Shelter Is on Target I

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Shelter Is on Target I ivtanM# kM M kal was later takca ta tkc keepUal wkere ke i !■ Nrgery. te N a v . M W aa^erw eat eKylaratary largery tar aa akia ailaal laiaetlaa Jacton wara w arriei he m i(h t have, bat aa iafectiaa was laaad. Hawever. the arcMrishap m battle a actaary tract lafectlsa far a aaatbcr at «ays dariag his haspital stay. A rrhbi shsp Oaiiajr rceeatly aaherwcat a CAT scaa ta check his gall hlaMer. The Ms. ZaecarcBI a d ie i that the archbishap aiade gaad pragress last week. He was walklat araaat the haspital aalt aad begaa dally physical therapy sessiaas. At his Ctah. He release fraas the haapital, she said, be “ leaked very gaod“ aad was vary talkative. J ^ \ / P " Q ;i».- VOL. LX NO. 49 December 5. 1984 Colorado's Largest Weekly Circulation 73,452 32 PAGES 25 CENTS V. Shelter is on target I Long lost brother A Denver woman experiences the ex­ citement of finding her long lost brother, whom she hadn’t seen in over a quarter of a century. Page 10 •pirH ef Christ ParWi eperalM Ha Hel- Has for pssfris saMnf Is vsies sns si s fflUfkMi hunum prsMsnw Is a cssnsslsr. .. .. ' » • • Capuchin Father Didacus Dunn is surrounded by Clients able to be served will include runaway youths, some of the younger guests at the Samaritan Shelter at families, single adults, both single men and women 1836 Logan St. Father Dunn is associate director of the transients and the handicapped. The archbishop Catholic Relief shelter. Another Capuchin, Father William Kraus, is the pledged $2.42 million to the new facility from the sale- director. The shelter on Logan Street will be replaced lease-back agreement made over a year ago with the The ailiiallsn of Ihs starving psspis in by a bigger facility to be built by the Denver Lawder-Cruden Group for Holy Ghost Church property lanHsn Is vihM archdiocese on a site in lower downtown in downtown Denver. The remaining $4 million will be ia and adial H Denver. Plans for the $6.42 million shelter are moving raised by increased participation in the Archbishops’s along since Archbishop James V. Casey made the Annual Campaign for Progress. Progress '85, and from 14 announcement Oct. 23. The modern, functional shelter contributions received from the corporate community. will house more than the present Samaritan Shelter. PtMle by jQM ph’s Camera rf ‘ Page 2 — The Denver Catholic Register. Wed., December 5. 1984 f i: Christmas Novena at the seminary ^ a St Thomas Sc’ihinary will again offer its annual f.'hnsl Feast of the fmmaculate Conception version was the one most commonly in use until the tim e of ■ rnas Novena in a special invitation to the (K*ople of Denver Father Vacr-hetta. together with his confreres, later set liturgical renovation after the Second Vatican Council t The traditional Christmas Novena, celebrated in the out to encourage that form of piety by composing or ptrssibly After theCouncil. several other versions appeared ibothf ' I churi'hes and chapels of the Vinr’i'ntians and the Daughters revising a novena m preparation lor Christmas. in Italy and in the United States), adapting the distinctive t of ('harity. has come to mean '(■hristiiias' for the members Since his time, the of the Christmas .Novena spread parts of the novena to a more liturgical style. It was j of the two i-ommunities. and those who celebrate these nine throughout Italy, first through the Vincentians and Daugh­ celebrated in the vernacular, and often shoilened musically.i;,* :.T-' days of prayer with them ters of Charily, and later also through the work of the but lengthened with biblical readings. 4 Carlo Antonio Vacchetta ( !6<>r» 17471. an Italian Vincen Salcsians of Don Hosco It has spread el.scwhere in the world This year, the .seminary will extend the novena into two T tian living in Turin, is credil«*d with the composition of the due to the mi.ssionary work ol the thre<* eommunitics. local parishes. A complete schedule for the nine days of the , novena Ills work followed on centuries of tradition When Ihe first Vincentians came lo the I'nited States in Christmas Novena follows: A sp«.*<'ial ruivena in preparation lor Christmas was 1816, they undoubtedly brought Ihe Christmas .Novena with Dec 9 — Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, 1530 •' known at Home from 1618 on Thai devotion, consisting in them Notices ol its celebration are scarce, but it is possible Logan St.; 7:30 p.m. the reading and singing of verses Irom th<- prophets r Nov that It made its appearance here .is early as 1816 at Ihe Dec 13 — St. Vincent de Paul s ('hurch. 