Hanny’s Voorwerp and the Antikythera Mechanism – similarities, differences and insights. Michael A. Garrett1 ASTRON, Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, Postbus 2, 7990 AA, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands E-mail:
[email protected] I present some insights into Hanny’s Voorwerp and the Antikythera mechanism – contrasting their similarities and differences. They are both excellent examples of serendipitous discoveries in which human curiosity and perseverance have played an important role. Both objects have captured the imagination of the general public, and their discovery was only made possible via the introduction of new technologies. One major difference is that there is only one Antikythera device but there are now many Voorwerpen or “voorwerpjes”, as they are more commonly known. The study of a collection of objects, as is common in astronomy, greatly aids our understanding of cosmic phenomena. In the case of the voorwepjes, we now know that such systems are to be identified with obscured galaxies or Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) that appear to have recently and indeed rapidly turned off. Clearly, the discovery of more examples of devices similar to the Antikythera mechanism would have a significant affect in advancing our understanding of this object and the people that constructed it. Thus far, surveys of the site of the Antikythera wreck are incomplete and non- systematic. Like radio astronomy and other progressive fields, technological advances proceed exponentially in terms of capacity and capability. Recent advances in diving technology are no exception to this rule. It is almost 40 years ago that Jacques Cousteau led the last adhoc survey of the Antikythera wreck – the time has surely come to revisit the site and conduct a proper scientific and systematic survey.