– 1991 Parliamentary elections

CONST constituency 1 2 3 Varna 4 Veliko Turnovo 5 6 7 Grabrovo 8 Dobrych 9 Kurdzhali 10 11 12 Montana 13 14 15 16 17 Plovdivokrug 18 19 Ruse 20 21 22 23 1 24 Sofia 2 25 Sofia 3 26 Sofia okrug 27 28 Turgovishche 29 Khaskovo 30 31

PARTY nominating party

0 Independents 1 BBB - Bulgarian Business Block (Bulgarski Biznes Blok) 2 BBP - Bulgarian Business Party (Bulgarska biznes partiya) 3 BDP - Bulgarian (Bulgarska democraticheska partiya) 4 BDPESShch - Bulgarian Democratic Party for European and World States (Bulgarska demokraticheska partiya za evropeiski e svetovni shchati) 5 BKP - Bulgarian Communist Party (Bulgarska komunisticheska partiya) 6 BKP(m) - Bulgarian Communist Party - Marxist (Bulgarska komunisticheska partiya - marksisti) 7 BNDP Bulgarian National Democratic Party (Bulgarska natsionalna demokratichna partiya) 8 BNRP - Bulgarian National (Bulgarska natsionalna radikalna partiya) 9 BNS - Coalition of the Bulgarian National Union - Bulgarian Fatherland Party and Bulgarian National Union (Koalitsiya Bulgarski natisionalen suyuz - Bulgarska otechestvena partiya i Bulgarski natisionalen suyuz 'Nova Demokratsiya') 10 BPSDP - Bulgarian Workers' Social-Democratic Party (Bulgarska rabotnicheska sotsialdemokraticheska partiya) 11 BRMP Bulgarian Revolutionary Party of Youth - Varna (Bulgarska revolyutsionna mladezhka partiya - Varna) 12 BRSP - Bulgarian Worker-Rural Party -Varna (Bulgarska Rabotnichesko-selska partiya - Varna) 13 BSP - Pre-electoral Union of the BSP, BLP, OPT, PKhZhD, KhRP, NLP 'St. Stambolov', SMS, FBSM, SDPD, and 'ERA-3' (Predizboren suyuz na BSP, BLP, OPT, PKhZhD, KhRP, NLP 'St. Stambolov', SMS, FBSM, SDPD, 'ERA-3') 14 BZNS(e) - Bulgarian Agrarian National Union (United) (Bulgarski zemedelski naroden suyuz (edinen)) 15 BZNS-NP - Bulgarian Agrarian National Union - 'Nikola Petkov' (Bulgarski zemedelski naroden suyuz - 'Nikola Petkov') 16 DBD - Movement of Non-partisans for Democracy (Dvizhenie 'Bezpartiini za demokratsiya') 17 DPS - Movement for Rights and Freedoms (Dvizhenie za prava i svobodi) 18 KhP - Radical Christian Party (Khristiyanradikalna partiya) 19 KhRDP- Christian Radical Democratic Party (Khristiyanradikaldemokraticheska partiya) 20 KTKS - 'Freedom' Coalition for The Turnovo Constitution (Koalitsiya za Turnovska konstitutsiya 'Svoboda') 21 KTsB - (Konfederatsiya 'Tsarstvo Bulgariya') 22 LP - - Pernik (Liberalna partiya - Pernik) 23 NDP - Independent Democratic Party (Nezavisima demokratichna partiya) 24 NPS - National Patrotic Union Party (Partiya 'Natsionalen patriotichen suyuz') 25 ODSPS - United Democratic Union 'Party for Justice' (Obedinen demokratichen suyuz 'partiya za spavedlivost') 26 PBO - Bulgarian Eagle Party (Partiya 'Bulgarski orel') 27 PFP - Political Transformation Forum (Politicheski forum 'Preobrazhenie') 28 PKKF - Constitutional Forum Political Club (Politicheski klub 'Konstitutsionen forum') 29 PLK - Liberal Congress Party (Partiya 'Liberalen kongres') 30 PSB - Party of Proprietors of Bulgaria (Partiya na sobstvenitsite v Bulgariya) 31 PSD -ts - Party for Free Democracy - Centre (Partiya na svobodnite demokrati - tsentr) 32 SBG - Union of Non-partisan Guarantors (Suyuz na bezpartiinite garanti) 33 SBSSGB - Organisation of Invalids and Underprivileged Citizens of Bulgaria (Organizatsiya na surdechno bolnite i sotsialno slabite grazhdani v Bulgariya) 34 SDP - Free Democratic Party (Svobodna demokraticheska partiya) 35 SDS - Union of Democratic Forces (Suyuz na demokratichnite sili) 36 SDS-l - Union of Democratic Forces - Liberal (Suyuz na demokratichniti sili - liberali) 37 SDS-ts - Union of Democratic Forces - Centre (Suyuz na demokratichnite sili - tsentur) 38 SKP - Free Co-operative Party (Svobodna kooperativna partiya)

VOTES number of valid votes won in constituency

PVOTE percentage votes won in constituency

SEATS number of seats won in constituency

PSEATS percentage seats won in constituency

VALID valid votes in constituency

SEATSC seats to be allocated in constituency Bulgaria – 1994 Parliamentary elections

CONST constituency 1 Blagoevgrad 2 Burgas 3 Varna 4 Veliko Turnovo 5 Vidin 6 Vratsa 7 Grabrovo 8 Dobrych 9 Kurdzhali 10 Kyustendil 11 Lovech 12 Montana 13 Pazardzhik 14 Pernik 15 Pleven 16 Plovdiv grad 17 Plovdivokrug 18 Razgrad 19 Ruse 20 Silistra 21 Sliven 22 Smolyan 23 Sofia 1 24 Sofia 2 25 Sofia 3 26 Sofia okrug 27 Stara Zagora 28 Turgovishche 29 Khaskovo 30 Shumen 31 Yambol

PARTY nominating party

1 Independent 2 BBB Bulgarian Business Block (Bulgarska biznes blok) 3 BDPESShch Bulgarian Democratic Party for European and World States (Bulgarska demokraticheska partiya za evropeiski i svetovin shchati) 4 BKP Bulgarian Communist Party (Bulgarska komunisticheska partiya) 5 BLZPChG Bulgarian League for the Protection of the Rights of People and Citizens (Bulgarska liga za zashchita pravata na choveka i grazhdanina) 6 BNRP Bulgarian National-Radical Party (Bulgarska natsionalno-radikalna partiya) 7 BNS Bulgarian National Union (Bulgarski natsionalen suyuz) 8 BOPNS Bulgarian Fatherland Party - 'National Union' 9 BRMP Bulgarian Revolutionary Party of Youth (Bulgarska revolyutsionna mladezhka partiya) 10 BRSDP Bulgarian Workers' Social-democratic Party (Bulgarska rabotnicheska sotsialdemokraticheska partiya) 11 BRSP Bulgarian Worker-Rural Party (Bulgarska rabotnichesko-selska partiya) 12 BSPASEK Coalition of the Bulgarian Socialist Party, the Bulgarian National Agraria n Union 'Alexander Stamboliiski' and Ecoglasnost Political Club (Koalitsiya - BSP, BZNS 'Al. Stamboliiski' i PK 'Ekoglasnost') 13 BZNS, DP Popular Union of the Bulgarian Agrarian National Union and the Democratic Party (Naroden suyuz - BZNS, DP) 14 BZNS-TK Bulgarian Agrarian National Union Confederation - 'Turnovo Constitution' National Block (Konfederatsiya BZNS - Natsionalen blok 'Turnovska konstitutsiya') 15 DAR Democratic Alternative for the Republic' Political Union (Politicheski suyuz 'Demokratichna alternativa za republikata') 16 DGI -SDS Civic Initiative DGI -SDS Movement (Dvizhenie 'Grazhdanska initsiativa' DGI -SDS) 17 DNB Forward Bulgaria' Movement (Dvizhenie 'Napred Bulgariya) 18 DPB Democratic Party of Bulgaria (Demokraticheska partiya v Bulgariya) 19 DPS Movement for Rights and Freedoms (Dvizhenie za prava i svobodi) 20 DPSpr. Democratic Party of Justice (Demokraticheska partiya na spravedlivostta) 21 DPT Democratic Party of Labour (Demokratichna partiya na truda) 22 DZPBSSG Movement for the Protection of Pensioners, the Unemployed, and Underprivileged Citizens (Dvizhenie za zashchita na pensioneri, bezrabotni i sotsialno slabi grazhdani) 23 Ed. Unity Party (Partiya 'Edinenie') 24 Era-3 Era-3' Union of Democratic Parties and Movements (Suyuz na demokratichnite partii i dvizheniya 'Era - 3') 25 FPSB Front of Progressive Forces of Bulgaria (Front na progresivnite sili v Bulgariya) 26 FTsB Kingdom of Bulgaria Federation (Federatsiya Tsarstvo Bulgariya) 27 KhDS Christian-democratic Union (Khristiyandemokratichen suyuz) 28 KhRP Christian Republican Party (Khristiyan-republikanska partiya) 29 NDKDTsBKingdom of Bulgaria National Movement for Crowned Democracy (Natsionalno dvizhenie za koronovana demokratsiya 'Tsarstvo Bulgariya') 30 NKhS National-Christian Union (Natsional-Khristiyanski suyuz) 31 NLPSS ' Popular-liberal Party (Narodnoliberalna partiya 'Stefan Stambolov') 32 ONDO Alliance of the Nation - Movement of the Downtrodden (Obedinenie na natsiyata - dvizhenie na onepravdanite) 33 OS Alliance for (Obedinenie za sotsialisum) 34 OSBSSGB Organisation of Invalids and Underprivileged Citizens of Bulgaria (Organizatsiya na surdechno bolnite i sotsialno slabite grazhdani v Bulgariya) 35 PBO Bulgarian Eagle Party (Partiya 'Bulgarski orel') 36 PDP Party of Democratic Change (Partiya na demokratichnite promeni) 37 Preobr. Transfiguration Forum (Forum 'Preobrazhenie') 38 PS Patriotic Union (Patriotichen suyuz) 39 PSB Party of Proprietors of Bulgaria (Partiya na sobstvenitsite v Bulgariy a) 40 RPB Republican Party of Bulgaria (Republikanska partiya v Bulgariya) 41 SBG Union of Non-partisan Guarantors (Suyuz na bezpartiinite garanti) 42 SBO Union of Bulgarian Communities (Suyuz na bulgarskite obshchnosti ) 43 SDP Free Democratic Party (Svobodna demokraticheska partiya) 44 SDS Union of Democratic Forces (Suyuz na demokratichnite sili) 45 SKP Free Co-operative Party (Svobodna kooperativna partiya) 46 SMSTsB Kingdom of Bulgaria' Union of Monarchist Forces (Suyuz na monarchicheskite sili 'Tsarstvo Bulgariya') 47 SNI New Choice' Union (Suyuz 'Nov izbor') 48 SS Union of Justice (Suyuz Spravedlivost) 49 SSD Union of Free (Suyuz na svobodnite demokrati)

VOTES number of valid votes won in constituency

PVOTE percentage votes won in constituency

SEATS number of seats won in constituency

PSEATS percentage seats won in constituency

VALID valid votes in constituency

SEATSC seats to be allocated in constituency

Bulgaria – 1997 Parliamentary elections

CONST constituency 1 Blagoevgrad 2 Burgas 3 Varna 4 Veliko Turnovo 5 Vidin 6 Vratsa 7 Grabrovo 8 Dobrych 9 Kurdzhali 10 Kyustendil 11 Lovech 12 Montana 13 Pazardzhik 14 Pernik 15 Pleven 16 Plovdiv grad 17 Plovdivokrug 18 Razgrad 19 Ruse 20 Silistra 21 Sliven 22 Smolyan 23 Sofia 1 24 Sofia 2 25 Sofia 3 26 Sofia okrug 27 Stara Zagora 28 Turgovishche 29 Khaskovo 30 Shumen 31 Yambol

PARTY nominating party

1 BBB Bulgarian Business Block (Bulgarska biznes blok) 2 BDPESShch Bulgarian Democratic Party for European and World States (Bulgarska demokraticheska partiya za evropeiski i svetovin shchati) 3 BKhristK Bulgarian Christian Coalition (Bulgarska khristiyanska koalitsiya) 4 BKP Bulgarian Communist Party (Bulgarska komunisticheska partiya) 5 BNDP Bulgarian National Democratic Party (Bulgarska natsionalna demokraticheska partiya) 6 BNDVPut Bulgarian National Movement for the Eternal Path (Bulgarsko natsionalno dvizhenie na vechniya put) 7 BNEP-VT Bulgarian National Ecological Party - Veliko Turnovo (Bulgarska natsionalna ekologichna partiya - Veliko Turnovo) 8 BNRP Bulgarian National-Radical Party (Bulgarska natsionalno-radikalna partiya) 9 BOPNS Bulgarian Fatherland Party - National Union (Bulgarska otechestvena partiya - Natsionalen suyuz) 10 BPLiber Bulgarian Party of (Bulgarska partiya liberali) 11 BRMP Bulgarian Revolutionary Youth Party (Bulgarska revolyutsionna mladezhka partiya) 12 BRSelP Bulgarian Workers'-Agrarian Party (Bulgarska rabotnichesko-selska partiya) 13 BRSotsP Bulgarian Workers' Socialist Party (Bulgarska rabotnicheska sotsialisticheska partiya) 14 BZelFed Bulgarian Green Federation (Bulgarska zelena federatsiya) 15 BZNS-ts Bulgarian Agrarian National Union - Centre (Bulgarski zemedelski naroden suyuz - tsentur) 16 DAR Democratic Alternative for the Republic (Demokratichna alternativa za republikata) 17 DemLev Democratic - Bulgarian Socialist Party, Ecoglasnost Political Club (Demokratichna levitsa - BSP, PK 'Ekoglasnost') 18 DemLiga Democratic League (Demokraticheska liga) 19 DPSpr. Democratic Party of Justice in the Republic of Bulgaria (Demokraticheska partiya na spravedlivostta v RB) 20 EvroLev Euroleft (Evrolevitsa) 21 FPSB Front of Progressive Forces of Bulgaria (Front na progresivnite sili v Bulgariya) 22 KhDS Christian-democratic Union (Khristiyandemokratichen suyuz) 23 KorDem Crowned Democracy (Koronovana demokratsiya) 24 LForum (Liberalen forum) 25 NapredB Forward Bulgaria' Coalition (Koalitsiya 'Napred Bulgariya) 26 NarPart Popular Party (Narodna partiya) 27 NovaDem New Democracy (Nova Demokratsiya) 28 NPLF Popular patriotic Left Front (Naroden patriotichen lyav front) 29 NPvSDS Bulgarian Agrarian National Union - Nikola Petvok in of Democratic Forces (BZNS - Nikola Petkov v SDS) 30 ODS Alliance of Democratic Forces - SDS, DP, BZNS, BSDP (Obedineni demokratichni sili - SDS, DP, BZNS, BSDP) 31 ON-DO Alliance of the Nation - Movement of the Downtrodden, 'ON-DO' (Obedinenie na natsiyata - dvizhenie na onepravdanite, PP 'ON-DO') 32 ONS Alliance of National Salvation - Bulgarian Agrarian National Union - Nikola Petkov, Movement for Rights and Freedoms, , Party of the Democratic Centre, New Choice, Federation of the Bulgarian Kingdom (Obedinenie za natsionalno spasenie - BZNS - Nikola Petkov, Dvizhenie za prava i svobodi, Zelena partiya, Partiya na demokratichniya tsentr, Nov izbor, Federatsiya Tsarstvo Bulgariya) 33 OzaTsarya Alliance for the King (Obedinenie za tsarya) 34 PBZheni Party of Bulgarian Women (Partiya na bulgarskite zheni) 35 PDP Party of Democratic Change (Partiya na demokratichnite promeni) 36 Preobr. Transfiguration Forum (Forum 'Preobrazhenie') 37 SBO Union of Bulgarian Communities (SBO) (Suyuz na bulgarskite obshchnosti (SBO)) 38 SDR Union for Democratic Development - SDR (Suyuz za demokratichno razvitie - SDR) 39 SKoopP Free Co-operative Party (Svobodna kooperativna partiya)

VOTES number of valid votes won in constituency

PVOTE percentage votes won in constituency

SEATS number of seats won in constituency

PSEATS percentage seats won in constituency

VALID valid votes in constituency

SEATSC seats to be allocated in constituency

Bulgaria – 2001 Parliamentary elections

CONST constituency 1 Blagoevgrad 2 Burgas 3 Varna 4 Veliko Turnovo 5 Vidin 6 Vratsa 7 Grabrovo 8 Dobrych 9 Kurdzhali 10 Kyustendil 11 Lovech 12 Montana 13 Pazardzhik 14 Pernik 15 Pleven 16 Plovdiv grad 17 Plovdivokrug 18 Razgrad 19 Ruse 20 Silistra 21 Sliven 22 Smolyan 23 Sofia 1 24 Sofia 2 25 Sofia 3 26 Sofia okrug 27 Stara Zagora 28 Turgovishche 29 Khaskovo 30 Shumen 31 Yambol

PARTY nominating party 0 Independents 1 Alliance for Preservation of the Wealth of Bulgaria 2 Alternative Social-Liberal Party 3 Bulgarian Communist Party "Fatherland" 4 Bulgarian Democratic Party for United Sates of Europe and the World 5 Bulgarian Euroleft, BUSDP - United Socialdemocrats, BAPU 6 Bulgarian "Social Union" 7 Bulgarian National-Radical Party 8 Bulgarian Workers' Party (communists) 9 Bulgarian Workers' Socialist Party 10 Coalition "National Union Tzar Kiro" 11 Coalition "Simeon II" 12 Coalition for Bulgaria 13 Democratic Party of Justice in RB 14 Fatherland Party of Labor 15 Free Cooperation Party 16 George Day - IMRO 17 George Ganchev's Block 18 Movement for Defense of Retired, Unemployed and Socially Weak Citizens - Front of the Progressive Forces in Bulgaria 19 MRF (MRF - - EuroRoma) 20 National Movement Simeon the Second 21 National Union for Tzar Simeon II 22 NU Fatherland and Left 23 Party of the Workers' and Socialdemocratic Intelligentsia 24 Patriotism 2000 25 Union Bulgaria 26 Union of Patriotic Forces and Reserve Soldiers "Defense" 27 United Agrarian Forces (UAF) - National League - BAPU and BAPU "Nikola Petkov" 28 - UDF, People's Union: BAPU - PU and DP, BSDP, National MRF 29 Social Liberal Movement "Justice" 30 Bulgarian Fatherland Party "National Union" 31 National Movement for New Era 32 Union of the Nation - Movement of the Deprived 33 Party of the Middle Class 34 National Party of Labor, Private Owners, Producers and Creators (NPLPOPC) 35 Bulgarian Business Block 36 Bulgarian (BNF)

VOTES number of valid votes won in constituency

PVOTE percentage votes won in constituency

SEATS number of seats won in constituency

PSEATS percentage seats won in constituency

VALID valid votes in constituency

SEATSC seats to be allocated in constituency

REGVOT Voters according to the number of signatures in voters list

REVOTB Electors in the basic list ( regvotb)

REGVOTS Electors in the suplementary lists (regvots)

CAST Voters according to the number of envelopes found in the bal

EMPTYENV Empty envelopes (envempt)

DIFFENV Envelopes with different ballots (envdiffb)

INVALID Invalid votes (invalid)

VALID Valid votes (valid) Czech Republic 1996 Parliamentary elections const constituency 1 Prague 2 Stredocesky 3 Severocesky 4 Zapadocesky 5 Jihocesky 6 Severomoravsky 7 Vychodocesky 8 Jihomoravsky votereg number of registered voters in constituency valid valid votes invalid invalid votes seats seats in constituency p1 votes SD-LSNS - - National Social Liberal Party (Svobodné demokraté-Liberální strana národne sociální) p2 votes CSSD - Czech Social Democratic Party (Ceská strana sociálne demokratická) p3 votes ODS - Civic Democratic Party (Obcanská demokratická strana) p4 votes PB - Right Bloc (Pravý blok) p5 votes NEZ - Independents (Nezavisli) p6 votes MNS-HSJ - Moravian National Party-Movement for Sileso-Moravian Unification (Moravská národní strana - Hnutí slezskomoravského sjednocení) p7 votes DEU - Democratic Union (Demokratické unie) p8 votes ODA - Civic Democratic Alliance (Obcanská demokratická aliance) p9 votes SCK - Party of Cechoslovak Communists (Strana ceskoslovenských komunistu p10 votes KDU-CSL- Christian Democratic Union-Czechoslovak People’s Party (Krest’anská a demokratická unie-Ceskoslovenská lidová strana) p11 votes DZJ - Pensioners’ for a Secure Life (Duchodci za zivotní jistoty) p12 votes SDL - Party of the (Strana demokratické levice) p13 votes CMUS - Czechomoravian Union of the Centre (Ceskomoravské unie stredu) p14 votes CP - Czech Right (Ceská pravice) p15 votes KSCM - Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Cech a Moravy) p16 votes SZ - Green Party (Strana zelených) p17 votes SPR-RSC - Rally for the Republic-Republican Party of Czechoslovakia (Sdruzení pro republiku - Republikánská strana Ceskoslovenska) p18 votes LB - Left Bloc (Levý blok) p20 votes CAO - Nation-wide convention of citizens (Celostátní aktiv obcanu) p19 votes HSMS - Movement for Self-Governing Moravia and Silesia - Moravian National Unification (Hnutí samosprávné Moravy a Slezska - Moravské národní sjednocení) pp1 %votes SD-LSNS - Free Democrats- National Social Liberal Party (Svobodné demokraté- Liberální strana národne sociální) pp2 %votes CSSD - Czech Social Democratic Party (Ceská strana sociálne demokratická) pp3 %votes ODS - Civic Democratic Party (Obcanská demokratická strana) pp4 %votes PB - Right Bloc (Pravý blok) pp5 %votes NEZ - Independents (Nezavisli) pp6 %votes MNS-HSJ - Moravian National Party-Movement for Sileso-Moravian Unification (Moravská národní strana - Hnutí slezskomoravského sjednocení) pp7 %votes DEU - Democratic Union (Demokratické unie) pp8 %votes ODA - Civic Democratic Alliance (Obcanská demokratická aliance) pp9 %votes SCK - Party of Cechoslovak Communists (Strana ceskoslovenských komunistu pp10 %votes KDU-CSL- Christian Democratic Union-Czechoslovak People's Party (Krest'anská a demokratická unie-Ceskoslovenská lidová strana) pp11 %votes DZJ - Pensioners' for a Secure Life (Duchodci za zivotní jistoty) pp12 %votes SDL - Party of the Democratic Left (Strana demokratické levice) pp13 %votes CMUS - Czechomoravian Union of the Centre (Ceskomoravské unie stredu) pp14 %votes CP - Czech Right (Ceská pravice) pp15 %votes KSCM - Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Cech a Moravy) pp16 %votes SZ - Green Party (Strana zelených) pp17 %votes SPR-RSC - Rally for the Republic-Republican Party of Czechoslovakia (Sdruzení pro republiku - Republikánská strana Ceskoslovenska) pp18 %votes LB - Left Bloc (Levý blok) pp20 %votes CAO - Nation-wide convention of citizens (Celostátní aktiv obcanu) pp19 %votes HSMS - Movement for Self-Governing Moravia and Silesia - Moravian National Unification (Hnutí samosprávné Moravy a Slezska - Moravské národní sjednocení) sp2 %seats CSSD - Czech Social Democratic Party (Ceská strana sociálne demokratická) sp3 %seats ODS - Civic Democratic Party (Obcanská demokratická strana) sp8 %seats ODA - Civic Democratic Alliance (Obcanská demokratická aliance) sp10 %seats KDU-CSL- Christian Democratic Union-Czechoslovak People's Party (Krest'anská a demokratická unie-Ceskoslovenská lidová strana) sp15 %seats KSCM - Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Cech a Moravy) sp17 %seats SPR-RSC - Rally for the Republic-Republican Party of Czechoslovakia (Sdruzení pro republiku - Republikánská strana Ceskoslovenska) psp2 %seats CSSD - Czech Social Democratic Party (Ceská strana sociálne demokratická) psp3 %seats ODS - Civic Democratic Party (Obcanská demokratická strana) psp8 %seats ODA - Civic Democratic Alliance (Obcanská demokratická aliance) psp10 %seats KDU-CSL- Christian Democratic Union-Czechoslovak People's Party (Krest'anská a demokratická unie-Ceskoslovenská lidová strana) psp15 %seats KSCM - Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Cech a Moravy) psp17 %seats SPR-RSC - Rally for the Republic-Republican Party of Czechoslovakia (Sdruzení pro republiku - Republikánská strana Ceskoslovenska).

Czech Republic - 1996 parliamentary elections – Chamber of Deputies – candidate data codes

CONST constituency 1 Prague 2 Stredocesky 3 Jihocesky 4 Zapadocesky 5 Severocesky 6 Vychodocesky 7 Jihomoravsky 8 Severomoravsky

PARTY party 1 SD-LSNS - Free Democrats- National Social Liberal Party (Svobodné demokraté- Liberální strana národne sociální) 2 CSSD - Czech Social Democratic Party (Ceská strana sociálne demokratická) 3 ODS - Civic Democratic Party (Obcanská demokratická strana) 5 NEZ - Independents (Nezavisli) 6 MNS-HSJ - Moravian National Party-Movement for Sileso-Moravian Unification (Moravská národní strana - Hnutí slezskomoravského sjednocení) 7 DEU - Democratic Union (Demokratické unie) 8 ODA - Civic Democratic Alliance (Obcanská demokratická aliance) 10 KDU-CSL- Christian Democratic Union-Czechoslovak People’s Party (Krest’anská a demokratická unie-Ceskoslovenská lidová strana) 11 DZJ - Pensioners’ for a Secure Life (Duchodci za zivotní jistoty) 12 SDL - Party of the Democratic Left (Strana demokratické levice) 13 CMUS - Czechomoravian Union of the Centre (Ceskomoravské unie stredu) 14 CP - Czech Right (Ceská pravice) 15 KSCM - Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Cech a Moravy) 17 SPR-RSC - Rally for the Republic-Republican Party of Czechoslovakia (Sdruzení pro republiku - Republikánská strana Ceskoslovenska) 18 LB - Left Bloc (Levý blok) 19 HSMS - Movement for Self-Governing Moravia and Silesia - Moravian National Unification (Hnutí samosprávné Moravy a Slezska - Moravské národní sjednocení)

NATVOTE total votes for party - national aggregate

NATPERC percentage votes for party - national aggregate

VOTES total party vote in constituency

PVOTE percentage vote for party in constituency

LISTPLAC candidate's place on list

CAND candidate's name

NAME candidate's first name

PARTYAFF party affiliation of candidate

QUAL candidate's qualifications

GENDER gender 0 female 1 male

EDUC candidate's education 1 full higher education

DOB date of birth

OCCUPATI self-ascribed occupation

OCCUP2 specific occupation 0 unknown 1 administrative, national 2 administrative, regional-local 3 military, police, customs 4 enterprise directors 5 directors, agricultural enterprises 6 industrial-service managers 7 managers, agricultural enterprises 8 legal professionals 9 economic, financial, marketing professionals 10 teachers 11 health 12 academics 13 Artists, actors, musicians, etc 14 Journalists and publishers 15 Scientists, engineering, technical and agricultural specialists 16 Other professionals 17 Political party activists leaders 18 Religious workers 19 Trade unionists 20 Other NGO workers 21 Clerical and other non-manual semi-skilled occupations 22 Manual workers in industry and services 23 Farmers and agricultural workers 24 Other occupations 25 Pensioners 26 Students 27 Not employed including unemployed 28 business, type not known 29 incumbent, not known 30 director, unspecified 99 not yet identified

OCCUP1 occupational category 0 not known 1 state officials, local and national 2 business 3 professionals 4 non-governmental sector 5 workers, manual and non-manual 6 other occupations 7 pensioners 8 students 9 not employed, incl. unemployed 10 incumbent, not known 11 director, type unknown 99 not yet known

PREFVOTE no of preference votes received

PREFPERC per cent preference votes

ELECTED elected or not 0 not elected 1 elected

INCUMBCY incumbency 1 deputy in previous parliament

WINPART parties winning seats 0 did not win 2 Ceská strana sociálnì demokratická 3 Obcanská demokratická strana 7 Obcanská demokratická aliance 8 Krestianská a demokratická unie - Ceskoslovenská st 13 Komunistická strana Cech a Moravy 14 Sdruzení pro republiku - Republikánská strana Cesko


Czech Repubic Parliamentary Elections 1998 const constituency 1 Prague 2 Stredocesky 3 Severocesky 4 Zapadocesky 5 Jihocesky 6 Severomoravsky 7 Vychodocesky 8 Jihomoravsky votereg number of registere d voters in constituency valid valid votes ballotis ballots issued seats seats in constituency p1 votes KDU-CSL- Christian Democratic Union-Czech People’s Party (Krest’anská a demokratická unie-Ceskoslovenská lidová strana) p2 votes NEZ - Independents (Nezávislí) p3 votes CAO - National Citizens' Initiative (Celostátní aktiv obcanu) p4 votes DEU - Democratic Union (Demokratické unie) p5 votes ODS - Civic Democratic Party-Christian Democratic Party (Obcanská demokratická strana) p6 votes OK-PK - Civil Coalition-Political Club (Obcanská koalice-Politický klub) p7 votes CSSD - Czech Social Democratic Party (Ceská strana sociálne demokratická) p8 votes MDS - Moravian Democratic Party (Moravská demokratická strana) p9 votes KSCM - Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Cech a Moravy) p10 votes SPR-RSC - Rally for the Republic-Republican Party of Czechoslovakia (Sdruzení pro republiku - Republikánská strana Ceskoslovenska) p11 votes US - (Unie svobody) p12 votes DZJ - Pensioners for a Secure Life (Duchodci za zivotní jistoty) p13 votes CSNS - Czech National Social Party (Ceská strana národne sociální) p14 votes SDCR - Association of Pensioners of the Czech Republic (Sdruzení duchodcu CR) p15 votes A2000 - Alternative 2000 (Alternativa 2000) p16 votes PB - Right Block (Pravý blok) p17 votes ODA - Civic Democratic Alliance (Obcanská demokratická aliance) p18 votes SZ - Green Party (Strana zelených) p1 %votes KDU-CSL- Christian Democratic Union-Czech People's Party (Krest'anská a demokratická unie-Ceskoslovenská lidová strana) p2 %votes NEZ - Independents (Nezávislí) p3 %votes CAO - National Citizens' Initiative (Celostátní aktiv obcanu) p4 %votes DEU - Democratic Union (Demokratické unie) p5 %votes ODS - Civic Democratic Party-Christian Democratic Party (Obcanská demokratická strana) p6 %votes OK-PK - Civil Coalition-Political Club (Obcanská koalice-Politický klub) p7 %votes CSSD - Czech Social Democratic Party (Ceská strana s ociálne demokratická) p8 %votes MDS - Moravian Democratic Party (Moravská demokratická strana) p9 %votes KSCM - Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Cech a Moravy) p10 %votes SPR-RSC - Rally for the Republic-Republican Party of Czechoslovakia (Sdruzení pro republiku - Republikánská strana Ceskoslovenska) p11 %votes US - Freedom Union (Unie svobody) p12 %votes DZJ - Pensioners for a Secure Life (Duchodci za zivotní jistoty) p13 %votes CSNS - Czech National Social Party (Ceská strana národne sociální) p14 %votes SDCR - Association of Pensioners of the Czech Republic (Sdruzení duchodcu CR) p15 %votes A2000 - Alternative 2000 (Alternativa 2000) p16 %votes PB - Right Block (Pravý blok) p17 %votes ODA - Civic Democratic Alliance (Ob canská demokratická aliance) p18 %votes SZ - Green Party (Strana zelených) sp5 seats ODS ODS - Civic Democratic Party-Christian Democratic Party (Obcanská demokratická strana) sp7 seats CSSD - Czech Social Democratic Party (Ceská strana sociálne demokratická) sp9 seats KSCM - Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Cech a Moravy)sp11 sp1 seats KDU-CSL- Christian Democratic Union-Czech People's Party (Krest'anská a demokratická unie-Ceskoslovenská lidová strana) sp11 seats US - Freedom Union (Unie svobody) psp5 %seats ODS ODS - Civic Democratic Party-Christian Democratic Party (Obcanská demokratická strana) psp7 %seats CSSD - Czech Social Democratic Party (Ceská strana sociálne demokratická) psp9 %seats KSCM - Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Cech a Moravy)sp11 psp1 %seats KDU-CSL- Christian Democratic Union-Czech People's Party (Krest'anská a demokratická unie-Ceskoslovenská lidová strana) psp11 %seats US - Freedom Union (Unie svobody).

