2016 Year End Summary Report Summary of Awards and Payments to Disadvantaged, Minority and Women-Owned Vendors, Contractors and Consultants

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2016 Year End Summary Report Summary of Awards and Payments to Disadvantaged, Minority and Women-Owned Vendors, Contractors and Consultants DRPA Office of Business Development & Equal Opportunity 2016 Year End Summary Report Summary of Awards and Payments to Disadvantaged, Minority and Women-Owned Vendors, Contractors and Consultants 2016 Year End Summary Report (856) 968-2000 | www.drpa.org n Benjamin Franklin Bridge n Walt Whitman Bridge n Commodore Barry Bridge n Betsy Ross Bridge n PATCO Office of Business Development & Equal Opportunity The DRPA is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer The DRPA is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ Aprilȱ2017ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ DearȱBusinessȱCommunity:ȱ ȱ OnȱbehalfȱofȱtheȱOfficeȱofȱBusinessȱDevelopmentȱ&ȱEqualȱOpportunityȱ(OBD&EO),ȱIȱamȱpleasedȱ toȱpresentȱourȱ2016ȱSummaryȱofȱAwardsȱandȱDollarsȱPaidȱtoȱDisadvantaged,ȱMinority,ȱWomen,ȱ andȱ VeteranȬownedȱ Businesses.ȱȱTheȱ reportȱ summarizesȱ primeȱ andȱ subcontractȱ awardsȱ andȱ tracksȱdollarsȱpaidȱtoȱM/W/DBEȱandȱVOBsȱinȱ2016.ȱȱȱ ȱ Sinceȱ1994,ȱtheȱyearȱtheȱAuthorityȱimplementedȱitsȱnonȬdiscriminationȱprograms,ȱweȱhaveȱpaidȱ moreȱthanȱ$323ȱmillionȱtoȱcertifiedȱM/W/DBEsȱandȱVOBs.ȱȱThisȱprogressȱwouldȱnotȱbeȱpossibleȱ withoutȱtheȱsupportȱofȱourȱBoardȱofȱCommissioners,ȱledȱbyȱChairmanȱRyanȱN.ȱBoyerȱandȱViceȱ ChairmanȱJeffreyȱL.ȱNash.ȱȱWeȱhaveȱalsoȱappreciatedȱtheȱunwaveringȱsupportȱofȱJohnȱT.ȱHanson,ȱ ChiefȱExecutiveȱOfficerȱofȱDRPAȱandȱPresidentȱofȱPATCO.ȱȱȱ ȱ WeȱalsoȱwantȱtoȱrecognizeȱtheȱsteadfastȱsupportȱweȱreceiveȱfromȱourȱpartnersȱinȱtheȱEngineeringȱ Divisionȱ andȱ theȱ Purchasingȱ andȱ Contractȱ Administrationȱ Departments.ȱȱȱOurȱ communityȱ ofȱ worldȬclassȱstewardsȱisȱdeeplyȱcommittedȱtoȱtheȱAuthority’sȱStewardshipȱMissionȱandȱVision,ȱ andȱourȱSharedȱValues,ȱwhichȱincludeȱ“Diversityȱ&ȱInclusion”ȱandȱ“CommunityȱStewardship”.ȱȱȱ ȱ Overȱtheȱyears,ȱtargetedȱoutreachȱeffortsȱhaveȱprovenȱtoȱbeȱtheȱcornerstoneȱofȱtheȱsuccessȱofȱourȱ nonȬdiscriminationȱ programs.