Hagupit (Ruby), Dec. 10, 2014 CDIR No. 7 (note: last report)

BLUF – Implications to PACOM

 No DOD requirements anticipated

 Today’s 10 DEC report is the last CDIR for . Additionally, the CFE Crisis Site (http://www.cfe- dmha.org/crisis/typhoon-hagupit/) for Typhoon Hagupit will go offline on 17 DEC barring any major changes to the situation.

Typhoon Hagupit – Stats & Facts Current Status: Tropical Storm Hagupit is now outside the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) (NDRRMC Update Severe Weather Bulletin No. 25 (Final))

Although there were fears of flooding, by the time it hit Metro on 9 DEC Hagupit brought only light rain to most areas. (IFRC)

DSWD working with LGUs to confirm number of damaged and destroyed houses. (DSWD)

The above map depicts the latest Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) forecast (10 DEC, 1PM HST). (JTWC) Key Concerns & Trends Affected Population (as of 10 DEC, 8:00 pm) Deaths: 11 (NDRRMC) Total Affected: 2,706,903 persons/ 641,667 families • GPH and the international humanitarian community are Total currently being served inside and outside evacuation capable of meeting virtually all disaster response requirements. centers: 1,410,394persons/ 342,807 families (NDRRMC, SitRep, No. 15, 10 DEC)  As Hagupit exits the a clearer picture is emerging of the damages and main needs on the ground; still several days Note: CFE recommends readers refer to the following before full extent known websites for Typhoon Hagiput information:  IFRC reports overall damage appears moderate; however in Masbate, and Leyte there is a need for food, water and Reliefweb: http://reliefweb.int/disaster/tc-2014-000160-phl shelter GDACS Hagupit: http://www.gdacs.org/report.aspx?eventid=1000130&episo deid=39&eventtype=TC Humanitarian Response Philippines: http://www.humanitarianresponse.info/operations/philippi nes/ Government of the Philippines Website: http://www.gov.ph/crisis-response/typhoon-ruby/ Philippines National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council: http://www.ndrrmc.gov.ph/ APAN Typhoon Hagupit Community: https://community.apan.org/typhoon_hagupit/ Affected State

Military Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP): Military trucks and choppers are continuing to assist by delivering relief goods to affected areas. (DSWD)

Civilian The Government of the Philippines (GPH) National Government Frontline Team is continuing to work with national agencies, local government units (LGUs) humanitarian organizations and volunteers in helping rehabilitate the affected areas. (GPH)

Interior Minister Manuel Roxas, who is overseeing the government's typhoon response, said at least 200,000 people on Samar needed help. Additionally, he says that airports and main roadways have been cleared for the relief operation. (AFP)

All national roads in E. Samar are passable. Personnel from Dept. of Public Works and Highways have arrived to fix the San Julian Bridge. (GPH)

The Department of Health (DOH) is working with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and local health authorities to ensure that evacuation centers are mother and baby friendly. The DOH in coordination with the local health authorities is directed to provide free anti-measles, anti-polio vaccines and vitamin A capsules in all evacuation centers. (DOH)

 The DOH has issued interim guidelines for the acceptance and deployment of local and foreign medical teams. Please visit: http://reliefweb.int/report/philippines/department-health-typhoon-ruby-bulletin- no-3-8-december-2014 for specific guidance and appropriate DOH contact information. (DOH)

DSWD: Various organizations, individuals and business groups are assisting to help repack relief goods at the Cebu International Convention Center (CICC), Petrone, and Sacred Heart. The DSWD continues to call upon interested groups and individuals to assist at repacking centers. (DSWD)

 In Eastern , the DSWD established a new hub at the National Food Authority (NFA) warehouse in Borongan, . The hub will serve hard-to-reach areas or isolated island-barangays.  In other regions, DSWD social workers are now conducting rapid damage and needs assessments.  DSWD Secretary Corazon Juliano-Soliman said that DSWD is now assessing the need for the implementation of Cash-for-Work in the province to speed up the recovery of survivors. (DSWD)  DSWD social workers assisting LGUs in evacuation centers.  DSWD expecting 8 deliveries from a C-130 plane carrying food packs, reaching a total of 95,417 families in E. Samar. (GPH)

Center for Excellence in Disaster Management & Humanitarian Assistance│456 Hornet Avenue | JBPHH, HI 96860-3503 | TEL 808.472.0518

Philippine National Police (PNP) from Manila have arrived to augment forces manning major supply routes and providing assistance. (GPH)

For more details on specific preparedness information please see the latest report as of this writing: “NDRRMC Update SitRep No. 15 re Effects for Typhoon “Ruby” (Hagupit)” (as of 10 DEC): http://www.ndrrmc.gov.ph/

Humanitarians Philippine National Red Cross (PRC):  Two Red Cross convoys will deliver thousands of food packs, water purifiers, blankets and hygiene kits, to worst-hit Samar (AFP)  At evacuation centers, PRC providing hot meals, medical attention. (IFRC)  The PRC will deliver 10,000 galvanized iron roof sheets to those who lost their homes (AFP)  Philippine Red Cross Chairman Richard Gordon says an estimated 390,000 people, mostly in Samar, need food and temporary shelter assistance. (AFP)

International Humanitarians

United Nations U.N. Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC): UNDAC team pulling out of the Philippines today (Wednesday, 10 DEC) and tomorrow (Thursday, 11 DEC).