Czech Republic – 1998 elections – Chamber of Deputies – candidate data

CONST constituency 1 Prague 2 Stredocesky 3 Jihomoravsky 4 Severomoravsky 5 Jihocesky 6 Severocesky 7 Zapadocesky 8 Vychodocesky

VOTEREG number of registered voters in constituency

BALLOTS ballots issued in constituency

CAST total votes cast in constituency

VALID valid votes cast in constituency

TURNOUT turnout as % of votes cast in constituency

PARTY party list on which the candidate was standing 1 KDU-CSL- Christian Democratic Union-Czech People’s Party (Krest’anská a demokratická unie -Ceskoslovenská lidová strana) 2 NEZ - Independents (Nezávislí) 4 DEU - Democratic Union (Demokratické unie) 5 ODS - Civic Democratic Party-Christian Democratic Party (Obcanská demokratická strana) 6 OK-PK - Civil Coalition-Political Club (Obcanská koalice-Politický klub) 7 CSSD - Czech Social Democratic Party (Ceská strana sociálne demokratická) 8 MDS - Moravian Democratic Party (Moravská demokratická strana) 9 KSCM - Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Cech a Moravy) 10 SPR-RSC - Rally for the Republic -Republican Party of Czechoslovakia (Sdruzení pro republiku - Republikánská strana Ceskoslovenska) 11 US - Freedom Union (Unie svobody) 12 DZJ - Pensioners for a Secure Life (Duchodci za zivotní jistoty) 13 CSNS - Czech National Social Party (Ceská strana národne sociální) 14 SZ - Green Party (Strana zelených)

VOTEPART vote for party in constituency

LISTPLAC candidate's place on the party list

CANDIDAT candidate's name

FIRSTNAM candidate's first name

GENDER gender 0 male 1 female

OCCUPATI self-ascribed occupation

OCCUP1 general occupation 0 not known 1 state officials 2 business 3 professionals 4 non-governmental sector 5 workers, skilled and unskilled 6 other occupations 7 pensioners 8 students 9 not employed, including unemployed 10 incumbent ,not known

OCCUP2 specific occupation 0 not known 1 administrative officials, national 2 administrative officials, local/regional 3 military, police, customs, secret service 4 directors of industrial/service firms 5 directors of agricultural enterprises 6 managers, industry/services 7 managers in agricultural enterprises 8 law 9 economic, financial and marketing specialists 10 teaching professionals (excl. higher ed.) 11 health professionals 12 academics 13 artists, actors, musicians etc. 14 journalists and publishers 15 science, engineers, technical specialists, incl. agriculture 16 other professionals 17 political party leaders and functionaries 18 religious workers 19 trade unionists 20 other NGO workers 21 clerical and non-manual workers 22 manual workers and artisans 23 farmers and agricultural workers 24 other occupations 25 pensioners 26 students 27 not employed, incl. unemployed 28 business, type not known 29 incumbent, unknown

QUALIFIC candidate's qualifications EDUC education 1 complete higher

AGE age of candidate

PREFVOTE preference votes cast for candidate

INCUMBCY incumbency record 1 deputy in previous parliament 2 minister in previous government

ELECTED elected or not 0 lost 1 won

PREFCAN preference votes for candidate (%)

WINPART parties winning seats 0 did not win seats 5 ODS 7 CSSD 9 CPBM 11 US Czech Republic – 2002 Elections for the Chamber of Deputies – constituency data

CONST 1 Hlavni mesto Praha Region 2 Stredocesky 3 Jihocesky 4 Plzensky 5 Karlovarsky 6 Ustecky 7 Liberecky 8 Kralovehradecky 9 Pardubicky 10 Vysocina 11 Jihomoravsky 12 Olomoucky 13 Zlinsky 14 Moravskoslezsky

PARTY 1 Narodne demokraticka strana 2 Demokraticka liga 3 Ceska str socialne demokrat 4 Balbinova poeticka strana 5 Obcanska demokraticka aliance 6 Volba pro budoucnost 7 Humanisticka aliance 8 Akce za zrus Senatu a proti t 9 Nadeje 10 Nove hnuti 11 Republikani Miroslava Sladka 12 Cesta zmeny 13 Ceska strana narodne socialni 14 Romska obcanska iniciativa CR 15 Strana zdraveho rozumu 16 Str venkova-spoj obcan sily 18 Ceske socialne demokrat hnuti 19 Ceska pravice 20 Republikani 21 Sdruzeni nezavislych 22 Obcanska demokraticka strana 23 Komunisticka str Cech a Moravy 24 Moravska demokraticka strana 25 Koalice KDU-CSL US-DEU 26 Strana za zivotni jistoty 27 Pravy Blok 28 Strana zelenych 29 Strana demokrat socialismu

VOTES votes

PVOTES % votes

SEATS seats

PSEATS % seats won in constituency

VALID valid votes in constituency

SEATSC seats to be allocated in constituency

Estonia 1992 Parliamentary Elections

CONST constituency

PARTY alliance nomination 0 Independent candidates 1 Valimisühendus "Halastus" Electoral list 'Charity' 2 Eesti Ettevôtjate Erakond Estonian Entrepreneurs' Party 3 Valimisliit "Môôdukad" The Moderates 4 Valimisliit "" Pro Patria 5 Eesti Pensionäride Liit Estonian Pensioner's Union 6 Vasakvôimalus Left Alternative 7 Eesti Invaühingute Liit Estonian Disabled Societies' Union 8 Valimisliit "Demokraadid" Electoral Coalition 'Democrats' 9 ôigusvastaselt Represseeritute Rahvuslik Erakond National Party of the Illegally Repressed 10 Pôllumeeste Kogu Farmers' Union 11 Valimisliit "Kindel Kodu" Electoral Coalition 'Secure Home' 12 Valimisliit "Rahvarinne" Electoral Coalition 'National Front' 13 Valimisliit "Rohelised" Electoral Coalition 'The ' 14 ERSP Estonian National Independence Party 15 Valimisliit "Eesti Kodanik" Electoral Coalition 'Estonian Citizen' 16 Loodusseaduse Partei Party of the Law of Nature 17 Valimisliit "Sôltumatud Kuningriiklased" Electoral Coalition 'Independent Royalists'

REGVOT number of registered voters in constituency

VOTED number of votes cast in constituency

VALID valid votes in constituency

VOTES votes won in constituency

PVOTE % votes won in constituency

SEATS seats won in constituency

PSEATS % seats won in constituency

SEATSC seats to be allocated in constituency

Estonia 1992 Parliamentary Elections – Candidate data

CASENO case number

REGISTNO candidate's registration number

NAME first name of candidate

SURNAME surname of candidate

ALLIANCE party alliance 0 üksikkandidaadid independent candidates 1 Valimisühendus "Halastus" Electoral list 'Charity' 2 Eesti Ettevôtjate Erakond Estonian Entrepreneurs' Party 3 Valimisliit "Môôdukad" The Moderates 4 Valimisliit "Isamaa" Pro Patria 5 Eesti Pensionäride Liit Estonian Pensioner's Union 6 Vasakvôimalus Left Alternative 7 Eesti Invaühingute Liit Estonian Disabled Societies' Union 8 Valimisliit "Demokraadid" Electoral Coalition 'Democrats' 9 ôigusvastaselt Represseeritute Rahvuslik Erakond National Party of the Illegally Repressed 10 Pôllumeeste Kogu Farmers' Union 11 Valimisliit "Kindel Kodu" Electoral Coalition 'Secure Home' 12 Valimisliit "Rahvarinne" Electoral Coalition 'National Front' 13 Valimisliit "Rohelised" Electoral Coalition '' 14 ERSP Estonian National Independence Party 15 Valimisliit "Eesti Kodanik" Electoral Coalition 'Estonian Citizen' 16 Loodusseaduse Partei Party of the Law of Nature 17 Valimisliit "Sôltumatud Kuningriiklased" Electoral Coalition 'Independent Royalists'

PARTYMEM specific party membership

0 Not a member of any party 1 Eesti Ettevõtjate Erakond 2 Eesti Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Partei 3 Eesti Maa-Keskerakond 4 EMI 5 Eesti Liberaaldemokraatlik Partei 6 W 7 Eesti Kristlik-Demokraatlik Liit 8 Eesti Kristlik-Demokraatlik Erakond 9 Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond 10 Vabariiklaste Koonderakond 11 MEM 12 Eesti Pensionäride Liit 13 Vasakvoimalus 14 Eesti Demokraatlik Liit 15 Sõltumatu kogudus „Sõprade Kirik" 16 Revali Karskete Rammumeeste Selts 17 Kodanike ühendus "Gratia" 18 Ôigusvastaselt Represseeritute Rahvuslik Erakond 19 Põllumeeste Kogu 20 Eesti Koonderakond 21 Eesti Demokraatlik Õigusliit 22 Eesti Maaliit 23 Eestimaa Rahvarinne 24 Eesti Rahva-Keskerakond 25 Eestimaa Rahvuste Ühendus 26 Eesti Naisliit 27 Eesti Roheline Liikumine 28 Eesti Rahvusliku Sõltumatuse Partei 29 Eesti Vabariigi Partei 30 Noarootsi Tervisliku Eluviisi Selts 31 Loodusseaduse Partei 32 Eesti Rojalistik Partei

CONST constituency

REGVOT number of registered voters in constituency

VOTED number of votes cast in constituency

VALID valid votes in constituency

VOTES votes received

ELECTED elected or not 0 Not elected 1 Direct mandate 2 Second-tier mandate 3 Compensatory mandate

INCUMB incumbency status 0 not incumbent 1 incumbent

PARLEXP parliamentary experience 0 no parliamentary experience 1 has parliamentary experience

MINEXP ministerial experience 0 no ministerial experience 1 has ministerial experience

GENDER candidate's gender 0 male 1 female

AGE candidate's age

OCCUP1 Candidate's occupational category 0 Occupation not stated 1 State officials 2 Business 3 Professionals 4 Non-governmental sector 5 Semi-skilled and low-skilled occupations 6 Other occupations 7 Pensioners 8 Students 9 Not employed

OCCUP2 Candidate's occupation 1 Administrative officials - national 2 Administrative officials - regional/local 3 Military, police, secret service, customs 4 Directors of industrial/service enterprises 5 Directors of agricultural enterprises 6 Managers in industrial/service enterprises 7 Managers in agricultural enterprises 8 Legal professionals 9 Economic, financial and marketing professionals 10 Teaching professionals (except higher education) 11 Health professionals 12 Scientists and academics 13 Artists, actors, musicians, etc. 14 Journalists and publishers 15 Engineering, technical and agricultural specialists 16 Other professionals 17 Political party activists/leaders 18 Religious workers 19 Trade unionists 20 Other NGO workers 21 Clerical and other non-manual semi-skilled occupations 22 Manual workers in industry and services 23 Farmers and agricultural workers 24 Other occupations 25 Pensioners 26 Students 27 Not employed (including unemployed)

EDUC Candidate's education 1 Higher 2 Incomplete higher 3 Secondary general 4 Secondary vocational (specialised) 5 Incomplete secondary (general or vocational) 6 Primary 7 Incomplete primary 8 None

ETHN candidate's ethnicity 1 Estonian 2 Russian 3 Other

Estonia 1995 Parliamentary Elections

CONST constituency

PARTY party affiliation 0 Üksikkandidaadid Independent candidates 1 Nimekiri "Mõõdukad" the Moderates 2 Nimekiri "Parempoolsed" -Wingers 3 Nimekiri "Koonderakond ja Maarahva Ühendus" Electoral coalition of the Coalition Party and the Rural Union 4 Nimekiri "Keskerakond" Estonian 5 Nimekiri "Õiglus" Justice 6 Nimekiri "Eesti Talurahva Erakond" Estonian Farmers' Party 7 Nimekiri "Eesti Rahvuslaste Keskliit" Estonian Nationalists' Central League 8 Nimekiri "Tuleviku Eesti Erakond" Future's Estonia Party 9 Nimekiri "Isamaa ja ERSP liit" Electoral coalition of Pro Patria and ENIP 10 Nimekiri "Metsaerakond" Forest Party 11 Nimekiri "Meie kodu on Eestimaa!" Electoral Coalition Our Home is Estonia! 12 Nimekiri "Eesti Demokraatlik Liit" Estonian Democratic Union 13 Nimekiri "Eesti Sinine Erakond" Estonian Party 14 Nimekiri "Eesti Reformierakond" 15 Nimekiri "Parem Eesti\Eesti Kodanik" Better Estonia/Estonian Citizen 16 Sõltumatu Kuningriiklaste Ja Roheliste Nimekiri Vaimu Võiduk Electoral Coalition of Independent Royalists and Greens

VALID valid votes in constituency

VOTES votes won in constituency

PVOTE % votes won in constituency

SEATS seats won in constituency

PSEATS % seats won in constituency

SEATSC seats to be allocated in constituency

Estonia 1995 Parliamentary elections – candidate data Estonia 1995 Parliamentary Elections – Candidate data

CASENO case number

REGISTNO candidate's registration number

NAME first name of candidate

SURNAME surname of candidate

PARTY party affiliation 0 Üksikkandidaadid Independent candidates 1 Nimekiri "Mõõdukad" the Moderates 2 Nimekiri "Parempoolsed" The Right-Wingers 3 Nimekiri "Koonderakond ja Maarahva Ühendus" Electoral coalition of the Coalition Party and the Rural Union 4 Nimekiri "Keskerakond" 5 Nimekiri "Õiglus" Justice 6 Nimekiri "Eesti Talurahva Erakond" Estonian Farmers' Party 7 Nimekiri "Eesti Rahvuslaste Keskliit" Estonian Nationalists' Central League 8 Nimekiri "Tuleviku Eesti Erakond" Future's Estonia Party 9 Nimekiri "Isamaa ja ERSP liit" Electoral coalition of Pro Patria and ENIP 10 Nimekiri "Metsaerakond" Forest Party 11 Nimekiri "Meie kodu on Eestimaa!" Electoral Coalition Our Home is Estonia! 12 Nimekiri "Eesti Demokraatlik Liit" Estonian Democratic Union 13 Nimekiri "Eesti Sinine Erakond" Estonian Blue Party 14 Nimekiri "Eesti Reformierakond" Estonian Reform Party 15 Nimekiri "Parem Eesti\Eesti Kodanik" Better Estonia/Estonian Citizen 16 Sõltumatu Kuningriiklaste Ja Roheliste Nimekiri Vaimu Võiduk Electoral Coalition of Independent Royalists and Greens

CONST constituency

VALID valid votes in constituency

VOTES votes obtained by candidate

ELECTED elected or not 0 Not elected 1 Direct mandate 2 Second-tier mandate 3 Compensatory mandate

INCUMB incumbency status 0 not incumbent 1 incumbent

PARLEXP parliamentary experience 0 no parliamentary experience 1 has parliamentary experience

MINEXP ministerial experience 0 no ministerial experience 1 has ministerial experience

GENDER candidate's gender 0 male 1 female

AGE candidate's age

OCCUP1 Candidate's occupational category 0 Occupation not stated 1 State officials 2 Business 3 Professionals 4 Non-governmental sector 5 Semi-skilled and low-skilled occupations 6 Other occupations 7 Pensioners 8 Students 9 Not employed

OCCUP2 Candidate's occupation 1 Administrative officials - national 2 Administrative officials - regional/local 3 Military, police, secret service, customs 4 Directors of industrial/service enterprises 5 Directors of agricultural enterprises 6 Managers in industrial/service enterprises 7 Managers in agricultural enterprises 8 Legal professionals 9 Economic, financial and marketing professionals 10 Teaching professionals (except higher education) 11 Health professionals 12 Scientists and academics 13 Artists, actors, musicians, etc. 14 Journalists and publishers 15 Engineering, technical and agricultural specialists 16 Other professionals 17 Political party activists/leaders 18 Religious workers 19 Trade unionists 20 Other NGO workers 21 Clerical and other non-manual semi-skilled occupations 22 Manual workers in industry and services 23 Farmers and agricultural workers 24 Other occupations 25 Pensioners 26 Students 27 Not employed (including unemployed)


EDUC Candidate's education 1 Higher 2 Incomplete higher 3 Secondary general 4 Secondary vocational (specialised) 5 Incomplete secondary (general or vocational) 6 Primary 7 Incomplete primary 8 None

ETHN candidate's ethnicity 1 Estonian 2 Russian 3 Other Estonia 1999 Parliamentary Elections

CONST constituency

PARTY party affiliation 0 Üksikkandidaadid Independent candidates 1 Eesti Reformierakond Estonian Reform Party 2 Eesti Keskerakond Estonian Centre Party 3 Mõõdukad The Moderates 4 Isamaaliit Pro Patria 5 Eesti Maarahva Erakond Estonian Country People's Party 6 Vene Erakond Eestis 7 Põllumeeste Kogu Farmers' Union 8 Eesti Koonderakond 9 Eesti Kristlik Rahvapartei Estonian Christian People's Party 10 Arengupartei Development Party 11 Eestimaa Ühendatud Rahvapartei Estonian United People's Party 12 Eesti Sinine Erakond Estonian Blue Party

VALID valid votes in constituency

VOTES votes won in constituency

PVOTE % votes won in constituency

SEATS seats won in constituency

PSEATS % seats won in constituency

SEATSC seats to be allocated in constituency Estonia – 1999 Parliamentary Elections – Candidate data

CASENO case number

REGISTNO candidate's registration number

NAME first name of candidate

SURNAME surname of candidate

PARTY party affiliation 0 Üksikkandidaadid Independent candidates 1 Eesti Reformierakond Estonian Reform Party 2 Eesti Keskerakond Estonian Centre Party 3 Mõõdukad The Moderates 4 Isamaaliit Pro Patria 5 Eesti Maarahva Erakond Estonian Country People's Party 6 Vene Erakond Eestis Russian Party in Estonia 7 Põllumeeste Kogu Farmers' Union 8 Eesti Koonderakond Estonian Coalition Party 9 Eesti Kristlik Rahvapartei Estonian Christian People's Party 10 Arengupartei Development Party 11 Eestimaa Ühendatud Rahvapartei Estonian United People's Party 12 Eesti Sinine Erakond Estonian Blue Party

CONST constituency

VALID valid votes in constituency

VOTES votes obtained by candidate

ELECTED elected or not 0 Not elected 1 Direct mandate 2 Second-tier mandate 3 Compensatory mandate

INCUMB incumbency status 0 not incumbent 1 incumbent

PARLEXP parliamentary experience 0 no parliamentary experience 1 has parliamentary experience

MINEXP ministerial experience 0 no ministerial experience 1 has ministerial experience

GENDER candidate's gender 0 male 1 female

AGE candidate's age

OCCUP1 Candidate's occupational category 0 Occupation not stated 1 State officials 2 Business 3 Professionals 4 Non-governmental sector 5 Semi-skilled and low-skilled occupations 6 Other occupations 7 Pensioners 8 Students 9 Not employed

OCCUP2 Candidate's occupation 1 Administrative officials - national 2 Administrative officials - regional/local 3 Military, police, secret service, customs 4 Directors of industrial/service enterprises 5 Directors of agricultural enterprises 6 Managers in industrial/service enterprises 7 Managers in agricultural enterprises 8 Legal professionals 9 Economic, financial and marketing professionals 10 Teaching professionals (except higher education) 11 Health professionals 12 Scientists and academics 13 Artists, actors, musicians, etc. 14 Journalists and publishers 15 Engineering, technical and agricultural specialists 16 Other professionals 17 Political party activists/leaders 18 Religious workers 19 Trade unionists 20 Other NGO workers 21 Clerical and other non-manual semi-skilled occupations 22 Manual workers in industry and services 23 Farmers and agricultural workers 24 Other occupations 25 Pensioners 26 Students 27 Not employed (including unemployed)

EDUC Candidate's education 1 Higher 2 Incomplete higher 3 Secondary general 4 Secondary vocational (specialised) 5 Incomplete secondary (general or vocational) 6 Primary 7 Incomplete primary 8 None

ETHN candidate's ethnicity 1 Estonian 2 Russian 3 Other


Hungary 1990 - Codes const constituency 1 2 Baranya 3 Bacs-Kiskun 4 Bekes 5 Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen 6 Csongrad 7 Fejer 8 Gyor-Moson-Sopron 9 Hajdu-Bihar 10 Heves 11 Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok 12 Komarom-Esztergom 13 Nograd 14 Pest 15 Somogy 16 Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg 17 Tolna 18 Vas 19 Veszprem 20 Zala smconst single -member constituency 1 01 BUDAPEST I. DISTRICT 2 02 BUDAPEST II. DISTRICT 3 02 BUDAPEST III. DISTRICT 4 04 BUDAPEST III. DISTRICT 5 05 BUDAPEST IV. DISTRICT 6 06 BUDAPEST IV. DISTRICT 7 07 BUDAPEST V. DISTRICT 8 08 BUDAPEST VI. DISTRICT 9 09 BUDAPEST VII. DISTRICT 10 10 BUDAPEST VIII. DISTRICT 11 11 BUDAPEST VIII. DISTRICT 12 12 BUDAPEST IX. DISTRICT 13 13 BUDAPEST XX. DISTRICT 14 14 BUDAPEST X. DISTRICT 15 15 BUDAPEST XI. DISTRICT 16 16 BUDAPEST XI. DISTRICT 17 17 BUDAPEST XI. DISTRICT 18 18 BUDAPEST XII. DISTRICT 19 19 BUDAPEST XIII. DISTRICT 20 20 BUDAPEST XIII. DISTRICT 21 21 BUDAPEST XIV. DISTRICT 22 22 BUDAPEST XIV. DISTRICT 23 23 BUDAPEST XV. DISTRICT 24 24 BUDAPEST XVI. DISTRICT 25 25 BUDAPEST XVII. DISTRICT 26 26 BUDAPEST XVIII. DISTRICT 27 27 BUDAPEST XVIII. DISTRICT 28 28 BUDAPEST XIX. DISTRICT 29 29 BUDAPEST XX. DISTRICT 30 30 BUDAPEST XXI. DISTRICT 31 31 BUDAPEST XXI. DISTRICT 32 32 BUDAPEST XXII. DISTRICT 33 01 PÉCS 34 02 PÉCS 35 03 PÉCS 36 04 KOMLÓ 37 05 MOHÁCS 38 06 SIKLÓS 39 07 SZIGETVÁR 40 01 KECSKEMÉT 41 02 KECSKEMÉT 42 03 TISZAKÉCSKE 43 04 KUNSZENTMIKLÓS 44 05 KISKUNFÉLEGYHÁZA 45 06 KISKORÖS 46 07 KALOCSA 47 08 KISKUNHALAS 48 09 BAJA 49 10 BÁCSALMÁS 50 01 BÉKÉSCSABA 51 02 GYULA 52 03 BÉKÉS 53 04 SZEGHALOM 54 05 SZARVAS 55 06 OROSHÁZA 56 07 MEZOKOVÁCSHÁZA 57 01 MISKOLC 58 02 MISKOLC 59 03 MISKOLC 60 04 MISKOLC 61 05 ÓZD 62 06 SAJÓSZENTPÉTER 63 07 KAZINCBARCIKA 64 08 EDELÉNY 65 09 ENCS 66 10 SÁTORALJAÚJHELY 67 11 SZERENCS 68 12 TISZAÚJVÁROS 69 13 MEZOKÖVESD 70 01 SZEGED 71 02 SZEGED 72 03 SZEGED 73 04 CSONGRÁD 74 05 SZENTES 75 06 HÓDMEZOVÁSÁRHELY 76 07 MAKÓ 77 01 SZÉKESFEHÉRVÁR 78 02 SZÉKESFEHÉRVÁR 79 03 DUNAÚJVÁROS 80 04 GÁRDONY 81 05 MÓR 82 06 SÁRBOGÁRD 83 07 BICSKE 84 01 GYOR 85 02 GYOR 86 03 GYOR 87 04 MOSONMAGYARÓVÁR 88 05 CSORNA 89 06 KAPUVÁR 90 07 SOPRON 91 01 DEBRECEN 92 02 DEBRECEN 93 03 DEBRECEN 94 04 HAJDÚHADHÁZ 95 05 BERETTYÓÚJFALU 96 06 PÜSPÖKLADÁNY 97 07 HAJDÚSZOBOSZLÓ 98 08 BALMAZÚJVÁROS 99 09 HAJDÚBÖSZÖRMÉNY 100 01 EGER 101 02 PÉTERVÁSÁRA 102 03 GYÖNGYÖS 103 04 HATVAN 104 05 HEVES 105 06 FÜZESABONY 106 01 JÁSZBERÉNY 107 02 JÁSZAPÁTI 108 03 SZOLNOK 109 04 SZOLNOK 110 05 KUNSZENTMÁRTON 111 06 MEZOTÚR 112 07 KUNHEGYES 113 08 KARCAG 114 01 TATABÁNYA 115 02 TATA 116 03 KISBÉR 117 04 KOMÁROM 118 05 ESZTERGOM 119 01 SALGÓTARJÁN 120 02 PÁSZTÓ 121 03 SZÉCSÉNY 122 04 BALASSAGYARMAT 123 01 SZOB 124 02 VÁC 125 03 DUNAKESZI 126 04 GÖDÖLLO 127 05 ASZÓD 128 06 NAGYKÁTA 129 07 MONOR 130 08 ÉRD 131 09 BUDAÖRS 132 10 PILISVÖRÖSVÁR 133 11 SZENTENDRE 134 12 SZIGETSZENTMIKLÓS 135 13 RÁCKEVE 136 14 DABAS 137 15 CEGLÉD 138 16 NAGYKORÖS 139 01 KAPOSVÁR 140 02 KAPOSVÁR 141 03 SIÓFOK 142 04 BALATONBOGLÁR 143 05 MARCALI 144 06 NAGYATÁD 145 01 NYÍREGYHÁZA 146 02 NYÍREGYHÁZA 147 03 TISZAVASVÁRI 148 04 NAGYKÁLLÓ 149 05 BAKTALÓRÁNTHÁZA 150 06 NYÍRBÁTOR 151 07 KISVÁRDA 152 08 VÁSÁROSNAMÉNY 153 09 MÁTÉSZALKA 154 10 FEHÉRGYARMAT 155 01 SZEKSZÁRD 156 02 PAKS 157 03 BONYHÁD 158 04 DOMBÓVÁR 159 05 TAMÁSI 160 01 SZOMBATHELY 161 02 SZOMBATHELY 162 03 KOSZEG 163 04 SÁRVÁR 164 05 KÖRMEND 165 01 AJKA 166 02 BALATONFÜRED 167 03 PÁPA 168 04 TAPOLCA 169 05 VÁRPALOTA 170 06 VESZPRÉM 171 07 VESZPRÉM 172 01 ZALAEGERSZEG 173 02 NAGYKANIZSA 174 03 KESZTHELY 175 04 LENTI 176 05 ZALASZENTGRÓT party nominating party 0 Independents 1 MDF MDF - Hungarian Democratic Forum (Magyar Demokrata Fórum) 2 SZDSZ SZDSZ - Alliance of Free Democrats (Szabad Demokraták Szövetsége) 3 FKGP FKgP - Independent Small Holders Party (Független Kisgazdapárt) 4 MSZP MSZP - Hungarian Socialist Party (Magyar Szocialista Párt) 5 FIDESZ (Federation of Young Democrats) 6 KDNP KDNP - Christian Democratic People’s Party (Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt) 7 MSZMP MSZMP - Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (Magyar Szocialista Munkaspart) 8 MSZDP MSZDP - Social Democratic Party of (Magyarországi Szociáldemokrata Párt) 9 ASZ ASZ - Agrarian Alliance (Agrárszövetség) 13 MZP MZP - Green Party of Hungary (Magyaroszági Zöld Párt) 17 FMDP FMDP - Independent Hungarian Democratic Party (Fuggetlen Magyar Demokrata Part) 29 MUNKAS MP [ex - MSZMP] -Workers' Party (Munkáspárt) 30 KP KP - Republican Party (Köztársaság Párt) 31 MIEP MIEP - Party of Hungarian Justice and Life (Magyar Igazság és Élet Pártja) 32 EKGP EkgP - United Smallholders Party (Egyesült Kisgazdapárt) 33 LPSZ_VP joint candidate 34 NDSZ NDSZ - National Alliance of Democrats (Nemzeti Demokrata Szövetség) 35 KFKP KFKgP - Compromise Independent Smallholders Party (Kiegyezés Független Kisgazdapárt) 36 KONZV KP - Conservative Party (Konzervatív Párt) 37 ZA ZA - Green Alternative (Zöld Alternatíva) 38 PIACPART PP - Market Party (Piac Párt) 39 NEMPART NEM - National Party (Nemzeti Erok Mozgalma) 40 MTU MTU - Hungarian Biomedicists' Union (Magyar Termeszetgyogyaszok Unioja) 41 DP DP - Democratic Party (Demokrata Part) 42 MVSZ MVSZ - Electoral Coalition for the Magyar People (Magyarsagert Valasztasi Szovetseg) 43 MMP MMP - Hungarian Unemployed Party (Magyar Munkanelkuliek Partja) 44 CSZP CSZP - Gypsy Solidarity Party (Ciganyok Szolidaritasi Partja) 45 DEKO DEKO - Democratic Coalition (Demokrata Koalicio) 46 NYUP NYUP - Pensioners' Party (Nyugdijasok Partja) 47 CSALAD CSSZ - National Association of Families (Csaladok Orszagos Szovetsege) 48 TFKP TFKP - Historical Independent Smallholders' Party (Tortenelmi Fuggetlen Kisgazdapart) 49 MEP MEP - Party of Hungarian Interest (Magyar Erdek Partja) 50 TMP TMP - Party for a Historical Hungary (Tortenelmi Magyarorszagert Part) 51 SZDP SZDP - Social Democratic Party (Szocialdemokrata Part) 52 MANP MANP - Hungarian Mothers' National Party (Magyar Anyak Nemzeti Partja) 110 LPSZ_VP-ASZ-FIDESZ-SZDSZ 111 FIDESZ-LPSZ_VP joint candidate 112 KP-SZDSZ joint candidate 113 KDNP-EKGP joint candidate 114 ASZ-SZDSZ joint candidate vote1 valid votes for party candidate (first round) vote2 valid votes for party candidate (second round) elected elected or not (dummy) = seats won gender gender 0 male 1 female