ȱȱInȱ 2016,ȱ someȱ ofȱ ourȱ outreachȱ effortsȱ included,ȱ butȱ wereȱ notȱ limitedȱto:ȱ ȱ x RepresentingȱtheȱAuthorityȱatȱ13ȱexposȱinȱNewȱJersey,ȱPennsylvania,ȱandȱDelaware;ȱ x Participatingȱonȱnumerousȱpanelȱdiscussionsȱwithȱrepresentativesȱfromȱpeerȱagenciesȱandȱ organizationsȱ givingȱ usȱ theȱ opportunityȱ toȱ provideȱ theȱ businessȱ communityȱ withȱ informationȱaboutȱ“howȱto”ȱdoȱbusinessȱwithȱȱDRPAȱandȱPATCO;ȱ x Publishingȱaȱnewsletterȱ–ȱNewsȱAlertȱ–ȱwhichȱisȱdisseminatedȱquarterlyȱtoȱapproximatelyȱ 1,500ȱsubscribers;ȱ x Issuingȱ eȬalertsȱ thatȱ notifyȱ subscribersȱ aboutȱ upcomingȱ contractȱ andȱ purchasingȱ opportunities;ȱ Facilitatingȱ timeȱ forȱ M/W/DBEsȱ andȱ VOBsȱ toȱ makeȱ briefȱ introductionsȱ duringȱpreȬbidȱandȱpreȬproposalȱmeetingsȱtoȱlikelyȱbiddersȱandȱproposers;ȱandȱȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ Pageȱ2ȱ Continuedȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ x Hostingȱtwoȱinformationalȱsessionsȱentitledȱ“BuildingȱBridgesȱtoȱElevateȱBusiness”.ȱȱAfterȱ theȱevents,ȱseveralȱattendeesȱsharedȱtheȱfollowingȱfeedback:ȱ o “SimplyȱhostingȱtheȱeventȱmadeȱusȱallȱfeelȱpositiveȱthatȱDRPA/PATCOȱisȱseriousȱaboutȱ diversityȱandȱthatȱweȱhaveȱrealȱopportunityȱtoȱobtainȱbusiness.”ȱ o “Iȱappreciatedȱtheȱpersonalȱattentionȱdelivered.”ȱ o “Great.ȱȱDRPAȱdoesȱanȱexcellentȱjobȱinȱputtingȱtogetherȱtheseȱevents.”ȱȱ ȱ Toȱlearnȱmoreȱaboutȱupcomingȱcontractȱandȱprocurementȱopportunitiesȱandȱoutreachȱevents,ȱorȱ enrollȱinȱourȱInstantȱEȬAlertȱNotificationȱProgram,ȱorȱtoȱreceiveȱourȱquarterlyȱnewsletterȱpleaseȱ eitherȱvisitȱourȱwebsiteȱatȱwww.drpa.org/obdeoȱorȱcallȱourȱofficeȱatȱ(856)ȱ968Ȭ2270.ȱȱȱ ȱ Sincerely,ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ToniȱP.ȱBrownȱ ChiefȱAdministrativeȱOfficerȱ ȱ ȱ 2017 Policy Statements ȱ One Port Center (856) 968-2000 PO Box 1949 (856) 968-2272 Fax 2 Riverside Drive www.drpa.org Camden, NJ 08101 ȱ ȱ TO:ȱ AllȱAuthorityȱEmployeesȱ FROM:ȱ JohnȱT.ȱHanson,ȱChiefȱExecutiveȱOfficer,ȱDRPAȱ ȱ President,ȱPATCOȱ SUBJECT:ȱ EqualȱEmploymentȱOpportunityȱ(EEO)ȱPolicyȱStatementȱ DATE:ȱ Januaryȱ3,ȱ2017ȱ ȱ TheȱDelawareȱRiverȱPortȱAuthorityȱandȱtheȱPortȱAuthorityȱTransitȱCorporationȱ(“theȱAuthority”)ȱhaveȱ aȱ strongȱ commitmentȱ toȱ ourȱ employeesȱ andȱ theȱ communityȱ weȱ serve.ȱȱAsȱ anȱ equalȱ employmentȱ opportunityȱemployer,ȱweȱstriveȱtoȱhaveȱaȱworkforceȱthatȱreflectsȱtheȱcommunityȱweȱserve.ȱȱItȱhasȱ beenȱtheȱlongstandingȱcommitmentȱofȱtheȱDRPAȱandȱPATCOȱ(TheȱAuthority)ȱtoȱensureȱemployeesȱ andȱothersȱworkingȱatȱorȱvisitingȱourȱfacilitiesȱareȱtreatedȱinȱaȱdignified,ȱrespectfulȱandȱnonȱ–ȱoffensiveȱ manner.ȱTheȱAuthorityȱstrivesȱtoȱprovideȱaȱworkȱenvironmentȱthatȱisȱinclusiveȱandȱwelcomingȱtoȱallȱ andȱfreeȱfromȱharassmentȱinȱanyȱform.ȱInȱkeepingȱwithȱthisȱcommitment,ȱallȱemployeesȱwereȱtrainedȱ byȱ Maryȱ M.