© Entomologica Fennica. 13 June 2008

New species of Orthocentrinae (: ) from Finland

Andrei E. Humala

Humala, A. E. 2008: New species of Orthocentrinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneu- monidae) from Finland. — Entomol. Fennica 19: 94–104. Five new species of ichneumonids of the subfamily Orthocentrinae s. l. were dis- covered in Finnish collections. A new genus is proposed for one new species from Southern Finland, Fennomacrus koponeni gen. et sp. n. Its relationships and systematic position are briefly discussed. Four other new species, Plectiscidea aquilonia sp. n., P. fuscifemur sp. n., P. helleni sp.n.andEusterinx (Holome- ristus) fennoscandica sp. n., from Fennoscandia are also described. The hitherto unknown female of Helictes fabularis Rossem is described as well. A. E. Humala, Forest Research Institute, Karelian Centre of the Russian Acad- emy of Sciences. Pushkinskaya St. 11, Petrozavodsk 185910, Russia; E-mail: [email protected] Received 14 June 2006, accepted 30 July 2007

1. Introduction H. Townes, based on the fact that the type spe- cies of the type genus (Plectiscus impurator The subfamily Microleptinae sensu Townes (Hy- Gravenhorst, 1829) belongs to Orthocentrinae, menoptera: Ichneumonidae) was established as proposed a new name for this group – Micro- an independent taxon roughly equivalent to its leptinae (Townes 1958). He placed together with modern usage by A. Förster under the name plectiscines several genera of unclear relation- Plectiscoidae (Förster 1869). He described the ships, admitting that this subfamily was a “waste- majority of recent genera and a lot of species, re- basket group” (Townes 1971). Although some vealing their significant morphological diversity genera, such as Oxytorus, Tatogaster, Acaeni- (Förster 1869, 1871). Some ichneumonids simi- tellus and Microleptes, were later excluded from lar to plectiscines belonging to other subfamilies, the group (and in this connection the subfamily e.g. Ateleute, Polyaulon, Symphylus (=Acrodac- name has changed 3 times during the last 20 tyla), Adelognathus, were included by him in this years), up to now a uniform and generally ac- group as well. On the other hand, many genera cepted classification is missing, and the sub- without a closed areolet in the fore wing, which family still remains insufficiently known, be- are included nowadays in Orthocentrinae, were cause of its high morphological diversity and described by Förster in other groups of ichneu- confusing taxonomy. monids. C. G. Thomson considered plectiscines After several genera were removed, the re- among other Tryphonidae close to ortho- maining ones were treated as the subfamily centrines, and divided them into 4 sections Helictinae (Gupta 1987, Gauld 1991, Dasch (Thomson 1888). He synonymised some of 1992). Resulting from the works of Wahl (1986, Förster’s genera and changed their status to sub- 1990), they were united with the orthocentrines genera for some others. within Orthocentrinae s. l. (Yu & Horstmann ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 19 • New species of Orthocentrinae from Finland 95

