The Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors
.] , BeUmal-Greea, after that of No. 3, Clapton-Square, 2. The petition arid' schedule, and all booksj Lower Clapton, all in Middlesex, Boarding-School-Keeper. papers, and writings filed therewith, will be prd* George Winter, formerly of Wells-Street, Oxford-Street, then of South Molton-Street, then of Duke-Street, Portland- duced by the proper Officer for inspection and ex- Place, and late of No. 84, Berwick-Street, Oxford-Street, amination, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, all in Middlesex, Deputy Purveyor of His Majesty's Forces. until the last day for entering, opposition inclusive; Charles Thomas Foroes, formerly of the East Indies, then and copies of the petition and schedule, or such - lodging at the Northumberland Coffee-House, then at No. 25, Greek-Street, Soho, then ot No. 1, Poland-Street, part thereof as shall be required, will be pro- and late of No. 41, Great Portland-Street, all m Middlesex, vided by the proper Officer., according to the Act, an Officer in the 89th Regiment of Infantry. 7 Geo. 4, c. 57, sec. 76. George Sherlock (sued together and along with James Cullen, bis late Copartner), late of No. 39, Pool-Lane, Liverpool, 3. Notice to produce at the hearing any books Lancashire, trading under the firm of Sherlock and Com- or papers filed with the schedule, must be-1 given pany, as Tailors, Drapers, and Slopsellers- Edward Harrison, late of Dudley, Worcestershire, Victualler. to the Officer having the custody thereof, within Henry Laxton, formerly of *No. 13, Osnaburgh-Street, the hours above mentioned, on any day previous Regent's-Park, Middlesex, then in Partnership with William to the day of hearing.
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