Hungary 1990 - Codes const constituency 1 Budapest 2 Baranya 3 Bacs-Kiskun 4 Bekes 5 Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen 6 Csongrad 7 Fejer 8 Gyor-Moson-Sopron 9 Hajdu-Bihar 10 Heves 11 Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok 12 Komarom-Esztergom 13 Nograd 14 Pest 15 Somogy 16 Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg 17 Tolna 18 Vas 19 Veszprem 20 Zala smconst single -member constituency 1 01 BUDAPEST I. DISTRICT 2 02 BUDAPEST II. DISTRICT 3 02 BUDAPEST III. DISTRICT 4 04 BUDAPEST III. DISTRICT 5 05 BUDAPEST IV. DISTRICT 6 06 BUDAPEST IV. DISTRICT 7 07 BUDAPEST V. DISTRICT 8 08 BUDAPEST VI. DISTRICT 9 09 BUDAPEST VII. DISTRICT 10 10 BUDAPEST VIII. DISTRICT 11 11 BUDAPEST VIII. DISTRICT 12 12 BUDAPEST IX. DISTRICT 13 13 BUDAPEST XX. DISTRICT 14 14 BUDAPEST X. DISTRICT 15 15 BUDAPEST XI. DISTRICT 16 16 BUDAPEST XI. DISTRICT 17 17 BUDAPEST XI. DISTRICT 18 18 BUDAPEST XII. DISTRICT 19 19 BUDAPEST XIII. DISTRICT 20 20 BUDAPEST XIII. DISTRICT 21 21 BUDAPEST XIV. DISTRICT 22 22 BUDAPEST XIV. DISTRICT 23 23 BUDAPEST XV. DISTRICT 24 24 BUDAPEST XVI. DISTRICT 25 25 BUDAPEST XVII. DISTRICT 26 26 BUDAPEST XVIII. DISTRICT 27 27 BUDAPEST XVIII. DISTRICT 28 28 BUDAPEST XIX. DISTRICT 29 29 BUDAPEST XX. DISTRICT 30 30 BUDAPEST XXI. DISTRICT 31 31 BUDAPEST XXI. DISTRICT 32 32 BUDAPEST XXII. DISTRICT 33 01 PÉCS 34 02 PÉCS 35 03 PÉCS 36 04 KOMLÓ 37 05 MOHÁCS 38 06 SIKLÓS 39 07 SZIGETVÁR 40 01 KECSKEMÉT 41 02 KECSKEMÉT 42 03 TISZAKÉCSKE 43 04 KUNSZENTMIKLÓS 44 05 KISKUNFÉLEGYHÁZA 45 06 KISKORÖS 46 07 KALOCSA 47 08 KISKUNHALAS 48 09 BAJA 49 10 BÁCSALMÁS 50 01 BÉKÉSCSABA 51 02 GYULA 52 03 BÉKÉS 53 04 SZEGHALOM 54 05 SZARVAS 55 06 OROSHÁZA 56 07 MEZOKOVÁCSHÁZA 57 01 MISKOLC 58 02 MISKOLC 59 03 MISKOLC 60 04 MISKOLC 61 05 ÓZD 62 06 SAJÓSZENTPÉTER 63 07 KAZINCBARCIKA 64 08 EDELÉNY 65 09 ENCS 66 10 SÁTORALJAÚJHELY 67 11 SZERENCS 68 12 TISZAÚJVÁROS 69 13 MEZOKÖVESD 70 01 SZEGED 71 02 SZEGED 72 03 SZEGED 73 04 CSONGRÁD 74 05 SZENTES 75 06 HÓDMEZOVÁSÁRHELY 76 07 MAKÓ 77 01 SZÉKESFEHÉRVÁR 78 02 SZÉKESFEHÉRVÁR 79 03 DUNAÚJVÁROS 80 04 GÁRDONY 81 05 MÓR 82 06 SÁRBOGÁRD 83 07 BICSKE 84 01 GYOR 85 02 GYOR 86 03 GYOR 87 04 MOSONMAGYARÓVÁR 88 05 CSORNA 89 06 KAPUVÁR 90 07 SOPRON 91 01 DEBRECEN 92 02 DEBRECEN 93 03 DEBRECEN 94 04 HAJDÚHADHÁZ 95 05 BERETTYÓÚJFALU 96 06 PÜSPÖKLADÁNY 97 07 HAJDÚSZOBOSZLÓ 98 08 BALMAZÚJVÁROS 99 09 HAJDÚBÖSZÖRMÉNY 100 01 EGER 101 02 PÉTERVÁSÁRA 102 03 GYÖNGYÖS 103 04 HATVAN 104 05 HEVES 105 06 FÜZESABONY 106 01 JÁSZBERÉNY 107 02 JÁSZAPÁTI 108 03 SZOLNOK 109 04 SZOLNOK 110 05 KUNSZENTMÁRTON 111 06 MEZOTÚR 112 07 KUNHEGYES 113 08 KARCAG 114 01 TATABÁNYA 115 02 TATA 116 03 KISBÉR 117 04 KOMÁROM 118 05 ESZTERGOM 119 01 SALGÓTARJÁN 120 02 PÁSZTÓ 121 03 SZÉCSÉNY 122 04 BALASSAGYARMAT 123 01 SZOB 124 02 VÁC 125 03 DUNAKESZI 126 04 GÖDÖLLO 127 05 ASZÓD 128 06 NAGYKÁTA 129 07 MONOR 130 08 ÉRD 131 09 BUDAÖRS 132 10 PILISVÖRÖSVÁR 133 11 SZENTENDRE 134 12 SZIGETSZENTMIKLÓS 135 13 RÁCKEVE 136 14 DABAS 137 15 CEGLÉD 138 16 NAGYKORÖS 139 01 KAPOSVÁR 140 02 KAPOSVÁR 141 03 SIÓFOK 142 04 BALATONBOGLÁR 143 05 MARCALI 144 06 NAGYATÁD 145 01 NYÍREGYHÁZA 146 02 NYÍREGYHÁZA 147 03 TISZAVASVÁRI 148 04 NAGYKÁLLÓ 149 05 BAKTALÓRÁNTHÁZA 150 06 NYÍRBÁTOR 151 07 KISVÁRDA 152 08 VÁSÁROSNAMÉNY 153 09 MÁTÉSZALKA 154 10 FEHÉRGYARMAT 155 01 SZEKSZÁRD 156 02 PAKS 157 03 BONYHÁD 158 04 DOMBÓVÁR 159 05 TAMÁSI 160 01 SZOMBATHELY 161 02 SZOMBATHELY 162 03 KOSZEG 163 04 SÁRVÁR 164 05 KÖRMEND 165 01 AJKA 166 02 BALATONFÜRED 167 03 PÁPA 168 04 TAPOLCA 169 05 VÁRPALOTA 170 06 VESZPRÉM 171 07 VESZPRÉM 172 01 ZALAEGERSZEG 173 02 NAGYKANIZSA 174 03 KESZTHELY 175 04 LENTI 176 05 ZALASZENTGRÓT party nominating party 0 Independent 1 MDF Hungarian Democratic Forum (Magyar Demokrata Fórum) 2 SZDSZ Alliance of Free Democrats (Szabad Demokraták Szövetsége) 3 FKgP Independent Small Holders Party (Független Kisgazdapárt) 4 MSZP Hungarian Socialist Party (Magyar Szocialista Párt) 5 FIDESZ Federation of Young Democrats) 6 KDNP Christian Democratic People’s Party (Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt) 7 MSZMP Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt) 8 MSZDP Social Democratic Party of Hungary (Magyar Szociáldemokrata Párt) 9 ASZ Agrarian Alliance (Agrárszövetség) 10 VP Entrepreneurs Party (Vállalkozók Part) 11 HVK Patriotic Elections Coalition (Hazafias Választási Koalíció) 12 MNP Hungarian People's Party (Magyar Néppárt) 13 MZP Green Party of Hungary (Magyaroszági Zöld Párt) 14 NKgP National Smallholders' Party (Nemzeti Kisgazdapárt) 15 SKK Somogy County Christian Coalition (Somogyi Keresztény Koalíció) 16 MSZAP Hungarian Co-operative and Agrarian Party (Magyar Szövetkezeti és Agrárpárt) 17 FMDP Independent Hungarian Democratic Party (Független Magyar Demokrata Párt) 18 SZP Freedom Party (Szabadság Párt) 19 MFP Hungarian Independence Party (Magyar Függetlenségi Párt) 20 FSZDP 21 KELET 22 MDDCP 23 MCSZDP 24 NEMZED 25 SZKT 26 SZFV 27 TTSZ 28 VMP 101 ASZ,HVK 102 FIDESZ,KDNP,SZDSZ 103 FIDESZ,SZDSZ 104 HVK,ASZ 105 MSZP,ASZ - Joint candidate 106 MSZP,HVK - Joint candidate 107 FIDESZ,SZDSZ - Joint candidate 108 SZFV,ASZ - Joint candidate 109 FEDISZ,KkFelegyhaza,TEDISZ,Kiskunhalas - Joint candidate . vote1 valid votes for party candidate (first round) vote2 valid votes for party candidate (second round) votereg1 number of registered voters in constituency (first round) voted1 number of votes cast in constituency (first round) valid1 valid votes (first round) invalid1 invalid votes (first round) votereg2 number of registered voters in constituency (second round) voted2 number of votes cast in constituency (second round) valid2 valid votes (second round) invalid2 invalid votes (second round) . elected elected or not (dummy) = seats won gender gender 0 male 1 female Hungary 1990 - Codes const constituency constsm single -member constituency party party partyna party acronym vote1 valid votes for party candidate (first round) vote2 valid votes for party candidate (second round) votereg1 number of registered voters in constituency (first round) voted1 number of votes cast in constituency (first round) valid1 valid votes (first round) invalid1 invalid votes (first round) turnout1 % turnout (first round) turnout2 % turnout (second round) votereg2 number of registered voters in constituency (second round) voted2 number of votes cast in constituency (second round) valid2 valid votes (second round) invalid2 invalid votes (second round) . elected elected or not (dummy) = seats won votereg number of voters registered in constituency (at the end of voting day) voted number of votes cast in regional constituency valid valid votes (regional list voting) invalid invalid votes (regional list voting) turnout % turnout (regional list voting)

Party (list voting) p1 MDF Hungarian Democratic Forum (Magyar Demokrata Fórum) p2 SZDSZ Alliance of Free Democrats (Szabad Demokraták Szövetsége) p3 FKgP Independent Small Holders Party (Független Kisgazdapárt) p4 MSZP Hungarian Socialist Party (Magyar Szocialista Párt) p5 FIDESZ Federation of Young Democrats) p6 KDNP Christian Democratic People’s Party (Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt) p7 MSZMP Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt) p8 MSZDP Social Democratic Party of Hungary (Magyar Szociáldemokrata Párt) p9 ASZ Agrarian Alliance (Agrárszövetség) p10 VP Entrepreneurs Party (Vállalkozók Part) p11 HVK Patriotic Elections Coalition (Hazafias Választási Koalíció) p12 MNP Hungarian People's Party (Magyar Néppárt) p13 MZP Green Party of Hungary (Magyaroszági Zöld Párt) p14 NKgP National Smallholders' Party (Nemzeti Kisgazdapárt) p15 SKK Somogy County Christian Coalition (Somogyi Keresztény Koalíció) p16 MSZAP Hungarian Co-operative and Agrarian Party (Magyar Szövetkezeti és Agrárpárt) p17 FMDP Independent Hungarian Democratic Party (Független Magyar Demokrata Párt) p18 SZP Freedom Party (Szabadság Párt) p19 MFP Hungarian Independence Party (Magyar Függetlenségi Párt)

Seats (regional list component) Mszp seats MSZP fidesz seats FIDESZ mdf seats MDF kdnp seats KDNP fkgp seats FKGP szdsz seats SZDSZ nnlis number of seats from constituency remaining to be allocated on

Party (single member districts) 0 Independent 1 MDF Hungarian Democratic Forum (Magyar Demokrata Fórum) 2 SZDSZ Alliance of Free Democrats (Szabad Demokraták Szövetsége) 3 FKgP Independent Small Holders Party (Független Kisgazdapárt) 4 MSZP Hungarian Socialist Party (Magyar Szocialista Párt) 5 FIDESZ Federation of Young Democrats) 6 KDNP Christian Democratic People’s Party (Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt) 7 MSZMP Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt) 8 MSZDP Social Democratic Party of Hungary (Magyar Szociáldemokrata Párt) 9 ASZ Agrarian Alliance (Agrárszövetség) 10 VP Entrepreneurs Party (Vállalkozók Part) 11 HVK Patriotic Elections Coalition (Hazafias Választási Koalíció) 12 MNP Hungarian People's Party (Magyar Néppárt) 13 MZP Green Party of Hungary (Magyaroszági Zöld Párt) 14 NKgP National Smallholders' Party (Nemzeti Kisgazdapárt) 15 SKK Somogy County Christian Coalition (Somogyi Keresztény Koalíció) 16 MSZAP Hungarian Co-operative and Agrarian Party (Magyar Szövetkezeti és Agrárpárt) 17 FMDP Independent Hungarian Democratic Party (Független Magyar Demokrata Párt) 18 SZP Freedom Party (Szabadság Párt) 19 MFP Hungarian Independence Party (Magyar Függetlenségi Párt) 20 FSZDP 21 KELET 22 MDDCP 23 MCSZDP 24 NEMZED 25 SZKT 26 SZFV 27 TTSZ 28 VMP 101 ASZ,HVK 102 FIDESZ,KDNP,SZDSZ 103 FIDESZ,SZDSZ 104 HVK,ASZ 105 MSZP,ASZ - Joint candidate 106 MSZP,HVK - Joint candidate 107 FIDESZ,SZDSZ - Joint candidate 108 SZFV,ASZ - Joint candidate 109 FEDISZ,KkFelegyhaza,TEDISZ,Kiskunhalas - Joint candidate . const (constituency) 1 Budapest 2 Baranya 3 Bacs-Kiskun 4 Bekes 5 Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen 6 Csongrad 7 Fejer 8 Gyor-Moson-Sopron 9 Hajdu-Bihar 10 Heves 11 Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok 12 Komarom-Esztergom 13 Nograd 14 Pest 15 Somogy 16 Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg 17 Tolna 18 Vas 19 Veszprem 20 Zala constsm (single member constituencies) 1 01 BUDAPEST I. DISTRICT 2 02 BUDAPEST II. DISTRICT 3 02 BUDAPEST III. DISTRICT 4 04 BUDAPEST III. DISTRICT 5 05 BUDAPEST IV. DISTRICT 6 06 BUDAPEST IV. DISTRICT 7 07 BUDAPEST V. DISTRICT 8 08 BUDAPEST VI. DISTRICT 9 09 BUDAPEST VII. DISTRICT 10 10 BUDAPEST VIII. DISTRICT 11 11 BUDAPEST VIII. DISTRICT 12 12 BUDAPEST IX. DISTRICT 13 13 BUDAPEST XX. DISTRICT 14 14 BUDAPEST X. DISTRICT 15 15 BUDAPEST XI. DISTRICT 16 16 BUDAPEST XI. DISTRICT 17 17 BUDAPEST XI. DISTRICT 18 18 BUDAPEST XII. DISTRICT 19 19 BUDAPEST XIII. DISTRICT 20 20 BUDAPEST XIII. DISTRICT 21 21 BUDAPEST XIV. DISTRICT 22 22 BUDAPEST XIV. DISTRICT 23 23 BUDAPEST XV. DISTRICT 24 24 BUDAPEST XVI. DISTRICT 25 25 BUDAPEST XVII. DISTRICT 26 26 BUDAPEST XVIII. DISTRICT 27 27 BUDAPEST XVIII. DISTRICT 28 28 BUDAPEST XIX. DISTRICT 29 29 BUDAPEST XX. DISTRICT 30 30 BUDAPEST XXI. DISTRICT 31 31 BUDAPEST XXI. DISTRICT 32 32 BUDAPEST XXII. DISTRICT 33 01 PÉCS 34 02 PÉCS 35 03 PÉCS 36 04 KOMLÓ 37 05 MOHÁCS 38 06 SIKLÓS 39 07 SZIGETVÁR 40 01 KECSKEMÉT 41 02 KECSKEMÉT 42 03 TISZAKÉCSKE 43 04 KUNSZENTMIKLÓS 44 05 KISKUNFÉLEGYHÁZA 45 06 KISKORÖS 46 07 KALOCSA 47 08 KISKUNHALAS 48 09 BAJA 49 10 BÁCSALMÁS 50 01 BÉKÉSCSABA 51 02 GYULA 52 03 BÉKÉS 53 04 SZEGHALOM 54 05 SZARVAS 55 06 OROSHÁZA 56 07 MEZOKOVÁCSHÁZA 57 01 MISKOLC 58 02 MISKOLC 59 03 MISKOLC 60 04 MISKOLC 61 05 ÓZD 62 06 SAJÓSZENTPÉTER 63 07 KAZINCBARCIKA 64 08 EDELÉNY 65 09 ENCS 66 10 SÁTORALJAÚJHELY 67 11 SZERENCS 68 12 TISZAÚJVÁROS 69 13 MEZOKÖVESD 70 01 SZEGED 71 02 SZEGED 72 03 SZEGED 73 04 CSONGRÁD 74 05 SZENTES 75 06 HÓDMEZOVÁSÁRHELY 76 07 MAKÓ 77 01 SZÉKESFEHÉRVÁR 78 02 SZÉKESFEHÉRVÁR 79 03 DUNAÚJVÁROS 80 04 GÁRDONY 81 05 MÓR 82 06 SÁRBOGÁRD 83 07 BICSKE 84 01 GYOR 85 02 GYOR 86 03 GYOR 87 04 MOSONMAGYARÓVÁR 88 05 CSORNA 89 06 KAPUVÁR 90 07 SOPRON 91 01 DEBRECEN 92 02 DEBRECEN 93 03 DEBRECEN 94 04 HAJDÚHADHÁZ 95 05 BERETTYÓÚJFALU 96 06 PÜSPÖKLADÁNY 97 07 HAJDÚSZOBOSZLÓ 98 08 BALMAZÚJVÁROS 99 09 HAJDÚBÖSZÖRMÉNY 100 01 EGER 101 02 PÉTERVÁSÁRA 102 03 GYÖNGYÖS 103 04 HATVAN 104 05 HEVES 105 06 FÜZESABONY 106 01 JÁSZBERÉNY 107 02 JÁSZAPÁTI 108 03 SZOLNOK 109 04 SZOLNOK 110 05 KUNSZENTMÁRTON 111 06 MEZOTÚR 112 07 KUNHEGYES 113 08 KARCAG 114 01 TATABÁNYA 115 02 TATA 116 03 KISBÉR 117 04 KOMÁROM 118 05 ESZTERGOM 119 01 SALGÓTARJÁN 120 02 PÁSZTÓ 121 03 SZÉCSÉNY 122 04 BALASSAGYARMAT 123 01 SZOB 124 02 VÁC 125 03 DUNAKESZI 126 04 GÖDÖLLO 127 05 ASZÓD 128 06 NAGYKÁTA 129 07 MONOR 130 08 ÉRD 131 09 BUDAÖRS 132 10 PILISVÖRÖSVÁR 133 11 SZENTENDRE 134 12 SZIGETSZENTMIKLÓS 135 13 RÁCKEVE 136 14 DABAS 137 15 CEGLÉD 138 16 NAGYKORÖS 139 01 KAPOSVÁR 140 02 KAPOSVÁR 141 03 SIÓFOK 142 04 BALATONBOGLÁR 143 05 MARCALI 144 06 NAGYATÁD 145 01 NYÍREGYHÁZA 146 02 NYÍREGYHÁZA 147 03 TISZAVASVÁRI 148 04 NAGYKÁLLÓ 149 05 BAKTALÓRÁNTHÁZA 150 06 NYÍRBÁTOR 151 07 KISVÁRDA 152 08 VÁSÁROSNAMÉNY 153 09 MÁTÉSZALKA 154 10 FEHÉRGYARMAT 155 01 SZEKSZÁRD 156 02 PAKS 157 03 BONYHÁD 158 04 DOMBÓVÁR 159 05 TAMÁSI 160 01 SZOMBATHELY 161 02 SZOMBATHELY 162 03 KOSZEG 163 04 SÁRVÁR 164 05 KÖRMEND 165 01 AJKA 166 02 BALATONFÜRED 167 03 PÁPA 168 04 TAPOLCA 169 05 VÁRPALOTA 170 06 VESZPRÉM 171 07 VESZPRÉM 172 01 ZALAEGERSZEG 173 02 NAGYKANIZSA 174 03 KESZTHELY 175 04 LENTI 176 05 ZALASZENTGRÓT

Hungary 1994 - Codes

const constituency constsm single -member constituency party party partyna party acronym vote1 valid votes for party candidate (first round) vote2 valid votes for party candidate (second round) votereg1 number of registered voters in sm constituency (first round) voted1 number of votes cast in sm constituency (first round) valid1 valid votes (first round) invalid1 invalid votes (first round) turnout1 % turnout (first round) turnout2 % turnout (second round) votereg2 number of registered voters in sm constituency (second round) voted2 number of votes cast in sm constituency (second round) valid2 valid votes (second round) invalid2 invalid votes (second round) . votereg number of voters registered in constituency (at the end of voting day) voted number of votes cast in regional constituency valid valid votes (regional list voting) invalid invalid votes (regional list voting) turnout % turnout (regional list voting) party (list voting) p1 MSZP MSZP - Hungarian Socialist Party (Magyar Szocialista Párt) p2 SZDSZ SZDSZ - Alliance of Free Democrats (Szabad Demokraták Szövetsége) p3 MDF MDF - Hungarian Democratic Forum (Magyar Demokrata Fórum) p4 FKgP FKgP - Independent Small Holders Party (Független Kisgazdapárt) p5 KDNP KDNP - Christian Democratic People’s Party (Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt) p6 FIDESZ FIDESZ (Federation of Young Democrats) p7 MUNKAS MP [ex - MSZMP] -Workers' Party (Munkáspárt) p8 KP KP - Republican Party (Köztársaság Párt) p9 ASZ ASZ - Agrarian Alliance (Agrárszövetség) p10 MIEP MIEP - Party of Hungarian Justice and Life (Magyar Igazság és Élet Pártja) p11 MSZDP MSZDP - Social Democratic Party of Hungary (Magyarországi Szociáldemokrata Párt) p12 EKGP EkgP - United Smallholders Party (Egyesült Kisgazdapárt) p13 VP VP - Party of Entrepreneurs (Vállalkozók Pártja) p14 NDSZ NDSZ - National Alliance of Democrats (Nemzeti Demokrata Szövetség) p15 MZP MZP - Green Party of Hungary (Magyaroszági Zöld Párt) p16 KFKP KFKgP - Compromise Independent Smallholders Party (Kiegyezés Független Kisgazdapárt) p17 Konsz KP - Conservative Party (Konzervatív Párt) p18 ZA ZA - Green Alternative (Zöld Alternatíva) p19 PIACPART PP - Market Party (Piac Párt)

party (single member districts) 0 Independents 1 MDF MDF - Hungarian Democratic Forum (Magyar Demokrata Fórum) 2 SZDSZ SZDSZ - Alliance of Free Democrats (Szabad Demokraták Szövetsége) 3 FKGP FKgP - Independent Small Holders Party (Független Kisgazdapárt) 4 MSZP MSZP - Hungarian Socialist Party (Magyar Szocialista Párt) 5 FIDESZ FIDESZ (Federation of Young Democrats) 6 KDNP KDNP - Christian Democratic People’s Party (Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt) 7 MSZMP MSZMP - Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (Magyar Szocialista Munkaspart) 8 MSZDP MSZDP - Social Democratic Party of Hungary (Magyarországi Szociáldemokrata Párt) 9 ASZ ASZ - Agrarian Alliance (Agrárszövetség) 13 MZP MZP - Green Party of Hungary (Magyaroszági Zöld Párt) 17 FMDP FMDP - Independent Hungarian Democratic Party (Fuggetlen Magyar Demokrata Part) 29 MUNKAS MP [ex - MSZMP] -Workers' Party (Munkáspárt) 30 KP KP - Republican Party (Köztársaság Párt) 31 MIEP MIEP - Party of Hungarian Justice and Life (Magyar Igazság és Élet Pártja) 32 EKGP EkgP - United Smallholders Party (Egyesült Kisgazdapárt) 33 LPSZ_VP joint candidate 34 NDSZ NDSZ - National Alliance of Democrats (Nemzeti Demokrata Szövetség) 35 KFKP KFKgP - Compromise Independent Smallholders Party (Kiegyezés Független Kisgazdapárt) 36 KONZV KP - Conservative Party (Konzervatív Párt) 37 ZA ZA - Green Alternative (Zöld Alternatíva) 38 PIACPART PP - Market Party (Piac Párt) 39 NEMPART NEM - National Party (Nemzeti Erok Mozgalma) 40 MTU MTU - Hungarian Biomedicists' Union (Magyar Termeszetgyogyaszok Unioja) 41 DP DP - Democratic Party (Demokrata Part) 42 MVSZ MVSZ - Electoral Coalition for the Magyar People (Magyarsagert Valasztasi Szovetseg) 43 MMP MMP - Hungarian Unemployed Party (Magyar Munkanelkuliek Partja) 44 CSZP CSZP - Gypsy Solidarity Party (Ciganyok Szolidaritasi Partja) 45 DEKO DEKO - Democratic Coalition (Demokrata Koalicio) 46 NYUP NYUP - Pensioners' Party (Nyugdijasok Partja) 47 CSALAD CSSZ - National Association of Families (Csaladok Orszagos Szovetsege) 48 TFKP TFKP - Historical Independent Smallholders' Party (Tortenelmi Fuggetlen Kisgazdapart) 49 MEP MEP - Party of Hungarian Interest (Magyar Erdek Partja) 50 TMP TMP - Party for a Historical Hungary (Tortenelmi Magyarorszagert Part) 51 SZDP SZDP - Social Democratic Party (Szocialdemokrata Part) 52 MANP MANP - Hungarian Mothers' National Party (Magyar Anyak Nemzeti Partja) 110 LPSZ_VP-ASZ-FIDESZ-SZDSZ 111 FIDESZ-LPSZ_VP joint candidate 112 KP-SZDSZ joint candidate 113 KDNP-EKGP joint candidate 114 ASZ-SZDSZ joint candidate


Hungary 1998 - Codes

const regional constituency constsm single -member constituency party party partyna party acronym vote1 valid votes for party candidate (first round) vote2 valid votes for party candidate (second round) votereg1 number of registered voters in constituency (first round) voted1 number of votes cast in constituency (first round) valid1 valid votes (first round) invalid1 invalid votes (first round) turnout1 % turnout (first round) turnout2 % turnout (second round) votereg2 number of registered voters in constituency (second round) voted2 number of votes cast in constituency (second round) valid2 valid votes (second round) invalid2 invalid votes (second round) .

