■ TIMES NEW5 PHONES C «ll o r - Ui« our lolM rtt numb«fi; ‘Weather Dun> Cattlelord . M]4M« ‘Burley Ruperi Paul ^ Doylight Saving _ OaW'M Norlftpo 6ZS 2«7 Fcier Rogervon MolliMer 3J6 5J75 Showers WcoOell JcrofTip Gooomij H,igcrm,»ri Magic Valley's Home Neivspdper 536 25J5

V O L . 6 6 , N O . 3 3 4 W IN FALLS. IDAHO, SUNDAV, APRIL 26. 1970 TWENTY CENTS |Red China Launches ‘Vocal’ Satellite j HONG KONG (_UPD—Com- members,of the space racc are Australia have flown earth f ir s t .'Vsinn n a tio n in. t h e 'c o m ­ munist China announced its the United States, the Soviet satellites with ,\inorican help, petition, launi'hitif,’ }in 84-fXiiuJd entry into the space age Union, France and Japan, Jnpan beat China to tlie punch satellitf with a 1-ambda 4S5 Saturday with a 380-pound Britain, Canada, Jtaly and two m o n th s In bec-omini' (he r o ck e t. satellite broadcasting a revolu­ tionary anthem titled “The East is Red” to a world wondering what military use Peking would Cam bodia Troops Speed make of its leap Into -the - h e a v e n s;------— t / The Chinese, who invttiled— the rocket almost 1,000 y e a r s To Scene O f Fighting ago and became a nuclear ■power in 1964, said the satellite' .PHNOM PENH. Cambodia in the third consecutive day of le;ist 1.000 Vietnamese. Police- was orbiting the earth every 114 (UPI) — Cambodian comman- fighting for coniri.'l of a men supcrvisini’ the relocation minutes on a looping course that ers Saturday rushed reinforce-m highway junction only 40 miles said althouKlr the Vietnamese took it as.high as 1,365 n^les. ents-to the town of Angtas- south of Phnom Penh. families were not Viet Cong U.S. officials In som where government troops •'The Viet Cong have been suspects that they were being said the feat indicates Commu- ‘’^ttled a force of 500 Viet Cong everywhere .since we arrived removed as a precautionary nist Chinese scientists have here two days ago,” said Lt. measure. made significant progress tow- Muong Sarin, 34-year-otd com­ Hundreds, perhaps thousands, .ard developing an in­ mander of the 1st Paratroop of Vietnamese have been tercontinental ballistic missile Battalion at Angtassom, ‘’‘The Police reported slain by Cambodians situation looks quite serious. which could threaten the United -in recent days in apparent States. The Chinese suc­ We have been fighting all day." retribution for attacks by North cessfully tested a m issile w^th a .Ixiss of Angtassom would Vietnamese and Viet Cong Bribes pose a serious threat to Phnom nuclear warhead in 1966. tro o p s, , The Chinese accomplishment Penh, and steps were taken in was expected to add fuel to the capital Saturday to shore On another front Saturday, arguments of those in the Probed up its security, military sources said Cambo,- CHIANG CHINO KUO^lhe son of N ationalist Chinese Prem ier tcndcnt U . Gch. Tltomas S. Moorman. Chiang’s arri\ al and visit United States urging the Nucon Cambodian marines aboard dian air force planes parachut- Chiang Kai Shek, left, reviews the cadet wing at the Air Force to (h'e academy was conducted under tight security after the N E W YO RK administration ^to- bolster U.S. .“ City gunboats and landing craft rSprings. coio.'. with Acaaeroy superui- assassinatjon attempt in New York City. (UPI tclephotoj officials ..said I rtta“ck; S ‘s°wead “tavesSm '’was '"'''"s'atiMtaSted'S Bt™ "-£ttoli„'S“'soWed f I A sdenUst who served as a homes from the mnorn Penh s by CommimisUorces near the colonel in the U.S. Air force in S e S ' ' Vietnamese border. Teamsters May Scrap C h i a n g take action against the corrup­ He was a member of an tio n . Rebellion Ends On V i s i t s American team sent to study r Pact, Ask New Talks - saii the end of the war. torsaternteTamchtazmade commltlee appointed Thursday C a r i b b C 3 n I s l a n d By United Press IntemaUonal the city's trucking Industry tied The trucking Qeups have had C a d e t s China the fifth nation to launch PORT OF -SPAIN, Trinidad rctel dernand that Col. Stanley The Teamsters Union raised up by a combination of strike rep^cusslons in other Indus­ earth orbiter with Its own ^gun gathering-(upn _ PoUce Commissioner Johnson be fired as the unit’s the possibility Friday that the and lockout, trie's. The latest occurred SPRINGS, Colo. jster T?»e X rT u evidence, on the charges of Tony May aald Saturday chief_____ . tentative, three-year wage Thursday at Kenosha, Wls„ (UPI)-NaUonaUChinese Vice ister. t-ne oitier luu Hedged payoffa whl(* ranged from^a rebeUlous army troops ^ere , At ^aqt six perw n. have agreement it recently reached The Chicago local has gone when 3,500 American Motors Premier Chiang Ching-kuo, tew doUars to tt\eAC.WJBQ. the - with the trucking industry may outside the negotiations to sign body plw t employes were laid traveling under tight security beat to »0,000 from a narcotics ing hostages, apparently ending Black Power demonstrations be scrapped and negotiations agreements with some small oR because, of lack of parts. since an assa&slnation attem pt R upert M an . a Black Power mutiny on this . whicfr began last Monday and opened again. i, trucking firms providing for a American Motors suspended in New York, arrived Saturday The Times said payoffs to Caribbean Island. were fueled by trade union Frank Fitzslmmohs, acting <1.65 an hour wage increase production of two * models for a tour of the U.S. Air Force police came from small “The rebellion appears to be militants seeking a . greater Teamsters president, said the over three years, T h u r s d a y . A c a d e m y . K illed In storeowners in the amount of 12 over,” May said, explaining voice in government, trucking industry had agreed to ' . C h ia n g , son a n d h e ir a p p a r e n t to $5 to avoid minor summon- that the surrender o^ weapons May said 30 hostages seized do -this if an Independent of Chiang Kai-shek, was also Car W reck ses, to larger bribes from other by on estimaied 400 men In the. by the army mutineer^' were teamsters local in Chkago m /f 'W V /l 'W 7 ' • i * 1 scheduled to visit the headquar­ legitimate businesses for the Teteron Bfly stronghold was one released and that a mUltary negoUales a higher settlement l Y |a |l W f lD ters of the North American Air* RUPERT — Burning weeds same reason, and to even of the conditions agreed to by paymaster went Intg the rebel w ith th e m a jo r tru ck in g firm s In I I V Defense Command (NORAD). causing li^w' visibility ap- larRor ones for protection for the rebeLs in talks with Col. stronghold Saturday momlhg that area.- - In-New York^two Formosan- -parently led to-the death of a 65- gamblers and other racketeers, Joffrc Serette; commander of with wages owed the mutineers, A spokesman for Trucking revolutionaries; members of a year-old Declo man, Roy H. In one Instance, the story the Trinidad and Tobugo But May said a nationwide Employers Inc (TEI), which Woman Is Sought movement .seeking indepen- Droz, on a rural road three said, an accused drug seller Regiment. dusk to dawn curfew would represents 12,000 firms, gave a dence for their countrymen, miles north of here Saturday, paid $50.0(» for a police wiretap Serette was appointed com- remain in effect as a precau- surround the house, but the man were held without bull Saturday Minidoka County Sheriff's recording. mander Friday, fulfilling a tionary measure. different version of the agree. a 10-year-old woman —told ------. ------^------_ ------...... ------...... - r , menu He-*aid-TEI-has agreed—Twin- FalU-polloe - she-w as • sm ashed-a-rear-door-and-af^r-a-shol.w aa Ilrcd.Friday at.. Dopuly Wes-Woodall-sald a car- Uiatlfa"aubstanUal 8egm cnl"-stabbed In the rl^ t side by a escaped before he could be Chiang as he walked through a - driven by Mr.-Drot's wife,-Ina,— of Chicago truck firms accept a man who broke into her taken Into custody. revolving door of the Pluia M, collided with a truck driven higher settlement! TEI wilU-.'Tipartment shortly before she Investigation Into the mutter H ^l. „ , , by 22-yeur-old David Miller of consider...... whether to reopen returned • ■home ..Saturday...... night.continues. . Peter Iluung, 32, a member. of Rupert, negotiations. Bonnie Cox suffered a the World United Formosans Weeds were Ixslng burned In a Fitzsimmons .spoke_ at tjie suRQrflclnl wound and did not for Independence which seeks dUch HQarby and It Was United Auto Workers conven- require medical attention. overthrow of the Nallonallst reported visibility was low at 2 Uoti In AUantlc aty, N.J. He But police searched late Blaze In regime, was charged with at- p,m, vvhen the accident hap- snld the'Team sters would go Saturday for the man, who has tempted homicide, possct»ion pvned. a h e a d n e x t w e e k a n d su b m it th e not been Identified. of a,dangerous weapon, resist- Minidoka County Coroner tentative national agreement to The Cox woman went to her Prison Is Ing arrest and obstruction of Robert Walk said there will be about 450,000 members for apartm ent at 7:20 p. m . with her governmental admlnlslration, an Inquest. ratification, on the under- Infant son and found the man Huang’gave police on Ithaca, 'ITie traffic death raises the stiindlng It could be scrapped Inside. She told police the man Quenched N.Y., address and said he was a Idaho toll this year to 80, la te r. wanted to talk to her and when researcher. Officials at Cornell compared to 0(i the same time BOISE (UPI) - fire H ie te n tu U v u a g re e m e n t c a lls she refused he ripped off her University said he was la s t y e a r. m a d e in- for n fl,10-im-hour wuge In­ blouse and stabbed her with the v y .. UU..IL- - umuc i..- juate Student in hocIoIouv Mf- Dror was pronounced crease over three years. The knife. ■ KSr^lor three yeaTs but “ at Minidoka Independent teamsters local In Poli«?e . , were called, and at dropp«l out In the siwIna of IWW County Memorial Hospital. r.Miu/Kflthniiuhiihnmnniiion doncd theutor Uhed as a store ...... ,...... ivo, suffered minor In- Cliicago bftlked at accepting first It wusUiouglitUie man also ... i. ... . n i wiUiout uurnlnK a degree. Mrs, Droz suffered minor In­ U,ls. and the Chicago negoUa- had u gun, The Cox woman later “J juries and was not hospitalized, tions uro fllalled with much of said the man carried only a tciUUiry J-rmay atternoon. and Mr. Miller was not Injure, k n ife . deputies said. Director of Correction. Ray- ¥ ^ I „ The man ran from the A tragic aftermath to the mon(| May said all 360 inmates l-ic lC K h 1 11 a p a r tm e n t, a t 430 F o u r th Ave. accident was 'reported when at the facility were accounted B o m b I s W,, to a vacant house on Fall Mrs. Earl Munson, about BO, of for. He said Uiere was an itii- ,Siruet. Police started ’to IX*clo, m o th e r of M r*. D roz, medlutu official count "to be Draftees suffered u fata) heart attack on M a i l e d T o sure this was not diversion­ hearing of the death of her son* a r y . " , Indicated In-law , P r e s i d e n t Reds Drop May said the fire was "nat* WASniNaTON (Ul'l)~Uc«l „ ^ ”M™"oi°»lin» iS m S iirally" set by a liotnemaile de­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - draft boards have delivered by i’ayne Mortuary uf Hurley. (Jovernmenl agents have de*’ 2 5 Planes v ic e , • > only 60 per cent of the man­ tecled bombs mailed to Pres­ power requested by U»e mlllUiry ident Nixon and KelecUve during tlie past tln'ee riiontlei, it •Service Director Curtis W. Tarr O ver Laos was learned Saturday, Set Clocks from "apparently the same SAiaON (UPI) -A t Iw t 20 A ffr fT ffltK ' T o fl^l th e P e n ta g o n 's o r d e i. Hotireu" 'ln Seattle, the Pont American planes and hellcop- National Selective Service Uffice DepurUniint said Satur­ tors have been shot down or ^ . headquarters luis served notice Ahead For da y . destroyed over neighboring t\G flC tnr A t U m t Uie d e fic ie n c ie s w ill h a v e to A H|Kik(/smun said post office UoB In less than two months. * bo made up b;^ August, Tim e Sh ift inH|)uctors are cooperating wlU) records pf the U.S. military a t T ' • . During Uie past three months, By United Press International the .Secret Service and oUter command in Sulgon showed /kTC O LJriit Selective Service called for Clocks m ust bo set ulieud one government agunoies In Investt* Soturday. Four of the. U.S. IndueU on of fiO.MO m e n . B ut Ikiut ut 2 u,m, Sunday, when gating the attem pted bombings, pllou are knowfi dead and at IDAHO FA IiJ (UPI) ~ The local boards fell short by more Daylight Saving Time begins its hut so far have-no vusfwcts. He least seven missing, Materlala tcBtlng Reactor at Uiun 10,000. said Iwth bom l» were Iwlleved TotJil value of the lost U)o National Reoctor Testing annual six-month run, to have come from the some aircraft was estimated ot Station haa been shut down, of- M ii Only Michigan, Arizona and tourco beciiiise of iho olmllarlly nearly 130 million,.-nio.plwe# riclflto ror ldoho Nuclear.Cqrp- ■ n i l Huwnll oxomptod Uiwuelvos .Ql..U>^pttckttgttfl_ttnd..lypoa.,Bl______from prbvlslons of tho Unlfomi bombs found In tlotti. tiie p "tS i..-N«rlhern Texus fiZ.Tt ™ Tlie spokesman'saido nN iilf he did «uch loMea over Uo>M MMoiiMm c R yoM«yeora ot oporallon',open U yClnllcilITcH lnliinuU oiul r ^ u l™ Ihot Dayllghl Suvlna not know „thu amount of 10, ranged from aix PhantomPh«ntom IiliilioIdoho NuolMr»pokoim«n»«ldNuole* Tornndoo. onil violent wlrata Time b«ob«omd from mo luS explosives In tlie niickages and Iota worth upward ot |i:4 the reu to r waa ahut down late moved UirouKli norlhorn Tnxiia Sunday In. April to the iM f declined to say'll’government irllllon each U) Hven propeller niuraday ottemoon and la be...... ailurdny,...... rl|>pln«...... roots from. Sundoy In Ocloto, when cloclu offlvlulH ruKurd U\e mulUng o( driven Skyreldera worUi W U, IniuURCKlonflandbycontUUon. homea and in]urinH at iouat 11 lumod l»ch one twur. Uie bombs as o'ttempts to thouHnd each. Shutdown ol the reactor had poraona, The thne alteration, which assassltiuto Nixon and Tarr, The loaiea al» Included two oonthigent on completion Heavy rain fell ucroaa por- <«>» hrit put Into etled durind Hut another government A7 Corialri valued at million ol tho Phoenix core ex- Ilona ol the South ond World War I. to conaerve tuel, 8TUUKNT HTIilKKIlH at the UnlversUy ot Jlarcd with the arrest « l« students Involved In source commented, " 1 don't see each and two riM Thunderch- perlmenU which originally had Norlhweit. The reat ot tlie may hayrhotti auggeited'tlrat Oregon, Kugcne, march through the ruin to u sIMn at iho uiilvcrsUy's udmlnlstratloii how you covild oall it anything Iota worUi u total ot neorly » been expected to laat untU mld> naUon bukod under aunny liy BenJaijiln Franklin, In « halt- plekotelisses.Aitudontitrlkewusvndvrsvtlby Iwlldiiig. «UPI teluphute) e ls e ." million. May. akloa and warm temp«rnlure«. “rloua naay he wrote In 17M. Iheindvcrslty'sstuilcntSviittte.HftM ttlMiyratt ' ,

.• , . V ■ ■' ;■ ■ 2 Tkn«»*News, Twin Falls, Idaho Sunday, Aprll'-w, 1970 ; ...... ______M agic V-alley O bituaries S e e n Daily Weather Report Mrs. Palmer Funeral Services j Dan Stone riding minl-blke .. . Mrs. £^aron Gardiner sear­ ‘RUPERT—xMrs. Enima Bell Requiem mass for Mrs. ching for car keys. . .Pat Bir- Ballard Palmer, 70, died Friday Bertha M. Bohrn V lll be 'm ingliam welcoming relief PREVIEW OF ESS* WEATHER BUREAU FORECAST TO 7^00 P.M. EST -4 - i t - T o at the C&ssia Memorial celebratedatll a.m. Monday at offiqer at Police station. . Hospital, Burley, of a brief St. Edward’s CathoUc Church, .W arren Barry •telling how illness. Rosary will be recited tonight at smoothly the Air West DC-9 She was bom Oct. 9. 1899, In 6t30 at the White Mortuary operates. . .Lt. Garry Corder Thornton, Ind. Her husband, Chapel. Friends may call at the drinking coffee. .‘ .Patrolman Richard Palmer, died in 1966 in chapel today, and Monday until W. D. Davis directing traffic Idaho Falls. Since then she had 10:30 a.m. Burial wilT be at around site of “tree surgery" on lived here with her father. Mrs. Sunset Memorial Park. Third Avenue West. . .Ray Palmer belonged to the Mrs. Norma D. Daiss, 2 p.m. Rostron looking happy as he Christian church. Monday, Twin Falls Mortuary crossed Shoshone Street at Survivors include her father, Chapel. M a in A v e n u e .. .W. W. ( F r e n c h ) ■Harry Ballard. Rupert; three JEROME — Funeral services Frantz sitting In for Louise sons. Eugene Grimm, Long for Minnie Josephine RusseU Bush In Chamber of Commerce Beach, Calif.; Tommy Ballard, will be conducted- at 2:30 p.m. office. . .Paul Burnett ex- ’ Brownsburg,- Ind., and Wayne Monday In the Hove Funeral plaining new projocl^in Child Palmer, Rigby; one brother. Chapel by Rev. Robert C. Development Center. . .I-^rry Harold Ballard, & lt Lake City; Cooper. Final rites will be held Mack leaving for business in one sister, Bessie Droste. in Sunset Memorial Park. Burley, and overheard, “At Republic, Wash. Friends may call at the chapel least in Vietnam all you have to ■ Funeral services will be Sunday and Monday until 2 p.m." worry about is getting shot." conducted-at 2 p.m. Monday at Walk Mortuary Chapel by Rev. \,| John Sinclair. Last rites will be ^ X lO rU TTSA Slates KAIN AND SEJOWKRS are forocast for the Central Texas through the I>nwfr Mississippi held in the Rupert Cerastery. ,5 imrtftHcsJi'ni portiini nl the nation. A b a n d of iutd Tvnncssvv yuUoys into PfunsyJvajiJa aixl Fnends ro y call at the m „ r- Alexander St., died Friday al .Final Meeting showers will- t'xlend northeastward from New Yiirk. ' tuary Sunjiy afternoon and „ yj,. Memorial Members of the PTSA of the evcmng and Monday until time j ^hert Illness, Twin Falls (ligh School will of se rv ic e s. f,,, jO, 1894, a t m e e t a l 8 p. m.>Tuesday in the - ■ INational Forecast Brownlee, Neb. He served in the school cafeteria for the final B)- LltiKed Press Intcm a(lo 9a 1 Mostly cloudy with a few 40 per cent tonight and 30 per World'-War I, meeting of the current year. High Low Pep. showers through tonight, cent Monday. Camas Prairie, . ' \ I \ C C I J L i i S i y h seeing ^ action...... in France and the New officers will be installed A tio n ta decreasing Monday. Winds 15- Hailey and Wood River Valley n„n„iom fa r A rgote and at the L«cey and THE DIRECTOR OF the Idaho State School and Hospital at and a talk is planned by the B o sto n 2SmlIcspcrhoHrattimes. Highs highs today 35^5. lows tonight Euvezin batUes. He wa's a .^am pa. Df. Gail Ison, was the guest speaker Saturday at the school's foreign exchange today 45-55. lows tonight in the in the 20s. M ostly cloudy.wUh a , J'^e t-ouise Dessel, (he B u ffalo District 3 Teens Organization for Retarded Children (TORCH | student. A musical program Charleston S.C, 30s. Probabinty7)f measurable few snow, showers through , S American Legion and a will feature the Madrigal l^awTence Dessel. who died meeting at the Episcopal Church in Twin Falls. C h ica g o precipitation 60 per cent today, tonight, decreasing Monday. mernber o'f the Veterans of Singers and the Rounders. Thursday in a Minidoka Columbus' 0. Des Moines Area Yoiiths Urged To News In Brief E l P a s o ■ m alh er Synopsis H o u sto n Jolctha J. Nussbaum, Indianapolis The weak Pacific cold front valleys and snow al the higher Aid Mentally Retarded daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kansas City which was along the Pacific elevaUons. PreclpitaUon. may McNqiU wiU ^ celebranL Bill.” He appeared In a rodeo at There is a generation gap, Dr. the mentally retarded. G e o rg e N u ssb a u m , 1525 4th Los Angeles Coast Fridaj}moved Inland and, increase Sunday. \ Madison Square Garden. Gail Ison, director of the Idaho Dr. Ison said adults of today Ave. E., has received a cer­ M e m p h is 62 2.09 Saturday, was located from the Temperatures will continue Later In life he broke horses State School and Hospital at are not aware of retardation tificate .in recognition of Miami Beach 76 .... Northern Plains through below normal. Dustmg and p at Grand Island, Neb. In 1938 he N a m p a , to ld m o re th a n 100 problems because they have not- superior scholarship in being Minn-Sl. Paul 77 40 .... Wyoming, Southeast Idaho and spraying conditions will be poor Catholic &hool here. She and and his wife moved to Ontario, youth attending a mental been made aware of the placed on the Dean's Honor List New Orleans' as 69 .... Centra! Nevada, to Southern through Sunday due to gusty . her famUy c a ^ Ore. where he worked .for the retardation convention at the p ro b le m s. at Seattle Pacific College. N ew Y o rk 74 M .... California. Another storm is winds. Other outside activiUes Ontario Sale Barn Episcopal Church Saturday. "You, the youth of today, will T rip le L lali Club w ill m e e t a t 8 87 P h o e n ix 47 .... deepening in the Gulf of Alaska also will suffer a few delays He movfid to Twin FaUs in The youths, members of the be the adults of tomorrow and p. m. Tuesday with Mary Pittsburgh 72 44 and will move to the coast of. because of shower activity. arawiey. 1942 a n d b r o k e h o rse s and District 3 Teens Organisation you can be made aware of the Stearns. Bulb, plant, and seed Portland. Me. 63 41 , .14; Southern Canada Sunday. Theextended weather ouUook Survivors, include two mules for the Army,- under for. Retarded Children (TOR- problems and.help.” -L aixy- DfisseL . aad. exchange will be featured.' . _ Portland. Ore. . 50 - 4*’ 1 ’ ------The-pr^ee»5ion1 iro— -of-ffonts—jndieates-periods-of-rain-or—Brftwew. —ifvtrv^—niuicctca-^uciivua—vi— —v*----- i rv i r» i r • • LUniratl Wlunvineiyde“Smith:and- -G » h { - R a le ig h ------■ ' s r s G across Idaho win: maintain snow/Monday through Wed- WnA Gene Hughes, minds on the subject of aid to retardation can cut in many 78 50 partly cloudy to cloudy skies nesday. with highs In the upper Juliann D e s s e l and Joanne R ic h m o n d paiu> tjuuu/ w ciuuujr nVbUd)', tviui lugiu ui ui<- uppv. I w *u o l» 1 Oi* . DBIOreBefore reiirmgretiring 1he worked for a re a s . WHAT ABOUT THAT S t. L o u is 7 2 ' 49 through the weekend, with , 40s and 50s, lows in the 20s and .S ' “ the Nielson and Minjco Youtlis The day-long session started Ellen Dessel and Leslie Dessel, ^ Salt Lake City scattered showers of rain in the low 30.s with youth workshops and UNMARKED GRAVE? San Francisco Present Papers seminars on problem children ^ ItT l aS fS 'L lS l' “ r?include his widow; Doei the memo'y ol ’ hot loved S e a ttle and the mfentally retarded. The S p o k a n e K r R ^ S e “'cal^?"lnd L^™‘’’a"sisS"l?rs°tS RUPERT - Seven Minico youths were given pointers on, memoriolifrd yro.wi’tr’ * Washington Magic Valley Hospitals maternal grandparents Mr.. Net High School students attended how to help In combating W ich ita the Idaho Science Teachers mental retardation. Whaleve. the nrdirt\ Ahmi.. M .H., M ,.,„..ri„. Brawley. calif.-Ros^y wii? he vrarSilS symposiim at the College of • Dr. Ison said he was "op- never done bt.fo'-: \Houl'J " Idaho, Caldwell. Id a h o ' 'A d m itte d A d m itted Umlstic'' about help from the Ricky BllsS presented a paper youth of today, and said, "I.am High Low Fr. Charles Griffith, Mrs. VlrgU Mrs. Qyde Jollejs Arbey held in the Paul cemetery. ‘'J on "Quatar M ath" and Charles Perry, Vu-gil Perry and Her- Couley, Mrs. Carl Peterson, . two sisters, betting on you In the future." B oise M 34 ;r. Humphreys gave one on Funeral services will be held The convention ended with a B u rle y &5 39 schel Emberton, all Jerome; Margaret Shephard, K a r o 1 . rp V l^v^w . a t3 ;3 0 p .m . M o n d a y a t th e W hite “Ecology Study of South Central banquet at which the Rev. Fr. G oo d in g S4 35 Mrs.RobertDlscus, Buhl; Mrs. Mori, Mrs. Karl Patrick, Ray 1 I tin s .T ia ^ lC S „ . n . l ncnry wuaer anu »irs. ^ Mortuary Chapel. The Idaho Idaho.* Other . local students John Riley, pastor of the Grongcville 45 31 T . attending were Charles Ed­ ‘idahoFalls 52 35 T. Debra Peterson, Hagerman. John McNees, all Twin Falls lo U p e il n O lltC - Notional Guard will conduct Episcopal Church, spoke. He I ’ . u mondson, Steve Roseberry; praised the students for their L ew isto n 47 39 . h D ism issed Buster Voung, • Kimberly; military rites at Sunset Debbie Heins, Ron Schafer and interest in helping the mentally KIMBERIY ROAD ' 733-5743 M a la d CO 31 Mrs. Edith Stumpf,Hazelton; Madge Stultz, Filer; aarles JEROME, Idaho (U P D - Memorial Park. The Rev. Karen Commons. They were r e ta rd e d . All merroflall -dct*d by Apc.l lh P o c a teU o ' 62 38 T. Mercy Spalding and Lee Pnswater and Todd Shouse, Trans Magic Airlines will open Howard I.,arscn will officiate, 0 25 williams, both Wendell; Mrs. both Murtaugh, and Bonifacio its northern flight sclieduleMon- The family suggests momoriBls accompanied by Ned Moon and Proceeds of the event will j{o will be initalled b/ Mrmonal Ooy S a lm o n 53 36 Charles Bonlen, science G.Mlc.OJiver;Goodine;Mrs. Joe Duran, Rose Krupickn and day., according to Ross C, U e, be given to the Crippled to help the mentally retarded in- T w in F a lls 54 45 T . teacher; - . Onolda and-Lec LaPcUey, both Barbiirn Towps, all Buhl. Trans Magic president. . Childrens Society of Idaho. •Magic Valley. S hoshone. Dismissed Trans^Maglc haybeen sciMng T w in Falls B irth s Henry Coggins, Mrs. Jack souUiern. Idaho for the past A son wasa s born b o rn to Mr. and Yarbrough, Mrs. Voss ycfr, and I-ee said the service I I I .,,. Mrs. -Peter Schell,...... Heyburn. Whitaker, Clarence R oberta, wouW niove north with a now News In Brief Mrs. Cliff Wilson and daughter, schedule to give the entire state W /..^ I liliiiiir (ioiiD t The sewing cummlttec of the Mrs. Lee Garrison and the quick pa.ssongcr links need- I tu i daughter, Mrs, Roger Weeks, cd to meet the demands of gov- Magic Valley Memorial Dismissed An unidentified man fell Hospital ouxiliury will meet . Mrs. t'iUFloyd JU I Podlllo (IIIAJIU UIIUiand, crnment and bus^lncss. _ .,T ucadayJrom 8ii.m .lo2p.m ,nt.t ______daughter, Qeruld Egelus, Mrs. Tlie northern night will have uslccp in a downtown Twin ightcrra-regular the hospital room to'.sew. Any — DtianeTCcndrlck Mrs. Paul Thomas, Robert Moscow (Pullman) and Coeur had to call police to let him out. ouxlliary m cink'r Ir w elcom e. Anderson jmil John Jenkins, all »' Class of llMin reunion will initt .Sulurdiiy Mi's- -'"I'" Homans and diiu|{ht<-'r, niilil, and l-'ric AmerlonnA,„“er"i„;,n’ Legion Hall. " a A Kr'T.i.ll'. soutl) of Uie c ity , .liiok.Hon, K in itw rly . Friday night mixer Is planned In jail, charged with extreme HlrlliH fu r J u ly 24 a t th e new B lac k Cliff A d a u g h te r w an b o rn to Mr.s. The College of Southern Idaho ciib and tL jom, P e te rs o n , 227 N in th A ve. E . liarbara Towns, Buhl, and a non niliiit iianciuel will be July 25 In P"*"""" ™ At 1:25 a.m. .Saturday, State WHK Iwrn to Mr, and MrH. John the Atnerlcan Legion Hall. Police radioed Uwit tliey were McNeoH, Twin KhIIh. Kmcee wilt be Daryl Amirk, DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC trying to stop a vehicle speeding Albany, Ore. we.st on till) S u g a r F a c to ry PRESENTS THE Til,. W om en or th e M oose w ill '■'"""•s; ' ' “ I'*';)™ “ > “ I' " A d m itte d hold Umir reiluUir meetlnH al 0 "t I > '* 0 ...... Mrn,... Jam...... es K. Southern, Mrs.. p. m, 'riie.iday »( the M 00.10 >“1 lAicmiird .Salmon, Mr«. llonald Homo, There will bo an Mr«. Verii Me- enrollment. liloL'li, tlien tu rn e d e a s t a n d c u llo i.h , a ll H u rley , a n d IMr», C .S.I. CONCERT BAND wont back toward the »u«ar m „] stevoiiMon, lluporl, D lam lN x'd ^ s i l | \ H > At tliia point, another loiid- |,etty .Sulleiii, Biirioy; Mia. C .S.I. EAGLEAIRES . riu: iiMi s-M.N^s hluiik WIUI put in placo und the ||„|.„l,l Cranney Jr. luiil non, I Min I iiIIh, hlitlio car w»iH fltopped, offirerH w iIjI, oiiK loy, l\) r n r r i.- r An arraignment in J uhIIi'o BlrlhH C .S.I. DIXIELAND BAND , I'ri’ ifiiinlli Court i»«ot for Moniiay. a limiMhtor wan liorn to Mr. (IhillvA S.ln,|u^ ) . K2 .2 r> anil Mrn. Jameti H. Sonthoin, lU M ali , H u rley . • Piiid ill \Cnr Is bonutllul Insidu with fully during the early morning huurtt Maxine Hiirkhardt, both Of ndfUHlnblo, l«(i(n*pHddod bucKut aonta nnd liixurloua M a il KiihKi riiilliiiiK 1,1,1 diacovcrcd (ioixllng. appolhlnionla. Thoro'a n rndio, Inchomotor, rnclng-lypo f d (Mil) ...... MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT Uie c ab le a n d rc tn o v e d It Iw fore DiHmlHHed aloorino wheol, loo —ovorythlng lor n froah, oxcltlno ndvon- itr> 1h lint iiMtiMliiinctl any damage could Iw dono, ' Mrn, Fred Walton and Omar A t T h a turo In porBonnllzod trnnsportnllon, OfflcerH said It could have Meokn, iHith (lomling, imd Mrtt, ' I ' I I V J I.' l : iVl i.'tv /c wrecked Ji car'orkllle nr dlnplay May ;inSu|)t, i:t al the oondlUon nt Mugic Vulluy ~ NO-AI>M ISSION CHARGE MOrOR COMPANY - hi'fiirr 10 H.ni. «n Snndiiy^ Arts nnd Hcjonco C«ntor In Momurlal noHplUil, offlcluls of 409 2nd Ave. South 7 33-2 0 2 3 Nanliuu. the hnHpltuj rti|>or(oit H^turduy, ^Sunday, Apnl 26; 1970 Ttnne».News, Twin F^JIs, Idaho- *3. ' - Sarvilai'ian Naval Academy Cadets Gets Slate Schedule Visit In T.F. Two midshipmen from, the is doing’ research m nuclear Position JSaval Academy At Annapolis, p h y sic s. T w i n F a l l s Md. will arrive in Twin Falls The men will stay at the James R. Ingalls. H09 Alder Monday to spend three and a Rogerson Hotel. Their hosts Monday night me two mid­ was reported. Anyone who has Drive, supervising sanilarlan half days speaking before civic while in Magic Valley will be Lt, shipmen will atlend a Twin questions to ask the two men Cor the South Central Disttlct groups and to schooi classes on D a v id M e a d , a T w in F a lls N avy Falls Air F-orce Reserve may reach them through either Health ' Department in Twin life at the academy. reserve officer who is also meeting. Tuesday they will'visit 1,1. Mead or Chlet Jennlnge, or . Falls, has been named to' a It is part of the Navy’s "Take academy coordinator for the high schools at Gooding,- by calling the Navy Recruiting • threo-year term on the Idaho the Academy to the People” area, and Chief Ron Jennings, Jerome and Wendell: Wed­ S tatio n a t 733-6.123, Board of Sanitarian Examiners. program, according to Navy Twn Falls recruiter. ( nesday tljey will speak at the The appointment was an­ officials at Annapolis. Chief Jennings added that the Twin Falls Rotary Qub lun­ MEXICANS TO U.S. nounced Friday afternoon by academy is sending the two A rriv in g a t 1 :45 p . m . M o nday cheon at noon, then visit Buhl MEXICO CITY (UPI) - V au^n Anderson, director of aboard an Air W est flight wUl be m id^ipm en to Magic Valley in Hitjh School in the atternoon, American travel sources report ' ‘Environmental Improvement, Midshipmen 1. C. Jack J. Wong appreciation of the interest and Thursdj/yAjhey will visit 364,84-1 M ex ican s tra v e le d a s ' Idaho Department of Health, of Montana and Midshipman 1. shown by valley educators and high schoots at Declo, Oakley tourists or on business to the '^ r . Ingalb was appointed by C. Phillip Cahill of Chicago. The newsmen when on a tour of the and Burley, W arner C. Mills, commissioner United, States in the first five , latter, to graduate' from the academy last fall. The main purpose of the visit of the Dejiartmeot of Law m o n th s of 1969. T h a t w a s a 92.1 academy in June, Is one of the ■■ T im e s-N e w s E d ito r 0 . A. is to inform interested people Enforcement under a per cent increase over the too scholars at the academ y and (Gus) Kelker went on that tour, about life at the, academy, it stipulation of the Idaho Code. c o rresp o n d in g pe rio d of 1968. The board on which he wiU serve is responsible for examination and licensing of PRICE professional sanitarians in Idaho. His term will expire HARDWARE A pril 15. 1973. H e h a s been w ith the local health district the past COMPANY'S 22 y e a rs.

R E M E M B E R Traileyele MOTHER’S DAY MAY 10th FANCY Club Picks ChoQse fro m our ■PANS Officers vast

New officers of the Magic Valley Trail Machines Beautiful .heavy porcelain on Heavy Steel. Association were announced V , Use on stove top or in the oven. One of our Saturday, with Mel Quale as DINNER- president for the coming year. most popular lines . . . Complete Stock Serving with him will be Vic WARE Deahl, vice president; Chuck •SAUCEPANS •CASSEROLES Heughins, secretary, and Bob GIFTS Baker, treasurer. New direc­ •SKILLETS •TEAKETTLES tors are Jerry Clark, Duane Hansen and Terry Webster, all Twin Falls.

T he o rg a n iz a tio n is an off* ~inghway motorcycle clu&“ GROUND Hi\S BEEN broken and footings here pounding a steel stake in preparation tor seeking to promote safety, will be poured Monday on the new Carolina the pouring of concrete. Ron VanAuker. owner conservation and courtesy I’apiT Box Co. factnry in.Twln Falls. Tlie 10,000: . ul-the construction company, said the plant 'artiong''trail riders, ' the .square foot building is now under construction ^should be complete by July 15. The box llm i Is p r e s i d e n t 4 said. Members by VanAuker Construction Co.oDthcTv.ln Falls now operating out of building at 250 Main Ave. cooperate * with land Cliam ber of Commerce industrial sUe southeast N .,and is shipping containers in from Salt Lake management agencies and of Twin Falls. The $40,000 predesigned steel City and Burlington, N.C. When In operation, I -I private property owners. building will be owned by the construction the firm will employ about 10 factory and office Meetings are held the first company and leased to the box firm. Run personnel. Company president Joe Unens is due W ednesday of e a c h m o n th in the Hajicnck, a workman for VanAuker. Is shown in Twhi Fails today. Idaho Power Co. auditorium and all interested persons are invited to attend. 4 To Bo Slate, Police Officers Magic Valley Trail Machine Four Magic Valley men will authority of the last session of Falls; Patrick McDonaild, members will Join several other become Idaho State Police the Idaho Legislature. The four Piirley, to be assigned to the organizations and individuals.in officers In graduation men ore four of 10 graduating bolsc area,'‘and Edwin Strick- sta g in g a b e n e fit d a n c e A pril 26 ceremonles at Pocatello next from the recruit training foden. King Hllli to work In the a t 8 p. m.. to assist the family of Friday, It was announced session. Uwiston area. Damon Rutherford, who*\vas Saturday. They are I.cslle Stimpson, injured a month ago In o traffic It is the end of a two-week Kimberly, to be assigned to State Police Supt. Clark Hand accident and is still in critical training period-for the new Twin Falls; Kenneth Poe, will give the new officers their condition In the local hospital, troopers, hired recently through Burley, to be assigned to Idaho oath of office.

K itchenA id"



FUTURE . . . CONVERTIBLE PORTABLE MODELS • A builf^it) willt ncloi, top, coitort, fill-droin ho»o». one) powi-f cord, • Cunnucli lo tink laucul and plugt into fllectriccil oullnl. • C o o 1)0 "conveMiid" to u huilt-iii undor’lliu'countur niodul whon d o tire d . (No kll nt«clail w llli KIUli««AUI|

TOP-LOADING . PORTABLES •'Autoinotic-llft top roek • Porioluit) iiu ld e ut>d oul. • Ifi Duffi porcoloin otiamol wat|i rKdthlxit. ' • No inttdlldlioti rnM. • l

Wltli a KllchenAld dishwoshor doing (he dithei, you can rolax in porfoct aftor*dlnnor comfort. Your diihei oro thoroughly ,w/oih«d, tofsty dried. New lound- illoncors mako lilii now Kll«honAid Mllhwoihori moro qul«l. lhan ovor. Juil ono ,o( Iho many ruasoiu ' hy u KitchunAid di»hwa»her is your best buy. For more good reoioni, come In toon. WILSON-BATES TWIN FALLS JEROME BRUCE BIOSSAT m x ts : Nixon: A Hoiise Of Errors Ufi/'if I nlli>y's Hohn> WASHINGTON (NEA) - good share , of the bl^e for' nam, Laos and elsewhere. accordingly’. . Few doctrinaire liberals seem Critics, of- gocrnment plainly today’s excesses and In the domestic sphere, every The Incumbents,, whoever even faintly acquainted w ith the Sunday. April 26, 1970 Al W esfcrgren, Publiihcf PHONE 733 0931 have a vital role as our per­ misjudgments falls upon the social ill not cured by President they are, always turn out to-be agonies- of the 1951-33 1 City and Count, N«««paper Mcrribp' of Audit BiBi;>tOu ot C i'culolion onci UPl manent skeplics-in-resitience, critics themselves, not least the Nixon, , during his first 15 far more thin-skinned than they "negotiations" over the Korean tliuisdo). II tiprcby dnsiyntil'd OS Ihr ria, I Iho w i'p l on winch Uigol questioning everything keeping genetic liberals who seem to months m office — poverty, bad say they will be. Their instinct war.’ r Siiect Wes' Twin •foils. ri «.tl bf publivlird Pyblntird doily ond Sundoj. p >lco1 Sotu'doy, p' >3? th. useful crub on the immense 3 83301, b , MoQK Volley N fw iiio D fs l-K ' E.i>i*.rd second tloi> moil ni *„„l,,l,„, =Mk. think they deserve a charmed housing, b^d schoob, racial and is highly self-protective, and Having twice read full ac- l~ ,o Foils Idoho B 330I, I power of enlrenched authority. llfe . '■ social unrest, crime — is being they have the capacity to counts of those talks. I can say But who watches the critics to , Right now they are having tossed smack In his face. conceal much error. flatly that in the whole span the •keep them responsible? their usual field day, assailing Of. course, this ad- ^ut the outside attackers. Red negotiators never rnade We are suffering one of the the '‘m ilitary-industrial minlstratiop, like any other in possibly because they fee) so one move or concession In a worst periods of verbal overkill complex,” leaping witH glee on power any time, is fair game, strongly their relative “power spirit of MOd will, in our history (studded-since every error, transgression or The President and his men disadvantage,” cannot.seem to The 19m Geneva accords Tfie H ead'C ount W ashington's day with political expression of over-optimism by come In on a promise to per- resist gross excess on their own ending the first IndbCThina war, exaggeration). Beyond doubt a the military relating to Viet- form and must be 'hieasured side. today viewed mistily with a One could go back a long ftaj' kind of reverence by antiwar Americans, long inured to in­ new seats in the 1960 census', shoula to catalogue their errors, some critics, were in fact a Jerry-built come tax chores this lim e of year, add six more, moving into first of *hich they cling to with the structure erected tenacity of a religious faith irresponsible haste. face a 'double dose of form fiHing place with 44. Long-dom inant New '' m a y b e i 'll l o o s e n it a b i t " The 1962 Geneva accords over York will drop from 41 to 40. Other Liberal critics, especially, have this April. For this also happens to , a high threshold of resistance to Ijo s broke down quickly when gainers are expected to be Florida be a census year, with the national contrary evidence, no matter the Reds pulled out of a hcad-count officially.starting April (two seats). Arizona, Texas. how often it is placed before •‘tripartite" government they M assachusetts and New Jersey \ th e m . found they could not dominate, For instance, they invest and resumed seeking their Taking the statistical pufse of a" (one each). Likely losers, in ad- mystical faith in "negotiations” objeq.tives by war. ' dition to New York, appear to be continental nation such as we are with adversary powers But no evidence discourages Ohio and Pennsylvania (two each), . is. understandably, a major un- whether hbt or cold war or ttte mystical liberals. In earlier - dertaking. A t a cost expected to top Illinois, M ichigan, Iowa, W est merely threat be at stake, post-World War II days, their During the early years of the'great cry for “summit $ 2 l 0 rnjUion. — about a dollar for V irginia and W isconsin (one each). Vietnam war, “negotiation” ' meetings” of the big powers every A m erican head to be counted , Determining-House membership- was the original purpose of the was their magic Incantation, wasrenewed’asfastaseachone — the effort will require som e 1 2 0 Talks finally began in spring, failed. census, as autiiorized in Article I, mllIibn'“form s, an assem blage of 1969, a n d th e y h a v e p ro v ed T h e y a r e ^ s o g r e a t m odern data-processing equip­ Section 2, of the Constitution. The among lhemo.sl unproduclive in proponents'*of- international ment and 185,000 temporary first,count w as taken in 1790. W hat history. Fashionably, the critics■itics control commlssions_and other , today blame Nixon. But thJ kinds of international super­ w o r k e r s . with a population largely scattered unassailable fact is that the vision. In some places, such through w ilderness and pooi* . i Most of us, however, will never prior Democratic regim e did no mechanisms succeed. see a census taker, unless the com m unications, the returns b e tter, mailman can qualify. In- most, w eren’t in until M arch of 1792. They cases, households will receive showed a. tot^l population 3.929.214 and a generation split that form s by m ail, w ith com pletion and speedy return entirely on the honor m akes our ow n look like no contest. system . M ost of us draw the short “Free white m ales under 16 years” form . 23 questions requiring about alm ost balanced the generations RAY CROMLEY 15 m inutes to com plete. Som e, one over 16, at-802,127 to 813,365. W hite out of every five households, will be females — all ages — totaled receiving more , detailed 1.556.528; "all other free persons.” . To Be Fired —questionnaires— however;— am ­ 5 0 .5 1 1 . a n d s la v ^ R -f > H 7 .fi97.______From its year-to-year rough plifying data in the basic form s but WASHINGTON (NEA) - it is expected that only a • still taking up only som e 30 m inutes check on population growth., the There is a strong feeling in relatively sm all number of men of the householder’s tim e. Census Bureau estim ates we some government circles Ihat will lose their jobs. • key' men responsible for the It will be difficult to find who Even after weeding out queries num bered 204,334,344^-at the. , postal strike must be fired if did what. on alim ony, contfaceptives, m enial beginning of 1970, about 25 m illion they c an b e fo u n d a n d th e ir guilt Administration men already m ore than at the start of 1960. The illness and other sensitive subjects determined. worry that too many con­ which ran into press and final figure is expected to be Officials §ay President Nixon victions will create martyrs. congressional fire, there are still substantially ahead of the tipped his hand in this matter This reporter has the feeling, based on a series of interviews, some complainls ___t h a t . S o m e estim ate. It always is. But when he called the postal strike an "unlawful” work stoppage. Uiat, in fact, no attem pt will be questions, such as number and w hatever it turns but to be, ft will Once the word "unlawful Ls made to fire more than a small be’all Am ericans, except,for the sharing of bathroorns, are an in­ l D O © K 4 M r - used officially in referring lo a fraction of the 200,000 w ho w en t vasion of privacy. The census sm all num bers of resident aliens. C opytigSl 1970 loi Angclev Tinioi Syndicole strike, the provisions of the law on strike. It’s like the speed people, however, hold all are liut in the. Soviet Union, where come into play, Uiese men say. laws, one government necessary in predicting the this is also a ccnsus year, the count According lo the law, ihe negotiator .says; you arrest Just government cun ask for prison enough speeders to Insure that directions and needs of the national is expected lo show R ussians are no PAUL HARVEY term s but it is nut required to. every driver will keep an eye on longen.a m ajority, outnum bered by 11 t o m o r r o w . may or may not levy fines. But his rearview mirror. The census is both tabulator and more than a hundred other ethnic men found guilty must be fn a ^ event, many of those a creator of change, the latter m ost g ro u p s in a now estimated Another Vietnam? severed from governinent job.s. who walked out were not guUty population of 24i m illion. And that On this the law is definite. of much of anything, strike directly in the political sphere. Americans will not blunder So Americans arc. quite troops Into Uios, even-if that Governnienl tffen Jire con­ s|wclalists here believe. Some D istribution of seats in the House of is likely to be of considerably into another Vietnam; that’s all rightly anxious, country falls to the Com- vinced the origimll New York didn't want to risk Injury, greater official concern, and ini* tliere is to it. lliis is not m- U epresentatives is determ ined >by We are not gffing to fight for munists, walkout was carefully planned^ Others Just didn’t wantlo cross tenellcve Uiousands of the ...with mil pay for short peri(id.s-' strikers were followers, going Our I'rosiilent jiml our • a practice common in lilo past along wlUi the crowd; for tliem A lot of sew age Has gone over the unlooked-for “spin-Joff” from this in Ki‘i.'retjiry of .stiile luive dui'lfired punishment might be coun- addition to the obvious benefit.s of dam in the 14 years- since the and ri'derliircil ii new policy for Phoniness’ ■ .terproducUve...... National League of Cities and the preventing the discharge of raw u s w h ic h tia y s A su i inii.*it WASIIINOTON - Since tlic&ilgon government, a faster punishmentsOfficials i;onerall> would like to find United States Conference of sew age into w aterw ays, controlling liiireiifti'r lie defended' by experllso in pollllcs so often pace will save It so long us Its meUfd out In the jmi.s I few years and oust what they believe lo be Mayors first inarched up Capitol flooding uiid im proving w ater A.>iijit^. • depend,s on a kind of hearly ‘‘base” Is ''broadened," AJi "uiy have paveemled(rombe U iw iirted If Uio governm ent* several w eeks ago In congressional K rum hol/, ('leveland planning rcrenlly spoke for a con- Nixon udinlnlstratlon for vir- not rocordesud, to w it, w h o re w ub fulth* says Uio U.S. U In u recession annual Incom e of $6,000, this would program in which the states, cities pscalatlui),'' fill, earnest, psychic Arthur und suffering from Inflotlon al and federal governm ent will jointly g e n e r a t e 2 ri,0 0 0 m aii-years of . And It does sound'like Ufat Cioldlwrg when tho country was the same time, which has some when we hear ofSky-blackenlng ,share In financing construction of employment. going to perdition? liO&t wo validity. Wage, price and profit waves of U,S, superlx)mbor« forgot, ho was sorvlng two controls, ho says; should have fiicllltles required by *;ln Qther words,” says raining deslructlon on Laos. It Democratic admlnlstrntlons, been Imposed as far back as m unicipalities to meet w ater K rliinhol/, ”thls one project could . is explained tlial wu musl Urns from 1001 lo lOOO, as Socretary IDQO. Tlie fact tlioy were not, ho euiploy all presently unemployed (|uallty standards. Intorcejil Uie Ho Ciil Mini) of Nilmr, Supreme Court jusfleo udds, was "a failure of The $800 million is only men In the city for two years,” supply road which w lndn' und Ambassadorlassador to the United loadorshlp." heginnlng. iCHtlniates of Im­ lie adds, hpwever, that these Uu-ough Uiotlan Jungles on Its Nations, Hut neither as SecTctary of w a y fro m N o rth V Ieliuiin U> Now th e n , to s i...... ill out...... Gold* ...... Labor and Supreme Court mediately needed FWPCA basic laboring Jobs must not he .South VInUlam. ' herg's assorted grievances .Justice under John Keiii^ody, siH;n as a deadend hut nuist form assistance range from a low of Hut then wu hear ttuil our against itichurd Nlxoni Tlio nor us UN Ainbaaaador under $12H,()()» for Idaho lo nearly $ 1 , 3 ihe sprlnglxxird apprenticeship for lM)mlx>rs,aro also hlUlng enemy Presidont'spflllclos will lend to Lyndon Johnson, did Arthur billion for Now York state. The city perm anent positions In building or U'oop concentrations advancing chaos In Vlelniim, tho unem* (loldborg urge tho lm|»nitlon of of Cleveland alone estimates*' that construction. toward Vientiane, the ad- ployment rate Is too high, and controls. Aa Juatlco Wiliium 0, nilnlslratlve eaplUd of Laos - Uio economy Is a mesa. (Kindly Douglas has reminded ua.u scat Ihe cost of separating Its i.uou Pollution, not unem ploym ent, and 11 sounds ram lllar. old ArUiur udmlUed Uiut Uio on Uie highest bench does not was Ihe major concern of the nilles of combined storm and IVi'sidenl Johnson eased us lnt<» economic picture Is "not en* exclude u man from speaking sanitary sewers would total $1.5 I.eaklng of separating storm cain))tilgn 14 years ago. But tlAie nothing "renlly ImportJint" wna l^oon in long enough lo oaaume As a former high-prlcod labor luipiwning there. purt ot Uie reiponslbllity.). lawyer, ho was assumed to’bo and sanllary hewers, something may prove that they wrought And In Paris, NorUi Viet- Tli^re la an especially nutty somoUiing of an uuthorlty on belter than Iht-y knew, which every city njust evetUuulIy iuuiiese “peace uegeUators" flavor to QeldberK’i Vietnam economic mutters, undertake, there may he an acnmo us of Increasing our (Msltltin. He Buys Nixon’s policy Now Ooldlwrg la tolling us liivolvemont in laios, of "ex. of ■•Vlotnumliutlon" won’t work Uial It took from 1001 to 1000 turii.ilnaUon ah'raids," because the Saigon regime undor DemocruUc IVesldenU to S m a r t M o v e American headlines hint at u won't bo able to curry on when Hd unomploymorU down from J. "secret war" rmitlnulng and Amorlcun troops leave. SO, porcenlto3.3percent.'niorato vx|H uidlng III Ijio s. nuturally, (loldborg proposes now stands at i A per cent, and The new government of Cam­ their part. Should Cam bodia's And Uien iV|nco Souvamiu an evon faster wlUidruwul of Goldberg predicted It will reach bodia has announced that It is going' dispute w ith N orth Vietnam , which IMiimma, the pipsqueak U.S. troops. Me udda tamely 0 per cent by U)e ond of 1070, Aa to hold onto tho U iS.'m unlllotis ship has i^lready led lo the ovurthrow of |N ileut4>te who presumes to run Umt Uils must Iw uccompunled u candidate for Dernocrotlo t h o t NVA8 l)ound for Thailand until i t ' l^rlnce Sihunouk, begin getting that strange mountainous by American Insistence Uiat Uio nomination, Goldberg, negleota wus hijacked by two nnitinouH hotter, all thoae bom bs will givo us klnitdoiii ~ while his generula buae of Uio SouUi Vietnumeae to mention that It also took (t'om» trade in opium and ploy Utnnla ((overnttietit ba bcauilaand. IM l to im under. DmociaUc crew m en on M arch 14 and diverted a leg u p o n o u p next involvom unl In - luia Uie unmlUgated gall to pul almply, Goldberg's i’realdenta to a a d d le th e lo tho port of SIhanoukvillu. Southeast i\s|u. s a y "It Is Uie duly of tlie United reusoning Is .Uiut If Uie present Amorlcun people wlUi Uie w o rst "/( /ooiki ai .thoug/i t/ie Amtrlcant know more about 'n \ts is probobly a Rmnrt m ovo on States to protett us , ,,," nn-nnf troop wllhdrnwnl dooms Inflation In tilatory. aetM tr on the trail than we fhouflihf/" Sunday,'April 26. 1970 Tlme*-News, Twin Falis> Idaho 5

T w i n f a l l s Schools To Trim Summer Sessions A cutback in federal funding worked by the seven who were to Twin Falls School District retained will be reduced. The No. 411 has forced the summer school program has e lim in a tio n of 10 te a c h e rs a id es, been drOK>ed from five weeks . reduction of services of seven to four weeks in length and the others and reduction of the n u m b e r o f te a c h e r s r e ta in e d fo r , summer school session for the session will be five instead elementary students. of eight. George Staudahtr, assistant Since there are about 20 superintendent, said funds students per teacher In

11V Itavc Cards Jar even Mtilhi'r dll. your /»■/,'

By Hallmark and Gibson ' C iikIk ioi iiiKiiii. liiKtidt inil puopio who havo "Uuun itki) ii Mfilhiii lo yiiii' You'll fliiil Ihom nil In ouf rnrtiiilnlr MoHimi i. I)

We have a largo onortment ol gill Itomi for molhor. Stodonery by Ealon Blllloldt by lady BuHlon B O Q K CLl O i S TO R E ISO Moln Ava. South 6 Time's-News. Twin Falls. ld«ho Sunday. April 24, 1970 ■Elderly To C'ard Tourney Winners Listed Have New Winners of the Twin Falls Unit Duplicate Bridge tour­ nament, held recently in the. Service Episcopal Church of the Ascension, are announced. A new senrice for the elderly North and south winners were In Magic Valley may ,be Mrs. Roy Hill and Mrs. F. F. Initiated In the near future,* to Jensen, first; Mrs. K. J. Baker provide services connected with and Mrs. D. M. Helming, health care, Including part-time second; Mr. and Mrs. H. E. or Intermittent jiursing care Burgess, third; Mr. and Mr. Bill and therapeutic services. Cook, fourth, and Mrs. Gene Administered by the Soci^ Archer and Mrs. Vem Hunter, Socuritj> Agency under the fifth. ' Medicare program,. in East and west winners were cooperation with the Com­ Mr. and Mrii. R. W. W 6od, first; munity Action Agency’s Senior M rs; L. E. Hack and Mrs. J. S. Citizens Agency, the new Home Feldhusen, second; U. G. Sass Health Service’program will be and S. R. Burton, third; Mr. and explained in detail at a public Mrs.»Jcihn Miller, fourth. meeting beginning at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Bishop ^ e a auditorSumm of the Episcopal C hurch, 210 Blue L a k e s B lvd. N. S -p-e-c-i-a-l Dennis L. Pratt, director of the Senior Citizens Agency, said Family Matinee Ihe Home Health Service program is in operation elsewhere in Idaho, blit has not TODAY yet been Implemented in Magic Frpm 12:15 p.m. Valley. It must be administered A tll:30-2;30 by a local agency, such as a ------SEE------hospital or through the county welfare facilities, Mr. Pratt Ciiaiienge of said. The adm inistrator has not been determined in Wpgic "R O B I'N Valley at the present time, how ever. HOOD" Representatives from Blue Cross, which administers the Medicare program, and other- insurance carriers will be on hand to explain the program, Mr. Pratt, said. All senior citizens and others interested In TROPHIES FOR THE Easter Seal king and Hie contest will in confunctlon with the the program should attend, as Kimbeily Read & Eatllond Oriv« queen of CSI, Lynn Summerfl^ld and Earl dedic,atlon ceremoales for the. mlnl-dome PH0N6 734.3400 community interest is essential stadium at ISU, probably to be held In May. (Duke) Boerem, arrived this week. The two for the program to be initiated. M a y . The Home Health Service local students will participate later this spring TODAY in a statewide contest at Idaho Slate University. program is designed to sup­ ____ OPEN 4:30 P.m. plement the M edicare program, At 4:45-7:00-9:15 taking up where the Medicare Pupils Tour coverage leaves off. It would First Quarter Gains The Yean Beit Comedy include nursing care on a .Police Station limited basis, physical, oc­ cupational OF speech therapy Reported By Air West A group Of first graders from and other therapeutic services. the Clover School. and their DETECTIVE JI m 'HOWELLS r left, of the Department. The school was sponsored by the ReQ.ordlng one of the largest scale by which airlines m easure ^ supervisors took a tour of the Twin Falls Police Department was «mong Idaho Peace Officers Standards and Training recent gains of any regional their reliability. Air West's Twin Falls Police Station officers participating In a recent week-long Advisory Cottocil. It Is hoped the school w ill be T. F. Police airhne. Air West has reported flight departures averaged 84.8 Friday morning. - Advanced Scicntlflc InvestlgaUon and Physical an annual one. The school at ISU included work that more travelers flew more per cent on tim e during the first • On the tour, conducted by quarter of this year. The airline E\idence School at Idaho State University. on crime scene preservation and search, miles on its system during* the Records Officer Bill Stonemets; f ir s t th r e e m o n th s of 1970 th a n industry considers anything Ojhers pictured, from right, are_George Mc- evidence collection, legal aspects of evidence Probe Aiito the children were shown in any sim ilar period, in the above 70 per cent on-tlme O oud, Hillsboro, Oi-e., captain of detectives of presentation, auto th e lt investigation, booking, prinUng and mugging airline’s history. performance to be excellent. operations, listened to a short the W ashington County Sheriff’s Office and one fingerprinting, interrogations, burglary in­ Burgla,ries Figures released to the Civil Passenger boardings totaled blast from a car siren and of the course Instructors, and C, L. Samuelson, vestigations and homicide investigation. Aeronautics Board showed that 666,307 over the first quarter, generally viewed police routine. detcctlvc lieutenant of ^the Nampa Police '•'I'win Falls City Police are Air West listed more .than 205 marking an Increase of mc.e investigating a rash of million revenue passenger th a n fo u r p e r c e n t o v e r 1969, a n d to the purchase. Veterans Don’t burglaries from autos, ac­ miles during the first quarter of the average length of each Air West is now asking the iSews Of Record cording to Capt. Tim Qualls. this year, a 19.6 per cent in­ passenger trip increased almost CAB to re-open three important coniid


(X),. OIIMI UHllin l»*UMITIfO PluiAl HiOO " A l l c o t l> i'U( lni*l *'<0 IK) MlMtHlCllV[lllltlSCAU(Q>« 111 IIH WmniN MblWHt coin 01 Dlir htOlHAIION Reitayrant" Sunday^ April J6, iwo Tlmes News, Twin FMIs, Idaho ;

- In othifr action, the board Supervisor^ agreed to place a memorial plaque In the hospital in Is,Named recognition of the long service given to-.the group and the hospital by the late «oberl At Hospital ■ Riggen. ,, , Mr, RigKen was, replaced by HAILE Y — Chris Meanea has Bob Vernon, and with the b e e n n a m e d actm>> s u p e rv iso r changes. Lto Slavros was of the Blaine County Hospital in named to the executive com- action taken this week by the ' mittee of the hospital board and hospital board of directors. The named chairman of house and' board granted Jesse Reynolds •grounds. Mr. Vernon was given six months leave of absense due appointment to the personnel' to illness. Mrs. Reynolds is the and the finance committees of hospital’s administrator. th e .g ro u p .

