European vegetarian friends express great sadness, sorrow and indeed disbelief when they hear that more and more Indian people eat meat. The trend in the rest of the world is certainly different: millions of people in Europe and the rest of the world are giving up meat-eating due to health, moral and ethical reasons. One would expect that at a time when is gaining such a wide acceptance everywhere, its impact on the Indian mind would be overwhelming — vegetarian ethos should have reached to every section of the Indian society — even to those sections which have always been eating meat. Unfortunately, this is not the case. On the contrary more and more people in India and Indians who have settled abroad consider nothing immoral or wrong in eating meat. Indeed the first and second generation of Indian children growing up in countries like United Kingdom, U.S.A. and East Africa are encouraged to eat meat. How can the teachings of Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Mahaveera and Gandhiji be forgotten so easily? Indian people are often respected for their ‘gentleness and compassion’ towards all living beings. It is this very characteristic that we are abandoning without realising its great value. Through this booklet we make a fervent appeal to Indian people and indeed all the people of the world: —

“Please give up meat eating."

We, the Young Indian Vegetarians, along with numerous other groups in U.K., have been working hard to reduce animal suffering. We need your help — this booklet must be distributed to thousands of people in U.K.. U.S.A., East Africa, India, and many other countries. We also want to open up branches of the Young Indian Vegetarians in U.S.A., East Africa, West Indies and other countries.

Contact me if you can help.

NITIN MEHTA President, Young Indian Vegetarians

Committee Members:

Standing from left Vaid Bharath. Nitin Mehta. Nipan Malde. Chandresh Malde

Seated from left Maiuri Shah. Mrs. Pratibha Mehta, Varsha Shah

Messages of Support

THE RT. HON. BERNARD WEATHERILL, M.P. SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS I became a vegetarian as a result of seeing the devastating effects of starvation in the famine of 1942 in Bengal. To me the consumption of meat is not just a question of cruelty to animals (undoubted though that is), but of cruelty to people’. Every year our world grows twice as much food as is necessary to give every man, woman and child an adequate diet. It is our obsession with animal protein which turns plenty into shortage. The world’s hungry could be fed if 10% of the now given to animals was used for human consumption. Yet we in Britain this year will spend over £100 million in slimming aids to avoid the consequences of our over consumption This cannot be morally right, and we are sowing the seeds of a bitter harvest by allowing it to continue. I warmly support the positive lead which is given by The Young Indian Vegetarians, and I hope it will receive very wide support. LORD BROCKWAY House of Lords Best wishes Lord Fennar Brockway


Indian Community Affairs Programme Bhaktivedanta Manor, Watford, Herts 1st June 1983 Dear Nitinbhai and all the workers for Young Indian Vegetarians, Hare Krishna! Every year we have been doing a little something to help you with Vegetarian day, but we’re really pleased that this summer you are making the grandest arrangements, all because of your tremendous enthusiasm to spread awareness of the benefits of a vegetarian diet for the individual and for society. We are eagerly looking forward to Vegetarian Day and meeting old and new vegetarian friends, discussing ideas and encouraging one another in our various lines of attack on the ignorance, misconceptions and, in cases, downright cruelty which is polluting mankind’s vision of a proper civilization. However, our spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada told us, ‘Lectures may go in one ear and out the other, but books they take with them. So it is particularly pleasing to see your efforts to publish this booklet as a lasting document of the ideals expressed on Vegetarian Day. We hope and sincerely pray that its message ie read far and wide. Please pass on our beat wishes to all your youth workers. We’ll see you all very soon. Yours, in the service of the Lord AKHANDADHI DAS

THE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM LTD Altrincham, Cheshire The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom Limited is happy to welcome the efforts of the Young Indian Vegetarians to encourage and promote vegetarianism among people of Indian origin living in the United Kingdom. The Vegetarian Society exists to promote vegetarianism and to bring together those who are vegetarian into a national organisation which represents their interest. It provides literature, information about vegetarianism, publicity material, organises meetings and conferences to promote vegetarianism and publishes a magazine, “The Vegetarian” and “The International Vegetarian Health Food Handbook” as well as a wide range of other literature. In addition it plays a vital part in promoting research into aspects of vegetarianism and organises vegetarian cookery courses to encourage public interest and participation. We wish every success to the events being organised in Leicester and Wellinborough by the Young Indian Vegetarians. MAXWELL G. LEE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNCIL , Author of the Best Seller, ‘’ Australia 19/6/83 Dear Nitin Mehta, Thank you for your letter. I am happy to provide a message of support for your souvenir. Here it is: Vegetarianism is the essential basis of a sound ethical attitude to animals. Those who are in the habit of dining of pieces of slaughtered animals will naturally find it difficult to think of animals as anything other than means to their own ends. But animals, of course, have lives of their own to lead, just as we do. They were not placed on this earth just in order to provide humans with food or sport. In the West, the more advanced thinkers are only just beginning to realize that an ethic which is limited to our species is no more defensible than an ethic limited to our race. Hinduism, to its credit, has never put such a gulf between our species and others as has Christainity. I therefore hope that Indian vegetarians will join with the animal liberation movement in the West. In doing so. they will be true to what is highest in both Western and Indian thought. All the best to you all. PETER SINGER

SCOTTISH SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF VIVISECTION Edinburgh “Very best wishes for the success of the Young Indian Vegetarians Event at Leicester and Wellingborough.” It is good to know that this active group of young Indians is spreading the net beyond London. CLIVE HOLLANDS and the Scottish Society for the Prevention of Vivisection.

