Karas Admits Plot to Kill Wife on Tape Husband: 'We Did It
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Co-defendant cops plea in city murder case, B1 GREATER RED BANK EATONTOWN No goose eggs Three for the arts LONG BRANCH Gossage loses lead: Red Bank Regional .hires Yanks lose in 14. dance, drama teachers. Today's Forecast: Sunny, cooler by tomorrow Page B3 Page B1 Complete wathor on A2 KtJH The Daily Register VOL. 106 NO. 44 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER . SINCE 1878 TUESDAY, AUGUST 23,1983 . 25 CENTS Karas admits plot to kill wife on tape Husband: 'We did it. We both did it.' By JO ASTRID GLADING terday, Karas listened and followed the dialogue in a transcript supplied FREEHOLD - Walter Karas by Chaiet. admitted to plotting his wife's During the taped meeting, Wil- murder in a tape-recorded meeting liams shunned Karas' efforts to with his ex-girlfriend in late May, touch her and said, "Yeah, Walter, and a Superior Court judge ruled I mean, you says to me the only way yesterday that most of the tape can I can marry you is if Anne's dead. be used as evidence in the couple's You lied to me." Karas retorted, October trial. "No, I'd never lie to you. Don't "We. We did it. We both did it. ever say that." We both actively (expletive deleted) Superior Court Judge John A. did it, you know," Karas says on the Ricciardi ruled that the tapes meet tape to his former lover, Mary the criteria of audibility and con- Claire Williams, referring to the tinuity, despite several inaudible 1982 murder of Anne S. Karas. portions. Police also taped three tel- The 18-minute recording was ephone conversations between made May 28, 1983, the day before Karas and Williams on May 28 and the couple was arrested, according 29, Chaiet said. Their audibility was' to Paul F. Chalet, first assistant not questioned and they also may be Monmouth County Prosecutor. Wil- admitted as evidence during the liams reportedly had confessed to trial. murdering Anne Karas a week Williams is accused of stabbing earlier and was cooperating with her lover's 43-year-old wife 22 times police. She was wired with a body with a hunting knife in a West End MomnoutK County Ccmrttouu MM III. PMIO parking lot March 20, 1983. Police microphone, and seated in a car DAMAGED BY TAPE?— Walter Karas, shown in a photo taken at charge that Karas, 43, plotted the during the nighttime meeting. his arraignment in June, admits plotting his wife's murder in a tape See Karat, pane At While the tape was played yes- played by the prosecution in court yesterday. Tape reveals accused killers9 fears mom's car. No, I have like, Walter, not... pletive deleted) absolutely nothing The following are excerpts from on you, they can't have anything. a May II tape made from an elec- I've got to call (Monmouth County WILLIAMS: No, Walter, what if Investigator William) Lucia back. he's got your Visa, that you WILLIAMS: Walter, why would tronic device placed on Mary Claire they call to talk to me if they don't WiUiami aid numilored by Lieuten- KARAS: Why? purchased the knife, do you still WILLIAMS: He called me and he have the other knife in the garage? have anything, why would they call ant John Falduti of Ike Monmouth to talk to me; all of a sudden out of County Prosecutor'! Office. The said, he called me at my house this KARAS: I don't have any knife morning, I was in New York, yeah. WILLIAMS: The knife that we the blue. I haven't seen you since conversation between Williams and December, I don't wanna see you... Walter... you says the only way I her former lover aid fellow defen- And he called me and he said I've bought at Herman's, you still have dant, Walter Karat, begins al »:30 gotta talk to ya and I said, well, you that one? KARAS: I don't know, Mary, I can marry you is if Anne's dead. You p.m. After a brief exchange over a know Bill, I'm a little busy, I'm, you KARAS: I have the knife that I don't know why they want, it's you mitsed meeting place, Karat atkt know and he says no, I've gotta talk originally bought, It's in the garage know, any number of reasons, I lied to me. * William, if there it "anybody In to you today and, Walter, that's on the table. don't know. your car." unlike him because Bill never says WILLIAMS: No,not... WILLIAMS: Walter, I'm scared today ... and I've been, I've been, I'm so — Mary Claire Williams WILLIAMS: No, why would any- See Mary Claire, page AS body be in my car? This is Dories KARAS: He's has nothing, he's KARAS: Mary, they have (ex- Marcos denies any part in murder of Aquino MANILA, Philippines (AP) - tion as "ridiculous." He said the tacker as he stepped off a China what was being