T1D-: '■ Six Girls Are Top Students Mrs. Jones - PIMPLE SH[ELD Honored By PLAN In Minico’ s Graduating Class M a^ic yalley lJurley PTA RUPERT - Minico’s top in two operettas. She's a P.\YS FrNKHAl. BILLS *^qpnie Morgan, daughter of BURI.EY - Mrs, Owen students have been selA-ted m e m b e r of the Biology Club, Mr. and Mrs. Courtney M organ, (Ix>uise) Jones receiv^ a life with six girls named Valedic­ FNA, Minico-eds, drill team Rupert, maintains a 3.974 membership .in TTA from Tbo Idoho Purple Shield Plan is the only F uncfol * torians and Salutatorians. Two and participated in a Science average and is a member of the Overland School PTA during boys were listed among the top Symposium la.st month at the U Patients At Clinic Plan sponsored ond recommended by Beta Club, a former member of meeting at the school. Mrs. ten . of U. Slie was a Minico can­ memberi of the Idaho Funeral Service Aisocioiion, the Freshman Drill Team, J o n e s h a s ta u g h t 10 y e a r s a t Heading the .school with didate last year in the Foreign FNA, AFS. French Club and O v e rla n d S chool a n d h a s 23 honors of valedictorian are Exclange program. She serves Doubled Last Year Sparton newspaper staff. She y e a r s total in teaching. Rrrn/uitu'iiilf'il hv Vicki Andersen, Tanira Har­ as assistant Sunday School HAILEY — Community to be distributed to the schools, received a blue ribbon during Mrs. l^nald Price president ding and G 1 e n n a Nielsen. chorister in the LDS Church. needs, clinic structure, clinic doctors, lawyers and interested F r e n c h Q u b c o m p e titio n a t liSU of the Overland School PTA,. Suzanne Belnap» Deborah Heins Miss Belnap, daughter of Mr. individuals. The committee la s t y e a r . functions, goals and projects for made the presentation and and Connie Morgan were and -.Mrs. Wayne Belnap, consists of Chairman Rita- Other Minico students listed the Wood River Mental Health conducted the business named salutatorians. Rupert, has maintained a 3.974 Hogg. Chris Meanea, Bill in th e to p 10 in c lu d e M a ry Lu Qinic were discussed during a m e e tin g . Miss Andersen, daughter of average and—serves as- Hanson and ex-officio m em ber . Ryan, daughter of M r a n d M rs. day-long meeting of the com­ -- Ronald Denrfeatured speaker •- Mr. and M rs, Calvin Andersen, Secretary. of the FHA and .Rev. Kelly. .Neil Ryan, Rupert, sith a 3.951 mittee members recently in discussed “Special Education •Rupert, has maintained a 4.000 Science Clubs, n^ember of the' grade average; Richard Sheen, Hailey. It was noted the number for Children.” average and has received a $300 Beta Club three years, former Four members were also son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Sheen, o f p a tie n ts h a s in c re a s e d 200 p e r M rs. Phillip Heiner, reported FUNERAL CHAPEL academic scholarship to Ricks Seminary class^ -president, c en t. appointed for “complaint in­ Paul, -3.925 average; Sterling on the PTA project. Mrs. Jerry ADDISON AVENUE EAST College. She has held office in member of .Dorian Choir, in vestigation" work. They are Whitaker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Conducting the policy- Lane and Alma Hatch directed TV/IN FALLS, IDAHO and been a member of the main cast of operetta and planning meeting were Dr. Ray Jefferson, Sharon Purdy, Reed Whitaker. North Burley, community atngitig. PHONE 733-4900 Future Homemakers ^of-' leaches a S-year-old class in Fred Kolouch , director of the Orville Drexler and Doctor 3.923 average; and Susan Wood, New officers were installed America Gub four years artd is Prim ary in Rupert- F^fth LQS Alden Packer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vem clinic, from the University of including, Mrs. Price, a member of the Beta Oub. She Ward. She will- be induced Wood. Rupert, 3.897 average. Utah; Dr. M. Pullen, director of president; Mrs, Lorin Galhoun._ belonged to Future Teachers o£ among 3.600 youth voices from the slate • Board of Health. The number of patients, 'vice president; Mrs. ^arl - -f iofpa \nii providr I \ 11)1 f \ C.E: America two years and Future alt over the world to sing at the Mental Health Division, and served by tho clinic has in­ Stuart, secretary, and Mrs. Nurses of America one year. Salt Palace tliis sum m er in Salt creased by 200 per cent in the Larry Burman. supervising Rynold ' Baum gartner, ^ FUNDS FOR FUNERAL EXPENSES She is currently a teach^ of U k e C ity. “ No Fine” psychologist for the state. past year. The clinic has also treasurer. Mrs, Gerald'W yant, small children in Primary at Miss Heins, daughter of Mr. been able, since'January, 1969, Board members attending were :i past presideni was installing • 'o n e PERSON or ENTIRE FAMILY the Rupert LDS Fifth Ward. and Mrs. Harold Heins. Rupert, to gain the Interest and par- Day Set Rev. W illiam Kelly. Russ Horn. officer*- Miss Harding, daughter of also has maintained a 3.974 Orville D rerier, Chris Meanea, .ticipation of law enforcement-, • Refresliments were arranged • AGES 1-to 90 ------—- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Harding, average and is a m em ber of the Emily Olson, Rita Hogg, Sharon create school awareness of the by Mrs. Cliarles Jackson, Mrs. Heyburn, has maintained- a Ski Club, Beta Club, French Purdy and Roberta McKercher, clinic facilities, achieve better At Jerom e Robert Vasquez, Mrs. Ellle • LOW-COST MONTHLY PAYMENTS 4.000 average, is president uf Club, FHA. NFL, AFS, is a with staff members Gertrude publicity, secure county and Veneman, Mrs. Charles Gibson, the FTA, senior rt-pri?sentative secondycardebatoran^} »ent to JEROME - Thursday will be Twombley and Bess Stanford. state funds, and acquire Lincoln Mrs'. ’John McDoweU and Mrs. • GOOD ANYWHERE IN THE Vv/ORLD for Seminar)-, member, of the State competition with the girls On the agenda for Uie im­ county participation. "free fine." day at the Jerome Robert Worthington. Dorian Choir, Bela Club and a travelling debate team. She Civic O ub library, reports Mrs, mediate projects of the group is Lincoln county is allowed two former ' member of the participated in the Junior Elwood Becker, librarian. the hiring of a psychiatric social ex-officio boardm erhbers, since American Field Service. She Science Symposium at Caldwell No matter how overdue the worker for the area; the the contract between the clinic - “ 1 IDAHO PURPLE SHIELD PLAN has participated in two school bringing of the clinic to the and is a candidate for American volume is, any book returned and state calls for 11 Blaine P.O . Box 7 7 8 6 , Boise, Idaho 83707 operettas and serves as Junior Field Service exchange student that day will be accepted community level; consultation .county board members. Fees Concert Given Sunday School Chorister Ln the this fall. She is president of without th borrower paying a services for law enforcement for Lincoln county and Blaine (:i-:\Tl.FMF.N:lMr,.M.M-ml,n.-. ohU.a. LDS Oiurch. She was awarded schools, doctors, ministers and County patients are determined Walther Leagueat the Lutheran fine. Mrs. Becker said it is • RUPERT — A Joint concert a letter In the girls intcrmural C h u rc h . hoped this procedure will help lawyers; training of Tolunteers; according to ability to pay. was given by the Minico High I N A M E . p r o ^ a m . get many "lost” books back into crisis intervention when the while patients from other areas School music departm ent under I Miss Nielsen, daughter of Mr. tile library. ■' social worker has been em­ are chvged a flat rate. the 'direction of Keith Farris, I ftPDKESS A meeting is planned In and Mrs. Harold Nielsen, Usually the library Is o^n ployed; patient evaluation Alan Hale and Ronald Ar­ Rupert, also maintained a 4.000 Henseheid from 1 to 5 p. m. but on Thur­ clinic facilities; vocational and near future bet-ween' area c h ib a ld . I c i r r average, She has been a sday any book put into the took special education faclilties for church leaders and clinic heads Participating were the Ben I member of the Beta Club and Gels Pencil drop between 8 a. m. I'hursday tho.-ie o v e r 12 years of age; and to educate leaders how to Lomond Band, Minico girls French Gub three years, FHA a n d 8 a. m. Friday will be ac­ the building of office space. handle problem cases when chorus and Minico Concert Club two years and participated cepted fine free. At present, the school ..system brought to their attention. b a n d . For Speech ; The librarian noted the is providing special education library now has on loan from for children under 12. A testing .Jerome (liass BURLEY — U o Henseheid the State Library books with program Is now being was the blue • pencil winner large print for those with signt established within the school sygtom, however, which will W ie have^ special Sets Hcuni<)ii during Burley Toastm asters difficulties.- ...... C lub N o. 772 a t a d in n e r m e e tin g provide the initial paper work to JEROME - The Jerome at Bryan’s f’afe. enable workers to determine H ig h S chool a u s s o f 1950 w ill Fred Johnson served as N<.^ws Of Koeord some of the problems facing va lu e s o n th e extra-soft hold Its 20-year reu n io n J u ly 18, Iflflstmrtster of thfl evening, students with low J.Q.’s as wdJ Commlllce members plan­ Henseheid spoke on “Why I BLAINE COUNTY as emotional problems. ning the event arc unnBle to Llko Ontlmlsts. but Truv State Police Rlottpr Goals of the clinic arc to caru extra durab le Evans-Black locate the following class PessimiHts;' Jack Hulland J o h n A llan C a se y , 19, J e ro m e , for the mentally ill which in­ members. Anyone with in- s p o k e (III " S to r e r u o in was arrested at a Ketchum cludes educating the public as focrnatlon concfrnlnK ihe.se O()prailons'’ with the use of police station Wednesday af- to how to obtain help; C arpets seen o n the people Is asked to conUict Or, Visual aids. ternoon for driving a stokii establishing better com- Jack Adiinis, 109 West A, Speaker evaluators were a u to . T h e 1060 C h a rg e r h e w as muhlcation In families, com­ J e ro m e , o r cull his office a t :i24- Dallen Elqulst and Norval driving had been stolen from' munity and county; to get the B in g C rosby Sp ecial.!!G o ld ilo cksI 2013, Wildiiuin. Bob Mavity w as table Twin Falls earlier thiit day and staff functioning with patients, Jack Sisco, Ellen Sparks topic chairm an'and asked for belonged to a Ketchum community, and , referral Bingham, Ronald Stewart, discuHsion on "Birth Control Aa r e sid e n t. isourcea; to work with the law Chrl.sUne Wiedemnan Carter, 11 Relate.s to the f'opulatlon Casey was held In custody by enforcement and courts; to Travis Wlllliun.soii, Don I''xplosion,'’ Each speaker w/ih the Dlalne county sheriff's effect community contact You'll lind nil tho Evntis-Black C arpols you snw Wi.seman, Anna Peterson aski-d to take the oppo.iite view office until returned .to Twin Uirough cliurch and schools; on tho Bing Cronby Spocial and inofQ', Nellson, Hay K. PrenliiNr, of tlii> topic fn iiii tlie p re c e d in g Falls by sheriff’s officers tliero and to assist youth groups. Sliaflo. piuslioa', Iwo-tonos, pnllOrns, Iwoodn Juanita Chapman Cahoon, participant, Mr. Holland was to face tlio charges against him. Presently, the newly- V/4jera (iurrelfi Hodtuiy, Max tlic table lojilc winner, lie was reportedly attempting appointed clinic practices ,, . yoij’ll find Ihoin oii id spocini rjiilo'pficor,. U-e Box, Ricliard • Cahoon, Chief evaluator was Les to sell stereo tapes al tlie ser­ committee is organizing, a So, com o In lodoy and chooso nn oxtrn-soll, fieorgo llyrum Khii(.r, I''va Morgan, Rusty Washburn, vice atiJtion when the attendant brochuro on clinic nctlvitlea, oxtra-colorful,.oxtlli-dufnblo fivnnr.-Bliick C arpet Sllbaugh nnil Kvalyn .Silhaugh. Oakley, was a guest. recognlied tho vehicle. procedures and uvailablu help lor yoiusoil, They're nil priced ‘’just rlaht." Not Just Any 01’ Frog

Uold Journoy — n rich nuhby loxiurod carpoi ovniloblo ii Can Be A Prince 12 Iwoud tono eolorfl.>IO,95u sq yd I

/’’«/* Thai Feeliiiff of lioyully, . . Wa al«Q.hovo Tho Bing Croiby "Qoldliockt" Record Album A Storybook for $1.19.

Sleuft in Hoynl ([om fort Stop in for your $3 96 value Qoldlincko slopybobk recordjQlbum feuturing Olng Crosby ,5nd hio ontifo Inrnlly --^-il'u Ihe oriQinnl sound IfQck from Iho M arch.31. NDC-TV upoclal Sun Valley Sleeper "Qoidilocks." , , Your iitore lor King or Queen Size Evans-BlockCaipds Ch«ckm«to— • 3-lev*!'random •liNted palMrn Mippi bv Arm *iiano availnbio In 16 decoraior colon: ||.« 9 a a

BANNER FURNITURE— Tw in^alli ' SKA&OSiFURNITURE— Bur)« ^ Fqr over 50 Years FLETCHER FURNITURE-^RupeH GAMBLES— Buhl BROWN Everton Mattress Company 143 Main Avo. E.' Phon« 733-2108 ,, 326 2n^ Avenu* South—Twin Falli ^ ' TWIN FAU5, IDAHO B tlmes News Twin ld*hb.. Buciday. April 26. 1970

C S l Sets D rug Abuse Sym posium

About 75 Qcopie, Including 25 m. to y a. m . and It is expected cupations directly ' associated National District.A ttorney’s Center for Health Services, and mission, State of Utah. College of Southern Idaho between ,300 and 400 people will with the drug abu^ problem. Association;. Gerald Starkey, Bruce Wooley,- executive •Coordinators of the sym- • students have pre-rcgistered for be registered by the time the Interested parents are par­ M. D. of General director,. Drug Abuse Com- posium are Rex Engelking, a two-day drug ^'abuse sym­ session begins. Among those ticularly invited to attend.. Hospital; Lincoln Q ark, M. D., superintendent, Buhl schools, posium Monday and Tuesday on. now registered are law en­ and Dr. James L. Taylor, •Monday's session 'will' run- Uhlverslty .General Hospilal. PLAN MANILA TOWER c a m p u s . forcement officers, educators, from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. and presIden^of.CSI. _ , ______Salt Lake aty ; Otto Heinecke. MANILA (UPI)-M ayor An­ The seminar, sponsored by nurses and physicians. T u e s d a y ’s se ssio n w ill b e fro m 9 Seattle, regional director of the. tonio Villegas plans to build a His financing is unusual: he CSI In coope'raUon with District It has been stressed a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Cost of Federal Bureau of Narcotics tower offering a panoramic plans to get the money from IV. Public School Superin­ symposium coordinators that registration will include two and Dangerous Drugs; J. view of Manila Bay In time for "Manila's One Thousand." a tendent’s Association, opens at the public is invited to register lunches. Among scheduled Thomarf Ungerlelder. M. D.. the 400th anniversary of the group of wealthy and Influential 9 a. ttk-at the Fine Arts Center. for the conference.. Those at­ speakers are Mike McKevItt," Los Angeles. assistant founding of M a n ila on J u ly 24, citizens. No city funds will be Registration will be from 8 a . tending, need not be In oc­ Denver, president of the processor psychiatry, UCLA 1971. Involved. 2nd BIG WEEK

Anniversary Sale


HI-'ilB SHRINER AND his wife w ere killed in a car accident near Delray Beach, Fla., when he lost control of hJs vintage car DRESS and crashed into a tree. The Shriners were returning from West Palm Beach, after giving a perform ance. This picture was made Tuesday night at a party they were attending. (UPI telephoto) SHIRTS Bill To Limit Campaign Reg. *4” Expense Is Hot Potato

WASHINGTON (UPI) - Re­ president—wholesale rates for publicans are Ioaded\wlth funds political broadcast time. It -for this year's eleelion cam­ would.go into effect this year. paigns, with the pro Ise of more Some Republican as well as coming in, and they are not out^ Dem ocratlcsenators, concerned to make things any easier for over soaring costs of election 3 fo rn O = Democrats, who are loaded campaigns, endorsed the com­ with debts. . mittee provision. But it might cause President But GOP endorsement turned A greof new collection ol Spring styles and colors Nixon some embarrassm ent, if out .to be premature. Republi­ on sale during oyr Anniversary. These' good-looking he should veto a bill to limit, can Leader Hugh Scott of shirts have boon tailored to our spocificotions from campaign spending for political Pennsylvania made clear later broadcloths ond oxlords blended of Polyester ond broadcast time in federal that he was opposed and would e lec tio n s. try to stop the bill. He said the cotton. We're showing the latest collar styles in The story goes back 10 years, Democrats were trying to get white, pastels, stripes and foshion tones. when John F. Kennedy and by law what they could-not Nixon .were running for pres­ obtain through voluntary action. id e n t. Congress suspended the so- Would Limit Spending called equal lime provision of When Uie bill reached the the Federal CommunlcaUon Act Senate floor, the Democrats COUNTRY FAIR • to enable broadcasters to moke amended it with a third available free time for Kenne- provlsion-to limit broadcast •dy-Nixon debates in 1M0‘ spending .for candidates for without doing "the same for federal office to an amount CASUALS fringe candidates. equal to 7 cents per vote based WOMEN'S W O M E N ' S In 1964 w hen P re s id e n t on the total vote tor that office Reg. $5.99- Lyndon B. Johnson was running In the last eloction. fo r e lec tio n , a n d In 1968 w hen With the GOP campaign most people expected him to. BULKY KNIT treasury well-filled. Republi­ 2 p r .- $ 5 SHIFT similar legislation was bottled cans opposed the amendment bp quietly in Congress. but It passed in the .Senate, 50 No Desire (o Debate to 35. Johnson hud no desire to DRESSES SWEATERS debute his opponents nor to Republican National C*harir- mnn Rogers C. B, Morton Reg. $5.00 gruni them free broadcast time DI»conlinu«d Reg. $8.00 to ci^mpulgn aguinst him. dcAounced the amendment as a P a tla rn t P lan n in g fo r th e 1972 e le c ­ (wssible unconstitutional re­ tions, Democrats started mov* striction on the right of ijollticiil candidates to commjinlcitle ing Uirough Congress n bill to Still mony ilist repeal the equal tim e provision with the voters, He did not C 8 8 and colon from which lo choo»« so that tlie major presidential mention that there already are candidates would get some free legal lim itations on the amotinl broadc-iist tim e. of money candldate.s may spend In Senate commlttcc. the in L-ainpalgns. 'Ilic trouble Is. Democrats wrote Into the bill it Uicy are Just ignored. LADIES provision to make available to If th e H tn e n d m cn t p re v a ils In all candiilate.H for public office tiie llon.He, M orton W ill u rg e DRESS CASUALS .. 2 p r.-*5 —from town councilman to I’resldent Nixon to veto llie l)ill. W as $2,97 ...... $ 2 ,5 9 pr,

I ATTENTION LADIES! LADIES CI)uos<) from Solids, priitls, chocks ol bnndcincis (ill I Hiiiid loomed 100'W, (iciylit, llii'so cahlo'stitilu'd bi-tiii: lor iliit activn wotnon in <>cisy lo care for fobrics, tius will odd lo ony wotnori's woidrobo ( housf Itiirii I ORMDA HAS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS IN HEELS ...... 2 p r.-*52 pr.- J Si?*ts 8 lo ”l 6 , . 1 sevorol la sliio n o b lo colots in si;iis :>'M I XI I ITS BURLEY FACTORY TRIM ROOMS ON W at $2,97 pr, diic, patterns , | 2 , 5 9 p r . I THE SWING AND GRAVE YARD SHIFTS^ I I! If you oro Inleraiitad in v^'Orklno, would yoi> plouiu answor iho following quof I rclip and return thg c^ufltlionnoiru I, I LADIES TO; MR. PEre WILLIAMS SALE! I I Ora-lda Fobdi, Inc SPORTSWEAR I P.O. Box 10 B l o u s e s I Buriay, Idaho 8i 318 FABRICS I I Reg. $1.98 yd. I I V/OUID WORK THE SWING OR GRAVf I YARD SHIFT IF PROFESSIONAL CHILD I ,CARE WERE PROVIDED AT A NOMINAL I CpS T. I I WOULD WORK ir BUS TRANSPORTATION I WI-RE AVAILABLE TO MY AREA AT A I NOMINAL COST, I Big nvMleetlon I I’M INTERESTED IN EMPIOYMENT WITH fr« m U c h I ORE-IDA AND DO NOT flEQUIRE DUS OR lo choo*« King or Quaen I • CHILD CARE SERVICES l O a - ' x W I Reg. $21.96 . I I 1 Youf favorite fotiilon iporHwaar labrlct In o lurga Thick, ricit pllo thnt li wathnble and reiltli piling. Porniunent proit blouiei In blended lubrici all In nt- I I 1 Inch nylon binding ll*o1 laU olt ttili lupeib blend lorted colon In tolldt, ilrlpat un'd printt. Exclllng col- A D D R I S f ______leloclionol llie period welgtiled lor lopt and pntM». I ol polyuilor and rnyon. Sod Ihe ihadei Qold, pink, I Many color* and patloriu all 4 i" wld^, l(ir nnd ilaeve varlnlloni acceni tliote beuulioi and I rnyul bluo, inoit groen pr lilac, II reverioi (rorn tolid I Ihey are all long kleeve Spring and Summer tlylei,*— I colors to (I boautilul vnrlalion of tcj-ione ploldi. I I I I I PHPNI ______- I I f HC IDAHO DEPARf M ENf STORE TW IN FALLS ..I Sunday. AjJrM'!*, m o Tlm cvNe»!, Twin F>Ms. Idaho H ere’s H ow Y ou Can H elp Fight'-Polluliori

(Editor’s note: Until recently, Women Voters ofTwin Falls has tributions to 'anti-pollution. These arc the soft, n\ilk-white boxes, etc. Do use , 6. D evelop ' c o n ip o st p ile s the Idaho Cooperative Ex- Thj.s may be a group you would most of us have- thought of prepared a scries of articles on Every effort should-be made to plastic containers. They do not "biodegradable" packaged that cut down on the volume of tension Scrviee for types for like to join, pollution-as someone else’s ways to combat pollution. The c u t dow n th e fiv e p o u n d s o f solid .disintegrate rdpldly and give off materials (cardboard, paper, organic m atter you throw away.' and fof disposal meUiods. 2. Teach your own children problem. Now we are becoming malarial was.compiled mainly wastes which the average ■lethal hydrochloric acid when e tc .) . - • 7. DONT UTTER. • 2 . ' READ LABELS and those you Influence lhat our aware that each citizen has-a from “The Environmental American generates each day. . b u rn e d . 4. Take your own cloth In using pesticides and CAREFULLY AND F0I.1,0W future depends on us — we must vita] and individual respon- Handbook,” ed. by Garrett de Sonic suggesUons...... 2. Compact your garbage into shopping bag to cut down on ' herbicides, there are some very DIRECTIONS! learn to preserve our en- , sibility to save our en­ B ell.) • 1. Use returnlible bottle!), not cans and keep tightly covered. paper bags. important rules to follow. ^ Avoid dircct contact as viroiuiient, vironment. To participate in the, Selective Tj^iyjng and in­ thro'w-aways or cans. Do not 3. Cotft buy products with 5. Use cloth Waiidkerchiefs, 1. Never dispose of these many poisons can be absorbeii city and county-wide cleanup dividual awareness,are t\\’o of buy or consequently burn unnecessary paekagirtg. Many napkins and towels' instead of materials into a water supply. Ihrouyh the skin. campaigns, the League of the most important con­ polyvinyl chloride bottles. articles don’t need outside p a p e r. ' Call local health officials and 4, A pply^refully, never near Homes In food, w a te r or a n im a ls, a n d only- when absolutely nt'cessary. Are you aware of the air S. F. Good 2nd BICWEEK p o llu tio n in our a re a ? I t is on the increase! Some su^ujeslions for each ofusi include , ' Investment L t)o not burn leaves or trash. .SAN FRANCISCO (UPI)-A 2, Do not leavej your...... car 10-year study of honle prices in idling.-Keep it well tuned, as it San Francisco shows they will emit less pollutants, increa.sed at an average rate of buying a new car. buy one that “.5 per cent, compounded is eqaipped with the best a n n u a lly . Anniversary Sale pollution abatement device. That is a pretty' good rate of 3. Form car pools or use return on an investment yoy public transportation to are using all -the while. • elim ina^ carbon monoxide. The average market price for Take up bike riding. • , the single-family dwellings went 4. W atchfor the new lead-free up fro m $15,383 in 1958 to SPECIAL fuels and support the $29,416 i n 1967. a cc o rd in g to a TOWEL GIRLS ^ mmufacturers of these im­ massive study by Leonard P; SALE! portant anti-pollution gasolines. Vidger. a; professor at San Use low-octane gas if possible. Francisco State College. PANT The-increase in value of the ENSEMBLES 5. . Burn wood' in your DOUBLE KNIT fireplaces and stoves, if you average, home varied from Greot for gift giving, must use either, not coal. $1.010 in the poorest year (1966) colorful sheared cotton e, Report those air polluters ^ «,417 in the best year (1964). FABRICS you detcct to the Department of varied from 6,3 per te rr y s c re e n p rin ts in H ea lth . c e n t in 1960 to 10,3 p e r c e n t irj beouDful florol pot- Reg. $8 .0 0 7; Encourage the planting of 1964. terns. Come in now ond trees and plants. Vidger published his findings choose from o great se­ , Some additional ideas for in the California Real Estate lection. those citizens who are vitally M at199 m e a s u re s in c lu d e . . . value, of course, is owing to L Obtain information on the Increased demand for houses, “Idaho Environmental Coun- and varies according to the cil," P.O. Box 3371, University- A em aniandjhe availability of_ Station, Moscow. Idaho 83S43. "lortgage money. Vidger correlated his data BUREAU TO MEET ' with other statistics about San The board of directors of the Francisco and found, for Twin, Falls County Farm example, that- the population Bureau will mee.t_,at_.8.p.,.m ._,.size_had no reiatLQri.WJhB.ptice^_ ■Monday for a discussion with of housing. This was explained Dale Rockwood,' slate Farm by the fact that there'is no Bureau . president; Dean more room for population Robertson, insurance sales and' increase in this city, training director; Henry The Increases correlated well Sew noW and save now on a "wonderful sele'ction Cjreot lor casual Spring and Summer weonng. Choose Case, of Eden, and Karl with Increases In building costs of colors ond textures in 10 0 % -polyester double Whittier, Insurance adjuster, and consumer price indexes. from several pretty styles in assorted prints 'ond co- knits. 6 0 " X 7 2 " w idths. All fir^e q u a lity , lors. The sovings oirtstanding during our Anm- n . 4 4 versory Sole

S < i i e f H A N A N M E N ' S B U C K L E D PILLOWS iFirsauALia yowac lo o k in g fo r STRAPS A L L W O O L SPRING an d SUM M ER DRESS PRINTS PILLOWS 67< Yd. Reg. 87‘ yd. SLACKS 4S" wid«, craaM f«tltlgnt bltndt. R e g. $20 to $ 3 5 ! STRIPES WASH and WEAR PILLOWS 9 $1 . • M i for I R«0 . 7 7 * yd. 1 V. iifo, nvtil Rayon and Codon. SOLID COLO R BEDREST PILLOWS F a m i l y D e c k S h o e s BLENDS f>olic llu.ol prmliu.erKnpnk 1,11 r,« lliil Ihe conilotlcibln onn Oidtil wrllt / l oikI jull tiulil lot Ihiil luivni $ 2 ” BOYS Reg, PRICE! a#o ...... M EN S $ 4 9 7 per Inch. Reg. 49* yd. WOMENS $6,99 16 lo44"wldo. SOFA PILLOWS 1(11 icilo iiillowi willi YOUTHS Famous brurid men's slacks in dross stylus with bell SATELLITE MIimU tu(C«Mlln. 9 9 . loops cind willioul. All soloctod from out ro(|uUir slock-i •I.O.. R .o ,» l .9 B ...... PRINTS in»izo»2f]-'42, Roo.S20lo$35, . „ ^

6 7 ^ Yd.Reg. B7'yd. Wattiublo, 4S" widi.

PARK AVENUE WOMEN'S DOTTED SW ISS DAYTIMER HOSIERY w / Yd. Reg. 87'yd, 43 “ wido, poly«t>«t a n d lolU n. BREAKFAST lycra Forlifi»d-~>-Supor SuppOfI COAT Spatuiox ForlKlod— Super Support CANVAS PRINTS

R e g u lo fly u p lo Yd. R«g. 87' yd. $ S & $ 6 6 7 lOOH lollen, 4 » " wld«,>

$ 0 4 9 - SEAM LESS . COTTON PERCALE SUPPORT HOSE STAINLESS STEEL q $ 1 $ 1 9 9 W y d ifo r I R«g, 49’ yd, Solid loler 36" widd...... FLATWARE If Perfect— 3pr. $5.88 50 Pc. let Iia in lo it lorvico lor Compare at $60 6 includlngi B knivei witii ler* SEW ING CHEST Briylilan up your i)uiy lllo with c< culs and colorifil SEAMLESS SUPPORT raled edge, 0 lo rkt, 8 loup MINI braokloil coal, iWnluring u gripptr (roni and thort tpoonii 8 lolod forki. 16 lea- 8 8 iloovet. Choose Irom many prinli and colort in tlioi P A N T Y H O S E tpoohi, 1 bullor knife, 1 lugor 10 -2 0 , ipoon . .1. all In lo lld weight, *24 •5»* If Perfect MATCHINO 4 PC. HOSTESS SET $3,88 8 7 ^ Colon and«Uai.

THE IDAHO P lP A R f M iN T STO Bl - TW IN FAUS PRICES GOOD M ON., TUES., WED. 10 TJmes News. Twin Falls, Idaho Sunday, April J6, 1970 Douglas Debate Guerrillas Harass Still Unsettled Cuban 'Government .fty ROBERTJ. TAVLOR members of me H ye-m an WASH?NGTON (UPI) -A l­ investigating panel R c b s. through internal revolt. By KOY CENTENO though House liberals have won Emanuel Celler, I>-N.Y.. the Cduard "Guayo" Hcruandei NEW YORK (U Pl)-A free- the first round of the impeach­ chairman, and William M. b roui ht back what he described lance photographer who said he 5 ment fight shap^ing up over McCulloch. R-Ohio, the ranking as still and newsreel pictures ot nccompanlcd recent- Cuban Justice William 0. Douglas, the minority member, had . to rccently-landed expeditions in pxilc guerrilla landings in Cuba contest is far from setUed. promise- a full, fair and swift eastern Cuba. He said the declared Friday that their T h e Ju rist o f 31 y e a r s on the examination of the misconduct purpose is to harass the Castro -RToups-^imc-small'-but their high bench still could find allegations, leveled last week effectiveness could not be roeinic nnil .sw‘k its douTifall Himself the defendant in a by House OOP Ixader Gerald disputed. > Senate trial, R. Ford. B-Mich. "Castro Hnows how destruc­ •Both .Douglas’ adversaries Agnew Is tive the guerrilla actions arc and advocates are treading and that is why he turns loose warily, this being an election h is m ilitia a n d hisi o ra to ry year. Political necessity is '4 » jijjiiinst what he knows to be his Welcomed likely to play at least as large a blKj'est danger.” Hernandez sa id . Keeps By Crowd Hernandez said the small- evidence of misconduct. ' COLUMBIA, S.C. (U PD - scale invasion groups were not House Democratic leaders Vice President Spiro T. Agnew. seeking to immediately overr succeeded, last wieek In placing OnvT'racks responding io strains of "Dix- throw Castro but to set the stage the impeachment investigation TOKYO (UPI(-Right think­ assailed senators who for his ’‘inevitable collapse.” s o u g h t by 1 12 mostly conserva­ ing keeps the record-breaking blocked President Nixon’s re­ Castro knows ■'how corrosive tive congressmen in a forum "Mao Tse-Tung locomotive” on cent Supreme Court nomina­ and effective the guerrilla considered favorable to Dou- the track and its frugal crew tions an'd'drcw a rousing action is,” Hernandez said. .glas, a special subcommittee on bent to its task. reception Friday--when he Peking's New China News n ie mission of the guerrillas the House Judiciary Commit­ reaffirmed the adm inistration’s te e . Agency in a broadcast heard is to find and organize people stand on school desegregation. Here Friday, said the coal- opposed to Castro and Coi^mu- . In e^cchangt. the two key Speaking at a Republican burning locomotive was named nism, Hernandez said. "The for Chainfian Mao 24 years ago fund»raising rally, Agnew idea is to help such^t^ple into blasted the Senate for its and has since run the rails for the fight," he said. 'To give "learned idiocy" in rejecting U .S. Eyes m o re th a n 1.2 million miles. them the opportunity lo fig h t; • ..s high court nominees” Gement "Guided by Mao Tse-Tung perhaps to throw the first thought," according to Peking, Ha>-nswonfi and G. Harrold ro c k .” Qars^^ell. CUBAN GUERRILLAS check out rope-like plilstlc e.vploslvc, government. Hie boats used were sm all motor boats which were Satellite the sturdy engine has "set afl “I intend to continue to speak "If the people could, they left, and their M-16 weapons while en route to an invasion point. puHcd by shrimp boats to the landing area. The men were all-time record for freight in - strongly against those who would be out fighting tomor­ Till- "invasion” of Cuba by anll-Castro forces has been reported • trained and taken from a base outside the U.S. (UPI telephoto) Attackers the annals of China's raQways." would reject all of the row,” Hernandez said. “Even in hjiaii observer on the scene, and confirmed by the Castro- The crew is stoked and fired traditional American values in m ilitia ra n k s th e re a r e p le n ty of WASHINGTON (UPI) —Jhe by Mao Think, the radio said. their attempts to accommodate' people opposed- to Castro. The Air Force says the United- - R recalled the time a fireman the childish scream s of the new' peasants are hoarding arms, States has a "very limited thought he needed a new left," Agnew said. to o .” $ 20 B illion Arm s B ill Scored capability" of intercepting shovel. satellites, but could develop a ~‘Once, when a young new- f By DANIEL RAPOPORT I Uckheed Corp. to seed money mlnorlty report on ihe annual cost of $2.23 billion. The . satellite attack' program for comer suggested a worn-out W A SIflN G T O N (U PI)-'for a multi-biUion dollar bom- weapons procurement authori- dissidents recalled the ill-fated about $300 million. shovel for stoking be thrown FDA Condems Use Tlireo dissident members of the ber fiasco. zation cleared by the coifimittee B70 bomber of a few years ago highly censored congres- away and replaced by a new House A rm ^ Services Com- The accusation was made by and scheduled for House action noting that the 24 planes that sional testimony, made public one, the acting chief of the mittee charged Saturday that a Reps.' Otis G. Pike. D-N.Y., Wednesday. emerged from the program cost this week. Air Force Secretary crew, Kuo King-Fu, drew his pending $20.2. billion military Lucian Nedzi. D-Mich., and The final total, including the taxpayer $1.5 billion. They Robert a Seamans Jr., said the attention to the long-preserved Of ‘Relaxacizor’ bill contained everything from a Charles Whalen. R-Ohio. It was additions as well as deletions, predicted '‘the same.will apply United States is "studying the reminders of frugality and told was only $34 million below the to the Bl.” possible use of,either Minute- him about the crew's glorious WASHINTON (UPI) - The nal organs and skln-surfaces ^200 million "slush fund” for included in a free-swinging Food and Drug Administration, caused by the relaxacizor. the administration request, but the 5435 million added by the man or of Safeguard (missiles) tradition of hard struggle,” the dissidents promised efforts .on committee to the $2.7 billion for antisatellite purposes.” broadcast said. listing a catalogue <^1 - a lle g e d judge declared. medical hazards associated It may be capable of causing the floor Wednesday to knock sought by the administration to Seamans said he was not with, an exercising device. a miscarriage, or aggravating Various Culprits out another $1.4 billion. Amend- build ships for the Navy. The recommending a satellite inter­ M E N N E E D E D Saturday warned the owners of pre-existing medical conditions ments would be offered to congressmen suggested that the ception program “at this time." In this a re a to train a s 400.000 Relaxacizors not to use like ulcers, a hernia, or eliminate: extra money, which has the D‘iring the testimony before th e m . epilepsy, he concluded, Blamed In Mishap $200 million the' Pentagon is blessing of Defense Secretary ‘he House Appropriations Corn- "The device has a serious Relaxacizors are sold in seeking' to cover ."contingen- Melvin R. Laird, resulted from niittee. Seamans said, “This is cies” arising from the finan- a "deal” which might be loosely another .area that we are LIVESTOCK potential for damage to the battery and plug-In models for By EDWARD K. DELONG Cortright said he hopes to cially tangled and controversial described as "you support my 'J'atching very closely: namely heart ‘ and other vital body, exercising and waistline reduc­ UPI Space Writer have this done within three or C5A cargo plane. ship increase. I'll support your possibility of satellite organs." the FDA said. ing, the FDA said. They. operate . SPACE CENTER, Houston four weeks, but added, "it looks The three lawmakers said ,\BM increase." The .reference "®Sation or interception. We BUYERS U.S. District Judge William by providing electrical shocks (UPI)—Possible culprits behind tight." He said corrective LEARN TO BUY CATTLE, Uiey w er^'t objecting to the' to a report that President Nixon ^ ''^^y limited capability P. Gray last week issued a to the body, causing contraction the Apollo 13 oxygen tank action might involve "major” HOGS AND SHEEP $344.4 million to pay for cost acceded to extra shipbuilding ourselves,..", permanent inlunctlon against of muscles. The shocks are., explosion include combustion, re-design of the oxygen tank, distribution of the electrical transm itted through contact mechanical failure of the fan but was optimistic it would overruns already Identified, but funds after C o m m itte e s in c e the Ih Icoileek tip«ti«nc«. they considered the $200 million Chairman L. Mendel Rivers, D- United States c a i^ n d men to ;il inlfrvKw. wrili IBI, devices in a Los Angeles case pads placed on various parts of motor or the fan In the tank, cause little if any delay in the phoi )C activated dreds of Hu.ssian bombers have limited Itself to the^^e possible would be $365 million for con­ 0ri4, spread by the sudden, Joined in the current .ma.islve causes, however, nor eliminated F a i l s T o tinued research and develop­ violent, rapid, repetitive-and Soviet naval maneuvers, tlic anything as u potential cause. m e n t, I ' unnatural movements of Inter- Pentagon .said Friday. And ho gave no Indication that . $100 million (or research and NIKKORMATFTN Tlie m aneuvers, de.scribed by any one areii was believed the C r a s h F e t e developmunt on a new strategic b o th th e R u s s ia n n a v y a n d tiie mo.Ht lik e ly re a s o n fo r th e hhiHt heavy bomber known as the BL Complete with U.S. Defcnso Department as that endangered the llve.s of WASHINGTON (UPI) - A 'I'he Air Force has told the interchangeable Fouquet Is tliu first coordinated world-wide Uirue astronauts. sllcked-up Abbie Hoffman. c'ommlttue Uiat approval would Auto-Nikkor 50mm . naval exercl.se in history. "We're getting Into the ilhoutihgobscenitlesashewent, nuthorlze it to controct for (Ive ■f2 Lens, prototypes of the new plane at a Sentenced Involves a l)out 150 su rfa c e .ships problem in some depth,” was showed away from a Wldte PLUS 135mm and SO siihmarincH, the Penta­ Cortright told newsmen In his House gate Friday as he tried to • gon Hiild. first meeting with them since ‘■•radi a ladlos tea being given V l r ^ t h o n i G t c f2.8 telephoto To Death Poatagon K|M)kesman Jerry his board started work. by'mda Nixon, t:. 111UU IS lens. W. I'Yiedhoim Hald U.S. planes "We've been going through Hoffnum. one of the Qilcago Seven defendants, lurlved wltli I.O.S A N GH LH S ( U P ll A had lilentlfled Uu.Hslan aircraft . . Back Funds New unique Nikon .Supprior Court Jury «f clglit over International waters off starts to look at the data l»P singer Grace Slick, claim* "center-woightod'' men iind four women I'rldiiy Ktireii, Japan and Iceland. imiiiedlately Invents his own ^ng to he her bodyguard. AltluMigh there have been explanation and then ha.s to "I wouldn't let MIsh Slick go thru the lens ruk'd that Hnnald l-'ouquct be T o Blacks exposure motor put to (Iciidi for the murder of more Hum &00 visual and radar discard It the nexl day. liut I In there alone,” he said. ”I tJio &-yenr-<)l(l .son tif Ills sightlngN of Soviet homlMirs, the think vve’ri' almost thrmigh muler.stand they lose 0 |)re»- ST. liOUlS, Md, (UIM )-The system. c(im tnoti-la\v wlfi* in-iirly four Dtifeiisi! Department could not that." every three years. It’s a General Conference of the year.s atjo, Ix.', nataln exactly how many Data was about all anyoni' ilangerous place," United Metliodlflt Church Frl- TeHtlniiiny iliiilni{ the emo Husslan plane.H wen* jiilniiig in had to go on. A |ki1Io i:i's crew Hoffman said ho was armed, iljiy rejected a resolution which tliHK'harged trial iilleged tlu the naval nianouvers. jetllsoned the part of their He did mil siiy with what kind of would have prohlbltcjl the r w o DAYS O N LY :i2-yi‘HrHtld m e c h a n ic , (luaffed craft ripped by the explosion weapon. denomination frum giving funds 0 0 Just before they re-entered Ml.ss Slick, a memlwr of the to m ilitant groups, UaT iiiid walc'lieil (uIcvIhIuii ItOYAl. PUIVN.KGK W ith both lenses only cartoiiMH w hile J e ff re y Ijin - earth's ntinospliere, rock group known as thu Jef- 'Hie Liinferenee’s final session ^ 2 8 9 IX)NIK)N (Ul'I) -- h'Incess Hdown lay ita»plng a n d d y in g iiti Cortrlght'.s review hoard, fi^rson Airplane, was invited Ui w as stalled In lengtliy debate on the floor iiftvr nearly lltrci Annewion will Im- given hiT fir.st divided Into s|>eclally areas, the tea by a Finch Collegit the ciuestlon of giving money for lady-ln-wnlting, Bucklnghain W(!ckr> ack the (lentil Hvntenr** a fte r I' Tuesday' McDivItt, I'rom this work s|X)kesinan for the alumnae ed that lit least $10.5 million "to learn yie riipes' FRIDAY! I OsOO A.M. Til, 9s00 P.M. 11‘arly iiiiii' hoiirn . comploto Nikon system of Photography. Visit ihe Expert to discuss Mr.s, l''(jiK|iit’t a d m itte d hirlp- liilt dlMHiHt' of th e lK)dy in an photo problems and get helpful lips. U iilateil a re a enal of .Siiiif'un, C idlf. '^Iir Hiilil hIu' d id mil Weak Economy Cited In Riots YHE LAfEST NIKO N EQUIPMENT ri'iHM't (lie lieatlngH o r Ihc d e a th WA.SlllNGTON (DPI) - whii'h suhHcrllHm to a pnnci()(u Mrltish and American ucjinomh- Honald I., /.legler. W m BE ON DISPLAY Im' i'kum' Nile fe a re d F o u i|iie t Trinidad and Tobago, tlie West of nunlnterferuncu for Us Interests In the Isliimis also nre Wdiilil kill lir r a n d h e r o th e r Ihit tliu U.S. Inlerventlon In Indian islands of sun, rum and nutmber stiites, Trinldnd Is an a source of resentment to hliick ch ild ren Ihu Oomlnlcan Republic In 1UII& i'aly|)Nii, nrti Iwlng swept hy one GAS memhur alUioiigh It Is In I’owiir advocates, and thu has cast a long shadow over tlie WANTTO FREE... of the most cimimon and Ihe Hrltlsh ConunonwealUi, United Slides already lias felt ...... (.'nrlhhmwi and... tlie...... first reaction...... Sign up for the NIKON dangurtiUH tllseases of tlie mid- lluMllflordurs hud tliulr origin thu sling of antl-Aiiuirlcnnlsiii to Ihe presence of U.S warnhlps 2OU1 cuntury- political violence la iirroal uml Irlnl ot ii In Uiu rarranl nlluulloii. In Uio iiruu wiu lolt only limirn TRADE? HANDBOOK OI= PHOTOG. and ra'cliil illHordurs, of Trinidad atudonts, ap< Washington dlti|)alch-Latimer offers RAPHY to be given away /hissic Mirnclc A weak'and iinnteady uconii- iNirently Dlack Powuf odvo* undaiuinunltiuntoUiulilaru). 11 Cliantlng "Kuup Uiu pigs out generous trade-ins oh my as well as growing liliick cates, In Canada, 'lliu Incident, said it received iwrmlsslon of 'lYlnldad” und "Yankuu go both days. Drawing will be (■AM Il'illltA.AniilrullulUI'l) oldor model cameras, ' -Queen KllzHheth II ealled I’ower aglt^itloM, whieli Ihu remote ii« It was. Ignited a long ■ from Port-of-Spaln tt> sail hnnic,'' suverul hundred at 5 PM eacK day. (AM 3 AuatrallitnH mirnrlf workers Port-of-vSpaln governmunl dc- smoldering fueling among West warHhl|)H Into Trinidad wuUirn, Attidentn of Wnnhlngton’n How- and lenses. va lu e ) ^__ K atiirday an Nlie NWlt«'lied on a scribed us one of Ihu mo^Oi un’ Indians Ilf African descent Uiat and even land Pdiirlnos on tjie’ nrd University marchud lns| riiliilxiw . .She o p e n e d th e wek'omo of U.S. uxporls, neem |K)lltlcal indupuiiduficu actjulred Island, to evacuate U,S. cltkens Wu /n ednesday rl,1i.4if<(.«/ toI.Y thu111.. White1irl.ll.. llousu.'* II...... *** C uptulii (.'oitk M tiinorlal h e ro liy . tu lie at lliu core of vloluncu tliul In 1 (M2, uUu muiuia Uiu und uf ifllHialluoUonnliuuldnHiulrulti [(t New Yorlt,' iVlnldad-bom HUttlntt iif( a H treuiu of w a te r liuH Iwun ro c k in g tliusu W ind­ Uit) whilo muji’a role la thu "’lHiH In strictly a jtrocuullon- Stok«ltty Cnnulch««l. who Uiut Hoared iiiKi fnet, .Sunlight on w a rd lu ltin d s ,' , r pollUcal and economic llfu of ury inuasuro for tho protwctlon colriud the ''Illuck Pow er" Uiu wilier crealed lliu rAlnlxiw, 'Hivru weru eai‘ly re|iorts lliat U iese InlandH . of A m n rlca n cltU en H ,'U h u .S U itv slo g a ii, cl<}liiieubiinuw} u n d S y iIm is, W h ite H u u so P r e s a K utTeU iry to (h iy a n n . Betty Bever Seeks Sunday, April 26. 1970 Times-Ncws.; Twin Fallj, Idaho U GOP Bid For Solon A race had developed Friday in the Legisljitive district 23, .I', s t a l e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s '' nomination in the August primary election with the an* nouncenient .by M rs. Betty ;,;;Bevcr. Twin Falls, as a can-' didale on the Republican ticket. ; Sfie will be seeking one of the two. nominations, against in- cunibent Republicans Ray Uncoln and J. D. Claibom who have both indicated plans to seek rcnomination. . Mrs. Bever has been a resident of Twin Falls for_3& years and a menibifr of the . Republican Party for 20 years. F o r th e p a s t tlire e y e a r s sh e h a s , served as precinct com- mltteewoman in Twin Falls • -'.P rv c u ic t 3, She is employed in the law offacs of John A. I)oerr and .^Richard R. Reed and has held BETTY BEVER .^•jjther business positions in the i.conununity. She was named ' „oMrs. Idalio in 1958 and has been Students Inactive in many local organizations involving young ‘"p eo p le. In Elmore ’ Mrs..Bever has worked ^s a ;,den moUier fyr six years and _,was l>re.sident of the Parents Get Honors • ■Club, chairm an of .several GI.ENNSFERRY-SixGlenns committees and presideiU of the Kerry High School business ,:.;rwin Falls-Toastm istress Club students won honors at the stote ij^d'Council- future business leaders of . - She is tlie mother of two boys, • America convention at Boise V.Bil]- Bevef. 19,“ a~Tw in'Fairs' State College. ’ - High School senior, and Tim Karl Koch won the speech .,J J e v e r, 15, a s tu d e n t a t O ’U a r y competition and the “Mr. ...Junior'High School. For the past FBLA” Contest', earning -iw o years she has Conducted himself a scholarship at Boise .-weekly classes at the high State College. Laura Parish and “■ ..school for seniors' who are Patty Pasborg entered the first ^.members of the Catholic Youth year typing contest with Miss ;;Organizalion. Pasborg winning, ■ i “ I believe wo'men should take Rocky Trail won in the an active par^ in elective offices bookkeeping cqmpetition, while ,and feel women add another the team of Phyllis Russell, ’dimension to government.V Verlene Walter and Ginger ■,*Klrs. B ever s a id . • , Seesec won the spelling com­ pe titio n .

PAGO PAGO VISITORS “ Forest Service PAGO PAGO. American Sa­ moa (UPI)—Tourism in this : Picks Regional South Pacific territory grew by 16 p e r c e n t d u r in g 1969, ” Administrator according to the Office o' Tourism. During the year, “ William D. Williams has been 13,940 visitors arrived, com- • nanicd administrative services pareQ with 11,784 in 1968. The u officer for the Intermountain average stay was three days. J Region of. the U. S. Forest « Service with headquarters in Ogdon, Utah, Vernon 0. Harme, j regional f^rcstec has an- « n ounced. i,„1Vlr. ■Williams will be IT'S THE responsible for contracting, purchiislng and managing RIPE 1 properly for Hi national forests , including the SiiwU)oth National , Forest with headquarters in ; Twin Falls and others in Time To Buy southern Idaho, Utah, . Wyoining. Nevada and part of that'JEEPSTER ’ • A native of Arizona, he D u r i n g ' triinsferred to (he regional . office in O gden frn in Mi.s.'ioula, Wills Motor Co.’s , Miint, whiTf lie was^ .super- vi.stiry I'onlriicl .‘ipetiiillst for Uie Northern HcKlonnl Office.

In T e x a s a sUilt* p e rm it is S e ll- O u t re(|uiri'

PLYW AY m akes it possible

W)i«n ramodallng your kilchtn ••• ut flrit,

fJifiMioUl on alf / o b i . , .

o o .

