1 Estimation of Iceberg Motion for Mapping by AUVs Peter Kimball∗ and Stephen Rock∗† [email protected], [email protected] ∗Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University 496 Lomita Mall, Stanford, CA 94305 †Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute 7700 Sandholdt Road, Moss Landing, CA 95039

Abstract—Iceberg-relative navigation for Autonomous Under- I.INTRODUCTION water Vehicles (AUVs) will enable a new mode of data collection for studies of free-floating icebergs. Compared to data The use of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) for collection methods, AUVs offer substantially expanded cover- the study of free-floating icebergs is currently limited by age area and continuous sampling. However, because icebergs the ability of AUVs to navigate accurately and safely with translate and rotate through inertial space, standard vehicle navigation methods which rely on inertial sensors are unable respect to such icebergs. Standard AUV navigation methods to provide iceberg-relative position estimates. One means of rely on inertial sensors and without inertial measurements of obtaining iceberg-relative position estimates is to correlate in- iceberg motion, they are unable to provide iceberg-relative coming measurements of range to the iceberg surface vehicle position estimates. These estimates are necessary to with an a-priori three-dimensional iceberg map. This requires enable an AUV to locate both itself and the scientific data the generation of a map. it collects in an iceberg-centric reference frame. One way to The key challenge in creating such an a-priori map is ac- obtain iceberg-relative AUV navigation estimates is to create a counting for the translation and rotation of the iceberg over the duration of map data collection. Previous iceberg mapping work three-dimensional map of the iceberg’s submerged surface and by the authors accounts for iceberg motion by assuming a con- then use map-correlation of iceberg-pinging multibeam sonar stant velocity model. It uses loop closure (small overlapping areas range data to localize the vehicle within the map [1], [2]. of sonar data at the beginning and end of a circumnavigation) in The key challenge in creating a map of a free-floating ice- post-processing to identify the value of the iceberg velocity. The result is a self-consistent iceberg map suitable for iceberg-relative berg is accounting for its motion through inertial space. Specif- vehicle navigation. However, the map can be somewhat warped ically, multibeam sonar soundings of an iceberg’s submerged relative to the true shape of the iceberg due to any innacuracies surface are necessarily expressed relative to the mapping in the constant velocity assumption. vehicle and cannot be aggregated into an iceberg map unless This paper presents an extended iceberg mapping method the vehicle trajectory is known with respect to the iceberg. which uses a more complex motion model, capable of more Because traditionally-available vehicle navigation instruments accurately representing the motion of the iceberg and therefore only provide measurements of vehicle trajectory in inertial of providing a more accurate iceberg map. To identify the space, they must be combined with an estimate of the iceberg’s parameters in this model, the extended method incorporates Doppler sonar measurements which give information about the trajectory in inertial space in order to obtain the iceberg- velocity of the iceberg throughout the circumnavigation. Because relative vehicle trajectory required for mapping. the Doppler velocity measurements depend on the trajectory of The mapping method presented in [1] accounts for iceberg the iceberg and also on their locations on the iceberg surface, the motion by assuming that iceberg translation and rotation extended method estimates simultaneously the parameters in the iceberg motion model and the locations of the recorded sonar occur at rates which are constant throughout the duration soundings in an iceberg-fixed reference frame. of data collection. The values of these rates are chosen to maximize agreement between two small overlapping regions The paper details the multi-objective least-squares estimation computation used in the iceberg motion and shape estimation. of multibeam sonar soundings from the beginning and end of Included is a basis spline implementation for modeling and