The Invader Updater
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The Invader Updater Highlights: Invasive species news for busy Extension professionals Do introduced Spotted Tilapia Volume 2, Issue 2 Summer 2010 bully native sunfish? Focal Species: Lionfish FWC’s new Scientific name: amnesty map Pterois volitans helps find homes (& also some P. miles) for unwanted Size: ROCs. Up to 18 inches Status update on Native range: Lionfish (by Joel Rotunda) Florida ROC Throughout the legislation western Pacific Ocean Lionfish are established tremely high densities of up throughout the Caribbean to 158 fish per acre—more Another non- Notes: and along the eastern sea- than eight times the density native lizard in Dorsal & anal fins in their native range. Along contain potent venom winter in these cold waters. Florida. the Atlantic Coast, these inva- Recent sightings suggest that sive fish are now as abundant The invasion of the Lion- Lionfish have already begun In this Issue: as many native grouper spe- fish is considered the most to invade the Gulf of Mexico cies. rapid finfish invasion in as well. Focal Species: 1 history. In 1985, the first Lionfish are believed to im- Lionfish are usually found in Lionfish Lionfish sighting in Florida pact native reef communities water less than 100m deep, in Science: Tilapia waters was confirmed—by by preying on small fish and 2 seagrass beds and mangroves and Sunfish 2002 they were considered crustaceans (including lob- and on reefs (natural and established. These fish, na- sters). A recent study of patch Legislation: ROCs 2 artificial). During the day, tive to reef habitats of the reefs in the Bahamas found in Florida they remain hidden, relying Indo-Pacific, were common that Lionfish preyed heavily Innovation: ROC on crevices for shelter. By 3 in the exotic pet trade. on juvenile reef fish, reducing Amnesty Map night, they move to deeper Aquarium dumps likely their overall chances of sur- waters to forage. Lionfish are News to Know: 3 resulted in multiple intro- vival. This also suggests that easily recognizable—their Asian Carp Saga ductions and eventual es- Lionfish may be competing cream-colored bodies are Noteworthy: 3 tablishment. Invasive Lion- with other fish-eating species, marked with vertical reddish Eradicating... fish have now spread and could cause serious dam- stripes of varying widths, Goldfish? throughout the Caribbean age to reefs by reducing and they have distinctive, In Focus and northward along the populations of herbivorus 4 elongated dorsal and pectoral eastern seaboard. Individu- (plant-eating) fish that would spines. Resources 4 als are often seen as far prevent seaweeds and algae north as New England, but In the Bahamas, these inva- from overgrowing the corals. are not likely able to over- sive fish are found at ex- Learn More... The Invader Updater — Volume 2, Issue 2 – P g . 2 Science: Tilapia/Sunfish Interactions Florida’s native sunfish ble that this is the result of these gressive overall than the na- (Lepomis species) play impor- aggressive interactions. tive sunfishes. tant roles in determining the Wesley Brooks and Rebecca In the mid-1980s, Peacock structure of native fish and Jordan of Rutgers University Bass were introduced into invertebrate communities. recently decided to study these South Florida’s canal system Spotted Tilapia (Tilapia interactions in a lab setting. Their to help control Spotted Tila- mariae) were introduced to research showed that when it pia. However, Peacock Bass Florida in the 1970s, when comes to “scrambling” to claim are only able to survive in the they escaped from aquacul- territory, the invaders win canals, whereas Spotted Tila- ture facilities, and rapidly out—they are bolder (quicker to pia can invade natural habi- Spotted Tilapia became one of the most abun- aggression) and more aggres- tats. This study suggests that Photo: Andrew Miller dant species in canals. Spot- sive overall. When they allowed tilapia could impact native via Wikimedia ted Tilapia and native sun- the fish to set up territories be- sunfish if nesting sites were fishes nest in similar habitats fore introducing an intruder, limited—the researchers sug- during the same time of year, they found that, regardless of gest impacts could be greater and aggressive interactions species, the resident fish were at natural sites. However, between these species have more aggressive, defending more research is needed to been observed. Some studies their territory against bolder evaluate how these lab studies have suggested that the in- intruders. However, Spotted relate to what is going on in vaders may be displacing Tilapia were much more ag- nature. Learn More... native species, and it is possi- Legislation: ROCs in Florida The Florida Legislature lature the current list of Grandfathering