120 BlUB LAKES BLVD. SOUTH 7 3 a < 1 5 B 3 I'imes-News Public; F orum Added Comnmenl Given Market Review Forum Rules Legal Problems About On Rupert Drug Action Forum letters must be con- Pollution Mentioned Slock l*rices Tumble .cemed with topics of gCDeral 'interest and must be of a Editor, Times-News: that our penal system is Editor, Times-News: look toward the south on a reasooable length. 1 have been following wit n a Many residents Of Idaho labor clear day and notice the The editors of the TimcS' As Fear Grips Market great' deal of interest the fVotn Mcie*ty edjtors of the Times- under the.false supposition that abundant smoke screcn which ^ews reserve the right to refus'i ^ ^ ______...... co.inmcnts both pro and con have a total disregard tor the News reserve the right to refuse since we enjoy an abundangp of ts created by a local factory Hv HOWARD I.UXKNIU;HG .Standiird & Poor’s index of regarding'thc sentencing of he rights of others, This docs not publication if, la theJr opinion, open country, we are Inunu^ to during its active month of tlw IIM BuslrfPss W riter 50n slocks fell 2.!>0 to 82.77. four Rupert youths on di'ug mean that I fedl our prisons the subject matter is of a the deadly serious problem of yejir. Or, to further convince the Lbelous nature. Is not in good pollution and therefore have no disbelieving, one should • NEW YOnK(UPI)-Sellers Of the Ijr.l 'issues crossing charges. A letter written by should resemble torture taste or Is repetitious and has cause ’of alarm, On the con.- examine Rock Creek and the ti^liti'ned their grip on the the tape, declines over­ Mary l-ynn Burkhart whilch chambers, but neither should whelm ed'advances 1.44G to previously been .thoroughly trary. the privilege of a Snake River, both of which have stock inarkot last week in the appeared in your paper April 19 they Iw the equivalent to a fiicc of now economic unrcr- Hlfi. e x te n d in g to 17 con.secutive has prompted me to write. Sunday school picnic. Granted, covered in the forum. relaUvely deftn habitat should become almost unbearable. , Unnly at lionie iinii the threiit sosswns 'thv domination of Of particular intgtcst to me certain prison reforms are- All letters must bear the become a jealously guarded' Throughout the state, similar of an oxpanclinf’ war in jidvances over losers. was Miss Burkbaffs statemc 'nt, needed, but true justice signature and address of the asset. We should make an effort neglect Is continuing, qn- writer. The name of Inc writer towards preserving the beauty checked, in much greater scale soullioast Asia,' '• turn-i.ver .aggregated neither can I condone the demands certain protections for •■•rtii' w orst p a r t." J 'r e d 4‘).o:il.fino shares, against' vindictive, unreasonable the innocent us well. will appear when published and freshness of our en- than most of us are aware. The unless there Is a personal vironment. Ansclicli. vice president of &0,;t21,fi40 sh a re s- th e p rev io u s sentence put upon four te on­ smoke-belching factories ■ The increasing Icniency with .request that ft he wtlhheld a n r However, even as we setUe Shcarson, Haminill & Co.. s;nii, week, and also below the agers who could be actuiilly surrounding Pocatello are which we deal with law of­ Ihe reason for sueh a reques^t back Into the overstulted chairs '•is th a t it's h a rd to in ia ;'in e .i - shares which changed helped in conditions other tf lan another excellcntrexample of fenders has been closely staled. This request will then be our ■sell-assurance. our new s developm ent tlKit would hands , to on that, the NFO in the curren I thpv in Mr Pn-in.-n/vi Tosdside litter W3S composcd of did what about the other 80 per Uws should and must be Uiat the inflationary price 53!i.<00 s h a re s . they live m. Mr. .i..- ™„i?— ------ihimged by the-reildeWand' holding . action is trying ti) s^ak^f them as th S p-apef items716 i^r” cTnl?' spiral may be unstoppable. . American Telephone, the establish a nationwide price o f a'te'aTea?to"lKfld‘SS The only conclusion is the legislators of our state in order - The l^bor Department re­ world's most widejy held issue, $3.50 per cwt. for potatoes tliu:! grower i( they were to receive E!” '" simple one that we caiyiot to preserve the grandeur of this p o rted a 0.5 p e r c e n t ju m p in finished third, unchanged at putting Idaho on a price basisi the sarne price for their P®*" littered countrysides land we value so highly. We the cost of living index in on 518,000 s h a re s . with other states, and if NFO is potatoes Itcostsmoney togrow a«d others, 12 per cent. on anyone but the people who must not allow the superior March. White House Press Other slocks in sharp retreat successful in doing this it coulil Dotatoes rejzardless of \^ich Banning non-returnable throw the garbage.The> must monltary power of industry to Secretary Ronald Ziegler said included McIntyre Porcupine reduce Idaho potato growers’ state you reside in and sur- x t . r ^ v ** l>y =^“ c a tio n , la w o r d e stro y o n e of th e la s t re la tiv e ly •‘it is not at a level we would 2 2 ‘ j lo w e r, M o m o re x U*'-;. income by millions of dollars;— prisinglyr,ri.in„lv enough theIV,. cost of„r 'Mtective. The state of Ver- anyany other other way. way. In Inmy my opinion opinion a a pollution Pollution free free sanctuaries sanctuaries left left like in the be.st of worlds,” - Corning Glass 15=*^, Honeywell and many farmers would not b€ • production is "nracticallv pr, the banned law malting a driver of a car on our world. Ziegler said this is represen­ fl'a, W alt Disney 8’«, American able to compete with these other’ same..e .i.woiiwidenationwide, With each containers. At responsible for the htter going Therefofe, il is up .to us tative of the fact "we still have R e s e a rc h 8. Avon Products 7'*, stalestiitL navingaillerenthavi rdTtferenU situations U ufltl^S the end of this time, a high-level v,„ .u. from his ii car regardless of who whether our state will remain w ork to do ari>y *5“ “'rows it would be effective, Idaho the beautiful or be con­ C a m e ra 7>«, Jo h n so n & Joh n so n getting price increases higher farmer ho Pniitlod to n nrnfit fnr g®vemor of the State to study A fme reasonable enough so verted into another cesspool of 7, Coimnercial Solvents and than we want," Vi riler Poses his Dotatoes roBardless of where relation to that a Judge would impose it and smog and pollution. Through ■Japan Fund “Mesa Pe­ Herbert Stein, a member of nnd '‘cported “The botUe everyone would be willing to orderly legislation and support the President's Council of troleum and United Fruit G'i, Qucslions On Mr Rockwood ic David Elsenhower, unrcusonablv. 1 fvul to put then] i.iu)thi-r view was that many also prrssiicd by an imfnvnra- could lose by selling for $3.50 niost leisure and the highest very wrong with our trnditional anywhere else, where they jnu)’ system of teaching the young investors were ",seare(r'>«)ff by •bli- i|iia r te rly re p o rt, g a v e up |)er cwt. If oUier stiites get the be able to comjM'te with the come In contact^ with my in­ and who are the people who events in Cambodia, 'I’rasli Itiiniin^ same and nary a word about quicker group, 'lliey would go nocent children, and tht want to change It? The UPl market Indlcalor, .Standard Oil of Ohio led the what we stand to lose right now on together to the .sixth grade, children of others is more Support Urged We do need to upgrade our nieasurlnii all stocks triideil. oil -selbiiek with di'cline of Al .\irporl at the current price being of­ where the same thing would unteasunable, In fact, schools somewhat and we need dropin-fl 4.4(i lo w hile tin- fered, We would like to tell Mr. occur again. The lop one-third ridiculous! to bring tho poorer schools up lo Now York, .Stuck K xeliaiige Hockwood Uiat our chances and On Alaska's would go lo Junior high and the Is <:ri|i('.i/.(‘(l May 1 remind you tlicsc the standards of the good ones. I'll a loss of $1.7i> I'’,lvis ( iaiii Is every otiier jx)tiito grower’s .slower two-thinU would Uike an I>uople were well aware of the It seems to me that two 1(1 Sifi.fi:! n (he Kdltor, Tlmc.s-NewH: chances of stiiying In the potiito Land Hel'orni •extra year of j)reparatlon. I see tlie city of 'I'wln Falls breaking and s im p le c h a n g e s w ith in Iht^ e [irl.T business wlil be much better ut Tliese two steps would not be c very ex- l,'.(llti,r, TIiih 'H-Ncw h; prices being offered, 'Hie $3,50, th e y n e ed . airport garlwige I’m HO Hick of people trying to I'O resI 'I'o Yes, Uiere are |N'ople who are dump complex, of course, Is a base price to bo Um loss of Uielr ancestral lands, pensive. Mlt.S. C. F, .miONK ,D . I,..S11AW protect these dlHgasllng kids of As a result of Uie discovery of We need to Increase the interesled In our young people revised upwiu-d aa our costa (.Shoshone I ('I'wln Fall.i) t(xlay, who Insist on testing and in c re a s e . oil on Alaska's nortli slope, tlw salaries of superlntendenls and of t.Klay, IClvlH Calti of Caiirs breaking tliu laws of our land. Hail Work Furniture Is one of tlie.se people, We cat) set) nothing wrong rush for mineral riches principals'greally lo make a You state Ofl per cunt of Utoso with haying a good Image but Uirentens tho nattves’ lands few positions In education really lliankH lo Mr. Caln'.s genent.Hily Imprisoned before the ago of 24 la,sl week the fourth grade liatlh- /V^itiiisl how many hills can you pay wlUi expropriation and tlielr worth striving for, \!^lien we At l i l l return to prison later. Dut I'll with It? Would Farm Hurenu way of llfo with extinction. need to stjirt our first graders WANT TO CRUSH studenls at hlckeUirade .School Ixit 110 per cent of those drug Pollii lUHl Said accept it for payment on one of Alaska's native people are cut hs we do now, but only were able to watch the offenders released back Into their Insurance policies? How asking Congress to protect their promote the top one-lhlrd to the LKWl.STONillPli Potlatdi aslroiiaiitH land, Mr, Cain society after only bclnjf I'.ire.sls, 111.'., i.nnouneed here do y{rade work and appiiri’laU' lhl,H, |)usher. 'Hiey nre both guilty. far easier than you ltii|i'fiiilti'|)crlod,"lltiopenillot)N anolher rlile; ‘H i Ih lime wu arc ttine qulek, cupled for centuries. They ask Uiko some seconroblums, ujid to 'Mill will ) - Iransferreil (o Ihe Ktii oli]e<-tlvc‘ atu l |il leant a p re to n s e thinking and leadership. Tlioso mlnornl royalUos, and juat U) tho second prade they should 1 1 lutiuile the offenders with kid lo Nomu huiiumllarlan reason wlH) follow blindly will slUl full coiiipenBation for wulvijig llie lr ------,------mill at Kiimlith mid Ihal ev«>i v 111 r.l''. (ioiitily gloves is damaging the nation effort would he made to relo- for. the American people to for Uie same old balonoy being clainm to more tlum 300 million comprehensive and Jusl set* as a whole. rate nioiit ol the I'lniiloyert at Mupport It, Hut It can 1)0 c le a rly iiuloulhyUieKannlJtireHU.bul acres of land. , Uement of the miUves' legal Di jiw s M riilion 'Itie flnme people who o th e r PKI jiluiitH, seep Uiat the main people that svtnnatlietlr toward Uie thinking farmer ahd Ills wife UglalHtlon Is currently rights to their land. I«et us not Olfli'liiI.M ;iaid. the de|ircH!ietl l';o(}uUi in>a>uil Jectlvet le r liirtt ye ar, tiouni’etl he will seek re-eleellon In Uie case of the ,,,.,,„r,iini,|v Idaho potato grower ul tho ^vould like to inoko you bollevo committee, «nd your own Iwo THE 5-DAY PLAN IIoIm ! (!aKiade (!orp., inoan- a n d (a' imi .Siilith,-an a lto rn e y In pollutl< II wap Is to create ‘ 2 ,', , . expense of potiito growora In u,at Uioy atnrted U «nd It hus Senators In Wuahlngton. D. C, whllu, alhii fthowed a mllllun Twin FallN, tias aiinouneed his distrust and bltlerness en the in r ^ oUier states. If riirulAinuricuta been their progrnm right along, !UCIlAltDHAI.KMOON TO STOP SMOKING dollar di>('reaiie in IIh fIrNt (|iiar- nindldiiey, |uirt of the public towards (he ' IOANN Sl/h'MOltF to remain M 0 place whoro wo Mr, Rockwood alBtea Umt tlie -• (l^pwal) t e r ’N e a rn in g <’nm p a re lt lo hiKt whole American Industrial JOANN M/J.M01U, live, work, go to Uie church |r„nn Bureau bargained for hiw and order Ih a muHllfthlii ('IVin Falls) PROVEN iffecrive ' y e a r , hut tio far Iiuh iiof a n ­ naliiin h to Hurvlve, Crl^iie Is Hystem, Thev really would like of (iiir choice, und teach our aomo $3&Q,000,000,00 In fiO you cANQutn nou n ced ,an y ;'ei|ui'tioM!i la oper- itleiidlly on the iiiiTeiiHe and we lo see Am ericans Iw coni|>elleM0r734-2M] Im ra rd , - (Twin t'allsi and we're even hralnwaahed (Jerome) Uiese n>uny>yearn. It hann't (Rupert) Park Service Plan Calls For Total Ban Sunday, April 26. 1970 TImcs-NewS, Twin Falls, Idaho 13 On Autos In Beautiful Yosemite Valley

YOSEMITE NATIONAL where , man Is supposed to be "We f?ei we can handle many be used has not been deter­ Day weekend last year. PARK, Calif. (UPI) - Prior to able ■ to get away from the more people in the valley and mined but Mortitnore sMd It; Last summer this reporter - 1913-any automobile found in frustrations of urbanization and give them a much better probably would be, a rail waited nearly 20 minutes to Yosemite' Niilioiwil Piirk wiis see nature in the raw. experience by removing their sy ste m . wqlk across a traffic clogged impounded und diained to a A toiirist from New York City cars," he said. Park information offiper I,ar- two-lane highway near the tre e . remarked several years ago The bold plan, which is one of ry Quist emphasized that the center of the valley. > Since then the automobile has that parts of Yosemite Valley several under consideration to auto ban is a long way off— bccomc king here, as it has reminded him of. Broadway and end congestion Ihroughoiit the p ro b a b ly 10 years—and is not 'throughout most of the rest of 44lh Street. park, calls for visitors^ to leave y e i a certainty. The plan conies LITTER CRACKDOWN these affluent United States. Since then the problem has their cars at a staging area' at up for a public review soon. But its noisy, congestive, become 'even more'acute as Dig Meadow. Inside the park Mortimore said that, as of smog-producing reign may be more and more visitors pile in but several miles west of the now, there is_no. meaningful ' VICTORIA. B.C. (ijPD—A-. nearing an end. to see the wonders of this mouth of the canyon-like valley. cost estimate" for such a new antilitter bill believed to be A park service plan> now glacier-carved valley with, its T h e y th e n w ould ta k e a 20- p ro je c t. the toughest In Canada has under consideration calls for a sparkling waterfalls showering minute ride on an inexpensive But the fact remains that been introduced In the British total ban oh private vehicles in down from the tops of transit system into the valley something m ust be done to cut Columbia legislature by Re; the park’s main tourist attrac­ mountains cut in half by the ice w h e re th e \ .'-oiild h ik e , bic y cle down on the' ever increasing creation Minister Kenneth Kier- tion-beautiful Vosenlite Valley a g e . or take train.tours. number of vehicles which choke n a n . its e lf. I But people themselves are Present camping fjicilities the roads circulating: through The bill, If passed, would Bumper-to-tfumper traffic and not the problem, says park would remain for those who th e 10-mile square valley. require all manufacturers of all that goes with it has been a service planner Ronald Morti- wished to bring their gear with There were an estliTiated beer and soft drinks to make a cause of growing concern for more, so long as they leave th e m . 20,000 vehicles in the area two

SAVE UP TO 30 % DURING THIS SALE! In O rder to get pur stock dow n to reg- Save, on every piece — Save m ore O n jjJaiJevjels — .o^r_goxdJvto^^^ ------— I^Grobps—G hoit^of cotoT~m dll



SAVE $306 On THIS TRANSITIONAL GROUP S A V E $ 2 1 5 ON THIS FRENCH PROVINCUL SIHTE 1 Guild quilted tsfo SALE PRICE SALE PRICE 1 BeoutlfulSofo Factory Suggeiled Price ♦ 2 9 9 " Factery S u ggetled P ric e ...... I Coronet cockloil table V \ CWi t JL A9S Factory Suggatted Price . . * 7 9 ” Factory SuggceU d P fU a ...... ■ W T r : 1 Coronel Square Commode Toble Factory Suggeiled Price . . • 7 9 ” , 1 Daifetl Cocktail Table — regular price ...... • 9 9 * » I Coronel Oclogon Commeda'Toble Facloiy Suggetled Price • 7 9 ” I B atielt Drum Table — regular price • 1 3 9 " ,2 Nova Lamp! ( Reg. SS9.95 «o) • 1 1 9 " I leungecraft Table lomp —' regulor . » I 7 9 " 3 Guild Velvet Chain I Reg. S169.9 5 n • 3 3 9 '“ 3 Toft Plllowi. Reg. S6.9S esch . . * 1 3 ” . 3 Tott Pillowt ( Reg. S2.3S epchi . . • 4 ” Regular * $ 5 3 "

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SAVE $315 On This MEDITERRANEAN GROUP SAVE $186 on this EARLY AMERICAN GROUP ...... • 3 I 9 " SALE PRICE ■ SALE PRICE ...... ■ 7Ful»l Mdlclilitg ToUlet — Reg S79.9S C I CatlienMapltRotker - Hvoulor...... * 4 4 * * 3 Rkhatdt Table lumpt - Rig. S49,9> K W W . IA.h.n.Map..Tab..-«..ula...... * 3 9 * * 3T««i P llk w t - Reg. S6.99 aach ...... ■ O IAlh*n»WopUC*cli»ollT«ibU-f#||«l<.t . , , ...... * 4 9 * * , 3 IIU h o rd » t*b l.lo m p » - S J9 ,*» *« i...... * 7 9 * ^ ' Kegutar 'T ? # * * DELAY PAYMENTS W TIL AUGUST — if desired ■ N O T E — Our Intarait role It the f a m e a i 10 yao tt a g p 204 M ain Ave. N. Phone 733-7111 14 TImes-News, Twin Falls, Idaho Sunday, April 26, lv/0


... are two of the three Boys' Slate delegates selected by the Frank aim ell Post No. 57. American U'Kion. Hichard Wvlie. tht* Skinless third (lelegate. is not pictured. /\heniales are IVib Siruni and Farm Fresh Jum bo Rich'Brown. Fancy Fryers Frankfurters Cantaloupes Sterling Brand Genealogy Library U.S.D.A. Inspected ^elected Vine-Ripened Perfect For The Grill , . Gets Gift Volume For Wholesomeness For Excellent. Flavor BURLEY - Morris Mitchell, the volume are available from executive secretary of the the Davidsons and proce4|l are Burlej!- G e n e a lo g ic a l L ib ra ry , earmarked for the Burley LDS - was recently presented a gift - Fourth W ard Building Fund. copy of "Early Cassia County Mitchell reported that a staff Whole Fryers Beef Potties S ' d t . lb. 98' M a rria g e s ” , by Mr. a n d M rs. of 40 volunteers assist with the Fancy Bananas .Ezra-E.-CBud)_Davidson-who. _work at the Burley Sliced Bacor. S “ : m Veal Birds lb. 98* have prepared the volume.' Gentalogical Ubrary which is RuSset Potatoes 10 48* " T h e v o lu m e w ill be p la c e d on the repository o£ some 2.000 Ground Beef r r i : ; : , , 65* Chunk Bologna I" ;'.";.., Lb. 59* - the shelves at the Genealogical books and 2,500 microfilms for Russet Potatoes . 20iV 88* : Ubrary, Mr. MithcU said. genealogical research. All r( Round Steaks cb...... 1 .1 9 Turbot Fillets lb. 68* Mr.. and Mrs. Davidson members of the staff are Red Radishes Bunch J reported their, information for research specialists. l- 'O . C j Chuck Roast ,69« Fish Sticks —'l b . 58* the volume was taken from the Special evenings are set aside Green Onions “ S;?.":.. Bunth J .tu'o earliest m arriage records for specific area research with Canned Hams "1 "" ’c?.5.98 Perch Fillets lb. 58* in the county. O ^er co^es of Tuesdays devoted to England Delicious Apples 6 M and - Wales; Wednesdays, Pork Chops . . . m Denmark and Scandinavia}:and h SUPER SAVERS ‘ ■ Pink Grapefruit iZf.::" 12 >1 * Election Fridays dealing with America. .The Genealogical Ubrary is 32-ot. Golden Carrots 229* open to the public from 1 to 9;45 Cottage Cheese i : r : , *" Ctn. 68* p. m. Monday through Friday Raisin Bread' Holf- Novel Oranges sfiiVi"" 7 ..M Judges Are Skylark Sliced Bread Fruit Drinks Jr";;;;.'.' Colton 33* a n d 1 to 7 p,m. Saturday and is Chock Full of Raisins 1S.0I. located in the basement of the lucerne Gelatins 34* Garden Supplies Appointed LDS Seminary al 14tii Street Ctfi- and Hansen Ave.. Burley. &-ot. A irw ay Instant Coffee Jar 69* PeatiWoss ';1 3 .9 8 HAILEY — Blaine county lO^i. commissioners have appointed Peat IIAoss n t. 1.50 PV . 15* Judges for this year’s primary Mb. Green Peas 9 Schedule 33-et. ' and general elections'. Liquid Fertiiizer 1.18 L o a f 2 5 Green Peas JllT'n'jr," Boo 42* Judges by precinct include lO'Oi. Esther Fairman, senior judge; Changed Strawberries nt- 29* Nitro Green Z 3 .2 9 Doris BenneU, Esther Mueller, SUPER SAVERS Eleanor Lister. Rossie Bamboo Rakes .... 99* .Blanj^enshlp.__ and Phyllis On Train s 1 > DISCOUNr PRICES Hanselman, East Ketchum frn h h 3 i‘ SHOSHONE - EffccUve-7 Bamboo Rakes '.t.d . . . 1.99 Precinct, w tth balloting at the Pint loday, leaving and arrlvlngf '■ Z'Z,., Keteh\upf community library; Elec1ros(jl “ “ 7 ‘X ,8 4 « Cereal Blend C*n. 28* Umcs for the Union Pacific a i-Safeway Garden Hose _ Mary^SldweH, senior judge, Hall- trains out of Shoshone will be < Whipping Blend „ 30 Foot, H Inch Full Flow Alma Mullins, Zeta Nance, Libby's Red Salmon “ c:- 57* Pint 28* changed; D, A. Everett, agent, ; Elizabeth Chalfonte, Barbara J. , ^ r o U -oi. re p o rts , 1 0 Poly-Rubber Blend 7.48 Olsen and Delores Sewersby, Nalley's Thick Chili Z", Con Potato Salad Cm-. 39* - No. lOG eastboundl West Ketchum Precinct, with 1 -lb. stream liner will leave Shoshone • Safeway Coffee S!'.""; Nylon Reinforced Vinyl 6.48 balloting at the I.O.O.F. Hall. Bog 88* at 4:17 a. m. for Chicago and : Mabel Rimers, senior judge, 3-lb. p o in ts c a s t. N o,' 105 w estb o u n d ’ Edwards Coffee J.L, ’ Regular Vinyl Hose 3:48 Ellen L Morton, Mary E. Lucerne Yogurt Can 2.48 stream liner will leave the local Brown, Leonu Wright, Minnie Fourteen Fruit Flavors 3.01. depot at 10:42 p. ni. for Por-i Sanka Instant Coffee Brooks, and Velva Jones, Jor 56* Hand. Heservat^ons are | Here's Proof Hailey No. 2, voUng at the city 3-ai. required on both these trains, f clerk’s officer Anna Beltran, Maxim Coffee Jor 68* of Sofev/ay's No. 18, eastbound Portland \ senior judge, June Beard, U na Pint Discount Pricing Rose, will leave Shoshone at Yogurt Sherbert Brown, Adele Nicholson, H a l f : Cm. 48* 9:25II, m, for Denver, while No. Eleanor Gulsusoln, and ft-cl. 17, th e we.stboim d P i jr tla n d ^ P in t P O p S I C l e S IB Fluid Oun<,. 29* Virginia Ivlu, Huilcy No, 1 , 2 5 PkB. Kose, leave? at 0:4G a. m. uach | voting at the National Guard morning for Portland. A rm o ry . Mury C, Griffin, senior Judne; SUPER SAVERS Martha KlclUsoti, Shirley , Hurat, 1 Jllluh Wright. Susy I,eU‘ 5 Burley Armour Beef Stew "c-.: 6 3 ' i c e C r e a m and Inez Hutch, ' Bellevue Snow Stor Vanilla or Neapolitan Precinct, votlnj{ at the .scIhmjI; Armour Treet "Z 59* Itliea Knorpp, .senior- JudKo; Youths (io Anne Broadie, Mary Hylnjjlon,/ Armour Vienna 1,',"',', 23' Uuth Sfhoe.Hjiler, Verdii O'Crowley iind lola Mon­ T o (lonfab Armour Meals ’c :: 1 4 ' tgomery. (■iiniiett'Pociibe lUim.KY - lIuilBy IllBli I’reciiicl. voting at Uu' lUiva .Schnoi vStiiduiU.s a re in M in - j Jergcn's Lotion . 6 9 Knorpi) rfsliletu'u, nvapolh. Mliin., Uie 24tli Aiiiuial f E x t r a D ry 7-01. 2'Gallon Carton Neva AlbruthNun, Nonlor Niillonal Lciiii(>r.shlp (Jon* jmlge. Kiiyi- S|mrk». Irl.s Cook, furcncc of thf DlHtributlvu ^ Skin Formulo bottio 9 9 . Kmlly Sniltlj. Kldn Spiirk.s iinoz. M rs. M a ry le n e R. D a stru p Speakers (‘X|H'('U>d to b e iitln id c d by. .'iOO tu b e 1.19 Richfield, Utah yo u n g lemlt'i'H uf ni'XIA a n d ' lllCHnKLI) Hicharcl faculty HdvlHorH from 1 I HjiNterly, Cnrey, i-iinHcrvalion tiiroiighouf the United. SIjiIon, Safew ay D iscount itfflcer, w ill HjHmk a t thi' H ich- WllkliiHon, a Hcnliir, IH St^tu GREAT BAKE SHOP DISCOUNTS rii-ld Higli .Sdiwil IhiH w eek (in vJci’>preHldeiil for lIlllI)-70; S to res In A ll how air and water iHtllutloii iJayhiy. a Ncnlor In raiiipaign Of These T ow ns: affectfl environm ent of wllilHfe, iiiaiiiigur for Hlik lilrnUilH, lll» H|Hii!ch Ih <111(1 ii[ rteveral lionih nigh who In running for Raised D oughnuts giv e n a( Uk* m 'k x jl In i-ormm'tkin (XfAldoiil ta Bolio Pocatello regliinal vice preHldenl; Hakor. Blackfoo) Twin Falla with I'larth day ntid oti- G lazed or Sugar viromiiuiital Htudy. A liiiromi of II neiiior wan llm sUito flrwl pliicu Idaho FalU Mtn. Homo l.a»i| Miinagement itfficlal IMililIc H|H)aker w fiiim r; S tiin lo y , Rigby Rupert ‘ n Ju n io r a n d In Uhiho vicu- uddruutted tliu HwlulDgy cla»H Payotio Burley anti 'lliurmliiy Cminty Agent prcHldent for 1117(1-71; .SUinfleld,' Ivan llopklnn Npoho 1070-71. Welior Caldwell kill wecdH. .Special feiitiiru iif the con­ Jerome Nampa Eacii 5 * i-'lrsl (if till) fiair HpvakurH. ference will he the preNentatlon And Ontario, Oregon l^iNllii lIuHhby, Uh'hfleitI water of H('lit)]iirHlil|>H III a n u m b e r of Sundofl Supreme P ie s ' 8 8 ' HUpervlHor fur the Uttlu Woml ouLNt^indiiig DKCA lAialentM, Out of The Oven Ai'uu 111 UilH lueallty and Sllvor Thli AdyertUement and Over The CoHee Cdkos “ r 6 5 ' Cruuk lt\ lllulnu county, Effective Today Counter To You duHiTlbed nunm of tlie draHtic IIOIHKNTATKDiailirilCH Through Next Saturday. Apple Cinnamon Bread' m I'hanguH liecauNe of danin Among gradualen whii will Iw changing tlio nilgraUiry ruuto nf nwardu l/i n iln e D ia n n e MolHoe. F ile r, m m Twin Foils, Idaho, Sundoy. April 26, 1970 Indian Plight T old At State League M eet America’sonlyrealnatives— manage public affairs of the wilh commiUces being formed represtinniiive. P o c a te llo the Indian — have been cruelly community, county, state and from the membership as a joined Mrs. Robert Hay and cut by the “cookie cutter of nation, while government is the whole rather than confincd to Mrs. Osbome Head League conformity" which Insists on management of public affairs, board members.------m e m b e rs trr a - p a n e r- d ls c q g lo n ------running a “factory of In other Friday business . Mrs. Clifford Dobler, Friday afternoon on financing assimilation/’ delegates heard Mrs. Robert Moscow, president of the Idaho education and present Poignant examples of how Nelson, Twin Falls, regional League, conducted the two-day educational programs of Idaho this mania for confwTnity hurts conference delegate, and Mrs. con vention in. the Holiday Inn. schools, Indians were given by Perry Eugene Smith. Idaho Falls, mother Friday topics included Karen, Maskarinec, Idaho Swisher, Pocatello, at a banquet national board member, discuss special districts projects Falls. Idaho's delegate to the F r id a y n ig h t a t th e 10 th biennial national League Issues and the discussed by Mrs, R obert. national youth conference of the council meeting of the League coming convention in Hosack, Moscow, and con- l-eayue of Women Voters was of Women Voters of Idaho. The Washington. D. C. The League stitutional revision by Mrs. introduced and provided state conclave closed Saturday is undergoing revisions at the Robert Nelson, Twin Fulls. niusical entertainment for the noon. national level, Mrs. Smith said, Hampton Barlow, state Friday luncheon. The former newspaper man and the state jegis|ator_gave a philosophical setting; to 1_ rem arks- which dealt-wlth Two Men Seek Burley School association with Ft. Hall In­ dians through his present position with Idaho State Trustee Job In May 1 1 Vole University Special Services. Noting that while under our B W L E Y ^ Two men are budgeting and organizational graduating from Twin Falls — Judeo^Jhrtstian tradition "we -competing for the Cassia county control, A lifetime .resident of High School. He attended Utah ' preach belief In Individuals and school trustee post in district 3 , Idaho and a resident of Cassia State University, majoring in the right to be different. In to be filled in the May 11 elec- County for the past 10 years, agriculture. He has worked with' realityi* we run a factory of tion. Mr. Bandy previously resided the Boy Scouts of America, In assimilation which is de- Incumbent Gene Sorensen, at Twin Falls and was self church activities, and Is a humanizing to minority groups who has served one term, is employed in farming and the supporter of high school athletic w\d violates the principles of being opposed by Paul Bandy, cattle industry. programs, seldom missing a our. founding fathers." manager of Ore-Ida Foods. • He was born ip Twin Falls, home game. chairman, and William J. Lanting, W eaker of the House of BIENNIAL CONFERENCE SE^IONSof the Idaho League of Asan example he told of a 5- Mr. Sorenson, a graduate of Women Voters in Twin Falls Included talks by Mrs. Clifford Representatives, from left. Mr. Lanting spoke-at the Friday year-old Indian boy whose American Falls High School. 1 '• lu n c h co n in (h e H o lid a y In n on be in g e ffe c tiv e in plolltlcs. Doblcr, president; Mrs. Elden Darling, state legislative mother had to cut his long, served two years with the U.S. I k" I H O*- lovlngly cared for braids before Marines afrt attended Idaho "Accident he could enter school. To him, it State College. He moved to 4 Men Recommended m e a n t th e e n d of his Id en - B u rle y In 1949 a n d in 1951 w en t" ^ tification as a child of. his to work for Cassia National il.C /H J.1 I I 1. . X U o I Reparted family. • Bank where he remained untii Mr. Swisher, who ran for 1958. Since that time he has KIMBERLY - State Rep. governor four years ago as an t»een with the Idaho Bank and Jack D, aalborn of District 23 For GOP Appointment in Twin Falls County, has an­ At B urley independent candidate, urged Trust and is presently assistant nounced he will-be seeking SHOSHONE — Instead, of ’ BURLEY — There were»cic uuno the inclusion of minority groups vice-president—at.ihe Paul renominatlon on the Republican reconunending . one candidate .injuries reported In.a-two-car into the mainsfream of poliUcs Branch. . ticket in the 1970 primary tor appointment by the aKidenl at 7:40 a. m. Friday and groups such as the Uague, He is a pftt president of electio n . governor to the vacant four and one^ialf miles east of ‘’1' Val ey Kapler Bank Mr. Clalbom is currently legislative post In District 21-A, Burley on U. S, 30. middle class Establishment, he Admbilstration InsUtute and , chairman of the Agricultural i M a^ic Valley Republican precinct com- Richard Kerbs. 38, Route 1, “Bsertcd. -■ .presently is serving as a slatt j Affairs Committee, and Is mltleemen Friday night ap- Burley, driving a 1963 Chevrolet He also urged . Uaguers to irector ol the organtation. serving hia fifth term on the ,1______^ ^irmedallfour candidates who statlonwagon west on U. S. 30 promote the adoption of the Active in Boy &out work he is ' State Affairs Committee. He Is haveaSftvlcedfortheAug. 4 slowed for a car parked on states proposed new con- a former member of Uie Burley also c h a irm a n of th e L eg islativ e n rim n rv 7 nrivntft HrivPWAv ai prfpp of sUtution to Others outslde the Klwanls-C1 u b-and ’3 past Woman Seeks School CouncU CommlUee now They Jirfe C. F. Chatfield, highway. Lawrence O. Penrod, v president of Paul UonsCTub. He engaged in making an Indepth BlchfiSld, Lincoln county 40:Declo. was driving a 1964 William f Unting, speaker «rved_sejen years as bishop of study of the Agricultural Ex­ Of the Idaho House of theLDSFourthWardUiBurley, commission chairman; E. V. Chevrolet west behind the tension Service. Post At Ketchum Representatives and a -andheld several other positions Currently engaged In farming KETCHUM - For the first Ketchum attorney' George Ward" MUls leglalatorfromOUtrlct24, Twin In the church. Ketchum attorney George businessman; W ard .Mills, collided with the slationwBgon legislatortiwDistrictJj^Twin in the church. and the livestock business with Ume In history of the Blaine Kneeland. will be the fl/st Khone C'm ^ le«^ FaIls 7 ldldX ^gue members at “Ibelieve that the education I “ Shoshone, former legislator. When it slowed down.. .. . his two sons east of Kimberly, County School District, a woman to serve as a school and Stephen Boiler Hailey DamagewasJ225to'the Kerbs a luncheon meeting Friday to be have received while serving f^presentatlve Claiborn is also woman has filed for election to board member. If elected. As fa^er politically cffecUve means hard these past three years as school p a rt ow n er in th e C a n d H po ta to the position of trustee In District yet, she Is unopposed although Sle recommendations were .PenrX ar ’ work in the ranks of a political ^tjstee has assisted me to packing and farm operation at 4. candidates have until Friday to made for consideration by Gov. Paul Kerbs 14 Burley, was a Po^ty. belter serve the school disU-Ict. M urtaugh'. Mrs. Jane Kneeland, wife, of file for election. Five trustees Don Samuelson who will ap- nassencer In the Kerbs vehicle Mr. Lanting praised the lenter a plea for a yes vote on ■ Iilll Ka «Via ^ . * ‘ U.S. Funds He is now serving his 13th Will 1» elected ior the disU-ict ^,;er;=e7forZ pSK a'S jSLy “ 0™ and "f for year ad president of the Idaho May 19. i2r» fK« r«oim,nHnn of I oi K«th thelf "non-partlsan” acUvitJes, voted upon on May 11. If per- Beetgrowers Association and ■ :aso’havlng filed is William GeC°"e°t- ^e; 7 p a ™ s ta te p S ^ t «iW clilxens must be pap mitted to return ti the school Certified Contract president of the National Mallery, an existing trustee in 15 , ' v eh icle. S h e W 's o ffice rs In- ^ • B e etg ro w c rs F e d e ra tio n in 1S68, . For Blaine Signed At Mrs. Kneeland,...... in announcing ^,5(^101 legisiativl! chairman! a“' n ' d V : S g . o t ‘g ' t S 2 K SryTpaisldrmSZ? F or B lainC K^i^bericU her dec Sion to run, said she M t 25 interested pass out literature and do the as outlined," ho said. , wA^iHtNrTnN n r she could gWe added dimension Lincoln and I iaf! wrty iSSfqiifS'rl"' ap?rM °cSby“a'’^ulXJ*™ 'Spccl"!) - c'ongrcMman' chairman and is a long Sun Valley 10 , the policy-making body, "I precincts in Minidoka - Mayor ol SS S between Sens Ih mteresTln the “"I.?.! SUNVA..I..V-A«9,9»9.34. S e r ^ r K SL'frs'u-p^t^'ThS .oSc^T-A. U ac ^ Ju 'cs ^^grm m Trh: SZor?asSri.'y" a“S SSlrlSarC o^TK c oinlractbelweenthecltyofSun n tra c t and Is more directly Involved in j S a t e a Ea“h m 'i"” speaker said. Is politics is the alter deep consideration has “ iSS^taTdlairw w ent of IT am e m to K ^ Valleyalley and the Tony Russell the educational process ofot -noke brieflv the r Hags on May !...... c,„„,on of those who will entered the, race for school S S 'S S r^ lT tr^ c h „ nf niHiriri Thriso <2,422 to Blaine County School Church. Elks and Masonic Construction Co„Kelchum, was children,” she said, adding, “I - • . .. He has proclaimed May 1 as signed this week for water and don't claim to have all the aun « nave all the J ,1 i^.'^kfan^ppSSS „lK!i' GU...U TO M«I=T m ^tsrK '^t: Lp ■ '“t- aalborn jaid he has ■ sewer system Improvements. until after the Aug. 4 primary, no on

worksuStSz’ which will ^^erfo'r'r indudc the r"cV.“wUHnonniui .rti:irraKin li«tpn ■■ con^ltteemon to meet a^a ..i™i;wiKe.,"S'p' Thursday «t tlie home of sthe i best t r educational i “ systemtats Vernon i?£'„"“ls:£“t Lxner for r etitraiS i ofS state S monies f F to the r clUes r S for Mrs. Raymond' 'schmlit”'Eac“h r..lW e^lSiT e™ X mone^and X'l ss=^"san™“ s ™:r=;;5drL„'ci: eight Inch sewer lines and about of four children, one of whom loyalty to our county member Is to give a short jwrsonn*! available ti ' " financial The last group met aid .(or schools In federally and slate levels and will work 4045 linear feet of six and eight attends the Ernest Hemingway jrklng together toward resume about a well-known job,” Bandy stated, „ ■'affectcd’areas. The district Is for the cnforcemonl o f' the imes. Memorial School. She is also .imnnr «n<>nnrv nrnso when “"V author or personage they As manager of Ore-fda Foods, »'p;.S,ily rtn'iro. Boo"k";wiii'ii m '" '^ '^^,“ ^'prtn'crtn P"?:!!?'"; narcotic, laws and a revraplng m a 0 building water and sewer lines chairman of the KetchQm-Sun - Marv Brooks resigned as exchanged. _ management of p„„pio, upan »utalsslon to HEW of of, Idaho’. environmenUl and for eight buildings, fire Valley Community Library a t « wnaW tobeS K detailed data concerning (wlluUen laws to conform to the bydruntft. scrvico connecliona,connecWona, Aasoclallon and president---- of the Mint director At that lime her 1 r y manholes and appu financial needs and^pon the fconsoro(L Awocdsi Tuesday at the homelomeofMrs. Clrill. New officers will bo In- be held In Uie .High School .enlor cltliM . homing i!^ recentlyrecently wa.was named Woman olof charge olof .illclllngsol'lcKlng the bnnquot wlll be #orvodat7p.m. (ilenns F^rry. If sufficient Monday. Roy l-anca«ter,, stalled. auditorium. Uio Your by Uw American resldentlul areas, assisted by Wednewlay In the oW gyro. Interest is slwwn, Mr, Ford Business Women’s Association.'Rev, Jack Weller and Rev. 'Ihose ntlending are asked to would present a petition to the Anyone Involved wlUi (he Joseph John. bring salad, vegetable or a Council for fonnul action. I tnental health program Is Tlie drive Is ex|>eclcd to bo relish tllsh and Ihelr own tabli In oUier action, Councllmen I^CVy M inidoka Students To Study welcome to attend Uie meeting, completed May 10, servlre, p r o U e m * ■ with abandoned cara cluttcrlng A p p ro v e d Outdoors On M ay Field Trip vacant .lots. Mayor Da^o a ■■ Messprly said he would confer A t liailS L M I Benefit Set Tuesday In T.F. - RUPERT — About 1,000 conservoUon to tite youngsters, SnorCe, Flsl^erlus und Wildlife. with tira chief of police to seek a HANSEN - Hanson school For more Uian a monUi Cliockmales have been Joined Cousins and Danny Capps and Minidoka County sixth grade teaohers and parents have Officials will odd en« solution. For mor« uiun a monui tlie Sinners. district voters overwhelmingly oumort RuUierford has been In students will again hove the requQoted the course be ex- vlronmental quality station T h e Council ulsoi .. - Authorljod Uie c ity a t . Bpproved, a three mill mal Machine Association and the opportunity of seeing con- tended to four days. Mr, Wilson next fall under (he dlfecUon of critical condition al Magic v S = S"H .yp"uil W ..l.r, Mo.o„yd« ± £ g ' r C n ,

Tr-“"w i »,d.tl» .tudenf ,nKrch:ll:Sl"uoll„“L r S M £ K ^ reS'^i^per™.- w.la.te.a.w «,ayceur.e.. whicr.eMeVM^ S H S H S Howell Canvon May 1M2 under servaiion nlant rnmmunitv . 4 ^ . . . . . Emest R vera, Ram ro I

sr»„\i'«v. area -ym^^tir r. %»=oru;.»d s-LrorMJiSS a . . ^ departmenU. This Is the third recreation and fire control, y e a r o f U»e pro)® • “ * ■ volves students •I’rorie^; .. rdlnrin^^ttf"-KS au-rssip-r .Sni,; counUea. Cassia studentsdentaaltenil attend ...... farMl .. Btrvict,...... Soil Con-_ reading •n“and learning.' -■ payment on Ihe seU*he)p »o U » overalUncrenK will be consisting ol hl» wile and four Tl\e Mall will be donut^ sponM clng o rg A n it^ io n In the mornings and Minidoka Mrvatlon Service, Bureau of He said that Inatoad of a Bousing projoot now occupied only two miUa for taxpayers in a,nall children. Hospital und • members. and Young i DiiUy County students attend al* ReclanuiUon. Fish and Qame. concept or prorue, tne stuoenu uy uie lour lanmioa. «iw meoicai diu« smua u » r . f i ; tornoons. . Minidoka a n d ‘Cassia County Wt a chanOe to see a waterahed - Anprqved a bill for W 7 .M « ® h « M •lrfl®dy reached about ® ^SoSdivoM b f f ^ f l r S u iS Jn/-Agonts. Minidoka Wildlife &» action or feel soU co^. from ffio Hartford Insurance S ! . . Because ol aucoeo lii^Agonti, Minidoka WlldlKj TTw^doa hl> Masters, The MlsrilB Country beneHt dance llcltoli^ teaching various f o c e t s of Refuge and the Bureau ot Mrvatlon, Conjpany for (he fire depart- Bedow and Mrs. Betty P o lla rd . < ■.16 T im c s-N e w s, Tw in F a lls , Idaho Sundaj^, A pril 26, 1970 ^ , tn e T/A tes-A /ew s ' r My Dad George Graham’s No-Hitter Gutganies.Teriago McClain’s Bat Shove In Stepping Stone LOUISVILLE. Ky. (U PIl- Keeneland last Thursday are M y.Dad George, the Florida among the'probable Derby T. F. By Cald\^ell Twice champion, outgamed Terjago, starters. They are Dust Com- . the California comet, .in a mander, (he winner, Com off driving finish at the opening of the Cob, Prontanto, Action" J I^fty Wayne Graham threw a S a tu r d a y . allowed only three walks and the Churchill Down Saturday to Getter, and Dr. Behrman. no4iitter to stop Caldwell ■l-O in Graham, who has allowed Twin Falls supported him with win the $6,000 Stepping Stone Other possibilities from the the opener and Steve McClain’s only o n e h it in th e la s t 21 in n in g s errorless ball. p u rs e by » neck and establish double p la te d th e d e clsfv c ru n in and has two no-hitters in the The Bruins did all their Bluegrass are Naskra, Kadan, himself as favorite for next Admiral's Shield and Villager. - the bottom of the lOth innlnii of string, kept the ball down and scoring -in the fourth inning. weekends, Kentuckj- Derby. Naskra lost a shoe in the the niKhtcap as the Twin Falls. worked his curve around Kevin Nelson started.it with a Coming from last place. My Bruiixs swept a doubleheader Caldwell to win easily. He hit. but was forced at second by Bluegrass along.with part of Ihc Paul Qark. Eric Day singled . Dad George raged into conten­ hoof. If he can be reshold with­ before Kent Wickham and tion at the start of the out soreness, he will start in the • Johnson Pads Streak, Graham lived on errors to Send ■ homestretch. In a three-horse D erb y . two runs home. Terry Miller's stretch battle with Cassie Red,- The Derby Trial Stakes hit plated two more. the early pacemaker and Tuesday will be determined by Angels Top Senators Caldwell scored its second- [•'.Terlago, My Dad George bat­ the size of • the field. High game run in the first inning — tled his way to the front in the Echelon will start in that mile ' WASHINGTON (UPlt-Alex breaking a 24-inning scoreless . ' last 70 yards in his final war­ prep race but stablemate Johnson .stretched. his hitting- a s 3 ? 0 j 0 c 1 drought. When Rod Aguilar led mup for tlie first of the “triple Personality, the Wood Memor­ •Streak to 11 games with a crown" classics. ial winner, will not. Also ex­ single and^ a double Saturday McXun'jo 4 0 7 i ' off w ith a w alk a n d M ik e F e rn e y Terlago easily took second pected to' run are Nativi^ night to pace the California 0 0 0 i 0 “ ? singled him in. Caldwell voil'rV ’ j 0 0 0 EPitr.n I t >010 managed a good threat, in. ttB place from a weary Cassie Red Royalty, George Lewis and Angels to a M triumph over by three lengths; while Sail- Supreme Quality, along with ^ e Washington Senators. ’ I 0 0-c'iunot!. c 5 § S § f'fth but Starter Randy McCoy stone finished fourth, seven oo ' 0 0 0 ' “ i 0 0 0 his way out of the jam. Fathom, who is ridden by Diane Johnson, acquired from the Totali"’ j» } 10 J “ jijM Good base running by Ron additional lengths farther back. Crump. In the unlikely event Cincinnati Reds in an off-season w.'lX'i'on w l l \ - \ Blackwood let Twin Falls tie it No No BiUy and Hilkey-Way Fathom comes back five days trade, -singled home a run 3 ^ fouTth. BlacKwood lived completed the sm all field of six. after the Kentucky Derby, during a two-run first inning ?n i rogU. rj'onn«>r')ii Rr.nkninn On a n c tr o r 3 n d took so c o n d on • . Ray Broussard, who rode My Diane will be the first woman and doubled and scored in the 'an overthrow. He cam e around Dad George to victory vn the - jockey ever to ride' in the thu-d as he Vaised his ibatting ^ j',®, " ’hile C aldw ell to o k to o m u c h Flamingo Stakes and the, classic. a v e r a g e to a n e v e n .400. KT.ItJ'm. 0 10 0 0 0 time retiring Clark on a Florida Derby, once again was. sjlent Screen, the 1969 The Angeles jumped on h“Jn,'i 10 J ’ » S S ; 3 grounder to the right side. the saddle and he booted the juvenile champion who George Brunet for a pair of runs DIGGING FOR FIRST- Caldwea’s Mike a low throw. Twin Falls swept a doublehcader, ? 0 } A walk to Dollinger started colt home in 1:23 3-5. been defeated in his last two in the first inning. Rookie Jarvis ‘Iirunei p,tcr,,.o to 1 ,n s!n K th e 10th inning and he went to Femey beats out a slow roller down the third taking the first o n t 4-0 and- the second M fn 10 Bob Wholey, who rode races, and Holy Land, are the . Tatum singled, Jim Fregosi- ’Doy'p’t?? T se co n d on a w ild p itc h . He baseline as Twin Falls first baseman Dave Inologs. , Sailstone, lodgea a pad ciarni other probable starters. ------doubled-and-Johnson-and-Jim- ^ ...... brcezed-im asily as MqClain Dollinger dh-es into the dirt In an effort to catch against My Dad George but Spencer both singled to m ake it banged his hit off the wall. films of the race showed no 2-0 . B lair's Iloiiiorun Caldwell 000-000 0-0 0 2 interference. My Dad George The Senators countered with Twin Falls 000 400 x-» 8 0 dropped back to last place at a r u n in th e ir h a lf o f th e f ir s t on Paces O rioles Gledhil! (L) and Hultz“ Quilche Captures $80,500 the start and trailed the field a triple by Ed Brinkman and a P a s ( K . Graham (W) and Wickham. until he reached the start of sacrifice fly by Dave Nelson, C aldw ell 100 000 000 0 - 1 the final turn. b u t th e A n g els m a d e it 3-1 in the K A N SA SY C IT Y ( U P I ) - P a u l T w in F a lls 000 100 000 1 Century Handicap Features Broussard guided him inside third when Johnson doubled, Blair’s three-run homer trig­ A g iiilifrT ^ p e n c e -t LT e r a n d ------one horse but then had to move stole third and scored on gered a five-run first inning and favor with the racing crowd Hultz. McCoy (W. 10) and INGLEWOOD, Calif, (U PI)- stakes on tfie turf at Santa his mount out from the raU to fen c er’s second single. the Baltimore Orioles went on M cC lain. Chileari-bred Quilche led every Anita. Quilche was overlooked teca^e of his seventh • place gain contention. In doing so, he Frank Howard reduced the to beat the Kansas City Royals step of the way and then had by the crowd of 50,000 and he finish in the San Juan went between two horses and Angels' lead to 3-2 in the fourth 9-3 Saturday night for the 13lh, enough left at the finish to hold retumed$31.80.«11.20 and $5.60. ‘ Capistrano.at Santa AnjU. Wholey claimed that he in- . with his fifth homer of the conscmtivctime. uaps 3quarc off Forty Marcy as he captured Fort Marcy paid $5.20 and $3.20 The victory was worth $46,750 terferred with Sailstone. But FARM season, a towering 420-foot The Royals beat Baltimore in \X/' W k the third runiUng of the $80,500 while Pinjara was. worth $3.00. and bwsted Quilche's earr^gs My Dad George was clear all smash into the leftfield upper the first game between the two w iiii Century Handicap Saturday Jockey Jerry Lambert did not [or year to more than the way and in a sixteenth of a deck . teams in-1%9 but haven’t won over Hollywood Park’s turf iwac a n t vuk lose any time coming , out...... of the $1W,000... . iiumile ie lldUhad KOUItAJgained 1113his LUIIieilUlllKcontending The Angels regained their sin c e . Denver Squad gate as he sent Quilche to the It was his third win m eight posjyoj, start of the A u c tio n two-run lead in the fifth on a Brooks Robinson helped Balti­ s tr e tc h . T h e c o lt p a id $7.40. single, by Tatum and another more’s 14-hif attack on six $3.00, $2.20. Terlago returned CALENDAR double by Fregosi, and they Kansas City pitchers with a $2.80 and $2.20, whUe Cassie added onrm ore run in the ninth solo homer and a run-scoring — Grey Lag Is Red paid $2.20. Soles Deporimenr to ' co'nplcl« otJ on a homer by Joe Azcue. ver'isif'g covetogs ot your lorm lolc tr ip le . Broussard will be on My D ad' /Uliciicoii Ba.ke.bS.Udsnciuoii Asaocia- . Won By AH'S hand billv nr-^Dopcr covf'O ^c George in the Kentucky Derby (over 70,000 r«oder\ in Maqrc Valify finals'aUhr^c wir« aDiw^ Germany's Hitchcock finished early pace with Show Sporting a i i , , next Saturday but Willie In d ian s. <>-o - - fmipfh in ivin finiH nf nino * closc behind while Forty Marcy A n ci L c llc r s Tw ins I. Tigers Thn spvpnih nnfj fWidini! fourth in the field of nine, Shoemaker will ride Terlago, CLEVELAND (UPI)-Tony game will be played Tuesday at Despite having won two Mved ground along the rail. NEW YORK (UPII-Rokeby MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL Horton drove in two runs with a Going into the final turn, Quil- ctnhle's Arts and Ijitters lived Mahorney. Robert Nono rode lU Pl)—Hermon Killelwew sin- single and a home run and Ray D e n v e r. ■ i APRIL 25 Rick Barry and Mike Barrett tir u in s L o O K Che’s margin was cut to a Cassie Red but Walter Blum . gled home Tony Oliva from Fosse hit his first Cromer of the MR. & MRS HAROLD SCHUtTE led the Caps to their third Saturday by charging rides him In the Derby. second baae with one out In the season Saturday to pace Ihe v* „ u . «» r< r»i rr Adverllwmenir April 23 «Jth determination as F o r t p„si never Bow In the closing “ V ° “'l George specializes In Auctionaert: Orvil Seait, Gaytoid ninth inning Saturday to give. Qeveland Indians to a 6-5 ® F o rrla v o ll Marcy worked his way telwoen winning his races by narrow Phmipi ond BiU ^Ifli * 0 ,c M in a c ffila T w iis a 4-3 ' v ic to r y o v e r (he C hicago W h ite S T i " . . S S ...... \ horses and closed with a be- ^ ^ Handicap at margins. He won the Flamingo victory over Detroit and snap S.xTaVS.T.XrTo'Z*; Clincherlated ^ burst of • speed. Aqueduct for his first victory of W “ nose and the Florida Derby A P R I125 the Tigers’ eight-game winning John with his (irui Strajehl loss. BOSTON lUPIl-ThcNot only lonR- was the winning time the season., by a neck, MARTHAJANE'S ANTIQUES . s tre a k , cn.cigo citveifnd ^ ^ fourth Quurtcr after Washington suffering Boston Bruins set Advnrlitamsnt: April 77 & 73 a course record but it also broke The 4-year-old colt by Ribot- probable field for the 9Gth Auclio.ieeti: Warl.'Eilert, Wall and .( s u ? 0 u'’;*;'""' <' J! “ 0 blew un curly lead and trailed theirthe American sights on markthe Champagne 2:12 2-5 set All Beautiful, who finished . ‘he Kentucky Derby Mstterimlth M'iy' tV °" , 1 3 , f<’ 4 I : I by seven points. The Caps stagein 1965 of by the Cool Stanley Prince Cup at fourth in the Westchester in his is expected to be much i I 10 tmiTil" !(’)?{ caught up with 5:20 remaining playoffsDelaware Sunday Park. while hosting 'only previous start this year, closer to the average 12 starters M A Y 3 m ? 0 0 n ' I 0 1 0 Barretljunk his third three- the QuilcheCliicago scored.hia Black Hawks rich win In in was lopping along in seventh than the 1928 record field of 22 LINCOLN SMITH •, I ; tj u / u point goul pf tho game, whaLcouldthe colors be of Uie the finalKerr game Stables of position deep into the back- when Reigh Count won. AdvettnsfntnV. Moy t 4\ i 1 ' ,.0 ni'i Spencer Haywood, the ABA'S lltefor Eastern whom thefinals. Chilean horse had------stretch ------when jockey Braulio ------Fiveof ------the 10 colts that ran ------in Auclionser:------lyla M ailert ------______leading scorer and rebounder. The Drulns, who haven’t set unan American record at Baeza Baeza started started his his winning winning drive drive Bluegrass Stakes haU 28 polnL'i for Denver, two sipped the bubbly from U rd Santa Anita for 1 M miles oa to the wire. lcs.s Uian guard Ijirry Jones. Stanley’s famed trophy since .the grass df 1:56. Arts and Ix S p lit Cliicago goalie, when a threemlarm blaze pace, finished third, Iwo lengths nuilntained Ills lead In the Dally Tony Ksposlto, the league’s gutted the grambtand. causing Iwlrinil Never Bow. BOSTON (UPI) - Veteran Mirror l/imlon to Mexico city „ , J lYoniiv winner anil an estimated $1 million. In Arts and liCtters covered the (Jury Peters tJirew a four-hit NEW YORK' (Uim-Chuck lia in a g e , ) i-8 m ile s in 1:4R 2-5 a n d n h ulout III M llw au k i for a il-O ‘0 Dobson limited Uie New’York Tlie fire broke out alxiut two- returned $4,20, J2.U0 mul $2.40 Ikiston Ue

'r » ) p S im m I I M a k r .s Oukh r iiiiil VOLKSWAGEK

noilH'l'ON (Ul»l)-Top.HCCa* ed Cliff Itlchuy and third-soedod *4 9 “ Chirk (Iniebner won in strul({ht ' Huln SuU irduy »dv»nGO t o ’ S im d n y 's flniilH of th e R iv e r Oaks Invitational tennis tour* nainent, lUehev overcam e early HAVE TAKEN THE priibluntK with his serve to defeat unsecded Dick Spears of Y ugotihivla n-;i, 0- 1 , M. KINKS OUT OF FLYING (Iriielmer's (wwerful serve was too nmch for secand-seoded FLIGHT TRAINING FOR ALL AGES Maiiiiul .Santana and he dor«iit> V n \> -» S U o o U ' r h ed the Spanish star (M, M , (M, Scenic Flights-Charter Flights Oiiry (lee, flliuutlng fur 'llie O-foot-2 C lru o b n e r u io d IlllOK I ,Ierry'H (inn .Shup team, nhat- his iKiwurful serve and flno , MllWtUkM liaHelliie play lo overimvirer tho SPRAYING OF ALL KINDS ' ■siltll tu re il 47 ...... - '------236 Shoshone St. E.: and Hammnnrf was hil hv a ^^h sprints, the century in 10.5 got six from freshman Ward in Sho'oul - Tg,«nc, OiHricn. Milirf, and Hammond was hit by a two-three in A ction S u n d a y ‘ s ta r ts a t 10 TWIN PALIS” pitch. Burns was cut down at 220 In 23.7 ahead of Nelson the halfmile. a.m. with the Idaho-Oregon- ana (ii M8»n». 0 t the plate on a misfiring suicide ~ 100 ««ro aair, - again. Twin Falls, with the bulk The Pilots appeared to have it Nevada futurity trials. The onries. J. RuBicck squeeze play but the throw to of its men readying for won when it took the medley finals for the futurityare slated third for an attempted double Pocatello and the ISU relays at and got two points from Sch- for May 3, with the ION derby play went into left field and College Of Southern Idaho Golden Eagles the time, could get just one first wager In the 220-yard dash coming May 2. Johnson scored. — that coming in the mile relay.-while Wood River was $7,927 was bet on the ICkrace CSI got its runs in the fourth "Keeney took the high jump in managing three points in the card by the 600 in attendance RECOGNITION BANQUET when Hilliard walked and Tom six-foot style, one of his highest same events, Saturday. The feature ninth, Aipperspach doubled to set the O 0«nf0 Oy Boome Tuesday, April 28 7 p.m. leaps of the year, in besting But then came the two-mile. W'hich w a s a 300-yard a ff a ir, - Neivin, B. Ra»60fn», WR. stage for Art Benavides’'two- Mike.O’Donnell of the Spartans. Scott of Shoshone won it but saw Schiewe’s horse nose out •140 yard ruay — O'LMry, Woofl River, run single. Tv.cn r«lll, S'a'«. Fcl»r. 55 0 T U R F C L U B trailing him aci'oss were Ward, Joe's Chipper and Allan Avery. Mroley - Wm s River. O'Leary. Sluan. In the nightcap. CSI got two in Brothwell, Vernon and Pat­ W hiskev M an paid 515.60. 59,60, Fail'., Jerome. J 04 5 the third when winning pitcher terson for Wood River and thnsn a n d $5.20. O Leary, Jerome, Filer. 1 594 S peaker... TEX W INTER Butch Heath and John Giesler 10 points ate up Glenns Ferry's Treasure, the leading Jockey, University df W athinaton Baskatball Coach ' singled. Will Ward plated one hard-built cushion. nailed down two other firsts in with a sacrifice fly and a wild The team event ovor- addition to his photo-finish, ■ pitch brought in^the second. A six-run fifth Inning iced it. H eath and Hilliard sand­ efforts. Randy SIrank of Filer D rifty ’s F i r s t , w ith R o n n ie S c o tt wiched walks around a Ward continued to ’Hominate ■ the up. Treasure's horse paid $11, hit. Frazier and Benavidez ' ■•^prints,' taking the century in $4.80, and $3.20. walked to force in two and Don 10.2 and the furlong in 22.8, Schiewe's winning tim e in the Meyer sent in two more with a Dugger of Wood River had his feature race with Whiskey Man h it. .. ------______Mil* Run— julw. Jerome: Ms«MSs, best day with a 12-3 effort in the was 16.35, excellent lor a 300- Heath lost his shutout in the pole vault and Gooding yard event. i sixth when Cornier lived on an Scnroi.-di'r, wuco.. sophomore Gary Gorrell stayed error and scored on Johnson’s in th e six -fo o t h ig h Ju m p c la s s a t do u b le . TVCC 3M 010 0-1 4 1 CSI 000 200 0 - 2 4 2 liurdles in a season best of 20,2 Wales (W) and Neal. Bluke and added three second places, . ( L ) a n d F ru z ler. T V C C . 000 001 0— 1 2 2 CSI 002 060 x - a C 2 .lames at Filer. King took the Davidson (I,), Wilson 5, lend at the sUirt and slretchcd it Kchanis 5 and Ncul. Heath ^W) to about five yards midway and Frazier. through.the course before T .F . G olf Jam es pulled back to make the Meniiin^ lias finish tight. Tullahussee Team Stays Open Lead Unbeaten

TAIJjiHASSEE, Flu. (UPI| IDAHO FA1.I.S - With Jliii -South African Harold Hen- Packard and Jeff Tlioin.scn nlnki adopted u cro^ttundcd shurlng medalist honor« with p u ttin g g rip S a tu rd a y a n d sh o t a Highlund’.s Jeff Jerman, tlie blazing ft-under-par 64 to aurgo undefeated Twin Falls golf into u onc-strokc lead in the team won another eastern third round of the Tallahassee division, SIC, match Friday O pen. a fte rn o o n . Henning, who aturtcd the T lie v ic to ry c a m e a fte r a falHO round five strokvs buck of co­ H ta rt *l1 iurH(lay when the team leaders Jack McGowan and travelled to l^ovo, only to be' Bobby Greenwood, tied the Informed the BYU Invlt^itional course record with eight bir­ had been delayed a week, llirue dies, Including six on hla flnul of Uie te a m , h o w e v e r, sh o t Ifl nine IioIch, (or a M-holo total of holes of golf over Uie 'IVIn Falls D-iinder-pur 207. 'lliut guvo him city 'course after returning a onc-stroku edge over Fred home from Utiih at & p.m. M a rti, w ho h a d ii 09 fof 208, At Idoho Fall^' Plnecretit McGowan und Greenwood course. Twin Falls bad a 308 on each shut 73a Saturday to drop a windy day with Highland four Htrokea buck ut 2 1 1 , second at 322. Idaho Falls 347, "I was cleaning up those Skyline 352 and Pocatello 303. . gruenn like a busboy," Henning K»ld. "I wish 1 had dlscovorcd UiIh g rip 10 yoHm ago." Henning matched tlie coutm record sot \m \ yeor by U rry llitwon, illu longOBt birdie putt traveled W fbet, Henning hod Hluirvd the first round lead but Hhot n 70 on F rid a y to fall b o c k Into tl)o pnck. Marti (ifod hla aecond H trulght 80 wlU) blrd iu a on Uirvo of IiIh last five liolea to remain one allot out of Uie lead, B u n c h ed a t 210, U irco strokoB off tlifl pueo, weru John Miller, Bum Connlchuul, Joe Portor a n d l^ u rry Mow/;y<