a circumnavigation (loop closure). Given that the area of sonar parameterizing the potentially complex iceberg trajectory. The overlap is small compared to total mapped area, loop closure paper presents results from simulated data to support the only gives information about the total iceberg translation and explanation of the method and demonstrate that the iceberg rotation. While loop closure does enable creation of a self- shape it recovers is less warped (relative to truth) than that generated under the assumptions used in previous work. consistent map, it does not provide any information about variation of the rates over the duration of data collection. The constant velocity assumption can be inaccurate and an inaccurate model of iceberg motion results in some warp- This work was supported by grant ANT-0811399 from the National Science ing of the resulting iceberg map (with respect to the true Foundation. shape of the iceberg). A more accurate iceberg motion model 2 could yield reduction in this warping. Although a warped The motivation for creating self-consistent maps of moving but self-consistent map may be used successfully for vehicle icebergs is that they can be used to provide iceberg-relative localization as demonstrated in [2], reducing map warping AUV navigation estimates. will improve slightly the localization performance (accuracy, convergence rate, and required computation), and the scientific B. Underwater Mapping Techniques value of the map itself. For seafloor mapping applications, terrain maps are created The extended iceberg mapping method presented in this by casting sonar range-to-seafloor vectors recorded by a map- paper utilizes an iceberg motion model which is more complex ping vehicle from a best estimate of the vehicle trajectory than the constant-velocity model used in previous work and along which they were collected. The sonar data used to create as a result achieves an iceberg map which is less warped. To these maps can be collected from ship hull-mounted systems identify the parameters in this model, the extended method or from submerged vehicles such as towfish, ROVs and AUVs. requires information in addition to what is available from The advantage of the submerged vehicles is that they can loop closure based on small overlapping regions of multibeam produce data of higher resolution due to their proximity to data. It requires information about how the iceberg is moving the seafloor. In either case, generating the map requires an throughout the entirety of the circumnavigation. This informa- accurate estimate of the vehicle’s trajectory with respect to the tion can be obtained from measurements of iceberg-relative terrain being mapped. For ship-based systems, this is relatively vehicle velocity made by a Doppler Velocity Logger (DVL). straightforward since the location of the ship relative to the Parameter values of the complex motion model are chosen seafloor is measurable using GPS. For submerged vehicle both to satisfy loop closure and minimize the difference systems, a best estimate of the vehicle trajectory must be between iceberg velocities as predicted by the model and formed in other ways. as measured by the DVL-equipped vehicle. Vehicle inertial There are two common techniques for estimating an under- navigation measurements are combined with DVL range and water vehicle’s trajectory during mapping operations. One is velocity measurements to give a measurement of the inertial- to use acoustic arrays during data collection [10], [11]. The space position and velocity of each point on the iceberg surface other is to exploit self-intersecting trajectories, and use terrain ensonified by the DVL. The method exploits the explicit correlation at these intersection points to perform adjustments dependence of these measurements upon the trajectory and to the estimated vehicle trajectory in post-processing [12], shape of the iceberg in order to estimate simultaneously (1) the [13]. parameters in the complex iceberg motion model and (2) the The advantage of the self-intersecting trajectory technique is locations of DVL soundings within an iceberg-fixed reference that it does not require the potentially problematic deployment frame. and calibration of an acoustic array. In the iceberg application, This paper details the extended post-processing method. this technique is complicated further by the requirement