Osgoode Hall Law School of York University Osgoode Digital Commons Research Papers, Working Papers, Conference Comparative Research in Law & Political Economy Papers Research Report No. 20/2011 Towards Classical Legal Positivism Dan Priel Osgoode Hall Law School of York University,
[email protected] Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/clpe Recommended Citation Priel, Dan, "Towards Classical Legal Positivism" (2011). Comparative Research in Law & Political Economy. Research Paper No. 20/2011. http://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/clpe/58 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Research Papers, Working Papers, Conference Papers at Osgoode Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Comparative Research in Law & Political Economy by an authorized administrator of Osgoode Digital Commons. ! ! ! !"#!!$%!&'(()('*)"+&!!(! !"#$%&%'()*+,*-*%&./+(0+1%2+3+4"5('(.%5+6."0"#7+ ) ,%"%',+&)-'-%,)"%,.%") "#$#%&'(!)%*#&!+,-!.00.122! Towards Classical Legal Positivism! Dan Priel ) ) IC65,&$:) -556)789:30450);!4<==15)&3>>)(3?)"@A==>B)C=6=0D=B)$/65@D=6)+=9E363D/F5)) ,54536@A)/0)(3?)301)-=>/D/@3>)%@=0=92G) H=A0)*I)+/=JJ/);K0/F564/D2)=J)+3>/J=60/3)3D),/F564/15G) (553005)L==D930);!4<==15)&3>>)(3?)"@A==>B)C=6=0D=B)-6=18@D/=0)%1/D=6G) ! ! ! ! ! ! Towards Classical Legal Positivism Dan Priel* Abstract. Open almost any textbook or jurisprudence and you will nd it beginning with a discussion of natural law and legal positivism. What sets them apart, we are told, is a di"erence on the conceptual question of the relationship between law and morality. Natural lawyers believe that law or legality are necessarily connected to morality, whereas legal positivists deny that.