
Church of the Blessed Sacrament 607 Central Avenue Albany, New York 12206 - Phone 482-3375 Shrine Church of Our Lady of the Americas 273 Central Avenue Albany, New York 12206 - Phone 465-3685, ext. 12 Rev. John J. Bradley, Pastor Rev. Francis A. O’Connor - Shrine Church Chaplain Rev. Brian K. Slezak – Parochial Vicar

Organist: Ed Savoy Religion Education: Mrs. Kelly Hession Pastoral Associate: Sr. Judith Kapp, RSM Mrs. Christina Wiley Parish Secretary: Fred Talarico School Principal: Sr. Patricia Lynch, RSM In Residence (Retired) Rev. George St. John School Secretary: Mrs. Nancy Kelly In Residence Rev. Francis A. O’Connor Shrine Church Pastoral Associate: Sr. Grace R. Diaz, S.N.J.M. Parish: http://www.blessedsacramentalbany.org/ School: http://www.blessedsacramentschool.net/ Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Religious Education Office: 446-0997 Blessed Sacrament School: 438-5854

Established 1902

March 19-20, 2016

Opening : “ in the Highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the Highest.”

Processional: All Glory Laud And Honor - Gather #402 Holy, Holy: Music Card #4 Responsorial Psalm: “My God, my God, why have you Mystery of Faith: Save Us – Music Card #6 abandoned me? Why have you forsaken me?” Great Amen: Gather #182 Acclamation: Praise To You Lord Christ - Gather #160A : Gather #312 : Were You There - Gather #416 : Instrumental Recessional: O Sacred Head Surrounded – Gather #415 From the pastor’s desk: Today we begin the most sacred week of our Church year. has as it purpose the remembrance of Christ’s passion, beginning with His Messianic entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. The daily Masses on Monday to Wednesday move us to the Easter Triduum, three days that are really one event: that is the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ. The Triduum begins with the Holy Thursday 5:30 evening of the Lord’s Supper, continues with the Good Friday evening 5:30 Celebration of the Lord’s Passion and concludes with the Eater Vigil and the Masses of Easter Sunday. During these days we are celebrating God’s taking possession of our hearts, recreating us as a new human family, rich in compassion, steadfast in hope and fearless in the building of justice and peace at every level. Jesus brought us to this life by His suffering, death and resurrection and our celebration strengthens our faith and our bonds to Christ and each other. Please plan to attend as many of these services as possible during Holy Week and pray for the continued growth of your family and our parish family. May the events we celebrate these days draw us closer to the Lord and make us even more aware of what He has made possible for us. The Easter collection is used to continue our many parish programs. Please consider a special gift to the parish as a way of continuing Jesus’ mission here in our spiritual family. Please be assured of the appreciation and prayers of the entire parish staff at this sacred time. Easter envelopes are available at all of the exits if you did not receive one.

. SCHEDULE: Monday through Wednesday daily masses at 7:00 AM and Noon.

Palm Sunday: Masses and distribution of palm; 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM and Noon; Saturday at 4:00 and 7:00 PM. Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 5:30 PM. The Church will then be open for prayer and visits until 10:00 PM, Night Prayer. Good Friday: Morning Prayer 9:00 AM; Living Stations of the Cross 2:00 PM; Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 5:30 PM. Holy Saturday: Morning Prayer 9:00 AM; of Food 11:00 AM; Easter Vigil 7:30 PM. Easter Sunday: Masses at 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM and 12:00 Noon.

PALM SUNDAY: Greeters please give each parishioner the bulletin and a sheet to follow the people’s part for the reading of the Passion.

ANNUAL PALM SUNDAY COMMUNION BREAKFAST: Sunday, March 20th after the 9:00 and 10:30 AM Masses. Please join us to visit with members of our Parish Family, see friends and meet new people.. Cost is $5.00 Adults - $3.00 Children.

GOOD FRIDAY: is a day of fast and Abstinence. All 14 years of age and older abstain from meat. Those 18 years of age, not yet 59 are required to fast. Fasting calls for only one full meal or two smaller ones not equaling the main meal.

DECORATING THE CHURCH FOR EASTER: Saturday, March 26th right after 9:00 AM Morning Prayer. Please join us to help.

RECONCIALIATION SERVICES: Monday, March 21st; Mater Christi; Tuesday, March 22nd, at the . Both at 7:00 PM

SCRIPTURE READINGS: Scripture readings for this week: IS 50: 4-7; PHIL2: 6-11; LK 22: 14; 23: 1-49

COLLECTION NEWS: Regular $8,777.; The Easter collection next weekend is a special way for each Parish Family member to support he works of our Parish Family. Please consider a special gift at this our most important Christian Feast. The collection for Good Friday is for the Churches and Shrines of the Holy Land. They are suffering due to the violence there. Please help them in this appeal. Easter collection envelopes are available at all the exits. When away, please remember your envelope upon your return. We appreciate and need your ongoing support. Easter flower envelopes may be placed in any collection. Please call Rectory if you would like a statement of 2015 contributions. Second collection next Sunday is the monthly for the Parish School. Thank you for your ongoing support. Saturday 03/19/16 Monday 03/21/16 Wednesday 03/23/16 Friday 03/25/16 4:00 Betty Canepi 7:00 Margaret K. Shatraw – 7:00 For The People 9:00 Morning Prayer Bob Carll – 10th Anniv 12th Anniv 12:00 Gonzalez and Segarra Families 2:00 Living Stations Gonzalez and Segarra Families 12:00 James Pelgrin Rose Ann Jeffers – 9th Anniv 5:30 Celebration of the Joseph Hall - Birthday Souls in Purgatory Dorothy Mulroy – 16th Anniv Lord’s Passion John P. Paige Ceceilia Trimble Miriam T. Taaffe 7:00 Florence Malinowski – 10th Anniv