that It presents a basis spline iceberg motion model, capable the array be fixed to the iceberg. Note that acoustic arrays of representing complex trajectories. It shows the explicit were successfully fixed to rather small icebergs (up to 100 m dependencies of each measurement upon the parameters to draft) for mapping in the Dynamics of Iceberg Grounding and be estimated, and formulates a multi-objective linear least- Scouring (DIGS) experiment, but that their deployment was squares computation which minimizes the difference between challenging even in calm conditions, and several operational measured and modeled quantities. Finally, the paper presents problems with the method were identified [14]. results from simulated data to support the explanation of the The disadvantage of the self-intersecting trajectory tech- extended method and to demonstrate that the iceberg shape it nique is that the trajectory estimate it generates can be less recovers is less warped than that generated under assumptions accurate than acoustic array-based approaches since it lacks as in [1]. the continuous, direct measurement of vehicle position. Even so, the maps generated with this approach typically provide II.BACKGROUND meter-level accuracy. Hence, the technique is in common use. In addition, software tools such as MB-System [15] exist A. AUVs Under Ice which facilitate both the processing of the sonar data and the Numerous research programs have demonstrated that AUVs generation of best estimates of vehicle trajectory. can operate successfully in the under-ice environment [3], In order to generate maps of free-floating icebergs, the [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]. These programs have addressed process of estimating the vehicles’s trajectory during data important under-ice challenges such as vehicle deployment collection must compensate for the motion of the iceberg. and recovery through ice, the inability of AUVs to obtain GPS The method in [1] and the extended method presented here navigation fixes while beneath ice, the reduced performance use iceberg surface shape correlation at the beginning and of navigation instruments at high-latitudes, and the hazardous end of a circumnavigation in a manner similar to existing presence of both ice and seafloor obstacles. In all of these seafloor mapping techniques - to determine the trajectory of deployments, AUVs have operated beneath ice fixed in inertial the mapping vehicle relative to the surface being mapped. space (e.g. fast ice or ice shelves), and have used navigation inertially-referenced navigation techniques not designed to C. Basis Splines provide vehicle localization with respect to icebergs which This method utilizes basis splines to model and account for are translating and rotating through inertial space. the motion of the iceberg during mapping. The basis spline is 3 a well-understood tool for fitting smooth curves to large data map creation, and must be collected by the AUV during sets. Basis splines are a specific form of piecewise polynomial circumnavigation of the iceberg: whose number of piecewise elements, polynomial degree, and 1) AUV Trajectory: This data set includes both position continuity may be specified. Linear combinations of specified and orientation of the mapping vehicle over time. It is basis functions make up a basis spline. Evaluation of a basis defined in inertial space and is measured by standard spline is achieved simply through matrix multiplication of its means (e.g. vehicle inertial navigation system (INS), basis functions by its control points. At any time for which the corrected by GPS fixes at deployment and recovery). spline is defined, the value of the spline depends only upon a 2) DVL Soundings: The DVL is pointed at the ice surface subset of the control points. Transition times between “active” from the mapping vehicle and each ping yields two basis functions are called knots. For more information on basis important measurements: a range vector from the vehicle splines, including the specific forms of their constituent basis to a point on the iceberg surface, and the vehicle-relative functions, see [16] and [17]. velocity of that point on the iceberg. The velocity may be In the iceberg mapping method presented here, basis splines integrated to obtain relative displacement. Necessarily, provide a general model of iceberg motion, whose parameters all DVL measurements are defined in the vehicle frame. are identified using measurements of iceberg velocity. 