocorrelation coefficient (r) is plotted at association with their expected M. natalensis mitochondrial the end of a 10 km distance class with 95 per cent bootstrap confidence intervals. clades over a large area in Tanzania, including the first

Table 1. ANCOVA virus species—ln geographic distance interaction term statistics and neighbourhood size estimates for L and NP gene sequences.


ANCOVA statistics Df FPDf Ft P Three-way 2 17.79 <0.001 Pairwise GAIV vs. MORV 1 432.50 <0.001 5.25 <0.001 GAIV vs. LASV 4.46 <0.001 MORV vs. LASV 3.60 <0.001

Neighbourhood sizes GAIV 12.71 18.13 (individuals) MORV 6.15 9.71 LASV 13.87

. Morogoro virus R²=0.39

Morogoro virus R²=0.69 L 2 NP Gairo virus R²=0.26 Gairo virus R²=0.19 Lassa virus R²=0.16 1.5 1.0 0 . 1 c distance c 5 . 00 0 . 0 0.0 0.5 1.5 â-like gene â-like -0.5 0 . 1 - -0.5 0.1 1 10 100 0.1 1 10 100 Geographic distance (km) Geographic distance (km)

Figure 6. Linear regressions of genetic distances (aˆ-like statistics) on log-transformed geographic distances for the L (left) and NP gene (right). L. N. Cuypers et al. | 9