COMPASSION IN WORLD FARMING Petersfield, Hampshire “Compassion In World Farming wishes Young Indian Vegetarians good luck in their campaign to promote vegetarianism in Leicester.and Wellingborough. We congratulate you heartily on your initiative in showing young Indians there is no need or reason to imitate unsavoury Western habits, such as meat-eating.”


London May we take this opportunity to offer our support and congratulations for your forthcoming events to be held during August this year. As you are probably aware, our main concern is the protection of those wild animals hunted to death by packs of hounds, until such time as they are protected by law. Once again congratulations to you and all your members. BOB AUGUST Secretary

BRITISH UNION FOR THE ABOLITION OF VIVISECTION London The BUAV is an Animal Rights Organisation which campaigns vigorously against all animal experiments. We believe that there is a strong link between the abuse of animals and the abuse of humans and we fully support the excellent work of the Young Indian Vegetarians. PADDY BROUGHTON Group/Student Co-ordinator

FRAME (Fund for the Replacement of Animals In Medical Experiments)

FRAME (Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments) is a scientific Charity which is conducting a RESEARCH PROGRAMME to develop humanealternatives to the use of live animals in experiments. Further research into methods such as tissue culture (cells grown outside the body), computer studies and microbial tests is needed if painful animal methods (such as the LD5O test) are to be successfully phased out. FRAME publishes information for scientists, and leaflets for non-scientists in our campaign for better legislation to protect laboratory animals. If you are interested in helping us to take positive action to promote humane alternatives, and wish to join your local FRIENDS of FRAME group, please contact this address: FRAME (Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments) 5b The Poultry Bank Place Nottingham NG12JR

THE JEWISH VEGETARIAN SOCIETY London Dear Friends, Hearty congratulations on your activities. In our aim to promote a healthier, more compassionate, happier world, progress can only be achieved by peoples being true to their own principles and tradition and thereby influencing their friends and all those who are nearest and dearest to them. The strength of a movement lies in its constituent units and by co-operation a world-wide organisation with real impact at every point can eventually result. Inspiration is the motivating factor of vegetarianism and the philosophy that has emanated from India has been a major factor in encouraging the spread of vegetarianism. May your campaign in Leicester and Wellingborough be full of achievement and may you all enjoy happiness and satisfaction in a task well done. In the far distant borizon we can see the approach of a time when “they shall no longer hurt nor destroy” and we greet you as brothers and sisters marching shoulder to shoulder to our destined goal. PHILIP L. PICK

THE VEGETARIAN SOCIETY CROYDON AND DISTRICT BRANCH We do so applaud your dedication to maintaining the vegetarian way of life in your community, against all the pressures to adopt the misguided western tradition of basing so much of the diet on the flesh of animals, etc. Not least of these pressures must be the ill-informed advice from orthodox medical sources, and this ignores the current thinking of advanced research on nutrition, which is all pointing to the advantages of the vegetarian way. With best wishes of success. NEVILLE HALL Branch President

MESSAGE FROM THE GREEK ANIMAL WELFARE FUND Purley. Surrey Our organisation is primarily concerned with raising funds to relieve animal suffering in Greece, and regular contributions, veterinary medicines, etc. are sent to animal welfare societies and private individuals (both pitifully small in numbers) who devote themselves to rescuing and helping animals. Our support comes from all over the country and even as far away as the USA and Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and most European countries. The work of the local societies covers a very wide field, and although some progress is being made, many years of hard work lie ahead before animals are given the treatment and care they deserve.

We send our greetings to the Young Indian Vegetarians and wish them every success in their campaign against all forms of animal abuse and in their efforts to promote vegetarianism, since so much abuse of animals arises from animals reared and slaughtered for food. We wish you well, MRS G. WADE Organising Secretary

WORLD SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF ANIMALS Mr. Nitin Mehta, President, The Young Indian Vegetarians, Dear President, In no other field of animal welfare is there a greater need for concern than for the millions of livestock that are handled, transported and slaughtered daily to provide human sustenance. Throughout the world these animals are confined and restricted in overcrowded cages and other receptacles that thwart the animals’ natural behavioural instincts. At any given moment in time millions of livestock are in transit by road, rail, sea and air, with deaths and injuries commonly occurring through overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, neglect and a lack of wholesome food and water. Less than 10%’ of all the world’s food animals are slaughtered humanely, the remainder being cruelly handled and killed whilst fully conscious and in a state of acute stress. WSPA welcomes the work of the Young Indian Vegetarians in their campaign against all forms of animal abuse. Any endeavour to reduce the demand for food animals and the promotion of non—animal alternatives is a meaningful and significant aspect of the animal protection movement. Yours faithfully, COLIN PLATT, M.I.Biol. Regional Director

MESSAGE FROM CHRIS SCOTT-BRODWICK Take heed of the cries of the earth, the screams of pain as Man tortures and abuses the animals, the hunger of starving children, for it is a clear warning to us. For those with weak hearts, do not despair. Just take a little time to think and care, then surrender to the little voice inside of you that you hear, for it has something important there, that we all can share. Here is a verse from a papyrus in the British Museum: — If those who draw near and say to you the kingdom is in the sky, then the birds of the air are there before you, and if, that the kingdom is under the earth, the fishes of the sea are there before you, and the kingdom is both without and within you and whosoever knows himself shall find it. and when ye shall know yourselves, ye shall be known, and ye shall know that you are the sons of the living God. But it ye shall not know yourselves, ye shall be in poverty and ye are the poverty. Bless you all my friends, CHRIS EDITOR’S NOTE: Chris has dedicated her life to animal welfare — words can hardly describe her compassion for those who cannot defend themselves from human exploitation.

THE INDIAN VEGETARIAN CONGRESS Blessings and best wishes and good luck continue spreading the message of . S. MEHTA Sec. I.V.C.