3) Multibeam Sonar Pings: Each ping yields a fan-shaped pattern of many (e.g. hundreds, depending on the model) range measurements from the vehicle to the iceberg D. The Doppler Velocity Logger surface. These range vectors are defined in the vehicle The DVL instrument provides measurements of vehicle- frame and lie in the across-track (standard vehicle YZ) relative iceberg velocity and range which are required by the plane. iceberg mapping method presented here. DVLs typically use Symbols representing these data are defined in Table I. four acoustic beams, each from a separate transducer, each pointed in a known direction (e.g. forming a square pyramid). IV. POST-PROCESSING DVLs used for navigation are configured to record both the travel time and Doppler shift (change in frequency) of the A. Approach return echo from the seafloor or other surface in each beam The mapping method works by choosing parameters in an direction. The echo travel time is multiplied by the local speed iceberg motion model which best explain the collected data. of sound to give range-to-surface for each beam, while the The motion model is expressed here using splines for two Doppler shift is used to recover the component of surface- reasons. First, by specifying the spline degree and number relative velocity lying parallel to each beam. Under known of knots, the complexity of the iceberg motion may be geometry, the four beams provide overdetermined sets of range constrained in a physically reasonable way. Second, the spline and velocity measurements from which a surface plane may representation is linear and facilitates a linear least-squares be fit and the total surface-relative velocity of the instrument estimation method. may be recovered. Often, a single range vector (in the center It is shown below that the collected inertial-space DVL of the beam formation) to the fit surface plane is taken to be sounding locations, inertial-space DVL velocities, and iceberg- the distance of the vehicle from the surface (e.g. altitude for frame sounding-to-sounding distances depend linearly on the downward-looking DVLs). control point locations of an iceberg position spline and lin- Together with vehicle attitude data, DVL velocity mea- early upon the iceberg-frame locations of the DVL soundings, surements are numerically integrated to provide vehicle dis- but non-linearly upon the orientation of the iceberg. Because placement estimates. Typically, DVLs provide measurements these three quantities are readily computed from vehicle data, approximately five times per second, a rate which is fast com- the strategy employed is to feed “known” iceberg heading pared to accelerations undergone by typical AUVs. Integration splines to a fast inner loop which selects iceberg position of seafloor-relative DVL velocity measurements is at the heart spline control points and iceberg-frame sounding locations of a large number of currently fielded underwater vehicle via multi-objective linear least-squares to best fit the recorded navigation systems. DVLs have also been used to obtain data. This best fit depends on the heading spline used, so the vehicle velocity measurements for navigation with respect to outer loop uses least-squares residuals from the inner loop to ship hulls [18], and notably, with respect to sea ice [19] and search the control point space for the best heading spline. ice shelves [6] fixed in inertial space. Specifically, the multi-objective linear least-squares estima- The present method uses a DVL pointed at the submerged tor used in this method works to minimize the weighted sum, surface of an iceberg to obtain the single range (“altitude”) J, of five objectives as in Equation 1. to the iceberg surface, the velocity of the iceberg surface with 2 2 respect to the vehicle, and the vehicle displacement (integrated Iˆ Iˆ˙ J = A1~x − ~x + µ2 A2~x − ~x + velocity) with respect to the ice. 2 bˆ 2 2 µ3 A3~x − d + µ4 kA4~xk + µ5 kA5~xk (1) III.DATA COLLECTION Here, xˆ is the estimata vector, and contains the control points Map creation in this method is accomplished in post- of the iceberg position spline as well as the iceberg-frame processing. Three data sets comprise the required input for position of each point on the iceberg surface ensonified by 4

