■ TIMES NEW5 PHONES C «ll o r - Ui« our lolM rtt numb«fi; ‘Weather Dun> Cattlelord . M]4M« ‘Burley Ruperi Paul ^ Doylight Saving _ OaW'M Norlftpo 6ZS 2«7 Fcier Rogervon MolliMer 3J6 5J75 Showers WcoOell JcrofTip Gooomij H,igcrm,»ri Magic Valley's Home Neivspdper 536 25J5 V O L . 6 6 , N O . 3 3 4 W IN FALLS. IDAHO, SUNDAV, APRIL 26. 1970 TWENTY CENTS |Red China Launches ‘Vocal’ Satellite j HONG KONG (_UPD—Com- members,of the space racc are Australia have flown earth f ir s t .'Vsinn n a tio n in. t h e 'c o m ­ munist China announced its the United States, the Soviet satellites with ,\inorican help, petition, launi'hitif,’ }in 84-fXiiuJd entry into the space age Union, France and Japan, Jnpan beat China to tlie punch satellitf with a 1-ambda 4S5 Saturday with a 380-pound Britain, Canada, Jtaly and two m o n th s In bec-omini' (he r o ck e t. satellite broadcasting a revolu­ tionary anthem titled “The East is Red” to a world wondering what military use Peking would Cam bodia Troops Speed make of its leap Into -the - h e a v e n s;-------- — t / The Chinese, who invttiled— the rocket almost 1,000 y e a r s To Scene O f Fighting ago and became a nuclear ■power in 1964, said the satellite' .PHNOM PENH. Cambodia in the third consecutive day of le;ist 1.000 Vietnamese. Police- was orbiting the earth every 114 (UPI) — Cambodian comman- fighting for coniri.'l of a men supcrvisini’ the relocation minutes on a looping course that ers Saturday rushed reinforce-m highway junction only 40 miles said althouKlr the Vietnamese took it as.high as 1,365 n^les. ents-to the town of Angtas- south of Phnom Penh. families were not Viet Cong U.S. officials In Washington som where government troops •'The Viet Cong have been suspects that they were being said the feat indicates Commu- ‘’^ttled a force of 500 Viet Cong everywhere .since we arrived removed as a precautionary nist Chinese scientists have here two days ago,” said Lt. measure. made significant progress tow- Muong Sarin, 34-year-otd com­ Hundreds, perhaps thousands, .ard developing an in­ mander of the 1st Paratroop of Vietnamese have been tercontinental ballistic missile Battalion at Angtassom, ‘’‘The Police reported slain by Cambodians situation looks quite serious. which could threaten the United -in recent days in apparent States. The Chinese suc­ We have been fighting all day." retribution for attacks by North cessfully tested a m issile w^th a .Ixiss of Angtassom would Vietnamese and Viet Cong Bribes pose a serious threat to Phnom nuclear warhead in 1966. tro o p s, , The Chinese accomplishment Penh, and steps were taken in was expected to add fuel to the capital Saturday to shore On another front Saturday, arguments of those in the Probed up its security, military sources said Cambo,- CHIANG CHINO KUO^lhe son of N ationalist Chinese Prem ier tcndcnt U . Gch. Tltomas S. Moorman. Chiang’s arri\ al and visit United States urging the Nucon Cambodian marines aboard dian air force planes parachut- Chiang Kai Shek, left, reviews the cadet wing at the Air Force to (h'e academy was conducted under tight security after the N E W YO RK administration ^to- bolster U.S. .<yP*>“ City gunboats and landing craft rSprings. coio.'. with Acaaeroy superui- assassinatjon attempt in New York City. (UPI tclephotoj officials ..said I rtta“ck; S ‘s°wead “tavesSm '’was '"'''"s'atiMtaSted'S Bt™ "-£ttoli„'S“'soWed f I A sdenUst who served as a homes from the mnorn Penh s by CommimisUorces near the colonel in the U.S. Air force in S e S ' ' Vietnamese border. Teamsters May Scrap C h i a n g take action against the corrup­ He was a member of an tio n . Rebellion Ends On V i s i t s American team sent to study r Pact, Ask New Talks - saii the end of the war. torsaternteTamchtazmade commltlee appointed Thursday C a r i b b C 3 n I s l a n d By United Press IntemaUonal the city's trucking Industry tied The trucking Qeups have had C a d e t s China the fifth nation to launch PORT OF -SPAIN, Trinidad rctel dernand that Col. Stanley The Teamsters Union raised up by a combination of strike rep^cusslons in other Indus­ earth orbiter with Its own ^gun gathering-(upn _ PoUce Commissioner Johnson be fired as the unit’s the possibility Friday that the and lockout, trie's. The latest occurred COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. jster T?»e X rT u evidence, on the charges of Tony May aald Saturday chief_____ . tentative, three-year wage Thursday at Kenosha, Wls„ (UPI)-NaUonaUChinese Vice ister. t-ne oitier luu Hedged payoffa whl(* ranged