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This page was intentionally removed due to a research restriction on all Corcoran Gallery of Art Development and Membership records. Please contact the Public Services and Instruction Librarian with any questions. Jh (ft^1—'-®L d'. Consideration of Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Oxman's offer of the unrestricted gift of a marble sculpture Warriors Head by Josef Erhardy through the Friends of the Corcoran. Consideration of Mr. Bruce Moore's offer of the unrestricted gift of a drawing Sleeping Tiger by himself. o u f. Conisderation of Mr. William E. Share's offer of the unrestricted gift of a sculpture Head of a Woman by Ossip Zadkine. Y g. Consideration of Mrs. Armistead Peter, Ill's offer of the unrestricted gift of a pastel Willows, Longpr^f, France by Walter Griffin. - h. Tentative consideration of Mr. Monte Appel's offer of the unrestricted gift of a painting Asa Clapp by John Wesley Jarvis. CONSIDERATION OF PURCHASE Consideration of the purchase of a painting The Angler (Charles Lanman) by i- William Hubard at approximately $ ,000 from Mr. George Katsafouros. | j. Consideration of the purchase of a painting Study of William Williamson by VvA" j Samuel F. B. Morse at $325.00 from Mr. N. Valdemar Hilbert. vj? k. Consideration of the purchase of a painting Woman in White by Gari Melchers ^S''' at $1,500 from Mrs. M. Veldman-Halff. \j 1. Consideration of the purchase of a drawing Man on Horseback by Frederic (j Remington at $400 from the Eberstadt Gallery. Preliminary discussion of the possible purchase of a painting The Captured Liberators by Winslow Homer at $40,000 from the Eberstadt Gallery. n. Preliminary discussion of the possible purchase of a painting Portrait of Mrs. Nicholas Douty by Thomas Eakins at $25,000 from Hirschl and Adler. o. Preliminary consideration of the purchase of a watercolor Downtown New York _„ by John Marin at $3,000 from Wildenstein and Company. p. Preliminary consideration of the purchase of a charcoal drawing Fertility by Grant Wood at $4,500 from Wildenstein and Company. q. Preliminary consideration of the purchase of a painting Still Life with Bird by Rubens Peale at $9,500 from Kennedy Galleries. r. Reconsideration of the disposal of The Forester at Home by Ludwig Knaus to Victor Spark at $4,000 cash or $5,000 credit. 13. Report of the Committee on the Building and Grounds, V-1 - ) a. Report on the installation of a wishing well. ^14. Report of the Supervisor of Extension Services. a. Discussion of a class of non-resident membership. t' 15. Determination of policy at receptions by outside groups held at the Corcoran with respect to inclusion of a Board or staff member in the receiving line, if any. L-'l6. Election of Fellows in The Association of The Corcoran Gallery of Art. a. Mrs. Leslie Randall b. Katharine Strickler Minot 17. Report reactivation of the old Junior Committee as the Associates. 18 . Report on the Women1s Committee. 'C' (p™ *-«-*■* ( *JP3HL Gallery of ftc* was MM e* tm Gellory at j' nm i.^ 1^5. i^c Hf*. ftdillftee# tm ettwr tmsMes wnniU|l .. ,. «Wf’js.sniu.iit^* ji _ J**tMtownr » dp*xijcbt.j ran#* *»-,*%zsesj. s»s*«*£.# neesm***■*>«» sraajey* »Rby oaf Grey. fee foillftlOy*, m*ist««ft Secretary aod Costj^fcslleo1' em-^ also c^iiir stated tMt te tint Anfg# ®£ ©JHecttoi* 4®t timm- m fiaioesesteiifl * tm siiaites af the *sa*feifi® of <J4i*i» u&rv 21. ist2. be anerevetl vta nrltlwn. *fii« srlrstad Hot: $#&***% fta&s*®; presented for the liifefMtleft vf *T.W; itelKpfiA iAV^'i^te-; ■■■■', A '■ AAA'AA A As A ■■’•■ fTSiistiwfi1 omisentnd *»&» Auf'! 1 tor? a SfeBcrtr atoicb dMontnO jUkl jsMfjMMK* avt au**».t rarj #4 W. -:-,'1>s‘ /'■' :’i: fh» ftwimr jpMaESfW^S on titt! fiiwisiel4sJL of th» ajar- ®drJiu -V. -—.. <it®ililmn.i tfl f®ad*iw!i--■ --<)- .y- , 1- —M,8iMi fiaulSifc tS Mr- «£ ukuJMuiU.M(«n#E Js**, wip^weii.ihUjl ajk-. rf*. n«m an d&£&-.-Jtiw.^& ■^r. li... _.b. -;- -*i©w^i,®siV-Vritb ape»*,«Jik. ,:S sratfsi®^-,w.-<. §: (Wn “1 .«* jIl. ,_, «?4 or. fil«. Ob al&® jrrosoit^ «3h* nqMWt on felso C^«p«tia» of tho Suetfat «feio$* ns\¥**&«* an ©xpop^ltuiro $©* poirtof. ' . aiu Till mi aiii niiii tm #««> o fivi mm OmmlIi)**. anf: eMMlom. cooias of ahicr ham bum in tfe* pmsmanien 0# «adh a«fe«p of tin fiooxf for »o®o tito*, woo net o for dtocawtion «t tM* ttoo *• it «a« folt it o^»c«2*1 h» ^w wttfe tto# 'laeislcs’j oo to tte® fels®rt ©©UteOticai» TM etui©®® 4m turn Mm vmoefleyoont ms re¬ ported tagothaor «lt& t^R fact tkot tftiio mmM iJiitiaJUy coot tin Oallety •eon $*t<Soft mr men. a. ffea fgAloefjMi aoeeletii^n wf tE:mVS5j that tm Cemectm Gallery of rt ^tioroec fnnfln^ totUo «R »W cod 8R M«1 ehidt eo«H cpmUfyfag m fee.ia§ on- 170 (») (1) <*) the mnMl n&rnmM Ca3« of WS4, tm immtmy m ffsncmf to femarsS * copy of thio moolntion t© the director of tm ftnericon tooecljitto of Uasows* OMf In tm aw#^5pwi of tm area, a. ...aav^/^t- aP-V a'a'a- a-\a:.