ISSN 1809-127X (online edition) © 2011 Check List and Authors Chec List Open Access | Freely available at Journal of species lists and distribution PECIES S with erva-mate, the South American Holly (Ilex OF paraguariensisButterflies and St.moths Hil.), (Insecta: in Rio Grande Lepidoptera) do Sul, Brazilassociated ISTS L Edegar Fronza 1,2*, Alexandre Specht 3 and Elio Corseuil 4 Alegre, RS, Brasil. 2 1 UniPontifíciaversidade Universidade de Caxias doCatólica Sul, Campus do Rio Grandeda Região do dosSul, Vinhedos,Faculdade Laboratório de Biociências. de Biologia, Avenida DepartamentoIpiranga, n° 6681, de CiênciasPartenon. Exatas CEP 90619-900. e da Natureza. Porto Alameda João Dal Sasso, n° 800, Universitário, Caixa Postal 32. CEP 95700-000. Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brasil. * 3 CorrEmbrespondingapa Cerrados. author. BR E-mail:020, Km
[email protected] 18. Caixa Postal 08223. CEP 73310-970. Planaltina, DF, Brasil. 4 Rua Cecimbra Jaques, 111. CEP 90870-150. Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Abstract: The result of an inventory on the lepidopteran fauna associated with the South American Holly (erva-mate) collections from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the systematic collection within commercial erva-mate farms located in Anta Gorda,is described. RS, and This on theinventory occasional was collections based on afrom bibliographic native trees review, within the the examination Região dos Vinhedos of specimens campus deposited of the Universidade in scientific all Lepidoptera were collected. A list of 75 lepidopteran taxa belonging to 16 families is presented, including 27 new occurrencesde Caxias do for Sul. the Every erva-mate fifteen crop,days ofbetween which 1420 speciesAugust represent2005 and new19 August records 2006, for the 150 state.