Measured Quantity True Value Instrument Measurement th Time of i measurement ti Clock - I I Vehicle position in inertial space ~xv INS xˆv th v vˆ Range vector from vehicle to i point on iceberg surface ~ri DVL ~ri th v ˙ vˆ˙ Vehicle-relative velocity of i point on iceberg surface ~ri DVL ~ri Rotation Matrix from vehicle frame to inertial frame I/vR Compass/INS I/vRˆ TABLE I MEASUREDQUANTITIESANDSYMBOLS

the mapping vehicle’s DVL. Each of the first four norms the iceberg. In practice, because the motion of the iceberg in Equation 1 is an indicator of how well the estimated is unknown, the values used must depend on the size of the iceberg trajectory and shape support the recorded data. Each iceberg being mapped, the duration of the circumnavigation, A1 ...A4 is a matrix which multiples the estimata vector to and possibly also on observations of local weather conditions give the modeled value of a measured quantity. A1 is the and ocean currents. measurement model which multiplies xˆ to give the inertial- Spline representations of inertial-space position and orien- space position of each point ensonified by the DVL, while tation of the iceberg-fixed reference frame used here are given Iˆ measured values are contained in ~x. The matrix A2 is the in Equations 2 and 3. measurement model which multiplies xˆ, to give the modeled Iˆ ~ ~ inertial-space velocity of each point ensonified by the DVL. ~xb(t) = B1,Dx (t)IPx,1 + B2,Dx (t)IPx,2 + Iˆ˙ ~ Measured inertial-space velocities appear in the vector ~x). ... + Bn,Dx (t)IPx,Nx (2) The matrix A3 multiplies xˆ to give the modeled iceberg-frame distances between subsequent points ensonified by the DVL. Measurements of the sounding-to-sounding distances appear in Iψˆ (t) = B (t)P + B (t)P + bˆ b 1,Dψ ψ,1 2,Dψ ψ,2 d. The matrix A4 multiplies xˆ to give the separation distance ... + B (t)P (3) between twice-ensonified points (from the beginning and end n,Dψ ψ,Nψ of the circumnavigation) on the iceberg surface. Minimizing Here, Dx and Dψ are the degree of the position and heading the norm of this product works to enforce loop-closure. splines, respectively. Nx and Nψ are the number of control Finally, A5 multiplies ~x to give the vector sum of all the points in the two splines. Note that the position spline is estimated iceberg-frame sounding locations. The location (on vector-valued, while the heading spline is scalar-valued. the iceberg) of the origin of the iceberg-fixed reference frame Under the approach used here, it is important that the is arbitrary, so with a very small , µ5, minimization of position of the iceberg frame may be described as a linear 2 µ5 kA5~xk is used to pull the center of the reference frame function of its control points. Specifically, at the time of the toward the geometric center of the iceberg to prevent numerical ith measurement, the iceberg-frame position and translation rate issues. are given by the matrix multiplications in Equations 4 and 5 The remainder of this section details the splines used to (quantities appear beneath a hat when they are measured or represent iceberg trajectory as well as the data sources and estimated). Importantly, the position spline differs from the linear models (A1,...,A5) used in the least-squares . translation rate spline only in its basis functions (B vs B˙ ), not in its control points. Iˆ B. Spline Representation of Iceberg Trajectory ~xb(ti) In this method, basis splines are used to represent iceberg   ~ = B1,Dx (ti)IB2,Dx (ti)I...BNx,Dx (ti)I Px (4) motion, and choices in spline configuration have important = B (t )P~ physical meanings. For example, increasing the number of x i x piecewise elements allows for a higher temporal frequency Iˆ˙ in the trajectory represented by the spline. Also, the degree ~xb(ti) of the polynomial used may be interpreted as a limitation   ~ = B˙ 1,D (ti)I B˙ 2,D (ti)I... B˙ N ,D (ti)I Px (5) on the acceleration of (and therefore or torque acting x x x x ˙ ~ upon) the iceberg. For example, a continuous second order = Bx(ti)Px piecewise polynomial representing position also represents Here, P~ is a stacked vector containing the N control points through its derivatives a piecewise constant, generally discon- x x for the position spline. The basis functions depend on the tinuous acceleration or force history. Similarly, a continuous degree of the spline being used, and on the number of knots third order piecewise position polynomial corresponds to a being used. piecewise linear, continuous acceleration or force history. Ideally, to minimize the number of parameters to be es- timated, the number of piecewise elements and the polyno- C. Inertial-Space Iceberg Surface Locations mial degree used should each be as small as possible while The ith DVL sounding yields a measured range vector to maintaining the ability to describe accurately the motion of a point on the iceberg surface. The ith such measurement is 5