- Hi:* fet MMmtm % Mil ft* iftgf. «w moftiiif in tin iftfe CMdm. this Mil is tm sat m asotrn MU sneomnM oono nenfeo «9» iMcfe wmM pwM® for on» MU ent of tsfiSt $1*06 of too m^mum m tm Qiotiiot being set mile for tm benefit of local oulturol institotism. i{'^ The IttStekBf tfcst J^©i%3fc2?£f l$Siey WEMSld POOCh t$te StOtSttOry retirement age of sevency on Jim 14, IMS, and at Chat fcAso would hmm completed twnty -eight years of «s©efafciea* with the foncii School an* vmM. $m eligible mr * $m*im based m the MJaty*s pension y9L» «topM tpill 1$, liil* the airectc-r ®m» Mkts ho notify nr. tahey ©f the intention to appoint hi# Principal 1©er-itus ®d to eenfiir INH ellpifcUlay for psRJOlcn *t the twroUMti*^ of the next *c*de*le year. X lengthy diseusoloo of the statue of the #ft of the Helper* ticw ensued* Hr. E&alltcm #m imtructed. by the hoard to oentiaws hie effort to #t«tit «f dee# «f gift satisfactory to the Gallery tm to Mrs* Kals^rt. Hu ifcard »«•« immziasotsa in fesMmi that the dsetf of mint include the transfer of title of the eofke of art to the Gallery. *ft*r MhhSiNfttai with hrs. SeS^eft** lawyer aa# $h© #©rM«a*ti©o ef a pro¬ posed dead ef gift, this feeuwmt would then be considered by the EsaocJative Oowitte© and, if approved, he then suhelttad fear cwsiderotioa at « Special Heeting of the ®oa*d called for that purpose* H list ef paintings, a copy of which le $i1**# witfr the astaarbee of this meeting and apsewstl foe- disposal by the CaMittes on -a&rfee ef Art, wee s© -endorsed by the Board and the folio*#®© mc^utlOR wee a;toot«rti ■IBSwWfiawS That the p&intxngs* a list ©t wNwBe was suw^ttad erd cade pert of the Board papers ef1 this meeting, cay, in whole, er in pert, be said, exchangee;, or lent to the United States Gowerawent witliawt further aether- isatioo by- the Boerl, but with the tsmem^mm of the C«w4ttee m of to the seeded of dispeeitlon ettnet. 'Sbat a eecor^i Met of works of art to which « ember ef the Remittee had teserwetiofu as to disposal lie referred back to me Coe*aittee cm Leslie sf ?4rt for further ooo&idaratloo». Ho action woe taken on the natter of a «deMi¥^ well. the Iwi advimd the. director that in connection with Ms respon- siMlity to select and organise the axMbition of Conte^orary Goman Painting fur the Corcoran Cillery, funds to cover Ms trowel and living expanses and the costs of clerical and’ other personnel assistance while abroad wesra not available-* At stated that he wee agreeable to t^DOct of th^ Cksv^lttMt oft MMim act§9to1 9K9& 'CRHjlNKWpf fltt fsijbS * ^ #.i ffe$ S4f«ets®r t^i Iwi tfeat a ^ itmm of seoand-land fumituye had nirewelehel is. the sub-baee®mt %hich in¬ stituted. a fire rta& and that if n© Section were raised» he ^poeed. te liapeea e# these itees at action at ®Jai»f»* ho aft»|eetlan was voieai. Ur. Viemr 90®m&mH mat the staff drew up a list of paintings soli bp the Gallery from X94S to dost® Mating the original cost, if porch—si, ISbe imliaed orleui ad itesae sold. This page was intentionally removed due to a research restriction on all Corcoran Gallery of Art Development and Membership records. Please contact the Public Services and Instruction Librarian with any questions. 2 II. The listed paintings to be sent to Victor Spark on con¬ signment to be sold for the Gallery at a commission of 20% provided, however, that the Gallery net at least the minimum sums listed. III. Paintings listed to be lent to the State Department for use in United States embassies for a period of five years, or, if wanted, to be sold to the State Department at the valuations listed. IV. Paintings listed to be lent to the State Department for use in United States embassies for a period of five years. V & VI. Paintings listed to be returned to storage, pending ap¬ propriate action at a later date. The Committee decided not to lend the portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Corcoran by Charles Peale Polk to the City Tavern Club, and to post¬ pone its decision on the loan to the Club of the portrait of Issac Thom attributed to Chester Harding pending a meeting between Mrs.