ȱ Tiernan,ȱ Programȱ Analystȱ fromȱ theȱ Equalȱ Employmentȱ Opportunityȱ (EEOC),ȱ PhiladelphiaȱDistrictȱOfficeȱbetweenȱAugustȱ2015ȱandȱDecemberȱ2015.ȱAllȱemployeesȱwillȱbeȱtrainedȱ againȱbeginningȱinȱ2017.ȱ ȱ EqualȱEmploymentȱOpportunityȱcontinuesȱtoȱbeȱanȱimportantȱpartȱofȱAuthorityȱpersonnelȱpolicies.ȱ TheȱAuthorityȱactivelyȱpromotesȱthisȱpolicyȱandȱcompliesȱwithȱapplicableȱgovernmentalȱlawsȱandȱ regulations.ȱWeȱwillȱcontinueȱtoȱrecruit,ȱhire,ȱupgrade,ȱtrainȱandȱpromote,ȱtransfer,ȱdemote,ȱlayoff,ȱ terminate,ȱdetermineȱratesȱofȱpayȱandȱotherȱformsȱofȱcompensation,ȱandȱtreatȱemployeesȱinȱallȱjobȱ titlesȱ withoutȱ regardȱ toȱ aȱ personȇsȱ race,ȱ color,ȱ religion,ȱ sexȱ (includingȱ genderȱ identity,ȱ sexualȱ orientation,ȱ andȱ pregnancy),ȱ nationalȱ origin,ȱ age,ȱ veteranȱ status,ȱ geneticȱ information,ȱ disabilityȱ orȱ otherȱprotectedȱgroupȱcharacteristic.ȱȱEmploymentȱdecisionsȱwillȱcontinueȱtoȱreflectȱourȱcommitmentȱ toȱ furtheringȱ theȱ principlesȱ ofȱ theȱAuthorityȇsȱ Equalȱ Employmentȱ Opportunityȱ policy.ȱ Weȱ remainȱ committedȱ toȱ takingȱ affirmativeȱ stepsȱ toȱ identifyȱ problemȱ areas,ȱ andȱ developȱ strategiesȱ toȱ ensureȱ equalȱemploymentȱopportunitiesȱforȱallȱqualifiedȱindividuals.ȱ ȱ FullȱequalityȱofȱopportunityȱandȱanȱenvironmentȱwhichȱisȱharassmentȬfreeȱisȱanȱabsoluteȱrightȱofȱeveryȱ employeeȱandȱapplicant,ȱforȱemployment.ȱȱȱAssuranceȱofȱtheseȱrightsȱisȱtheȱresponsibilityȱofȱeveryȱ chief,ȱdirector,ȱmanagerȱandȱsupervisor.ȱPursuantȱtoȱtheȱAuthority’sȱSharedȱValues,ȱandȱinȱparticularȱ theȱSharedȱValueȱofȱ“DiversityȱandȱInclusion;”ȱallȱmanagementȱandȱsupervisoryȱwillȱbeȱresponsibleȱ forȱ holdingȱ allȱ employeesȱ toȱ theȱ standardsȱ setȱ forthȱ inȱ theȱ Authority’sȱ EEOȱ policies,ȱ andȱ willȱ beȱ evaluatedȱbasedȱonȱtheȱsuccessȱofȱtheȱEEOȱProgramȱinȱtheȱsameȱmannerȱthatȱtheȱAuthorityȱevaluatesȱ theirȱperformanceȱinȱotherȱAuthorityȱprograms.ȱȱ ȱ AsȱtheȱChiefȱExecutiveȱOfficerȱofȱDRPAȱandȱPresidentȱofȱPATCO,ȱIȱmaintainȱoverallȱresponsibilityȱ andȱaccountabilityȱforȱtheȱAuthority’sȱcomplianceȱwithȱitsȱEEOȱPolicyȱandȱProgram.ȱȱToȱensureȱdayȬ toȬdayȱmanagement,ȱincludingȱprogramȱpreparation,ȱmonitoring,ȱandȱcomplaintȱinvestigation,ȱIȱhaveȱ appointedȱToniȱP.ȱBrown,ȱChiefȱAdministrativeȱOfficerȱasȱtheȱAuthority’sȱȱ ȱ Pageȱ2ȱ Continuedȱ EEOȱ Officer.ȱȱMs.ȱ Brownȱ reportsȱ directlyȱ toȱ meȱ andȱ actsȱ withȱ myȱ authorityȱ withȱ allȱ levelsȱ ofȱ management,ȱlaborȱunions,ȱandȱemployees.ȱȱȱ ȱ Allȱ Authorityȱ executives,ȱ management,ȱ andȱ supervisoryȱ personnel,ȱ however,ȱ shareȱ inȱ theȱ responsibilityȱ forȱ implementingȱ andȱ monitoringȱ theȱ Authority’sȱ EEOȱ Policyȱ andȱ Programȱ withinȱ theirȱ respectiveȱ areasȱ andȱ willȱ beȱ assignedȱ specificȱ tasksȱ toȱ ensureȱ complianceȱ isȱ achieved.