Idaha Stal* lntp«(lt»n tiallon »I • Molut Tutu u|> • Rinlitt . * Alignnidil * Diiltincinu 41/Molnl. 739-6211 pjiiJ-H, - w o - ..... W^inter To^Speak Al Knicks’ Title Hopes Ride On Twin Falls Wins ISU CSl Awards Banquet Recovery Of Reed’s Shoulder . 'lal e v x U W /in m to te p r, lOM1958 NPANCAA A /hc o ac h . ^ V of the year, four-time Big Eight NEWYORK(UPI)-The New going to feel Monday night yet,” solid performance on the Relays; Robertson, Conference coach of the year York Knickerbockers’ satisfac­ said Reed, u lett-handcd Uikers’ high-scoring Jerry a n d j i o w head basketball tion in their opening game shooter. "I’m g«ng to have West. Riordan also hit on seven mentor al University of victory over the Los 'Angeles some heat treatm ent on it and 1 of 12 sh o ts for 19 p o in ts, one of Washington, will highlight the Lakers in the National Basket­ hope It responds.” .. his better offensive performan­ Miller Vault 14 Feet annual College of Southern ball Association championship Reeil said he injured the ■ ces of the season. Idaho’s athletic awards playoffs^ turned to deep concern shoulder in the first half when For Monday night’s game, the, vnuit title* at 14 feet with sprinter Gertsch and McDonald POCATKLLO - The un­ b a n q u e t. . Saturday over the condition of he collided with Happy Hairston Knicks, hoping that Reed is 100 Hol>erUjon g e ttin g h is m a id e n who 'had slight hamstring defeated Twin Falls trjick team, The banquet, which will honor Willis Reed, the NBA's-most of the U kers while dunking a per cent, will go with the same voyat’cover that height. muscle pulLs and were set aside becominK Ihe first school in basketball, tennis, golf and valuable player. ball from underneath the balanced attack .that proved so for Tuesday's eastern division, state history to put two men Twin Falls' chances appeared wrestling team members. Is set Reed, the Knicks’ 6-foot-lO b a sk e t. successful for them this season. , a little dim early in the day SIC, m eet at Minico., over 14 feet in the pole vault in for 7 p. m . Tuesday at the Turf center, scored 37 points and Reed was the key in the I^s Angeles however, may when HiKhland went one-two in Twin Falls had a big day on UiL* sam e m eet, won the double a u b . grabbed off 16 rebounds Friday Knicks' first game victory. With change its attack a bit after tljc hiRh jump and took eight the track. It won the four-mile A division of the intermounlain W inter, who has authore'd a n ig h t to le a d N ew Y o rk to a 124- Wilt Chamberlain's mobility Friday) night's loss. points out of the hinh hurdles team event with junior Jack cclays Saturday afternoon. book on the triple post offense, 122 triumph over the Lakers impaired by a knee injui'y; "I think w e ’r e g o in g to h a v e to with three of the five hurdlers Cooper first in 4:34.9, Benny Tlie Bruins piled up 70 points b e g a n c o a c h in g in 1947 a fte r an Bui in the process, he injurec Re«l, a former foi-ward.in his use Wilt more on offense,” said sliowinf; up coming from the Windsor second in 4:35.6, Val to defeat Highland at (52, Idahi) outstanding athletic career in his left shoulder and is un­ first two seasons in the NBA, I.aker coach Joe MuUaney. “I Pocatello school. Shaber ot Engliind fourth in 4:40 and F a lls M, Skyle 29. Pocalello 20 three sports. He was assistant dergoing treatment prior to drifted to the (jutside and ■' think he can score as much as • Id ah o F a lls w on th e e v e n t in 14.8 D a rre ll G ro v e s a t 4:48. 'ITic-SflO- and Intermountain Scfiool of coach at Kansas State Monday night's second game of connected on long jump shots Willis can down there. He can’t but Hi^’hland took nine points. yard relay quartet of Mark - Hrinhani City, Utah. 8. u n iv e rs ity u n til 1951 w hen h e the -besl-of-seven scries at over' Chamberlain, who was move with Willis but I don’t Helping the Bruins, however, Miller, Allen Howa, Rocky .lunior Bill Miller and senior took the head job at Marquette Madison Square Garden. forced to remain under the think Willi.s c an ke ep W ilt fro m was the sidelining nf Highland Ileece and John Turner won in Jack Robertson shared the pole fo r tw o y e a r s . In 1953, h e sh ifte d "I really can't say how it’s b a sk et. the basket.” 1:.12.'J, a lth o u g h S k y lin e w as T E X W IN T E R to K a n s a s S ta te to beg in a 15- •‘T h a t m a n ( R e e d ) is a g re a t disqualified out of first spot. . . . h e a d b a s k e tb a ll c o ac h a t year tenure that included a 262- basketball player.” «»id Cham­ Idaho Falls, with a 44.2. nipped University of Washington, will IS L Dominales Relays? J17 H'on-Iost record, No. 1 Weber State berlain following the game._ the Twin Falls ^uartermile be the featured speaker at the ATTENTION ranking on both major polls in “But he’s got a lot of help. We team by two-tenths of a second. annual College of SouthtJrn 1959, six tr ip le s to th e NCAA Sweeps Pair were all pretty tired, at-least I Call, Biltington, Kurt Kleinkopf Idaho athletic awards banquet To Take Track Crown playoffs, two midwest regional know I w as. I c a n ’t p la y 48 and Adolph Cordova won the al 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Turf BUSINESS MEN Other winners were Utah championships . and eight From ISL m in u te s. T h ey ju s t kefep se n d in g POCATELIX)(UPI),- Idaho two-milc relay and the distance C lub. State in the foiir-jiian team conference lilies. . _ guys in. You help on one guy Slate wbn five of six relays medley of Gary Cooper t440). ' POCATELLO (UPI) - Barry t h e r e is a race, \thile Gary Devries ran a He was chairman of the • and another hits a 15-footer. Saturday to take the first an­ Groves (^80) England (1320) Bagley and Glenn Paramore 4:17.7 mile, Tom Redfcrn of NCAA coaches rules recom- You stop that guy and nual Intermountain Relay and Windsor (mile) won in Evans Shifts p itc h e d W eb e r S ta te in to th e Big BYU too1\ a U.9 clockTng in Ihe niendation committee for six somebody else comes oH \he college division in a close duel 11:06. Junior Robert Warner Sky Conference baseball lead N E W G I R L 120 y a rd h ig h h u rd le s a n d C urt years, on the NCAA junior bench to hit one.” with the University of Utah. u n c o rk e d a fin e 51.G a n c h o r leg Hurdles Saturday as the Wildcats Dudnick of Utah won the discus college committee, national Chamberlain was referring io in to w n ISU scored 72 points to thq to b rin g T w in F a lls h o m e fir s t in tripped Idaho State University w ith th e b e s t th ro w of 166-3. physical fitness committee and the fourth' quarter shooting Utes 16. Other team s were UUih th e m ile r e la y in 3:'29.. 5. R im - And Vt ins 4-0 and' 4-2 in a doubleheader. the board of the 4 irectors of the heroics of Carzie Russell and Slate with 48, Weber State with ning with him were Turner, Ken Bagley scattered five hits in WAI.NUT, Calif. (UPII- NCA A in 1958. the defensive work of _Mike secretarial 42, Montana State with 35, Five Dralic Blake and Jack Cooper. shutting the Bengals out In the - piyinpic champion-I>ee Evans H e w as”a n a v y a v ia to r in 1944- Riordian, a pair of Khick subs. Brigham Young University, Getting the other'Twln Falls first game and struck out ten, came from behind to win the 45 and is a native of Texas. Russell hit for four baskets in which entered a partial team, Relay Marks l»ints were Greener with a Paramore got fine defensive SERVICfe CO. intermediate hurdles and -the Bill Babcock, president of the the last quarter to pull the with 23, Boise Stale College with .second spot in the discus and help from left fielder Bill Sow- 440-yard dash while Texan sponsoring Golden Eagle Knicks from behind after the 1835 Kimberly Rd. 18, and Ricks College with six. Keegan with fifth in the shotput. ders and was never in difficulty Bettered Randy Matson captured - the Boosters, reports tickets are Lakers had overcome a 20-point 7 3 3 -1 9 0 4 The Bengals needed the great as he allowed only seven hits in DES MOINES, lowu (U P D - shot put in 68 f e e t, 1 1 1-2 inches still available at the college deficit and Riordan turned in a fw rfo rm a n c e by J im W h arto n to the nightcap. Ray McGill, Kansas State lush Twin Falls, .at the.ML San.Antonio Relays. officc or m ay be-purchased at - mn-thC-milc-relay and clinch Bagley aided his own cause jurriper, reversed’ a' personal S a tu rd a y . the door Tuesday night. the m eet. W i;irton sped the Ia.st with a pair of singles and got string of bad luck Saturday at Kains Favored Evans, who plans to become- le g of 4(5.2 to m -ike up a 20 y a rd twa of the wildcat runs in the the Drake relays, setting one of a track professional nQKt, deficit and givp ISU the win first game. Weber was .also five records established under month, caught ex-UCLA stand­ o v e r U ta h . In Track Meet ('.oti^arii P lan helped by five ISU errors. sunny skies and 78-degree out I,en Van Hofwegen 30 yards There wc.: many fine per­ W eber scored twice in the fifth temperatures before a crowd of RUPERT - 'riio Twin Falls from',the tape to capture his form ances, but perhaps the best O n (itinniii^ham inning on hits by Frank Park. 17,500. Bruins and Highland Rams are s p e c ia lty , ’ th e 440. in 46.7 individual mark was ISU Bagley and Larry Cole,, plus McGill out-dueled Brigharh expected to battle for the team seconds. He earlier took the 440 iNext Season javelin thrower Jack An*- three ISU errorsTand scored a Young’s Ken Lundmark and title in the Eastern^ division. interm ediate hurdles in 50.5, his pair in the seventh on back-to- derson’s 238-5, which is, a now broke'the old record of 6-10 1-2 Southern Idaho Conference, ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. Stttetydalk£iit best time ever in the event. school record, breaking the old (UPI)—Jim Gardner, owner of back doubles by Greg Hanson with a leap of 7 feet, one inch. meet at Minico Tuesday af­ Matson, who holds the world school record by over ten feet. the Carolina Cougars of the a n d C ole. Lundmark went "out ' after ternoon but the big thing will be r e c o rd o l 71-5 1-2, sa id h e would Ron Watters also sparked ABA, said Saturday he was In the second game, Weber c le a rin g 7-0. placing individuals in the top^ have been close to 70 feet if his w h en h e r a n th e la s t h a lf m ile of more concerned about having look a 3-0 le a d in th e Ih lr d inning It was McGill's first victory three in each event. form had been correct. a two m ile relay in 1:52 to give Billy Cunningham play for the with Cole driving bi two runs on the Texas-Kansas-Drake For the first time the con­ “I was about a foot from the ISU a narrow victory over Utah Cougars than he was about a with a double and Sowders tour this spring, although no one ference is qualifying men in board on my wihning put." the in 7:47.7. merger with.Ihe rival NBA. adding a single to bring in Cole. had out-jumped him. He lost on each event prior to the con­ former Texas AfitM-ftrongman y ISU was handicapped by the Gardner,, who several months In the bottom of the third inning, the fewest misses at Texas after ference championship test in s a id . loss ot the world’s eighth- agt) signed the star forward of Sowders slopped an ISU rally both he and Lundmarli cleared Twin Falls Friday evening. The Bruce Wilhelm took second ranked quarter miler Larry the NBA Philadelphia 76ers to a by throwing out ISU pitcher Ken 7-0; he also lost at Kansas on western division ran its over world indoor record holder Lewis, who is nlirsing a pulled future contract, said il would Mendenhall at the plate. ISU fewest misses when he and two qualifying meet Friday with N e a l S te in h a u e r, 64-3 3-4 to 64-2 achillles tendon and may be out not be affect^ by reports h a d to s e ttle fo r a sin g le ru n o n a others .cleared 6-6 ifv-the rain. Borah nipping Nampa for the - . for the rest of the season. 1 2 Texas AiM 's sprinters, who title. Cunningham would play the sccfrlng single by Gary Bain. A lth o u g h L ew is w a s e x p e c te d to scl a world record Friday in the H o w ev e r, il w o u ld a p p e a r , for 1970-71 season In Philadelphia. anchor Ihi; 440, &80 and mile B80-yard re la y , c a m e b a c k to se l the first tim e In years, that the A V A L A N C H E S T R IK E S “Starling the 1971-72 season relays, ISU won them anyway. P o w e l l S h a l l e r s . i a meet record in the 440 relay strength of the league is found Cunningham Joins us on a three ISU's winning tim es were 41.6 VAUD, Italy (UPI)—An ava­ year contract. We expect him to Saturday, nudging Oklahoma in the ea^t as it holds the H oberls* K eeord Ooej someone in your home need a lift o u l of Ihe tu b ? In the 440 relay, 1:26.9 in the 680 lanche of snow struck three honor this,” said Gardner. "We State in a photo finish. Botli •'bests” in 13 of the 17 events. It Cheney's bothtub lift is the onswor. relay, and 10:26.9 in the skiers on Uie ollomont Friday, are concerned with Billy first were timed In 40.0. also means that 'I'win Falls, P R O V O I U P I ) -D u r a b le D a v e Lies fla t in th e b o tto m of the tub. distance medley relay. killing one. and a merger second.” Other m arks that fell were set Highland, Minico, Skyline and Powell of Olympus High School Ron Johnson of Weber State Is raised and lowered hydfoulically with posh-butior^ by AltU Alarotu of BTMV Idaho Falls can cut each other One of the skiers was on the' Gardner said In a telephone c onl;ols. " V broke the ISU stadium record in shattered the seven-year-old All- Other marks that fell were set up .so b a d ly in d e p th T u e s d a y fringe of the slide and worked Interview from his home here the high jump when he cleared Around record Saturday In the Enobles Ihd disabled lo enjoy iho soothing comfort of a by Altti Alarotu of Brigham that the team title could wind up liis way free, got to Vaud and he had heard the 76ers offered lub b a th . the bar at 6-9,'Gred Smithey of 57th annual Brigham Young •Y oung In th e p o le v a u ll, 16-6 3 4 ; Holng west ai4u ln . ulerled rescue workers, The Cunningham $235,000 just for ConvcnionJ ond sale lor Iho whole tomily. Idaho Slate was the winner in Unlverslly InvllaWonal. Jerome Uebenberg of Western 'Ilie Eastern division begins searchers rescued one of IIm: th e 1970-71 se a s o n . Can bo inilallfd in yoyr own bothlub. the pole vault at 15 fcot, while ’ The Olympus senior won the ’Michigan In the 3,000-meter with prelim inaries at 2:30 p. m. oUiers but the third was dead of Cunnlnj^amearlfer agreed to Brian Caulfield of Utah State final event on the program — steeplcchiLSC, 6:54.6, and Bruce Tuesday and will go Into the suffocation when found. sit out U)e next season so he came within an inch of the Uio 440 — in th e c lo ck in g of 49.5 WRITE: Mortenson of the Twin CiUus finals Immediately after could jump to the ABA, seconds to erase Nell Roberts’ Stadium rccord. Track Club iq the M arathon, 2 But the qualifying that will Iw "It was otir intent he might WebtT'.s lUindy Montgomery A YANKKl:; ItlX'Oltl) m a r k by 136 p o in ts. hours, 33 mlnutle.s, 27 seconds, done should turn the SIC meet possibly try to come to North lost a double win by one Inch, NEW YOHKiUPl)-TlicNevv ' Powell compiled 7,479 point# 3C SAFETY BATH, Inc. Also. Tliomas Hill of Arkan- into one of the best in the state's Carolina a year earli<'i and wc b u t took th e lung ju m p In 23-10 Ytirk Yiink<‘i‘s scl the recurd fur during two days of grueling .sas AMtN overcame South­ hi.story. The whole thing would test the reserve clause in Rt. 2, Gooding, Idotio 83330 and placed second to Don Welch the most runs suircd in une competition In BYU Stadium. ern’s Rodney M ilburn in the last ..shouldn't take more than an tlie courln next year," said of Utah In the triple juinp 47-3 to . World .Series game when they Roberts’ previous m ark was 7,- PHOKE 934.4666______30 yards of the 120-yard lilgh hour and one-half and at least 10 G a rd n e r , 47-2. • ix'at the New York Giants, liM 343. h u rd le s to tie Uic r e c o rd o f 13.6 state champions will be in­ seco n d s. cluded in the program. in I Li'iid Uy ' 'H ie two--:t .Sjtlurday by hpllltiiiK a diiubli!- FORD MOTOR CO. RENTAL CAR SALE CONTINUES .SALT I.AKK CITY (U l'll - h»-iider with Culoniiln .Stale Uni- Wyoming ixjunilod out 16 hits ...... >, 1 970 IQUIPMINT RITAIL LIQUIDATION virr«lty. and got fine pitching perform- ...... MODILS MILIACI*OPTIONS- PRICI PRICI ■Hh* llaiiiH rodii the three hlt anci‘s from Matt Sterling and Ford Slallon Wagon 475 Al.l.|6-5-lM4-2.3.«*4.1MMl - - $4839.50 $ 37 9 7 .0 2 pitching of .llui .Sullivan to a 2- Mike Jones SiUurday U> sweep a Ford Muilung-Sportirooi 19 4 A1.I.2.4.17.U-17 3483.20 1 will over tlic Cougars in the •Wolftern Alhletii? (Conference ...... 2 8 8 7 .6 3 oponcr but a 13-hlt hUuclTgavu doubleheader from UUih, 2-0 'y'i'll ...... " ...... Ford Oalaxie SOO Sedan 1174 A1-1-7-16-13-2.4-1M1 3913.75 2 9 6 7 .8 7 HYU a lO-2'lii'clHton in th e sfc - a n d G-3, ^ ...... Ford Maverick 950 e}.|-1<.16>4-19 2558,75 2 1 4 3 .2 3 (111(1 (’(inteHt. • Sterling' handcuffed Utah on Ford Maverick 1800 2310.75 1 98 4 .2 3 Itrliihaiii Ydunn, whii'h now'' throe lilth In the shutout-o])i>ner , ...... »" Ford Maverick 1950 . BM-7-12-ie-4 2525,75 2 1 3 7 .8 3 stum ls H-'i lu WAC pluy. left 12 In w hich rlgU UleU lvr B o b lUiU , ...... Mercury Montego MX Sedan 390 AM.U-13.3-4-12 3437,00 2846.S 3 runners on base In the opener. lock drovo in both m as for Ihe lliiiiH' rnnH by Dane lorg and w in n e rs, Mercury Montego Sedon 1305 AI-1-16-12-2-4 3332,20 2 73 2 .6 3 Itlch Kalrbankrt ixiwervil the A iilnlh inning rally In which III, (( iv ^ Moicury MX Station Wagon 715 • A2-M*.1M4.J.4.1M3 3 9 1 8 .1 0 3 26 1 .0 3 • I...... < |. ►••II,. Hr ( ‘ougat s to thiiir caHy win in the first baseman Ulck O'Daniels Mitrcury MarquI* Sedan MTR 450 A4-M-M3')l-3-2-t-4-lS-16-16 4 7 3 0 ,9 0 3 7 6 7 .6 3 K('(’lS-lMB-l4 5 7 1 0 .5 0 4 487.S 0 runs on four hit.H and Mike Fol>' pro()uclng triple hlghllghtiMl thii ' m. .il'ti"," ''' ..... ' ” Ford C a la x le SOQ S ed an 4 8 0 0 A2.1.2.I3.4-I304-I7 ' 3971,50 31S0.B 0 KtiT lia d th rn ? r b l’H f»r th e st/cond ganjo. 'nie C o w b o y s WllUM'tK, e}(plodeil for throe riui» In. tliu Ford 12'Pa»».Cbateou Wagon 2B 21. . AM.2-4-S-12-15-13-U-W 4 9 1 7 ,9 8 39 6 7 .2 7 t<>ntii to c lin ch l}u> c-ontt'sl. F o r ^ l 2 Patt, Chateou Wagon 1 8 4 0 AIO-2-4-S-l2-lS.1).16-)7 4 9 1 7 .9 8 39 6 7 .2 7 I lir^idsliinv

‘ M IL IA G li Remainder of 12 mo. 12,000 fnlle guoranlee left on all vehicle*. In addlllon lo Ihe regular warfunly, llte S year,' I-lTTShUHfin ( Ul’l) SUMMER VACATION TIME 50,00 mile guararttee li ovollable on all of Ihe obove unlli except Maverick by paying nn addlllonol $1S,00 lo StanillhK on the [iO-yunI llnti of Is Just Around The Cornerl Ford Motor Co., became buyer* of theie con are conildered to be flrit ownei'i. I Uu! unfliilHlii'd Tluee lUvurH yitur Kit iiol rtirininu up to |xir ‘Cod* for dslarmlnlne how can aro oqwlppoi I A-Va englnei^|.302 cu. in.; A2 351 cu. in; A3-390 cu. In; A4-439 .Stadium, Terry HrmUluiw, flrnl lioto is til) oMor lo Idko odvontogo ol. u, In .j B-6 Cylinder Enfflne; D1 -170 cu. Ir>.; B2*200 cu, |n. draft choice of tliu htlAbiirgh Steclei'a piiseil for pletjires TUNE-UP SPECIALS . 1-AulomaII< Trnnim liiion. 13.H.D, flallery ■Sjiturduy after uignliig a con- 7*AII PU aitd Vinyl inleMor 2*Power Steering 14-Power WlndQw(t) tja e t . VlPaii.Cai, $ 1 Q 6 -AlrCondltlortlng Workmen puUHed In their 3-Power Drakei 9 -S te re o 15-TlnledOtai» Mliteituna-Up JL W MlnorTunt-Up . I 7 liiborN to cheer the (|uartvrback ______<>^Cn7otT>A>rS AND ______4>Rodlo, Puih Dutton 10-Tlll Steering Wheel 16.Vlilblllly Group w Ihi Net a fl(>ck u( paHtilng 9-Locklng Dllferenllal 11-Body Side Molding* l7*Convenlence Oroup ruc-ordN at IxiulHiaiui Teach. 6-Vinyl Roof 16'AccenlOroup Dun Kuoney, iStvelur viru I This Offer GOOD April 27 to May 8 1 12>Bel)ed libeiglasi white tide wall tlrei l9-61aier Seat Trim IH-uHldunl wliu iiugutluted with Bruiltiluiw, null) Uie lulkii wuru Salo It conducrsd by Sowtooth Motor, th« Ford>Mercurv be flr^anced through 1 tt Security Bank, or your local bank. We wlH'accept trade-Int on theie unltt. Wllllum, and Hobort Pugh, un ntui ndjtJit Ixinds. I'lui porit ^ 3 Open until 9i00 p.m. every night and all day Saturday. Cloted Sunday. Or phone for tpeclal appointment. u llo rn w y ( w Hv» s lu r , (itid oil...... wlUi Hooney and Coach Chuck N ull. C o m e (n £ a /ly — En/oy our low, lew Prlcai "'llivy wero reaminable to HAILIY PHONIi dual wlUi," Itoonuy aalil. "Tliey J.R. MILLER IDAHO t | | . a i wuru rculliillc and pleuttanl," SAWTOOTH MOTOR 8 2 6 Kooney docllned tu divnlgc AUTO RIPAIR 933 Wofhlnolcn SI.-Tw in FalU-Phon< 733-7481 torma of Uiv cuntruct uuylng o n ly It w an a "muIU-your^' pact. T Keep 2-Shot Lead In Shroll Hurls CSI To Doubleheader Tourney Of Champions Split With Boise RAN;ho la costa, Calif. putting magician, had a two bothered, “I can.lose another College of Southern Idaho’s straight Northern Division, (UPI)*Frank Beard shot a stroke lead over Britain's Tony one tomorrow," he said, "and four-u»der par 68 Saturday to Jacklln who shot a 67 for a 204 sUll win." Gblden Eagles and the Broncos ICAC, championship, malnUin his lead after three total. Jacklln' commented, of Boise State split a Boise State got to lefty Kim doubleheader Saturday af- Bissell for nine hits In the roundi of the 72-hole $150,000 Jacklln made up one stroke on “ Beard's unbelievable, It lo^s' Toumiment of Champions. Beard In the’third round. Beard like'^ou‘11 have to breik 60 to ternooh, the Broncos taking the opener, taking the lead In the ' first game 5-1 and CSI. behind first inning when Rich Yocum» Beaid^ 30. p ro g o lf's le ad in g had a three-stroke edge sta rtin ^ ^e t to him." the two-hit pitching of Randy singled and eventually 'scored money-winner last year and a the round. Beard was not Beard’s &4-hole total *of 202 Shroll, winning the nightcap 2-0. on Norm Kollman's hit. .w as 14 u n d e r p a r fo r C o sta CSI will travel to Ricks CSI tied it in the fourth when . Country Club Course. Par is 36-' College Thursday and Friday John Giesler singled home a run 3 6 - 7 2 . Wills’ THii Lets L.A. ■ for three games, needing Dne but Boise look the lead for keeps Masters champion Billy . victory to wrap up its second in the fifth as Yocum led off C a sp e r sh o t a 68 fo r a to ta l o f 200 with a double, took third on a in third place. South Africa’s NipN.Y.MetsBy 1-0 passed ball and scored on Gary Player took a 69 for 209. Fan Support Bianchi’s sacrifice fly. LOS ANGELES (UPl)-Mau- n- . o t Player was followed by a black The Broncos added another in ry Wills srglcd, in Bill F irates, if-Y man protesting his nation's Key In NHL the sixth, Bob Peterson singling Grabarkewilz trom second base PITTSBURGH (UPI) — Wil- racial pohcy. There was no and scoring on an error, and got in the third iming as Claude liam Stargell capped a four-run trouble to speak of, and Player Playoff Tilt two more in the seventh when , Osteen pitched the Los Angeles seventh inning with a tremen- Invited , the picket, John Yocum doubled and Kollman, Dodgers to a 1-0 shutout over dous two-run homer over the Williams, to have a cup of tea PITTSBURGH (UPII-Kelly Peterson and Zimmerman w ith h im a t th e e n d o f th e ro u n d . •'green” and stronger home the New YorkWets for his first rightfleld roof Saturday, ena- sin g le d . win of the season after three bling the Pittsburgh Pirates to Bruce Crampton who was In town siiDPort are i^pirations Shroll was in complete control losses. defeat the Atlanta Braves. 8-7. third place with a pair of 69s at the Pittsburgh Penguins need in the second game but CSI Grabarkewitz was hit by one ...... « ^ . Sunday night when they will try the start of the third round' didn’t exactly batter loser of loser Nolan Ryan's pilches " »brhBi ‘ abmbi slipped to a par 72 and had a to draw even with the St. Louis Terry Begg. The Eagles went Blues in the Stanley Cup a s h e le d off th e th ird . H e w a s ...... " ’ ‘ to ta l o f 210 In fifth place. ahead in the fourth when Dave sacrificed to second by Osteen 0 Cienifnic fl semifinals here. 1 Boberlwi IB The golf ers were strung out In Frazier walk, moved to third on ' and came home when Wills Coach Red Kelly, who flashed slngle.flle all the way to sixth Art Benavidez' hit and scored singled through the box. $7,250 in varying denominations place which was occupied by FX)RTY-FOUR MAGIC VALLEY youths took both of Kimberly. Winoers after the day’s event on a ground out, The Dodgers had failed to before the Penguins Thursday Arnold Pabrier who shot a 69 part In a karate tournam ent at O’Leary Junior were.Tod Peterson, lightweight division; Beckj Benavidez hit, followed by score a run for Osteen In 2f o.u>« ( to rouse them to victory, said which gave him a 54-hole total High School in Twin Falls Saturday. Robert Hawes, middleweight division, and Jim Lane, three walks, got the second CSI innings until they clawed their o f 2H'. good crowds are necessary for Tidd, tournament referee and sponsor, said heavyweight division. Kerry Brown won the run two innings later. way to the third-inning- tally. Jack Nickl9US.took.a_72 fOLa___competltlon_was keen-Seen-in the actioa-here-sportsmanship-ai ' ' B S C 100 Oil 2 - 5 9 2 “ GiVeri”’th‘^ l i r r i “ I ^ d r ' O ste e i' 212 total, the same as Dale are Dennis CrumbtisK on the left and Ron Bird, viewed itie event Teult t Toiau : : : MI C S I 000 lOO 0 - 1 4 3 settled down and hurled a sli- crowds this season," Kelly said. All.ni. »lt01«30«- J ' Douglass who shot 71. Smith (W) and Dorbeill. hitter while striking out six. Pllttbvrsn IW00}40a— I "I haven’t been disturbed about E ciemenlf, Jackion DP PilHburoh ]. A rhyming twosome of Coody Bissell (L) and Frazier. tOB Allanl« 11, Pitttburflh i. the crowds at all.'Anyone who and M oody-^harles Coody and BSC 000 000 0-0 2 4 JBCipmeme l, Hebner 7. Bo/er, sees a couple of good g ^ e s CtcM», Sanouiiieo: csrty jtf Prtak HR. Orville Moody — landed in the C S I 000 10 1 - x - 2 3 0 CArtv IS), SlArgell I}/. SB jACkson. SF Villanova Dominates Penn has got to become a fan." 0 S.«more tb 30 1 0 214 bracket. Coody had a 72 and Begg (Li and Corbeill. Shroll 'np h r »r bB >o M oody a _ 7 L ...... ____ T h u r s d a y n ig h t 12;392 fa n s 1 0 0 O' Cr.«lord r (W) and Frazier. Beard who had an eight un- jammed the G ^c Arena where der-par 64 in th^ secort'd rojind Relays, Wins Five Titles seating capacity Is 12,500. The , _ ,. home towners^ere rewarded lo w a sp ills P air Ciuit, W10 Friday was not quite as sen- s. , Ellil DilcheQ to 2 bAlteri i satlonal in the third round PHILADELPHIA (UPI)— The Wildcats closed out the Franklin Field. - whe„ U.e With Wolverines pilch«d to J bailffl in 7ih Dave Pottettl of Harvard Blues, 3-2. In the best of seven (McOMn ?l although he chipped In a shot— villanova, which makes ’76th running of -the meet by HBPOy Ellis ICepM*) latched on to one of the.sbt series games. The Blues lead 2- IOWA CITY,. Iowa (U PD - a habit of hi*—from off the Franklin Field its parade winning the four mile, the two records-of the twoKlay meet ^ In the playoffs, , Tschopp hurled a four- green. ground,sprintedtoa3:07.9mlle mile and the sprint medley and when he took the 3,000 meters The Penguins drew h itt e r to s p a rk Iow a to a 4-1 This time It was on the second relay victory over Rutgers then the copping of the final -averaffc of'onlv fiwv) tu n ^ victory over Michigan in .the hole where he put a three wood Saturday and thus for the third event with a team of Hardge s^plechase over Ed Walsh of average of oruy 6,600 f ^ C u b s I /, /i.stro.s 5 second game of a Big Ten in the short roughrouEh for his second year .mo,. in a row dominated H«Tv,i«a*arf the ft,., Davis, navis sophomore snnfiomnrp GregOrpc Govan,r.ovnn Manhattan m a meet mark of durmg toe regular c ^ p d ^ CHICAGO (UPI) - Ernie 8:49.7. and the figure averaged 7,652 in doubleheader Saturday after shot about 60 feet from the pin. penn Relays by winning five Lamotte Hyman and Olympian. Banks slammed his 498th th e f ir s t S ta n le y C up q u a rte r fin ­ the Wolverines took the opener, Using an eight iron, he hit a majgr relay championships. Larry James, career home run, a three-run al rounds with Oakland. 7-2. pitcn and run-and the ball The “ combination gjven a 10 shot, and Glenn Beckert collect­ Major League K e lly , w ho took o v e r th e h e lm The twinbill opened the Big dropped In for an eagle three. yard lead by Davis, won by six ed four hits Saturday to lead of the National Hockey League Ten season for both teams. "Needless to say, that gave over Rutgers with Jam es, who Chicago to an 11-S victory over 'STANDINGS Leaders entry this season, was not the •Iowa now Is lS-12 for the season H elm s, T olan 5at meanlceUmeIift,”saldBeard. ^ ‘ had ailing arches during the th e H o u sto n A stro s fo r th e C u b s' Amtncin Li*9ui SlanOingt Utidlng first to flash the money sign. a n d M ic h ig a n Is 7-11. He sank a four-footer for a By Pr«it ln1tr U M < ,1*1 game Thursday night. They Hyman and anchor A n d y F.HoBlnwin. Q*lt On No. 14 he got his second returned here Saturday. TREE SERVICE O’ReUly went on to win the Knuofler, LOO l1ou»lon », ChiCI and later muffed an 18-inch putt' cit»t.«na .sprint medley over Mayaguez wmon,/ R K ar«C H -0 ^ « MINICB) for a par. ’ A4fM of P u e r to R ic o . Movny.^ M els' G role H as “I lost my concentration Their third victory of the day 1) » 3J> IS Y ean Prof«iiional there for a minute," he said. was a seven yard triumph by c«r.w, a 11 « r 11 ji; K idney Infection S e rv ice isma Hunt LOSANGELES (U PI)-Jerry W ilson Smith, O’Reilly, Mason national LEAOUE: Ptr*i,Cln 5 Yr». In M agic Valley and Uquorl In the two mile over w,nt. . Asron and Carlf. Atl, and G ro t6 . the New York Meta’ catcher who m i^d Friday SPECIALIZING IN: Martack Is M? i am'emi'can LEAOue Wallon. Mil X ^ L I q u o rl s t h i r d a n c h o r le g Ai,.a, wmr>, Mmcmr, om *na Howird, night’s contest with the Los R E M O V IN G Always Near Angeles Dodgers. Is suffering TO PP IN G ;;; '^W e Villanova was In Its - c« ... Jrom ..a .Wdn«y..lnf«Mon. _im._ ------TRIMMING------r ' c u s to m a ry p re d o m in a tin g r o le , wint»m», cm w, m,Aaron, am ii< oi.n, examination by the team Porsche ('aptures George Lewis .,1 •• Tciias-El Paso, although dlaap- », physician disclosed Saturday. F O R F R E E Grote was admitted to St. 1,000 K ilom eters IX>UISVILI^, Ky. (U PI)- l« a",.'i.. , 1, ^ p o in tin g U i-lh e lo n g e r e v e n ts , waiion, mu u , c ai.r, ny o w Pdrocil John’s Hospital in SanU W h e n D ill H a r t a c k w o n th e i»n(=r..)ci.co 4M » turned in two meet records in PITCHINO ESTIM ATES CALL O f [V1on'/.a K vcnt . Kentucky Derby a year ago '•’> Uie 440 and the 880 relays wlU) IDiltd on m««t vicltrlitl ’ Monica, Calif., after complain­ TWIN FAILS 733-6088 NATIONAL LEAGUE Nolin.CIn, Slavar. MONZA, Italy (UPI)—Pedro aboard Majestic Prince, he tied An»nn \\] ' fiery four some of Harrington ing of chills and fever. NY, Culver. &I. L and Mandt, Cni, 3 0;' Rodriguez of Mexico and U o Eddie Arcaro’s Rose Run riding Jackson, Mike Fray, Paul rritl. cm, Oltrktf, Mau* A team^ spokesman said he Sullon, LA and tloltiman. Chi I I. Klnnunen of Finland gave record of five winners and If puttourgn i . Gll»on and Claude Glosson would be released from the BURLEY 678-2357 AWUHICAN L6AGUC LOllcD, Dtl 4 l< hospital Sunday In time to Porsche Its third victory in four Hartack is to break the record imttlng bn a record show fpr the I’crry, Minn and Con, Wath ) 0j *"(ln lh« ytll»w world sports car th is y e a r h e ’ll (Jo It a b o a rd a ' ;i2,145 sp e cU ito ra . MiNaily, Hall, Munltr, Oak and WriBhl. travel with the club to San F r a n c is c o . races when they won the sixtli colt named George Uwls. aou. im i As Icing to tlie cake, Gibson annual 1,000 Kilometers of “Will Hartack ride George w on 120 h ig h h u r d le s in 13.8 Monza Saturday. ______I'.X p O H ^ 7 - . 'i I>owls7’’ownerAlanM aBermHn '•'"'•"•ii'fi* *■> r h Di w h ile G lo sso n w on th e 100 y a rd s Hut Ferrari look second, was asked" oa,i. n, 4000 ? 0 D 0 In ,09.7 seconds for a fair day’s Uiird and fourth places us more "How can I answer that?" Monoy ji. o SAN FRANCISCO (UE’D -A ;:!! ouUnn, ■ buses loaded walk to plnchhlttcr Umn 60.000 spectators cheered All I know Is that every time ,’??? 4 0 10 MaryUnd tobk the other BILL WORKMAN FORD Jim Falrcy forced across tlw on the Italian cars. George Lewis Is in a race, Bill Mcc*rv.r c < 0 q 0Cation il Cullitrl 111 {000 >nu]or.relay title by upsetting' winning run and Bobby Wine Rodrlguex and Klnnunen cov- shows up to ride him, said the Camphfll l u 010 defending champion'Tennessee udded u three-run double In the ered the 174-Iap distance in four owner acting as a spokesman oo»T*/ j 01 o Brown rl «0 0 0 in the 480 yards hurdles in 58 hours, 18 minutes. 1.7 seconds for trainer M. E. Buster b-;'" '’# i> jo o o Ktlly It) nintl) Saturday us Uio Montreul 1S ? 0 H cconds. li:xpos rallied for uU runs and u equivalent to 144,743 mph, far Mlllerick.Saturdaymornlng. " 1000 Olympian Jolm Carlos won SPRING SPECIALS better than the time posted by . Mlllerlck was expected from 7*3 v i c t o r ; o v e r th e . S a n g 5 “ J th e O ly m p ic D e v e lo p m e n t 100 (G et R eady for V acation) Francisco Giimta. 1069 winners Jo Siffert of Cahfomia Saturday night to »<)( yards In .00,2 seconds, the' _ _ _ Switzerland and Brian Redman supervise Uie colt’s final PMUdnphit M Mo~« c e n tu ry e v e r c lo ck e d on Ron Brand started the ninth of Britain In another Porsche, tralnlnfl for next Saturday’s **" wlU, « ptehhlt double and , ^ SXSSrby ' M INOR TUNE-UP • l 2 > o sc o re d on G a ry S u tlw rlan d s N O T BY M A IL irfau e rm a n h a s b e e n n o ln tln u “«**• c«moM'i IIUGI!: KELItilUUH WOIIK ^ A I I V - 8 ...... We to ex Montreal'. a.Wl 'Get‘e 3 .T I Auok? ...... GLENDALE. Cullf, (UPl)^ to 3-2. itatouttorny uneralhasruM Corby .Ince the day he l»u«ht i.im. One of the world’s lurguat Reliever lion Bryant struck IJiat " mailorder inlnliter 1« ^ religious works, Jan Ktyku’s A lU C y l...... • 1 0 " out pinclililtter Coed U boy and notenUUodlo^rlonnmarrla. Vr; .,m. ,» MDPny Dunning "Crucifixion" which mcusurca 44 b y 105 feo t. retired Ruvty Staub on a .popup. . , go»' To qualify, ho said, a "i was nressured Into buvinK icoimhi wp nunm, WHEEL PACK & But Ron Filrl•ly singled Into the minister must be assigned to a u horse by a friend of mine ■ ■ ■ iM B iaiH • IV B B B C T V niH iaiM lB Il rightfleld corner and when church located In, having named George U w ls.” Magor- S I B i P BRAKE INSPECTION ...... * 3 * ® Bobby Bonds, who had driven In congret I, and doing work m a n sa id . two runs wlUi u honler and In the state, IN A B U M N Ifl INVOLVING single, booted the ball, Suther­ iqUIPM INT LIAM /RINTAI, L B E F i t t i n g $ 2 5 ^LU land scorcd for a M tie and Folrly roced to second. M A R K i r i N C E q u i p p e d . M.MI..I ^ t*n Ff«r.c A««em bly of Pre-Fab KD equipm ent ill 1 II Ul r r . . i YOU SALES/SERVICE • FINANCING JouiV It" “ I il J 0 nu7,r 11 U 0 0 0 •il Pioductl ui» b«h>g uiiil by yliluullr t y i f lypt pmi tii« ul U S, Fill all Fitrdi & M oit all C an MlOliiii |> I. 0 0 Q Q and Citnntlluii buttniu llxit lalU u oi o (iroduci Niirrtiond p ill no If you n it tailoutly tvvkliig uii ouMoiiilino Dpporlunlly . . oi n«*il MtnlrMl m m i M - f diTOtlfkullon, und Ilia obovt butlniii pro^fomi nppani to you . •■ a,I■ B r 1 , 1* wi ww—. ‘Jeep Gladiators’ t J l)l' Moxlreol 1 w« luugitl you ioi>luit ut laguidlnu uut Oltlilbulotililp PnigMim lo< t-i , 1. »■!, II. H nuilUt Ol, k. $IB ;700 la $40,000, and wp, f«i Inv'antsry, K r « , (N«ltanch*Ulat,) H O U R S : 8 - 7 W eekdays - Closed Sundays 0 0 0 0 It hul W RITE DEPT. DIB y 3 3 . l l 1 0 L m .y i n i mif i n > I I 1 > «I.M.,l L MW CAMi l«» tm4 * « •. I. INVOICE SELL-OUT COMMANDER BOARD INTERNATIONAL, INC. MiMalioii UUBCAHilS0*r4An.l. ^ 7SKI0'I« NfMrutt ® n 0 « u 0 0 3201 Plfly-Nlnlh Street Si, leuli, MUtourl uililita lu 4 t>all»< III |i|> k.... u.... 236 Shothona St. W . T w i n F a l l s ' 1 ) II A IMM ■ ■ n a O r phont colU<( ><- 3M /644'0700aH B H Jtiupert i^dsses O rain an ce U n Solution To Little Problems Gould Litter From B eer D rinking

RUPERT — A step towards "Our youth is our greatest type cnvironmcrf’. he said. -A' Mean Big Returns For Inventors cleaning up Ruper.t city streets, Industry and it’s high time we Whittom serves ajscoutmaslor has. been taken by the city segregate our youth from this at the Idaho VoulhRanch.. Not :i1l inventors cnn strike it council, which this week passed rich by coininK up with O r d i n a n c e 497 concerning consumption of beer on city ^soiiictliinK like the “horseless Jerome To Observe cjirriiitjc" or "(lyinn machine". streets or sidewalks. Hut if it were not for the in­ The ordinance was instigated ventive fjiinds of citizens, like by councilman Bill Whittom, Music Week Event IV! Butterfield, T v in F a lls. after an incident involving a Handel’s "M essiah.” with Mrs. Iiou.se\vives Jind wafjc earners city policeman and a "beer- JEROME - The North Side would continue'lo live with drinking” stranger. The Music Club and the Jerome Robert Urute hs accompanist. V ocal d u e ts from “ S ound of many little incon%-eniences and stranger reportedly asked the school music department will • difficulties. patrolm ^ to “hold his can of observe National Music Week Music", will be presented by Currently, the local inventor beer vvhile he looked for his with a concert at 8 p . m . Mrs. Warren V;in Camp and ha.s three new ideas he has put identification.'’ Tuesday at the Jerome High Keith Johansen. into reality and has obtained ^ Whittom, who is com- School gymnasium. The Kiwanis Boys Chorus, patents or patent pendinj^ status milteerhan over streets and National Music. Week is directed by Mrs. Ted Deck and for them. One is a ^ small garbage, took several personal sponsored by the National accompanied by WayTie Corey, household gadget he calls the tours of various city areas and Federation of Music Clubs and will sing "Chilly Chitty Bang S;init;iry Closet Vacuum. It noted that a large percent of is observed annually the first Bang''' anJ‘'Whal’s More tiikes little imagination lo know litter, especially around the-city week in May. Theme for this A m e ric an ? ' some of the commeVits he has square, is composed of beer year's concert is “Music Brings The Junirr High girk’ sexle^, received when explaining his . cans and bottles, some.broken. Understanding” , and will be dire c te d bv C olore D o lo res 1,. invention to [i^iends and He noted that these items are illustrated by performers of all Smith, W ^ell, will sing May associates. Undaunted, he almost impossible for the ages presenting music from Day Carol, arranged by Deems believes it has great Commercial, city sweeper to different eras. Taylor. Also planned are a possibilities and may become a clean up because they roll in The Community Chorus, piano soto by Donna Hawkes, . standard item in modern homes 'front of the unit instead of under the direction of Carson Gooding, and a flute solo by Sue In the immediate future. getting picked up. Wong, will sing “Da Unten Im Ellen Jjcobson. Jerome, with Tlie innovation consists of a The ordinance makes it - T a le ” ( D ow n Low in th e V alley ) Wayne Corey as accompanisl. small vacuum head which at­ unlawful for having an open a n d “ I n S tille r N a c h l” ( T h e StQl The varsity chorus, direcled taches to a standard toilet bowl beer container in a parked of Night) arranged iTy Johannes by Mr. Wong and accompanied rim and compfetely eliminates vehicle, because Whittom said B ra h m s. by Cheryl Frees and Wayne all bathroonr odors. A control the drinker usijally opens ine The chorus and high school Corey, will conclude with "Our box and vacuum hose can be' car door and discards con­ v a rs ity c h o ru s will* sin g the Ixive Songs" by Brahm. hidden behind the wall and the tainers near the curb. "Hallelujah Chorus” from force of the.vacuum is so mild it He noted the state regulates cannol*Fe detected. It can be liquor, but it Is up to cities to operated either by push button pass ordinances controlling or by an electric eye which tan • 'consumption of beer. PICK A SPECIALIST FOR YOUR HEARING be left in operation to Whittom said this- ordinance automatically turn the vacuum w o n ’t a ffe c t pic n ics o r o u tin g s in As a part ol our complete htoring aid service, we oUer on. as soon as an individual the city or city parks, with the Q free audiomelric test and heoring evaluoiion m our breaks the beam by entering,the exception of the city square. office or your home. Come r or coll lodoy ond find rooHLand sitting down. Whittom maintains that these. oul what "Comfort Sound” b< TELEX con do for you. -Justivhat kind of promotional public locations are not the material the advertising agency ■proper place for consumption. handling the account for such He rapped persons seen an item would use is yet lo be SIM PLE SOLUTIONS to annoying little problems around the the vacuum attachm enl held in Mr. Butterfield’s right band and carrj^g beer containers in the TELEX HEARING MD SERVICE. reckoned with, but Mr. But­ house often represent the greatest inventions. Here pel But* the equipment box id the background. In his left hand is the vicii^ty of the theater and civic 339 Main W .U. Twin Folli, Idaho Phene 733-0601 terfield says this is not his tcrfield,' Twin Falls, displays the Sanitary Goset Vacuum. The electric eye which automatically operates the vacuum, building, “which is a gathering problem, he simply handles the equipment, guaranteed to eliminate bathroom odors includes place for our youth.” in v e n tin g . Another of Mr. Butterfield’s in%-entions is his o\Vn answer to solar heating. He has alsoi • invented what he feels is the solution' to the high cost of maintena'n'cc and repair of submersible water pumps. For about 12 years, Mr. and Mrs. Butterfield used solar heat T E m P O as a supplement to the regular- heating system of their home in Twin Falls. In nearly all„ cases, Mr. Butterfield said, solar heat must be used In'tTiis capacity because of the problem ol long time storage, Great savings In fuel costs can be obtained, however, by u.slng solar units during sunlight hours. Solar heat Itself can be enjoyed at a cost of about two and three- HURRY IN FOR THESE quarters cents per day.This rate used during m ost of the day cnn go a long way In reducing FANTASTIC SAVINGS... natural gas. elertrlcity or oil m OH and coal bills. In addition, it Is much more healthful. Like coal, GOOD SUNDAY S. MONDAY ONLY tln‘ heal is very even, but It Is IWl per cent clean and In fact, Is iihno.st germ free: With electric Ih' hI. Mr. Butterfield said, there PACESETTER VAlUeS i-s very little circuIuUon anil air is lufated over and over again, W ith so la r fo rc ed a ir ira):r tank localetl in the Im.M'ineiit ol Ihe hotne can i-xli-ml till' iic h o d (if tim e the ' INVKNTINO IS HI'^KIUUS huHlacHH. Hutterfleld who suliir heat eaii lie used on it hni nlready obtained potenU iteNeareh Into iminnIIiU' other invi'iillniiN uLtlie ani) patent pending Ktutus for three Inventions rluiidy day in' after iliirk, It Name type taken long huurH and Intriealo plaiut eheekn hlue printii on hit) Kolar heotlng ByBlem. wdiilil cii.st a lxnit lo install 4 9 < niUNt he prepared for patetltlng. Here Del i llie syslfiTi originiilly under Mr, lliittiirllerd'u doKlgii atid froiii thcii nil lilt' hdiiie owner needs , only Ml hm k and save inimuy, c an rern em lK 'r. In l!H!) h e Hiillerfk'Iil iiiiyn, and In many Family Size Gamble’s Expert Mjiiiy Hirliir h e iitli^ ^ U tfle in s workiui ati a i^vlllah In a radar caHUH It in th u purHoii w ho oh- High C.oiirl Im luivi' Ik'i'ii ili'Hlgiu'd^Pliniiriy liilioratory and aHHinted In liiln.H tlio p a tim l flrrit w ho LAWN lire ill iiMi*, esiM 'cliilly in MiiroiM!, dev elo ()ln g Httirage jinlt.H fur reall/.cH the benefit, Many llm'eH III A f^rcem eiil Ihi' InvL'lllor siiys. Miilnleiiiince, eleelronletom piitfir.s for pliiiie.s a n in v e n to r who dooN n o t do L IS T E R lN E Action by Uiu Idnho Supreme oiin- Die In.stiiDiitlnii l.s I'uiii; a n d »hlp». nufflclent reaearch, and FERTILIZER Court haa uphuld tiio Judgement 2 pc>z.BQtHe jili'le, Ih alinoht nil, I'otmlslliig .Since then ho him Joined other somulltnuH thrnilgh no fault of Cover 5,000 «q. ft. of tlH) lo c al lo w e r c o u rt In tho itiri(e1y of keeplii|> Die i;|(ihs piilriollc cIlUmiH In doaattng hiti.iiwn, will work yuarH un an 20-10-5 MiRturt caau of Wnrd and Mnriv M fgi, Uil Pfice $4.95 m vei iMi: I'leiin. iduiiH, lim e and effort l« perfect. idea only lo finil miineonu elHU Fulrchild and (illltHbeth $1.49 Size Our R^g. lew Price $1.99 Whiil iiiiiy leviihilliiiil/.e lln‘ Ihe inlHHlle p ro g ra m a n d o th e r haH already had'lt patented. T liom paon. siibinerfillih' |)in ii|i iriiliDilry In defeiiw e HyHteins. F o r hlH effort.*! About 00 )Ktr eont of thu In­ 11iu Supreme Court niled 20 LB. BAG nni' (it M r. hiillerflL'ld'.'i la te s t Ill' hitH l)een n w a rd e d a cer* ventions pntentod earh yoat'are giving itosseaalon of land to Mr, Inventliiiri. In order to |iiil| an tifli'iite of appreeiiitlon fr’oin the' inveiite;l hy women and moat and Mra, Fulrclilld, diamlsslng elerlrle pump for repair or Amerlean Ordlnanco involve a new idua for the kit­ Uie claim against them brought renulav inaliilefiiiriei.'. several AsKuulatlon, Wimhlnglon D. C., chen or elsewhere In thu hoiiiu by ISll'zabuth A, 'Hiompaon of men iiiid heavy e(|iilpmeiil are lor Ills help lo the nation in to Hlreamllnu hiiusework. $ I 77 H uhl, Iiee'leil I'lirl of Ilie prohlein Is InihiH lrlal pr<'|>areilnuKH. (ietting an Invention on the Mlaa Thomnaon Instituted tlw 8 8 < lli(^ V;>'l|(ht a n d suctinii iif tliii suit against tliu couple weeklng w a te r In Ihe w ell ciiHlng lihiivi! MUU'kiit lii a c o m p lle a tu d lucrouT wi'niiii;i.i) damagus allegedly dono to (lor the piiiiiji. Many eiimpaiilcH proctiHH. Mr, Hutterfleld Ih land In Twin Fulis County. In u have nttenipled to di'velop a prcHlderit of liulturflvld In­ WA.SHlN(m)N (Ul»J) ~ H m . counterclaim filed by tho v a lv e lliiil w diild iiirre t t ihiH ventive IteHearch Inc., it i:or- .1. Wllllnin Kullirlght, t)-ArK., Butter Caramel Popcorn Pro Style Fielders Fulrchllds.theyci hut havu not solved' lliu ixirallan which nlHO tncltiduo c lia lrn m n of U>e S u n a tu F u ru lg n priihlcrn. M r», h u lle rflu td nn39‘ . water to fluw back Iwlow thu find iiH there Is only ono In tho USIA DIructor Frank Sliiiku- noUce'was given in accord with pump mid tn also oontrnl air urou «( Idaho, Montonn and ’a{wnru hud roruaviLFiilhrlglit's toriiia of tlie contract, Miss Reg. $3.44 prenHiire making It eimy (or one o u n te rn O re g o n , th o lo c a l ln« Huggeallun that lliu polls bo 'niompaon Iwd been adoquutcly 3 for mail to ralrtu iho pump In a v u n to r Huya, l*ruof of p u le n t w ill ruluiiauif. Shakuanearu naid notified, „ mailer u( u few iiilnuteH. 'lliu prutuct thu Inventor for up U> u diacloaure ‘‘would give a Hystum In a d a p ta b le to any bfl to year from diipllcatlon by uUier dlatin-led picture to aorriuunu not MAN F IN E D .UK) horse [Mwqr motor on InventorH. Approximately 6,000 fuinlliar with Ihn entire SHOSHONR - Ben F domuNtlc or Irrlgallon wulh, new Inventloiia |>er month go on operatlun'iand aerlous- Flotcher, Ketchum, w«s fined 9 9 Mr. Hultorduld hus been record ut thv H. Patent offii'u ly campromlflo nallonol securi­ •10 by-|*robato Judge C, M. Invuiitlnii liiliiKH an long uh Iiu In WanhlnKton, I). C „ M r, ty ,” Wilson, Shoshono, for speeding.