ANIMAL’S VIGILANTES Fordingbridge, Hants We are proud to report that Animals’ Vegilantes founded eighteen years ago from a small beginning now has young people supporting our campaigns in forty countries. The aim of Animals’ Vigilantes which has its headquarters at James Mason House, Fordingbridge, Hants, is to encourage young people in the care and welfare of animals and to teach them reverence for all life. The youth of today are the adults of tomorrow and in them we see our hopes for a better future for our animal friends.

INTERNATIONAL VEGETARIANISM Stockport, Cheshire There is nothing new in vegetarianism. It has been commonplace in many Eastern countries for thousands of years. In Europe there is ample evidence that men of letters and other thoughtful people were revolted by the abuse of the animal kingdom as long ago as the times of the Ancient Greeks. In recent years the interest in vegetarian principles has grown apace, especially in the Western world. Moral, economic and health reasons combine to ensure the level of interest will continue to grow. People are increasingly concerned about the evils and cruelty involved in modern factory farming practices and the use of animals for medical and scientific experiments. The fact that animals are very inefficient food machines is increasingly turning attention to the vegetarian answer to the world food problem. Evidence is growing that meat and its by- products are injurious to health and that a meat-free diet is far superior health wise. For all these reasons interest in the vegetarian cause is continuing to grow. The International Vegetarian Union aims to play a major part in encouraging the growing interest and to provide help and information to individuals and groups who are interested in vegetarianism. The first Vegetarian Federal Union was established as long ago as 1889 and its successor organisation. the International Vegetarian Union, held its first World Congress in Dresden, Germany, in 1908. Since then there have been twenty five world congresses and the 1984 World Vegetarian Congress will be held in the University of Maryland. near Baltimore, U.S.A. in July. 1984. World Congress have been held in many European countries, in India, Israel and the United States. It is hoped to broaden the list of venues by holding future World Congress in many other parts of the world. I.V.U. represents vegetarianism on the world stage and acts as an information service, as a source of help and encouragement and as the organisation which will gradually spread the vegetarian message as more funds become available. The role of the Young Indian Vegetarians in encouraging Indians to maintain their cultural attachment to the vegetarian principle is most welcome and l.V.U. wishes them well in their task. MAXWELL G. LEE Hon. General Secretary

BEAUTY WITHOUT CRUELTY Tunbridge Wells, Kent Wanowrie, Poona, India Registered as an Educational Charitable Trust, Beauty Without Crueltly opposes cruelty inflicted on animals for commercial purposes, and promotes alternatives. Millions of animals are slaughtered annually for the fur trade, the majority dying in agony in the cruel jaws of the Gin (Leg-Hold) Trap. All this torture is totally unnecessary as there are excellent simulated fur garments available. Cruelty-free cosmetics and toiletries are available from the charity’s affiliated trading company, Ltd. The products do not contain animal ingredients and are not tested on animals. Beauty Without Cruelty strives to encourage a kinder way of life. MARGOT MARGRISON Manager

NON-VIOLENCE AND VEGETARIANISM By Acharya Sushil — Jain Monk Kumarji Maharaj There are two theories concerning man’s survival and his interaction with environment. One is that in order to survive, we must destroy other life — ‘Jivo Jivassa Jivanam’ —this is similar to the survival of the fittest. The second faith is that we must live and let live. As Lord Mahavir taught, ‘Paraspar Upagraha Jivanam’ — without the help of others we cannot survive. All creation is supporting our existence. Even the smallest of creatures have their purpose on this earth. Wherever there is paid, suffering and violence, the entire universe is suffering. When we breathe, the whole universe breathes. We are one with the universe. This is the meaning of non-violence — oneness. Lord Mahavir said that If we harm any living being, we are harming ourselves. “All things breathing, all things existing, all things living, all beings whatever should not be slain or treated with violence, or insulted, or tortured, or driven away.’ You are the sun, the moon and the stars. You are the five elements. You are everything. If you deepen your awareness, you will find this body is not a simple mechanism. It is the microcosm. A drop of water is the same as the ocean. A snowflake is the same as a blanket of snow. Existentially, we can say it Is separate. But we must broaden our thinking. Individual “I” is part of the universal “I”. This is the purpose of life — how we can merge one into the other. We are that drop of water and we are the same as the ocean. Do not think you are alone. If anyone hurts your loved ones or your cat or dog, then you will feel pain. Why? Because you have established oneness with that person or animal. You have expanded. This is all a matter of attitude. It is this attitude we must adopt in all aspects of our life, and specifically concerning the food we eat. If we visit a slaughterhouse and see the situation of the terrified animals, it will not be possible to eat meat again. They are full of fear and anger. And these bad vibrations, along with the diseases of the animals, create innumerable toxins for anyone who consumes the meat. Wherever there is violence, the result will be negative. If we go against nature, then nature will give punishment. If we destroy another’s life force, then our own will be destroyed. We must not eat for taste, but for health. We must choose our food according to that which will provide the most life force — the most benefit for health. We must fulfill our body’s needs. A light vegetarian diet consisting of fresh, whole foods will provide all the necessary nutrients for health and well being. But if food is eaten without the proper awareness, even a vegetarian diet will not benefit us much. It is not enough to be a vegetarian only for health reasons. Many vegetarians are basically violent in nature. They may be argumentative, egotistical, angry people — these are all aspects of violence. It is also not enough to be vegetarian because of tradition. There are many millions of Indian families who have been vegetarian for generations. but are also basically violent. They do not know why they are vegetarian. It is the attitude that it important... Right Thinking as well as Right Conduct. Non-violence means love. And this love is established by each individual’s effort. Do not feel that you are only one ineffective person. There is no question of number. Mahavir was one. Christ was one, Buddha was one. One person can change the entire world. Their effect can never be erased from this world. They exist even now. Why? Because they were not simply persons—they were principles, they were lights of the world. We are very fortunate to have the direction and teachings of the great enlightened masters of all faiths. We must adopt their high ideals. Whatever habits are not useful for us or the world, we must transform into good habits. We are man. We have so much power to advance physically, mentally and spiritually. We must choose our food to develop in these ways, and to honorably nourish this temple of God which is our body.


