Tive Reform: Organizational Chart- Ing in Egypt Abstract: 1.Introduction
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JRL JRL of the Faculty of Commerce for July 2015,Vol. 52 No. 2 Scientific Research. Dr.Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administra- Lecturer in Productivity and Quality Institute, Arab tive Reform: Organizational Chart- Academy for Science, Tech- ing in Egypt nology and Maritime Transport Abstract: 1. Introduction This paper is a qualitative single Accountability for a government is case study that describes the importance an aim that needs to be reached espe- of public administrative reform through cially in democratic governments (Mul- introducing a problem that is faced by gan 2000); it has been investigated that the Egyptian government due to the non existence of a well defined organiza- accountability has a major role in the tional chart. It reviews the Egyptian sit- initiation of a revolution (Islam 2013). uation, the organizational chart and str- In order to reach public accountability, ucture existence in Arab and Non-Arab governments need to ensure several as- countries; then finally proposes a rec- pects such as performance management ommendation for ministries and an or- and control. Governmental performance ganizational chart that may help in the management is important for govern- stability of the governmental system. The paper shows the effect of organi- ments as it helps in presenting and ad- zational chart reengineering and thus dressing the issues of accountability illustrates the effect of having a formal and transparency (Swee 2012; Newco- documented organizational chart with mer and Caudle 2011) while the more defined ministries on decreasing admin- control a government has over public istrative costs and reaching more accu- servants, the more accountability it has rate information about ministries‟ per- (Mulgan 2000). Moreover, several ex- formance. This leads to a more effec- tive governmental performance man- amples in countries showed that acco- agement, accountability which results untability cannot stand alone without a in the stability of the governmental ad- wider perspective of the whole gover- ministration and governance which will nment in order to help increase organi- consequently increase social stability. zational learning (Greiling and Hala- chmi 2013) Keywords: New Public Management, Now after two revolutions (as will Organizational Chart, Egyptian Rev- be discussed in Section 3), it is time for olution, Accountability, Egypt Egypt to catch up with other governme- Article Classification: Case Study nts that started their public sector and governmental reform through „New Pu- blic Management‟ (NPM) (Cope et al. 1997; Kloot 2009). Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational…. New public management and acco- ence of ambiguous organizational str- untability are strongly related (Osborne ucture. 2002; Denhardt and Denhardt 2011) Pointing out the effect of the „many and according to Hansson and Longva hands problem‟ that may face gov- ernments and reduce accountability. (2014), accountability is the possibility The importance of documentation for of holding the public servants responsi- organization chart and details of or- ble for their actions. ganizational structure for improved Denhardt and Denhardt (2011) stat- accountability. ed that the public sector‟s initial aim is 2. Research Problem to reach public accountability which NPM is „characterized by the adop- can be reached through measuring and tion of private sector management con- managing performance. This is empha- cepts and styles, the introduction of sized even more through 14 key ele- quasi-markets and contracting process- ments that are essential for governmen- es and the application of explicit stand- tal performance measurement and man- ards and measures of performance‟ (Gl- agement (Islam 2010). One of those el- ynn and Murphy 1996); accordingly, ements is about precisely knowing the one of the basic functions in manage- responsibilities of each one in the gov- ment is having a well structured organi- ernment in order to identify rewards zational chart that facilitates managing and punishments that consequently bu- an organization (Plunkett et al. 2013; ild accountability in a country, which Ebert and Griffin 2013). helps in maintaining control of public Previous literature concerning NPM servants (Mulgan 2000). Sections 2 and showed the importance of the existence 3 will investigate to what extent Egypt of such a managerial trend in the public lacked this element and how the lack of sector, moreover, it revealed how acco- this element increased political and eco- untability can cause a problem in some nomic instability in the country, espe- countries if not combined with close cially after a revolution broke out in performance management and measure- Egypt. ement. However, the researcher found a This paper intends to clarify several lack in resources revealing the impact aspects in the context of public sector of the inexistence of NPM in a govern- management; these aspects are: ment on both political and economic The importance of existence of well stability of a country. Accordingly, the defined organizational structure and research is investigating Egypt as a case organizational chart in order to ach- study. ieve a higher level of accountability. Taking this into consideration and Showing the results of the inexistence based on a previous research that inves- of organizational chart and the exist- tigated the governmental performance 2 Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational…. management in Egypt (Islam 2010), the oblem in Egypt in the years from 2011 author noticed that several interviewees until 2015 because of several changes commented negatively on the perfor- in the political and governmental life in mance measurement element discussed Egypt as will be shown in Section 3. in Section 1 concerning „identifying ea- Accordingly, Egypt is starting now a ch activity in the organization and as- new administrative reform strategy that signing its responsibilities for more pu- aims to reach high public accountability blic accountability. through transparency, professionalism Not all interviewees agreed that and justice to reach citizen happiness there is a well defined organizational (MOP 2015). Nevertheless, the MOP chart in the Egyptian government. Most (2015) did not mention anything about of them ensured that there is an organi- having an organizational chart for the zational chart in the ministries but not country although organizing through a for the whole government. structure and a chart are essential ele- The interviewed Member of Parlia- ments in any organization (Ebert and ment (MP) (of the Education Commit- Griffin 2013), and if Egypt is aiming tee in the Local Parliament of Alexan- for public administrative reform thro- dria-Egypt) stated that the non exist- ugh NPM it needs to take organizing ence of this element made it „difficult to into consideration. know where a complaint can be prese- Therefore, this paper starts from or- nted or to whom a recommendation can ganizing in order to show the impact of be given or even who can be accused of the inexistence of a well defined organ- corruption or irregularity when it hap- ization structure and the inexistence of pens‟. The MP also added that organi- organizational chart on a country when zational structure in the Egyptian gov- there is turbulence in its external envi- ernment is present but inefficient. ronment and proposing a solution for The Assistant Secretary General for the problem. the Ministers‟ Council stated that alt- This research is a qualitative, deduc- hough the organizational structure in tive and descriptive single case study the Egyptian government is present, it that describes the problem in the Gov- is ineffective in creating accountability ernmental Egyptian Case and aims to as „it is known only by the intelligent propose a solution. For the purpose of and the elite level of society‟. this research, data was collected using Moreover, after the research was documentation from official websites of conducted in 2010; a revolution started governments, official video websites of in Egypt in 2011 (Fadel 2011; Nick and News Channels and literature review Siddhartha 2011; Islam 2013) which from latest published researches in the made governmental accountability a pr- field of study. 3 Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational…. Purposive Expert sampling tech- President Hosny Mubarak (Islam 2013; nique was used for the validation of the Barsoum 2013; World Bank 2014) and proposed Ministries and Organizational starting a new era of political instability Chart through the conduction of semi as he stepped down handing over the structured and unstructured interviews. rule of Egypt to the Supreme Council of The unstructured interviews were con- the Armed Forces who faced much in- ducted with Egyptian government offi- stability because of inadequate govern- cials, while the semi structured intervi- mental performance from the public ews were conducted with senior aca- citizens‟ perspective (Al Ahram 2011; demic staff members in the managerial El Aiady 2012). This continued until field and experts in the legal field. Aca- the year 2012 where presidential elec- demic staff members interviewed were tions were conducted and President selected to have a minimum of ten yea- Mohammed Morsi was elected (The rs of experience in the managerial field. Of-ficial Site for Presidential Elections Governmental officials are experts in 2012; World Bank 2014).This could