•V------=------liii. luano /\ Wendell Students Exploring New Versions Of Art ByMYRTLESCHRENK ' work as long as a month ac­ Tlmes-Ncws Correspondent cording to their degree of In- • WENDELL - Very few tercst and proficiency. Junior high school students have Psychldelic art studies in­ the opiktrtunlty to learn pottery volved wate^ coloring and wood, making, wood carving, copper carvings included the making of and leather work, all In the mask.s common in primitive same year and on an elective art. .Sonic of these, mounted on b a s i i • • wooden blocks are on display In With new do-it-yourself trends the school library. now in the lime Jight, the School officials say they feel Wendell school system has gone they arc on the right track in modern. Through the arts and current school trends. Gov. Don crafts class taught by John Samuelson has reconunended Parke, the students are turning the State Board of Education do out ceramics, pottery, picture everything within its means to frames and many other useful promote this type of work for Items and at the same time Idaho schools to encourage learning an artistic new talent. teachers and children to work Popularity of the class is at­ with their hands and to acquire tested to by the fact about 40 per skills that will continue to c e n t of th e e n ro llm e n t o r 53 benefit them a.«j adults. • students participate from seventh and eighth grades. Beginning at the opening of NEW ALL-INCLUSIVE the first semester, the class takes students through numerous types of art work. BO/Vr They have already completed projects in copper, leather tooling, paper niache, plaster of parls, wood carving and picture INSURANCE fra m in g . Currently they are making Complete Coverage pottery. Clay has been obtained from Aldrich and Dl Bowler of the Snake River Pottery Co., ' Hagerman. Not only are they learning how to make pottery but thej* have had to improvise SINKING their own equipment. A potters wheel now in use In VANDALISV the class was a one-half horse power motor taken from an old B27 bomber and purchased by the students from a- surplus store. The student:^ assembled THEFT & riRE the two wheels and the school board authorized purchase of a , COLLISION portable kiln capable ot (iru\g GLOB o r C!^\Y Is Ihv start nl it all and outdated military airplane. Most of the other POINTERS ON USING the potters wheel are of arts to his Weodell Junior High School pottery to 2,000 degrees FH. David Pilant ccntcrs the clay on thi' wheel and equipment was either assembled by the offered Taml Gilbert by art Instructor John students ranging'from ihe'V esent pottery When not using the potters' begins to shape It. The wheel Is powered by a' studonls or purchased as used items. P ^ r k c . M r. P a r k e h a s in tro d u c e d a wide variety studies to i^iotography and water colors. wheels the students make surplus onc^alF horse power motor from an pottery articles by the “pinch pot method.” For this, they use . MOTOR LOSS lava rocks of various sizes and HAULING DAMAGE fit the bowls, .cups and other Stream Alteration, articles on these by hand. After Fast claims service and fair set­ being shaped and fired, the tle m e n ts. P ro te cts you on a ll U.S. pottery is glazed and fired and Canadian waterways. Covers a g a in . nearly every risk |t.low cost. Pollution Deplete O ne of th e m o re p o p u la r Ite m s FARMERS INSURANCE GROUP the Wendell Junior High School students are maUng is the Idaho’ s Fish Life square cup for “squves." M ost o f ^ e I te n u b e in g m a d e , nySTACI3YGRBHARDS devastatln|{ form s of pollution whether they are tooth pick F is h e ry M n n a g e m e n t originates from Improper land holders or salad bowls are S u p e n is o r a^e. Clvilixations 8,000 y e a r s suitable for home use. ■ As the giiiciers coverlnR the ago battled .silt pollution. Students spend about two BUHL mountfllns and valleys melted Slltntlon of etrenm channels weeks In each of the art Dick Snow - S4M 427 mediums and in some may at the end of the Ice Akc. drastically rcduce.s the Bobbifl Johnston - 543.5422 drainage patterns of Idiilio spawning and fish rearing streams were formed. capacity of a stream. Muddy BURLEY Evolution of streiim.s hiis Miller su(?lt aa thi.s interferes IT'S BarnoyGlaifowild, 670-3300 taken some 7,500 yeiir.s of with recreation use. Silt Bob Judd, 671-9056 (levelopmenl. An Inventory in pulliitlun cuines from many Gary Johnson, 67B.90S6 19C6 re v e a le d a to ta l of 15,71)0 s o u r c e s . T lie .se in c lu d e WILLS Motor Co. miles of fishing streams in overgrazed rangelands, logging JEROME Idaho. Why then, should roads and £kid 'trails, con< Bob Brown. 324.2741 sportsmen worry alrtiut their structlnn activities, erosion on fu tu re ? a g r i c u l t u r a l l a n d s , a n d In* HAILEY Although' Htreatns coinprlst' ilii.stry. E.O.M. Ruis Hern,i7IB.41IO • only 22 p e r c e n t (tf tin* a v alla b lp l)jiins anil reservoirs have water area In the slate, they already flooded out liOO m ljes of RUPERT -.»uppprt. (ui-estLniateil. ■ ...... u U ie .. m ^ U T — Paul SlroKhoin, 43*>il6} ceniof the lotul fishing effort, A nexi :iO years,-scheduled darti questionnaire on angler 'construction for power, flbtxl TWIN FALLS preference .sent out li| lOfiH control, and Irrlgntion will Lymofl C hrlilanien, 73S /430 .showed about (U per cent of eliminate *1(1 per cent of the OflUlMlU, 7M-7tU stale'.s present stream acrouge. Iduhn’H ^70,000 anglers IlHhcd • I*01TICUY LS 'iN " ul the Wendell Junior iligh School ol Uje pottery Includiag the square cup held by Jonlce, Large Inva type 'Jeep' GttnnNtlton, 733*0«9B streiimB for trout and whllefi.sh. Few stream s exist today which prrsent tim e and students arc learning the production of useful ruck oil the table Is used as a mold for making some uf the ash KtnKlnghorn, 73).74M _ •Streams are vital for the per­ do not .show some evidence of Hems for (he home and school. From left, M ark Frauceji, Ueth . tr a y s a n d bow ls. Universal DoflBUvlni.733.OtfB petuation of siiliiion, steellieiid, man's acilvltlea either on the cutthroat, Nturgcnn, and other watershees. Diversion and (heir own ex|>enHe or with an average of eight times Impoundment of waters for (I'deral subsidies, by cities and greater' fish production from Irrigation, power, and floer Does dishes while you Inwn on the books for over SO twonh)ectlvofl; ( 1 ) to In v en to ry cen l. H t:iiitinn hoard! years. Yet hundrudii of miles of (he extent of channel alterations How long Is the productivity Idaho streams an? sy badly In streams, uneen |)hyHlcally aiturod. Over 00 will bring m ore people to one of M.mI..| SP390C bottot|is. ^ivBu are the cn- per cent of the chunnol Uie luflt frontlern In outdoor ...no need lo tcrape virnmnonlul by-proor c o n l \VlUi m in in g , alroam'tlflherkOR. *nio vnlue ot $ 2 2 9 ot hard lood urapa. * 2 2 9 and llvoiitock food ynrds. Sampling with an oleclrlcnl this reaourco will Incroaae One of' Iho moat Hubtlu and fish shocKcr In u'ndiaturlwd monyfold In the ^eurs to come. - - p ------Spelling Bee Noted SHOSHONE - W inners of Ihe spelling bee held in Shos^ne schools will compete Monday night against Richfield and Dietrich school winners, reports Jack Bowlin, Lincoln Elementary school principal. Tommy Beitia, Sharon McGoffin and Mark Johnson were winners in the first division; Donna Pierson, - Tammy Carraway ar^ Jason Webb, second division, and Mary Haddock, Tam my Naylor and' Crystal Thomasorii thi^ .division. - - Mrs. Frank Stearns and Mrs. U la Shook w ere ju d g e s a n d M rs. Lamar Duffin was the an­ n o uncer. RELIGIONS IN HAWAII HONOLULU (UPI)-Hawaii has 210,000 Roman Catholics, 130.000 B u d d h ists a n d ab o u t 20.000 members each of the Mormon, Episcopal and United Church of Christ denomina- lions.

BOOKMOBILE ^ SERVICE Bookmobile schedule for April 28, 1970 (Tuesday).

CAREY U:IS.n:00 Schod 12:00-13:30 lunch 12t30- t:3 0 1:30- 3:00 School A LAPFUL OF QUALITY 1b displayed by recently introduced into tbe M agic Valley. Miss young N a n c y H a rk in s, d a u g h te r of M r . a n d M rs. Harkins bolds two of a litter of six recently Bookmobile schedule (or Larry Harkins, breeders of the wlrehaired whelped by Auben Vom NeUaeram. “Bennie” May 2, 1970 (Saturday). PROUD OF HER TROPHIES is nine-month-old Heldi Unk. a captured three troiriiles at a California field*and-water trial, nnintlng griffon, an unusual homing dog to her fond family.-— • *______ACEQUIA wlrehaired pointing griffon who shows off her recently wuii p ro v in g h e rse lf a d e p t In re trie v in g b ird s fro m a n y lo c ale . _ « :3 0 -n :0 0 awards with her owner, Peter Link of Hansen. Heidi recently rarity increases their value To the person insisting on a Saturday, A Grocery considerably. Thoroughbred 'pretty' dog we do not recom- blo o d lin e s c a n b rin g $150 to $200 m e n d th e w ire h a ire d p o in tin g Being Pretty Isn’t per pup^ Mr. Harkins tells of griffon.” Clerk— Monday A Star one breeder whose registered On weekends, Judy Mc­ down that part time job as a dog “threw” 1 1 p u p s in h e r firs t Farland, Ketchum, is often’ grocery clerk. All That Important litter, and brought the breeder ^niind checking out groceries in Judy may souiid like a busy $2,200 a t $200 p e r p u p . MAKE YOUR ROOM COME ALIVE By LEE TRENUINE blooded dogs which can trace 2 Pocatell.s grocery store. young woman, and she is. She is A ll in a ll, th e griffo n is a lo t of Times-NewsStflff W riter their ancestry back carry Dutch Most other times she’s an also well traveled, having fun to raise and to handle; they Shaggy-Haired and ready for names. Breeder Larry Harkins, average Idaho State University elected to go to Europe instead tr a i n e a sily a n d re m e m b e r th e ir a romp — that’s the wirehaired east of Twin Falls, has three -tfoed. of college after she graduated orders with precision. Mr. pointing griffon, an uniisual adult breeders, Mickey vom' f ro m W ood R iv e r H igh S chool in U nk’s “Heidi” will foUoW any But, when it’s tim e for an ISU jack>of-all-trades hunting dog Friedrichthal, Auben vom 1967. Born in Nampa she at­ order wiffiout argument; she theatre production—she’s a recently Indtroduced Into the Nellagram (called "Bennie by tended school in many Idaho even seems' proud of her star. Judy made her ISU her family) and a recent Dutch and Nevada communities as the Magic Valley by two area debut last summer in "Who’s tro p h ie s. fam ily followed her father. King breeders, Larry Harkins and im p o rt, A ra p a h o e of W indy HIU. Afraid of Virginia Woolfe?” But “pretty” the griffon isn’t. M cFarland, a musician. When P e te r U n k . “Bennie" was purchased by when she appeared as Honey,-a The “Gun Dog Supreme,” a he moved to Sun Valley, she ’ To dog-fanciers used to the Mr. Harkins from another naive and uncertain young wife. publication for breeders, became a permanent resident sleek-haired, lean look of most Idaho griffon breeder, Torrfle Since that time and in slightly declares that “There is one and completed her high school hunters, the griffon Is a sur­ liflFon of Mountain Home, who more than three semesters-and r e s e rv a tio n . T h e g riffo n Ju.st in Wood River VaUey.------prise. Equally at home in the has also iound the breed an one s u m m e r, sh e h a s p la y e d te n Isn't 'pretty.’ He has been M u c h of h e r e n th u sia sm a b o u t field or In retrieving birds from Interesting challenge. roles ranging from a teen-age described os 'rustic,’ 'hand­ theatre was gained from a high the water, the griffon is taking Peter Unk of Hansen Is ex­ girl of m ^ern times to one of some,' 'noble,' and even as school drama teacher, Sue many prlzes 'ln field-and-water perimenting successfully with Henry the Eighth’s wives, 'lovely,’ but never lis ‘pretty.’ Galligan, now known for her trials trroughout the West. one griffon, young but talented The young sophomore is work with the Antique Theatre -Adult griffons are large, Heidi Unk, nine months old, gaining increasing applause F e s tiv a l. loose-limbed, rather ungainly who recently captured three' with each new play production appearing in their manners, aw ardsata water and field trial During her year in Europe, AUSTIN, Tex. (UP4)-<;ov, ISU offers. In addition, she is liiey love to play and love to In California. Heidi came home Judy visited an Air Force A CASUAL MISS,. Judy en­ Preston Smith Thursday com­ gaining backstage experience, fetch, whether it’s a ball or a wlUi. the "gold hen" as first family and lived .in Germany joyed the modern roll of Star muted the prison sentence of a is taking theater classes, b ird . award In a utility field trial at and Spain. Returning to the Spangled Girl, In which she had Mission, * Tex., man who keeping up with her general But turn a trained griffon Grizzly Island, Calif., a second- JUST United States she worked in only to act naturally., escaped ft-om jail -23 years ago WHY NOT "academic work ond holding Arizona and saved her money in loose at a water bole, or around place trophy for combined field order to enroll In ISU. and^-aised a family. Guadalupe "£ASy.TO-CLEAN" Nylon a lake or stream, and watch and water work and a "grand Rivera was arrested In January The young coed is willing to out! This'ungainly seeming pet combined" award tor overall and a routine check of finger­ concede some of the modern turns speedy retriever, leaping excellence, CARPET theatre trends arc 'in­ prints revealed he was an Into the water with abandon and Breeding griffon pups has the teresting," but for the most part escaped prisoner. But friends, FURNITURE bringing back- the bird un- usual problems of raising any she thinks they are a bit too nelglibora and the parole board 127 2nd Ave. West d a in ag e d . animal, but the pups are mighty “weird.” Audience pur* aak ctl th a t h e no t b e se n t b a c k to The breed originated in cute little rascals, the breeders l o m n P B K H IN MAOK V iU T tlcipatlon stunts do not appeal ja il, 4 Holland, and many of the report, and their comparative to her and as for nudity In the th n - • j t . upbringing I9 m u c h too s tr ic t for t h a t," . As for becoming a ' profeaalonal actrosa, she hasn't ”Som e electric mudo that decision as yet but suys she lius one goal In mind. " 1 would like to bo u pilot — It £ A could mako traveling so much easier,” she says. w ater heaters Hookup never quit” Cost Hiked

raoFIL E OF JUDY M cFarlud. Kclchum, an llonii)', llm A t Rupert Mlvc, uncertain wlfoot "(Vho'*.Atr«ld ot Virginia WooKV" la HUPKUT-Coatofdci'trlcul » wnr ul her many (acci d i ahe movca from role (u role In ISU’a muter hookup lias been, raised Bramn department productions. from IIS to ) 2& by Uio R u p e rt Oiii' olocli'ic wiilci- hciUci- w a s c'slimnlccl to bo 34 city council, A group representing the yt'ni'K-i)ki;’ said llonalcl Ivoy of New I’ lymoiUli. "11 was still > 1 cCuol addition discussod nroljlonta ••oncernlng traffic, workiiiR Rood ns ever but not putting out cnouRli hot \\>iiter Junk curs and garbagu cans. It I'or niodern living. So we replaced it with a tniick-reeovery, wufl note. 111. w e e k d a y s a fte r liiiiiont Kulutvr, oporator'ot ttio the many things eleolrlolty does bes(. Dluu Room ruqucstod purking co n tro l. — Granted O'Dell M cliinu.rirv < thief, iwrmlsslon to attend an araon ochool next wuvk In Salt Idaho Power Company U k a C ity. -AuUiorlrod Jack Alexander M M IM TiUC Sa PAUiC, 111 (he Hhnkespeurenn comedy, "M erry Drilling Co, to proceed onuther WIvuKof Windsor", Judy's profile chuiigea.Hliv made her dvin it 00 foot for Uio well In tlis Ultf In sunimer Iheatvr lutl year and huH siiu'e up|wurvd In 10 Valloy HubHllvlilon, HU rig hui producitona. hit lava rook at 900 foot. ENJOY FLAMELESS ELECTRIC LIVING FOR A NEATER, CLEANER WORLD

- ...... Prince Crow ned By H agerm an H i g h

IT TAKES A TOUCH of this — aod a dash of that to make a Pizza Prince for 1970. From left. Jeff Tuppcr rolls the dough pizza pan before adding filling; Joim Boyer, in att-im prcHt)',plnk carefully adds irli^ hamburger which he lopped with lots of . pizza prince and here four Hagerman High School students nith a rolling pin rather than using his fingers (o press it into the apron with green trim, carefully watches the hamburger and cooked and crumbled bacon and grated cheese. ; prepare their pizzas to vie for the title of Hagerm an High School pan; Greg Niciiolas, (lour smudged, presses dough to edge of onion he is browning to add-to his pizza, and Kiric Strawser

Takes Originality W ith

A Touch O f This And That

B y WILMA LARSON Tinies-News Correspondent ’ j HAGERMAN - W)iat Makes a Pizza Prince? ' Take one young man between 14 and 18 years-of-age. (Size m akes I no difference, bill a roRuish smile and pleasant disposition are an. I a s s e t . I . . ' ' • j Add an apron, several sizes too small. Surround with a kitchen I equipped with*a sink, a stove, and a'cabinet stocked with all the I ingredients for a king-size pizza. ■ I Add a touch of “know-how*’ and a dash of originality. Surround ! with ,"oh-ing” and '•ah-ing"-girls of similar age and several ••judye.«" looking on. ’ ^ Pile on the compliments and praise (well earned, of course). r z 'iVeat to a special dance. Serve yn a tlironc,^arnisfietl wiin a crbw-n. That's a.Pizza Prince! Amid the flurry of classes, ten male students at Hagerman High School, all selected to represent their class or organization, took tiipe out to compete for Pizaa Prince of Hagerman H i^ School for 1970 in the third annual Pizza Prince contest. After much long discussion, tasting and re*tasting, the judges pronounced Rick Bendorf, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. Bendorf, and a senior, Piz?a P r in c e . Announcement of the winner was withheld until intermission of the dance held Friday evening in his honor, when the Pizza Princp was crowTied with a huge chef's hat surrounded with a sliver crown and presented a Pizza Pillow, From the basic recipes and a little originality, came forth hamburger, sausage, Canadian bacon, shrimp, pepperoni, bacon and ham burger, and mushroom pizzas — all with one or two kinds o f c h e e s e . 'I'he cimdldalcB were judged on organization, neatness in np- peju-ance and procedure, and cleaning up after themselves, while the pizzas which were proudly set before the Judge.s were Judged on a p p c a r u n c e a n d ta s te . No stip u la tio n w a s m a d e »:> to w h e tiie r o r n o f they could use mixes of if the pizzas had to be made from "scrat* ch,” so mixes were used by all except lico Zimmers and Jeff T u p p e r . Cundidates were Kick Bendorf, senior class; Droll TlUnus, Band; Jeff Tupper, student couhgil; John Boyer, annual staff; Greg Nicholas, junior class; l..eo Zimmers, FFA; Hick Madron, freshmtln class; Dean Butey.sopliomore class; Kelley Bclirena, H- • Club, and Kirk Strawser, Natlonnl Honor Society. 'Hie Hzza Prince contest, a modernized version of the fprmer "IS IT D0NI5 YET?" U-o Zimmer# wonders UmpkT »l Kuuri' ll,,mi'mnk.TK ,,I AmiTlfo. Kins <,ontu.sl, Is .pormr(rf by (tic Hagmpun Cluiplcr of OH he checkii hln pizza during thv.receni Plzzu Till mule «luil™u, all si-U'cwl to r.'[irc'»wil Homcniakcr.ioI Amcrlca. Thisyear'aconlM t was under tlie Prince conteHt HpiiHHorcd hy the Hugemion lhdrela««„r„r 8aalm tai,parlldpam ltalli.- tlroMlon of Susan Brooks and. JoAnii Berry ...... (•omeHt. t ■ <-‘Xp<;riencc at anything like this, I didn’t know J, . wlial might happen," commen(e

"TII18 18 A D IF n C U L T )ob, they ariB aU good," all chapter motheri, ai the) ■ampled the pisiai. No exeepl two itudntti. Hie candldllM im « Judcod oa TAKING CAKKOPthvluMKlaroornui part of modonilsed vorsioH »t th e jtchm iW lo m ie r ...... cummonted the Judget,...... frdm...... left, ...... M n ...... Blohard . stlpulalloa...... wai made ai to...... whether or not the «m« organlia(lon,...... neatness In appearance,.. procedore aod cooklnK li lUck Dendorl aa he waits fur his plno KuokloKliiHcomiiim^il, . was under (he direction of Hagerman, ?'IIA chiptar ddvUer, and M n, Tom .lettanli could use mixes or If the p in a i had to be deauUni up ultcr they were llnlihed. lu finish bMklng, This year's cnnieil, a Busan Hrmks and JoAnn Kerry. Gibson, M ri. Glenn PattOTMn and M n . Alfred Sandy, made from "scratch,” u mixes were uiued by ill ' > .a. Times New5rTwin^aIIS,'1{Jaho— Sunday> April-a*,-197a------W orAAotH^— * M agic Volley Favorites Plan Luncheon * We«k'» Recipe Winner Cooking School Set Friday MINNIE SMITH 4 10 E . Av«.‘ C . Jerome ;rhe li)tcrm ountain'Gas Co. In In Burley*' cooperation with the Times- The Times-News will pay IS BURLEY - The American DELICIOUS PINEAPPLE News will present a free each week for Magic V^ey W ar M others made plans for the CAKE ' cooHln? show, ‘'Picnics-and Favorites. If you have a - Barbocues." from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Gold and Silver S^r Mothers favorite xecipe. Just mall It to Friday at the Turf qub. luncheon during' a iiieetlng at the ' Recipe Department. Mrs. Fran Hopper, home hc:ne of M rs; Hallie Boyd. Women’s Page Editor. The economist for the In* M rs. Katie Sdge chef, Raft River^ Chapter of Mix and bake at 350 degrees American War Mothers before until done. BIRTHDAY OBS^IRVED as fjuest demonstrator. WfiNDELL Mrs. Lorrene The show, open to the public, completing final arrangements T O P P IN G for the annual event. Vfc CUBE BUTTER Sackman was honored with will feature free prizes, refresh­ birthday party at her home ments. food gifts and money Mrs. Rhubie McClaflin'gavc 2-3 cup canned milk several readings for the 2-3 cup sugar recently. Guests were Mrs. ■ prizes to the women's club best George Hesser, Mrs. Jim Lee, p r o g ra m . SHERRY PRETL JAN WILKINS 1 e g g yolk represented. Mrs. Gladys Lusk, Mrs. W arren Registering guests and ser­ Members are working on MU together and boll untU ... were named state officers for the Future HomemaKers of Cary, Mrs. Ray Teher and Mrs. ving at the tea table -to greet plans for a'rummage sale. The thick, about four minutes. Pour America during Ihe recent-state convention held in Boise. Miss guests will be Mrs. Jack group is making arrangements over cake when you take it from . ^ ^ t h d a y ^ k e I»retl, CasUeford, was elected vice president of degrees, and the oven was baked and decorated by Stephens. Magic Valley to travel to Boise to help with Miss W ilkins, Twin Falls, was elected state vice president. They M rs. Lee. Memorial Hospital Guild, Mrs. the gift table for Mother’s Day were Installed during a banquet where Gov. pon Samuelson was Hazel Bucklin, Christian at the Veteran’s Hospital. featured speaker. Mayor.-Jay Amyx and Dr. John Barnes, Women’s Fellowship: Mrs. L. Guests were Mrs. William Tracy and her daughter. Diane. president of Boise State College, welcomed the Idaho delegates G. Eldredge, Second W ard LDS lo Boise.One of the hl^lights of the sessions was a tea with Mrs. Church; Mrs. Neil O b^tead.' M iss T r a c y is pla n n in g to a tte n d Rick’s College to take nurse’s Samuelson at the Governor’s House. LOOK! Twentieth Century Club; Mrs. •Kermit Leir, Welcome Wagon, training on the American War R EPEATED BY POPULAR REQUEST and Mrs. Coleen Utley. Jay-C- M other’s Nurse’s Fund. Mrs. U V on Myers was also a guest. Royol Neighbors Slate ' E tte s. Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,ThursdayOnV Local W oman Crescent District Meet M embers of the local camp of the retiring march. HAIRCUT, the Royal Neighbor Lodge Mrs. Slnw served as officer Observes 91st F R A N H O P P E R Mother's Day SHAMPOO & SET planned their part In the pro tem for the recent meeting. ... home economist for the IntcrmouDtaln Gas Co.; wlH be In Crescent District convention The resignation of Mrs. Grant Bkthday c h a r g e coo k in g sc h o o l fro m 2 to 3:30 p .m . F rid a y a t th e T u r l Tea Slated By REGULAR PRICE during a recent meeting at the Kunkle as. onter sentinel was '2 .5 0 Mrs. Minnie Adams, 327 O u b S lored by the loterm ountaln Gas Co. and the Times* lO O F H aU . accepted and Mrs.”Slms elected Q uincy S ., c e le b ra te d ih e r 90th News Publlshijig Co. Peter Schotts, Sun Valley Lodge chef, will Buhl Women The convention will be hosted to the office. Mrs. Beclo' Spiers b irth d a y anniversary recently be guest demonstrator. by the Hansen Camp, at the resigned as endurance. That at her h me. The event was B U H L — P la n s w ere m a d e for Kimberly Grange Hall May 23. office will be appointed by the h o ste d by )cr son and daughter- a Mother’s Day Tea to be held Mrs. W illiam Armga will serve oracle, Jpsephlne Wurst. TINT Includes shompoo, in-law , and Mrs. Hamer Timely Beauty Hint M a y 6 when the Buhl Women of as liast district oracle and will Mrs. Evelyn Atwood; A dam s: the Moose met in regular give the response to the delegate to the f'e^nt . state 9 9 Set & Manicure Five of Mrs. Adams' grand- If you are one ol the many often results In hangnails and session, with senior regent, welcome. The Inner and outer convention, In Twin Falls, gave REGULAR >4” chlldrenr lola Telford. Boise; women with problem nails, hard skin, as well as breaking Mrs. William Wonenberg, In sentinels for the district will be a brief report. Thank-you cards Thelma Morris, Portland, and famed beauty-fashlon or flaking fingernails'. Take charge of activities. Eva Metzler and Ollie Howard. from several "out-of-town Virginia Pratt, Dick Adams and authority, Max Factor, special care of the cuticle, as A report was given on the M rs. J. L. Steam s will be gcace- district deputies were read by PARKER’S Shirley Mulder. Twin Falls, suggests that you begin an this is an important facet for "cbme-as-you-are" breakfast faith . Mrs. Shobe, recorder. A thank- attended, along with N of her 19 Immediate program of sensible healthy- nail growth. Gently sponsored by the homemaking Committee members will be you from Louise Bowne, great-grandchildren and three care to regain their natural, work around this sensitive area committee, with Mrs. Charles Mrs. Earl Shobe, chairman of Nampar^ state supervisor, was of her II great-great grand­ strong . and healthy state... with a cotton-tipped orange Hill as chairman. Thirty-three finance; Mrs. Chris Sims, 'read by Velma Treadwell, past HOLLYW OOD BEAUTY c h ild ren . . Regular manicuring and an stick. Where nails are brittle women attended the event. bylaws, and Mary Stearns, state oracle. Seven nieces and nephews application of the newest and weak, give them sturdy, M rs. Steve Foukal reported a resolutions. For the school of The white elephant gift was SCHOOL and their families attended fashion shades of UltraLucent added protection with special donation in memory of Mrs.' instruction, Twin Falls will received by Mrs. Frieda Evans. from Salt Lake City, Pocatello Nail Color not only provide preparations, such as Fortify M ary Chatfield has been given present the password, drill and Mrs. Wurst, Mrs. Howard and 134 Shoshone Street East and Twin. Falls. • -- needed protection, but also Instant Nail Conditioner and to the Idaho Youth Ranch. A Mrs. Sue Pratt served refresh­ T W IN FALLS enhance the beauty of the nails. Fortify Instant Nail Mend ' thank you note was read from Club Lesson m e n ts . Never cut or file away the In- •. which actually help to protect, Mrs. Lee Monroe. Most skin cancers are caused n e rm o s tc o rn ;;rs of th e n a il In an strengthen and mend fragile, Mrs. Garland Metcalf was Is Presented by re p e a te d ov e re x p o su r.? to th e attempt to give it shape; This split and broken nails. elected to membership by the g ro u p . The Loyal Order of Moose Social Svehts Joined the Women for a program of piano selections • The Twin Falls Hob- presented by Carol Wright. The a • bycrafters Club will mcpt at 1 p . program was sponsored by the m. Wednesday at the Harry homemaking committee. Barry Park Recreation Hosts were Mrs, Viv building. Members interested in Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Jack painting arc asked to bring Fields and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd pictures, medium-sized brushes J o n e s . and duro-gloss medium.

DEAR ABBY: I arn turning to you with a situation which has gone on for years, but now it's become unbearable. My mother’s hobby Is "Junking." For ycfcrs she's haunted thrift shops, stores where soles are going on, and also antique shop.s. She has found some items which she has restored and resold, which is fine, as it kept her busy and she’s even made it pay. Now the problem Is this. She keeps bringing me stuff I cannot use imd do not want. For instance, partial sets of dishes, beat up pots and pans,, and today she brought, mo a hideous orange knit^ress which was apparently somebody’s first attem pt nl knitting. My father tells me that ^ e now goes to the grocery stores where sales are. advertised and she lugs home largo quantities of groceries. He^snyn their bosement Is lined with 20 pouhfl sacks of s^ignr, Whul would you do? Thanks. EXHAUSTED

KXIIAUSTI-:!): I w outd']^riii‘f''l(i''ra(>clor for a complrU* cxaniinallon, after having alerted the doctor to whnl you'vr told int'. H i t bt'havlor In lymplomBtic of a menial diiturbanre, And huiry, before her collection starla lo c o lW t riKlpntN.

DEAU ABMY: Piirent.H complain becauae thoir kids are bult heailed, won’t linlon, und rofuso to.profit from,somebody eUo'H experience. Wvll, here’s a switcheroo for you. One of Iho parents died after a long-and'happy m arriage, und the Tcmalning parent In now gutting himself Into u mes.H liku you wouldn't believe. It's sickening to watch. And nobody cun teir him itnylhing either. Kids nt least have the cxcuso thnl they are young. Itut w hat's the parents' excuse? DISGUSTED

ni.SCiUHTKUi Rfcond childhood. m«yl>rT Or Ihe ■anir oxi'imc (lie kldit hAvr—lack o( ei|MiHcncc,

DEAR ABBY: I om 4!1 and Henry (made up numol Is S2. W v've lii'ori n iiirrie d fo r 33 y e a rs, A year iigo Wilmn, ,a friend and fellow worker of Hiinry'.H, litnt h e r iuiflband, so H en ry h n s b e en d r iv in g u m ilu out (if hiN way uuch morning and evening to take her to und from work Wilmu

D K A Il AHHvT Tho envy of every woman lo

W hat's your problem r Vou‘11 feel bcller II yeu gel It eff yeMr chest.,W rite io AHHV. »«i mtm, 1m Angeics, Cal. MN>. For a parseaat reply •■close stan|wd, addrtsiMl m v a le r * . M iss Knutsen, Sunday, April 26. 1970 Times News, Twin Falls, Idaho 25 Snow Recite . " ' . *^°>^sen Social Nuptial V q w s Club Conducts E»ebbie Knulscn, daughter of M r. and Mrs. Lynn Knutsen. April Meeting becaime the bride of Virgil HANSEN - Mrs. t, C. Me- (Tim ) Snow, son of Mrs. Jeanie Farland read a poem, Snow, Twin Falls, in rites April “Sometime," as the opening 4 a t th e C a rillo n . exercise at the Excelsior Social Hev. H. R. Olsen performed □ub meeting at the home of the double ring ceremony; Mrs. Raymond Butler. i:itie bride, given in m arriage Mrs. Rudolf Martens, vice by h e r f a th e r, w o re a w h ite la c e , president, presided. A guest flooT-length gown enhanced was Brenda Johnson, grand­ w ith a veil of illusion. daughter of Mrs. Martens. ('indy Snow, sister of the "Homo Detorating Hints” were bridegroom, was maid of honor given as a discussion topic. and Sandy Dover served as best Club members will' serve at’ m a n . • the canteen for the next blood !IU1 Tucker arid Bill Hodkins draw itiK. M a y 12 a t K im b e rly . w ere'ushers. Soloist was Beulah Mrs. Louis Hranac wUJ head the Kraitsen. sister-in-law of the volunteer workers. • , b r id e . O rg a n is t w a s C a ro l K o o n . A vote of th a n k s w a s e x ten d e d (jifts were displayed by M R ; a n d M R S . V IR G IL (T IM ) SNOW to the yearbook commillee, and CInudia Knutsen and Carolyn (McCormickpho(o) the new books were distributed. Stevenson, cousins of the bride, It was voted to give « to help ami Terrie and Jerrie, twin Kin)berJy and Filer. finance a girj at Girls’ State. sisters of the bridegroom. Nicky The couple will reside in Twin Beauty Matches Fashion Mrs. Don Connors was M c C o rm ic k w a s in c h a r g e o f th e Falls, where the bridgroom Is Beauty changes its face to program ' chairman and 'guust book. employed at the Pepsi Cola match fashions in the '70s. presented a floral contest; with During the reception. Sue 3otUing Co. Today’s women look more Mrs. Melvin Switzer winning Slricldand cut atd served the feminine, fragile and deli­ the prize. M rs. Harley Rountree thr (!C-tier'ed w ading cake. Vie SHOWER HELD cate—fashion sends us the received the special giff. Bir­ W tdters served punch. RICHFIELD - Mrs. Tom fragile message; soft iab- thday anniversary gifts were ' SljjeciarQuests included Mrs. Conant, Bliss, was honored at a rics, lots of knits, flowery .received by Mrs, McFarland prints. And beauty begins He lun McWitlia-, grandm other of pink and blue shower recently and Mrs. Q ifton Ha>Ties. the bride; grandmother of the at the home of her parents, Mr. where fashion leaves off-r with translucent skin, gentl The May 7 meeting is at the., bri'iiegroom, and Mr. and. Mrs. and Mrs, Sidney Edwards, Jr. blushed checks, softly co home of Mrs. Connor, with Jini Snow, Washington. Out-of- Hostesses were Luann Ed­ ored mouths aiid softly co members bringing Mother’s tov»n guests attended-from wards, sister of the honored ored and shadowed eyes, Day articles to be read. Wendell, Jerome, Carey, guest, Pamela Piper, and Mrs. Members are asked to note the Jack Hubsmith. time change to 2:30 p.m. AMONG THOSE PROVIDING special entertainment during M rs. Vaugho Pond is serving as general chairm an of the annual the forthcoming Music Club's Scholarship Ball are students event, assist^ by Mrs. aa> ta Christensen, M rs. Dean Affleck, from WilJa Dean Nii>)si-irs Dance Studio, Lori Thompson, center (Vlrs. M orris Carlson and Mrs. Earl Neilscn. Proceeds from the fnint: knei'Iingi from left. Jeannine Berry, Leilah Thomock and $2Sa couple event will go for music scholarships. This is one of Janna Hansen, anti standing, from left. Krista Morgan and the largest social events hosled by the Twin Falls Mu.sic Gub, an Mary /\nn Babhel. "nie ball Is set for Monday at Blue Lakes affiliate of the National Federation of Music Clubs. 0. A. (Gas) Counlti'.aub, with a cocktaU hourjet at 7 p.m., dinner at 8 p .m . Kelker will be m aster of ceremonies. .and dancing at 9 p.m. to the music of the Hap Miller Orchestra. "Wh;7e House Diory" Published

By IlELKN THOMAS She quotes author William as she sublimated her own’ his one-time faithful worshiper, WA.SHINGTON’ (U P I)-F or- Faulkner on editing: “It’s like s|»cial interests in deference to George Reedy, also i.s persona » mcr President Lj-ndon B. cutting up one of my darlings.” her husband's political ambi­ :ion .grata. Reedv; wrote ‘•The Johnson was in town recently tions. IVilight of the Presidency" and I plugging his forthcoming me- Her diary is very personal If she has any regrets about while not mentioning LBJ, it J m o irs, and revealing. She has a poetir leaving her vaunted position, was clear he'w as often talking • But he sterns to enjoy even gift of expression and her guide she does not show it. Quite the about the only • president he ! more touting “Udy Bird's has been the diary of Abigail contrary, she and First Lady' ever served. ; Book" to be called “White A d am s. Pat Nixon hit it off again like J House Diary." nie former first Those who saw her on her old friends with special bonds. Johnson says he has not read ; lady's opus may be on tite return to Washington say she The Johnsons obviously are the Reedy book and does not . stands by Christmas. If not has never looked belter. She going to be happy to have their w a n t to . i then, spring at the latest. was relaxed and gay. Clearly books out to rebut the I ’She had the book ull written she enjoyed her new freedom. ^oliflc writings about the One author whose book was ; before she ■ left the White But she still finds the book a Johnson era by former mem­ read and enjoyed by Johnson is • House," says Johnssn priwUy, pressing burden. And when it bers o{ the administration and U i Carpenter, press secretary 1 / 'Hie always disciplined first goes to the printer, Mrs. of course the former pres­ to the former first lady. The I' lady used a tape recorder Johnson says "It’s hello world ident's brother Sam Houston Johnsons turned out to help her • faithfully during her White fo r m e ," Johnson who wrote the devas­ hustle her book "Ruffles and « House years piling up a tome of She wants to travel and fulfill tating "My Brother Lyndon.” Flourishes" when she toured 1 1.800,000 words. The big job Is parts of her Jife Idng neglected Johnson m'ade it clear that the Texas hill country. I to boll the diary down to ; 300,000. ■ Dinner SJated '■ 's n O S H O N E - 'ITie A m e ric a n ! U'Klon-Aiixinury will sponsor a HOOVER I suppertheeveningofM ayZasa } fund raising project. I Mrs. Luullu L. Kinsey, ! President, siiid a sulad bar and DELUXE I sjindwlches will bt* 'served. ! Tlie dinner will be served ; from li p.m, until the food Is CONVERTIBLE I gone. Tlie |iubli(.'.lH Invited, FEATURES YOU'LL LIKE ABOUT Funds will go toward paying THIS NEW HOOVER CONVERTIBLE I tlie L'xpen.scs of delt'K<>l<''-‘‘ Two Cleanert In One • Fingertip Switch \ G irls ' .Stiiti: tlil.s .spring. lafflo Throw Awoy Bog • 3 Po»ition HondIo •l-Poilfioo Rug Adju»tmonl For lr>door- Outdoor Floor Covoringt To Deep Shofj PERFECT GIFT Hood Goti Under low Futnituie Non MarMiig Furniture Guard F O R M O T H E R WidB'Anglo Headlight • 2-Spoed Motr>r ' (or grundmother) Convorli Eo»ily For Cloonino Atlachmcnu "Trlplo Acllon" Cleaning Power— "ll Botili, A» It S w iiep j, A» 11 C lo a m ” > AT SPECIAL PRICES

A ring with tho propftr birthston© for onch of tho c h ild r e n (or gnunichUdron)

A I - hil iiniiKliii >1 iii>i>. A nil'll tlllx'll. hliili i> l> l»i>l< ti> llin iiillit III ilinir U iiilit. All'll- iiml m.iy Ui .-mUm'iI I'll lllliii lh« «l'Jlk ...... 1'lni III ii'ilil 1...... iMtiniiiririillv ]i>l|ii>

In 10K w h ile or yello w v^llh QUlhiinllc birlhilone for (he birih* month of each chl|fl Chootc^From A HOO«» Latg« S«(«ctlon Of Stylei CONSTELLATION * 4 4 WILSON-BATES Twin Falls Jerome . Burley ...... -y— ' —..■■■III i| 26 Times News. Twin F.ills. Idohci Sundfly.. A;jril ?6. )9;o Miss Halverson, Polly,anno Civic Club Members Plant Bronson Plan Club Convenes W ENDELL-PQllyanna Qub June Wedding members held a potluck lun­ cheon recently at the home of Flowers At Shoshone Park JEROME — Mrs. LuWana R. Mrs. Milford Schmeckpepper., Halverson announces the" - .SHOSHONI-: - Flowers were j»residenl; Mrs. Arthur Cerity, B u h L engagement of her daughter, planted ai the Hty Park, by vice president: Mrs. [)onald Mrs. lillian Barton reported Joan Anita, to Larry Allen inVmbtTs' ot llic Civic Club Hmiberg, secretary, and Mrs. ■ on the District Extension Marvin Cole, treasurer. The Bronson, son of Mr. and Mrs. rPL'cntly as part of thoir year’s Homemakers meeting in otficer.s will be installed iit the Orville P. Bronson, Boise. Miss Iirojoctb. Je ro m e . spring; limcheon, to be held at 1 H a lv e rso n Is th e d a u g h te r of th e (Tub incinlxTS iijft ;it the Mrs. Melvin Gibson, Mrs.' p.m. May 15 at' Wtx)ds Care, late Mr. Roy H. Halverson. - / jvirk :it' l::iO p.m.' for tlic Clayton Johnson and Mrs. Je ro m e . A J u n e 6 wedding is planned pli.ntint’s, iiu‘11 wi>nl' t(i_ Itie Howard Niccum were ap­ • Other iiHMnbers ot the . at the Immanuel Lutheran lioiiH“ of M rs. OiiUT SiiK)k for a pointed to the yearbook com­ nominating cornmittee were Church, tw in Falls. The couple l)usiik'ss iiu'i'iinn. m itte e . Mrs. Iviui Hitpkin.s. prcsidetU, Mrs. I':diiie Tanaka Jind Mrs. will reside In Boise. The hostess gift was received Harrell Thorne. Miss Halverson attended the amiomu'cil the ' I)istrict by Mrs, Fester Andersen. Federated Women's GIul) Mns. William I^erner was co- College of Southern Idaho and The next meeting is May 7 at nu'i'lin^; for t'riday at Bulii aiul hostess for the day. ' Boise State CoUege. She is the home of Mrs. Melvin Gib­ (lie state' iiieetinj’S May 12 employed by the .Idaho JOAN HALVERSON son. throiii:!) 14 at Boise. Department ol Law En­ Mrs. S'now Coffin reported for Surprise Gifts forcement and Trans-Magic the luimitialin^ committee. .Airlines in Boise. Kli'rtctl as new officers were Received By Mr. Bronson is attending Mrs. I.iieila I.. Kinsey, Boise State College and is ^ f i r i n g TOPS Members employed by the Idaho Power Co. H ICH FIEI.D Surprise gitts Miss Halverson and Mr. from a grateful m em ber was an S p r i i c e U p O l m e Bronson are graduates of Minis Scarce extra bonu.s for Diet-Does-It- Jerom e High School. She was G u b members recently tvhen ■ g raa u ated in 1966 a n d h e in 1966. fo r W ic^S At Fall Show -n e w , officers. WEEC.installcd. Mrs. W, T. Flavel, club leader, who was re-elected for In California another term , and all officers I^ h o Rebekoh were presented floral ^ifts of Bv KATHLEEN NEUMEYER corsages and a twuquet of Lodge Meets Special Cleaned, LOS ANGELES (UPI)-Thc carnations and roses from Mrs. only minis seen at the fall Conditioned and » g o JTlavel. The-donor was Mrs. Styled. fashion showings by CaUfornia In Wendell Nelson Fredrickson, a member Reg ( ) 0 , NOW . designers this week were who expressed her apprcciatiop WENDELL — Idaho Rebekah destined for the movie screen Lodge No. 96 met at the lOOF for all the help .she had received' ONEWEEK and not for depar.lment store Hall recently for its regular from-tho club membership. ONLY ra c k s . Mrs. Harold Williams, ,jneetlng with Sara Bitterli, Buyers and the press were Shoshone, was crowned three noble grand, presiding. Guest night will (w held at the showTt th e sh o rt-s k irte d c o s­ month queen, by Mrs. Lyle -reguJar meeting on May 18 and tu m e s c re a te d b y Moss Mabray Deeds.- runner-u^. A salad for Dyan Cannon and Rachel luncheon at the Pheasant Cafe invitations will be sent to all Roberts to wear in the and auction with club money lodges in the district. An­ forthcoming movie'. "D r.’s were other features of the three- nouncements will be made as to W iv e s.” month party. Qub money is further plans at the May 4 They included a sm art camel earned by losing weight, m e e tin g . Glenn Bright.and Ray Suffa, pant suit with flared pants and couhting calories, and making fitted Jacket and a daring encouraging telephone calls. chairman of dinner committee, . ROTC BALL^ QUEEN, Geneal How.a, brunette, brown-eyed, 5 feet 34-inch tall 19- decollete white crepc jump suit Mrs. Ralph Riley, Jr. served thanked m embers for their help daughter of M r. ‘and.M rs. E. M. Howa, Twin year-old w ho Is a sophomore Fjiglish-sccondar^- cut nearly to the waist and as installing officer. Officers in making the recent lOOF Falls, was chosen queen of the 1970 Military educatloa major. Miss Howa was chosen from a laced partway up, to be worn who will serve with Mrs. Flavel •dinner a success. Ball at Idaho State University. She was chcsei) group of five contestants for the honor. No by Miss Cannon. are Mrs. Fredrickson, vice Members voted to have a by the members of the Reserve Officers runncrs*ui;t were named. Ernst Strauss showed two leader;, Mrs. Clifford Dayley,- chicken potluck dinner for all le n g th s fo r fa ll—n e ith e r barin>> Training Corps, (ROTC) cadet battalion. She is a • Rebekahs, Odd Fellows and C lo se d secretary-treasurer: Mrs, Ross' . M o n d a y 's th e k n ee. Swainston, weight recorder; their families at the hall at 1 He cut his dresses off just p .m . M a y 26, E v e ry o n e w as Nlrs. Riley, program director, W I G S A L O N below the knee but he dropped Mrs. Deeds, song leader, and asked to bring their own table coats to midi-longth and showed M rs. IJ o y d lA‘e . h is to ria n and Homemakers GounciI Conducts service and a covered dish. The 123 M ain East. . them over pants and over the re jw rte r. chicken will be furnished by the shorter dresses. Meetings ‘are held , each lodge. Strauss showed short waist- Monday afternoon at the home Annual Meeting In Jerome length jackets with his daytime of Mrs. Flavel. su its . WENDELL -- “Today’s guest speaker, emphasizect"”As The luncheon, which was ' His pants were cut like Hon>e Builds Tomorrow’s the Home Goes, So Goes, the catered by Wood Cafe, was held Humphrey Bogart trousers with Mrs. Guthrie Is World", was the theme of the N a tio n ." at the,Jerome Elks Ix)dge. pleats in the froni and high South Central District Ex- A safety demons-tration,’ was Mrs. Bob Nancolas served as- waistbands. He showed them Hos.tess For tciision llomemaker.s annual given by Jeanni'e Burkh urdt, mistress of ceremonies’. , with long belted Jackets and mvctlng held recently in 'I'win Falls. MisS Burkhard t is Several mu.sicnl selections with mldl-lcngth Ircnch conls Shoshone Club Jeromo, Approximately 200 Junior at the ^ i n Fulls . High were presented by the Jerome and long curdigun coat^. School and has purticipati ^d in High School Choraleers, under- One evening costume com­ SHOSHONE - Mrs. Dean women attended the all-day Guthrie was hostess for m e etin g . the. 4-H program for .‘I'Svun tjic direction of Carson Wong, bined a mustard colored Delegates from Gooding were yefirs, high school music director. shirtdress with hem Just below m em bers of the North Shoshone A panel discu.sslon was held, the knee, worn under an ankle- Home fmprovement Club, with Mrs, Paul Kearley, Mrs, H, J, Mrs. Margaret Otlerly was Barton. Mrs, Kirby Hill, Mrs. elected district director-elect. moderated'by Mrs, Roy Shiiub, length black and white twecri Mrs. Ada Sandy and Mrs, Ward Jay Kowles, Shoshone, v e st. Mills as co-hostosses.- Frfink Orth. M yrtlJ Toole, Mrs, County Council presidents Members exchanged in­ Georgp Wahler. Mrs, IJoyd reports were given. presented two musical n^m- formation on favorite flowers Rickey, Mrs, Del Taylor, Mrs, Voting was held on proF>3sed bers. Mrs, R, J. Reichard, Cling ’n’ Swing and «ave titles of .songs with the' Floyd niorntdn, and Mrs! John amendments to the bylaw:; and Jerome, led the group in name of flowers in tliem. M a rb le, were accepted. It was decided community singing, lirlef cases were purchased f^cgistrafldii and {i'~'ea((cc to contribute |5rt to both tht i 4-H A (lemomlmUon was giv e n by Printed Pattern for tlie president and secretary hour was held from {> to 10 H,m. building anil Performing Arts Mrh. Dl Bowler from the Snake to use for club bu.slnt’.HS. TJjey 'Hie morning session, which was F u n d , Hiver Pottery, Hugertnan, were presented, by Mrs. John held at the Jerom e Junior High .Stlltz^e^'^!er who served wltii School Auditorium, was opened M rs. Aers of Fellowship on the N ortli Moffett, Buhl, district deputy a Ixioth at the county 4-11 fair Boy .Scout Tr(«)p No, U(l, Hev, American continent ISl j ear.s president, and honors were w a s h e ld . litirold r.ivlngs.ton, Jerom e, ago WHS ub.served during tlie liiven, Mrs. Moffett made iier During the program, under liave tlie invocation, A welcome recent 'iiiCCting of PriiTiro.se offi(’-lal vtslt.' All- other the direction of Mr.s. H. B. was extended by Mayor Jack Hebekah I/idge. distinguished guests were Kell.;y, Mrs. Wiildo Jones and Hussell, Jerom e, to convoiition ‘llie first--Odd. Fellows 1, odge ^ Introduced and welcomed. Mrs. Kelley n ‘»d |Hiems, Mrs, ilelo|{iit('s, was Instilutejl in Baitlnuire, /\n announcement was made H^ilrle Junes told of highllKhl.s Mr»i, Italpli (Jeffo o , Boi.sc, Md„ April 25, Ullli, Mrs. Dale n)ncerning the cooking Hchwil Patches of her trip itnd Mrs. Mills state preiiidi'iit, Introduced Bowman anil Mr.s. Wlifui'd lo 1)0 held by thi‘ Inlvrmountaln at th e Mt)0se H o m e , w ith Mr,s. (Icne Tyner, senior renem, ciJiidiicting adivltleK, SHOES Pro lem offli’ers were Mrs. hiuls. Hoffman, guldu; Mrs, Wallle Holmgren, assistanl llfi'ih('ll(l nir;(iM)ir”, U|.) lo spiitlfi'i

Mrs. Joe Cilek was elected president of'the Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae during a DISCUSSING MUSIC WEEK *ith Filer’s Week in which clubs, churches recent meeting at het home. mayor, Dan Kauffmais, as ht signs a and schools will participate to further music Mrs. Tom Howard will serve proclamation proclaiming National Music apprcctatiun. The Magic Valley Music Qubs ■aS vice president: Mrs. Frank FUN.TIME Week to be obsm cd May 3 through 10 is Mrs. arc affiliated with the National Federation of Feldtman, secretary-treasurer, Elmil Bcmardi, music tcachcr and Alusic Gub Masic Clubs. and Mrs. Bill Reese, recom­ SANDALS member. Mrs. Bemardi displays a poster an- mendations chairman. W ith Built-in W ear The centennial- year for Quolity leather uppers— , K ap p a K a p p a G a m m a is 1970 Chshion insoles. N ational M usic W eek O bservance Set and plans were made for cen­ 5 3 5 0 , ^ 5 4 , 8 tennial activities. Funds have FILER — National Music sponsored by the National The FYesident said, “In this and nations." been raised for scholarships for Week. May 3 through 10, will b« Federation of Music Qubs with age of sophisticated technology,. Many organizations will have the study of rehabUltation, in’ it observeduuati vcu inIII theuic Filer1- iici areauico withwiui this iiuo year’s *cai a theme, luciiit:, “ Music iviU2>iL' music tiiuⅈ of 04 all tiu ages, cIKL‘&, tastes anduiiu . . . , , ____ _ i__ ■■ special emphasis on music in Brings Understanding.” The cultures reaches with unerring club programs. school objectof the week will & to help precisionthehearUandmind^Tf f''Sf assemblies and church ser- create a greater understanding all who seek it. It is the most conducted jn ^ e Filer ^ ^ Completely Adjustoble socially ^ I vices, according to Mrs. Emil UII14 and uppiappreciation c«.iuiiuiiui of IIIIUII.music Illin uii;the powerful uiiuand persuasive(^^lauiioivc iii-in- - , , > r tarded. the socially Slide through Strap deprived, the emotionally Bernardi, Filer music teacher home and community_MusicJa__ternational language. It fur- ^ers to receive mony;, awards, to Fit AH W jdths; deprived and the aged. and mem ber of the Twin Falls the language of all peoples and thers human understanding and “ernardi. Narrow, Medium and Wide. A luncheon meeting to honor Music Club. one of the greatest forces in fosters the .kind of com- Churches will feature the returning active.members was Mayor Dan Kauffman signed creating peace and harmony, munlcation which leads to hymn of the month. "I.^rd. planned for June. a proclamation at the Filer City M rs. Maurice Honigman. peace and progress among men Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing." Office proclaiming the week as president of the NFMC. one in which individuals and received aaieueriromtresiaeni letter from President , . . _ r- i i r«v ^ New Member organizations should par­ R ic h a rd N^ncomnienainiiihe Lookipq For 25-H our D a y ? ticipate in a number of planned clubs for' their observances and / events featuring music. extending his best wishes for Is Welcomed Flexible High-grade molded National Music Week is their continued success. soles and durable cowhide Economist Gives Ideas BUHLEY-JeanetteMansfield straps for easy-going comfort was welcomed as a new ond long weor. BURLINGTON. Vt. (UPIi- it? Who should domember it? When of and TOPS to KOPS Carolyn Grey, Kohntopp Memo to housewives: Faith how well shouldduring it be done? a meeting at Burley Prior, home economist with the —Question setups:Presbyterian What's the Church. University of Vermont Exten- best place to storeMrs. Nancy needed Taylor was guest Exchange NuptiaJ Vows sion Service, has some help for equipment and is speakerthe equipment and demonstrated you if you’re looking for a 25- all it should.be?cosmetics ‘ which were furnished Your Bank Cards Welcomed FILER - The LDS Temple. with green leather fern, blue hour day. —Question workby conditions:Studio Girl. Salt Lake City, was the setting tulle and blue and white ribbon “There’s no magic formual Am I dressed comfortably?Persons Interested Is In losing for the wedding of Carolyn s tr e a m e rs , for saving time and energy," .the room warm orpounds cool enough? sensibly may phone Grey, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Denise Kohntopp, sister of the she advises, “You have to —Gutter: Have a central Mrs. Carol Schnleder,’678-7835. Melvin J. Grey, Moab, Utah, bridegroom, was maid of honor. develop your own formula that spot for unclaimed clutter, such Quests are welcome and tlw DEPARTMENT STORE and l^rry L. Kohntopp, son of Mrs, William H. Olson, aunt of works best for your home and as a chest, deep drawer or next meeting Is at 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy J. Kohn-' the bridegroom, registered the family." cupboard and as claimants Monday at Presbyterian topp. Flier. The double ring gue,gLs, Hostesses at the gift 1?, the LYNWOOD She’s, ^written a pamphlet, appear, let him or her dig out Church. ceremony was performed by table were Mrs. Stephen Taylor, •‘Wliat to do a b o u t house- the Item. Works wonders on Twelve members weighed In Elder George R. Woolley, Pocatello, sister of the work," which contains a couple childhood clutterbugs. and there were three guests, Accompanying the couple to bridegroom, and Mrs. Vernon of quick hints: the temple were the Kohntopp, Jerome, -Question the Job: Why do bridegroom’s parents; Mr, nnd Mrs, Raymond Kohntopp and Mrs. Fete Foremaster, sister Mrs, Ralph Kohntopp, aunts of and brother-in-law of the bride, the bridegroom, served at the Pinochle Club l^ytoh, Utah; Bishop and Mrs. bride’s tabic, which was covered L. K. Edrington, Mr. and Mrs. with while lace over blue and J i i n r h p n n W & lrJ ..,ltk .. f t ___1 '•W I I I I C I U I^ymond flepworth and Mr. accented with a floral and Mrs. Jerry Brady, all Filer; arrangement of white .Spider GUCNNS FI'IIUIV - Mem- M r. a n d M rs . G o rd o n S to rrs,S iilt mums, blue Japanese iris, and lx‘rs and guests of the Bennett U ke City: Mr. and Mrs. Dave green and silver leather fern. Mountain Pinochlv Club at­ SW IMSUITS-1970 Ross, Mr. and Mrs, Steve Mr, and Mrs. J: Kohntopp, tended a luncheon at Hanson’s Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Heed grandparents of the Cafe ho.sled by Mrs, Dan Guyman and Adcle Munwuring. bridegroom, were special Wicher, Mrs. Samuel I). Black- all Provo, Utah; Keith Turn- g u e s ts . well, Mrs. Martha Brood and beuugh, St. George, Utah, and An open house was also held M rs. S a lly l>ee. OPEN HIS EYES Wayne Welch, Tex, at the home of the bride's After the liindieon, brhlge TO A BEAUTIFUL Mr. and Mrs, Foremaster parents in Moab, Mr, and Mrs. winners' includwl Mrs, Samuel hosted a luncheon for the bridal Melvin Grey greeted Uie guests S. Blackwell and Mrs.. 'iliw parly at their home in Uiyton ami Debbie Grey, sister of tliu Remaklas. Pinochle sco^c SU R F PRIZE after the ceremony. f)iit-of-town l)rlde, was In charge of serving. winners were Mrs. Jack guesLs were Mrs, Booth 1'urn* Special guests were Spec, 5 M rs, WiLson .Steen a n d M rs. hy ‘ iMiuugh and Keith, St, George, Melvin Grey, Colo,, brother of llvarlne' McAnulty. Mrs. . and Mr. and Mrs. Kent Tllrn- the bride, ad Mrs. Gina William I’ratl won the all-t.'iil iwaugh and son, .Salt liike City, Chouquer and dauf^hters, a w a rd . Open house for the newlywcdt Nevada, aunt of the bride, Guests were Mrs, Lorena was hosted by the briilugroorii’H 'llie bride was graduated Anouquet of tiny two-j-ear program, He served a business session and most of the white rosebuds siirroiinding a mission for the LDS CTmrch In stallonery ordered by the group ^ Cattlcyu orchid and enlmnced, Central Gerhiuny, was distributed. “Pizzazz

Ihat'i the word lor (hit wondartui hudson's E.O«M. li(/ure.flattering nylon otlomon rib knit. ' Curvacetoui built-in bra and boy tNorli with contruti trim ond covered buttoni, A combo lha[ will / SPECIALS moko the big boyi throng 'round. 33-3S.$14.0Q Women's & Toons'

DRESS HEELS $ Regular to *17“ ...