from^a rebeUlous army troops ^ere , At ^aqt six perw n. have agreement it recently reached The Chicago local has gone when 3,500 American Motors Premier Chiang Ching-kuo, tew doUars to tt\eAC.WJBQ. the - with the trucking industry may outside the negotiations to sign body plw t employes were laid traveling under tight security beat to »0,000 from a narcotics ing hostages, apparently ending Black Power demonstrations be scrapped and negotiations agreements with some small oR because, of lack of parts. since an assa&slnation attem pt R upert M an . a Black Power mutiny on this . whicfr began last Monday and opened again. i, trucking firms providing for a American Motors suspended in New York, arrived Saturday The Times said payoffs to Caribbean Island. were fueled by trade union Frank Fitzslmmohs, acting <1.65 an hour wage increase production of two * models for a tour of the U.S. Air Force police came from small “The rebellion appears to be militants seeking a . greater Teamsters president, said the over three years, T h u r s d a y . A c a d e m y . K illed In storeowners in the amount of 12 over,” May said, explaining voice in government, trucking industry had agreed to ' . C h ia n g , son a n d h e ir a p p a r e n t to $5 to avoid minor summon- that the surrender o^ weapons May said 30 hostages seized do -this if an Independent of Chiang Kai-shek, was also Car W reck ses, to larger bribes from other by on estimaied 400 men In the. by the army mutineer^' were teamsters local in Chkago m /f 'W V /l 'W 7 ' • i * 1 scheduled to visit the headquar­ legitimate businesses for the Teteron Bfly stronghold was one released and that a mUltary negoUales a higher settlement l Y |a |l W f lD ters of the North American Air* RUPERT — Burning weeds same reason, and to even of the conditions agreed to by paymaster went Intg the rebel w ith th e m a jo r tru ck in g firm s In I I V Defense Command (NORAD). causing li^w' visibility ap- larRor ones for protection for the rebeLs in talks with Col. stronghold Saturday momlhg that area.- - In-New York^two Formosan- -parently led to-the death of a 65- gamblers and other racketeers, Joffrc Serette; commander of with wages owed the mutineers, A spokesman for Trucking revolutionaries; members of a year-old Declo man, Roy H. In one Instance, the story the Trinidad and Tobugo But May said a nationwide Employers Inc (TEI), which Woman Is Sought movement .seeking indepen- Droz, on a rural road three said, an accused drug seller Regiment. dusk to dawn curfew would represents 12,000 firms, gave a dence for their countrymen, miles north of here Saturday, paid $50.0(» for a police wiretap Serette was appointed com- remain in effect as a precau- surround the house, but the man were held without bull Saturday Minidoka County Sheriff's recording. mander Friday, fulfilling a tionary measure. different version of the agree. a 10-year-old woman —told ------------------------------ --------------------- . ------------ -^---------- ------------------------- _ -------........................................................-------- ----------- - ............ - r , menu He-*aid-TEI-has agreed—Twin- FalU-polloe - she-w as • sm ashed-a-rear-door-and-af^r-a-shol.w aa Ilrcd.Friday at.. Dopuly Wes-Woodall-sald a car- Uiatlfa"aubstanUal 8egm cnl"-stabbed In the rl^ t side by a escaped before he could be Chiang as he walked through a - driven by Mr.-Drot's wife,-Ina,— of Chicago truck firms accept a man who broke into her taken Into custody. revolving door of the Pluia M, collided with a truck driven higher settlement! TEI wilU-.'Tipartment shortly before she Investigation Into the mutter H ^l. „ , , by 22-yeur-old David Miller of consider................................... whether to reopen returned• ■home Saturday.............................. night.continues. Peter Iluung, 32, a member. of Rupert, negotiations. Bonnie Cox suffered a the World United Formosans Weeds were Ixslng burned In a Fitzsimmons .spoke_ at tjie suRQrflclnl wound and did not for Independence which seeks dUch HQarby and It Was United Auto Workers conven- require medical attention. overthrow of the Nallonallst reported visibility was low at 2 Uoti In AUantlc aty, N.J. He But police searched late Blaze In regime, was charged with at- p,m, vvhen the accident hap- snld the'Team sters would go Saturday for the man, who has tempted homicide, possct»ion pvned. a h e a d n e x t w e e k a n d su b m it th e not been Identified.
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