We cannot directly experience anyone else’s pain — whether that. anyone is our best friend or an animal. Pain is something that only we can feel and when others show some external indication, such as screaming, we can infer that they are feeling pain. Animals have nervous systems similar to ours and so they, like humans, are capable of suffering from physical injuries, fear, anxiety, stress and so on. Animals are subject to horrifying cruelties, e.g. in the name of science, monkeys, rats, pigeons, guinea pigs are starved to death to see their reactions — did they act violently, fall ill, etc. Millions of animals are poisoned (about 40-50 million in U.S. per year). About 25% of the 5 million are poisoned every year to test drugs. For all kinds of cosmetics, lipsticks, etc., animals are subject to unbelievable pain. Cosmetics and drugs are tested for every skin damage — concentrated solution of the product are dripped in rabbits’, cats’, guinea pigs’ eyes, which are kept open by metal clips so that they do not shut their eyes. Thousands of animals have been forced to inhale tobacco smoke for months and even years to search for a cure for cancer. But if people are not prepared to give up tobacco or do without needless drugs and begin to take care of themselves by having adequate nutrition, sanitation and health care, can it be right to punish the animals in such a way? In spite of all these experiment on animals, it is by no means certain that what works’ on animals will work on humans. Thalidomide was tried out on monkeys, dogs, cats and rats with no ill effect, yet it had horrific effects on humans. Other drugs’ affect animals and humans quite differently; penicillin poisons guinea pigs, morphine wakes up cats (although It has the opposite effect in humans), aspirin deforms rats. Drugs metabolise (i.e. break up) at different rates in man and animals Meperidine, for example, metabolises at 17% per hour in a human but in the laboratory dog it does so at 90% per hour. Nor must it be forgotten that a very great deal of medical progress has already been achieved without recourse to the laboratory animal. Robert Lawson Tait (1845-99), an outstanding surgeon of his day and a pioneer of successful techniques in abdominal surgery, wrote of the advances made in transfusions and excisions and in the treatment of head injuries and poisonings before the vivisecton carried out his work. Other advances have included the discovery of anesthetics, penicillin, iodine, the measurement of blood- pressure, the treatment of cataracts and the development of many medical instruments. Most meat-eaters are ignorant of the abuse of living creatures behind the food they eat. One of the most abused is the chicken, who are bred either for their flesh or eggs. They lead miserable lives from birth to slaughter. As soon as they are born every aspect of their lives is controlled (e.g. light, food, water) to make them grow faster. These birds never see daylight until the day they are taken out to be killed. The egg laying chicken lives longer and in very cramped conditions —cages where there is not enough room for them to walk about oi stretch their wings, let alone stand up. The beaks of these birds are cut off so as to prevent them attacking each other, not surprising when there can be up to 90,000 chickens in a small factory. In the U.S. alone, 3,000,000,000 chickens are killed each year and millions of cattle, pigs and sheep are raised and slaughtered in cruel conditions. Veal or calf meat which is regarded as a ‘delicacy’ is perhaps the most horrific example of human cruelty towards animals. The newly born calf is kept in a dark place without any sunlight for its short life, before it is killed for its tender meat. CONCLUSION: Mankind is in the danger of annihilating itself, because the cruelty perpetuated on the animal world cannot go unpunished. If you are a meat-eater, please think again.

SIKHS AND VEGETARIANISM Amarjeet Singh Bhamra (NAMDHARI SIKHS) Satguru Ram-Singh, the 12th Living Incarnation of Guru Nanak (Founder of Sikhism) reformed Sikhism with aims to forge bonds of religious purity, brotherhood and to dispel darkness, to denounce social weakness and also to achieve freedom for His land from the British. Satguru Ram-Singh was the pioneer of India’s freedom movement. During the ten years of His preaching, He converted more than 700,000 men and women into vegetarians and claimed that “one who kills for food — might kill human beings too, without any hesitation”. At that time animal killing was permitted officially and the slaughter-houses were opened near the Sikh shrines in Punjab, Northern India. The contamination of the sanctity of these places of worship and the sacred waters was unbearable to all persons. The public complained against such new enactment but could get no authorization to halt this as the Government officials themselves were meat-eaters. Finding no other way the Namdhari-Sikhs attacked a number of slaughter-houses and freed the animals. This was considered a direct defiance of the British Authority and countless Namdhari-Sikhs were hanged at various places and times, while on the 17th and 18th January 1872, 66 followers of Satguru Ram- Singh were blown to bits by cannons at the order of a British Deputy Commissioner without a trial or approval of any superior authority. Satguru Ram-Singh came under surveillance and ultimately put under house arrest. All social and religious gatherings of the Namdharies were banned. The Government tried to implicate and involve Him as an instigator abettor. No accusations against Him were proved and He was arrested and imprisoned and deported for life. Yet this was the Guru who taught His followers to:—

 Respect all great men.  Honour other Religions.  Help the weak.  Not to injure anybody by thought, word or deed.  That kindness and not violence shall rule the present age.  To be strict vegetarians, and should be against killing for food.  To be teetotalers.  Honour your own country with all your heart and never dishonour it.  Be of high character.  That and purity of thought is essential to raise the moral level of the society and to believe in GOD under the guidance of The Living GURU. Doctor Rajindar Prassad and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru amongst other visited Sri Bhaini Sahib, the Headquarters of the Namdhari-Sikhs in the twenties and thirties and adopted the Swadeshi, Non- co-operation and Boycott programme created by Satguru Ram-Singh, under the blessful guidance of Satguru Hari-Singh, and Satguru Pratap- Singh.

