The Demo Version

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The Demo Version Æbucurnig Dynbær Edinburgh Coldingham c. 638 to Northumbria 8. England and Wales GODODDIN HOLY ISLAND Lindisfarne Tuidi Bebbanburg about 600 Old Melrose Ad Gefring Anglo-Saxon Kingdom NORTH CHANNEL of Northumbria BERNICIA STRATHCLYDE 633 under overlordship Buthcæster Corebricg Gyruum * of Northumbria æt Rægeheafde Mote of Mark Tyne Anglo-Saxon Kingdom Caerluel of Mercia Wear Luce Solway Firth Bay NORTHHYMBRA RICE Other Anglo-Saxon united about 604 Kingdoms Streonæshalch RHEGED Tese Cetreht British kingdoms MANAW Hefresham c 624–33 to Northumbria Rye MYRCNA Tribes DEIRA Ilecliue Eoforwic NORTH IRISH Aire Rippel ELMET Ouse SEA SEA 627 to Northumbria æt Bearwe Humbre c 627 to Northumbria Trent Ouestræfeld LINDESEGE c 624–33 to Northumbria TEGEINGL Gæignesburh Rhuddlan Mærse PEC- c 600 Dublin MÔN HOLY ISLAND Llanfaes Deganwy c 627 to Northumbria SÆTE to Mercia Lindcylene RHOS Saint Legaceaster Bangor Asaph Cair Segeint to Badecarnwiellon GWYNEDD WREOCAN- IRELAND Caernarvon SÆTE Bay DUNODING MIERCNA RICE Rapendun The Wash c 700 to Mercia * Usa NORTHFOLC Byrtun Elmham MEIRIONNYDD MYRCNA Northwic Cardigan Rochecestre Liccidfeld Stanford Walle TOMSÆTE MIDDIL Bay POWYS Medeshamstede Tamoworthig Ligoraceaster EAST ENGLA RICE Sæfern PENCERSÆTE WATLING STREET ENGLA * WALES MAGON- Theodford Llanbadarn Fawr GWERTH-MAELIENYDD Dommoceaster (?) RYNION RICE SÆTE Huntandun SUTHFOLC Hamtun c 656 to Mercia Beodericsworth CEREDIGION Weogornaceaster Bedanford Grantanbrycg BUELLT ELFAEL HECANAS Persore Tovecestre Headleage Rendlæsham Eofeshamm + Hereford c 600 GipeswicSutton Hoo EUIAS Wincelcumb to Mercia EAST PEBIDIOG ERGING Buccingahamm Sture mutha Saint Davids BRYCHEINIOG Gleawanceaster HWICCE Heorotford SEAXNA SAINT GEORGE’SSaint CHANNEL DYFED 577 to Wessex Ægelesburg * Brides GWENT 628 to Mercia Wæclingaceaster Hetfelle RICE Ythancæstir Llanddowror Waltham Bay Cirenceaster Dorchecestre GLYWYSING Caerwent Wealingaford WÆCLINGAS c. 670 to Mercia GOWER Lundenwic Margam Caerleon Mældubesburg Waneting Sunningas Berecingas Temes Llandaff Afene TENET Llantwit Sturigao BRISTOL CHANNELLlancarfan Bathum Ottanford Hrofesceaster Cantwaraburg 577 to Wessex WESTSEAXNA RICE Ægelesford Gyldeford Berghamstyde Wethmor Guerminstre Ambresberie Liminiæ Hithe Glestingaburg æt Wyllum * Dofras Wintanceaster SUMORSÆTE Longborth Searoburh CANTWARE RICE Tantun Wealtham * Yleceaster SUTHSEAXNA RICE c 658 to Wessex Hnutscillinge Hæstingaceaster DEVON Scireburne Hamtun (Hamwic) Cisseceaster Læwes HÆSTINGAS RICE 710 to Wessex DORNSÆTE Tweoneam c 650 to Wessex Seolesig Werham Wihtwarasburgh Brideport Escanceaster Dornwaraceaster WIHT DUMNONIA (Isca Dumoniorum) 685 to Wessex Lyme Bay WIHTWARA RICE * ENGLISH CHANNEL ISLES OF SCILLY CHANNEL ISLANDS (ÎLES DE LA MANCHE) REGNUM FRANCORUM 100 km (62.14 stat.mi.) UNST 33. Scotland in 1286 ZETLAND YELL FETLAR provinces directly ruled by the king Saint Magnus Bay WHALSAY MAINLAND traditional Earldoms (mormaerdom) BRESSAY FOULA Lerwick Provincial Lordships KINGDOM under Norse suzerainty to 1266 OF THE ISLES Sumburgh Head Lordships of Somerled’s descendants (NORDR) Name Family of Anglo-French origin to NORWAY FAIR ISLE seat of royal sheriff NORTH RONALDSAY WESTRAY SANDAY ORKNEY STRONSAY MAINLAND ATLANTIC Kirkwall Scapa Flow OCEAN HOY SOUTH RONALDSAY Cape Wrath Pentland Firth OUTER HEBRIDES Duncansby Head CAITHNESS GREAT STRATHNAVER BERNERA Murray of Duffus THE MINCHLoch Assynt NORTH SEA LEWIS Loch Shin SCARP SUTHERLAND Murray HARRIS SCALPA Dornoch Firth R O S S Moray Firth Kinnairds Head Elgin Banff Cromarty NORTH UIST Nairn LITTLE MINCH Dingwall MORAY GRIMSAY Forres BUCHAN BENBECULA THE STRATH- SKYE Inverness Comyn AIRD BOGIE GARIOCH GARMORAN Bisset STRATH SOUTH UIST AVON Huntingdon Spey Loch Ness Aberdeen BARRA SEA BADENOCH MAR OF THE RUM Comyn MEARNS HEBRIDES EIGG LOCHABER Loch Kincardine Comyn Ericht ATHOLL ANGUS KINGDOM KINGDOM COLL Umfraville ARGYLL Forfar OF THE TIREE OF LORN ISLAND Loch Tay OF ISLES Perth Firth of Tay MULL SCOTLAND IONA STRATHEARN (SODOR) FIFE 1072–ca. 1135 and 1174–95 Firth of Lorn under English suzerainty INNER HEBRIDES MENTEITH Kinross Firth of Forth COLONSAY COWAL LENNOX Clackmannan JURA Stewart Sterling ISLAY Stewart Dumbarton Edinburgh KNAPDALE DUNBAR ISLAY STRATHGRYFE BUTE Stewart LAUDER- Berwick upon Tweed Stewart DALE Lanark Peebles CUNNINGHAM Morville ARRAN Morville Tweed KINTYRE Traquair Stewart Ayr KYLE STEWART Selkirk Roxburgh Brus Firth of Clyde UPPER NORTH CHANNEL ESKDALE CARRICK NITHDALE LIDDESDALE Avenel Soules ANNANDALE Brus Dumfries IRELAND GALLOWAY Wigtown ENGLAND 100 km (62.14 stat.mi.).
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