Parties (PR component) p1 Fidesz-MPP Fidesz - Hungarian Civic Party (Fidesz- Magyar Polgari Part) p2 FKgP Independent Small Holders Party (Független Kisgazdapárt) p3 KDNP Christian Democratic People’s Party (Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt) p4 MDF Hungarian Democratic Forum (Magyar Demokrata Fórum) p5 MDNP Hungarian Democratic People's Party (Magyar Demokrata Neppart) p6 MIÉP Party of Hungarian Justice and Life (Magyar Igazság és Élet Pártja) p7 MSZDP Social Democratic Party of Hungary (Magyar Szociáldemokrata Párt) p8 MSZP Hungarian Socialist Party (Magyar Szocialista Párt) p9 MSzZP Social Green Party of Hungary p10 MP Workers' Party (Munkaspart) p11 NF Forum of National Minorities (Nemzetiségi Fórum) p12 SZDSZ Alliance of Free Democrats (Szabad Demokraták Szövetsége) p13 EMU Together for Hungary Union (Együtt Magyarországért Unió) p14 US New Alliance for Hungary (Új Szövetség) p15 VP Party of Entrepreneurs (Vállalkozók Párt)

Parties (SMD) 1 F.É.P. Party of Life on Earth (Foldi Elet Partja) 2 Fidesz-MDF FIDESZ-MPP - MDF joint candidates 3 Fidesz Fidesz-MPP 4 FKgP Independent Small Holders Party (Független Kisgazdapárt) 5 FPSZ Alliance of Independent Citoyens (Fuggetlen Polgarok Szovetsege) 6 FK Group (Community) of Indepedents (Fuggetlenek Kozosege) 7 Ind Independents 8 KDNP Christian Democratic People’s Party (Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt) 9 MANÉP Hungarian Mothers' National Party (Magyar Anyak Nemzeti Partja) 10 MCDP Democratic Party of Hungarian Roma (Magyar Ciganyok Demokrata Partja) 11 MDF-Fidesz MDF - Fidesz-MPP joint candidates 12 MDF Hungarian Democratic Forum (Magyar Demokrata Fórum) 13 MDNP Hungarian Democratic People's Party (Magyar Demokrata Neppart) 14 MIÉP Party of Hungarian Justice and Life (Magyar Igazság és Élet Pártja) 15 MNSZ Hungarian Welfare Alliance (Magyar Nepjoleti Szovetseg) 16 MSZDP Social Democratic Party of Hungary (Magyar Szociáldemokrata Párt) 17 MSZMP Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (Magyar Szocialista Munkaspart) 18 MSZP Hungarian Socialist Party (Magyar Szocialista Párt) 19 MSzZP Social Green Party of Hungary 20 MP Workers' Party (Munkaspart) 21 NF Forum of National Minorities (Nemzetiségi Fórum) 22 NP Women's Party (Nok Partja) 23 SZDP Social Democratic Party (Szocialdemokrata Part) 24 SZDSZ Alliance of Free Democrats (Szabad Demokraták Szövetsége) 25 TÁRS.-I K Social Coalition (Tarsadalmi Koalicio) 26 US New Alliance for Hungary (Új Szövetség) 27 UNIÓ Together for Hungary Union (Együtt Magyarországért Unió) 28 VP Party of Entrepreneurs (Vállalkozók Párt) 29 ZÖLDEK const 1 Budapest 2 Baranya 3 Bacs-Kiskun 4 Bekes 5 Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen 6 Csongrad 7 Fejer 8 Gyor-Moson-Sopron 9 Hajdu-Bihar 10 Heves 11 Jasz-Nagykun-Szolnok 12 Komarom-Esztergom 13 Nograd 14 Pest 15 Somogy 16 Szabolcs-Szatmar-Bereg 17 Tolna 18 Vas 19 Veszprem 20 Zala constsm 1 01 BUDAPEST I. DISTRICT 2 02 BUDAPEST II. DISTRICT 3 02 BUDAPEST III. DISTRICT 4 04 BUDAPEST III. DISTRICT 5 05 BUDAPEST IV. DISTRICT 6 06 BUDAPEST IV. DISTRICT 7 07 BUDAPEST V. DISTRICT 8 08 BUDAPEST VI. DISTRICT 9 09 BUDAPEST VII. DISTRICT 10 10 BUDAPEST VIII. DISTRICT 11 11 BUDAPEST VIII. DISTRICT 12 12 BUDAPEST IX. DISTRICT 13 13 BUDAPEST XX. DISTRICT 14 14 BUDAPEST X. DISTRICT 15 15 BUDAPEST XI. DISTRICT 16 16 BUDAPEST XI. DISTRICT 17 17 BUDAPEST XI. DISTRICT 18 18 BUDAPEST XII. DISTRICT 19 19 BUDAPEST XIII. DISTRICT 20 20 BUDAPEST XIII. DISTRICT 21 21 BUDAPEST XIV. DISTRICT 22 22 BUDAPEST XIV. DISTRICT 23 23 BUDAPEST XV. DISTRICT 24 24 BUDAPEST XVI. DISTRICT 25 25 BUDAPEST XVII. DISTRICT 26 26 BUDAPEST XVIII. DISTRICT 27 27 BUDAPEST XVIII. DISTRICT 28 28 BUDAPEST XIX. DISTRICT 29 29 BUDAPEST XX. DISTRICT 30 30 BUDAPEST XXI. DISTRICT 31 31 BUDAPEST XXI. DISTRICT 32 32 BUDAPEST XXII. DISTRICT 33 01 PÉCS 34 02 PÉCS 35 03 PÉCS 36 04 KOMLÓ 37 05 MOHÁCS 38 06 SIKLÓS 39 07 SZIGETVÁR 40 01 KECSKEMÉT 41 02 KECSKEMÉT 42 03 TISZAKÉCSKE 43 04 KUNSZENTMIKLÓS 44 05 KISKUNFÉLEGYHÁZA 45 06 KISKORÖS 46 07 KALOCSA 47 08 KISKUNHALAS 48 09 BAJA 49 10 BÁCSALMÁS 50 01 BÉKÉSCSABA 51 02 GYULA 52 03 BÉKÉS 53 04 SZEGHALOM 54 05 SZARVAS 55 06 OROSHÁZA 56 07 MEZOKOVÁCSHÁZA 57 01 MISKOLC 58 02 MISKOLC 59 03 MISKOLC 60 04 MISKOLC 61 05 ÓZD 62 06 SAJÓSZENTPÉTER 63 07 KAZINCBARCIKA 64 08 EDELÉNY 65 09 ENCS 66 10 SÁTORALJAÚJHELY 67 11 SZERENCS 68 12 TISZAÚJVÁROS 69 13 MEZOKÖVESD 70 01 SZEGED 71 02 SZEGED 72 03 SZEGED 73 04 CSONGRÁD 74 05 SZENTES 75 06 HÓDMEZOVÁSÁRHELY 76 07 MAKÓ 77 01 SZÉKESFEHÉRVÁR 78 02 SZÉKESFEHÉRVÁR 79 03 DUNAÚJVÁROS 80 04 GÁRDONY 81 05 MÓR 82 06 SÁRBOGÁRD 83 07 BICSKE 84 01 GYOR 85 02 GYOR 86 03 GYOR 87 04 MOSONMAGYARÓVÁR 88 05 CSORNA 89 06 KAPUVÁR 90 07 SOPRON 91 01 DEBRECEN 92 02 DEBRECEN 93 03 DEBRECEN 94 04 HAJDÚHADHÁZ 95 05 BERETTYÓÚJFALU 96 06 PÜSPÖKLADÁNY 97 07 HAJDÚSZOBOSZLÓ 98 08 BALMAZÚJVÁROS 99 09 HAJDÚBÖSZÖRMÉNY 100 01 EGER 101 02 PÉTERVÁSÁRA 102 03 GYÖNGYÖS 103 04 HATVAN 104 05 HEVES 105 06 FÜZESABONY 106 01 JÁSZBERÉNY 107 02 JÁSZAPÁTI 108 03 SZOLNOK 109 04 SZOLNOK 110 05 KUNSZENTMÁRTON 111 06 MEZOTÚR 112 07 KUNHEGYES 113 08 KARCAG 114 01 TATABÁNYA 115 02 TATA 116 03 KISBÉR 117 04 KOMÁROM 118 05 ESZTERGOM 119 01 SALGÓTARJÁN 120 02 PÁSZTÓ 121 03 SZÉCSÉNY 122 04 BALASSAGYARMAT 123 01 SZOB 124 02 VÁC 125 03 DUNAKESZI 126 04 GÖDÖLLO 127 05 ASZÓD 128 06 NAGYKÁTA 129 07 MONOR 130 08 ÉRD 131 09 BUDAÖRS 132 10 PILISVÖRÖSVÁR 133 11 SZENTENDRE 134 12 SZIGETSZENTMIKLÓS 135 13 RÁCKEVE 136 14 DABAS 137 15 CEGLÉD 138 16 NAGYKORÖS 139 01 KAPOSVÁR 140 02 KAPOSVÁR 141 03 SIÓFOK 142 04 BALATONBOGLÁR 143 05 MARCALI 144 06 NAGYATÁD 145 01 NYÍREGYHÁZA 146 02 NYÍREGYHÁZA 147 03 TISZAVASVÁRI 148 04 NAGYKÁLLÓ 149 05 BAKTALÓRÁNTHÁZA 150 06 NYÍRBÁTOR 151 07 KISVÁRDA 152 08 VÁSÁROSNAMÉNY 153 09 MÁTÉSZALKA 154 10 FEHÉRGYARMAT 155 01 SZEKSZÁRD 156 02 PAKS 157 03 BONYHÁD 158 04 DOMBÓVÁR 159 05 TAMÁSI 160 01 SZOMBATHELY 161 02 SZOMBATHELY 162 03 KOSZEG 163 04 SÁRVÁR 164 05 KÖRMEND 165 01 AJKA 166 02 BALATONFÜRED 167 03 PÁPA 168 04 TAPOLCA 169 05 VÁRPALOTA 170 06 VESZPRÉM 171 07 VESZPRÉM 172 01 ZALAEGERSZEG 173 02 NAGYKANIZSA 174 03 KESZTHELY 175 04 LENTI 176 05 ZALASZENTGRÓT.

Lithuania 1992 Single Member Constituency Results

CONST constituency number

VOTEREG number of registered voters in constituency

VOTED number of voters who voted in constituency

VALID valid votes cast in constituency

PARTYSMD votes won in single-member constituency (first round) 0 Independent candidate 1 Lithuanian Democratic Labour Party 2 Lithuanian Movement Sajudis 3 Charter of Lithuanian Citizens 4 Union of Lithuanian Political Prisoners 5 6 Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party 7 Union of Lithuanian Political Prisoners and Deportees 8 Lithuanian Democratic Party 9 Lithuanian Social-Democratic Party 10 Lithuanian Christian Democratic Union 11 Lithuanian National Youth Union Young 12 Lithuanian Centre Movement 13 Union of Lithuanian Poles 14 Lithuanian Nationalist Tautininkai Union 15 Independence Party 16 Lithuanian Liberal Union 17 Lithuanian Liberty League 18 National Progress Movement 19 Moderates Movement 20 Socio-Political Movement for Social Justice 21 Socio-Political Movement Lithuanian Liberty Union 22 Lithuanian movement Chernobyl 23 Lithuanian Commonwealth 24 Union of Lithuania s Patriots 25 Lithuanian Consultative Assembly 26 Temperance Movement of Bishop M Valancius

VOTE1 number of votes won in single-member constituency (first round) PVOTE1 % of SMD votes (first round) VOTE2 number of votes won in single-member constituency (second round)

SEATS seats 1 won a seat 0 not elected Lithuania 1992 – SMD – candidate data

CASENO Case number

NAME name of candidate

CONSTSMD No of single-member constituency in which the candidate stoo

VOTERREG No of voters registered in the constituency

VOTED No of votes cast in the constituency

VALID Number of valid SMD votes in constituency

PARTYSMD Candidate's party affiliation in single-member constituency

0 Independent candidate 1 Lithuanian Democratic Labour Party 2 Lithuanian Movement "Sajudis" 3 Charter of Lithuanian Citizens 4 Union of Lithuanian Political Prisoners 5 Lithuanian Green Party 6 Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party 7 Union of Lithuanian Political Prisoners and Deportees 8 Lithuanian Democratic Party 9 Lithuanian Social-Democratic Party 10 Lithuanian Christian Democratic Union 11 Lithuanian National Youth Union "Young Lithuania" 12 Lithuanian Centre Movement 13 Union of Lithuanian Poles 14 Lithuanian Nationalist (Tautininkai) Union 15 Independence Party 16 Lithuanian Liberal Union 17 Lithuanian Liberty League 18 National Progress Movement 19 Moderates' Movement 20 Socio-Political Movement for Social Justice 21 Socio-Political Movement "Lithuanian Liberty Union" 22 Lithuanian movement "Chernobyl" 23 Lithuanian Commonwealth 24 Union of Lithuania's Patriots 25 Lithuanian Consultative Assembly 26 Temperance Movement of Bishop M. Valancius

VOTE1 Votes won in the first round

PVOTE1 Percent of SMD votes in the first round

POSITION candidate's position in constituency according to votes rece

VOTE2 Votes won in the second round

PARTLIST Party list on which candidate stood

0 In neither list 1 "Sajudis" Coalition 2 Lithuanian Commonwealth 3 Lithuanian Liberty League 4 Lithuanian Social-Democratic Party 5 Socio-Political Movement "Lithuanian Liberty Union" 6 Lithuanian Centre Movement 7 Union of Lithuanian Poles 8 All-ce of Christ. Dem. Union and NYU "Young Lithuania" 9 Lithuanian Movement "Chernobyl" 10 Lithuanian Liberal Union 11 Union of Lithuania's Patriots 12 National Progress Movement 13 List of Lith. Nationalist Union and Independence Party 14 List of CDP, Polit. Prisoners-Deportees, & Democratic Party 15 Lithuanian Democratic Labour Party 16 Socio-Political Movement for Social Justice 17 Moderates' Movement

LISTPLAC Candidate's initial place on the party list

VALIDPR Number of valid PR votes in his SM constituency

PRVOTES Number of PR votes for candidate's party in his SM constitue

PPRVOTE Percent of PR votes in his SM constituency

ELECTED Elected or not

0 Not elected 1 Elected 2 Elected from list

INCUMBCY Incumbency status

0 Not incumbent 1 Incumbent

MINISTRY Ministerial experience

0 Absent 1 Present

PARLTEXP Parliamentary incumbency status

0 Not incumbent 1 Incumbent

GENDER Candidate's gender

0 Male 1 Female

AGE Candidate's age

OCCUP1 Candidate's occupational category

0 Occupation not stated 1 State officials 2 Business 3 Professionals 4 Non-governmental sector 5 Semi-skilled and low-skilled occupations 6 Other occupations 7 Pensioners 8 Students 9 Not employed

OCCUP2 Candidate's occupation

1 Administrative officials - national 2 Administrative officials - regional/local 3 Military, police, secret service, customs 4 Directors of industrial/service enterprises 5 Directors of agricultural enterprises 6 Managers in industrial/service enterprises 7 Managers in agricultural enterprises 8 Legal professionals 9 Economic, financial and marketing professionals 10 Teaching professionals (except higher education) 11 Health professionals 12 Scientists and academics 13 Artists, actors, musicians, etc. 14 Journalists and publishers 15 Engineering, technical and agricultural specialists 16 Other professionals 17 Political party activists/leaders 18 Religious workers 19 Trade unionists 20 Other NGO workers 21 Clerical and other non-manual semi-skilled occupations 22 Manual workers in industry and services 23 Farmers and agricultural workers 24 Other occupations 25 Pensioners 26 Students 27 Not employed (including unemployed)


EDUC Candidate's education

1 Higher 2 Incomplete higher 3 Secondary general 4 Secondary vocational (specialised) 5 Incomplete secondary (general or vocational) 6 Primary 7 Incomplete primary 8 None

ETHN Candidate's ethnicity

1 Lithuanian 2 Russian 3 Polish 4 Jewish 5 Other

Lithuania 1996 single member constituency results

CONSTSM single member constituency number

VOTEREG number of registered voters in constituency

VOTED number of voters who voted in constituency

VALID valid votes cast in constituency

PARTYSMD nominating party in single-member constituency 0 independent 1 Republican Party 2 Lithuanian Liberal Union 3 Lithuanian Centre Union 4 Union of Lithuanian Russians 5 Christian Democratic Union 6 Lithuanian Socialist Party 7 Lithuanian Liberty Union 8 Lithuanian Peasants' Party 9 Electoral Action of Lithuanian Poles 10 Lithuanian Social-Democratic Party 11 Union of Lithuanian Political Prisoners and Refugees 12 Lithuanian National Union "Young Lithuania" 13 Lithuanian Liberty League 14 Lithuanian Party of Life Logic 15 Lithuanian Democratic Labour Party 16 Lithuanian Nationalist (Tautininkai) Union 17 Lithuanian Democratic Party 18 Alliance of Lithuanian National Minorities 19 Lithuanian Womens' Party 20 (Lithuanian Conservatives) 21 Lithuanian Union of Social Justice 22 Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party 23 Lithuanian People's Party 24 Lithuanian Party of Economy 25 National Progress Party 26 Lithuanian Reform Party 27 Non-Partisan Movement "Elections-96" 28 Independence Party

VOTE1 votes won in single-member constituency (first round) PVOTE1 % of SMD votes in constituency VOTE2 votes won in second round

SEATS seats won in SMD 0 not elected 1 seat won in SMD Lithuania 1996 – SMD – candidate data

Name Position

CASELITH case number

NAME candidate's name

CONSTSM No of single member constituecy in which the candidate stood

0 multi-member only

VOTEREG number of registered voters in constituency

VOTED number of voters who voted in constituency

VALID valid SMD votes in SM constituency

PARTYSMD party affiliation in single-member constituency


0 independent 1 Republican Party 2 Lithuanian Liberal Union 3 Lithuanian Centre Union 4 Union of Lithuanian Russians 5 Christian Democratic Union 6 Lithuanian Socialist Party 7 Lithuanian Liberty Union 8 Lithuanian Peasants' Party 9 Electoral Action of Lithuanian Poles 10 Lithuanian Social-Democratic Party 11 Union of Lithuanian Political Prisoners and Refugees 12 Lithuanian National Union "Young Lithuania" 13 Lithuanian Liberty League 14 Lithuanian Party of Life Logic 15 Lithuanian Democratic Labour Party 16 Lithuanian Nationalist (Tautininkai) Union 17 Lithuanian Democratic Party 18 Alliance of Lithuanian National Minorities 19 Lithuanian Womens' Party 20 Homeland Union (Lithuanian Conservatives) 21 Lithuanian Union of Social Justice 22 Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party 23 Lithuanian People's Party 24 Lithuanian Party of Economy 25 National Progress Party 26 Lithuanian Reform Party 27 Non-Partisan Movement "Elections-96" 28 Independence Party

VOTES1 votes won in single-member constituency in first round

PVOTE percentage of SMD votes in constituency in first round

POSITION candidate's position in constituency according to votes rece


VOTES2 votes won in second round

PARTLIST party list on which the candidate was standing

0 no party list 1 Republican Party 2 Lithuanian Liberal Union 3 Lithuanian Centre Union 4 Union of Lithuanian Russians 5 Christian Democratic Union 6 Lithuanian Socialist Party 7 Lithuanian Liberty Union 8 Lithuanian Peasants' Party 9 Electoral Action of Lithuanian Poles 10 Lithuanian Social-Democratic Party 11 Union of Lithuanian Political Prisoners and Deportees 12 Lithuanian National Party "Young Lithuania" 13 Lithuanian Liberty League 14 Lithuanian Party of Life's Logic 15 Lithuanian Democratic Labour Party 16 All-ce of Lith. Nationalist Union and Lith. Democratic Party 17 Alliance of Lithuanian National Minorities 18 Lithuanian Womens' Party 19 Homeland Union (Lithuanian Conservatives) 20 Lithuanian Union of Social Justice 21 Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party 22 Lithuanian People's Party 23 Lithuanian Party of Economy 24 National Progress Party


LISTPLAC place of candidate on the party list

VALIDPR Number of valid PR votes in SM constituency

PRVOTES Number of PR votes candidate's party received in his sm cons

ELECTED elected or not

0 not elected 1 elected in single-member constituency 2 elected from party list

PREFCAN positive preference votes for the candidate (total)

PREFCON positive preference votes for the candidate in his single- me

INCUMBCY parliamentary incumbency status

0 not incumbent 1 incumbent _

MINISTRY ministerial experience

0 absent 1 present

PARLTEXP parliamentary experience

0 absent 1 present

GENDER Candidate's gender

0 male 1 female

AGE Candidate's age

OCCUP1 Candidate's occupational category

0 unknown 1 state officials 2 business 3 professional 4 NGO sector _

5 skilled & unskilled workers 6 other occupation 7 pensioner 8 student 9 not employed-unemployed

OCCUP2 Candidate's occupation

0 unknown 1 administrative, national 2 administrative, regional-local 3 military, police, customs 4 enterprise directors 5 directors, agricultural enterprises 6 industrial-service managers 7 managers, agricultural enterprises 8 legal professionals 9 economic, financial, marketing professionals 10 teachers 11 health 12 scientists and academics

EDUC Candidate's education

1 higher 2 incomplete higher 3 secondary general 4 secondary vocational (specialised) 5 incomplete secondary (general or vocational) 6 primary 7 incomplete primary 8 none


ETHN Candidate's ethnicity

1 Lithuanian 2 Russian 3 Polish 4 Jewish 5 Other


Lithuania 2000 Single Member Constituency Results

CONSTSM Constituency No

VOTEREG No of voters registered in the constituency

VOTED No of votes cast in the constituency

VALID No of valid votes in the constituency

PARTYSMD Candidate's party affiliation in single-member constituency 1 Lithuanian Nationalist (Tautininkai) Union 2 Lithuanian Peasants' Party 3 Lithuanian Centre Union 4 Lithuanian Liberty Union 5 Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party 6 Homeland Union (Lithuanian Conservatives) 7 New Union (Social Liberals) 8 Lithuanian Liberal Union 9 Lithuanian Democratic Labour Party 10 Lithuanian Party "-2000" 11 Union of Moderate Conservatives 12 Christian Democratic Union 13 Electoral Action of Lithuanian Poles 14 Lithuanian People's Union "For Just Lithuania" 15 Union of "Young Lith.", New Nationalists and Pol. Prisoners 16 Lithuanian Social Democratic Party 17 Union of Lithuanian Russians 18 Party of New Democracy 19 Union of Christian Democrats 20 Independent candidate 21 Homeland People's Party 22 Republican Party 23 Lithuanian National Democratic Party 24 Lithuanian Socialist Party 25 Lithuanian Liberty League 26 Lithuanian Democratic Party 27 Lithuanian 28 Lithuanian Union of Political Prisoners and Deportees

VOTES No of votes received in smd

PVOTE % vote

SEATS seats won in single member constituency 0 Not elected 1 winner in smc Lithuania 2000 – SMD - candidate data

CASENO Case number

SURNAME Surname of candidate

NAME First name(s) of candidate

PARTY Candidate's party affiliation

1 Lithuanian Nationalist (Tautininkai) Union 2 Lithuanian Peasants' Party 3 Lithuanian Centre Union 4 Lithuanian Liberty Union 5 Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party 6 Homeland Union (Lithuanian Conservatives) 7 New Union (Social Liberals) 8 Lithuanian Liberal Union 9 Lithuanian Democratic Labour Party 10 Lithuanian Party "Social Democracy-2000" 11 Union of Moderate Conservatives 12 Christian Democratic Union 13 Electoral Action of Lithuanian Poles 14 Lithuanian People's Union "For Just Lithuania" 15 Union of "Young Lith.", New Nationalists and Pol. Prisoners 16 Lithuanian Social Democratic Party 17 Union of Lithuanian Russians 18 Party of New Democracy 19 Union of Modern Christian Democrats 20 Independent candidate 21 Homeland People's Party 22 Republican Party 23 Lithuanian National Democratic Party 24 Lithuanian Socialist Party 25 Lithuanian Liberty League 26 Lithuanian Democratic Party 27 Lithuanian Justice Party 28 Lithuanian Union of Political Prisoners and eportees

CONSTSMD No of single-member constituency in which the candidate stoo

VOTEREG No of voters registered in the constituency

VOTED Votes cast in the constituency

VALID Valid votes in the constituency

PARTYSMD Candidate's party affiliation in single-member constituency

1 Lithuanian Nationalist (Tautininkai) Union 2 Lithuanian Peasants' Party 3 Lithuanian Centre Union 4 Lithuanian Liberty Union 5 Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party 6 Homeland Union (Lithuanian Conservatives) 7 New Union (Social Liberals) 8 Lithuanian Liberal Union 9 Lithuanian Democratic Labour Party 10 Lithuanian Party "Social Democracy-2000" 11 Union of Moderate Conservatives 12 Christian Democratic Union 13 Electoral Action of Lithuanian Poles 14 Lithuanian People's Union "For Just Lithuania" 15 Union of "Young Lith.", New Nationalists and Pol. Prisoners 16 Lithuanian Social Democratic Party 17 Union of Lithuanian Russians 18 Party of New Democracy 19 Union of Modern Christian Democrats 20 Independent candidate 21 Homeland People's Party 22 Republican Party 23 Lithuanian National Democratic Party 24 Lithuanian Socialist Party 25 Lithuanian Liberty League 26 Lithuanian Democratic Party 27 Lithuanian Justice Party 28 Lithuanian Union of Political Prisoners and eportees

VOTES No of votes received by the candidate in smd

PVOTE % votes received in single member district

POSITION Position of the candidate in single-member constituency acco

PARTLIST Party list on which the candidate stood 1 Lithuanian Nationalist (Tautininkai) Union 2 Lithuanian Peasants' Party 3 Lithuanian Centre Union 4 Lithuanian Liberty Union 5 Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party 6 Homeland Union (Lithuanian Conservatives) 7 New Union (Social Liberals) 8 Lithuanian Liberal Union 9 Social Democratic Coalition of Algirdas Brazauskas 10 Lithuanian Party "Social Democracy-2000" 11 Union of Moderate Conservatives 12 Christian Democratic Union 13 Electoral Action of Lithuanian Poles 14 Lithuanian People's Union "For Just Lithuania" 15 Union of "Young Lith.", New Nationalists and Pol. Prisoners

LISTPLAC Candidate's initial place on party list

VALIDPR Valid PR votes in a given SM constituency

PRVOTES Number of PR votes for candidate's party in his SM constitue

PPRVOTE % list votes for candidate's party in his SM constituency

ELECTED Elected or not

0 Not elected 1 Elected 2 Elected from list

PREFCAN Preference votes for the candidate (total)

PREFCON Preference votes for the candidate in his SM constituency

INCUMBCY Incumbency status

0 Not incumbent 1 Incumbent

MINISTRY Ministerial experience

0 Absent 1 Present

PARLTEXP Parliamentary incumbency status

0 Not incumbent 1 Incumbent

GENDER Candidate's gender

0 Male 1 Female

AGE Candidate's age

OCCUP1 Candidate's occupational category

Value Label

0 Occupation not stated 1 State officials 2 Business 3 Professionals 4 Non-governmental sector 5 Semi-skilled and low-skilled occupations 6 Other occupations 7 Pensioners 8 Students 9 Not employed

OCCUP2 Candidate's occupation

1 Administrative officials - national 2 Administrative officials - regional/local 3 Military, police, secret service, customs 4 Directors of industrial/service enterprises 5 Directors of agricultural enterprises 6 Managers in industrial/service enterprises 7 Managers in agricultural enterprises 8 Legal professionals 9 Economic, financial and marketing professionals 10 Teaching professionals (except higher education) 11 Health professionals 12 Scientists and academics 13 Artists, actors, musicians, etc. 14 Journalists and publishers 15 Engineering, technical and agricultural specialists 16 Other professionals 17 Political party activists/leaders 18 Religious workers 19 Trade unionists 20 Other NGO workers 21 Clerical and other non-manual semi-skilled occupations 22 Manual workers in industry and services 23 Farmers and agricultural workers 24 Other occupations 25 Pensioners 26 Students 27 Not employed (including unemployed)

EDUC Candidate's education

1 Higher 2 Incomplete higher 3 Secondary general 4 Secondary vocational (specialised) 5 Incomplete secondary (general or vocational) 6 Primary 7 Incomplete primary 8 None