Sunday 03/20/16 Tuesday 03/22/16 Thursday 03/24/16 Saturday 03/26/16 9:00 For The People 7:00 For The People 5:30 Mass of the Lord’s Supper 9:00 Morning Prayer 10:30 Barbara Ferri 12:00 Ariel Araujo 11:00 Blessing of Food Chad A. Hoyt Al Blanchette 7:30 Easter Vigil Francis Joseph McGinty Giuseppa Ritmo Third Order St. Francis 12:00 Giuseppie Nicotina and Family Ellen Picotte Danuta Turbak

CONFESSIONS EVERY SATURDAY FROM 3:00 - 3:30PM EASTER VISITATIONS: For those who are visiting homebound parishioners this month to bring Holy Communion, please stop at the Rectory top pick up a plant, Easter card, and an Easter decoration to bring them.

“33 DAYS TO MORNING GLORY” Retreat will conclude with a Mass at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on the of the Annunciation, Monday, April 4 at 6:30 PM with Bishop Scharfenberger as the main celebrant. The Consecration may also be made privately using the formula in the back of the book.

SUPER GARAGE SALE: School Benefit, Saturday, May 7, school hall; Preview Friday, 6:00 – 8:00 PM, and $5 admission for adults. Items can be purchased at the preview. The sale, Saturday, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, free admission. We are looking for any items, except major appliances or large stuffed furniture. If you would like items picked up, call the rectory or school. If you can help with set up/mark items, Thursday, May 5, 1:00 – 3:00 PM or Friday, May 6, 6:00 – 8:00 PM, or Saturday, May 7, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, please sign tab below and put it in the collection or call the rectory or school. Items can be dropped off at the garage behind the school, Saturday April 23 and 30 from 10:00 AM to Noon.

OPEN HOUSE – PARISH SCHOOL: Wednesday, May 18th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. You can also call anytime for information or to register. We offer full or half day 3 and 4 year old programs, all day Kindergarten, and quality Catholic education from grades 1 – 8. The School number is 438-5854. Blessed Sacrament School can make a difference in the education of your child. Please, give us a call.

FAITH FORMATION: We look forward to seeing our Grades K-6, Palm Sunday March 20 from 9:00 – 10:15 AM; Please join us for the communion breakfast after 9:00 AM Mass. Grades 7 – 11 Monday, March 21, 6:30 - 8:15 PM. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your families as we begin Holy Week. Please contact [email protected] or 518-446-0997 if you have any questions.

YOUTH MINISTRY: Congratulations to Gabby Crisafulli and James Colonno, selected to be part of the Christian Leadership Institute Program Staff this summer. Please keep them in prayer. Please contact Kelly Hession 518-446-0997 or [email protected]

COLONIE CENTER SCHOOL BUCKS: The contest ends June 1st. All receipts must be registered by that date.. Thanks for your help. Any purchases made can be registered in the name of our school. Receipts must be registered at the Service Desk (now located near the 1st floor entrance near Barnes and Noble, under the movie theater, in front of Five Guys) within 60 days of purchase. You have helped us win in the past and we appreciate your support. Invite others to help us. If you would like to have one of our volunteers register your receipts, please put them in the collection or leave them at the rectory in an envelope with your na/e and address on it. You can register receipts from all stores and restaurants in the Center, as well as the Post Office, Time Warner, and Verizon. Please help the school again and ask others to help us with this program. We are grateful for your support.

GIRL SCOUT COOKIES SALE: The Girl Scouts will be selling cookies after all the masses on April 2 and April 3. Thank you for your continued support of our girls.

EXPOSITION OF BLESSED SACRAMENT: Adoration for Vocations, First Friday after Noon Mass; Closing Prayers at 1:30 PM. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET: Prayed the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tues of each month after noon Mass. Instruction/prayer cards will be offered. LEGION OF MARY: Meets every Tuesday at 6:00 PM in the Forman Room. RECITATION OF THE : First Tuesday of month after noon Mass; 2nd and 4th Wednesday of month, 6:00 PM.

HOLY NAME SOCIETY: 50/50 raffle supports parish, youth, and school activities. Tickets available in the before or after Mass. Next meeting/drawing: Monday, April 4th - 7:00 PM. New members always welcome.

THRIFT SHOP: OPEN Wed. and Sat., 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Items that are clean and in good working condition can be dropped off when the store is open. Stop in and check us out. We are always in need of household items, small appliances, lamps and linens. We have had a good response but items are taken quickly and the need continues. Thank you! ******************************************************************************************************************************************

GARAGE SALE: I can: help set up on Thursday ( ); work the Preview on Friday; ( ) work the sale on Saturday ( )

Name: Phone Number:

NEW TO THE PARISH? Welcome! Please sign below and drop in the collection. You may also use the form to receive envelopes and/or “The Evangelist”. Check the appropriate boxes. Name: ( ) I am new to the parish Address: City Zip ( ) Send me “The Evangelist” Phone: Email: ( ) Please send church envelopes