029276/EU XXVII. GP Eingelangt Am 28/08/20

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029276/EU XXVII. GP Eingelangt Am 28/08/20 029276/EU XXVII. GP Eingelangt am 28/08/20 Council of the European Union General Secretariat Brussels, 28 August 2020 CM 3308/20 OJ CRP1 NOTICE OF MEETING AND PROVISIONAL AGENDA PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVES COMMITTEE (Part 1) Justus Lipsius building, Brussels 2 September 2020 (10.00) Format 1+1 (+1 in listening room) Discussion items (II) Agriculture and Fisheries Meeting of the Council (Agriculture and Fisheries) on 21 September 2020: Agenda (For the items in the remit of the Permanent Representatives Committee) Competitiveness Meeting of the Council (Competitiveness (Internal Market, Industry, Research and Space)) on 18 September 2020: Agenda Any other business CM 3308/20 1 Contact: [email protected] EN www.parlament.gv.at ANNEX Non-discussion items (I) Institutional Affairs Written questions Replies to questions for written answer submitted to the Council by 10197/20 Members of the European Parliament PE-QE Adoption by silence procedure a) Katrin Langensiepen (Verts/ALE), Marie Toussaint 9504/20 (Verts/ALE), Petra De Sutter (Verts/ALE), Tilly Metz, Rasmus Andresen (Verts/ALE), Sven Giegold (Verts/ALE), Mounir Satouri (Verts/ALE), Salima Yenbou (Verts/ALE), Saskia Bricmont (Verts/ALE), Alice Kuhnke (Verts/ALE), Pär Holmgren (Verts/ALE), Jakop G. Dalunde (Verts/ALE), Terry Reintke (Verts/ALE), Klára Dobrev (S&D), Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield (Verts/ALE) "The situation of homeless people during the coronavirus epidemic in the EU" b) Filip De Man (ID) 9508/20 "Council Note 7497/20 on demographic challenges in the EU" c) Laura Ferrara (NI), Isabella Adinolfi (NI), Chiara Gemma (NI), 9505/20 Rosa D'Amato (NI), Fabio Massimo Castaldo (NI), Sabrina Pignedoli (NI), Daniela Rondinelli (NI), Eleonora Evi (NI), Mario Furore (NI) "Unfair competition caused by European tax havens" d) Hilde Vautmans (Renew), Frédérique Ries (Renew), Olivier 9595/20 Chastel (Renew), Guy Verhofstadt (Renew), Samira Rafaela (Renew), Sophia in 't Veld (Renew) "Implementation of the resolution on fundamental rights of people of African descent" e) Ernest Urtasun (Verts/ALE), Katrin Langensiepen (Verts/ALE) 9580/20 "Madrid COVID-19 protocol – triage" f) Marco Zanni (ID), Marco Campomenosi (ID) 9581/20 "Potentially damaging request from the Italian Government to extend the split payment arrangement" Silence procedure (Article 12(2) of the Council's Rules of Procedure) NB: Council documents are available on Delegates Portal. Room attendants will provide copies on request at the earliest opportunity. CM 3308/20 2 EN www.parlament.gv.at.
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