1997, Wahl & Gauld 1998), while Cylloceria and Some collections of the Zoological Museum of Allomacrus were removed from other “helic- Uppsala University (UUZM) have been revised tines” into the subfamily Cylloceriinae. The Pa- as well. Morphological terminology mainly fol- laearctic fauna of these two segregated genera lows Gauld (1991). Finnish collecting localities was recently revised (Humala 2002), and two are provided with coordinates using 27°E grid, species, Cylloceria tenuicornis Humala, 2002 biogeographical provinces of East Fennoscandia and Allomacrus subtilis Humala, 2002, were de- are given according to Heikinheimo and Raati- scribed from Finland and Russia. The third genus kainen (1971). Rossemia (= Sweaterella) included in this group was described from the Karelian Republic and the Far East (Humala 1997, Wahl & Gauld 1998). 3. Results and discussion According to the Catalogue of World Ichneu- monidae (Yu & Horstmann 1997) the Ortho- 3.1. Genus Fennomacrus gen. n. centrinae s. l. comprises 31 recent genera, with moderate numbers of species, though the struc- Diagnosis. Fennomacrus can be distinguished ture and composition of the subfamily are still far from all other ichneumonid genera by the follow- from stable. Since that time the genus Kentro- ing combination of features: the wide and flat tryphon was synonymised under Allomacrus clypeus (Fig. 1b); mandibles not twisted, with (Schwarz 2004), genus Epitropus under Adelo- subequal teeth; weak notauli; absence of ste- gnathus, Pantomima under Acrodactyla, Fetialis rnauli; first sternite not fused with tergite, with under Aclastus (Broad 2004) and the genus spiracles before mid-length of segment; compar- Cressonia was transferred to Diacritinae (Wahl & atively short, straight ovipositor; slender legs; Gauld 1998). presence of areolet; fore wing vein 2m-cu with All species for which the biology is known are two bullae; unbroken reclivous nervellus; distinct larval koinobiont endoparasitoids of Diptera sculpture of head and mesosoma. In the structure Nematocera, primarily fungus gnats (Sciaroi- of the first metasomal segment the new genus is dea). Orthocentrines comprise a common and close to the representatives of tribe Cylloceriini conspicuous part of the ichneumonid fauna, espe- Wahl, 1990 (Humala 2003, 2007). Fennomacrus cially in north and temperate regions, where the differs from Allomacrus in the weak notauli and group is particularly species-rich and abundant, straight ovipositor; from Entypoma by the weak but up to now this subfamily is one of the least notauli, straight mandibles, slenderer legs, espe- known within Ichneumonidae. cially femora, straight ovipositor; from Proeli- ator and Plectiscidea by the first metasomal seg- ment with tergite and sternite not fused, presence 2. Materials and methods of glymmae on the first tergite, distinct granulate sculpture on head and mesosoma. For the present research the collections of Fennomacrus is represented by a single Orthocentrinae s. l. stored at the Zoological Mu- known species. The habitus of the genus is illus- seum, Finnish Museum of Natural History of trated in Fig. 1a. Helsinki University, including the collection of To my mind, the genus Allomacrus is much Wolter Hellén (ZMHU), and Department of Ap- closer to Apoclima and Entypoma than to Cyllo- plied Biology of the Helsinki University ceria (Humala 2003), and D. Wahl’s arguments (DABHU) – now part of ZMHU – were studied. for segregation of these two genera (Wahl 1986, Additional material collected during entomologi- 1990) seems not to be convincing, which was cal investigations in the Biosphere Nature reserve confirmed for instance by the synonymy of “Northern Karelia” in 1994–1999 and in some Allomacrus and Kentrotryphon (Schwarz 2004). adjacent territories, stored at the Karelian Re- So this group should be expanded by including search Centre in Petrozavodsk (KRC) and at the other genera, based on the structure of the first Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sci- segment of the metasoma. According to Broad ences, St. Petersburg (ZIN), were also used. (2004, pers. com.), Hyperacmus has a close rela- 96 Humala • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 19