The present Spiritual Head of the Sikhs is Satguru-Jagjeet-Singh Maharaj.

GANDHIJI ON COW PROTECTION “Cow protection is the gift of Hinduism to the world, and Hinduism will live so long as there are Hindus to protect the cow”. Protection of the cow means protection of the whole dumb creation of God. Cow protection to me is infinitely more than mere protection of the cow, the cow is merely a type of all that lives. Cow protection means protection of the weak, the helpless, the dumb and the deaf. Man becomes then not the Lord and Master of all creation but he is its servant. Cow protection is the dearest possession of the Hindu heart. No one who does not believe in cow protection can possibly be a Hindu. It is a noble belief. Cow worship means to me worship of innocence. For me, the cow is the personification of innocence. Cow protection means the protection of the weak and the helpless. As Professor Vaswani truly remarks, “Cow protection means brotherhood between man and beast”. “A Hindu who protects the cow should protect every animal”. He is a poor specimen of Hinduism who stops merely at cow protection when he can extend the arm of protection to other animals.

THE OLDEST MAN IN BRITAIN IS A VEGETARIAN His name is Harry Shoerats. He is one hundred and eleven years old. He was born in Russia in 1872 and came to Britain at the age of twenty-five. He is still very active and full of health and vigour. Dare anyone tell him that he probably lacks some vitamins because he never ate meat?

LORD KRISHNA’S CHOICE Over 5,000 years ago Lord Krishna made it clear that he would accept only vegetarian food. I-fe said, “If one offers me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, , or water, I will acceept it.”


George Bernard Shaw "I am a vegetarian, not a graveyard of dead animals”. John Ruskin “I will not kill or hurt any living creature needlessly, nor destroy any beautiful thing, but will strive to save and comfort all gentle life, and guard and protect all natural beauty upon the earth”. Lord Buddha “Meat is a food of sub-human beings”. Lord Mahaveer “All creatures desire self-preservation”. Biblical 5th Commandment Thou Shall Not Kill


First Myth: It is necessary to eat meat in order to get a proper diet. False: Although meat is one source of protein, the ‘body-builder’ in out diet, it is not the only source, and certainly not the richest. An adequate supply of first class protein can be obtained from foods such as nuts, beans, and pulses. Vegetarianism, far from being incompatible with good health, is thought by many nutritionists to encourage it! Second Myth: Vegetarians have their priorities wrong. They are for animals more than for humans. False: As anyone who has a pet or keeps animals knows, it is perfectly possible to care for the welfare of both human beings and animals. In fact, the potential benefits for mankind offer one of the strongest arguments for vegetarianism, because its adoption on a large scale would provide a practical way of tackling the world food problem. If we grow crops and feed them to animals, an average of 90% of the protein in the original plant-foods is used by the animals in their growth, leaving only 10% available for those who eat their flesh. This means that 9/10 of the protein produced is wasted. What greater contribution to human happiness could be imagined than ending this colossal waste, and providing food for the half of the world’s population who are still undernourished? Third Myth : Vegetarianism is not a practical proposition financially; and furthermore, vegetarian food is dull and boring. False: Far from being expensive, a vegetarian diet of equal food value to a diet with meat costs considerably less than the latter. As for the food being dull, that depends on the cook, just as it does in the preparation of meat dishes. A meal is as interesting and imaginative as the person who prepares it. Try some of the recipes in a modern vegetarian cookbook for yourself! COURTESY: Vegetarian Society of U.K.

The Young Indian Vegetarians with the Speaker of the House of Commons Rt. Hon. Bernard Weatherill. In the back row is Chris-Scott and Rohit Shah. Rohit Shah is one of the Founder Members of Y.I.V


 Custard powder is used in making most ice-creams sold in shops. This powder is a sweetened mixture of eggs and milk.

 Gelatin is used to make jelly, which is eaten by many vegetarians. Gelatin is derived from animal skin, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, etc. Cartilages are tissues from which bones are formed.

 Rennet is used in preparing most cheese. Rennet is curdled milk found in stomach of unweaned calf. This is used in curdling milk for cheese. Many vegetarians are unaware of this. Only vegetarian cheese sold mostly in health food shops should be bought. There are many such examples. It is up to every individual to ensure that he or she buys only those items which do not have any animal products. It is a legal requirement to mention all the ingredients of any food item in U.K. This should help vegetarians in buying animal free food.


It’s the life force in fruit, as much as anything else, that helps give health to the body, but some need proof about proteins, calories, vitamins, etc. Therefore. below are stated the sources of the essential nutrients in , seeds and nuts. “Fruit” is defined as that which is, or contains the seed of, potential life: the highest and ultimate aim of all plants. It is worth noting here, that on a fruitarian diet we are taking in life; whereas, on a diet of flesh and dairy produce, we are eating the reverse — death’ Grains and pulses can be included in the fruit if you wish: they add to the protein, but red beans MUST be well cooked or they are poisonous. NEVER COOK FRUIT as this kills the life-force so essential to optimum health. All the strong and healthy frugivores in the wild, such as the gorilla and other anthropoids eat direct from the growing trees and plants. Changing to a new diet is best decided how’ by the individual but a gradual change is the best: always bearing in mind, that the more fruit eaten, the healthier you are! But if, at any time you would like a cooked meal, by all means have one. Remember, we cannot cancel out—just like that! —the cooked food eaten by generations of our forebears and don’t try to be too rigid or you may crack under the self-imposed strain. However, any salad or cooked meal shouldn’t contain any meat or dairy produce, for this animal protein brings putrefactive virus into the intestines, whereas, the breaking down of fruit and is by non- pathogenic, fermentative, bacteria.