ETHN Ethnicity of candidate

1 Lithuanian 2 Russian 3 Pole 4 Jew 5 Other

Poland 1991 Elections const constituency votereg number of registered voters in constituency voted votes cast valid valid votes pvalid % valid votes turnout % turnout party party seats seats won in constituency seatsc seats to be distributed in constituency pseats % seats won in constituency pvote % valid votes in constituency. const 1 Warsaw1 2 Warsaw2 3 Plock-Skierniwice 4 Lodz 5 Piotrkow 6 Konin-Sieradz 7 8 Kielce 9 Czestochowa 10 Opole 11 Wroclaw 12 Walbrzych 13 Jelenogora-Legnica 14 Zielonogora-Leszczynskie 15 Kalisz 16 Torun-Wloclawek 17 Bydgoszcz 18 Poznan 19 Gorzow-Pila 20 Szczecin 21 Koszalin-Slupsk 22 Gdansk 23 Olsztyn-Elblag 24 Ciechanow-Ostroleka-Lomza 25 Bialystok-Suwalki 26 Siedlce-Bialopodlaskie 27 Zamosc-Chelm 28 Lublin 29 Rzeszow-Tarnobrzeg 30 Krosno-Przemysl 31 Tarnow 32 NowySad 33 Krakow 34 Bielskie 35 Katowice-Sosnowiec 36 Katowice 37 Katoice-Gliwice party 1 ZZwOS Trades Union in Defense of Society (Zwiazki Zawodowe w Obronie Spoleczenstwa) 2 PSL Polish (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) 3 SP (Solidarnosc Pracy) 4 KR Republican Coalition (Koalicja Republikanska) 6 KWP Committee of Orthodox Believers (\Komitet Wyborczy Prawoslawnych) 7 CD Christian Democracy (Chrzescijanska Demokracja) 8 SD Democratic Party (Stronnictwo Demokratyczne) 9 RiMP Artisans and Small Entrepreneurs (Rzemioslo i Mala Przedsiebiorczosc) 10 RAS Movement for Silesian Autonomy (Ruch Autonomii Slaska) 12 POC Civic Centre Accord (Porozumienie Obywatelskie Centrum) 13 PL Peasant Accord (Porozumienie Ludowe) 14 KRS Congress of the Self-Governing Republic (Kongres Rzeczpospolitej Samorzadnej) 16 NSZZP Independent Self-Governing Police Trade Union (Niezalezny Sam. Zwiazek Zawodowy Policjantów) 17 WAK Catholic Electoral Action (Wyborcza Akcja Katolicka) 19 X Party X (Partia X) 20 MN Mniejszosc Niemiecka (German Minority) 22 RPW Movement for Universal Ownership (Ruch Powszechnej Wlasnosci) 23 SN National Party (Stronnictwo Narodowe) 25 RiK Family and Woman (Rodzina i Kobieta) 26 NKWK Independent Electoral Committee of Railway Workers (Niezalezny Komitet Wyborczy Kolejarzy) 30 S Solidarity Trade Union (NSZZ Solidarnosc) 31 PPD Polish Party of Wellbeing (Polska Partia Dobrobytu) 32 KLD Liberal Democratic Congress (Kongres Liberalno-Demokratycznej) 33 KPMB Small Business Employers' Confederation (Konfederacja Pracodawców Malego Biznesu) 36 ChSP Christian Social Movement 'Alliance' (Ruch Chrzescijansko -Spoleczny 'Przymierze') 39 RDS Democratic-Social Movement (Ruch Demokratyczno-Spoleczny) 40 PSN-PWN Polish National Commonwealth-Polish National Party (Polska Wspolnota Narododowo-Polskie Stronnictwo Narodowe) 41 KPN Confederation for Independent (Konfederacja Polskiej Niepodleglej) 42 UPR Union of Political Realism (Unia Polityki Realnej) 43 E-Z Eco-Greens (Eko-Zieloni) 45 PKL Conservative-Liberal Party (Partia Konserwatywno-Liberalna) 46 PW Freedom Party (Partia Wolnosci) 47 RNP Movement of New Poland (Ruch Nowej Polski - partia rozwoju gospodarczego) 48 BKW Belorussian Election Committee (Bialoruski Komitet Wyborczy) 49 BL-Ch Peoples- (Blok Ludowo-Chrzescijanski) 50 SS Social Justice (Sprawiedliwosci Spolecznej) 53 ZP Healthy Poland -Ecological Alliance (Zdrowa Polska-Sojusz Ekologiczny) 54 UD Democratic Union (Unia Demokratyczna) 55 WBM Minorities' Electoral Bloc (Wyborczy Blok Mniejszosci) 57 PV Victoria Party (Partia Victoria) 58 PZZ Polish Western Union (Polski Zwiazek Zachodni) 60 SLD Alliance of the Democratic Left (Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej) 61 PChD Party of Christian Democrats (Partia Chrzescijanskich Demokratow) 62 PPE-Z Polish Ecology Party-Greens (Polska Partia Ekologiczna - Zieloni) 63 PPPP Polish Friends of Beer Party (Polskie Partia Przyjaciol Piwa) 64 S'80-DS Solidarity '80- Dabrow Silesia (Solidarnosc '80- Slask Dabrowski) 65 NKW National Election Committee (Narodowy Komitet Wyborczy) 66 DNS Give Us a Chance (Daj Nam Szanse) 67 S'80imJP Father Jerzy Popieluszko Solidarity '80 Trade Union (NSZZ Solidarnosc '80 im. Ks. J. Popieluszki) 68 SRK Association of Catholic Families (Stowarzyszenie Rodzin Katolickich) 69 MUW Mazowieckan Electoral Union (Mazowiecka Unia Wyborcza) 70 B Bastion (SWFW Baszta) 251 KSK Women's Coalition (Koalicja Srodowisk Kobiecych) 331 KP-FB Employers' Confederation - Business Forum (Konfederacja Pracodawców - Forum Biznesu) 431 PZiE Coalition of Green and Environmental Parties (Koalicja Partii Zielonych i Ekologicznej) 432 PPZ Polish Green Party (Polska Partia Zielonych) 433 E Ecology (Ekologia) 581 PZZ-WiM Polish Western Union - Movement of Polish Warmia and Mazuria (PZZ - Ruch Polskich Warmii i Mazur) 660 K Combatant (Kombatant) 661 N'91 Independents '91 (Niezalezni '91) 662 SKW Self-Governing Electoral Committee (Samorzadowy Komitet Wyborczy) 663 SLiE Solidary Tenants and Pensioners (Solidarni Lokatorzy i Emeryci) 664 BPiST Industrial and Technical Bloc (Blok Przemyslu i Srodowisk Technicznych) 665 BHO God, Honor, Fatherland (Bóg, Honor, Ojczyzna) 666 PETEP Polish Nursing Association (PETEP Polskie Towarzystwo Pielegniarskie) 667 ZERiI Polish Union of Retired, Pensioners and Invalids in Legnica (Polski Zwiazek Emerytów, Rencistów i Inwalidow O/W Legnica) 668 PZM Chairman Zbigniew Morawski's List (Lista Prezesa Zbigniewa Morawskiego) 669 UP Union of Great Poles (Unia Wielkopolan) 671 Sam. Self-Government (Samorzadnosc) 672 BLGWR Independent List of Radom Communes (Bezpartyjna Lis ta Gmin Wojewodztwa Radomskiego) 673 SSKW Firefighters' Social Election Committee (Strazacki Spoleczny Komitet Wyborczy) 674 GKN Group of Independent Candidates (Grupa Kandydatów Niezaleznych) 675 Klos Independent Farmers 'Klos' Committee (Komitet Wyborczy Niezaleznych Rolników Klos) 676 Wp '91 Independent Women of Great Poland '91 (Niezalezny Komitet Wyborczy Wielkopolanki 91) 677 N-P Independents-Entrepreneurs (Niezalezni - Przedsiebiorcy) 678 LNP List of Independent Entrepreneurship (Lista Niezaleznej Przedsiebiorczosci) 679 R Artisanry (Rzemioslo) 681 RN-L-RS National-Liberal Movement-Opposition Movement (Ruch Narodowo-Liberalny - Ruch Sprzeciwu) 682 RLL-S Radom People's-Self-Governing List (Radomska Lista Ludowo-Samorzadowa) 683 RWPP Wroclaw Region above Divisions (Region Wroclawski Ponad Podzialami) 684 UWiL Union of Great Poles and Lubuszan (Unia Wielkopolan i Lubuszan) 685 WKS Great Poland Self-Governing Coalition (Wielkopolska Koalicja Samorzadowa) 686 PPD Polish Party of the Homeless (Polska Partia Bezdomnych) 687 KWSG KWSG (KWSG) 688 POpDS Citizens' Understanding of the Solidarity Delegation (Porozumienie Obywatelskie przy Delegaturze S) 689 RRdZ Rescue for the Zaglebie Movement (Ruch Ratunek dla Zaglebia) 691 WpiP Great Poland and Poland (Wielkopolsce i Polsce) 692 LD Allotment-Holders' List (Lista Dzialkowców) 693 PeKaPeeS Electoral Committee of PsKaPeeS Workers (Komitet Wyborczy Pracowników PeKaPeeS) 694 OPDG Social Committee for the Defence of Legality in Dabrowa Gorna (Spol Komitet Obrony Praworzadnosci Dabr Gorna) 700 WKOwT Torun Province Citizens' Committee (Wojewódzki Komitet Obywatelski w Tarnowie) 701 KO Citizens' Committees (Komitety Obywatelskie) 702 KKSzP Cracow Coalition of Solidarity with the President (Krakowska Koalicja Solidarni z Prezydentem) 703 MNKW Little Poland Independent Election Committee (Malopolski Niezalezny Komitet Wyborczy) 704 RRKOwZ Regional Citizens' Committees in Zawiercie (Regionalny Ruch Komitetów Obywatelskich w Zawierciu) 705 BLN Non-Party List of Independents (Bezpartyjna Lista Niezaleznych) 706 NM -PiP German Minority Committee Unity and the Future (Niemiecka Mniejszosc Pojednanie i Przyszlosc) 707 ROS Movement for the Defence of Self-Government (Ruch Obrony Samorzadnosci) 6600 RFW Regional Electoral Forum (Regionalne Forum Wyborcze) 6691 S2000 Association 2000 (Stowarzyszenie 2000) 6692 JL Bydgoszcz List of Pesant Unity (Bydgoska Lista Jednosci Ludowej) 6693 NEiR The Disabled, Retired and Pensioners (Niepelnosprawni, Emeryci i Rencisci) 6694 S '80 Solidarity '80 (Solidarnosc 80) 6695 KWSR Election Committee of Peasant Self-Defence (Komitet Wyborczy Samoobrona Rolników) 6696 NP Our Poland - Non-Party List (Nasza Polska - Lista bezpartyjnych) 6697 PWSR Northeastern Agricultural Association (Pólnocno Wschodnie Stowarzyszenie Rolnicze) 6698 KWWGP Election Committee of the Kurp Communes (Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Gmin Kurpiowskich) 6699 WIS Free Social Initiative (Wolna Inicjatywa Spoleczna) 6791 O Ojcowizna (Ojcowizna) 6792 Piast Piast Peasant Election Agreement (Ludowe Porozumienie Wyborcze Piast) 6793 ZwP Union of Podhalans (Zwiazek Podhalan) 6794 SKPTZ Alliance of Women against Life's Hardships (Sojusz Kobiet Przeciw Trudnosciom Zycia) 6795 LNzRZ List of Independents of the Labour Movement (Lista Niezaleznych z Ruchu Zawodowego) 6796 KWPTC Election Committee of Polish Charitable Associations (Komitet Wyborczy Polskie Towarzystwa Charytatywne) 6800 LNzRZw List of Independents of the Trade Union Movement (Lista Niezaleznych z Ruchu Zwiazkowego) 6801 PPN Polish Independence Party (Polska Partia Niepodleglosci) 6802 PKO Agreement of Citizens' Committees (Porozumienie Komitetów Obywatelskich)

Poland – 1991 elections – candidate data

CONST constituency

1 Warsaw1 2 Warsaw2 3 Plock/Skierniwice 4 Lodz 5 Piotrkow 6 Konin/Sieradz 7 Radom 8 Kielce 9 Czestochowa 10 Opole 11 Wroclaw 12 Walbrzych 13 Jelenogora/Legnica 14 Zielonogora/Leszczynskie 15 Kalisz 16 Torun/Wloclawek 17 Bydgoszcz 18 Poznan 19 Gorzow/Pila 20 Szczecin 21 Koszalin/Slupsk 22 Gdansk 23 Olsztyn/Elblag 24 Ciechanow/Ostroleka/Lomza 25 Bialystok/Suwalki 26 Siedlce/Bialopodlaskie 27 Zamosc/Chelm 28 Lublin 29 Rzeszow/Tarnobrzeg 30 Krosno/Przemysl 31 Tarnow 32 NowySad 33 Krakow 34 Bielskie 35 Katowice/Sosnowiec 36 Katowice 37 Katoice/Gliwice


VOTEREG number of voters registered in constituency

VOTED number of voters who voted in constituency

VALID valid vote

PROPVALI proportion of valid votes

TURNOUT per cent turnout in constituency

PARTY party

1 Zwiazki Zawodowe w Obronie Spoleczenstwa 2 Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe (PSL) 3 Solidarnosc Pracy 4 Koalicja Republikanska 6 "Komitet Wyborczy Prawoslawnych" 7 Chrzescijanska Demokracja 8 "Stronnictwo Demokratyczne 9 "Rzemioslo i Mala Przedsiebiorczosc" 10 Ruch Autonomii Slaska 12 Porozumienie Obywatelskie Centrum "POC" 13 Porozumienie Ludowe 14 Kongres Rzeczpospolitej Samorzadnej 16 Niezalezny Sam. Zwiazek Zawodowy Policjantów 17 Wyborcza Akcja Katolicka _

19 Party X 20 German Minority 22 Ruch Powszechnej Wlasnosci 23 Stronnictwo Narodowe 25 "Rodzina i Kobieta" 26 "Niezalezny Komitet Wyborczy Kolejarzy" 30 Solidarity 31 Polska Partia Dobrobytu 32 Kongres Liberalno-Demokratycznej (KLD) 33 Konfederacja Pracodawców Malego Biznesu 36 "Ruch Chrzescijansko-Spoleczny PRZYMIERZE" 39 Ruch Demokratyczno-Spoleczny (RDS) 40 Polskie Stronnictwo narodowe-Pols Wspolnota Narodowa(PSN-PWN 41 Konfederacja Polskiej Niepodleglej (KPN) 42 Unia Polityki Realnej 43 Eko-Zieloni 45 "Partia Konserwatywno-Liberalna" 46 Partia Wolnosci 47 RUCH NOWEJ POLSKI - partia rozwoju gosp. 48 Bialoruski Komitet Wyborczy 49 Blok Ludowo-Chrzescijanski 50 Sprawiedlowosci Spolecznej 53 "ZDROWA POLSKA" - SOJUSZ EKOLOGICZNY 54 Unia Demokratyczna 55 "Wyborczy Blok Mniejszosci" 57 Partia Victoria 58 Polski Zwiazek Zachodni 60 Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (SLD) 61 Partia Chrzescijanskich Demokratow 62 Polska Partia Ekologiczna - Zieloni 63 Polskie Partia Przyjaciol Piwa (PPPP) 64 Solidarnosc'80- Slask Dabrowski 65 Narodowy Komitet Wyborczy 66 Daj Nam Szanse 67 NSZZ "Solidarnosc"80 im.ks.J.Popieluszki 68 Stowarzyszenie Rodzin Katolickich 69 "Mazowiecka Unia Wyborcza" 70 SWFW "Baszta" 251 Koalicja Srodowisk Kobiecych 331 Konfederacja Pracodawców - Forum Biznesu 431 Koalicja Partii Zielonych i Ekologicznej 432 Polska Partia Zielonych 433 "Ekologia" 581 PZZ - Ruch Polskich Warmii i Mazur 660 "Kombatant" 661 Niezalezni'91 662 "Samorzadowy Komitet Wyborczy" 663 "Solidarni Lokatorzy i Emeryci" 664 "Blok Przemyslu i Srodowisk Technicznych" 665 "Bóg, Honor, Ojczyzna" 666 PETEP Polskie Towarzystwo Pielegniarskie 667 Polski Zw. Emerytów, Rencistów i Inw. O/W Legnica 668 Lista "Prezesa Zbigniewa Morawskiego" _

669 UNIA WIELKOPOLAN 671 "Samorzadnosc" 672 "Bezpartyjna Lista Gmin Woj. Radomskiego" 673 "STRAZACKI SPOLECZNY KOMITET WYBORCZY" 674 Grupa Kandydatów Niezaleznych 675 Komitet Wyborczy Niezaleznych Rolników Klos 676 Niezalezny Komitet Wyborczy Wielkopolanki 91 677 Niezalezni - Przedsiebiorcy 678 Lista Niezaleznej Przedsiebiorczosci 679 Rzemioslo 681 Ruch Narodowo-Liberalny - Ruch Sprzeciwu 682 Radomska Lista Ludowo-Samorzadowa 683 "Region Wroclawski Ponad Podzialami" 684 Unia Wielkopolan i Lubuszan 685 Wielkopolska Koalicja Samorzadowa 686 Polska Partia Bezdomnych 687 KWSG 688 Porozumienie Obywatelskie przy Delegaturze "S" 689 Ruch "Ratunek dla Zaglebia" 691 "Wielkopolsce i Polsce" 692 Lista Dzialkowców 693 "Komitet Wyborczy Pracowników PeKaPeeS" 694 Spol. Komitet Obrony Praworzadnosci Dabr. G. 700 Wojewódzki Komitet Obywatelski w Tarnowie 701 Komitety Obywatelskie 702 "Krakowska Koalicja Solidarni z Prezydentem" 703 Malopolski Niezalezny Komitet Wyborczy 704 Reg. Ruch Komitetów Obywatelskich w Zawierciu 705 Bezpartyjna Lista Niezaleznych 706 Niemiecka Mniejszosc Pojednanie i Przyszlosc 707 Ruch Obrony Samorzadnosci 6600 Regionalne Forum Wyborcze 6691 "Stowarzyszenie 2000" 6692 Bydgoska Lista Jednosci Ludowej 6693 "Niepelnosprawni, Emeryci i Rencisci" 6694 "Solidarnosc 80" 6695 Komitet Wyborczy "Samoobrona Rolników" 6696 Nasza Polska - Lista bezpartyjnych 6697 Pólnocno Wschodnie Stowarzyszenie Rolnicze 6698 Komitet Wyborczy Wyborców Gmin Kurpiowskich 6699 Wolna Inicjatywa Spoleczna "WIS" 6791 "Ojcowizna" 6792 Ludowe Porozumienie Wyborcze "Piast" 6793 Zwiazek Podhalan 6794 Sojusz Kobiet Przeciw Trudnosciom Zycia 6795 "Lista Niezaleznych z Ruchu Zawodowego" 6796 Komitet Wyborczy Polskie Tow. Charytatywne 6800 "Lista Niezaleznych z Ruchu Zwiazkowego" 6801 Polska Partia Niepodleglosci 6802 Porozumienie Komitetów Obywatelskich


LISTPLAC candidate's place on the party list

CANDIDAT candidate's surname

FIRSTNAM candidate's first name

GENDER gender

0 male 1 female

AGE age

OCCUPATI self-ascribed occupation

EDUC education

1 higher education 2 incomplete higher education


OCCUP1 occupation1

0 unknown 1 state officials 2 business 3 professional 4 NGO sector 5 skilled & unskilled workers 6 other occupation 7 pensioner 8 student 9 not employed/unemployed

OCCUP2 occupation 2

0 not known 1 administrative, national 2 administrative, regional/local 3 military, police, customs 4 enterprise directors 5 directors, agricultural enterprises 6 industrial/service managers 7 managers, agricultural enterprises 8 legal professionals 9 economic, financial, marketing professionals 10 teachers 11 health 12 academics 13 artists, actors, musicians etc 14 journalists, incl publishers 15 scientists, engineering and technical specialists 16 other professionals


VOTE number of votes received

RESULT result

0 not elected 1 elected in constituency 2 elected on national list

INCUMB incumbency record

0 not previously elected 1 elected in 1989 2 elected in 1993 3 elected in 1997 4 elected in 1991, 1993, 1997 5 elected in 1993, 1997

MINISTRY ministerial experience

0 no 1


WINPART parties winning seats

0 did not win 2 PSL 3 Solidarnosc Pracy 7 Chrzescijanska Demokra\ja 8 Stronnictwo Demokratyczne 12 Porozumienie Obywatelskie Centrum 13 Porozumienie Ludowe 17 Wyborcza Akcja Katolicka 19 Party X 32 Kongres Liberalno-Demokratyczne 39 Ruch Demokratyczno-Spoleczny 41 Konfederacja Polski Niepodleglej 42 Unia Polityki Realnej 54 Unia Demokratyczne 60 Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej


Poland 1993 Sejm elections const constituency votereg number of registered voters in constituency votes votes won by party in constituency voted votes cast valid valid votes turnout % turnout party party seats seats won in constituency seatsc seats to be distributed in constituency pseats % seats won in constituency pvote % valid votes in constituency.

Const 1 Warsaw 2 Warsaw 2 3 Bialo-podlaska 4 Bialystok 5 Bielsko -biala 6 Bydgoszcz 7 Chelm 8 Ciechanow 9 Czestochowa 10 Elblag 11 Gdansk 12 Gorzow Wielkopolski 13 Jelenia Gora 14 Kalisz 15 Sosnowiec 16 Katowice 17 Giwice 18 Kielce 19 Konin 20 Koszalin 21 Krakow 22 Krosno 23 Legnica 24 Leszno 25 Lublin 26 Lomza 27 Lodz 28 Nowy Sacz 29 Olsztyn 30 Opole 31 Ostroleka 32 Pila 33 Piotrkow 34 Plock 35 Poznan 36 Przemysl 37 Radom 38 Rzeszow 39 Siedlce 40 Sieradz 41 Skierniewice 42 Slupsk 43 Suwalki 44 Szczecin 45 Tarnobrzeg 46 Tarnow 47 Torun 48 Walbrzych 49 Wloclawek 50 Wroclaw 51 Zamosc 52 ZielonaGora

Party 1 PC Centre Accord (Porozumienie Centrum) 2 O(ZChN-KK) Fatherland(-Conservative Coalition) - Ojczyzna (Zjednoczenie Chrzescijansko-Narodowe + Koalicja Konserwatywna) 3 PL Peasant Accord (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe-Porozumienie Ludowe) 4 KPN Confederation for Independent Poland (Konfederacja Polski Niepodleglej) 5 SLD Alliance of the Democratic Left (Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej) 6 PSL Polish Peasant Party (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) 7 KLD Liberal-Democratic Congress (Kongres Liberalno-Demokratyczny) 8 S National Commission of the Solidarity Trade Union (Komisja Krajowa NSZZ Solidarnosc) 9 UD Democratic Union (Unia Demokratyczna) 10 BBWR Non-Party Reform Bloc (Bezpartyjny Blok Wspierania Reform) 11 UP (Unia Pracy) 12 UPR Union of Political Realism (Unia Polityki Realnej) 13 PWN-PSN Polish National Commonwealth-Polish National Party (Polskie Wspolnota Narodowa-Polskie Stronnictwo Narodowe) 14 PPPP Polish Friends of Beer Party (Polska Partia Przyjaciol Piwa) 15 KdR Coalition for the Republic (Koalicja dla Rzeczypospolitej) 16 NDFK Germans of Katowice (Towarzystwo Spoleczno-Kulturalne Niemcow DFK) 17 X Party X (Partia X) 19 S-O Self-Defence (SamoObrona) 21 RAS Movement for Silesian Autonomy (Ruch Autonomii Slaska) 24 PUP Polish Union of Workers (Polska Unia Pracujacych) 25 PiP German Community 'Unity and the Future' (Niemiecka Wspolnota Pojednanie i Przyszlosc)

Poland 1993 elections – candidate data

CONST constituency

1 Warsaw 2 Warsaw 2 3 Bialo-podlaska 4 Bialystok 5 Bielsko-biala 6 Bydgoszcz 7 Chelm 8 Ciechanow 9 Czestochowa 10 Elblag 11 Gdansk 12 Gorzow Wielkopolski 13 Jelenia Gora 14 Kalisz 15 Sosnowiec 16 Katowice 17 Giwice 18 Kielce 19 Konin 20 Koszalin 21 Krakow 22 Krosno 23 Legnica 24 Leszno 25 Lublin 26 Lomza 27 Lodz 28 Nowy Sacz 29 Olsztyn 30 Opole 31 Ostroleka 32 Pila 33 Piotrkow 34 Plock 35 Poznan 36 Przemysl 37 Radom 38 Rzeszow 39 Siedlce 40 Sieradz _

41 Skierniewice 42 Slupsk 43 Suwalki 44 Szczecin 45 Tarnobrzeg 46 Tarnow 47 Torun 48 Walbrzych 49 Wloclawek 50 Wroclaw 51 Zamosc 52 ZielonaGora

VOTEREG number of voters registered in constituency

VOTED votes cast in constituency

VALID valid votes in constituency

TURNOUT turnout in constituency

PARTY party

1 Porozumienie Centrum (PC) 2 Ojczyzna (ZChN,KK) 3 Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe - Porozumienie Ludowe (PL) 4 Konfederacja Polski Niepodleglej (KPN) 5 Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (SLD) 6 Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe 7 Kongres Liberalno-Demokratyczny 8 Komisja Krajowa NSZZ "Solidarnosc" _

9 Unia Demokratyczna (UD) 10 Bezpartyjny Blok Wspierania Reform (BBWR) 11 Unia Pracy (UP) 12 Unia Polityki Realnej 13 Polskie Wspolnota Narodowa (PWN-PSN) 14 Polska partia Przyjaciol Piwa 15 Koalicja dla Rzeczypospolitej 16 Towarzystwo Spoleczno-Kulturalne Niemcow - DFK (German Minor 17 Partia X 18 Komitet Wyborczy Otwarta Kampania Niezaleznych 19 SamoObrona 20 Ojczyzna -Lista Polska 21 Ruch autonomii Slaska 22 NOT 23 Rzemieslnicza Partia Polski 24 Polska Unia Pracujacych 25 Niemiecka Wspolnota Pojednanie i Przyszlosc (German Minori 26 Spoldzielczy Dom 251 Narodowy Front Polski 252 Wyborcza Akcja Bezrobotnych 253 Olsztynskie Stowarzyszenia Mniejszosci Niemieckiej 254 Polski Front Patriotyczny 255 Polska Partia Odnowy Kraju 256 Mniejszosc Niemiecka 257 Czestochowa Mniejszosc Niemiecka 258 Zwiazek Bialoruski 259 Narodowe Towarzystwo Oswiatowe

LISTPLAC candidate's place on the party list in constituency

NATLIST candidate's place on the national list

CANDIDAT candidate's surname

FIRSNAM candidates first name


GENDER gender

0 male 1 female

AGE age

OCCUPATI self-ascribed occupation

OCCUP1 general occupation

0 unknown 1 state officials 2 business 3 professional 4 NGO sector 5 skilled & unskilled workers 6 other occupation 7 pensioner 8 student 9 not employed-unemployed


OCCUP2 specific occupation

0 unknown 1 administrative, national 2 administrative, regional-local 3 military, police, customs 4 enterprise directors 5 directors, agricultural enterprises 6 industrial-service managers 7 managers, agricultural enterprises 8 legal professionals 9 economic, financial, marketing professionals 10 teachers 11 health 12 academics 13 Artists, actors, musicians, etc 14 Journalists and publishers 15 Scientists, engineering, technical and agricultural speciali 16 Other professionals 17 Political party activists

VOTE no of votes for candidate

ELECTED elected or not

0 lost 1 won in constituency 2 won in national list


INCUMB incumbency record

WINPART parties winning seats

0 did not win seats 4 KPN 5 SLD 6 PSL 9 UD 10 BBWR 11 UP


Poland 1997 – candidate data

CONSTIT constituency

1 Legnica 2 Walbrych 3 Wroclaw 4 Bydgoszcz 5 Torun 6 Lublin 7 Chelm 8 Zielona Gora 9 Lodz 10 Piotrków Trybunalski 11 Sieradz 12 Chrzanów 13 Krakow 14 Nowy Sacz 15 Tarnów 16 Plock 17 Radom 18 Siedlce 19 Warsaw 20 Warsaw2 21 Opole 22 Krosno, Przemysl 23 Rzeszów 24 Bialystok 25 Gdansk 26 Gdynia, Slupsk 27 Bielsko-Biala 28 Czestochowa 29 Gliwice 30 Rybnik 31 Katowice 32 Sosnowiec 33 Kielce 34 Elblag 35 Olsztyn 36 Kalisz 37 Konin 38 Pila 39 Poznan 40 Koszalin 41 Szczecin

DM district magnitude

NTURNOUT turnout, national

NVOTEREG total no of registered voters - national aggregate

NCAST total votes cast - national aggregate

NINVALID total invalid vote - national aggregate

NVALID total valid vote - national aggregate

TURNOUT turnout, constituency (%)

VOTEREG electorate in constituency

VALID valid vote in constituency

INVALID invalid vote in constituency

PARTVOTE party vote in constituency

PCCON % party vote in constituency (pvote = partvote / validcon * 100)

PARTY party/coalition

1 SLD-UP 2 Solidarity Election Action Prawice (AWSP) 3 Unia Wolnosci (UW) 4 SamoObrona 5 Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc (PiS) 6 Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe (PSL) 7 Platforma Obywatelska (PO) 8 Alternatywa 9 Polska Wspolnota Narodowa (PWN) 10 Liga Polskich Rodzin 11 Mniejszosc Niemiecka 13 Polska Unia Gospodarcza 14 Polska Partia Socjalistyczna (PPS) 15 Niemiecka Mniejszosc Górnego Slaska

LISTPLAC candidate's place on the party list

CANDIDAT candidate's surname

NAME candidate's first name

VOTES no of votes for candidate

AFFIL party affiliation

ELECTED elected or not

0 did not win seat 1 won seat

GENDER gender

0 male 1 female

OCCUP candidate's self ascribed occupation

OCCUP1 general occupation

0 not known 1 state officials, national and local 2 business 3 professional 4 NGO 5 manual and non-manual workers, including agriculture 6 other occupations 7 pensioners/retired 8 students 9 not employed, incl unemployed 99 pending

OCCUP2 specific occupation

0 not known 1 state administrative officials, national 2 local government 3 military, police, secret service, customs 4 directors of industrial or service firms 5 directors of agricultural enterprises 6 managers in industrial or service firms 7 managers in agricultural enterprises 8 legal professionals 9 economic, finance and marketing professionals 10 teachers (not higher ed) 11 health professionals 12 academics 13 artists, actors, musicians etc. 14 journalists and publishers 15 engineers, scientists, technical specialists (incl. agric.) 16 other professionals 17 political party leaders/party workers 18 religious workers 19 trade unionists 20 other NGO workers 21 clerical and non-manual workers 22 skilled and unskilled manual workers 23 farmers and agricultural workers, incl forestry 24 other occupations 25 pensioners and retired persons 26 students 27 not employed, including unemployed abnd housewives 28 entrepreneurs, unspecified 29 traders

EDUC candidate's education

1 full higher education 2 incomplete higher

INCUMBCY incumbency

0 not incumbent 1 deputy in previous Sejm 2 previously a Senator

AGE candidate's age

PARTYPE party type

1 socialist 2 social democratic 3 agrarian 4 liberal 5 Christian democrat 6 Conservative 7 nationalist 8 minority 9 populist 10 extreme right 11 other

WINPART parties winning seats

0 did not win seats 1 SLD-UP 4 SO 5 PiS 6 PSL 7 PO 10 LPR 11 German Minority

WINPAR2 won, excluding German minority

0 did not win seats


Poland - 1997 Sajm elections

Const constituency Votereg number of registered voters in constituency votes votes won by party in constituency votedvotes cast valid valid votes turnout % turnout party political party seats seats won in constituency seatsc seats to be distributed in constituency pseats % seats wo n in constituency pvote % valid votes in constituency.