Fig. 1. Fennomacrus koponeni gen. et sp. n., holotype female. – a. Whole , lat- eral view. – b. Head, frontal view. – c. Head, dorsal view. Scale bar 0.5 mm. tionship with Orthocentrinae + Cylloceriinae and Etymology. The name is combined from should not be separated from this group. Indi- Fenno – Fennia and macrus – from related genera rectly this was confirmed by Šedivý and Ševèík Allomacrus and . (2003), who reared H. crassicornis Gravenhorst from the fungus gnat Sciophila varia (Winnertz), 3.1.1. Fennomacrus koponeni sp. n. (Fig. 1) inhabiting the fruit body of Hydnum repandum L.: Fr. (Cantharellales, Hydnaceae). As a result Type material. Holotype $, Finland, Sa: Ristiina the new genus is placed together with genera 6826: 502; 4.VII.1980 (M. Koponen leg.) Cylloceria, Hyperacmus, Allomacrus, Rossemia, DABHU. Apoclima and Entypoma, forming the tribe Female (holotype). Body length 2.9 mm; fore Cylloceriini Wahl, 1990 within subfamily Ortho- wing 3.0 mm; antenna slender, 21 flagellar seg- centrinae. ments; first flagellar segment 5.0× as long as ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 19 • New species of Orthocentrinae from Finland 97 wide; second flagellar segment 3.6× as long as after Martti Koponen, who collected the only wide. Head width 1.1× height; face width l.72× known specimen of the genus. height, 0.57× head width, matt, punctate, lateral margins parallel; malar space 1.2× basal width of mandible, with strip of rougher, granulate sculp- 3.2. Genus Plectiscidea Viereck, 1914 ture between eye and mandible, subocular sulcus absent; mandibles not twisted, teeth subequal; Unfortunately the existing key to females of Pa- clypeus small and wide, width 2.4× height (Fig. laearctic Plectiscidea species (Rossem 1991) is 1b), slightly convex at base, remainder flattened almost of no practical use, as very few characters to apex, transversely weakly convex; anterior (mainly the ratio of length of first flagellar seg- tentorial pits small; frons matt; ocular-ocellar dis- ment to its apical width, ratio of length of first tance (OOL) about 1.6× post-ocellar distance metasomal segment to its apical width and ratio of (POL), 1.9× greatest diameter of lateral ocellus; ovipositor length to fore wing length) were used gena well developed, strongly convex, matt, in the key, and it is not enough for reliable species width 3.0× greatest diameter of lateral ocellus division and recognition. Moreover this key, in- (Fig. 1c); occiput slightly concave, occipital ca- cluding newly described species, is not illus- rina complete. trated. Mesosoma length 1.65× height, evenly matt except polished on speculum; short epomia pres- 3.2.1. Plectiscidea aquilonia sp. n. (Figs 2a–b) ent; mesoscutum punctate, notaulus slightly de- veloped anteriorly, obsolete; epicnemial carina Diagnosis. Using van Rossem’s key to the genus complete; sternaulus absent; propodeum cori- Plectiscidea (Rossem 1991), this species keys to aceous, carinae complete except lacking costulae P. nemorensis Rossem, resembling it in its short and anterior portions of median and lateral longi- ovipositor and in the shape of the first flagellar tudinal carinae; propodeal spiracles small. segment, but differs in having distinct notaulus Nervulus nearly interstitial, almost opposite basal with weak, short, vertical carina basally on inner vein; subdiscoideus arising at basal 0.7 of post- side, absence of areolet in fore wing, slender hind nervulus; areolet large, petiolate; second recur- femur, more slender first metasomal segment, rent vein 2m-cu with two bullae; nervellus fuscous clypeus and tergites 2–3. reclivous, not intercepted, discoidella lacking. Legs slender; hind femur length 5.2× height; hind The new species should be inserted in the van basitarsus 0.41× length of hind tibia. Rossem’s key as follows: First metasomal segment 1.65× as long as wide apically, granulate, sternite not fused with 3. Ovipositor short, 0.09–0.10 of length of front tergite, reaching 0.36 of segment length, spiracles wing, basal flagellomeres with more or less 0.4 of segment length; median dorsal carinae distinct medial notch, thus giving impression weak; dorsolateral carinae present; glymmae of two short inflated segments. 4 present; postpetiole length 0.87× width; second – Ovipositor not shorter than 0.14 of length of metasomal segment 0.85× as long as wide api- front wing. 5 cally, granulate; laterotergites separated by a 4. Areolet closed; notauli not developed. Hind crease; remaining tergites nearly polished, femur not so slender. Postanellus long, 6.0 slightly depressed at apex; ovipositor short and times its apical width. First metasomal seg- straight, somewhat compressed, its sheath rather ment 2.3 times as long as its apical width. wide, 0.53× length of hind tibia. Clypeus, apical part of tergite 2 and tergite 3 Colouration. Fuscous, dusky-rufous on man- medially light brown. Fore wing 3.0–4.1 mm. dibles and legs. Dusky-tawny on palpi, clypeus, nemorensis Rossem tegulae and wing bases. Wings hyaline. – Areolet open (vein 3rs-m absent); notauli evi- Male. Unknown. dent, with weak short vertical carina basally Biology. Not known. from its inner side. Hind femur slender, 7.3 Etymology. I am pleased to name this species times its height. Postanellus 5.4 times its api- 98 Humala • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 19

