Lok Sabha Debates

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Lok Sabha Debates )LIWK6HULHV9RO;9,,,1R 7KXUVGD\$XJXVW 6UDYDQD 6DND /2.6$%+$'(%$7(6 )LIWK6HVVLRQ )LIWK/RN6DEKD /2.6$%+$6(&5(7$5,$7 1(:'(/+, CONTENTS Ato. 13— Thursday, August 17, im/Sravana 26,1894 (Saka) Columns O n! Answers to Questions-* ♦Stsit'd Question* Nos. 241 to 245, 248,250 and 251 1—40 Short Notice Question No. 2 30—41 Written Answen to Questions— Staffed Questions Not. 246. 247, 249 and 252 to * 0 . m ~ $ 2 Unstarred Questions Nos. 2380 to 2392, 2394 to 2412, 2415 to 2444, 2446 to 2456, 2458 to 2494, 2496 to 1510. 2512 to 2521, 2523 to 2&I* 2540 to 2546 and 2548 to 2579. 51—1*8 Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance—* Reported Smuggling of foreign watches etc. by scare European Consular officials in Calcutta. 189—92 Laid on the Table : 1&—94 m ag es from Rajya Sabha 194 jcioria Memorial (Amendment) Bill— Aa passed fay Rajya Sabha 194 Central Sales Tax 'Amendment) BID— Report of Sclect Committee and Evidence 194— 5 Bills Introduced »— fl) Wiki Utp (Protection) Bill 195 (ii) Seeds (Amendment) Bill 195 Constitution (Thirtieth Amendment) Bill— 196-27 ShrifrJLGofcbale 196-98, 224 -32 . 199—204 niastga-hmwted q u ts tia n ^ itlnMMh Wat yk>i / " m i R. V, _ _ _ .2074-#"; Shri A. K. Spn ). K. Panda ri R. 0 . Bhandare ' I f 6*—18 v Sj|ri Shyamnandan Mishra Shri Dinesh Chandra Goswami 2 2 1 ^ 3 , J$hri G, Viswanathan 2fi&~24 Clauses 2, 3 and 1 m—ioj Motion to Pass 262 j lncoire Tax (Amendment) Bill. 1972- Motion to consider 270—76 Shri K. Baladhandayutham ZHk-72 Shri K. ft. Ganesh m * Clauses 2 to 6 and 1 27 ^ • -1 Motion to Pass 274 Shri Shivnath Singh 274—-75^ Shri K. R. Ganesh 276 public Debt (Amendment) Bill— Motion to consider M! '■i'-.swhflk Shri K. R. Ganesh . vv ' - • ** v, Shri Dasaratha Deb , ■ ;.’ > % . J ShH K. M. Madhukar ■/, |?;'y:y Shri JL Narayana Rao ■ Shri C. T. Dhandapani Clauses 2 to 5 and 1 ,v;. ........... Vi- ■■■ ?** <«?) ooua*N* Shri K. R. Ganesh ... ... 282 Taxation Laws (Amendment) Bill— Motion to consider, as reported by Select Committee ................ 282—316 Shu Yeshwantrao Chavan .............. 2ft?— ftfl Shri Virendra Aggarwal .............. , 288—91 Shri B. R. Shukla ... ... 291*-$!$ Shn Dasaratha Deb ............... 295—98 Shri G Viswanathan ................ 299—301 Shri K. Baladhandayutham ... ... 301—06 Shri K. Natayana Rao ............... 307— 10 S htlC M. Stephen ................ 310—14 Shri Satpal Kapur ... ... 314—1$ LOK SABHA DEBATES I « 2 LOK SABHA THE MINISTER OF LABOUR AND REHABILITATION (SHRIR.JC. KHADIL- Thursday, August 17 . I9?2]Sravana 26 * / M KAR): The question is about industrial rein* (JkoM tions law and we contemplate bringing for ward a Bill on the basis of the recommend** tions of the National Labour Commission. We placed it before the tripartite body, the TV LoAr SaMa met at Eleven of the last national labour conference. The three Clock national trade un4ons met together as a group and they have submitted their agree­ fMR SPFAKtR in the Chair} ment On (hat basts we are bringing for* ward that legislation. As for the second part, we are in consulation with the State ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Labour Ministers and 1 think I should be able to introduce legislation m the next Bill on Industrial Relations session. *241. SHRI C. T. DHANDAPANI ; SHRI B. V. NAItC : Is that Bill going Will the Minister of LABOUR AND to be only bilateral relationship between REHABILITATION be pleased to state : labour and capital or between labour and management ? Are you alto going to consider (a) whether all the Labour Trade Union's the points of view of the consumers whe­ have been consulted with regard to the ther individual or collective or group 9 introduction of the Industrial Relations Will lhe consumers’ point of view be taktn Bill; and up as part of the industrial relationship ? (b) if so, what were their views ? SHRI R. K, KHADILKAR: Every time we take up this question of industrial THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE relationship, we keep in ntmd the probable MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND RFHA effect that it will have on the consumers. BILITATION (SHRI BALOOVIND Beyond that there is no special organisation VERMA) ; (a) and (b). The proposed whom we could consult. comprehensive Industrial Relations law Will take into account the various views sft JV l <Wf VWW t expressed during protracted consultations, witfe the trade unions and others, that have w w t I Pit * r $ n «t*t «rr<flro art taken place since the Government received farcaW f | & n firtrc v x n r * the report of the National Commission on *ftr jrwrro aw* t«w *r «rf fin* w* Labour. « rw f t f mprt Wffm f aft SHRI C t . DHANDAPANI : Every tmVnW W\ f ft flWfi WmW body knows the slat* of industrial rela* tfems *nd the number of man-day* lost due Ww?w w wfpc wt f i to lack of understanding between she management and t^ n y s c * . What Irw ?fW tnY|t fW l TfF VT at*c#teactton b t y m m & b t y I M l j w f t . w i f f 1 1 *ir*f m A intnnd ^hen nr# they goh* to implement Hm mun^inrti I qp*» nQ+'tit # mftarftow .3 Ore&Atmten Orai Ammrs '"4'. : orgamsBtkffls . with eertata j»o* ■ ■ ■ blems ■; '4ft ■. becausethere' is': < |o iiit;;W»! £*.