The Toledo Museu M Of

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The Toledo Museu M Of T HE T OLE DO M U S E U M OF A RT C A T A L OG U E OF THE E R RY VIC T ORY CE NTENNIAL E $ POSIT ION M C M $ I I I T HE T OLEDO MUSEUM OF ART OFFICERS President E dward Dru mmond Libbey First Vice-President William Hardee o c - resident A rthur ecor S ec nd Vi e P J. S c T reasurer Isaa E . Knisely ecretar Ch arles A ch e tt S y . S m au Curator A lmon n C. Whiti g A ssistant Director Nina Spalding S tevens tan t Tr er us tus lcox A ssis easur C. J Wi s ta t e e r eila E rown A s is n S cr ta y L . B Librarian E li$ abe th M anley t r e W tevens Direc or Geo g . S T RUST EES Charles A shle E dwar ru mmond Libbe S . y d D y Clarence Brown e erson D obinson J fi . R ohn H. Do le Ch rle chmettau J y a s A . S E dw ard Ford rthu r S ecor A J. hoema er Freder L dd e rederic B . ick . Ge s F k S k William Hardee Carl B it$ er . Sp ac ll n hast Isa E . Knisely A lvin B . Ti i g William al in oh ill s J. W d g J n N . W y Wm A Gosline r hos W arner . W , J . T . D haw M b r . C. S Irving acom e Brand Whitloc k B Y t r ans f e r Th e Wh i t e Hous e 19 1 3 THE TOLEDO MUSEUM OF ART C A T A L OG U E OF THE PERRY VICTORY CENTENNIAL E$ POSITION M US EUM CENTENNIAL COM M ITTEE HN H D O Y E BR N O JO . L A D WHITL CK H E T H . S C T A U T H C AS A M OS . S PA KH . R URS T V E W. T E NS r e c or To e d G O. S E i t l M s e m , D o u u Of A r t COM M ITTEE OF PATRIOTIC SOCIETIE S W H H I H M R . S T S . M Co lo nia l Da m e s K N T HA M IL T N M RS J. E O A . R . o , D f Ohio M RS . JOHN H . D O YLE T le d Ch a ter D A o o . R p , , . I H PKIN MIS S C ORDE L A O . O S U . S . S o cie t Da h te r y, ug s of 1812 LL E NKOPF M RS . E LLA MO M a um e e Va lley Pione er and His tor ica l A s s oc ia tion M IS S J ULIA N OR T ON Ur s la W lco tt Ch a ter A o . u p , D R . I E DITH WHITAKE R Ft M SS . Ind s tr Ch a ter A u y p , D . R . R GE O. W . S TE VE NS M S . Tole d o M u s e um of A r t A G AND 1913 JULY, U UST SEPTEMBER Com modore Oliv e r Ha$ ard Pe rry Of Oliv er Hazard Perry , th e h ero Lak e Erie , I 1785 . w as born at South Kensington , R . , in His r m father b efo e him w as a sea an , and fought Of through out the R evolutionary War . At the age 4 1 . Oliv er entered the U . S . Navy as a midshipman He w ent through th e Tripolitan War , which grad u at e d v f so many brilliant na al O ficers . Durin g th e early part of the w ar Of 1812 he w as in charge Of o a flotilla Of gunboats at Newport . Desiring t see more active servic e , he requested that h e b e at t ac h e d to the naval fo rce on the lakes ; accordingly 1813 in March , , h e arrived at the Port of E rie , there to find a fleet Of t en v essels b eing prep ared to take action against the British fleet under Com m o d o re Ol d Bartley , an and experienced naval ff f O ic er and h ero Of the days O Nelson . Perry w as 28 an then years of age . With inadequate force , r s et and many of his men inexperienced , Per y to w ork to complete , rig and arm the v essels under hi s command . This w as no small underta king as everythin g had to b e transported for hundreds of Of s miles overland , over the worst road , with a . m ny annoyances and delays How ever , the young commander surmounted all difficulties and found on 10 himself , the morning Of Sept . , with his fleet - in - anchored in the waters Of Put Bay . The fleet 20 consisted of th e Law renc e , guns , the Niagara , 20 a 3 guns , the schooners , C ledonia , guns , and ri 4 A el , guns , together w ith six smaller vessels I ’ carrying from one to tw o gun s each . n all Perry s 55 63 fleet mount ed guns , and the British fleet ’ . guns Perry s fla g ship , th e Law rence , entered the engagement ah ead of the fleet , and rec eived the f t h e f entire force O attack O the British . His ship 6 P A I N T I N G S w as soon disabled and rendered useless for further an d action , th e greater part of th e crew either o r w . o killed ounded Captain E lliott , the sec nd in r u command , failed to b ing p the Niagara to the o f support Perry , and the smaller v essels of the fleet had not come w ithin firing distance . With h is ship shot from under him , Perry too k his flag fo r t he and started in a small b oat the Nia gara , British Ships firin g broadside s at him at pistol shot distance , as he passed by them in succession . d Although the w ater boiled about him , he reache a the Ni gara in safety , and taking her and the rest of the fleet quic kly into action , turned the tide , gloriou sly winning the victory which swiftly e terminated British supr macy in this region , and w on the plaudi ts an d gratitude Of the whole Ameri can peopl e . OLIVE R HAZARD PERRY . By Gilb ert Stuart . O $ Len t by li ve r Ha a rd Perry , of Lowell , Mass th e grand son O f Com mod ore Perry . GILBERT STUART , th e painter of this can I 1755 v as , w as b orn at Narragansett , R . , in , and in 1828 io Of died at Boston . He entered the stud 1785 B enj amin West as a pupil . In he set up a studio Of h is own in London where he achiev ed marked popularity and financial success painting i Ge o r e III many d stinguished persons , including g , $ VI I . George V , and Louis He returned to America in 1792 where he painted many other notable persons , including six Presidents , George ffe Washington , John Adams , Thomas Je rson , James s . Madi on , James Monroe and John Quincy Adams P A I N T I N G S — . 2 , OLIVER HAZARD PERRY By John Wesley Jarvis . k Lent by th e A rt Comm i ss i on o f th e C i ty o f New Yor . This portrait w as painted for th e City o f New 1816 Fo r a York by Jarvis in . m ny years it has f o . b een in th e Hall Re cords , Manhattan JOHN WE SLEY JARVI S , the painter , was 1 80 born in England in 7 . When fiv e years of age b e he came with his father t o this country . He o f came a p ortrait painter promin enc e , and exe c u t e d numerous commissions for th e City of New s York , including p ortrait of Gov ernor Fillmore , C ommodores Perry , Swift , Hull , Bainbridge , Mac donough and other men of note . 3 . OLIVER HAZARD PERRY . BV John Wesl ey Jarvis . S N D o l l e c Len t b y th e U . avy epartmen t , from th e c - i n U . N t i on s th e . S aval Acad emy at An nap oli s , I d . 4 P . OLIVER HAZAR D ERRY . By John Wesl ey Jervis . “ I W Lent by th e Sm i th son i an n st i tut i on . ash i ngt on , V T HE 5 . PERRY LE A ING LAWRE NCE . m By Tho as Birch . Len t by Mrs . William Pepp er , Sen i o r , of Ph ilad elph ia , a grand dau gh ter O f Commodo re O li ver Ha $ ard F a Perry , wh o before h er marriage was Mi ss r n ces Sergean t Pe rry .
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