Const 1 Warsaw 2 Warsaw 2 3 Bialo-podlaska 4 Bialystok 5 Bielsko -biala 6 Bydgoszcz 7 Chelm 8 Ciechanow 9 Czestochowa 10 Elblag 11 Gdansk 12 Gorzow Wielkopolski 13 Jelenia Gora 14 Kalisz 15 Sosnowiec 16 Katowice 17 Giwice 18 Kielce 19 Konin 20 Koszalin 21 Krakow 22 Krosno 23 Legnica 24 Leszno 25 Lublin 26 Lomza 27 Lodz 28 Nowy Sacz 29 Olsztyn 30 Opole 31 Ostroleka 32 Pila 33 Piotrkow 34 Plock 35 Poznan 36 Przemysl 37 Radom 38 Rzeszow 39 Siedlce 40 Sieradz 41 Skierniewice 42 Slupsk 43 Suwalki 44 Szczecin 45 Tarnobrzeg 46 Tarnow 47 Torun 48 Walbrzych 49 Wloclawek 50 Wroclaw 51 Zamosc 52 ZielonaGora

Party 1 UP Labour Union (Unia Pracy) 2 BdP Bloc for Poland (Blok dla Polski) 3 KPEiRRP National Agreement of Pensioners and Retired of the Polish Republic (Krajowe Porozumienie Emerytow i Rencistow Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) 4 UW Freedom Union (Unia Wolnosci) 5 AWS Solidarity Electoral Action (Akcja Wyborcza Solidarnosc) 6 SLD Alliance of the Democratic Left (Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej) 7 PSL Polish Peasant Party (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe) 8 UPR Union of the Right of the Republic (Unia Prawicy Rzeczypospolitej) 9 ROP Movement for Rebuilding Poland (Ruch Odbudowy Polski) 10 KPEiR National Party of Pensioners and Retired Persons (Krajowa Partia Emerytow i Rencistow) 11 PWN-PSN Polish National Commonwealth-Polish National Party (Pol Wspolnota Narodowe-Polskie Stronnictwo Narodowe) 12 SO Self-Defence (SamoObrona) 14 NK Germans of Katowice Province (Niemcow Wojewodztwa Katowickiego) 15 NiB Independents and Non-Partisans (Niezalezni i Bezpartyjni) 151 Prawoclawni Orthodox Believers (Prawoclawni) 152 NC Germans of Czestochowa (Niemcy Czestochowy) 153 MN(E) German Minority of Elblag (Mniejszosc Niemiecka Elblagu) 154 PiP Unity and the Future (Pojednanie i Przyszlosc) 155 MN(O) German Minority of Olsztyn (Mniejszosc Niemiecka Wojewodztwa Olsztynskiego) 156 MN(OS) German Socio-Cultural Association of Opole Silesia (Towarzystwo Spoleczno- Kulturalne na Slasku Opolskim) 157 SL(PPS) People's Alliance 'Poland Labour Justice' (Sojusz Ludzi 'Polska Praca Sprawiedliwosc')

Poland 1997 – candidate data

CONST constituency

1 Warsaw 2 Warsaw 2 3 Bialo-podlaska 4 Bialystok 5 Bielsko-biala 6 Bydgoszcz 7 Chelm 8 Ciechanow 9 Czestochowa 10 Elblag 11 Gdansk 12 Gorzow Wielkopolski 13 Jelenia Gora 14 Kalisz 15 Sosnowiec 16 Katowice 17 Giwice 18 Kielce 19 Konin 20 Koszalin 21 Krakow 22 Krosno 23 Legnica 24 Leszno 25 Lublin 26 Lomza 27 Lodz 28 Nowy Sacz 29 Olsztyn 30 Opole 31 Ostroleka 32 Pila 33 Piotrkow 34 Plock 35 Poznan 36 Przemysl 37 Radom 38 Rzeszow 39 Siedlce 40 Sieradz 41 Skierniewice 42 Slupsk 43 Suwalki 44 Szczecin 45 Tarnobrzeg 46 Tarnow 47 Torun 48 Walbrzych 49 Wloclawek 50 Wroclaw 51 Zamosc 52 ZielonaGora

VOTEREG electorate in constituency

VOTED votes cast in constituency

VALID valid votes in constituency

TURNOUT turnout in constituency

PARTY party

1 Porozumienie Centrum (PC) 2 Ojczyzna (ZChN,KK) 3 Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe - Porozumienie Ludowe (PL) 4 Konfederacja Polski Niepodleglej (KPN) 5 Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (SLD) 6 Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe 7 Kongres Liberalno-Demokratyczny 8 Komisja Krajowa NSZZ "Solidarnosc" 9 Unia Demokratyczna (UD) 10 Bezpartyjny Blok Wspierania Reform (BBWR) 11 Unia Pracy (UP) 12 Unia Polityki Realnej 13 Polskie Wspolnota Narodowa (PWN-PSN) 14 Polska partia Przyjaciol Piwa 15 Koalicja dla Rzeczypospolitej 16 Towarzystwo Spoleczno-Kulturalne Niemcow - DFK 17 Partia X 18 Komitet Wyborczy Otwarta Kampania Niezaleznych 19 SamoObrona 20 Ojczyzna -Lista Polska 21 Ruch autonomii Slaska 22 NOT 23 Rzemieslnicza Partia Polski 24 Polska Unia Pracujacych 25 Niemiecka Wspolnota Pojednanie i Przyszlosc 26 Spoldzielczy Dom 251 Narodowy Front Polski 252 Wyborcza Akcja Bezrobotnych 253 Olsztynskie Stowarzyszenia Mniejszosci Niemieckiej 254 Polski Front Patriotyczny 255 Polska Partia Odnowy Kraju 256 Mniejszosc Niemiecka 257 Czestochowa Mniejszosc Niemiecka 258 Zwiazek Bialoruski 259 Narodowe Towarzystwo Oswiatowe

LISTPLAC position on constituency list

NATLIST position on national list

CANDIDAT candidate's surname

FIRSNAM candidates first name

GENDER gender

0 male 1 female

AGE age

OCCUPATI self-ascribed occupation

OCCUP1 general occupation

0 unknown 1 state officials 2 business 3 professional 4 NGO sector 5 skilled & unskilled workers 6 other occupation 7 pensioner 8 student 9 not employed-unemployed


OCCUP2 specific occupation

0 unknown 1 administrative, national 2 administrative, regional-local 3 military, police, customs 4 enterprise directors 5 directors, agricultural enterprises 6 industrial-service managers 7 managers, agricultural enterprises 8 legal professionals 9 economic, financial, marketing professionals 10 teachers 11 health 12 academics 13 Artists, actors, musicians, etc 14 Journalists and publishers 15 Scientists, engineering, technical and agricultural speciali 16 Other professionals 17 Political party activists

VOTE no of votes for candidate

ELECTED elected or not

0 lost 1 won in constituency 2 won in national list


INCUMB incumbency record

WINPART parties winning seats

0 did not win seats 4 KPN 5 SLD 6 PSL 9 UD 10 BBWR 11 UP


Poland 2001 Sejm Elections - Codebook

Constit – constituency

1 Legnica 2 Walbrych 3 Wroclaw 4 Bydgoszcz 5 Torun 6 Lublin 7 Chelm 8 Zielona Gora 9 Lodz 10 Piotrków Trybunalski 11 Sieradz 12 Chrzanów 13 Krakow 14 Nowy Sacz 15 Tarnów 16 Plock 17 Radom 18 Siedlce 19 Warsaw 20 Warsaw2 21 Opole 22 Krosno, Przemysl 23 Rzeszów 24 Bialystok 25 Gdansk 26 Gdynia, Slupsk 27 Bielsko-Biala 28 Czestochowa 29 Gliwice 30 Rybnik 31 Katowice 32 Sosnowiec 33 Kielce 34 Elblag 35 Olsztyn 36 Kalisz 37 Konin 38 Pila 39 Poznan 40 Koszalin 41 Szczecin party - nominating party/alliance 1 SLD-UP 2 Solidarity Election Action Prawice (AWSP) 3 Unia Wolnosci (UW) 4 SamoObrona 5 Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc (PiS) 6 Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe (PSL) 7 Platforma Obywatelska (PO) 8 Alternatywa 9 Polska Wspolnota Narodowa (PWN) 10 Liga Polskich Rodzin 11 Mniejszosc Niemiecka 12 Konfederacja 13 Polska Unia Gospodarcza 14 Polska Partia Socjalistyczna (PPS) 15 Niemiecka Mniejszosc Górnego Slaska

TURNOUT turnout, constituency (%) REGVOT electorate in constituency VALID valid vote in constituency INVALID invalid vote in constituency VOTES votes won in constituency PVOTE % votes won in constituency SEATS seats won in constituency SEATSC district magnitude PSEATS % seats won in constituency - 1990 Parliamentary elections - constituency level results - coding scheme const 'constituency' valid 'valid votes in constituency'

Pno = number of valid votes cast for each contender in constituency PPNo = percentage votes contender - same codes as for number of votes p1 AUR-PUNR AUR - Party of Romanian National Unity from Transilvania and Republican Party (AUR PUNR din Transilvania si Partidul Republican) p2 AFDPR Association of Former Polirical Prisoners and Victoms of the Dictatorship in Romania (Asociatia Fostilor Detinuti Politici si Victime ale Dictaturii din Romania) p3 CLR Community of Lippovans in Romania (Comunitatea Lipovenilor din Romania) p4 FDGR Democratic Forum of the Germans in Romania (Forumul Democratic al Germanilor din Romania) p5 FSN National Salvation Front (Frontul Salvarii Nationale) p6 FPRSN Romanian Popular Front of National Salvation (Frontul Popular Roman al Salvarii Nationale) p7 GCNR Grouping of the Centre 'New Romania' (Gruparea de Centru 'Noua Romanie') p8 GDC Democratic Grouping of the Centre (Gruparea Democratica de Centru) p9 MER Ecological Movement of Romania (Miscarea Ecologista din Romania) p10 PAD Party Alliance for Democracy (Partidul Alianta pentru Democratie) p11 PCRED Party Romanian House of Democratic Europe (Partidul Casa Romana a Europei Democratice) p12 PC Cooperatist Party (Partidul Cooperatist) p13 PDAR Democratic Agrarian Party of Romania (Partidul Democrat Agrar din Romania) p14 PDM Democratic Party of Labour (Partidul Democrat al Muncii) p15 PDCR Constitutional Democratic Party of Romania (Partidul Democrat Constitutional din Romania) p16 PDCRR Democratic Christian Party of the Rroma in Romania (Partidul Democrat Crestin al Romilor din Romania) p17 PDE Democratic Ecological Party (Partidul Democrat Ecologist) p18 PDP Democratic Progressive Party (Partidul Democrat Progresist) p19 PDSNDNV Party of Social Justice 'New Democracy' of North West of Romania (Partidul Dreptatii Sociale Noua Democratie de Nord Vest din Romania) p20 PER Ecological Party of Romania (Partidul Ecologist Roman) p21 PEU-Arad Humanist Ecological Party- founded in Arad (Partidul Ecologist Umanist - fondat in Arad) p22 PIM Hungarian Independent Party (Partidul Independent Maghiar) p23 PLLR Liberal Party of Freedon of Romania (Partidul Liberal al Libertatii din Romania) p24 PLS Party of Free Changeability (Partidul Liber Schimbist) p25 MDM Modern Democracy Movement (Miscarea Democratia Moderna) p26 MTD Movement Young Democracy (Miscarea Tinara Democratie) p27 PMDSR Party of Labour and Social Justice of Romania (Partidul Muncii Dreptati Sociale din Romania) p28 PM Party of Labour (Partidul Muncii) p29 PNL National Liberal Party (Partidul National Liberal) p30 PNP National Progressive Party (Partidul National Progresist) p31 PNRep National Republican Party (Partidul National Republican) p32 PNR National Romanian Party (Partidul National Roman) p33 PNRcd National Peasant Party - Christian and Democratic (Partidul National Taranesc crestin si democrat) p34 PPPCERSN Party for the Honouring of the eroes of the Revolution and National Salvation (Partidul pentru Cinstirea Eroilor Revolutiei si Salvare Nationala) p35 PRD Radical Democratic Party (Partidul Radical Democrat) p36 PRNR Party of National Reconstruction of Romania (Partidul Reconstructiei Nationale din Romania) p37 PRND Party for National and Democratic Reconstruction (Partidul pentru Reconstructia Nationala si Democratica) p38 PRC Republican Christian Party (Partidul Republican Crestin) p39 PRNS Romanian Party for the New Society (Partidul Roman pentru Noua Societate) p40 PSDR Romanian Social Democratic Party (Partidul Social Democrat Roman) p41 PSDCR Romanian Christian Social Democratic Party (Partidul Social Democrat Crestin Roman) p42 PSDI Socialist Party of Justice - Independent (Partidul Socialist al Dreptatii - Independent) p43 PSocDR Romanian Socialist Democratic Party (Partidul Socialist Democratic Roman) p44 PTR Romanian Peasant Party (Partidul Taranesc Roman) p45 PT Party of the Gypsies in Romania (Partidul Tiganilor din Romania) p46 PTLDR Party of Free Democratic Youth of Romania (Partidul Tineretului Liber Democrat din Romania) p47 PUP Humanitarian Party of Peace (Partidul Umanitar al Pacii) p48 PUDRRLRPartidul Unit Democrat al Romilor Rudarilor si Lautarilor din Romania p49 PUR Party Republican Union (Partidul Uniunea Republicana) p50 PUD Party of Democratic Unity (Partidul Unitatii Democratice) p51 PVDP Party Democratic Future of the Motherland (Partidul Viitorul Democrat al Patriei) p52 UAR Union of in Romania (Uniunea Armenilor din Romania) p53 UBB-ACBB Bulgarian Union - Cultural Union of (Uniunea Bulgara din Banat Asociatia Culturala Bulgara din Bucuresti) p54 PUCO Party Christian Orthodox Union (Partidul Uniunea Crestin Ortodoxa) p55 PUCR Party of Christian Union of Romania (Partidul Uniuni Crestine din Romania_ p56 UDC Democratic Christian Union (Uniunea Democrat Crestina) p57 UDMR UDMR/RMDSZ - Democratic Union of (Uniunea Democrata a Maghiarilor din Romania) p58 UDRR Democratic Union of the Rroma in Romania (Uniunea Democrata a Romilor din Romania) p59 UDSR Democratic Union of the Serbians in Romania (Uniunea Democratica a Sirbilor din Romania) p60 UDSCR Democratic Union of the Slovaks and Czechs in Romania (Uniunea Democratica a Slovacilor si Cehilor din Romania) p61 UER Hellenic Union of Romania (Uniunea din Romania) p62 ULB Liberal Union 'Bratianu' (Uniunea Liberala 'Bratianu') p63 UPRDomPolski Union of the 'Dom Polski' (Uniunea Polonezilor din Romania Dom Polski) p64 UUR Union of Ukrainians in Romania (Uniunea Ucrainienilor din Romania) p65 PUDM Party of Democratic Unity from (Partidul Unitatii Democratice din Moldova) p66 AMLAAR Workers Alliance 'Freedom' Anticommunist and Antifascist (Alianta Muncitoreasca "Libertatea" Anticomunista si Antifascista) p67 PDCj Democratic Party of Cluj (Partidul Democrat din Cluj) p68 UDTO Democratic Union 'Tara Oasului' (Uniunea Democratica 'Tara Oasului') p69 FDUNR Forum of Democracy and National Unity of Romania (Forumul Democratiei si Unitatii Nationale din Romania) p70 UDTM Democratic Turkish Muslim Union (Uniunea Democrata Turca Musulmana) p71 ULDRR Free Democratic Union of the Rroma in Romania (Uniunea Libera Democratica a Romilor din Romania) Chamber of Deputies p72 Independents Independent Candidates (Candidati Independenti)

Senate p72 Ind. A. Iorgovan Antonie Iorgovan - Independent Candidate p73 Independents Independent Candidates (Candidati Independenti)

SEATS FSN 'seats Frontul Salvarii Nationale' UDMR 'seats Uniunea Democrata a Maghiarilor din Romania' PNL 'seats Partidul National Liberal' PNTcd 'seats Partidul National Taranesc - crestin democrat' MER 'seats Miscarea Ecologista din Romania' AURPUNR 'seats AUR - PUNR din Transilvania si Partidul Republican' PDAR 'seats Partidul Democrat Agrar din Romania' PER 'seats Partidul Ecologist din Romania' PSOCDR 'seats Partidul Socialist Democratic Roman' PSDR 'seats Partidul Social Democrat Roman' GDC 'seats Gruparea Democratica de Centru' Lip 'seats Comunitatea Lipovenilor din Romania' FDGR 'seats Forumul Democrat al Germanilor din Romania' PDM 'seats Partidul Democrat al Muncii' PLS 'seats Partidul Liber Schimbist' PRNR 'seats Partidul Reconstructiei Nationale din Romania' PTLDR 'seats Partidul Tineretului Liber Democrat din Romania' Armen 'seats Uniunea Armenilor din Romania' Ubulg 'seats Uniunea Bulgara din Banat Asociatia Culturala Bulgara din Bucuresti' UDSerb 'seats Uniunea Democratica a Sirbilor din Romania' UDSCR 'Uniunea Democrata a Slovacilor si Cehilor din Romania' UDTM 'seats Uniunea Democratica a Turcilor Musulmani din Romania' UDElena 'seats Uniunea Democratica Elena din Romania' UDRR 'seats Uniunea Democrata a Romilor din Romania' ULBratianu 'seats Uniunea Liberala Bratianu' Polski 'seats Uniunea Polonezilor din Romania Dom Polski' Ukr 'seats Uniunea Ucrainienilor din Romania' indep_io 'Independent Candidate Antonie Iorgovan'.

Const 1 Alba 2 Arad 3 Arges 4 Bacau 5 Bihor 6 Bistrita-Nasaud 7 Botosani 8 Brasov 9 Braila 10 Buzau 11 Caras-Severin 12 Calarasi 13 Cluj 14 Constanta 15 Covasna 16 Dambovita 17 Dolj 18 Galati 19 Giurgiu 20 Gorj 21 Harghita 22 Hunedoara 23 Ialomita 24 Iasi 25 Maramures 26 Mehedinti 27 Mures 28 Neamt 29 Olt 30 Prahova 31 Satu Mare 32 Salaj 33 Sibiu 34 35 Teleorman 36 Timis 37 Tulcea 38 Vaslui 39 Valcea 40 Vrancea 41 Bucuresti Romania – Chamber of Deputies and Senate constituency level election results - 1992

CONST constituency 1 Alba 2 Arad 3 Arges 4 Bacau 5 Bihor 6 Bistrita-Nasaud 7 Botosani 8 Brasov 9 Braila 10 Buzau 11 Caras-Severin 12 Calarasi 13 Cluj 14 Constanta 15 Covasna 16 Dambovita 17 Dolj 18 Galati 19 Giurgiu 20 Gorj 21 Harghita 22 Hunedoara 23 Ialomita 24 Iasi 25 Maramures 26 Mehedinti 27 Mures 28 Neamt 29 Olt 30 Prahova 31 Satu Mare 32 Salaj 33 Sibiu 34 Suceava 35 Teleorman 36 Timis 37 Tulcea 38 Vaslui 39 Valcea 40 Vrancea 41 Bucuresti 42 Ilfov

PARTY party (list)

0 INDEP candidati independenti 1 CDR CDR – Democratic Convention of Romania (Conventia Democrata din Romania)* 2 LNER National League of Expropriated of Romania (Liga Nationala a Expropriatilor din Romania) 3 PAJosNomenklatura Antitotalitarian Party 'Down the Nomenklatura' (Partidul Antitotalitarist "Jos Nomenclatura") 4 PDS -NV Partidul Dreptatii Sociale (Noua Democratie) de Nord-Vest din Romania 5 PMPLIR Party of Small Owners and Free Innitiative of Romania (Partidul Micilor Proprietari si al Liberei Initiative din Romania) 6 PNR (Partidul National Roman) 7 PRUR Repubican Party of ' Unity (Partidul Republican de Unitate a Romanilor) 8 PDST Traditional Social Democratic Party (Partidul Social Democrat Traditional) 9 PUP Humanitarian Party of Peace (Partidul Umanitar al Pacii) 10 UAR Union of Armenians of Romania (Uniunea Armenilor din Romania) 11 UDSkCzR Democatic Union of Slovaks and Czechs in Romania (Uniunea Democratica a Slovacilor si Cehilor din Romania) 12 AND Alliance of National Dignity (Alianta pentru Demnitate Nationala) 13 CSS Convention of Social Solidarity (Conventia Solidaritatii Sociale) 14 MER Romanian Ecological Movement (Miscarea Ecologista din Romania) 15 PDAR Agrarian Democratic Party of Romania (Partidul Democrat Agrar din Romania) 16 PDN Party of the National Right (Partidul Dreptei Nationale) 17 PMNSP Party Movement ' Motherland's Shield' (Partidul Miscarea Nationala "Scutul Patriei") 18 PNT National Peasant Party (Partidul National Taranesc) 19 PRCD Christian Democratic Party of the Revolution (Partdul Revolutiei Crestin Democrat) 20 PSM Socialist Party of Labour (Partidul Socialist al Muncii) 21 PUDM Party of Democratic Union from Moldova (Partidul Unitatii Democratice din Moldova) 22 UBBR Bulgarian Union in Banat -Romania (Uniunea Bulgara din Banat-Romania) 23 UDTTMR Democratic Union of Turkish-Muslim Tatars in Romania (Uniunea Democratica a Tatarilor Turco-Musulmani din Romania) 24 UUR Union of Ukrainians in Romania (Uniunea Ucrainenilor din Romania) 25 CIR Italian Community in Romania (Comunitatea Italiana din Romania) 26 FDGR Democratic Forum of the Germans in Romania (Forumul Democrat al Germanilor din Romania) 27 MIE Movement for European Integration (Miscarea Pentru Integrare Europeana) 28 PDMR Democratic Party of Labour in Romania (Partidul Democrat al Muncii din Romania) 29 PECLE Party of the Heroes Falled for the Freedom of the Heroes Left Alive and Affected by Barbarian Bullets (Partidul Eroilor Cazuti pentru Libertatea Eroilor Ramasi in Viata Afectati de Gloantele Barbare) 30 PM Party of Labour (Partidul Muncii) 31 PNTCDI Independent National Peasant Christian Democratic Party (Partidul National Taranesc Crestin Democrat Independent) 32 PRDPRR Romanian Popular Democratic Realist Revolutionary Party (Partidul Roman Democrat Popular Realist Revolutionar) 33 PSocDR Romanian Socialist Democratic Party (Partidul Socialist Democratic Roman) 34 PUNR Party of Romanian National Unity (Partidul Unitatii Nationale Romane) 35 UCrR Union of Croats in Romania (Uniunea Croatilor din Romania) 36 UER Hellenic Union in Romania (Uniunea Elena din Romania) 37 LIP Community of the Lippovan Russians in Romania (Comunitatea Rusilor Lipoveni din Romania) 38 FDUNR Forum of Democracy and National Unity of Romania (Forumul Democratiei si Unitatii Nationale din Romania) 39 MPR Movement for Romania (Miscarea Pentru Romania) 40 PDC Democratic Cooperatist Party (Partidul Democrat Cooperatist) 41 PLabR Romanian Labour Party (Partidul Laburist Roman) 42 PNPLR National Party of Free Producers from Romania (Partidul National al Producatorilor Liberi din Romania) 43 PCERSN Party for the Honouring of the Heroes of the Revolution and National Salvation (Partidul pentru Cinstirea Eroilor Revolutiei si Salvare Nationala) 44 PRM Party (Partidul Romania Mare) 45 PTR Party of Gypsies in Romania (Partidul Tiganilor din Romania) 46 PUSD Party of Social Democratic Unity (Partidul Unitatii Social-Democrate) 47 Serb Democratic Union of Serbs and Carasovenians of Romania (Uniunea Democrata a Sirbilor si Carasovenilor din Romania) 48 UGRR General Union of Roma in Romania (Uniunea Generala a Romilor din Romania) 49 CDU United Democ ratic Convention (Conventia Democrata Unita) 50 FDSN Democratic National Salvation Front (Frontul Democrat al Salvarii Nationale) 51 NPL New Liberal Party (Noul Partid Liberal) 52 PDI Independent Democratic Party (Partidul Democrat Independent) 53 PLMR Liberal Monarchist Party of Romania (Partidul Liberal Monarhist din Romania) 54 PNDC Christian National Democratic Party (Partidul National Democrat Crestin) 55 PRIR Romanian Renaissance and Independence Party (Partidul Renasterea si Independenta Romaniei) 56 PRNS Romanian Party for a New Society (Partidul Roman pentru Noua Societate) 57 P'TR' Party 'Republican Tribune' (Partidul "Tribuna Republicana") 58 PVDP Party Democratic Future of the Motherland (Partidul Viitorul Democrat al Patriei) 59 UDMR Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (Uniunea Democrata a Maghiarilor din Romania) 60 ULDRR Free Democratic Union of the Roma in Romania (Uniunea Libera Democratica a Romilor din Romania) 61 FDR16 Democratic -16 December 1989 Timisoara (Frontul Democrat Roman 16 Decembrie 1989 Timisoara) 62 PRomi Roma Party (Partida Romilor) 63 PDSDR Party of Justice and Social Democracy in Romania (Partidul Dreptatii Social Democratiei din Romania) 64 PLRep Free Republican Party (Partidul Liber Republican) 65 PNL National Liberal Party (Partidul National Liberal) 66 PRep Republican Party (Partidul Republican) 67 PSD-TP Social Democratic Party 'Titel Petrescu' (Partidul Social Democrat "Titel Petrescu") 68 PUC Conservative Humanistic Party (Partidul Umanist Conservator) 69 PVP Party 'Will of the People' (Partidul Vointa Poporului) 70 UDTR Turkish Democratic Union in Romania (Uniunea Democrata Turca din Romania) 71 ULB Liberal Union Bratianu (Uniunea Liberala Bratianu) 72 FSN National Salvation Front (Frontul Salvarii Nationale) 73 PADRR Party Democratic Alliance of Roma in Romania (Partidul Alianta Democrata a Romilor din Romania) 74 PDSND_NV Party of Social Justice (New Democracy) of the North West of Romania (Partidul Dreptatii Sociale (Noua Democratie) de Nord Vest din Romania) 75 PLS Party of Free Change (Partidul Liber Schimbist) 76 PRCR Christian Republican Party of Romania (Partidul Republican Crestin din Romania) 77 PSDI Independent Social Democratic Party (Partidul Social Democrat Independent) 78 PUR Romanian Humanistic Party (Partidul Umanist Roman) 79 SND National Democratic Solidarity (Solidaritatea National Democrata) 80 UDC Christian Democratic Union (Uniunea Democrat Crestina) 81 DomPolski Union of the Poles 'Dom Polski' (Uniunea Polonezilor din Romania "Dom Polski") 82 ACBgR Bulgarian Cultural Association in Romania (Asociatia Culturala Bulgara din Romania) 83 PNDC MM National Christian Democratic Party Maniu-Mihalache Lineage (Partidul National Democrat Crestin Linia Maniu-Mihalache) 84 UTR Turkish Union of Romania (Uniunea Turca din Romania)

VOTES number of valid votes won in constituency PVOTE percentage votes won in constituency PSEATS percentage seats won in constituency SEATS number of seats won in constituency VALID valid votes in constituency SEATSC seats to be allocated in constituency Romania - 1996 Parliamentary elections - constituency level results - coding scheme

VOTEREG number of registered voters in constituency VOTED number of voters who voted in constituency VPL number of votes cast by voters on permanent lists VSL number of votes cast by voters on special lists VALID valid votes cast INVALID number of invalid votes CONST constituency name and number

PNo = Number of valid votes cast for each contender

Note: The votes for independents are aggregated in each constituency. Not all parties listed had separate lists of candidates. Alliances/coalitions as well as their components are listed below in accordance with the official results of the Commission for Statistics. See national level results for the list of contenders.

