Important Notice
FRIDAY—JULY 9, 1943 MONITOR-LEADER MOUNT CLEMENS, MICK 7 Third Anniversary of Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto to be Observed Legion Auxiliary Unit 4 With the Colors Marriage Special Service is Set SUITOR S NOTE: far reiton* of •*- rurlty and btuuit of lark of *pae», full Announced Vlans Many Activities addrtiin af Ihot* In a«rvlc« cannat ba MR. AND MRS. FRED Friday, July 16 printed In Ihl* column -y 8 ¦ *§| R. for AMERICAN LEGION Auxili- ternates chosen were Mrs. Ice- Palmer, Butler road, today an- ago on July the Virgin to HENRY GILBERT MORAN, THREE YEARS which was have ary, Harry Ollrich Post, Unit No. land Preston and Mrs. Arthur 'fmmm nounced the marriage of their 16, Our Lady Lourdes Grotto appeared. The isitor broke the Pharmacist's Mate, Ist. Class. U. of 4, met at the home o£ Mrs. Har- Jenkins. daughter, Norma, to Norman J. at Joseph's sanatorium con- stone into three pieces, gave two S N., in St. Green, street last Mrs. Norwood Deichert was willarrive Mount Clem- Goldenbogen, son of Mr. and by the Charity, to her sisters and had the third old 115 Smith ens Saturday or Sunday, where ducted Sisters of evening at eight o'clock. appointed chairman of Uie sale Mrs John Goldenbogen, Queen was formally dedicated Since piece made into a golden locket he will spend a furlough at the Avery favorable report of the of War stamps, on Molly Pitcher street. that time additions and improve- which she presented to the Sis- home of his aunt. Mrs. Maud Poppy sales was given by Mrs stamp day, August 4th.
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