In the table below, you will find everything needed for health: ENERGY (sugar, starch, fat) Bananas, dates, raisins, nuts, seeds, avocado pears

PROTEINS Nuts, pulses, avocado, apricots, and small amounts in all other fruits

VITAMINS A. Apricots, tomatoes, bananas, melons, strawberries, capsicums B. Nuts, pulses, seeds, all other fruit. C. Lemons, oranges, grapefruit, blackberries. D. Sunshine. E. Nuts and seeds (grain)

CALCIUM Sesame seeds, nuts, pulses, figs, currants, etc.

IRON Grapes, , nuts, cocoa bean, and all fruit

FIBRES In all fruits and pulses

If you do slip back badly, don’t think, “All is lost!”: just keep on trying, for slowly you will find that fruit appeals to your taste and don’t get the erroneous idea that because you have a salad or cooked vegan meal you are no longer a fruitarian’ That’s as daft as saying a man isn’t a meat eater because you saw him eating an apple! I’d say that 80% of my intake is fruit and I’ve no intention of being a 100% fanatic! Remember — it’s BACK TO EDEN! — so spread the word! Wishing you all joy and goodwill.


The popular Hindu philosophy of vegetarianism is commonly understood to be a moralistic issue strongly linked with spiritualism. However, a part of the Hindu philosophy less well known to the majority of Hindus, but which is more familiar to the western philosophy of vegetarianism, is the Health Aspect. There are many aspects of vegetarianism which give it the mark of being the ‘healthiest form of nutrition’. These can be broken down into two major groups: 1. THE PHYSICAL ASPECT OF VEGETARIANISM. 2. THE MENTAL ASPECT OF VEGETARIANISM. In talking of the physical aspect of vegetarianism an introduction to the science of nutrition must be understood. To maintain a healthy body certain essential chemicals are needed (not for food). These are the vitamins and mineral salts. Carbohydrates, fats and protein comprise the types of food consumed by man. Both meat and vegetables contain these three food constituents, but meat contains more (much) fat than vegetables. This leads to a build-up of fat in the body (in the form of cholesterol), especially around the heart and other vital organs. This leads to heart diseases, liver and kidney failures, and even cancer. There are six major groups of vitamins, A, B complex. C. D. K. Vitamin A — is important for night-vision, and health of cells in the body. Sources of vitamin A include: milk, , carrots, tomatoes, and other green paints, it can be said that fish-liver oil contains vitamins, as does egg-yolk — but what is the cheaper source? Vitamin B complex — is a group of 12 vitamins, which are required for proper body function — lack of these vitamins leads to death. These vitamins are found in , nuts, and leguminous vegetables. They are also found in liver and egg-yolk — but it can clearly be seen that the sources again outnumber the meat sources. Vitamin C — lack of this vitamin gives the disease known as scurvy (bleeding gums, skin, muscles and even in the nervous system). The major source of vitamin C is citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, blackcurrant, etc — no meat contains usable vitamin C. Vitamin D — lack of this vitamin causes a disease known as rickets — weakening of joints and bones. Vitamin D can be obtained directly from sunlight shining on the skin, also milk and butter — so there is little need to obtain vitamin D from liver, fish oil or egg-yolk. Vitamin K — needed for the clotting of blood. This vitamin is only found in green vegetables. Essential mineral salts such as iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, etc., all essential for the body health can only be obtained by the consumption of vegetables. From the above, it can be seen that vegetables contain all the essential requirements for the healthy human being. Meat contains many of these requirements, but lacks many too. Also meat contributes to many diseases such as heart diseases, botulism, typhoid, parasitic worm diseases such as tape-worm, etc. All the above facts contribute to the theory that vegetables are more healthy to eat. Another scientific theory that enhances this, is if oFe considers that humans are not adapted to the flesh of animals. Carnivorous animals have claws, pointed canine teeth, skin without pores, and a short intestinal canal, whereas human beings have nails, chewing and grinding teeth, an intestinal canal 12 times as long as the carnivore, and his/her skin contains pores. These anatomical facts strongly suggest that humans by nature are vegetarians. The mental aspect of vegetarianism is not scientifically proved, but a more logically proven argument is that the vegetarian is a more stable individual than one who eats meat. It is, therefore, logical to assume that if the food you eat was prepared in violence, your mind will not fail to absorb some of that violence. Psychologically, the western society is brought up on violence, on media, in the streets, from the food they eat. This is not to say that there is no violence in the East. However, if an individual has the attitude that to hurt the smallest creature is a great sin, what of his attitude towards his fellow men? For this reason, it is logical to assume that vegetarianism can contribute to the mental stability of a whole society.

