SPARKS 2012 Fall Jimboy’s Joke of the Month

What would a cannibal be if he ate his mother’s sister?


Read more of Jimboy’s jokes on upcoming blog posts: Greetings Greystone Girls,

We hope that you enjoy our Fall “Sparks”... we think that it is better than ever! It has tons of pictures and we have written articles that should interest you and might even be helpful. The new look is from your Head Counselor Sarah Brown; she loves camp and is very excited about sharing this excitement with you in the “Sparks”. Enjoy!

Fall has arrived at Greystone, and it is glorious! The first signs always arrive unexpectedly, for the days are usually warm but temperatures drop drastically at night and the trees show the signs of change. Dogwood trees turn red, the Maple trees turn either red or yellow, Oaks and Poplars orange. There are lovely red berries on the little bushes that surround the Dining Hall and the migrating birds fill the sky with a last rush of feathers. It is a lovely time of year; we wish you were here.

The lake is gone! Not for good, but for a month or two at least… Duke Power has dropped Lake Summit 35 feet in order to do repairs to their dam. Our lake (Lake Edith) is actually part of Lake Summit, so now the front campus looks like a mud pit that is sprinkled with lots of hair bands, ribbons, and the occasional tennis shoe or flip flop. It is pretty sad looking, but has given us a good chance to clean up.

Fall always provides an excellent season for building new things at camp. Sam and his crew have been working hard on the grounds, sowing new grass, meeting with engineers for upcoming projects, and starting on the long list of big improvements for next summer. The first job has been to fix the drainage problems by the track. Last summer was a wet one, the grass by the “Horsie” tennis courts and the Riding Ring was a real problem… but that is now a problem of the past! We have also replaced a sea wall beside the waterslide and added a new dock for paddle boards. I will post progress reports on the camp blog; make sure you check in from time to time.

Thank you for making Greystone your summer home. We are blessed to know you and cannot wait till the leaves return and we welcome you back.


1 2 Physical Growth with Jimboy

We strongly believe that it is important to grow physically when at camp. It is part of what makes camp so much fun! If you were not growing physically at camp, something would be seriously wrong. You would not feel good about yourself and would not want to come back for another year… so we work hard to see that you have significant physical growth while at Greystone.

Here are some ways we work on Physical Growth while at Greystone:

• We get plenty of sleep. • We eat good food and only snack on apples and watermelon! • We walk all over the camp as we change classes and go to programs. • We take physically active classes (even waterpark is an active class). • We drink lots of water. • We offer Stumblers each Sunday. • We have a Great Day 5K during our Main camp session.

3 Ways to Work on the Physical at Home

Did you feel better when you were at camp? While it may not be exactly the same, you can feel GREAT at home, and it starts with making sure you are growing physically. A few suggestions:

• Get plenty of sleep (turn off the phone, get off the computer, don’t watch TV during the week) • Eat good food (cut down on the fast food) and eat apples and watermelons for snacks! • Walk around the neighborhood for an hour every day. • Join a team or take up a sport that will get you moving.

Jimboy’s Physical Routine During the Year

I have a few “exercises” that I have found to be fun enough to work into my days… the idea is to find something that will give at least one hour of exercise every day of the week (except Sunday).

• Go to the fitness room at the gym and hit the treadmill while watching a TV show or listening to a book on tape. • Take a walk with the dogs around Apple Hill… wonderful this time of year! • Run/walk a 15 lap “Stumblers” around the track (listening to a book on tape).

Consider making your own list and making exercise a part of your life. My father used to enjoy running and would take his running gear with him during his travels. He ended up running in 48 states!

4 5 Greystone by the Numbers

The1974 very first summer Greystone added the June camp session. August camp was added in 1979 and Junior camp in 1999.

The48,000 approximate number of laps run each summer at Stumblers. Paying the price for the promise of the prize!

The8 number of different art departments who showcased campers’ art pieces in this years Greystone Art Show.

6 One1969 of many years that the Drama Department performed Peter Pan for the Main Camp play. Other years include 1976 & 1988.

The115,643 approximate number of times throughout the summer that campers ask their counselor “What is Banquet?”

7 Greystone Through the Years Memories from the 1930’s & 1940’s

“Some of the happiest & most carefree times of my life were spent at Greystone. Overnight hiking trips, horseback riding trips, and bus trips to Biltmore were especially memorable. The camaraderie and spirit have lasted a lifetime!” -Jan Hulin Ferguson, 1930’s

8 I was at Greystone Aug. ‘45. The final banquet was the night the war ended. Word went through the line as we stood waiting to go into the dining hall. I was 14 at the time and I was far more interested in the banquet and the theme. -Rutledge Ingram Gross, 1945

“Summer ‘48 there was a bad polio epidemic in N.C. It broke out after camp started. The gates were closed - groceries delivered to & picked up at the gate. Counselors took their days off in camp. I do not recall any complaining by anyone - in fact, it may have been one of Greystone’s best & closest summers.” -Dilly Johnson Jones, 1948

9 New Campers at Greystone The Ins and Outs of Food at Camp Welcome new 2013 campers! There are many of you that are receiving this Sparks magazine for the first time. We are so excited you will be joining us this coming summer!!