P1 Indep Independent Candidates P2 ANL (PAC,PL93) National Liberal Alliance - Party of the Civic Alliance and Liberal Party 93 (Alianta Nationala Liberala - Partidul Aliantei Civice si Partidul Liberal 93) P3 ANLE National Liberal Ecological Alliance (Alianta Nationala Liberala Ecologista) P4 PAR Party Alternative for Romania (Partidul Alternativa Romaniei) P5 PAVE Party Green Ecological Alternative (Partidul Alternativa Verde Ecologista) P6 AItR Association of (Asociatia Italienilor din Romania) P7 BRATSVO Bratsvo Community of Bulgarians in Romania (Comunitatea Bratsvo a Bulgarilor din Romania) P9 CIR-Socola Italian Community in Romania, 14 Socola Street, Iasi (Comunitatea Italienilor din Romania, Str. Socola, Nr. 14, Iasi) P10 CRLR Community of Lippovan Russians in Romania (Comunitatea Rusilor Lipoveni din Romania) P11 CDR Romanian Democratic Convention (Conventia Democrata Romana) P12 FCER Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania - Federatia Comunitatilor Evreiesti din Romania P13 FER Ecological Federation of Romania (Federatia Ecologista din Romania) P14 FDGR Democratic Forum of the Germans in Romania (Forumul Democrat al Germanilor din Romania) P15 FTSEC Forum of the Szeklers Youth (Forumul Tineretului Secuiesc) P16 MER Ecological Movement of Romania (Miscarea Ecologista din Romania) P17 PCER Party Ecological Convention of Romania (Partidul Conventia Ecologista din Romania) P18 PR Roma Party (Partida Romilor) P19 PNR Party New Romania (Partidul Noua Romanie) P20 PPP Party for the Motherland (Partidul pentru Patrie) P21 PAC Party of the Civic Alliance (Partidul Aliantei Civice) P23 PD Democratic Party (Partidul Democrat) P24 PDAR Democratic Agrarian Party of Romania (Partidul Democrat Agrar din Romania) P25 PDSR Party of Social Democracy of Romania (Partidul Democratiei Sociale din Romania) P26 PER Ecological Party of Romania (Partidul Ecologist Roman) P28 PFNDP Party of Former Non-Communists and Political Detainees (Partidul Fostilor Necomunisti si Detinuti Politici) P31 PLR Free Republican Party (Partidul Liber Republican) P32 PL93 Liberal Party 93 (Partidul Liberal 93) P33 PLC Liberal Christian Party (Partidul Liberal Crestin) P34 PMLDR Hungarian Free Democratic Party in Romania (Partidul Maghiar Liber Democrat din Romania) P35 PMR Romanian Working Party (Partidul Muncitoresc Roman) P36 PNA National Party of the Motorists (Partidul National al Automobilistilor) P38 PNDC National Democratic Christian Party (Partidul National Democrat Crestin) P39 PNL-C National Liberal Party Campeanu (Partidul National Liberal Campeanu) P40 PNLCD National Liberal Party - Democratic Convention (Partidul National Liberal Conventia Democrata) P41 PNL National Liberal Party (Partidul National Liberal) P42 PNT National Peasant Party (Partidul National Taranesc) P43 PNTCD National Peasant Party - Christian Democratic (Partidul National Taranesc) P44 PP-PSDTRParty of Private Entrepreneurs? - Social Democratic Party (Partidul Particularilor - Partid Social Democrat) P45 PPR Party of Pensioners of Romania (Partidul Pensionarilor din Romania) P47 PPSR Party of Social Protection of Romania (Partidul Protectiei Sociale din Romania) P48 PR-OD Party of Reunification - Daco-Roman Option (Partidul Reintregirii Optiunea Daco-Romana) P49 PRR- Party of Romania - Ion Mihalache (Partidul Renasterea Romaniei - Ion Mihalache) P51 PR Republican Party (Partidul Republican) P53 PRRO Party of the (Partidul Revolutiei Romane) P54 PRM (Partidul Romania Mare) P56 PSDR Romanian Social Democratic Party (Partidul Social Democrat Roman) P57 PS Socialist Party (Partidul Socialist) P58 PSM Socialist Party of Labour (Partidul Socia list al Muncii) P59 PSMR Romanian Socialist Labour Party (Partidul Socialist Muncitoresc Roman) P60 PSR Socialist Party of Romania (Partidul Socialist Roman) P62 PUR Humanist Party of Romania (Partidul Umanist Roman) P63 PUNR Party of Romanian National Unity (Partidul Unitatii Nationale Romane) P64 Uromi Unity of the Rroma (Unitatea Romilor) P65 UAR Union of Armenians of Romania (Uniunea Armenilor din Romania) P66 UBBR Bulgarian Union in Banat- Romania (Uniunea Bulgara din Banat - Romania) P67 UCAR Cultural Union of the Albanians in Romania (Uniunea Culturala a Albanezilor din Romania) P68 UDC Christian Democratic Union (Uniunea Democrat Crestina) P69 UDTTMR Democratic Union of the Turkish Muslim Tatars in Romania (Uniunea Democrata a Tatarilor Turco Musulmani din Romania) P70 UDMR UDMR/RMDSZ - Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania (Uniunea Democrata a Maghiarilor din Romania) P71 UDTR Democratic Turkish Union in Romania (Uniunea Democrata Turca din Romania) P72 UDSerbCrR Democratic Union of Serbs and Carasovans in Romania (Uniunea Democrata a Sarbilor si Carasovenilor din Romania) P73 UDSCR Democratic Union of the Slovaks and Czechs in Romania P74 UER Hellenic Union in Romania (Uniunea Elena din Romania) P75 ULB Liberal Union 'Bratianu' (Uniunea Liberala 'Bratianu') P76 UNC National Union of the Centre (Uniunea Democratica de Centru) P77 UPR-Dom Polski Union of the Poles in Romania 'Dom Polski' (Uniunea Polinezilor din Romania 'Dom Polski') P78 USD Social Democratic Union (Uniunea Social Democrata) P79 UUR Union of Ukrainians in Romania (Uniiunea Ukrainienilor din Romania) P80 UCR Union of Croats in Romania (Uniunea Croatilor din Romania) P81 CERR Community of the Rroma Ethnicity in Romania (Comunitatea Etniei Rromilor din Romania) P82 UR - Constanta Union of the Rroma - Constanta County (Uniunea Romilor - Judetul Constanta) P85 FIR Federation of Italians in Romania (Federatia Italienilor din Romania) P86 CI-Pitesti Italian Community Pitesti-Romania (Comunitatea Italiana Pitesti - Romania) P87 FIR-CIOvidius Federation of Italians in Romania - Italian Community Ovidius Constanta (Federatia Italienilor din Romania - Comunitatea Italiana Ovidius Constanta) P88 CI-Galati Italian Community - Galati (Comunitatea Italiana Galati) P89 UDUR Democratic Union of Ukrainians in Romania (Uniunea Democrata a Ucrainienilor din Romania) P90 UGAEHR - General Union of the Hutul Ethnicity in Romania (General Union of the Hutul Ethnicity in Romania) P91 CI-Prahova - Italian Community Prahova County (Comunitatea Italiana din Judetul Prahova) P92 UER-CEPrahova - Hellenic Union in Romania - Hellenic Union Prahova (Uniunea Elena din Romania - Uniunea Elena Prahova) P93 ASCR Socio-Cultural Association of the Rroma (Asociatia Socio-Culturala a Romilor)

Const 1 Alba 2 Arad 3 Arges 4 Bacau 5 Bihor 6 Bistrita-Nasaud 7 Botosani 8 Brasov 9 Braila 10 Buzau 11 Caras-Severin 12 Calarasi 13 Cluj 14 Constanta 15 Covasna 16 Dambovita 17 Dolj 18 Galati 19 Giurgiu 20 Gorj 21 Harghita 22 Hunedoara 23 Ialomita 24 Iasi 25 Maramures 26 Mehedinti 27 Mures 28 Neamt 29 Olt 30 Prahova 31 Satu Mare 32 Salaj 33 Sibiu 34 Suceava 35 Teleorman 36 Timis 37 Tulcea 38 Vaslui 39 Valcea 40 Vrancea 41 Bucuresti 42 SAI Romania 2000 Parliamentary elections - constituency level results - coding scheme

VOTEREG number of registered voters in constituency VOTED number of voters who voted in constituency VPL number of votes cast by voters on permanent lists VSL number of votes cast by voters on special lists VALID valid votes cast INVALID number of invalid votes BRECC Ballots received at the polling stations BRETC Ballots returned by the polling stations

PNo = Number of valid votes cast for each contender

Note: The votes for independents are aggregated in each constituency. Not all parties listed had separate lists of candidates. Alliances/coalitions as well as their components are listed below in accordance with the official results of the Commission for Statistics. See national level results for the list of contenders.

P01 Independent Independent Candidates P02 CDR2000 Romanian Democratic Convention 2000 (Conventia Democrata Romana 2000) P03 PAR (PUNR-PNR) Party National Alliance (Partidul Alianta Nationala) P04 ApR Alliance for Romania (Alianta pentru Romania) P05 ApUR Alliance for the Unity of the Roma (Alianta pentru Unitatea Romilor) P06 P.D.S.R Democratic -Social Pole of Romania (Polul Democrat-Social din Romania - PDSR) P07 CTR Turkish Community of Romania P08 ACBR Bulgarian Cultural Association of Romania P09 AMSR Association of Slavic Macedonians of Romania P10 CCRR Christian Centre of the Roma in Romania (Centrul Crestin al Romilor din Romania) P11 BRATSVO Bratsvo Community of Bulgarians in Romania P12 CEP Hellenic Community Prahova P13 CERR Community of the Roma Ethnicity in Romania P14 CIR - Socola Italian Community in Romania - Str. Socola Nr. 14 - Iasi (Comunitatea Italiana din Romania, Str. Socola Nr. 14, Iasi) P15 CIR - Trei Ierarhi Italian Community in Romania - Trei Ierarhi Street - Iasi (Comunitatea Italiana din Romania, Str. Trei Ierarhi, Nr.2, Iasi) P16 CRLR Community of Lippovan Russians in Romania (Comunitatea Rusilor Lipoveni din Romania) P17 FCER Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania - Federatia Comunitatilor Evreiesti din Romania P18 FDGR FDGR - Democratic Forum of the Germans in Romania (Forumul Democrat al Germanilor din Romania) P19 LAR League of Albanians in RomaniaI (Liga Albanezilor din Romania) P20 LCIR League of Italian Communities in Romania (Liga Comunitatilor Italiene din Romania) P21 LDCR Democratic League of the Croats in Romania (Liga Democrat a Croatilor din Romania) P22 PR Roma Party (Partida Romilor) P23 PG2K Party "Generation 2000" (Partidul "Generatia 2000" - G2K) P24 PPP PPP - Party "For the Motherland" (Partidul "Pentru Patrie") P25 PANCD National Christian Democratic Alliance Party (Partidul Alianta Nationala Crestin Democrata) P26 PAVE Party Green Ecological Alternative (Partidul Alternativa Verde Ecologista) P27 PCER Party Ecological Convention of Romania (Partidul Conventia Ecologista din Romania) P28 PD Democratic Party (Partidul Democrat) P29 PDPRD Democratic Party of Pensioners in Romania and the Diaspora (Partidul Democrat al Pensionarilor din Romania si Diaspora) P30 PDSR Party of Social Democracy of Romania (Partidul Democratiei Sociale din Romania) P31 PER PER - Ecological Party of Romania (Partidul Ecologist Roman) P32 PFER Party Ecological Federation of Romania P33 PFD89 Party of Democratic Forces (Patidul Fortelor Democratice '89) P34 PLDMR Free Democratic Hungarian Party in Romania (Partidul Liber Democrat Maghiar din Romania) P35 PLRSD Free Republican Socialist Democratic Party (Partidul Liber Republican Socialist Democratic) P36 PLC Liberal Christian Party (Partidul Liberal Crestin) P37 PLDR Romanian Liberal Democratic Party (Partidul Liberal Democrat Roman) P38 PLMR Liberal Monarchist Party of Romania (Partidul Liberal Monarhist din Romania) P39 PM Party of Moldovans (Partidul Moldovenilor) P40 PMR Romanian Working Party (Partidul Muncitoresc Roman) P41 PNCFR National Conservativ Party of Women of Romania (Partidul Naitonal Conservator al Femeilor din Romania) P42 PNDC National Democratic Christian P arty (Partidul National Democrat Crestin)a P43 PNGL National Party ' Race' (Partidul National 'Ginta Latina') P44 PNL National Liberal Party (Partidul National Liberal) P45 PNLC National Liberal Party Campeanu (Partidul National Liberal Campeanu) P46 PNT National Peasant Party (Partidul National Taranesc) P47 PNTCD National Peasant Party - Christian Democratic (Partidul National Taranesc) P48 PN Party of Non-Communists, Party of the National Movement of Resistance for the Spiritual Rebirth, Economic Recovery and Re-unification of the Motherland (Partidul Necomunistilor - Partid al Miscarii Nationale de Rezistenta pentru Renasterea Spirituala, Refacerea Economica si Reunificarea Patriei) P49 PNG Party New Generation (Partidul Noua Generatie) P50 PP-PSD Party of Private Entrepreneurs - Social Democratic Party (Partidul Particularilor - Partid Social Democrat) P51 PPR Party of Pensioners of Romania (Partidul Pensionarilor din Romania) P52 PPR Popular Party of Romania (Partidul Popular din Romania) P53 PRN PRN Party of National Reconciliation (Partidul Reconcilierii Nationale) P54 PROD Party of Reunification - Dacian-Roman Option (Partidul Reintregirii Optiunea Daco-Romana) P55 PRJADR Party of the Revival of the Counties Abusively Abolished (Partidul Renasterii Judetelor Abuziv Desfintate) P56 PR Republican Party (Partidul Republican) P57 PRev Party of the Romanian Revolution (Partidul Revolutiei Romane) P58 PRM Greater Romania Party (Partidul Romania Mare) P59 PSD - Constantin Titel Petrescu PSD "Constantin Titel Petrescu" - Social Democratic Party "Constantin Titel Petrescu" (Partidul Social Democrat "Constantin Titel Petrescu") P60 PSDR Romanian Social Democratic Party (Partidul Social Democrat Roman) P61 PSM Socialist Party of Labour (Partidul Socialist al Muncii) P62 PSMR Romanian Socialist Labour Party (Partidul Socialist Muncitoresc Roman) P63 PSR Socialist Party of Romania (Partidul Socialist Roman) P64 PUR Humanist Party of Romania (Partidul Umanist Roman) P65 UDC Christian Democratic Union (Uniunea Democrat Crestina) P66 PUPD Party Popular Union for Justice (Partidul Uniunea Populara pentru Dreptate) P67 PVR Party of Romanian Life (Partidul Vietii Romanesti) P68 UAR Union of Armenians of Romania (Uniunea Armenilor din Romania) P69 UBBR Bulgarian Union in Banat- Romania (Uniunea Bulgara din Banat - Romania) P70 UBPR Union of 'Pavlicheni' Bulgarians in Romania (Uniunea Bulgarilor Pavlicheni din Romania) P71 UCR Union of Croatians in Romania (Uniunea Croatilor din Roma nia) P72 UCAR Cultural Union of Albanians in Romania (Uniunea Culturala a Albanezilor din Romania) P73 UCRR Cultural Union of Ruthenians in Romania (Uniunea Culturala a Rutenilor din Romania) P74 UDSCR Democratic Union of the Slovaks and Czechs in Romania P75 UDCR Democratic Union of Croats in Romania (Uniunea Democratica a Croatilor din Romania) P76 UDTTMR Democratic Union of the Turkish Muslim Tatars in Romania (Uniunea Democrata a Tatarilor Turco Musulmani din Romania) P77 UDUR Democratic Union of Ukrainians in Romania (Uniunea Democrata a Ucrainienilor din Romania) P78 UDMR UDMR/RMDSZ - Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania (Uniunea Democrata a Maghiarilor din Romania) P79 UDTR Democratic Turkish Union in Romania (Uniunea Democrata Turca din Romania ) P80 UER Hellenic Union in Romania (Uniunea Elena din Romania) P81 UFD Union of the Forces of the Right (Uniunea Fortelor de Dreapta) P82 ULB Liberal Union 'Bratianu' (Uniunea Liberala 'Bratianu') P83 UPR Union of the Poles in Romania (Uniunea Polinezilor din Romania) P84 UPRDomPolski Union of the Poles in Romania 'Dom Polski' (Uniunea Polinezilor din Romania 'Dom Polski') P85 USR Union of Serbians in Romania (Uniunea Sarbilor din Romania) P86 UUR Union of Ukrainians in Romania (Uniiunea Ukrainienilor din Romania) P87 UCR Union of the Czechs in Romania (Uniunea Cehilor din Romania) P88 CEIasi Hellenic Community Iasi (Comunitatea Elena Iasi) P89 UGAEHR General Union of the Hutul Ethnicity in Romania (General Union of the Hutul Ethnicity in Romania) P90 LIRB International League of the Romanians Bucharest (Liga Internationala a Romanilor - Bucuresti) P91 ELPIS Hellenic Union ELPIS Constanta (Uniunea Elena ELPIS Constanta)

CONST constituency number 1 Alba 2 Arad 3 Arges 4 Bacau 5 Bihor 6 Bistrita -Nasaud 7 Botosani 8 Brasov 9 Braila 10 Buzau 11 Caras-Severin 12 Calarasi 13 Cluj 14 Constanta 15 Covasna 16 Dambovita 17 Dolj 18 Galati 19 Giurgiu 20 Gorj 21 Harghita 22 Hunedoara 23 Ialomita 24 Iasi 25 Ilfov 26 Maramures 27 Mehedinti 28 Mures 29 Neamt 30 Olt 31 Prahova 32 Satu Mare 33 Salaj 34 Sibiu 35 Suceava 36 Teleorman 37 Timis 38 Tulcea 39 Vaslui 40 Valcea 41 Vrancea 42 Bucuresti

Russia – 1993 – SMD

CONSTCY constituency number

VOTERREG no of registered voters in constituency

PARTICIP Number of participating voters in constituency

BALCAST no of ballots cast in constcy

VALIDVOT valid votes in constituency

PARTYSMD party nomination in single-member district

1 Agrarian Party of 2 Bloc "Yavliskiy - Boldyrev - Lukin" () 3 Russia's Future - New Names 4 Russia's Choice 5 Civic Union in the Name of Stability, Justice and Progress 6 Democratic Party of Russia 7 Dignity and Charity 8 Communist Party of the Russian Federation 9 Constructive-Ecological Movement of Russia "Kedr" 10 Liberal Democratic Party of Russia 11 Party of and Concord 12 Political Movement "Women of Russia" 13 Russian Movement for Democratic Reforms 14 INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE

VOTES No of votes won by the party

ELECTED elected or not

0 not elected 1 elected in single-member constituency

Russia – 1993 – SMD – candidate data

Name Position

CASERUS case number

CONSTCY constituency number

0 multi-member only

VOTERREG no of registered voters in constituency

PARTICIP Number of participating voters in constituency

BALCAST no of ballots cast in constcy

VALIDVOT valid votes in constituency

PARTYSMD party nomination in single-member district

1 Agrarian Party of Russia 2 Bloc "Yavliskiy - Boldyrev - Lukin" (YABLOKO) 3 Russia's Future - New Names 4 Russia's Choice 5 Civic Union in the Name of Stability, Justice and Progress 6 Democratic Party of Russia 7 Dignity and Charity 8 Communist Party of the Russian Federation 9 Constructive-Ecological Movement of Russia "Kedr" 10 Liberal Democratic Party of Russia 11 Party of Russian Unity and Concord 12 Political Movement "Women of Russia" 13 Russian Movement for Democratic Reforms 14 INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE


POSITION Position of candidate in constituency according to votes rec

PARTLIST party list in which candidate stood

1 Agrarian Party of Russia 2 Bloc "Yavlinsky - Boldyrev - Lukin" 3 Russia's Future - New Names 4 Revival of Russia 5 Civic Union for Stability, Justice and Progress 6 Democratic Party of Russia 7 Dignity and Charity 8 Communist Party of the Russian Federation 9 Constructive Ecological Movement of Russia "KEDR" 10 Liberal Democratic Party of Russia 11 Sociopolitical Movement "Stable Russia" 12 Political Movement "Women of Russia" 13 Russian Movement for Democratic Reforms 14 INDEPENDENT NOMINATION


PLFDLIST candidate's place on the federal party list

PLRGLIST candidate's place on the regional party list

ELECTED elected or not

0 not elected 1 elected in single-member constituency 2 elected from party list

INCUMBCY parliamentary incumbency status

0 not incumbent 1 incumbent

MINISTRY ministerial experience

0 absent 1 present

PARLTEXP parliamentary experience

0 absent 1 present

GENDER gender

0 male 1 female

AGE candidate age

OCCUP1 general occupational status

OCCUP2 specific occupational status

EDUC Education

1 Higher 2 Incomplete higher 3 Secondary general 4 Secondary vocational (special) 5 Incomplete secondary (general) 6 Primary 7 Incomplete primary 8 None

ETHNICIT ethnicity

1 Lithuanian 2 Russian 3 Polish 4 Jewish 5 Other Russia – 1995 – SMD

CONSTCY constituency number

VOTERREG no of registered voters in constituency

PARTICIP Number of participating voters in constituency

BALCAST no of ballots cast in constcy

VALIDVOT valid votes in constituency

PARTYSMD party affiliation in single-member district

1 Women of Russia 2 Strong State ("Derzhava") 3 Duma-96 4 Revival of Russia 5 Bloc "Tikhonov-Tupolev-Tikhonov" 6 Russian All People's Movement (ROD) 7 All-Russian Moslem Social Movement "Nur" ("Light") 8 Federal Democratic Movement (FDD) 9 Bloc of leaders of 8 parties (The Case of Peter the First) 10 Inter-Ethnic Union 11 Sociopolitical Movement "Stable Russia" 12 Border Generations 13 Sociopolitical Movement "My Homeland" 14 For Homeland! 15 Non-Party-Based Voters' Political Movement "Common Cause" 16 Bloc of Independents 17 Our Home is Russia (NDR) 18 Bloc "Pamfilova-Gurov-Vladimir Lysenko) 19 "Yabloko" 20 Sociopolitical Movement "Forward, Russia!" 21 "89" (89 Regions of Russia) 22 Environmental Party of Russia "Kedr" 23 Democratic Choice of Russia- (DVR- OD) 24 Party of Russian Unity and Accord (PRES) 25 Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) 26 Bloc of Stanislav Govorukhin 27 Russian Lawyers' Association 28 National-Republican Party of Russia (NRPR) 29 Social-Democrats 30 Power to the People! 31 Sociopolit. Movement "Congress of Russian Communities" (KRO) 32 Trade Unions and Industrialists of Russia - Union of Labour 33 Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) 34 Bloc of leaders of 7 parties (Bloc of Dzhuna) 35 Party of Workers' Self-Government (PST) 36 Communists-Working Russia-For the Soviet Union 37 Party of Beer Lovers (PLP) 38 Bloc of Ivan Rybkin 39 Party of Economic Freedom (PES) 40 Party "People's Union" 41 Agrarian Party of Russia (APR) 42 Party "Christian Democratic Union" - Christians of Russia 43 Union of Workers of Housing-Communal Economy 44 INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE 45 Sociopolit. Movement "Education is Russia's Future" (DOBRO) 46 All-Russian Sociopolitical Movement of Transport Workers 47 Workers' Collectives and Greens for the Union of Co-Owners 48 Union of Russian Moslems 49 "Zemskiy Sobor" (Union of Patriotic Orthodox Organisations) 50 European Liberal Democratic Party (ELDP) 51 Conservative Party 52 Faith, Labour, Conscience 53 People's Salvation Front 54 Democratic Russia and Free Trade-Unions 55 Russian Party of Car Owners 56 Union of Patriots 57 League of Independent Scientists 58 Party "Democratic Alternative" 59 Party "Economic Alternative" 60 We are Serving for Russia! 61 Social Alliance "Revival" 62 Russian Party 63 Party of Supporters of Tax Reduction 64 Party "Union of Communists" 65 Our Future 66 Russian Union of Local Self-Government 67 Bloc "Working Collectives&Greens for Russian Coowners' Union

VOTES No of votes won in constituency

SEATS Won a seat or not 1 yes 2 no

Russia – 1995 – SMD – candidate data

CASERUS case number

CONSTCY constituency number

0 multi-member only

VOTERREG no of registered voters in constituency

PARTICIP Number of participating voters in constituency

BALCAST no of ballots cast in constcy

VALIDVOT valid votes in constituency

PARTYSMD party affiliation in single-member district

1 Women of Russia 2 Strong State ("Derzhava") 3 Duma-96 4 Revival of Russia 5 Bloc "Tikhonov-Tupolev-Tikhonov" 6 Russian All People's Movement (ROD) 7 All-Russian Moslem Social Movement "Nur" ("Light") 8 Federal Democratic Movement (FDD) 9 Bloc of leaders of 8 parties (The Case of Peter the First) 10 Inter-Ethnic Union 11 Sociopolitical Movement "Stable Russia" 12 Border Generations 13 Sociopolitical Movement "My Homeland" 14 For Homeland! 15 Non-Party-Based Voters' Political Movement "Common Cause" 16 Bloc of Independents 17 Our Home is Russia (NDR) 18 Bloc "Pamfilova-Gurov-Vladimir Lysenko) 19 Social Alliance "Yabloko" 20 Sociopolitical Movement "Forward, Russia!" 21 "89" (89 Regions of Russia) 22 Environmental Party of Russia "Kedr" 23 Democratic Choice of Russia-United Democrats (DVR- OD) 24 Party of Russian Unity and Accord (PRES) 25 Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) 26 Bloc of Stanislav Govorukhin 27 Russian Lawyers' Association 28 National-Republican Party of Russia (NRPR) 29 Social-Democrats 30 Power to the People! 31 Sociopolit. Movement "Congress of Russian Communities" (KRO) 32 Trade Unions and Industrialists of Russia - Union of Labour 33 Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) 34 Bloc of leaders of 7 parties (Bloc of Dzhuna) 35 Party of Workers' Self-Government (PST) 36 Communists-Working Russia-For the Soviet Union 37 Party of Beer Lovers (PLP) 38 Bloc of Ivan Rybkin 39 Party of Economic Freedom (PES) 40 Party "People's Union" 41 Agrarian Party of Russia (APR) 42 Party "Christian Democratic Union" - Christians of Russia 43 Union of Workers of Housing-Communal Economy 44 INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE 45 Sociopolit. Movement "Education is Russia's Future" (DOBRO) 46 All-Russian Sociopolitical Movement of Transport Workers 47 Workers' Collectives and Greens for the Union of Co-Owners 48 Union of Russian Moslems 49 "Zemskiy Sobor" (Union of Patriotic Orthodox Organisations) 50 European Liberal Democratic Party (ELDP) 51 Conservative Party 52 Faith, Labour, Conscience 53 People's Salvation Front _

54 Democratic Russia and Free Trade-Unions 55 Russian Party of Car Owners 56 Union of Patriots 57 League of Independent Scientists 58 Party "Democratic Alternative" 59 Party "Economic Alternative" 60 We are Serving for Russia! 61 Social Alliance "Revival" 62 Russian Party 63 Party of Supporters of Tax Reduction 64 Party "Union of Communists" 65 Our Future 66 Russian Union of Local Self-Government 67 Bloc "Working Collectives&Greens for Russian Coowners' Union


PARTLIST party list on which the candidate was standing

1 Women of Russia 2 Strong State ("Derzhava") 3 Duma-96 4 Transformation of the Homeland 5 Bloc "Tikhonov-Tupolev-Tikhonov" 6 Russian All People's Movement (ROD) 7 All-Russian Moslem Social Movement "Nur" ("Light") 8 Federal Democratic Movement (FDD) 9 The Cause of Peter the First 10 Inter-Ethnic Union 11 Sociopolitical Movement "Stable Russia" 12 Border Generations 13 Sociopolitical Movement "My Homeland" 14 For Homeland! 15 Non-Party-Based Voters' Political Movement "Common Cause" 16 Bloc of Non-Partisans 17 Our Home is Russia (NDR) 18 Bloc "Pamfilova-Gurov-Vladimir Lysenko) 19 Social Alliance "Yabloko" 20 Sociopolitical Movement "Forward, Russia!" 21 "89" (89 Regions of Russia) 22 Environmental Party of Russia "Kedr" 23 Democratic Choice of Russia-United Democrats (DVR- OD) 24 Party of Russian Unity and Accord (PRES) _

25 Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) 26 Bloc of Stanislav Govorukhin 27 Russian Lawyers' Association 28 National-Republican Party of Russia (NRPR) 29 Social-Democrats 30 Power to the People! 31 Sociopolit. Movement "Congress of Russian Communities" (KRO) 32 Trade Unions and Industrialists of Russia - Union of Labour 33 Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) 34 Bloc of Dzuna 35 Party of Workers' Self-Government (PST) 36 Communists-Working Russia-For the Soviet Union 37 Party of Beer Lovers (PLP) 38 Bloc of Ivan Rybkin 39 Party of Economic Freedom (PES) 40 Party "People's Union" 41 Agrarian Party of Russia (APR) 42 Party "Christian Democratic Union" - Christians of Russia 43 Union of Workers of Housing-Communal Economy

PLFDLIST candidate's place on the federal party list

PLRGLIST candidate's place on the regional party list

ELECTED elected or not

0 not elected 1 elected in single-member constituency 2 elected from party list


INCUMBCY parliamentary incumbency status

0 not incumbent 1 incumbent

MINISTRY ministerial experience

0 absent 1 present

PARLTEXP parliamentary experience

0 absent 1 present

GENDER gender

0 male 1 female


AGE candidate age

OCCUP1 general occupational status

OCCUP2 specific occupational status

EDUC Education

1 Higher 2 Incomplete higher 3 Secondary general 4 Secondary vocational (special) 5 Incomplete secondary (general) 6 Primary 7 Incomplete primary 8 None

ETHNICIT ethnicity

1 Lithuanian 2 Russian 3 Polish 4 Jewish 5 Other

Russia 1999 – SMD CONSTCY constituency number

VOTERREG no of registered voters in constituency

VOTED no of voters who voted in constcy

VALIDVOT valid votes in constituency

PARTYSMD party affiliation in single-member district

1 Electoral Alliance "ARPM 'Our Home is Russia'" 2 Russian Patriotic Popular Movement 3 Russian Ecological Party "Kedr" 4 Social-Democrats 5 All-Russian People's Party 6 Party of Peace and Unity 7 Peace. Labour. May 8 Bloc of Zhirinivsky/Russian Liberal Democratic Party 9 Russian Conservative Party of Entrepreneurs 10 Bloc of General A.Nikolayev, academic S.Fyodorov 11 Interregional Movement "Unity" ("Medved") 12 Movement of Patriotic Forces - The Case for Russia 13 El. Bloc "Communists, Workers of Russia - for the Sov.Union" 14 Congress of Russian Communities and Y.Boldyrev's Movement 15 All-Russian Sociopolitical Movement "For Civil Dignity" 16 Russian Party 17 Russian Conservative Movement 18 Russian Socialist Party 19 Russian All People's Union 20 All-RussianPolitical Movement "In Support of the Army" 21 Women of Russia 22 Pensioners' Party 23 Russian Party for the Protection of Women 24 Socialist Party of Russia 25 All-Russian Sociopolitical Movement "Spiritual Heritage" 26 INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE 27 Electoral Alliance "Yabloko" 28 Stalinist Bloc for the USSR 29 Union of Right Forces 30 Homeland - All Russia 31 Communist Party of the Russian Federation