Fig. 2. Body parts of Plectiscidea. –a.P. aquilonia sp. n., holo- type female. Head, dor- sal view. – b. P. aqui- lonia sp. n., holotype fe- male. Hind femur and tibia. – c. P. fuscifemur sp. n., holotype female. Head, dorsal view. – d. P. fuscifemur sp. n., holotype female. Basal metasomal segments, dorsal view.– e. P. hel- leni sp. n., holotype male. First metasomal segment, dorsal view. –f.P. helleni sp. n., holotype male. Meso- soma, lateral view. Scale bars 0.5 mm.

cal width. First metasomal segment 2.6 times lake 10.IX.1970 (D. Kasparyan leg.), Sakhalin, as long as its apical width. Clypeus and ter- Aniva 11.VII.1981, 13.VII.1981 (S. Beloko- gites fuscous. Fore wing 3.0 mm. bylskii leg.) ZIN, Karelia Kon: Nature reserve aquilonia sp. n. Kivach 16–19.VIII.1991 (Malaise trap, A. Humala leg.) KRC; Finland, Ab: Turku, Ruissalo A vertical carina on the inner side of the notaulus 6712: 234, 18.IX.1981 (M. Koponen leg.) occurs infrequently in a few orthocentrine genera DABHU. (e.g. Plectiscidea, Symplecis, etc.), though as a Female (holotype). Body length 2.9 mm. Fore rule it is not so well developed as in Aniseres spe- wing 3.0 mm. Antennae with 16 flagellar seg- cies. ments, first flagellar segment 5.4× as long as wide, basal segments seeming to be subdivided Type material. Holotype $ Russia, Khabarovsk by medial notch. Face width 0.49× head width, Terr., Udyl’ lake 9.IX.1970 (D. Kasparyan leg.) lateral margins subparallel. Clypeus convex, ZIN; 5 $$ paratypes: Khabarovsk Terr., Udyl’ truncated apically, anterior tentorial pits small. ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 19 • New species of Orthocentrinae from Finland 99

