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Llhrtttorl1. , SPILSBY, &C llHrtttorl1. , SPILSBY, &c. JLin(oIn~flirt. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Garfit, Clay pons & Co. Spilsby­ CROWN (life), Thos. DraperCookl', Alingt"" Rev. -, Candlesby (draw 011 Maslerman, Petel'o & Spihlby Hanks Rev. John, Bt'lIe vue lorlge Co. Lnndon) GLOBE, 'rims RaiAey. Spih'hy Bt'nniworth J lIo.t'sq.Toyntoll house LINCOLN & LINDSEY RANKING Co. HOVAL EXCHANGE, Elizabt'th Hoff, 8eaumIlDll\1i~sM(lryAIIII,Hulldleby Spilsby-(draw on Presl'ott,Gl'Ote Spill\by [SpiJ!oIby Bourh AOI!.US1U~, e'4. Halton & Co. LnndolJ-opell evety 1\1011- VICTORIA, William Walkel', jun. BOIII ne J()hn, e~q. Ualhy house day)-Ht:'nry D. Lucas, managel" YORKSHIRE, Thos. Hollis. Spilsby Boulne 1\11". John Hellry, Partney SAVINGS' BANK, Spilshy-(opeo on GROCERS AND DEALERS IN: Brackrnhury Mr!l. -, Hllirhby hall Monday)-SamuelN'II·th ,actuary SUNDRIES. Bl'urkenhury Sir E. Skelldleby Marked thus. are also Dlapel'lI. BrackellbnryRev.Hy.ScremlH house BASKET MAKERS. Jee Sarah & SOli, Spilshy Andrew Jo,eph, Pal tllt'y Brarkellbury tht' Misses, Scn·rnby Woodcock Thomas, Spihby *Atkill80n Juhn, S"i1shy Brarkell buryThos. Car r, esq. Sauce- BOllllett Frauds, Partvey BLACKSMITHS. lllorp ball [l\1avis -BI ett Jame!l, Spil~by BrackenblllY Rev. Wm. Endel'by Crofts Manha, Spilsby Dohnt,y James, Spihlly Hare Wm. ParlDev Crawford Rev. Sir GeOl'ge, Welton -Harne~s David, Spilshy Dupr~ Rev. -, Toynton Graves Joselih, Parrnt'y Mal'lin ltichard, Spilsby Hnidt:rne3s William, Partner Hail'by Jaml's, e~q. M.D. Hundleby *i\lawer William, Partney Hall Mrs. l\lary, Spilsby BOOKSELLERS &STATIONRS. Rainey TitllS, Spilsby Hollaud Ht'nry, ('sq. Hailhhy lby Hoff Elizabeth (& stamp distri- Hit ha .. dl'on Thollla<:, Spilsby HollwayJ no.Hardwkk,esq.Hundle­ butel'), 8-pilsby -Rose William. Spil:-by Hollway Re'. Thomas, Spilsby Rhoadt's John (& printer), Spilsby *SlUinton Thomall, Spilshy Ingilby ltl'v.John, West Keal (hall BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Tllpholme John, Spilsby L~III.(I(lnGt'o. Bellnett,e~tJ. Langtun AI'IlIstr"nl\ WiIliam, Pa.. tney Waite J"hn, Sllilshy Litl'htitld Mis~ -, Partney Bt:'rrt:'y Challes, 8pihhy Wright Turfitt, Spilsby Maddisoll Geo. WiI,on, e-q. Partney Clark William, Spibby INNS. l\laine Rev. -. Haningtllll hall Ellderby George & Thomas,Spilshy George (commercial and licellsed to !\hl~~ingb('rd Rev. Algenroll Lallg- Kenrlall La\\ rellce, Spilsby It't post horses), Samuel North, tOil, Gnnby !late Rhodt's J "lID. Sllil:;hy Spilshy l\lol'le~ Rt'v. J. Raithhy SC(ltt ~Jatth('w, Spilshy White Halt (commercial & posting Parker Rt'v. Hicharri, Welton ShowIer WiIliam, Spilshy h"use & t'xdse office), Thomas Pt'al'Ock Rev. -, Partney Stra;llton Thomas, Ptlrtuey Mar!>hal1, Spi\!ooby Railley Mrs. Jal'vi!!, Spill\by Rawtlsley Rev. Thomas Hal'dwick, BREWERS. IRONMONGERS. Halloll See Maltstpt's and Brewers. Dou~hty William (& wllitl'smith), Spilshv Snlith Mrs. Sarah, Spilshy BRICKLAYERS. SJIt'IIfe Rev. John, East Keal Rose Wfllialll Wilders (and white- AlldreWb J(I~eph, Partney smith and hlazier), Spilshy Street Rt'v. George, Lallgton At\iinsoll William, Spilsby MALTSTERS AND BREWERS. SwallO Rt'v. ~'ranch;, Saucetborpft Clark Willhtm, Spibhy 'foll~e Mr. Thos. Wright, Paltney Crawford William, Spilshy Dilt1~hty Salllut'l, Huudleby 'f0l,ham