CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This Chapter Presents Background of the Problem, Identification of the Problem, Limitation of the Problem
1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter presents background of the problem, identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, formulation of the problem, purposes of the research, hypothesis of the research, significance of the research, assumptions of the research, limitation of the research, and key terms definition of the research. A. Background of the Problem Pouring ideas out on a piece of paper is done as an expression of feelings and thoughts of students if they consider it is naturally done as a way to communicate to others beside sharing them orally. When writing students play a role as writers. They write what they want to share to readers appropriately. However not all students can do it perfectly or in a good way. Moreover when students are asked to summarize what previous writers have written down. Many of them tend to summarize by using the writers’ own language so that it is often the result of their writing is almost same with the writers’ words style. This can give a negative impact for them when teachers read their writing result and categorize that it is plagiarism. Of course plagiarism is not allowed for the beginner writers like them, and whoever. To anticipate a similar case, reading and writing as two of skills in language are taught in English department of IKIP Gunungsitoli. 2 In English department, teaching-learning process is run as normally like other departments. A lecturer teaches Reading and Writing to students of the third semester as a part of lectures. In a syllabus or program of lecturing run there is stated that competence standard hopes that improving the students’ reading skills, understanding what inference, figures of speech, diction, juxtaposition, selected texts of non- fiction; cohesion, unity, summarizing text types and short stories so that they are able to interpret the content of texts what the author tells about as well as arranging organization and development ideas based on chronological order.
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