In each Sparks issue, we’ll be teaching you the Ins and Outs of Greystone - in this issue, you can learn all about our food. Ask any of our returning campers - it is fabulous!

We can’t wait for you to be eating with us in a few short months.

10 • We eat meals family style in our Dining Hall. You will sit with one or two counselors, who will help serve the food.

• At breakfast every morning, we offer cereal and a fruit bar, filled with many different fruits. You’ll often find yogurt and oatmeal in our fruit bar as well. We also have a “hot food” option each morning, such as pancakes, french toast, biscuits, eggs, or bacon.

• At lunch and dinner, we always have a salad bar available. In our salad bar area, you can usually find hard boiled eggs and tofu. Our Greystone bread is also infamous - campers can’t get enough of it! We also serve desert after both lunch and dinner.

• Most of our meals are eaten in the dining hall, but we do also have picnics throughout the week, when you will eat with your cabinmates. Taco in a Bag is the camp favorite picnic!

• At the end of each of our dining hall meals, we sing traditional camp songs together. It won’t take long before you know all of our camp songs - we sing the same ones over and over.

• At June and Main camp, we have Sleep Late Friday on some Friday mornings - we love it! After you sleep-in an extra hour, your counselor will pick up your breakfast, so you can eat in your cabin. Sometimes we’re even spoiled with doughnuts!

You will love the food at Greystone! We can’t wait for you to join us in the Dining Hall!

11 Camp Style with Laura Our Director Laura Hollowell has been styling at camp for over 30 years. Learn great tips on Greystone style from a well- dressed, camping veteran.

Hey girls! One of the most fun Evening Programs we have at camp is the Decade Dance! We have one at every session, so you’ll want to pack something fun to wear. Any costume will do.

Some girls wear jeans and a cowboy hat.

Others bring a hula skirt.

Some may just add a feather boa to camp clothes.

Last year, a camper dressed up like me!

From the simple to the outrageous...

...all girls love to dress up and dance to great music. We can’t wait to see you at the....

2013 Decade Dance!! Decade Dance Decade 12 Camp Style with Laura

13 Activities with Kelly Our Program Director Kelly Carew is the mastermind behind all of our Activity areas. Learn some cool facts about classes you enjoy taking at camp each summer!

2012 Stats:

Swimming: 704 Total Campers June - 194 Main - 313 August - 197

Diving: 265 Total Campers June - 110 Main - 95 August - 60 Swimming 14 We have 2 pools. One is our Lesson, , Pool Game & fun pool. The other is the , Competitive Swimming, Water Activities Polo, , and more pool! with Kelly

We have 4 diving boards. Both pools total around 500,000 Two competitive Duraflex gallons, and we keep the water boards and two fun temperature around 85 degrees by boards. running the water through solar panels.

We have 5+ different kinds of swimming classes. Swimming Lessons, Competitive Swimming, Free Swim, Synchronized Swimming, Pool Games, Water Aerobics, and more!!

15 Evening Programs with Sarah

Group: noun, an assemblage of persons gathered together Night: noun, the period between evening and bedtime

At Greystone, we do many of our Evening Programs as an entire camp group. We love the community feel this provides! However, one night during our June and Main camp sessions, we split into age specific groups for a night of fun. The Group Leader for each particular age group plans the event - it is always a blast! Enjoy some pictures from 2012 Group Night!

Waterpark Party

Fun at the Pool Group Night 16 Evening Programs Dinner at the Millers with Sarah

80’s Bowling

Asheville Baseball Game

Private Drew & Ellie Concert

17 Cooking with Dr. Margaret Dr. Margaret knows a thing or two about cooking - she has a large family to cook for at home! Enjoy making this recipe with your family this fall.

Making chili has always been a significant family tradition in my life. When I was growing up, my family lived on a farm and always had a Christmas Tree Hunt in early December every year. We invited all our friends over to go out on the farm, choose a tree, and cut it down. One year Southern Living magazine did a story about our Christmas Tree Hunt and put my mom’s chili recipe in the magazine!

Years later, my cousin’s wife introduced us to the “new’ way to do chili - she added all the “sweet” condiments. We were skeptical at first...but then really loved it!