Malar space wide, 2.3× width of mandible, 0.42× paratively short, slightly upcurved ovipositor and face width; lacking subocular sulcus or band of dark hind femora. coriaceous sculpture between eye and mandible. Type material. Holotype $, Finland, N:Hel- Mandible slender, lower tooth slightly shorter sinki, Kannelmäki 6682: 382, 16.IX.1978 (M. than upper tooth; ocular-ocellar length (OOL) Koponen leg.); 2 $$ paratypes, Ab: Vihti, Siika- about 1.3× greatest diameter of lateral ocellus, järvi (val.), 24.IX–1.X.1971 (A. Petramaa leg.), 1.25× postocellar length (POL). Gena convex, N: Nurmijärvi, Murhamäki 6710: 381, 23.IX. width 3.3× greatest diameter of lateral ocellus; 1993 (M. Koponen leg.) DABHU; paratype #, occipital carina complete (Fig. 2a). Russian Karelia Kon: 5 km S Medvezh’jegorsk Mesosoma 1.49× as long as high. Epomia 7.VI.2000 (A. Humala leg.) ZIN. well developed, not reaching upper margin of Female (holotype). Body length 4.6 (4.5–4.7) pronotum. Notaulus developed on anterior end of mm. Fore wing 4.5 (4.4–4.5) mm. Antennae long, mesoscutum, with weak short vertical carina ba- 19 (20 in paratype) flagellar segments; first sally from its inner side. Epicnemial carina com- flagellar segment 6.9× as long as wide, second plete. Scutellum slightly convex, lateral carinae 6.0× as long as wide. Clypeus slightly convex, to near apex; sternaulus short; propodeum clypeal foveae small. Face width 0.48× head weakly developed, carinae complete except lack- width, lateral margins parallel. Malar space 0.33× ing anterior transverse carina, propodeal spiracle face width, about 1.45× basal width of mandible; small. Areolet not closed; second recurrent vein lacking subocular sulcus between eye and mandi- 2m-cu with two bullae; nervulus opposite basal ble, but strip of coriaceous sculpture present. vein; nervellus not intercepted, vertical, discoi- Mandible slender, tapered, lower tooth slightly della undeveloped. Legs slender, hind coxa pol- shorter than upper tooth; ocular-ocellar length ished, hind femur 7.3× as long as high, hind tibia (OOL) about 1.2× post-ocellar length (POL), constricted in basal third, the rest somewhat in- 1.4× greatest diameter of lateral ocellus; gena flated (Fig. 2b); hind basitarsus 0.40× length of convex, width 2.9× greatest diameter of lateral hind tibia. Propodeum, legs and first metasomal ocellus, head behind eyes strongly narrowed segment covered with long erect hairs. (Fig. 2c); occipital carina complete. First metasomal segment coriaceous, 2.6× as Mesosoma 1.61× as long as high. Epomia long as wide apically, dorsal and dorsolateral strong, reaching upper side of pronotum. carinae developed in basal 0.3 of segment, its Notaulus shallow, weakly developed on anterior sternite covering basal 0.5, spiracles at 0.4 of seg- end of mesoscutum. Sternaulus short, but well de- ment length; glymma lacking, second tergite veloped. Epicnemial carina not interrupted, not 0.75× as long as wide apically, polished; remain- reaching anterior margin of mesopleuron. Scu- ing tergites polished. Ovipositor very short, tellum slightly convex, lateral carinae to near 0.32× hind tibia, about 0.1× fore wing length (in apex. Propodeum coriaceous, carinae complete paratype ovipositor hardly projecting beyond de- except lacking anterior transverse carina, propo- pressed apex of metasoma, its length 0.25× hind deal spiracles small. Areolet petiolate, compara- tibia). tively large; nervulus opposite basal vein; second Colouration. Fuscous, palpi, mandibles and recurrent vein 2m-cu with two bullae; nervellus legs brownish-yellow; face, clypeus, scapi, indistinctly intercepted below the middle, tegulae, hind coxae and tarsi brownish. Wings discoidella not pigmented. Legs slender, hind hyaline, pterostigma light-brown. There is no sig- coxa coriaceous; hind femur 6.7× as long as high; nificant variation in the examined specimens. hind basitarsus 0.46× length of hind tibia. Male. Unknown. First metasomal segment long and slender, 2.6× as long as wide apically, coriaceous (Fig. 3.2.2. Plectiscidea fuscifemur sp. n. (Figs 2c–d) 2d); carinae undeveloped, glymmae lacking; sternite at 0.53, spiracles at 0.36 of segment Diagnosis. The new species can be distinguished length; second tergite as long as wide apically, from other representatives of the genus by the basal part of segment coriaceous medially, thyri- long