Women's & Teens'

CASUALS "S h o si Regular to >15°°...... f o r lha e m t f Regular to >10°" F a m ily "

oecenl on tha bold r«d, whits and blue brold FLATS ^HTfm rrrnrrnr I t^ T h t ... and i«parale boy iho'rti to kotp you Use Your Bank C o rd s uasons trim and thlp*ihopi. Sliei 32-3B. $ 1 2 .0 0 ITNWOOD. • L Y N W O O D ---- " 28 Times News. Twin Falls, Idaho Sunday. AprJI U. 1970 .Miss Broegger, Humorous DietMs Read Jdhe Herre, , Economist Morera Reveal- HANSEN — A humorous diet Mrs. Kenpeth Naylor Erdahl Slate , Breaks Sharp was-read as a pari of the prepared a program of various Wedding Plans opening exercises at the games, wllh Mrs. Fay Frahm, June Wedding Friendship Club meeting at the Mrs, W. G. Allen, Mrs. Ogle With Experts home of Mrs. Cora Daw. The Wall, Mrs. George Nauman Jr., • PAUL - Mr. and Mrs. Calvin PAUL - Mr. iind Mrs. Dale story of “Kim," an adopted and Mrs. Mable Arment win- Braegger, Paul, announced the By r.AY PAULEY Hcrrc. Paiil. anno.unced tho daughter, was also reviewed, nlng prizes. Mrs. Blake, UIM W o m e n 's E d ito r I’ntjancinent of Ihcir daui^htcr, engagement and forthcoming It was announced that Red Froehllch received a special Nfr:W Y O R K ( U P I ) - A L on­ Jano.to Alan Krd:ihl. son of Mr. marriage of their daughter. Cross and Cancer Fund con­ g ift. and Mrs. Arthur Krdahl. Snlt Ruth, to Jorge E. M orera, son of don economist breaks sharply tributions have been sent. Mr. and Mrs. Santiago Morera, with all the financial experts Plans were made for the I.-ike City. Utali. Theodore Roosevelt was Miss Hcrro graduated from San Jose, Costa Rica. who advise newlyweds to make annual Mother’s Tea which will the only president of the Minico H igh,S chool in 19W and Miss Braegger is a 19C5 saving money as much a part be held May 7 at the Woodman graduate of Minico High School , of the m arriage ritual as the' Hall, starting at 2 p.m. Mem­ United Slates who did not from tl)L> Idaho Stato University use the pronoun 'i" in his w ith a B.S. in N u rsin g in 1969. and has completed honeymoon. bers may bring guestsanc^a gift inaugural address. Saving for a “rainy day" is Sic presently is attending the requirements for graduation at for their guests. -University of Utah. Sall'U ke Utah State University. Ix)gan, not sensible in^the early days of City, as a graduate student in Utah, wh^re'she majored in marriage. Start stashing away Oiild Nursing. Danish. She presently is em- la te r . Mr. Erdahl graduated from -ployed by the USU. The economist is Prof. llie U n iv ersity o f U ta h w ith M .S. Mr. Morera was graduated Maurice Pcstori, of the Univer­ M R S . R O B E R T ACX)RDA in C o in p u to rS c ie n c c in 1969 and from scho''l in Costa Rica and sity of Ivondon. And whal he is employed by Evans and attended Uinghampton Central does is outline a savings plan Miss Lenertz, Southerliind Computxrr Co.. Salt High School at Birighampton. based on the fact that a U ike C ity. New York, as an exchange hu.sband's -and jwssibly the ,br Cu«nin Brolhcn / A Iruc ^ Q .. Tlie couple is planning a June student for Rotary In­ wife'.s —income will soar Acordo Say GMcdding at the Church of the ternational. He received an AAS "astronotnically" in the years a h e a d . Nuptial Vows Nazarene, Hupert. A reception Degree at the State University FAR MORE THAIM AGIFT ■ will follow the ceremony in the of New York at Delhi and Tlie economist explains, "If Helen Monica • Lenertz, Oiiirch Fellowship Hall. presently is attending USU, you are bound to be receivmg daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry majoring In Electrical tiiBhcr real incomes m the Longview, Wash., was' Engineering. course of. lim e-these incomcs carried to Robert Acorda, Area Auxiliary, An early May wedding is being well above those required pt,rtland, son of Mr. and Mrs. p la n n ed . to maintain a minimum stan- j„sop|, Acorda, Boise, former Barracks Host dard of Imng, let aione bare Goodine rcsidenls, in rites subsistence —it does not make March 14 at St. Rose Catholic Music Week .sense to save excessively at Q,urch. Rev. Patrick Mulligan Potluck Meet the earhe.st stages of your performed the ceremony., JEROME - Tlic florracki; Slated By earning life." J 'nie bride was attired in a a n d A u x ilia ry o{ V e te ra n s o! Tlie'T!?;oixomist poit\ts out that sireel-lenglh taupe peau de soie World War I. Jerom e, held a pot Wendell Club , today’s young marrieds have dress with white satin trim. She luck dinner recently at the WPNnFl I ThP- Wnnrioll ^ mantUla which her WENDELL - The Wendc rising incomes. Prices, of sister brought from the West American Legion Hall. .chapter of _ the National, course, have risen too, eating indies. Her flowers were early Jack Smith, commander, was Federation ^of Music .Gubs, into those increases. American Colonial. toastmaster and Harold thou^ff^Q^uite a year old, is But looking at the economy In Attending the bride as matron Oieline, Gooding, department actively ^om oting a salute to - commander, was spe^er. Britain alone, he said that by of honor was her sister, Mrs. m uslc.^ordlng to Mrs. John tlie time "our married couple" Richard Rand*, James Feehan, ■Rie W e ste rn C o nference w ill B ertj be held April 24, 25 and 26 in . . f of today reach either GO’S-say Portland, Ore,, was best man, FATTY ANN BRAUN GINGER BOYD Denver, Colo, it was announced, 2009- incomes with Donald Hanna,-Portland, government, from President More than a gift, The Mother's Ring stands for with Mr. and Mrs. Choline at* „ will have increased in money and Richard Rand, Salem. Ore., N ixon to o u r ow n M a y o r E u g en e terms by 800 per.cent, in real as ushers, her own memories... her marriage, her family, her lending. The department P attV B raU n, Ginger_Boyd Soars are of one accord as they happiness. Custom crafted to highest standards of convention is set for June 5 ^ ^ te rm s b y 150 p e r c e n t. A re c e p tio n fo r th e n e w ly w e d s set aside the first week of May, quality, it kindles the v^arm>hearted thought that a and 6 at Ihe Ponderosa Inn, FU nt R e v eo l Part of his projected increase was held at the home of the Reveals Troth 1970, a s N a tio n a l M u sic W eek. is in the everi-rowing trend of bride’s sister and brother-in- mother's love is a many splendored thing! B u r le•V; y------\ _ ' .. During the past wefiks, many wives taking on paying jobs. If law, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Thr dftign ii pHtnttd Art W illiams, department WeddinQ Date JEROME — Mr. and Mrs. students of the Wendell schools quartermaster, and Mrs.* it continues, he says, “real Koelsch. Francis W. Boyd, Jerome submitted an essay on the “ com er will be" hiuher stiir' W illiams,'dcpartm.ent chaplain, TTie couple took a wedding Mr. and Mrs. Mustie Braun ^^eme "Music Brings Un- Peston discusses fanillybudg- trip to Canada and reside, in were guests, - along with Joe announce the engagement and Iheir daughter, Gmger, to Gar> derstanding.". in .“GettinE Married P o rtla n d . Petersen, Buhl commander. forthcoming marriage of their Ferguwn, Mn of M r. and M rs. m usic posters will b e ...... publi.shed by the British Medi-. , The bride is a graduate of Mrs. Qara Jasper was in daughter, Patty Ann, to Arnold L. Ferguson. Buhl. . collected May 1 and will be on cal Association, The current Seattle University, .with a B. S. charge of the auxiliary business Douglas H. Flint, son of Mr. and Miss Boyd is a 1%5 graduate ^jspjay gn the next week in issue is the 15th of this annual degree and was employed as a meeting, with Mrs. Marie List Mrs. F.H. Flint, all Twin Falls, of Jerome ^gh School and a downtown businesses. publication, medical technologist at Silver as secretary pro tem. Miss Braun is a 1967 graduate graduate of the-College of Local musicians arc He makes a case for a Bow General Hospital, Butte,' CHINA Members were asked by Mrs, of Twin Falls High School and Idaho. She is presently teaching preparing selections to be sjivings plan as the years go by. Mont., Tlie bridegroom is a Cheline to Qy the flag on attended Idaho State University in Monroe, Wash. available to local service clubs —especially, if quite correctly, graduate of Idaho State SILVER Loyalty Day. May 1. for two years. She is employed Mr. Ferguson Is a 1963 im,cheon or dinner hour you do not regard social University and has a masters Games for barracks and with the farm ers Insurance graduate of Buhl High School meetings, and for nursing security and supplementary degree in education from WATCHES auxiliary members completed Co., Pocatello. and a graduate of the College of homes and others, who want a iwnefits (like pensions) suffi- Portland University, the afternoon's activities. Mrs, Flint was graduated Idaho. He was employed by rnuStcal number for a program, cient, “ It also makes sense to f TROPHIES I from Twin Falls Higli School in Boeing Co., Seattle, for two and save for • retiremenl,” he SONS FETED 19G7. H e is a Junior a t Id ah o o n e -h a lf y e a r s . Slim And Trim c o n tin u e s . SHOSHONE - Mrs. Edward Slate University, majoring in Sandy hosted a birthday party, business mitfketlng. ... , i, , , , , AATS. ulOreaQ6 in honor oC.her two sons, Curtis, TOPS Club l.ai gfst bell in llu- western A May 29 wedding is planned, W endeil H obby « . i 1 year old, and Charles, 3 years, ' Reviews Book hcinisplifrc is tlie Bourdon, Meeting Held ■ wi'igliiii^; in''i tons, in the old. Their grandparents were Club Convenes HockeiclliT carilltin, Hivi>r- special guests along with other Country Pals Mrs, Ben Eldredge reviewed HANSEN - "TOPS' 8" s k U' Church, New Vork, relatives from Shoshone, around In the best circles" was Have Breakfast WENDELL - Mrs. Ann "Airport" by Arthur Hailey Gooding and Twin Falls. the opening thought ‘given by , ' ' Huhter recently hosted the during the April meeting of tlie the leader, M rs. Jam es Wright, Renulnr A A p p + l n n Hobby Club meeting af her I>eLlvre et I>a Plume IJternry a t th e S lim a n d T rim T O P S Q u b ''«9uiar meeting liome, Guests Included Mrs. ArtsSociety atthe home bf Mrs. meeting at the home of Mrs. M embers of the Country Pals Midge Jasper, Mrs. Huth Gordon Cox. Thomas Steelsmith. Home Extension Club met at Prentice and. Mrs. Agnes "Among those aboard ii m o t h e r s D A Y • A report was given on three the home of Mrs. J. H, Sharp for Higgenbothani. ' mammoth Jet as it takes off for TOPS women featured on a a breakfast and a reguliir Mrs. Ella Crow, vice Rome are its veturnn captiiin, televiflion show. meeting, with Glenna. Debban president, led a discussion his stewarde.ss sweetheart, a Gainers were given positive as a guest, |)ertulning to a plgnlc and a tour little old lady stow away, antl n She Shells at MKKS thinking tlioughts on curds to bu M rs, Irene Clillders told of the of the Snake River Pottery, nervous man wllh u briefcase, placed in stratef^ic phiccs and cooking contest she entered at Corre.spondcnce included a Their Interaction with one By Fairfield-Noble of 100% Blue "C " nylon by Monsanto letter frotn a former member, niiothiT -produce event.s that re ^ d d a lly Buhl and received second prize It was announced the school for the salad ontrlos. She Morgmi. make this a brealh^Uiklng ____ I______, , ... . _ f 'n i f l ttiM ns ( Ihij has purchasetTan extra pair of pre.sented the club a check for Craft Item s displayed In- .story,'’ Mrs. F.ldreilge noted, eluded butterfly pan holders 'llie author's sketch was given scales which the club purchased $1(1 from the Idaho E’ower Co. as sometime back. her siMinsor. mid artfoatn bags. i,y Mrs. Jess Summers, and the In a recent contest,-M rs. V, L. Mr.s. Sharp, Mrs. Clillders Hobby time was spent on guided thouglrt presented by Wilson's team was the winner, and Mrs, Maurice Allen gave a pillow tops. Mrs. Midge JasjHT Mrs. I,ul)ell Waldron. Refresh- demonstrated how lo wrap the imjnt;, were served by Mrs, with Mrs. Samuel Huck as best rejwrt on tlie district meeting jxitals and leaves for tlie pillow i,;,innrd Dutry, M rs. Jerry point maker, wllh, Mrs. Lynn held recently in Jerome. Kraus second. Mrs. Lewis Mrs. Sharp gave Uie lesson, l<'l>«. H olm an a n d M rs, I ta y M oss, Worrls' tejifn Will' honor the "Clean-U|>. Clear Through,” winners at IT7 p.m. hincheon at and showed many products next Mondiiy night's nVeetlng. rei'ommontled by Alice neer\m 1'H.'\>1>ih i. Mrs. I'aul Bowman and Mrs. A cottage cht-esf salad was and Others! - R o k r t N iv e n tluii fo r t)Ciit lo ser made and ti,is(ed by the of the week, with Mrs. Bowman menilx>rs. 'llie'nexl meeting Is wearing the l>e»l loser r|blK)ti, at Ihe home (if Mrs. Alk'n and Mrs. Wilson gave a program the lesson will be "M eal Service Butch Catildy and im '”llie Itlght Slarl," Slitlsfarllon,’' Tho Sundanco Kid . , . , $ 4 ,9 8 NOW • 3 .9 8 ' ,t TRUE.ORIT ...... , , *4 ,9 8 NOW • 3 .9 8

n h c j j r s HEILO DOILY ...... '6 ,9 8 NOW • 5 .9 8

CHILDREN'S WEAR MIDNIGHT COWBOY . , , $ 5 ,9 8 r 4 o w • 4 .9 8 114 West M ain — Jbroniu ON HER MAJESTY’S SECRET SERVICE, , $5.98 NOW • 4 .9 8

IS NOW CARRYING IN SIOCK ' ' OR.IHIVAOO . , , $5,9Q NOW • 4 .9 8 NAIIONAILY ADVtRdSr-D IlKANDS SUCH ASi F U N N Y G I R l ...... $ 6 ,9 8 N O W • 5 .9 8 DANSKIN, DON MOORE, NOW • 4 .9 8 GO W ITH EVERYTHING! PACIFIC TRAIl, MAME ...... , , ,.$5,98 INOW • 4 .9 8 BABY BUSS, WONDERALL, She sholli aro worr^ at blousQi, iweaters, even as T-lopt. 1 7 7 6 ...... , , , . . . $ 6 .9 8 NOW ♦ 5 .9 8 - They go with pants, shorts, cullottet, skirts and suits o f ...... KATE GREENWAY, MANN JEANS, any length ana material . , , a true dll-purpose garment and PEACHES & CREAM FILM FESTIVAL . . . Indoors and outdoors , . anytime, anyv/here, See 16 gr«at movl« lliantei— $4,96 NOW • 3 .9 8 DAIED the rainbow of colors. ' Alvu, u vary itlcn lino (kl . ALL STEREO ALBUMS^ Sleavaleii, *6 ““ - sliorl fUiev.d, *7 ““ MATURNITY WEAR One Week 1 0 0 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL, Only SPECIAL,,,, J l U w , Y f l u i D O N M O O R E o n lis t KKICE ROPER S O p h o n C lia ro i Cotton $|50 R O P i l t S T-Shirts...... 1 HELEN’S RECORD SHOP Qt Yout BankCntifi . 321 Main Ay*. Bai^ Twin Fall* ■.rar-W’ji'iiiS.

r / I Sunday, April 36, 1970 limes-News, iwin PAIIS. IlMtlU

W u u U a

W U f & M -

Peter Sh ofts V alley Lodge C h e f , S o n

Fran H opper FRIDAY, M AY 1st Interm ountain G as Co. H om e Econom ist 2:00 to 3:30 p.m .

TURF CtUB, Twin Foils i

^ ree l^efreskm enti ^ o o r H n z e S 3 o o J Q lfti

O pen to the public 30 Tlmos News, Twin Falls, Idaho Sunday,'AprU 26. 1970 GASOUNE A ^ S Y

BRIDGE VouVe in Los Anqele Chipper? I thouqht the Seabees came, , By Jacoby in at Gulfport with the ace Winning^lay-ls The eight-spot play wiSs eminently correct. Sidney Third Hand Low .was looking at 2 1 high-card PERSONAL MA,rrER - Do you mind if some high spirited -^ in ls in his hatrf and fellow kisses your wife either hello or goodbye at a parly? N O R TII 25 dummy. D eclartr was one of Such wes the inquiry that pollsters pul (o a number o? married * J f i 4 th o s e 16-18 no-trump bidders gentlemen. Three out of 10 sajd-^yes, they mind. And two out* VQ 6 who never varied. of 10 wouldn't even answer the question. What’s your decision ♦ 105 2 This left a maxiihum of in this m atter, sir? Wait, if this is too personal, just forget it. 4> A Q J r. 5 three for West and -Sidney W rU T KAST assumed those three points WHO PAUSES to reflect sympathetically that 42 per cent Af52 A 10873 were the king of hearts. If of the hogs in this country suffer from ulccfs? VK.975 VA83 they weren't, the hand was N o b o d y ____ MIGHT ADD, one third of w ljafa pig cats goes ♦ 873 ♦A9G4 going to make whatever « 6 3 2 * K 7 Sidney did, unless West had A B U . 73 H » L P i T . r ; 1;;'“ ‘ s o u T ii ( d ;) led from a six-card suit,' in which case either‘the ace or ♦ A K Q eight play would succeed. “ ROGUES DlHFiiR LITTLE. Each began first- a. . V X 1 0 4 2 If West did hold the king, disobedient son.’-i So goes an old Chinese proverb. T hat’s all 1 ♦ K Q J learned today in philosophy. Jh 1094 Sidney would set declarer one trick less if the opening North-Soiitli viilnvrabli.' suit were a-six-carder, the HORTICULTURE - Were you aware a sick tree is apt to WosI N nrih East Soulh same number of tricks if it run a temperature? That's what the U.S. Forest Service foynd \N.T. were a five-carder, but if the out ■ recently. I do not know where they inserted the , Pass 3 N .T .I Pass Pnss . load were from four to the thermometer, but it repeatedly showed a perceptible rise in ! Pass king, as it was, Sidney’s play unhealthy trees. Also, their tests indicate sick trees are hotter Oponinc lead—V 5 would win and the ace play in the morning than at any other lim e o f day. w o u M lo se . Third hand hjgh is taught •------O ' ^ TS NO HIPPIE will want to" forget that George Washington us from our bridge player's wore a beribboned suit of black velvet at h^s second cradle. The reason why this inauguration .... HOW LONG have you had your piay is usually correct is that third hand should generally refrigerator? The appliance experts say the average refrigerator attem pt to win the trick or to survives only 10 years ____ RESEARCHERS at Wayne State force a high card from University contend girls stay ticklish longer than do boys, but fourth hand. they don’t explain why. ( TJie common exception to . ihird hand high occurs when CONSIDER THIS --W ithm the next 10 years, it’slsaid, you hold two cards higher, you’ll be able to buy your new house piecemeal. By selecting than the first two.played that standardized component parts at a department store of houses. bracket a card in dummy. Modular construction, it’s called. You'll pick out bedroom Usually the bracketing cards number 1312, bathroom number 4Z, kitchen number 967X arc quite close together, like and a dandy selection of numerals for assorted living rooms. th e k in g to Tjrackel a -10 -j|^ ' These will be trucked to the lot and hoisted into place, where queen or jack. one craftsman, spectacular with nuts and bolts, will air-gun the In today's hond. Sidney whole shebang into a solid unit^ Oh, so you knew all this? All Lazard of New Orleans set J r “ right, but do you know thaj catpenters will become obsolete? some sort of bracketing rec­ ord when he played ^he And in their place we will have house mechanics? Expect it. eight-spot on dum m y’s six. It not only set some sort of rec­ THE SNAZZY RESTAURATEURS expect their fancy ord. but it also set declarer, menus to last about five weeks . . , AM INFORMED a soft who would have made his shell ciab is only a soft sheU crab for about two days. That’s -contract if Sidney had risen how long it. take's for the shell to turn hard . . . MOST RECENT STATISTICS show one out of every 11 Americans has arthritis.

CUSTOMER SERVICE - 0 "Which is the saltiest ocean?" A, The North Atlantic . Q "Do deer sleep?" They take b r ie f b u t d e e p naps

AM ASKED where Connecticui got its name In the old Algonquin language, Qumnehtukgut meant "lon'g river.'' That’s where ____“AMONG STATUS conscious criminals," says a prison'warden, “the confidence man inyariably regards the extortionist as an inept fool *'

CROSSWORD PUZZLE Ani»»r t# Pfe*ioui Pui«l» Illinois visit

ACROSS city in Illinois ^ ■ 40CerUin 1 s u e of evergreens University of 4, nimols 43 French painter 47Miaploce9 Snlle County 52 Aphrodite’# beloved (m yth.) 54 D ycstuff (v * r.) U Tra vel bS Juvi-nnl'sfortu prcclpiw^lon SC City in 12 Crafts ' 31 M ale children Randolph 20 Worn out 39 Dress Couniy • witli age 42 Run awny to ______57 Qarterer 21 Motive ' ' ’ m a rrj’ Securiiy- 43 Ship's spar\ 19 Wo^at^^d fabric- M Pithler 22 Bivinu trans- 44 Jew ish month 23 Foundation DOWN uctlona (law ) 45 Observe 27 Undaunted 1 Soviet river 23 Nocturnal ( U t ln ) 32 Social Insecu 2 Plexus {onot.) flyers 46 Geraint's wifv 33 Tiro by labor 3 African city 24 Th ed ill 46 Geologicul 34 lulln n stream 4 Zoo primates 25 One who eskers 35 Adolescent 5 Birds' homes (suffix) 40 Courtesy tllle year ft School subject 20 Aniilo-Saxon (p l.) 30 Mariner's 7Tnblc8Crap tlieow 50G roftftl (III direction fl Pestercr 28 Slothful 51 Gunlock catch 3 7 C ity ______,BStory '28 Great Lake 53 Indian welKht 38 Manufocluclntc IQ Acnhlun guK 00 W lnuy M G « s\ (Fr.)

1 i 3 4 S 6 7 " " B 9 10 11 12 14

16 16

17 18

19 2 0 21 22

23 ^4 2b 26 27 29 29 30 31 ■ i i 34 1 1 3b 36 1 1 5 T 1 41 42

43 44 45 48 4 / 4iJ 4b 60 51 62 63 54 tlb (id

57 66


ITAKB Al\NA'« V 6 0 AWOa H W HAS 6PACB I B66h4 H O lPiN ' TO BBN T IM < OUT ON MB / _____a sjaoTKBW HI6 WAI.LBT/ NOW, ALU B R A ^ lN ' ASOUt THeiR 0LIT THB 1 I NEEO B k9P 8A L «f PUT m P L o e n i I IS AM T o a a t u s a anp t h e v rh HB crOfiT COT \ A M fiuB/ ^ MOT VSORTH At4V A^Opa His CrIECK. peo,W THAM A i96C THKT 6U06W A CONTENT He WOM/

2 ^ I I I Television Schedules SUNDAY.APRIL 24

O n N q v , Q-Ul. lUfiS, a o v o u NtutuK In (1)0 nurthouHturn Unltud StdluH wor« Hinick Niiddunly by ihC' uruutuBt Thli II gnt of 111* motl «m«ilng. ulcclrlc'ul nowur riilUiru In Iwl lun buiinvtMi rau’ll tv«r hav« hlHlory. Tliu World Almw- •n opporlunliv io look ipto. KIMBERLY - Klmborlv nac nolvN timt nlxxit ;<0 idII- You do n tM at lia it I I , *47.^ to lio n In an IH),()(K1- Grungo mot rocenlly at (he hall. U.S47.MC 4W 10 u « r t N<>cU)(l]y |>liniUL'(l 1 n I 0 activity chairman, asked Uiat A L L S E A S O N S (larkntiHN. AnuulnKly. only all Mwlnii contest entries be two |iuu])lu (Hud dill! to lliu tumod inliy May I. SPORTINO caUunlty. Now York Clty'H Burton Harmon read a report . GOODS CO. jiowur luilud ul 0:27 p.tn.. from High Parks, Boise, ^ t e P.O.eoxMIDfpt. 2Q7 Htrandlnu ihoiifliindR In Ntdi- Qrangfi, legUlallve w uyit unu uluvutorn. roprescntatlve, stating'success in maintaining Die (our per cent A h h i i u I ih IN righlxir taxation limit. 1^10 building committee will Refllllnfl ond colltcHno money (rom NEW TYPE NOTTlNOilAM, EnHlund plan a workday to Ox (he cracka high*quallty coln>operoltd diipenien In your (UIM )-A ludutf WttilnuBduy In the hall basement. No To qualify y«u hove cat, fo und Krunk CYam K ullty of D ie grange accepted the refarancei, $600 to $2900 caih. S«v«n tc twelve invitation from Rev. Jim Keefe umuiulUtiK nulKlibor Gortrudu hourk weekly can net eMCellent monthly incsmo. ilurrlwn, by vtiiptylnH h oar- (0 httend the Christian Qiurch More full time. For perional Interview wrlir>t iHiKUCun o v u r Itu rlitiu d . Mo Mild as a group on Rural Ufe Sun­ Uic f u t t U»c c a n w n la ln B d 30 day. May 3, „ , UNITED DISTRIBUTING CO. c m p ly cut food c m wllh Bhorp Mrs. Harmon, lecturer, / DEPT. II. P.O. BOX 8712 . m w lu \\ u t:uHu o f w rtouH rtporVed on a contest beginning OAKLAND, CALIF. luwttult und ordvrud him to puy June 1 with only Pomona 94606 iclude phone number hur W damuKUB. members portl^lpoUng, 32 Tim cs Ncws, Twin Falls, Idaho Sunday, April 26. 1970 H om gi For Sole Hom e* For S a le ' SO I Form * For Sole Cam per* Aportments— Fufnlsh*d 70 ’ THE N*w modern way lo have your >w lurnished". »0 3 BEDROOM, . FIREBALL, 18' completely scK- 10 X 50 ALL' GAS 2 bedroom trailer. WELL APPOINTED Business Opporlunilics 30 Home* For Sole' nUx hnhome. n» Inveslioale niirour 1 com.-nm. Clean spacious I ^^.^rS^lfsr^U ^O ^^or’aC??, Fully carpeted.'includir>g kitcVen ...... berlv One ttome. part bosemeni,nent, t19.$00. ; , payment piar^, ia i coniained, gas or electric .. pl»l« lln« oi pra cut and sectional retrigeraior, tandem wTieeis. 4^6 and Da>lhrooni. Call 7314419. ask I3J-4SU days; 423 5599 COZYNOOKisontht homes. Your exclusive INTER­ 3 BEDROOM home on short '/j for joe. DISTRIBUTOR bv and sec itiis lO' STATE H0M 6 represenlatwes- acre, electric heat. Filer area, 3968, Rupert, 807 E. Street. SpflCiOU! ai }00 See our fine line of Llndal Cedar S)S,SOO. WANTED L Ea»i 3 1> homes. Swiss Villa Development PRICE REDUCTION on all Vista I960 BILTM0RE.3 bcaroom t ... home, 3 llroplaces Company. 733 0716, or C«n« ? BEOROOMihome. sftarp. lericed 60 ACRES, air o> privacy, year Liner campers and trailers. One icepl lor ' SI2ZLINGH0T ELECTRIC Ml bJispmcnl, double garage Hook'''* '645. yard, quiet area- J9.000. round running water, laroe lOVj camper was tl87S. now tl6t2. ongp. water he.itcr, ano lurn.i modern I story home, possession One 8'.j' camper^ was J1615, now apartment ibr bachcior. DIKE I O.Vv, irrig.iting water, im m edtflte------FELDmAN.RlALTORS 30 days, priced at MO.OW. Terms. 1600 678’3203 .Tiler 5 00 or wi wnoipsaip I • *9? possession See this ' OVVNE 'III finance small house, 911 ShoshoneSt. N. 7}l.ma I *1417. One IS- trailer was tl894. Uox 7 ■yburn hiics except lights. V0>'menl Wire, write tor plan wit otier. Call Harold Keitny, 733 WOO •ooms, I in lull (inlsh«d One 18' self contained. ,ic 312 4th Avenue East c.tr j rw cost son.Blc' ELECTRIC or Liind Oftccc Ol lOaho. Realiors, basement. I' j baths, gas lurnaco, M99S, now SJ7S0. Madron 1967 60*12 SCULT erlal. CAR COMING SOON! C.ll Jot, 73] on*, across from Sesrs. good condition. S6.000. 731 8337. ■s ana Service. East 5 Points. ceiienl condition. ONE BEDROOM, . 1900 Avmup oi Si(*rs. Los Angeles Fails. Phone ,7J4 2»61. Hurry! Magic •' 9004? Homes. 733 6U1. 1961 DETROITER i Ron.^ld G.irpv is Ihe'Winner ol a frco T W IN f a l l 's R19, c o BRICK 4 bedroom. in Basemeni, well- Will trade lor 40-80 acres- box. 733 4724. summer cabm, good lim.tations: 2 people*6.000; 3 7 . Coll.Mark Koll, Wendell Realty. jLYNWOOD JIE A L TY 733 fl25J people *7,050. Occupants mus TimesNews. 2 baihs, 2 ftrepiaccs, double 610 Blue U kes Nonti — 73^9211 iSY living I Charming hom garage, carpel, drapes, *23,500. 536.2274 or 536 2948. 15' CAMPER trailer with related. Towncrest Manor, -- Hourl; 733-7100 — 733-H473 andtwin tanks, v e y nice Home* For Sale 50 jftmcnt, lircplace, shag c. 7218 ueful location. *13.750. NORTHSIDE 120, good tillable land I North Broadway, Buhl. MEW 3 bedroom brick. 2 baihs. *36,000. Terms. Also an 80 • o w n e r '. 3 Bedroom, newly double garage, corpct, drapes, indell lor *36.000. Call Virg iflment. very ni • decorated, wilt trade on 40, 80,- igerator. carpe ' *26.900. 17. Mountain Slates Realti rson 326 4865. Jerome area, 733 SJ35. 28' TRAILER house, good poie ACE REALTY’^ on edge ol Hagerman. , lor mountain cabm 837 -i ;l, toi*" bedrooms, G E M STATE rock house. *16.000.: I 18'-*TRAVEL ..... ______Hagcrman or Box 188. ; Houses— Furnished in appliances. 1': an Realty. John R. : ' "T J year^ olJrtvcn,' i-el'rtger'aTSr. 3 gar.lge. 733 9346 REALTY .• Oroker. 837^4463. Beautiful older 4 bedroom home. j Shower, toilet. *1900. 776 5811 Numerous outbuildings, on t^lCE. two % 433 Blue Lakes Norih 733-5336 FOR RENT: 60 shares north highway. 70 minutes from Hagcrman, Lou Thorson •733 2791 canal water. Clyde Peter Falls. snade trees *10.600. *4,000 TSVO BEDROOM, water. ■ a FAMILY ROOM Doug Voltmer - 733-3455 Agency. 536 2071, Wendell. Jim Messersmith 733-4546 197 A C R E S CONCORD lurmsned. Aduits.no pen highlight i DIckMessersmlth Lakes South. . , )sireabie WE ARE HAPPY TO announce that tores include 3 bedrooms, 2 Elmer Sommer is now associated FURNtSHEDhouseoi BY OWNER. Two bedroom home, with The Land Oificeof idahp. For close-in. *7,900. Phone 733 6071. ;piaces, and 7 bains. Seldom Buying or Selling, see Elmer for after S;00. we offer all of these luxury TWO PLUS ACRES in City limits H&W 1 QUIET STREET 733 0716 across from Sears. Earl, 423 5659 decoraledr good localioi ! House*— Unfurrtished 74 ...... shopc' 120 ACRE diversfieid larm. Modern }rth 733 8227 ______^67£______jntcd. yo'd Spocio f^lCE 3 bedroom, li) bath, with 2 bedroom home. 2 car gar.oge. K I T 24x60' small home rental. Very sharp, Largo potato collar. Ample corrals 3 BEDROOMS. 2 BATHS, i WHOARE REALTORS? Each Real ■ Ith unu^^ol fi'epi F O R R E N T - ittlieii witli plenty < well kepi, on 75k125' lot. Only and 8 stanchion barn with milk Real Estate For Trad* 5 3 Estate Licensee who agrees to *13.900, room. Total price *50.000 with O R LEA S E • abide by a strict code ol cthics. *20.000 down. West End Redlty. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, who has been schooled properly phone 543-4409. I3Q Broadway Warm Springs problem properlies a specialty, oy Kirg.d'Siar e of siti I South. Buhl. appointment only. Globe Reoify, vilhin lOQ mile radius. 1 LOVELY DUPLE?. Wan Phone 713.2623. ; ew m August. Write Box i Springs Road, Kctchum. 7,000 S' AT.6NTIONHANCH6RSI phone 788 2258, for ap ; Partially furnished two bedrooms, HAMLETT II. living room area, vei large kitchen, attached garage. WHAT IS A REALTOR? A real One Of the best stock ranch deals i lots and Acreage* 5 4 Couple prc'lerred. Under *150 per estaJe, ►'censee .who is an active beautiful. Fireplaces. Pnvr the West lor 200 stock cows. Price REALTY right. Good lerms. month Available May 1st. Write mcmt^^ of a local board, having APPROXIMATELY 3.7 Apartmen- 504, 1550 Nortn State. mem bership in the Idaho Please call 733-4079 (anytime) ready to oe developed Always a TWO LIQUIDATION Chicago Association ol Realtors ana me . sewer MODEUS AND MAKES Ann Hoffmasler 733-2810 (home) uvtvsaacross piu^vi□rnnprtw ly. warer wiu.:ithin 18'. NEW and USED National Association ol ^-Reai Excellent buy. 714 22S4. DEAL TRAVEL TRAILERS Estate Boards. FARMS FOR SALE ' tandem axle. *3295. < EXCEPTIONALLY nice 3 bedroom 1 6 0 0 A C R E Secor call Joe Wagner tandem 4-wheel brakes. orick with garage, lenced yard, THREE bedroom home, split level. VACANT LOTS Close to ne w Junior *3360. These list at can 733 5542. Buy my equity, take over SU per K'S SPECIALS Deeded ranch near Glenns Pci'v- (UDTMAN-REAITORS High Goodqulct location. 733 5974. *3980. top producer, excellent waler, will Mountain Stales Realty. M & D cent loan. Phone 733 9134, for handle 350 head mother cow* ano 10 buy or Sell ihal Farm TWO bedroom unlurnished t appointment. 733 1988 911 Snosnone St. I SPORT CENTER *75 per month plus utilities calves 2 hortes and tenani house. Busines* Properly 5 6 733-1866 alter 5 p.m. EASTLANQ .DRIVE J beoroom A real buy al *210.000. Owner will 733 6115 1746 Blue Lakes North NICE ACREAGE — 3 bedro carry on excellent lerms home, large iiVmg room, dining brick home, all eieclric. S E E T H I 5 Commercial Property i Opcr^ Daily except Sunday NEW 3 bedroom home, - room combination. Real nice iircpiacM, ooviBie garage, or ASPECIALTY W AGIC VALLEY •basement, family room, ui kitchcr wlih built ins. Large bam. Short aero Excellent boy 3’ > acres wi h 3'} shares ol waler. Fcldtman Realtors 733 1968 room, appliances, carpeted, *75.000 Small home Domestic well. Total i3arry Park, *162.50 per me drapeo. basement, la *5500.wim ' t down. NO WONOER THEY'RE MOBILE HOMES SMALL DOWN and assumi FISHING resort, bar. cafe, cabin^ relerences. 733.7366. ano carpeted, Carage, t B eth W ic k h o m 7 3 3 -5 4 7 6 SELIING LIKE HOT Higb'woy 30 West ol Town 9 10 acre. Cah Eumc ■ Cooper, L & N R e a l 733 7446" CAKES! n 3 room house, owner, 733 4960. Or Lan______E d n a Irish . . . 7 3 3 -0 8 8 2 7 3 3 -6 1 4 1 SMALL Clean moder Idaho, Realtors, 733 0716. Across E s t a t e Co. Come vfr Why r,i or. 2 adults C. Looney Realtor Vocation Property prelerred, no pets. *50 month, 733- 324 4800 Jerome, i . SB !nue West, OWNER Spado lour (208) 733-4081 I/HARRISON SWISS VILLA ...... ■ beauiilui Sawtooth Valley, olfers NOTICE! Roomti—Board ar>d Room 76 Nonncasi locailon. Good duple> K REALTY Homes For Sole choice building lots, low sown apartment location. Weekends oi payment, reasonable lerm s. For poor weather conditions SLEEPlNGor house keep alter 6 00 733 03U 733.2322 inlormationon lots or our selection H a k o r's lor rent. Reasonable. ■ Open House this past Avenue South. ni line mountain cabins, call Swiss we will carry through Doroihy Kolof 733 6 73J0716, or Gene Hopkins .MOBII. 543 4645. M txceiienl sleeping ' home with 7 baths, extra large Klichtn and clitch waler. Call Other Real Estate 60 r r OPEN HOUSE Virgil 4234137 Mountain Slates EXTRA LARGE 3 bedroom 2 story Really, 733 S974 home in Kimberly. 2 baths, large "ML S" JTAH Large level lots, vyraier. fhrough ctrpoieo living room, carpulcd, LIGHT housekeeping rooms. power *695, Easy forms. Hunting, Camera Copter Hotel, JuF WANT A GARDEN? Haven look al dinmg room, uliiiiy room, part' iishing paradl)e. Froo pictures, Ihis clean 3 bedrqom hoitie, double basi-monl, house is In excellin'iT' APRIL 26lh Shoshone Sirbet South. fltirnev' Bgoily maps Write Utah Ariiona Land 101 ditch watuf, low la.es Cnii condition Only *17,700 Co., Uo> 486, Kingman, Arl{. 1969, 12x60 TAMARACK. *800 down. fBldlmnn Beoiion . Resume, payments. US-95 mon­ Virgil JJ3 4137, Mountnif\ 5li*K.-s Dean FcnslermflKor’s Busines*-Ofnc« Rontol* BO Realty Gem Stole fieoiiy thly. Balance *4,700. 733 9110 after 5:00i Globe ))eiiion Roallr Kim berly. MulI> cariivl, lull TAYLOR AGENCY THE WIND MAY B low linivhed basement, double gnragu. llomisM Reully Slinw Recilly 8k2J- kinsk ill travel iraiter, Call VIrgll 4?3 Mountain Huroid'i Agency !-.ir,.f„li, ficoll, Single nxie-, *995. 1?64 Chevrolet 5.- THE SNOW MAYFAU. Mfl1e^ Really 713 5974 Kiinke Ayxncy l.iyloi Aynncy Ion custom, V8, 4.|peea, power SPRING IS HERE FOR SURF loiul OlllcenI Idiilxi „A|i,.ii>i,<.IMr.. sieerlng, good tires, *1075, tsw West, 300 Soulh, Paul, OB SM6. Come on ovacio LUASK. or part ,105 HY OWNER Nearly new lour irrm cIglu.eloKinly vei Trailer Motor Homi M Ml.'i inn.ilirrs SERVICE DIRECTORY • 6 0 0 0 USED INDUSTRIAL 2 IlfClllBCM, d Weil liulll. , EQUIPMENT Dolow you will find m ru bs SAVE SAVE SAVE ; _0_e^m Spraying Service, 733.4706 CHIROPRACTOR COM^BHCIAU Termite and Pest l l o i n o ------iPAINTINO Corjfrol. Hree inspection with no 41V Ai>WK«l , , 7:li EVERGREEN DRIVE qbiloaiion. Oucawrh guaranleed. SIMPSON’S TmT) JOHN DCUHU 5010 'Dean Mays, Palnlino- Decorating 1041 UluK, Lattes Norlti. 714 2425, Moblls Homai pnma 731 4741. I (Interior - exteriort. U )l Liiidy Aporlm«nla— Ft CASU Wi loader, *4,2H. FIRST OFFERING Lane. 7h>4760. Hlghw oy}4 Rupid, Iduho ■ NCYCLOPBDIA HOUGH 4 wtieel drive TBRMITB & PBIT CONTROL Wheie eveiyJay lew iiritas pievall CLRAN, carppted, nnp nedroom loaner. t 7,)00, ' WORLD tlook Cdcyciopedln and SBPTIC TANK IBHVICG aparlittBiti, |it T O P A R E A water and kanit< Hon lurnikhed! ('Uil line ol new John Deere Cttiid Craft. AlltiA Whitehead, P,0, | HOTO ROOTER lew er service. TRRMITB control lerviee, 7)4 742$. iiulustriai nquipment, 3 Bedroom Brick |)0K »17S, Twin P_fliii. ^ ' Sewer lines and MPtic fanh Vacalloi) Ptwno 7118iJtl cieanlhu. Alio all types ol ex. Trailer . . . llulll ill ELLIOTT'S ' BVBHORRBN IRRVICB' cnvalion. John A‘. tUken. 731.2541, TRBB IBHVICB idalio lor Idaho clii ite, Idaho CLUAN, well I roAits, Idaho People. linlroum. Meat til Overland Ave,, Iturley, Idaho TOWN & COUNTRY Tree Service liirnishnd. Nil )unu |> Phone «7e 55ai SRMTIC TANK-Sewer line cleaning. Chlldini or pets. ij,4(r}t. Trlinmlnu, Topping, Heingving ttobtiouston. Pree Bstltnaled — Insured Sales Kepresenlalive OFFICE BblLDING LAWN CARB 711 60at «7a.}}57, Uurley Home Phone l fO ' tHWIN Large, Small, We Do Ttiem AM. 7114 l.vt mo (10wor rake anil ivrtllKu your Chain Saws, New & Used. U ljk, 1,UWW II)munre Ingt plus Inwn t'iiono 7J3 6671 _ ’ tinperl sowinu ninchliio repair fc HAKKUS COMHINATION tiedroom, living Heavy Equlpmopt 92 U«»..ntrnl, navod parking Ir<»i snies. Coniitifcrciai & doniestic. room and kilchonollo. Utiiilin and [lean AcldisonJZ Avettiie l1i,VOO1 :o^Vl.BTe lawn reluveoatlon, hcikiors sharpnnoii. Vii's Sewing turnistied, «0, Close ' power raKlnu. syslemic terllliier. Macliitio Service, 5'7I 4lh Avenue MOBILE •, AUCTION,MAY21 OA'iMY M NUYMAKI:K I Shrub and tree root feeding. Oem t^ast. Phone Twin halls. VALLHY TRBB SBRVlCB, Serving 0 I VI IPS I A I .I„ S I Spraying Service, 711-4204. HOMES SODA SPRINGS, •0 acres, near nsw inilK iiarior, all ol Magic' Vall*y. Prta gooil ------SICK ROOM BQUIPMBNT BitlmalM, DoK ti. T,P, 73I.lHt. VBHY nice allractive aparlitteni. ID A H O iKiluiny lank, H n ill) iiiut liiH, IMAINTINAWCB I. HIP A IW I ___ Inquire at U4l Maple Avenue, })0 inciwOwl lloipitai bods, wt\eil chalrt. com ­ VACUUM CLIAN IRB hoine lerins. 7I1-J663 I KOOPSrepaired, rtnewed. Masonry modes, crutches, etc. Rant or la li. XONSTRUCTION OesiueHanev, I coating*, m^tal coatines, Ceriienl. Crowley Pharmacy, 711-f7M, AUTHORIZBD Mobil* Horn** 64 Mobil* Hom*i iandOPEN.PIT OWNUHANKiOUS 7]]-46&9lv.niny» I AiMiait, repaired sealed. 711 M il, ...... ____ar, Pilt«K and . J iiatii, } hn 7110S7B , W M C B L ctiairs, exerclilng equip, Kirby vacuum citfniri. Wa ^ M IN IN G Ml.th»n»,laniiiy room, titan at a pir .m eni, crutcties, walheri tor rent 6r swvlca and rtp ilr al m akei, A sale, KlngitHjry’s Pharmacv, lw p6yllitie) U S t TIMES N eW S WANT ADS » l|liu e L « li» i North 73]>]|}] Auclloneeri ipru<»M#cti«m, Meaiior coir you. II llio ^slephnne ol any ,odyortispr In fItU Ml So. Hotierfton Blvd, Bleir Otl«rliqul,.Mi«iior 71] U\l DIRECTORY Is nof aniworeci, diol 733-23B6. T*lo- i H & W TRAILER SALES UeveriyHMli, Calif.tOtll X I ' mm. > Phone (111) MS 9M0 Art Ireland, Raaiior Hi 7340 tlaielOilraiKler . 713 ll]0 plionp An'iworlng Servlco In Twin Folli, Day or Nlgfif. aS9 Overland 678.9611, BuiUy, Idaho werren (triugi, Heailor 7]]«lf4 OorilonCrockell 7114)11

[ ■ Farmt For Rent Sunday, April 26. 1970 POR LEASE. J500c.lHU-r.vic|,nonf AppUonw A HH Eq»ip..iaO-j furniture & HH Gopdt 122 iRijdio and TV Sets Haifcy. 700 acrpj ol irrcofltco hay , CALVES BULdVA AM FM radiO, made by .and the balancc IS r.viao tano For Gooci Tilings To Eat .furlhcr write bo» 40- 9'*»» calves, all kinoj. BuIovb Watch Co. 39.95~N(»w ^33 : MitceHaneout For Salt 140 ; 'J W cjl,’.i Soulhol Kimberly 423 »14.50- PgN N Y W ISe ORUO ii?4or42rM0° R a. n cTttie._ OeLUXE WESTINGHOUSE 30" i 19N MODEL A p'.tkup divai5i^^7 FOR RENT. Summer pastur. R EG ISTER ED H crclo iu Dulls. bind I9M 1»' T,impw ir.Vtpr rangew lm ploo In grille. Like new. com olc'Pl y r p anfl r.ilwn< nr ?fin^ yji,^r| -^E . dw c. EoKm & soni* 324S448, $75.00. O. E. dryer works fine I Phonp 541 5093 Facflicid area. /Molticy Renliy & Jerome. »4S.0O. Terms. Claude Browns, ‘ i JWcc I Foro^ 2 ton Insurarfcc. 9J4 J70tor Kon Matoni’ IWO i ; PHILCO 19" TV's, good condition,. 1-vcr.ings, 934 5010, Gooam g. moiei changing lo Color, J50 each. I Phone 431 50 57 iitraneavy AQHA CHAMPION Snipper Roed ' Phone 733 BJ61. 1 2 Other Rentals 86 breeding sells, Maggard R«nch Fertilizer and 5iea‘.'" 135 hor\poowi'r ' I TOP QUALITY lighi weight calves r near dispersal. Cd'dwell, loaho, All kinds I 'j Wcsl 01 Buhl on\ SPOT cash for used lurnllure, ap ' ...... ,..-1549 O f i i j l c FREE MOUSE n-n1 in Wi'iidoll ,ir.-a Highw.ly 30. 54J 4766. May 9. C flialogs; P a riie r — pllances, Oaby things, coal stoves, a P0\.11Q0S.' tro,- Jono'.. J2 lor clOi'i-iv coupio m return for L an c aster, Rl. 3, Bo* J:73, antique*. Hayes Furniture. l.ikmo c.^ro of two V.ircft SJ6 2076 Auburn, Calif, 916 885 3945. FOR SA LE; Holstein steers, USED furniture and used I UPHOLSTERnowand SAVE. Free weighing 400 Ibs. Call Gooding 934 F 0» refrigerators, appliances and I eMlmatcs.oickup and oeiiverv. up i 5310 TV's. CAMERA CENTER, Hall of ] lb 100 miles, includes SUN VAU I VALNUT contp f^ u o ro rv -,tyle Shrubbery, Plants. Bulbs 136 W anted To Rent Music. LEY and HAILEY Written 5 year ; guarantee. Tack & inam m er, youc Slereo radio cornljin,>lion fi,gul,>r REGISTERED Angus bulls I' you JlS 9 lo r tll9 E a s y ttr m s Cl.iudc WANTED lAO bcdn ONLY uniQue custom shop. CAl l | mixed GiiKJiO w.ini Ihe bio m odern Ivpo, call 423 ' STEtjrta^irlPr hor 14 CUBIC loot aulomallc defrost Browns S55S ' relrigeralor. Like New. Sec 275 COLLECT 67B 5354 ! North Locust. /31 6188 Musical Lnstrumenis 134 Ir.iinoo lor wi'Sltrn pleasure and GUADIOLUS L Farm implements ri-mmo Has some halter points NEWRCAovcnuni!,t75.costJ164 S and som e working pomts. Phone monin water soMner. cost S325 iRePOSSesseO Hammond console' “ YANKEE MOLYNEUX Macnm 423 5564. ador < 00 p m. anytim e itOO. Table TV, J25. 324 5623. organ. Our ilrst ini4 years. Big up heilers, for sale t, 1 savings- MASONER AAUSIC. Twin T ra c G uernsev Springer C41IS. 713.8409. Phone 7 Heilers. I now have two Hnance -RIGIOAIRE automatic washer, A n tiq u e s excellent condition, guaranteed, - TRADER" companies to sell cows through 1 100 WATT Bogen P. A. o r stereo POTATO seed Culter. 1968 Lock n ifnance (rom 2 to 5 years. See S88 at Cain'S 7J3 7111. RED Barn P. miles North for fui am plilier. Like new, Clause Washington Buy «( bto^et, pow«r reor windoo Stop. Sj 3 6766 , 543 43iB. low'Prices. Denver Fine. 326-4631. Filer. KiRBV vacuum with iiitacnments, OVER 66.000 hom em akers car^'t bo GEM EQUIPMENT,S»le» 1964 BUICK Skylark. . . . ‘ 1 1 9 5 SSO, Motorola 19" portable TV with wrong. They clean carpet without 733.7272 . ^ lerioT ‘’'■''*'’9*' ' ' 0''0'"-agon outom >n. oil vir-yl in- stand, S7S, Leblance ciarinei, SSO, water and use rooms insianily. Ludwig snare drum . S75. 2 Barbie Rent our HOST m achine. SI dream houses, SS, easy tsake oven. Wilson Bales. 702 Main Norm. FRONTIER RIDING CLUB'S 1964 FORD 4 Door . . . . . ‘ 9 9 5 S4. 16" Pennsylvania lawn mower. USED FARM Annual Horse and tack sale. May Sta’ionwogon. v.fl engmp oulomoliC 'rein POODLE PARLOR ' iicenrg, ne- SIO; boy’s AMC Sting ray bike. SSO. EQUIPMENT 3. 1?:00, F ro n tie r Field. For 733-1558. WANT TO STOP SMOKING? LEO Professional Grooming Consignments. 733-7267, 733-71M. Any Breed ol Dog -733-1195 wo AC (wide trootl YOU CAN Q UIT' 5 Day Cl.n.c 1 9 6 2 P L Y M O U T H . . . . . * 2 9 5 WESTINGHOUSE washer and Y M.C.A. V.V^.C.A., 8:00 p.m., 8N FORD TWO MALE, two tem aie, small dryer, heavy duty, very nice, 7 May 3 7, Can tor your iroe ticket 5 99 OLIVER (diesel) partly Tcrrior. S5. 733 7793. 369 years old, SlOO Phone 733 6141 T33 4384 or 734 2743 1020 JOHN DEERE Igns) anytime e»cepi Saturday. RICE 550 OLIVER foasl Addison Avenue, anyiirhe. PUREBRED Arabian stallion, 3 HOOVER spin dry w asher, like new, 1600 OLIVER Igas) PUREBRED German Shepherd, years, line bred rallies, rose gray. female, trained, 10 m onths. apartment siie. Sells lor S169.9S, 1400 OLIVER (diesel) with Slock horse, lumping 4'. S1750, Will will lake 485. 733 000J. duals and cab vYoitriing coll, halter broke. 678 MOTOR trade ana aeliver. 406 745-7944 i213, Burley. YOUREE MOTOR CO. 1-Oiiver 3-tx)liom plow 351 Main Avenue East PLATE glass m irro r, 36 x 48", $75. 200 AMP Monarl QC welder, 3 phase l-Oliver J bottom plow , 7 3 3 -2 9 5 4 Used swing set, S20. 1969 9'] moio' on wiK'els, top condition. 1—Ford J bottom p'ow HORSE BREAKING and training Livestock W anted lor lumping, trail, pleasure, poles. Ben Eldredge Dale Sorenson horsepower Johnson moior.S3l». IS CO. l~ F ord Demo 3.boitom plow hours. Can 734 3132 alter 5.30 p.m. Your *' barrels, and tor kids pleasure. S80 Jack Cox VALLEY FORD monthly, including leedpen. If IDAHOHIDE&TALLOW CHEVROLET-PONTTAC ' , Inlerdsttd call or wrIle Appaloosa •JEAD ANIMAL ' Aulos For Sale & IM PLEM EN T Acres. Twin Falls, 733-2307. Phone coned 7: -OLDSMOBUE-BUICK 733 0017 D e o le r J Autos For Sale . 200 I Aulos For Sale NOT SO| G RAND

- D 17 scries IV AC extra o with duals THirWEEK'S -M -F 350 wim multi power GLEN JENKINS -WDAC -FO R D 600 - D 19 AC diesel SPECIAL - 9 N FORD fcheflpi ' R Moline THE COMPLETION OF OUR NEW BUILDING IS POSTPONED.1970 cars wo ordered lor our gond openino oro com­ COMBINES ing NOWI We don't have room , . . Help us out and save yourself S$$, Hero-are 8 examples ol 75 models '68 Ford. . . * 1 3 9 5 4.l.,o- V8 o^.omnlic oo~cr -E Gionncr li spMinl in stock selling out at drostic discounts. -A GlonriT i-e.ii,iiy foUio ^M A S S t-y Month-End ALSO '68 Chevy. .*1 5 9 5 " AC Hrflvy duly U CLEARANCE '67 Corvair.*1095 ,i\l()l,V!Ni:i \ — V hill VH ciulnmuli< loads or m ore. 678 8129. 7 door I)cirdt0 |), oxcollont condition, V-B engine, dutomolic tfninini'sinn. rudio, heultir, plus iituny oilier fine features, 1970 BUICK CUfTOM LI lA B R I 1970 BUICK fKYLAttN Hnidtnp ladnn. Oull >lriom lilu* wllti o tildck vinyl ion. '68 Chevy.. *2 0 9 5 Sptiny mill giodi willi light lop. oulomoUc I lull Indury oil, lill «Ii«»I, I'k U ,, I, tu... h ...... 4 OAIHY oellelk. M ton hulk. S40 Ion 9 2 0 0 5 mliMon, (lowir ilt*rlng^V0 anuln*, cnmpldi dtcor giuup squippotl sacked. Cloue Seud and l-eed, 1 9 6 9 N O V A ...... Twin Falls, ■VR onulnii, outnmrilic Irnnsmission, power iteeiing, low SlUh«> 13761.06 .* 3 2 9 9 DtMO .* 8 3 5 m llnngo. '68 EICamino*2395 VH. 4 i|i«nil '(iilii) noil block vliiyl lop, 4S) VB snglnf. 1970 PONflAC CATALINA P,lku|. 51! PD I'DTATO MftbLlNO Coh 4 door t«diin. Auloin, il>fttt>i la'll. Detuils ' ' ...... Killr wlittlt, TiKlniy oil, conioli 4440.77 DItcounled I * 3 7 2 6 slock. Raised on brush ground. Will llnance. 374 4113. 1999 CHEVROLET ...... *295 L E O R I C E Animdt Breeding - j- 100 4 door, V O 'englno, aulomotic Irnntmliilon, radio,.heqter, outomottc lron»mis»kn, V-B angtne, power steering. AirTlFlCIAL"urie*ruKitt lltxtuKitt billtd hill,lliii, tommalilaltommaii liiKli, ttOIi Jerom e, lH I M i " lull undtKOQling, GOODING i>L... is;v" r ...... * 1 1 8 4 ttat«lton, 129 })02, FadOfY retell I9>77.39 • 9 3 4 * 4 4 3 8 GLEN JENKINS OtNeunfd te SAV.*IOOO CHEVROLET A little out ol Iho woy look lor Iho Car lot Plreclly Under Oreen 3 waycailie but Q lol Isis to pay llirm ' 11:00AM. The Cactui Pete's 3lgn, West Five Polotr *K'|ili Rarn — Mactiay, Idaho 9 34 -4438 • Woody TutUy • DonWhaUy BONANZA MOTORS! me Oooding, Idoho t Leonhard Fiicher • Larry Sackotl MH HBAQ HOOtl voung cows ami -cBlvtSi Will sell load Inis, rtione PHONE 734-2450 ' Ulko, Nfvaila, 71St40t. 678-9486 136 Overland Burley, Idaho 34 Times Ncws,^ Twin F.ills. Idoho Sunday, April 26, 1970

P ut A Jingle To Y our P hone . . . Place A W ant A d For The Q uickest R esul s Ever

RAftfc Fa# Cnlft 1 AO M iscellan eo u s For S a U ------1 4 0 - T . L • 1 OA ^ T. ,, 1 . ' • 'tl' Truck* 19T OX 6 ; TrucI;} 1961 Autos For Sal« 200 LET'S GO OOATin C. Scc Ifie new POLCS. REELS. Iisnmo tacKle. 60DGE. -1967 pickup ’ ■ 'n 3 v w l”” DODGE V 0, 4spi-ed trao KEEP YOURSELF and cargo dry. . ■FORD. 1949 pickup slH‘1II camper. 360 LEE PONTIAC FORD, 1965 G#la»le 500' W V». USM mpcfini'ics 'OOli. v.-irmifM 1V70 model boats and motors a k .pul a new LoBella cover on your engine, t spijcd. IcsS than 6,000 i . J . ^ M E ------1__poum______m m JL AAADV TlMlhJ AA&DlhiA GMC TRUCKS —In Jerome Vour Evinrode and Mcrcurv ■ j>/30r-«m-Avpnur-tiijtlii.-nftpr ^ I uiiholil'-ry VJOU .i«tf —picHup-BahprTMODiKTHOnveSTITr —miTer-T7TO0— 35r b.iit MBjn, 1 iiecfing, very -cicfln^ H095. S3* componpms, K tU 'i TRADING Addiion W « t, 733 3D58, Wondcll. alter 5 00 i H055LEE FOHD.trc. J679, Wendell, after 5 p.m. POST aealw. U63 Blue LJk« North, 733 ' V. . - - - i ------^------^ .. .r ____ - .. ...n ^.nnnr nl a lrnf> Autoi For Sale 2 0 0 i A u to t For Solo 200 i AUlo* For Sale 200 Aulos.Fer Sale 2001 Autos For Sale meaire tickot

Motorcycles lao DR I DG ESTO NE m o lo rc y c le i, p. horsp trflilcrs. McCulloch cnain sflwi. -S^lcs and j Autonio'itff Mnchino. Srrvicc. We service all 2 arxJ 4 J4' Aaoison Awonuo Wpsi, 733 S0?0 cycle molori. Cvdc and Trailer Center. Highway 30. 7' 4 miles west DtSC BRAKE PROBLEMS?' We 01 hospital nl Jerrv's Cun Shop. ndvc.t now disc arum iflifio Br.ikc 733 5567 4. Potrolourv Products inc , Twin E .O .M . SELL-OUT F.1IIS. 73J 3_07B______• SALE OR RENT Lincoln wo/ders, JOO .imp DC Burr'S Cuslommflde Cflmot-r lacKs. 73J W50. at your 4-WHEEL DRIVE HEADQUARTERS

305 HONDA Scr; Miscellaneous Wanted 141

SAcfRinCEl wta Pt-dcrsen's BOcc, H35 miles. 0000 condition. $730 or ■ best oiler, 733 0(66 ORIDGESTONE 100 TMX 7 trail cycle lOOcc, 11 horsepower rotary SAVE WILL Ouv direct or Auction vour . v.iive. HoQui.ir W40. Limited time furniiurc fippllBncesodos & end*. ' only, ua9. Buy, setl, trade, repair U P T O SnaWe River Auction. 733 77S4. ,

200 ' Autos For Sole JEEP GLADIATOR Nice guy . . . tough guy! The 4-wheel drive Jeep Gladiator DODGE CITY truck«is both! It will do the hardest farm chore you have and be ready to haul your camper into the mountains after work. W ith 4- wheel drive there's never a chance to get stuck. _ „ iuircllop VB < SAVE 0-,-nnu. 7CKI0 m,lc, F„'c to>y wQtinnty ctmg t(i

1965 CHRYSLER . $J3B5 * 1 , 0 0 0 1 9 6 7 M E R C U R Y . S 1 4 9 5

1965 CHEVROLET S1225 Y ou'irnever /.

d o b e t t e r ! 1965 CHEVROLET $1285 1964 DODGE ...$ 8 9 5 Gladiator pick-u

never- , ______S i - J ■ 1968 MERCURY 1963 CHEVROLET . $595 'JEEPSTER' 'i-J* 1966MERCURJ^^ Lowest Price COMMANPO 1965 PLYMOUTH $995 SELL-OUT ENDS

1966 OlcUmobllo $2090 EVER! U S E O U R APRIL 30th E A S Y - P A Y 1968 PLYMOUTH $2280 1966 MUSTANG $1745 PLAN!

» 9 6 4 F O R D ...... $ 5 9 5 EVERY USED GAR IN STOCK ON SALE ALSO! 1967 Pontiac I9 6 0 Falcon 1963 Cadlllcic '67 Mustang 1964 Mercury 1967 Opel l.nruti.r -Idod. iRiI.i,, VII KM V il/xii Iki..Ii,>,i VOenuHu t.iilio. fnmol Cnllen't 2 iliini licitdiuet i«itt. U>iin. itKig xliU , wiile nvoli mi MliitewDll tilll

196^ PLYMOUTH . $795 ^1967 d 600^E^, . , $ 1 ^ 5 ;2 8 s * 1 2 8 8 • 1 1 8 8 ...... ^ 2 1 8 8 • 1 1 8 8 • 1 0 8 8 1963 Ford 1968 Volks 1967Yoyota '64 Chivrolel '6S Plymouth 196Slnf. 4 .li>ni tnil.ih 4cl.i.i, VII oiKiiiie ..mIi.i luiy III 4 ilniii hiiicltii|> Hiuhu. ^S(».it &POII Modici kliiniliiiil VII null! iKiMi . |iii,.ni liii|)o chiiiu*'. PICKUPS Hiimiay wincli,

I9 6 :» C M C •4 8 8 ■ • 1 0 8 8 • 1 1 8 8 ...... •I'iS B . •1 6 8 8 1964 DODGE 1/2 lot. Iimu •till* lioa, t, irhrulfli. 1959 Rambler 1967 Rambler 1964 Pontiac 1968 Javelin 1968 Chev. 1962 Chevy II /•li'IK hNt.lKl|> .1V(1 VII Miitiiiiiwogaii A<)r iiulei eii 1967 OMC 1/2 Ton , Nik ii 4 iluoi xiJnn A cylnuloi 1 (I’ **'Cltovfoioi 1 /2 (o„ , 'Vumi.MlI r,lirj« r'' >li>i>ilii||. Uiiiknt. VII .iM inilm. Iiiiitoi, 4 ■ •iiijiiiei, iiiilomcitit* Itiirtniminn gins, iiiitoniittli l>n»«inlition ii.ly«, liirtio Oofiriiiu w>>llnwii)1 lifnt iimImi miiu whealt iiiilia, heiiltt. wliltawcill litii

f960 lolnrrtn>lo(tcil I Ton *1 8 8 * 1 4 8 8 .....» i " i i 8 • 1 9 8 8 • 1 6 8 8 • 4 8 8 1967 DATSUN PICKUP 4 KiinimlttHiM.