I always get excited about the first time we eat chili each year. Jimboy gets excited about the first fire of the’s how we “mark” the change in the seasons. Making chili also brings back lots of memories of fun family and camp gatherings! Fall Cooking Fall 18 Broadbent Family Chili

Cooking with Ingredients: I lb. ground beef Sweet Chili Toppings: 1/2-1 cup chopped onions Chopped pecans Dr. Margaret 2 cans tomato soup Raisins 1 can tomato sauce Coconut 2-3 T chili powder (to taste) 1-2 cans kidney beans Savory Chili Toppings: 1 clove garlic Shredded cheese Sour cream Directions: Chopped sweet onion 1. Saute onions in oil or bacon grease Black olives 2. Brown the ground beef Chopped jalapenos 3. Add other ingredients 4. Cook until desired consistency

Dr. Margaret’s Notes: I like to have one bowl with the sweet add-ins and one with the more traditional. It’s fun to try different combinations. Kelly Carew is a very picky eater and thought she couldn’t do the sweet, but she loves it!

Fun Facts about Dr. Margaret:

Starbucks drink: Grande, Non-fat, Latte....every time.

Favorite class as a camper: Fencing

Childhood nickname: After my first year as a Greystone camper, I wanted a nickname SO bad...So when I came back my second year, my family decided I could go by “Mimi”...YES, just like Me-Me the dog. I even got a t-shirt to bring to camp with MIMI on the back! Unfortunately, the nickname didn’t take.

Hobbies: Hiking and Dancing. One day I want to teach Greystone Groove! 19 Scenes from the Summer

20 Camp Greystone 2012

21 Overnights at Greystone

In one of our recent online News stories, we asked for your comments about Overnights. Greystone girls love Overnights! Here are some of your favorite things:

22 “The hamburgers, s’mores, and “I really love the s’mores; they are awesome!” staying up late.” -Riley, August camper -Eleanor, Main camper

“I love just looking up at the stars, because I know that a lot of girls (including me) don’t get to see the stars where they live.” -Isabel, June camper “My favorite thing has be s’mores “I also love the worship on top of apple and staying up late!!!” hill: the praise songs and devotion, - Stephanie, Main camper definitely a highlight of the summer, because God’s gifts are so evident through “My favorite thing in is the the scenery and the people you are sharing hammocks.” it with!” -Sarah Kate, Main camper -Porter, Main camper “S’mores and dinner, rolling down the hill a couple of times, sitting around the camp fire, singing chill songs, and sharing a devotion are all the best parts of the overnight.” -Margaret, Main camper “This past summer we got to have movie night up there and the Drew and Ellie “I made a fire! It was incredible!” concert. This year was by far THE best -Counselor overnight ever!” “Banana Boats!” -Emilie, Main camper -Rivers, June camper “I like getting to run around and eat “Time with my counselor and s’mores!” cabinmates.” -Echols, June camper -Mary, August camper “I love the moment that I wake up after an overnight: that moment when I’m lying in my hammock cocoon, wrapped snugly in my sleeping bag except for my nose as it pokes out into the chilly air, and then I slowly open my eyes to see the absolute beauty of the pink and orange and purple sunrise sky overhead.” -Rachel, counselor “My favorite overnights were at Grey “To me, its like a huge slumber Lodge, Mrs. Hannah’s home. Played in the party! I always eat way too many water for hours, had Taco in a Bag, slept in marshmallows and stay up way too these huge military tents. It was so much fun late, but that’s part of the fun!” just hanging out with my cabinmates.” -Lily, Main camper -Kathy, Alumna

Want to be featured in our next Sparks magazine? Check the News section of our website to answer our next Sparks question!

23 Staff Donations to the Great Day Fund At the end of Main Camp, our staff is given the opportunity to donate to the Great Day Fund, as a way to support future campers who cannot afford a summer at camp. This summer, 65 total staff members unselfishly gave: $2480!

Thank you 2012 staff for supporting Greystone in this way!

To find out more about the Great Day Fund, please contact Katie Miller Grant ([email protected]) or visit our website:

24 25 Best of Where’s Jimboy See more at Best of Where’s Jimboy See more at

Submit your Where’s Jimboy picture to [email protected] for your chance to win! Main Campers: Your Favorite Things Every summer we survey our campers at the end of each session. Our Main camp surveys are especially important to us, as our Main campers love everything about camp. Here are some of the top answers from our Main camp surveys.

30 Favorite Classes: Metal Jewelry & Cooking

Favorite Meals: Poppyseed Chicken & Pizza

Favorite SWAG Items: T-shirts & Trucker Hats

31 Banana Boats at Home

At our Overnight campsite, our June and Main campers have the chance to make their very own Banana Boats as part of the Overnight experience. You can enjoy this Greystone treat in your very own home...make a Banana Boat today!

1. Slit each banana lengthwise through the peel, making sure not to cut all the way through to the other side.

2. Stuff the bananas with marshmallows and chocolate chips.

3. Wrap each banana in aluminum foil and cook in a 300 degree oven for 5 minutes, or until chocolate is melted.

4. Eat with a spoon. Enjoy!

32 We’re trying out Pintrest :g Camp Greystone

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