and slender first metasomal segment, com- dia absent; laterotergite not separated by a crease, 100 Humala • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 19 spiracles of tergites 2 and 3 on laterotergites; re- flagellar segment length 3.6× width, elevated maining tergites polished. Metasoma slightly tyloids on segments 5–7 of flagellum. Head pol- compressed at apex; ovipositor short, 0.44× ished with sparse hairs. Face width 0.56× head length of hind tibia, 0.13× fore wing, apical part width; gena convex, width 2.5× greatest diameter slightly upcurved. of lateral ocellus; occipital carina complete; ocu- Colouration. Fuscous, mandibles, palpi, scapi lar-ocellar length (OOL) as long as post-ocellar ventrally, tegulae, fore and middle legs, hind length (POL), 1.4× greatest diameter of lateral coxae apically, trochanters of hind legs, apical ocellus. Clypeus convex; lacking subocular sul- third of second tergite and third tergite yellow. cus between eye and mandible, but a strip of Antennae dark brown. Base of hind coxae, hind coriaceous sculpture present. Malar space about femora, apical half of hind tibiae and tarsi brown. 1.3× basal width of mandible; tip of mandibles in- Wings hyaline. There is no significant variation visible because of inconvenient mounting. in the examined specimens. Mesosoma 1.47× as long as high. Epomia Male. Body length 4.3 mm. Fore wing 4.1 strong, reaching upper side of pronotum. Scu- mm; antennae in only known specimen broken tellum with lateral carinae not reaching apex. after third flagellomere; first flagellar segment Notaulus present. Central part of mesoscutum 5.7× as long as wide, second flagellar segment as polished, covered with sparse hairs, middle sur- long as first. Clypeus convex. Face width 0.45× faces of propleuron and mesopleuron polished, head width, lateral margins subparallel. Malar hairless. Sternaulus short; propodeum of almost space 0.31× face width, about 1.5× basal width of cubic shape (Fig. 2f), carinae complete except mandible; OOL about 1.2× POL, 1.2× greatest di- lacking anterior transverse carina, propodeal spi- ameter of lateral ocellus; gena convex, width 2.7× racle small. Areolet present, second recurrent greatest diameter of lateral ocellus. Mesosoma vein 2m-cu with two bullae; nervulus opposite 1.48× as long as high. Legs slender, hind femur basal vein; nervellus indistinctly intercepted be- 6.8× as long as high; hind basitarsus 0.41× length low the middle, discoidella not pigmented. Legs of hind tibia. First metasomal segment long and of moderate size; hind femur length 6.1× height. slender, 2.8× as long as wide apically, coriaceous; First segment of metasoma 2.6× as long as sternite at 0.46, spiracles at 0.38 of segment wide apically, its sternite at 0.41, spiracles at 0.36 length; second tergite 1.2× as long as wide api- its length; glymmae lacking; weak carinae devel- cally, basal part of segment coriaceous medially; oped in basal third of segment. Postpetiole some- remaining tergites polished. Other characters and what striated and compressed dorso-ventrally. colouration as in female. Spiracles of first metasomal segment strongly protruding, the width of segment at spiracles 1.2× 3.2.3. Plectiscidea helleni sp. n. (Figs 2e–f). its apical width (Fig. 2e). Second tergite polished, thyridia small, remaining tergites polished. Diagnosis. The species is recognizable by its un- Propodeum and metasoma covered with long, usually cubic propodeum and the strongly pro- sub-erect hairs. truding spiracles of the first metasomal segment. Colouration. Fuscous, clypeus, palpi, mandi- Type material. Holotype #, Finland, Le: bles, tegulae, legs including coxae, apical third of Enontekiö, Kilpisjärvi, Siilastupa 11.VII.1950 tergite 2 and basal half of tergite 3 yellow. Anten- (W. Hellén leg.) ZMHU. nae yellowish, fuscous dorsally. Wings hyaline, Male (holotype). Body length 4.2 mm. Fore pterostigma light brown. wing 4.0 mm. Scapus large, ovoid, its truncation Female. Unknown. with rounded incision. Antennae consist of 21 Etymology. This species is named in honour comparatively stout flagellar segments, first of the collector, Wolter Hellén – a famous Finnish flagellar segment 3.8× as long as wide, second specialist in Ichneumonidae. ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 19 • New species of Orthocentrinae from Finland 101