vˆ denoted ~ri. Combined with a measurement of vehicle position (Typical DVL instruments ping at a rate of approximately 5 th Iˆ in inertial space at the time of the i measurement, ~xv(ti), Hz). and a measurement of the rotation matrix from the vehicle Instead of including explicitly the velocity measurement I/v frame to inertial space, Rˆ(ti), this measurement gives the from every DVL sounding, the method includes measure- th position in inertial space at time ti of the i point on the ments of iceberg-relative vehicle displacement between se- iceberg surface as in Equation 6. lected soundings, obtained by integration of the DVL velocity signal. Iˆ Iˆ I/v vˆ ~xi(ti) = ~xv(ti) + Rˆ(ti) ~ri (6) The derived measurement of the iceberg-frame displacement vector between the ith selected point on the iceberg surface and The inertial-space position of this point on the iceberg is ˆ the selected point preceding it is given by bd~ . It is defined in also expressed in terms of its position in the iceberg reference i b terms of measured quantities in Equation 10. frame, ~xi, the position of the iceberg frame in inertial space I b~ˆ b/v v~ˆ vˆ b/v vˆ at the time of the measurement, ~xb(ti), and a rotation matrix di = Rˆ(ti−1)( dv(ti) − ~ri−1) + Rˆ(ti) ~ri (10) from the iceberg frame to inertial space at the time of the Here, b/vRˆ(t ) and b/vRˆ(t ) are the rotation matrices from measurement, I/bR(t ). Using the spline-derived estimates for i−1 i i the vehicle frame to the iceberg frame at time (t ) and these quantities, the modeled inertial-space position of the ith i−1 (t ), respectively. These rotation matrices are derived both point on the iceberg surface is computed as in Equation 7. i−1 from the measured vehicle attitude and the estimated iceberg v~ˆ Iˆ Iˆ I/b bˆ orientation. The vector, dv(ti) is the distance traveled by the ~xi(ti) = ~xb(ti) + Rˆ(ti) ~xi (7) vehicle relative to the iceberg between (ti−1) and (ti). It is The least-squares formulation works to minimize the differ- computed by the DVL via integration of ice-relative velocity ence between the measured and modeled values (Equations 6 (at approximately 5 Hz). The range vectors measured by the vˆ vˆ and 7, respectively) of inertial-space position for all measure- DVL at (ti−1) and (ti) are ~ri−1 and ~ri, respectively. ments, i = 1, 2, . . . , n. The modeled iceberg-frame distance between selected soundings is simply the vector difference between them, as in Equation 11. D. Inertial-Space Iceberg Surface Velocities ˆ bd~ = b~x − b~x (11) Combined with information from the vehicle inertial nav- i i i−1 igation system, the ith DVL sounding yields a measurement The least-squares estimation minimizes the difference be- of the velocity of the ith point on the iceberg surface through tween measured and modeled values of the iceberg-frame Iˆ˙ distance between soundings. Note that because the measured inertial space, ~xi, as in Equation 8. values depend on iceberg heading, they must be recomputed Iˆ˙ Iˆ˙ I/v vˆ˙ (under the “known” heading) for each multi-objective least- ~xi = ~xv(ti) + Rˆ(ti) ~ri (8) squares estimation. Iˆ˙ Here, ~xv(ti) is the measured vehicle velocity in inertial space, I/v F. Loop Closure Rˆ(ti) is the rotation matrix from the vehicle frame to vˆ˙ Loop closure is the idea that the mapping vehicle ensonifies inertial space, and ~ri is the DVL-measured vehicle velocity with respect to the ice, all at the time of the ith DVL sounding. the same section of the iceberg surface at the beginning and Equation 9 gives the modeled inertial-space velocity of the end of its circumnavigation. If loop closure is properly en- ith point on the iceberg surface. forced, the estimated iceberg-frame positions of points ensoni- fied at the beginning and end of the iceberg circumnavigation Iˆ˙ Iˆ˙ I/b bˆ bˆ are equal, even though the measured inertial-space positions ~xi = ~xb(ti) + Rˆ(ti)( ~ωb(ti) × ~xi) (9) of each such point may have been largely disparate. Iˆ˙ Determination of sounding pairs representing the same point Here, ~xb(ti) is the inertial-space velocity of the origin of the I/b on the iceberg surface is performed by aligning the multibeam iceberg frame, given by the spline position estimate. Rˆ(ti), the rotation matrix from the iceberg frame to inertial space, sonar data. This can be achieved with a simple constant bˆ velocity motion model as in [1], or by a point cloud alignment and ~ωb, the rotation rate of the iceberg, are each given by bˆ algorithm such as ICP [20]. Since the multibeam range vectors the spline heading estimate. Again, ~xi is the position in the iceberg frame of the ith ensonified point on the iceberg surface. and DVL range vectors are each defined in the vehicle frame, The least-squares formulation works to minimize the differ- alignment of the multibeam soundings yields alignment of the ence between the measured and modeled values of the inertial- DVL soundings. space surface velocities (Equations 8 and 9, respectively). In the least-squares estimation, loop closure is achieved by minimizing the iceberg-frame difference between each pair of matched sounding locations. Note that rather than E. Iceberg-Frame Sounding-to-Sounding Distances as one-to-one sounding matches, loop closure could also be The i = 1, 2, . . . , n soundings used in this method represent described with linear combinations of sounding locations (e.g. only a sparse selection of the DVL soundings made over the a particular sounding from the end of the circumnavigation sits course of data collection because consideration of every DVL at some weighted average position of two adjacent soundings sounding could render the estimation problem intractable. from the beginning of the circumnavigation). 6

