'I Giovanni Delle Colonne.' Tradition and Continuity Ante Litteram
CPA 5 CPA In the School of Architecture of the Milan Polytechnic per l’Architettura. 11 'I giovanni delle in the mid-ifties, a group of students started to use in To present their protest to the MSA meant increasing their academic ex tempora sessions a series of very the visibility of the initiative of the group and entering colonne.' Tradition personal stylistic references, which were linked to a the debate about Italian modern architecture and its certain historic and traditional grounding, giving rise to teaching; above all if we take into consideration the and continuity ante a protest that intended to report the limitations of the stated interest of the members of the MSA towards razionalismo di maniera that the university education of giving architecture a formative role in the changes that 12 litteram. the time offered. were taking place in the Italian society . The provocative use of columns, arches and pinnacles in Francesca Fiorelli their formal studies earned the young Michele Achilli, In his dissertation, referring to the work of the present Daniele Brigidini, Maurizio Calzavara, Guido Canella, members of the MSA , Canella afirmed: Being precisely Fredi Drugman, Laura Lazzari, Giusa Marcialis, Aldo the concept of tradition, its interpretation, and, if I may, Rossi, Giacomo Scarpini, Silvano Tintori y Virgilio its feeling, what separates us from your line of thought, Vercelloni the nickname of giovani delle colonne, we honestly think it is one of the original reasons of this 14 according to Giancarlo De Carlo’s deinition in Casabella- debate . 2 3 Contiuità magazine . According to Aldo Castellano , it Expanding his relection to the widest scope of is very likely that only some of them used these formal architecture, he continued: it is necessary for all the references in their academic projects.
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