VOTES No of votes won in constituency

SEATS Won a seat or not 1 yes 2 no

Russia 1999 – SMD – Candidate data

CASERUS case number

CONSTCY constituency number

0 multi-member only

VOTERREG no of registered voters in constituency

VOTED no of voters who voted in constcy

VALIDVOT valid votes in constituency

PARTYSMD party affiliation in single-member district

1 Electoral Alliance "ARPM 'Our Home is Russia'" 2 Russian Patriotic Popular Movement 3 Russian Ecological Party "Kedr" 4 Social-Democrats 5 All-Russian People's Party 6 Party of Peace and Unity 7 Peace. Labour. May 8 Bloc of Zhirinivsky/Russian Liberal Democratic Party 9 Russian Conservative Party of Entrepreneurs 10 Bloc of General A.Nikolayev, academic S.Fyodorov 11 Interregional Movement "Unity" ("Medved") 12 Movement of Patriotic Forces - The Case for Russia 13 El. Bloc "Communists, Workers of Russia - for the Sov.Union" 14 Congress of Russian Communities and Y.Boldyrev's Movement 15 All-Russian Sociopolitical Movement "For Civil Dignity" 16 Russian Party 17 Russian Conservative Movement 18 Russian Socialist Party 19 Russian All People's Union 20 All-RussianPolitical Movement "In Support of the Army" 21 Women of Russia 22 Pensioners' Party 23 Russian Party for the Protection of Women 24 Socialist Party of Russia 25 All-Russian Sociopolitical Movement "Spiritual Heritage" 26 INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE 27 Electoral Alliance "Yabloko" 28 Stalinist Bloc for the USSR 29 Union of Right Forces 30 Homeland - All Russia 31 Communist Party of the Russian Federation


PARTLIST party list on which the candidate stood

1 Electoral Alliance "ARPM 'Our Home is Russia'" 2 Russian Patriotic Popular Movement 3 Russian Ecological Party "Kedr" 4 Social-Democrats 5 All-Russian People's Party 6 Party of Peace and Unity 7 Peace. Labour. May 8 Bloc of Zhirinivsky/Russian Liberal Democratic Party 9 Russian Conservative Party of Entrepreneurs 10 Bloc of General A.Nikolayev, academic S.Fyodorov 11 Interregional Movement "Unity" ("Medved") 12 Movement of Patriotic Forces - The Case for Russia 13 El. Bloc "Communists, Workers of Russia - for the Sov.Union" 14 Congress of Russian Communities and Y.Boldyrev's Movement 15 All-Russian Sociopolitical Movement "For Civil Dignity" 16 Russian Party 17 Russian Conservative Movement 18 Russian Socialist Party 19 Russian All People's Union 20 All-RussianPolitical Movement "In Support of the Army" 21 Women of Russia 22 Pensioners' Party 23 Russian Party for the Protection of Women 24 Socialist Party of Russia 25 All-Russian Sociopolitical Movement "Spiritual Heritage" 26 INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE 27 Electoral Alliance "Yabloko" 28 Stalinist Bloc for the USSR 29 Union of Right Forces 30 Homeland - All Russia 31 Communist Party of the Russian Federation

PLFDLIST candidate's place on the federal party list

PLRGLIST candidate's place on the regional party list

ELECTED elected or not

0 not elected 1 elected in single-member constituency 2 elected from party list

INCUMBCY parliamentary incumbency status

0 not incumbent 1 incumbent

MINISTRY ministerial experience

0 absent 1 present

PARLTEXP parliamentary experience

0 absent 1 present

GENDER gender

0 male 1 female

AGE candidate age

OCCUP1 general occupational status

0 Not available 1 State officials 2 Business 3 Professionals 4 Non-governmental sector 5 Semi-skilled and low-skilled occupations 6 Other occupations 7 Pensioners 8 Students 9 Not employed (including unemployed)

OCCUP2 specific occupational status

0 Not Available 1 Administrative officials, national 2 Administrative officials, regional/local 3 Military, police, secret service, customs 4 Directors of industrial/service enterprises 5 Directors of agricultural enterprises 6 Managers in industrial/service enterprises 7 Managers in agricultural enterprises 8 Legal professionals 9 Economic, financial and marketing professionals 10 Teching professionals (except higher education) 11 Health professionals 12 Scientists and academics 13 Artists, actors, musicians, etc. 14 Journalists and publishers 15 Engineering, technical and agricultural specialists 16 Other professionals 17 Political party activists/leaders 18 Religious workers 19 Trade unionists 20 Other NGO workers 21 Clerical and other non-manual low-skilled 22 Manual workers in industry and services 23 Farmers and agricultural workers 24 Other occupations 25 Pensioners 26 Students 27 Not employed (including unemployed)

EDUC Education

1 Higher 2 Incomplete higher 3 Secondary general 4 Secondary vocational (special) 5 Incomplete secondary (general) 6 Primary 7 Incomplete primary 8 None

ETHNICIT ethnicity

1 Lithuanian 2 Russian 3 Polish 4 Jewish 5 Other


Sloavakia 1994 Codes voted 'v otes cast in constituency' valid 'number of valid votes' turnout '% turnout' pvalid '%valid votes'. const 1 Bratislava 2 West Slovak region_Zapado slovensky 3 Central Slovak region_Stredo slovensky 4 East Slovak region_Vychodo slovensky party 1 HZPCS 2 SD 3 ZRS 4 MK 5 SVK 6 DUS 7 SPK 8 ZPR-REP 9 DS 11 NS 12 KSS 13 ROISR 14 SNS 15 KDH 16 HZDS-RSS 17 KSU 18 RSDSS .

p1 HZPCS Movement for a Prosperous Czechia and (Hnutie za prosperujuce Cesko + Slovensko) p2 SD Social democracy (Socialna demokracia) p3 ZRS Association of Workers of Slovakia (Zdruzenie robotnikov Slovenska) p4 MK The Hungarian Coalition: Hungarian Christian Democratic Movement, Coexistence, the Hungarian Civic Party (Mad'arska koalicia: MKDH, ESWS, MOS) p5 SVK Common Choice: Party of the Democratic Left, the Social Democratic Party of Slovakia, the Green Party of Slovakia, the Movement of Farmers of Slovakia (Spolocna vol'ba-koalicia SDL', SDSS, SZS, HP SR) p6 DUS Democratic Union of Slovakia (Demokraticka unia Slovenska) p7 SPK The Party against Corruption and for Order, Work and Money for all Decent Citizens (Strana proti korupcii-za poriadok, pracu a peniaze pre vsetkých slusnych obcanov) p8 ZPR-REP Association for the Republic - Republicans (Zdruzenie pre republiku - Republikani) p9 DS Democratic Party (Demokraticka strana) p11 NS New Slovakia (Nove Slovensko) p12 KSS Communist Party of Slovakia (Komunisticka strana Slovenska) p13 ROISR The Romani Civic Initiative in the Slovak Republic (Romska obcianska iniciativa v Slovenskej republike) p14 SNS Slovak National Party (Slovenska narodna strana) p15 KDH Christian Democratic Movement (Krest'anskodemokraticke hnutie) p16 HZDS-RSS Movement for a Democratic Slovakia and the Farmers' Party of Slovakia (Hnutie za demokraticke Slovensko a Rol'nicka strana Slovenska) p17 KSU Christian Social Union of Slovakia (Krest'anska socialna unia Slovenska) p18 RSDSS The Real Social Democratic Party of Slovaks (Realna socialnodemokraticka strana Slovakov) pp1 % HZPCS Movement for a Prosperous Czechia and Slovakia (Hnutie za prosperujuce Cesko + Slovensko) pp2 % SD Social democracy (Socialna demokracia) pp3 % ZRS Association of Workers of Slovakia (Zdruzenie robotnikov Slovenska) pp4 % MK The Hungarian Coalition: Hungarian Christian Democratic Movement, Coexistence, the Hungarian Civic Party (Mad'arska koalicia: MKDH, ESWS, MOS) pp5 % SVK Common Choice: Party of the Democratic Left, the Social Democratic Party of Slovakia, the Green Party of Slovakia, the Movement of Farmers of Slovakia (Spolocna vol'ba-koalicia SDL', SDSS, SZS, HP SR) pp6 % DUS Democratic Union of Slovakia (Demokraticka unia Slovenska) pp7 % SPK The Party against Corruption and for Order, Work and Money for all Decent Citizens (Strana proti korupcii-za poriadok, pracu a peniaze pre vsetkých slusnych obcanov) pp8 % ZPR-REP Association for the Republic - Republicans (Zdruzenie pre republiku - Republikani) pp9 % DS Democratic Party (Demokraticka strana) pp11 % NS New Slovakia (Nove Slovensko) pp12 % KSS Communist Party of Slovakia (Komunisticka strana Slovenska) pp13 % ROISR The Romani Civic Initiative in the Slovak Republic (Romska obcianska iniciativa v Slovenskej republike) pp14 % SNS Slovak National Party (Slovenska narodna strana) pp15 % KDH Christian Democratic Movement (Krest'anskodemokraticke hnutie) pp16 % HZDS-RSS Movement for a Democratic Slovakia and the Farmers' Party of Slovakia (Hnutie za demokraticke Slovensko a Ro l'nicka strana Slovenska) pp17 % KSU Christian Social Union of Slovakia (Krest'anska socialna unia Slovenska) pp18 % RSDSS The Real Social Democratic Party of Slovaks (Realna socialnodemokraticka strana Slovakov). sp6 seats DUS Democratic Union of Slovakia (Demokraticka unia Slovenska) sp14 seats SNS Slovak National Party (Slovenska narodna strana) sp15 seats KDH Christian Democratic Movement (Krest'anskodemokraticke hnutie) sp16 seats HZDS-RSS Movement for a Democratic Slovakia and the Farmers' Party of Slovakia (Hnutie za demokraticke Slovensko a Rol'nicka strana Slovenska) psp6 %seats DUS Democratic Union of Slovakia (Demokraticka unia Slovenska) psp14 %seats SNS Slovak National Party (Slovenska narodna strana) psp15 %seats KDH Christian Democratic Movement (Krest'anskodemokraticke hnutie) psp16 %seats HZDS-RSS Movement for a Democratic Slovakia and the Farmers' Party of Slovakia (Hnutie za demokraticke Slovensko a Rol'nicka strana Slovenska) .

Slovakia – 1994 elections – candidate data

CONST constituency 1 Bratislava 2 Západoslovenský 3 Stredoslovenský 4 Východoslovenský

DM district magnitude

VALIDNAT total national valid vote

VOTENAT total national vote for party

VOTECON total vote for party in constituency

PCVOTEC party vote in constituency (per cent)

PARTY party

1 Hnutie za prosperujúce Cesko + Slovensko 2 Sociálna demokracia 3 Združenie robotníkov Slovenska 4 Magyar Koalicio 5 Spolocná volba - Strana demokratickej lavice, Sociálnodemokr 6 Demokratická únia Slovenska 7 Strana proti korupcii - za poriadok, prácu a peniaze pre vše 8 Združenie pre republiku - Republikáni 9 Demokratická strana 11 Nové Slovensko 12 Komunistická strana Slovenska 13 Rómska obcianska iniciatíva v Slovenskej republike 14 Slovenská národná strana 15 Krestanskodemokratické hnutie 16 Koalícia Hnutie za demokratické Slovensko a Rolnícka strana 17 Krestanská sociálna únia Slovenska 18 Reálna sociálnodemokratická strana Slovákov

LISTPLAC candidate's place on list

FIRSTNAM candidate's first name

CANDIDAT candidate's surname

RESULT result 0 lost 1 won 9 query

QUALIFIC qualifications

AGE age

OCCUPATI occupation string

OCCUP1 general occupation

0 not known 1 state officials 2 business 3 professionals 4 NGO 5 workers & peasants 6 other occupations 7 pensioners 8 students 9 not employed 10 incumbent, background not known

OCCUP2 specific occupation 0 unknown 1 administrative, national 2 administrative, regional local 3 military, police, customs 4 enterprise directors 5 directors, agricultural enterprises 6 industrial-service managers 7 managers, agricultural enterprises 8 legal professionals 9 economic, financial, marketing professionals 10 teachers 11 health 12 academics 13 Artists, actors, musicians, etc 14 Journalists and publishers 15 Scientists, engineering, technical and agricultural specialists 16 Other professionals 17 Political party activists leaders 18 Religious workers 19 Trade unionists 20 Other NGO workers 21 Clerical and other non-manual semi-skilled occupations 22 Manual workers in industry and services 23 Farmers and agricultural workers 24 Other occupations 25 Pensioners 26 Students 27 Not employed including unemployed 28 business, type not known 29 incumbent, background not known

INCUMBEN incumbency 1 deputy

GENDER gender 0 male 1 female 99 not known

PARTMEMB party affiliation

PREFVOT preference vote

WINPART parties winning seats 0 did not win seats 3 Združenie robotníkov Slovenska 4 MK 5 Common Choice/SDL 6 Democratic Union 14 Slovak National Party 15 Christian Democratic Movement 16 HZDS


4 enterprise directors 5 directors, agricultural enterprises 6 industrial-service managers 7 managers, agricultural enterprises 8 legal professionals 9 economic, financial, marketing professionals 10 teachers 11 health 12 academics 13 Artists, actors, musicians, etc 14 Journalists and publishers 15 Scientists, engineering, technical and agricultural specialists 16 Other professionals 17 Political party activists leaders 18 Religious workers 19 Trade unionists 20 Other NGO workers 21 Clerical and other non-manual semi-skilled occupations 22 Manual workers in industry and services 23 Farmers and agricultural workers 24 Other occupations 25 Pensioners 26 Students 27 Not employed including unemployed


Slovakia – 1998 – candidate data NOTE: the entire territory of Slovakia was one constituency at the 1998 parliamentary elections

VOTEREG number of registered voters in constituency

VOTED number of voters who voted in constituency

VALID valid votes cast in constituency

TURNOUT percentage turnout in constituency

PARTY party membership of candidate

1 Hnutie za demokratické Slovensko 2 Madarské ludové hnutie za zmierenie a prosperitu - Magyar Nép 3 Národná alternatíva Slovenska 4 Strana madarskej koalície - Magyar Koalíció Pártja 5 Naše Slovensko 6 Bécko - Revolucná robotnícka strana 7 Strana obcianskeho porozumenia 8 Slovenská demokratická koalícia 9 Slovenská národná strana 10 Nezávislá iniciatíva (NEI) Slovenskej republiky 11 Slovenská ludová strana 12 Hnutie tretej cesty 13 Strana demokratickej lavice 14 Komunistická strana Slovenska 15 Jednotná strana pracujúcich Slovenska 16 Združenie robotníkov Slovenska 17 Slovenská národná jednota

LISTPLAC place of candidate on the party list

CANDIDAT candidate's surname

FIRSTNAM candidate's first name

GENDER gender

0 male 1 female

AGE age of the candidate

OCCUPATI self-ascribed occupation

QUALIF qualification

nk not known

PREFVOTE preference vote

0 withdrew?

OCCUP1 general occupation

0 unknown 1 state officials 2 business 3 professional 4 NGO sector 5 skilled & unskilled workers 6 other occupation 7 pensioner 8 student 9 not employed-unemployed

OCCUP2 specific occupation

0 unknown 1 administrative, national 2 administrative, regional-local 3 military, police, customs 4 enterprise directors 5 directors, agricultural enterprises 6 industrial-service managers 7 managers, agricultural enterprises 8 legal professionals 9 economic, financial, marketing professionals 10 teachers 11 health 12 academics 13 Artists, actors, musicians, etc 14 Journalists and publishers 15 Scientists, engineering, technical and agricultural speciali 16 Other professionals 17 Political party activists

ELECTED elected or not

0 lost 1 elected 2 withdrew? 9 entered later


SLOVAKIA 2002 – parliamentary elections – candidate data

VOTEREG registered electorate

CAME attended polling station

VOTED votes cast

TURNOUT votes cast/electorate

VALIDV valid votes cast

VALIDPC valid votes, per cent

PARTY party 1 SZS-Strana zelených na Slovensku 2 SDKÚ- Slovenská demokratická a krestanská únia 3 SDPO - Strana za demokratické práva obcanov 4 SDL - Strana demokratickej lavice 5 Smer 6 HZDS - Hnutie za demokratické Slovensko 7 OKS - Obcianska konzervatívna strana 8 HZD - Hnutie za demokraciu 9 Politické hnutie Rómov na Slovensku - ROMA 10 KSS- Komunistická strana Slovenska 11 SMK- Strana madarskej koalície - Magyar Koalíció Pártja 12 KDH - Krestanskodemokratické hnutie 13 DS 14 LS- Ludová strana 15 ZRS- Združenie robotníkov Slovenska 16 LB - Lavicový blok 17 ANO - Aliancia nového obcana 18 B-RRS - Bécko - Revolucná robotnícka strana 19 ZAR - Žena a rodina 20 SDA - Sociálnodemokratická alternatíva 21 SNJ - Slovenská národná jednota 22 NOSNP- Nezávislá obcianska strana nezamestnaných a poškodený 23 SNS - Slovenská národná strana 24 Robotnícka strana ROSA 25 ROISR - Rómska obcianska iniciatíva SR 26 PSNS- Pravá Slovenská národná strana

PARTYNAM party name

LISTPLAC list placing

FORENAME forename

CANDIDAT candidate's surname

VALIDCAN valid candidacy 0 withdrew candidacy 1 valid candidate

VOTES vote for party

PCVOTE per cent total vote for party

PREFVOTE preference votes for candidate

PREFPC candidate preference votes, per cent

PARTPREF total no of preference votes for party

PARTPRPC per cent preference votes for party

RESULT result of election 0 lost 1 won seat

GENDER gender 0 male 1 female

AGE age

INCUMBCY incumbency status 1 incumbent deputy

QUAL candidate's qualifications 0 not known

EDUC candidate's education 0 not known 1 higher or post-higher

OCCSLOV occupation in Slovak

OCCENG occupation in English

OCCUP1 general occupation

0 unknown 1 state officials 2 business 3 professional 4 NGO sector 5 skilled & unskilled workers 6 other occupation 7 pensioner 8 student 9 not employed-unemployed

OCCUP2 specific occupation

0 unknown 1 administrative, national 2 administrative, regional local 3 military, police, customs Ukraine Parliamentary Elections 1994

CONST constituency

PARTY party affiliation of candidate 0 independent 1 PNVU - Party of National Slavation of Ukraine 2 PVS - Party of Free Peasants of Ukraine 3 UPShP - Ukrainian Party of the Lovers of Beer 4 LDPU - Liberal Democratic Party of Ukraine 5 UKhDP - Ukrainian Christian Democratic Party 6 UNKP - Ukrainian National Conservative Party 7 USDP - Ukrainian Peasant Democratic Party 8 OUN - Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists 9 PZU - Party of Greens of Ukraine 10 KDP- Constitutional Democratic Party 11 UPSSS - Ukrainian Party of Solidarity and Social Justice 12 DSU - State In dependence of Ukraine 13 LPU - 14 PSEU - Party of Slavic Unity of Ukraine 15 SNP - Social Nationalist Party 16 UPS - Ukrainian Party of Justice 17 HKU - Civic Congress of Ukraine 18 KhDPU - Christian Democratic Party of Ukraine 19 SDPU - Social Democratic Party of Ukraine 20 UKRP - Ukrainian Conservative Republican Party 21 PEVK - Party of Economic Rebirth of Crimea 22 PPU - Labour Party of Ukraine 23 DeMPU - Democratic Party of Ukraine 24 PDVU - Party of Democratic Rebirth of Ukraine 25 TKU - Labour Congress of Ukraine 26 SPU - Socialist Party of Ukraine 27 URP - Ukrainian Republican Party 28 KUN - Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists 29 UNA - Ukrainian National Assembly 30 NRU - Rukh 31 KPU - Communist Party of Ukraine 32 SelPU - Rural Party of Ukraine 33 VRU - All-national Movemement of Ukraine

VOTE1 vote percentage (first round) VOTE2 vote percentage (second round) ELECTED elected or not (dummy) TURNOUT1 turnout % (first round) TURNOUT2 turnout% (second round) VOTEREG1 number of registered voters in constituency (first round) VOTED1 votes cast in constituency (first round)9 INVALID1 invalid votes (first round) 10 VOTEREG2 number of registered voters in constituency (second round) VOTED2 votes cast in constituency (second round) INVALID2 invalid votes (second round) Ukraine – 1994 parliamentary elections – candidate data

CONST Constituency

PARTY Party of membership

PARTY party affiliation of candidate 0 independent 1 PNVU - Party of National Salvation of Ukraine 2 PVS - Party of Free Peasants of Ukraine 3 UPShP - Ukrainian Party of the Lovers of Beer 4 LDPU - Liberal Democratic Party of Ukraine 5 UKhDP - Ukrainian Christian Democratic Party 6 UNKP - Ukrainian National Conservative Party 7 USDP - Ukrainian Peasant Democratic Party 8 OUN - Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists 9 PZU - Party of Greens of Ukraine 10 KDP- Constitutional Democratic Party 11 UPSSS - Ukrainian Party of Solidarity and Social Justice 12 DSU - State Independence of Ukraine 13 LPU - Liberal Party of Ukraine 14 PSEU - Party of Slavic Unity of Ukraine 15 SNP - Social Nationalist Party 16 UPS - Ukrainian Party of Justice 17 HKU - Civic Congress of Ukraine 18 KhDPU - Christian Democratic Party of Ukraine 19 SDPU - Social Democratic Party of Ukraine 20 UKRP - Ukrainian Conservative Republican Party 21 PEVK - Party of Economic Rebirth of Crimea 22 PPU - Labour Party of Ukraine 23 DeMPU - Democratic Party of Ukraine 24 PDVU - Party of Democratic Rebirth of Ukraine 25 TKU - Labour Congress of Ukraine 26 SPU - Socialist Party of Ukraine 27 URP - Ukrainian Republican Party 28 KUN - Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists 29 UNA - Ukrainian National Assembly 30 NRU - Rukh 31 KPU - Communist Party of Ukraine 32 SelPU - Rural Party of Ukraine 33 VRU - All-national Movemement of Ukraine

VOTE1 % vote first round

RANKOR1 rank order in constituency according to results in the first round

VOTE2 % vote second round

RANKOR2 rank order in constituency according to results in the second round

DOB Date of Birth

INCUMBEN incumbent

0 not incumbent 1 incumbent 2 former deputy


0 male 1 female

RESID Residence in constituency

0 Not resident in constituency 1 Resident in constituency

OCCUP Occupation

1 professional (lawyer, doctor, teacher, academic, journalist) 2 technical specialist (engineer, etc) 3 Heads of enterprise - industrial 4 Heads of enterprise - agricultural 5 Higher state official 6 Party official 7 Administrator in an enterprise - industrial 8 Administrator in an enterprise - agricultural 9 Lower state official 10 NGO employee 11 Head of public sector establishment - school, hospital, etc 12 Industrial worker 13 Military 14 None (unemployed, pensioner, student) 15 Other 16 Unknown 17 Director of a service sector enterprise 18 Administrator in a service sector enterprise 19 Service sector manual labourer 20 Agricultural worker 21 Manager in a public sector establishment (school, hospital,

ELECTED Elected or not

0 not elected 1 elected


Ukraine Parliamentary Elections 1998

CONST constituency

PARTYSMD party membership (coded according to the party lists)

0 independent 1 Together bloc PRVU - Party of Regional Revival of Ukraine 3 Menshe Sliv bloc 4 Hromada 5 RKhPU - Republican Christian Party of Ukraine 6 UNA - Ukrainian National Assembly 7 PZV Party of the Protectors of the Fatherland 8 PMU - Party of Muslims of Ukraine 9 APU - Agrarian Party of Ukraine 10 PZU - Party of Greens of Ukraine 11 KPU - Communist Party of Ukraine 12 Union 13 Forward Ukraine! bloc 14 NEP - Bloc of Democratic Parties 15 TU - Trudova Ukraina 16 SDPU - Social Democratic Party of Ukraine 17 European Choice bloc 18 NF - National Front bloc 19 SLOn - bloc 20 NRU - Rukh 21 VPT - All-Ukrainian Party of Workers 22 PNERU - Party of National Economic Development of Ukraine 23 NDP - Popular Democratic Party 24 ZhI - Women's Initiatives 25 KhDPU - Christian Democratic Party of Ukraine 26 SPU-SelPU - Social and Rural party bloc 27 SDP o - Social Democratic Party united 28 RiP - Reforms and Order 29 PDESP - Party of Spiritual, Economic, and Social Progress 30 PSPU - Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine 31 Party of Slavic Unity of Ukraine 32 Party of Women of Ukraine 33 OUNvU - Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists in Ukraine 34 PK b U - Party of Communists Bolshevik in Ukraine 35 PNVU - Party of National Salvation of Ukraine

VOTES absolute votes (NB: missing data for candidates who withdrew) TURNOUT turnout (%) VOTEPC % votes ELECTED win in SMD (dummmy) 0 lost in SMD 1 won in SMD

Ukraine 1998 parliamentary elections – candidate data

OBLAST oblast (order in Vybory98)

CONST constituency

CANDNUMC Candidate number within constituency (as listed in Vybory98)

PARTYSMD party membership (SMD; list codes)

0 independent 1 Together bloc 2 PRVU - Party of Regional Revival of Ukraine 3 Menshe Sliv bloc 4 Hromada 5 RKhPU - Republican Christian Party of Ukraine 6 UNA - Ukrainian National Assembly 7 PZV Party of the Protectors of the Fatherland 8 PMU - Party of Muslims of Ukraine 9 APU - Agrarian Party of Ukraine 10 PZU - Party of Greens of Ukraine 11 KPU - Communist Party of Ukraine 12 Union 13 Forward Ukraine! bloc 14 NEP - Bloc of Democratic Parties 15 TU - Trudova Ukraina 16 SDPU - Social Democratic Party of Ukraine 17 European Choice bloc 18 NF - National Front bloc 19 SLOn - Social Liberal Union bloc 20 NRU - Rukh 21 VPT - All-Ukrainian Party of Workers 22 PNERU - Party of National Economic Development of Ukraine 23 NDP - Popular Democratic Party 24 ZhI - Women's Initiatives 25 KhDPU - Christian Democratic Party of Ukraine 26 SPU-SelPU - Social and Rural party bloc 27 SDP o - Social Democratic Party united 28 RiP - Reforms and Order 29 PDESP - Party of Spiritual, Economic, and Social Progress 30 PSPU - Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine 31 Party of Slavic Unity of Ukraine 32 Party of Women of Ukraine 33 OUNvU - Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists in Ukraine 34 PK b U - Party of Communists Bolshevik in Ukraine 35 PNVU - Party of National Salvation of Ukraine

PARTYSUB party subcodes (for list blocs)

VOTEABS absolute votes (NB: missing data for candidates who withdrew

AGAINSTA votes against all candidates

RECDBAL all those who received ballots

TOPC turnout (%)

VOTEPC % vote fpr candidate

WINSMD win in SMD (dummmy)

0 lost in SMD 1 won in SMD

LIST list on which candidate stood (numbered as lists)

0 not on any list 1 Together bloc 2 PRVU - Party of Regional Revival of Ukraine 3 Menshe Sliv bloc 4 Hromada 5 RKhPU - Republican Christian Party of Ukraine 6 UNA - Ukrainian National Assembly 7 PZV Party of the Protectors of the Fatherland 8 PMU - Party of Muslims of Ukraine 9 APU - Agrarian Party of Ukraine 10 PZU - Party of Greens of Ukraine 11 KPU - Communist Party of Ukraine 12 Union 13 Forward Ukraine! bloc 14 NEP - Bloc of Democratic Parties 15 TU - Trudova Ukraina 16 SDPU - Social Democratic Party of Ukraine 17 European Choice bloc 18 NF - National Front bloc 19 SLOn - Social Liberal Union bloc 20 NRU - Rukh 21 VPT - All-Ukrainian Party of Workers 22 PNERU - Party of National Economic Development of Ukraine 23 NDP - Popular Democratic Party 24 ZhI - Women's Initiatives 25 KhDPU - Christian Democratic Party of Ukraine 26 SPU-SelPU - Social and Rural party bloc 27 SDP o - Social Democratic Party united 28 RiP - Reforms and Order 29 PDESP - Party of Spiritual, Economic, and Social Progress 30 PSPU - Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine 31 Party of Slavic Unity of Ukraine 32 Party of Women of Ukraine 33 OUNvU - Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists in Ukraine 34 PK b U - Party of Communists Bolshevik in Ukraine 35 PNVU - Party of National Salvation of Ukraine

LISTPLAC place on list

LISTWIN elected from a on list (excludes those who won in SMDs)

0 not elected from list 1 elected from list

GEN Gender

0 male 1 female

INCUMB incumbent (dummy)

0 not incumbent 1 incumbent

DOB date of birth

OCCUP Occupation

1 professional (lawyer, doctor, teacher, academic, journalist) 2 technical specialist (engineer, etc) 3 Heads of enterprise - industrial 4 Heads of enterprise - agricultural 5 Higher state official 6 Party official 7 Administrator in an enterprise - industrial 8 Administrator in an enterprise - agricultural 9 Lower state official 10 NGO employee 11 Head of public sector establishment - school, hospital, etc 12 Industrial worker 13 Military 14 None (unemployed, pensioner, student) 15 Other 16 Unknown 17 Director of a service sector enterprise 18 Administrator in a service sector enterprise 19 Service sector manual labourer 20 Agricultural worker 21 Manager in a public sector establishment (school, hospital,