provisions unanimously passed CS/SB ROC, conditional and pro- in the proposed regula- 318 on 28 April 2010, and hibited species and by De- tions, as well as the legisla- sent it to Governor Charlie cember 2010, the FWC must tion, will reduce the likeli- Crist who has until June 5 to also consider listing other hood that ROC owners will veto or sign it into law. This species, such as iguanas, as release their pets to avoid bill will prohibit future ac- ROCs. having an illegal animal. quisition for personal use of The FWC has also drafted Allowing commercial pos- the current Reptiles of Con- proposed rule changes that session provides options for Green Anaconda—currently cern (ROCs) and conditional reclassify the current ROCs those wishing to surrender a ROC in Florida or prohibited species (FWC as conditional species, which their ROC under FWC's Photo: Patrick Lynch, SFWMD rules already prohibit per- will not allow future per- Non-native Pet Amnesty sonal possession of the latter sonal possession but will Program. two categories). The bill will allow commercial breeders Additional information on also require FWC authoriza- to keep them for export out the Florida legislation and tion for internet sales to Flor- of the state of Florida. Breed- FWC rules will be posted ida. The bill will increase ers will have to adhere to on the Invader Updater penalties and fines for viola- caging requirements set by website as it becomes avail- tions of these rules. Each FWC, keep detailed records, able. year, the FWC will be re- submit to inspections, and quired to report to the Legis- label reptile shipments. Learn More... The Invader Updater — Volume 2, Issue 2 – P g . 3 Innovations: ROC Amnesty Location Map animal shelter—except for questions asked. Now, the exotic pets, that is. Unwanted FWC has taken it a step fur- exotic pets are returned to pet ther, by allowing Reptile of stores, dropped off at zoos, or Concern (ROC) permit hold- The FWC’s ROC even worse, released into the ers to participate in a ROC Amnesty Location wild. Florida and Connecticut amnesty network. Anyone Nile Monitor are unique in the U.S. for tak- looking for a home for a pet Map makes every Photo: Patrick Lynch, SFWMD ing the initiative to start ROC can visit the ROC Am- day Amnesty Day When circumstances prevent “amnesty” programs for ex- nesty Location Map and find pet owners from being able to otic pets. On certain days someone who is qualified to for ROCs! house or care for their pet, throughout the year, exotic care for their pet (and already they surrender it to the hu- pets can be surrendered at has the necessary permits). mane society or other local designated locations—no Learn More... News Updates: The Asian Carp Saga… The Asian Carp is not one, but and Illinois Rivers, and have they may be able to trespass, ♦ several species of introduced negatively affected local fisher- posing a threat to fisheries in fishes. Most of these species are ies. Carp are edible, but are the lakes. Attempts to tempo- filter-feeders, but at least one much bonier than the native spe- rarily shut down a Chicago ♦ species eats small shellfish—all cies. These large fish have also canal linking the river and have insatiable appetites. For become a danger to humans. lakes were rejected by the this reason, they were intro- They leap out of the water when Supreme Court. Officials are duced for biological control of startled, and at least one woman using poison to delay the fish ♦ algae and mussels in retention has been struck and nearly invasion, while politicians ponds at wastewater and aqua- killed. Electric barriers appear to seek to create legislation that culture facilities. The carp es- have kept them out of the Great will permanently close off the ♦ caped, invaded the Mississippi Lakes, but there is concern that lakes. Learn More... Noteworthy: Eradication of… Goldfish? A somewhat unusual story this story simply illustrates the breed. When the lodge own- out of Brownsville, Maine, importance of invasive species ers were alerted to the effects appeared in the news re- education—education is the that fish introductions could cently—the Maine Depart- key to prevention! The un- have on Maine’s natural eco- ment of Inland Fisheries and knowing owners of a local system, they happily com- Wildlife sprayed a backyard lodge had illegally transported plied with wildlife agents and pond with rotenone to eradi- the fish across state lines and were not fined for their mis- cate goldfish. Many readers introduced them into a large, take. In fact, the agents even commented on the absurdity man-made pond on their prop- rescued a few goldfish—for of the eradication. However, erty, where the fish began to indoor display. Learn More... ♦ ♦ ♦ The Invader Updater — Volume 2, Issue 2 – P g . 4 In Focus... This photo by Dr.