TRUCKS 16 u tiiil 2 (irid 3 ton trucks. podQfls— Fordi—ChevY * OMC-»lnternaHona| — ,V 8 a n d 6>eyllnd«ri, 4 and 5 i))ead ItuitiniUsion, 2>spaod okIos, tone lag aicloi, now b*d» 16’ and 18' stock and grain beds.

BOB REESE’S 500 Block 2nd Avenue Soulh 236 Shoshone Sfroof W««» • Knnny Mfloo • Joe Bultor • W inn rillt Truck Lane W , 7 3 3 -7 3 6 5 Sunday, April 26, 1970 Times News, Twln'Falls,ldaho 35 How About A New Car For Spring . . See Today's Want Ads For The Buy You'll Like 200 Auloi Fcr Sale 200 Au»o» For Sale 200 Aulo* For Sale Aulei For Sole Aulol For Sol. JOO AOIoi For 5al« vy^ATJON <963'^Chrv»l^.> PACKARD. 19«. Alrlns painj .EU tM 0UIH ,-jaii4:urv,Jll,-»»i-«f-;-l»» MODE!— T-_F.0RD_2- touring 1963 <;rouT lull cao 4 when dnv«. xT7vcfilhle'IIp-^nS PONTJACS Eveningj or wccktnds.'*Vjj jH * ! ^ best offer- SI? South Fillmore, I ,bodl«. Extra parts. *500- Call LOCK ou l hubs. B clly Pla.c, 442 Jero m e . 334-4540. «>ter 5:00 837-4705. CHEVR^L^TS, OLOSMOBlLis PONTIAC, IW GTO sport coupe-4-! CHEVR0U6T, ]944, VB, pow«r NO GIMMICKS, APRIL ATTENtlONI Retail Salesmen Money makmg opponunltles as JUST SAVINGS retail automooiie salesmen with 19i8 OLOSMOBILE 442. Automatic. ' power steering, mag wheels. 1 CHRY5LERS THEISEN'S TAKE over psvmeni 196ft Leman's E x tre m e ly sha rp. 43« «75). R u p e rt- LET THE PLYMOUTHS convertible, bucket seats, 4-speed Positions oticr: Income potenilai transmission, glass belted tires, 1951 F O R O , go o d m e c h a n ic a l 1 DODGES po w e r w in d o w s ,. u s M yea r, condition. Radio, just safety in- ; in five figures, excellent fringe 3 0 WANT AOS 1 spected. UO- J ^ o m e , 324-4743. i Ocnrtifs, demonsfrafors, steady SPRINGTIME company furnlstilng new car, cmploymeni, -dealership and l^rect Focfory Dealer reason fo r s e llin g - P h o re d a ys 324- factory sales iraining. ' 4441 a lte r S:30. 324 5338. For complete lniormation,,ta!»:'R. ^Harbaugh Motors IMPALA W62 4 door tiardtop, full I W, Reese. Bob Reese /V^oior power, good' condition, real good John Chris Motors Sell.A.Thoii 327 engine. 4 nearly new tires, : C om pany, 733 5776. GOODING WORKMAN chrome rims, See at 230 Phone 934 4112 , Lcnore St., after S p.m. b r o t h e r s Ponlioc-CocJillac ' CMC :i:b O O D B U Y - 1954 M e rc u ry M on Ruperi. Idoho, 436-3476 ' terey,. new engine, automatic transpilssion, 4.ooor rraraiok Good condition- ttOO. C a ll 734-2«04, -S200. Phone 733 8858. 357, evenlngs- Ostrander North. W E W ILL PAY Spring-Time Is Pickup UP TO Time A t . . . YOUREE MOTOR CO. « 1 , 1 0 0 ‘ o 1968 Chevrolet 3/4 ton .... * 2 3 9 5 Fleetside pickup, big 6 motor, 4 speed transmission, ra­ dio, nev/ tires. , FOR YOUR CAR 1968 Chevrolet to n ...... *2195 Over and above w hat it's actual cdsh values is. W e at Joh n Chris Long wheel bose Fleetside pickup, V-8 engine, standard— M otors find ourselves com pletely out of 64 t h r u 68 models and i n transmission, custom cob, radio. orderto stock our used car lot v/lth these models, we are prepar­ 1967 Ford Ranger____ ...* 2 2 9 5 ed to make allowances never before heard of. So take advan­ Pickup. 3S1 V-8 engine, standard tronsmission. factory mode slide in comper. tage of this offer now. W e have close to 100 new units available 1966 Chevrolet ton...... * 1 4 9 5 and w ill go to no end to trade for your car now. Long wheel base. Fleetside pickup, V-8 motor, 4 speed trans­ mission, radio, hitch. 1965ChevroletV ton...... *1250 Long wheel bose Fleetside2 pickup, 6 cylinder, standard 3 5 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY transmission, radio, and hitch. 1963-Volks»iagenPickup^777r*595~ WE ARE DESMRATE! 4 speed transmission, radio. YOUREE MOTOR CO. John Chris Motors 351 Main Avenue East 733-2954 Ben Eldredge Dale Sorenson Jack Cox 601 Main Avenue East 733-1823


4 0 U s e d C a r s M u s t G o ! ALL CARS PRICED TO MOVE ...

1969 Oldsmobile 1969 Oldsmobile 1969 Cougar XR7 1969 Oldsmobile Cullui. } duoi linrdlop Aul^mu 1968 Oldsmobile Buckal tiall, 4-tptid tton»mir f65 3-dooi eowp*. 4 ip million, low (nilfogt. rudio W oiS3l9S Wa» $2995

* 2 9 6 0 . o m * 2 7 7 0 . om* 2 5 7 0 * 2 5 8 7 * 3 3 9 4

1 9 6 8 B u ic k 1968 Oldsmobile 1 9 6 8 D e lta 1 9 6 8 B u ic k 1 9 6 8 B u ic k DtlmonI 3'door liaidlop. All pow- u Immniuliil* iioida iiiul I" 2 (loo( hatdlop. All Ml I.,II, ..,i..,M»il tr, lull/ equipptd, foclor l.illy ei|uipp*d, loclofy * 3 3 7 0 * 3 1 8 0 * 2 1 6 0 * 2 2 6 0 * 2 1 5 0

1967 Oldsmobile 1967 Plymouth 1967 Pontiac 1 9 6 7 F ord 1967 Oldsmobile Culliit Su|it«iii( 3 docii I...... Siiiiiori Wnuo'i Aulomuhc liani' iliiKi 2 (liiot iKiidlop, 4 In*f(l •1IIIIIUII. power ilioing, puw*r 2'dooi liutdlop. ,lully 98 4'dooi t«dnn. All |iow(i, AulOin

1966 Chevrolet 1966 oldsmobile 1966 Oldsmobile Ccipilct J'duot liuidlup. tutuiiudo. loiul uni ov/ni( (iii tiotl. oulomiillc Iriinimiiiion wtih (ill powtr, (ull)i tquipfitd, fbcliii)' toinoli, (inwti ilMtliii), btoVtt. W o»$l79J * 1 3 4 0 COM * 1 4 4 0 1 * 1 8 6 0

WATCH 1 9 6 5 F ord ABBIE URIOUEN'S 1965 Pontiac Oulusll 300 3dgot lillidlup O.qild ftl., All powir, (ull^ M.nd«v n Igh) « l Ih . M .v lti •<|ulfipul. (uclui^ Dir, Automulk Iruntniltilon, powar . ilflfftno, pow§t brnliti. •■(tu Wat $1499 ‘ cUun/ "Dachlon Wat $1396 Bafor* Dawn" with RstMfl Mitrlli THEISEN * 1 5 8 0 . o m * 1 1 9 0 .CM * 1 0 8 8 .andRlthaiilB«Mliait ChanntI U - 10i30

MOTORS OLDft— BUICK ^O P I ABBIE URIGUEN Magic Volley'i Flnoit^ldoho'i lorgeit - T /ia Place In Tho W orld To Buy A Car Oldi — Buick"■ — Opel “ 'IDoplor C .. 701 M ah Ave. Eait 733-7700 712 M ain Ave. So. 7 3 3 - 8 7 2 1 T w i n F a l l s 36 Times-News, Twin FaMs, Idaho Sunday, April 26, 1970


■ n i^ R ’S CLEAN-UP Weelt got a Bead sU rt when Wo-Ka-TcTa ^roup and leader, M rs. WHUam Zink, cleaned GIrU from two of Filer's units cleanejd the rose bed OD Yakima g ra s s a n d le a v e s f ro m th e ro se b e d , a ls o c le a n e d alo n g th e s tr e e t, street. The Ki-Nuii-Ka group and leader, M rs. David Goodnlglit, _ ^tcrw ards the groups held a wiener roast at the fairgrounds. One junior who had a 4.0 H onor Roll average for high honors was Richfield-V Park Is - ■ • Patty Pasborg, and others on R R ic a rd , itp U O• r r if te d d l Joann Brannon, Laura Parish, Improved By Lions Lynn Giles, Debbie Houfburg,. RICHFIELD - Richfield '"Melvin Pope and Kale Ellis Cheryl Gluch, Richard Wylie L ions Q u b m e m b e rs c o n tin u e to ^ere in charge of the Lion’s In Elm ore and Kris Shrum. Two freshmen received high contribute much to the Club tree planting and clean up. GLENNS FERRY - The ------, beautification and -.upKeep of Pick ups for hauling were Glenns Ferry High School honorP.'!"' Richfield’s city park. Their donated by Lion’s Qub mem­ roll for the fifth six weeks "veragcs, W ey were Jo J AUeh clean up day saw most of the bers and other community showed the sophomore class Woiidy Webb, and others on clu^_members helping with residents. Youth from the 4-H leading luJiIgh honors. ■'oil were Karla Ruberry, ‘cleanup at the park as well as clubs and Boy Scout groups Five dais members have all P“m Heldenreich Sarah Mc- other parts of the city. assisted with the clean-up; As including Mike Siron, Kathy Cl'ory. Johnson, Steve Principal facilities at the park Continued planting of trees is Wicher, Barbie Wertz, Rebby Baker. _ „ „ . j have been projects of the Lions planned with a large number to M e sse rly , a n d K a re n T h o m p - T h ' )“ "'?■■ '" S b Qub, Two of these are the stone be planted at the Richfield son . three in- the seventh grade, fireplace which has seen 20 school grounds. Other sophomores making the Steven Anderson, Jan BeUiston, years of use and the modem honor roU were Paul Shrum, Lee G"a™tt and Nancy restroom s much appreciated by News Of Record Diana Sillonis, Debbie King, Wicher, eighth grade. the many trailer lourisG"lhat CASSIA CO U N T Y Dona Hooley, Julie Carnahan, (iensus Taking use the park each year. Im­ B u rle y P o lic e C o u rt Ellen Donahue, John Lawson.. proved trailer parking area is Pete guzman, 6S0 Miller Two seniors who maintained KIVEKTON, Who. lUPD— Mrs. Hank Williamson, chief of another feature added for this Ave.. Burley,. 10 days In city high honors, were Ginger the Riverton Census tal(ers. year’s enjoyment. jail, disturbing the peace; Seesee and Phyllis . Russell. said she was collecting Census A row of trees was planted on Andon Guzman, Burley, (35, Others on the roll were Dale forms at a nearby lake resort the east side of the park during intoxication and $40 destruction McCleary. Mike Shenk', Rocky when ii bobcat jumped off a clean up week. Several large of property; Eugene A. Trail, Chris Egusquiza, Anne perch and landed on her head. hazardous trees will be Guilland, Denison, Tex., 3 days Woollen, Tim Landis, Kathy Mrs. Williamson wasn't in­ removed soon. Types of trees In city Jail, vagrancy; Ruby Johnson, Bonnie Messerly, jured. 'Hie anim al's owner said planted Include Mountain Ash, Ortiz. 18. 290 W. 5th St.. Burley. , Kathy Bellegante, and Sandy . il was a ■•friendly and tam e" pine and Blue Spruce. $30, disturbing the peace. E ric k so n , IK't, w w ...... Start your “Second- Special Discount Prices Income” savings for MOTHER’S DAY So nice to come home to!

savings deposited by tKe 1 0 t h

e a r n f r o m t h e f i r s t . . .

IVL rv u o ti J o V i


at, sricoNi) sriuiiiT N oii'i if,'i w iN rAi.i.s. miui.iiY huancii, o viiri.a n d siio i'p ino B U G S BXTNNTY^ I j y Sto ffel & XIeiixi.da.lrl HERE'a A GOOD sp o t/ _.V '_•] Ci^MPXJS OX.A.TTSR "by X^rry I-ewis

'a spoet ironing ciothtt, I uto o dog'i eheko chain intteod of o .clothts rock for hanging each garment oi it it ironed. Hook on« ond of the choin on a noil, placed at the deitred height, and hook the hangers in tho links of tho choin. —MARYANNE

DEAR POLLY— No mere spilled eoffe* when pouring it from its original con into a canister. Cut a triangular hoi* 'in a plastic cover saved from bn emptied con, placo on the full can and pour through tho holt.—^ERT

DEAR POLLY-oTheri It no guetsing tn eur family a t to what tom* eno parson would like for o gift on any occatioa b e c o u s o w i oo c h havo a ^'W itb Fetd^.** W hen any of ut think of tomotliiiit w would liko to 1 iav« wa )ol it dowB M a p o p o r f . If pottibU, cut M t'M «d ar any bm I tond to him. Tho picturo of ttich an item end so t tfih hi mtn utt Ihi hoti at poiithing ciolhi. our own tpeciol folder. The telder* ar* — I. M . kept together in tho fomily room for ooiy referenco ond rovition. Gifts re­ ceived art utuolly what w« want.— KIM Braided DEAR POLLY-Do not dhcord boby't •ilvarwora just bocouit h« hat grown U m q macfilnt-woihoblt yarn to brold too iorgt to uio it. Whilo laviqg it for th ii bright rug in thr«t of jiour favorit* th e r>ext child, u i« th t tpoon, fork o r olort to add inltrtit to tht room. No. knifo for Mrving condimenti or oppc* 5432 hot full diroctioni. ' X GoodXeeVtns DEAR POLLY— Whan moklng curlolnl tiiort luch 01 raiiihtt, jelly, chtiio, A SLIMMING STYLI for iht holf-iiM ngur* Ihgt h, oIm. or drdparlti alweyt tMm up tito h«m •liftt, otc.—A MOMMY READER • tvw-tlmpk, . . ..TO ORPW.. width twlco to moko ■ doublo horn. Na. M77 «IH i PHOTO-GUtDE It in N«» Sim Th«v look bottor and hon^ bttttr ond f . H Vuit )M7. Sli« U ii. V btiit. 7M yartfi of 4VtfKh. ^ . you hovo loma txtro moNnal in c o m o f DEAR POLLY-1 find it a greot help to - AILY keep a toilet bowl bruih bv tho water foucet in the yord. It it oiwayi ready Dmi ralHtni mk4 Me m h

X»XHSCXXeX.A.’S P O P ' h y A .1 Verxneeir WIN'XHROI* l>y P iclic -C aivaJAir


O UT OXTR W AY |>sr^Pa.'u.l^Crx»iiis:lei

O X7R SOAZi]3ZN^G> ZZO X7SS b y Jim . Bra.na.g:a.xi. j H^S MV

5LIPPBD OUT , O F FO CU5 f ’ wu-Y !?.^v ' u \ f < v i r r i- PLTIIfJOli^. AT .SAME PMC. liXPAM SlOKJ,,,


'...IM ^ vt-lkl IJU.-tR:r S'U/NKlT. M l V 1^^F.‘i'l VU/XJLTAJT i t PJT ‘IHM-.S ^fO L)•r A*^ CCO‘.X. ■;n »-tM.’Ll. Pi , Ok.lt- nt;R \O U l ow. (;.f.* c V W II - M Y K o o r ■|Ct ^AV ^<,9UARe rooi- AS "£<70ARJ;- lO O l* O f- *»'.V.ACC; I Uj/sr^ Wt-x r -to K SOU'CL eutR . Qjeivi ^ C A I » ^

CA.PXA.ZMT KA.SV Issr Cjc*oo]cs 3 s Z-‘ ^' ANP------U5E,THE5ISNAL,0NCEI5AWISNAL.ONCEIg ...... AW ...... VEIf ...... W P BEEN'i My W-YEAR OLP PAUSHTEIT, V c t a V / /-/ C A t s 'r ^ r peOP-CHEWEP, 15 PIVIN<5...WHY NOT FETcA > = T A y C LEAR OF YoyR SNOKic^NP vJOiN / , TWAT FLAG H E i ? -

|\' ''r j j

1 * j |

H EX S I& M 5 : W ritten tjy McQ hnri bv^ FranK M ROLL' THE 3 . W tT H A BOBBY PIN •4. r\JWci-» ARouv G s S m P A P E R m o vvrRlNS A IZ-lN. HOLES A TUBE. POKE P iece OF NARROW AROUND 1>«= R\ b b o n -iM Roust-i T U B E WITH M A Y P O L E • Z H O LES A SJAIL. DOWN FROhA H O L E S A M D M A Y B A S K E T THE TOP AND neiT JN T O ABCW/. A C R O S S 1. C U T ^ P IE C E FRO^A EACH M A R K OFF O F CONSTROCTIOl^ O T H E P - A Ki-lN. STRIP p^ptER 4IN .X c m . - ON OME E£&e V ^ \T H N ^ AMD COVeR IT N fv lL . W IT H PASTE

CH/VNGE RUMTDTAR (MiSI IKIE H®inrMW»: . IN 7 N\OVES. SSK 1. OUICKSILVIIR 13 A ,.. \Z. EARLY ^A^S1 DID MOT 113 . COPPER IS USED FOR 4.TUNGSTEN IS USED c h m n Ig e ^o n e l e t t e r FORFIL/vM EHTS IM ^ A T ^ T l ^ A E . ■LIGHTS BECAUSE E lla. ftOLin WHICH MELTS I T C A N . . . clues: 'A T I ^ M t h m p EraTURE i MBV b e m a d e i n t o V E R y l l l ffld . BUILD FIRES HOT r FINE WIRE H , ENOUGH TO MELT IT rR StLVERl B h . SET HOTIER^ ------^ ■ IT IS THB B eS T .. THWvJANV*! \ fiilK HEW Y LIQUID. ( u j m f } \ KNCWM CONDIXTOR. OTHeR , B „ ' 1 , METAU ■ % , fti- J m OF ELECTRICITY . eE F B R E . y • Z T — t * M B L tIN C - ,

'JVP ------U.Vff‘o\T e 'vflR 'NnB ■Sfyq' ;SE: IHI, \AI ION S "(.ODl Vm i.K Dr. Spock —From Child Car( To Controversy

The Tun and Of a\'aeation Hom(‘

What Do You Really KnoNN Vhont tTbeT)!)® S( \:

‘ - V ?


...... I jtdcThem^iiJSdf ]

FOR JIMMY DVRANTE FOR MELViN LAIRD, some on fish, and some on birds or mam- -FOR ERIC SErAREID, CBS IV tra . I Se cre ta ry o f D rfente mal.t. Most can be fe d dead food items.- I In a recent iv commen- tvhen did you be. j W ftal are the Congret- The biggest snake in the Bronx Z o o is I tary, you emphasiaed come a star and under a 21-fQOt-long reticulated pyihon, which' I tional M edal of Honor the inlrirtsic v a l u e o f w h a C circum stanreg?^ is fed dead whole chickens and rabbits. '■ friendship a'nd r e il e r * Thom as W iley, Eaii S l KoMlyn, W ood Ridge, ated your friendship L o u i s , M o . FOR MARY BROOKS, \NJ. J for a controversial I Director of the Mint # Recipients of the Medal of Honor are - public figure. Do you have a person­ • There la never s “date” when a per. I is it true that the Trea- eligible for entry on the Medal of Honor al de^ition for friendship?— II. former becomes a star. I t. is a lifetime I aury is melting silver roll. They may elcct to'receive a special Aune, Dana, HI. of hard work, crperience, and Icirlc. I' c o i n s ? — R a l p h A n g e l - monthly pension of 1 1 0 0 , in a d d itio n to • 1 have none, lull surely it includes became a night-club “name,” howrvcr, in iUo, Edison, N.J. other pay and emoluments or pensions bearing in mind a friend’s total life and New York during the 20s. to which their service entitles them. _w orks,^otju 8l,onc incident—whclher a ■ While the s|>ecial pension is more than • The critical shortage of silver in (he mistake or not. FOR GUY LOMBARDO United States, which necessitated the nominal, it does not pretend to measure W hydidyou name your change to “clad” coinage, has also ne­ fully our dcht to these heroes. Addition* FOR TINA COLE of "Mj Three Sonf band **The Royal Ca- cessitated the .melting by the Treasury ally, the award distinctly enhances the Did you personally se- nadiajts?"— W illiam of silver dimes and quarters. These coins recipient's opportunities, whether or not *“ leet the three boys who Chrutie, Lowell, Man. he remains in the militory service. are withdrawn from circulation as they play your sons i n t h e flow back to the Federal Reserve Banks show? They are su­ and branches through normal circulation FOR i>R: P. WAYNE KING, p e r b . — i 4 n n H o o v e r , c h a n n e ls . # We got the name when we were RcUing Curator of Herpetology, . Huron, S.D. '" i B ro n x Zoo started in Cleveland many years ajio. One • Not by myself. The triplets, Cuy, of the men there suggested that since I I m it true that tnakea FOR VINCENT PRICE Garth, and Gunnar Swanson, were se­ Fred W aring and his Pennsylvanians and i n c a p t i v i t y m i u l b e j W hat are your favor? lected by Don Fedderson, executive pro­ A1 Lyman and bis Californians were do­ fed live rodents? W hat ites among the many ducer; Ed Hartman, jiroducer; Virginia ing all right, \^e might do well as Guy ■ ■ is the biggeu snake h o r r o r m o v i e s y o u h a v e M artindalef casting director; and me. Lombardo and^l^e Royal Canadian>. you have in captivity an4 what is it made?— R. D., Bir­ f e d ? — Mrs. G, R. Preston, Canton, mingham, Ala. O h i o I th ro o ch th is .n d w«’ll a rt latc. Scttd qaeslioB, preferably on ■ ' # Not all captive snakes are fed live • “The Fall of the House of Usher" . lo Atk Thfm Yoar.«lf. K.milr Weckir, 641 U«ln«toii A t.., Ncr« York. N.Y. rodents. Some snakes feed on li/ards. a n d “ T h e F ly ." I0 0 2 Z , W e rannol •ckno»l<«i|4‘ <|UMtlofu, bul >5 wlU be paid for eaeli one uaod.

Dopey Plont Did you know that there full-length in a tiny flowered print, pop­ is a common j)lunt which con be an^ • ular ihis season, llie 1900s Gibson Girl esthctired? The mimosa is so seniiitive wafted about the court in long, flowing that, if touched, the leaves fold at oncc. sleeves and tie— a look that’a again in According lo Ware T. liudlong in her new book, “Performing I’lunls,” it is also so senHilive that it rcHponds jual as O ld Timer Dayliglit Saving Time was Yoiinfl M en Honor the Old Ceiebrot- a human would lo chloroform I The mi­ first instituled in .1916 as a World W ar I ,ing the SOih anniversary of the U.S. mosa plant, if placed in a tight container meaaiire. This steeple clock Jn Thomas- Jaycees, the Chattanooga, Tenn,, chapter h r a half hour with (he ariesihetic in a ton, Conn., was 103 yeors old then. The sm all dish neiirliy, will no longer renpond , clock is Alill in use today. So it Daylight to touch—not unlil llie cllwl of thn Saving Time, and this weekend marks the chloroform wcufB ofl. iwginning of its 1970 season. Setting your clock hands may bo easier for you than Tennis Through History Some of ilir Aot/donco for early tennis drenses would be righl hnck fh e o 0 o d in siyte today—bul not for tenniH. l-iupt- mnn KodrI points oul llirre from their fashion. In tlie ’20s, tha Duchess of Wind­ p re -w a sh -’n '-w e a r roof ^ A pritea. IV70 building for the elderly, which has Family Week^ n. LEONARD S. DAVIOOW I'r^ U tn t lounges, library, and a Z-Wlmur emer- ROM IT FITZOttBON MORION R A N K l ‘uU M ,r NBAL A tH lY Man»stng genuy-cali . service. Ilesidents must be at W. PAO l THOMPSON A i O irttler least 62, with a maxiinum yearly inchmn M IIANII 01 PROFT foMl gditar of 14,185, In re n t a n |fM )-a-m nnlh efTicl- Mgr.i ia b M I. 'itVmm Ntw. YorVitJlZ'Sgr7^tm ti' enny or « 9122 (mn-l>odronm apartment. M-MUm A /f. Mgr., RmmII I. CAImm oIim PMf J, A ttu u m A H ' " inw ll«m*i The project look the Jaycees four yearn N, Naw r/m» for old dock tc> completn, from their first awareness uf the need for middle-lnoome housing it is for the Seth ThiunBs man lo push for the aged. The chapter Is so pleased ihesD giant ones— but Just as hard- to re- . with ihe results that il has purchased so m 2» v ‘'‘'Vll®"* “f, «bout iny srtlote or uhMrtiiemsnt thai momber iho ohuro. So, don’t forgot to adjoining bind for, an evcntudl second check all your olocks, b u ild in g . ’. . Jules Jurgensen. Not just another pretty face.

There are 7,258,20-i,800 reasons why the next watch you - You've got to be beautiful on the inside, too. H ere: thcG m nt h>r)um, the Contt buy should be a Jules Jiirgenscn. beautifully running. Beautifully lasting. Ucautifully 17 jewel movements in classic I IK gold c Thai's the num ber of seconds in 230 years. a c c u ra te . E-'lorentine yellow gold dials and graceful And Jules Jiirgciisen h.is been .v great n.ime in We tliink there is un inner beauty in a precision- numerals on the outer rim. The Count, ab watches all that Ume. M ost any brand you can think of is made watch. T hat’s why we're such fanatics about the The Contessa, about $135. O ther Jules Jii tolerances of our jeweled miivements—about the way - frtim S«0 to SIO.UOO at fine stores everyw ;i very fine product to have people buy it year after year ihey're checked and ins|>ected-about the way they for an illustrated brochure and nam e of y< perform under brutal testing conditions. authorized dealer. You’ve got to have beautiful faces, of course. Centuries ago. the other Swiss watchm akers said Jules Ji'irgensen C^orp. since 17-10, r But the faccis there fo r everybody to see. It's easy to choose that Jules Jiirgenscn lud a compulsivc urge for perfection. superlative watches and chronometers. a watch by its Jocks. ^ W e’d like to think wc inherited it. U.S, Officcs; 352 Park A venue Sou

m T he Fun and P rofit of a V acatio Growing numbers of Americans are finding them a sound investmer By THEODORE IRW IN inga, other features D o YOU dreair of ten overlooked—usual having a hide­ make a vacation holise good investment. aw ay m ountain cab­ First, the value of in, seashore cottage, w ell-built house is like or A -fram e ski house to increase about 5 to of your own? percent a year, espccia For at least three mil­ if It is in a thriving i lion American families, gion w ith such recreati< this dream has come true, .. a l a m e n i t i e s a s s w im m in and this year another f i s h i n g , 6 r s k i i n g . q u a r t e r - m i l l i o n a r e e x p e c t­ M any seasonal hom ed either to build or buy have doubled in value di a second house. ing less than a deem The'~weekend or vaca­ For my own lako-fro tion home, once a symbol cabin —in—Gonnecticntr of wealth and status, has was. recently ^offered now become a fervent g o a } per cent more than 1 p a of those with moderate for it five years ago. ^ incomes. A U niversity of- neighbors around the la Michigan survey reveals have had similar ofte that fully half of Ameri­ t h r o u g h r e a l - e s t a t e ug e n can families want a sec­ As good vacation proper ond home, and one out of becomes scarcer, the 1 0 is saving for it. w ard trend continues. Bill and Martha Car­ D r. R ichard Lee Ragi roll, for example, foi years of Cornell U niversity, w had gone to Cape Cod for made a far-reaching •' summer-yrcekends and va­ ysis of the'vacation-ho cations, staying at inns, ^ phenomenon, points motels, and rented cot­ t h a t i n c r e a s i n g th e e

WOI.VaRIHti 0197a WOLVERINE WORLDWIDE INC..ROCKrORO.MICH49341-HuthPupplet« II w w w v Z 2 I I v 2 booli and thoet. ftM producli and glovet Florida vacation homes, like theae t n P o r t S t . Lucie, can serve full time after retirem m t. H o m e

later.” Among middle-nRod couples. Dr. Ragntz found, the mortgage on their priipary reaidence may have been paid off, and thej; see in a va­ cation house a way td, invest funds that were previously allotted for m onthly m ortgage installm ents. Lat­ er, when the children are grown and C a b i n o n s c e n ic on their ^ n , the large primary away place,' mobile homes arc also lake in M innesota h o u s e i s s 6ld ^ d the vacation house increasingly popular, particularly on p r o v i d e s J a m i l y is refined for com fortable year-round "Maryjand beaches. Financing is as w ith choice living. Then the retired couple set­ easy as buying a car. One disadvan­ vacation site.- tles down to a sim pler, les& expensive tage is that while a house rises in way of life...... — “S*- value over the years, a mobile home Lately, the pattern of vacation depreciates. before buying by spending weekends You can start \yith a small house, homes has been .qbifting from the Much newer is the idea of living in the nej^hborhood and talking to adding to it as the family grows. isolated retreat to the planned com­ on a vacation houseboat, which can residents about local conditions. Con­ Many people are buying land and m unity. That’s where rentals and ap­ he financed with only 25 per cent sider travel tim e: the place should putting up an economical pre-fab, preciation in value are more favor- down and seven years to pay. Y ou’ll be far enough from your city npaft- shipped from the factory in sections,; —able-to-the homeowner. ' .^ee them in Kentucky’s vast netw ork ment or suburban housie to provide with wiring and plumbing. A developer smooths your path of interconnected lakes, in Florida, a total change of .scene, yet not so Evidently, the need to escape from to a seasonal home by fmding the Georgia, and on the rivers and deities far that driving to it become^ a the stresses and strains of urban liv­ land, installing essential services, ex­ of N orthern California. They are for c h o re . ing is universal. As one couple w ist­ ploiting the recreational potentials, the adventurous who glory in the To com m and decent rentals and fully remarked to a realtor the other and often creating a few that nature joy.s of w aterfront living. However, ensure your investm ent over the long day, “We don’t w ant -much, as long overlooked. Financing -a vacation neither the houseboat nor mobile run, the house m ust have good kitch­ as we have a view, a stream, and home there is easier; banks in-the home can ever be expected to pay en and bath facilities. Bedrooms may some rocks." Once you find your get­ area are more inclined to grant m ort­ forit.self. be small, but living spaces should be away retreat and.learn th at'it can gages in established resort areas. Before picking a m ore conventional generous, w ith some kind of outdoor almost pay for itself, the rewards For another type of vacation get­ vacation home, get to know the area porch, deck, or terrace. of relaxed living, are infinite.' ♦

o f f e r as ra re as

a ^ 2 b i l l .

l i • m \ w l u I c e l s e , I’ .i s .11 U'.ist for this' V 1 issu . k-clntplntctl I linhtcr -hill I In ini^h lliis spcoiill «>nc-tiinc o llcr \ o u n m y p n rch u sc it fo r oi\W S?.

f'titioiM s. It*'; iM ir \\ iW DR. SPOCK: From C hild G are t The “nation’s godfather" is again in the news, this time with som( provocative views on sex, marriage, and m oralilj

equally provocative: “My family settled in New Eng­ came to be written. • "Am ericans can now talk boldly or land long before 1776,” he said, ^ He has no explanation for it jokingly about sex in mixed com­ “and as long' as I can remember, we phenomenal success. The messag pany— though I think there is often were rock-rib Republican. My father was sim ply love your baby, observ he country’s most pub­ a forced quality to this." was a lawyer for the New Haven him sympathetically to see what h T licized pediatrician, D r. • "M an can be the m ost affectionate Railroad. He believed that you could needs and wants, enjoy him, trui and altruistic creature, yet he’s po­ best serve mankind by being physic­ yourself.-Som ehow; it- answered i Benjamin Spock, has just tentially more vicious th ^ any ally fit— that it was your moral re­ the condition o f large numbers < w ritten a new book called other. He is the only one who can be sponsibility to keep in shape.” mothers. The-phrase “Dr. Spoc “Decent and Indecent— O ur persuaded to hate millions of his Spock "keeps in shape”-by bicy­ says . .” became. a tender shiel against other, more rigid doctors, Personal and Political B ehav­ own kind whom he has never seen cling. We accompanied him on a ond to kill as many as he can lay cycling trip around New Y ork's Cen­ large part of a whole generation ( ior.” The book had only been hands on in the name of his tribe or tral Park. W hile pedaling vigorously babies was fed when hungry, cu( on stores’ shelves a few hours h i s G o d .” in a cold, wet wind, he told us that died w hen they cried, and allowed t w hen an indig^iant Philadel­ • "Most Americans who consider he was sent to Andover, the classic crawl and play in the mud. phia w om an charged back to themselves thinking people are dis­ preparatory school for Yale and then D octor Spock's babies grew up illusioned but are not conscious of to Yale itself. There he made Scroll throw him a rough challenge. '‘Jut where she had earlier m ade this feeling. They are not disen­ and Key, one of the most exclusive because 23 m illion copies of my boo her purchase and indignantly chanted w ith the physical aspects of clubs, and pulled an oar on the row­ w ere sold doesn’t mean everyone wh dem anded her m oney'back: civilization. They are proud of space­ ing team that went to the 1924 bought it did what I said,” he n "I raiced my Arnold on Doctor ships and artificial hearts. W hat Olympics. He decided to become a marked a little plaintively. "Som Spock’a . theories. I agreed whole­ they have lost is a belief in the dig­ doctor and attended the Yale Medi­ wouldn’t or couldn’t. I had no idc heartedly with his sentim ents about nity of man.” cal School and the College of Physi- I was going to be charged with < ending the war in Vietnam. I wept ganizing a new life style, nor did with joy when his indictment for intend to do so.” hclpinff others to cope w ith the draft Nevertheless Doctor Spock hu was overturned. But this is just too been blamed for the hippies and th much! My goodness, there’s a new yipples, the (lower children and th Doctor Spock—he’s a sexual reac­ '•Hell’s A ngels” ond for some colleg tionary, and he favors hypocritical rebels. He has participated in dozen enslavement of women!" of pence demonstrations, and i She then showed the startled sales­ every one of them there has bee lady several sections of the book'that at least one gawky youngster wh had enraged her: carried a sign that said, “I was • “For decades," writes the peace- Spock baby.” nik-pedlatrician, "I was an un^om- "Usually,” says Doctor Spocl proniliiing -civil—libftxtaiJaii^and. wonderingly, "when the m others wh scorned the hypocrisy usually in­ claim they raised'their children b volved in the enforcement of ob- my book sco their youngsters march Rconity laws, liut-- rdcent trends in ing down the street, they begin t movicA, literature, and art toward c r y . I d o n ’t k n o w w h y . 4 ’v e B e e n tol< /h a t I think of na shock-obscenlty, I’m a Plod Piper, but.the fact Is I’v find the courts’ acceptance of it, have never made any strong pitch to thcs made me .change my position. . . . Dr. Spock, child authorily for thou$an she herself would have surmoMnted changed more parflnt*chtld relation­ dencies In both flelds. W hen tho de­ trovenilal stand,” ho told us. "Dut il these dim cultles." ships than anyone In the country. mands of W orld W ar II Inducto^i they hold mo responslble'for havinfl • "It would bo fiilror if they (wo­ Doctor Spock fe«la that his radical Spock Into tho Navy, tho m others of a lot to do w ith bringing their chil men) were brought up nt homo and rosponao to the Vietnam Jnvolve- his patients iwgged him to w r i l o (Iron up, I have to ask what's th( cducnted in such a npjrit that they munt was dictated by his own par­ down Instructiflns on child-rearing point of doctors and parents working would onjoy, fool proud' of, and bo ents. “They used to counsel mo,” ho that would cover everything but and sacrificing to bring up healthy fascinated by child*rcaring rathor told us, 'choose the right way and em ergencies until hd got back. That's wall-adjusteil 'children If they an than frustrutcd by it.” not the easy,' and, 'accept servlco to how tho popular book, "Tiie Common going to bo inclnoratodT Other pansuges of the book are others as a moral obligation,’ Sense Kook of Haby and Child Caro” "If a baby gets to be one year old,’

FumUy \Ve«klu, A p fit xa, turn C ontroversy


he continued, "it’s chances of dying before age 21 are only 1.5 per cent. Does anyone think the risk of nu­ clear w ar is that small? And does it make sense to present to your lov­ ingly reared ''child a society that is confused about'sex, callous about brutality;' prone to violence?” It was then that he decided to de­ vote his energies full tim e to speak-' ing to young people who are con­ legal trouble w ith the draft. ing the doorman of our apartment write a book that would help adults cerned .w ith serious social problems. We went with Doctor Spock to the house about my comings and goings. understand themselves. He sailed Thus far, he has spoken at more than State University at Stony Brook, . -I laughed. Who could be interested around the Caribbean on his 35-foot ' 1 0 0 colleges and universities across New York, where 2,500 students gave in an.«ged pediatrician? N ext thing s lo o p C a r a p a c e until he had flnished the country. He doesn't receive a him an ovation aa he clambered onto 1 knew I was indicted.” the new book. lecture fee— it all goes into a fund a shaky platform composed of folding Spock's P^eral Indictment fol­ At a recent reception, Spock dis­ that hefps young men who are in —tablesr^Still ram-rod straight and lowed the so-called “W hitehall Caper" cussed the book. It turns out that he lean and six-foot four, he looked at in New York City. Accused of abet­ Isn't all that perm issive. H e's against the hirsute male faces and told how ting draft resistance, he brought his rock-throwing and locking up college ho. had ordered his son Michael 20 case to court by breaking through a deans. He offers a lesson on how to years ago to ahave off his beard. "I poKce line that was form ed to pro­ organize a p e a c e f u l a n d e f f e c t i v e WBB wrong," ho adm itted as' he An­ tect the W hitehall m ilitary induction protest movem^ent and says the. first gered a heavy watch chain that ran center from a dem onstration. thing is to pass out leaflets and call across his vest. " 1 wouldn’t dpi that “If began/' he said, "when I a meeting. Ho says he would Join a n o w ," h a laughed. The students tapped a pollcennan on the shoulder > revolution only under extrem e situa­ c h e e re d . and said, 'l<]xcuso m e, 1 w ant to break tions—if the President abrogated More serious, he went on to de­ through your line to commit civil the Constitution. He is against ob-. scribe his angry dlslliusionm ent w ith disobedience. . . ” scenity and brutality in books and form er President Lyndon Johnson. The rest is recent history. Spock, movies and especially In reality. He’s " 1 campaigned hard for him," ho w ith others, was tried and convicted, against sexual prom iscuity and warns said, “because he promised he woutd i i u t h e wua aubaequent\y acquitted us that Jt produces a callousness that not escalate the war. Among others, of the charges. “M any parents wrote eventually blunts the sex experience. 1 helped to get him elected. A day to mo during that tim e," he said,., But ho thinks we’ll eventually have after his election, he telephoned mo "They told mo thi»t they were sorry to accept sincere, unm arried love. and said that ho hoped he could live they had used my book to raise their Right or w rong it would be hard up to my fnith in him. Than u f e w children. I couldn’t figure-it out be­ to dinmlsH the kindly gallantly o f Ih o months later ho did escalate the war. cause the young men and women doctor who has been hissed, kicked. I’m very ashamed that 1 worked for who said they were Spock babies Jailed, and villflud in the course of- him. Hut I suppose a man can be a seemed absolutely great. It was hiu concern for society. We asked humunllarian at homo even If he's really very strange. It w as as though him if ho hnd a message for young n WAr monger In Vtotnnml I wrote the babies bad read m y b o o k a n d niothors. Ho answered w ith his now- him letter after letter. No use!” i;ained thofnselves." classic'first line from " Kaby and Child Dr Btnjtkmin Spoek toith hia wife Doctor Spock aaid, '^ ’retty simn 1 ■ /rhe man who has been called the Care": "You know more thanyw uthink JaM at Martha'a Vintyard, Mann. learned that the K .ll.l. was question­ "nation’s gwifather" decided lo you do.’’ ♦ ’

yui„ily W atkly, A pril ne, l»70 T h e R e a


ForbiK ’ SprluK Sp(!ciiils im Ztihci) Skiir-riittul M e a n i n Tackli!. BUB yotir favoritn dofilnr '! FISHIN' FKVKK SALK. H«! Iu»s low. season- opuiiiiiK pricijs on [anuius Ziibco Com hlnations A ch ild ’s playthings M j V V X '- and doznns nf olhiir Umns in th«! lacklc dupartm otit. steppingstones to healt By KEVIN V. BROWN

A t a r e c e n t party, a grou X X of m others w ere discussin their children. "M y little boy seem s fuscitiiited by di ferciit .colors." "M ine likes anything he can prah.” "And I’ll bel anything he grabs, he put in hi.s mouth, just like mine." Combinaliun No. 2400 “Well, my Johnny just like.s thihg.H . JnIo w for ‘701 Vnluo-prlcod Zobco 000 with flbor-fillod Luxon No. 34(15 can bang on.” body for total corroBlon-raslslance; contourad thumb con- Compact Zobco OOO rool for fnmh or salt wiitor usii. Dur­ All of these m others 'w ere right, in Irol; 8Up«r-amt>oth draR: suloctivo onnjff anti-rovoreo. able Dolrin houHinK. fibisr M^isy roliiforcod Loxan body; way, probably without knowing the rc! Prumlum Zobco munofllamont lino IntitaUud. Ako now for flRRorlip Bohsctivo (intl-rovurbu uctuatur. Prumlum Zobco reasons why children are attracted monodlftm.iint Hno InHlulliid. O' rod is Ztjhflox 33i)0G. 70. tho Zobco 3000 modlum-nctlon 0.’ two-plucu flbcsr some objects more than by others, w modlum>iictloi>. lwo-pl(<<:H llin Hhlviir out (if (;«id wtialhiir fun for ull-NoaKoii know exactly what they are doing whe oiildoiirHniiiti and iivid npiirlH they react to their environm ent, includii fails Kuolod by Hafo. clitaii dlH- poHnblii pro pa tit) cyllndiirs. toys, in often-puzzling ways. And it is ltdiinhoH full hunt output In wise parent that stuilies the reasons b( 4r> Hii(;oiidH. Nti. dauHorouH Hlart- hinii some of this behavior to help th InR flarti upti. 4 nr Leo Salk, 'clinical associate profesHor i niiuliiim iictUiii riiriiHHiirli!iiaVt (if h im . Thu next thing he piits in his moull M.m I. I I,'.on -Cardliiid •> iiorliaps a touthing ring, toaehes him thei with aZobflnx I'ati lapor IHl' IlHht-iictloii Miidiil nre othor objects that nrn not part of hiii 4(KMI Kod. lie then begins to distinguish butwoo M. mI.-I .'i(i ....(:„r,linal 4 wllh hintsulf and nbjects Ihnt iifu not part t n Znbfinx I'aHTapnr IH-i' Modiit 4 t(KlC iiuidlum-iiotlun Hplnnliiti rod. him and to diHtingulHh other objects fro olio another. "As the child grows at learns to usn his hands, rtibberized rint I can servo several purpoHes,” Dr, Salk say “He can grid) it, touch it, feel it, put it % liE S S . Ofliir H. i). \iiix Z70. TuIhii, O klahnm ii 7>noi tiixiiii or llniltiid liy law. F iiiiiili/ ll're A /i/, A / n it L'U, lU7

» f T o y s ire than fun^—they are the nstructive adulthood

his mouth, and gum on.it and taste it.” The m ore objccts he is exposed to, the more "inputs” this wonderful infant of a “computer” will receive, the quicker his senses develop. And the m ore confidence he builds in himself, the more comfortable . he feels in this brand-new world. So-called “mobiles,” dangling conglome­ rations of miscellaneous items that hang to do som ething are all fascinating to him. from strings and balance one another and, A bout this tim e, it often puzzles parents Every Woman Wants the Gift s^^y in the breeze, can stim ulate his sight when the child is more fascinated by, say, with movement and color, his cars with the box a toy came in than he is in the toy Of Complexion Beauty tinkling sounds, and, if he can reach it. his itself. The box may be newer to him than sense of touch. the toy. It's a new texture he has never If every woman in ihc world 6 <^dfish iean also be an effective sub­ felt before, arfd-he may be dble to tear it and ncck besides serving as a could choose just one gifl of sub-foundation for make-up, stitute. They can be placed at the head of apart and make two pieces from one. .beauty, nine out of tcn-would will prom ote nature’s efforts to his bed, encouraging him to raise his head Further development through toys be­ ask for a lovely, flawless com ­ conserve precious dermic gins when the child not only observes, then when on hia stom ach and exercise his neck plexion. O f all feminine beauty moisture, for its perfect blend I back muscles, and fascinate him w ith - controls, his surroundings but creates ■ assets, this is the one, that is of oil and moisture is homol­ their colorful, random movements. ideas of his own toward them. He is now most desired, most cherishcd. ogous to the skin’s ow n fluids. W hen he is old enough to sit up and„ at the age where he wants to use toys and Today, simply by sm oothing— This unique m oist oil is reach for things, objects of dilTcrent sizes other objccts for a purpose. He begins to a tropical moist oil over your available in Europe and other and shapes that he can pick up and handle sort, m atch, select, and fit things together. skin, you can at last lavish the ' parts of the world. In America -odd-shaped teethqrs, multi-colored balls, i s a l s o nt this period that paints and very ultimate of loving atten­ it is available frOm druggists tion on youf complexion. The - -as Oil of O lay, the phenome­ rattles— delight him because these arc all crayons and sand and water begin to discovery of this rich, rem ark­ nal discovery of our time ihat new touch sensations. And it^s a natural fascinate him because he jcan construct able fluid has made it incred­ reconfirms the eternal truth things w ith them creatively. And recogni­ instinct to put any or all of them to his ibly easy to cherish and beau­ that an exquisite complexion mouth not because he’s hungry but be­ tion for his artistic talents— essential for tify the skin so that it holds is Ihe most essential criterion cause the taste or the maaaaging of h i s h i s g r o w l n B confidence in him self— Is vast­ its lovely appeal for years and fo r b e a u ty . gum s is another new senBation. If the toys ly im portant. A fter drawing a picture or years to come. Beauty Skln-Care Conniltantf can be shaken to make noise, all the better, building a sand castle, it’s Instinctive for The moist oil helps the com ­ otherwise don't be surprised to nee the him to show it to someone, his m other or . plexion to keep always at the For sheer loveliness In com ­ peak of its perfection. Its sp c-' child deliberately throw them to hear the father usually, for the murtf-needcd praise. plexion heauty, consultants cial enriching constituents of sound when they.hit “See what I did?” are now recommending lhal a oil and moisture exert an iso­ The next step in the development of a The period of imitation comes along, film of molsl tropical Oil of tonic pressure to balance child, aided Immeasurably w ith thought­ too, when girls mimic their m others with Olay should' always be easily with the skin’s own smoothed over Ihe face and ful selection of toys, is when he begins dolls and toy dishes, and boys mimic their fluids, helping to alleviate neck before applying make­ m anipulating his environm ent not just to fathers with toy cars. w rinkle-dryness. sm oothing u p . T h is w ill c h e r is h a n d b e a i4- Dr. Salk intdnifetii this as a period feed hia senses but, to use his new-found the complexion to a velvety tify the skin a t tve/f a s p r o te c t confldenco and exercise some power over when the child begins to see results and soflncss and successfully cap­ it agalnsl life drying effects of his surroundings. "When he 'begins to becomcs interested in working tow ard an turing a rodiantly lovely wind and weather. crawl,” says Dr. Salk, “his environment ond product. b lo o m . W hen skin protective pro­ becomes a factor. He lenrns ho can move All of this m lnlature-toy activity, how­ Towards maturity cherish cesses begin to slow down with around and manipulate the things around ever, will not bo enough to illl up all their your skin with a little "extra the passing of time, or becom e rare to smooth wrinkle-dry- ■him. He learns he cun change his environ­ days because their young bodies wiil cry inndequate in elTcct due to the ness and help keep facial lines m ent and Is not a prisoner of It. H is play out for physical activity and competitive influcnoe of u hot sun, drying al hay. Before retiring, apply games. Then the parks, ^nd playground m ateriuls should bo som ething that ho can winds or biting frost, ihe com ­ a nenerous film of Oil of Olay, handle and do nomothing with. *’ become their second home with tholr plexion very often suddenly maMsaglnH it with the finger­ It involve! not just observing ond ob- swings and slides and "flremen's gym" finds itself in dire need of sup­ tips in circular movements sorbing his stimuli but controlling It. that they can climb ali over. plementary cnrc IhttJ wiU en­ (fiat spiral upward,t and out' He begins to push, pull, twist, turn, put It is a wiso parent who sees, through courage and guard its basal w u rtis, ' cellular functions. The pur­ one object on top of another, and tear them the proper solection of toys, that the child pose of Ihe revolutionary trop­ To keep your lips doft and down oguin, and fit pieces together and gets enough of the right kind of stimuli. ical m oist oil is to assist noture Pretty, give them a g e n e r o u s ' “Children need toys and playthings the take them opart. He's now ot the stage when necessary to boost these quota of the beautifying moist when push'pull toys that make noise or w a y odults need books and music and the natural fluids and so give your oit when you do your face. strange movements, blocks that At to­ perform ing arts,” Dr. Balk concludes. complexion a fuller measure This light film of p il of Olay gether in multi-colored patterns, or noise- “They stim ulate the child the way the arts of health ond beauty. will also act as a foundation moking toys that can bo hIt.And be mode stim ulote odults.” ♦ An Invisible film of moist for the smooth and lasting ap­ oil applied dally to the face plication of your lipstick.

Fam ily W atkty, A pril iSe.llf70 _ J L II SHELLEY WINTERS: (P The W o rld’s H q w g o o d c a n your hand cream Ige t Her Stage if your h an d s

are still ch ap p ed ?

