The Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors
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.] , BeUmal-Greea, after that of No. 3, Clapton-Square, 2. The petition arid' schedule, and all booksj Lower Clapton, all in Middlesex, Boarding-School-Keeper. papers, and writings filed therewith, will be prd* George Winter, formerly of Wells-Street, Oxford-Street, then of South Molton-Street, then of Duke-Street, Portland- duced by the proper Officer for inspection and ex- Place, and late of No. 84, Berwick-Street, Oxford-Street, amination, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, all in Middlesex, Deputy Purveyor of His Majesty's Forces. until the last day for entering, opposition inclusive; Charles Thomas Foroes, formerly of the East Indies, then and copies of the petition and schedule, or such - lodging at the Northumberland Coffee-House, then at No. 25, Greek-Street, Soho, then ot No. 1, Poland-Street, part thereof as shall be required, will be pro- and late of No. 41, Great Portland-Street, all m Middlesex, vided by the proper Officer., according to the Act, an Officer in the 89th Regiment of Infantry. 7 Geo. 4, c. 57, sec. 76. George Sherlock (sued together and along with James Cullen, bis late Copartner), late of No. 39, Pool-Lane, Liverpool, 3. Notice to produce at the hearing any books Lancashire, trading under the firm of Sherlock and Com- or papers filed with the schedule, must be-1 given pany, as Tailors, Drapers, and Slopsellers- Edward Harrison, late of Dudley, Worcestershire, Victualler. to the Officer having the custody thereof, within Henry Laxton, formerly of *No. 13, Osnaburgh-Street, the hours above mentioned, on any day previous Regent's-Park, Middlesex, then in Partnership with William to the day of hearing. Laxton and Thomas Nicholls, carrying on business .at No. 148, Holborn-Bars, in the City ot London, a* Ar- 4. Opposition at the hearing can only be made chitects, Surveyors, and Auctioneers, and at the same time by the Creditor in person, or by Counsel appear- and now in Partnership with Thomas Tyerman, of No. 3, Vassal-Road, Brixton, afterwards of No. 2, Foxley-Place, ing for him. Caniberwell-New-Road, and then and now of No. 2, Beck- forcl-Place, Kensington, all in Surrey, as Builders and Sur- veyors, also as an occasional assistant to William Laxton, THE COURT FOR RELIEF OF INSOLVENT of No. 148, Holborn-Bars aforesaid, and during the whole of such several above mentioned residences carrying on DEBTORS. business at No. 148, Holborn-Bars aforesaid, on his own N. B. See the Notice at the end p/ this Ad- private account, and late of No. 2, Beckford-Place aforesaid, Architect and Surveyor. vertisement. William Henry Southey, late of HigU-Street-Market, in the City of Bristol, Somersetshire, Butcher. The Matters of the PETITIONS and SCHEDULES Francis Sibley, formerly of Church-Lane, Newington, Baker, and late ot No. 3, Green-Lane, Newington-Green, Saint of the PRISONERS hereinafter named (the same Mary, Islington, Middlesex, out of business. having been filed in the Cpurt) are appointed Thomas Maxted, formerly of Vauxballl, near Canterbury, to be heard as follows: then »( High-Street, Margate, Butcher, afterwards of Dane-Street, Margate aforesaid, Butcher and Grocer, next At the Court-House, at York, in the County of of Sion-Place, Margate aforesaid, Butcher, and last of York, on the 12th day of March 1829, at Ten Clifton-Street, Margate aforesaid, all in Kent, out of o'Clock in the Forenoon. business. James Culleii (sued together and along with George Sherlock, Richard Moorfpot, late of Thirsk, Yorkshire, Journeyman his late Copartner), late of No. 3D, Pool-Lane, Liverpool, Currier and Publican. Lancashire, trading under the firm of Sherlock and Com- Robert Coatsworth, late of Lunehead, in the Parish of Ro- pany, -as Tailors, Drapers, and Slopsellers. maldkirk, Yorkshire, Labourer, and formerly Farmer. John Moore, formerly of Silver-Street, Leicester, Stainer, Charles Spencer, formerly of Charriot-Street, Bricklayer, after-' Painter, Gilder, Oil and Colourman, and late of Cank- wards of Wincolmlee, Shopkeeper, both in the TCWQ of Street, Leicester aforesaid, Leicestershire, Stainer, Painter, Kingston-upon-Hull, and lafe of Sculcoates, in the East Gilder, Oil and Colourmnn. Riding of Yorkshire, Bricklayer. William Hambleden, jun. (sued as William Haniblin the Samuel Blackston, late of Witham, in Holderness, in the fast younger), formerly of Gun-Wharf, Hammersmith, Middle- Riding of Yorkshire, Publican. sex, Coal and Corn-Merchant, then of Isle worth, Middlesex, Thomas Crouch, formerly of Market-Weighton, Yorkshire, out of business, and late of Green-Grove, in the Parish of Hatter, Skinner, Innkeeper, and Woolstapler, afterwards of Rnbeston Watbam, near Narbeth, Pembrokeshire, Superiu- Selby, Yorkshire, Innkeeper, Woolstapler, Hatter, and Skia- tendaut of a Corn and Flour-Mill called Blackpool-Mill. ner, and late of Market-Weighton aforesaid, out of famines*. Joseph Froggatt, formerly of No. 65, Fleet-Market, London, John Thompson, formerly of Scarborough, in the North then of No. 16, Romney-Terrace, Westminster, Middlesex, Riding of Yorkshire (carrying on business as a Linen and Surgeon's-AssisUnt, and late of No. 64, Regent-Street, Woollen-Draper, in partnership with Peter Brown, under Westminster, Middlesex, Surgeon. the firm of Brown and Co.), afterwards Journeyman Dra- per, and late of the same place, Ale-Draper. James Amos, late of Whitby, in the North Riding of York- shire, Bread-Baker. John Wilson, formerly of Skeffling, but late of Easington, 1. If any Creditor intends to oppose a Pri- near Pattrington, both in the East Riding of Yorkshire, for- soner's discharge, notice of such intention must merly Farmer, but now out of business. be given, by entry thereof in the proper page and Thomas Fawcett, late of Wbitby, in the North Riding of column of the book kept for that purpose at the Yorkshire, Linen-Manufacturer, Christopher, Kendrew, late of Sheriff-Hutton, near Malton, Office of the Court, between the hours of Ten in in the North Riding pf Yorkshire, formerly Huckster, but the Forenoon and Four in the Afternoon, three late Licenced Hawker. cleat days before the day of hearing above men- Thomas Lay.eock, formerly of Loftsome, Innkeeper and Farmer, tioned, exclusive of Sunday, and exclusive both of afterwards of Gribthorpe, Farmer, both near Howden, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, but late of Loyertborpe, in the day of entering such notice and of the said day the Suburbs of the City of York, put of business. of hearing; but in the case of a Prisoner, for the David Simpson, late of Whitby, Yorkshire, Cabinet-Maker. removal of whom for hearing in the country an John Thompson, formerly of the City of York, Fruiterer, and order lias been obtained, but not carried into efteet ' late of Dunnington, Yorkshire, out of busiiies.s. Benjamin Robinson, formerly of Wetwany, and late of Garton, by tjje' Creditors, notice of opposition will be both near Driflield, Yorkshire, Wheelwright. sufficient if given one clear day before the day of Robert Biggs, formerly of Leeds, Bricklayer, and late of Seul- hearing. coates, Yorkshire, Labourer. William Janson, late of Barton-le-Wdtows, Rearltfalton, York- N. B, Entrance to the Office in Portugal-Street. shire, Cprdwainet. C 2.