International Labor Organization (ILO) estimates 800,000 have lost their livelihoods as a result of Hagiput. (PhilStar)

NGOs/IOs CARE and its partners will be distributing food packs containing rice and canned goods to nearly 3,000 families in the Philippines provinces of Northern and Eastern Samar. Their focus is now on providing emergency food and shelter to families hit hard by Hagupit, and supporting people with cash assistance. (CARE)

CBM had a rapid needs assessment team on standby in Manila, but due to the fact that the impact of the storm was less than expected, this was not deployed. (CBM)

Heifer Philippines made broad preparations for the typhoon, ensuring that all staff and partners were aware of the incoming storm so that they could implement their Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction training (CMDRR). (Heifer International)

Humanity Road reports Globe Telecom extended its “Libreng Tawag” service, which has helped overseas Filipinos connect with family and friends back in the Philippines. (Humanity Road)

Center for Excellence in Disaster Management & Humanitarian Assistance│456 Hornet Avenue | JBPHH, HI 96860-3503 | TEL 808.472.0518

For the latest (10 DEC) OCHA map of locations where humanitarian organizations are conducting assessments please see: http://reliefweb.int/map/philippines/philippines-typhoon-hagupit-ruby-assessment- areas-10-dec-11am

For the latest (9 DEC) WFP logistics access constraints map, please see: http://vosocc.unocha.org/Documents/att35991_ylztyk.pdf

Humanitarian partners who are conducting needs assessments in the affected areas are requested to coordinate with local authorities and share the results with respective regional Office of Civil Defense and OCHA ([email protected] for Region VIII and [email protected] for other areas).

Assisting States

Civilian ASEAN reports AHA Centre Emergency Response and Assessment Team (ERAT) ERAT teams have finished their work in regional offices. They have returned to Manila and initiated demobilization actions. (ASEAN)

Japan: On Wednesday (10 DEC), the Government of (GOJ) decided to extend emergency relief goods worth approximately 22 million yen to the GPH, through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). (GOJ)

Military Nothing Significant to Report today (NSTR)

Center for Excellence in Disaster Management & Humanitarian Assistance│456 Hornet Avenue | JBPHH, HI 96860-3503 | TEL 808.472.0518 Helpful Links

Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (CFE- DMHA): http://www.cfe-dmha.org/

APAN’s Hagupit Community of Interest: https://community.apan.org/typhoon_hagupit/default.aspx

Humanity Road: http://humanityroad.org/rubyph/

Humanitarian Response: http://www.humanitarianresponse.info/operations/philippines

Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC): http://www.usno.navy.mil/JTWC/

Philippines National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC): http://www.ndrrmc.gov.ph/

Relief Web (Typhoon Hagupit): http://reliefweb.int/disaster/tc-2014-000160-phl

UNOSAT http://www.unitar.org/unosat/

GPH Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) http://www.dswd.gov.ph/

World-Wide Human Geography Data (WWHGD) Working Group: https://wwhgd.org.

For estimated rainfall and wind impacts and other products see Pacific Disaster Center: http://www.pdc.org/

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has set up a webpage to help family members separated by the typhoon to find their loved ones: http://familylinks.icrc.org/typhoon-haqupit

The International Charter on Space and Major Disasters was activated to provide satellite imagery to inform initial damage analysis of the typhoon: (http://bit.ly/1CTXrpd).

UNOCHA in Manila is working with the crowdsourcing platform MicroMappers to assess damages, asking people to get involved by identifying tweets as well as identify pictures posted on Twitter that show damage. (Guardian) The website is at: http://micromappers.wordpress.com/2014/12/06/un-activates-micromappers-for- philippines-typhoon-ruby/

For information on scheduled meetings, please visit: http://www.humanitarianresponse.info/operations/philippines/events

For more useful links and information resources, please visit the CFE-DMHA Typhoon Hagupit Crisis Response Page at: http://www.cfe-dmha.org/crisis/typhoon-hagupit/

Center for Excellence in Disaster Management & Humanitarian Assistance│456 Hornet Avenue | JBPHH, HI 96860-3503 | TEL 808.472.0518 Main sources used for this report:

Republic of Philippines Department of Social Welfare and Development http://www.dswd.gov.ph/

National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) Updates http://www.ndrrmc.gov.ph/

Joint Typhoon Warning Center, Super Typhoon Hagupit Warning http://www.usno.navy.mil/JTWC/

OCHA Situation Report No. 4 (9 DEC 2014) http://reliefweb.int/report/philippines/philippines-typhoon-hagupit-situation- report-no-3-8-december-2014

Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical & Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) http://pagasa.dost.gov.ph/

Philippine Information Agency http://news.pia.gov.ph/

Virtual OSOCC http://vosocc.unocha.org

Various NGO updates http://reliefweb.int/country/phl

Disclaimer: This document has been prepared in good faith based on open-source information available at the date of publication. While making every attempt to ensure the information is relevant and accurate, CFE-DMHA does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, reliability, completeness or currency of the information in this publication.

Center for Excellence in Disaster Management & Humanitarian Assistance│456 Hornet Avenue | JBPHH, HI 96860-3503 | TEL 808.472.0518