HKLLKY W inters,w as n o t to a navitrator. I hardly knew him. S Wc didn’t even recofrnize oju h one of the scheduled other when he came buck; I bud quests on a recent tv talk the m arriage annulled.” program. She was just a . Shejjey’s marriagoH to Italiiui member of the audience jictor-.V ittorio Gasaman, Tory'^ father, and then to actor Anthony . who had come to enjoy th e. Francibsa w ere lesft than Hiiccess- show. B ut the tw o-tim e Os- ■ ful ^>|perience.‘<. cai' winner just couldn’t life had been marvelous," contain herself. .she said, “until I got m arried. Fm- Shulley voiced her opinions from infltancc, Tony and I-acted 1 "- tho uiiciiencu on Bubjccts riwiKiuK gcther four yonra. Then we froni pwce mnrchoH to rebollioiis m arried. I would often unk mysrif, youllis ill a loud iind draniatir •Wluit am 1 .tloing here'?’ Wc m anner. Sho Hhoulcd out her foisl- coulcin’t murk .together nny more." inKH lo host David Frost nnd do- . M «kfc»g#»wtway to Hollywood, Chapped hands need m ore than just halt'd violently witli frtioHl W illiam —. Shelley.'pereeTercd'Until she Lind- sm oothing. They need healing, and protec­ ElucUluy, Jr. ed a contract witli Ctilumbia I’ii' T hai's Slu'lli'y W inters. ActroHn tiires. which tried to turn her iui" tion that w on't w ear off. They need Jaq u et's fiini laiKUi, Horial protuKonist, H glamorouK Hturlet. One day sli" surprisingly light, quickly-absorbed Lem on inoUicr, anil itvcryhiiily’s next door heurtl Ueorge Stevens was looking H and Crem e. W ith its special ingredients iieiKlilior, for «in actresrt to portray the nili' S lie liiiH jii H l'o |) u n e il in a H r o a d - of tho factory girl in “A IMaci- ii> to help heal rough hands, and with sill wny play on the life of the Miirx the Sun.” She renuHin«Hn world, Sliidley of nine,” The gr relciin.' The reason behind Shelley's Ih iH y e a r . Ki'cat conct^rn for lier daiiK hler is Shelley knows what it mi'iuiH , prol>id>ly hastal on her own experi* Wtirk iiiistilllHhiy ftir HomeliiiiiK ijiiccH. Sliulley has been through a she know s htiw tti get t)utsitlt< ln'i lot (if m arital urlsuH. "A fter two- self and becoaiu invt>lved in i\ ii|id-a-liair marriaKeH, I’ve (!omu cause rather than he Jusl a spi’i' to H im coni'hiHion that nxist men lultir. I'erhatiH that's w hat mriko i fitel ilijil Uielr wives n)ii«l iihvnys luir the line ttclresH tiuit hIui Im, .. b e w h e r e th e y a i'u .” anil the ono luitl tuily— Shel!i'\ "UnriiiK l)u! W ar I wa« m arried W inters, —.’I KKHY HdlAlCU l i:i

n . J~ Fum llu Wcoklu, A /iril Jil, IUf


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gives Vigor IT S A CARSEATIA^ug, c that leu your youngster enjoy the scenery end ride . . . so you tan. too! Your car's regular More S t a m i n a seet belt holds child securely in place. •Before she accidentally E n d u r a n c e t r i p s ! Less H eart Stress ^ . Silly Question! ! 'Don't belieye if? If trouble comes, w hat should you do? You W/ti when you r«ad FREE Bulletin #15 ( S e c Answer Uox) 18 re»eorch W orld Expert Physical Fitnett REFUSE SUBSTITUTES - Only VioBtn Oil proved «ff«ctlve. P l u s O n e \

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Worried About FALSE TEETH Coming Loose? Don't Im m> ktrald that your U)w> ie«th will come looae or drop Jual at M i n u s O n e III* wrong time.^ Por__ more...... Mourlty » ____ '

Fru'm a flvu-lutter word that deHrrificH a Htronx ilfir on votir jilatea. rA S T E S n t tioltlR il«nlur«a rtnner lonuer. Makes wind, tako away thu flrst lott«r and K«t a word eatlitti euBlcr, rABTEBTl! U nlliu. lln r~ w on 't wmr under rtentiirna. tliMt muaim lakinK u chmico. No Kuiiimy, Kooey. ixisty taete. D en­ ture* lli»ir\t areeaaenllni to health. Anmver Hor) iiiu i reKularly. Ort IT'S A PIAY SEATI So feather li. II will went to nil (IriiK rouutpm, lake...... li wherever he .goes. . . yet so d ureble it laughs oil abuse I After ------1----- all, it's made Irom the tanw rugged material as football helmeul A Co Seat is comlon . . . conveniencs. . . peace-ol mind. Just the A n s w e r B o x thing for today's active youngsters. . . and mothers ^ loye them I ■JtsiJ-JffMH :» u o Hnu|w AvaM/a w/tamai Jmni/a fmiiwa h sold. ' ‘ uoy jno^.i)—uuduuoy jnoj{ auivfi,! no^ Modellj-1B6 Go Seat, white or beige...... 98.00 •ooqn-ooH :»uo Hni.j asptsi Model 13-180 Qo $eat, avocado or beioo. ' j ) u i {0 H u |) |a o j u ')] j o j j o i.u u i) a s H ' i * ’’ with built-in vinykovered urethane foam pad...... <10.00 V»q ‘u i 1 0 1 0} oAvq X«m noA M luonwant) ^m s' I______ff." =V rti. W (odtrler lt«« UIi Im ind haaklat. MflTIBI “How come you always keep D rive-In DUem m a B y a h u f o Po tiier a bowl of (Toldfish on your de.^k?” a curious call&r aaked an executive. ' "It’.s like this," ;-eplied the businessman, "it's ^relaxing to have something' around fi^e s i . that doesn’t complain or ask for a raise when it opens its m o u t h .” — f)tirnfhca- Kent New! Corn Flake Crumbs s ' ' - The Tops for M el Top com fort for my fcelV Bag and Bake No style or hIk c is tto ld To equal or to iKsut A theatrical agent would T h e s e hIio c b well-worn have no part of -»* per­ a n d o ld . former who claimed he — heiUe E. Dnnkin could do any kind of bird- im i t a t i o n . The next time yoji get "At least see my act," that longing feeling that h e b e g g e d . )/ou' 111 ihr door. of chicken. I Crumbs are in it. I With special LAWRY'S 1 Hoaku(J w ith brandy, rum. --liil»»_ik.4ilKHlU:il-auil_uniLn_ Nn frylnt- just liake. Seasonings. «hahe^liag-lnclu(l» -imri-licm jdtcttncr r-li'lkiitf{ i-otffui-<-. 6il w iM.ll’1 C« H* fB* III irf IWm* « an crt^lill # 1 « I* Ital. Ili'i' Hi-f dt y mid lii-r The mnnngcr of the ho- Cat AIm i D M M U im • )UtoMCem»«nv © 1970 C w ip iw ' tel dlncovured to hiH hor* Sii niliiiircd l)> Imt rrlfml-«. r u r that thoro had J>oon. ■ »4-dtil<' lUid nrr<-iM‘. a mix-up and the nplked SIu-’b I'TA i'liiilrtimn, "Im* melon had buon served to piilnl" iiiid nIh' ihu mlniiiterH. rii«- rtuli "W hat did they say?" »»<•» itrl/r hyhrhf ri»-r. 'lie aSkod the lieadwultor. lli-r illinii'i'n itir ari< "Wore thoro many com- iiiTiiti^i'd ««llh ]d iiin lH ? " Hit iHiolitinil iiiid idilldri-ii “ T h e y didn’t «ay u word," the hea-«>t'lih«lrl-<». — K n i r F o g g FAMILY W EEKLY COOKBOOK Don’t waste your lite In a dead-end job! Become a well-paid computer programmer— this free McGraw-Hill booklet tells you how

Now you can train at home, in ^ ^ t m d u p this now. excltine field- More than 50.000 prosram- mers are needed nowi many M ELANIE DE PROFT Food Editor more will tw needed within the next few years. ■ Here are regional recipes for main dishes. Each one might become a family ______a success favorite— a specially of your house— and in computer programming. appear often on your menus. W ith any This new course has-been one, plan to serve accompanying foods Just off the pfQM ! typical of thni region. wjus «Ji iiifii diiu Tvuiiivii lui For F R EE booklet, m 3ll coupon or write: tsetter jobs through home study • CREI, Dept. P2104A, 3224 16lh Street, and has an unmatched reputa- N.W., Washington, O.C. 200J0. P i c a d i l l o tionin educational circles. |------—— ------— ■ CREI. Home Sluciy Division 2 tablespoons olive oil or other cookinK oil McGraw-Hill Book Company % cup chopped onion ' Pppl. P2I04A, 3224 16llt SI.. N.W.; Wash.. O.C. 20010 1 cup chopped green pepper Please mall me FREE booklet with complete 2 cloves Rarlic. minced 1 '/j lb s . g r o u n d b e e f 7 ) n 1 can (16 o*.) tomatoes «/, cup sliced pimiento-fltufred olives V} cup dark seedless raisins j ^ddress^ 2 tablespoons capers I City---- I'/j teaspoons salt 'A teaspoon pepper teaspoon ground cumin Yt teaspoon ground allnpicc Hot cook^ rice . ■ Hard-cooked egg, finely chopped ^ u n k ) 1. Heat oil in a large Hkillct, add onion and green pepper, and cook until tender, W hether Picadilh is of Mexican or Span- ENGINE-BRITE stirring occaHionally. Blend in garlic and ia/{ oriffin, it is a superbly spicy "hash." Cleans gieasy, dirty ground beef cutting ment into 8m n ll engines by turning picces with a wooden spoon. Stirring grease into soap the .skillet and sim m er gently about 2 h r s . which washes away occusionully, cook just until m eat Iohcr quickly ... leaves it« pink color. 4. Stir in the celery, onions, tomatoes, engines bright and pineapple chunks. Cook, covered, ana clean. 2. Mix the contentK of can of tomntoes, the oliveH, rnisinH, capers, and a blend a b o u t 1 0 m i n . G-P of the seasoningH into cooked mixture. .*). Stir in a m ixture of the brown sugar, Cover, and Himmer 40 to 50 rnin.. stirring cornstarch, w ater, soy sauce, and rem ain- occasionally. ing.vinogar. Add the green pepper. Bring 3. Servo over rice and garnish with the to boiling, stirring gently, and cook 3 chopped egg. 0 a e rv in o H min. Servo with hot cooked rice. About 8 servinga H aw aiian Beef I Hardwars and Supply Stora* wfc.-uuo«Aiotiit,0 w n w. * 2'/i Ihs. beef sirloin lip, cut in I '/i-in. cuHpm Florida Shrimp Chilau lY i teaHpoons garlic salt lY i lbs. cooked, shelled shrimp, 1 tetiBpoon paprika cut in bite>sised pieces 1 teaspoon ground ginger •/« lb. salt pork, diced PHOTO CREDITS 1 Inrgti clove garlic, minced I cup chopped onion 1 can (IS '/j OB.) pineapple 9 m ^lum -sised pulatoes, pared Cov.ri Bob W ill. _£hUDkU..d[llln^.(rCBCLY£^yrMp, _ ...... , and diced (about 2 c u p s ) -faor7rtM iiwi»nC6ai|-p«ty*mi'r a b o u t Vi c u p ) 1 clove garlic, minced W(dt Wofid) CBSj O xa r Peiltri I Vi c u p s h o t w a t e r U.S. Arny. 1 c a n ( 1 0 ^ 1 oi.) condensed beef hroth Pag* 4> H. Armlrong Robarlt. Vi cup garliC'flBVo^ed wine vinegar P/i teaspoons salt Pag* Ai Hanrl Cortlar-Brauon. •/, cup thinly sliced celery (cut V4 teaspcion seasoned pepper Pag. 7i W Id . World. diagonally) 2 bay leaves Pog* 9< Cieollve Ploylhin«>. M 2 m«dium>sised onions, quartered V* teaspoon oregano 2 large tom atoes, peeled and cut I 2H-OI. can (1 lb. 12 os.) from bathrooma, . In w e d g e s Italian-style peeled tomatoes Blnka, coramlG 'V, — «■»» When You Order By Mall .1 talilcNpoohs brown sugar. 5 o r 6 drops Tabosco lllo llooro. chrome 2 lablenpoonn cornstarch 1. In a largo skillet with cover cpok the From Family Weekly. . . % c u p w a t e r auto bumpers, aluminum Blorm PiMH t o lou salt pork until lightly browned. Add the 2 tablespoonn all-purpose soy sauce doors, windows & Qlass Ihf 4di tti plicM by irpuubic onion and continue cooking unUi tender, Iht llmt <> but not browned. 1. Mix the garlic salt, paprika, und ground «ion ginger thoroughly and toss m ixluru with AMiiHf, Htfi Vnk, N.V. 10072. suttsonojl pepper^bay loavos, oregano. moat cubes to coat. .1. Cover and cook over low heat until . Hrown moul and garlic in a hot skillet T f t B A S U R H 2 pnlitloes aru Just tend()r. Add tomatoes, Kiim) liurird wM. 'lining u smiiil am ount of cooking oil. Tabasco, and shrimp. A tbM nalniniiiirttB t4M>l, IfTMum .1 . Rtir in Iho renerved pinonpple syrup, A m ulni new Qulk-Ho n»cri>rohei S PowtiM mndih 4. H eat thoroughly but do not boll. Serve p la tn . n1 U in th e c ra ck i am i rcplacei W tm H t fraa aalatot hoof broth, and Vj of tho vinegar, (lovur .J»iplng hot. i to 6 norvingn le eth like new . K a ill Ba»y In luet Nu Q u i K - F i x - y o u r m oney b a c k . Diitir* Rifik IK I0U9, HOUITON. ra. m i l ^'lUlll7|/ IVrek/i/, A/iril Uil, li>7o < ADVKRTlSEMaaiT) I nearly turned into a

banana sour-cream cake,

before I lo s t^ pounds

B y Ellen Clausing Jepertinger - as told to Ruth L . McCarthy

'D elicve it or n<4,1 began to cook at the age o f. seven. N ot because my m other made me, but iMJcause I w anted to. And up in Saskatoon, Sas­ katchewan, whe're I was raised, that m eant hot rolls, cream puffs, baked bread, everything that was delicious and fattening. It was a great be­ ginning for one who was to m arry a M ilwaukee, W isconsin grocer and develop a wide reputation for banana sour-cream cake. Unfortunately, it was a terrible start for someone who w anted to b e s lim . T h e f a c t is, b e tw e e n m y m o t h e r ’s c o o k ­ ing and my own, I ate myself into a size 22 dress, whicli is a lot of body. 230 pounds in all! O f c o u r s e , I w a s n ’t t h a t h e a v y o n m y w e d d in g day. Just good-and-soUd. Changing my name from Clausing to Jepertinger also m eant addifig some hearty Germ an dishes to my collection of ' recipes. Sauerbraten, cheese cake, chicken fried in beer, tortcs — no wonder I had little success trying to diet. The birth of my daughter didn’t help my fig­ ure, either. And even after she was born, I con­ tinued to cat for two. This added 30 pdunds in alm ost no tim e. W hen I look back now, I realize how wonderful mjt^huiiband was about the O n t h e a o fa la y o u r s t r u l y , w h o le th in g . N e v e r a s a r c a s tic w o rd . A ll h e u s e d 230 pounds of me. Funny to say was: "There’s more of you Vo love.” B ut s a w m y s e l f a s o t h e r s d i d . in my heart, I wasn’t fooled. I went to the doctor more than once about N o w t h a t / ' m down to 147 pounds, my weight. Then I’d wind up with diet pills, you can see w hy I feel like , sirutling in m y new clothes. but .somehow I could never stick to them . The laKt batch was red, hut my api>ctite got the Well, I went to the drugstore and bought a and affairs where wo sell food to cam money. Ixjtter of them and I continued to eat. Besides, Ih>x of the plain chocolate fudge Ayds. Though So I still m ake my banana sour-cream cake, but they m ade me feel nervous, h o I finally stopped later on, I switched around anoth the Ayds keeps mo so satisfied, I don’t have that taking them arid went back to baking banana chewy vanillii caramel kind and the chocolate craving to eat everything I bake. .. sour-cream cakcH. At least, they brought me m int fudge. I took them like the directions say, Of course, the most satisfying part of tiio praise. Even got me some newKpaper publicity. one or two l>ofore meals with a hot drink. For Ayds Plan is the compliments. W hen I’d lost You see, my cakeH were very much in demand me, it was cofTee. And you know, it had the m ost of my Weight, I went to a school meeting at school n ’A meoUngH, where I was an officer. same effect on me that eating candy l»/ore a with m y husljand. Afterwards, Bob showed tlie And they m ade a groat Easter pantry^Hpecial m e a l h a s o n k id s . I j u s t d i d n ’t fe e l lik e e a t i h g a s principal his now model car. Then laughingly, for the store. much when I sat down at the table. It actually hut proudly, said: "Now moot my now-model Isn’t it a Hhame that everything that tastes helixid mo to cut hack m y appetite. Y<*t, this wifo." H aving lost nearly ix > u n d s, I ’d gone HO good going dow n lookH so ugly showing up on _ 83 candy contains no harm ful drugs, hut It does from u size 22 dress to a' 14 and, iM ili^-ine, th e s c a le ? have vitam ins an^l m inerals. t h a t ’s s o m e d lf te r o n c e . I ffuciw what really jolted mu into reducing m ight mention that in reducing, one other I just can’t tell ypu how goo'6" ...... 5'C" about m y health and high hlooered that H«wt . 4 4 " iW " W a is t 3 8 " " my mother had used the Ayds Plon to lose ‘ ' That doesn’t mean I stop|>e

fa r beyond your fondest dream s into your liiFe O V E R N IG H T !

Yen And here'i hov Ym ! K«r« i« your chance to literally MAGNETIZE THE SCATTCRCD, DISOR- bulldinv new ichemei QANfZED POWERS OF YOUR MIND-OVERNIGHTI To fo c u t...a t a alnfl* com - othera t>eiiiiln» v< kl ihelrIhelr money!inveti money! How to make financial mafW—yoor intollect.-yo«r will power aixl yoorpertonaltty to sain wfiatever *oal------and butlneit problcmi HALF>SOLVE you want out 0« llfal Ar»d, 1t» to doinf, To GAIN TOWERING PERSONAL POWER THEMSELVES BEFORE YOU EVEN OVER YOURSELF AND OTHERS-OVERNIGHTI TOUCH THEM —» you build a mlllion- dollar repuialiori » Mr. Lotaynr ailoundril lludio audlrnen ______lo build rator-iharp 0fvtry/ SOO Itngif and one400 o)pfopir ihtir bynamtt remtmbrrint and faett _____COMMANDIve ludrmenl.and DF.CISION-MAKINC the kind ol TAKh- aller hforinn Ibtm only oner! • POWERS Ihal me...... Or pcrhiTx you are aware of (he (act lutn lo YOU lor d. 1 . lor irorfrrj/ilp. ■hat M r..Lorayne l» paid a» much u lor abiolule finai cc almoii Impos- SJ.OOO a wrrk hy ovtr one hundred o/ the DISIGNIO TO SILL FOR 950 - NO W sible for you to believe lhl> momeni, cuuniry'j leudint blue-chip ciirporailont— YOURS FOR A SMALL FRACTION OF ihai.you can Oevcinn .• daullng PEK- TO SKY KOCKF.T THE FOtVF.R OF SONAL MACNE' n ihai you THF.IR TOP F.XF.CUTIVES- INTEU THAT PRICII ir women to you sc ■ LECT. WILL- POWER. PERSONALITY a crowded loom, — OVERNiaflTI bearing alone, be »[>cak lo Ihem . . . TRIMiNDOUS PIRSONAL POWIRS ihal you can III SCATTIRIO - USILISS - WITHIN WILL POWER ll ~anyone Ihal dare YOUR IMtNO RIGHT NO W I HIRf AT LAST ARE THI MfNTAL MAONfTIZ- that you can unleaih tuch ov...... THAT rOCUS AND UNLIASH s Mental Ma|inell«m Course U Ing PHRSONAL DRIVE AND ENERGY IRS -POWERS OF REASONING AND THOSi POWERS - WITH AU THt 1mpU^h feali ol Mental Power ANALYSIS-KEEN FINANCIAL JUDG­ fOltet O f AN fXPiODINO VOlCANOt ' tr couf»e or book ha> ever even MENT lhai (he men and women In chame ipi before...we believe ii would ol muney-maklnii oniX)rlunillei will aciu- ally SEUK YOU OUT lo parllclpaie In niher people Ju«i like you-T llE Y MUST th«ir pri>nijt WORK FOR YOU! And yet, ihey are However, tlnee this original price would n 1aiyrunlocu«(jy ea^ly’ faliBUeS STILL ONI.Y THE BEGINNING! bar tnany people who ileiperaieiy need / rraH:e Ihaflhete promhet appear In- lo Ihtohhint ilynamoi o/ perianal You can atlound your bntt al work by Ihit Inlonnallvn, we have r ' " fredlhle in you at pr,i glance — UNTIL feeding back lo him like a computer ilerx NOW YOU OO ON, TO LIARN THI ■ Ihe ■mIenCi y...... o u t ‘ -iSTAND THESE FACTS: tt it simple: H eiuhleeii ihrm u by-«lcp direcliont that h— — ------'■ The creator tu»Iuirir . . . ’"i,rj“ ’lJ. 'w h lt ' we »uligc>i V Orimn lelevltlon ahowtl Where—hy nlfhi lot Ihe Hood ol eiicllenieni Ihal welh back of your hralnt All ihn fi In- wlih wuthlni lunger or harder —or doing up limde yuu! jfanlly available li> you lo overwhelm an heller in your loh — or driving younell Ye«, Ihe theer exciiement nl realizInK opponeni wlih lacti,.,io ifuoir Irom tourcei Into a Irazsle lo beal ihr ciimpellllon! In- - SSNO NO MONIY NOWI tlu t OVIiKNIGMT your mind i« opeiat- nwil people have never even heard ol. ..lo Head, Ihey ihow you SH\’EN COLHEN inn wlih the ipeed and power und prevl- dozeniIrrriliilhly of newpreii odmlreri home your and polnl lrlend>! und »’l»i YOU RICHTO LET —TO YOUR (it.T HRAINSOMhTIIINIi MAKE YOURS FREEI " iha'i ()V**rRNlGl7r*y^i>u have developed And Ihit It Juil Ihe beginning! Ju»t the FOR ALMOST NOTHING —TO LEA *’E ll>e prke1c«< gifl ot r.il^liif < >»ri»iu>fy ol Mart ol Ihe new xKial, personal Itnanclal ALL THE HARI> WORK AND THE • pre-payment ol t Harry Loraync's oiheri — anil makinii them love every nui- power the«e amailng MENTAL MAGNE- ■ RISK.TO OTHLHSI i7n.7, ‘ n>rnt ol li TI/.I;HS give you! NTAL Try II $6 b08l-S6ll0r. MACiN'liri7l...... S ihowt. y ., n de- rl>k. At S'",I' MIRACLE MATHEMATICS, NOW YOU CAN OO ON TO MILT elop X-Ruy Power* ol Olnei completely deliiihied, then "FINANCIAL «A D A H "-lhai leti you •ciui ui me luw cotl ol only M.Vg. "Your# FREE, with an irreiltllble drive and >1 AW A Y SOCIAL INHIBIIiONSI TO lion Ihal niaket enemUi llee from your ATTRACT N I W FRIINDS, N I W make lortunei, for pennlei, f>i illualloiii If, on Ihe other hanti, you are dltap- oven if you return ihia paili like anlt benealh your teetl lhai other people at, fighUng to get out ol! IKiinied in ihl. courte In tiny wa>— ll ll MENTAL MAGNETISM All in a lingle evening aplccel All with­ RISPICT, NI W LOVI - Aniilher of Iheie MENTAL MAGNE- doet not live up lo every one of the cluimt C O U R S E out you rlvklng a penny! Al.l. A< C/ iheie Menlal-MutnrlUrr Ni)W^ e thown the Olher people lo do your bidding...(ftuf r>i- Iliu« you have nothing lo loie, Dui you l.,ercltii In lurni And lelllnit Ihem ... —alwayi bulled wiihin you, but un- ablet you lo enllii ihe cooperallon. AND Revolutionary n«w Malhamat- ilrentlhen Alt. ELEt’EN NATURAL aviMableln your control iKfore—of Inttani Et'EN THE SELF-SACRIFICE OF ICi'MadC'Simpla voliima. can POWERS OF YOUR MINI) ANIi VF.R- relaiaiInn...lowering •cIf-confldence...c>«r- OTHERS TO YOUR CAUSE, unlll loon liirn'yau Into • MATHEMATICAL AONAl.irY—LIKE THIS; •onal magneil»m...ihe kind ol iponiane- I have doteni ol devoted iiipporleri. W hy'noi''.. WI2AKU oworniKhll Oaifflnad (o ou> vharm Ihai m elu even iL-ebcigt . . ,(Ar helping rli-hl ■ 1»AY. il^va you m |{>a«(«r m aatary of THI MRST IVININO - YOU TURN prheleti ahilliy lo Inillll retped and iruil and even lov* lor younell In othen—and ------M A IL N O R IS K C O U P O N T O D A Y ______malf)amal«ct In • tvaali Ihun (ha YOUR M A I N INTO A OIANT uir theie r»i(ir/i)nj to gum the tilumphanl «)'«ra«a paraon davefopa In an . MIMORr MAONfTi ■ MtTrii loii INFORMATION, INCORPORATED. Dept.FW -2 I onKfa liralimaf L nahlai you toi mlifii nr>iand armlet ol Irleiidt that even hu\t OARED to dieam 200 Madison Ave., New torK ^.Y . 10016 I Total up a column ol fi||iira» a t We iilake only ime demand on yuu: Thai poiilhle belore! fa tl a t an adilInK m achinal Muh >ou .u i l wlih Ihe mo.i viial lunLllim ol think what II will mean lo you lo lud- I. MAGNI!- I liply and dlvlda problam altar your mind llr»l —your memuty — and Ihen TiSi^’'[^(T-luting no money .T iisl?i'.;r.i't^reS ^i ihl« ilnic. . » . . = » • . ieloi’~oi'etnlthl — in other people. ANI> HAVH THllM GIVI! • 1/1,1/ I mar prove every rfi.im ijuLh.ivr ,na,le briore •'hJdtfan” a a p a n a a a o»i your <1 huie lit lake INTEI.I.ECTUAL COM­ IT l(> YOU W li.LINULYI I n get hliher I will u>c the coui ftorna, car. food, inilallmani MA Nl> i,l jl»..«l/.Jrn and people Ihul would nay ifian any olher person In your oltlce ol th»l Id 4Vf\l ol |jt<] (tiuite. plU« plij [1..' i ! £ S hiii'e firm utuvnlrvllable lor you iinly a lor Ihe lame J o h ...lo make unfriendly charge. ly w«y. I Will limply le Ihe ii hiiylnM. ({ivaatnianla. Ida iiiaur lew ihofi doY> Helotel nelghhori. co-workei>, club merntwii tud- • ncal l or cuaniple — denir long lor your approval...tu lekindle vour maie'i imereti In you even If the or Thoi The very llr«l evening alone, you auio- inall. ally »>eiiin lemoklng MIDOi' n MJiM- fie hain'i ItH.ked a| you in y ra rt...io gain III Util now il-a yniira l-niit-;, if ORY Ill.ofK iS lhal have irlppled your Ihe active iimporl and patronage ol, the you aava ua lha coal of biNliii wealihleil anil moti Influenilal men in your . lh i ’.erfotiiilnK hrealli-lakinii Icaia of nieni- lit l>eiil-enunal Irlendihip with tome / the keep I'KLIl even ll you le EMATICS: And your moiiay bach ('oil walk into a room filled wiih lA < world't fruiflNf lorpiiratlon heudt, 1 HKarantaa allll holdt. II yo III I') IlnLlotcil 111 iny puyriienl. n o l d _ , , . n lha Ilietedoteni Intianiol lelrvhlon I rlend-Wlnnlng and mov.. Cl PU'iitv dmrgc my iicdll ci

SIMPLY UNSCRAMBLE WORDS AND MAIL NOW! h e opposite sex is prob­ T 1ST PR IZE ably the m ost explored (I) Brand New (229.95 Value P R IZ E - and talked about subject in ' 2 Atijuslablt Dre,s Forwi the world. And yet men som etim es appear to be. strange anim als to their fe­ 'THIS ENTWE FOLD OVER COUPON MAKES A KO-POCTACEREQtJIttEO BUSINESi> m ale associates, and w om en K g j

•just as often leave m enfolk Enter the “SM ART MONEY" • in- a state of bew ilderm ent. Here’s a true-or-falsc quiz on 3RD PRIZE S Transistor Radios PUZZLE«.dWIN PRIZES! ENTRY FORM Unscramble The; the subject which gives you a 4TH PRIZE 5 Pairs Electric Scissors They A ll P e rta in to Sewing chance to see how your beliefs DON'T WAIT! ENTER TODAY! stack up against the-facts uncov- CONTEST RULES WESNCI...... CTI5TH....'. . ered by scientific investigators. 1. Any resident of the United States may . AMSE ...... UOTTBN..,. ,1 . Men are easier to understand enter Except employees and suppliers of CITY SEWING hlACHINE CO... Marysville, MHE ...... R E P Z IP ...... than women. Ks., and tlieir immediate families. The L E N E O E ...... NRETTAP... 2. Women are more subject to . operation of this contest sfiall be subject to «nd in conformity with all federal, EMON ...... SROSSICS.. f e e l i n g " b l u e ’’ a n d d e p r e s s e d . state and local laws, ordinances, decisions 3. Men spend more tim e thinking and regulations. I N A M E ...... about sex than women do. 2. All entries become the property of CITY ADDRESS ...... : ______4. A man is more likely to have .a SEWING MACHINE CO., Marys^lle, Kansas. 3. Entries must be postmarked no later guilty conscience than a woman. tfiaa 20 days from tfie receipt of this CITY ...... S T A T E ...... Z IP ...... 5 . A woman’s glance takes in entry. So hvrry, null the enlry form or » NO STAMP NfEDED Do Not Cuf Here . more territory than a man’s docs. reasonable fKsimile today! Winners of tfw Sewing MKhlne, Adjustable Oress Forres, Fold H.ro ^ You Mu.l S«.l (S strata of society. The (juostlon j)urcoiil of tho timo. ifornlft, Loh AnRolofl, tho vlwion asked was, "W hat percentago of 4. StudlcH «^ow thnt men of ovor 17,000 men und womon vorBlly adm inistorod apocinl Benao- ( i f 'd i r c c t l o n to a la t o n o u r ly liOU thu tlmn would you estim ate that nro fnr m ore Inclined thnn womun drivorH wuh toHtud. W unmn dumon> mun nnd women ntudentn. Tho man you think about sex 7" to roKiird thoir conscionco an Homu- H tr n tc d » Hianifiriintlu lurRor f\old . iivurnKvd upm-.cciubly b etter scorun The findings showed that women thlng to outwit, und womon uro of vlHion without oven turnhiK than tho womon. spent just IIS much tim e thinking in o r o p r o n o t o — to JiH- IhoJi^ houiiw or m oving tliolr oyun., — JOHN E. GinSON about sex as men did. As for h o m tun to the "«tlll, Hmill voice," nnd 6 . F a ln n . ,Womun who Rot tho

Fam ily Weekly, A p ril tO. 1970 NOW-FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER Johnny Cash sing s alj his


A and If you decide to keep the set, $ ^ 0 0 MONTH If* yours for only until ihc cost of $12.95 plus muiiins and hundline is paid.

OHNNY CASK is llic m o sl elfclrlfylng singer in Amcricu to- J dayt In (ribule to his miiMive, nwe*insniring lutcnl, The Counlry Music Aiwociaiion not only voted him the year's top . male vociilisi, but also the io/> enu rtuinrr of ilie year! To commcmorule this hiKlory-making event, Columbia M u ­ sical Treiisurieii Iius saihcrcd toitcther the biggest tmd best col­ lection of Johnny Cash's greui hils.. . und assembled (hem in . . . O H N ______Ygityou cun now gel all Johnny Cash's grentesl hils in one fabulous set of records. You'll thrill to his iingry “Folsom Prison Ulucs." You’ll be deeply moved by hv> supcrchitrKcd renditions of "I Walk The Line," "Rinu of Fire," imd "The Rebel." And hlvrlb-llckllng bcsit-scllcr "A floy Named Sue” LISTEN FOR 10 DAYS FREE will make you Iftbgh right out loud. TO 40 GREAT SONGS BY THE MAIL COUPON FOR FREE AUOITION TOOAY! KNJOY JOHNNY CASH i'OK 10 DAYS I'Kt:?.! GREAT JOHNNY CASH l ilt- l-l.l-rtRH-YlNG J O H N N Y l ASll is ii m m i for 292-a/BOB069 every Johnny Cash fun .. , anil for everyone wlio enjoys greiil A Boy Named Su« A L alifr From Home ■ Muiaiia Htaua ringing. It brings you a thrilling piinorninii of tlic biilliuU und I Walk The Lina Maan At Hell songf thill hiive nuide Johnny it Yon itcl every- 4.iri»ril »lcten mi. lii'iiiK lef;ciiil. Fnltom Prison DIuai 2SMInuta«TaQo IMIi liI.IX-IKIl’YINd JOHNNY C'A.SH. I( I iin> n»i cotii- lhii>K fi'O"' ‘N'ui Oiiuiuin" luul "Undcfstuiul Y»)iir Mtni." lo Ring o r Fira MlitarOarflald lilL-lcly millKllcd fur uiiy teuiiin wlniuiic«vr I muv rtiiirn dm the liinclcss •■( ash C lussiL's" »tf ycMcriliiy like "Wictk of llic SCI wiihin 10 diiyo-itiirf cixr nhMihiirly iinihliix' If I Ucvlile Old V7." •Strccis'of t iiredo." iinil “I Rlile At^Qld Palm." Tha Rabal- Tha eili^ard Jnhiiny Yuma Sw aat Q«t«y Fioin Pikt Mmtysiiis* "’"''I') "‘V. Dul lhi» t'oHeclor's TrciiMity is one ol ihe iim#ffiuBhl-ufter U hdartland Yniir Man M(!i in rccurdlnu hUlory. ^ huiry whilu Uie hiiniily hints, imii Blampada San Quanlln Bury Ma Not On ■ Die Johnny Cuth >cl. ihrill lo 111! of Johnny ('iisti's greiilcst lills for Id uA Y S l-'RIU-l Wrack or Tha CM 07 Tna Lona Pralrla wilh III! tihUifitilon. Qoodbya, LtUla DKtlliV W antad Man To hear the set in your home for 10 itiiys, iust fill out und muil Ihe coupon Qooiltiya tlarllnK Companlnit tt right . . . we'll muil you ilie set iiniiieilhitely. We'll ulso send u i'Klil’ Tha ShlltlnH. Stnrhvllla Clly 4ntl bonus gift alonK Wilh Tfll'. l-I.I'CI RII-YlNa /()HNNY C ir Whllparlim Sniiilt (Tharn'll Da* Pasca Ll> Album of M) muro (treat country hils by TH U NASllVH.l.ll S'CKINCl.S. Tha Slraali 01 Lnracla lo Tha Vallay PLAY TIIK KKCOHDS AT OUK KXPKNNKI Dad Nawi I’d Still Da Thera Olya MyLnva To Ro*a W hat no I Cnra i „ W h e n the records orrive, sit down and nlay them .. . enjoy them for 10 Hay Portar Forty S hadai Of Oiaen full dny«-cntlrcly «» cipcnse. . Then,.... it .you . cun-...... hoar lo .purl...... with them, I Still M ill Snmiona War* You Thera (When Just return Iho albums to us-you'll owe absuhilely nuthinn. On iho other SUM In Town ThayCrucl.fladMyl.nrd) hand, if you decide to keep TH U I'l.liCrRll-YINO JO H N N Y CASH, if DIk RIvar for only S.^.OOu numth until the total cost of $12,95 plus mailing und Troulilaioma Walart nandllnv Is nald, And the l-'reo 12 LP ii yours to keep, loo. us our bonus gUl (or getting (tila wonUcrfiiil ul , > T an n attaa Flal To|i lli So hurryl MallVfall the cou]K)ncoujwn now ...... , you've got a great set coming . . . a great bonus ...... id you're under no-hhllsatT on w h atso ev e r...... COLUMBIA MUSICAL TREASURIES LrroHoula.m dl.n. 47808 V DirHl MarkdiRi S«/S» OFFICIAL MINIATURE Major League Baseball Gaps TS3ay'ftmah[SB and Mdlit)- Inadt phaaUe glunorout eye*. Thii-pilr of $ * 0 0 megdlfyiag m4ka-UB •PpHet 12 CAPS FOR ONLY O . your mahe-up perfectly, ihaplof your M Utl. AuthMlk mifor Im c m b«>ib«ll upi ttial p>e*idt tiw» at tun ««

THE MEASURE OP A MAN PERMA TWEEZ .do-it-your­ leniei. or flip each frame up Individu­ le tht e K tb l WM> A b*Mbt» Im '* delifM ally. Marveluu* for reatovlng unweoled *nd « b e ttw t Is My cMU. CompMla irith d itfln A n y m a r t can order a ahirt self electrolysis device safe­ foreign objecU *ucb aa tpUnlere, etc. > t» 4 MUi tK h u l. Ce>wl«U 12 Anwflcifl custom made aa low o s ly and perm anm dy removes ...Comei wllh own caae, ready to u m . Le«lve e> 12 N««eul lj*(ve c m (or o«»y Only $»-M ppd. S M d ehMk or MX). •n d .S O s n tif* ii4hMidlifi|.or«ll 24 U*l«t $i.9S F it guaranteed. hair from face, arms and lM (o e tiwn c in l»r « f------P poration, Dept. FW-976A, 5701 West Adams Blvd.. SHLE! N.V. TMkMi BmIhi Red iMk* N«. «l Mt« I OekUnd *n>(*tlci Chic*io Terre Haute^ Ind. 47808. Ia )k -A ngeles, Calif. 30016.- - Whit* Satii* Kanm Cltf Rortlt Mim. ToHni SeiHie Piled C«iiieinl« *■(•)«

MTIOtUL LUtUe SI. I n Ii CirdiniU PItltburcti Picitti W eekend Shopper CWctpiCubt NT.Uetf PMU. Phlllltl UenUNi bpet By SUSAN PAINE CliK.lledi HsvttenAilTM Albnt* B rm i Sm Ftw. Otnb (lororiwCOO-l) leiAa(*l*(Dod(«

.SKK B I G w i t h g o l d e n m e ta l h a l f - f r a m e 3-miTULMONOGiUUI PIN j 2 ^ ‘isaraa':s?A *;K S: s Kinsaes! Precision-ground lenses Jet \ ORSCAftFJfOlDEft y o u s e e b i g a n d c le a r with magnified APOLLO: vision. Raised nosepiece and non-slip dMliR «m (nhanee reur \tp* THE SUN GOD enri)iecc on temples. Comfortable; «c*t^ purw or tor ewHII. Order ei Apollo 13 Inslgrtia modal lightw eight. F or folks over 4Q w ithout aHtigm atism oc' eyc 0wtrW4 IMUb«tyS(.Nn'Tali.N.Y.10006p S«Hd Broniai »2.2S SUHIttf Silver: $6.2S diHeasc. State age. plus 36« for post. Nel-King,Dept. Apollo 11 Eoolo and ApoJIo 12 Cllppor FWK-40WD, 811 Wyandotte, Kansas City. Mo. 64105.' Ship also Bvallablo In solid brontu or slodlno sHvor nt Iho tamo prico. AMfRlCJUl MINT mocunt, INC. SNRAK-ER PREVIEW for mcn only! popt. 210. Mudla. Pb. 19063 Men w ith w ide feet go for this great r>i. itildnnli plsau add SX ta>. cnnvas ancaker made Just for them. SizoH 5 -n , 12. IB, in one wide w idth 3 Simple Steps to for RK-EBEBE. State shoe size. ('■hooHQ f r o m n a v y , w h ite , p u t t y , o r iv y g r e e n . | 6 plus 85< LOSE WEIGHT! poHtagc, Frco catalog of 100 shoe styles available. H itch- ______by-ThouMiKl# of Doctors a n d N u rte * rock Shoes, Inc., Ilinghtim 41-C, M uss. 0204!$.

eierclte. EAR-I^KS keep eye-glpsHOH from slid­ 2. Take Improved Obesity Bell Tablets. So ing. Elastic tabs HI enitily over the ends ul«, , no preterlptlon needed. Lose I of car ])iectiH. ('om fortable, they flt all pounds and Incties fast. S. Send your order today> L plastic fram es. P air, 59* ; 2 poifh, ? l ppd. tpaclal 10-Day Trial S i n ...... SIM Send order to Dorany, Dept. PW -1, 200 YOU SAVE MONCY ON LARGER SIZES I’ W est 57th St.. New York. N.Y. 10019. ••Wetk Svpply a40-Taklab)...... M .00 direct from iKtofv. Bahlnd-the-Ear, AIMnlhfl' 12-W«tli S«fphr (904-Talllts) ...... U.OO . Ear, I n GIra Aidt. One of Amtrki'i lirmt ... InelMM. film offer — Kodacolor uledioni ol top quility lids. 20 diyi FREE HOME TRIAL No depoiH-Mo money down. Him developed and jumbo printfl'are Eisy iwymenl*. No IntMMt. FREE Eir Molds. v o u k l o w only $1.26 if you send this editorial New y nt plin.POWERFUL BODY AIDS t29». iilinig with your Him. Any B or No wieiman will call. Write: LLOYD OMf Grab p*ptfW4 »5 9th St.. Rocfctofd, III. 61108 K C W E L D E R \ 2 exposure Eastm an Kodak Film. Om( mmt, I l''uilureH are credited. Lim it 1 r o ll per customer. You are guurontoed o n l ylO^ ■ut aald. "She la noi rfvatf, but itaep- Thiru« o n July 1, 1970. Send eiA." Of Laurua, Aa faN, Box 4081. Ft. Worth, Tei. 7aiM . D«p(. DQ-2, Lmlalon. N. H. 03N1. Fam ilv Waeklu, A pril M . 19 7 0 »* M a i l If card t h i s c a r d has been ICasvaltjr Coupinqr^^ removed } * clip coupon TODAY at right t o FOR FREE BOOK l e t experts

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W hat Can You Do About

Today’s ^54-a-D ay H ospital Costs?

/ ^ ' y i IKK RVERVTUINC ELSE, th c cost o f being sic k or hurt has gone up sharply. Thc average d aily c o st o f o n e d a y 's s ta y in th e h o sp ital h a s tripled since 1952-from $18.35 to $54.08 a day. Experts say hospital costs will rise even higher, because everything hospitals buy today costs more, and they must make huge investments in modern, life-saving equipment. These Sfyl-a-day hospital costs liavc pul millions of Americans in a dangeroua sjwl, Iwcausc their health hospital Co insurance is no longer enough to ]»iy the bills. They’ll cither have to r«»y the lion's share out of their own Average iHm l« *• |X)ckets—or buy, more health insurance, using money^ they’d rather save for the future. But now there's a remarkably different kind of money-back health insurance that solves this problem. _Thia revolutionary p!sjn lakes worry out of life "becauBC it returns money to you if you don't gut sick o r h u rt. Like ordinary health insurance, this remarkable plan j)aya you generous tax-free cash Ixinefila if you do get aick or hurt. The caah comes to you direct-by-check, One ot two things will happen—you'll either get sick, or you'll stay well. to sjwnd any way you wish. It |Miys you regardless of You'll feel rnore secure Knowing tjiat, olthor way, you must get paid. other hospiinl, medical or aurgical insurance you may have, including group, But unlike ordinary insurance, thia low-coHt plan new l(tw-cosl protections' to help folka over 65 fill the m ean s y(^u n o longer have tilcitKlani slamour marvelouily verutllc hairpiece! Today'i In iii her head — tvu m leaM une convtrtible — matched to her very o>m halr-rolorrThlcli. 18“ loim, luKluui lUUK wonder Uynel — k>oki like, feeli like your very own hair, doei m modi more than yuur own hair ever dreamed ufl ' Wath It. part ll, swlnji It, twl« It. ^wltl it. flip It. .... 1. ,i jssoiding to >o«t own cieatWc - t 21) dUIctent wayi Inciiidlnii: iHJiiylHil, txiii le iwiule. double braid, lull, bun, chlsn •uuu lall, beehive, wttflel. >upcr flip, empire cone, . . .'now cfodle bangt, Grecian curli, l-rench twl»t, pouf. dome, dozens oi lover'i knot, csKade, band o'halr, cloche. Only S i. summer ftof«lli. V«. :13SI7| %% A 9 S OP MAIL ORDER VALUE* FACTORY SALE! OMLY (COMPARABLE VALUE $2S.OO) ritAsci we mvit ne>« neit Miapie ea ■< fOnly may U en/w*d by <»Im. Wlai * (COMPARABLE VALUE $40) r n r r . perfectly matched to I rou> hai. Mmpl. II yey »!>h.) SemfI •ompiMmpit Itam o>*« In vhlth r i\C L . voun VERY OWN iiAincoLon hoitpl»€* will U W w n . T D i r r * PCRFeCrLY MATCHED Add fe ita t* < H aiH « lfit PULL-OUT AND r i\ L L . TO YOUR VERY OWM HAIR COLOR Ncvti befote offered at tlilitliii aini/tiiBaina/liig »ale rtlcelptlcel Im­Im- agine — without > .....lln«...... foMl (ur hcail) In beaiitv I D 30'W syS> lxM r® l> .00 ) i , SAVE SECTION Yob’U aJoic "A D O RA ” . . . ihe new »liorl ’n »we«i lenmh iJiop, you can creute laOilonablc Oilknvn, mlnl fall, I □ 0«i>bU lO-Way l«lnt*« @ i7,00 lit- wlih lu (apeicd t»cli and lo fl. pcnnancnil)' rcUicd curh. tide awlule. curly pouf, beehive, clutiet oi curti, I □Hvman Hair Wittet ® 14.44 50< .W rar II cuic 'n curly . . . no pielllly uralNhl . . . bo a Ciicck nrlnceik — . i.U.»lc I...... - . .. —wli,- . 8 PAGES OF . . , (he three ic»'ki bcnuVy expcru decree Ilai I a D«tv>* H iM w a H alf Wia'itl Q $9.9i • M < •ndni and iiinmiert T a rre d back lU yi niftly — UNUSUALVALUES FOB like you've had a S3 irM ! No >elllnti neceuury. evet — -- ...... limp halrl Thli it real human I ...... romc what miy. the curl'i In (u ilay. I’ailly leaied or be combed, bruthed, curled, leated, rcMyled, even I □ Ad«>a Stxlck WIe @ tU .9 S $1.00 Calar______FAMILY WEEKLY coloicd. I'ur etevant cventnKi, gala wylei, wear two, I □ Hy«on H-lr *Kat*h Wla @ l l» .« I t .00 C .i« ------Il’i.Ihe m itW i n«>»l lomrorlable a-ljr-e-l-c h w if — not even threet Quality-made with luniourcd tkullcap a (wk □ ilMm. never >IIm . Stretchei 4 wayi. tlip* an^ujUjor-llihl comb. Ltralled quantity —.hurryl READERS on ■■ eailly ai a iwlm cap. L]«hi, alrv, •pecliuiytnMte I tbka^C.O. •Mtt. ) wttt »«r M«t««« ■•4 C.O.O elaiikl/eil net baiei Conttrucicd tmm new wonder DICLUXK HUMAN H A IH W IC I.K T — Uilcker, >••*1 dtllriT. Uynel for compktciy natural look, meaieit caie In e«r«- fuller, e*«n mot* luxurtou*. Value —. l(e« wear. AU you do U ihampoo . . . ilnM . . . thiUe . . , S1V.W — Ow.raclory dfcwt t».N. O V E R 2 9 nul rtvhi back on. Color (atl. nonnammabte . . ^JuR mad* for warm weather funi Ordcrtnday.-OBijr IH .M . 4UFKJI DKLUXK HUMAN HAIR WIGLCT — nothin! finerl lu '- n ' ioni, 3' bate. So thick, i N E W I D E A S HUMAN llA fR f m i r r c i l WIO — (not thnirn) — So full, to lavlih, you can actually m ' - ‘ ' lah.toiiUinaruuilComrMAble Vabtc Our (ac— kMtfl banana curlil Comparable 3 tXfllA CHAIOt (•' tiiki tkv^a. DIRECT-BY-M AIL y ditcount prioa ooljr SI9.M. O ni rx la rr «trM .«( prtea M iy > i4*t. >^n BIoimI*, I .... IM lapaelW I" tai* »a, ry>ia«nii aM «t« j ■ROM MAILBOX USA ..jU e n Bkntde, Platinum, Salt A i'eppti. Ked. Bnnm, I ______BlMk, Orey, aay color. Money>back (uarontee. >| bruoette, «tc. Send h a — ™ ^ You’ll never need to buy another pair o f socks again-

fo r the rest o f your life! (unless your laundry los6s ^/IcJ

When ouf new merchandise man was offered on Then we washed them—with no sweotl T exclusive on these indestructible nylon socks, he lool^ed and felt like new. The socks didn't colled the manufacturer a liar. render. W e did; They're for real—and fore "Can't be done!" he said. "If the socks are os So here they ore. The forever socks. A|l block strong and durable os you claim, they've got to in a 6-pair assortment of smart solid color be so stiff underfoot, they'll be unwcarable!" comploment.ony wardrobe, 2 pair black, 2 cl "Kitten-soft," soid the manufacturer. cool, 1 navy, 1 loden. Ankle length, with elc "Then they won't wash satisfactorily." tops for snug fit. Fit any size 9!6 1o 13. "Always come out like new," barked the manu­ 6 p a ir o n l y $ 7 .9 8 facturer. "Permanent colors,' lasting texture and If you've got a slow louncJry (or grown-up kl shape." toko us up on our discount dozen offer . "Or you'll wcosci the guarantee," added our pair — only $14.98. Some assortment {only i man, doubtingly. bled)... same forever guoronteol "UnconditionaM" snapped the manufacturer. JAV NORRIS CORP., 31 Home Av«., Dapt. 1-366 Ffoport. N.Y. 11320 "What's the catch?" ' "No catch, no socretl" said the manufacturer JAV NORRIS C O R P ., 31 Han<* A v e ., 0 »pt. 1-366 hap p ily. "8 ply yarn of DuPont nylon in%1ead of Ft«»port, N .Y . 11520 the usual 4. Woven so closely, they make ordinary m, Ih. lolloping f.plr >• socks look like they'ro thrce-quortors air, by com- I ) 6 po.f «•> 17 »• t 70. p.tg. «. hndlg. CK.

Wo still had to be shown. So wp got samples.' And we wore them. And wore them. And machine washed them. And Laundromatted them. And ( I S A V it Spatial O M « ri O r4 « r 13 ficiir for tortured thorn. Like weoring one pair for ci w^ek •n1y$14.9Splu»«l.30p«itaga(*a«a»l.10) itraioht-lill wo thought they'd drown in sweat. FauiHu W eakly. A}tril na, 1070 N oivl M O TALO Y gives your car’s rings and valves RICH WALNUT a replating jo b w hile you drive I ; here s how ,.,otauoy works. PATINA SEE HOW ONLY $6 WORTH BOOK OF MOTALOY RECONDITIONS HOOK YOUR ENGINE-HELPS PREVENT THE NEED FOR $100 RING & VALVE JO B i

Ju st diop 4 Moutoy lain Imo your ga> tank . . . and you've M«ncd your engine rebulldinf )obI Each lab I* a •clentiflcally compounded alloy ol 9 inetali and elemenls. At you drive, liny Molaloy partlclci ire rcUaxd Inio the fuel. Thew MolAloy molecuin are carried ihrouth the (ucl line Into ihe eombutllon chamber. . . where the Interne heat o( Ignlllon actlvaiei them to tofien, then HOLDS 150 BOOKS remove carbon depotlia. Then. Molaloy ita n i meial- L.AM..SIawiCllr. .■Her bookcate Ihal look* like, leela Ilho line hand-rubbed plailni pilled and worn lurfacei of cylinder walli. pliton Wnlnul wood, will hold up to 1S0 booka. up lo SO par thelfl rinp. valve le ili. and ttems. ■About S ycari ago I pul Molaloy ubieu ta my Confl^ Molafoy a Plallns-Aetlonl Cfdlllae. I drove thli car I2J.OOO n lk t and H never ...T h e acllvallon'oT the Molaloy and the tubtequent Even hold a complete tel ol encyclopedlee. Conitrucled of uKd any oil between change»^I.SOO-3400 m lkii” tracing operallone of ihe activated Molaloy waa --- new procata auper-tlrong double walled coiiuoated flbia- K.I'.O., CMrtaaXi. OkM dueled by an iDdcpendenl reiearch laboratory etpc boatd. relnlorced wllh Kt^H'Ick Plywood ecroee full widlh ol llcenacd by the Atomk Energy Coramiwlon to »uperri»e each ihelf. 'Mv Chevrolet had 49.000 mika It. It had noUy OUARANTEEO lo never tag, never bulge, even under heavletl The more you drive, the more prolecllon Molaloy de- alvct and other trcublei. Mouloy corrected alt this,. the Induiirial application of radioactive Itmopet. loadl Perfect for office, den, bedroom, dorm, atianmenl. potlli In Ihe torm of if fine, anll-lrlc(looo(h>. and piolccti vlial eurfacnl A t L.F M : W allttbof. S.C. Appmilmale Amount* of Acllvaled Ideal room divider. Attemblet In eecontft no looli neededl Mutaloy ronllniMf to plaie and re-plale, entlna com- ••Aftei uaJna Molatoy la mv Chevrolet my com- Motaloy Depotlied on Ihe Suifacei Only t6.SS. 2 BookeaaM tor <19.00 preitlon li Increaicd wllhoul a ring and vatve Jobl Oai prCMlon Inctvaaed an averi«e o( JIH pounda per (after approi. 60 hourt of operation) mileage Imptovct. your engine eatt k tt dlt And over cylinder, which to me It csoclualve proof that Plelon Rlno*...... nrieen yean of uie by over a villllon motorlMi ~ tome Molaloy will do everylhlm (hal It claimed tor It." Platon...... llohl r ______n - . at them with cart that have clocked over 100.000 mllei W .r.C : EOi¥lrw. H'eir y». Cylinder Walla...... LlQhl ■flet a ilngle Molalny ircalnMnt — prove (hat Molaloy 'My I>odg« uwd OM quart U oil every 2U mile*. InlaH* Valve Face...... Very heavy I JAV NORRI* CORP., SI Katta* A*«. can keep your engine running younger and peppier . , . After win* Motaloy I drove I.24J mllct aad did nol Eahaual Valve Face...... Heavy I D«pt L-3M , FfMpoit, N.V. 11820, for yeart loivierl ban to add aay od.” Inleke Valvo Seat...... Heavy O.H'.i CfarhMaH. Ohl» Eihauat Valve Seat..... Medium I Pleate ruth meHhe followInD on your M-day Money-back QuarantM' ■•SVnw Mtdlrw Motaloy 1 have driven more than 1.500 mlk«, and I mua( lay that I am amtied about The above tracing of ihe radioactive Molaloy li potltlve I n 1 Moleloy Packa«« fer H.OO We Pals. « Hn«t. the wonderful raauHa. My gaa coneumpllon Improvvd proof of Ihe actual trantfer of Ihe Molaloy partlclM from In s PM>ke««a fer Ill.tO -t- tl.lB Pelg. 4 Hndla. 40%. and mv oil eoneumptloa M praelkally nil.” the gatollne lank on lo Ihe turfacee of Ihe above lur I n 1 Book Nook for M .tg -I- tl.OO Ptlg. k Hndl«. engine life for your car. Can actually help nialnUIn full parta of Ihe engine. I P 2 Booh Neokt ler 119.00 - f 13.00 Pals. A HndlB. factory compreithin for the life o( your car; . . to you'lt gel beilei petfoimance (or yeait longer. . . anil a heller r M OTALOY AT OUR RISKtv- I l^ancloaajl cheek Hmoney^ order lor • ______iradr-ln or retale price whenever you decide to telll 'And A compleia Motaloy package . <4 taba) li only price! If you ilo And M

H e r e ’s the I : from (be nation’s oldest and largest specialist in apparel and footwear for (all and big men.^ K i n o S j z e ... America’s greatest selection of perfect-fitting clothes, in today's colorful fashion mood. Choose from a smart new;season array of M cCREGOR No-Iron Sport Shirts and Action-Jackets. JA N TZEN Sweaters... a r r o w Decton Perma-Iron Deep-Tonc CATALOG and Striped Dress and Sport Shirts, Body Shirts, See-Thru Shirts, Banlons and Knits... M AN H ATTAN Man-Prest Shirts... LO N D O N FOG All-Weather Coals... W ELD O N Sleepwear And Robes. Plus Sweaters. Slacks, Sweauhirts, Underwear and many other e;ic)usiye KIN G -SIZE items...specially designed with MANHATTAN ‘ bodies 4“ longer, steeves to 38", necks to 2 2 "...Slacks, including new Flare Bottoms with longer Inseams, higher rise, waists to 60’ . FOG Also New Wide Tics.

P L C J S 200 s h o e s t y l e s , s i z e s 10-16, W IDTHS A AA-EEE Choose from the world’s largest selection for tall and big menl All the style hits of the seuson: Square-toe Buckle Boola and Dreis Shoes. Hush Puppies, Corfnm by DuPont, Bates Floaleni. A ««t Hoots.... loafers, brogues, oxfords, slip>on, casuals, sneakers.

EVERYTHiSG r I COMBS W ITH I THE FAMOUS I K ISO-'SIZE I r/fotf nit/, your xfw liK puft Full-Color KINO- Sl/.li Culaint «/ ApparrI anil t-aafwrar D u ltn td I a n j h o p o ftlij,'^ K*clitil¥tly for Tall A B it M tn. GUARANTEE: I •*You must be I completely satisfied I Both Before I and A fte r Wearing." I The KING-SIZK CO., j 2220 KInrSlic BIdg., Brocklon, M an. 02402 Fam ilu Weekly, A p ril na, li/?o NOW! FO R MEN - F O R WOMEN TRU-HEALTH BELT INSTANTLY CONTROLJS STO M ACH! IM M EDIATELY RELIEVES BACKACHE!

II oxtra weight around your middle givos you a tiebby appearanco you owe It to yourself to try tho amazing TRU-HEALTH BELT. Only the medically approved TRU-HEALTH BELT supports ar)d helps .you to regain your youthful eye-catching physique. DOCTORS APPROVE TRU-HEALTH BELT TO RELIEVE BACKACHE Many doctors rocor»imond tho TRU-HEALTH B ELT to give tho firm support to aching back muscles needed In so many cases to relieve backoche mlsorlos. Thoy know tho value and tt>e medically ap­ proved design and flexible stays, that give firm support and control In comploto comfort, to in^anlly relieve painful backaches. MADE OF THE FINEST ELASTICIZED FABRICS. Meticulously mode and cut to proper dimonsions, specially roinforcod with flexible slays front and back, zig-zag stitched for longer wear. Won’t wrinkle, roll or rido up. No binding crolch piece. - r-— 30-OAY MONEY-BACK QUARANTEE 1 JAY Nonnis CORP., 31 H«nM Av«^ 10-DAY UNCONDITIONAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Oapl. L- 3«e. FrM pon, N.Y. 11S20 Wear tho TRU-HEALTH BELT for 10 days. You must agree nagging pains In your back have disap­ peared. you took and foot Uka your young sa lt again o r re tu rn the TRU-HEALTH OtLT tor luU lolund My wilil li _ Inche*. Hipt _ of purchase price. M*n'a Slirt* (32lorS11.H4-S1.00petU9«. PLEASE SPECIFY D i t o r t Thousarids Wem«n-« Sirta 02 lor tIS.M + tl-W PMtra*. “MEN'S” OR “WOMEN'S" O l/orS •.»» f #0* A N D S I Z E . of m en and w om en Vork /titdgnn atfd «affi la i; EneloMd It □ chaoti Q monay ordar lor >------M«n'« Shrl* - walBt lhru.62“ n o w e n j o y $ g «8 2for» 11.50 Tru-H eallh B elts W o m « n 'i Styla with 4 LonalHo Oariara. (or lum bar support, Ad)ustBble Sido-rtooK Opertlngs. S l/« a SB- thru 42" sacro support »6.91 2 lor (13.00 and incisional hernia support! JAV NOnniB COAP h at H«nw AvffltM, L-Mt,Fr»»port. N.Y. 11530 Roll Waistline Flab away in just 9 0 seconds a day!

T R I M W H E E I ------Slim s Stom achs by as M uch as 3 Inches—W ithout-D reary D iets or Exhausting Exercise's!


SIMPLE STRETCH '(4 BOLL RHYTHM MAKES p • MAIL KOmSK COUPON TODAYl • ^ BELLY-SAQ DISAPPEAR FAST-STARTS SHOWING RESULTS IN A OAVI , TRY TRIM WHEEL FOR 10 DAYS- I tPC N C H OIFTB, DEPT. ISO A T O U R R IS K l iX SS'ft.J.O U lM Why wasic valuaWc time on liring, Whenever you have a few spare scc- .Send' fo r y o u r T r im W h e e l to d a y . I t ’s '.' i'P I« a (« ru»h m * tht T ilm W h «*l(i) Indl- boring push-ups. sii-ups, or jogging — o n d s ~ b u t n o t m o re th n n '5 tim e s a d n y only S2.9K, plus 35c for postage and I cv« d below, when (his hciiifh-huHding h'ttlc wonder — jusf get oit( j otir iV ini Wheel, kneel h^iixlling. Follow the simple directions i undaraiand thal. II not lully delighted witl« retuitt iltar 10 day*. I n)«y return Quickly IcIk you trim Indies off your d o w n . . . a n d g o .to 'it, N o need to d is ­ - -a n d use it regularly for lO days. N ot i I my Trim Wheel(a) lor lull refund ol my wiiisdinc in just itjpw picnsunl. relaxing robe — because, in 18 sec6nds. you only must you iio i feet tired after using J purchaae price. it- -you nuisl actually feel refreshed ■ — Trim Wheel (M.?0488» '...... M.oa scconds of ciisy effort every d»y! Trim don't even work up a sweat! But you | _ D oLu m Trim Wheel (M-ISOIS) ..M .M iut

NEXTBESTTHINGTOA • Outdoor Antenna ^ \ COSTLY ROOF ANTENNA SYSTEM! .C ylim motorize i>t PULLS in 360° CIRCLE, SHARP & CLEAR! • Receive color and black & whilel I ' * C lear oound recepllent I • Separate reception unilt-for TV. FM Receives signals over a huge area/ / • Stereo! • Pre«atsembled wllh 2 30-foot leed-In STRATOSCAN Pulls in Color / / ■ wires—one lor TV—one for FM Stereol • Only 18” high-m ountt outftlde window and Black & White TV (UH F & VHF), AM -FM > : w \ -o ro n ro o ll Stereo Multiplex Radio... from , • Practically windprooll Every Direction — over a huge area! \ \ \

I'rr-usxeiithlfil— />jr/H(/c5 a l l ...... BU Y WITH C O N FID E N C E ,u / you am ittoiiiii it yourself In iniiiiitr.i! 30-DAY MONEY B A C K Q U ARAN TEE See how sharp the picturos and how clear iho • sound you can recoivo in your own home, when you've installed Ihis advnnced now STRATO­ SCAN, om ni-diroclional antonna system! PlaoM rush mo the lollowlng: STRATOSCAN—the roaull ol oloctronic rosoarch —wilH a uniquoiy offlcioni cylinder shnpc-re- celves signals over a 360' circio ... over a h u g e areal Color picturos comn in clear and stable in critical cpior and contrnst! Your TV sel and FM receiver tlv& up to thoir polentiail To got bettor results, you'd need a cosily roof antenna system ' or a m otorized, rotating nnlenna selllnq for S to 10 times STRATOSCAN'9 low price! STRATO­ SCAN Is m ost sallslactory in primary reception areas ONLY S12 98 EACH JAY NORRIS CORP., 31 H anse Ave., D«pt. L>367. Fraeport, N.Y. 11520 ___ 1®H Faiiiilu W eekly, At,ril JO. IH70