3.3. Genus Eusterinx Förster, 1869

Subgenus Holomeristus Förster, 1869

3.3.1. Eusterinx (Holomeristus) fennoscandica sp. n. (Fig. 3)

Diagnosis. From the closely allied E. (Holo- meristus) aquilonigena Rossem the new species Fig. 3. Eusterinx (Holomeristus) fennoscandica sp. n., differs in its inflated genae and long notauli meet- holotype male. – a. Right mandible. – b. Head, dorsal ing in the centre of the mesoscutum. From view. – c. Propodeum, dorsal view. Scale bars 0.1 mm Proeliator proprius Rossem it differs in strongly (a)and0.5mm(b,c). twisted mandibles, the shape of clypeus, the num- ber of tyloids and the presence of costulae. Type material. Holotype # Finland, N: parallel-sided (Fig. 3c). Fore wing with large Nurmijärvi, Röykkä hospital 6712: 370, 6.IX. areolet, second recurrent vein 2m-cu with two 1986 (M. Koponen leg.) DABHU; paratype # bullae; nervulus inclivous, slightly distal of basal with the same data; paratype $ N: Orimattila, vein; nervellus reclivous, not intercepted. Legs of 6754: 419, 21.IX.1980 (M. Koponen leg.) moderate size; hind femur length 5.7× height; DABHU; paratype $ Sweden, Upl: Uppsala, hind basitarsus 0.37× length of hind tibia. Starbo 7.X.1979 (M. Idar leg.) UUZM. First segment of metasoma 2.5× as long as Male (holotype). Body length 3.0 (3.1) mm. wide apically, sternite at 0.6, spiracles at 0.45 its Fore wing 3.1 (3.2) mm. Scapus large, ovoid. Fla- length; sternite and tergite fused, glymmae lack- gellum consist of 23 (24) segments, first flagellar ing; median and lateral longitudinal carinae de- segment 4.5× as long as wide, second flagellar veloped; postpetiole somewhat striated. Second segment length 3.8× width, tyloids on flagellum metasomal segment length 0.87× as long as apical segments 6–8. Head polished with sparse hairs. width, thyridia undeveloped, tergite subpolished; Face width 0.49× head width; head distinctly remaining tergites polished. widened behind the eyes level (Fig. 3b), genae Colouration. Fuscous, head almost black. strongly convex, inflated, occipital carina com- Clypeus, palpi, mandibles, base of antennae, plete; ocular-ocellar length (OOL) 2.0× posto- malar space, lower gena, propleuron, tegulae, cellar length (POL), 1.7× greatest diameter of lat- legs including coxae yellow. Face and the rest of eral ocellus. Clypeus large, 2.1× as wide as long, antennae brownish. Wings hyaline, pterostigma convex basally, remaining part slightly concave, light brown. its apical margin transparent, covered with long Female. Body length 3.1 mm., fore wing 3.1 hairs; subocular strip of coriaceous sculpture be- mm. Flagellum consist of 23 segments, first tween eye and mandible present. Malar space flagellar segment 4.8× as long as wide. Ovi- narrow, about 0.3× basal width of mandible, positor straight, its length 0.95× hind tibia length 0.20× face width. Mandibles wide basally, or 0.25× fore wing. Other characters and coloura- strongly twisted inwards, lower tooth small, in- tionasinmale. visible in frontal view; upper edge sharply delim- ited from frontal surface of mandibles, lower Tentative key to the Palaearctic species of subge- edge bordered with transparent lamella (Fig. 3a). nus Holomeristus Förster: Mesosoma 1.50× as long as high. Epomia present, reaching upper side of pronotum. Notauli 1. Posterior transverse carinae of propodeum well developed, meeting in the centre of meso- forming weak apophyses. Malar space long, scutum. Scutellar lateral carinae absent. Epic- about 0.4× face width. Hind femur inflated, nemial carina complete; sternaulus short; propo- 5.5× as long as high. [Clypeus convex. deum with all carinae developed, area petiolaris Flagellum of $ with 18 segments, 1st comparatively small, narrow; area superomedia flagellomere 3.3× as long as apical width; # 102 Humala • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 19

