North Cadbury & Yarlington Parish Council Clerk: Mrs Rebecca Carter, Portman House, North Barrow, Somerset, BA22 7LZ Tel: 01963 240226 e-mail:
[email protected] “Draft” Minutes of Parish Council (PC) Meeting held as a consultative virtual meeting via Zoom software on Wednesday 28th October 2020 at 7.00pm Councillors Present (remotely): Malcolm Hunt (Chairman) Alan Bartlett (Vice Chairman) Sue Gilbert Karen Harris Roger House Andy Keys-Toyer Bryan Mead Archie Montgomery Alan Rickers John Rundle Katherine Vaughan In Attendance (remotely): C.Cllr M Lewis, D.Cllr H Hobhouse, D.Cllr Kevin Messenger, the Clerk, Mr A Tregay, Boon Brown and nineteen members of the public. Public Session There were no comments from the public. Clare Field, Ridgeway Lane, North Cadbury – Presentation of Initial Plans for Development Presentation by Mr A Tregay, Boon Brown to PC of initial conceptual plans on scheme at Ridgeway Lane prior to formal consultation with PC, neighbours/residents. The Chairman informed residents that the presentation by Mr Tregay would not constitute a formal consultation. Mr Tregay had given his assurance to the Chairman that the PC and neighbours/residents would have the opportunity to comment and ask questions during the formal consultation process at pre- application and post-application stages, which would be held at a later date, which was also confirmed by Mr Tregay. Mr Tregay stated that this was the start of a constructive dialogue with the PC in order to give an indication of the proposed development during the early stages and to hopefully receive feedback. The aim was to keep the PC and neighbours informed as much as possible.