Fighting Complacency
First Class U.S. PostagePaid Permit#1 GDheBauibsoiuanDa^Dson,NC ♥"THE SOLTTHTS FOREMOST COLLEGE WEEKLY" + Davidson College Wednesday, January 19,2005 Volume 96, Number 13 Fighting Complacency Day's events raise Davidson meets $250 million goal inon-going capital campaign.A questions of commit- statement from President Vagt, ment toKing'slegacy page 4. By LaurknConn Staff Writer Wrestlers DavidsonCollege observedMar- regroup after tin Luther King,Jr.Day Mondayas students and the surrounding com- coach's firing munity embraced the past, present ByBobby Demuro and future ofcivilrights. Sports Writer Thisyear's agenda featured con- Staff vocation speaker Dr. Walter Earl Clockwise from left: Two daysbefore wrestling's Fluker, a gospel choir concert and dual Children's activities, season-opener severaleducational programsrelated against Duquesne, dialogues and Davidsonfiredhead wrestlingcoach to the theme "ThroughtheEyes ofa panels,a 'Walk for T.J.Jaworsky. Dream: ALook atDavidson." Peace,' and a lecture Accordingtothe Press, Thedayofcelebrationbeganwith by Dr. Walter Fluker Associated Jaworsky 2, the "Building the Dream 5K Race/ marked the day's was arrested on Jan. 2005 on chargesof cocaine posses- Fun Walk for Peace" sponsoredby events. sion, pos- the AlphaPhi Alpha fraternity. drivingwhileimpairedand sessionof drugparaphernalia. see MLK,page3 Furthermore,according to Char- lottepolicerecords,Jaworskyposted Davidsonians explore College'spainful history ofrace relations a bondof $5,800and was released day. By Katk Gillespie wereprecededbyatalk fromcollege dents were equally divided on the the same 34, Senior Writer archivistDr.Jan Blodgett, who dis- issue and endingwith the Boardof Jaworsky, hadbeenhead wres- Staff tling cussedthe impact of thecivil rights Trustees decision in 1961 to admit coachfor the'Catsforthreeand On Jan. 17, Davidson alumni movementonDavidsoninthe 1950s three Congolese students.
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