tyloids on flagellomeres 6–7. Tergite 2 of length or 0.25× fore wing. Body length 3.0– metasoma coriaceous. Ovipositor upcurved, 3.1 mm., fore wing 3.1–3.2 mm. 0.23–0.25× fore wing length. Body length 4.1 fennoscandica sp. n. mm., fore wing 3.3–3.8 mm]. – Head not so widened behind the eyes. refractaria Rossem Clypeus not so large, mostly flattened. Man- – Propodeum without apophyses. Malar space dibles not so wide basally, without transparent shorter, 0.18–0.30× face width. Hind femur lamella on lower edge. Malar space 0.23– not inflated 2 0.25× face width. Flagellum $ consists of 16 2. Notauli not reaching centre of mesoscutum. 3 segments, 1st flagellomere 3.0–5.0 times lon- – Notauli well developed, meeting in centre of ger its apical diameter, apical flagellomere mesoscutum. Malar space 0.20–0.25× face clavate; # 18–19(20) segments, tyloids on width. 4 flagellomeres 6–7(8)(9). Rear of lower 3. Malar space short, 0.18× face width. mesopleuron with narrow strip of longitudi- Flagellum of $ with 20–21 segments, 1st nal striae. Area superomedia of propodeum flagellomere slender, 4.5× as long as apical elongate, narrowed posteriorly, costulae well width, # with 21–24 segments, tyloids on developed. Metasomal segments 2 and most flagellomeres 6–9(10)(11). Inner orbits of 3 coriaceous, longitudinally striate. Ovi- subparallel. Area superomedia not longer positor distinctly upcurved, 0.20–0.29 of fore than width, costulae more or less developed, wing length. Pronotum and metasomal seg- apical area long. Tergite 1 coriaceous, 2.3× as ments 2–3, at least apically, often yellow, hind long as apical width; tergite 2 of metasoma coxae and femora fuscous. Body length 3.9– basally with longitudinal striae, apical part 4.1 mm, fore wing 3.1–3.8 mm. polished. Ovipositor 0.14–0.19× fore wing tenuicincta Förster length. Fore wing 3.1 mm. aquilonigena Rossem – Malar space 0.28× face width on the level of 3.4. Genus Helictes Haliday, 1837 antennae, 1.4× basal width of mandible. Flagellum with 20 segments, 1st flagellomere 3.4.1. Helictes fabularis Rossem, 1987 (Fig. 4) 4.6× as long as apical width, tyloids absent. Inner orbits weakly converging downwards. Material. 7 $$ were found together with ## Area superomedia elongate, costulae weak. from Russia, Karelia, Kon: Kivach Nature Re- Tergite 1 polished, 2.7× as long as apical serve, birch and mixed forests, 6–9.IX.1991, 13– width; tergite 2 with fine longitudinal striae. 16.IX.1991, 20–24.IX.1991, 27–30.IX.1991, 2– Body length 3.4 mm., fore wing 3.0 mm. 9.X.1990, 11–15.X.1991 (Malaise traps, A. simplicornis Humala ($ unknown) Humala leg.) KRC. 4. Head distinctly widened behind the eyes (Fig. Female. Body length 4.5–5.8 mm, fore wing 3b), genae strongly convex, inflated. Clypeus 4.5–5.8 mm; antennae slightly longer than in large, 2.1× as wide as long, convex basally, male, 25–28 flagellomeres: first flagellar seg- remaining part slightly concave, apical mar- ment 7.0× as long as wide, second flagellar seg- gin transparent. Mandibles wide basally, ment length 3.6× width; middle segments nearly strongly twisted inwards; lower edge bor- 2.0x, subapical flagellomeres 1.5× as long as dered with transparent lamella (Fig. 3a). wide; scapi inflated, obliquely truncated forming Malar space narrow, 0.20× face width. angle of about 45°; head width 1.05× height; face flagellum consists of 23–24 segments, tyloids convex, width 0.60× head width, clypeus convex, on # flagellomeres 6–8. Mesopleuron with- apical margin truncate; anterior tentorial pits of out longitudinal striae. Area superomedia moderate size, open; malar space long, 2.5× basal parallel-sided (Fig. 3c). Tergite 2 of meta- width of mandible, with granular subocular strip; soma subpolished. Pronotum and metasomal mandibles strongly tapered, twisted inwards, up- tergites fuscous. Legs, including coxae yel- per tooth longer than lower tooth; ocelli of mod- low. Ovipositor straight, 0.95× hind tibia erate size, OOL as long as 0.8× POL, POL 2.2× as ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 19 • New species of Orthocentrinae from Finland 103

Acknowledgements. The author is grateful to the Nordic Council of Ministers and Centre for International Mobility (CIMO) who supported this research on Finnish collec- tions in 1996 and in 1998; to Anders Albrecht (ZMHU), Martti Koponen (DABHU) and Mattias Forshage (UUZM) for access to collections; to Reijo Jussila for sub- sequent access to his collection; to the staff of the Zoologi- cal Museum of Helsinki University and Department of Ap- plied Biology of the same University. Martti Koponen is thanked for supplying with exact information on collecting localities in Finland. I am also much indebted to Gavin Broad for reviewing the manuscript, valuable comments and improving the English. Fig. 4. Helictes fabularis Rossem, female. – a. Head, dorsal view. – b. Hind leg, lateral view. Scale bar 0.5 mm. References

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