DIET FOR A SPIRITUAL PLANET Good nutrition, a balanced budget, and a clean conscience are only the beginning...... BY Rupanuga Dasa The International Society For Krishna Consciousness Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Careful selection and combination of vegetarian foods easily provides the minimum daily requirement of protein, vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. And when such meals are prepared for and offered to the Lord with devotion, they become prasada, (“the Lord’s mercy”), which is both healthy and spiritually purifying. When Lord Krishna speaks in Bhagavad-gita, he clarifies the ultimate purpose of vegetarianism: “If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit, or water, I will accept it” (Bg 9.26). In itself, vegetarianism basically means , protecting the animals — but offering vegetarian foods to Krishna and later accepting them as his mercy (prasada) means a lot more: bhakti-yoga or becoming conscious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. When combined with the chanting of the Supreme Lord’s holy names — Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare — Strict vegetarianism becomes more than a mere ethical principle or rational, humane way of life; it becomes the simplest. most pleasant means in the world for spiritual realization. Krishna consciousness, the spiritual reason for vegetarianism. includes all the other reasons — ethical, aesthetic, nutritional, economic, medical — in the same way that a fifty-pound note contains all the potencies of a twenty or. ten or five or a one pound note. Only the freshest, most succulent, most nutritious, and most aesthetically pleasing kinds of foods are prepared and offered to Krishna. Still because we are scientifically minded, we should carefully analyse the many advantages of eating Krishna prasada — of being a strict, spiritually- minded vegetarian. We will also examine some of the more important objections to vegetarianism. We can define a “strict vegetarian” as someone who totally abstains from meat, fish, and eggs. Some vegetarians, called “vegans,” abstain not only from meat but also milk. Some are concerned that milk may contain pesticides and cholesterol. However, fruits, grains, and vegetables contain no cholesterol, so a vegetarian could drink a quart of milk and eat a few ounces of cheese every day without topping the maximum recommended allowance of cholesterol. Without taking milk, one is doomed to consume piles of algae, seaweed, sesame seeds, or pills to obtain essential vitamin B- 12 and calcium. As for pesticides, practically everything we eat has some, because of widespread use of chemical fertilizers. The so-called ovo-vegetarians cannot be accepted as strict vegetarians, because they eat eggs, which are, after all, simply calcium-covered flesh, artificially mass- produced under conditions not justifiable in view of the numerous other sources of protein. But the term lacto- (milk-drinking) vegetarian is acceptable. Taking milk of cows that they later be slaughtered does not in any way condone cow- milking, and if we had the opportunity, we would close the slaughterhouses immediately.

Objections by Non-vegetarians One of the objections nonvegetarians raise against vegetarianism is that Vegetarians still have to kill plants, and that this is also violence. But it is nonsensical to equate fully sentiment animals like cows with lowly vegtables. Besides we really have to eat plants, fruits, grains, and so on, because the vitamins and minerals found only in these vegetarian foods are essential to keep body and soul together. Certainly, plants are as alive as cows modern experiments prove that plants have feelings, and the Bhagvad-gita, the essence of all Vedic teachings, confirms that all life forms contain spirit souls qualitatively equal to one another. But still, we have.’ to eat something, and the Vedas also say, jivo jivasya, jivanam: one living entity is food for another in the struggle for existence. So from a humane standpoint, the problem in choosing a diet is not how to avoid killing altogether - an impossible proposal - but how to cause the least suffering while meeting the nutritional needs of the body. A well-balanced diet of fruits, grains, vegetables, and milk products meets these criteria, and this diet is recommended in such scriptures as the Bhagavad-gita as truly human. Another common objection to vegetarianism is, “Jesus Christ ate meat, so why shouldn’t we?” But vegetarian Christians point out that the ancient Greek, from which the New Testament was translated, does not support the contention that Christ ate meat. For example, Greek words like brosimos, prosphagion, and trophe, all of which mean simply “food” or “nourishment”, were loosely translated as “meat” (except in the New English Bible). And, Christians assert, where the Bible states that Christ was offered fish and a honeycomb and accepted “it” (singular), “it” means the honeycomb. In the Old Testament a verse predicts this of the youthful Christ: “He shall eat butter and honey, that he may know to refuse the evil and to choose the good” (Isaiah 7:5) The purport would seem to be that to behave otherwise would lead to a brutish mentality, which cannot be accepted in the character of Christ. When we look for reasons behind widespread meat-eating, we 4ind that many people have been conditioned to it from childhood (“Finish your plate, dear; there are people starving in India”), and they feel guilty if they don’t indulge. In addition, myths about the necessity of flesh-eating persist, even in the face of volumes of scientific evidence to the contrary. Instant Karma, Insane Waste The meat-rich European diet has been scientifically proven to cause disease. A few examples: Researchers have found that frying meat produces carcinogens, cancer-causing agents. The breast milk of non- vegetarian women contains ten times as much pesticide as that of vegetarians. Many Europeans, especially among the more well-to-do, eat almost twice as much protein as they need, and this often tends to leach calcium out of the bones into the bloodstream. This process can produce bone loss and brittleness around the age of forty. Evidence linking the American diet with cancer and other diseases prompted the U.S. Senate to call for an increase in vegetarian foodstuffs in the national diet. Sodium nitrate, hormones, and antibiotics, given to animals in huge amounts to fatten and calm them, are passed on to the consumer and are thought by many researches to be prime causes of disease. Yet all these factors are not the original causes of disease, but are themselves manifestations of subtler causes — violations of the laws of nature. Humans are meant to eat vegetarian foods, but when their uncontrollable appetites drive them to eat flesh, they must suffer karmic reactions, which are shared equally by all those who, participate in the slaughter — from cattle-men to butchers to shoppers to cooks to consumers. This is the real connection between diet and disease: instant karma! It may manifest immediately, as in the case of botulism, and often deadly poisoning, or later on, as in the case of bone loss; it may strike individually, as in the personal hell of cancer, or collectively, as in the mass slaughterhouse of the Bubonic Plague. But in any case, there is no escaping karmic reactions. We reap what we sow, in this life and the next, for nature has her justice above the state’s. The Bhagavad-gita reveals how strict vegetarianism, when integrated with bhakti-yoga, can counteract karma “Devotees are freed from karmic reactions because they first offer their food to the Lord, whereas others, who prepare food only for their personal sense gratification, eat only sin”. (Bg 3.13) In other words, anyone who dovetails his eating with the principles of bhakti-yoga becomes transcendental to all karmic reactions, while one who neglects to do so incurs bad karma. Moreover, one who acts without karma can dovetail his consciousness with God’s and become aware of his personal presence at every step. This is the true benefit of prasada. There are at least forty kinds of vegetables, nine kinds of grains, twenty kinds of beans and peas, and twelve kinds of nuts available in the market, in addition to the cow’s contribution. What, then, is the need for all the violence and disobedience to the higher laws of human-kind, nature, and God? Let us chant Hare Krishna, live as strict vegetarians, and be happy in this life and the next!