G. Frame Centering    I~xˆ  The location on the iceberg of the origin of the iceberg-fixed A1 √ √ Iˆ˙ reference frame is arbitrary. For a given iceberg motion, the  µ2A2  µ2 ~x ˜ √  ˆ   arrangement of sounding locations can be shifted anywhere ~x =  µ3A3 ~xls − √ b~ˆ (18) √  µ3 d in the reference frame so long as the trajectory of the frame  µ A    √ 4 4  0  origin is adjusted correspondingly. µ5A5 0 The final objective in the least-squares minimization is one which pulls the origin of the iceberg frame toward the geometric center of the iceberg. Specifically, the objective to V. RESULTS be minimized is the squared norm of the vector sum of all the Simulated planar data are used here to demonstrate the iceberg-frame sounding locations. If an adequately complex extended mapping method. The data include the (invented) model of iceberg motion is included (i.e. enough piecewise true shape and non-inertial trajectory of an iceberg as well elements and high enough degree), a very small weighting of as simulated vehicle navigation and ice-pinging DVL velocity this objective is sufficient to center the reference frame on the measurements from circumnavigation. In this example, the iceberg without penalizing the other objectives. iceberg perimeter is 3.36 km and the iceberg area is 0.61 km2. The mapping vehicle moves at 1.5 m/s and therefore H. Multiobjective Least-Squares Solution takes approximately 38 minutes to circumnavigate the iceberg. Meanwhile, the iceberg moves non-inertially with slowly- Equating the measured and modeled values (detailed in varying translational velocities between 0.046 and 0.047 m/s these sectionsIV-C - IV-G) for all i = 1, 2, . . . , n DVL and heading rates between 2.4 and 4.8 rad/s. soundings gives an overdetermined system of equations, all The simulated vehicle circumnavigation trajectory appears of which are linear in the iceberg position spline control in Figure 1. Accumulated dead-reckoning error of approxi- points and iceberg-frame locations of points ensonified by the mately 3.5% of distance traveled is also simulated for the mapping vehicle DVL. This system is written in matrix form trajectory. This error is linearly backsmoothed based on inertial in Equations 12 - 16. In each of these, the notation used in fixing (e.g. as could be performed using GPS at vehicle de- the original statement of the to-be-minimized cost function ployment and recovery). Magnitude of simulated error in vehi- (Equation 1) is given on the left, while the expanded matrix cle trajectory before and after inertial fixing appears in Figure form is given on the right. 2. Note also that measurements of iceberg-frame sounding-to- There a total of 3n + r vector equations, and n + N x sounding distances in this simulation are corrupted by zero- vector unknowns, where r is the number of redundantly- mean Gaussian noise with standard deviation equal to 1% of ensonified points on the iceberg surface. Values for the distance traveled (1 cm for every 10 m traveled relative to the µ , . . . , µ should be determined based on the uncertainties of 2 5 iceberg). the sensors used in the relevant measurements. The estimate ˆ which minimizes the cost function in Equation 1 is ~xls, as given in Equation 17.