detection of Luna virus outside of Zambia. No arenaviruses however, test for heterogeneity in prevalence, (i) to obtain an were detected in a large part of central Tanzania. The arenavi- approximate prevalence estimate of Gairo and Morogoro virus rus with the highest prevalence, Gairo virus, shows less spatial for our genetic structure analyses and (ii) to explore if the lack genetic structure than Morogoro virus. of arenaviruses in southwestern to central Tanzania was signif- icant given the prevalence in other areas of the study region. There is a non-random distribution of arenavirus prevalence: 4.1 Arenavirus specificity the northern region, including all Gairo virus localities, has a In the cytochrome b data, the host mitochondrial lineages could significantly higher prevalence than the eastern region, includ- easily be distinguished, but there was no clear geographic struc- ing all Morogoro virus localities (Fig. 3a; Supplementary Fig. S5) ture within the lineages (Supplementary Fig. S3). In 49 out of 52 and the southwestern region has significantly less arenaviruses virus positive samples, arenavirus RNA was detected in combi- than both the northern and eastern region (Fig. 3; Downloaded from by University of Arizona user on 21 May 2021 nation with their corresponding M. natalensis mitochondrial lin- Supplementary Fig. S5), though this distinction becomes less eage: Gairo virus in B-IV, Morogoro virus in B-V, and Luna virus clear depending on how boundaries are defined. in B-VI individuals. The four Luna virus positive mice were Factors that could play a role at this regional level include found at two localities in southwestern Tanzania and are the (1), Cryptic viruses: it is possible the low prevalence region cor- first Luna viruses to be detected outside of Zambia. Given the responds to the range of a viral strain undetected by our assays large geographic range of the M. natalensis B-VI mitochondrial due to lower detection sensitivity (Emmerich, Gu¨ nther, and lineage in Southern Africa (Colangelo et al. 2013), it might be Schmitz 2008; Leski et al. 2015). However, our screening meth- expected that Luna virus will be found in other Southern ods can detect RNA from, and antibodies against, different are- African countries besides Zambia and Tanzania, such as naviruses in different countries (Wulff et al. 1977; Johnson et al. and . However, not only Luna virus, but also Mopeia virus 1981; Gonzalez et al. 1984; Vieth et al. 2007; Gu¨ nther et al. 2009; occurs in association with the B-VI mitochondrial lineage (Wulff Yama et al. 2012; Kronmann et al. 2013; Witkowski et al. 2015; et al. 1977) and it is currently not clear if there is a geographic di- Gryseels et al. 2017; Marie¨n et al. 2017)(Fig. 1). The probability vide in the distribution of these two arenaviruses nor whether that a divergent strain in southwestern to central Tanzania is there is further cryptic structure within this large host range. not picked up at all by the L, NP, and GPC gene primer pairs (not Given the widespread match between arenavirus species three, but six pairs in total) or antibody screening thus seems and M. natalensis mitochondrial clades in this study, we can low. (2), RNA screening: there are slight variations in the arena- confirm the specificity of the two virus-host pairs observed in virus RNA screening of samples included in the G-tests (dried Gryseels et al. (2017) is not a special geographically limited case, blood or kidney samples, pooled by two or three; see for example, due to human-mediated dispersal on a busy road Supplementary Fig. S1). However, antibodies were screened in between Dar es Salaam and Dodoma: sampling of that contact the same way for all samples, and those G-tests indicated an zone now spans over 100 km. Hence, our study supports the hy- even stronger difference between the eastern and southwestern pothesis that subspecific M. natalensis taxa constrain the geo- region, i.e. more arenavirus-free localities from central to south- graphic ranges of their arenaviruses. western Tanzania could be assigned to the eastern region in- However, of the fifty-two viral positive samples, there were stead of the southwestern region before P-values rose above three hostvirus mismatches: three Gairo virus samples were 0.05. (3), Sampling season: most localities were only sampled found in host individuals carrying B-V instead of B-IV mito- once, and not all of them in the same year or season chondria. Kimamba, the locality where these individuals were (Supplementary Fig. S1). While each prevalence region includes caught, has eight out of the twenty-five typed hosts belonging many localities, there is one axis of this temporal variation to the B-IV mitochondrial lineage and seventeen to the B-V line- which could cause a consistent difference at the regional level: age, indicating that it lies close to the centre of the [B-IV, B-V] localities in the eastern region were sampled both in the dry hybrid zone. Cline analysis based on nuclear diagnostic SNPs and rainy season, while the other localities were only sampled confirms this is the case (Cuypers and Baird, unpublished in the dry season (Supplementary Fig. S1). In , Lassa virus results). In Gryseels et al. (2017) dataset, there were also three rainy season prevalence is two to three times higher than dry Gairo virus positive individuals with B-V mitochondria, again season (Fichet-Calvet et al. 2007). A similar pattern for East from a locality with intermediate frequencies of both mitochon- African M. natalensis-borne arenaviruses might explain why the drial lineages, but also both alleles of a diagnostic Y chromo- eastern region has higher observed prevalence than the south- some SNP marker and where microsatellite markers indicated western region, but not why it has a lower prevalence than the that most individuals were autosomal hybrids. One of these northern region. (4), Virus intrinsic factors: each prevalence re- mismatches was a male individual which carried a B-V mito- gion corresponds to a different species of virus. Different virus chondrion, but a B-IV Y chromosome (Gryseels et al. 2017). We species may exhibit different prevalences in similar hosts. (5), suggest in both localities mitochondrial mismatches are hybrids Host intrinsic factors: prevalence regions are strongly correlated carrying Gairo virus, rather than individuals of one taxon carry- with host mitochondrial clade: cryptic host taxa may exhibit ing the ‘wrong’ arenavirus typical of the neighbouring taxon. different prevalences for similar viruses. (6), Host density: first, Such cases show transmission into hybrid zones is possible, it is striking that the virus-free strip from southwestern to cen- making the restriction of viral transmission across hybrids zones tral Tanzania and two east Tanzanian virus-free localities with all the more striking. a large sample size, correspond more or less to regions which are predicted to have low suitability for M. natalensis and Lassa virus in Mylne et al. (2015). For the virus-free strip the adverse 4.2 Regional differences in prevalence environmental condition could be higher elevation (see Fig. 1). The data in this study were collected for diverse purposes dur- While host density might fall below a viral persistence thresh- ing different expeditions with diverse sampling strategies. For old in the low prevalence region, extrapolation about East this reason, while they allow for genetic meta-analysis, they are African arenaviruses from West African arenavirus data should not well suited for ecological hypothesis testing. We did, naturally be treated with caution. Secondly, the three-way M. 10 | Virus Evolution, Vol. 6, No. 2 natalensis contact zone from southwestern to central Tanzania Data availability may contribute, through selection against hybrids, to lower host Sequence data are available in GenBank under accession num- density in this low prevalence region. Estimating the relative bers MK453920MK454532 (Mastomys natalensis cytochrome b contribution of such factors when total viral prevalence is only sequences) and MH460970MH461096 (arenavirus sequences). 3 per cent, with negative binomial distribution, is beyond the Other data are available in Supplementary Material. scope of the current study.