ȱȱTheȱ Authorityȱ willȱ evaluateȱ theȱ performanceȱ ofȱ itsȱ managersȱ andȱ supervisorsȱ onȱ theirȱ successfulȱ implementationȱofȱtheȱAuthority’sȱpoliciesȱandȱprocedures,ȱinȱtheȱsameȱwayȱtheȱAuthorityȱassessesȱ theirȱperformanceȱregardingȱotherȱAuthorityȱgoals.ȱ ȱ TheȱAuthorityȱisȱcommittedȱtoȱundertakingȱandȱdevelopingȱaȱwrittenȱnondiscriminationȱprogram,ȱ includingȱ policies,ȱ practicesȱ andȱ procedures,ȱ withȱ goalsȱ andȱ timetable,ȱ toȱ whichȱ theȱ Authorityȱ isȱ committedȱandȱwhichȱareȱavailableȱforȱreview.ȱȱȱForȱmoreȱinformationȱaboutȱtheȱAuthority’sȱEEOȱ ProgramȱpleaseȱcontactȱMs.ȱBrownȱbyȱtelephoneȱatȱ(856)ȱ928Ȭ2270ȱorȱbyȱemailȱatȱ[email protected].ȱȱȱ ȱ Authorityȱemployeesȱandȱapplicantsȱforȱemploymentȱmayȱreportȱanyȱconcernsȱregardingȱmattersȱ coveredȱbyȱthisȱpolicyȱorȱfileȱaȱchargeȱorȱcomplaintȱofȱdiscriminationȱwithȱToniȱP.ȱBrownȱatȱ(856)ȱ968Ȭ 2270ȱorȱtoȱRaymondȱSantarelli,ȱGeneralȱCounsel,ȱatȱ(856)ȱ968Ȭ2407.ȱMs.ȱBrownȱandȱMr.ȱSantarelliȱbothȱ haveȱofficesȱatȱOneȱPortȱCenter.ȱRetaliationȱagainstȱanȱindividualȱwhoȱfilesȱaȱchargeȱorȱcomplaintȱofȱ discrimination,ȱparticipatesȱinȱanȱemploymentȱdiscriminationȱproceedingȱ(suchȱasȱanȱinvestigationȱ orȱlawsuit),ȱorȱotherwiseȱengagesȱinȱprotectedȱactivityȱisȱstrictlyȱprohibitedȱandȱwillȱnotȱbeȱtolerated.ȱ TheȱAuthorityȱisȱcommittedȱtoȱprovidingȱreasonableȱaccommodationsȱtoȱapplicantsȱandȱemployeesȱ whoȱneedȱthemȱbecauseȱofȱaȱdisabilityȱorȱtoȱpracticeȱorȱobserveȱtheirȱreligion,ȱabsentȱundueȱhardship.ȱȱ ȱ Asȱyouȱknow,ȱonȱMayȱ20,ȱ2015ȱtheȱBoard,ȱunderȱtheȱleadershipȱofȱChairmanȱRyanȱN.ȱBoyerȱandȱViceȬ ChairmanȱJefferyȱL.ȱNashȱestablishedȱaȱDiversityȱandȱInclusionȱsubcommitteeȱtoȱreaffirmȱtheȱsolidȱ supportȱ forȱ equalȱ employmentȱ andȱ contractingȱ opportunitiesȱ forȱ all.ȱ Weȱ believeȱ thatȱ equalȱ employmentȱopportunityȱsupportsȱtheȱachievementȱofȱAuthority’sȱmission,ȱvision,ȱsharedȱvaluesȱandȱ goals.ȱȱWeȱreaffirmȱthisȱpledgeȱofȱfairȱandȱequalȱopportunityȱandȱlookȱforwardȱtoȱyourȱcontinuedȱ supportȱofȱthisȱimportantȱpolicy.ȱ ȱ Iȱamȱpersonallyȱcommittedȱtoȱaȱworkplaceȱthatȱactsȱuponȱitsȱdailyȱresponsibilityȱtoȱtreatȱallȱemployeesȱ andȱapplicantsȱforȱemploymentȱwithȱdignityȱandȱrespect,ȱasȱwellȱasȱequitablyȱunderȱtheȱguidelinesȱ ofȱourȱEEOȱPolicyȱandȱProgram.ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ ȱ ȱ ________________________________ John T. Hanson Chief Executive Officer
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