Animals Don't Smoke Animals Don't Drive Animals Don't Wear Make-Up Animals Don't Use Paint Animals Don't Drink Alcohol Animals Don't Drop Bombs Animals Don't Take Drugs

Because You Do Why Should They Suffer BUAV British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection


It is not easy for one to understand, much less appreciate, the ethical, aesthetic, nutritional, economical nor medicinal way of life that is vegetarian. Though when confronted with facts and visions of an ideal way of life as are presented in such a symposium we cannot help but be proud or humiliated by our contribution to the Lord’s creation. If humiliated, it is because of a loss of identity with nature, a degeneration of consciousness to that of mere animalism and the de-personalisation of life to ease its domination and exploitation. Man’s consciousness has forever been perverted, but to an even greater extent today. We are continually subjugated with commercial garbage, telling us how to live our lives, and we constantly fall victims to their euphemisms which hide many a lie and which make transparent to us the atrocities and deceptions involved. We have therefore to understand the true meaning of life and the relation in which we as humans are associated with the whole and not merely lead a life based on the dumbfounded suppositions of ignorant materialists. We have to realise all living entities are part of this whole, each one on par, quantitatively equal to another, yet evolved to varying degrees to attain a unique quality. This concept of equality is based on the existence of the soul, the spark of life. When nature is depersonalised and life viewed by man as mere objects to be manipulated, used and abused to his own ends, he is not fulfilling a life dictated by his unique quality, a quality of great consciousness meant for understanding God and loving and caring for his creation. Thus one of the questions always asked of me is “Why do I eat plants? For this is also taking a life?” Caring for God’s creation means minimising the suffering we cause in this our life. Firstly, most foods are nicely placed on the plants for us to pick, hence it is obviously not killed, and secondly (as is obvious and scientifically proven), the pain induced in slaughtering a cow or harvesting some grain is in no way comparable. Another argument constantly put forth by non-vegetarians is the ability of animals to transform ‘humanly unusable nutrients’ into high grade protein for man. On the contrary, the highest quality food sources are fed to animals. For instance, in U.S.A. 78% of all grain produce are fed to animals, on average 16 pounds of grain or 21.4 pounds of protein are fed to cattle to produce one pound of meat. This is protein production in its reverse gear. Hence it leaves many millions starving, on the brink of death every minute of every day. It has been estimated that if the Americans were to reduce their meat consumption by 10% it would free at least 14 million tons of grain for human consumption or enough to feed 60 million people. Put another way, the food fed to animals during their life-time (usually only weeks) represents one cup of cooked food for every human being on this planet for every day of the year. Also the mere fact that the land is wasted; for instance, one acre used for vegetable production will yield 20 times more protein than the same acre used for meat production, or the growth of cash crops, tea, coffee, etc., in areas where millions are starving, does not deter man from his continual exploitation and greed. The land also, in the form of forests, is today becoming a rare sight. This raping of our planet, in the order of thousands of acres every hour and for the sake of keeping many a millionaire employed, is not only destroying our wildlife and birds, but is also threatening to tip the ecological balance of nature towards man’s ultimate destruction. Misconceptions continue to flow, however, and one of the most underestimated crimes committed to animals is their excessive breeding. Many people seem to think that animals who are born to be slaughtered, should be glad for their lease of life on this earth. But how do they come into being? Thus goes the scenario: a group of female stock will be secured, with their heads tightly braced between two iron bars. Potent males are then given a free reign to carry out what is supposed to be a natural and loving process of life in the crudest and most degrading torture any living entity will ever have to live through. Such is the indignity of man. To those who swear as being animal lovers and yet persist in meat-eating, what can one say but hope that the apparent contradictions will be soon realised. And to those who lovingly keep pets, giving sometimes more affection than is usually afforded a human being, but who pay for thousands of whales to be harpooned or cows to be slaughtered, by dog-food salesmen disregarding life for personal gains, in reality knows not the essence of true love of life. Finally, I wonder if we asked of meat-eaters, letting their inner feelings emerge, to visit a slaughter house and witness the suffering, injustice and uncleanliness, or better still, as gratification of the senses is more important than life itself, to perform the slaughtering of their own food, how many vegetarians we would have today in this world? By nature man is not conditioned to kill animals for his food, hence we let the degenerates of society do our dirty work while we hide behind a wall of euphemisms trying to disguise their true semantics. Essentially the message is one of love. The more that we give is the more that will be returned. For the seeds of destruction will certainly grow on a mountain built from gratification and hatred. So I urge the cessation of this needless slaughter unless we wish to repay it with our untimely demise. Not to end on too sad a note though, we sincerely hope that this, a humble gathering of thoughts on vegetarianism from many a field, will serve to elucidate the strengths of the subject matter, and to eliminate many of its associated myths. In hopes that we may live to love!