 †  I~xˆ  A1 √ √ Iˆ˙  µ2A2  µ2 ~x ˆ √    ~xls =  µ3A3 √ b~ˆ (17) √  µ3 d  µ A    √ 4 4  0  µ5A5 0 Here, the superscripted † gives the pseudoinverse of the preceding matrix.

I. Outer Loop Heading Estimate Recall that the linear models used in the least-squares estimate all rely on a “known” iceberg heading trajectory over the duration of the map data collection. An outer loop must function to supply these heading trajectories to the inner least- Fig. 1. Iceberg circumnavigation trajectory simulated with dead-reckoning squares estimation. The outer loop chooses the best estimate error and inertial fixing of heading trajectory as the one which yields the least-squares residual (from the inner loop) of lowest norm squared. The In this example, the outer loop is implemented using a form used by the outer loop to represent heading trajectory four element (five knot) scalar-valued cubic spline to describe does not affect the workings of the inner loop. (Here, it has iceberg heading over time (see Equation 3). Selection of the been formulated using a basis spline to represent heading). heading spline control point values was achieved by a gradient- The least-squares residual, ~x˜, is given in Equation 18. decent optimization, initialized with a vector zeros. 7

 ~   Iˆ   I/b ˆ  Px ~x1(t1) Bx(t1) R(t1) 0 ... 0 b Inertial-space positions Iˆ I/b ˆ  ~x1   ~x2(t2) Bx(t2) 0 R(t2) ... 0  b  Iˆ      ~x2  ~x = A1~x  .  =  . . . . .    (12)  .   ......   .  (n vector equations) . Iˆ I/b ˆ   ~xn(tn) Bx(tn) 0 0 ... R(tn) b ~xn

    Iˆ˙ I/b P~x ~x1(t1) B˙ (t ) Rˆ(t )Ω(ˆ t ) 0 ... 0  x 1 1 1 b~x Inertial-space velocities  Iˆ˙  ˙ I/b ˆ ˆ  1   ~x2(t2) Bx(t2) 0 R(t2)Ω(t2) ... 0  b  Iˆ˙      ~x2  ~x = A2~x . = . . . . . (13)  .   ......   .  (n vector equations)  .   . . . .   .    ˙ I/b ˆ ˆ  .  Iˆ˙ Bx(tn) 0 0 ... R(tn)Ω(tn) b ~xn(tn) ~xn

    b~ˆ P~ d2 0 −II 0 ... 0 x b~x Sounding-to-sounding b~ˆ   1   d3  0 0 −II... 0 b  bˆ   =    ~x2  (14) d = A3~x  .  ......     .  ......   .  (n − 1 vector equations)    .  b~ˆ 0 0 0 ... −II b dn ~xn

 ~      Px 0 0 I 0 ... −I 0 ... 0 b Loop closure  ~x1  0 0 0 I... 0 −I... 0  b  0 = A ~x   =    ~x2  (15) 4 . ......    r . ......   .  ( vector equations)  .  0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 ... −I b ~xn

  P~x b Frame centering  ~x1  b       ~x2  0 = A5~x 0 = 0 III...   (16) 1  .  ( vector equation)  .  b ~xn

Using the eventual best-estimate heading trajectory from the outer loop, Figures 3 and 4 show the inner loop least-squares fit of inertial-space iceberg surface position and velocity, respectively. Results shown here use a four element (five knot) vector-valued cubic spline to represent iceberg position. Multi- 6 5 objective least-squares weightings are µ2 = 5e , µ3 = 1e , 4 −2 µ4 = 1e , and µ5 = 1e . The iceberg-frame sounding locations resulting from the estimation process appear along with the true iceberg shape and true sounding locations in Figure 5. The estimated shape is self-consistent, and the rms error of the estimated iceberg- frame sounding locations is 0.84 m. Figure 6 shows the true and estimated sounding locations in the area of loop-closure. Note that both position estimates of each twice-ensonified point on the iceberg appear within 25 cm of each other, and that this distance depends on the choice of µ4. Fig. 2. Magnitude of simulated error in vehicle inertial navigation Finally, Figure 7 shows a detail view along one side of the iceberg, including positions estimated by the extended method presented in this paper and positions estimated under 8

Fig. 6. Detail view at loop closure Fig. 3. Least-squares fit to the measured inertial-space locations of points on the iceberg surface assumptions equivalent to those in [1] (e.g. no velocity mea- surements and constant iceberg translation and rotation rates). Note that less warping is evident in the positions estimated by the extended method. Over the entire circumnavigation, the rms error between the estimated and true sounding locations is 0.84 m for the extended method and 4.83 m for the method as in previous work.

Fig. 4. Least-squares fit to the measured inertial-space velocities of points on the iceberg surface

Fig. 7. Detail view comparing iceberg shape estimation results of the extended and original methods

VI.CONCLUSION The post-processing iceberg mapping method presented here incorporates an iceberg motion model which is more general than the constant velocity model used in previous work. This model is capable of describing more accurately the trajectory of the iceberg through inertial space, and therefore yields an iceberg map whose shape is closer to the true shape of the iceberg. To identify the parameters in this model, the method includes Doppler Velocity Logger measurements of iceberg- Fig. 5. Estimated positions in the iceberg frame of ensonified points on the relative mapping vehicle velocity, which are available over the iceberg surface (0.84 m rms error) entire duration of map data collection. 9

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