J. H. esq. Cannlesby Jackson William, Spilsby Lyall Joseph, Partney V~l'l'e' Samuel, esq. Haltoll hall Mason Geo .. ge, Spilsby SilllPSOIl William, Spil~by Walker l\Jrs. T. SJlilsby MILLERS. Walls Miss -, Spilsby BUTCHERS. Cartwlight Jane, ~pih.by Barr J~mel!, HUIllJleby W"lI~ Rev. Joseph, Boothby Goodwin Cornelins, Partllt'y Mill Walker William. esq. Spilsby Gee Tht)mas, SI)ilsby Gunuiss Willialll, Spilsby Holdt:'1I George Pt:'ace, Spilshy ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Lall"dall Rohert, Spilsby PLUMBERS AND GLAZIERS }o'lilldersCharlte.( hrdg &day) Spilshy Lowis Rol)t'rt, Spilsby Baldal'k Jamcs, Spihby .'REE GRAMMAR SCHOOl. (& board· Mawt'I' Willialll, Partney Hobsoll Ht'nry, Spill'iby III~), Spilsby-Rev. haac RUll­ sell, master CABINET MAKERS AND ShowIer Robt·l"t,.~pi1shy Green John (boardg & day), Spilsby JOINERS. ThompsolI Philip, Spilsby Jellnings Miss -, Spibby Andrew William, Spibby SADDLERS & COLLAR MAKKS. NATIONAL SCHOOL, Spilshy-John Ball John, HUlldJehy Bailey Geor~t', Spil~hy 'J'hllcker, maskr; Eliz.Bruullett, Clip~ham WiIliam. Spi1sby HratwllderJolm, Spilshy mistress Flint Charlt s, Spilsby ~'ox Edwanl, $pilsby ATTORNEYS. Hall Robert, Sr1ill'hy' Mackindel' Th"mas, Spiltlby Brackrnbury BelJlletl, SfJilshy Rainey Edward. Spllsby 'Rateubury William, Spilsby SEEDSMEN. CookeThos. Draper (& clerk to the ColeJ 110. (& nurst'rymHD) ,Hundleby maJ(btrates), S pilshy Richanlsnll Thomas, Spilsby Pain Graves, Spilsby Rohinbun John, ParlDt:'y GlJlllli~s Jack!lOIl, Spilsbv Raine}' Willialll, Spilshy Smith Jo"eph, Parlney HollwayJuhn Hard wick (& clelk of STRAWHAT&DRESSMAKRS. the peace alld sewt'r~), Spil~by Ward Edward, Spilsby Thimblehy Thoma!l, Spilsby CHAIR TURNERS. Cartwright Harriet, Spilshy G.·t'ell Rt"beC'ca. Spilsby Walkel' & SOli!! (and clerks to the A~hton John. Spilshy ('onrt of rt'questl and the Spilsby A~htoll WiIliam, Spilshy Horn Jane, Spil~by Uniou), SlHlsby Hattt'nbul'Y l\lrs. -, Spilsby CHYMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Whydle AUCTIONEERS. DI iffieltt Thomas, Spi1sby Mar}', S,'lhby Hollil! ThlJlllas, Spilshy Kemp Ht'lIry, SpiJsby SURGEONS. Rainey Edwal'd, Spill'by Rainey Tltus, Spilsby Rarkt'r Thomas, SJJilsby BAKERS. Tupholmt' John, Spil~by Hail'lly James, M.D. HUfldleby Holland Thomas, Spilsby Bal'r JamI'll, HUUIIlt'lly CONFECTIONERS. Bl'Own Timolhy. Spilshy Browll Johu, Spilsby SOlllby Juhn, :5pilsb~' Ta~ 101' Charles. Spilshy Hall'i!;on William. Spil~by Ca.. t ..... right Jane, Spilshy Holc1t'n Geor~t' Pt'ace, Spilsby Walker GellrRt', Sllilsby H.Ildel"Desb Williaffi, Partney COOPERS. Ashton William, SpJlsby SURVEYORS. HUlson Anll, Spibby Hollis Thoma~ (turlll)ikn), Spilsby Mawer Willialll, Partuey Browll John, Spibby Horn Jo;;('ph, SpilShy. 'ruin John, Spilsby DYER.S.. Railley Edwd. (& architect) ,Spllsby BANKERS. i G~en & Fl'ee~)~n, Spllsby TAILORS. BOSTON BRANCH IIFTHESTAMFORD; Wldle John, ~plbby Marked thus· are also Drapers. & SPALDING BANKING Co. Spilsby I FIRE, ~~. OFFI,C:f: AGEN~S. Basker J.,seph. PaltDf'Y -(draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co. COUNTY, 1 bomas Stamton, Spl)sby Bentlt'Y Henry, Spibby London-open every Monday)-, BRI'.nsH (fire) & WEST~IINSTBR Button WiIliam, Pantney A. WilSUIl, manager I (hfe), John Rho.adel!, Spll15by Capes WiUiam, Spil5by 79 .
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