2375 E. Arizona ena dei versetti l probably suggested to l•'athel V.icchella s«-minary m St Thomas near Hardslown where Ihe con­ St.; 7:30 p m. the possibility of an expiinded formal freres spent their first American winter Dec 14-20 — St Thomas' Seminary. 1300 S. Steele St.; l•'alher Vacchetta. director of the student prii-sts in the The music ol Ihc novena. up(),irenlly gning back to 7:30 p m house, had a strong [MTsonal mli-resl in the ceremonii's and Father Vacclietla him.self, was generally sung in unison, in Dec 21 — St Thomas' Seminary. 1300 S. Steele St : 4:30 music ol the Churi-h He laugfit ctiani .ind r’erernonies to his one voice This lasted until the 19‘JO s when Prof Matthew I’ pm . students, anil com(K)se<l novenas m honor of the Holy Spirit Becker a faculty member of Kennck Seminary m St I^ruis The seminary welcomes people of all faiths to share in > in prep.'iration tor IN*ntecosl ;ir»t in f»r#*paration tor thi* prep.ired a four-part version for men s voues The Becker the Christmas Novena. 'I Irl Contributions for ■> • * Christmas Basket Program launched - J - - Samaritan Sheiter As part of a long-standing tradition. Denver Catho­ which is more likely to meet their own eating patterns ■f * lic (,'ommumly Services iIX'CS) will again be conduct­ and allows them to be more resourceful." ing Its annual Christmas Basket I’ rogram Now is the important time for people to consider All contributiona for tho construe* A highly successful effort in giving some joy to the making their contributions to the program so that it can tion of the new Samaritan Sholtar poor at ('hristmas. the program functions entirely be determined how many poor can be helped for this should be sent to: Samaritan Shelter through volunteers and donations At Christmas of 1983. Christmas. It is important for those who would like -J.- more than 8.000 men. women and children received lo volunteer m taking applications or processing ap­ 1 Building Trust Fund, c/o Colorado Na* tielp Contributions totaled over $57,000 plications to contact IXTCS \ tional Bank, Denver, Colo. S02S6. With that amount DCCS purchased food II you are interested, call either Jim Mauck or AH contributions are tax deduc­ certificates that were riKleemable at one of the IcK'al Mary Dee at 388-4411 J ■- tible. grocery stores In that way. according to Jim Mauck [kinations may bo sent to: IK'CS Christmas Basket dirt'ctor of fK'C.S. "the p<K)r are able to purchase food Program. 200 Josephine St , Denver, CO 80206. Fiesta Dec. 6-9 •J z ^ ^ at Guadalupe Priority for the poor The priests and people of Our l.aidy of Ouadalupet'hurch By Jerry Filteeu (oncerned with the true common good in North Denver have invited everyone to join them in this The draft says that the notion of a special 'option rear's celebration of the o f Our I.ady of Guadalupe, to WASHINGTON (N O In calling lor a preterm fur the poor has a number of implications for Catholic •X ‘i ic held at the parish Dec. 6. 7. 8 and 9. lial option for Ihe piair, the first draft of the t 'S bishops' pastoral on the ivonomy draws on an irx-reas social thought and action Religious services will ctmsist of a mission on Thursday, 1 / ' ingly popular catch-phrase in Catholic social teaching First It impost's a prophetic mandate to speak for I 'riday and Saturday evenings al 7 p.m with Mass and guest The draft says the impact of I ’ S mfinomic policies (hose who have no one lo speak for them, to be a rcachcn. defender of the defenseless who. in biblical terms, are The traditional Solemn Marlachl Mass in honor of Our the poor " the document says ady of Guadalupe will be held on Sunday. Dec. 9. at 11 a m It also demands ,i lompassionatc vision which nd will include the distribution of ruses and procession Backgrounder etvables the Church lo see things from the side of the trough the streets of the Guadalupe neighhorhcxid poor to assess lifestyle, as well as social institutions A bazaar featuring booths of all kinds, food, games and on the poor is a "primary criterion lor judging their and policies in form s of ihcir impact on the poor, " it rizes will be held insi^ Friday and Saturday evenings after moral value " Such an approarh "eonslilutes the pret continues .ie mission. crential option for the poor which flows from biblical Finally, it adds, "and most radically, it calls for On Sunday, following the Mdriachi Mass and procession, faith," it says. an emptying of self, both individually and corporately, m authentic Mexican meal will be served in the hall during Despite its biblical roots, the phrase preferential that allows the Church to experience the power of God in Jie afternoon.
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