■' ■ ■ m r . s p e a k e r i ■ make a speech. :.'■ So far as '. tta imposed legislation is concerned* we SHRI R. K. KHADILKAR : T!w tWce Consult the three national trade union national trade union centres have formed a eeritres along with the employees’ organise* Council of Trade U*ioas. Through that, ■ ' Govts. About the first they can take i^ 'M rm te ,.. ■; jMdt'' I would assure him approach the Government. So far * i rising %ihat:;Wr-aire consulting the State Labour prices and other causes for industrial ^ l ^ t e r s and all the recommendations, as discontent are concerned, we deal with them ' made by the National separately. This is not a form for dealing Lab^ur Gommission will be given effect to* with individual problems. ’■''lusejping' in view the general consensus that we have arrived at. SHRI S. M. BANERJEE : What about the demand for wage rise and bonus ? : (t j w w WWW : ,5ft TOT VT SHRI A. P. SHARMA : Industrial arm i ^«r® «p» % relations do not deal with wages and bonus. '■■m. wm w*r? *t % fiwrcf m w SHRI R. K. KHADILKAR : That is ';fo s 3 ?WI%W>r 5i ? right. Industrial relations law does not deal with wage structure and bojius. SHRI R .K . KHADILKAR : That is not one of the three national trade union MR. SPEAKER : You do not recognise centres. Certainly I talk with their leaders the Chair. He does not recognise the but not as an organisation. Chair. What am I to do ? Kindly have a took at sie also; SHRI A. P. SHARMA : It is gratifying to note that the minister has consulted the SHRI R.K. KHADILKAR : Y*s, Sis, three; national trade union centres* as he calls them. May I know whether this SHRI M. RAM GOPAL REDDY : It Industrial Relations Bill is also going to is gratifying that the Labour Minister is affect the lakhs of Central Government consulting the labour organisations before employees and may I know whom he is enacting laws. Will he advise the other going toconsult about them. ministries also to consult the otl^ker interests at the time of enacting laws ? SHRI R. K. KHADILKAR : Central Government employees are governed ' MR. SPEAKER : Please be relevant to separately under the JCM. ThHr machinery this question. ■■■. a/: ly for Consultation is different. They are by convention not governed by industrial law. ' taftf yfr ftmfrrw i * ' f ir t• f ■ “wertt I : Wijtnt • "ztnt ( * 15 ;J . : It appears' W ?fhr 9WF#«r from the answcr tha he will ba able to intro* ?TT*T $ «WrytT V? WmTO $ fWJ Wf* ■V; 1811; ,' next' session. In . the v t o going to -be- » fast f t wm r 9 hft | ? trfir ft, «ft w ft w detcmration Industrial; relations in fWfir t w w wr swif ( .? the country because of the rising prices and: : f ' wage1 rise . .SHRI a . i t . JLHAJMLitAR and bopus. In the intervening period* is Mwdoor Santh h u Mw l<wlBri «aN»»*B« he going to convene any meeting of the t a s m i ^..Tbv; *m. central trade union organisations atid other strength. ■'■■■*' S th t tM n m * SRAVANA Z6.1894 (SAXA) Onl AMwert $ .;Wt;: b ea sk e d in ■ provocative manner, t h i t : ■ fceift. ;■ i Is aotgood. Do not provoke. them. Then it will be a headache which is transferred C&romcTce has made a quietly tit down and I have ment that the «treochment hw been m«ch : ;; ^'■■■; :^v:v,;; o. ; biggerbecause o fth e - ways for the last .to'ijN ^^:-'- P* M. MEHTA : As*mic*bte ore from .mine: site; for ■■■ exjxwt ■ * i a ■: relationship between the management and and the shortfail "wgsC one ; in the puWic aestor: during 1970*71 and 1971-72 1 If undertakings of this country, dothe govern* far this statemcnt is true ? i^p» raent propose to have strict application of have been taken - in- this regard ? thiskjpWatfc» to the public sector under­ takings? ' / :;. SHRI SHAHNAWAZ fli;1 i ■ true that the raU ways had ha vesomedifficul- SHRI R.K , fcHAmtKAR : Industial ty in moving the iron ore from thearea for law wit) Apply topublic sector undertakings export vig Paradip.
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