done to identify the Aquino's body lay in the open tionalist Democratic Organization, President Ferdinand E. Marcos yes- opposition was spreading rumors Airlines jetliner at the Manila air- assassin. coffin, still in the bloodstained an opposition coalition, told re- terday denied any involvement in out of spite. port Sunday following three years Opposition figures immediately clothes he died in — the face dis- porters Marcos must take "com- the murder of his chief opponent, "I hear all kinds of rumors being self-imposed exile in the United accused Marcos of eliminating his figured by bruises and an undressed mand responsibility" for the as- Benigno Aquino. He said the as- orchestrated outside, even to toe States. The gunman was shot dead strongest and most outspoken bullet wound. His mother, Aurora sassination, noting that Aquino was sassin was a professional killer effect that I am in a coma, or we by security forces, officials said. challenger, and many questions Aquino, had insisted the military killed while in military custody at belonging to a subversive group in- have escaped by helicopter, that Manila Police Chief Gen. Pros- about the killing and the assassin return his body to her untouched. the heav ily guarded airport. tent on embarrassing the govern- (Defense) Minister Juan Ponce pero Olivas said laboratory tests on remained unanswered yesterday. "She wants the world to see At a news conference at Aquino's ment. Enrile is under arrest, that the gov- the assassin showed that he had Mourners from Manila and the what they did to her son," said home, opposition Assemblyman Rumors of a coup, of Marcos' ill ernment has practically collapsed," fired a gun. Olivas said he had not provinces, rich and poor, stood in Aquino's sister, Lupita Salvador H. Laurel said if Marcos health - and even his death - Marcos said. "I wish to vigorously been identified, and showed close-up the streets outside Aquino's sub- Kashiwahara. "It's not beautiful, does net answer several questions circulated in the capital, but the deny all these rumors." photographs of his face on tele- urban Manila home, waiting their and we don't want any mortician to about tine assassination, it could be "the end of his regime." president went on nationwide tele- Aquino, SO, was gunned down by vision. turn to pay last respects at the flag- make him look beautiful." vision and rejected all such specula- what officials said was a lone at- The government has not said draped coffin. Leaders of the United Na- See Marcos, page A2 Authority to dispose State blasts Miiddletown of Holmdel toxins faculty hiring ByRAVGERMANN 800 barrels of the stuff, so we ob- By PETE WALTON viously haven't gotten rid of it in a WOODBRIDGE - The New Jer- long time," he said. MIDDLETOWN - New Jersey's sey Highway Authority plant to con- Latex paint residue generally attorney general says the township tract with a waste transport com- contains heavy metals such as Board of Education's pending case pany to remove 794 drums contain- chromium and lead which can leach before the state's Supreme Court is ing potentially carcinogenic sub- into drinking water if not properly a "naked attempt" to circumvent stances from the maintenance yard disposed of, according to David teacher tenure laws. of its Holmdel facility, authority Schrier, senior environmental spe- In a brief filed on behalf of the officials confirmed yesterday. cialist of the DEP Bureau of Haz- stati; Board of Education, Attorney William Smith, authority ex- ardous Waste Classification and General Irwin I. Kimmelman said ecutive director, said the hazardous Management. the local board's appeal before the material is paint sludge and paint Schrier said the hazardous mate- high, court "should be dismissed." residue which hat accumulated-at rial must be placed in a secured The case concerns the district's the Holmdel maintenance facility landfill, protected by an under- practice of hiring "one-year re- over a period of several years. He ground layer of impermeable mate- placement teachers" who would not said the residue contains toxins rial — such as clay — to prevent the accrue tenure. listed at hazardous by the state De- substance from leaking out of the Tenure provides that a teacher partment of Environmental Protec- immediate area. cannot be removed from a position tion. ' If placed in a regular landfill, the for political or other arbitrary rea- Smith would not specify how toxins could penetrate deep into the sons. paint residue and other potentially soil, and eventually contaminate the "Under the one-year re- hazardow substances were disposed drinking water supply, he said.