4.3 Spatial genetic structure Supplementary data Morogoro virus spatial genetic structure is much more pro- Supplementary data are available at Virus Evolution online. nounced compared with that of Gairo and Lassa virus. As in Downloaded from by University of Arizona user on 21 May 2021 Gryseels et al. (2017), Morogoro virus sequences from up to three Acknowledgements adjacent localities cluster together forming three to four main The authors thank Tatiana Aghova´, Khalid Kibwana, clades (though the support depends on the gene and analysis). Adam Konecn y, Jarmila Kra´sova´, Vladimı´r Mazoch, Ondrej The position of the new sequences here from Matipwili and Dakawa further emphasizes that spatial genetic structure. In Mikula, Jana Vrbova´ Koma´rkova´ and Christopher Sabuni Fichet-Calvet et al. (2016) some Lassa virus sequences form for their assistance in the field. We also acknowledge monophyletic clusters within a locality, others cluster with Anna Bryjova´, Joachim Marie¨n and Natalie Van Houtte for sequences from neighbouring villages and few cluster with their help during the laboratory work and Ondrej Mikula sequences from villages further away. More Gairo virus sequen- for sharing his in-house script for haplotype generation ces cluster with sequences from more far-off localities, espe- (Supplementary Fig. S2). cially striking are the high number of Majawanga sequences from 2012 which cluster with sequences from many other local- Funding ities sampled both in Gryseels et al. (2017) and in this study (Fig. 4c; Supplementary Fig. S6). However, Extended Bayesian This study was supported by projects of the Research Skyline plots (not included because of low power) show no sig- Foundation - Flanders (G0A4815N), the Czech Science nal of a major recent outbreak. Perhaps B-IV mice can move Foundation (15-20229S and 18-19629S) and the German more easily through their landscape than B-V mice in theirs, Research Foundation (LE3111/1 (SP1596)). L.N.C. was a PhD however, Gryseels et al. (2017) could not find any landscape fellow with the University of Antwerp and FWO (1171921N) barriers for B-V mice that might explain the stronger Morogoro during part of the work. virus spatial genetic structure. The difference in spatial autocorrelation coefficients in the spa- tial autocorrelograms (Fig. 5; Supplementary Fig. S7) and the differ- Authors’ contributions ence in neighbourhood size estimates (the Gairo virus L.N.C., S.J.E.B., J.B., H.L., and J.G.B. participated in conceptu- neighbourhood size estimate is two times larger for L sequences alization; J.B., H.L., and J.G.B. contributed in funding acquisi- and almost two times larger for NP sequences) corroborate the ap- tion; L.N.C., A.H., T.L., A.S.K., and J.B. contributed in parent difference in spatial genetic structure between Morogoro fieldwork; L.N.C. and T.L. contributed in arenavirus labora- and Gairo virus. The difference in neighbourhood size is also in tory work; A.H. contributed in Mastomys natalensis laboratory agreement with a higher prevalence for Gairo virus (2 5 depend- work; L.N.C., S.J.E.B., and J.G.B. participated in formal analy- ing on the locality-classification), as neighbourhood size is a prod- sis and the original draft; S.J.E.B., S.G., H.L., and J.G.B. con- uct of dispersal scale and (effective) population density. tributed in supervision; L.N.C. contributed in visualization; The spatial autocorrelation coefficients (Fig. 5; Supplementary Fig. S7) of Lassa virus sequences from Fichet-Calvet et al. 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